FIN202 Test Bank

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Test Bank, Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2e

26. To start a business, the owners need

A) a market where there is demand for their product.
B) a clear vision of what products or services they want to produce.
C) the know-how to successfully market their product.
D) all of the above.
27. A stakeholder is
A) anyone geograpically close to the firm’s headuaters.
B) anyone with a claim on the cash flows of the firm. liên quan đến dòng tiền trong doanh nghiệp

C) any government agency.

D) all of the above.

28. If you have loaned capital to a firm, then you could be
A) a shareholder. đôi khi mình có share quyền sở hữu nhưng không cần thực sự có cổ phiếu ( ví dụ như ba mẹ cho con, chuyển sao cho con.
B) a stakeholder. cho mượn thì chỉ là stakeholders thôi, vẫn dạng chủ nợ.

C) a partner.
D) all of the above.
29. Which of the following are stakeholders? Liên quan đến tài chính của công ty

A) a shareholder
B) a lender
C) the IRS (Interal revenue service)
D) all of the above
30. A trademark (name or design belonging to a particular company) is an example of
A) a productive asset.
B) an intangible asset.
C) a nebulous asset.
D) none of the above.
31. Which of the following is a basic source of funds for the firm?
A) Debt
B) Equity
C) asset liquidations
D) a and b above có hai source chính đó thôi.

32. The cash remaining after the firm has met its operating expenses, payments to creditors,
and taxes is called
A) earnings per share.
B) capital contributed in excess of par.
C) residual cash. một là trả dividend, hai là giữ lại làm retained earnings.

D) assets.
Ans: C

33. Cash dividends are paid out of
A) residual cash.
B) liquidated assets.
C) long-term debt.
D) all of the above.
Ans: A

34. Current liabilities are liabilities that

A) will be converted to cash within a year.
B) must be paid within a year.
C) will be converted to equity within a year.
D) none of the above
Ans: B

35. Capital budgeting involves

A) how a firm's day-to-day financial matters should be managed. vấn đề vốn lưu động nè
B) how the firm should finance its assets. quyết định nên kiếm nguồn tiền từ đâu ra mà mua budget.

C) which productive assets the firm should employ.

D) all of the above.
Ans: C

36. Working capital management decisions involve
A) how a firm's day-to-day financial matters should be managed.
B) how the firm should finance its assets.
C) which productive assets the firm should employ.
D) all of the above.
Ans: A

37. Capital budgeting decisions generally involve

A) the fixed asset portion of the balance sheet. quyết định mua tài sản vốn thì liên quan đến long-term asset là đúng rồi.

B) the short-term portion of the balance sheet. working capital management

C) the current liability portion of the balance sheet. working capital management.

D) all of the above.

Ans: A

38. A good capital budgeting decision is

A) one in which the benefits of the project are equal to the cost of the asset.
B) one in which the benefits of the project are less than the cost of the asset.
C) one in which the benefits of the project are more than the cost of the asset.tiền lời phải nhiều hơn tiền
vốn chứ

D) all of the above.

Ans: C

39. Financial markets in which equity and debt instruments with maturities greater than
one year are traded are called
A) money markets.
B) capital markets. thị trường vốn. thời hạn đáo hạn dài hơn một năm.

C) stock markets.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

40. Profitability of a firm can be negatively affected by

A) too much inventory.cần tiền đầu tư cái khác hơn nhưng không có
B) too little inventory. quá ít không kịp bán cho nhu cầu cao.

C) either a or b.
D) neither a nor b.
Ans: C

41. About 75 percent of all businesses in the United States are

A) sole proprietorships. (doanh nghiệp tư nhân) dễ thành lập nhất
B) partnerships.
C) corporations.
D) limited liability partnerships.
Ans: A

42. Which of the following business organizational forms subjects the owner(s) to
unlimited liability?
A) sole proprietorship
B) Partnership
C) Corporation
D) a and b partnership muốn có limited thì phải đăng kí vào hình thức kinh doanh limited.

Ans: D

43. Which of the following business organizational forms creates a tax liability on
income at the personal income tax rate? thuế lợi nhuận của công ty cũng chính là thuế thu nhập cá nhân, bởi hai hình thức đầu không
tách riêng về thực thể.
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership
C) corporation
D) a and b
Ans: D

44. Which of the following business organizational forms is easiest to raise capital?
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership
C) corporation isse stocks hoặc bonds.

D) a and b
Ans: C

45. Which of the following owners is protected by limited liability?
A) a sole proprietor
B) a general partner
C) a limited partner hoặc corporation, nhưng ở đây có chữ limited ám chỉ rồi nên khỏe.

D) none of the above

Ans: C

46. Which of the following cannot be engaged in managing the business?

A) a sole proprietor
B) a general partner
C) a limited partner ?? kì lạ hè, họ có quyền tham gia như bình thường chứ.

D) none of the above

Ans: C

47. Which organizational form accounts for 90 percent of the revenues of all firms in the
United States?
A) sole proprietorship
B) Partnership
C) Corporation tuy số lượng ít, chiếm bé hơn 30% nhưng tạo ra tỉ lệ daonh thu đáng gờm thật sự.

D) a and b
Ans: C

48. Which organizational form best enables a firm to sell its securities to the market?
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership
C) private corporation ít thông tin và không đáng tin cậy, không đủ hấp dẫn
D) public corporation có lên sàn chứng khoán rồi thì mua bán cổ phiếu nó thuận tiện hơn rất nhiều chứ.

Ans: D

49. Which of the following organizational forms is subject to the most SEC regulations?
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership
C) private corporation
D) public corporation SEC - Public corporate, câu ni nghe lạ quá nên học thuộc nha

Ans: D

50. Which organizational form best enables the owners of the firm to monitor the actions
of other owners of the same firm?
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership hai đến ba người thôi nên rất dễ theo dõi hành động của đối tượng còn lại.

C) private corporation
D) Public corporation
Ans: B

51. Which of the following is considered a hybrid organizational form?
A) sole proprietorship
B) partnership
C) corporation
D) limited liability partnership bình thường partner là unlimited liabilities.
Ans: D

52. Which of the following reports directly to the owners of the firm (assume the firm is
a public corporation)
CFO và các bộ phận khác gửi lên cho anh này.
C) board of directors nhầm , ceo gửi lên nhóm này đó

D) audit committee
Ans: C

53. Which of the following is responsible for seeing that the best possible financial
analysis is presented?
A) CFO hoặc động chính với mục TÀI CHÍNH

C) board of directors
D) audit committee
Ans: A

54. Which of the following is responsible for performing an independent audit of the
firm's financial statements?
C) CPA firm Certified Public Accountants. những kiểm toán đã được kiểm chứng chất lượng.
D) audit committee
Ans: C

55. How is the CPA firm insulated from being pressured by management?
A) The audit committee approves hiring, firing and fees paid to external
B) The chairman of the board approves the external auditor's fees as well as the
engagement letter.
C) The IRS approves the external auditor's fees as well as the engagement letter.
D) The CPA firm is not insulated from management.
Ans: A

56. Which of the following is an appropriate goal for the firm?

A) profit maximization
B) revenue maximization
C) shareholder wealth maximization lí thuyết thôi chơ chi.

D) tax minimization
Ans: C

57. When analysts and investors determine the value of a firm's stock, they should consider

A) the size of the expected cash flows associated with owning the stock.
B) the timing of the cash flows.
C) the riskiness of the cash flows.
D) all of the above. stock đó của doanh nghiệp vừa hay nhỏ, to hay lớn. thời gian hứa hẹn trả lại cổ tức là khi nào, có mức độ rủi ro ra
Ans: D

Agency cost., CEO, manager khác với owener về mục đích và lợi ích.

58. One reason for the existence of agency problems between managers and share
holders is that
A) there is a separation of ownership and control of the firm. CEO, managers
B) managers know how to manage the firm better than shareholders.
C) shareholders have unreasonable expectations about managerial performance.
D) none of the above
Ans: A

59. Which of the following is a principal within the agency relationship?

A) a company engineer
B) the CEO of the firm
C) a shareholder
D) the board of directors
Ans: C

60. Shareholders elect ______________ to represent their interest in the firm.
A) a chairman
C) a board of directors
D) all of the above
Ans: C

61. An example of a direct agency cost is

A) a manager turning down a value-contributing project because of its risks.
B) a manager expensing a large dinner on the company expense report. lợi dụng chi phí của công ty mà đi ăn
rieng lẻ.

C) a manager using too little debt within the firm's capital structure because of the
additional risk associated with debt.
D) all of the above
Ans: B

62. Which of the following can help align the behavior of managers with the goals of
A) management compensation
B) managerial labor markets
C) an independent board of directors
D) all of the above
Ans: D

63. If a firm has had an agency problem that is reflected in a poor performing stock for a
long period of time, then the firm may become a target of _________________.
A) an SEC investigation.
B) a corporate raider.
C) an IRS investigation.
D) a bankruptcy lawyer.
Ans: B

64. Executives that repeatedly put their own interests before that of the firm may find that
they have difficulty finding another job after their current one. This is an example of
A) the managerial labor market disciplining managers.
B) the market for corporate control.
C) the board of directors affecting the prospects of a manager.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

65. Who or what is responsible for setting the agenda at meetings of the board of
A) chairman of the board of directors
B) president
C) nominating committee
D) audit committee
Ans: A

66. A director who is not an employee of the firm is called

A) an executive director.
B) an inside director.
C) an independent director.
D) an official director.
Ans: C

67. Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies incorporated in the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002?
A) attain greater board independence
B) establish compliance programs
C) establish ethics programs
D) dictate maximum compensation levels
Ans: D

68. Which of the following powers does the audit committee have the authority to do?
A) audit the personal bank account of the CEO
B) question any person employed by the firm
C) audit the compensation files of firms in the same industry
D) none of the above
Ans: B

69. What is the major complaint concerning the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 by firms?
A) the legislative maximum allowable compensation for a CEO
B) the legal requirement to disclose project information
C) the cost of compliance
D) the cost of maintaining an SEC-employed officer at the firm's premises
Ans: C

70. A society's ideas about what actions are right and wrong are
A) morals.
B) ethics.
C) laws.
D) unwritten laws.
Ans: B

71. The golden rule is an example of
A) a current law.
B) an historical law.
C) an unworkable rule in financial markets.
D) an ethical norm.
Ans: D

72. An example of an economy that had trouble establishing a stock market and
attracting foreign investment is
A) Russia.
B) China.
C) the Czech Republic.
D) Japan.
Ans: A

73. Corruption in business

A) creates inefficiencies in an economy.
B) inhibits growth in an economy.
C) slows the rate of economic growth in a country.
D) all of the above
Ans: D

74. Which corporate officer, when he or she is guilty of serious misconduct, can subject
the firm to the most serious losses in financial wealth?
C) Chief Technology Officer
D) Chief Risk Officer
Ans: B

75. An officer of a firm that is a majority owner in a competing firm will probably be
subject to
A) an IRS audit.
B) a conflict of interest with his share holders.
C) arbitrage profit returns to the SEC.
D) an FBI investigation.
Ans: B

76. _____________occur(s) when one party in a business transaction has information that
is unavailable to the other parties in the transaction.
A) Profits
B) Information asymmetry
C) Information efficiency
D) None of the above
Ans: B

77. With regard to information, a central idea of fairness suggests that
A) decisions should be made on an even playing field.
B) insiders should be able to trade whenever they want.
C) insiders should never be able to trade.
D) outsiders should not be allowed to trade since, by definition, they are at a
Ans: A

78. Which of the following individuals is typically most responsible for managing a large
corporation’s financial function?
A) The CEO.
B) The Chairman of the board.
C) The CBO.
D) The CFO.
Ans: D

79. If a firm establishes maximizing profits at the most important goal of the firm,
which of the following would not be given proper consideration?
A) Sales revenues
B) Expenses
C) Risk
D) Cost of goods sold
Ans: C

80. Which of the following does maximizing shareholder wealth not usually account
A) Risk.
B) Government regulation.
C) The timing of cash flows.
D) Amount of cash flows.
Ans: B

81. Which of the following factors or activities can be controlled by the management of a
A) Capital budgeting.
B) The level of economic activity.
C) The level of interest rates.
D) Stock market conditions.
Ans: A

82. The legal system and market forces impose substantial costs on individuals and
institutions that engage in unethical behavior. Which of the following would not be
an example of the above?
A) Financial losses.
B) Legal fines.
C) Agency conflicts.
D) Jail time.
Ans: C

26. Annual reports are prepared by a firm's management to
A) communicate to shareholders the firm's failures in the previous year.
B) provide overview of the firm's financial and operating performance.
C) highlight the performance of its chief competitors.
D) provide a forecast of the economy in the coming years.

27. The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are

A) rules that outline how a firm can operate ethically.
B) rules on how the firm will be valued in the event of a merger.
C) rules and procedures that define how companies are to maintain financial
records and prepare financial reports.
D) rules for how a company can issue stock to raise money.

28. Accounting standards prescribed by GAAP are important because

A) they make the financial statements of all firms standardized.
B) they allow one to examine a firm's performance over time.
C) they make it possible for management or analysts to compare the firm's
performance to that of other competitors.
D) all of the above.

29. The assumption of arm's-length transaction states that

A) both parties to a transaction can act independently of each other and make
economically rational decisions.
B) both parties to a transaction must have had previous transactions.
C) one of the parties to the transaction is a bank that has full knowledge of the firm's
D) none of the above

30. Your uncle, who has a second home in Bethany Beach, Delaware, is planning to sell it
in the next few weeks. You are interested in buying this beachside property, so your
agent negotiates a price for the house with your uncle's agent. This transaction is an
example of
A) The cost principle.
các đối tượng tham gia vào một giao dịch thì ghi chép giao dịch đó theo hệ
B) the assumption of arm's-length transactions. thống riêng biệt của các bên tham gia.
C) the realization principle.
D) the going-concern assumption.
E) the matching principle.

31. The going concern assumption implies that

A) a firm will continue to be in business for the foreseeable future.
B) a firm will be going out of business in the near future.
C) a firm will continue to operate in the near future but only after being acquired by
another firm.
D) none of the above

32. Dell Computer Corporation has receivables of $2.5 million and inventory worth $1.8
million. The firm plans to borrow $2 million for working capital purposes from Austin
First National Bank. In evaluating the loan request, the bank should place the most
emphasis on
A) the matching principle.
B) the realization principle.
C) the going-concern assumption. phải giả sử vẫn còn tiếp tục hoạt động mới cân nhắc cho mượn hay không được chứ.
D) the assumption of arm's-length transactions.

33. The matching principle calls for the accountant of a firm to

A) identify an asset with each liability of the firm.
B) associate the revenue generated from a sale to the costs incurred to produce
the product. hai cái này phải xảy ra trong một period, theo đúng quý, nửa năm hay một năm..
C) match each item of inventory with the historical cost at which it was acquired.
D) none of the above

34. Tyson Corporation bought raw materials on April 23, 2008 and also on July 2, 2008.
Products produced in the months of May were sold in July. The firm uses FIFO to value
its inventory. According to the matching principle, the firm's accountant should
A) the inventory acquired on July 2 with the products sold.
B) the inventory acquired on April 23 with the products sold. chi phí mua vốn và doanh thu bán được phải
matching với nhau
C) Neither of these dates is valid because the products were sold in July.
D) None of the above.
35. According to the realization principle, revenue from a sale of the firm's products are
A) when the products are shipped to the buyer.
B) when the buyer orders the goods.
C) when cash is realized from the sale of the products.
D) at the time of the sale. trong sách.

36. On June 23, 2008, Mikhal Cosmetics sold $250,000 worth of its products to Rynex
Corporation, with the payment to be made in 90 days on September 20. The goods were
shipped to Rynex on July 2. The firm's accountants should recognize the sale on
A) June 23, 2008. kì lạ hè, tại khi nào khách hàng thực sự nhận được hàng mình mới nhìn nhận là revenue, NGÀY NÀY ĐÃ BÁN RỒI, TỪ KHÓA
B) July 2, 2008. LÀ SOLD.
C) September 20, 2008.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

37. The cost principle states that an asset should be recognized on the balance sheet at
A) the market value of the asset.
B) at the market value less the accumulated depreciation on the asset.
C) at its historical cost. book value, mua, bán bao nhiêu ở trong quá khứ thì ghi chép lại đúng như thế nha.
D) at its historical cost less the accumulated depreciation on the asset.
Ans: C

38. Trekkers Footwear bought a piece of machinery on January 1, 2006 at a cost of $2.3
million, and the machinery is being depreciated annually at an amount of $230,000 for
10 years. Its market value on December 31, 2008 is $1.75 million. The firm's
accountant is preparing its financial statement for the fiscal year end on December 31,
2008. The asset's value should be recognized on the balance sheet at
A) $2.3 million.
B) $1.61 million. tình giá trị mua trừ cho BA NĂM khấu hao, vẽ timeline ra cho rõ nha
C) $230,000.
D) $1.75 million.
Ans: B

39. The conventional way of preparing a balance sheet is to list all assets in the order of
their liquidity level
A) market value.
B) risk.
C) liquidity.
D) historical cost.
Ans: C

40. Petra, Inc., has $400,000 as current assets, $1.225 million as plant and equipment, and
$250,000 as goodwill. In preparing the balance sheet, these assets should be listed in
which of the following orders? current, equipment, goodwill ??, k phải theo giá trị mà theo tính thanh khoản
A) current assets, goodwill, and plant and equipment
B) current assets, plant and equipment, and goodwill
C) goodwill is not an asset and is not listed here
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

41. When prices are rising, valuing ending inventory using the FIFO method rather than
LIFO gives đúng chính xác với tài sản của owner, tức asset của owner có giá trị sát với thị trường nhất => higher net income
A) inventory a higher value but lowers net income.
B) inventory a lower value and also lowers net income.
C) both inventory and net income a higher value. đúng luôn hehe, mua vào để vậy k bán thì giá cao làm inventory có giá trị
cap rồi.
D) inventory a lower value and net income a higher value.
Ans: C

42. When prices are falling, valuing inventory using the LIFO method rather than FIFO
gives inventory giá trị higher, net income cũng higher luôn
A) inventory a higher value but lowers net income.
B) inventory a lower value and also lowers net income.
C) both inventory and net income a higher value.
D) inventory a lower value and net income a higher value.
Ans: C

43. Which one of the following is NOT true about goodwill?

A) It is an intangible asset.
B) It represents the value of all unrecorded assets acquired in a merger.
C) It equals the premium paid over the fair market value of the assets acquired in a
D) When goodwill appears on a firm's balance sheet, it reduces the firm's net
increases thì có, cũng là tài sản của doanh nghiệp mà đâu phải
worth by that amount. từ trên trời rơi xuống đâu.
Ans: D

nhầm CỐ PHIẾU QUỸ, công ty tự tay mua lại ở ngoài thị trường.
44. Which of the following is NOT true about treasury stock? Không nhầm với preffered stocks nha
A) It is the firm's own shares repurchased in the market by the firm.
B) It can be reissued under stock option and other employee benefit plans.
C) It lowers the value of the company.
D) It increases the net worth of the company.
Ans: C

45. The major disadvantages of market-value accounting include
A) the difficulty in estimating the current value for some assets.
B) the difficulty in applying some of the valuation models used to estimate market
C) the resulting numbers are potentially open to abuse.
D) All of the above are disadvantages of market-value accounting.
Ans: D đọc hiểu có thể ra, phương pháp value thực sự không thực tiễn.

46. Which one of the following does NOT belong on an income statement? income chỉ liên quan đến revenue nè, và
expenses thôi chứ KHÔNG HỀ LIÊN QUAN
A) depreciation and amortization GÌ ĐẾN TÀI SẢN.

B) goodwill
C) extraordinary items
D) nonrecurring expenses
Ans: B

47. Which one of the following are NOT all noncash items?
A) depreciation, deferred taxes, and prepaid expenses
B) depletion charges, taxes, and amortization tax không phải nè. nên câu ni sai thôi.
C) depletion charges, deferred taxes, and prepaid expenses
D) depreciation, amortization, and prepaid taxes
Ans: B

48. Which one of the following is NOT a cash flow from operating activities?
A) cash payments on the principal of long-term debt là financing activities
B) payments for utilities and rent 0
C) payments to purchase raw materials 0
D) cash receipts from selling goods and services 0
Ans: A

49. Cash flows from financing activities include all but one of the following:
A) cash payments on the principal of long-term debt
B) issuing and paying out on insurance contracts cái này là về chi phí INVEST vào tài sản công ty.
C) cash purchases of treasury stock
D) cash proceeds from a bank loan
Ans: B

50. Which one of the following is NOT a cash flow from investing activities?
A) buying and selling bonds or stock of other firms
B) buying or selling of land, buildings, and plant and equipment
C) cash payments of dividends to shareholders financing
D) issuing and paying out on insurance contracts chết cha nhầm rồi này thuộc Investing
Ans: C

51. Trident Corporation had the following cash flows in the current year. Which one of
the following is a financing activity cash flow?
A) Rent on a warehouse amounting to $1.1 million O
B) Purchase of $125,000 worth of five-year bonds issued by Towson Utilities Invest on bond của cty khác
C) Preferred dividends to the tune of $330,000 paid to shareholders
D) Lease income received on a piece of land Operating
Ans: C

52. Clarity Music Company has a marginal tax rate of 34 percent and an average tax rate
of 32 percent this year. It is planning to construct a new recording studio next year. The
appropriate tax rate to be applied on the income generated from the new studio is
A) the average tax rate.
B) the marginal tax rate. ồ chừ mới biết luôn á, khi có cơ sở mới, tính thuế dựa trên marginal tax.
C) either one.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

53. Which one of the following is NOT true for a corporation?

A) Interest paid on bonds issued last year is tax deductible.
B) Common-stock dividends to be paid this year are not tax deductible.
C) Common-stock dividends to be paid this year will be tax deductible if the
firm has a net loss for the year. đã dividend rồi thì k bao giờ được giảm thuế.
D) Preferred stock dividends to be paid this year are not tax deductible.
Ans: C

54. Maddux, Inc., has completed its fiscal year and reported the following information. The
company had current assets of $153,413, net fixed assets of $ 412,331, and other assets
of $7,822. The firm also has current liabilities worth $65,314, long-term debt of
$178,334, and common stock of $162,000. How much retained earnings does the firm
A) $ 405,648
B) $243,648
C) $167,918
D) $573,566
Ans: C
Total assets = $153,413 + $412,331 + $7,822 = $573,566
Total liabilities = $65,314 + $178,334 = $243,648
Total stockholders' = Total assets – Total liabilities
= $573,466 – $243,648 = $329,918
Retained = Stockholders' equity – Common stock
= $329,918 – $162,000 = $167,918

55. Galan Associates prepared its financial statement for 2008 based on the information
given here. The company had cash worth $1,234, inventory worth $13,480, and
accounts receivables of $7,789. The company's net fixed assets are $42,331, and other
assets are $1,822. It had accounts payables of $9,558, notes payables of $2,756,
common stock of $22,000, and retained earnings of $14,008. How much long-term debt
does the firm have?
A) $54,342
B) $76,342
C) $12,314
D) $18,334
Ans: D
Current assets = $1,234 + $7,789 + $13,480 = $22,503
Total assets = $22,503 + $42,331 + $1,822 = $66,656
Current liabilities = $9,558 + $2,756 = $12,314
Stockholders' equity = $22,000 + $14,008 = $36,008
Long-term = Total assets – Current liabilities – Stockholders' equity
= $66,656 – $12,314 – $36,008 = $18,334

56. Tumbling Haven, a gymnastic equipment manufacturer, provided the following
information to its accountants. The company had current assets of $145,332, net fixed
assets of $356,190, and other assets of $4,176. The firm has long-term debt of $76,445,
common stock of $200,000, and retained earnings of $134,461. What amount of current
liabilities does this firm have?
A) $94,792
B) $505,678
C) $171,217
D) none of the above
Ans: A
Total assets = $145,332 + 356,190 + $4,176 = $505,698
Stockholders' equity = $200,000 + $134,461 = $334,461
Current = Total liabilities – Long-term debt – Stockholders' equity
= $505,698 – $76,445 – $334,461 = $94,792

57. Teakap, Inc., has current assets of $ 1,456,312 and total assets of $4,812,369 for the
year ending September 30, 2006. It also has current liabilities of $1,041,012, common
equity of $1,500,000, and retained earnings of $1,468,347. How much long-term debt
does the firm have?
A) $1,844,022
B) $2,303,010
C) $2,123,612
D) $803,010
Ans: D
Stockholders' equity = $1,500,000 + $1,468,347 = $2,968,347
Long-term = Total assets – Current liabilities – Stockholders' equity
= $4,812,369 – $1,041,012 – $2,968,347 = $803,010

58. Chandler Sporting Goods produces baseball and football equipment and lines of
clothing. This year the company had cash and marketable securities worth $335,485,
accounts payables worth $1,159,357, inventory of $1,651,599, accounts receivables of
$1,488,121, short-term notes payable worth $313,663, and other current assets of
$121,427. What is the company's net working capital?
A) $3,596,632
B) $1,801,784
C) $2,123,612
D) $1,673,421
Ans: C
Total current assets = $335,485 + 1,488,121 + $1,651,599 + $121,427 = $3,596,632
Total current liabilities = $1,159,357 + $313,663 = $1,473,020
Net working capital = $3,596,632 – $1,473,020 = $2,123,612

net income họ cho để nhữ thôi nha.

59. Tre-Bien Bakeries generated net income of $233,412 this year. At year end, the
company had accounts receivables of $47,199, inventory of $63,781, and cash of
$21,461. It also had accounts payables of $51,369, short-term notes payables of
$11,417, and accrued taxes of $6,145. The net working capital of the firm is
A) $68,931
B) $63,510
C) $69,655
D) none of the above
Ans: B
Total current assets = $21,461 + $47,199 +$63,781 = $132,481
Total current liabilities = $51,369 + $11,417 + $6,145 = $68,931
Net working capital = $132,481 – $68,931 = $63,510

60. Spartan, Inc., is a manufacturer of automobile parts located in Greenville, South
Carolina. At the end of the current fiscal year, the company had net working capital of
$157,903. The company showed accounts payables of $94,233, accounts receivables of
$83,112, inventory of $171,284, and cash and marketable securities of $12,311. What
amount of notes payables does the firm have?
A) $14,571
B) $26,882
C) $15,471
D) none of the above
Ans: A
Total current assets = $12,311 + $83,112 + $171,284 = $266,707
Net working capital = $266,707 – Total current liabilities = $157,903
Total current liabilities = $266,707 – $157,903 = $108,804
Total current liabilities = $108,804 = Accounts payables + Notes payables
Notes payables = $108,804 - $94,233 = $14,571

61. Centennial Brewery produced revenues of $1,145,227 in 2008. It has expenses

(excluding depreciation) of $812,640, depreciation of $131,335, and interest expense of
$81,112. It pays an average tax rate of 34 percent. What is the firm's net income after
A) $120,140
B) $248,475
C) $79,292
D) $40,848
Ans: C
Earnings before taxes = $1,145,227 – ($812,640 + $131,335 + $81,112) = $120,140
Net income = $120,140 (1 – 0.34) = $79,292

62. Simplex Healthcare had net income of $5,411,623 after paying taxes at 34 percent. The
firm had revenues of $20,433,770. Their interest expense for the year was $1,122,376,
while depreciation expense was $2,079,112. What was the firm's operating expenses
excluding depreciation?
A) $8,199,429
B) $9,032,853 bấm shift sovle cẩn thận là được heehe
C) $9,321,805
D) none of the above
Ans: B
Earnings before = Net income / (1 – Tax rate)
= $5,411,623 / (1 – 0.34) = $8,199,429
EBIT = EBT + Interest expense = $8,199,429 + $1,122,376 = $9,321,805
Revenues – Operating expenses – Depreciation = EBIT
Operating = Revenues – Depreciation – EBIT
= $20,433,770 – $2,079,112 – $9,321,805
= $9,032,853

63. Triumph Trading Company provided the following information to its auditors. For the
year ended March 31, 2008, the company had revenues of $1,122,878, operating
expenses (excluding depreciation and leasing expenses) of $612,663, depreciation
expenses of $231,415, leasing expenses of $126,193, and interest expenses equal to
$87,125. If the company's tax rate was average 34 percent, what is its net income after
A) $43,218
B) $65,482
C) $152,607
D) none of the above
Ans: A
EBIT = $1,122,878 – ($612,663 + $231,415 + $126,193) = $152,607
Earnings before taxes = ($152,607 – $87,125) = $65,482
Net income = $65,482 (1 – 0.34) = $43,218

64. Parrino Corporation has announced that its net income for the year ended June 30,
2008, is $1,824,214. The company had an EBITDA of $ 5,174,366, and its depreciation
and amortization expense was equal to $1,241,790. The company's average tax rate is
34 percent. What is the amount of interest expense for the firm?
A) $2,763,961
B) $939,747
C) $1,187,720
D) $1,168,615
Ans: D
EBITDA $5,174,366.00
Depreciation 1,241,790.00
EBIT $3,932,576.00
Interest 1,168,615.39
EBT $2,763,960.61
Taxes (34%) 939,746.61
Net income $1,824,214.00

65. During 2008, Towson Recording Company increased its investment in marketable
securities by $36,845, funded fixed assets acquisition by $109,455, and had marketable
securities to the tune of $14,215 mature. What is the net cash provided (used) in
investing activities?
A) $132,085
B) $145,940
C) –$132,085
D) none of the above
Ans: C
Cash inflows from investing activities = $14,215
Cash outflows from investing activities = $36,845 + $ 109,455 = $146,300
Net cash flows from investing activities = $14,215 – $146,300 = $(132,085)

66. Trident Manufacturing Company's treasurer identified the following cash flows during
this year as significant. It had repaid existing debt to the tune of $425,110, while raising
additional debt capital of $750,000. It also repurchased stock in the open markets for a
total of $63,250. It paid $233,144 in dividends to its shareholders. What is the net cash
provided (used) by financing activities?
A) $28,496
B) $91,746
C) –$28,496
D) –$91,746
Ans: A
Cash inflows from financing activities = $750,000
Cash outflows from financing activities = $425,110 + $63,250 + $233,144 = $721,504
Net cash flows from financing activities = $750,000 – $721,504 = $28,496

67. Super Grocers, Inc., provided the following financial information for the quarter ending
September 30, 2006:

Depreciation and amortization – $133,414 Net income – $341,463

Increase in receivables – $ 112,709 Increase in inventory – $81,336
Increase in accounts payables – $62,411
Decrease in marketable securities – $31,225

What is the cash flow from operating activities generated during this quarter by the
A) $308,458
B) $374,468
C) –$374,468
D) –$308,458
Ans: B
2008 Statement of Cash Flows ($ thousands)
Operating Activities
Net income $341,463
Additions (sources of cash)
Depreciation and amortization 133,414
Increase in accounts payable 62,411
Decrease in marketable securities 31,225
Subtractions (uses of cash)
Increase in accounts receivable (112,709)
Increase in inventories (81,336)
Net cash provided by operating activities $374,468

Use the following to answer questions 68-70:

Thunderbird Amusement Park—Balance Sheet as of June 30

Assets 2007 2008
Cash $ 13,221 $ 11,729
Accounts receivables 31,323 37,909
Inventory 77,244 91,617
Total current assets $121,788 $141,255
Net fixed assets 344,712 390,836
Total assets $466,500 $532,091

Liabilities and Stockholders' Equity

Accounts payable $ 38,549 $ 42,881
Notes payable 12,004 16,753
Deferred taxes 21,934 16,788
Total current liabilities $ 72,487 $ 76,422
Long-term debt 78,445 61,290
Common stock 125,000 175,000
Retained earnings 190,568 219,379
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $466,500 $532,091

The company had a net income of $248,462, and depreciation expenses were equal to $72,487.

68. What is the firm's cash flow from operating activities?

A) $304,322
B) $299,176
C) $192,602
D) none of the above
Ans: B
Operating Activities
Net income $248,462
Additions (sources of cash)
Depreciation and amortization 72,487
Increase in accounts payable 4,332
Subtractions (uses of cash)
Increase in accounts receivable (6,586)
Increase in inventories (14,373)
Decrease in deferred taxes (5,146)
Net cash provided by operating $299,176

69. What is the firm's cash flow from investing activities?
A) $0
B) $46,124
C) –$46,124
D) none of the above
Ans: C
Cash inflows from investing activities = $0
Cash outflows from investing activities = $46,124
Net cash flows from investing activities = –$46,124

70. What is the firm's cash flow from financing activities?

A) –$66,405
B) $61,656
C) –$61,656
D) -$182,057
Ans: D
Cash inflows from financing activities = $4,749 + $50,000 = $54,749

Net income – Dividends = increase to R/E

$248,462 – $28,811 = $219,651
Cash outflows from financing activities = $17,155 + $219,651 = $ 236,806
Net cash flows from financing activities = $54,749 – $236,806 =
- $182,057

71. Trimeton Corporation announced that in the year ended June 30, 2008, its earnings
before taxes amounted to $2,367,045. Calculate its taxes using the following table.
Tax Rate Taxable Income
15% $0 to $50,000
25 50,001 – 75,000
34 75,001 – 100,000
39 100,001 – 335,000
34 335,001 – 10,000,000
35 10,000,001 – 15,000,000
38 15,000,001 – 18,333,333
35 More than $18,333,333
A) $804,795
B) $690,895
C) $713,145
D) none of the above
Ans: A
Earnings before tax = $2,367,045

Tax rate Income Tax

15% $0 to $50,000 $
25 50,001 – 75,000 6,250.00
34 75,001 – 100,000 8,500.00
39 100,001 – 335,000 91,650.00
34 335,001 – 10,000,000 690,895.30
35 10,000,001 – 15,000,000
38 15,000,001 – 18,333,333
35 More than $18,333,333
Total taxes payable $804,795.30

72. Chartworth Associates' financial statements indicated that the company had EBITDA of
$3,145,903. It had depreciation of $633,000, and its interest rate on debt of $1.25
million was 7.5 percent. Calculate the amount of taxes the company is likely to owe.

Tax Rate Taxable Income

15% $0 to $50,000
25 50,001 – 75,000
34 75,001 – 100,000
39 100,001 – 335,000
34 335,001 – 10,000,000
35 10,000,001 – 15,000,000
38 15,000,001 – 18,333,333
35 More than $18,333,333
A) $1,069,607
B) $1,037,732
C) $822,512
D) none of the above
Ans: C
EBITDA $3,145,903
Depreciation (633,000)
Interest (93,750)
EBT $2,419,153

T Income Tax

1 $0 to $50,000 $ 7,500.00
2 50,001 – 75,000 6,250.00
3 75,001 – 100,000 8,500.00
3 100,001 – 335,000 91,650.00
3 335,001 – 10,000,000 $708,612.02

3 10,000,001 – 15,000,000
3 15,000,001 – 18,333,333
3 More than $18,333,333
Total taxes payable $822,512.02

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 7
Level of Difficulty: Hard
73. Chartworth Associates’ financial statements indicated that the company has EBITDA
of $3,145,903. It had depreciation of $633,000, and its interest rate on debt of $1.25
million was 7.5%. The company is likely to owe $822,512 in taxes. What are the
marginal and average tax rates for this company?

