Medium Fonnat Cameras

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Medium Fonnat Cameras

A history of Mamiya
medium format cameras.
For over 50 years, Mamiya has been a name synonymous with excellence and innova-
tion in professional photographic cameras and lenses. Mamiya's dedication to the pro-
fessional and advanced amateur markets spans from the folding, compact original
Mamiya 6 rangefinder of the 1940's to the 1994 introduction of the RZ67 PRO II , the
system of choice for many of today's world famous professionals.
The Mamiya RB67 series, the world's first medium format 6x7cm single lens reflex with
unique revolving back, was first introduced in 1970. Its unique built-in revolving back and
bellows focusing made it an instant success that has lasted to a present day world-wide
status as the "workhorse of the pros."
In 1975, Mamiya once again pioneered a world first with the Mamiya 645, a versatile
and compact medium format SLR with a convenient yet large 6x4.5cm format. This fur-
ther demonstrated both Mamiya's ability and singular dedication to providing innovative
and rugged professional tools.
The Mamiya RZ67 system followed in 1982, using the latest tech-
nology in electro-mechanical hybrid design, and optical glass formu-
lation and production.
Mamiya's system of innovative, ultra-high performance medium
format lens designs including unique achievements in high speed,
zoom, PC shift, soft focus and APO telephotos is to this very day
unparalleled by any other manufacturer of medium format optics.
1989 saw the reincarnation of the Mamiya 6 rangefinder concept in
a unique, modern, compact, interchangeable lens medium format
rangefinder camera, that opened up new possibilities of image qual-
ity for photojourna lists, fine art photographers, and photo enthusi-
asts who previously relied upon classic 35mm rangefinder cameras.
Mamiya's history of innovation and dedication to excellence is further
shown with the 1992 introduction of the 645 PRO camera. The
Mamiya 6M F (Mu lti-Format) camera and 645 Series 300mm f/28 APO
lens appeared in 1993, and the RZ67 PRO II and 645 Series 500mm f/4.5 APO in 1994.
Mamiya continues to be a pioneer by continually improving and refining the finest pro-
fessional photographic products with state-of-the-art advancements such as superior
apochromatic lens technology and practical, ergonomic camera design and function.
For over fifty years, Mamiya medium format cameras and lenses have bee~ designed and precision

manufactured for the most dema'r!ding professional applications. With unique camera designs,

lenses and innovations, Mamiya continues to earn its reputation as "master of the medium."

About medium fonnat negative

sizes and their effective dimensions.

4.5x6cm Negative 6x6cm Negative 6x7cm Negative

Medium format is the modern choice of today's most dis-

criminating photographers. It combines the demand for
unexcelled image quality with the need for convenient and
versatile camera operation.

Take a close look at the three basic Mamiya medium for-

mats in comparison to standard 35mm format as illustrated:

6x4.5cm - An image area 2.7 times larger than 35mm, An

"ideal format" allowing more compact camera design
riva ling the size and convenience of most 35mm SLRs,
35mm Negative

6x6cm - An area 3,6 times greater than 35mm and 2,7 times greater when cropped to
a 6x4,5cm vertical or horizontal rectangle, A symmetrical format that offers versatility in
framing and cropping after exposure,

6x7cm - An image area 4,5 times greater th an 35mm, w ith a detailed negative large
enough to view with the naked eye, The "ideal format" based upon the traditional 8x1 0
proportion, matching page layout and printing papers,
The Mamiya RZ67 PRO II has become the
industry standard used by many of today's rn
ona l
most renowned photographers and artists because of its large 6x7cm ideal format neg-
ative size, over four and a half times larger than 35mm. Also notable are the RZ's ultra-
high performance lenses, and multi-format versatility. Distinctive features include
convenient revolving back, bellows focusing, big and bright view-finder, and exten-
sive system of accessories.

The Mamiya RZ67 PRO II's multi-format capability offers an impressive choice of
interchangeable film magazines including 6x4.5cm, 6x6cm and 6x7cm, economical
6x7cm preloadable fi lm inserts, plus
Polaroid Instant Proofing back.

The Mamiya RZ67 PRO II is a

versatile modular system cam-
era for the most demanding
commercial photog raph ic appli-
cations including advertis ing ill ustration,
fashion, beauty, industrial, portrait and
architecture. Mamiya RZ Series lenses
have ultra-precision timed, fully synched,
electromagnetic leaf shutters, with spe-
cialty optics including Shift, variable flat
field Macro, Zoom, Fisheye, and a spec-
tacular series of telephoto APO lenses.

