Expected Syllogism High Level Questions For Sbi Clerk Mains 1

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Directions ( 1-5): Study the following information and All Planets are Stars
answer the questions below: Some Stars are Earth
a) Only II follows Only a few Suns are Planets
b) Either I or II and III follows Conclusion:
c) Both I and II follows I.All Sun being Star is a possibility
d) Both II and III follows II. Some Stars are Sun
e) None follows III. Some Planets are Earth
1. Statement: 4.Statement:
Only a few Genes are DNA All Mathematics are Economics
Only DNA are RNA Only a few Mathematics are Chemistry
No RNA is Protein No Chemistry is Physics
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I. No Gene is Protein I. All Chemistry are Economics
II. Some proteins are Genes II. Some Economics are Chemistry
III. Some Genes are not DNA III. All Mathematics being Physics is a possibility
2. Statement: 5.Statement:
Some A are B Some twos are threes
Only a few B are C No four is ten
No A is D Only a few tens are threes
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I.At least some A are C I.No three is four
II. All B are C is a possibility II. Some twos are four is a possibility
III. No D is C III. Some threes are twos

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Expected Syllogism High Level for Upcoming Bank Clerk Mains Exam

Directions ( 6 - 10): Study the following informations Directions (11 - 15): Study the following information
and answer the questions below: and answer the questions below:
a) Only I follows a) Only I follows
b) Only II follows b) Only II follows
c) Both III follows c) Both I and II follows
d) Both I and III follows d) All follows
e) Either II or III and I follows e) Either I or III and II follows
6.Statement: 11.Statement:
Some keyboards are mouse Some internet are intranet
Only a few dashboards are pianos Some intranet are not files
All pianos are mouse Only a few files are documents
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I.All mouse being dashboard is a possibility I.Some files are not intranet
II. No keyboard is piano II. All documents being intranet is a possibility
III. Some keyboards are piano III. All files are intranet
7.Statement: 12. Statement:
Some dairy milks are KitKat Only a few Roses are sunflower
Only a few KitKat are milky bar Only a few sunflowers are jasmine
All dairy milk are snickers Some sunflowers are not lilies
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I.All KitKat can never be milky bar I.Some roses can be jasmine
II. Some dairy milks are milky bar II. Some roses are jasmine
III. Some sneakers are KitKat III. Some lilies are rose
8. Statement: 13. Statement:
Only a few radios are TVs Some editors are not directors
Only a few laptops are cables All directors are producers
All cables are TVs No producer is screenplay
Conclusion: Only a few screenplays are actors
I.All laptop can never be TVs Conclusion:
II. Some radio being cable is a possibility I.All producer can be editor
III. Some radios are laptops II. No director is screenplay
9.Statement: III. Some actors are editors
Some pens are pencils 14. Statement:
Only a few pencils are tables Only GMs are PMs
All tables are notebooks Only a few CMs are president
Conclusion: No president is PM
I. All pens can be table Conclusion:
II. All pencils being tables is a possibility I.Some GMs are presidents
III. Some notebooks are tables II. All CM being GM is a possibility
10.Statement: III. No GM is president
No black is blue 15. Statement:
Some black are red Some doors are tables
Only a few blues are orange Only tables are benches
Conclusion: Only a few tables are windows
I. All red can never be blue No door is clock
II. Some reds are blues Conclusion:
III. All orange being black is a possibility I.No bench is window
II. All tables can never be doors
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III. Some benches are windows Only a few desks are pen
Directions ( 16 - 20): Study the following information Conclusion:
and answer the questions below: I. Some pens are not chair
a) Only III follows
II. Some chairs are not desk
b) Both I and II follows
c) Both I and III follows III. Some pens are chair is a possibility
d) Either I or II and III follows Directions (21 - 25): Study the following information
e) All I, II, III follows and answer the questions below:
16.Statement: a) Only I follows
Only a few cars are van b) Only II follows
c) Either I or III and II follows
All van are jeep
d) Both II and III follows
No jeep is bus e) All I, II, III follows
Conclusion: 21. Statement:
I. Some buses are car No toy is bat
II. No bus is car All bats are football
III. All jeep are car is a possibility Only a few footballs are cricket
17. Statement: Conclusion:
Some fruits are jam I. Some toy can never be cricket
Only a few jams are butter II. All cricket can be bat is a possibility
All butter are gee III. Some cricket are not football
Conclusion: 22. Statement:
I. All gee can be jam Only a few mobile are tablet
II. Some butter are not jam Some tablets are laptop
III. All butter are fruit is a possibility No laptop is palmtop
18. Statement: Conclusion:
Some apples are mango I. Some tablets are not mobile
No mango is papaya II. All palmtop is mobile is a possibility
Only a few papaya are kiwi III. Some tablet is not palmtop
Conclusion: 23. Statement:
I. Some papayas are not kiwi All markers are eraser
II. All mangoes are kiwi is a possibility Some eraser are pencil
III. Some apples are not kiwi Only a few pencils are scale
19. Statement: Conclusion:
All balloon are ball I. All scale are eraser is a possibility
Some balloons are ribbon II. Some scale are not marker
Only a few ribbons are stick III. All markers are pen
Conclusion: 24. Statement:
I. Some ball is stick No fan is AC
II. Some sticks are not ribbon Some AC is cooler
III. All balloon are stick is a possibility Only a few cooler is air cooler
20. Statement: Conclusion:
All chairs are table I. Some coolers are not fan
No table is desk II. All air cooler are cooler is a possibility
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III. All AC are air cooler is a possibility Some C are not D