Tax Rate Taxable Income

15% $0 to $50,000
25 50,001 – 75,000
34 75,001 – 100,000
39 100,001 – 335,000
34 335,001 – 10,000,000
35 10,000,001 – 15,000,000
38 15,000,001 – 18,333,333
35 More than $18,333,333
A) 34%, 35%
B) 35%, 34%
C) 34%, 34%
D) none of the above
Ans: C
Marginal tax rate = 34%
Average tax rate = Total taxes ÷ Taxable income
= $822,512 ÷ $2,419,153
= 34%

74. Which of the following is the best example of how a market-value balance sheet item
differs from the firm’s book-value balance sheet item?
A) A firm issued long-term bonds five-years ago that currently sell for par value.
B) A firm sold common stock twenty-years ago for $20.00 share. The firm’s
common stock is currently selling for $96.50 per share.
C) A firm has $5 million of accrued liabilities on the books.
D) A firm issued preferred stock ten-years ago. These shares of preferred stock
currently are selling for par value.
Ans: B

75. Which of the following statements is not a limitation associated with market
valuation of balance sheet accounts?
A) It can be difficult to identify the market value of an asset, particularly if there are
few transactions involving comparable assets.
B) The estimates of market value can involve complex financial modeling, and the
resulting numbers can be open to manipulation and abuse.
C) Marking to market provides decision makers with a better chance of making
the correct economic decision, given the information available. tốt hơn nhưng thực sự rất khó thực hiện.
D) Mark-to-market accounting can become inaccurate if market prices deviate from
the ―fundamental‖ values of assets and liabilities.
Ans: C

76. EBIT: Arco Steel, Inc. generated total sales of $45,565,200 during fiscal 2010.
Depreciation and amortization for the year totaled $2,278,260, and cost of goods sold
was $27,339,120. Interest expense for the year was $9,641,300 and selling, general, and
administrative expenses totaled $4,556,520 for the year. What is Arco’s EBIT for
2010? chưa trừ thuế và interest nha
A) $9,641,300
B) $11,391,300
C) $13,275,030
D) $18,490,000
Ans: B

Arco Steel, Inc. 2010

Net sales $ 45,565,200

Cost of goods sold 27,339,120

Gross Profit $ 18,226,080

Selling, general & administrative expenses 4,556,520

Depreciation & amortization 2,278,260

Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) $ 11,391,300

77. Which of the following is an income statement item?

A) Accumulated depreciation. balance sheet
B) Accrued taxes.
C) Retained earnings.
D) Selling and administrative expenses.
Ans: D

78. Which of the following presents a summary of the changes in a firm’s balance sheet
from the beginning of an accounting period to the end of that accounting period?
A) The statement of retained earnings.
B) The statement of working capital.
C) The statement of cash flows. CHÊNH LỆCH TRONG BẢNG BALANCE SHEET được thể hiện ở cash flow đó nha
D) The statement of net worth.
Ans: C

79. Which of the following is a cash flow from investing activities?

A) Cash payment of dividends to shareholders. F
B) Cash from sale of products. O
C) Purchase of plant, and equipment. liên quan đến tài sản dài hạn là được.
D) Rent received from industrial property owned. O
Ans: C

80. Statement of Cash Flows – Cash from Financing Activities: Natural Lite, Inc.
reported the following items during fiscal 2010. The firm purchased marketable -
securities of $87,500, paid down a long-term loan in the amount of $650,000, -
mua thiết bị mới purchased $4,250,000 of new equipment. The firm also sold $6,250,000 of common +
là Investing k tính.
stock, paid $350,225 in -dividends to its common shareholders, and repurchased
- $1,250,000 of common stock in the open market. What is the net cash provided by
financing activities? (Round off to the nearest)
A) $4,575,210
B) $1,733,285
C) $3,999,775
D) $2,467,915
Ans: C

Cash inflows from financing activities = $6,250,000

Cash outflows from financing activities = $650,000 + $1,250,000 + $350,225 =
Net cash flows from financing activities = $6,250,000 – $2,150,225 = $3,999,775

81. Which of the following best represents cash flows to investors?

A) Cash flow from operating activity, plus cash flow generated from net working
B) Earnings before interest and taxes times 1 minus the firm’s tax rate.
C) Net income, minus dividends paid to preferred stockholders.
D) Cash flow from operating activity, minus cash flow invested in net working
capital, minus cash flow invested in long-term assets. chính xác là công thức dòng tiền cho nhà đầu tư luôn hehe,
Ans: D tiền có được từ hoạt động kinh doanh đổ về vốn lưu động, tài
sản dàu hạn còn lại bao nhiêu sẽ là của investors.

82. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Only 20 percent of interest income is taxable income for a corporation.
B) Dividend income is fully taxable income.
C) Interest paid on debt obligations is a tax-deductible business expense.
D) Dividends paid to stockholders are a tax-deductible business expense.
Ans: C

83. Federal Income Tax: United Brands Corp. just completed their latest fiscal year. The
firm had sales of $16,650,000. Depreciation and amortization was $832,500, interest
expense for the year was $825,000, and selling general and administrative expenses
totaled $1,665,000 for the year, and cost of goods sold was $9,990,000 for the year.
Assuming a federal income tax rate of 34%, what was the United Brands net income
A) $2,202,750
B) $1,745,325
C) $3,505,100
D) $2,813,000
Ans: A

United Brands Corp. 2010

Net sales $ 16,650,000

Cost of goods sold 9,990,000

Gross Profit 6,660,000

Selling, general & administrative expenses 1,665,000

Depreciation & amortization 832,500

Earnings Before Interest & Taxes (EBIT) 4,162,500

Interest expense 825,000

Earnings Before Taxes (EBIT) 3,337,500

Income Taxes 1,134,750

Net Income after-tax 2,202,750

26. Financial statements can be analyzed from the following three different
A) management, regulator, and bondholder
B) management, shareholder, and creditor
C) regulator, shareholder, and creditor
D) shareholder, creditor, and regulator
27. Shareholders analyze financial statements in order to:
A) assess the cash flows that the firm will generate from operations/
B) determine the firm's profitability, their return for that period, and the dividend
they are likely to receive.
C) focus on the value of the stock they hold.
D) All of the above.
28. The creditors of a firm analyze financial statements so that they can focus on
A) the firm's amount of debt.
B) the firm's ability to generate sufficient cash flows to meet all legal obligations
first and still have sufficient cash flows to meet debt repayment and interest
C) the firm's ability to meet its short-term obligations.
D) All of the above.
29. A firm's management analyzes financial statement's so that:
A) they can get feedback on their investing, financing, and working capital decisions
by identifying trends in the various accounts that are reported in the financial
B) similar to shareholders, they can focus on profitability, dividend, capital
appreciation, and return on investment.
C) they can get more stock options. câu c đọc vào đã thấy méo liên quan gì rồi
D) a and b.
30. Anyone analyzing a firm's financial statements should
A) use audited financial statements only. vì nó đã có kiểm duyệt đúng với tiêu chuẩn của quốc tế, đồng thời đáng tin cậy rồi.
B) do a trend analysis.
C) perform a benchmark analysis.
D) All of the above.
31. An individual analyzing a firm's financial statements should do all but one of the
A) Use unaudited financial statements. phải được kiểm chửng rồi .
B) Do a trend analysis.
C) Perform a benchmark analysis.
D) Compare the firm's performance to that of its direct competitors.
32. All but one of the following is true of common-size balance sheets. tính theo percentage, Asset = 100%
A) Each asset and liability item on the balance sheet is standardized by dividing it by
total assets.
B) Balance sheet accounts are represented as percentages of total assets.
C) Each asset and liability item on the balance sheet is standardized by dividing
it by sales. có thể áp dụng riêng trong bảng income statement thôi nè.
D) Common-size financial statements allow us to make meaningful comparisons

cái tên common size là để đẩy hai
between the financial statements of two firms that are different in size. bởi cái khác size này về cùng một góc độ.
33. All but one of the following is true of common-size income statements.
A) Each income statement item is standardized by dividing it by total assets. áp dụng trong bảng
income thì lấy chuẩn là net
B) Income statement accounts are represented as percentages of sales. sales. còn bảng balance
sheet mới chuẩn là total
C) Each income statement item is standardized by dividing it by sales. assets.
D) Common-size financial statement analysis is a specialized application of ratio
34. Common-size financial statements:
A) are a specialized application of ratio analysis.
B) allow us to make meaningful comparisons between the financial statements of
two firms that are different in size.
C) are prepared by having each financial statement item expressed as a percentage of
some base number, such as total assets or total revenues.
D) All of the above are true.
35. Which of the following is true of ratio analysis?
A) A ratio is computed by dividing one balance sheet or income statement by
B) The choice of the scale determines the story that can be garnered from the ratio.
C) Ratios can be calculated based on the type of firm being analyzed or the kind of
analysis being performed. từng ngành có những chỉ số khác nhau cần được đảm bảo.
D) All of the above are true.
36. Which of the following is NOT true of liquidity ratios?
A) They measure the ability of the firm to meet short-term obligations with
short-term assets without putting the firm in financial trouble.
B) There are two commonly used ratios to measure liquidity—current ratio and
quick ratio.
C) For manufacturing firms, quick ratios will tend to be much larger than
current ratios. đa số các ngành, nhất là ngành này thì quick nó thua current rất nhiều.
D) The higher the number, the more liquid the firm and the better its ability to pay its
short-term bills.
37. All but one of the following is true about quick ratios. k tính inventory
A) The quick ratio is calculated by dividing the most liquid of current assets by
current liabilities.
B) Service firms that tend not to carry too much inventory will see significantly
higher quick ratios than current ratios. quick lúc nào cũng thấp hơn current nha mấy má.
C) Inventory, being not very liquid, is subtracted from total current assets to
determine the most liquid assets.
D) Quick ratios will tend to be much smaller than current ratio for manufacturing
firms or other industries that have a lot of inventory.
38. Which one of the following does NOT change a firm's current ratio?
A) The firm collects on its accounts receivables. collect rồi thì Ả chuyển thành revenue, số tiền tương đương về với firm nên
không có sự khác biệt nha.
B) The firm purchases inventory by taking a short-term loan. tăng inventory -> current tăng
C) The firm pays down its accounts payables. làm tăng current
D) None of the above.
39. All else being equal, which one of the following will decrease a firm's current ratio?

A) a decrease in the net fixed assets k liên quan
B) a decrease in depreciation k liên quan
C) an increase in accounts payable mẫu tăng thì phân số nhất định giảm.
D) None of the above
40. All but one of the following is true about the inventory turnover ratio.
A) It is calculated by dividing inventory by cost of goods sold. COGS/ nha.
INVENTORY => divide COGS by inventory

B) It measures how many times the inventory is turned over into saleable products.
C) The more times a firm can turnover the inventory, the better. BÁN ĐƯỢC NHIỀU HƠN
D) Too high a turnover or too low a turnover could be a warning sign.
41. Which one of the following statements is NOT true? khi thu được AR => nó trở thành sales/ revenue.
A) The accounts receivables turnover ratio measures how quickly the firm collects
on its credit sales. NET SALES / A.R ( turnover của cái gì thì lấy cái đó làm mẫu)
B) One ratio that measures the efficiency of a firm's collection policy is days' sales
C) The more days that it takes the firm to collect on its receivables, the more
efficient the firm is. firm phải kiểm soát ngày đòi lại nợ hiệu quá, k được chậm mà cũng k nên nhanh quá.
D) DSO measures in days, the time the firm takes to convert its receivables into
42. One of the following statements is NOT true of asset turnover ratios.
A) Asset turnover ratios measure the level of sales per dollar of assets that the firm
has. một dollar giá trị của asset tạo ra được bao nhiêu dollar tiền lợi.
B) The fixed assets turnover ratio is less significant for equipment-intensive sai là đúng rồi tại ngành công
nghiệp như thế đa số tạo
manufacturing industry firms than the total assets turnover ratio. revenue từ FIXED ASSETS.
C) The higher the total asset turnover, the more efficiently management is using total
assets. tạo được nhiều đồng lời hơn từ assets
D) All of the above are true.
43. Which one of the following statements is correct?
A) The lower the level of a firm's debt, the higher the firm's leverage. debt và leverage nó tỉ lệ thuận với nhau.
B) The lower the level of a firm's debt, the lower the firm's equity multiplier. tài sản nó đến chủ yếu đến
equity nên chỉ số đó thấp là
C) The lower the level of a firm's debt, the higher the firm's equity multiplier. phải rồi.
D) The tax benefit from using debt financing reduces a firm's risk.
44. If firm A has a higher debt-to-equity ratio than firm B, then
A) firm A has a lower equity multiplier than firm B.
B) firm B has a lower equity multiplier than firm A.
C) firm B has lower financial leverage than firm A. mình thấy cả câu b và c ở trường hợp này đều đúng mà.
D) None of the above.
45. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
A) A leveraged firm is more risky than a firm that is not leveraged.
B) A leveraged firm is less risky than a firm that is not leveraged. more nha. nợ nhiều hơn thì sao mà an toàn
hơn được.
C) A firm that uses debt magnifies the return to its shareholders.
D) All of the above statements are correct.
46. Coverage ratios, like times interest earned and cash coverage ratio, allow
A) a firm's management to assess how well they meet short-term liabilities.
B) a firm's shareholders to assess how well the firm will meet its short-term

C) a firm's creditors to assess how well the firm will meet its interest obligations. ở đây cụ thể chỉ đang nhắc
đến mục interest thôi đó.
D) a firm's creditors to assess how well the firm will meet its short-term liabilities
other than interest expense.
47. For a firm that has no debt in its capital structure,
C) ROE = ROA. Asset =
D) None of the above.
48. For a firm that has both debt and equity,
A) ROE > ROA. mẫu equity bé hơn mẫu ( E+ L)
D) None of the above.
49. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct?
A) The DuPont system is based on two equations that relate a firm's ROA and ROE.
B) The DuPont system is a set of related ratios that links the balance sheet and the
income statement.
C) Both management and shareholders can use this tool to understand the factors
that drive a firm's ROE.
D) All of the above are correct. đọc hiểu được nè.
50. The DuPont equation shows that a firm's ROE is determined by three factors:
A) net profit margin, total asset turnover, and the equity multiplier = ROA nhân the equity multiplier.
B) operating profit margin, ROA, and the ROE
C) net profit margin, total asset turnover, the ROA
D) ROA, total assets turnover, and the equity multiplier
51. Which one of the following is a criticism of equating the goals of maximizing the
ROE of a firm and maximizing the firm's shareholder wealth? sự đối lập làm cho việc tập trung vào tăng ROE nó khác
với vào Shareholders wealth.
A) ROE is based on after-tax earnings, not cash flows.
B) ROE does not consider risk.
C) ROE ignores the size of the initial investment as well as future cash flows.
D) All of the above are criticisms of ROE as a goal.
52. Which one of the following is NOT an advantage of using ROE as a goal?
A) ROE is highly correlated with shareholder wealth maximization.
B) ROE and the DuPont analysis allow management to break down the performance
and identify areas of strengths and weaknesses.
C) ROE does not consider risk. disadvandtage thì có.
D) All of the above are advantages of using ROE as a goal.
53. Which one of the following statements about trend analysis is NOT correct?
A) This benchmark is based on a firm's historical performance.
B) It allows management to examine each ratio over time and determine whether the
trend is good or bad for the firm.
C) The Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) System is used to identify
benchmark firms. học hiểu nha chơ thấy hơi lạ ó.
D) All of the above are true statements.
54. Peer group analysis can be performed by

A) management choosing a set of firms that are similar in size or sales, or who
compete in the same market.
B) using the average ratios of this peer group, which would then be used as the
C) identifying firms in the same industry that are grouped by size, sales, and product
lines in order to establish benchmark ratios. chỉ cần nó liên quan đến công ty của mình là được rồi.
D) Only a and b relate to peer group analysis.
55. Limitations of ratio analysis include all but
A) Ratios depend on accounting data based on historical costs.
B) Differences in accounting practices like FIFO versus LIFO make comparison
C) Trend analysis could be distorted by financial statements affected by inflation.
D) All of the above are limitations of ratio analysis. oki đọc những câu như này phải cẩn thận.
56. Liquidity ratio: Lionel, Inc., has current assets of $623,122, including inventory of
$241,990, and current liabilities of 378,454. What is the quick ratio?
A) 1.65
B) 0.64
C) 1.01
D) None of the above
57. Liquidity ratio: Bathez Corp. has receivables of $334,227, inventory of $451,000,
cash of $73,913, and accounts payables of $469,553. What is the firm's current ratio?
A) 1.83
B) 0.73
C) 1.67
D) None of the above
58. Liquidity ratio: Zidane Enterprises has a current ratio of 1.92, current liabilities of
$272,934, and inventory of 197,333. What is the firm's quick ratio?
A) 0.72
B) 1.20
C) 1.92
D) None of the above
cẩn thận bài này nè. 59. Liquidity ratio: Ronaldinho Trading Co. is required by its bank to maintain a current
ratio of at least 1.75, and its current ratio now is 2.1. The firm plans to acquire
additional inventory to meet an unexpected surge in the demand for its products and
will pay for the inventory with short-term debt. How much inventory can the firm
purchase without violating its debt agreement if their total current assets equal $3.5
A) $0
B) $777,777
C) $1 million
D) None of the above
60. Efficiency ratio: If Randolph Corp. has accounts receivables of $654,803 and net sales
of $1,932,349, what is its accounts receivable turnover? net sales/ ar
A) 0.34 times
B) 1.78 times

C) 2.95 times
D) None of the above
61. Efficiency ratio: If Viera, Inc., has an accounts receivable turnover of 3.9 times and
net sales of $3,436,812, what is its level of receivables?
A) $881,234
B) $13,403,567
C) $1,340,357
D) $81,234
62. Efficiency ratio: Jason Traders has sales of $833,587, a gross profit margin of 32.4
percent, and inventory of $178,435. What is the company's inventory turnover ratio?
A) 4.67 times
B) 3.16 times =(sales-gpm)/inventory
C) 4.1 times
D) None of the above
63. Efficiency ratio: Gateway Corp. has an inventory turnover ratio of 5.6. What is the
firm's days' sales in inventory?
A) 65.2 days = 365 / 5.6
B) 64.3 days
C) 61.7 days
D) 57.9 days
64. Efficiency ratio: Jet, Inc., has net sales of $712,478 and accounts receivables of
$167,435. What are the firm's accounts receivables turnover and days' sales
A) 0.24 times; 78.5 days
B) 4.26 times; 85.7 days
C) 5.2 times; 61.3 days
D) None of the above
65. Efficiency ratio: Ellicott City Manufacturers, Inc., has sales of $6,344,210, and a gross
profit margin of 67.3 percent. What is the firm's cost of goods sold?
A) $2,074,557 ( sales - cogs)/ sales = 0.673
B) $2,745,640
C) $274,560
D) None of the above
66. Efficiency ratio: Deutsche Bearings has total sales of $9,745,923, inventories of
$2,237,435, cash and equivalents of $755,071, and days' sales outstanding of 49 days.
If the firm's management wanted its DSO to be 35 days, by how much will the
accounts receivable have to change?
A) $373,816.23
B) -$373,816.23 có nghĩa là giảm. AR tỉ lệ thuận với số ngày DSO.
C) -$379,008.12
D) $379,008.12
67. Coverage ratio: Trident Corp. has debt of $3.35 million with an interest rate of 6.875
percent. The company has an EBIT of $2,766,009. What is its times interest earned?
A) 13 times
B) 12 times ebit/ interest.

C) 11 times
D) None of the above
68. Coverage ratios: Sectors, Inc., has an EBIT of $7,221,643 and interest expense of
$611,800. Its depreciation for the year is $1,434,500. What is its cash coverage ratio? ebitda/ interest.
A) 15.42 times
B) 18.34 times
C) 14.15 times
D) None of the above
69. Coverage ratios: Fahr Company had depreciation expenses of $630,715, interest
expenses of $112,078, and an EBIT of $1,542,833 for the year ended June 30, 2006.
What are the times interest earned and cash coverage ratios for this company?
A) 19.4 times; 12.7 times
B) 17.3 time; 11.4 times
C) 13.8 times; 19.4 times
D) None of the above
70. Leverage ratio: Your firm has an equity multiplier of 2.47. What is its debt-to-equity
EM= 1 + debt-to-equity ratio.
A) 0.60
B) 1.47
C) 1.74
D) 0
71. Leverage ratio: What will be a firm's equity multiplier given a debt ratio of 0.45?
A) 1.82 D = 0.45 A => E= 0.55 A.=> EM = a/ 0.55a = 1.82
B) 1.28
C) 2.22
D) None of the above
72. Leverage ratio: Dreisen Traders has total debt of $1,233,837 and total assets of
$2,178,990. What are the firm's equity multiplier and debt-to-equity ratio?(Round to
nearest whole percent)
A) 2.31; 1.31
B) 1.75; 0.75
C) 0.75; 1.75 nhìn vào chưa tính cũng phải biết loại C và D nghe chưa.
D) 1.31; 2.31
73. Market-value ratio: RTR Corp. has reported a net income of $812,425 for the year.
The company's share price is $13.45, and the company has 312,490 shares outstanding.
Compute the firm's price-earnings ratio.
A) 4.87 times
B) 8.12 times
C) 5.17 times
D) None of the above
74. Market-value ratios: Perez Electronics Corp. has reported that its net income for 2006
is $1,276,351. The firm has 420,000 shares outstanding and a P-E ratio of 11.2 times.
What is the firm's share price?
A) $34.05
B) $3.68

C) $11.20
D) $36.80
75. Profitability ratio: Juventus Corp has total assets of $4,744,288, total debt of
$2,912,000, and net sales of $7,212,465. Their net profit margin for the year is 18
percent. What is Juventus's ROA? asset turnover nữa là tính ra được. hoặc tính net incom => net ic/ assets.

A) 25.6%
B) 18%
C) 27.4%
D) None of the above
76. DuPont equation: GenTech Pharma has reported the following information:
Sales/Total assets = 2.89; ROA = 10.74%; ROE = 20.36%
What are the firm's profit margin and equity multiplier?
A) 7.1%; 0.53 ROA/ Asset turnover. ROE/ROA

B) 7.1%; 1.90
C) 3.7%; 0.53
D) 3.7%; 1.90
77. Profitability ratios: Tigger Corp. has reported the financial results for year-end 2006.
Based on the information given, calculate the firm's gross profit margin and
operating profit margin. EBiT/ net sales

Net sales = $4,156,700 Net income = $778,321

Cost of goods sold = $2,715,334 EBIT = $1,356,098
A) 34.7%; 32.6%
B) 32.6%; 18.72%
C) 34.7%; 18.72%
D) None of the above
78. DuPont equation: Andrade Corp has debt of $2,834,950, total assets of $5,178,235,
sales of $8,234,121, and net income of $812,355. What is the firm's return on equity?
A) 7.1%t net income/ (A-L)

B) 34.7%
C) 28.1%
D) 43.2%
79. DuPont equation: Saunders, Inc., has a ROE of 18.7 percent, an equity multiplier of
2.53, sales of $2.75 million, and a total assets turnover of 2.7 times. What is the firm's
net income?
A) $75,281.80 liên kết từ từ với nhau là nó ra á.
B) $514,250.00
C) $51,425.00
D) $7,528.10
80. DuPont equation: Sorenstam Corp has an equity multiplier of 2.34 times, total assets
of $4,512,895, a ROE of 17.5 percent, and a total assets turnover of 3.1 times. Calculate
the firm's ROA.
A) 6.23%
B) 4.53%
C) 7.48%

D) 5.79%
81. Which of the following is a benefit of a common-size income statement?
A) It is very useful to assess how effectively a firm collected its accounts receivable.
B) It reveals a great deal of information about the adequacy of a firm’s net working
C) It can tell the analyst a great deal about the firm’s efficiency and
D) It reveals how effectively a firm has increased its sales.
82. Why is the quick ratio considered by some to be a better measure of liquidity than
the current ratio?
A) The quick ratio more accurately reflects a firm's profitability.
B) It omits the least liquid current asset from the numerator of the ratio.
C) The current ratio does not include accounts receivable.
D) It measures how "quickly" cash flows through the firm.
83. Return on Equity: In the latest year, Photon, Inc. reported $276,000 in net income.
The firm maintains a debt ratio of 30% and has total assets of $3,000,000. What is
Photon's return on equity? (Round off to the nearest 0.1%)
A) 13.1%
B) 14.6%
C) 22.5%
D) 18.7%
84. Which of the following is not a method of ―benchmarking‖? overtime, peer, industry. ba ý như rứa thoi.
A) Conduct an industry group analysis.
B) Utilize the DuPont system to analyze a firm’s performance.
C) Evaluating a single firm’s performance over time.
D) Identify a group of firms that compete with the company being analyzed.

85. There are those that believe that the analysis of financial statements has limitations.
Which of the statements below would qualify as a limitation of financial statement
A) Ratio analysis requires the analyst to evaluate a firm’s performance over too
many years to be of any value.
B) Proper ratio analysis requires the analyst to rely upon audited financial
statements, which can be easily manipulated.
C) Thorough ratio analysis requires the analyst to refer to benchmarking, which is
very easy to misinterpret.
D) Ratio analysis requires the analyst to utilize accounting data that is based on
historical costs instead of current market values.

Chapter 5:
36. The time value of money refers to the issue of
A) what the value of the stream of future cash flows is today.
B) why a dollar received tomorrow is worth more than a dollar received today.
C) why a dollar received tomorrow is worth the same as a dollar received today.
D) None of the above.

37. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) The time value money refers to what the value of the stream of future cash flows
today is.
B) A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received tomorrow.
C) A dollar received tomorrow is worth less than a dollar received today.
D) A dollar received today is worth less than a dollar received tomorrow.
38. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The value of a dollar invested at a positive interest rate grows over time.
B) The further in the future you receive a dollar, the less it is worth today.
C) A dollar in hand today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the future.
D) The further in the future you receive a dollar, the more it is worth today. khấu từ tương lai càng xa về hiện tại
thì giá trị nó càng thấp đó
39. Future value measures
A) what one or more cash flows are worth at the end of a specified period.
B) what one or more cash flows that is to be received in the future will be worth
C) both a and b
D) None of the above
40. Which one of the following statements is true?
A) Individuals prefer to consume goods right away rather than in the future.
B) Individuals prefer to consume goods in the future rather than right away.
C) The time of consumption is irrelevant to individuals.
D) None of the above.
41. The process of converting an amount given at the present time into a future value is
A) time value of money.
B) discounting.
C) compounding.
D) None of the above.
42. The process of converting future cash flows to what its present value is
A) time value of money.
B) discounting.
C) compounding.
D) none of the above.
43. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Present value calculations involve bringing a future amount back to the present.
B) The present value (PV) is often called the discounted value of future cash
C) The present value factor is more commonly called the discount factor.
D) All of the above are true statements.
44. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) Present value calculations involve bringing a future amount back to the present.
B) The future value is often called the discounted value of future cash payments. compounded mới đúng.
C) The present value factor is more commonly called the discount factor.
D) The higher the discount rate, the lower the present value of a dollar.
45. The Rule of 72 tính thời gian cần để nhận được gấp đôi khoản đầu tư.
A) can be used to determine the amount of time it takes to double an investment.
B) is fairly accurate for interest rates between 25 and 50 percent.
C) states that the time to double your money (TDM) approximately equals 72/i,
where 72 represents the years it takes to double your investment.
D) None of the above describe the Rule of 72.
46. Using higher discount rates will
A) not affect the present value of the future cash flow.
B) increase the present value of any future cash flow.
C) decrease the present value of any future cash flow.
D) None of the above.
47. Using higher interest rates will
A) not affect the future value of the investment.
B) increase the future value of any investment.
C) decrease the future value of any investment.
D) None of the above.
48. Using lower discount rates will
A) not affect the present value of the future cash flow.
B) increase the present value of any future cash flow.
C) decrease the present value of any future cash flow.
D) None of the above.
49. Using lower interest rates will
A) decrease the future value of any investment.
B) increase the future value of any investment.
C) not affect the future value of the investment.
D) None of the above.
50. Your aunt is looking to invest a certain amount today. Which of the following choices
should she opt for?
A) three-year CD at 6.5% annual rate
B) three-year CD at 6.75% annual rate
C) three-year CD at 6.25% annual rate
D) three-year CD at 7% annual rate cùng cách tính mà có lãi suất càng cao càng lợi chứ.
51. Future value: You are interested in investing $10,000, a gift from your grandparents,
for the next four years in a mutual fund that will earn an annual return of 8 percent.
What will your investment be worth at the end of four years? (Round to the nearest
dollar.) ordinary annuity.
A) $10,800
B) $13,605
C) $13,200

D) None of the above
52. Future value: Ning Gao is planning to buy a house in five years. She is looking to
invest $25,000 today in an index mutual fund that will provide her a return of 12
percent annually. How much will she have at the end of five years? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $45,000
B) $28,000
C) $44,059
D) None of the above
53. Future value: Carlos Lopes is looking to invest for the next three years. He is looking
to invest $7,500 today in a bank CD that will earn interest at 5.75 percent annually.
How much will he have at the end of three years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $8,870
B) $8,000
C) $8,681
D) None of the above
54. Future value: Wes Ottey would like to buy a condo in Florida in six years. He is
looking to invest $75,000 today in a stock that is expected to earn a return of 18.3
percent annually. How much will he have at the end of six years? (Round to the nearest
A) $205,575
B) $157,350
C) $184,681
D) None of the above
55. Future value: Brittany Willis is looking to invest for retirement, which she hopes will
be in 20 years. She is looking to invest $22,500 today in U.S. Treasury bonds that will
earn interest at 6.25 percent annually. How much will she have at the end of 20 years?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $68,870
B) $50,625
C) $75,642
D) None of the above
56. Multiple compounding periods (FV): Your brother has asked you to help him with
choosing an investment. He has $5,000 to invest today for a period of two years. You
identify a bank CD that pays an interest rate of 4.25 percent with the interest being paid
quarterly. What will be the value of the investment in two years?
A) $5,434
B) $5,441
C) $5,107
D) $5,216
57. Multiple compounding periods (FV): Normandy Textiles had a cash inflow of $1
million, which it needs for a long-term investment at the end of one year. It plans to
deposit this money in a bank CD that pays daily interest at 3.75 percent. What will be
the value of the investment at the end of the year? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,211,375

B) $1,000,103
C) $1,037,500
D) $1,038,210
58. Multiple compounding periods (FV): Your mother is trying to choose one of the
following bank CDs to deposit $10,000. Which one will have the highest future value if
she plans to invest for three years?
A) 3.5% compounded daily
B) 3.25% compounded monthly
C) 3.4% compounded quarterly
D) 3.75% compounded annually chiệu khó thôi chớ sao giờ.
59. Multiple compounding periods (FV): Carlyn Botti wants to invest $3,500 today in a
money market fund that pays quarterly interest at 5.5 percent. She plans to fund a
scholarship with the proceeds at her alma mater, Towson University. How much will
Carlyn have at the end of seven years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,091
B) $3,548
C) $5,130
D) $5,075
60. Multiple compounding periods (FV): Hector Cervantes started on his first job last
year and plans to save for a down payment on a house in 10 years. He will be able to
invest $12,000 today in a money market account that will pay him an interest of 6.25
percent on a monthly basis. How much will he have at the end of 10 years?
A) $12,640
B) $22,383
C) $24,839
D) None of the above
61. Compounding: Trish Harris has deposited $2,500 today in an account paying 6 percent
interest annually. What would be the simple interest earned on this investment in five
years? If the account paid compound interest, what would be the interest-on-interest in
five years?
A) $750; $95.56
B) $150; $845.56
C) $150; $95.56
D) $95.56; $845.56
62. Compounding: Joachim Noah is investing $5,000 in an account paying 6.75 percent
annually for three years. What is the interest-on-interest if interest is compounded?
A) $1,012.50
B) $1,082.38
C) $82.38
D) $69.88
63. Compounding: Chung Lee wants to invest $3,000 in an account paying 5.25 percent
compounded quarterly. What is the interest on interest after four years?
A) $695.98
B) $65.98 khi trừ cho simple interest earning thì thực ra tính theo năm thẳng luôn cũng được, nó k khác nhau vì compoudning nhiều hơn.
C) $630.00

D) None of the above
64. Compounding: Dat Nguyen is depositing $17,500 in an account paying an annual
interest rate of 8.25 percent compounded monthly. What is the interest-on-interest after
six years?
A) $8,662.50
B) $10,925
C) $2,497.63
D) $1,092.48
65. Compounding: Richard Delgado invested $10,000 in a money market account that will
pay 5.75 percent compounded daily. How much will the interest-on-interest be after
two years?
A) $1,218.63
B) $1,150.00
C) $33.06
D) $68.63
66. Present value: Tommie Harris is considering an investment that pays 6.5 percent
annually. How much must he invest today such that he will have $25,000 in seven
years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $23,474
B) $38,850
C) $26,625
D) $16,088
67. Present value: Jack Robbins is saving for a new car. He needs to have $ 21,000 for the
car in three years. How much will he have to invest today in an account paying 8
percent annually to achieve his target? (Round to nearest dollar.)
A) $22,680
B) $26,454
C) $16,670
D) $19,444
68. Present value: Derek's friend, Jackson, is asking to borrow today with a promise to
repay $7,418.87 in four years. If Derek could earn 5.45 percent annually on the any
investment he makes today, how much would he be willing to lend Jackson today?
(Round to nearest dollar.) ý là thay vì k cho thằng ni mượn thì ít nhất lãi suất mà DEREK phải cho đúng mức lãi đó.
A) $6,000
B) $7,035
C) $6,500
D) $7,150
69. Present value: Becky Sayers wants to buy a house in six years. She hopes to be able to
put down $25,000 at that time. If the bank CD she wants to invest in will pay 7.5
percent annually, how much will she have to invest today? (Round to the nearest
A) $18,472
B) $13,987
C) $16,199
D) $23,256

70. Present value: John Hsu wants to start a business in 10 years. He hopes to have
$100,000 at that time to invest in the business. To reach his goal, he plans to invest a
certain amount today in a bank CD that will pay him 9.50 percent annually. How much
will he have to invest today to achieve his target? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $54,233
B) $63,837
C) $91,324
D) $40,351
71. Multiple compounding (PV): Rick Rodriquez plans to invest some money today so
that he will receive $7,500 in three years. If the investment he is considering will pay
3.65 percent compounded daily, how much will he have to invest today?
A) $5,276
B) $6,722
C) $6,897
D) $7,140
72. Multiple compounding (PV): You need to have $15,000 in five years to payoff a
home equity loan. You can invest in an account that pays 5.75 percent compounded
quarterly. How much will you have to invest today to attain your target in five years?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $4,903
B) $11,275
C) $14,184
D) $12,250
73. Multiple compounding (PV): Marcie Witter is saving for her daughter's college
education. She wants to have $50,000 available when her daughter graduates from high
school in four years. If the investment she is considering will pay 8.25 percent
compounded monthly, how much will she have to invest today to reach her target?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $35,987
B) $49,659
C) $41,275
D) $36,450
74. Multiple compounding (PV): Darius Miller is seeking to accumulate $50,000 in six
years to invest in a real estate venture. He can earn 6.35 percent annual interest with
monthly compounding in a private investment. How much will he have invest today to
reach his goal? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $37,527
B) $47,015
C) $34,193
D) $31,648
75. Multiple compounding (PV): Joan Alexander wants to go on a cruise in three years.
She could earn 8.2 percent compounded monthly in an account if she were to deposit
the money today. She needs to have $10,000 in three years. How much will she have to
deposit today? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $6,432

B) $7,826
C) $8,148
D) $7,763
76. Interest rate: Your tuition for the coming year is due today. You borrow $8,000 from
your uncle and agree to repay in the three years an amount of $9,250. What is the
interest rate on this loan? Round to the nearest percent.
A) 5%
B) 6%
C) 7%
D) 8%
77. Interest rate: Rachael Steele wants to borrow $6,000 for a period of four years. She
has two choices. Her bank is offering to lend her the amount at 7.25 percent
compounded annually. She can also borrow from her firm and will have to repay a total
of $8,130.93 at the end of four years. Should Rachael go with her bank or the firm, and
what is the interest rate if she borrows from her firm? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) Bank: 9%
B) Firm: 7%
C) Bank; 8%
D) Firm: 6%
78. Interest rate: Ray Seo has $5,000 to invest in a small business venture. His partner has
promised to pay him back $8,200 in five years. What is the return earned on this
A) 9.3%
B) 8.7%
C) 11.1%
D) 10.4%
79. Interest rate: Pedro Martinez wants to invest $25,000 in a spa that his sister is starting.
He will triple his investment in six years. What is the rate of return that Pedro is being
promised? (Rounded to the nearest percent.)
A) 18%
B) 20%
C) 12%
D) 25%
80. Interest rate: Trayne Rice has $3,000 to invest for three years. He wants to receive
$5,000 at the end of the three years. What invest rate would his investment have to earn
to achieve his goal? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 19%
B) 21%
C) 13%
D) 16%
81. Growth rate: Trojan Traps manufactures an innovative mouse trap. Sales this year are
$325,000. The company expects its sales to go up to $500,000 in five years. What is the
expected growth rate in sales for this firm? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 9%
B) 11%

C) 6%
D) 12%
82. Growth rate: Petry Corp. is a growing company with sales of $1.25 million this year.
The firm expects to grow at an annual rate of 25 percent for the next three years,
followed by a growth of 20 percent per year for the next two years. What will be Petry's
sales at the end of five years? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) $2,160,000
B) $3,515,625
C) $1,875,000
D) $2,929,688
83. Growth rate: Cleargen, a detergent manufacturer, has announced this year's net income
as $832,500. It expects its net earnings to grow at a rate of 15 percent per year for the
next two years, before dropping to 12 percent for each of the following two years. What
is the firm's net income after four years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,381,071
B) $1,266,128
C) $1,233,099
D) $1,072,260
84. Growth rate: Peterson Electrical Supplies has generated a net income of $161,424 this
year. The firm expects to see an annual growth of 30 percent for the next five years,
followed by a growth rate of 15 percent for each of the next three years. What will be
the firm's expected net income in eight years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $319,157
B) $241,329
C) $911,546
D) $689,259
85. Growth rate: Vidmar Agencies is a fast-growing advertising agency. Currently, their
sales are at $700,000. They expect their sales to grow at an annual rate of 35 percent in
the next two years, followed by an annual rate of 25 percent in years 3 through 7.
Finally, their growth rate would slow down to 10 percent in years 8–10. What will be
their sales as of year 10? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,698,023
B) $2,843,323
C) $3,893,280
D) $5,181,956
86. Time to attain goal: Your uncle is looking to double his investment of $10,000. He
claims he can get earn 14 percent on his investment. How long will it be before he can
double his investment? Use the Rule of 72 and round to the nearest year.
A) 5 years
B) 14 years
C) 10 years
D) None of the above
87. Time to attain goal: Elegant Designers have generated sales of $625,000 for the
current year. If they can grow their sales at a rate of 12 percent every year, how long
will they take to triple their sales? (Round off to the nearest year.)

