28037.eng - Sta.std - Instrumentation & Automation

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eni spa




Rev.01 - November 2015

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Rev.01 – November 2015

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Consulted Distribution List

Name Surname / Unit Society/Unit

November 2015 D. Ditadi / TESA eni / ITEM
November 2015 J. Hackett eee&p
November 2015 M. Skelton eee&p
November 2015 J. Gruntjes / TESA eni / ITEM
November 2015 S. Gree Babu / MECC eni / ITEM
November 2015 R. Scanferlini / TEEL eni / ITEM
November 2015 C. Callari / TEEL eni / ITEM
November 2015 M. Negretti / TEIMA eni / ITEM

Informed Distribution List

Name Surname / Unit Society/ Unit

November 2015 A. Marceglia / MECC eni / ITEM
November 2015 S. Mollica / TEIMA eni / ITEM
November 2015 M. Gorlini / TEEL eni / ITEM
November 2015 F. Vailati Tecnomare
November 2015 I. Hashi Omar / COETA eni / ITEM
November 2015 A. Fortunato / COETA eni / ITEM
November 2015 G. Bona / COETA eni / ITEM


Rev 01: Document final issue

Actual revision is of 48 sheets.

Data November 2015

Rev 00: Document first issue

Actual revision is of 47 sheets.

Data August 2015


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1.  GENERAL ............................................................................................................. 7 

1.1  SCOPE ........................................................................................................... 7 

1.2  DEFINITION OF TERMS AND ACRONYMS ....................................................... 7 

2.  REFERENCE CODES .............................................................................................. 9 

2.1  INDUSTRY CODES AND STANDARDS .............................................................. 9 

2.2  COMPANY STANDARDS ................................................................................ 10 
2.3  RESPONSIBILITY......................................................................................... 12 

3.  BASIC REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................... 13 

3.1  MEASUREMENT UNITS ................................................................................. 14 

3.2  GRAPHIC SYMBOLS, CODES AND IDENTIFICATION TAGS ............................ 14 
3.3  TAGGING CRITERIA ..................................................................................... 14 
3.4  HAZARDOUS AREAS ..................................................................................... 14 
3.5  EXPLOSIVE HAZARD PROTECTION METHODS .............................................. 14 
3.6  ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN CRITERIA ........................................................... 15 

3.6.1  Mechanical protection ................................................................................. 15 

3.6.2  Protection from low/high temperature ....................................................... 15 
3.6.3  Protection from Transient Static and Radio Frequency Interference ........... 15 

3.7  DESIGN LIFE ............................................................................................... 15 

4.  PACKAGES TYPE ................................................................................................ 16 

4.1  P1 TYPE PACKAGE ....................................................................................... 17 

4.1.1  General........................................................................................................ 17 

4.1.2  P1 Type Package Diagram ........................................................................... 17 
4.1.3  Interface Matrix for P1 Type Package ......................................................... 18 

4.2  P2 TYPE PACKAGE ....................................................................................... 19 

4.2.1  General........................................................................................................ 19 

4.2.2  P2 Type Package Diagram ........................................................................... 19 
4.2.3  Interface Matrix for P2 Type Package ......................................................... 20 

4.3  P3 TYPE PACKAGE ....................................................................................... 21 

4.3.1  General........................................................................................................ 21 

4.3.2  P3 Type Package Diagram ........................................................................... 22 
4.3.3  Interface Matrix for P3 Type Package ......................................................... 23 
4.3.4  P3 Type Package Overall Interfaces ............................................................ 25 
4.3.5  Functions and System Requirements ........................................................... 27  Control functions of the UCP/PLC System .............................................. 27  F&G Detection System and ESD System ................................................. 27  Inert Gas Suppressant Systems ............................................................. 28  Functions of Local Control Panel ............................................................ 28  Functions of Burner Management System (BMS) for “P3” Type Package29 

4.3.6  Interface signals to be exchanged............................................................... 29  Interfacing with the Plant PCS ............................................................... 30 


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Sh. 5 of 48  Interfacing with the Plant SIS ............................................................... 30 

4.3.7  UCP Human Machine Interface (HMI) .......................................................... 31 

4.3.8  Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Main characteristics ......................... 31  PLC Technology and SIL Requirements .................................................. 31  Power supply and Internal Power Distribution ...................................... 31  MARSHALLING AND SYSTEM CABINETS ................................................. 32  Operator/Engineering Interface ............................................................ 33  Sequence of Event (SOE) Functionality .................................................. 33  Time Synchronisation ............................................................................ 33  CPU Processor Cards .............................................................................. 34  I/O Cards Common Features ................................................................. 34  Digital Input Cards ................................................................................ 34  Digital Output Cards .............................................................................. 34  Analogue Input Cards ............................................................................ 35  Analogue Output Cards .......................................................................... 35  Override Switches (POS&MOS) .............................................................. 35  Redundancy Requirements .................................................................... 36  Segregation Requirements..................................................................... 36  System Performances and Loading Factors ............................................ 37  Ex-i Isolators for Intrinsically Safe Circuits ........................................... 37  Hart Multiplexers for Transmitters ......................................................... 37  Relays .................................................................................................... 37  Spares ................................................................................................... 38  Software Requirements ......................................................................... 38  Configuration Tools ................................................................................ 39  Cyber Security ....................................................................................... 39 

5.  DOCUMENT REQUIREMENTS .............................................................................. 40 

5.1  GENERAL ..................................................................................................... 40 

5.2  INSTRUMENT SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................... 40 
5.3  INSTRUMENT CONNECTIONS–PROCESS ...................................................... 40 
5.5  INSTRUMENT TERMINAL DETAILS ............................................................... 40 
5.6  INSTRUMENT LAYOUT ................................................................................. 40 
5.7  INSTRUMENT WIRING DIAGRAM ................................................................. 41 
5.8  INSTRUMENT CABLE SCHEDULE .................................................................. 41 
5.9  INSTRUMENT LIST ....................................................................................... 41 
5.10  INPUTS/OUTPUTS LIST ............................................................................... 41 
5.11  DATABASE ................................................................................................... 41 
5.12  LOOP DIAGRAMS ......................................................................................... 41 
5.13  LOGIC DIAGRAMS ........................................................................................ 42 
5.14  CAUSE AND EFFECT MATRIX ........................................................................ 42 
5.15  FUNCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATION ........................................................ 42 
5.16  SOFTWARE DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................... 43 
5.17  TESTING DOCUMENTATION ......................................................................... 43 
5.18  FINAL DOCUMENTATION ............................................................................. 44 

6.  INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................ 45 

6.1  GENERAL ..................................................................................................... 45 

6.2  INSPECTION AND TESTS ............................................................................. 45 
6.3  FACTORY ACCEPTANCE TEST (FAT) ............................................................. 45 
6.4  SITE ACCEPTANCE TEST (SAT) .................................................................... 46 


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7.  SPARE PARTS .................................................................................................... 48 

7.1  SPARE PARTS FOR COMMISSIONING/START-UP ......................................... 48 

7.2  SPARE PARTS FOR TWO YEARS OF OPERATION ........................................... 48 


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This specification outlines the minimum requirements to be followed for the design,
engineering, construction, testing and installation of the instrumentation and automation
systems included in a Package supply.
This document is applicable for both onshore and offshore facilities.
In case of conflict between what is described in this specification and other COMPANY standards
on the subject, this specification shall have the priority.
Good practice rules shall be always applied, particularly with respect to safety and accident
Any other additional information not covered by this specification shall be part of the project
documentation and and in the applicable codes, normative references.
Technical Data Sheet (TDS), Inspection Data Sheet (IDS) and Document Data Sheet (DDS) will
be developed at project based on available COMPANY standards.
The technical requirements of this Functional Specification are based upon considerations of
performances and functionality, therefore the instructions contained in this document are not
meant to be discriminatory.
Any alternative suggestion will be considered, provided that the compliance with what required
in this document is satisfied both from functional and performance points of view.


For the purpose of this specification, the following definitions shall be applied:

COMPANY Is eni spa or affiliated COMPANY as stated in the Contract.

CONTRACTOR/ Is the party that performs the activities (such as

CONSTRUCTION COMPANY engineering, design, procurement, construction, testing,
commissioning and start-up) not included in the
PACKAGE SUPPLIER scope of work.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER Shall perform all required design, engineering,
procurement, construction, testing and supply of the
necessary instrumentation equipment to provide a fully
assembled, piped, wired when required, and tested
complete functional unit and ensure safe, reliable
maintainable and effective operation of this unit.
SUPPLIER Is the party that manufactures or supplies
equipment/components and/or services to perform the
duties specified by the COMPANY or CONTRACTOR.
The term Vendor or Manufacturer shall be considered as
synonymous of the term SUPPLIER as defined above.
SHALL Indicates a requirement.
SHOULD Indicates a recommendation.