Photo by John Woodward

Photo by Jim Zuckerman Photo by Douglas Kirkl an d


LENSES 37mm 1/4.5 Z 50mm 1/4. 5W M 65mm 1/4L-A M 75mm 1/3.5L Z 75mm 1/4.5mm Z 90mm 1/3.5W Z 11 Omm 1/2.8W 140mm , LA
OPTICAL CONSTRUCTION 9 E/ 6 G 11 E/ 9 G 9 E/ 8 G 9 E/7 G 11 E/ 9 G 6 E/ 6 G 6 E/ 5 G 6 E/ 4 G

ANGLE OF VIEW 180 84 68 61 62 53 44 35

MINIMUM APERTURE 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

MINIMUM FOCUSING DISTANCE 26cm 28cm 35cm 38cm 42cm 43cm 53cm 76cm

EQUIVALENT 35mm FOCAL LENGTH 18mm 24mm 32mm 36mm 36mm 44mm 53mm 68mm
E = Elements G = Groups
The RZ67 PRO II has become the industry standard used by many of today's most renowned photographers

and artists because of its large 6x7cm ideal format negative size, ultra-high performance lenses, and

multi-format versatility. Distinctive features include convenient revolving back, bellows

focusing, big and bright view-finder, and an extensive system of accessories.

Photo by Joe Baraban with Mamiya RZ67 and 50mm 1/4.5 lens.


Z15 l 1 5W Z 180mm 1/4.5W·N Z 250mm 1/4.5W Z360mm 1/6W Z 500mm I/8W l00·200mm 1/5.2V 210mm 1/4.5 250mm 1/4.5 350mm 1/5.6V 500mm 1/6

6 E/ 4 G 4E / 3 G 5 E/ 4 G 6 E/ 5 G 6 E/ 6 G 14E / 12G 7E / 5 G 7E / 5 G 7E / 6 G 7E/7 G

33 28 20 14 10 48·25 24 21 15 10

32 45 45 45 32 45 45 45 45 45

82cm 110cm 185cm 369cm 660cm 55·122cm 143cm 186cm 342cm 649cm

73mm 87mm 121mm 175mm 242mm 48-97mm 102mm 119mm 167mm 238mm
Revolving Camera Back
The RZ PRO II unique revolv-
ing back feature permits
instant change from vertical
to horizontal composition
with the flip of the wrist.
Automatic view-finder mask-
ing frames the big, bright image for total creative
control and vision.

Bellows Focusing

The RZ PRO II built-in bellow

permits continuous focusing
from infinity to close range
with all focal length lenses,
without the need for added
accessories. Optional exten-
sion tubes may be added for
macro focu sing to 1:1 magni-
fication or greater.

The Mamiya RZ67 PRO II 1/2 Step Shutter

includes interchangeable stan- The RZ PRO II offers preci-
dard waist leve l, eye level sion electronically timed, fully
prism, and advanced RZ II AE synched leaf shutter speeds
from 1/400 Sec. to 8 sec-
Prism Fi nder with Mamiya's onds, plus Band T. Manual
exclusive NS Matrix Metering shutter speeds between
System for spot, average or 1/250 Sec. and 4 seconds
may also be set in 1/2 steps,
matrix measurement in manual or
ideal for critical control with fill flash or bracketing.
aperture priority automatic mode. Its electronical- Auto speed setting in 1/6 steps is possible with the
ly timed 1/2 step shutter speed accuracy in manua l and 1/6 step accuracy in auto mode RZ PRO II AE Prism Finder.
yields perfect exposures even w ith synched flash for outdoor fill-in. Microfine Focusing
The Mamiya RZ PRO II combines rugged hybrid mechanical design w ith the most Unique, easy grip, dual
desirable electronic features of sophisticated TIL NS Matrix Metering, precision timed geared, rack and pinion
focusing knobs offers choice
electromagnetic leaf shutter operation, consistent from lens to lens, and auto wi nd and of fine, or micro-fine bellows
remote control options. A 1/400 second mechanical ove rride is provided in case of focusing for the utmost pre-
battery failure. cision, far beyond the ability
of ordinary helicoid focusing designs. Permits exact-
In addition to a wide assortment of interchangeable film magazines, inserts and backs, ing focus even with very short or very long focal
other system accessories include motorized film and shutter advance wi th Winder II, length lenses. Focus lock lever prevents accidental
movement of focus knob.
interchangeable focusi ng screens, vari-d iopter eyepiece magnifier, extension tubes,
remote control. Also, Mamiya RB67 series lenses, finders, and many accessories are
fully compatible w ith the RZ PRO II.
Lenses Shift Lens Camera Body Power Winder Viewfinders

37mmf/45W Winder RZ Model 2

, (]_m,,,,
AE Prism Finder FE701

APO Lenses

. n
M65mm f/4
un ~ ':>m 1/45
AC Adapter 9V
for Winder AZ Model 2

Magnifier Focusing Hood FW702


IJjllJ M75mm 1/3.5 •

250mm f/4.5 Film Magazines

-~:-.r m ~
Type: 6x7 format lens shutter
SLR with bellows focusing and
90mm 1/3.5 Uw.L-JJJ ::':>mmI/5.6
revolving back.