A) 8 years
B) 7 years
C) 10 years
D) 9 years
88. Time to attain goal: Franklin Foods announced that its sales were $1,233,450 this
year. The company forecasts a growth rate of 16 percent for the foreseeable future.
How long will it take the firm to produce earnings of $3 million? (Round off to the
nearest year.)
A) 7 years
B) 6 years
C) 8 years
D) 10 years
89. Time to attain goal: Ryan Holmes wants to deposit $4,500 in a bank account that pays
8.25 percent annually. How many years will it take for his investment to grow to
$10,000? (Round off to the nearest year.)
A) 8 years
B) 11 years
C) 10 years
D) 12 years
90. Time to attain goal: Cheryl Merriweather wants to invest in a bank CD that will pay
her 7.8 percent annually. If she is investing $11,500 today, when will she reach her goal
of $15,000? (Round off to the nearest year.)
A) 5 years
B) 7 years
C) 2 years
D) 4 years
91. Which of the following statements is true?
A) A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the future
because future dollars are not affected by inflation.
B) A dollar to be received in the future is worth more than a dollar received today
because of the positive impact of rates of return.
C) A dollar received today is worth more than a dollar to be received in the
future because funds received today can be invested to earn a return.
D) A dollar to be received in the future is worth more than a dollar received today
because it would have less risk associated with it.
92. Which of the following statements is true?
A) The longer the time period that funds are invested, the greater the future
value, regardless of investment rate.
B) The lower the discount rate that funds are invested at, the greater the future value.
C) The shorter the time period that funds are invested, the greater the future value,
regardless of investment rate.
D) The higher the interest rate, the slower the value of an investment will grow.
93. Future Value: Herbert Hall just received an inheritance of $35,775 from his great aunt.
He plans to invest the funds for retirement. If Herbert can earn 4.75% per year with
quarterly compounding for 32 years, how much will he have accumulated? (Round off

to the nearest dollar.)
A) $237,416
B) $ 71,550
C) $184,622
D) $162,113
94. Which of the following statements is false with respect to the present value of a future
A) The higher the discount rate, the lower the present value of a single sum for a
given time period.
B) The relation between present value and time is exponential.
C) The greater the time period, the lower the present value of a single sum for a
given interest rate.
D) The lower the discount rate, the lower the present value of a single sum for a
given time period.
95. Present Value: Juan and Carla Herman plan to buy a time-share in six years in the
amount of $16,860. In order to have adequate funds to do so, the Herman’s want to
make a deposit to their money market fund today. Assume that they will be able to earn
an investment rate of 5.75%, compounded annually. How much will Juan and Carla
need to deposit today to achieve their goal? (Round off to the nearest dollar.)
A) $19,138
B) $ 8,885
C) $12,055
D) $14,243
96. Number of Periods it Takes an Investment to Grow a Certain Amount: Sally
Wilson is planning her retirement. She is presently investing in a 401(k) but needs an
additional $500,000 to reach her retirement goal. As luck would have it, Sally just won
a brand new car that is worth $36,000 in a raffle. If Sally were to sell the car and
invest the $36,000 proceeds at a rate of 6.50%, compounded annually, how long will it
be before Sally could retire? (Round off to the nearest 1/10 of a year)
A) 36.6 years
B) 41.8 years
C) 52.2 years
D) 24.0 years
97. Rate of growth: Link Net, Inc. just generated earnings per share of $3.75 for the fiscal
year ending September 30, 2010. The firm is expected to achieve earnings per share of
$8.76 in 5-years. At what rate will Link Net, Inc.’s earnings per share be growing over
this 5-year period? (Round off to the nearest 1/10 percent)
A) 15.7%
B) 18.5%
C) 21.3%
D) 13.4%

Chapter 6:
31. To solve future value problems with multiple cash flows involves which of the
following steps?

A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, calculate the future value of each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the future values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
32. Which one of the following steps is NOT involved in solving future value problems?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, discount each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
33. To solve present value problems with multiple cash flows involves which of the
following steps?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, calculate the present value of each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the present values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
34. Which one of the following steps is NOT involved in solving present value
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, compound each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
35. Calculating the present and future values of multiple cash flows is relevant
A) for businesses only.
B) for individuals only
C) for both individuals and businesses.
D) none of the above.
36. In computing the present and future value of multiple cash flows,
A) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at the same rate.
B) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at a different rate.
C) earlier cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
D) later cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
37. In computing the present and future value of multiple cash flows,
A) earlier cash flows are discounted at a lower rate.
B) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at the same rate.
C) earlier cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
D) none of the above.
38. The present value of multiple cash flows is
A) greater than the sum of the cash flows.
B) equal to the sum of all the cash flows.
C) less than the sum of the cash flows.
D) none of the above.

39. The future value of multiple cash flows is
A) greater than the sum of the cash flows.
B) equal to the sum of all the cash flows.
C) less than the sum of the cash flows
D) none of the above.
40. If your investment pays the same amount at the end of each year for a period of six
years, the cash flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
41. If your investment pays the same amount at the beginning of each year for a period of
10 years, the cash flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
42. If your investment pays the same amount at the end of each year forever, the cash
flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
43. Cash flows associated with annuities are considered to be
A) an uneven cash flow stream.
B) a cash flow stream of the same amount (a constant cash flow stream).
C) a mix of constant and uneven cash flow streams.
D) none of the above.
44. Which ONE of the following statements is true about amortization?
A) Amortization refers to the way the borrowed amount (principal) is paid down
over the life of the loan.
B) With an amortized loan, each loan payment contains some payment of principal
and an interest payment.
C) A loan amortization schedule is just a table that shows the loan balance at the
beginning and end of each period, the payment made during that period, and how
much of that payment represents interest and how much represents repayment of
D) All of the above are true.
45. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about amortization?
A) Amortization refers to the way the borrowed amount (principal) is paid down
over the life of the loan.
B) With an amortized loan, each loan payment contains some payment of principal
and an interest payment.
C) With an amortized loan, a smaller proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.

D) A loan amortization schedule is just a table that shows the loan balance at the
beginning and end of each period, the payment made during that period, and how
much of that payment represents interest and how much represents repayment of

46. Which one of the following statements is true about amortization?

A) With an amortized loan, a bigger proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.
B) With an amortized loan, a bigger proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the later periods.
C) With an amortized loan, a smaller proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.
D) None of the above.

47. The annuity transformation method is used to transform

A) a present value annuity to a future value annuity.
B) a present value annuity to an annuity due.
C) an ordinary annuity to an annuity due.
D) a perpetuity to an annuity.
48. A firm receives a cash flow from an investment that will increase by 10 percent
annually for an infinite number of years. This cash flow stream is called
A) an annuity due.
B) a growing perpetuity.
C) an ordinary annuity.
D) a growing annuity.
49. Your investment in a small business venture will produce cash flows that increase by
15 percent every year for the next 25 years. This cash flow stream is called
A) an annuity due.
B) a growing perpetuity.
C) an ordinary annuity.
D) a growing annuity.
50. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the effective annual rate (EAR)?
A) The effective annual interest rate (EAR) is defined as the annual growth rate that
takes compounding into account.
B) The EAR conversion formula accounts for the number of compounding periods
and, thus, effectively adjusts the annualized interest rate for the time value of
C) The EAR is the true cost of borrowing and lending.
D) All of the above are true.
51. The true cost of borrowing is the
A) annual percentage rate.
B) effective annual rate.
C) quoted interest rate.
D) periodic rate.
52. The true cost of lending is the

A) annual percentage rate.
B) effective annual rate.
C) quoted interest rate.
D) none of the above.
53. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The APR is the appropriate rate to do present and future value calculations.
B) The EAR is the appropriate rate to do present and future value calculations.
C) The EAR is the true cost of borrowing and lending.
D) The EAR takes compounding into account.
54. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The Truth-in-Lending Act was passed by Congress to ensure that the true cost
of credit was disclosed to consumers.
B) The Truth-in-Savings Act was passed to provide consumers an accurate
estimate of the return they would earn on an investment.
C) The above two pieces of legislation require by law that the APR be disclosed on
all consumer loans and savings plans.
D) All of the above are true statements.
55. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The correct way to annualize an interest rate is to compute the effective annual
interest rate (EAR).
B) The APR is the annualized interest rate using simple interest.
C) The correct way to annualize an interest rate is to compute the annual
percentage rate (APR).
D) You can find the interest rate per period by dividing the quoted annual rate by the
number of compounding periods.
56. FV of multiple cash flows: Chandler Corp. is expecting a new project to start
producing cash flows, beginning at the end of this year. They expect cash flows to be as

1 2 3 4 5
$643,547 $678,214 $775,908 $778,326 $735,444

If they can reinvest these cash flows to earn a return of 8.2 percent, what is the future
value of this cash flow stream at the end of five years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $3,889,256
B) $4,227,118
C) $5,214,690
D) $4, 809,112

57. FV of multiple cash flows: Stiglitz, Inc., is expecting the following cash flows starting
at the end of the year—$113,245, $132,709, $141,554, and $180,760. If their
opportunity cost is 9.6 percent, find the future value of these cash flows. (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $644,406.10
B) $732,114

C) $685,312
D) $900,810

58. FV of multiple cash flows: Tariq Aziz will receive from his investment cash flows of
$3,125, $3,450, and $3, 800. If he can earn 7.5 percent on any investment that he
makes, what is the future value of his investment cash flows at the end of three years?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $11,120
B) $10,944
C) $10,812
D) $12,770
59. FV of multiple cash flows: Shane Matthews has invested in an investment that will
pay him $6,200, $6,450, $7,225, and $7,500 over the next four years. If his opportunity
cost is 10 percent, what is the future value of the cash flows he will receive? (Round
to the nearest dollar.)
A) $27,150
B) $29,900
C) $30,455
D) $31,504
60. FV of multiple cash flows: International Shippers, Inc., have forecast earnings of $1,
233,400, $1,345,900, and $1,455,650 for the next three years. What is the future value
of these earnings if the firm's opportunity cost is 13 percent? (Round to the nearest
A) $4,214,360
B) $4,551,446
C) $3,900,865
D) $4,875,212
61. PV of multiple cash flows: Jack Stuart has loaned money to his brother at an interest
rate of 5.75 percent. He expects to receive $625, $650, $700, and $800 at the end of the
next four years as complete repayment of the loan with interest. How much did he loan
out to his brother? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,713
B) $2,250
C) $2,404
D) $2,545
62. PV of multiple cash flows: Ferris, Inc., has borrowed from their bank at a rate of 8
percent and will repay the loan with interest over the next five years. Their scheduled
payments, starting at the end of the year are as follows—$450,000, $560,000,
$750,000, $875,000, and $1,000,000. What is the present value of these payments?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,735,200
B) $2,615,432
C) $2431,224
D) $2,815,885
63. PV of multiple cash flows: Hassan Ali has made an investment that will pay him

$11,455, $16,376, and $19,812 at the end of the next three years. His investment was to
fetch him a return of 14 percent. What is the present value of these cash flows? (Round
to the nearest dollar.)
A) $33,124
B) $36,022
C) $41,675
D) $39,208
64. PV of multiple cash flows: Ajax Corp. is expecting the following cash
flows—$79,000, $112,000, $164,000, $84,000, and $242,000—over the next five
years. If the company’s opportunity cost is 15 percent, what is the present value of
these cash flows? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $429,560
B) $414,322
C) $480,906
D) $477,235
65. PV of multiple cash flows: Pam Gregg is expecting cash flows of $50,000, $75,000,
$125,000, and $250,000 from an inheritance over the next four years. If she can earn 11
percent on any investment that she makes, what is the present value of her inheritance?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $361,998
B) $309,432
C) $412,372
D) $434,599
66. Present value of an annuity: Transit Insurance Company has made an investment in
another company that will guarantee it a cash flow of $37,250 each year for the next
five years. If the company uses a discount rate of 15 percent on its investments, what is
the present value of this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $101,766
B) $124,868
C) $251,154
D) $186,250
67. Present value of an annuity: Herm Mueller has invested in a fund that will provide
him a cash flow of $11,700 for the next 20 years. If his opportunity cost is 8.5 percent,
what is the present value of this cash flow stream? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $234,000
B) $132,455
C) $110,721
D) $167,884
68. Present value of an annuity: Myers, Inc., will be making lease payments of $3,895.50
for a 10-year period, starting at the end of this year. If the firm uses a 9 percent discount
rate, what is the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $23,250
B) $29,000
C) $25,000
D) $20,000

69. Present value of an annuity: Lorraine Jackson won a lottery. She will have a choice of
receiving $25,000 at the end of each year for the next 30 years, or a lump sum today. If
she can earn a return of 10 percent on any investment she makes, what is the minimum
amount she should be willing to accept today as a lump-sum payment? (Round to the
nearest hundred dollars.)
A) $750,000
B) $334,600
C) $212,400
D) $235,700
70. Present value of an annuity: Craymore Tech is expecting cash flows of $67,000 at the
end of each year for the next five years. If the firm's discount rate is 17 percent, what is
the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $214,356
B) $241,653
C) $278,900
D) $197,776
71. Future value of an annuity: Carlos Menendez is planning to invest $3,500 every year
for the next six years in an investment paying 12 percent annually. What will be the
amount he will have at the end of the six years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $21,000
B) $28,403
C) $24,670
D) $26,124
72. Future value of an annuity: Jayadev Athreya has started on his first job. He plans to
start saving for retirement early. He will invest $5,000 at the end of each year for the
next 45 years in a fund that will earn a return of 10 percent. How much will Jayadev
have at the end of 45 years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,667,904
B) $3,594,524
C) $1,745,600
D) $5,233,442
73. Future value of an annuity: You plan to save $1,250 at the end of each of the next
three years to pay for a vacation. If you can invest it at 7 percent, how much will you
have at the end of three years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $3,750
B) $3,918
C) $4,019
D) $4,589
74. Future value of an annuity: Zhijie Jiang is saving to buy a new car in four years. She
will save $5,500 at the end of each of the next four years. If she invests her savings at
6.75 percent, how much will she have after four years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $22,000
B) $23,345
C) $27,556
D) $24,329

75. Future value of an annuity: Terri Garner will invest $3,000 in an IRA for the next 30
years starting at the end of this year. The investment will earn 13 percent annually.
How much will she have at the end of 30 years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $897,598
B) $912,334
C) $748,212
D) $1,233,450
76. Computing annuity payment: Maricela Sanchez needs to have $25,000 in five years.
If she can earn 8 percent on any investment, what is the amount that she will have to
invest every year at the end of each year for the next five years? (Round to the nearest
A) $5,000
B) $4,261
C) $4,640
D) $4,445
77. Computing annuity payment: Jane Ogden wants to save for a trip to Australia. She
will need $12,000 at the end of four years. She can invest a certain amount at the
beginning of each of the next four years in a bank account that will pay her 6.8 percent
annually. How much will she have to invest annually to reach her target? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $3,000
B) $2,980
C) $2,538
D) $2,711
78. Computing annuity payment: Jackson Electricals has borrowed $27,850 from its
bank at an annual rate of 8.5 percent. It plans to repay the loan in eight equal
installments, beginning in a year. What is its annual loan payment? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $4,708
B) $5,134
C) $4,939
D) $4,748

79. Computing annuity payment: John Harper has borrowed $17,400 to pay for his new
truck. The annual interest rate on the loan is 9.4 percent, and the loan needs to be repaid
in four payments. What will be his annual payment if he begins his payment beginning
now? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,229
B) $5,450
C) $4,850
D) $4,953
80. Computing annuity payment: Trevor Smith wants to have a million dollars at
retirement, which is 15 years away. He already has $200,000 in an IRA earning 8
percent annually. How much does he need to save each year, beginning at the end of
this year to reach his target? Assume he could earn 8 percent on any investment he

makes. (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $13,464
B) $14,273
C) $10,900
D) $16,110
81. Perpetuity: Your father is 60 years old and wants to set up a cash flow stream that
would be forever. He would like to receive $20,000 every year, beginning at the end of
this year. If he could invest in account earning 9 percent, how much would he have to
invest today to receive his perpetual cash flow? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $222,222
B) $200,000
C) $189,000
D) $235,200
82. Perpetuity: A lottery winner was given a perpetual payment of $11, 444. She could
invest the cash flows at 7 percent. What is the present value of this perpetuity? (Round
to the nearest dollar.)
A) $112,344
B) $163,486
C) $191,708
D) $201,356
83. Perpetuity: Roger Barkley wants to set up a scholarship at his alma mater. He is
willing to invest $500,000 in an account earning 10 percent. What will be the annual
scholarship that can be given from this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,000
B) $500,000
C) $50,000
D) None of the above
84. Perpetuity: Chris Collinge has funded a retirement investment with $250,000 earning a
return of 5.75 percent. What is the value of the payment that he can receive in
perpetuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $12,150
B) $15,250
C) $14,375
D) $14,900
85. Perpetuity: Jeff Conway wants to receive $25,000 in perpetuity and will invest his
money in an investment that will earn a return of 13.5 percent annually. What is the
value of the investment that he needs to make today to receive his perpetual cash flow
stream? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $640,225
B) $252,325
C) $144,350
D) $185,185
86. Annuity due: You plan to save $1,400 for the next four years, beginning now, to pay
for a vacation. If you can invest it at 6 percent, how much will you have at the end of
four years? Round to the nearest dollar.

A) $6,124
B) $5,618
C) $4,019
D) $6,492
87. Annuity due: Mark Holcomb has a five-year loan on which he will make annual
payments of $2,235, beginning now. If the interest rate on the loan is 8.3 percent, what
is the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $9,588
B) $8,854
C) $8,612
D) $9,122
88. Annuity due: Jenny Abel is investing $2,500 today and will do so at the beginning of
each of the next six years for a total of seven payments. If her investment can earn 12
percent, how much will she have at the end of seven years? (Round to the nearest
A) $25,223
B) $28,249
C) $31,127
D) $29,460
89. Annuity due: Your inheritance will pay you $100,000 a year for five years beginning
now. You can invest it in a CD that will pay 7.75 percent annually. What is the present
value of your inheritance? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $399,356
B) $401,916
C) $433,064
D) $467,812
90. Growing perpetuity: Jack Benny is planning to invest in an insurance company
product. The product will pay $10,000 at the end of this year. Thereafter, the payments
will grow annually at a 3 percent rate forever. Jack will be able to invest his cash flows
at a rate of 6.5 percent. What is the present value of this investment cash flow stream?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $326,908
B) $312,766
C) $285,714
D) $258,133
91. Growing perpetuity: Norwood Investments is putting out a new product. The product
will pay out $25,000 in the first year, and after that the payouts will grow by an annual
rate of 2.5 percent forever. If you can invest the cash flows at 7.5 percent, how much
will you be willing to pay for this perpetuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $312,000
B) $233,000
C) $250,000
D) $500,000
92. Growing annuity: Hill Enterprises is expecting tremendous growth from its newest
boutique store. Next year the store is expected to bring in net cash flows of $675,000.

The company expects its earnings to grow annually at a rate of 13 percent for the next
15 years. What is the present value of this growing annuity if the firm uses a discount
rate of 18 percent on its investments? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $6,448,519
B) $6,750,000
C) $7,115,449
D) $5,478,320
93. Growing annuity: Wilbon Corp. is evaluating whether it should take over the lease of
an ethnic restaurant in Manhattan. The current owner had originally signed a 25-year
lease, of which 16 years still remain. The restaurant has been growing steadily at a 7
percent growth for the last several years. Wilbon Corp. expects the restaurant to
continue to grow at the same rate for the remaining lease term. Last year, the restaurant
PMT0. brought in net cash flows of $310,000. If the firm evaluates similar investments at 15
percent, what is the present value of this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,966.350
B) $2,838,182
C) $3,109,460
D) $2,709,124
94. Effective annual rate: Desire Cosmetics borrowed $152,300 from a bank for three
years. If the quoted rate (APR) is 11.75 percent, and the compounding is daily, what is
the effective annual rate (EAR)? (Round to one decimal place.)
A) 11.75%
B) 14.3%
C) 12.5%
D) 11.6%
95. Effective annual rate: Largent Supplies Corp. has borrowed to invest in a project. The
loan calls for a payment of $17,384 every month for three years. The lender quoted
Largent a rate of 8.40 percent with monthly compounding. At what rate would you
discount the payments to find amount borrowed by Largent? (Round to two decimal
A) 8.40%
B) 8.73%
C) 8.95%
D) None of the above.

Chapter 7:
36. The expected return for a portfolio without borrowing
A) should never be less than the expected return of the asset with lowest expected
B) should never be greater than the expected return of the asset with highest
expected return.
C) may not be an event with even a positive probability of occurrence.
D) All of the above.
37. In a game of chance, the probability of winning a $50 prize is 40 percent, and the
probability of winning a $100 prize is 60 percent. What is the expected value of a prize
in the game?
A) $50
B) $75
C) $80
D) $100
38. In a game of chance, the probability of winning a $50 is 40 percent and the probability
of losing a $50 prize is 60 percent. What is the expected value of a prize in the game?
A) –$10
B) $0
C) $10
D) $25
39. Which of the following is the best measure of the systematic risk in a portfolio?
A) variance
B) standard deviation
C) covariance
D) beta
40. Use the following table to calculate the expected return for the asset.

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 15.00%
B) 17.50%
C) 18.75%
D) 20.00%
41. Use the following table to calculate the expected return for the asset.

Return Probability

0.05 0.1
0.1 0.15
0.15 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 12.50%
B) 13.75%
C) 15.75%
D) 16.75%
42. The expected return for the asset below is 18.75 percent. If the return distribution for
the asset is described as in the following table, what is the variance for the asset's

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25

A) 0.002969
B) 0.000613
C) 0.015195
D) 0.054486
43. The expected return for the asset shown in the following table is 18.75 percent. If the
return distribution for the asset is described as below, what is the standard deviation for
the asset's returns?

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 0.002969
B) 0.000613
C) 0.015195
D) 0.054486
44. If you are dealing with percentage returns, then which of the following is generally
A) The variance of the return distribution is generally smaller than the standard
B) The variance of the return distribution is generally larger than the standard
C) The variance of the return distribution is measured in the same units as expected
D) None of the above is generally true.
45. The return distribution for an asset is as shown in the following table. What are the
missing values if the expected return is 10 percent?

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
x 0.5
x 0.25
A) 0.20
B) 0.15
C) 0.10
D) None of the above
46. The expected return for Stock Z is 30 percent. If we know the following information
about Stock Z, then what return will it produce in the Lukewarm state of the world?

Return Probability

Poor 0.2 0.25

Lukewarm ? 0.5
Dynamite! 0.4 0.25
A) 20%
B) 30%
C) 40%
D) It is impossible to determine.
47. The expected return for Stock V is 24.5 percent. If we know the following information
about Stock Z, then what is the probability of the Dynamite state of the world

Return Probability

Poor 0.15 0.2

Lukewarm 0.28 0.7
Dynamite! 0.19 ?
A) 5%
B) 10%
C) 15%
D) 20%
48. Ahmet purchased a stock for $45 one year ago. The stock is now worth $65. During the
year, the stock paid a dividend of $2.50. What is the total return to Ahmet from owning
the stock? (Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.)
A) 5% nhầm, đây là tính tổng hết cả việc chênh lệch giá trị và cả dòng lợi nhuận nhận được nữa.

B) 44%
C) 35%
D) 50%
49. Julio purchased a stock one year ago for $27. The stock is now worth $32, and the total
return to Julio for owning the stock was 37 percent. What is the dollar amount of
dividends that he received for owning the stock during the year?
A) $4
B) $5
C) $6
D) $7
50. Francis purchased a stock one year ago for $20, and it is now worth $24. The stock paid
a dividend of $3 during the year. What was the stock's rate of return from capital
appreciation during the year? (Round your answer to the nearest percent.)
A) 17%
B) 20% return từ việc tài sản lên giá thôi.
C) 29%
D) 35%
51. Gwen purchased a stock one year ago for $25, and it is now worth $31. The stock paid
a dividend of $1.50 during the year. What was the stock's rate of return income during
the year? (Round your answer to the nearest percent.)
A) 6%
B) 15%

C) 24%
D) 26%
52. Gunther earned a 62.5 percent return on a stock that he purchased one year ago. The
stock is now worth $12, and he received a dividend of $1 during the year. How much
did Gunther originally pay for the stock?
A) $7.00
B) $7.50
C) $8.00
D) $8.50
53. Moshe purchased a stock for $30 last year. He found out today that he had a –100
percent return on his investment. Which of the following must be true?
A) The stock is worth $30 today.
B) The stock is worth $0 today
C) The stock paid no dividends during the year.
D) Both b and c must be true.
54. Babs purchased a piece of real estate last year for $85,000. The real estate is now worth
$102,000. If Babs needs to have a total return of 25 percent during the year, then what
is the dollar amount of income that she needed to have to reach her objective?
A) $3,750
B) $4,250
C) $4,750
D) $5,250
55. Genaro needs to capture a return of 40 percent for his one-year investment in a
property. He believes that he can sell the property at the end of the year for $150,000
and that the property will provide him with rental income of $25,000. What is the
maximum amount that Genaro should be willing to pay for the property?
A) $112,500
B) $125,000
C) $137,500
D) $150,000
56. Books Brothers stock was priced at $15 per share two years ago. The stock sold for $13
last year and now it sells for $18. What was the total return for owning Books Brothers
stock during the most recent year? Assume that no dividends were paid and round to
the nearest percent.
A) 17%
B) 20%
C) 23%
D) 38%
57. Serox stock was selling for $20 two years ago. The stock sold for $25 one year ago, and
it is currently selling for $28. Serox pays a $1.10 dividend per year. What was the rate
of return for owning Serox in the most recent year? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 12%
B) 16%
C) 32%
D) 40%

58. You have observed that the average size of a particular goldfish is 1.5 inches long. The
standard deviation of the size of the goldfish is 0.25 inches. What is the size of a
goldfish such that 95 percent of the goldfish are smaller? Assume a normal distribution
for the size of goldfish.
A) 1.01 inches
B) 1.09 inches
C) 1.91 inches
D) 1.99 inches
59. You know that the average college student eats 0.75 pounds of food at lunch. If the
standard deviation of that eating is 0.2 pounds of food, then what is the total amount of
food that a cafeteria should have on hand to be 95percent confident that it will not run
out of food when feeding 50 college students.
A) 17.90 pounds
B) 21.05 pounds
C) 53.95 pounds
D) 57.10 pounds
60. If a random variable is drawn from a normal distribution, what is the probability that
the random variable is larger than 1.96 standard deviations larger than the mean?
A) 1.25%
B) 2.50%
C) 3.75%
D) 5.00%
61. If a random variable is drawn from a normal distribution, what is the probability that
the random variable is larger than 1.96 standard deviations below the mean?
A) 95.00%
B) 96.25%
C) 97.50%
D) 98.75%
62. Niles is making an investment with an expected return of 12 percent. If the standard
deviation of the return is 4.5 percent, and if Niles is investing $100,000, then what
dollar amount is Niles 95 percent sure that he will have at the end of the year?
A) $100,000.00
B) $104,597.50
C) $116,500.00
D) $119,402.50
Ans: B
{ 1 + [0.12 – 1.645 (0.045)]} X $100,000 = $104,597.50

63. Which of the following investment classes had the greatest average return based on
recent historical data?
A) Intermediate-Term Government Bonds
B) Long-Term Government Bonds
C) Large U.S. Stocks
D) Small U.S. Stocks
64. Which of the following investment classes had the greatest variability in returns for
recent historical data?
A) Intermediate-Term Government Bonds
B) Long-Term Government Bonds
C) Large U.S. Stocks
D) Small U.S. Stocks
65. If you were to compare the returns of an individual stock to a market index, select the
answer below that is most true.
A) The returns of the individual stock will show more variability than those of
the market index.
B) The returns of the individual stock will show less variability than those of the
market index.
C) The returns of the individual stock will show the same level of variability than
those of the market index, if they have the same beta.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

66. Tommie has made an investment that will generate returns that are subject to the state
of the economy during the year. Use the following information to calculate the standard
deviation of the return distribution for Tommie's investment.

State Return Probability

Weak 0.13 0.3

OK 0.2 0.4
Great 0.25 0.3
A) 0.0453
B) 0.0467
C) 0.0481
D) 0.0495
Ans: B
E ( R)  (0.3)(0.13)  (0.4)(0.2)  (0.3)(0.25)  0.194
Var ( R)  0.3(0.13  0.194) 2  0.4(0.2  0.194) 2  0.3(0.25  0.194) 2  0.002184
Std ( R)  (0.002184) 2  0.046733

67. Elrond has made an investment that will generate returns that are subject to the state of
the economy. Use the following information to calculate the variance of the return
distribution for Elrond's investment.

State Return Probability

Weak 0.10 0.8

OK 0.17 0.1
Great 0.28 0.1
A) 0.0536
B) 0.0543
C) 0.0550
D) 0.0557
Ans: D

68. Braniff Ground Services stock has an expected return of 9 percent and a variance of
0.25 percent. What is the coefficient of variation for Braniff?
A) 0.0278
B) 0.5556
C) 1.800
D) 36.00
Ans: B

69. Sayers purchased a stock with a coefficient of variation equal to 0.125. The expected
return on the stock is 20 percent. What is the variance of the stock?
A) 0.000625
B) 0.025000
C) 0.625000
D) 0.790500
Ans: A

Coefficient of Variation 

 
2 2

 0.125,  2  0.000625
E ( R) 0.20

70. You have invested 40 percent of your portfolio in an investment with an expected
return of 12 percent and 60 percent of your portfolio in an investment with an expected
return of 20 percent. What is the expected return of your portfolio?
A) 15.2%
B) 16.0%
C) 16.8%
D) 17.6%
Ans: C
E ( R)  0.4(0.12)  0.6(0.20)  0.168

71. You have invested 20 percent of your portfolio in Homer, Inc., 40 percent in Marge
Co., and 20 percent in Bart Resources. What is the expected return of your portfolio if
Homer, Marge, and Bart have expected returns of 2 percent, 18 percent, and 3 percent,
A) 7.7%
B) 8.2%
C) 8.7%
D) 9.2%
Ans: B
E ( R)  0.2(0.02)  0.4(0.18)  0.2(0.03)  0.082

72. You invested $3,000 in a portfolio with an expected return of 10 percent and $2,000 in
a portfolio with an expected return of 16 percent. What is the expected return of the
combined portfolio?
A) 6.2%
B) 12.4%
C) 13.0%
D) 13.6%
Ans: B
3, 000 2, 000
(0.1)  (0.16)  0.124
5, 000 5, 000

73. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
covariance of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is 10.8 percent
for Stock 1 and 9.7 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.4 0.09 0.11

0.5 0.11 0.08
0.1 0.17 0.13
A) 0.000094
B) 0.00051600
C) 0.00032100
D) 0.71750786
Ans: A

= 0.000094

74. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
correlation coefficient of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return for
Stock 1 is 10.8 percent and 9.7 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.4 0.09 0.11

0.5 0.11 0.08
0.1 0.17 0.13
A) 0.230967
B) –0.00002548
C) 0.00032100
D) 0.17671455
Ans: A
From the solution to Problem 73, we find that the covariance between the stocks is
0.000094. We must now solve for the standard deviation of the returns of each
individual stock.