Here below are listed the common used acronyms. Maybe other technical definitions,
terminology references, symbols and abbreviations shall be mentioned where necessary in this


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Item Description Item Description

AC Alternating Current NTP Network Time Protocol
AMS Asset Management System OPC Ole for Process Control
BMS Burner Management System OWS Operator Work Station
CD Compact Disc PC Personal Computer
CPU Central Processor Unit PCS/DCS Process Control System /
Distributed Control System
dB Decibel P&ID Piping and Instrumentation
DC Direct Current PFD Probability of Failure on Demand
DPDT Double Pole Double Throw PID Proportional/Integral/Derivative
DVD Digital Versatile Disc PLC Programmable Logic Controller
EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility POS Process Override Switches
EMI Electromagnetic Interference PSD Process Shutdown
ESD Emergency Shutdown QA/QC Quality Assurance/Quality Control
EWS Engineering Work Station RAM Random Access Memory
FAT Factory Acceptance Test RFI Radio Frequency Interference
F&G Fire and Gas RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
GPS Global Position System RTU Remote Terminal Unit
HART Highway Addressable Remote SAT Site Acceptance Test
HMI Human Machine Interface SCADA Supervisory Control And Data
HVAC Heating Ventilation and Air SI International System of Units
HW Hardware SIS Safety Instrumented System
Hz Hertz SIL Safety Integrity Level
I/O Inputs/Outputs SOE Sequence of Event
ICSS Integrated Control and Safety SOW Scope of Work
IS Intrinsic Safety SPDT Single Pole Double Throw
ITP Inspection and Test Plan SW Software
ITT Invitation to Tender TCP/IP Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol
LCD Liquid Crystal Display TMR Triple Modular Redundant
LED Light Emitting Diode UCP Unit Control Panel
LSZH Low Smoke Zero Halogen UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
mA MilliAmpere Vac Volts Alternating Current
MCC Motor Control Centre Vdc Volts Direct Current
MOS Manual Override Switches VDU Video Display Unit
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures VMS Vibration Monitoring System
MTTF Mean Time to Failure
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
NC Normally Closed
NO Normally Open


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All instrumentation design, procurement and works shall be fully in accordance with all
applicable regulations, codes and standards.
The requirements of Laws, Rules, and technical codes, issued by the local Authorities of the
country on which the plants shall be installed, shall be always respected.
The equipment shall be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the latest
revision of all relevant national/international Codes and Standards that will be defined and
listed in the project documents.


 American Gas Association (AGA)

 American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI)
 American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
 American Petroleum Institute (API)
 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
 American Society For Testing And Material (ASTM)
 Atmosphères Explosibles (ATEX)
 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
 British Standards (BS)
 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
 International Society of Automation (ISA)
 Euro-Norm (EN)
 International Organisation For Standardisation (ISO)
 Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
 International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML)

Some specific standards mentioned in this document are listed here below, where other
applicable standards shall be defined in the project documents:


Directive 94/9/EC Equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially
explosive atmospheres (ATEX)

EN 54 Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems

EN 298 Automatic burner control systems for burners and appliances

burning gaseous or liquid fuels

EN 12094 Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing


EN 50156-1 Electrical equipment for furnaces and ancillary equipment.

Requirements for application design and installation

EN 60801 Electromagnetic Compatibility for Industrial - Process Measurement

and Control Equipment - Electrostatic Discharge Requirements

IEC 61000 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)


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Directive 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)

IEC 60529 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code)

IEC 61131-3 Programmable Controllers - Part 3: Programming Languages

IEC 61508 Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic

Safety - Related Systems

IEC 61511 Functional Safety - Safety Instrumented System for the Process
Industry Sector

ANSI/ISA-S5.1 Instrumentation Symbols and Identification

ISA S71.01 Environmental Conditions for Process Measurement and Control

Systems: Temperature and Humidity

ISO 3511 Process Measurement Control Functions and Instrumentation

Symbolic Representation

NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signalling Code

NFPA 2001 Standard on Clean Agent Fire Extinguishing Systems

NFPA 85 Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code

PACKAGE SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR shall verify the validity and relevance of each rule, as a
minimum checking the latest edition available and also the issuance of new pertinent
The selection or priority criteria in the application of the normative references (European,
national, international, national or issued by recognized Organisations) shall be defined in the
project specifications.
Where conflicts exist between these documents and other drawings, standards, codes and
specifications, the most stringent shall be applied, and COMPANY decision shall be final.



Here below there is an identification table with a short description of the four typologies of the
Instrumentation COMPANY standards.

Documents that describe the key fundamental COMPANY requirements and

principles for the design, selection and operation for oil & gas plants.

The documents included in this level are:

 28045.VAR.STA.SDS "Design Guidelines for Instrumentation and Control


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Documents that describe the General Philosophies to be followed in the

design, selection and operation for oil & gas plants. These documents
explain different types of solutions, architectures, and specific aspects in
order to give a tool to be used during the design and selection of the plant
main items.

The documents included in this level are:

 20048.VAR.STA.SDS "Instrumentation Philosophy"
 27607.DOC.STA.SDS "Design Guidelines for Integrated Control and Safety
 28037.CMP.STA.SDS "Instrumentation and Automation included in Package

Documents that describe technically the COMPANY requirements to be

followed for specific items and parts of plants. These documents usually
provides in attachment the forms and drawings to be used to prepare

documentation during the different phases of projects, as installation detail

drawings, hook ups details, technical, inspection and required Datasheets.
The documents included in this level are:
 20047.VAR.STA.SDS "Requirements for the installation of instrumentation"
 All the other Instrumentation COMPANY Standards

These documents shall be used during the different phases of engineering

and usually are attached to the LEVEL 3 documents described above.

The documents included in this level are:

 Datasheets (TDS, IDS, DDS)
 Instrument Installation Standard Details
 Typical Installation Hook Ups
 All the other Company forms standard

This document, “28037.CMP.STA.SDS “Instrumentation and Automation included in Package

Plants”, belong to LEVEL 2 (Highlighted in grey).
Equipment shall be designed and tested in accordance with COMPANY standards and
specifications. The following COMPANY standards have been referenced in this specification:


20047.VAR.STA.SDS Requirements for the Installation of Instrumentation

20048.VAR.STA.SDS Instrumentation Philosophy

20150.PKG.STA.FUN Instrumentation and Automation plants included in Rotary Machine


20183.COO.GEN.FUN Units of Measurements

06798.MAT.STA.FUN Instrumentation Electric and Fiber Optic Cables

20198.COO.GEN.SDS Item Numbering


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20456.PKG.STA.FUN Instrumentation and Automation Plants Included in HVAC Package

11591.MAT.STA.FUN Instrument Bulk Materials

12157.DOC.STA.PRG Guidelines for Instrument List Compilation

12158.DOC.STA.PRG Linea Guida per Compilazione Elenco Ingressi - Uscite

The COMPANY standards to be used shall be listed during the project execution.


PACKAGE SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR is responsible for the compliance with the requirements set
in this specification and with applicable laws and regulations.
Compliance with this specification shall not relieve PACKAGE SUPPLIER of the responsibility to
supply, test and inspect systems and equipment of correct design, materials, and performance
suitable to satisfy the required service conditions and regulations.
Proposals of alternative solutions with respect to technical requirements of this specification
will be taken into consideration if they are adequately supported with documentation proving
that their functional characteristics and performance levels are not lower than the ones herein


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The complete engineering and detailed design for the instrumentation, control and safety
systems supply within the Package shall fully comply with this document and the following
COMPANY Standards:
 20047.VAR.STA.SDS
 20048.VAR.STA.SDS
The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall be fully responsible for the correct and safe operation of their
The instrumentation control of a package unit will be defined according to the relevant P&ID.
Instruments used for safety function loops shall be dedicated to this service and have dedicated
tapping and impulse lines. Transmitters measuring the same range (control and safety) shall
always be compared against each other with discrepancies flagged by and alarm on the
operator workstation.
All the instruments provided shall be pre-calibrated, installed, supported, labelled and
connected to process piping inside the system. All instrument piping/tubing shall be properly
supported and identified, and the pipe routing shall be laid in such a way as to suffer the
minimum of disturbance when any plant item is removed for maintenance.
Where piping is subjected to vibration, individual pipe shall not touch each other or any metal
part, other than the pipe support and clips. In case of pneumatic instruments, these
instruments shall be suitable to work with instrument air.
All the cables installed shall be terminated at both ends; any spare cores shall be terminated
to spare terminals. Instrumentation signal cables shall comply with COMPANY Standard
06798.MAT.STA.FUN. All instrument cables shall be adequately supported and identified.
Where instruments, pipes and cables are in such a position as to possibly sustain accidental
damage during operation or during maintenance, suitable protective shields shall be provided.
The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide the software library for the HART protocol and
maintenance PC and a hand held field communicator in order to allow the remote calibration,
maintenance, diagnostic, etc.
All correction or modification requested by the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR and agreed by the
PACKAGE SUPPLIER will be under PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s responsibility to ensure that the
request is operable and safe, regarding the process and safety.
The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide to CONTRACTOR/COMPANY all documents as requested
in this document (including the DDS) for review and approval according to the interface
matrix . Partcular attention shall be paid to the functional specifications of the equipment, to
all P&IDs, to the definition and the quality of selected instrumentation equipment.
When CONTRACTOR/COMPANY specifies typical schemes in the Invitation to Tender (ITT)
documents, it is the PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s responsibility to examine them and condense or
modify them to ensure that the PACKAGE SUPPLIER proposes a safe and operable unit.
CONTRACTOR will provide the selected suppliers from the “Recommended Vendor List”, starting
from the COMPANY vendor list when it is present inside the ITT, within a specific time period
after order of the Package.
instruments type and model used for the project will be confirmed by PACKAGE
SUPPLIER/CONTRACTOR at a determined date, defined during detail engineering.
To achieve standardisation with the plant instrumentation, the following points should be
imposed to PACKAGE SUPPLIER such as:
 Choice of manufacturer for instruments, control equipment and installation accessories
limited to the “Vendor List” as defined above.


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 For standardisation purpose, the COMPANY/CONTRACTOR reserve the right to impose

the final choice of the manufacturers of the main instrument equipment (transmitters,
PLC etc.) to be purchased by the PACKAGE SUPPLIER.
 All necessary equipment/components/materials shall be supplied, installed and tested.
 Standardise the design, installation, testing of instrumentation in full accordance with
the specifications indicated and its referenced codes, standards and documents.
 All changes during project implementation (including also instrumentation and
control/safety system) will be made in close cooperation with the PACKAGE SUPPLIER
which shall remain responsible for the proper operation of the equipment.


The measurement units shall be in compliance with the International System (SI) and
COMPANY standard 20183.COO.GEN.FUN.


The graphic symbols, codes and identification tags used for the instrumentation and automation
in the P&IDs and other design documents shall be in accordance with ISO 3511 and/or
ANSI/ISA-S5.1, as defined in the Project Specification.