~LI ~
Format: 6x7cm (56x69.5mm
120 Roll Film Holder HA703 120 Roll Film Holder 6x4.5 RZ
w/ 120/220 rol l film)
Multi-formats: Interchangeable
SOOmm 1/6 6x7cm 120 and 220, 6x6cm
120/220, 6x4.5cm 120, Polaroid
i U-J
nn Macro Proofing Back . LEAF Digital Back.

i.. rn
~ Ml40mm f/ 4.5M/L·A

Lens Hoods 220 Roll Film Holder HB702 Polaroid land Pack Film Holder HP702
Shutter: Electromagnetic full flash
synch lens shutter in with 1/2 step

increments. 8 Sec. - 1/400 Sec , B,
Bellows 1. Mirror-up operation. 1/400 Sec .
Lens Hood

mechanica l emergency override
Metering Options: AE Prism
180mm 1/4.SW-N
Finder w/ NS Matrix Metering
120/220 Roll Film Holder 6x6 RZ G Adapter RZ

100 '~m"" I
and +/- Compensation Dial.
Aperture Priority AE or manual
Close-up Grip TIL metering modes with choice
Attachments of spot, average or matrix pattern .

f lID 3~mm1/6 Bellows lens Hood

Front Hood

Multi-Exposure: Single setting
View-finder: Waist level is

LI IIilTI ~,. No. 1 No. 2

Auto Extentio" Tubes RZ L-Grip Holder RZ
Motorized Advance for
film/shutter w/ Power Winder II.

lJII Focusing Screens Power: One 6V silver or alkaline

100 - 200mm 4LR44/4SR44
• I/S.2

I "rele-converter
1.4 x RZ Type A
Type A3
Type A4
Type B Type C
Rangefinder Spot Microprism
Type 0
Cross Hair
Type E
Range finder
Spot / Microprism
(425x52x84")/2490g (5.5 Ibs.)
w/ 11 Omm lens and 120 magazi ne
Features and specifications are subject to change.

Condensed System Chart

For over two decades, the world-wide popularity of the Mamiya RB
Series has earned its reputation as the "workhorse of the pros." The
RB67 PRO SO is the successor to the legendary RB67, Mamiya's origi-
nal revolving back 6x7cm ideal format SLR introduced in 1970. Today the
RB67 PRO SO offers the same fully mechanical reliability and simple
operation of its predecessors, and complete system compatibility w ith all
previous RB lenses, backs, finders and accessories.

The all mechanical Mamiya RB67 PRO SO is the top choice of commer-
cial and portrait studios in the world today because of its many unique
features including 6x7cm for-
mat negative size, over four and a half
times greater than 35mm, ideal for
retouching and reproduction. Its revolv-
ing back allows quick change horizontal
or vertica l composition, w ithout turning
the entire camera. Fast and precise
bellows focusing with locking feature
permits fast and easy close-ups with-
out special attachments.
Photo by David Fetherston

Photo by Dana Fineman

Photo by Gage White


LENSES C 37mm 1/4.5 C SOmm 1/4.5 KL 65mm 1/4L KL 75mm 1/3.5L L 75mm 1/4.5S/L KL 90mm 1/3.5L KL 127mm 1/3.5L KL C 140mm 1/4.5M/l-A KL15 5L

OPTICAL CONSTRUCTION 9 E/6 G 11 E/8 G 9 E/8 G 9 E/7 G 11 E/9 G 8 E/7 G 6 E/4 G 6 E/4 G 6 E/ 4 G

ANGLE OF VIEW 180 81 68 61 61 52 39 35 33

MINIMUM APERTURE 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 32

MINIMUM FOCUSING DISTANCE 26cm 28cm 35cm 38cm 42cm 45cm 64cm 76cm 82cm

EOUIVALENT 35mm FOCAL LENGTH 18mm 25mm 32mm 37mm 37mm 44mm 62mm 68mm 74mm
E =Elements G =Groups
For over two decades, the world~wide popularity of the all mechanical Mamiya RB Series

has earned its reputation as the rugged and reliable "workhorse of the pros."