 12  0.4(0.09  0.108) 2  0.5(0.11  0.108) 2  0.1(0.17  0.108)2  0.000516,

 1  0.02271563

 22  0.4(0.11  0.097) 2  0.5(0.08  0.097) 2  0.1(0.18  0.097)2  0.000321,

 2  0..01791647

75. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
covariance of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is 14.4 percent
for Stock 1 and 15.9 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.5 0.11 0.18

0.3 0.17 0.15
0.2 0.19 0.12
A) 0.001204001
B) 0.000549003
C) -0.00079
D) –0.3372012
Ans: C
Cov( R1 , R2 )  PState1 ( RState1,1  E ( R1 )( RState1,2  E ( R2 ))  PState 2) ( RState 2,1  E ( R1 ))( RState 2,2  E ( R2 ))
 PState3 ( RState3,1  E ( R1 ))( RState3,2  E ( R2 ))  0.00007192

Cov(R1,R2) = .
= -0.00079

76. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
correlation coefficient of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is
14.4 percent for Stock 1 and 15.9 percent for Stock 2.
Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.5 0.11 0.18

0.3 0.17 0.15
0.2 0.19 0.12
A) 0.001204001
B) 0.000549003
C) –0.00271370
D) -0.971689
Ans: D
 12  0.5(0.11  0.144) 2  0.3(0.17  0.144) 2  0.2(0.10  0.144) 2  0.001204
 1  0.03469873

 22  0.5(0.18  0.159) 2  0.3(0.15  0.159) 2  0.2(0.12  0.159)2  0.000549,

 2  0.02343075

Cov(R1,R2) = -0.00079

so p = - .00079 = -.971689

77. The covariance of the returns between Einstein Stock and Bohr Stock is 0.0087. The
standard deviation of Einstein is 0.26, and the standard deviation of Bohr is 0.37. What
is the correlation coefficient between the returns of the two stocks?
A) 0.090437
B) 0.096200
C) 0.90437
D) 0.96200
Ans: A
Cov( R1 , R2 ) 0.0087
   0.090437
 1 2 (0.26)(0.37)

78. The covariance of the returns between Wildcat Stock and Sun Devil Stock is 0.09875.
The variance of Wildcat is 0.2116, and the variance of Sun Devil is 0.1369. What is the
correlation coefficient between the returns of the two stocks?
A) 0.170200
B) 0.293347
C) 0.340823
D) 0.578731
Ans: D
Cov( R1 , R2 ) 0.09875
   0.578731
 1 2 (0.2116) 2 (0.1369) 2

79. Horse Stock returns have exhibited a standard deviation of 0.57, whereas Mod T Stock
returns have a standard deviation of 0.63. The correlation coefficient between the
returns is 0.078042. What is the covariance of the returns?
A) 0.028025
B) 0.217327
C) 0.359100
D) 0.993094
Ans: A
Cov( R1 , R2)  12 1 2  (0.078042) X (0.57) X (0.63)  0.028025

80. Batman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation in stock returns of 0.5, whereas
Superman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation of 0.6. The correlation coefficient
between the stock returns is 0.5. What is the variance of a portfolio composed of 70
percent Batman and 30 percent Superman?
A) 0.1549
B) 0.2179
C) 0.4668
D) 0.5500
Ans: B
Var ( port )  x12 12  x22 22  2 x1 x2 1 2 12
 (0.7) 2 (0.5) 2  (0.3) 2 (0.6) 2  2(0.7)(0.3)(0.5)(0.6)(0.5)  0.2179

81. Aquaman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation in stock returns of 0.7, whereas
Green Lantern Stock has exhibited a standard deviation of 0.8. The correlation
coefficient between the stock returns is 0.1. What is the standard deviation of a
portfolio composed of 70 percent Aquaman and 30 percent Green Lantern?
A) 0.32122
B) 0.54562
C) 0.56676
D) 0.75000
Ans: C
Var ( port )  x12 12  x22 22  2 x1 x2 1 2 12
 (0.7) 2 (0.7) 2  (0.3) 2 (0.8) 2  2(0.7)(0.3)(0.7)(0.8)(0.1)  0.32122

Std ( port )  Sqrt (Var ( port ))  Sqrt (0.32122)  0.566763

82. Most of the risk-reduction benefits from diversification can be achieved in a portfolio
consisting of
A) 5 to 10 stocks
B) 10 to 15 stocks
C) 15 to 20 stocks
D) 20 to 25 stocks
Ans: C

83. Which of the following investors should be willing to pay the highest price for an asset?
A) An investor with a single-asset portfolio.
B) An investor with a 50-asset portfolio. giảm risk nhiều nhất.
C) An investor who is not completely diversified.
D) An investor who is so risk-averse that he does not recognize the benefits of
Ans: B

84. A portfolio with a level of systematic risk the same as that of the market has a beta that
A) equal to zero.
B) equal to one.
C) less than the beta of the risk-free asset.
D) less than zero.
Ans: B

85. The beta of Elsenore, Inc., stock is 1.6, whereas the risk-free rate of return is 8 percent.
If the expected return on the market is 15 percent, then what is the expected return on
A) 11.20%
B) 19.20%
C) 24.00%
D) 32.00%
Ans: B
E ( REls )  Rrf   Els ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.08  1.6(0.15  0.08)  0.1920

86. The beta of RicciCo.'s stock is 3.2, whereas the risk-free rate of return is 9 percent. If
the expected return on the market is 18 percent, then what is the expected return on
A) 28.80%
B) 37.80%
C) 48.60%
D) 57.60%
Ans: B
E ( RRicci )  Rrf   Ricci ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.09  3.2(0.18  0.09)  0.378

87. The risk-free rate of return is currently 3 percent, whereas the market risk premium is 6
percent. If the beta of Lenz, Inc., stock is 1.8, then what is the expected return on Lenz?
A) 8.40%
B) 10.80%
C) 13.80%
D) 19.20%
Ans: C
E ( RLenz )  Rrf   Lenz ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.09  3.2(0.06)  0.138

88. The expected return on Kiwi Computers stock is 16.6 percent. If the risk-free rate is 4
percent and the expected return on the market is 10 percent, then what is Kiwi's beta?
A) 1.26
B) 2.10
C) 2.80
D) 3.15
Ans: B
E ( RKiwi )  0.166  Rrf   Kiwi ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.04   Kiwi (0.10  0.04)   Kiwi  2.1
89. The expected return on Mike's Seafood stock is 17.9 percent. If the expected return on
the market is 13 percent and the beta for Kiwi is 1.7, then what is the risk-free rate?
A) 4.5%
B) 5.0%
C) 5.5%
D) 6.0%
Ans: D
E ( RMike )  0.179  Rrf   Mike ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  Rrf  1.7(0.13  Rrf )  Rrf  0.06

90. The expected return on KarolCo. stock is 16.5 percent. If the risk-free rate is 5 percent
and the beta of KarolCo is 2.3, then what is the risk premium on the market?
A) 2.5%
B) 5.0%
C) 7.5%
D) 10.0%
Ans: B
E ( RKarole )  0.165  Rrf   Karol ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.05  2.3( Risk Pr emium)  Risk Pr emium  0.05

91. Which of the following statements is most correct?
A) The greater the risk associated with an investment, the lower the return investors
expect from it.
B) When choosing between two investments that have the same level of risk,
investors prefer the investment with the higher return. cái ni chắc chắn rồi, ai chả ham lời cao.
C) If two investments have the same expected return, investors prefer the riskiest
D) When choosing between two investments that have the same level of risk,
investors prefer the investment with the lower return.
Ans: B

92. Holding Period Return: George Wilson purchased Bright Light Industries common
stock for $47.50 on January 31, 2010. The firm paid dividends of $1.10 during the last
12 months. George sold the stock today (January 30, 2011) for $54.00. What is
George’s holding period return? Round off the nearest 0.01%.
A) 16.00%
B) 14.35%
C) 11.28%
D) 19.60%
Ans: A

P1  P0  CF 1 $54.00  $47.50  $1.10

R1    .1600  16.00%
P0 $47.50

93. Expected Return: Security Analysts that have evaluated Concordia Corporation have
determined that there is a 15% chance that the firm will generate earnings per share of
$2.40; a 60% probability that the firm will generate earnings per share of $3.10; and a
25% probability that the firm will generate earnings per share of $3.80. What are the
expected earnings per share for Concordia Corporation? (Round off to the nearest
A) $3.10
B) $3.17
C) $2.75
D) $2.91
Ans: B

Projected Expected
Probability EPS EPS
15.00% $2.40 $0.36

60.00% 3.10 1.86

25.00% 3.80 0.95

100.00% $3.17

94. Standard Deviation: View Point Industries has forecast a rate of return of 20.00% if
the economy booms (25.00% probability); a rate of return of 15.00% if the economy in
in a growth phase (45.00% probability); a rate of return of 2.50% if the economy in in
decline (20.00% probability); and a rate of return of -15.00% if the economy in a
depression (10.00% probability). What is View Point’s standard deviation of returns?
A) 17.31%
B) 9.25%
C) 15.00%
D) 10.46%
Ans: D

Standard Deviation


Probability Calc. Of Proj. Ret. Col. F

State of of Projected Expected Minus Col. E times
Economy Occurance Return Return Exp. Ret. Squared Col. B

Boom 25.00% 20.00% 5.00% 9.25% 0.856% 0.214%

Growth 45.00% 15.00% 6.75% 4.25% 0.181% 0.081%

Decline 20.00% 2.50% 0.50% -8.25% 0.681% 0.136%

Depression 10.00% -15.00% -1.50% -25.75% 6.631% 0.663%

100.00% Total 10.75% Variance 1.09

Standard Deviation 10.46%

95. Which of the following represents a plot of the relation between expected return and
systemic risk?
A) The beta coefficient.
B) The covariance of returns line.
C) The security market line.
D) The variance.
Ans: C

31. To solve future value problems with multiple cash flows involves which of the
following steps?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, calculate the future value of each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the future values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
32. Which one of the following steps is NOT involved in solving future value problems?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, discount each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
33. To solve present value problems with multiple cash flows involves which of the
following steps?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, calculate the present value of each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the present values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
34. Which one of the following steps is NOT involved in solving present value problems?
A) First, draw a time line to make sure that each cash flow is placed in the correct
time period.
B) Second, compound each cash flow for its time period.
C) Third, add up the values.
D) All of the above are necessary steps.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: easy
35. Calculating the present and future values of multiple cash flows is relevant
A) for businesses only.
B) for individuals only
C) for both individuals and businesses.
D) none of the above.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
36. In computing the present and future value of multiple cash flows,
A) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at the same rate.
B) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at a different rate.
C) earlier cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
D) later cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
37. In computing the present and future value of multiple cash flows,
A) earlier cash flows are discounted at a lower rate.
B) each cash flow is discounted or compounded at the same rate.
C) earlier cash flows are discounted at a higher rate.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
38. The present value of multiple cash flows is
A) greater than the sum of the cash flows.
B) equal to the sum of all the cash flows.
C) less than the sum of the cash flows.
D) none of the above.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
39. The future value of multiple cash flows is
A) greater than the sum of the cash flows.
B) equal to the sum of all the cash flows.
C) less than the sum of the cash flows
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
40. If your investment pays the same amount at the end of each year for a period of six
years, the cash flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
41. If your investment pays the same amount at the beginning of each year for a period of
10 years, the cash flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
42. If your investment pays the same amount at the end of each year forever, the cash
flow stream is called
A) a perpetuity.
B) an ordinary annuity.
C) an annuity due.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
43. Cash flows associated with annuities are considered to be
A) an uneven cash flow stream.
B) a cash flow stream of the same amount (a constant cash flow stream).
C) a mix of constant and uneven cash flow streams.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
44. Which ONE of the following statements is true about amortization?
A) Amortization refers to the way the borrowed amount (principal) is paid down
over the life of the loan.
B) With an amortized loan, each loan payment contains some payment of principal
and an interest payment.
C) A loan amortization schedule is just a table that shows the loan balance at the
beginning and end of each period, the payment made during that period, and how
much of that payment represents interest and how much represents repayment of
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
45. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about amortization?
A) Amortization refers to the way the borrowed amount (principal) is paid down
over the life of the loan.
B) With an amortized loan, each loan payment contains some payment of principal
and an interest payment.
C) With an amortized loan, a smaller proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.
D) A loan amortization schedule is just a table that shows the loan balance at the
beginning and end of each period, the payment made during that period, and how
much of that payment represents interest and how much represents repayment of
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
46. Which one of the following statements is true about amortization?
A) With an amortized loan, a bigger proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.
B) With an amortized loan, a bigger proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the later periods.
C) With an amortized loan, a smaller proportion of each month's payment goes
toward interest in the early periods.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
47. The annuity transformation method is used to transform
A) a present value annuity to a future value annuity.
B) a present value annuity to an annuity due.
C) an ordinary annuity to an annuity due.
D) a perpetuity to an annuity.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
48. A firm receives a cash flow from an investment that will increase by 10 percent
annually for an infinite number of years. This cash flow stream is called
A) an annuity due.
B) a growing perpetuity.
C) an ordinary annuity.
D) a growing annuity.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
49. Your investment in a small business venture will produce cash flows that increase by
15 percent every year for the next 25 years. This cash flow stream is called
A) an annuity due.
B) a growing perpetuity.
C) an ordinary annuity.
D) a growing annuity.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
50. Which one of the following statements is TRUE about the effective annual rate (EAR)?
A) The effective annual interest rate (EAR) is defined as the annual growth rate that
takes compounding into account.
B) The EAR conversion formula accounts for the number of compounding periods
and, thus, effectively adjusts the annualized interest rate for the time value of
C) The EAR is the true cost of borrowing and lending.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
51. The true cost of borrowing is the
A) annual percentage rate.
B) effective annual rate.
C) quoted interest rate.
D) periodic rate.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
52. The true cost of lending is the
A) annual percentage rate.
B) effective annual rate.
C) quoted interest rate.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
53. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The APR is the appropriate rate to do present and future value calculations.
B) The EAR is the appropriate rate to do present and future value calculations.
C) The EAR is the true cost of borrowing and lending.
D) The EAR takes compounding into account.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
54. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The Truth-in-Lending Act was passed by Congress to ensure that the true cost
of credit was disclosed to consumers.
B) The Truth-in-Savings Act was passed to provide consumers an accurate
estimate of the return they would earn on an investment.
C) The above two pieces of legislation require by law that the APR be disclosed on
all consumer loans and savings plans.
D) All of the above are true statements.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
55. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The correct way to annualize an interest rate is to compute the effective annual
interest rate (EAR).
B) The APR is the annualized interest rate using simple interest.
C) The correct way to annualize an interest rate is to compute the annual percentage
rate (APR).
D) You can find the interest rate per period by dividing the quoted annual rate by the
number of compounding periods.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
56. FV of multiple cash flows: Chandler Corp. is expecting a new project to start
producing cash flows, beginning at the end of this year. They expect cash flows to be as

1 2 3 4 5
$643,547 $678,214 $775,908 $778,326 $735,444

If they can reinvest these cash flows to earn a return of 8.2 percent, what is the future
value of this cash flow stream at the end of five years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $3,889,256
B) $4,227,118
C) $5,214,690
D) $4, 809,112
Ans: B

FV5  $643,547(1.082) 4  $678, 214(1.082)3  $775,908(1.082)2  $778,326(1.082)1

$735, 444
 $882, 042.10  $859,109.52  $908,374.12  $842,148.73  $735, 444
 $4, 227,118.47

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium

57. FV of multiple cash flows: Stiglitz, Inc., is expecting the following cash flows starting
at the end of the year—$113,245, $132,709, $141,554, and $180,760. If their
opportunity cost is 9.6 percent, find the future value of these cash flows. (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $644,406.10
B) $732,114
C) $685,312
D) $900,810
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
58. FV of multiple cash flows: Tariq Aziz will receive from his investment cash flows of
$3,125, $3,450, and $3, 800. If he can earn 7.5 percent on any investment that he
makes, what is the future value of his investment cash flows at the end of three years?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $11,120
B) $10,944
C) $10,812
D) $12,770
Ans: A

FV3 $3,125(1.075)2  $3, 450(1.075)1  $3,800

 $3, 611.33  $3, 708.75  $3,800
 $11,120.08

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
59. FV of multiple cash flows: Shane Matthews has invested in an investment that will
pay him $6,200, $6,450, $7,225, and $7,500 over the next four years. If his opportunity
cost is 10 percent, what is the future value of the cash flows he will receive? (Round to
the nearest dollar.)
A) $27,150
B) $29,900
C) $30,455
D) $31,504
Ans: D

FV4  $6, 200(1.10)3  $6, 450(1.10) 2  $7, 225(1.10)1  $7,500

 $8, 252.20  $7,804.50  $7,947.50  $7,500
 $31, 504.20

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
60. FV of multiple cash flows: International Shippers, Inc., have forecast earnings of $1,
233,400, $1,345,900, and $1,455,650 for the next three years. What is the future value
of these earnings if the firm's opportunity cost is 13 percent? (Round to the nearest
A) $4,214,360
B) $4,551,446
C) $3,900,865
D) $4,875,212
Ans: B

FV3 $1, 233, 400(1.13) 2  $1,345,900(1.13)1  $1, 455, 650

 $1,574,928.46  $1,520,867  $1, 455, 650
 $4, 551, 445.46

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
61. PV of multiple cash flows: Jack Stuart has loaned money to his brother at an interest
rate of 5.75 percent. He expects to receive $625, $650, $700, and $800 at the end of the
next four years as complete repayment of the loan with interest. How much did he loan
out to his brother? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,713
B) $2,250
C) $2,404
D) $2,545
Ans: C

0 1 2 3 4

$625 $650 $700 $800

n = 4; i=5.75%

$625 $650 $700 $800

PV    
(1.0575) (1.0575) (1.0575) (1.0575)4
2 3

 $591.02  $581.24  $591.91  $639.69

 $2, 403.85

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
62. PV of multiple cash flows: Ferris, Inc., has borrowed from their bank at a rate of 8
percent and will repay the loan with interest over the next five years. Their scheduled
payments, starting at the end of the year are as follows—$450,000, $560,000,
$750,000, $875,000, and $1,000,000. What is the present value of these payments?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,735,200
B) $2,615,432
C) $2431,224
D) $2,815,885
Ans: D

$450, 000 $560, 000 $750, 000 $875, 000 $1, 000, 000
PV     
(1.08) (1.08) 2 (1.08)3 (1.08) 4 (1.08)5
 $416, 666.67  $480,109.74  $595,374.18  $643,151.12  $680,583.20
 $2, 815, 884.91

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
63. PV of multiple cash flows: Hassan Ali has made an investment that will pay him
$11,455, $16,376, and $19,812 at the end of the next three years. His investment was to
fetch him a return of 14 percent. What is the present value of these cash flows? (Round
to the nearest dollar.)
A) $33,124
B) $36,022
C) $41,675
D) $39,208
Ans: B

$11, 455 $16,376 $19,812

PV   
(1.14) (1.14) 2 (1.14)3
 $10, 048.25  $12, 600.80  $13,372.54
 $36, 021.58

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
64. PV of multiple cash flows: Ajax Corp. is expecting the following cash
flows—$79,000, $112,000, $164,000, $84,000, and $242,000—over the next five
years. If the company’s opportunity cost is 15 percent, what is the present value of
these cash flows? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $429,560
B) $414,322
C) $480,906
D) $477,235
Ans: A

$79, 000 $112, 000 $164, 000 $84, 000 $242, 000
PV     
(1.15) (1.15) 2 (1.15)3 (1.15) 4 (1.15)5
 $68, 695.65  $84, 688.09  $107,832.66  $48, 027.27  $120,316.77
 $429, 560.45

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
65. PV of multiple cash flows: Pam Gregg is expecting cash flows of $50,000, $75,000,
$125,000, and $250,000 from an inheritance over the next four years. If she can earn 11
percent on any investment that she makes, what is the present value of her inheritance?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $361,998
B) $309,432
C) $412,372
D) $434,599
Ans: A

$50, 000 $75, 000 $125, 000 $250, 000

PV    
(1.11) (1.11) 2 (1.11)3 (1.11) 4
 $45, 045.05  60,871.68  $91,398.92  $164, 682.74
 $361, 998.39

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
66. Present value of an annuity: Transit Insurance Company has made an investment in
another company that will guarantee it a cash flow of $37,250 each year for the next
five years. If the company uses a discount rate of 15 percent on its investments, what is
the present value of this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $101,766
B) $124,868
C) $251,154
D) $186,250
Ans: B

Annual payment = PMT = $37,250

No. of payments = n = 5
Required rate of return = 15%
Present value of investment = PVA5
 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVAn  PMT   
 i 
 
 1 
1  (1.15)5 
 $37, 250     $37, 250  3.3522
 0.15 
 
 $124, 867.78

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
67. Present value of an annuity: Herm Mueller has invested in a fund that will provide
him a cash flow of $11,700 for the next 20 years. If his opportunity cost is 8.5 percent,
what is the present value of this cash flow stream? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $234,000
B) $132,455
C) $110,721
D) $167,884
Ans: C

 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVAn  PMT   
 i 
 
 1 
1  (1.085) 20 
 $11, 700     $11, 700  9.4633
 0.085 
 
 $110, 721.04

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
68. Present value of an annuity: Myers, Inc., will be making lease payments of $3,895.50
for a 10-year period, starting at the end of this year. If the firm uses a 9 percent discount
rate, what is the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $23,250
B) $29,000
C) $25,000
D) $20,000
Ans: C

 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVAn  PMT   
 i 
 
 1 
1  (1.09)10 
 $3,895.50     $3,895.50  6.4177
 0.09 
 
 $24, 999.99

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
69. Present value of an annuity: Lorraine Jackson won a lottery. She will have a choice of
receiving $25,000 at the end of each year for the next 30 years, or a lump sum today. If
she can earn a return of 10 percent on any investment she makes, what is the minimum
amount she should be willing to accept today as a lump-sum payment? (Round to the
nearest hundred dollars.)
A) $750,000
B) $334,600
C) $212,400
D) $235,700
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
70. Present value of an annuity: Craymore Tech is expecting cash flows of $67,000 at the
end of each year for the next five years. If the firm's discount rate is 17 percent, what is
the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $214,356
B) $241,653
C) $278,900
D) $197,776
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
71. Future value of an annuity: Carlos Menendez is planning to invest $3,500 every year
for the next six years in an investment paying 12 percent annually. What will be the
amount he will have at the end of the six years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $21,000
B) $28,403
C) $24,670
D) $26,124
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
72. Future value of an annuity: Jayadev Athreya has started on his first job. He plans to
start saving for retirement early. He will invest $5,000 at the end of each year for the
next 45 years in a fund that will earn a return of 10 percent. How much will Jayadev
have at the end of 45 years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,667,904
B) $3,594,524
C) $1,745,600
D) $5,233,442
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
73. Future value of an annuity: You plan to save $1,250 at the end of each of the next
three years to pay for a vacation. If you can invest it at 7 percent, how much will you
have at the end of three years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $3,750
B) $3,918
C) $4,019
D) $4,589
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
74. Future value of an annuity: Zhijie Jiang is saving to buy a new car in four years. She
will save $5,500 at the end of each of the next four years. If she invests her savings at
6.75 percent, how much will she have after four years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $22,000
B) $23,345
C) $27,556
D) $24,329
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
75. Future value of an annuity: Terri Garner will invest $3,000 in an IRA for the next 30
years starting at the end of this year. The investment will earn 13 percent annually.
How much will she have at the end of 30 years? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $897,598
B) $912,334
C) $748,212
D) $1,233,450
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
76. Computing annuity payment: Maricela Sanchez needs to have $25,000 in five years.
If she can earn 8 percent on any investment, what is the amount that she will have to
invest every year at the end of each year for the next five years? (Round to the nearest
A) $5,000
B) $4,261
C) $4,640
D) $4,445
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
77. Computing annuity payment: Jane Ogden wants to save for a trip to Australia. She
will need $12,000 at the end of four years. She can invest a certain amount at the
beginning of each of the next four years in a bank account that will pay her 6.8 percent
annually. How much will she have to invest annually to reach her target? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $3,000
B) $2,980
C) $2,538
D) $2,711
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
78. Computing annuity payment: Jackson Electricals has borrowed $27,850 from its
bank at an annual rate of 8.5 percent. It plans to repay the loan in eight equal
installments, beginning in a year. What is its annual loan payment? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $4,708
B) $5,134
C) $4,939
D) $4,748
Ans: C

PVAn = $27,850 n = 8; i = 8.5%

Present value of annuity = PVA = $27,850

Return on investment = i = 8.5%
Payment required to meet target = PMT
Using the PVA equation:
 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVAn  PMT   
 i 
 
$27,850 $27,850
PMT  
 1  5.6392
1  (1.085)8 
 
 0.085 
 
 $4, 938.66
Each payment made by Jackson Electricals will be $4,938.66, starting at the end of next

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
79. Computing annuity payment: John Harper has borrowed $17,400 to pay for his new
truck. The annual interest rate on the loan is 9.4 percent, and the loan needs to be repaid
in four payments. What will be his annual payment if he begins his payment beginning
now? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,229
B) $5,450
C) $4,850
D) $4,953
Ans: D

PVAn = $17,400 n = 4; i = 9.4%

Present value of annuity = PVA = $17,400

Return on investment = i = 9.4%
Payment required to meet target = PMT
Type of annuity = Annuity due
Using the PVA equation:

= $4,952.53

Each payment made by John Harper will be $4,952.53, starting today.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
80. Computing annuity payment: Trevor Smith wants to have a million dollars at
retirement, which is 15 years away. He already has $200,000 in an IRA earning 8
percent annually. How much does he need to save each year, beginning at the end of
this year to reach his target? Assume he could earn 8 percent on any investment he
makes. (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $13,464
B) $14,273
C) $10,900
D) $16,110
Ans: A
Retirement investment target in 15 years = $1,000,000
Amount invested in IRA account now = PV = $200,000
Return earned by investment = i = 8%
Value of current investment in 15 years = FV15
FV15  PV (1  i )15  $200, 000(1.08)15
 $634, 433.82
Balance of money needed to buy car = $1,000,000 -$634,433.82 =$365,566.18 = FVA
Payment needed to reach target = PMT
 (1  i ) n  1 
FVA  PMT   
 i 
FVA $365,566.18 $365,566.18
PMT   
1  (1  i)   (1.08)15  1 
   
 i   0.08 
 $13, 463.64

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
81. Perpetuity: Your father is 60 years old and wants to set up a cash flow stream that
would be forever. He would like to receive $20,000 every year, beginning at the end of
this year. If he could invest in account earning 9 percent, how much would he have to
invest today to receive his perpetual cash flow? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $222,222
B) $200,000
C) $189,000
D) $235,200
Ans: A
Annual payment needed = PMT = $20,000
Investment rate of return = i = 9%
Term of payment = Perpetuity
Present value of investment needed = PV
PMT $20, 000
PV of Perpetuity  
i 0.09
 $222, 222.22

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
82. Perpetuity: A lottery winner was given a perpetual payment of $11, 444. She could
invest the cash flows at 7 percent. What is the present value of this perpetuity? (Round
to the nearest dollar.)
A) $112,344
B) $163,486
C) $191,708
D) $201,356
Ans: B
Annual payment needed = PMT = $11,444
Investment rate of return = i = 7%
Term of payment = Perpetuity
Present value of investment needed = PV
PMT $11, 444
PV of Perpetuity  
i 0.07
 $163, 485.71

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium

83. Perpetuity: Roger Barkley wants to set up a scholarship at his alma mater. He is
willing to invest $500,000 in an account earning 10 percent. What will be the annual
scholarship that can be given from this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,000
B) $500,000
C) $50,000
D) None of the above
Ans: C
Annual payment needed = PMT
Present value of investment = PVA = $500,000
Investment rate of return = i = 10%
Term of payment = Perpetuity

= $50,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
84. Perpetuity: Chris Collinge has funded a retirement investment with $250,000 earning a
return of 5.75 percent. What is the value of the payment that he can receive in
perpetuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $12,150
B) $15,250
C) $14,375
D) $14,900
Ans: C
Annual payment needed = PMT
Present value of investment = PVA = $250,000
Investment rate of return = i = 5.75%
Term of payment = Perpetuity
PV of Perpetuity 
PMT  PV of Perpetuity  i
 $250, 000  0.0575
 $14, 375

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
85. Perpetuity: Jeff Conway wants to receive $25,000 in perpetuity and will invest his
money in an investment that will earn a return of 13.5 percent annually. What is the
value of the investment that he needs to make today to receive his perpetual cash flow
stream? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $640,225
B) $252,325
C) $144,350
D) $185,185
Ans: D
Annual Payment needed = PMT = $25,000
Investment rate of return = i = 13.5%
Term of payment = Perpetuity
Present value of investment needed = PV
PMT $25, 000
PV of Perpetuity  
i 0.135
 $185,185.19

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
86. Annuity due: You plan to save $1,400 for the next four years, beginning now, to pay
for a vacation. If you can invest it at 6 percent, how much will you have at the end of
four years? Round to the nearest dollar.

A) $6,124
B) $5,618
C) $4,019
D) $6,492
Ans: D
0 1 2 3 4
$1,400 $1,400 $1,400 $1,400

n = 4; i = 6%

 (1  i) n 
FVA  PMT     (1  i )
 i 
 (1.06) 4  1 
 $1, 400     (1.06)
 0.06 
 $1, 400  4.3746 1.06
 $6, 491.93

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
87. Annuity due: Mark Holcomb has a five-year loan on which he will make annual
payments of $2,235, beginning now. If the interest rate on the loan is 8.3 percent, what
is the present value of this annuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $9,588
B) $8,854
C) $8,612
D) $9,122
Ans: A
0 1 2 3 4 5
$2,235 $2,235 $2,235 $2,235 $2,235

n = 5; i = 8.3%

Annual payment = PMT = $2,235

No. of payments = n = 5
Required rate of return = 8.3%
Present value of investment = PVA5
 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVA  PMT     (1  i )
 i 
 
 1 
1  (1.083)5 
 $2, 235     (1.083)
 0.083 
 
 $2, 235  3.9613 1.083
 $9, 588.44

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
88. Annuity due: Jenny Abel is investing $2,500 today and will do so at the beginning of
each of the next six years for a total of seven payments. If her investment can earn 12
percent, how much will she have at the end of seven years? (Round to the nearest
A) $25,223
B) $28,249
C) $31,127
D) $29,460
Ans: B
0 1 2 3 6 7

n = 7; i = 12%

Present value of annuity = PVA Return on investment = i = 9.4%

Payment required to meet target = $2,500
Type of annuity = Annuity due
 (1  i) n 
FVA  PMT     (1  i )
 i 
 (1.12)7  1 
 $2,500     (1.12)
 0.12 
 $2,500 10.0890 1.12
 $28, 249.23

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
89. Annuity due: Your inheritance will pay you $100,000 a year for five years beginning
now. You can invest it in a CD that will pay 7.75 percent annually. What is the present
value of your inheritance? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $399,356
B) $401,916
C) $433,064
D) $467,812
Ans: C
0 1 2 3 4 5
$100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000
n = 5; i = 7.75%

Annual payment = PMT = $100,000

No. of payments = n = 5
Required rate of return = 7.75%
Present value of investment = PVA5
 1 
1  (1  i ) n 
PVA  PMT     (1  i )
 i 
 
 1 
1  (1.0775)5 
 $100, 000     (1.0775)
 0.0775 
 
 $100, 000  4.0192 1.0775
 $433, 064.19

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
90. Growing perpetuity: Jack Benny is planning to invest in an insurance company
product. The product will pay $10,000 at the end of this year. Thereafter, the payments
will grow annually at a 3 percent rate forever. Jack will be able to invest his cash flows
at a rate of 6.5 percent. What is the present value of this investment cash flow stream?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $326,908
B) $312,766
C) $285,714
D) $258,133
Ans: C
Cash flow at t=1 = CF1 = $10,000
Annual growth rate = g = 3%
Discount rate = i = 6.5%
Present value of growing perpetuity = PVA¥
CF1 $10, 000
PVA  
(i  g ) (0.065  0.03)
 $285, 714.29

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
91. Growing perpetuity: Norwood Investments is putting out a new product. The product
will pay out $25,000 in the first year, and after that the payouts will grow by an annual
rate of 2.5 percent forever. If you can invest the cash flows at 7.5 percent, how much
will you be willing to pay for this perpetuity? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $312,000
B) $233,000
C) $250,000
D) $500,000
Ans: D
Cash flow at t=1 = CF1 = $25,000
Annual growth rate = g = 2.5%
Discount rate = i = 7.5%
Present value of growing perpetuity = PVA¥
CF1 $25, 000
PVA  
(i  g ) (0.075  0.025)
 $500, 000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
92. Growing annuity: Hill Enterprises is expecting tremendous growth from its newest
boutique store. Next year the store is expected to bring in net cash flows of $675,000.
The company expects its earnings to grow annually at a rate of 13 percent for the next
15 years. What is the present value of this growing annuity if the firm uses a discount
rate of 18 percent on its investments? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $6,448,519
B) $6,750,000
C) $7,115,449
D) $5,478,320
Ans: A
Time of growth = n = 15 years
Next year's expected net cash flow = CF1 = $675,000
Expected annual growth rate = g = 13%
Firm's required rate of return = i = 18%
Present value of growing annuity = PVAn

=$13,500,000 x .477668
= $6,448,519.47

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
93. Growing annuity: Wilbon Corp. is evaluating whether it should take over the lease of
an ethnic restaurant in Manhattan. The current owner had originally signed a 25-year
lease, of which 16 years still remain. The restaurant has been growing steadily at a 7
percent growth for the last several years. Wilbon Corp. expects the restaurant to
continue to grow at the same rate for the remaining lease term. Last year, the restaurant
brought in net cash flows of $310,000. If the firm evaluates similar investments at 15
percent, what is the present value of this investment? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $2,966.350
B) $2,838,182
C) $3,109,460
D) $2,709,124
Ans: B
Time for lease to expire = n = 16 years
Last year's net cash flow = CF0 = $310,000
Expected annual growth rate = g = 7%
Firm's required rate of return = i = 15%
Expected cash flow next year = CF1 = $310,000(1 + g) = $310,000(1.07) = $331,700
Present value of growing annuity = PVAn
CF1   1  g     1.07 16 
$331, 700
PVAn   1       1    
(i  g )   1  i   (0.15  0.07)   1.15  
 $4,146, 250  0.684518
 $2, 838,181.52

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
94. Effective annual rate: Desire Cosmetics borrowed $152,300 from a bank for three
years. If the quoted rate (APR) is 11.75 percent, and the compounding is daily, what is
the effective annual rate (EAR)? (Round to one decimal place.)
A) 11.75%
B) 14.3%
C) 12.5%
D) 11.6%
Ans: C
Loan amount = PV = $152,300
Interest rate on loan = i = 11.75%
Frequency of compounding = m = 365
Effective annual rate = EAR
m1 365
 i   0.1175 
EAR  1    1  1  1
 m  365 
 1.12455  1  12.46%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
95. Effective annual rate: Largent Supplies Corp. has borrowed to invest in a project. The
loan calls for a payment of $17,384 every month for three years. The lender quoted
Largent a rate of 8.40 percent with monthly compounding. At what rate would you
discount the payments to find amount borrowed by Largent? (Round to two decimal
A) 8.40%
B) 8.73%
C) 8.95%
D) None of the above.
Ans: B
Loan amount = PV
Interest rate on loan = i = 8.4%
Frequency of compounding = m = 12
Effective annual rate = EAR
m1 12
 i   0.084 
EAR  1    1  1  1
 m  12 
 1.0873  1  8.73%

To discount present or future value of cash flows, the most appropriate rate is the EAR,
that is, 8.73 percent.