25. Statement: Conclusion:
Some TVs are radio I. Some D are not A
Only a few radio are speakers II. All C is A is a possibility
All speakers are projector III. All D are A
Conclusion: Statement:
I. Some speakers are TVs No A is B
II. All projector is TV is a possibility Some B are not C
III. No TV is speaker Only a few B are D
Directions (26 - 30): Study the following information Conclusion:
and answer the questions below: I. No A is C
a) Only II follows II. Some D are not B
b) Only III follows
III. All C are both B & D is a possibility
c) Either I or III follows
d) Both I and II follows Directions (31 - 35): Study the following information
e) All I, II and III follows and answer the questions below:
26. Statement: a) Only I follows
b) Both II and III follows
Some A are not B
c) Both I and II follows
Some B are C d) Both I and III follows
Only a few C are D e) Either II or III and I follows
Conclusion: 31. Statement:
I. Some B are not D All A are B
II. All A are D is a possibility Some B are not C
III. All A are B is a possibility Only a few C are D
27. Statement: Conclusion:
All A are B I. All A are C is a possibility
Only a few B are C II. Some C are not D
Some C are not D III. All B can be C
Conclusion: 32. Statement:
I. Some B are C No A is B
II. No D is A is a possibility Some A are C
III. All C are D is a possibility Some C are B
28. Statement: Conclusion:
Some A are not B I. All C are B
No B is C II. Some B can never be A
Only a few B is D III. Some C are not A
Conclusion: 33. Statement:
I. Some D are not C Some A are not B
II. Some D are A is a possibility Only a few B are C
III. All A are B is a possibility All C are D
29. Statement: Conclusion:
All A are B I. All D are A is a possibility
No B is C II. Some A are C
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III. All A are B is a possibility Some A are not D

