PHD - POLICY - Revised - 2019 Final 26 FEB 2019 (Final)

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1 ‘ST PHD POLICY FOR CONDUCT AND AWARD OF PHD DEGREE (REVISED 2019) 1. NUST offers PhD in various disciplines. Applicants who are already MS/MPhil /equivalent qualified (18 years education) are eligible to apply for the PhD Program. This policy covers PhD Program, for clarity, completeness, cligibility criteria, coursework requirement, and Program duration etc. 2. Selection/Admission of MS/MPhil Qualified Students a. Schedule of Admission. Admission in PhD Programs shall be declared open twice a year i.e. once before Fall Semester and once before Spring Semester every year for selection of prospective Students. However, applications of eligible students having valid International GRE General/NTS subject test/GRE Subject Type Test score shall be accepted and processed as per admission schedule. Exact commencement dates of Fall Semester and Spring Semester will be communicated through national press, prospectus and NUST website etc. Director Postgraduate Programs (PGP) will publish advertisements in the major newspapers regarding admission in PhD Program at least twice for each admission session. b. Applications for Admission. Desirous applicants will apply through online application form to Director Postgraduate Programs (PGP) NUST, with scan copy of all undermentioned documents. Documents required for processing PhD Admissions (1) NOC from the Service HQ if serving in the Armed Forces of Pakistan / NOC from organization (If employed). (2) Hard copy of the Research Proposal. (3) SSC Certificate / DMC or equivalence. (4) — HSSC Certificate/DMC or equivalence. (5) Photocopy of Bachelor’s transcripts and Degree. (6) _ Photocopy of MA/MSe (16-year education) transcripts and degree. (7) Photocopy of MS/MPhil (18-year education) transcript and degree (with CH details including CH of coursework + CH of, thesis works) duly verified from HEC / Controller of Examination of the University. (8) Photocopy of Domicile Certificate. (9) Photocopy of CNIC (NADRA). (10) HEC Equivalence for MS/MPhil (for Foreign degree). (11) Photocopy of passport (for foreigner candidate). 2 (12) For International/National Students: valid Score of GRE (General) conducted by ETS, USA OR GAT-Subject test conducted by NTS OR GRE Subject Type Test conducted by NUST (as applicable). Eligibility Criteria (1) For admission into the PhD minimum CGPA 3.0 out of 4.0/3.75 out of 5.0 (in the Semester System) or First Division (in the Annual System) in M.Phil./M.S/Equivalent degree is required. Percentage will be valid only if the CGPA is not mentioned in degree/transcript. (2) For Basic Medical Sciences: MBBS and MPhil, or MBBS plus FCPS (Basic Medical Sciences/Clinical Subjects). (3) GAT (Subject) Test by NTS (Score => 60%). If NTS. (Subject) Test is not offered in particular subject then NUST local GRE Subject type test (Score => 70%) OR GRE(General) conducted by ETS, USA, with following minimum score separately in each section: - Description Scale Quantitative 151/170 Verbal 146/170 Analytical Writing 3.5/6.0 Note: GRE/GAT (Subject) test score should be valid on starting date of PhD program Processing at Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate. After initial scrutiny as per the eligibility criteria, application forms of eligible candidates shall be forwarded to the concerned institution for evaluation/recommendations Processing at Institutions (1) Each institution shall form a PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) at department level headed by Head of Department (HoD) with 2-3 senior PhD faculty members including prospective supervisors, having relevant specialization / research interests and experience. Disciplines for which NTS subject GAT does not exist then PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) will develop and conduct a GRE Subject Type Test in compliance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) policy. (2) The candidate(s) will be asked, by the respective institutions, to appear for an interview and test (if applicable) before PhD G) @ 3 Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) in coordination with the concerned prospective supervisor The PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) will evaluate the candidate and will recommend his suitability for admission to PhD or otherwise. PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) while evaluating the eligible candidate shall ensure the following (a) (b) (©) @ (3) @® (8) (h) @ Academic profile of the candidate and the references. Only the candidates with outstanding academic career from a Local/foreign University/Institution of repute shall be considered for admission at NUST. The minimum laid down standards as per policy including CGPA/%age in Masters/MPhil shall be adhered to Relevancy, strength and GPA of the courses taken by the candidate during Masters/MPhil at previous University/ Institution to the Program applied for admission, shall be given due weightage Availability of suitable supervisor and acceptance of the candidate, by him, Cross matching of the candidate’s area of research with that of the supervisor's area of specialization Availability of requisite laboratory, related equipment, and library support for the conduct of the doctoral research Number of PhD students already registered with the supervisor. Maximum five (5) PhD students can. be supervised by a FM. In case, a supervisor has an impact factor of 20 or more, then he/she can supervise up to eight (8) PhD scholars The credentials of the candidate, his aptitude in the area of interest and his research vigor as per the research proposal. The score obtained in International GRE Subject or GAT Subject or local GRE Subject Type Test (as applicable), Continuation of availability of _supervisor, Under likelihood of supervisor's movement due to long leave, post doc, resign etc., during PhD tenure of the prospective PhD candidate, availability of alternate supervisor within the institution The candidate in his previous MS/MPhil degree or academic transcript on the basis of which he is eligible to apply for the PhD Program, should have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours 4 out of which 24 credit hours must be coursework. For a candidate being recommended for admission to the PhD Program, the prospective institution’s PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) will indicate as pre-requisites (on Form PhD- 1 as given at Annex B), if desired, the courses which when completed by the candidate would make up the deficiency in coursework, in case the relevant credit hours completed by the candidate in his MS/MPhil degree are less than 24, These courses (pre-requisites, if any) shall be notified as “Additional Courses” and shall not be counted towards calculation of CGPA. (5) In the recommendations, in addition to above mentioned pre- requisites, the institution, shall also indicate any other conditions that must be fulfilled by the candidate or the institution or Main Office, NUST, before finally admitting the student to the PhD Program. (6) The institution will intimate their recommendations on Form PhD-1 (Annex B) with photocopy of all academic documents mentioned at 2 (b) to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate within 15 days of receipt of the application or submission date indicated by the Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate. Offer letter will not be issued until all formalities and academic documents (mentioned at 2 (b) are completed/provided. (7) In case, a candidate is accepted by more than one institution/faculty, the candidate’s choice will be given preference. (8) Incase, a candidate fails to provide required documents during the prescribed duration, his/her admission will be secured for upcoming semester (subject to admission is offered and supervisor’s recommendation). Admission Approval / Registration, After receiving _ positive recommendation from the institution the University PhD Processing Committee (PPC) under the chairmanship of Director Postgraduate Programs(PGP) and Registrar, Director Research, Director Academics, Director Human Resources. Director Quality Assurance, Deputy Director Postgraduate Programs(PGP), Assistant Director (PhD) (as members) and concerned faculty member from respective institution(s) (in attendance), shall process each case for formal approval of the competent authority. The PhD Processing Committee while processing each candidate will also keep in view the factors given in para 2e(3) above. Candidates, whose admission is approved, will be issued the selection letters after fulfilling the remaining requirements for admission (if any). The concerned institution will communicate to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate the date of joining of these PhD students. Based on the joining report, registration of the candidate as a PhD 5 student shall be intimated to all concerned by Postgraduate Programs(PGP) Directorate on Form PhD 2A (Annex C) which will clearly indicate his/her date of admission 3. PhD Adi Postgraduate Programs(PGP) Directorate will process all PhD admission cases and in collaboration with Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate) will also monitor the progress of all PhD students throughout their stay at the University. For smooth conduct of PhD Programs, Postgraduate Programs(PGP) Directorate will also act as a link between the institutions and the University, and do necessary coordination with external bodies such as HEC/PEC/PM &DC, in case of PhD studies. PhD section (Postgraduate Programs Directorate) will act as a central directory regarding information concerning all matters of the university PhD programs. 4. Monitoring Cell. Monitoring Cell of Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate will monitor Progress of all PhD students at NUST. Guidelines for monitoring are appended below: a. Coursework Progress (1) Formation of Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) (Form 3A) (2) No of credit hours completed (3) CGPA obtained (4) Courses qualified with grades (5) Passing of Qualifier Exam (Part A (Form PhD 4) & Part B (Form PhD 5)) b. Student Timelines (1) — For completing the coursework. (2) _ Passing the qualifier exam, including Synopsis approval. (3) Covering the research milestones. c. Cautionary warning to be issued, if (1) CGPA is not up to mark. (2) Student is lacking behind in achieving laid down milestones. (3) Notattending university regularly in research phase. (4) Lacking behind in attaining research milestones viz-e-viz timelines. d. Overall PhD Progress (1) Progress in percentage. 