Chapter 7
36. The expected return for a portfolio without borrowing
A) should never be less than the expected return of the asset with lowest expected
B) should never be greater than the expected return of the asset with highest
expected return.
C) may not be an event with even a positive probability of occurrence.
D) All of the above.
Ans: D

37. In a game of chance, the probability of winning a $50 prize is 40 percent, and the
probability of winning a $100 prize is 60 percent. What is the expected value of a prize
in the game?
A) $50
B) $75
C) $80
D) $100
Ans: C
$50(0.4) + $100 (0.6) = $80

38. In a game of chance, the probability of winning a $50 is 40 percent and the probability
of losing a $50 prize is 60 percent. What is the expected value of a prize in the game?
A) –$10
B) $0
C) $10
D) $25
Ans: A
$50(0.4) – $50 (0.6) = -$10

39. Which of the following is the best measure of the systematic risk in a portfolio?
A) variance
B) standard deviation
C) covariance
D) beta
Ans: D

40. Use the following table to calculate the expected return for the asset.

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 15.00%
B) 17.50%
C) 18.75%
D) 20.00%
Ans: C
(0.1)(0.25) + (0.2)(0.5) + (0.25)(0.25) = 0.1875

41. Use the following table to calculate the expected return for the asset.

Return Probability

0.05 0.1
0.1 0.15
0.15 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 12.50%
B) 13.75%
C) 15.75%
D) 16.75%
Ans: C
(0.5)(0.1) + (0.1)(0.15) + (0.15)(0.5) + (0.25)(0.25) = 0.1575

42. The expected return for the asset below is 18.75 percent. If the return distribution for
the asset is described as in the following table, what is the variance for the asset's

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 0.002969
B) 0.000613
C) 0.015195
D) 0.054486
Ans: A
(0.1)(0.25 – 0.1875)2 + (0.2)(0.5 – 0.1875) 2 + (0.25)(0.25 – 0.1875) 2 = 0.002969

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Easy
43. The expected return for the asset shown in the following table is 18.75 percent. If the
return distribution for the asset is described as below, what is the standard deviation for
the asset's returns?

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
0.2 0.5
0.25 0.25
A) 0.002969
B) 0.000613
C) 0.015195
D) 0.054486
Ans: D
{ (0.25)(0.10 – 0.1875)2 + (0.5)(0.2 – 0.1875) 2 + (0.25)(0.25 – 0.1875) 2 }1/2 =

44. If you are dealing with percentage returns, then which of the following is generally
A) The variance of the return distribution is generally smaller than the standard
B) The variance of the return distribution is generally larger than the standard
C) The variance of the return distribution is measured in the same units as expected
D) None of the above is generally true.
Ans: D

45. The return distribution for an asset is as shown in the following table. What are the
missing values if the expected return is 10 percent?

Return Probability

0.1 0.25
x 0.5
x 0.25
A) 0.20
B) 0.15
C) 0.10
D) None of the above
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
46. The expected return for Stock Z is 30 percent. If we know the following information
about Stock Z, then what return will it produce in the Lukewarm state of the world?

Return Probabilit

Poor 0.2 0.25

Lukewarm ? 0.5
Dynamite! 0.4 0.25
A) 20%
B) 30%
C) 40%
D) It is impossible to determine.
Ans: B
(0.25)(0.2) + (0.5)(X) + (0.25)(0.4) = 0.3 , X = 0.3

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
47. The expected return for Stock V is 24.5 percent. If we know the following information
about Stock Z, then what is the probability of the Dynamite state of the world

Return Probability

Poor 0.15 0.2

Lukewar 0.28 0.7
Dynamit 0.19 ?
A) 5%
B) 10%
C) 15%
D) 20%
Ans: B
0.2 + 0.7 + X = 1.0 ===> X = 0.1 or 10%

48. Ahmet purchased a stock for $45 one year ago. The stock is now worth $65. During the
year, the stock paid a dividend of $2.50. What is the total return to Ahmet from owning
the stock? (Round your answer to the nearest whole percent.)
A) 5%
B) 44%
C) 35%
D) 50%
Ans: D
$65  $45  $2.50
 0.5  50%

49. Julio purchased a stock one year ago for $27. The stock is now worth $32, and the total
return to Julio for owning the stock was 37 percent. What is the dollar amount of
dividends that he received for owning the stock during the year?
A) $4
B) $5
C) $6
D) $7
Ans: B
$32  $27  $ X
 0.37, $ X  $5

50. Francis purchased a stock one year ago for $20, and it is now worth $24. The stock paid
a dividend of $3 during the year. What was the stock's rate of return from capital
appreciation during the year? (Round your answer to the nearest percent.)
A) 17%
B) 20%
C) 29%
D) 35%
Ans: B
$24  $20
 0.20

51. Gwen purchased a stock one year ago for $25, and it is now worth $31. The stock paid
a dividend of $1.50 during the year. What was the stock's rate of return income during
the year? (Round your answer to the nearest percent.)
A) 6%
B) 15%
C) 24%
D) 26%
Ans: A
 .06

52. Gunther earned a 62.5 percent return on a stock that he purchased one year ago. The
stock is now worth $12, and he received a dividend of $1 during the year. How much
did Gunther originally pay for the stock?
A) $7.00
B) $7.50
C) $8.00
D) $8.50
Ans: C
$12  $ X  $1
 0.625, $ X  $8

53. Moshe purchased a stock for $30 last year. He found out today that he had a –100
percent return on his investment. Which of the following must be true?
A) The stock is worth $30 today.
B) The stock is worth $0 today
C) The stock paid no dividends during the year.
D) Both b and c must be true.
Ans: D

54. Babs purchased a piece of real estate last year for $85,000. The real estate is now worth
$102,000. If Babs needs to have a total return of 25 percent during the year, then what
is the dollar amount of income that she needed to have to reach her objective?
A) $3,750
B) $4,250
C) $4,750
D) $5,250
Ans: B
$102, 000  $85, 000  $ X
 0.25, $ X  $4, 250
$85, 000

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
55. Genaro needs to capture a return of 40 percent for his one-year investment in a
property. He believes that he can sell the property at the end of the year for $150,000
and that the property will provide him with rental income of $25,000. What is the
maximum amount that Genaro should be willing to pay for the property?
A) $112,500
B) $125,000
C) $137,500
D) $150,000
Ans: B
$150, 000  $ X  $25, 000
 0.4, $ X  $125, 000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
56. Books Brothers stock was priced at $15 per share two years ago. The stock sold for $13
last year and now it sells for $18. What was the total return for owning Books Brothers
stock during the most recent year? Assume that no dividends were paid and round to
the nearest percent.
A) 17%
B) 20%
C) 23%
D) 38%
Ans: D
$18  $13
 0.3846

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
57. Serox stock was selling for $20 two years ago. The stock sold for $25 one year ago, and
it is currently selling for $28. Serox pays a $1.10 dividend per year. What was the rate
of return for owning Serox in the most recent year? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 12%
B) 16%
C) 32%
D) 40%
Ans: B
$28  $25  $1.1
 0.164

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
58. You have observed that the average size of a particular goldfish is 1.5 inches long. The
standard deviation of the size of the goldfish is 0.25 inches. What is the size of a
goldfish such that 95 percent of the goldfish are smaller? Assume a normal distribution
for the size of goldfish.
A) 1.01 inches
B) 1.09 inches
C) 1.91 inches
D) 1.99 inches
Ans: C
1.5 + 1645 (0.25) = 1.91 inches

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
59. You know that the average college student eats 0.75 pounds of food at lunch. If the
standard deviation of that eating is 0.2 pounds of food, then what is the total amount of
food that a cafeteria should have on hand to be 95percent confident that it will not run
out of food when feeding 50 college students.
A) 17.90 pounds
B) 21.05 pounds
C) 53.95 pounds
D) 57.10 pounds
Ans: C
50 students * {0.75 pounds per student + 1.645 (0.2 pounds per student)} = 53.95
pounds of food required.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
60. If a random variable is drawn from a normal distribution, what is the probability that
the random variable is larger than 1.96 standard deviations larger than the mean?
A) 1.25%
B) 2.50%
C) 3.75%
D) 5.00%
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
61. If a random variable is drawn from a normal distribution, what is the probability that
the random variable is larger than 1.96 standard deviations below the mean?
A) 95.00%
B) 96.25%
C) 97.50%
D) 98.75%
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
62. Niles is making an investment with an expected return of 12 percent. If the standard
deviation of the return is 4.5 percent, and if Niles is investing $100,000, then what
dollar amount is Niles 95 percent sure that he will have at the end of the year?
A) $100,000.00
B) $104,597.50
C) $116,500.00
D) $119,402.50
Ans: B
{ 1 + [0.12 – 1.645 (0.045)]} X $100,000 = $104,597.50

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
63. Which of the following investment classes had the greatest average return based on
recent historical data?
A) Intermediate-Term Government Bonds
B) Long-Term Government Bonds
C) Large U.S. Stocks
D) Small U.S. Stocks
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
64. Which of the following investment classes had the greatest variability in returns for
recent historical data?
A) Intermediate-Term Government Bonds
B) Long-Term Government Bonds
C) Large U.S. Stocks
D) Small U.S. Stocks
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
65. If you were to compare the returns of an individual stock to a market index, select the
answer below that is most true.
A) The returns of the individual stock will show more variability than those of
the market index.
B) The returns of the individual stock will show less variability than those of the
market index.
C) The returns of the individual stock will show the same level of variability than
those of the market index, if they have the same beta.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
66. Tommie has made an investment that will generate returns that are subject to the state
of the economy during the year. Use the following information to calculate the standard
deviation of the return distribution for Tommie's investment.

State Return Probabilit


Weak 0.13 0.3

OK 0.2 0.4
Great 0.25 0.3
A) 0.0453
B) 0.0467
C) 0.0481
D) 0.0495
Ans: B
E ( R)  (0.3)(0.13)  (0.4)(0.2)  (0.3)(0.25)  0.194
Var ( R)  0.3(0.13  0.194) 2  0.4(0.2  0.194) 2  0.3(0.25  0.194) 2  0.002184
Std ( R)  (0.002184)  0.046733

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
67. Elrond has made an investment that will generate returns that are subject to the state of
the economy. Use the following information to calculate the variance of the return
distribution for Elrond's investment.

State Return Probability

Weak 0.10 0.8

OK 0.17 0.1
Great 0.28 0.1
A) 0.0536
B) 0.0543
C) 0.0550
D) 0.0557
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
68. Braniff Ground Services stock has an expected return of 9 percent and a variance of
0.25 percent. What is the coefficient of variation for Braniff?
A) 0.0278
B) 0.5556
C) 1.800
D) 36.00
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
69. Sayers purchased a stock with a coefficient of variation equal to 0.125. The expected
return on the stock is 20 percent. What is the variance of the stock?
A) 0.000625
B) 0.025000
C) 0.625000
D) 0.790500
Ans: A

Coefficient of Variation 

 
2 2

 0.125,  2  0.000625
E ( R) 0.20

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
70. You have invested 40 percent of your portfolio in an investment with an expected
return of 12 percent and 60 percent of your portfolio in an investment with an expected
return of 20 percent. What is the expected return of your portfolio?
A) 15.2%
B) 16.0%
C) 16.8%
D) 17.6%
Ans: C
E ( R)  0.4(0.12)  0.6(0.20)  0.168

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
71. You have invested 20 percent of your portfolio in Homer, Inc., 40 percent in Marge
Co., and 20 percent in Bart Resources. What is the expected return of your portfolio if
Homer, Marge, and Bart have expected returns of 2 percent, 18 percent, and 3 percent,
A) 7.7%
B) 8.2%
C) 8.7%
D) 9.2%
Ans: B
E ( R)  0.2(0.02)  0.4(0.18)  0.2(0.03)  0.082

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
72. You invested $3,000 in a portfolio with an expected return of 10 percent and $2,000 in
a portfolio with an expected return of 16 percent. What is the expected return of the
combined portfolio?
A) 6.2%
B) 12.4%
C) 13.0%
D) 13.6%
Ans: B
3, 000 2, 000
(0.1)  (0.16)  0.124
5, 000 5, 000

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
73. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
covariance of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is 10.8 percent
for Stock 1 and 9.7 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.4 0.09 0.11

0.5 0.11 0.08
0.1 0.17 0.13
A) 0.000094
B) 0.00051600
C) 0.00032100
D) 0.71750786
Ans: A

= 0.000094

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
74. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
correlation coefficient of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return for
Stock 1 is 10.8 percent and 9.7 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.4 0.09 0.11

0.5 0.11 0.08
0.1 0.17 0.13
A) 0.230967
B) –0.00002548
C) 0.00032100
D) 0.17671455
Ans: A
From the solution to Problem 73, we find that the covariance between the stocks is
0.000094. We must now solve for the standard deviation of the returns of each
individual stock.

 12  0.4(0.09  0.108) 2  0.5(0.11  0.108) 2  0.1(0.17  0.108)2  0.000516,

 1  0.02271563

 22  0.4(0.11  0.097) 2  0.5(0.08  0.097) 2  0.1(0.18  0.097)2  0.000321,

 2  0..01791647

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
75. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
covariance of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is 14.4 percent
for Stock 1 and 15.9 percent for Stock 2.

Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.5 0.11 0.18

0.3 0.17 0.15
0.2 0.19 0.12
A) 0.001204001
B) 0.000549003
C) -0.00079
D) –0.3372012
Ans: C
Cov( R1 , R2 )  PState1 ( RState1,1  E ( R1 )( RState1,2  E ( R2 ))  PState 2) ( RState 2,1  E ( R1 ))( RState 2,2  E ( R2 ))
 PState3 ( RState3,1  E ( R1 ))( RState3,2  E ( R2 ))  0.00007192

Cov(R1,R2) = .
= -0.00079

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
76. Given the returns for two stocks with the following information, calculate the
correlation coefficient of the returns for the two stocks. Assume the expected return is
14.4 percent for Stock 1 and 15.9 percent for Stock 2.
Prob Stock 1 Stock 2

0.5 0.11 0.18

0.3 0.17 0.15
0.2 0.19 0.12
A) 0.001204001
B) 0.000549003
C) –0.00271370
D) -0.971689
Ans: D
 12  0.5(0.11  0.144) 2  0.3(0.17  0.144) 2  0.2(0.10  0.144) 2  0.001204
 1  0.03469873

 22  0.5(0.18  0.159) 2  0.3(0.15  0.159) 2  0.2(0.12  0.159)2  0.000549,

 2  0.02343075

Cov(R1,R2) = -0.00079

so p = - .00079 = -.971689

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
77. The covariance of the returns between Einstein Stock and Bohr Stock is 0.0087. The
standard deviation of Einstein is 0.26, and the standard deviation of Bohr is 0.37. What
is the correlation coefficient between the returns of the two stocks?
A) 0.090437
B) 0.096200
C) 0.90437
D) 0.96200
Ans: A
Cov( R1 , R2 ) 0.0087
   0.090437
 1 2 (0.26)(0.37)

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
78. The covariance of the returns between Wildcat Stock and Sun Devil Stock is 0.09875.
The variance of Wildcat is 0.2116, and the variance of Sun Devil is 0.1369. What is the
correlation coefficient between the returns of the two stocks?
A) 0.170200
B) 0.293347
C) 0.340823
D) 0.578731
Ans: D
Cov( R1 , R2 ) 0.09875
   0.578731
 1 2 (0.2116) 2 (0.1369) 2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
79. Horse Stock returns have exhibited a standard deviation of 0.57, whereas Mod T Stock
returns have a standard deviation of 0.63. The correlation coefficient between the
returns is 0.078042. What is the covariance of the returns?
A) 0.028025
B) 0.217327
C) 0.359100
D) 0.993094
Ans: A
Cov( R1 , R2)  12 1 2  (0.078042) X (0.57) X (0.63)  0.028025

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
80. Batman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation in stock returns of 0.5, whereas
Superman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation of 0.6. The correlation coefficient
between the stock returns is 0.5. What is the variance of a portfolio composed of 70
percent Batman and 30 percent Superman?
A) 0.1549
B) 0.2179
C) 0.4668
D) 0.5500
Ans: B
Var ( port )  x12 12  x22 22  2 x1 x2 1 2 12
 (0.7) 2 (0.5) 2  (0.3) 2 (0.6) 2  2(0.7)(0.3)(0.5)(0.6)(0.5)  0.2179

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
81. Aquaman Stock has exhibited a standard deviation in stock returns of 0.7, whereas
Green Lantern Stock has exhibited a standard deviation of 0.8. The correlation
coefficient between the stock returns is 0.1. What is the standard deviation of a
portfolio composed of 70 percent Aquaman and 30 percent Green Lantern?
A) 0.32122
B) 0.54562
C) 0.56676
D) 0.75000
Ans: C
Var ( port )  x12 12  x22 22  2 x1 x2 1 2 12
 (0.7) 2 (0.7) 2  (0.3) 2 (0.8) 2  2(0.7)(0.3)(0.7)(0.8)(0.1)  0.32122

Std ( port )  Sqrt (Var ( port ))  Sqrt (0.32122)  0.566763

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
82. Most of the benefits risk-reduction from diversification can be achieved in a portfolio
consisting of
A) 5 to 10 stocks
B) 10 to 15 stocks
C) 15 to 20 stocks
D) 20 to 25 stocks
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
83. Which of the following investors should be willing to pay the highest price for an asset?
A) An investor with a single-asset portfolio.
B) An investor with a 50-asset portfolio.
C) An investor who is not completely diversified.
D) An investor who is so risk-averse that he does not recognize the benefits of
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
84. A portfolio with a level of systematic risk the same as that of the market has a beta
that is
A) equal to zero.
B) equal to one.
C) less than the beta of the risk-free asset.
D) less than zero.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
85. The beta of Elsenore, Inc., stock is 1.6, whereas the risk-free rate of return is 8 percent.
If the expected return on the market is 15 percent, then what is the expected return on
A) 11.20%
B) 19.20%
C) 24.00%
D) 32.00%
Ans: B
E ( REls )  Rrf   Els ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.08  1.6(0.15  0.08)  0.1920

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
86. The beta of RicciCo.'s stock is 3.2, whereas the risk-free rate of return is 9 percent. If
the expected return on the market is 18 percent, then what is the expected return on
A) 28.80%
B) 37.80%
C) 48.60%
D) 57.60%
Ans: B
E ( RRicci )  Rrf   Ricci ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.09  3.2(0.18  0.09)  0.378

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
87. The risk-free rate of return is currently 3 percent, whereas the market risk premium is 6
percent. If the beta of Lenz, Inc., stock is 1.8, then what is the expected return on Lenz?
A) 8.40%
B) 10.80%
C) 13.80%
D) 19.20%
Ans: C
E ( RLenz )  Rrf   Lenz ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.09  3.2(0.06)  0.138

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
88. The expected return on Kiwi Computers stock is 16.6 percent. If the risk-free rate is 4
percent and the expected return on the market is 10 percent, then what is Kiwi's beta?
A) 1.26
B) 2.10
C) 2.80
D) 3.15
Ans: B
E ( RKiwi )  0.166  Rrf   Kiwi ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.04   Kiwi (0.10  0.04)   Kiwi  2.1

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
89. The expected return on Mike's Seafood stock is 17.9 percent. If the expected return on
the market is 13 percent and the beta for Kiwi is 1.7, then what is the risk-free rate?
A) 4.5%
B) 5.0%
C) 5.5%
D) 6.0%
Ans: D
E ( RMike )  0.179  Rrf   Mike ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  Rrf  1.7(0.13  Rrf )  Rrf  0.06

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 6
Level of Difficulty: Hard
90. The expected return on KarolCo. stock is 16.5 percent. If the risk-free rate is 5 percent
and the beta of KarolCo is 2.3, then what is the risk premium on the market?
A) 2.5%
B) 5.0%
C) 7.5%
D) 10.0%
Ans: B
E ( RKarole )  0.165  Rrf   Karol ( E ( RM )  Rrf )  0.05  2.3( Risk Pr emium)  Risk Pr emium  0.05

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Easy
91. Which of the following statements is most correct?
A) The greater the risk associated with an investment, the lower the return investors
expect from it.
B) When choosing between two investments that have the same level of risk,
investors prefer the investment with the higher return.
C) If two investments have the same expected return, investors prefer the riskiest
D) When choosing between two investments that have the same level of risk,
investors prefer the investment with the lower return.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
92. Holding Period Return: George Wilson purchased Bright Light Industries common
stock for $47.50 on January 31, 2010. The firm paid dividends of $1.10 during the last
12 months. George sold the stock today (January 30, 2011) for $54.00. What is
George’s holding period return? Round off the nearest 0.01%.
A) 16.00%
B) 14.35%
C) 11.28%
D) 19.60%
Ans: A

P1  P0  CF 1 $54.00  $47.50  $1.10
R1    .1600  16.00%
P0 $47.50

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
93. Expected Return: Security Analysts that have evaluated Concordia Corporation have
determined that there is a 15% chance that the firm will generate earnings per share of
$2.40; a 60% probability that the firm will generate earnings per share of $3.10; and a
25% probability that the firm will generate earnings per share of $3.80. What are the
expected earnings per share for Concordia Corporation? (Round off to the nearest
A) $3.10
B) $3.17
C) $2.75
D) $2.91
Ans: B

Projected Expected
Probability EPS EPS
15.00% $2.40 $0.36

60.00% 3.10 1.86

25.00% 3.80 0.95

100.00% $3.17

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
94. Standard Deviation: View Point Industries has forecast a rate of return of 20.00% if
the economy booms (25.00% probability); a rate of return of 15.00% if the economy in
in a growth phase (45.00% probability); a rate of return of 2.50% if the economy in in
decline (20.00% probability); and a rate of return of -15.00% if the economy in a
depression (10.00% probability). What is View Point’s standard deviation of returns?
A) 17.31%
B) 9.25%
C) 15.00%
D) 10.46%
Ans: D

Standard Deviation


Probability Calc. Of Proj. Ret. Col. F

State of of Projected Expected Minus Col. E times
Economy Occurance Return Return Exp. Ret. Squared Col. B

Boom 25.00% 20.00% 5.00% 9.25% 0.856% 0.214%

Growth 45.00% 15.00% 6.75% 4.25% 0.181% 0.081%

Decline 20.00% 2.50% 0.50% -8.25% 0.681% 0.136%

Depression 10.00% -15.00% -1.50% -25.75% 6.631% 0.663%

100.00% Total 10.75% Variance 1.09

Standard Deviation 10.46%

95. Which of the following represents a plot of the relation between expected return and
systemic risk?
A) The beta coefficient.
B) The covariance of returns line.
C) The security market line.
D) The variance.
Ans: C

31. In an efficient capital market,
A) security prices fully reflect the knowledge and expectations of all investors at a
particular point in time.
B) investors and financial managers have no reason to believe the securities are not
priced at or near their true value.
C) prices of securities adjust as new information becomes available to the market.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

32. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) The overall efficiency of a capital market depends on its operational efficiency
and its informational efficiency.
B) Operational efficiency focuses on bringing buyers and sellers together at the
lowest possible cost.
C) If market prices reflect all relevant information about securities at a
particular point in time, the market is operationally efficient. information efficiency mới đúng.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: C

33. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Competition among investors is an important driver of informational efficiency.
B) If market prices reflect all relevant information about securities at a particular
point in time, the market is informationally efficient.
C) In an informationally efficient market, market prices adjust quickly to new
information about a security as it becomes available.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

34. With strong-form market efficiency,

A) the price of a security in the market reflects all public information only.
B) it would not be possible to earn abnormally high returns by trading on
private information.
C) investors who have access to inside or private information will be able to earn
abnormal returns.
D) None of the above.
Ans: B

35. With semistrong-form market efficiency,
A) the price of a security in the market reflects all public information only.
B) it would be possible to earn abnormally high returns by trading on public
C) investors who have access to inside or private information will be unable to earn
abnormal returns.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

36. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Weak-form market efficiency implies that investors who have access to inside or
private information will be able to earn abnormal returns.
B) Semistrong-form market efficiency implies that investors who have access to
inside or private information will be able to earn abnormal returns.
C) Strong-form market efficiency implies that investors who have access to
inside or private information will be able to earn abnormal returns. strong rồi là k có trade được thông tin
cá nhân mô.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

37. Which ONE of the following statements is true?

A) The largest investors in corporate bonds are life insurance companies and pension
B) The market for corporate bonds is thin.
C) Prices in the corporate bond market also tend to be more volatile.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

38. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Prices in the corporate bond market also tend to be more volatile than the markets
for stocks or money market securities.
B) Corporate bonds are more marketable than the securities that have higher
daily trading volumes. trade daily thì nó marketable hơn chứ.
C) The market for corporate bonds is thin.
D) The largest investors in corporate bonds are life insurance companies and pension
Ans: B

39. It is easy for individuals to trade in the corporate bond market because
A) the corporate bond market is considered to be very transparent.
B) prices in the corporate bond market tend to be more stable.
C) centralized reporting of deals between buyers and sellers take place.
D) None of the above statements are true.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
40. Which one of the following statements about vanilla bonds is NOT true?
A) They have no special provisions.
B) The face value, or par value, for most corporate bonds is $1,000.
C) Coupon payments are usually made quarterly.
D) The bond's coupon rate is calculated as the annual coupon payment divided by
the bond's face value.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
41. Which ONE of the following statements is true?
A) Zero coupon bonds have no coupon payments over its life and only offer a single
payment at maturity.
B) Zero coupon bonds sell well below their face value (at a deep discount) because
they offer no coupons.
C) The most frequent and regular issuer of zero coupon securities is the U.S.
Treasury Department.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
42. Which ONE of the following statements is true?
A) To secure the conversion option on a bond, bondholders would be willing to pay
a premium.
B) The conversion ratio is set so that the firm's stock price must appreciate 15 to 20
percent before it is profitable to convert bonds into equity.
C) Convertible bonds can be converted into shares of common stock at some
predetermined ratio at the discretion of the bondholder.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
43. Which one of the following statements about bond price is NOT true?
A) To compute a bond's price, one needs to calculate the present value of the bond's
expected cash flows.
B) The value, or price, of any asset is the future value of its cash flows.
C) The required rate of return, or discount rate, for a bond is the market interest rate
called the bond's yield to maturity
D) Estimate the expected future cash flows using the coupons that the bond will pay
and the maturity value to be received.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
44. If a bond's coupon rate is equal to the market rate, then the bond will sell
A) at a price equal to its face value.
B) at a price greater than its face value.
C) at a price less than its face value.
D) None of the above are true.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Easy
45. Bonds sell at a discount off the par value when market rates for similar bonds are
A) less than the bond's coupon rate.
B) greater than the bond's coupon rate.
C) equal to the bond's coupon rate.
D) Market rates are irrelevant in determining a bond's price.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Easy
46. Bonds sell at a premium over the par value when market rates for similar bonds are
A) less than the bond's coupon rate.
B) greater than the bond's coupon rate.
C) equal to the bond's coupon rate.
D) Market rates are irrelevant in determining a bond's price.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
47. In calculating the current price of a bond paying semiannual coupons, one needs to
A) use double the number of years for the number of payments.
B) use half the annual coupon.
C) use half the annual rate as the discount rate.
D) All of the above need to be done.
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
48. Which one of the following statements about zero coupon bonds is NOT true?
A) Zero coupon bonds have no coupon payments but promise a single payment at
B) Zero coupon bonds must sell for less than similar bonds that make periodic
coupon payments.
C) Zero coupon bonds make coupon payments but no principal payment at
D) All of the above statements are true.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
49. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The yield to maturity of a bond is the discount rate that makes the present value
of the coupon and principal payments equal to the price of the bond.
B) It is the yield that the investor earns if the bond is held to maturity, and all the
coupon and principal payments are made as promised.
C) A bond's yield to maturity changes daily as interest rates increase or decrease.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

50. The yield to maturity of a bond is the discount rate that makes the present value of the
coupon and principal payments
A) exceed the price of the bond.
B) equal to zero.
C) equal to the price of the bond.
D) less than the price of the bond.
Ans: C

51. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The realized yield is the return earned on a bond given the cash flows actually
received by the investor.
B) The realized yield is equal to the yield to maturity even if the bond is sold prior to
C) It is the interest rate at which the present value of the actual cash flows
generated by the investment equals the bond's price at the time of sale of the
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: C

52. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Interest rate risk is the risk that bond prices will change as interest rates change.
B) Interest rate changes and bond prices are inversely related.
C) As interest rates increase, bond prices increase.
D) Long-term bonds are more price volatile than short-term bonds of similar risk.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Easy
53. Which ONE of the following statements is true?
A) Long-term bonds have lower price volatility than short-term bonds.
B) As interest rates decline, the prices of bonds rise; and as interest rates rise,
the prices of bonds decline.
C) All other things being equal, short-term bonds are more risky than long-term
D) Interest rate risk decreases as maturity increases.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Easy
54. Marketability is the ability of an investor
A) to sell a security quickly, at a low transaction cost, and at a price close to its
fair market value.
B) to sell at a profit under all circumstances.
C) to sell the security above its par value.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

55. Which ONE of the following statements is true?

A) The lower the transaction costs are, the greater a security's marketability.
B) The interest rate, or yield, on a security varies inversely with its degree of
marketability. tính marketable càng cao => ít rủi ro hơn => lãi suất ít hơn,
C) U.S. Treasury bills have the largest and most active secondary market and are
considered to be the most marketable of all securities.
D) All of the above are true.
Ans: D

56. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) The risk that the lender may not receive payments as promised is called default
B) Investors must pay a premium to purchase a security that exposes them to
default risk. investor được nhận chứ k phải là ngừi đi trả.
C) U.S. Treasury securities do not have any default risk and are the best proxy
measure for the risk-free rate.
D) All of the above are true statements.
Ans: B

57. Inverted yield curves are observed when

A) the economy is growing.
B) the economy is stagnant.
C) the economy is in recession.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

58. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?
A) The relationship between yield and marketability is known as the term
structure of interest rates. term on maturity thì có.

B) The shape of the yield curve is not constant over time.