Photo bV William S. Mcintosh with Mamiva RB67 and 90mm 113.5 lens.

SO' 'S APO APO APO APO ZOOM C 100-200 mm

SF ~11/4 KL C 180mm 1/4.5L-A KL 210mm 1/4.5 KL C250mm 1/4,5L-A KL 250mm 1/4.5 KL 350mm 1/5,6 KL 360mm I/6L C 500mm 1/8 L 500mm 1/6 1/5,2W

5 E/3 G H /3 G H /5 G 5 E/4 G H /5 G H /6G 6 E/5 G 6 E/6 G H/7 G lH/12G

33 28 24 20 21 15 14 10 10 47-26

32 45 45 45 45 45 45 32 45 45

86em 110em 143em 185em 186em 342em 365em 660em 64gem 55-122em

74mm 87mm 102mm 118mm 119mm 167mm 175mm 238mm 238mm 48-97mm
Multi-Format Capability

. .
The Mamiya RB67 PRO
. !t '. - , SO system offe rs many
III ~ interchangeable multi-format
options including 6x7cm and
~ " , .~.' 6x4.5cm ideal format, 6x7cm
and 6x8cm motorized backs,
6x7cm 70mm film magazine and Polaroid Instant
Proofing back.

Bellows Focusing
The RB67 PRO SO built-in
bellows permits continuous
focusing from infinity to close
range with all foca l length
lenses, without the need for
added accessories. Optional
extension tubes may be ~
added for macro focusing to
1: 1 magnification or greater.

Specialized Mamiya
lens designs including
the RB 150mm f/4 Variable
Soft Focus and 100-200mm
Zoom make the reliable, all mechanical Mamiya Revolving Camera Back
RB67 PRO SD system ideal for heavy commercial and studio The RB67 PRO SO unique
use, as well as portraiture, glamour and wedding photography. revolving back feature
permits instant change from
The RB67 PRO SD features a larger lens mount diameter to accommodate new 75mm vertical to horizontal composi-
PC shift and 500mm APO lenses. New design RB K/L Series ultra-high performance tion with the flip of the wrist.
lenses are optically identical to the RZ Series lenses. In addition, the new RB67 PRO SD Fast and easy operation
makes it ideal for studio,
is fu lly compatible with all earlier RB Series lenses, finders and accessories. The option- portrait and wedding use.
al PD Metering Prism Finder has TIL spot or average metering patterns.
The Mamiya RB67 PRO SD's multi-format capability offers an impressive choice of
interchangeable film magazines from 6x4.5cm to 6x7cm, economical 6x7cm pre-Ioad-
able fi lm inserts, Polaroid Instant Proofing back, 70mm roll film magazine, plus motor-
ized 6x7cm and 6x8cm 120/220 film magazines. Other system accessories include
interchangeable focusing screens, vari-diopter eyepiece magnifier, and extension tubes,
making the RB67 PRO SD excellent for commercial copy work as well.
Lenses Camera Body Film Magazines
Wide-angle Standard Telephoto

C 50mm f/4.5

KL 90mm f ! 3.SL

KL 150mm f!3.SL
120 Roll Film Holder
for Pro-SO
rfQJ llQJ
220 Roll Film Holder
for Pro-SO
120/ 220 Power Drive
Roll Film Holder 6x7

lJ]] O]J ~
RBG7 Professional SD camera body

OlD 01 (JJ
Kl 180mm f/4.5l-A

KL6Smm f/4L KL 127mm f(l.SL

120 Roll Film Holder 6)(4.5 220mm Roll Film Holder 6x4.5 70mm Roll Film Holder
(with Special Finder Mask) (with Special Finder Mask) (with Rubber Ball and

DO Cassette)

Double Cut film Holder A
Zoom Lens

Kl250mm "4.5l-A

KL 75mm f/3 .5L

Zoom C l00-200mm f/S.2W

(IJ Double Cut Film Holder J Polaroid land Pack Film
Holder for Pro-SO
Revolving Adapter 120/220 Power Drive
Roll Film Holde, 6x7
• Pro·S 120 Roll Film Holder and Pro·S 220 can also be used.

