169 P5 Sol

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Problems set # 5 Physics 169 March 17, 2015

1. (i) Three capacitors are connected to a 12.0 V battery as shown in Fig. 1 Their capacitances
are C1 = 3.00 µF, C2 = 4.00 µF, and C3 = 2µF. Find the equivalent capacitance of this set of
capacitors. (ii) Find the charge on and the potential difference across each.

Solution (i) Using the rules for combining capacitors in series and in parallel, the circuit is
reduced in steps as shown in Fig. 2. The equivalent capacitor is hown to be a 2.00 µF capacitor.
(ii) From Fig. 2 (right panel) it follows that Qac = Cac (∆V )ac = 2.00 µF 12.0V = 24.0 µC. From
Fig. 2 (middle panel) it follows that Qab = Qbc = Qac = 24 µC and so the charge on the 3.00µF
capacitor is Q3 = 24.0 µC. Continuing to use Fig. 2 (middle panel) it follows that (∆V )ab = Qab
Cab =
24.0 µC
6.00 µF = 4.00 V, and (∆V )3 = (∆V )bc = Qbc 24.0 µC
Cbc = 3.00 µF = 8.00 V. Finally, from Fig. 2 (left panel)
it follows that (∆V )4 = (∆V )2 = (∆V )ab = 4.00 V, Q4 = C4 (∆V )4 = 4.00 µF 4.00 V = 16.0 µC,
and Q2 = C2 (∆V )2 = 2.00 µF4.00 V = 8.00 µC.

2. A dielectric rectangular slab has length s, width w, thickness d, and dielectric constant κ.
The slab is inserted on the right hand side of a parallel-plate capacitor consisting of two conducting
plates of width w, length L, and thickness d. The left hand side of the capacitor of length L − s is
empty, see Fig. 3. The capacitor is charged up such that the left hand side has surface charge den-
sities ±σL on the facing surfaces of the top and bottom plates respectively and the right hand side
has surface charge densities ±σR on the facing surfaces of the top and bottom plates respectively.
The total charge on the entire top and bottom plates is +Q and −Q respectively. The charging
battery is then removed from the circuit. Neglect all edge effects. (i) Find an expression for the
magnitude of the electric field EL on the left hand side in terms of σL , σR , κ, s, w, L, 0 , and d as
needed. (ii) Find an expression for the magnitude of the electric field ER on the right hand side in
terms of σL , σR , κ, s, w, L, 0 , and d as needed. (iii) Find an expression that relates the surface
charge densities σL and σR in terms of κ, s, w, L, 0 , and d as needed. (iv) What is the total
charge +Q on the entire top plate? Express your answer in terms of σL , σR , κ, s, w, L, 0 , and d
as needed. (v) What is the capacitance of this system? Express your answer in terms of κ, s, w,
L, 0 , and d as needed. (vi) Suppose the dielectric is removed. What is the change in the stored
potential energy of the capacitor? Express your answer in terms of Q, κ, s, w, L, 0 , and d as needed.

Solution: (i) Using Gauss’ law EL = σ0L . (ii) Using Gauss law for dielectrics ER = κσR
. (iii) The
σL d σR d
potential difference on the left side is EL d = 0 . On the right hand side it is ER d = κ0 . Since
these must be equal we must have σR /κ = σL . (iv) Q = σL (L − s)w + σR sw. h(v) The potential i
Q σL (L−s)w+σR sw
difference is EL d = σL0d , so the capacitance is C = |∆V | = σL d/0 = 0 w
d (L − s) + σR
σL s =
0 w
d [(L − s) + κs]. (vi) Since the battery has been removed, the charge on the capacitor does not
1 Q2 1 Q2 Q2
change when we do this, and the change in the energy stored is = 2oC0 − 2 Cn = 2 − C1
C0 o =
Q2 Q2 d Q2 d Q2 d
n o h i n
d d 1 1 (L−s)+κs−L (κ−1)s
2 0 Lw − 0 w[(L−s)+κs] = 20 w L − (L−s)+κs = 20 w L[(L−s)+κs] = 20 w L[(L−s)+κs] .
3. (i) Consider a plane-parallel capacitor completely filled with a dielectric material of dielectric
constant κ. What is the capacitance of this system? (ii) A parallel-plate capacitor is constructed
by filling the space between two square plates with blocks of three dielectric materials, as in Fig. 4.
You may assume that l  d. Find an expression for the capacitance of the device in terms of the
plate area A, d, κ1 , κ2 , and κ3 .