6 (2) Publication of papers in Journals/Conferences. (3) Writing of thesis (4) Plagiarism report on thesis (5) Selection of foreign/local evaluators for PhD thesis (6) Form PhD-6 (Thesis Evaluation Reports) (7) _ Date of Thesis defence Six Monthly Progress Reports. Six Monthly Progress reports of all PhD students are required to be rendered on regular basis duly authenticated by the Supervisor, till completion of PhD. Format of Six Monthly Progress Report is placed at Annex N. Non submission of six monthly progress report will render the student's progress as unsatisfactory Six Monthly Seminars. Six monthly Seminars shall be held for all PhD Students by the respective institutions, in which all PhD students will present their six monthly progress in the presence of their respective supervisor, Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) members, PhD faculty and the PhD students. a Responsibilit of PGP Directorate at Main Office, NUST Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Dit ctorate at Main Office, NUST will assist in admission process and in smooth conduct of PhD Programs. Details are as under:- a. b. Preparation and publication of advertisement for PhD admission. Receipt of applications and their scrutiny as per the eligibility criteria for various disciplines. Submission of applications to respective institutions for evaluation and recommendation in respect of prospective candidates, Processing of applications received back from institutions duly recommended, for formal approval of competent authority through the PhD Processing Committee for admission in a particular PhD Program. Organization and coordination of the PhD Processing Committee meetings. Registration of the students finally selected in the PhD Program. Monitoring of the PhD student’s progress through close liaison, six monthly seminars and six-monthly progress reports from the respective institutions and pass on the required information to their sponsors (in case of sponsored students). Ensuring timely receipt of scholarships/financial support from sponsoring agencies of the PhD students and further disbursement to the concerned students. 7 j. Maintenance of dossiers and all relevant documents in respect of each PhD student from the date of admission till completion of the degree k. Processing of cases for approval of PhD Thesis Evaluators Conduct of PhD Programs 6. Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC a. A Doctoral Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) will be formed at the earliest after the acceptance of a student into the PhD Program but not later than one month of the student's joining date. The GEC will comprise atleast three PhD members in addition to the supervisor and co-supervisor (if appointed), and one member of GEC will be external from other reputed —_universities/R&D organizations/televant industry or constituent institutions/organizations of NUST. The supervisor must be a PhD degree holder with his name included in HEC approved list of supervisors. The Head of the Department in consultation with the student and his/her supervisor and also with the approval of the CommandantPrincipal/Dean will appoint the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC). Form PhD-3A (Annex D) and Form PhD-3B (Annex E) will be used for formulation of Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), and for petition for any change of GEC/research topic respectively. In case of an outstation member, prior approval of Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate will be sought. The student’s supervisor will chair the GEC meetings The GEC meetings will be held at least once in six months. The proceedings of GEC meetings will be recorded on Form PhD-3C (Annex F) and distributed to all concerned. Principal/Dean/HoD must ensure the conduct of GEC meeting if a student/supervisor fails to manage within 8 months b. Appointment of a Co-Supervisor. A co-supervisor, if required will be appointed with the mutual consent of Supervisor, Head of Department (HoD), Dean and the student. His name will be included in publications of the PhD student. PhD students may be allowed to have a co- supervisor in the following cases:- (1) Incase, student is sponsored by any organization, the supervisor will be from the concerned institution of NUST, and the parent organization of the student may detail a co-supervisor. (2) Supervisor’s Commitment, The maximum number of PhD students under the supervision of a full time faculty member will normally be 5 which may be increased to 8 under special circumstances in teaching departments. In cases where the faculty is involved in full time research with low teaching work load, the number of PhD students may be larger with approval of the Higher Education Commission. If a supervisor is taking full teaching and research load and is not able to devote adequate G) 4) 8 time for research, then there may be a need for designating a co- supervisor Posting Out of Supervisor. If a supervisor leaves institution) NUST or proceeds on long leave (i.e. leave for more than six months) then institution must appoint new supervisor from institution and outgoing supervisor may be appointed as co- supervisor if required. Institutions are to ensure all such changes before processing leave of the concerned supervisor. In case, a faculty member wants to continue as a supervisor and proceeding out of NUST (for more than 06 months) following conditions must be fulfilled: - (a) Student must have published at least 1x journal paper of the required category. (b) Upon fulfillment of requirement at para above, a meeting is to be conducted prior processing of long leave of PhD supervisor. Both supervisor and student must agree to continue their research, amicably with taking the institution fully into loop. This meeting is to include: - (i) Principal (ii) Dean (iii) Rep of PGP Dte (iv) Supervisor (v) GEC members (vi) Student (vii) Co-supervisor (to be appointed from