• By means of the P Adapter. the Polaroid land Pack Film Holder Model 3 can also be used.
Lenses APO Lenses
GOO]] Viewfinders Specifications

C 500mmf/8

Fish-Eye C 37mm 1/4.5 Kl210mm "4.5 APO/ l Close-up
Type: 6x7 format lens shutter
SLR w ith bellows focus ing and
revolving back.

m m
Format: 6x7cm (56x69.5mm
Attachments Waist-level Finder Prism Finder Model 2
w/ 120/220 roll film)
Auto Extension Tubes
Multi-formats: Interchangeable
6x7cm 120 and 220, 6x4.5cm
Macro C 140mm f/4.5 Kl250mm 1/4.5 APO/l
I] PO Prism Finder Magnifier (for Prisim Finders)
120 and 220, 6x7cm and 6x8cm

motorized f ilm backs, Polaro id

[IJ 45mm
Focusing Screens
Proofing Back.
Shutter: All mechanical f ull flash
Kl350mm 1/5.6 APO/ l

Soft·focus SF C 150mm f/4
synch lens shutte r 1 sec. - 1/400
Sec., B, T. M irror-up operation.

Shift L 75mm f/4.5S/L
(I ]~JJ
l 500mm 1/6 APO/l
Type A
Type A
Type A4
Metering Options: PO Prism
Finder for TIL manual metering
w ith choice of spot or ave rage
pattern .
"c" type lenses should be used with the lens mount adapter ring.
~ ~ wr:==m.~
• Sekor
• The Shift 15mm f / 4.5 and 500mm f/6 APO lenses cannot be used with Multi-Exposure: si ngle setti ng

~ ML:JM ~
the conventional RB Ser ies (RB67. RB67 Pro' S) cameras. lever on SO rnagazines.
View-finder: Wa ist level
Type 0
Lens Hoods Grip Type B
(Rangefinder Spot)
Type C
(MicroprismJ (Cross-Hair) is standard.
Motorized Advance for fi lm w/

.. 6x7 or 6x8 Power Backs .

104x144x233mm (4 1x57x92")/
Type E
Bellows Lens Bellows Lens Front Hood Grip Holder fRangefinder 2690g.{5.9Ibs) w/1 27mm lens and
Hood G·2 Hood G·3 for G·3 Spot 45° IMicroprismJ 120 magazine.
Features and specifications are subject to chang e.
Condensed System Chart
The Mamiya 645 PRO features fast and conven ient
35mm handling, with a medium format negative size
2.7 times larger than 35mm. The 645 PRO can take on
virtually any assignment from fashion and beauty to travel
and nature, from sports and photojournalism to archi-
tecture and advertising illustration, with superior results and
convenient operation .

The 645 PRO owes its immense versatility to its ergonomic,

sleek compact styling, rugged, modular design, Mamiya's
exclusive, sophisticated NS Matrix Metering AE Prism Finder,
modular Power Drive Grip II, and interchangeable system of film magazines and lenses.

The ever-expanding arsenal of over 22 Mamiya 645 Series high performance lenses rivals
the assortment of the most impressive 35mm SLR lines. Mamiya 645 lenses include the
spectacular 150mm f/2.S, 300mm f/2.S APO, and 500mm f/4.5 APO for exciting and dra-
matic results in fashion, sports, photojournalism and wildlife photography.

For photo-enthusiasts and outdoor or travel photographers, the SOmm f/4 Macro, and 55-
11 Omm f/4.5 or 105-21 Omm f/4.5 Mamiya ULD low dispersion design zoom lenses offer
excellent choices for a wide range of
work. For critical and illustrative archi-
tectural work, there is a 50mm f/4 PC
Shift lens, 24mm f/4 Fisheye, and four
other wide-angle lenses to choose from.

Photo by Antoine Bootz



~,~\ ~.
I I II I I 8 I I
Photo by John Woodward Photo by Fred Hirschmann
LENSES C24mml!4 C 35mm 1/J.5N C 45mm 1/2.BN C SOmml/4 C 55mm 1/2.BN CBOmml/1.9N C BOmm 1/2.BN CBOmml/4N C 11 Omm 1/2.BN S ml/4 '

OPTICAL CONSTRUCTION 10 E/8 G 9 E/7 G 9 E/7 G 10 E/8 G 8 E/6 G 7E /6 G 6 E/5 G 6 E/4 G 5 E/5 G 7E /5 G

ANGLE OF VIEW IBO 90 76 70 65 47 47 47 35 27

MINIMUM APERTURE 22 22 22 32 22 22 22 22 22 32

MINIMUM FOCUSING DISTANCE 30cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 70cm 70cm 36cm 120cm 150cm

EQUIVALENT 35mm FOCAL LENGTH 15mm 22mm 28mm 31mm 34mm 50mm 50mm 50mm 68mm 90mm
E =Elements G =Groups
The Mamiya 645 PRO features fast and convenient 35mm handling, with a medium format

negative size more tha1! two and a half times larger than 35mm, complete lens and

accessory system, interchangeable film magazines and view-finders.