In general, instrument symbols and tagging must comply with ANSI/ISA-S5.1 and COMPANY
standard 20198.COO.GEN.SDS. The tag numbering system must be reviewed and approved by
the COMPANY for each project.
Field mounted instruments and junction boxes, panels, cabinets, etc. shall be identified by the
manufacturer using non-removable AISI 316 SS name plates, engraved as per project


In order to assist the standardization and spares management, all materials / equipment and
installation methods shall be specified to meet the requirements for the worst general
classification identified for the zone where such materials / equipment are placed. For instance,
whenever Zones 1 and 2 are present, all equipments, materials and installation works shall be
suitable for the classified area Zone1).
Special attention has to be paid to any eventual specific areas of increased hazard.


All electrical/electronic field instruments shall be suitable for installation in the defined
hazardous area and certified in accordance with the normative references indicated in the
project specification (ATEX Directive 94/9/EC).

Hazardous area protection preferred method is Ex-ia both for process and utilities areas.
For special cases, as lack of availability, high absorbed power, space problem, some specific
performances, or impossibility in obtaining the certification, Ex-d explosion-proof type
instrumentation is acceptable.
The Ex-e execution is acceptable for no-sparking equipment connections (i.e. junction boxes).
The certifications shall be provided for the equipment by the appropriate authority in the
manufacturer country.


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Protection methods Ex-p (pressurisation) or Ex-s (special execution) shall be avoided and are
subject to written COMPANY approval.


Refer to the project documents for the external environmental conditions.

All electric/electronic equipment within the rooms must operate satisfactorily in an air-
conditioned environment, which will be maintained at the conditions stated in the ISA S71.01.

3.6.1 Mechanical protection

The IEC 60529 is the international code to be followed for the mechanical protection degree of
each instrument, component, equipment, et., to be installed in outdoor (naturally ventilated
areas) or indoor (room positively pressurized with air conditioned environments) site.
The below table shows the minimum requirements for the mechanical protection degree
applicable to the instrumentation and automation:

Field Instruments
Pneumatic Instruments
Junction Boxes
Local Control Panel
n. a. IP40
IP65 IP40
Consoles, HMI

3.6.2 Protection from low/high temperature

A protection enclosure shall be provided for the instrument(s) in case of installation in severe
environmental conditions, such as offshore, marine or desert applications.
For all the other applications, when high solar radiation is possible, sunshades shall be provided
for all electronic field instruments and equipment located outdoors.
If required (considering environmental condition and/or particular process condition) heating
of instruments and connecting lines to the process (primaries) shall be executed by electrical
tracing or steam tracing if electrical is not practical.

3.6.3 Protection from Transient Static and Radio Frequency Interference

All equipment shall be immune to radio frequency and electromagnetic interference according
to the CE requirements (IEC 61000) and EMC Directive 2004/108/EC.
Instrumentation and systems shall comply with EN 60801.


The design life of Package equipment for each project shall be agreed with COMPANY case by


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A package is a set of different equipment/devices and services, if any, that is provided as a

whole by a single PACKAGE SUPPLIER. It is possible to classify packages depending on their
complexity, and the instrumentation scope of supply within that package.
Packages shall be classified as one of three types: P1, P2 or P3. This chapter describes the
differences between the package types, and provides typical engineering activites and
interfaces for each.
The CONTRACTOR shall define the detailed scope of supply based on the Package Specification.
The Responsibility Matrixes at sections 4.1.3, 4.2.3 and 4.3.3, describes the required and the
possible interfaces (COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, PCS/SIS SUPPLIER) with the PACKAGE
SUPPLIER during the project phases: design, engineering, supply, installation, testing,
commissioning and start-up.
These Interface Matrixes are typical only and may be modified to match to particular
requirements as stated in the project documentations. They will be reviewed and discussed in
order to adjust the SUPPLIERS scope.


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4.1.1 General
This Package type is very simple and is restricted to units with few instruments installed,
supported and tagged, including some instruments supplied separately.
This Package is fully controlled by the plant PCS/SIS.
The Package is equipped with its instruments without junction boxes, cable trays and cables;
except special interconnecting cables between primary element (e.g. temperature element)
and related transducer if remotely field mounted (e.g. temperature transmitter).
The CONTRACTOR shall design, engineer, supply and install cabling from instruments to
junction boxes, as well as junction boxes, cable trays, cable ducts, cable tray covers and
multicables cabling from junction boxes to PCS/SIS.
Loose instruments can be also considered as package P1 type if purchased to a common
vendor. In this case it is considered the supply activity only.
CONTRACTOR is responsible for further integration of the P1 type Package into the facility and
its functionality.

4.1.2 P1 Type Package Diagram


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4.1.3 Interface Matrix for P1 Type Package

The purpose of this Interface Matrix is to provide an overview of the responsibility activities to
be executed and the possible interfaces (COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, PCS/SIS SUPPLIER) that
the P1 type PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall meet during the project phases: design, supply,
installation, testing, commissioning & start-up.
The codes used in the Interface Matrix have the following meaning:

Design Supply Installation Commiss.
& Start-up










Task Description




Instruments within the Package
a) Instrumentation (i.e.: shutdown/blowdown valves,
control valves, safety valves, pressure/flow/temperature/
1 level instruments, analyzers, any probes, etc.) inside the
b) Instrument accessories (tubing and fittings, labels on
supports, cable glands, conduit, clips, cable tray with A D X X X Y Y
covers – fittings – supports, etc.) inside the Package.
Instrumentation cables
a) Special cables (if any). D A X X X Y Y
3 a) Hardware (based on CONTRACTOR documents) A A D X Y X Y Y Y X
b) Application software (programming, configuration). A A D X Y Y X Y Y X


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4.2.1 General
The Package is equipped with its instruments, cables and cable trays. This Package is fully
controlled by the plant PCS/SIS. Instruments are wired and connected up to junction boxes,
located at skid edge of the Package. All cables shall run on cable trays.
Junction boxes shall be grouped per signal type. Signals segregation shall be according with
COMPANY Standard 20048.VAR.STA.SDS. Junction boxes shall be accessible from the ground
level and their arrangement shall allow easy access for installation and wiring of multicables.
The multicables between the junction boxes and the marshalling cabinet shall be specified,
provided and installed by the CONTRACTOR.
This Package type is foreseen for Packages with many instruments but which control and safety
logic is simple and does not exist as standard supply by the SUPPLIER or for Packages
considered as integral part of the facility’s process functions.
The SUPPLIER shall provide the CONTRACTOR with a detailed functional definition and design
documents to be forwarded to the PCS/SIS SUPPLIER.

4.2.2 P2 Type Package Diagram


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4.2.3 Interface Matrix for P2 Type Package

The purpose of this Interface Matrix is to provide an overview of the responsibility activities to
be executed and the possible interfaces (COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, PCS/SIS SUPPLIER) that
the P2 type PACKAGE SUPPLIER can meet during the project phases: design, supply,
installation, testing, commissioning & start-up.
The codes used in the Interface Matrix have the following meaning:

Design Supply Installation Commiss.
& Start-up










Task Description




Instruments within the Package
a) Instrumentation (i.e.: shutdown/blowdown valves,
control valves, safety valves, pressure/flow/temperature/
1 level instruments, analyzers, any probes, etc.) inside the
b) Instrument accessories (tubing and fittings, labels on
supports, cable glands, conduit, clips, cable tray with D A X X X Y Y
covers – fittings – supports, etc.) inside the Package.
F&G detectors/devices

2 a) F&G detectors/devices and accessories where foreseen

on the Package skid a/o inside the shelter (if required in D A A X X Y Y X Y Y
the Project documentations).
Junction Boxes
3 a) Junction Boxes (with terminals, cable glands, labels,
support, etc.) located within the Package.
Air Distribution Manifolds
4 a) Air Distribution Manifolds (with isolating ball valves and
drainage ball valve) located within the Package.
Instrument Air Supply
a) From pneumatic devices up to air distribution manifolds. D A X X X Y Y
b) From air distribution manifolds up to Package battery
Local Panel

6 a) Local Panels (with pushbuttons, lamps, selector,

terminals, cable glands, labels, support, etc.) located within D A A X X X Y Y
the Package.
Instrumentation Cables
a) From instrument up to junction boxes at Package
battery limits.
b) From Junction Boxes up to marshalling cabinet of plant
7 A D X X Y X Y
c) Special Cables (if any) within the Package battery limits. D A X X X Y Y
d) Special cables (if any) from instrument/junction boxes
up to the plant ICSS system
Cable Trays
a) From instrument up to junction boxes at Package limits. D A X X X Y Y
b) From Package battery limits up to plant PCS/SIS
marshalling cabinets.
9 a) Hardware (based on CONTRACTOR documents) A A D X Y X Y Y Y X
b) Application software (programming, configuration). A A D X Y Y X Y Y X


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Design Supply Installation Commiss.
& Start-up










Task Description




Interface and Interconnecting (only documentation)
10 a) Input hardware data (I/O quantities, power supply
consumption, etc.) to PCS/SIS SUPPLIER.