institution) (©) Supervisor has to be preferably physically present during PPCM and thesis defense of the concerned student. (4) Co-supervisor must be appointed from the institution Special Requirement. There can be a situation that a student requires special coaching in a particular subject for his research topic for which the supervisor cannot provide necessary guidance. In such cases, a co-supervisor may be appointed from within institution faculty members or from outside universities/institutions/R&D organizations or relevant industry. A student can also have a Co-supervisor/GEC member from a foreign University, Remuneration/Incentive to Co-Supervisor, The actual amount of remuneration, which could be anything from 25% to 75% (depending on the load of supervision) of that to be paid to the supervisor, will be 9 recommended by Faculty Board of Studies (FBS) of institution and forwarded to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate for approval. The co-supervisor can also be appointed as adjunc/honorary professor of NUST with or without honorarium. 7. Minimum Requirements for the Award of PhD Degree. Following are the minimum requirements, which must be met by a student for the award of PhD degree by NUST. Institution/Department concerned may specify additional requirements (in case of policy matters duly approved by the Academic Council), if considered appropriate/necessary:- a, b. Coursework. The minimum coursework required will be 18 credits of 800/900 level courses or equivalent. These 18 credit hours will be in addition to the pre-requisites specified by the PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) of the institution concerned. Migration is not allowed in the PhD Program and any student joining the NUST PhD Program would complete all the requisite courses in line with NUST/HEC policy. The coursework should preferably be completed in three semesters. Scholars not completing the coursework within 3 years, will be dropped from the PhD Program. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA), — Minimum cumulative GPA required will be 3.5 out of 4.0 in the 18 credit hours of 800/900 level courses to be counted towards PhD. Qualifying Examination. Each student must pass each paper of Part A of qualifying examination with a minimum of 65% marks and Part B by majority vote Approval _of Thesis Synopsis. After passing PhD Qualifying Examination Part A, each student must prepare a written synopsis of his/her intended topic of research and present the same along with research plan at the beginning of Part B (the Oral Examination) of the Qualifying Exam for approval. Thesis In addition to the coursework, all doctoral students must register for at least 30 credits of doctoral research. Successful Evaluation Report of Research Dissertation, Out of the Thesis Evaluation Committee, positive report by the supervisor and co supervisor, two local external expert and two foreign experts is essential. Publications. A student must have a minimum of two research papers published/accepted (accepted for selection of evaluators and published for thesis defence) for publication / presented; in HEC approved journals J international conferences of repute out of which at least one paper must be published in an HEC approved “X” or higher category journal and all journals listed in ISI Master list for award of PhD Degree (“Y” or higher in case of Social Sciences* only). Only those publications, related to the h. 10 research work, will be counted in which student's name is that of the Ist author. Note: Social Sciences include Management Sciences. ‘Thesis Defence. The student must successfully defend his/her thesis before the Thesis Defence Committee. Prior approval from Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate and Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate) is mandatory, Five bound copies of thesis are to be submitted after successful defence within 60 days of the thesis defence. To incorporate any additional requirement of the Defence Committee, request may be made to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate to relax this period of thesis submission PhD Coursework a, b. A selected PhD candidate will take a minimum of 18 credit hours of 800/900 level courses at PhD level as specified by his Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC). These 18 credit hours are courses which have not been counted towards any other degree, as, in compliance of the Higher Education Commission (HEC) Quality Assurance Criteria, courses counted towards any other degree cannot be double counted towards PhD coursework. His Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) may even specify additional subjects to be taken by the student, if considered essential. These will be notified as “Additional Courses” and shall not be counted towards calculation of CGPA. In addition to the minimum 18 credit hours coursework, the pre- requisite courses prescribed by PhD Evaluation and Acceptance Committee (PEAC) (para 2e(4)) at the time of admission would also be included in the PhD transcript, and will also be notified as “Additional Courses” and shall not be counted towards calculation of CGPA. Additional courses must be declared in advance before enrolling for the course(s) and intimated to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate and Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate). The CGPA will be calculated only on the basis of the 18 credit hours of courses taken by the student at the PhD level. Institutions will intimate results of