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Philips IntelliVue Patient Monitors

Application Note

This note provides you with a basic overview of the application esophageal detector devices, quantative end-tidal C02
and clinical benefits of capnography which is available on the indicators, and capnographic and capnometric devices, this
entire IntelliVue patient monitor family. There is a choice includes capnography.
between two state-of-art capnography solutions, enabling
Continuous etCO2 monitoring is extremely useful during
clinicians to select the method which best suits their use-
patient repositioning when there is the risk of accidental tube
displacement or extubation. The clinician is quickly alerted to
this as the measured etCO2 value will drop and the capnogram
Introduction will loose its normal rectangular appearance.
Capnography, which is also referred to as end tidal carbon
dioxide (etCO2) monitoring, is a non-invasive measure of the Monitoring severity of lung disease and impact of
inspired and expired carbon-dioxide concentration. It provides treatment
a graphical and numerical display of the partial pressure of Since etCO2 offers a measure of the alveolar O2/CO2
carbon dioxide within the patients' airway. A detailed analysis exchange capabilities, clinicians are able to assess the effect of
of the waveform (capnogram) can reveal to the clinician both medications being used to treat asthma and chronic
complex and subtle changes of the patients ventilatory status. obstructive pulmonary disease in both intubated and non-
intubated patients. As the therapy is given, the capnogram
Clinical Application appearance is assessed for its slope and timing. The aim of
therapy would be to have a near to normal capnogram
New technologies for monitoring etCO2 now provide displayed.
clinicians with the opportunity to easily monitor the
ventilatory status in both spontaneously & mechanically Monitoring efficiency of mechanical ventilatory
assisted breathing patients. Several accessories have been support
designed to meet the most challenging applications. Together,
they provide healthcare institutes with the tools that assist Patients who are intubated and receiving mechanical
them to comply with the latest recommendations. ventilatory support benefit from etCO2 monitoring in several
Confirmation tracheal versus esophageal intubation • Disappearance of the etCO2 value & capnogram is
In some patient populations, it is difficult to directly visualize suggested of ventilator disconnect. This may be detected on
the vocal cords during intubation, therefore it is essential to the patient monitor prior to the ventilator associated alarm.
confirm correct placement of the tube. Carbon dioxide is • Rebreathing of CO2 can be assessed by observing the
eliminated by the lungs, so the measure of etCO2 and display upward trend of the capnogram over time.
of a capnogram confirms to the clinician the success of the • There is a correlation between the etCO2 and PaCO2; a
procedure. If the tube is misplaced in the esophagus, then gradient between 1-5mmHg is normal & expected. When
neither the etCO2 value nor a normal capnogram will be detecting a drop in etCO2, the clinician can measure the
displayed. PaCO2 and compare the two values. When there is a
widened gradient, this is suggestive of a pulmonary emboli
The American Heart Association guidelines for Advanced and the patient needs immediate investigation.
Cardiovascular Life Support recommend that emergency • One of the earliest indicators of insufficient neuromuscular
responders confirm tracheal tube positioning by using blockade is the attempt of the patient to breath
nonphysical examination techniques. These include
spontaneously. This can be seen on the capnogram which the airway. There is no sample removed from the breathing
will have a notched appearance. circuit.

Monitoring adequacy of pulmonary and coronary What is the limitation of mainstream for non-
blood flow e.g. Cardiac Arrest intubated patients?
Research has shown a close correlation between cardiac output Because mainstream technology requires the insertion of an
and etCO2 readings. Therefore several organizations are now airway adapter into a breathing circuit, there is no easy
recommending that during cardio-pulmonary resuscitation connection for monitoring your non-intubated patients.
(CPR), etCO2 be measured and used as an indicator
effectiveness of CPR. Sidestream CO2 and Microstream ® Technology

Monitoring spontaneous breathing in non-intubated With sidestream and Microstream® technology, a nasal
patients receiving procedural sedation cannula is placed on the patient, or, if the patient is intubated,
an airway adapter set is connected to the breathing circuit. As
Pulse oximetry (SpO2) is the standard used for measuring the patient breathes, a portion of the breath is transported
oxygen saturation of the blood; however it does not provide an through the sample line, filtered and analyzed by an infrared
accurate snapshot of the patient's current ventilatory status. sensor.
Studies have shown that the earliest indicator of respiratory
depression and apnea are changes in the etCO2 level, which
occur long before changes are detected in the SpO2
Because SpO2 does not provide information on the patients
ventilatory status, the Joint Commission on Accreditation of
Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) and the American Society
of Anesthetists (ASA) have revised their monitoring standards
and now recommend that all patients under heavy sedation or
anesthesia should have continuous monitoring of their
respiratory measurements. The mandated use of capnography
applies whenever drugs are administered that interfere with the
protective airway reflex. Sidestream and Microstream® technology is the ideal choice
for monitoring non-intubated patients such as in the ED for
conscious sedation or for use as a safety monitor in the ICU
Helping Choose the Appropriate CO2
after a patient has been extubated to help assure that the
Technology - Mainstream or Sidestream and/ patient maintains adequate ventilation on their own.
or Microstream®
There are various types of CO2 sampling technologies available What is the limitation of sidestream for intubated
with Philips. It is important to understand the difference
between the applications in order to help you select the best Patients who require intubation and long term ventilation
option to satisfy your specific clinical requirements. typically will have thick secretions that are expelled through
coughing or by suctioning. Because sidestream technology
Mainstream CO2 Technology requires that the gas sample be transported from the breathing
circuit, through the sample line to reach the CO2 analyzer,
With mainstream CO2 technologies, the CO2 sensor is placed these secretions often will be aspirated into the sample line,
on an airway adapter which is directly in the breathing circuit. causing the line to occlude requiring user intervention to
As a patient breathes or is ventilated, the sensor analyzes the correct the situation.
gas passing through the adapter and reports the CO2 values.

