LR Action Plan 2023

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Action Plan

Identified area of Objectives Targets Strategy

(Desired output)
Project Plan Project. Responsibilit Funding M&E
Implementation y source AIP Adjustments
. (Attach Required
budget for
Time frame
Curriculum, Develop Using the Organize teachers Organization and LRMDS Training/ LR Committee
Instruction. & teaching and development into development orientation- 1st committee- Orientation: evaluates the quality
LR, TR learning templates in the teams (at least grading period – training, review of School MOOE of the school-
Support materials for LRMDS, 1/competency/subject SY 2022-2023 draft LR's developed resources
least learned develop at least 1 area/grade level). using the LRMDS
skills (based learning material guidelines and
on the results from identified templates.
Train 1 teacher per
of the quarterly least learned Development of Subject area Production of
subject area on the
tests). competency for LR's- 2nd grading coordinator- to materials-
use of the LR LR committee
the core subjects, period SY 2022- establish School
development evaluates through
applied and 2023: Core, organization of MOOE
template. classroom observation
specialized Applied and teachers into
subjects for Grade Specialized the trial of developed
working teams.
11 and 12. resources with
teachers and students.
Gather resources from Trial of developed Subject
the LRMDS catalogue, LR's- 2nd grading- area/grade level
including those found in teachers,
the recommended links development of
for the identified materials based
competency. Review by LRMDS on LRMDS
committee- 3rd template and
grading. resources.
Assign tasks among
group members.
Production of
coordinator or
Try the material in pilot set of
any technology
selected classes. materials – 4th savvy teacher
grading ETC. to conduct
Improve/re-write orientation on
materials based on the use of the
findings LRMDS portal.

Teaching Support Develop Using the teaching Create a group that Organization and Subject area Production LR Committee
teaching materials in identifies the teaching training/orientation- heads-to of materials- evaluates the quality of
materials based subject areas that materials needed. 1st Quarter – SY coordinate/ School the school-developed
on needs to be 2023-2024 organization of MOOE resources using the
competencies improved teachers into LRMDS guidelines and
per subject area Supervise the usage working teams. templates.
that is on par (frequency/efficiency) of Doing the
with 21st century teaching materials. functions, duties,
and LR committee
responsibilities- 1ST evaluates through
(2 per subject area) to 4th Quarter of the ICT Coordinator classroom observation
school year the trial of the
resources with teachers
and students.

Learning Develop Using the learning Create a group that Organization and Subject area Production LR Committee
Support learning materials in identifies the learning orientation- 1st heads-to of materials- evaluates the quality of
materials based subject areas that materials needed. quarter– SY coordinate/ School the school-developed
on needs to be 2023-2024. organization of MOOE resources using the
competencies improved teachers into LRMDS A & E
per subject area Supervise the usage working teams. guidelines and
Doing the
that is on par (frequency/efficiency) of templates.
functions, duties,
with 21st century learning material.
level responsibilities- 1st LR committee
(1 per subject area) to 4th Quarter of the ICT Coordinator evaluates through
school year
classroom observation
the trial of resources
with teachers and

LR Committee
evaluates the quality of
the school-developed
resources using the
LRMDS guidelines and

Mgt of Develop a tool that Identifies and Create a group that is Organization and Subject area Production of LR Committee
Learning. identifies the growth supervise growth in charge of orientation- 1st heads-to materials- evaluates the quality
Performance of learning of learning supervising and quarter– SY 2023- coordinate/ School of the school-
performance based performance analysis of growth of 2024 organization of MOOE developed resources
on the usage of the based on the learning performance. teachers into using the LRMDS A &
developed learning usage of the working teams. E guidelines and
and teaching developed Doing the functions, templates.
materials learning and (at least 1 per subject duties, and
teaching materials area) responsibilities- 1st
per subject area to 4th Quarter of the LR committee
ICT Coordinator
school year evaluates through
classroom observation
the trial of English
resources with
teachers and students.

Equipment Develop a tool that Identifies the Create a group that Organization and Subject area Production/ LR Committee
support identifies equipment equipment needed supervise for the orientation- 1st heads-to Purchase of evaluates the quality
needed, equipment to be purchased, maintenance of the quarter– SY 2023- coordinate/ materials- of the school-
status, and equipment needed equipment support 2024. organization of School developed resources
equipment schedule to be repaired, teachers into MOOE using the LRMDS A &
of use. and to be working teams. E guidelines and
replaced. Doing the functions, templates.
duties, and
responsibilities- 1st
LR committee
to 4th Quarter of the ICT Coordinator evaluates through
school year
classroom observation
the trial of developed
resources with
teachers and students.

Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by:

_______________________ _________________________ ______________________

School LR Coordinator (SHS) Principal III PSDS, District 2A

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