a PhD student to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate and Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate) as being done for other Programs for notification. To complete coursework, the student may take the courses offered by other constituent institutions of NUST with their consent and with the permission of student's Supervisor through Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate 1 9. Improving Cumulative GPA. Out of the coursework counted towards PhD, a student may repeat the course in which he/she received the grade point of less than 3.5 but greater than or equal to 2.0, in order to improve his/her cumulative GPA if it is, below 3.5, before taking the qualifying examination. Procedure for repeating will be as under:~ a, The candidate will apply to the Supervisor for permission to repeat a course. The case will be presented before the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) for deliberation/approval. This approval shall be communicated to the Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate, Finance Directorate and Controller of Examination. b. The student will have to pay the prescribed fee for the course which is permitted by the FBS/GEC for repeating. On repeating the course, the student will get the earned grade. The transcript will show both the old grade and the new earned grade but the cumulative GPA would be based on the new earned grade. c. The student will have to repeat the course within the time limit given by the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC). 4. A student will be allowed to repeat a maximum of three courses only, during his entire PhD coursework. 10. Qualifying Examination. After successful completion of 800/900 level courses to be counted towards the PhD with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0 the student shall take a qualifying / comprehensive examination in the subjects to be specified by the GEC. Qualifying Examination Part-A & B is to be conducted within 6 months after completion of coursework. The examination shall be conducted in two parts in the following manner: - a, Part A - Written Comprehensive Examination. Question papers for the written comprehensive examination shall be prepared by the subject specialists and supervised by the HoD concerned. In case the HoD is also the student’s supervisor, Dean of the institution shall supervise the examination. The comprehensive examination shall be based on the entire PhD coursework plus subject considered essential for the intended area of research. It shall consist of two papers, one covering student’s major area of research (Paper-I) and the other covering the allied or supporting subjects (Paper-II). The minimum pass marks for each paper in Part A shall be 65%, b. Part_B - Oral Examination. The Dean will chair the Oral Comprehensive Examination Committee meeting with HoD and the other members of the GEC as its members. HoD and Dean/Commandant/Principal would be voting members only if PhD qualified in the relevant field. Oral Examination shall be designed to ascertain in-depth knowledge, analytical abilities and aptitude of the student in his area of PhD research. The student shall defend his/her thesis synopsis as a part of this oral examination, The Oral Examination PhD Thesis 2 Committee shall determine, by majority vote, whether the student be allowed to proceed for the doctoral research or otherwise. If the number of votes for “Pass” equals the number of votes “Fail”, then verdict of the supervisor would be taken as the final decision. Institutions will retain all the question papers in safe custody in their Examination Branches till award of degree and subsequently shall be destroyed according to NUST Policy. However, soft copies will be retained in safe custody for future reference and will not be destroyed. The qualifying examination shall be conducted as soon as possible after completion of the course work but, in any case, Part A of the Qualifying Examination shall not be delayed for more than 03 months from the date of last paper. If a student fails in either paper or both of his/her Part A examination in the first attempt s/he shall appear in retake (one chance only) examination of the relevant paper(s) within 03 months of the first attempt. Part B of the Qualifying Examination will be conducted within 03 months after the student qualifies Part A of the Qualifying Examination. If a student does not pass his/her Part B examination in the first attempt s/he shall appear in retake (one chance only) examination within 03 months of the first attempt. Upon failure in Part B, each committee member will submit a comment page, which would clearly document his/her views/suggestions. These comments pages, duly signed by respective committee member, shall be submitted to Post Graduate Program Directorate and Examination Branch at Main Office NUST by the concemed institution. A duplicate copy of these comments will also be provided to the student. Form PhD-4 (Annex G) will be used to inform Main Office, NUST about the result of each attempt of Part A of the Qualifying Examination. Form PhD-5(Annex H) will be used to inform about the result of each attempt of Part B of the Qualifying Examination. For decision regarding the result of the Qualifying Examination (in Form PhD-5) Head of Department (HoD) and Dean/Commandant/Principal would be voting members only if PhD qualified. Main Office, NUST (Examination Branch) will notify the result of the Qualifying Examination based on Form PhD-4 and Form PhD-5. During retake