Photo by Gideon Lewin with Mamiya M645 and 110mm 1/2.Blens.


Al C 150mm 1/J.5N C 210mm 1/4N A 300mm 1/2.B C 300mm 1/5.6N A 500mm 1/4.5 C 500mm 1/5.6N C 55·110mm 1/4.5N C 105·210mm 1/4.5 A 55mm 1/2.BN/L ABOmm 1/2.BN/ L A 150mm I/J.BN/L

6 E/ 4 G 5 E/ 5 G 5 E/ 4 G 9 E/ 8 G 6 E/ 5 G 11 E/ 9 G 6 E/ 5 G 11 E/ 10 G 13 E/ 11 G 8 E/ 6 G 6 E/ 5 G 5 E/ 5 G

26 26 19 13 13 65·35 36· 19 65 47 26

22 32 32 22 32 32 45 32 32 22 22 32

150em 150em 250em 350em 400em 500em 900em 150em 180em 45em BOem 150em

93mm 93mm 130mm 186mm lB6mm 310mm 310mm 34·68mm 65·130mm 34mm 50mm 93mm
A/S Matrix Metering
The optional 645 PRO AE
Prism Finder with Mamiya's
exclusive NS Matrix Meter-
ing System offers spot, aver-
age or matrix measurement
in manual mode or aperture
priority auto. Electronical ly
timed shutter speed accura-
cy in 1/6 step in auto mode, and +/- 1/3 step expo-
sure compensation for fast and precise bracketing.

Leaf Shutter Lenses

High synch speed leaf
shutter lenses to 1/500 Sec.,
desirable for outdoor fi ll-flash
photography. Offered by
Mamiya's three 645 N/L
Series leaf shutter lenses in the
most popular 55mm, 80mm and 150mm
focal lengths

The compact, rugged and modular sys- Ergonomic Design

tem design of the Mamiya 645 PRO Fitted with PRO AE Finder
includes a large selection of over 22 inter- and Power Drive Grip II, the
changeable lenses, three of which have Mamiya 645 PRO handles as
fast and as easily as a 35mm
built-in leaf shutters, auto extension tubes, SLR. Versatile interchange-
auto bellows macro system, interchange- able lenses, finders, focusing
able finders and focusing screens. screens and film magazines,
Polaroid back and pre-Ioad-
The Power Drive Grip II motorizes the cam- able film inserts, complete the modular system.
era, facilitates remote control, and automati-
cally cocks the camera's focal plane shutter and the optional leaf shutter lenses. The
camera therefore offers a choice between focal plane shutter operation for long or fast
shutter speeds from 4 seconds to 1/1000 Sec. synched to 1/60 Sec, and ful l flash synch
up to 1/500 Sec. for fill-flash applications with Mamiya's N/L Series leaf shutter lenses.
The Mamiya 645 PRO system offers a choice of interchangeable film magazines for
6x4.5cm and 35mm standard and 13x36mm panoramic formats, economical and inter-
changeable 120 or 220, pre-loadable fi lm inserts for 15 or 30 exposures per roll, plus
Polaroid Instant Proofing back. All Mamiya 645 PRO film inserts and lenses are fully
compatible with earlier Mamiya 645 models, and many other earlier accessories are
interchangeable as well.
Power Grip Type: 645 format foca l plane shut-
Lenses Camera Body
ter SLR with instant return mirror.
Format: 6x4.5cm (41 .5x56mm w/

120/220 roll fi lm)
Multi-formats: Intercha ngeable
C 35mmf/3.5N 6x4.5cm 120 an d 220, 35mm,
~ 0"
i;l'" A 300mm t/2.8 APO Power Drive Grip Polaroid Proofing .

'L rill I!]II]
(with Wrist Strap N) Shutter: El ectromagnetic focal
645 PRO Camera Body plane shutter 4 Sec. - 1/1 000 Sec.,
~ (wtth Film Advance
5 C 45mm f ; 2.8N
Crank AC401 and B,1. Flash synch 1/60 Sec .
Optional leaf shutter lenses synch

LIIJ A 500mm f/4.5 APO

Film Magazine System to 1/500 Sec. Self Time r. Mirror
Lock-u p.

C 55mmll2.&N

Metering Options:

10 [g Zoom C 55-1,Omm f/4.5N D Dark Slide 120 Roll 120 Roll Film Holder HA401
AE Prism Finder w/ NS Matrix
Metering and +/- co mpensation

~L 01[11 ~
Film Inset (with Film Insert) Dial. Aperture Pri ority AE or manu-
C BOmm f/l.9N
al TIL metering modes with

Zoom ULD C 105-21 Omm Il4.5

§J ~ chO ice of spot, average or matrix
pattern .