4.3.1 General
This Package shall be similar to that of P2 Type Package with the following
Package is delivered with its own autonomous control and safety cabinets, generally PLC based,
and shall include all relevant control equipment as well as safety equipment if applicable.
This Package will be controlled by this dedicated system having individual computation and
disply capability (e.g. Programmable Logic Controllers [PLC]) and shall be monitored through
UCP housing the PLC or other special electronics shall be part of PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s scope
of supply.
The Package may include its local control panel, which shall be designed to be located on skid,
mainly for local control during operation / maintenance / testing mode and diagnostics.
The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall design all the cable requirements (multicables, multipair, multi
triad, etc.) between the Package junction boxes and the UCP. CONTRACTOR shall calculate the
length from package skid edge to the final connection point. Supply and installation of this
cable will be carried out by CONTRACTOR.
Whenever control and shutdown functions are present inside the Package unit, the safety
section of logic solver shall be independent from the control one according to according to IEC
The logic solver for safety purpose shall be SIL 3 rated according to IEC 61508/61511.
For any other additional requirements relative to P3 Type Package not covered by this
document, refer to COMPANY Standards:

 20150.PKG.STA.FUN
 20456.PKG.STA.FUN


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4.3.2 P3 Type Package Diagram


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4.3.3 Interface Matrix for P3 Type Package

The purpose of this Interface Matrix is to provide an overview of the responsibility activities to
be executed and the possible interfaces (COMPANY, CONTRACTOR, PCS/SIS SUPPLIER) that
the P3 type PACKAGE SUPPLIER can meet during the project phases: design, supply,
installation, testing, commissioning & start-up.
The codes used in the Interface Matrix have the following meaning:



Design Supply Installation Commiss.
& Start-up










Task Description




Instruments within the Package
a) Instrumentation (i.e.: shutdown/blowdown valves,
control valves, safety valves, pressure/flow/temperature/
level instruments, analyzers, any probes, etc.) inside the
1 Package
b) Instrument accessories (tubing and fittings, labels on
supports, cable glands, conduit, clips, cable tray with D A X X X Y Y
covers – fittings – supports, etc.) inside the Package.
F&G detectors/devices

2 a) F&G detectors/devices and accessories where foreseen

on the Package skid a/o inside the shelter (if required in D A A X X Y Y X Y Y
the Project Documentations).
Junction Boxes
3 a) Junction Boxes (with terminals, cable glands, labels,
supports, etc.) located within the Package.
Local Panel

4 a) Local Panels (with pushbuttons, lamps, selectors,

terminals, cable glands, labels, support, etc.) located within D A A X X X Y Y
the Package.
Air Distribution Manifolds
5 a) Air Distribution Manifolds (with isolating ball valves and
drainage ball valve) located within the Package.
Instrument Air Supply
a) From pneumatic devices up to air distribution manifolds. D A X X X Y Y
b) From air distribution manifolds up to Package battery
Instrumentation Cables
a) From instrument up to junction boxes at Package
battery limits.
b) From junction boxes up to UCP. D A A X Y X X Y Y
c) From junction boxes up to marshalling cabinet of plant
d) Special cables (if any). D A X X X Y Y
e) Between UCP and plant PCS/SIS. A D X X Y X Y
Cable Trays
a) From instrument up to junction boxes at Package limits. D A X X X Y Y
b) From Package battery limits up to plant PCS/SIS
marshalling cabinets.


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Design Supply Installation Commiss.
& Start-up










Task Description




UCP (PLC and other automation equipment)
a) Hardware. D A A X X X Y Y
b) Application software (programming, configuration). D A A X X X Y Y
c) Configuration tools. D A A X X X Y Y
10 a) Hardware (based on CONTRACTOR documents) A A D X Y X Y Y Y X
b) Application software (programming, configuration). A A D X Y Y X Y Y X
Interface and Interconnecting (only documentation)
a) Input hardware data (layouts cabinets, I/O quantities,
power supply consumption, etc.) to PCS/SIS SUPPLIER.
b) Input software data (I/O’s List of serial link UCP-
11 c) Interconnecting wiring diagram between UCP and plant
d) Input software data (graphic pages, etc.) to PCS/SIS
e) Interconnecting wiring diagram between UCP and
electrical MCC interface panel.
Testing activities
a) Procedure and Test for the HW & SW between PCS/SIS
and UCP during the FAT of plant PCS/SIS.
b) Procedure and Test for the serial link UCP-PCS/SIS
12 during the FAT of plant PCS/SIS.
c) Procedure and Test for the HW & SW between PCS/SIS
and UCP during the SAT of plant PCS/SIS.
D) Procedure and Test for the serial link UCP-PCS/SIS
during the SAT of plant PCS/SIS.


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4.3.4 P3 Type Package Overall Interfaces

According to project requirements, the UCP which is interfaced with the plant PCS/SIS can be
installed either in Instrument Equipment room (ref.to figure 1), or in the skid at field (ref.to
figure 2).

Figure 1 - P3 Type Package with Control & Safety UCP inside the Instrument Equipment room


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Figure 2 - P3 Type Package with Control & Safety UCP inside the Package Skid

The UCP is equipped with its own autonomous control (and safety, if required) functions, it is
PLC based with the latest release of hardware and software industrial type and each UCP shall
be equipped with at least the following main equipments:
 Human Machine Interface (HMI).
 Control machine/Package system (PLC with CPUs, I/O cards, communication cards,
power supply modules, etc.).
 ESD/F&G system (if required).
 Marshalling cabinets.
 Local control panel (to be installed closed to the skid or directly on the skid).
In order to allow a proper and safe data exchange among the involved systems, provided by
the PACKAGE SUPPLIER, and to/from the plant PCS, the PLC shall provide a redundant
communication connection with high performances in terms of standard interface,
communication protocol, speed data exchange, reliability, availability, diagnostic, etc. avoiding
any bottle neck.


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Interface signals to/from PCS and PLC shall be achieved by a dedicated dual redundant data
link, whereas some critical commands/information signals are present, they shall be connected
also hardwired.
In case of complete communication loss or major failure, communication shall automatically
restart after repair. At common restart, all commands issued by plant’s control system to the
UCP are set in accordance with PLC internal values (UCP is the logic master for all information
concerning the Package).
The failure of the link shall not affect the operation of the Package.
To ensure the detection of the communication failure, a watchdog function shall be available
and exchanged between the plant’s control system and UCP through the digital data link.
Whenever requested, the UCP can be located in a dedicated shelter (joined with other
electric/electronic cabinets related to the same machine) that will be installed closed to the

4.3.5 Functions and System Requirements Control functions of the UCP/PLC System

The UCP allows the Package control from the PLC system inside the Package, while the plant
control system consoles, located in the control building, will perform generally a supervision
function only.
In general, the control functions of the UCP system will be:
 To handle the hardwired I/O’s of the facilities units and/or control machine.
 To handle the communication with all involved automation equipment and other PLC if
any, in redundant digital links (via Ethernet, Profibus, etc.).
 To communicate with the PCS via a redundant link (via Ethernet, RS485).
 To receive synchronisation messages (by means of GPS receivers) from the PCS and
address to all slave equipment / systems linked to it. F&G Detection System and ESD System

Unless otherwise specified the local fire and gas detection and fire extinguishing (if any) for
Package P1 and P2 shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR and processed by the ICSS.
The same principle shall apply for the P3 packages if they do not include local enclosure or air
When the package P3 type (or other package as turbo-generator machine) includes a local
enclosure or air duct, the fire and gas detection and fire extinguishing system (F&G) shall be
supplied with the package.
Fire and gas signals shall be processed in the UCP and main signals shall be sent to the ICSS.
According to the safety requirements and the SIL required a dedicated logic solver may be
requested in the UCP.
Generally, the safety functions of the UCP/PLC system will be the following:
 To handle the hardwired I/O’s of the facilities units.
 To handle the F&G detectors/devices of the package/machinery and relevant Fire
Extinguishing system (if any).
 To be interfaced via hardwired connections with the plant SIS (i.e. remote shutdown of
 Monitor of analogue and digital variables relevant to safety of operation of different


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 Provide all actions (i.e. alarm arisen handling, activate the firefighting system, close fire
dampers [if any]), apply voting logics, etc.) necessary to take the Package’s plant back
to safe condition (i.e. by means of blowdown) when dangerous conditions are detected
upon process upset and/or upon the monitoring of the relevant risk areas for any fire,
gas (toxic or flammable) emergency situation.
 To Alert personnel in the plant Control Room (via UCP/PLC) of any fault detected by
self-test facilities.

F&G is initiated automatically and/or manually via F&G detectors or devices/systems.

All loops and detectors shall be arranged such that any arising hazard can be easily located.
The F&G Cause and Effect charts shall detail the alarm and executive actions taken on fire, gas
or heat detection or manual activation.
One or more manual emergency shutdown pushbuttons shall be available locally near the
Package and wired to the UCP.
A manual emergency shutdown pushbutton shall also be available on the UCP itself.
The F&G system will be interfaced with all necessary F&G detectors, installed inside the control
container (if any) and around the skid/shelter.

The F&G systems shall follow the NFPA 72 standard or the EN 54 standard according to project
requirements. All F&G detection equipment (including push buttons) and final elements (e.g.
relays, solenoid valves, etc.) connected to the main F&G system shall be minimum SIL 2
certified by an approved third party. The SIL of the Loops shall be in line with the project
Functional Safety requirements and compliant with requirements of IEC 61508 and IEC 61511.

PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall develop a detailed Cause and Effect Matrix showing all critical inputs
and outputs of the ESD and F&G system and their specific functions, in the context of the
protective philosophy adopted for the whole supply.
F&G monitoring modules shall be suitable for the field sensors which can be wired with two or
three wires; however the PACKAGE SUPPLIER will provide the proper signal
conditioning/detectors feeding where necessary. Inert Gas Suppressant Systems

Equipment rooms without permanent presence of personnel will be equipped with inert gas fire
suppressant systems, automatically operated by fire detection after alarm sounding and time-
out for safe evacuation of personnel.
Status of the system (automatic, manual, released) shall be displayed at each entry point.
The system may be disabled for interventions in the room.
This system shall follow the NFPA 2001 standard or the EN 12094 standard according to Project
requirements. Functions of Local Control Panel

Whenever the Package is mounted joined with the local equipment room, as a complete
module, the presence of a local control panel will be evaluated on a case by case.
Local control panel shall be designed for local control during maintenance / testing mode and
detail diagnostic (if possible).
It consists generally of a fixed or mobile board, containing a set of the following components:
 Lamps indicating at least Fault, Ready, Running status.
 Pushbuttons that will allow the basic functions such as Start and Stop, Emergency


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 Selectors to allow the functions related to the Maintenance.