C) As the general level of interest rises and falls over time, the yield curve shifts up
and down and has different slopes.
D) Yield curves show graphically how market yields vary as term to maturity
Ans: A

59. The three economic factors that determine the shape of the yield curve are
A) the real rate of interest, the expected rate of inflation, and marketability.
B) the real rate of interest, the expected rate of inflation, and interest rate risk.
C) the nominal rate of interest, the expected rate of inflation, and interest rate risk.
D) the real rate of interest, the nominal rate of interest, and interest rate risk.
Ans: B

60. Which ONE of the following statements is true?

A) The longer the maturity of a security, the greater its interest rate risk.
B) If investors believe inflation will be subsiding in the future, the prevailing yield
will be upward sloping.
C) The real rate of interest varies with the business cycle, with the lowest rates seen
at the end of a period of business expansion and the lowest at the bottom of a
D) The interest risk premium always adds a downward bias to the slope of the yield
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
61. Bond price: Briar Corp is issuing a 10-year bond with a coupon rate of 7 percent. The
interest rate for similar bonds is currently 9 percent. Assuming annual payments, what
is the present value of the bond? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $872
B) $1,066
C) $990
D) $945
Ans: A
Years to maturity = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 7%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x 0.07 = $70
Current market rate = i = 9%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
62. Bond price: Regatta, Inc., has six-year bonds outstanding that pay a 8.25 percent
coupon rate. Investors buying the bond today can expect to earn a yield to maturity of
6.875 percent. What should the company's bonds be priced at today? Assume annual
coupon payments. (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $972
B) $1,066
C) $1,014
D) $923
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 6
Coupon rate = C = 8.25%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x 0.0825 = $82.50
Current market rate = i = 6.875%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
63. Bond price: Triumph Corp. issued five-year bonds that pay a coupon of 6.375
annually. The current market rate for similar bonds is 8.5 percent. How much will you
be willing to pay for Triumph's bond today? Round to the nearest dollar.
A) $1,023
B) $1,137
C) $916
D) $897
Ans: C
Years to maturity = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 6.375%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x 0.06375 = $63.75
Current market rate = i = 8.5%
C1 C2 Cn
PB    .......... 
(1  i ) (1  i ) 2
(1  i ) n
 1   1 
1  (1  i ) n  F  1
(1.085) 5 
$1, 000
C   $63.75   
 (1  i )
n 5
 i  0.085  *(1.085)
   
 $251.22  $665.05  $916.26

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
64. Bond price: Your friend recommends that you invest in a three-year bond issued by
Trimer, Inc., that will pay annual coupons of 10 percent. Similar investments today will
yield 6 percent. How much should you pay for the bond? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,024
B) $979
C) $886
D) $1,107
Ans: D
Years to maturity = n = 3
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x 0.10 = $100
Current market rate = i = 6%
C C2 Cn
PB  1   .......... 
(1  i ) (1  i ) 2
(1  i) n
 1   1 
1  (1  i ) n  F  1
(1.06)3  $1, 000
C    $100   
 (1  i )
n 3
 i  0.06  *(1.06)
   
 $267.30  $839.62  $1,106.92

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
65. Bond price: Kevin Rogers is interested in buying a five-year bond that pays a coupon
of 10 percent on a semiannual basis. The current market rate for similar bonds is 8.8
percent. What should be the current price of this bond? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,048
B) $965
C) $1,099
D) $982
Ans: A
Years to maturity = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.10/2) = $50.00
Current market rate = i = 8.8%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
66. Bond price: Giant Electronics is issuing 20-year bonds that will pay coupons
semiannually. The coupon rate on this bond is 7.8 percent. If the market rate for such
bonds is 7 percent, what will the bonds sell for today? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,037
B) $1,085
C) $861
D) $923
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 20
Coupon rate = C = 7.8%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.078/2) = $39.00
Current market rate = i = 7%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
67. Bond price: Jane Thorpe has been offered a seven-year bond issued by Barone, Inc., at
a price of 943.22. The bond has a coupon rate of 9 percent and pays the coupon
semiannually. Similar bonds in the market will yield 10 percent today. Should she buy
the bonds at the offered price? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) Yes, the bond is worth more at $1,015.
B) No, the bond is only worth $921.
C) Yes, the bond is worth more at $951.
D) No, the bond is only worth $912.
Ans: C
Years to maturity = n = 7
Coupon rate = C = 9%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.09/2) = $45.00
Current market rate = i = 10%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
68. Bond price: Kevin Oh is planning to sell a bond that he owns. This bond has four years
to maturity and pays a coupon of 10 percent on a semiannual basis. Similar bonds in the
current market will yield 12 percent. What will be the price that he will get for his
bond? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $1,044
B) $938
C) $970
D) $1,102
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 4
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.10/2) = $50.00
Current market rate = i = 12%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
69. Bond price: Jeremy Kohn is planning to invest in a 10-year bond that pays a 12 percent
coupon. The current market rate for similar bonds is 9 percent. Assume semiannual
coupon payments. What is the maximum price that should be paid for this bond?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $951
B) $882
C) $1,033
D) $1,195
Ans: D
Years to maturity = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 12%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.12/2) = $60.00
Current market rate = i = 9%
Present value of bond = PB

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
70. Zero coupon bonds: Shana Norris wants to buy five-year zero coupon bonds with a
face value if $1,000. Her opportunity cost is 8.5 percent. Assuming annual
compounding, what would be the current market price of these bonds? (Round to the
nearest dollar.)
A) $1,023
B) $665
C) $890
D) $1,113
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 0%
Current market rate = i = 8.5%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
71. Zero coupon bonds: The U.S. Treasury has issued 10-year zero coupon bonds with a
face value of $1,000. Assume that coupon payments are normally semiannual. What
will be the current market price of these bonds if the opportunity cost for similar
investments in the market is 6.75 percent? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $684
B) $860
C) $515
D) $604
Ans: C
Years to maturity = n = 10; Coupon rate = C = 0%
Current market rate = i = 6.75%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
72. Zero coupon bonds: Robertsons, Inc., is planning to expand ita specialty stores into
five other states and finance the expansion by issuing 15-year zero coupon bonds with a
face value of $1,000. If your opportunity cost is 8 percent and similar coupon-bearing
bonds will pay semiannually, what will be the price at which you will be willing to
purchase these bonds? (Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $308
B) $383
C) $803
D) $866
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
73. Zero coupon bonds: Jarmine Corp. is planning to fund a project by issuing 10-year
zero coupon bonds with a face value of $1,000. Assuming semiannual coupons to be
the norm, what will be the price of these bonds if the appropriate discount rate is 14
percent? (Round to the closest answer.)
A) $852
B) $258
C) $419
D) $841
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 0%
Current market rate = i = 14%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
74. Yield to maturity: Jenny LePlaz is looking to invest in some five-year bonds that pay
annual coupons of 6.25 percent and are currently selling at $912.34. What is the current
market yield on such bonds? (Round to the closest answer.)
A) 9.5%
B) 8.5%
C) 6.5%
D) 7.5%
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 6.25%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x (0.0625) = $62.50
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $912.34
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
discount, we know that the yield to maturity is higher than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
PB  C ( PVIFAi ,n )  F ( PVIFi ,n )
 1 
1  1  0.08 5 
$912.34  $62.50* 
    $1, 000
 0.08  1.08 5
 
 
 $249.54  680.58  $930.12

Try a higher rate, say YTM = 8.5%:

PB  C ( PVIFAi ,n )  F ( PVIFi ,n )
 1 
1  1  0.085 5 
$912.34  $62.50 * 
    $1, 000
 0.085  1.085 5
 
 
 $246.29  665.05  $911.33

The YTM is approximately 8.5

percent. Using a financial calculator provided an exact YTM of 8.47 percent.
Enter 5 $62.50 -$912.34 $1,000
75. Yield to maturity: Nathan Akpan is planning to invest in a seven-year bond that pays
annual coupons at a rate of 7 percent. It is currently selling at $927.23. What is the
current market yield on such bonds? (Round to the closest answer.)
A) 10.4%
B) 9.5%
C) 8.4%
D) 7.5%
Ans: C
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
76. Yield to maturity: Jane Almeda is interested in a 10-year bond issued by Roberts
Corp. that pays a coupon of 10 percent annually. The current price of this bond is
$1,174.45. What is the yield that Jane would earn by buying it at this price and holding
it to maturity? (Round to the closest answer.)
A) 7%
B) 7.5%
C) 8%
D) 8.5%
Ans: B
Years to maturity = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Annual coupon = $1,000 x (0.10) = $100
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $1,174.45
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
premium, we know that the yield to maturity is lower than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
PB  C ( PVIFAi ,n )  F ( PVIFi ,n )
 1 
1  1  0.08 10 
$1,174.45  $100* 
    $1, 000
 0.08  1.08 10
 
 
 $671.01  463.19  $1,134.20

Try a lower rate, say YTM = 7.5%:

PB  C ( PVIFAi ,n )  F ( PVIFi ,n )
 1 
1  1  0.075 10 
$1,174.45  $100* 
    $1, 000
 0.075  1.075 10
 
 
 $686.41  485.19  $1,171.60

The YTM is approximately 7.5 percent. Using a financial calculator provided an exact
YTM of 7.46 percent.
Enter 10 $100 -$1,174.45 $1,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
77. Yield to maturity: Shawna Carter wants to invest her recent bonus in a four-year bond
that pays a coupon of 11 percent semiannually. The bonds are selling at $962.13 today.
If she buys this bond and holds it to maturity, what would be her yield? (Round to the
closest answer.)
A) 11.5%
B) 11.8%
C) 12.5%
D) 12.2%
Ans: D
Years to maturity = n = 4
Coupon rate = C = 11%
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.011/2) = $55
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $962.13
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
discount, we know that the yield to maturity is higher than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
 1 
1  2n   1 
$962.13  C  
 1 i 2 

 

(1.06)8  $1, 000
 $55
 

 1  i  0.06  (1.06)8
  2  
 
 $341.54  $627.41  $968.95
Try a higher rate, say YTM = 12.2%:
 1 
1  2n   
 
 i  1  8 
 1
2  F (1.061) $1, 000
$962.13  C      $55    
 
2 n

 1  i  0.061  (1.061)8
  2  
 
 $340.19  $622.70  $962.89
The YTM is approximately 12.2 percent. Using a financial calculator provided an
exact YTM of 12.22 percent (2 x 6.11%).
Enter 8 $55 - $962.13 $1,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
78. Yield to maturity: Alice Trang is planning to buy a six-year bond that pays a coupon
of 10 percent semiannually. Given the current price of $878.21, what is the yield to
maturity on these bonds?
A) 11%
B) 12%
C) 13%
D) 14%
Ans: C
Years to maturity = n = 6
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.095/2) = $50.00
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $878.21
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
discount, we know that the yield to maturity is higher than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
 1 
1  2n   1 
$878.21  C  
  1  
2  F
 

(1.06)12  $1, 000
 $50
 
2n 12
i  0.06  (1.06)
 2  1 i
  2  
 
 $419.19  $496.97  $916.16
Try a higher rate, say YTM = 13%:
 1 
1  2n   
 
  1
(1.065)  $1, 000
 i
2 
1 F 12
$878.21  C     $50   
 

 1  i  0.065  (1.065)12
  2  
 
 $407.94  $469.68  $877.62
The YTM is approximately 13 percent. Using a financial calculator provided an exact
YTM of 12.98 percent (2 x 6.49%).
Enter 12 $50 - $878.21 $1,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
79. Yield to maturity: John Wong purchased a five-year bond today at $1,034.66. The
bond pays 6.5 percent semiannually. What will be his yield to maturity?
A) 6.7%
B) 6.2%
C) 5.9%
D) 5.7%
Ans: D
Years to maturity = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 6.5%
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.065/2) = $32.50
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $1,034.66
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
premium, we know that the yield to maturity is lower than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
 1 
1  2n   1 
$1, 034.66  C  
 1 i 
2  F
  
1 
 (1.03)10  $1, 000
 $32.50
 

 1  i  0.03  (1.03)10
  2  
 
 $277.23  $744.09  $1, 021.33
Try a lower rate, say YTM = 5.7%:
 1 
1  2n   
 
 i  1  10 
 1
2  F (1.0285) $1, 000
$1, 034.66  C      $32.50    
 
2 n

 1  i  0.0285  (1.0285)10
  2  
 
 $279.37  $755.02  $1, 034.38
The YTM is approximately 5.7 percent. Using a financial calculator provided an exact
YTM of 5.69 percent (2 x 2.847%).
Enter 10 $32.50 - $1,034.66 $1,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
80. Yield to maturity: Huan Zhang bought a 10-year bond that pays 8.25 percent
semiannually for $911.10. What is the yield to maturity on this bond?
A) 7.6%
B) 8.6%
C) 9.6%
D) 10.6%
Ans: C
Years to maturity = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 8.25%
Semiannual coupon = $1,000 x (0.0825/2) = $41.25
Yield to maturity = i
Present value of bond = PB = $911.10
Use the trial-and-error approach to solve for YTM. Since the bond is selling at a
discount, we know that the yield to maturity is higher than the coupon rate. Try YTM =
 1 
1  2n   
 
1 i  1 20 
 2  F (1.047) $1, 000
$911.10  C     $41.25   
 
2n 20
i  0.047  (1.047)
 2  1 i
  2  
 
 $527.40  $399.09  $926.48
Try a higher rate, say YTM = 9.6%:
 1 
1  2n   
 
1 i  1 20 
 2  F (1.048) $1, 000
$911.10  C     $41.25   
 

 1  i  0.048  (1.048) 20
  2  
 
 522.90  $391.54  $914.43
The YTM is approximately 9.6 percent. Using a financial calculator provided an exact
YTM of 9.656percent (2 x 4.828%).
Enter 20 $41.25 - $911.10 $1,000

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
81. Realized yield: Five years ago, Shirley Harper bought a 10-year bond that pays 8
percent semiannually for $981.10. Today, she sold it for $1,067.22. What is the realized
yield on her investment? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 7%
B) 8%
C) 9%
D) 10%
Ans: D
Purchase price of bond = $981.10
Years investment held = n = 5
Coupon rate = C = 8%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Annual coupon = $1,000 x (0.08/2) = $40
Realized Yield = i
Selling price of bond = PB = $1,067.22
To compute the realized return, either the trial-and-error approach or the financial
calculator can be used. Since the price has increased, market rates must have decreased.
So, the realized return is going to be greater than the bond's coupon. Try rates higher
than the coupon rate.
Try i = 10%, or i/2 = 5%:
 1 
1 
 (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1  (1.05)10  $1, 067.22
$981.10  $40    10
 0.05  (1.05)
 
 $308.87  $655.18  $964.05
Try a lower rate, i = 9.6% or i/2 = 4.8%:

 1 
1  (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1  (1.048)10  $1, 067.22
$981.10  $40    10
 0.048  (1.048)
 
 $311.89  $667.79  $979.68
The realized rate of return is approximately 9.6 percent. Using a financial calculator
provided an exact yield of 9.56 percent.

82. Realized yield: Rachel McGovern bought a 10-year bond for $921.77 seven years ago.
The bond pays a coupon of 15 percent semiannually. Today, the bond is priced at
$961.92. If she sold the bond today, what would be her realized yield? (Round to the
nearest percent.)
A) 17%
B) 18%
C) 9%
D) 10%
Ans: A
Purchase price of bond = $921.77
Years investment held = n = 7
Coupon rate = C = 15%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Annual coupon = $1,000 x (0.015/2) = $75.00
Realized Yield = i
Selling price of bond = PB = $961.92
To compute the realized return, either the trial-and-error approach or the financial
calculator can be used. Since the price has increased, market rates must have decreased.
So, the realized return is going to be greater than the bond's coupon. Try rates higher
than the coupon rate.
Try i = 17%, or i/2 = 8.5%:
 1 
1  (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1 
 (1.085)14  $961.22
$921.77  $75    14
 0.085  (1.085)
 
 $600.76  $306.77  $907.52
Try a lower rate, i = 16.6% or i/2 = 8.3%:

 1 
1  (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1  (1.083)14  $961.22
$921.77  $75    14
 0.083  (1.083)
 
 $607.69  $314.79  $922.50
The realized rate of return is approximately 16.6 percent. Using a financial calculator
provided an exact yield of 16.619 percent.

83. Realized yield: Jorge Cabrera paid $980 for a 15-year bond 10 years ago. The bond
pays a coupon of 10 percent semiannually. Today, the bond is priced at $1,054.36. If he
sold the bond today, what would be his realized yield? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 12%
B) 8%
C) 11%
D) 9%
Ans: C
Purchase price of bond = $980
Years investment held = n = 10
Coupon rate = C = 10%
Frequency of payment = m = 2
Annual coupon = $1,000 x (0.010/2) = $50.00
Realized Yield = i
Selling price of bond = PB = $1,054.36
To compute the realized return, either the trial-and-error approach or the financial
calculator can be used. Since the price has increased, market rates must have decreased.
So, the realized return is going to be greater than the bond's coupon. Try rates higher
than the coupon rate.
Try i = 10.5%, or i/2 = 5.25%:
 1 
1  (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1  (1.0525) 20  $1, 054.36
$980  $50    20
 0.0525  (1.0525)
 
 $610.11  $378.92  $989.03
Try a higher rate, i = 10.7% or i/2 = 5.35%:

 1 
1  (1  i ) mn 
PB    
C 2 FV
2  i  (1  i ) mn
 2  2
 
 1 
1  (1.0535) 20  $1, 054.36
$980  $50    20
 0.0535  (1.0535)
 
 $610.73  $371.79  $982.52
The realized rate of return is approximately 10.7 percent. Using a financial calculator
provided an exact yield of 10.648 percent.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard 6,4 % này vẫn ám chỉ cho cả một năm, chưa
chia nha.

84. Effective annual yield: Suppose an investor earned a semiannual yield of 6.4 percent
on a bond paying coupons twice a year. What is the effective annual yield (EAY) on
this investment?
A) 12.80%
B) 6.40%
C) 6.50%
D) None of the above
Ans: C
Semiannual yield = 6.4%
The effective annual yield can be computed as:

85. Effective annual yield: Stanley Hart invested in a municipal bond that promised an
annual yield of 6.7 percent. The bond pays coupons twice a year. What is the effective
annual yield (EAY) on this investment?
A) 13.4%
B) 6.81%
C) 6.70%
D) None of the above
Ans: B
Annual yield = 6.81%
The effective annual yield can be computed as:

86. Which of the following statements is true about convertible bonds?

A) The most significant disadvantage to a corporation of issuing convertible bonds is
that they increase the cash that the firm must use to make interest payments.
B) The typical conversion ratio is set so that the firm’s stock price must appreciate
5% or less before it is profitable for the holder to convert the bond to stock.
C) Firms that issue convertible bonds can do so at a lower interest rate.
D) The typical issue of convertible bonds allows the holder of the bond to convert it
to preferred stock.
Ans: C

87. Which of the following statements is most true about zero coupon bonds?
A) They typically sell at a premium over par when they are first issued.
B) They typically sell for a higher price than similar coupon bonds.
C) They are always convertible to common stock.
D) They typically sell at a deep discount below par when they are first issued.
Ans: D

88. Which of the following statements is true?
A) For a given change in market interest rates, the prices of higher-coupon bonds
change more that the prices of lower-coupon bonds.
B) If market interest rates rise, a 1-year bond will fall in value more than a 10-year
C) If interest rates rise, bond prices will rise.
D) If market interest rates rise, a 10-year bond will fall in value more than a
1-year bond. lâu năm hơn mà vẹ.
Ans: D

89. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Investment grade bonds are those rated single B and higher.
B) Federal laws typically allow insurance companies and pension funds to purchase
non-investment grade bonds.
C) Because investors are risk averse, they require a premium to purchase a
security that exposes them to default risk. risk cao thì cần có cái đảm bảo chứ.
D) All else equal, the higher a bond’s rating the higher the coupon rate.
Ans: C

90. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Downward sloping yield curves typically appear in the early to mid-period of a
business expansion.
B) Interest rate risk always provides an upward bias to the slope of the yield
C) If investors believe that inflation will be increasing in the near future, the yield
curve will be downward sloping.
D) Downward or inverted yield curves are the type most commonly observed.
Ans: B

Chapter 9:

1. The largest holders of equity securities are

a. mutual funds.
b. pension funds.
c. foreign investors.
d. households.
Ans: d

Which ONE of the following statements is true about secondary markets?

a. In secondary markets, outstanding shares of stock are bought and sold among
b. For an investor, the function of secondary markets is to provide profitability for the
shares of securities they own.
c. An active secondary market causes firms to sell their new debt or equity issues at a
higher cost of funds.
d. All of the above are true statements
Ans: a

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1

Level of Difficulty: Easy

2. Which ONE of the following statements is true about secondary markets in the United States?

a. In terms of total volume of activity and total capitalization of the firms listed, the
NASDAQ is the largest in the world and the NYSE is the second largest.
b. In terms of the number of companies listed and shares traded on a daily basis,
NASDAQ is larger than the NYSE.
c. Firms listed on the NASDAQ tend to be, on average, larger in size, and their shares trade
more frequently than firms whose securities trade on NYSE.
d. In the United States, most secondary market transactions are done over the counter.
Ans: b

3. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about secondary markets?
a. In terms of total volume of activity and total capitalization of the firms listed, the
NASDAQ is the largest in the world and the NYSE is the second largest. nasdaq lớn hơn về số cty trong list thôi.
b. In terms of the number of companies listed and shares traded on a daily basis, the
NASDAQ is larger than the NYSE.
c. Firms listed on the NYSE tend to be, on average, larger in size and their shares trade
more frequently than firms whose securities trade on NASDAQ.
d. In the United States, most secondary market transactions are done on one of the many
stock exchanges.
Ans: a

4. In comparison to the NYSE,

a. NASDAQ has less companies listed.

b. total share volume is lower on the NASDAQ.
c. firms listed on the NASDAQ tend to be smaller. nhiều cty nhỏ hơn.
d. NASDAQ firms exceed NYSE listed firms in total capitalization.
Ans: c

5. Direct search markets are characterized by

a. complete price information.
b. extensive broker and dealer participation
c. private placement transactions and sale of common stock of small private companies.
d. a high level of efficiency.
Ans: c

6. The least efficient of all the different types of secondary markets is the

a. auction market.
b. direct search market.
c. dealer market.
d. broker market.
Ans: b

7. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about broker markets?

a. Brokers bring buyers and sellers together to earn a fee, called a commission.
b. Brokers’ extensive contacts provide them with a pool of price information that
individual investors could not economically duplicate themselves.
c. Investors have an incentive to hire a broker because they charge a commission that is
less than the cost of direct search.
d. Brokers can guarantee an order because they have an inventory of securities.
Ans: d

8. In brokered markets

a. the commission charged by brokers is a lower cost to buyers and sellers than the cost of
direct search.
b. buyers and sellers are brought together for a transaction fee.
c. brokers build a pool of price information through their extensive contacts.
d. All of the above are true of broker markets.
Ans: d

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1

Level of Difficulty: Easy

9. Which ONE of the following statements is true about dealer markets?

a. NYSE is the best-known example of a dealer market.

b. A dealer market involves time-consuming search for a fair deal.
c. The advantage of a dealer over a brokered market is that brokers cannot guarantee
that an order will be executed promptly, while dealers can because they have an
inventory of securities.
d. All of the above are true of dealer markets.
Ans: c

10. Dealer markets are characterized by

a. no time-consuming search for a fair deal.

b. a guarantee of order fulfillment because the dealer holds an inventory of securities.
c. improved market efficiency because dealers provide continuous bid and ask prices for
d. All of the above characterize dealer markets.
Ans: d

11. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about auction markets?

a. In an auction market, buyers and sellers face each other directly and bargain over price.
b. The NASDAQ is the most efficient stockmarket in the United States.
c. The New York Stock Exchange is the best-known example of an auction market.

d. The auctioneer in this case is the specialist, who is designated by the exchange to
represent orders placed by public customers.
Ans: b

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 1

Level of Difficulty: Medium

12. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about common stock?

a. Common-stock holders have the right to vote on the selection of the board of directors
for the firm.
b. Common stock is considered to have no fixed maturity.
c. Owners of common stock are guaranteed dividend payments by the firm.
d. Common-stock holders have limited liability.
Ans: c

13. Which ONE of the following statements is true about common stock?

a. Common stock is considered to have a fixed maturity.

b. Owners of common stock are guaranteed dividend payment by the firm.
c. Owners of common stock have the lowest-priority claim on the firm’s assets in the
event of bankruptcy.
d. Common-stock holders have unlimited liability.
Ans: c

14. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about preferred stock?

a. Preferred stock represents ownership in the firm.

b. Owners of preferred stock are not guaranteed dividend payments by the firm. có nha
c. Preferred stock dividends are fixed financial amounts paid regularly by the firm just like
bond coupon payments.
d. Preferred stock holders have limited voting privileges relative to common-stock

Ans: b

15. Which ONE of the following statements is NOT true about preferred stock?

a. Preferred dividend payments are fixed amounts paid regularly by the firm, similar to
the interest payments on corporate bonds.
b. Preferred dividends are deductable from taxable income just like the interest on income xong mới trả dividends.
c. Preferred stock holders have limited voting privileges relative to common-stock
d. While preferred stock is legally classified as perpetuities, some issues do have a fixed
Ans: b

16. Owners of preferred stock

a. have limited voting rights.

b. usually receive fixed dividend payments.
c. are given priority treatment over common stock with respect to dividends payments
and the claims against the firm’s assets in the event of bankruptcy or liquidation.
d. All of the above statements are true.
Ans: d

17. Preferred stock is sometimes regarded like a debt security because

a. legally preferred stock is a debt security.

b. preferred dividend payments like bond interest payments are fixed amounts
regardless of the firm’s earnings.
c. preferred dividends are deductable from taxable income just like interest payments on
d. preferred stock holders receive a residual value and not a stated value.
Ans: b

18. Applying the valuation procedure to common stocks is more difficult than applying it to
bonds because

a. the size and timing of the dividend cash flows are less certain than the coupon
payments for bonds.
b. common stocks have no final maturity date.
c. unlike the rate of return, or yield, on bonds, the rate of return on common stock is
not directly observable.
d. All of the above are true.
Ans: d

19. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about the general dividend valuation

a. The model does not assume any specific pattern for dividend growth.
b. It makes a specific assumption about when the stock is going to be sold in the future.
c. The model calls for forecasting an infinite number of dividends for a stock.
d. All of the above are true.
Ans: b

20. Which ONE of the following statements is true about fast growth stocks?

a. These are firms that grow their sales at above-average rates and are expected to do so
for a length of time.
b. These are firms that grow their earnings at above-average rates and are expected to
do so for a length of time.
c. They generally pay dividends during their fast growth phase.
d. None of the above.
Ans: b

21. The three simplifying assumptions that cover most stock growth patterns are

a. dividends that stay constant over time, dividends that grow at a constant rate, and
dividends that are equal to zero.
b. dividends that have a zero-growth rate, dividends that grow at a varying rate, and
dividends that are equal to zero.
c. dividends that stay constant over time, dividends that grow at a constant rate, and
dividends that have a mixed growth pattern.
d. None of the above.
Ans: c

22. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about zero-growth stocks?

a. Dividend stays constant over time.

b. The cash flow pattern resembles a perpetuity with a constant cash flow.
c. Dividend payment pattern shows constant growth over time.
d. There is no growth in dividends over time.
Ans: c

23. Which one of the following statements is NOT true about constant-growth stocks?

a. Dividend stays constant over time.

b. Mature companies with a history of stable growth show this pattern.
c. Dividends grow at a constant rate each period forever.
d. Dividends that are to be paid out in the distant future have a very small present value
and add little to the stock’s price.
Ans: a

24. The constant-growth dividend model will provide invalid solutions when nó tăng nhưng phải bé hơn tăng của thị trường nha.

a. the growth rate of the stock exceeds the required rate of return for the stock.
b. the growth rate of the stock is less than the required rate of return for the stock.
c. the growth rate of the stock is smaller than 10%.
d. None of the above.
Ans: a

25. PV of dividends: Cortez, Inc., is expecting to pay out a dividend of $2.50 next year. After that it
expects its dividend to grow at 7 percent for the next four years. What is the present value of
dividends over the next five-year period if the required rate of return is 10 percent?

a. $10.76
b. $9.80
c. $11.88
d. $11.50
Ans: a


Expected dividends for Cortez, Inc., and their present value:

D2 = D1(1 + g) = $2.50(1 + 0.07) = $2.675

D3 = D2(1 + g) = $2.675(1.07) = $2.862

D4 = D3(1 + g) = $2.862(1.07) = $3.063

D5 = D4(1 + g) = $3.063(1.07) = $3.277

Present value of the dividends = PV(D1) + PV(D2) + PV(D3) + PV(D4) + PV(D5)

$2.50 $2.675 $2.862 $3.063 $3.277

    
(1.10) (1.10) 2 (1.10) 3 (1.10) 4 (1.10) 5
 $2.27  $2.21  $2.15  $2.09  $2.03
 $10.75

26. PV of dividends: Next year Jenkins Traders will pay a dividend of $3.00. It expects to increase
its dividend by $0.25 in each of the following three years. If their required rate of return is 14
percent, what is the present value of their dividends over the next four years?

a. $13.50
b. $9.72
c. $12.50
d. $11.63
Ans: b


Expected dividends for Jenkins Traders and their present value:

D1 = $3.00; D2 = $3.25; D3 = $3.50; D4 = $3.75

Present value of the dividends = PV(D1) + PV(D2) + PV(D3) + PV(D4)

$3.00 $3.25 $3.50 $3.75

  2
 3

(1.14) (1.14) (1.14) (1.14) 4
 $2.63  $2.50  $2.36  $2.22
 $9.71

27. PV of dividends: Kleine Toymakers is introducing a new line of robotic toys, which it expects to
grow their earnings at a much faster rate than normal over the next three years. After paying a
dividend of $2.00 last year, it does not expect to pay a dividend for the next three years. After
that Kleine plans to pay a dividend of $4.00 in year 4 and then increase the dividend at a rate of
10 percent in years 5 and 6. What is the present value of the dividends to be paid out over the
next six years if the required rate of rat of return is 15 percent?

a. $13.24
b. $12.00
c. $6.57
d. $10.24
Ans: c


Expected dividends for Kleine Toymakers and their present value:

D0 = $2.00; D1 = D2 = D3 = $0

D4 = $4.00

D5 = D4(1 + g) = $4.00(1.10) = $4.40

D6 = D5(1 + g) = $4.40(1.10) = $4.84

Present value of the dividends = PV(D1) + PV(D2) +…………+ PV(D6)

$4.00 $4.40 $4.84

 $0  $0  $0  4
 
(1.15) (1.15) (1.15)6

 $0  $0  $0  2.29  $2.19  $2.09

 $6.57

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4

Level of Difficulty: Medium

28. PV of dividends: Givens, Inc., is a fast growing technology company that paid a $1.25 dividend
last week. The company’s expected growth rates over the next four years are as follows: 25
percent, 30 percent 35 percent, and 30 percent. The company then expects to settle down to a
constant-growth rate of 8 percent annually. If the required rate of return is 12 percent, what is
the present value of the dividends over the fast growth phase? họ chỉ hỏi về giai đoạn tăng trưởng nhanh chóng mặt thôi nha.

a. $1.25
b. $6.46
c. $8.37
d. $7.23
Ans: d


Expected dividends for Givens, Inc., and their present value:

D0 = $1.25

D1 = D0(1 + g) = $1.25(1.25) = $1.563

D2 = D1(1 + g) = $1.563(1.30) = $2.031

D3 = D2(1 + g) = $2.031(1.35) = $2.742

D4 = D3(1 + g) = $2.742(1.30) = $3.565

Present value of the dividends = PV(D1) + PV(D2) + PV(D3) + PV(D4)

$1.563 $2.031 $2.742 $3.565

   
(1.12) (1.12) 2 (1.12) 3 (1.12) 4
 $1.40  $1.62  $1.95  $2.27
 $7.24

29. PV of dividends: Jacobs Suppliers has not paid out any dividend in the last three years. It does
not expect to pay dividends in the next two years either as it recovers from an economic
slowdown. Three years from now it expects to pay a dividend of $2.50 and then $3.00 in the
following two years. What is the present value of the dividends to be received over the next five
years if the discount rate is 15 percent?

a. $4.85
b. $5.37
c. $5.50
d. $6.14
Ans: a


Expected dividends for Jacobs Suppliers and their present value:

D0 = D1 = D2 = $0; D3 = $2.50; D4 = $3.00; D5 = $3.00

Present value of the dividends = PV(D1) + PV(D2) +…………+ PV(D5)

$2.50 $3.00 $3.00

 $0  $0  3
 4

(1.15) (1.15) (1.15)5
 $0  $0  $1.64  $1.72  $1.49
 $4.85

30. Zero growth: Xinhua Manufacturing Company has been generating stable revenues but sees no
growth in it for the foreseeable future. The company’s last dividend was $3.25, and it is unlikely
to change the amount paid out. If the required rate of return is 12 percent, what is the stock
worth today?

a. $39.00
b. $3.69
c. $27.08
d. $21.23
Ans: c


D0 = $3.25; g = 0; R = 12%

D $3.25
P0    $27.08
R 0.12

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4

Level of Difficulty: Medium

31. Zero growth: Zephyr Electricals is a company with no growth potential. Its last dividend was
$4.50, and it expects no change in future dividends. What is the current price of the company’s
stock given a discount rate of 9 percent?

a. $40.50
b. $50.00
c. $45.00
d. $500.00
Ans: b


D0 = $4.50; g = 0; R = 9%

D $4.50
P0    $50.00
R 0.09

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4

Level of Difficulty: Medium

32. Zero growth: Metasteel Limited Co. has a stable sales track record but does not expect to grow
in the next several years. Its last annual dividend was $5.75. If the required rate of return on
similar investments is 18 percent, what is the current stock price?

a. $103.50
b. $13.50
c. $39.30
d. $31.94
Ans: d


D0 = $5.75; g = 0; R = 18%

D $5.75
P0    $31.94
R 0.18

33. Zero growth: Ambassador Corp. sells household cleaners producing a revenue stream that has
remained unchanged in the last few years. The firm does not expect any change in its sales or
earnings in the next several years. The stock is currently selling at $46.88. If the required rate of
return is 16 percent, what is the dividend paid by this company?

a. $2.93
b. $4.65
c. $6.89
d. $7.50
Ans: d


P0 = $46.88; g = 0; R = 16%

D D0
P0    $46.88
R 0.16
D 0  $46.88  0.16  $7.50

34. Zero growth: A communications company pays annual dividends of $8.50 with no possibility of
it changing in the next several years. If the firm’s stock is currently selling at $60.71, what is the
required rate of return? (Round to nearest whole number.)

a. 14%
b. 16%
c. 13%
d. 15%
Ans: a


P0 = $60.71; g = 0; D0 = $8.50

D $8.50
P0  $60.71  
R  14%

35. Constant growth: You are interested in investing in a company that expects to grow steadily at
an annual rate of 6 percent for the foreseeable future. The firm paid a dividend of $2.30 last
year. If your required rate of return is 10 percent, what is the most you would be willing to pay
for this stock? (Round to the nearest dollar.)

a. $58
b. $61
c. $23
d. $24
Ans: b


D0 = $2.30; g = 6%; R = 10%

D1 D (1  g )
P0   0
Rg Rg
$2.30(1.06) $2.438
   $60.95
0.10  0.06 0.04

36. Constant growth: Johnson Corporation has just paid a dividend of $4.45. The company has
forecasted a growth rate of 8 percent for the next several years. If the appropriate discount rate
is 14 percent, what is the current price of this stock? (Round to the nearest dollar.)

a. $74
b. $32
c. $80
d. $60
Ans: c


D0 = $4.45; g = 8%; R = 14%

D1 D (1  g )
P0   0
Rg Rg
$4.45(1.08) $4.806
   $80.10
0.14  0.08 0.06

37. Constant growth: Ryder Supplies has its stock currently selling at $63.25. The company is
expected to grow at a constant rate of 7 percent. If the appropriate discount rate is 17 percent,
what is the expected dividend, a year from now?

a. $4.43
b. $3.25
c. $10.75
d. $6.33
Ans: d


P0 = $63.25; g = 7%; R = 17%

P0 
D1  P0 ( R  g )
 $63.25(0.17  0.07)  $6.325

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4

Level of Difficulty: Medium

38. Constant growth: Prior, Inc., is expected to grow at a constant rate of 9 percent. If the
company’s next dividend is $2.75 and its current price is $37.35, what is the required rate of
return on this stock? (Round to the nearest percent.)

a. 13%
b. 16%
c. 20%
d. 21%
Ans: b


D1 = $2.75; P0 = $37.35; g = 9%

P0 
$37.35 
R  0.09
$37.35( R  0.09)  $2.75
 3.3615  2.75  37.35R
R  16.4%

39. Constant growth: A company is growing at a constant rate of 8 percent. Last week it paid a
dividend of $3.00. If the required rate of return is 15 percent, what is the price of the stock
three years from now?

a. $58.31
b. $46.29
c. $51.02
d. $42.83
Ans: a


R = 15%; D0 = $3.00; g= 8%

D4 D (1  g ) 4
P3   0
Rg Rg
3.00(1.08) 4
  $58.31
0.15  0.08

40. Preferred stock valuation: Ajax Company has issued perpetual preferred stock with a par of
$100 and a dividend of 5.5 percent. If the required rate of return is 7.75 percent, what is the
stock’s current market price? nếu mà forever rồi thì sao nhận được par value nữa mà tính vô con điên. Par value ở đây để tính CF thôi đó.

a. $12.90
b. $70.97
c. $53.27
d. $62.14

Ans: b


D = 5.5% ($100) = $5.50; R = 7.75%

D $5.50
P0    $70.97
R 0.0775

41. Preferred stock valuation: The National Bank of Columbia has issued perpetual preferred stock
with a $100 par value. The bank pays a quarterly dividend of $1.40 on this stock. What is the
current price of this preferred stock given a required rate of return of 8.5 percent?