Panoramic Adapter 220 Roll 220 Roll Film Holder H8401 Multi-Exposure: Single
Film Insert (with Film Insert)
setti ng lever.
View-finder: Optional Wa ist level,

Macro C non-Metering Pri sm, or AE Prism .
r; ~.g' Fish--eye ULD C
C 110mm f/2.8N
i a~ 24mmf/4

135 Roll Film Holder HC4Ql

Motorized Advance for
Dark Slide 135 Roll fi lm/shutter/motorized auto

A 150mm 112.& III Film Insert N (with Film Insert.

Panoramic Adapter,
Focusing Screen)
cocki ng leaf shutter lenses w/
Power Drive Grip II.

Shift C 50mm "4 Soft SF C 145mm f/4
Power: One 6v silver or alkal ine

C 150mm f/3.5N

ill A 55mm f/2.S NIL A 80mm 1/2.& Nil
Polaroid Pack Film Holder HP401

Close-up Attachments
124x106x15Smm (49x42x62") /
1345g . (3.0 Ibs .) w/ wa ist level
finder, SOmm f/2.S N lens, 120

i C 210mm 114N

l. Auto Extension Rings

[ 'No.1 ONo.2 ONO'3'S~

Features and specifications are subject to change

A 150mm 1/3.& Nil

;: ' Auto Macro Spacer

Ilor Macro &Omm II.N) 0

~ e RS-67

C 500mm f/5.6
2X Tele-converter N
I Reversing Ring
(for Auto Bellows NI
Auto Bellows N
(with Double Cable Release)

• The Mamiya 645 PRO and 645 Super share all Lenses and Accessories
except the terminal adapters for the Left Hand Grip.

~ rr:Din~ JQl
Lens Hood

AE Prism Finder FE401 Prism Finder FP401 Waist Level Finder N

Bellows Lens Hood Magnifier F0401 Angle Finder N (with Finder Mask)

Condensed System Chart

The Mamiya 6M F is a modern, yet classic 2-1/4" square
rangefinder camera with three interchangeable, excep-
tionally high performance lenses, built-in manual or AE auto
metering, unique multi-format capability, and silent, fast,
and lightweight, hand holdable design. An elegant solution
to many photographic challenges for the demanding pro,
fine art perfectionist, and discriminating photo enthusiast.
The Mamiya 6MF is the choice for shooting spontaneous
action or creative landscape and travel stock photography
images on the go. And its big, versatile, 2-1/4 squa re for-
mat quality or unique 24x54mm panoramic 35mm images impress the most demanding
clients and col leagues.
Photojournalists as well as wedding photographers find the fast, brilliant, easy to see,
and dead-accurate rangefinder focusing of the Mamiya 6MF, combined with its super-
quiet, full flash synched leaf shutters, a welcome advantage in a surprisingly small and
lightweight medium format camera. The rangefinder/leaf shutter combination also
enhances image quality, with freedom from any res idua l shutter bounce or mirror shake
of 35mm SLR designs.
'The Mamiya 6M F view-finder offers built-in metering with AE aperture priority mode in
exact 1/6 step increments. or fu lly manual metering for purists, +/- 1/3 step compensa-
tion, with electromagnetic, full flash synch leaf shutter speeds from 4 seconds to 1/500
Sec plus B. AE exposure also allows perfect daylight ba lanced exposure with any flash.
The Mamiya G Series lenses use ultra-high performance optical designs on ly poss ible
w ith a rangefinder focusing camera, and Mamiya's own ULD low dispersion glass for-
mulation and computer aided design technology .The lens system includes standard,
wide-angle, and telephoto lenses, along with a close-up attachment for focus ing down
to 50cm/19 inches with the 75mm lens.
The Mamiya 6MF body also features an
integral handgrip, and its compact design
is enhanced by a collapsible lens mount
for easy packing and portability.

LENSES G SOmm f/4L G 7Smm f/3.SL G1S0mm f/4.SL


ANGLE OF VIEW 75 55 30



EOUIVALENT 35mm FOCAL LENGTH 28mm 41mm 82mm

E =Elements G = Groups
The Mamiya 6 MF is a modem, yet classic 2-1/4" square rangefinder camera with three interchangeable,

exceptionally high performance lenses, built-in m~nual or AE auto metering, unique multi-format capability,

and silent, fast, and lightweight, hand holdable design. An elegant solution to many photographic challenges

for the demanding pro, fine art perfectionist, and discriminating photo enthusiast.