The Local control panel shall be installed near the skid or directly on the skid. As a general
guideline any logic will be not done inside this local control panel because all logics will be
performed by the Package control system. Also, active components (externally fed) or
electronics are not allowed within local control panels. The installation of this panel will be such
to allow an easy and safe access to it by a field operator. Local control panel execution shall
meet the requirement of the defined hazard area classification.
For a larger machine/Package, the local control panel may be more complex, including
supervision functions, such as detail statuses display via mimic displays on screen, detail alarm
processing, local data archiving, specific and maintenance operating modes for special start-
up, maintenance heavy operations, etc.
An additional HMI (similar to that at UCP panel) suitable for the site area conditions (i.e.:
hazardous area, environmental) has to be quoted when requested. Functions of Burner Management System (BMS) for “P3” Type Package
A Burner Management System (BMS) is required to provide the start-up, shut down and flame
safeguarding safety functions. There are two possible routes available to implement the BMS.
• Use a UCP (Unit Control Panel), splitted into UCP_C and UCP_S for control and safety
functions, based on a PLC technology suitable for this purpose.
• Use a SIS (Safety Instrumented System) node that is part of the plant ICSS.
In either case the SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the proper design of the system and for
ensuring its performance and safety. The detailed requirements and scope of supply of
hardware and software will be defined in the project documentation considering the applicable
standards and specifications.
Where specified in the project specifications and data sheet the Supplier shall provide a Burner
Management System (BMS) implemented in a UCP (Unit Control Panel), splitted into a UCP_C
for control and a UCP_S for safety functions, based on PLC technology suitable for the purpose.
Signals between plant Safety Systems (SIS) and UCP Packages shall be hardwired for
commands and interlocks. Signals between plant control system (PCS) and Package UCP will
be exchanged via redundant serial link or hardwired for critical commands/signals/interlocks.
Whenever control and shutdown functions are present inside the package unit, all the safety
sections of the logic solver shall be independent from those dedicated to control. This safety
section shall be SIL 3 rated.
The Supplier is any case responsible for the compliance with any applicable regulations
regarding burner management systems in the place of installation of the heater, including
providing any and all equipment required by any regulation within the Supplier’s battery limits
and providing any certification, including third party, required to install and operate the system.
The BMS, either the BMS panel or the SIS node, shall be implemented in a failsafe SIS certified
as at least SIL 3 capable, according to IEC 61508/61511. In addition functional certification
including the following standards related to burner management systems is required, to provide
confirmation that the SIS is suitable for the BMS application:
• NFPA 85
• EN 50156-1
• EN 298

4.3.6 Interface signals to be exchanged

The purpose of this section is to define the input/output signals to be exchanged between the
UCP and the plant PCS/SIS.


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Generally, the main information (signals, alarms, measurements) shall be addressed to PCS
where they will be available to Operator Work Stations in forms of graphic pages, alarm pages,
events, logging, etc.
These data have to be properly selected in order to provide only the major Package information
to the plant PCS/SIS, while the UCP operator station shall be capable to handle the complete
machine without any limitation.
In this way we can also reduce the quantity of signals coming from UCP to the PCS with several
advantages in terms of PCS performances and operating handling.
For what concern the command functions (from plant PCS to UCP), they will be identified
according to project requirements and reduced as much as possible, without loose safety and
However, all information/data related to the maintenance and diagnostic shall be available on
a specific and dedicated communication channel with relevant necessary equipment (i.e.
server, PC, etc.).
For the communication point of view, the UCP shall be slave versus the plant PCS that is the
master. The master PCS will read/write on one serial link and, in case of failure of the active
link, the communication will be switched to the other port. The slave PLC will follow the same
About the standard interface, the communication protocols, and the cables to be used, see the
above considerations on the serial links. Redundant link shall be assured.
Also, if necessary, the major information will be exchanged in hardwired way for a minor
quantity of signals.
Interface signals to/from plant’s control system and PLC shall be achieved by hardwired for the
critical commands/signals and by serial links as follows:
- a redundant Server where all data (any signal, parameters, alarm, measure, diagnostic
failure, maintenance data, HART information, etc.) will be stored and addressed to the
plant PCS system through the Asset Management System (AMS) or OPC server
described here below, in order to be acquired by the PI software for the Real Time Data
Acquisition System. This approach has the intention to facilitate the maintenance and
reduce the time of intervention in case of malfunctions.
- a redundant communication link where the UCP Control section will address to the plant
PCS only the I/O signals necessary to the PCS operator. The communication protocol
will be established at project.
- A communication link UCP-PCS will be foreseen if the HART information cannot be routed
on the Asset Management System (AMS) link.
- Another communication link UCP-PCS (versus Machine Monitoring System) will be
foreseen for the Vibration Monitoring System (VMS) of each Rotary machine package if
these VMS information cannot be routed on the AMS link.
The critical information (any signal, parameters, alarm, measure, diagnostic failure,
maintenance data, HART information, etc.) of each package, shall be made available and
accessible to the COMPANY, through the OPC server provided with the ICSS, in order to be
acquired by the Real Time Data Acquisition System. Interfacing with the Plant SIS

All information between Plant SIS and Package shall be hardwired.
Galvanic isolation between different control systems is mandatory. All SIS commands (ESD,
PSD, any trip action) shall be at 24 Vdc; the UCP shall foresee the related interposing relays,
the coils of which will receive these SIS commands.


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Any alarm status shall be voltage free and SPDT contact type.

4.3.7 UCP Human Machine Interface (HMI)

UCPs Human Machine Interface (HMI) shall use the same conventions in terms of colours,
navigation, graphics, alarm conventions, etc. as defined by the Project Specifications.
The amount of information available on the ICSS screens shall be limited to what is required in
order to allow for operation of the equipment.
The user privileges policies shall be in line with the ICSS configuration.

4.3.8 Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Main characteristics

Any UCP shall be PLC based and shall satisfy the following requirements: PLC Technology and SIL Requirements

Each PLC shall be based on cards installed inside racks.
Each PLC shall be based on control equipment able to perform continuous and sequential
functions as listed in the “Software Language” requirements.
The hardware and software of PLCs used for safety applications shall be SIL 3 certified,
according to IEC 61508/IEC 61511. See the par. for the SIL requirement of F&G
When package control systems is comprised of only one PLC for all the process control and
shut-down functions, the safety section (UCP_S) of logic solver shall be independent from the
control one. In case of the package system is more complex and/or the number of signals is
relevant, two different PLCs shall be provided to manage Control (UCP_C) and Safety (UCP_S).
However, the Package Logic Solvers when performing safeguarding function such as F&G
and/or Package Shut Down shall be SIL 3 certified. The SIL 2 certification can be accepted for
the F&G in case it is treated as independent system, and not integrated within the UCP_S.
This SIL requirement is for the whole system (i.e. logic solver, programming software, I/O
modules, communication modules, power supply modules, termination boards, system bus
etc.). The VENDOR shall provide the relevant certificates and associated reports.
The definition of SIL is as per IEC 61508 & 61511.
For Package shutdown and F&G components the PFD (Probability of Failure on Demand) values
or exceptionally if these are not available, the MTBF values for the whole system (with the safe
failure fraction) have to be provided by the VENDOR.
The MTTR to be considered is 8 hours. Power supply and Internal Power Distribution

Power supply at 230 Vac 50Hz, floating type, will be available from UPS to feed PLC, supervisory
system and cabinet fans. Any other necessary voltage working level shall be provided within
the UCP by means of power units included in the PACKAGE SUPPLIER scope.
Power distribution shall be redundant with two independent feeders available at the UCP battery
Additionally 230 Vac from normal electrical network will be made available for non critical UCP
internal users such as cabinet sockets, lighting and heater (if any).
Electrical protections of UCP internal/external users are preferred to be based on manual bipolar
switches and fast fuses.
The purposes of the internal power supplies are to generate all required power supply internally
used for the PLC and the involved automation equipment.


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These internal power supplies shall be:

 Considered as an integral part of each PLC.
 With Voltage rates according to PLC manufacturers (5V, 15V etc.).
 With 24 Vdc for field instruments needing supply separated from the signals.
The power supply shall be distributed to several services, which shall be opportunely covered
by thermal/magnetic switches and shall be DIN Rail mounting type. MARSHALLING AND SYSTEM CABINETS

Generally UCPs will be located in the instrument equipment rooms in a suite of panels. Where
the UCP is located elsewhere then the design will take into consideration specific building
requirements, but will normally follow the construction outlined below, subject to review.
Approval must be obtained prior to manufacture.
Field multi-cables shall be terminated in the UCP marshalling cabinet. Marshalling terminal
strips shall be the mirror of the field junction boxes and all cores, including spare ones, shall
be connected to a terminal block.
Special attention shall be paid to the signal segregation. Terminals for signals of different
types/systems shall be installed in different sections.
When available space inside the technical room is reduced, combined marshalling/system (PLC)
cabinets shall be studied and submitted to COMPANY for approval.
Cabinets’ main features:
 The UCP panel shall be free standing floor mounted with front only or front and rear
 Cables entry from the bottom.
 Paint color to be RAL7035 (light grey). Doors will have lift off hinges and shall be
 General overall dimensions: 800 mm (w), 800 mm (d), 2000-2200 mm (h) + 100 mm
 Freestanding, IP 40 enclosure, field cable entry is from bottom.
 Access with single or double door.
 The cabinets are equipped with Low noise fans/blowers, ventilation louvers (where
 A control panel designed to operate in an air-conditioned control room.
 Transparent door installation is allowed only in case of presence in the UCP front of
equipment needing easy reading by the operator (i.e. Video Displays)
 Internal power electric socket (230V ac, 1000VA), with relevant light and switch.
 Knife terminals on DIN rails for connection of field wiring.
Partitions shall be included between terminals for type of signals, different voltage and when
required by rules (i.e.: Ex-i separation).
The conductors will have to section size in relation to the cable service, and as minimum the
following requirements shall be applied:
 Power 230 Vac (line & neutral): 4 mm2
 Power 24Vdc: 2,5 mm2
 Safety Earth: 4 mm2
 Analogue & Digital I/O signals: 1 mm2
Signal and Power wiring shall be carried out using copper conductors with insulation 500V
grade, LSZH type.
All wire terminations shall be made using crimped connectors and identified using computer
printable, heat shrink wire markers. Each wire shall carry the terminal rail number followed by
the terminal number.


