CO2 Laser - Organized
CO2 Laser - Organized
CO2 Laser - Organized
Co2 LASER (The molecular gas laser) : Construction and Working (Ref: and
The CO2 stands for carbon dioxide. In CO2 laser the laser light takes place within the
molecules of carbon dioxide rather than within the atoms of a pure gas. Therefore
CO2 gas laser is considered the type of molecular gas laser. This laser uses the
energy difference between rotational-vibrational energy levels. Within the vibrational
levels of CO2 there are rotational sub-energy levels. Carbon dioxide lasers are
extremely efficient, around 70%, and powerful compared to other gas lasers making
them useful for welding and cutting.
The three independent vibrational oscillations are known as the vibrational modes.
These vibratioal degree of freedom are quantized. At any one time, a CO2 molecule
can vibrate in a linear combination of three fundamental modes. The three
fundamental modes of vibrations are symmetirc stretching, bending mode and
asymmetric stretching as shown below:
The most common and the simple design is sealed tube design. The schematic
diagram of this type of last is as below:
Fig. 2 shows the schematic diagram of sealed tube designed CO2 laser source. It
consists of a discharge tube having a bore of cross section about 1.5 mm 2 and a
length of about 260 mm. Discharge tube is filled with a mixture of CO 2, N2 and He
gases in the ratio of 1:2:3 proportions respectively. Water vapours are added as an
additive. Generally, the CO2 laser is pumped by glow discharge in the low mixed gas
(CO2, N2, He, and etc.) pressure. The active centers are CO2 molecules, lasing on the
transitions between the vibrational levels of the electronic ground state.
During the process shown, the lower lasing level must remain with a low population.
Therefore the molecule must be removed from the lower lasing level as soon as it has
emitted its photon. This can be done by cooling the gas. But most cooling systems
cannot cool the gas quick enough to keep the lower lasing level depopulated.
Therefore the helium gas is used in CO2 lasers. When the helium gas enters the
process then it removes energy from the CO2 molecule by atomic collision and so
reducing the molecules to the lower energy state.
The CO2 laser is one of the most efficient and useful gas laser discovered up to now.
Its application is as follows.
The CO2 gas laser can be used in industry usually for welding and cutting
The CO2 laser acts as a surgical tool in the operating room.
In both energy and weapons research, there is good field of application of CO 2
In CO2 laser high power levels are obtained ranges from few watts to 15000
The CO2 gas lasers are more versatile lasers.
Divergence of CO2 lasers approximately in all cases is greater than He-Ne and
Argon laser. Usually the divergence is ranges from 1 to 10 milli radians.
Beam width varies from 3mm to 100mm.
Some CO2 lasers have the disadvantage of a short and thick optical cavity.
Cooling system requirement in some configurations also a disadvantage.
Its cost is comparatively high.
In TEA design of CO2 laser it is very difficult to maintain ionization in the gas.
Department of Physics - 10 -