1.4 là trả theo quarter rồi đó, nếu mà cả năm thì lấy 1.4x4.
a. $23.06
b. $65.88
c. $37.57
d. $43.25
Ans: b


Quarterly dividend = $1.40

Required rate of return = R = 8.5%

(1.40  4)
P0   $65.88

42. Preferred stock: The preferred stock of Acme International is selling currently at $110.35. If your
required rate of return is 9.75 percent, what is the dividend paid by this stock?

a. $9.75
b. $11.32
c. $10.76
d. $8.53
Ans: c


P0 = $110.35; R = 9.75%

P0  $110.35  
R 0.0975
D  $110.35  0.0975
 $10.76

43. Preferred stock: Each quarter, Transam, Inc., pays a dividend on its perpetual preferred stock.
Today, the stock is selling at $83.45. If the required rate of return for such stocks is 10.5 percent,
what is the quarterly dividend paid by this firm?

a. $8.76
b. $10.50
c. $2.19
d. $2.63
Ans: c


P0 = $83.45; R = 10.5%

P0  $83.45  
R 0.105
D  $83.45  0.105
 $8.76

Annual dividend = $8.76

Quarterly dividend = $8.76 /4 = $2.19

44. Preferred stock valuation: The Columbia Consumer Products Co. has issued perpetual preferred
stock with a $100 par value. The firm pays a quarterly dividend of $2.60 on this stock. What is
the current price of this preferred stock given a required rate of return of 12.5 percent?

a. $47.25
b. $80.00
c. $20.80
d. $83.20
Ans: d


Quarterly dividend = $2.60

Required rate of return = R = 12.5%

( 2.60  4)
P0   $83.20

45. Nonconstant growth: Starskeep, Inc., is a fast growing technology company. The firm projects a
rapid growth of 40 percent for the next two years and then a growth rate of 20 percent for the
following two years. After that, the firm expects a constant-growth rate of 8 percent. The firm
expects to pay its first dividend of $1.25 a year from now. If your required rate of return on such
stocks is 20 percent, what is the current price of the stock?

a. $15.63
b. $4.70
c. $30.30
d. $22.68
Ans: a


g1 = g2 = 40%, g3 = g4 = 20%, g = 8%, D1 = $1.25, R = 20%

D1 = $1.25, D2 = $1.25(1.40) = $1.75, D3 = $1.75(1.20) = $2.10

D4 = $2.10(1.20) = $2.52, D5 = 2.52(1.08) = $2.722

D5 $2.722
P4    $22.68
R  g 0.20  0.08

D1 D2 D3 D4 P4
P0     
(1  R ) (1  R )
1 2
(1  R ) 3
(1  R ) 4
(1  R ) 4
$1.25 $1.75 $2.10 ($2.52  22.68)
P0   2
 
1.20 (1.20) (1.20) 3 (1.20) 4
P0  $1.04  $1.22  $1.22  12.15
P0  $15.63

46. Nonconstant growth: BioSci, Inc., a biotech firm has forecast the following growth rates for the
next three years: 30 percent, 25 percent, and 20 percent. The company then expects to grow at
a constant rate of 7 percent for the next several years. The company paid a dividend of $2.00
last week. If the required rate of return is 16 percent, what is the market value of this stock?

a. $51.03
b. $36.86
c. $56.12
d. $46.37
Ans: b


g1 = 30%; g2 = 25%, g4 = 20%, g = 7%, D0 = $2.00, R = 16%

D1 = $2.00(1.30) = $2.60, D2 = $2.60(1.25) = $3.25, D3 = $3.25(1.20) = $3.90

D4 = $3.90(1.07) = $4.173;

D4 $4.173
P3    $46.37
R  g 0.16  0.07

D1 D2 D3 P3
P0    
(1  R ) (1  R )
1 2
(1  R ) 3
(1  R ) 3
$2.60 $3.25 ($3.90  46.37)
P0   
1.16 (1.16) 2 (1.16) 3
P0  $2.24  $2.42  $32.21
P0  $36.87

47. Nonconstant growth: Grant, Inc., is a fast growth stock and expects to grow at a rate of 25
percent for the next four years. It then will settle to a constant-growth rate of 10 percent. The
first dividend will be paid out in year 3 and will be equal to $5.00. If the required rate of return is
18 percent, what is the current price of the stock?

a. $85.94
b. $97.19
c. $50.59
d. $65.68
Ans: c


g1-4 = 25%; g = 10%; D3 = $5.00; R = 18%

D4 = D3 (1.25) = $5.00(1.25) = $6.25; D5 = $6.25(1.10) =$6.875

D5 $6.875
P4    $85.94
R  g 0.18  0.10

D1 D2 D3 D  P4
P0     4
(1  R ) (1  R ) 2
(1  R ) 3
(1  R ) 4
$5.00 ($6.25  $85.94)
P0  0  0  
(1.18) 3 (1.18) 4
P0  $3.04  $47.55  $50.59

48. Nonconstant growth: Stag Corp. will pay dividends of $4.75, $5.25, $5.75, and $7 for the next
four years. Thereafter, the company expects its growth rate to be at a constant rate of 7
percent. If the required rate of return is 15 percent, what is the current market price of the

a. $69.41
b. $93.63
c. $57.54
d. $80.29
Ans: a


D1 = $4.75; D2 = $5.25; D3 = 5.75; D4 = $7; g = 7%; R = 15%

D5 $7(1.07)
P4    $93.63
R  g 0.15  0.07

D1 D2 D3 D4 P4
P0     
(1  R ) (1  R ) 2
(1  R ) (1  R )
3 4
(1  R ) 4
$4.75 $5.25 $5.75 ($7  $93.63)
P0   2
 
1.15 (1.15) (1.15) 3 (1.15) 4
P0  $4.13  $3.97  $3.78  $57.54  $69.42

49. Nonconstant growth: Lincoln, Inc. expects to pay no dividends for the next four years. It has
projected a growth rate of 35 percent for the next four years. After four years, the firm will grow

at a constant rate of 6 percent. Its first dividend to be paid in year 5 will be worth $4.25. If your
required rate of return is 20 percent, what is the stock worth today?

a. $14.64
b. $32.18
c. $36.43
d. $21.82
Ans: a


gconstant = 6%; R = 20%; D5 = $4.25; D 1 – D4 = 0

PV (D1)+PV(D2)+PV(D3)+PV(D4) = 0

D5 $4.25
P4    $30.36
R  g 0.20  0.06

P4 $30.36
P0  PV of dividends  0  $14.64
(1  R ) 4
(1.20) 4

81. Which of the following is not a widely know stock market index?

A) The Dow Jones Industrial Average.

B) The OTQ Composite Index.

C) The New York Stock Exchange Index.

D) The Standard and Poor’s 500 Index.

Ans: B

82. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Preferred stockholders are considered to be the true owners of public corporations.

B) Dividends paid to preferred stockholders are not fixed.

C) Preferred stockholders do not typically have voting rights.

D) Preferred stock can never be converted to common stock.

Ans: C

83. One-Period Model: Assume that you are considering the purchase of a stock which will pay
dividends of $4.50 during the next year. Further assume that you will be able to sell the stock
for $85.00 one year from today and that your required rate of return is 15 percent. How much
would you be willing to pay for the stock today? (Round off to the nearest $0.01)

A) $89.50

B) $65.37

C) $94.10

D) $77.82

Ans: D


D1  P1 $4.50  $85.00 $89.50

P0     $77.82
1 R 1  .15 1.15

84. Which of the following statements is true about the general dividend valuation model?

A) It implies that the underlying value of a share of stock is determined by the market’s
expectations of the future dividends that the firm will generate.

B) It implies that the value of a firm’s common stock can be determined only if the
expected future dividends are infinite.

C) It implies that the value of a growth stock can be determined by forecasting the future
price of the stock.

D) The model cannot be used to calculate the value of a common stock unless the
dividends exceed the firm’s expected growth rate.

Ans: A

85. Which of the following is the most typical example of a zero-growth dividend stock?

A) The common stock of a firm in the biotechnology industry.

B) The preferred stock of a utility company.

C) The stock of a firm in the health care industry.

D) The stock of a firm in the information technology industry.

Ans: B

86. The constant growth dividend model would be useful to determine the value of all but which
of the following firms?

A) A firm whose earnings and dividends are declining at a fairly steady rate.

B) A firm whose sales, profits, and dividends are growing at an annual average compound
rate of 5 percent.

C) A firm whose earnings and dividends are growing at a fairly steady rate.

D) A firm whose expected sales, profits, and dividends are flat.

Ans: D

87. Supernormal growth: Suppose a firm’s expected dividends for the next three years are as
follows: D1 = $1.10, D2 = $1.20, and D3 = $1.30. After three years, the firm’s dividends are
expected to grow at 5.00 percent per year. What is should the current price of the firm’s stock
(P0) be today if investors require a rate of return of 12.00 percent on the stock? (Round off to
the nearest $0.01)

A) $61.30

B) $10.10

C) $16.74

D) $24.12

Ans: C


D1 D2 D3 Dt $1.10 $1.20 $1.30 $13.88

P0        
1  R  1  R  1  R  1  R  1.12 1.12 1.123 1.123
1 2 3 t 2

P 0  $0.98  $0.96  $0.93  $13.88  $16.75

88. Which of the following statements is true?

A) In order for the constant growth dividend model to properly value a firm’s common stock, R
must be greater than g.

B) From a practical perspective, the growth rate in the constant growth dividend model
must be greater than the sum of the long-term rate of inflation and the long-term real
growth rate of the economy.

C) In order for the constant growth dividend model to properly value a firm’s common
stock, g must be greater than R.

D) The constant growth dividend model can be used effectively to value the common
shares of a mixed growth stock.

Ans: A

89. Which of the following statements about preferred stock is false?

A) Preferred stock has a higher-priority claim on the firm’s assets than common stock.

B) Failure to pay dividends will result in default.

C) Preferred stock has a lower-priority claim on the firm’s assets than the firm’s creditors
in the event of default.

D) Preferred stock typically pays a fixed dividend.

Ans: B

90. Preferred Stock Yield-to-Maturity: Durango Water Works has an outstanding issue of
preferred stock that has a par (maturity value) of $75.00. The stock, which pays a quarterly
dividend of $1.10, will be retired by the firm in 20 years. If the preferred stock is currently
selling for $68.00, what is the preferred stock’s yield-to-maturity? (Round off to the nearest

A) 6.72%

B) 5.64%

C) 4.28%

D) 7.73%

Ans: A


N = 20 × 4 = 80

PV = -$68.00

PMT = $ 1.10

FV = $75.00

Solve for I% = 1.68% × 4 = 6.72%


31. Which of the following is NOT true about capital budgeting.

A) It involves identifying projects that will add to the firm's value.
B) It involves large capital investments.
C) The large capital investments can be reversed at any time.
D) It allows the firm's management to analyze potential business opportunities and
decide on which ones to undertake.
Ans: C

32. Which of the following are aspects of independent projects?
A) Their cash flows are related.
B) Their cash flows are unrelated.
C) Selecting one would automatically eliminate accepting the other.
D) None of the above.
Ans: B

33. Two projects are considered to be independent if

A) selecting one would have no bearing on accepting the other.
B) their cash flows are unrelated.
C) Both a and b.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

34. Two projects are considered to be mutually exclusive if

A) the projects perform the same function.
B) selecting one would automatically eliminate accepting the other.
C) Both a and b.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

35. Two projects are considered to be contingent projects if

A) selecting one would automatically eliminate accepting the other.
B) the acceptance of one project is dependent on the acceptance of the other.
C) rejection of one project does not eliminate the selection of the other.
D) None of the above.
Ans: B

36. Contingent projects would imply that

A) the acceptance of one project is dependent on the acceptance of the other.
B) the projects can be either mandatory or optional.
C) Both a and b.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

Use the following to answer questions 37-38:

A construction firm is evaluating two value-adding projects. The first project deals with building
access roads to a new terminal at the local airport. The second project is to build a parking
garage on a piece of land that the firm owns adjacent to the airport.

Reference: Ref 10-1

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
37. The firm's decision will be to
A) accept both projects because they are independent projects.
B) accept both projects because they are contingent projects.
C) pick the one that adds the most value because they are mutually exclusive
D) pick neither project.
Ans: A

Reference: Ref 10-1

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
38. If both projects are positive-NPV projects, then the firm should
A) accept both projects because they are independent projects.
B) select the higher NPV project because they are mutually exclusive.
C) accept both projects because they are contingent projects.
D) Not enough information is given to make a decision.
Ans: A

39. The cost of capital is

A) the minimum return that a capital budgeting project must earn for it to be
B) the maximum return a project can earn.
C) the return that a previous project for the firm had earned.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

40. Capital rationing implies that
A) the firm does not have enough resources to fund all of the available projects.
B) funding needs equal funding resources.
C) the available capital will be allocated equally to all available projects.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

41. Capital rationing implies that

A) funding resources exceed funding needs.
B) funding needs exceed funding resources.
C) funding needs equal funding resources.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

42. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Accepting a positive-NPV project increases shareholder wealth.
B) Accepting a negative-NPV project has no impact on shareholder wealth.
C) Accepting a negative-NPV project decreases shareholder wealth.
D) Managers are indifferent about accepting or rejecting a zero NPV project.
Ans: B

43. Which one of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Accepting a positive-NPV project increases shareholder wealth.
B) Accepting a negative-NPV project decreases shareholder wealth.
C) Accepting a zero NPV project has a negative impact on shareholder wealth. k lời k lỗ mà neutral thôi

D) Managers are indifferent about accepting or rejecting a zero NPV project.

Ans: C

44. In computing the NPV of a capital budgeting project, one should NOT
A) estimate the cost of the project.
B) discount the future cash flows over the project's expected life.
C) ignore the salvage value.
D) make a decision based on the project's NPV.
Ans: C

45. The net present value
A) uses the discounted cash flow valuation technique.
B) will provide a direct measure of how much the firm value will change because of
the capital project.
C) is consistent with shareholder wealth maximization goal.
D) all of the above.
Ans: D

46. To accept a capital project when using NPV,

A) the project NPV should be less than zero.
B) the project NPV should be greater than zero.
C) both a and b.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

47. Which ONE of the following statements about the payback method is true?
A) The payback method is consistent with the goal of shareholder wealth
B) The payback method represents the number of years it takes a project to recover
its initial investment plus a required rate of return.
C) There is no economic rational that links the payback method to shareholder
wealth maximization.
D) None of the above statements are true.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
48. Which one of the following statements about the discounted payback method is NOT
A) The discounted payback method represents the number of years it takes a project
to recover its initial investment.
B) The discounted payback method calls for the project to be accepted if the
payback period is greater than a target period. not thì có
C) The discount payback method is a risk indicator.
D) The expected cash flows from the project are discounted at the cost of capital.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
49. Advantages of the payback method include the following.
A) The technique is simple for managers to compute and interpret.
B) It is a good measure of liquidity risk.
C) Both a and b,
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Easy
50. Disadvantages of the payback method include the following.
A) It ignores the time value of money.
B) It is inconsistent with the goal of maximizing shareholder wealth.
C) It ignores cash flows beyond the payback period.
D) All of the above.
Ans: D

51. Which one of the following statements about IRR is NOT true?
A) The IRR is the discount rate that makes the NPV greater than zero.
B) The IRR is a discounted cash flow method.
C) The IRR is an expected rate of return.
D) None of the above.
Ans: A

52. The internal rate of return is

A) the discount rate that makes the NPV greater than zero.
B) the discount rate that makes the NPV equal to zero.
C) the discount rate that makes the NPV less than zero.
D) both a and c.
Ans: B

53. When evaluating capital projects, the decisions using the NPV method and the IRR
method will agree if
A) the projects are independent.
B) the cash flow pattern is conventional.
C) the projects are mutually exclusive.
D) both a and b. Trường hợp C mình chỉ được chọn cái có NPV cao nhất thôi.
Ans: D

54. In evaluating capital projects, the decisions using the NPV method and the IRR method
may disagree if
A) the projects are independent.
B) the cash flows pattern is unconventional.
C) the projects are mutually exclusive.
D) both b and c.
Ans: D

55. Which one of the following cash flow patterns is NOT an unconventional cash flow
A) A positive initial cash flow is followed by negative future cash flows.
B) Future cash flows from a project could include both positive and negative cash
C) A negative initial cash flow is followed by positive future cash flows.
D) A cash flow stream looks similar to a conventional cash flow stream except for a
final negative cash flow.
Ans: C

56. Net present value: The Cyclone Golf Resorts is redoing its golf course at a cost of
$2,744,320. It expects to generate cash flows of $1, 223,445, $2,007,812, and
$3,147,890 over the next three years. If the appropriate discount rate for the firm is 13
percent, what is the NPV of this project?
A) $7,581,072
B) $2,092,432
C) $4,836,752
D) $3,112,459
Ans: B
Initial investment = $2,744,320
Length of project = n = 3 years
Required rate of return = k = 13%
Net present value = NPV
NCFt $1, 223, 445 $2, 007,812 $3,147,890
NPV    $2, 744,320   
t  0 (1  k )
(1.13)1 (1.13) 2 (1.13)3
 $2, 744,320  $1, 082, 695  $1,572, 411  $2,181, 646
 $2, 092, 432

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
57. Net present value: Johnson Entertainment Systems is setting up to manufacture a new
line of video game consoles. The cost of the manufacturing equipment is $1,750,000.
Expected cash flows over the next four years are $725,000, $850,000, $1,200,000, and
$1,500,000. Given the company's required rate of return of 15 percent, what is the NPV
of this project?
A) $1,169,806
B) $2,919,806
C) $4,669,806
D) $3,122, 607
Ans: A
Initial investment = 1,750,000
Length of project = n = 4 years
Required rate of return = k = 15%
Net present value = NPV
NCFt $725, 000 $850, 000 $1, 200, 000 $1,500, 000
NPV    $1, 750, 000    
t  0 (1  k )
(1.15)1 (1.15) 2 (1.15)3 (1.15) 4
 $1, 750, 000  $630, 435  $642, 722  $789, 019  $857, 630
 $1,169, 806

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
58. Net present value: Cortez Art Gallery is adding to its existing buildings at a cost of $2
million. The gallery expects to bring in additional cash flows of $520,000, $700,000,
and $1,000,000 over the next three years. Given a required rate of return of 10 percent,
what is the NPV of this project?
A) $1,802,554
B) $197,446
C) -$1,802,554
D) -$197,446
Ans: D
Initial investment = $2,000,000
Length of project = n = 3 years
Required rate of return = k = 10%
Net present value = NPV
NCFt $520, 000 $700, 000 $1, 000, 000
NPV    $2000, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
(1.10)1 (1.10) 2 (1.10)3
 $2, 000, 000  $472, 727  $578,512  $751,315
 $197, 446

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
59. Net present value: Gao Enterprises plans to build a new plant at a cost of $3,250,000.
The plant is expected to generate annual cash flows of $1,225,000 for the next five
years. If the firm's required rate of return is 18 percent, what is the NPV of this project?
A) $2,875,000
B) $3,830,785
C) $580,785
D) $2,1225,875
Ans: C
Initial investment = $3,250,000
Annual cash flows = $1,225,000
Length of project = n = 5 years
Required rate of return = k = 18%
Net present value = NPV
 1 
 1
FCFt (1.18)5 
NPV    $3, 250, 000  $1, 225, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
 0.18 
 
 $3, 250, 000  $3,830, 785
 $580, 785

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
60. Net present value: Jenkins Corporation is investing in a new piece of equipment at a
cost of $6 million. The project is expected to generate annual cash flows of $1,850,000
over the next six years. The firm's cost of capital is 20 percent. What is the project's
A) $722,604
B) $351,097
C) $152,194
D) $261,008
Ans: C
Initial investment = $6,000,000
Annual cash flows = $1,850,000
Length of project = n = 6 years
Required rate of return = k = 20%
Net present value = NPV
 1 
 1
FCFt (1.20)6 
NPV    $6, 000, 000  $1,850, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
 0.20 
 
 $6, 000, 000  $6,152,194
 $152,194

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
61. Payback: Binder Corp. has invested in new machinery at a cost of $1,450,000. This
investment is expected to produce cash flows of $640,000, $715,250, $823,330, and
$907,125 over the next four years. What is the payback period for this project?
A) 2.12 years
B) 1.88 years
C) 4.00 years
D) 3.00 years.
Ans: A
Binder Corp.
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(1,450,000) $(1,450,000)
1 640,000 (810,000)
2 715,250 (94,750)
3 823,330 728,580
4 907,125 1,635,705

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 2 + ($94,750 / $823,330)
= 2.12 years

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
62. Payback: Elmer Sporting Goods is getting ready to produce a new line of golf clubs by
investing $1.85 million. The investment will result in additional cash flows of
$525,000, $812,500, and 1,200,000 over the next three years. What is the payback
period for this project?
A) 3 years
B) 2.43 years
C) 1.57 years
D) More than 3 years
Ans: B
Elmer Sporting Goods
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(1,850,000) $(1,850,000)
1 525,000 (1,325,000)
2 812,500 (512,500)
3 1,200,000 687,500

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 2 + ($512,500 / $1,200,000)
= 2.43 years

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
63. Payback: Creighton, Inc., has invested $2,165,800 on equipment. The firm uses
payback period criteria of not accepting any project that takes more than four years to
recover costs. The company anticipates cash flows of $424,386, $512,178, $561,755,
$764,997, $816,500, and $825,375 over the next six years. What is the payback period,
and does this investment meet the firm's payback criteria?
A) 4.13 years; no
B) 4.13 years; yes
C) 3.87 years; yes
D) 3.87 years; no
Ans: C
Creighton Inc.
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(2,165,800) $(2,165,800)
1 424,386 (1,741,414)
2 512,178 (1,229,236)
3 561,755 (667,481)
4 764,997 97,516
5 816,500 914,016
6 825,375 1,739,391

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 3 + ($667,481 / $764,997)
= 3.87 years
Since the payback period of 3.87 years is less than the decision criteria of 4 years, this
project should be accepted.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
64. Payback: Kathleen Dancewear Co. has bought some new machinery at a cost of
$1,250,000. The impact of the new machinery will be felt in the additional annual cash
flows of $375,000 over the next five years. What is the payback period for this project?
If their acceptance period is three years, will this project be accepted?
A) 2.67 years; yes
B) 2.67 years; no
C) 3.33 years; yes
D) 3.33 years; no
Ans: D
Kathleen Dancewear Inc.
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(1,250,000) $(1,250,000)
1 375,000 (875,000)
2 375,000 (500,000)
3 375,000 (125,000)
4 375,000 250,000
5 375,000 625,000

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 3 + ($125,000 / $375,000)
= 3.33 years
Since the payback period of 3.33 years exceeds the decision criteria of 3 years, this
project should be rejected.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
65. Payback: Carmen Electronics bought new machinery for $5 million. This is expected
to result in additional cash flows of $1.2 million over the next seven years. What is the
payback period for this project? If their acceptance period is five years, will this project
be accepted?
A) 4.17 years; yes
B) 4.17 years; no
C) 3.83 years; yes
D) 3.83 years; no
Ans: A
Carmen Electronics
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(5,000,000) $(5,000,000)
1 1,200,000 (3,800,000)
2 1,200,000 (2,600,000)
3 1,200,000 (1,400,000)
4 1,200,000 (200,000)
5 1,200,000 1,000,000
6 1,200,000 2,200,000
7 1,200,000 3,400,000

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 4 + ($200,000 / $1,200,000)
= 4.17 years
Since the payback period of 4.17 years is less than the decision criteria of 5 years, this
project should be accepted.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
66. Discounted payback: Roswell Energy Company is installing new equipment at a cost
of $10 million. Expected cash flows from this project over the next five years will be
$1,045,000, $2,550,000, $4,125,000, $6,326,750, and $7,000,000. The company's
discount rate for such projects is 14 percent. What is the project's discounted payback
A) 4.2 years
B) 4.4 years
C) 4.8 years
D) 5.0 years
Ans: A
Roswell Energy
i = 14%
0 $(10,000,000) $(10,000,000) $(10,000,000
1 1,045,000 916,667 (9,083,333)
2 2,550,000 1,962,142 (7,121,191)
3 4,125,000 2,784,258 (4,336,934)
4 6,326,750 3,745,944 (590,990)
5 7,000,000 3,635,581 3,044,591

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 4 + ($590,990/ $3,635,581)
= 4.16 years

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
67. Discounted payback: Carmen Electronics bought new machinery for $5 million. This
is expected to result in additional cash flows of $1.2 million over the next seven years.
The firm's cost of capital is 12 percent. What is the discounted payback period for this
project? If the firm's acceptance period is five years, will this project be accepted?
A) 5.4 years; no
B) 6.1 years; no
C) 4.6 years; yes
D) 4.2 years; yes
Ans: B
Carmen Electronics
i = 12%
0 $(5,000,000) $(5,000,000) $(5,000,000
1 1,200,000 1,071,429 (3,928,571)
2 1,200,000 956,633 (2,971,938)
3 1,200,000 854,136 (2,117,802)
4 1,200,000 762,622 (1,355,180)
5 1,200,000 680,912 (674,268)
6 1,200,000 607,957 (66,311)
7 1,200,000 542,819 476,508

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 6 + ($66,311 / $542,819)
= 6.12 years
Since the payback period of 6.12 years exceeds the decision criteria of 5 years, this
project should be rejected.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Hard
68. Discounted payback: Kathleen Dancewear Co. has bought some new machinery at a
cost of $1,250,000. The impact of the new machinery will be felt in the additional
annual cash flows of $375,000 over the next five years. The firm's cost of capital is 10
percent. What is the discounted payback period for this project? If their acceptance
period is three years, will this project be accepted?
A) 2.7 years; yes
B) 4.7 years; no
C) 2.3 years; yes
D) 4.3 years; no
Ans: D
Kathleen Dancewear Inc.
i = 10%
0 $(1,250,000) $(1,250,000) $(1,250,000
1 375,000 340,909 (909,091)
2 375,000 309,917 (599,174)
3 375,000 281,743 (317,431)
4 375,000 256,130 (61,300)
5 375,000 232,845 171,545

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 4 + ($61,300 / $232,845)
= 4.26 years
Since the payback period of 4.3 years exceeds the decision criteria of 3 years, this
project should be rejected.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
69. Accounting rate of return (ARR): LaGrange Corp. has forecasted that over the next
four years the average annual after-tax income will be $45,731. The average book value
of the manufacturing equipment that is used is $167,095. What is the accounting rate of
A) 33.3%
B) 27.4%
C) 29.8%
D) 22.3%
Ans: B
Annual after-tax income = $45,731
Average after-tax income = ($45,731+$45,731 + $45,731+$45,731) / 4 = $45,731
Average book value of equipment = $167,095
Average after-tax income
Accounting rate of return 
Average book value
$45, 731
  27.4%
$167, 095

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
70. Accounting rate of return (ARR): Stump Storage Co. is expecting to generate
after-tax income of $155,708, $159,312, and $161,112 for each of the next three years.
The equipment used will have an average book value of $251,575 over that period.
What is the ARR?
A) 65.7%
B) 69.4%
C) 63.1%
D) 66.8%
Ans: C
Average after-tax income = ($155,708+$159,312 +$161,112) / 3 = $158,711
Average book value of equipment = $215,575
Average after-tax income
Accounting rate of return 
Average book value
$158, 711
  63.1%

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
71. Internal rate of return: Quick Sale Real Estate Company is planning to invest in a
new development. The cost of the project will be $23 million and is expected to
generate cash flows of $14,000,000, $11,750,000, and $6,350,000 over the next three
years. The company's cost of capital is 20 percent. What is the internal rate of return on
this project? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 22%
B) 20%
C) 24%
D) 28%
Ans: A
Initial investment = $23,000,000
Length of project = n = 3 years
Required rate of return = k = 20%
To determine the IRR, the trial-and-error approach can be used. Set NPV = 0.
Try IRR = 21.6%.

NPV 0  0  
t 0 (1  IRR)t
$14, 000, 000 $11, 750, 000 $6,350, 000
0  $23, 000, 000   
(1.216)1 (1.216) 2 (1.216)3
 $23, 000, 000  $11,513,158  $7,946, 405  $3,531, 612
 $8, 825  0
The IRR of the project is 21.6 percent. Using a financial calculator, we find that the
IRR is 21.572 percent.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
72. Internal rate of return: Modern Federal Bank is setting up a brand new branch. The
cost of the project will be $1.2 million. The branch will create additional cash flows of
$235,000, $412,300, $665,000 and $875,000 over the next four years. The firm's cost of
capital is 12 percent. What is the internal rate of return on this branch expansion?
(Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 20%
B) 23%
C) 25%
D) 27%
Ans: B
Initial investment = $1,200,000
Length of project = n = 4 years
To determine the IRR, the trial-and-error approach can be used. Set NPV = 0.
Try IRR =23.1%.

NPV 0  0  
t  0 (1  IRR )

$235, 000 $412,300 $665, 000 $875, 000

0  $1, 200, 000    
(1.231)1 (1.231) 2 (1.231)3 (1.231) 4
 $1, 200, 000  $190,902  $272, 080  $356, 490  $381, 045
 $517  0
The IRR of the project is 23.1 percent. Using a financial calculator, we find that the
IRR is 23.119 percent.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
73. Internal rate of return: Signet Pipeline Co. is looking to install new equipment that
will cost $2,750,000. The cash flows expected from the project are $612,335, $891,005,
$1,132,000, and $1,412,500 for the next four years. What is Signet's internal rate of
return? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 11%
B) 13%
C) 15%
D) 17%
Ans: C
Initial investment = $2,750,000
Length of project = n = 4 years
To determine the IRR, the trial-and-error approach can be used. Set NPV = 0.
Try IRR =15.1%.

NPV 0  0  
t  0 (1  IRR )

$612,335 $891, 005 $1,132, 000 $1, 412,500

0  $2, 750, 000    
(1.151)1 (1.151) 2 (1.151)3 (1.151) 4
 $2, 750, 000  $532, 003  $672,558  $742,370  $804, 799
 $1, 729  0
The IRR of the project is 15.1 percent. Using a financial calculator, we find that the
IRR is 15.127 percent.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
74. Internal rate of return: Casa Del Sol Property Development Company is refurbishing
a 200-unit condominium complex at a cost of $1,875,000. It expects that this will lead
to expected annual cash flows of $415,350 for the next seven years. What internal rate
of return can the firm earn from this project? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 10%
B) 12%
C) 14%
D) 16%
Ans: B
Initial investment = $1,875,000
Annual cash flows = $415,350
Length of investment = n = 7 years
To determine the IRR, the trial-and-error approach can be used. Set NPV = 0.
Try IRR =12.3%.
 1 
n  1 7 
NPV  0  
 $1,875, 000  $415,350   
t  0 (1  IRR )
 0.123 
 
0  $1,875, 000  $1,877, 660
 $2, 660  0

The IRR of the project is 12.3 percent. Using a financial calculator, we find that the
IRR is 12.345 percent.

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
75. Internal rate of return: Lowell Communications, Inc., has been installing a fiber-optic
network at a cost of $18 million. The firm expects annual cash flows of $3.7 million
over the next 10 years. What is this project's internal rate of return? (Round to the
nearest percent.)
A) 10%
B) 12%
C) 14%
D) 16%
Ans: D
Initial investment = $18,000,000
Annual cash flows = $3,700,000
Length of investment = n = 10 years
To determine the IRR, the trial-and-error approach can be used. Set NPV = 0.
Try IRR =15.8%.
 1 
n  1 10 
NPV  0  
 $18, 000, 000  $3, 700, 000   
t  0 (1  IRR )
 0.158 
 
0  $18, 000, 000  $18, 016,910
 $16, 910  0

The IRR of the project is 15.8 percent. Using a financial calculator, we find that the
IRR is 15.825 percent.

Use the following to answer questions 76-79:

Turnbull Corp. is in the process of constructing a new plant at a cost of $30 million. It expects
the project to generate cash flows of $13,000,000, $23,000,000, and 29,000,000 over the next
three years. The cost of capital is 20 percent.

Reference: Ref 10-2
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
76. Payback: What is the payback period for this project?
A) 1.7 years
B) 2.2 years
C) 1.2 years
D) 2.7 years
Ans: A
Initial investment = $30,000,000
Length of investment = n = 3 years
Turnbull Corp.
i = 20.00%
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(30,000,000) $(30,000,000)
1 13,000,000 (17,000,000)
2 23,000,000 6,000,000
3 29,000,000 35,000,000

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 1 + ($17,000,000 / $23,000,000)
= 1.74 years

Reference: Ref 10-2
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
77. Net present value: What is the net present value of this project? (Round to the nearest
million dollars.)
A) $10 million
B) $12 million
C) $14 million
D) $16 million
Ans: C
Initial investment = $30,000,000
Length of investment = n = 3 years
Net present value = NPV
NCFt $13, 000, 000 $23, 000, 000 $29, 000, 000
NPV    $30, 000, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
(1.20)1 (1.20) 2 (1.20)3
 $30, 000, 000  $10,833,333  $15,972, 222  $16, 782, 407
 $13, 587, 963

Reference: Ref 10-2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
78. Internal rate of return: What is the internal rate of return that Turnbull can earn on
this project? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 41%
B) 42%
C) 43%
D) 44%
Ans: D
Initial investment = $30,000,000
Length of investment = n = 3 years
Since NPV > 0, try IRR > 20%. Try IRR = 43.6%.