34. Statement: Conclusion:
All A are B I. All C are D is a possibility
Some A are not C II. Some A is not C
Only a few C are D III. Some A are D is a possibility
Conclusion: 39. Statement:
I. Some A are C is a possibility Only a few A is B
II. Some D are not C Only B is C
III. All D are B is a possibility Some B are not D
35. Statement: Conclusion:
Some A are not B I. Some A are not B
Some B are not C II. Some D are A is a possibility
Only a few B are D III. All C are A is a possibility
Conclusion: 40. Statement:
I. All A are C is a possibility All A are B
II. All D are B Some B are not C
III. Some D are not B Only C are D
Directions (36 - 40): Study the following information Conclusion:
and answer the questions below: I. Some C are not B
a) Either I or II follows II. All C are D is a possibility
b) Both I and II follows
III. All C are A is a possibility
c) Both II and III follows
d) All I, II and III follows Directions ( 41 - 46): Study the following information
e) Only III follows and answer the questions below:
36. Statement: a) Either I or III follows
b) Only II follows
All A are B
c) Both I and II follows
No A is C d) Both II and III follows
Some C are not D e) All I, II and III follows
Conclusion: 41. Statement:
I. All B are C is a possibility Only a few A is B
II. All D are B is a possibility Only a few C is B
III. Some B are A Some C are not D
37. Statement: Conclusion:
Only A is B I. Some A is C
Some A is C II. All C are B is a possibility
Some C is not D III. No C is A
Conclusion: 42. Statement:
I. All D are C Only few Tiger are Lion
II. Some D are not C Only Lion are Cheetah
III. All A are B is a possibility Some Lion are Elephant
38. Statement: Conclusion:
Only C is B I . Some Elephant are Tiger
Only a few C is A II. Some Tiger can be Cheetah
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III. No Tiger is Elephant a) Some trees are branches

43. Statement: b) Some leaves are roots
All Twitter are Facebook c) Some roots are not branches
Only a few Facebook are Orkut d) All leaves are branches
Only Orkut are Whatsapp e) All roots can be branches
Conclusion: 48. Statement:
I. All Orkut is Twitter is a possibility Some kings are queen
II. No Facebook is Whatsapp Only a few emperors are king
III.Some Facebook are not Orkut No queen is princess
44. Statement: Conclusion:
Some Google are Opera a) Some queen are emperor
Only Opera are UC b) Some princess are king
Only a few Opera are Yahoo c) All emperor being queen is a possibility
Conclusion: d) All king being princess is a possibility
I. Some Yahoo are not Opera e) All kings are queen
II. No Google is UC 49. Statement:
III. All Opera are UC is a possibility Some countries are not continent
45. Statement: Only villages are continent
Only Mouse is a Desktop Only a few countries are towns
Only a few Mouse is CPU Conclusion:
No CPU is a Camera a) All countries being villages is a possibility
Conclusion: b) Some towns are villages
I.No Desk is Camera c) All continents are towns
II.Some Desk is not a CPU d) All countries can never be towns
III.All Mouse can be a Camera e) Some villages are not countries
46. Statement: 50. Statement:
No chennai is a Bangalore All letters are symbols
Only Bangalore are Hyderabad Some consonants are vowels
Only a few Bangalore are Delhi Only a few letters are consonants
Conclusion: Conclusion:
I. No Delhi is Hyderabad a) Some symbols are not consonants
II. Some Delhi can be Chennai b) Some vowels are letters
III. Some Delhi can never be a Chennai c) All letters are consonants is a possibility
Directions ( 47 - 50): Study the following information d) All symbols are letters
and answer the questions below: e) Some symbols are vowels
Which of the conclusion definitely does not follow
(also not a possibility of occurrence)
47. Statement:
Some leaves are roots
Only a few roots are branches
Some leaves are not trees

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Expected Syllogism High Level for Upcoming Bank Clerk Mains Exam

Answers with explanation:

4. a

5. d

6. e

1. b

2. e 7. d

8. b
3. c

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Expected Syllogism High Level for Upcoming Bank Clerk Mains Exam

13. c
9. d

10. a
14. e

11. b
15. c

12. a

16. d

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Expected Syllogism High Level for Upcoming Bank Clerk Mains Exam

21. b
17. c

22. d

18. b

23. a

19. a

24. e

25. c
20. e

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26. a
31. c

27. d

32. b

28. d

33. a

29. c

30. b 34. d

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35. e
39. b

36. c 40. b

37. a
41. a

38. e

42. a

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47. e
43. d

44. b
48. d

45. c
49. c

46. e

50. c

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