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The field cables shields will be connected on a shield bar.

All spare cores coming from the field must be connected to the spare terminals.
Wiring between components shall run in dedicated plastic self-extinguishing ducts with cover
to protect the cable wiring. Where it was not possible the use of self-extinguishing ducts will
have to be used one flexible sheath.
All the enclosures, slabs of support, electrical equipment, will be connected to the earth safety
bar of the cabinet with flexible conductor yellow-green.
Where IS circuits for the I/O from/to the field is foreseen, proper identification and perfect
separation from the general purpose circuits shall be assured.
All the Intrinsic Safety parts shall be blue RAL 5015 colour. Operator/Engineering Interface

The PLC operator/engineering interface shall be located inside the UCP cabinet itself and shall
be at least equipped as follows:
 Flush Mounted LCD screen of 21 inches is the preferred size.
 Pointing device: Track Ball of Touch Screen.
 Keyboard: QWERTY.
 Electronic based on PC Industrial type.
 RAM capacity of 2 GB min.
 2 Hard Disks (each one by 400 GB min.).
 Drivers: CD-DVD writer.
 2 Ethernet cards.
 2 Power supply modules.
Furthermore, hardwired signal lights and push buttons as necessary if requested by project
The operator/engineering interface shall support the following functionalities:
 Interactive Custom Graphic Displays.
 Bar Graph Displays (group Display).
 History trends.
 Real Time trends.
 Alarm Summary.
 SOE reports.
 Custom reporting Package.
 Acoustic Alarming (alarm sounds).
 Programming operation.
 Maintenance operation.

If required by the project, a printer Ink jet or laser type shall be provided and located inside
the UCP cabinet itself. Sequence of Event (SOE) Functionality

Built-in Sequence of Event (SOE) functionality is required as a general guideline.
Resolution between two subsequent events shall be better than 10msec but in any case
compatible with the specific application. Time Synchronisation

The UCP shall have time synchronisation with the plant’s control system, in order to analyse
and evaluete events in their true sequential order of occurrence. The Package PLCs shall be
able to receive input from a GPS system (directly through a dedicated NTP sever or through


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PCS serial link) to update the time/hour/minutes. The resolution shall not be less than 10ms.
As well as the internal clock shall have a resolution not less than 10ms. CPU Processor Cards

Each CPU shall satisfy the following minimum requirements:
 Processor at 32 bit minimum.
 With adequate memory capacity for the initial configuration plus the spare capacity for
 Supplied with batteries used for maintaining RAM memory.
 With the battery life shall not be less than 1000 days.
 With a key locking device located at the CPU front face shall allow the program
modification. Under normal operation this key shall be removed and the CPU switched
to “protect” position.
 LED indication of CPU malfunction a/o proper operation. I/O Cards Common Features

The I/O cards shall provide as minimum the following common requirements:
 Galvanic or optic insulation (from field terminal assemblies) either channel to channel
and channel to ground.
 They shall be supplied with integrated LEDs showing the channel status (Health status,
Failure or error status indication on card of any signal).
 They shall be powered from the internal power supply (i.e. 24 Vdc).
 Fuse and blown fuse indication per each card.
 Current limitation device against plant short circuits.
 Protection against over voltage transient.
 Protection against radio-frequencies transient.
 Line monitoring (integrity check of entire input or output loop) for safety and F&G
applications only.
 Self-test diagnostic, which tests for short circuit or open circuit conditions; if a short
circuit or open circuit is detected, the faulty circuit shall be disabled and the Main
Processors shall use the data coming from the healthy signal circuits. Digital Input Cards

Digital input cards shall provide as minimum the following requirements:
 Bounce and chatter filters to prevent erroneous alarms during field contact closure.
 Integrated LEDs showing the channel status.
 Voltage (24 Vdc) to feed the field contacts.
 A maximum of 32 signals per card.
 The acceptable signal types are:
− Normally Open (NO) voltage free contact (external)
− Normally Closed (NC) voltage free contact (external) Digital Output Cards

Digital output cards shall provide as minimum the following requirements:
 Individual protection from switching of inductive load or from the over-current.
 Bounce proof filter.
 Configurable output positions upon failure.
 Outputs driven to predictable states upon failure during start up, prior to program
 Outputs driven via Transistor providing 350 mA @ 24 Vdc as current to feed a field
 Outputs driven via Transistor providing 2 A @ 24 Vdc as current to feed a field device
such as Solenoid valve, Lamp, etc.


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 Integrated LEDs showing the channel status.

 A maximum of 32 signals per card.
 Acceptable signal types powered by the PLC’s DO card:
− NO voltage free contact
− NC voltage free contact
 Acceptable signal types powered externally to the system:
− NO voltage free contact
− NC voltage free contact Analogue Input Cards

Analogue input cards shall provide as minimum the following requirements:
 Individual power regulator to feed each field transmitter.
 Acceptance of transmitters working with HART protocol in analogue mode based on
4÷20 mA @ 24 Vdc.
 Software filters, signal characterisation (i.e. square root, extraction, linearisation) a/o
pulse dumpers on the input signals.
 Analogue to Digital conversion system with resolution of 16 bits minimum.
 250 Ohm as maximum resistance for the analogue input.
 Integrated LEDs showing the channel status.
 A maximum of 32 signals per card.
 Acceptable signal types powered by the PLC’s AI card:
− 4÷20 mA 24 Vdc powered by the system.
− 4÷20 mA 24 Vdc powered by external supply (i.e. for process analyser and F&G
− RTD (Pt 100 Ω @ 0°C) powered by the system.
− Thermocouple input from J, K, T or E
− 1÷5 Vdc powered by the system.
− Pulse 0÷6000 Hz.
 A common mode rejection ratio less than 70 dB. Analogue Output Cards

Analogue output cards shall provide as minimum the following requirements:
 Individual power regulator to feed each loop output.
 Analogue to Digital conversion system with resolution of 16 bits minimum.
 750 Ohm as maximum resistance for the analogue output in current mode.
 Integrated LEDs showing the channel status.
 A maximum of 32 signals per card.
 Acceptable signal types powered by the PLC’s AO card:
− 4÷20 mA 24 Vdc powered by the system.
− 1÷5 Vdc powered by the system. Override Switches (POS&MOS)

The process override function POS is limited to those inputs (or logic blocks) that are in upset
conditions during particular operating phases (i.e.: start-up) and would cause shutdown if not
properly managed. The POS shall be only hardwired and implemented on inputs to logic
functions without activating the executive shutdown action.
Overrides on outputs to final actuators shall be NOT allowed.
An Hardwired Master MOS enable key-switch (or more than one organized for macro areas or
units in function of package size/complexity) shall be provided for ESD and F&G over-rides.
This key-switch must be enabled before any software MOS can be activated. On disabling of
the Master MOS, all enabled MOS will be removed immediately. In any case the software MOS
development/application shall never jeopardize the safety of the package functionality.
For each key switch a dedicated red LED (or lamp) shall be installed.


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The POS key switches shall be momentary type and spring return; while the MOS key switches
shall be have two stable positions (“Normal” and “Bypass”) with key extractable only in
“normal” position.
For all the time the POS is active the PLC system will light the relevant LED on the Panel for
operator feedback.
In case one input is healthy the request of its bypass eventually requested by the operator
shall be disregarded by the PLC system.
Activation/deactivations of any POS or MOS shall be logged. Redundancy Requirements

No single point failure shall disable the system. This means that to fulfil this requirement,
redundancy in terms of card, cable, connector, port, switch, shall be provided and in particular
is required for the following:
 Power supply modules, main feeders, cables, etc.
 CPU and relevant software.
 I/O signals involved in any sequence and/or control loops.
 Communication networks.
 Communication cards.
 Ethernet switches (if any).
No additional external component/wiring shall be necessary for such purpose.
In order to permit high reliability, high availability, the Hot/Standby switching shall be required
without interruption of control and without data loss. Also the CPU switching shall be without
intervention of the operator.
In case of the PLC is based on dual technology, the redundancy of the I/O signals shall be
performed providing the additional cards and each signal to be redundant shall be addressed
to both cards.
In case of the PLC is based on Triple Modular Redundant (TMR) technology, the redundancy
intrinsically embedded within the same TMR Input / Output card is technically acceptable. Then,
no additional card is required to perform the requested level of availability and reliability, but
the hot replacement of any TMR I/O card shall be ensured providing a free slot beside each
card. Segregation Requirements

Whenever control and shutdown functions are present inside the Package unit, the safety
section of logic solver shall be independent from the control one according to according to IEC
Each UCP shall be designed in order to avoid any common point of failure.

About the I/O signals, the PLC design shall take in account the following:
 Separate output modules for multiple devices (i.e.: solenoid valves.).
 Separate input modules for multiple instruments (i.e. 2 or more independent process
sensors, with 2oo2 or 2oo3 voting logic).

About the F&G I/O signals, in case the F&G will be integrated within the safety system, the
PLC design shall take in account the following:
 Separate input and output modules for the F&G detectors/devices from the ESD section.
 Separate input modules for multiple instruments (i.e. 2 or more independent sensors
with any voting logic).