of qualifying examination Part A or Part B, one new member must be added in the Examination committee. ll. Approval of Thesis Synopsis. After passing PhD Qualifying Examination Part A, a student will be required to carry out literature survey and prepare a written synopsis of his intended topic of research and present the same along with research plan at the beginning of Part B (the Oral Examination) for approval. The finalized research topic and the result of the Oral Examination of the Qualifying Examination shall then be communicated to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate, on Form B PhD-5. If at any stage the student wants to make any change in the research topic, he/she shall have to defend his/her point of view before Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) for approval. Change in the research topic duly approved by the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) will also be forwarded to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate for updation of the record. 12. Scope of PhD Research, A PhD student shall have to complete a minimum of 30 credits of creative and original research, based on highly individualized, investigative and creative study which shall make a significant contribution to knowledge in the form of new findings and inventions. He/She must spend at least one year on research after approval of synopsis. Any plagiarism in PhD research detected at any stage may result in cancellation of the degree. General Guidelines /Criteria for Doctoral Research and its Evaluation (as approved by 25th ACM, covering selection of research topic, conduct and supervision of research, responsibilities of the candidate, supervisor and Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), and evaluation procedure etc) are attached for reference/guidance as Annex J to this policy 13. Evaluation of the Thesis, When a student has completed his/her PhD research he/she shall document the research details and prepare a written copy of the thesis, and submit the same to his supervisor. Formal evaluation of the thesis shall be done as under: a Thesis Evaluation Committee. The PhD thesis shall be evaluated by a Thesis Evaluation Committee. The committee shall comprise of the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), and at least four external experts, two of whom will have to be foreign renowned faculty from technologically advanced countries. b. For selection of external experts, institution concerned will forward a list of at least four foreign and four local external experts to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate, from which the PhD Processing Committee will select at least two foreign, and two local external expert to whom the thesis will be sent for evaluation. Research Directorate will facilitate in finding foreign experts in case of any difficulty. Furthermore, following must be ensured before selection of Foreign/Local Evaluators:- ()) PPCM for the selection of Foreign/Local evaluators for PhD thesis be held at least six months before completion of maximum PhD tenure. (2) A student must attend 15 PhD defence/International and National conferences before his/her evaluators selection. A record of the same countersigned by the supervisor is to be included in the documents forwarded for evaluators selection. (3) At least one seminar (Pre-defense) shall be conducted by every PhD student on his/her research thesis before an audience prior to evaluators selection and thesis defence. 14 Evaluation report by the thesis supervisor/co-supervisor, at least two local external expert, and two foreign experts has to be positive before the student can be asked to carry out final thesis defence Institution will inform Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate and Registrar Directorate about the decision of the Evaluation Committee on Form PhD-6 (Annex K). 14, Research Thesis Defence, On receipt of positive reports from Thesis Evaluation Committee, the defence of a PhD thesis shall be conducted as under:~ a. The schedule of thesis defence of a PhD student will be announced by the institution at least 4 weeks prior to the defence to all NUST Institutions and Main Office, NUST for maximum participation. The Defence Committee will comprise the student’s Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) and four external experts (i.e two local and two foreign experts who were part of the Thesis Evaluation Committee). The participation of two foreign experts shall be arranged through video conferencing, if possible. However, presence of complete GEC members including external and two local evaluators during the thesis defence is mandatory. The student will provide copies of thesis to all the members of the Defence Committee at least 4 weeks before the defence date and 8 weeks in case of foreign experts, if any The student will present his work to the Defence Committee on the given date and time in an open forum. The Defence Committee will give its decision with majority vote and intimate Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate) and Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate, about the decision on Form PhD-7 (Annex L) for final notification. 