Mainstream technology is the ideal choice for intubated

patients such as in the ICU. The benefits of this type of
technology are that the measurement is made immediately at

Procedural Sedation case studies Heart rate, respiratory rate, SpO2, blood pressure, chest
impedance and capnography were all monitored throughout
Kindly provided by Oridion the procedure, and a dedicated nurse noted vital signs and
Author; Jenifer R. Lightdale, MD, MPH. Children's Hospital chest wall movement continuously. At 8:47am, the patient
Boston was noted to be sleeping comfortably, with slow deep breaths,
and his ETCO2 was reading 48 mm/Hg.
Case 1:
The endoscope was introduced into the patient's oropharynx
A 6 ½ year-old boy with gastroparesis and symptoms of at 8:50 and the esophagus was intubated and traversed without
gastroesophageal reflux presented for upper gastrointestinal difficulty. At 8:54, there was a 30 second episode of abnormal
endoscopy in a Pediatric Endoscopy Unit. capnograms with occasional notching and loss of wave. At
9:04, there was a second episode lasting more than a minute of
Baseline vital signs were found to be stable at 10:30 am, and
abnormal capnograms that included 25 seconds of frank loss of
revealed the patient to have an SpO2 of 98% on room air. A
waveforms consistent with apnea. At 9:05, slightly more than
dual-purpose nasal cannula was applied, and with 2L
1 minute into this episode, the patient's pulse oximeter began
supplemental O2 via nasal cannula, the patient's SpO2 rose to
to show arterial desaturation with a steady decline to a low of
100%. A baseline ETCO2 was noted to be 38 mm/Hg.
89%. Meanwhile, the patient was being gently stimulated by
10 mg of midazolam po were administered at 10:50, and an IV the nursing staff. By 9:07am, the waveform had returned to a
was placed at 11:10am. At 12:00pm, the patient was brought normal pattern, and the patient's pulse oximetry did not show
to the procedure room, and sedation for the procedure was desaturation. There were no further episodes of abnormal
initiated at 12:10pm using a combination regimen of capnograms, and the procedure finished at 9:11am. The
intravenous midazolam and fentanyl. Heart rate, respiratory patient was discharged to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit for
rate, SpO2, blood pressure, chest impedance and capnography recovery without complication.
were all monitored throughout the procedure, and a dedicated
nurse noted vital signs and chest wall movement continuously.
The endoscope was introduced into the patient's oropharynx
at 12:22 and the esophagus was intubated and traversed
without difficulty. At 12:24, the capnogram revealed 30
seconds of hypoalveolar ventilation and apnea. ETCO2
detection at this time fell steadily from 35mmHg to
Approximately 50 seconds later, at 12:25, the patient's pulse
oximeter began to show arterial desaturation with a steady
decline to a low of 84%. The patient was gently stimulated by
the nursing staff, and the pulse oximetry reading had increased
to 99% by 12:27.
Over the next 6 minutes, two further episodes of capnograms
consistent with alveolar hypoventilation were noted, one
lasting 25 seconds and the other lasting 50 seconds. No
further arterial desaturation was noted on pulse oximetry, and
the endoscope was withdrawn at 12:33.
The patient was discharged to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit
for recovery without complication.

Case 2:
A 9 year-old boy with persistent gastroesophageal reflux
presented for upper gastrointestinal endoscopy in a Pediatric
Endoscopy Unit.
Baseline vital signs were found to be stable at 8:00 am, and
revealed the patient to have an SpO2 of 100% on room air. A
dual-purpose nasal cannula was applied, and a baseline
ETCO2 was noted to be 37 mm/Hg.
The patient entered the procedure room, and sedation for the
procedure was initiated at 8:35am using a combination
regimen of intravenous midazolam and fentanyl. 2L of
supplemental oxygen was provided via the nasal cannula.

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