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The UCP shall be designed in order to guarantee the following minimum requisites:
 CPU loading in terms of memory occupation: <70%.
 EWS/OWS Utilisation of elaboration capacity: <70%.
 Pressure and flow Control loop cycle time (acquisition + elaboration + outputs
updating): <250 ms.
 Temperature Control loop cycle time acquisition + elaboration + outputs updating:
<500 ms.
 Electrical equipment (motors) cycle time (acquisition + elaboration + outputs updating):
 Sequential logics time (CPU scanning Cycle): <200 ms.
 Interlocks cycle time: <100 ms.
 Acquisition cycle for signals from serial and Ethernet lines: <1 s.
 Safety loop cycle time (acquisition+ elaboration+ outputs updating): <250 ms.
 Safety time for alarm/event to communication port: <1s. Ex-i Isolators for Intrinsically Safe Circuits

Whenever required by the hazard area classification, signals shall be conditioned using single
channel active Ex-i isolators, located in the UCP.
The active IS barriers shall allow the line monitoring signal from the I/O cards (AI, AO, DI, DO)
up to the field instrument.
The IS barriers will be suitable to be installed on DIN rail or plug in type on predisposed
backplane for a defined number of modules according to SUPPLIER standard.
Every backplane will be equipped with suitable connection in order to receive the connector of
pre-formed cables, or of a terminal block in order to transfer the signals to connect to the
system cabinet.
The barriers will be fed at 24 Vdc singularly, while every backplane with more barriers will have
to receive the feeding at 24 Vdc redundant.
Every feed signal, single or redundant, will be equipped with a replaceable fuse.
For the signals (i.e. analogue AI and AO) having also the digital HART protocol, shall be
provided with modules, to manage the barriers, a/o galvanic isolators, with a multiplexer
system type, to interface to a computer, used for the maintenance management of these field
instruments, via a multi-drop serial RS485 communication. Hart Multiplexers for Transmitters

Unless different project requirements, whenever the UCP includes within its battery limits
electronic transmitters directly connected to the PLC, HART multiplexers (with or without IS
barriers, according to the safety execution) shall be included in the supply as a general
Serial output from such devices shall be connected (in multidrop) to a Maintenance PC running
suitable program for electronic transmitters’ remote calibration (PC is part of the Plant PCS
scope of supply). Relays
The relays (if any) shall be plug in type with hermetically sealed contacts providing the following
 Coil voltage: 17÷28 Vdc.
 Contact ratting: 1A/24 Vdc.
 Contacts arrangement: NO/NC according the functional requirement.
 LED of signalling YES.


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 Coil protection diode.

 Mounting DIN Bar.
 Type instantaneous; delayed; step by step.
Where necessary for safety actions, SIL 3 compliance is required. Spares
Spare for UCP shall be based on the following requirements as minimum:
 10% spare space available on cable ways.
 10% spare terminals inside junction boxes, panels and cabinets (per type of I/O).
 10% installed spare for PLC Input/Output (per type of I/O).
 30% PLC’s CPU spare capacity.
 10% spare conductors per multicables.
 Cable ducts inside cabinets shall not be filled more than 70%. Software Requirements

The basic software shall provide the following functionality:
1. Off-line mode, which shall:
 Give the possibility to create or modify an application program without connecting the
2. On-line mode, which shall:
 Give the possibility to make any program change while the CPU is running.
 Allow saving functions (parameters, application programs, etc.).
 Be used for commissioning phase and maintenance purpose.
 Allow programs downloading without interruption of control and without loss of data.
3. On-line monitoring mode, which shall:
 Give only the possibility to read out all the PLC Inputs, outputs, variables, etc.
The minimum diagnostic’s information of UCP for the applications are: CPU fault/alarms,
Fault/alarms of any cards, internal power supplies failure, Communication fault, switchover to
backup equipment, etc.
Programming shall be carried out with a software Package running on a standard PC
communicating via the standard PC serial port.
The programming software shall work under the operator/engineering interface (required
above); otherwise a specific programming console shall be provided with suitable software.
In case of communication loss with the plant PCS, the Application Software Package shall
continue to run under its own control, while the safety functions remaining active.
When an alarm of an alarm group arises as first, the PLC shall determine the first event that
has initiated the shutdown according to characteristics of the Package, and PLC performances.
All alarms (the first event and those generated after) shall be managed by PLC’s HMI if any.
The control logic sequence and software design will be clear defined and well documented to
allow an easy understanding of the system operation. Used languages shall make reference to
IEC 61131-3.
The following programming instructions available shall be the minimum requirements:
 Arithmetic functions (addition, subtraction, multiply, divide).
 Logic operators (AND, OR, XOR, Latch, NOT, timer, memory, ramp generator, etc.).
 Specific Function blocks (PID, Counters, Timers, on-off, feed-forward, cascade,
override, deviations from set point, high or low output).
 Calculations and analogue data acquisition.


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Programming language shall be based on, Boolean, Ladder, Logic-block, or Grafcet language.
The programming language shall be able to support textual descriptions, in order to permit the
CONTRACTOR to define clearly all functions (I/O, internal variable, etc.). Configuration Tools

The supply shall include all necessary configuration tools (both hardware and software) for all
microprocessor based subsystem supplied within the given PLC. Cyber Security

If any, the remote third party TCP/IP connections to the plant control system network shall
comply with the appropriate network security:
 Full Control of the line shall be granted to the Operator. Remote connection will be
enabled when required and disabled when the activity has been completed;
 Access rights will be periodically reviewed and audited;
 The remote access shall be fully logged;
 The remote connection shall be flagged to the operator;
 ‘Checkpoint’ type firewall to be implemented;
 Remote sessions to be configurable timed;
 Remote sessions shall automatically timeout after configurable time of inactivity;
 External mass storage devices (CD, DVD Drive, Tape Drives, USB Ports etc. shall be
 All unused PC ports on EWS and OWS shall be disabled; this protection can be achieved,
for example, by software configuration and/or physical protection (locked enclosure or
cabinets) or by physical removal of subject interfaces, ports or devices;
 User authentication lists to be implemented on PCS switches via authorized ports only;
 COMPANY policy on remote access.
In addition to the COMPANY policies, the package SUPPLIER shall submit the design of the
protection layers provided by their own specific equipment, along with potential system
In order to overcome potential cyber security flaws, the following principles shall be followed
in relation to the procurement of packages:
 Package SUPPLIER shall be engaged, on ongoing basis, in ensuring that any current or
future vulnerabilities within their systems are clearly highlighted to the COMPANY;
 Package SUPPLIER shall provide current security guidance for the kit supplied, along
with roadmaps for future;
 Package SUPPLIER shall incorporate appropriate anti-virus and firewall facilities,
constantly updated from a central location. All package PLCs shall be supplied with
suitable Anti-Virus Software installed which can be updated from a central source;
 Effective software patching and future software link shall be established.


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At least, and unless different agreement (where PACKAGE SUPPLIER standard can be accepted
if match with project requirements), the CONTRACTOR/PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s document
content shall meet (where applicable), but not necessarily be limited to, the following


The documents shall be grouped by type (i.e. Supply/Functional/Technical specification, TDS,

IDS, DDS, Calculation sheets where necessary, etc., per each component/system) when they
are issued to CONTRACTOR/COMPANY for approval/review.
All technical specifications shall be filled, where necessary, of tag instrument, process data,
and all technical information in order to allow a proper quotation from the bidders.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER can use the available Technical Data Sheets forms of COMPANY.
All the technical specifications shall include the MANUFACTURER and individual instrument
model, supported with manufacturer catalogues showing model selected.
Calculation sheets shall be provided for the control valves, safety valves, flow elements and
wherever necessary.


Arrangement sketches to show all materials involved starting from the local sensing instrument
to the final control device. The relevant support location shall be clearly identified from a
suitable tag reference.


Arrangement sketches and diagrams showing all fittings & wiring required for the pneumatic
and electrical connections of instruments (including F&G detectors/devices), equipment and
panels/junction boxes.


Arrangement drawings of all the terminals inside the junction boxes, cabinets, panels and the
system/equipment involved. These documents will show cable entries, cable cores, terminal
marks, sizes and spacing.


Cable and tubing ways drawings will be developed to cover all the electrical, pneumatic and
hydraulic connections.
This drawing(s) shall also show the location of all instruments requiring
electrical/pneumatic/hydraulic connections, and location of the involved equipment.


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A schematic diagram showing the wiring among any component and equipment involved.


A summary of all cables used (including cables, supplied by others, within the limits of the
equipment) to show cable tag, typology, quantity and size of cores, insulation and armouring
and sheath/insulation colouring.


The Instrument List shall be provided for all instruments giving tag number, service and
relevant references.
This document shall be organized by functional units and by instrument typology (pressures,
flows, levels, temperatures, analysers, valves, F&G detectors/devices, etc.).
The Instrument List shall be developed according to the COMPANY Standard


Inputs/Outputs list shall be provided for all Input/Output signals to/from field electric/electronic
instruments (including F&G detectors/devices) and to/from involved systems (any serial link or
peer to peer connections).
This document will show at least the instrument tag, service description, signal type, alarm
thresholds, range and the setpoint, and all references as requested by COMPANY standard.
This document shall be organized by functional units, by System (Package PLC, Machinery PLC,
etc.) and by instrument typology (pressure, flow, level, temperature, analysers, valves, F&G
detectors/devices, etc.).
The Inputs/Outputs list shall be developed according to the COMPANY Standard


The Database configuration will include the loading of all information about instruments,
equipments, systems involved and documents references to be recorded using standard
software (i.e. Excel, Access) on standard support such as CD/DVD disc.


A schematic diagram showing at least the following:

The connections among instruments or components (including F&G detectors/devices), the
location of any item (field, local panel, main control panel, etc.), instrument(s) tag numbers,
signal tag, tag description, cable tag, wiring identification/tag, terminal strip tag/numbering,
Junction Box tag, Local Panel/equipment tag (if any), Cabinet tags, I/O channel references
(Rack, Slot/Card, channel number), function description and tag at Control Room area, etc.
This document shall be organized by functional units, and by equipments (valves, motors, etc.).