5x bound copies of thesis alongwith 5xsoft copies on CDs will be prepared by the student and submitted to Examination Branch of respective institution for further distribution within a maximum period, of 8 weeks, from the thesis defence date. In case of late submission of bound copies, the student will be charged Rs 5000 per month. The institution will forward the thesis copies to the following within one week; 1x copy for the Institution Library, xcopy for the Student’s Supervisor, Ixcopy for Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate), who will forward it for placement in NUST Central Library after publication of gazette notification, Ixcopy for Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate, for onward submission to Higher Education Commission (HEC), and Ixcopy for the concerned student. A copy of all Forms PhD-I(Annex B) to Form PhD-7(Annex L) will be forwarded by the concerned institution to Examination Branch (Registrar Directorate) and Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate for evaluation/publication of gazette notification and placement in students’ dossier, respectively. 15 g. Any plagiarism in PhD research work and fake documents submitted by the student, even those submitted at the time of admission shall result in cancellation of degree. The PhD Supervisor must forward a certificate to Postgraduate Programs (PGP) Directorate (Main Office, NUST) along with the request for selection of foreign/local evaluators, that there quite plagiarism test has been conducted, and the report is within the parameters set by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). PhD supervisor must ensure that Higher Education Commission (HEC) & NUST Plagiarism policy is read and understood by the PhD student. 15. Duration for Completion of PhD a. Minimum Period. 3 years. b. Maximum Period. 8 years. Maximum period shall be counted from the date of admission in PhD Program. c. No extension in PhD duration is permitted to the students enrolled during Fall 2012 and onward sessions. However, for students registered before Fall 2012 the SOP attached as Annex O, will be followed for regulating their PhD study duration. 16. Specific Requirements Regarding PhD in Medical Sciences Eli y C For admission in PhD Program, the candidate who had qualified MBBS and MPhil in the relevant discipline or MBBS plus FCPS in the relevant discipline is eligible to apply. FCPS in clinical subjects are also eligible for admission in Molecular Medicine only. However, for PhD Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, non MBBS/BDS candidates with 18 years education (MSc plus MPhil) in the relevant discipline will also be eligible for admission. b. The Head of the department in consultation with the student and his/her supervisor, and also with the approval of Principal/Dean will appoint the Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) c. Minimum 70% marks (internal assessment) in PhD coursework are essential for undertaking PhD qualifying / comprehensive examination, to be conducted on completion of 18 credits advance coursework, d. The PhD Qualifying/Comprehensive Examination will comprise of two components; (1) Written examination _of the _ coursework, ualifier Examination Part A), The question paper will be prepared by Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) of the student and supervised by the HoD/Dean (2) Viva Voce of the Defence of Synopsis of the PhD Research Work (Qualifier Examination Part B). The oral examination 16 will be conducted by a committee comprised of the members of Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC), Head of Department (HoD) and chaired by the Dean. (3) The pass marks in each component of PhD qualifying / comprehensive examination will be 65%. (4) If the candidate fails in any of the components of the examination, he/she will be given one more chance to qualify within a time period to be decided by Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC). €. At least, two seminars are to be conducted by every PhD student on his PhD thesis research before an audience prior to thesis defence. f. For evaluation of PhD thesis research, the thesis shall be sent to a minimum of two foreign, and, one local (external) expert in addition to his Guidance and Examination Committee (GEC) members 17. Withdrawal from PhD program:- A student shall be withdrawn from the PhD. degree program under following circumstances/conditions:- a. CGPA remains below 3.50 on completion of coursework even after availing three chances for improvement of grades. b. Fails twice in any part of the qualifying examination i.e, Part A or Part B. c. Fails to qualify both parts of qualifier within 12 months, except recommended by FBS otherwise, by clearly stating the extended duration. 12 months’ duration will be counted from the date of last paper of coursework. 4. On consistent three unsatisfactory academic performances graded by Monitoring Cell PGP Dte and Supervisor and consequent recommendation by FBS. e. Ondisciplinary grounds when recommended by the respective Discipline Committee of the Institution and Discipline Committee of NUST Absence for 60 or more consecutive days without valid reasons. g. Fails in one or more course(s). Fails to complete coursework requirements in three years. i, Fails to complete PhD degree requirements within maximum allowed time (i.e 8 years), j. A student can seek withdrawal from PhD program at any stage of his degree on his own request duly recommended by FBS of the institute. 7 18. Important Milestones in PhD study a Pno4 Paoza Failed Twice } —Pno-r from foreign evaluators, as at times acceptance/ Publishing of Papers takes considerable time. ~~~ Proposed time line to complete various milestone - Astudent must spend at least one year after passing qualifier Exam, before final thesis defence.

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