NCFt $13, 000, 000 $23, 000, 000 $29, 000, 000
NPV  0    $30, 000, 000   
t  0 (1  IRR )
(1.436)1 (1436) 2 (1.436)3
 $30, 000, 000  $9.052,925  $11,153, 700  $9, 793, 427
 $51  0

Reference: Ref 10-2
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
79. Modified Internal rate of return: What is the MIRR on this project? (Round to the
nearest percent.)
A) 36%
B) 37%
C) 38%
D) 39%
Ans: A
PV of costs = $30,000,000
Length of project = n = 3 years
Cost of capital = k = 20%
TV  CF1 (1  k ) n 1  CF2 (1  k ) n  2   CFn (1  k ) n  n
 $13, 000, 000(1.20) 2  $23, 000, 000(1.20)1  $29, 000, 000(1.20)0
 $18, 720, 000  $27, 600, 000  $29, 000, 000
 $75,320, 000
PVCosts 
(1  MIRR)t
$75,320, 000
$30, 000, 000 
(1  MIRR)3
$75,320, 000
(1  MIRR)3   2.5107
$30, 000, 000
(1  MIRR)  (2.5107) 3  1.3591

MIRR  0.3591  35.9%

Use the following to answer questions 80-83:

Jamaica Corp. is adding a new assembly line at a cost of $8.5 million. The firm expects the
project to generate cash flows of $2 million, $3 million, $4 million, and $5 million over the next
four years. Its cost of capital is 16 percent.

Reference: Ref 10-3
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
80. Payback: What is the payback period for this project?
A) 2.8 years
B) 2.9 years
C) 3.1 years
D) 3.4 years
Ans: B
Initial investment = $8,500,000
Length of investment = n = 4 years
Jamaica Inc.
i = 16.00%
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(8,500,000) $(8,500,000)
1 2,000,000 (6,500,000)
2 3,000,000 (3,500,000)
3 4,000,000 500,000
4 5,000,000 1,500,000

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 2 + ($3,500,000/ $4,000,000)
= 2.88 years

Reference: Ref 10-3

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
81. Net present value: What is the net present value of this project?
A) $645,366
B) $1,213,909
C) $905,888
D) $777,713
Ans: D
Initial investment = $8,500,000
Length of investment = n = 4 years
Net present value = NPV

Reference: Ref 10-3
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
82. Internal rate of return: What is the internal rate of return that Jamaica can earn on this
project? (Round to the nearest percent.)
A) 18%
B) 19%
C) 20%
D) 21%
Ans: C
Initial investment = $8,500,000
Length of investment = n = 4 years
Since NPV > 0, try IRR > 16%. Try IRR = 19.9%.

Reference: Ref 10-3
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
83. Modified internal rate of return: What is the MIRR on this project? (Round to the
nearest percent.)
A) 18%
B) 19%
C) 20%
D) 21%
Ans: B
Initial investment = $8,500,000
Length of investment = n = 4 years
Cost of capital = k = 16%
TV  CF1 (1  k ) n 1  CF2 (1  k ) n  2   CFn (1  k ) n  n
 $2, 000, 000(1.16)3  $3, 000, 000(1.16) 2  $4, 000, 000(1.16)1  $5, 000, 000(1.16)0
 $3,121, 792  $4, 036,800  $4, 640, 000  $5, 000, 000
 $16, 798,592
PVCosts 
(1  MIRR)t
$16, 798,592
$8,500, 000 
(1  MIRR) 4
$16, 798,592
(1  MIRR) 4   1.9763
$8,500, 000
(1  MIRR)  (1.9763) 4  1.1857

MIRR  0.1857  18.6%

Use the following to answer questions 84-87:

Strange Manufacturing Company is purchasing a production facility at a cost of $21 million. The
firm expects the project to generate annual cash flows of $7 million over the next five years. Its
cost of capital is 18 percent.

Reference: Ref 10-4
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
84. Payback: What is the payback period for this project?
A) 2.8 years
B) 3.0 years
C) 3.2 years
D) 3.4 years
Ans: B
Initial investment = $21,000,000
Length of investment = n = 5 years
Annual cash flows = $7,000,000
Strange Manufacturing
i = 18.00%
Year CF Cumulative CF
0 $(21,000,000) $(21,000,000)
1 7,000,000 (14,000,000)
2 7,000,000 (7,000,000)
3 7,000,000 --
4 7,000,000 7,000,000
5 7,000,000 14,000,000

PB = Years before cost recovery + (Remaining cost to recover/ Cash flow during
the year
= 3 + ($0 / $7,000,000)
= 3.0 years

Reference: Ref 10-4
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 3
Level of Difficulty: Medium
85. Discounted payback: What is the discounted payback period for this project?
A) 3.9 years
B) 4.3 years
C) 4.7 years
D) 5.1 years
Ans: C
Initial investment = $21,000,000
Length of investment = n = 5 years
Annual cash flows = $7,000,000
Strange Manufacturing
i = 18.00%
0 $(21,000,000) $(21,000,000) $(21,000,000)
1 7,000,000 5,932,203 (15,067,797)
2 7,000,000 5,027,291 (10,040,506)
3 7,000,000 4,260,416 (5,780,090)
4 7,000,000 3,610,522 (2,169,568)
5 7,000,000 3,059,765 890,197

Discounted payback period = Years before Recovery + (Remaining Cost / Next Year's
= 4 + ($2,169,567/$3,059,765)
= 4.7 years

Reference: Ref 10-4
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
86. Net present value: What is the net present value of this project?
A) $890,197
B) $1,213,909
C) $905,888
D) $777,713
Ans: A
Initial investment = $21,000,000
Length of investment = n = 5 years
Annual cash flows = $7,000,000
Net present value = NPV
 1 
 1
FCFt (1.18)5 
NPV    $21, 000, 000  $7, 000, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
 0.18 
 
 $21, 000, 000  $21,890,197
 $890,197

Reference: Ref 10-4
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
87. Internal rate of return: What is the internal rate of return on this project? (Round to
the nearest percent.)
A) 17%
B) 18%
C) 19%
D) 20%
Ans: D
Initial investment = $8,500,000
Length of investment = n = 4 years
Since NPV > 0, try IRR > 18%. Try IRR = 19.9%.
 1 
 1
FCFt (1.199)5 
NPV    $21, 000, 000  $7, 000, 000   
t  0 (1  k )
 0.199 
 
 $21, 000, 000  $20,980, 433
 $19, 567  0

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Easy
88. Which of the following is true about the Net Present Value method?
A) The NPV does not utilize time value of money concepts.
B) The NPV assumes that all cash flows are reinvested at the firm’s discount
rate (the firm’s cost of capital).
C) The NPV allows projects to be ranked by rate of return.
D) The NPV is a rate of return that is acceptable to the firm.
Ans: B

89. Crossover Point/Rate: Packard Electronics Corp. is evaluating the two mutually
exclusive projects shown below.

Boundless Corp. Project A Project B

Period Cash Flows Cash Flows
0 $ (100,000) $
1 50,000 15,000
2 40,000 30,000
3 30,000 50,000
4 20,000 70,000
5 10,000 80,000

What is the ―crossover rate‖ of the two projects? (Round off to the nearest (0.01%)
A) 10.82%
B) 8.24%
C) 13.76%
D) 16.38%
Ans: A

90. Payback: You have been asked to analyze an investment project. The project’s cost is
$180,000. Cash inflows are projected to be: year 1 = $55,000, year 2 = $65,000; year 3
= $75,000; year 4 = $85,500; year 5 = $95,000.

What is the investment project’s payback? (Round off to the nearest (0.1 years)
A) 4.1 years
B) 1.6 years
C) 3.5 years
D) 2.8 years
Ans: D

Chapter 11
31. The cash flows used in capital budgeting calculations are based on.
A) historical estimates.
B) forecasts of future cash revenues, expenses, and investment outlays.
C) forecasts of net income.
D) forecasts of retained earnings available for financing projects.
Ans: B

32. The NPV of a project is estimated by

A) discounting the expected cash flows of a project in the future.
B) discounting only the certain cash flows of a project in the future.
C) discounting the variance of the expected cash flows of a project in the future.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

33. The ___________ is intended to reconcile changes in the balance sheet cash accounts.
A) capital budgeting cash flow calculation
B) accounting statement of cash flows
C) accounting statement of income
D) none of the above
Ans: B

34. The term ___________ refers to the fact that these cash flows reflect the amount by
which the firm's total after-tax free cash flows will change if the project is adopted.
A) periodic
B) ending cash flows
C) incremental
D) none of the above
Ans: C

35. _________ refers to the cash flow that a project is expected to generate after all operating
expenses and taxes have been paid.
A) Incremental cash flow from operations
B) Operating income
D) None of the above
Ans: A

36. In order to calculate free cash flow by starting with incremental cash flow from
operations, we should
A) subtract the incremental capital expenditures and add the incremental additions to
working capital.
B) add the incremental capital expenditures and the incremental additions to working capital.
C) subtract the incremental capital expenditures and the incremental additions to
working capital.
D) None of the above.
Ans: C

37. The idea that we can evaluate the cash flows from a project independently of the cash
flows for the firm is known as
A) the stand-alone principle.
B) the dependent principle.
C) the independent principle.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

38. The firm's ____________ is used to calculate NOPAT because the profits from a project
are assumed to be incremental to the firm.
A) average tax rate
B) marginal tax rate
C) lowest marginal tax rate
D) none of the above
Ans: B

39. Additions to tangible assets, intangible assets ,and current assets can be described as
A) cash flows associated with investments.
B) operating cash flows.
C) free cash flows.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

40. The impact of a project on a firm's overall value depends on

A) a firm's accounting earnings.
B) a firm's cash flow.
C) a project's cash flow.
D) none of the above.
Ans: C
41. Which of the following should not be included in a project's cash flow calculations?
A) cash expenses
B) cash revenues
C) allocated expenses
D) none of the above
Ans: C

42. Corporate overhead allocations should only be taken into account on project analysis if
A) the firm is currently covering all of its overhead allocations.
B) the firm is currently unable to cover all of its overhead allocations.
C) the overhead allocations involve cash expenditures.
D) none of the above.
Ans: D

43. Brown Mack, Inc., currently has two large manufacturing divisions that share a single
plant. Brown Mack owns the plant but has calculated that $6 million of overhead expenses
should be allocated to the two equal-sized divisions. If Brown Mack starts a third manufacturing
division, of equal size to the other two divisions, then what overhead cost should the new
division take into account on its capital budgeting cash flow analysis?
A) $0
B) $2 million
C) $3 million
D) $6 million
Ans: A

44. A firm is considering taking a project that will produce $12 million of revenue per year.
Cash expenses will be $5 million, and depreciation expenses will be $1 million per year. If the
firm takes that project, then it will reduce the cash revenues of an existing project by $2 million.
What is the free cash flow on the project, per year, if the firm is in the 40 percent marginal tax
A) $2.4 million
B) $3.4 million
C) $4.6 million
D) $5.0 million
Ans: B
Revenue $12,000,000
Cash exp (5,000,000)
Deprec exp (1,000,000)
Lost revenue (2,000,000)
Pretax income $ 4,000,000
Less taxes 1,600,000
Net income $ 2,400,000
Deprec 1,000,000
Free Cash Flow/yr $ 3,400,000
45. Whenever a project has a negative impact on an existing project's cash flows, then that
effect should
A) be ignored.
B) be ignored if the project is evaluated using the correct cost of capital.
C) be included as a negative revenue amount on the new project's cash flow analysis.
D) be included if the impact is limited to noncash expenditures.
Ans: C

46. If a firm has the option of leasing some factory space to another firm or utilizing it for
another product line, then if the firm chose the product line how should it handle the lost lease
payments on the factory space?
A) Ignore it.
B) Include it as an opportunity cost.
C) Include half of it as additional revenue for the project.
D) None of the above.
Ans: B

47. Which of the following is the best example of a sunk cost?

A) Future payments on a leased building.
B) Future research and development costs.
C) Historical research and development costs.
D) Historical noncash expenses.
Ans: C

48. _____________ represent dollars stated in terms of constant purchasing power.

A) Nominal dollars
B) Real dollars
C) Inflated dollars
D) None of the above
Ans: B

49. If inflation is anticipated to be 10 percent during the next year while a nominal rate of 20
percent will be earned on U.S. Treasury bills, then what is the accurate real rate of return on
these securities?
A) 20.00%
B) 10.00%
C) 9.09%
D) None of the above
Ans: C
1 + k = (1 + Pe) x (1 + r)
1 + 0.2 = (1 + 0.1) x (1 + r)
1.0909 = 1 + r
0.0909 = r

50. If the real return on U.S. Treasury bills is 14 percent while the rate of expected inflation
is anticipated to be 8 percent, then what should nominal rate of return be?
A) 14.00%
B) 33.00%
C) 23.12%
D) all of the above
Ans: C
1 + k = (1 + Pe) x (1 + r)
1 + k = (1 + 0.08) x (1 + 0.14)
1 + k = 1.2312
k = 0.2312

51. If you are discounting a project's cash flows using the nominal cost of capital, then that
means that you have taken the following into account:
A) the real rate of return
B) the expected rate of inflation
C) both of the above
D) none of the above
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
52. A tax system in which taxpayers pay a progressively larger share of their income in taxes
as their income rises is called
A) a flat tax system.
B) a progressive tax system.
C) a digressive tax system.
D) a political tax system.
Ans: B

53. For a U.S. corporation with income above $20 million,

A) the average tax rate is less than the marginal tax rate.
B) the average tax rate is equal to the marginal tax rate.
C) the average tax rate is greater than the marginal tax rate.
D) none of the above.
Ans: B

54. When compared to the straight-line depreciation method, MACRS has

A) a greater proportion of its depreciation early in the life of the asset.
B) a lesser proportion of its depreciation early in the life of the asset.
C) an equal proportion of its depreciation early in the life of the asset.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

55. In order for a project to cash generate a positive net working capital flow at the
conclusion of a project,
A) the project must have generated a cumulative negative cash flow during the life of
the project.
B) the project must have generated a cumulative positive cash flow during the life of the
C) the project must have generated a cumulative negative cash flow at the conclusion of the
D) the project could not have generated a positive cash flow at the opening of the project.
Ans: A

56. If you are deciding whether to take one project or another, where the projects have
different useful lives, then you could utilize
A) a repeated investment analysis to decide which project is better for the firm.
B) an equivalent annual annuity analysis to decide which project is better for the firm.
C) either of the above.
D) none of the above.
Ans: C

57. Windy Burgers is trying to determine when to harvest a herd of cows that it currently
owns. If it harvests the herd in year 1, the NPV of the project would increase over an immediate
harvest by 25 percent. A year 2 harvest would create an NPV increase of 15 percent over that of
year 1 and year 3 would create an NPV increase of 7 percent over that of year 2. If the cost of
capital is 12 percent for Windy, then which harvest year would maximize the NPV for the firm?
Assume that all NPVs are calculated from the perspective of today.
A) Harvest immediately.
B) Harvest in year 1.
C) Harvest in year 2.
D) Harvest in year 3.
Ans: C

58. Stillwater Drinks is trying to determine when to harvest the water from the fountain of
youth that it currently owns. If it harvests the water in year 1, the NPV of the project would
increase over an immediate harvest by 18 percent. A year 2 harvest would create an NPV
increase of 12 percent over that of year 1 and year 3 would create an NPV increase of 8 percent
over that of year 2. If the cost of capital is 17 percent for Stillwater, then which harvest year
would maximize the NPV for the firm? Assume that all NPVs are calculated from the
perspective of today.
A) Harvest immediately.
B) Harvest in year 1.
C) Harvest in year 2.
D) Harvest in year 3.
Ans: B

59. The proper time to harvest an asset is when

A) the percentage NPV increase of harvesting a project at a future point in time is at
the last date where the increase is greater than the cost of capital.
B) the percentage NPV increase of harvesting a project at a future point in time is at the first
date where the increase is less than the cost of capital.
C) the percentage NPV increase of harvesting a project at a future point in time is at the first
date where the increase is greater than the cost of capital.
D) none of the above.
Ans: A

60. Norman, Inc. is considering two mutually exclusive projects. Project A is a six-year
project with a NPV of $3,000 and Project B is a four-year project with an NPV of $2,278.
Project A has an equivalent annual cash flow of $730 and Project B has an equivalent annual
cash flow of $750. Which project should the firm select?
A) Choose Project A because it has the higher NPV.
B) Choose Project B because it has the lower NPV.
C) Choose Project B because it has the higher equivalent annual cash flow.
D) Choose Project A because it has the lower equivalent annual cash flow.
Ans: C

Use the following to answer questions 61-64:

Provo, Inc., had revenues of $10 million, cash operating expenses of $5 million, and
depreciation and amortization of $1 million during 2008. The firm purchased $500,000 of
equipment during the year while increasing its inventory by $300,000 (with no corresponding
increase in current liabilities). The marginal tax rate for Provo is 40 percent.
Reference: Ref 11-1
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
61. Free cash flow: What is Provo's cash flow from operations for 2008?
A) $2,400,000
B) $2,600,000
C) $3,400,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: C
Provo, Inc.
Revenue $10,000,000
- Operating Ex 5,000,000
EBITDA $ 5,000,000
- D&A 1,000,000
EBIT $ 4,000,000
x (1 – t) 60%
NOPAT $ 2,400,000
+ D&A 1,000,000
CF Opns $ 3,400,000

Reference: Ref 11-1

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
62. Free cash flow: What is Provo's free cash flow for 2008?
A) $2,400,000
B) $2,600,000
C) $3,400,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: B
Provo, Inc.
Revenue $10,000,000
- Operating Ex 5,000,000
EBITDA $ 5,000,000
- D&A 1,000,000
EBIT $ 4,000,000
x (1 – t) 60%
NOPAT $ 2,400,000
+ D&A 1,000,000
CF Opns $ 3,400,000
- Cap Exp $500,000
- Add WC 300,000
FCF $ 2,600,000

Reference: Ref 11-1

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
63. Free cash flow: What is Provo's NOPAT for 2008?
A) $2,400,000
B) $2,600,000
C) $3,400,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: A
Provo, Inc.
Revenue $10,000,000
- Operating Ex 5,000,000
EBITDA $ 5,000,000
- D&A 1,000,000
EBIT $ 4,000,000
x (1 – t) 60%
NOPAT $ 2,400,000
Reference: Ref 11-1
Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
64. Free cash flow: What is Provo's cash flows associated with investments for 2008?
A) $300,000
B) $500,000
C) $800,000
D) None of the above.
Ans: C
Use the following to answer questions 65-68:

Champagne, Inc., had revenues of $12 million, cash operating expenses of $8 million, and
depreciation and amortization of $1.5 million during 2008. The firm purchased $700,000 of
equipment during the year while increasing its inventory by $500,000 (with no corresponding
increase in current liabilities). The marginal tax rate for Champagne is 30 percent.

Reference: Ref 11-2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
65. Free cash flow: What is Champagne's cash flow from operations for 2008?
A) $2,050,000
B) $2,500,000
C) $3,250,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: C
Champagne, Inc.
Revenue $12,000,000
- Operating Ex 8,000,000
EBITDA $ 4,000,000
- D&A 1,500,000
EBIT $ 2,500,000
x (1 – t) 70%
NOPAT $ 1,750,000
+ D&A 1,500,000
CF Opns $ 3,250,000

Reference: Ref 11-2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Medium
66. Free cash flow: What is Champagne's free cash flow for 2008?
A) $2,050,000

B) $2,500,000
C) $3,250,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: A
Champagne, Inc.
Revenue $12,000,000
- Operating Ex 8,000,000
EBITDA $ 4,000,000
- D&A 1,500,000
EBIT $ 2,500,000
x (1 – t) 70%
NOPAT $ 1,750,000
+ D&A 1,500,000
CF Opns $ 3,250,000
- Cap Exp $700,000
- Add WC 500,000
FCF $ 2,050,000

Reference: Ref 11-2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Hard
67. Free cash flow: What is Champagne's NOPAT for 2008?
A) $1,750,000
B) $2,500,000
C) $3,250,000
D) $4,000,000
Ans: A
Champagne, Inc.
Revenue $12,000,000
- Operating Ex 8,000,000
EBITDA $ 4,000,000
- D&A 1,500,000
EBIT $ 2,500,000
x (1 – t) 70%
NOPAT $ 1,750,000

Reference: Ref 11-2

Format: Multiple Choice
Learning Objective: LO 1
Level of Difficulty: Hard
68. Free cash flow: What are Champagne's cash flows associated with investments for 2008?
A) $500,000
B) $700,000
C) $1,200,000
D) None of the above.
Ans: C
Cash flows associated with investments equal the purchase of tangible and intangible
assets as well as increases in working capital. Therefore, the cash flows associated with
investments equal $700,000 + $500,000 = $1,200,000.

69. Marginal and average tax rates: Use the tax rate taken from Exhibit 11.6 to calculate the
total taxes paid for Lansing, Inc., this year. Lansing's pretax income was $275,000.
Exhibit 11.6 U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Schedule in 2007
Taxable Income
Than But Not More Than
Tax Owed
$0 $50,000 15% of amount beyond $0
$50,000 $75,000 $7,500 + 25% of amount beyond $50,000
$75,000 $100,000 $13,750 + 34% of amount beyond $75,000
$100,000 $335,000 $22,500 + 39% of amount beyond $100,000
$335,000 $10,000,000 $113,900 + 34% of amount beyond $335,000
$10,000,000 $15,000,000 $3,400,000 + 35% of amount beyond $10,000,000
$15,000,000 $18,333,333 $5,150,000 + 38% of amount beyond $15,000,000
$18,333,333 ------- 35% on all income

A) $22,500
B) $68,250
C) $90,750
D) $107,250
Ans: C
From the instruction in the table, we can see that the tax bill should be equal to $22,500 +
0.39 x ($275,000 - $100,000) = $22,500 + $68,250 = $90,750

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Hard
70. Marginal and average tax rates: Use the tax rate taken from Exhibit 11.6 to calculate the
average tax rate for Lansing, Inc., this year. Lansing's pretax income was $275,000.
Exhibit 11.6 U.S. Corporate Tax Rate Schedule in 2007
Taxable Income
Than But Not More Than
Tax Owed
$0 $50,000 15% of amount beyond $0
$50,000 $75,000 $7,500 + 25% of amount beyond $50,000
$75,000 $100,000 $13,750 + 34% of amount beyond $75,000
$100,000 $335,000 $22,250 + 39% of amount beyond $100,000
$335,000 $10,000,000 $113,900 + 34% of amount beyond $335,000
$10,000,000 $15,000,000 $3,400,000 + 35% of amount beyond $10,000,000
$15,000,000 $18,333,333 $5,150,000 + 38% of amount beyond $15,000,000
$18,333,333 ------- 35% on all income

A) 8.2%
B) 24.8%
C) 33.0%
D) 39.0%
Ans: C
From the instruction in the table, we can see that the tax bill should be equal to $22,500 +
0.39 x ($275,000 – $100,000) = $22,500 + $68,250 = $90,750. We see that the taxes due are
$90,750 and with pretax income of $275,000, we then have an average tax rate of $90,750 /
$275,000 = 33.00%.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Hard
71. Computing the terminal-year FCF: Miles Cyprus Corp. purchased a truck that currently
has a book value of $1,000. If the firm sells the truck for $5,000 today, then what is the amount
of cash that it will net after taxes if the firm is subject to a 30 percent marginal tax rate?
A) $1,200
B) $3,800
C) $4,000
D) $5,000
Ans: B
The gain on the sale was $5,000 – $1,000 = $4,000
Taxes on the gain are: $4,000 x .3 = $1,200
Net cash flow from the sale is $5,000 – $1,200 = $3,800

72. Computing the terminal-year FCF: Babaloo Nightclubs. purchased a disco mirror that
currently has a book value of $10,000. If Babaloo sells the disco mirror for $500 today, then
what is the amount of cash that it will net after taxes if the firm is subject to a 39 percent
marginal tax rate?
A) $500
B) $3,705
C) $4,205
D) $9,500
Ans: C
The loss on the sale was $10,000 – $500 = $9,500
The tax refund on the loss is: $9,500 x .39 = $3,705
Net cash flow from the sale is $500 + $3,705= $4,205

73. Expected cash flows: FireRock Wheel Corp is evaluating a project in which there is a 40
percent probability of revenues totaling $3 million and a 60 percent probability of revenues
totaling $1 million per year. If cash expenses will be $1.0 million while depreciation expense
will be $200,000, then what is the expected free cash flow from taking the project if the marginal
tax rate for the firm is 30 percent?
A) $200,000
B) $420,000
C) $600,000
D) $620,000
Ans: D
Expected revenue = 0.4(3,000,000) + 0.6(1,000,000) = $1,800,000
Expected revenue $1,800,000
- Cash Expenses 1,000,000
- Deprec Expense 200,000
EBIT $ 600,000
- Tax 180,000
NI $ 420,000
+ Deprec Expense 200,000
FCF $ 620,000

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
74. Projects with different lives: Your firm is deciding whether to purchase a durable
delivery vehicle or a short-term vehicle. The durable vehicle costs $25,000 and should last five
years. The short-term vehicle costs $10,000 and should last two years. If the cost of capital for
the firm is 15 percent, then what is the equivalent annual cost for the best choice for the firm?
(Round to the nearest dollar.)
A) $5,000, either vehicle
B) $5,000, short-term vehicle
C) $6,151, short-term vehicle
D) $7,458, long-term vehicle
Ans: C
, therefore the

, since we are analyzing costs, we should choose the lowest cost per year, which is the
short-term vehicle.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Hard
75. Projects with different lives: Your firm is deciding whether to purchase a high-quality
printer for your office or one of lesser quality. The high-quality printer costs $40,000 and should
last four years. The lesser quality printer costs $30,000 and should last three years. If the cost of
capital for the firm is 13 percent, then what is the equivalent annual cost for the best choice for
the firm? Round to the nearest dollar.
A) $10,000, either printer
B) $10,000, lesser quality printer
C) $12,706, lesser quality printer
D) $13,448, high-quality printer
Ans: C
; therefore the

, since we are analyzing costs, we should choose the lowest cost per year, which is the lesser
quality printer.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
76. When to harvest an asset: Cleveland Millicrum is considering when to harvest its moldy
bread supply for antibiotics. It has calculated that the current NPV dollars for harvesting the
bread are increasing according to the following schedule. When should the firm harvest the
bread? The cost of capital for the firm is 14 percent.

NPV increase if harvested next year over that of harvesting now 25%
NPV increase if harvested year 2 over that of harvesting year 1 20%
NPV increase if harvested year 3 over that of harvesting year 2 17%
NPV increase if harvested year 4 over that of harvesting year 3 13%
NPV increase if harvested year 5 over that of harvesting year 4 10%
A) Harvest now
B) Harvest year 2
C) Harvest year 3
D) Harvest year 4
Ans: C

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
77. When to harvest an asset: Farmer Ag owns a special species of cotton-producing plant
that, if left unharvested, grows a bigger bowl of cotton through time. The NPV, at the beginning
of the year that harvesting takes place, is as follows. When should Farmer Ag harvest its cotton?
Assume a discount rate of 14 percent.

NPV1 = $50,000
NPV2 = $60,000
NPV3 = $69,000
NPV4 = $77,280
NPV5 = $85,008
A) Harvest now
B) Harvest in year 1
C) Harvest in year 2
D) Harvest in year 3
Ans: D
NPV1 = $50,000 ===> NPV 0,1 = $50,000 / (1.14) = $43,860
NPV2 = $60,000 ===> NPV 0,2 = $60,000 / (1.14)2 = $46,168
NPV3 = $69,000 ===> NPV 0,3 = $69,000 / (1.14)3 = $46,573
NPV4 = $77,280 ===> NPV 0,4 = $77,280 / (1.14)4 = $45,756
NPV5 = $85,008 ===> NPV 0,5 = $85,008 / (1.14)5 = $44,150
The current NPV is maximized with a harvest at year 3.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
78. When to replace an asset: Nemo Haulers is considering whether to purchase a new mini
tractor for moving furniture within its warehouse. Nemo calculates that its current mini tractor
generates $3,100 of cash flow per year. A new mini tractor would cost $3,000 and would provide
cash flow of $4,000 per year for five years. What is the equivalent annual cash flow for the new

mini tractor (round to the nearest dollar), and should Nemo purchase the new tractor? Assume
the cost of capital for Nemo is 10 percent.
A) $3,000, do not purchase the new tractor
B) $3,209, purchase the new tractor
C) $4,000, purchase the new tractor
D) $12,163, purchase the new tractor
Ans: B

, Since this is greater than the annual cash flow of $3,100 produced by the old tractor, the new
tractor should be purchased.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
79. When to replace an asset: Burt's Pizzas is considering whether to purchase an oven. Burt's
calculates that its current oven generates $4,000 of cash flow per year. A new oven would cost
$15,000 and would provide cash flow of $6,000 per year for six years. What is the equivalent
annual cash flow for the new oven (round to the nearest dollar), and should Burt's purchase the
new oven? Assume the cost of capital for Burt's is 12 percent.
A) $2,352, do not purchase the oven
B) $6,000, purchase the oven
C) $9,668, purchase the oven
D) $24,668, purchase the new oven
Ans: A

, Since this is less than the annual cash flow of $4,000 produced by the old oven, the new oven
should not be purchased.

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Hard
80. The cost of using an existing asset: Small Appliances, Inc., is considering starting a new
line of business with the excess capacity it currently has on its rivet machine. The current
machine is expected to last four years at the current rate of production. However, if a new line of
business is taken on, then the machine will have to be replaced in three years instead of four. A

new machine that will last four years would cost $50,000. What is the cost of taking on the new
line of business? Round to the nearest dollar and assume a 9 percent cost of capital.
A) $11,917
B) $12,500
C) $15,433
D) $50,000
Ans: A
The EAC for the new machine is
, now the firm would have to economically incur this additional equivalent cost in year 3.
Therefore, the present value of that cost is

81. Which of the following statements is correct?

A) Incremental net operating profits after-tax should include sunk costs associated with a
B) Incremental net operating profits after-tax should include the effects of financing costs
associated with a project.
C) Incremental net operating profits after-tax should exclude the effects of depreciation costs
associated with a project.
D) Incremental net operating profits after-tax should exclude the effects of financing
costs associated with a project.
Ans: D

82. Which of the following statements is true?

A) The calculation of free cash flow does not include the impact of income taxes.
B) Accounting earnings are an unreliable measure of the costs and benefits of a project.
C) The idea that we can evaluate the cash flows from a project independently of the cash
flows for the firm is known as the incremental principle.
D) Depreciation expense should not be included in the calculation of incremental net
operating profits after-tax.
Ans: B

83. General Mills just is undertaking an analysis on a new cereal. The firm realizes that if
they come out with a new product it would affect sales of existing products? What is the best
course of action for General Mills in this analysis?
A) Treat the reduction of sales from existing cereals as a sunk cost.

B) Account for the reduction of sales from existing cereals in the projection of cash
flows on the new product.
C) Include the allocated costs of the new cereal in the sales of the pre-existing products.
D) Ignore the fact that sales of other products will be affected.
Ans: B

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Difficult
84. Operating Cash Flow: Premier Steel, Inc. is considering the purchase of a new machine
for $100,000 that has a useful life of 3 years. The firm’s cost of capital is 11.0% and the tax rate
is 40%. This machine will be sold for its salvage value of $20,000 at the end of 3-years. The
machine will require an investment of $2,500 in spare parts inventory upon installation. The
machine will cost $8,000 to ship and $4,000 to install and modify it.

Sales are as follows: year 1 = $90,000; year 2 = $97,500; year 3 = $105,000. Operating expenses
are year 1 = $25,000; year 2 = $27,000; year 3 = $29,000. The investment in working capital will
be liquidated at termination of the project at the end of year 3.

MACRS Rates 33% 45% 15% 7%

Using MACRS, what is the operating cash flow in year 1?

A) $53,784
B) $35,238
C) $86,999
D) $42,512
Ans: A



Year 1 2 3
Sales Revenues $ 90,000 $97,500 $105,000
Operating expenses (25,000) (27,000) (29,000)
Depreciation (36,960) (50,400) (16,800)
Income Before Tax 28,040 20,100 59,200
Income Taxes 11,216 8,040 23,680
Net income 16,824 12,060 35,520
Add: depreciation 36,960 50,400 16,800
Project Net Cash Flow 53,784 62,460 52,320

Useful Life in Years 3 Tax Rate 40%

MACRS Rates33% 45% 15% 7%
Invoice Cost $100,000
Shipping $ 8,000
Install & Modify $ 4,000
Depreciable Cost Basis $112,000

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 2
Level of Difficulty: Medium
85. Average versus Marginal Tax Rate: Suppose Franklin Corporation had pre-tax income of
$300,000 in 2010 and that the firm would have paid $100,250.00 in federal income taxes. What
is Franklin’s average income tax rate? (Round off to the nearest 0.1%)
A) 39.0%
B) 34.7%
C) 33.4%
D) 38.6%
Ans: C


Average tax rate is equal to total income tax divided by taxable income.
Income tax on first $100,000 = $22,250
Income tax on next $200,000 = 39% × ($300,000 - $100,000) = .39 × $200,000 = $78,000
Thus, total tax = $22,250 + $78,000 = $100,250

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 3
86. Which of the following should not be included in a schedule of cash flows from
operations when evaluating a capital project?
A) Fixed costs.
B) Sunk costs.
C) Depreciation and amortization.
D) Variable costs.
Ans: B

87. Which of the following is an example of a fixed cost?

A) Cost of equipment purchased for an assembly line to be used in the production of a
new product.
B) Assembly costs associated with the production of a new product.
C) Labor costs associated with the production of a new product.
D) Shipping costs associated with the sale of a new product.
Ans: A

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 4
Level of Difficulty: Medium
88. Your firm is evaluating the merits of several different machines. Machine A has a useful
life of 5-years, generates an NPV of $53,250, an IRR of 13.6% and an equivalent annual cost of
$10,316. Machine B has a useful life of 3-years, an NPV of $61,051, an IRR of 12.5%, and an
equivalent annual cost of $9,724. Machine C has a useful life of 4-years, generates an NPV of
$55,225, an IRR of 15.2% and an equivalent annual cost of $7,535 Machine D has a useful life
of 7-years, generates an NPV of $64,020, an IRR of 11.4% and an equivalent annual cost of

Which machine should be purchased and why?

A) Machine C, because it has the highest IRR.
B) Machine D, because it has the highest NPV.
C) Machine A, because it has the most positive EAC.
D) Machine B, because it has the shortest useful life.
Ans: C

89. Equivalent Annual Cost: Your firm is considering an investment that will cost $750,000
today. The investment will produce cash flows of $250,000 in year 1, $400,000 in year 2, and
$600,000 in year 3. The discount rate that your firm uses for projects of this type is 11.75%.

What is the investment's equivalent annual cost? (Round off to the nearest)
A) $163,613
B) $225,008
C) $ 68,888
D) $ 92,845
Ans: D

Format: Multiple Choice

Learning Objective: LO 5
Level of Difficulty: Medium
90. When is the appropriate time to harvest an asset?
A) That point in time where harvesting the asset yields the largest internal rate of return.
B) That point in time where harvesting the asset yields the smallest payback.
C) That point in time where harvesting the asset yields the largest accounting rate of return.
D) That point in time where harvesting the asset yields the largest net present value.
Ans: D


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