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In order to have a complete view of the instrument loop from the field up to the instrument
equipment room and control room, the involved systems (PCS, SIS, or PLC, or SCADA/RTU,
etc.), with relevant marshalling panel if any, will be shown on the same page.
The CONTRACTOR/PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall start to develop this kind of document and shall
complete it with all references (any tag, terminal strip numbering, I/O channel references, etc.)
when these data will be available from the ICSS supplier, from the Package Control/Safety
systems (UCP), and any eventual other SUB-CONTRACTOR(s).


A schematic diagram showing the control and safety sequences logics to handle each
component/equipment (valve, motor, panel, etc.) and any other instrument/device linked to
the Unit Control Panel (UCP).
Any logic shall be developed highlighting all involved hardware and software tag references
with relevant logic status.
The symbols to be used shall be according to ISA standard.
This document shall be organized by functional units, by System (PCS, SIS, etc.) and by site
(if any).
The CONTRACTOR/PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall develop this kind of document with all references
(any tag, function description, etc) in order to allow the Unit Control Panel (UCP) SUB-
CONTRACTOR to implement the relevant software within its equipment.


A detailed Cause and Effect Matrix showing all critical inputs and outputs of the ESD and F&G
system and their specific functions, in the context of the protective philosophy adopted for
the whole supply.


The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall produce a Functional Design Specification, based also on the
project requirements defining criteria and rules that will be applied to the UCP.
The contents of this document shall reflect what COMPANY has purchased; then the
capability/performances of each equipment/component has to be tailored for the purpose of
this document.
The Functional Design Specification shall provide, as a minimum, the following:

 Overview description of the overall system, including detailed block diagram, with a
description of the communications and interaction scheme.
 Operational details of the provided systems which have an effect on plant operations,
such as power failure response, communication failure response and automatic
shutdown and start-up of the system (where relevant).
 Description of the interface of the involved systems with any equipment via serial link.
 References documents of the project.
 General description of the overall system (including cabinets, wiring rules and cable
specifications, equipment layouts, etc.).
 Overall architecture (when more machines are purchased) and UCP architecture
showing all involved equipments/components.
 Details of UCP’s Control system section including all hardware components.


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 Philosophy and specification of Human Machine interface. Alarms, Trends, Historical

data, Graphic pages navigation/groups/overview/details/etc., pop up types, animation
of symbols, diagnostic, etc., shall be depicted within this document. Software licence
capability of each HMI.
 Details of UCP’s Safety system section including all hardware components.
 Override description for MOS and POS.
 Power distribution and grounding criteria.
 Typical hardware applications for each type of signal, in single and/or redundant
configuration, and for each type of F&G detector/device. For hardware typical is
intended as explanation of the wiring from the field up to the marshalling cabinet/system
 Typical software applications for on-off valves, control valves, motors, single loops,
MOS, POS, analogue and digital signals, validation logics, F&G signals, etc. All software
typicals shall be depicted with Boolean gates and not with complex blocks.
 EWS tools and applications. Software licence capability of the EWS.
 System Availability and Reliability calculation (MTBF) including all components (i.e.
serial cards, Ethernet switches, power modules, etc.).
 The cycle time calculation.
 Execution timing calculation.
 System memory utilisation calculations.
 Database functional description, structure diagram and interface methods.


The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall supply documentation for all software provided with its systems.
The documentation shall include, but not be limited to, the followings:
 An inventory of all software and software documentation to be provided.
 Functional descriptions of the involved sequence.
 Detailed operating instructions.
 Database descriptions.
 Program logic description.
 Memory requirements for logic and data.
 Execution timing information.


PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide for each type of equipment a complete set of acceptance
tests certificates composed by test procedure books and relevant tests data sheets.
The sets shall be issued for the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT), the site tests as well as for the
commissioning. The documentation shall be submitted for approval before any test start.
The above mentioned documentation shall be a reference for the subsequent maintenance
The test procedures shall include as a minimum:
 Specification parameters.
 Test instrument(s) to be used.
 Results to be expected.
 Reference to the test data sheets.


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PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide the final technical documentation either in the native
electronic format (i.e.: autocad, word, excel, etc.) and paper standard sizes according to
project requirements.
The design and tests documentation shall be part of the final documentation.
The final documentation shall be subdivided into three (3) groups:
1. Design and Certifications Manual, including:
 Package Design documentation.
 Certificates of equipment and components
 Certificates relating to tests.
2. Installation and Construction Manual, including:
 Description of the installation procedures.
3. Operating and Maintenance Manual, including:
 Description of start-up modalities.
 Description of utilisation modalities.
 Description of each equipment/system used.
 Instructions and procedures for the periodic and corrective maintenance to take out and
replace all components and accessories included in the spare parts list.
 Instructions of estimative maintenance, with the schedule of inspection programs.
 Electric and topographic diagrams of the units.
 List of components and consumables, with all necessary data for spare parts
procurement (name and material codes).


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No equipment or materials shall be delivered until all applicable tests have been completed and
all defects rectified and re-tested successfully.
COMPANY reserves the right to witness testing or to request additional testing according to its
requirements. Such witnessing shall include all components and equipment included inside the
The PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall notify CONTRACTOR / COMPANY of the detailed requirement for
the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).


PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the inspection and quality assurance / quality
control of materials and equipment and for the standard of the workmanship.
A quality dossier shall be submitted complete with certificates and test results.
In addition the quality dossier shall include database access schemes required for interfaces.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall allow COMPANY or their representatives to review system and
documentation at any stage of design and assembly.
All formal testing will be conducted in accordance with approved test procedures.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall attach a detailed description, under procedure form, of all tests to
carry out on the supply in subject during the bidding phase.
Each procedure shall be referred to a single test and shall contain at least the following items:
 Scope of the test.
 Execution method (procedure).
 Equipment and devices used.
 Criteria and limits of acceptance. The acceptance limits must be according to the
specification including the international standards.
 Part of the system, or unit, to which the procedure is applicable.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall submit the procedures for approval at least six weeks prior to
commencement of testing.
Test procedure shall define the surveillance level for each test (100%, 1 lot, spot check, etc.)
based on the criticality of the equipment to be tested.
The result of each test can be satisfactory, not conform or pending.
In case of not conformity points, recovery actions shall be identified by the PACKAGE SUPPLIER
to solve the problems.
In case of pending points, action shall be identified by the PACKAGE SUPPLIER or by the
CONTRACTOR to clarify the matter.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide skilled manpower, all standard and special tools, test and
calibration equipment necessary for FAT, site installation, SAT, and commissioning in order to
maintain the system and equipment to its maximum reliability.


PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall conduct a test on the supplied equipment at its factory during which
CONTRACTOR/COMPANY and/or their representatives shall inspect and witness the test before
all the equipment is approved for shipment.


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The FAT will be carried out on the Package completely assembled and integrated.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide temporary cables to connect the various sections of the
systems, devices and simulation software necessary to test the system as if it were installed
on site.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall confirm the readiness of the FAT to COMPANY at least 2 weeks in
advance after ensuring that the system is fully functionally configured and tested.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall ensure adequate time, space, facilities, and test equipment,
engineering and support personnel to enable satisfactory testing.
One set of all approved drawings, documents, configuration printouts of latest revision and test
reports of various system and I/O cards and peripherals used to configure each UCP shall be
made available during the test.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall furnish complete internal QA/QC checklist and documents before FAT
to ensure internal checks of the following tests are done by PACKAGE SUPPLIER before client
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall perform the following tests during the FAT as a minimum:
 Visual/dimensional Check.
 Power up and initialization.
 Power failure and recoveries.
 Redundancy test for backup controllers, power supply, communication systems, I/O
cards and operator consoles.
 Integrated test of all involved system.
 Synchronisation test of all involved systems via GPS.
 The test required inside the IDS and ITP.
 Total system reboot.
 Hardware/software inventory.
 Diagnostic test.
 RFI protection.
 Functional loop checking (100% signals).
 Custom application programs and sequences test.
 Logic test.
 Graphics & Alarm list Check.
 Interface test.
 Any other test(s) as per project requirements.

Attendance test c/o plant PCS premises for the communication test. This test has the
purpose to verify that the link PCS-PLC will work properly in terms of read/write and time
synchronization. Since is unknown when and where this test will be performed, this test has to
be quoted at unit rate.


SAT procedure (derived from the FAT procedure) shall be submitted by the PACKAGE SUPPLIER
All the equipment shall be checked on site to verify the System integrity after shipment and
The checks shall include as a minimum:
 Visual and mechanical check.
 Power/Earthing connections check:
After System installation and wiring is completed, PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s supervisor(s)
shall check that power supply and earthing connections are executed in a proper way,


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according to the SUPPLIER's recommendations, before powering the System. The UPS
effects on the System shall also be checked.
 Equipment functionality check:
The purpose is to check that all the equipment such I/O cards, controller modules,
VDU's, printers, hardwired instrumentation, etc. are working properly.
The correct changeover of redundant devices shall also be checked.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide suitable personnel to conduct this test when requested by
COMPANY during the construction phase.


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At least, and unless different project requirements, the supply shall include:
 The spare parts for Commissioning and Start-up.
 The spare parts list for two years of continuous operation.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall submit a list of these spare parts with the bid.
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall guarantee to support all spare parts supplied as minimum for the
project duration life following the written announcement of product withdrawal.


These spare parts shall be utilised for Erection, Pre-Commissioning, Commissioning and Start-
up. They are included in the scope of supply.
All spare parts used during the warranty period shall be replenished at PACKAGE SUPPLIER’s
PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall provide the typology and quantities of consumables spare parts based
on his experience.

PACKAGE SUPPLIER shall supply the typology and quantities of spare parts for Commissioning
and Start-up based on his experience.


The spare parts list for two years of continuous operation shall include the quantities
(reccomended by PACKAGE SUPPLIER) and shall be estimated by PACKAGE SUPPLIER based
on his experience. This supply shall be foreseen and quoted in the bid as optional.


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