Photo by Dennis Marsico with Mamiya 6MF and 75mm 1/3.5 lens.

Body Interchangeable Lens Hoods Other Type: 6x6 format lens shutter coupled rangefinder w/
MemiYI 6 MF Body Lenses Accessory
collapsible lens mount.
ID For 50mm II'

I jJ
Format: 6x6cm (56x56mm w/ 120/220 roll fi lm)
i o
For 75mm 1/3.5
Multi-formats: Interchangeable insert masks for 6x4.5cm
and optional 24x54mm 35mm Panoramic.

135 Panoramic
Adapter Set


Winding Spool


G75mm 1/3.5L GI50mm

6 x 4.5 Eyepiece

Eye Correction
Lens N
For 150mm " '.5

Soft Lens
eose Type A
Adopter N

Shutter: Electromagnetic full flash synch lens shutter
4 Sec. - 1/500 Sec., B.
Metering: Built-in Metering w/1/3 step +/- Compensation
Dial. Aperture Priority AE or manual metering modes.
View-finder: Rangefinder coupled, parallax compensating
automatic bright line selection (50mm, 75mm, 150mm).

0 +3 Diopter 0 - 1 Power: two S76/ 4SR44
mIC 0+2
0 +1
0-3 'e Dimensions/Weight: 155x1 09x75mm( 6.1 x43x3")/1150g
(25Ibs.) w/ 75mm lens
~ Rewind C,..nk Unit
Features and specifications are subject to change.
Every Mamiya professional medium format camera is supported by a versatile system
of Mamiya world-class, high performance lenses, the perfect blend of art and optical sci-
ence, for exacting imaging of the most subtle artistic interpretation on film.

Optics and mechanics are custom designed and precision crafted by Mamiya's own
engineers and artisans. Mamiya utilizes their own ultra-modern computer aided optical
design, exclusive glass and lens coating formulation, and state-of-the-art manufacturing
techniques. All combined with a classical dedication to perfection and practical perfor-
mance for the most demanding professional requirements.

Mamiya lenses exhibit exquisite tonality, ultra-fine sharpness, high contrast, distortion-
free performance, and consistent, true colour reproduction from lens to lens, even in
the most difficult and challenging lighting situations . Enthusiastic endorsements, by
today's most famous and discriminating photographers have made Mamiya world-class
lenses the new benchmark in optica l performance.

MAMIVA RZ SERIES lenses for the RZ67 PRO II system are avai lable
in 19 focal length s ranging from fisheye to extreme telephoto, and
include special application lenses for PC shift, Variable Flat Field Macro,
Zoom, and an unparalleled series of RZ APO Series apochromatic
performance telephotos . They incorporate ultra-precise electromagnet-
ic full flash synch leaf shutters controlled by a shutter speed dial on the
RZ PRO II body or optional AE Pri sm Finder II.
Every Mamiya professional medium format camera is supported by a versatile system of Mamiya

world~class, high performance lenses, the perfect blend of art and optical science.

MAMIYA RB SO SERIES lenses in 19 focal lengths from fisheye to

extreme telephoto, for the RB PRO SD and RZ67 PRO II systems
include special application lenses for Variable Soft Focus, PC shift,
Variable Flat Field Macro, Zoom, and an exceptional series of K/L APO
Series apochromatic te lephotos. K/L Series lenses are optically identical
to the ultra-high performance RZ Series lens
designs, while they utilize fully
mechanical leaf shutters.

MAMIYA 645 SERIES lenses for the 645 PRO are available in two
types: 22 designs for focal plane shutter systems, and a selection of
hree N/L Series leaf shutter lenses providing full flash synch capability
to 1/500 Sec. and fast operation with the 645 PRO and Power Grip II.
Special application lenses for PC shift, flat
field macro, two versatile zooms, and
a set of high speed 150mm
f/2 .8, 300mm f/28
APO and 500mm
f/4.5 APO lenses
are part of the

MAMIYA G SERIES lenses for the Mamiya 6M F system include th ree

cam-coupled, rangefinder lenses including 75mm f/3 .5 six element
standard, 50mm f/4 eight element symmetrical wide-angle, and
150mm f/45 six element telephoto compact designs. All G Series
lenses have fully synched, precision electromagnetic leaf

Mikhail 8aryshnikov Photo by © Annie Leibovitz

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For fast information FAX your request to 914-347-3309
8 Westchester Plaza, Elmsford, NY 10523·914-347-3300 E 940743 US

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