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Popular Phurmaceuticqls Ltd.
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E-Tin: 686624268512
BIN: 000002017-0102
Purchase Order - Domestic
Printed On: 11.07.2023, 17:00:36

Cornparrl, \arnc :Onnolol<orn Solutions Ltd. PO Number :2200010309

.\iltli'rss : Dhaka. Bansladesh PO Date :11.07.2023
( ()!i!ilct l'tr'\urr Currency : BDT
l tlc;lltotrc \urrrbcr :0170816(1198 CS No
llolrile \trrrrbcr' :01708 166017 CS Date :
E-rnail mahbubur(li)oslor elco. conr BIN :000175595-0202
TIN 68 1 0s3346038

SL \latcrial Code & I{et1. \o Countrv Nlanufacturer Unit Order Unit Total VAT VAT
No. Narne Origin Qtv Price Amount % Amount
:rtcrial r'1tc:

1 Synchronizing Clock I 000013 Bangladesh PC 26 00 .50 27,105.0

with Installation 0

Total Purchase Amt. 361 400.00

VAT Amount 27,t05.00
Gross Amount (sss,sos.oo

S lice il ic:r t io rr #
Product Name: Synchronized NTP Clock# Model: Pi-TD-WL-SD# Version: Wi-Fi+ LAN# Brand: Pi
Labs# Origin: Banqladesh# Manufacturing:Banqladesh
ln Word: BDT Three Lakh Eighty Eight Thousand Five Hundred Five Only

crms and Conditions Information

I)clivcrv Datr.' :ASAP Advance 7o 0. (-x)

l)clivcrv l)lacc : Factory PO Amount 388.505.00

\ l utlc ol l)lvrucnt : Cheque Adyance Amount
l)at rrtcrtt 'l'crtrts :07-14 working days after submission Rest Amount 388,505.00
of bill.
['en altY
(r.-l \Iuslrtli Suhmittcd N4andatorv
,\l-l (r\rlvarrcc Incolnc Tax)
Atlditional \ote

Prcgxntll A0horized By
i3v Clhecl<ed Bv Audited By .&oroved Bv
'' /rta7.q

T\ \\L
\\ \tL $11
Va/prrrrtwqnSAlam Asst. Manaser, SC Dv. Manaser. SC Ia6J General SC
l7 Shnkrabad, West Panthopath. t)haka-1207, + 880-2-91 91 + {3130-2-9134096. 913.+054
Plant: 64^ l ongi Inrhrstrial Area, Tongi. Caziplir-
1 l7 l l, Banagladesh. Tel:
u,ebsitc: ur,,rv. poprLlar-phanla. com
S( Ir {)lll'01.1(l,isior : 03 SOP ltef : Sfl/001t01

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