Solution: (i) The capacitance is C = κd0 A = κC0 . (ii) The capacitor can be regarded as be-
ing consisted of three capacitors, C1 = κ1 0dA/2 , C2 = κ2 d/2
0 A/2
, and C3 = κ3 d/2
0 A/2
, with C2 and
C3 connected in series, and the combination connected in parallel with C1 . Thus, the equivalent
1 1 C2 C3 κ1 0 A/2 0 A κ2 κ3 0 A κ1 κ2 κ3
capacitance is C = C1 + C2 + C3 = C1 + C2 +C3 = d + d κ2 +κ3 = d 2 + κ2 +κ3 .

4. A model of a red blood cell portrays the cell as a spherical capacitor – a positively charged
liquid sphere of surface area A, separated by a membrane of thickness t from the surrounding
negatively charged fluid. Tiny electrodes introduced into the interior of the cell show a potential
difference of 100 mV across the membrane. The membranes thickness is estimated to be 100 nm
and its dielectric constant to be 5.00. (i) If an average red blood cell has a mass of 1.00 × 10−12 kg,
estimate the volume of the cell and thus find its surface area. The density of blood is 1, 100 kg/m3 .
(ii) Estimate the capacitance of the cell. (iii) Calculate the charge on the surface of the membrane.
How many electronic charges does this represent?

1.00×10−12 kg
Solution (i) The volume is V = m
ρ = 1,100 kg/m3
= 9.09 × 10−16 m3 . Since V = 34 πr3 , the
inner radius of the capacitor is r = 3V
4π = 6.01 × 10−6 m and the surface area is A = 4πr2 =
 2/3  2/3
4π 3V4π = 4π 4π 3
9.09 × 10−16 m3 = 4.54 × 10−10 m2 . (ii) The outer radius of the capacitor
is R = r + t = 6.11 × 10−6 m, where t = 100 nm is the thickness of the membrane. The capacitance
is C = 4πκ0 R−r = 2.04×10−13 F. (iii) Q = C ∆V = 2.04×10−13 F 100×10−3 V = 2.01×10−14 C,
Q 2.01×10−14 C
and the number of electronic charges is n = e = 1.60×10−19 C
= 1.27 × 105 .

5. A capacitor consists of two concentric spherical shells. The outer radius of the inner shell
is a = 0.1 m and the inner radius of the outer shell is b = 0.2 m. (i) What is the capacitance
C of this capacitor? (ii) Suppose the maximum possible electric field at the outer surface of the
inner shell before the air starts to ionize is Emax (a) = 3.0 × 106 V · m−1 . What is the maximum
possible charge on the inner capacitor? (iii) What is the maximum amount of energy stored in this
capacitor? (iv) What is the potential difference between the shells when E(a) = 3.0 × 106 V · m−1 ?

Solution: (i) The shells have spherical symmetry so we need to use spherical Gaussian surfaces.
Space is divided into three regions (I) outside r ≥ b, (II) in between a < r < b and (III) inside
~ = E r̂). In regions I and III these
r ≤ a. In each region the electric field is purely radial (that is E
Gaussian surfaces contain a total charge of zero, so the electric fields in these regions must be zero
as well. In region II, we choose the Gaussian sphere of radius r shown in Fig. 5. The electric flux on
the surface is E ~ · dA~ = EA = E · 4πr2 . The enclosed charge is Qenc = +Q, and the electric field
is everywhere perpendicular to the surface. Thus Gauss law becomes E · 4πr2 = Q0 ⇒ E = 4πQ0 r2 .
That is, the electric field is exactly the same as that for a point charge. Summarizing:
~ = 4π0 r2
r̂ for a < r < b
E .
~0 elsewhere

We know the positively charged inner sheet is at a higher potential so

 we shall calculate ∆V =
Q a
Ra Ra Q 
~ Q 1 1
V (a) − V (b) = − b E · d~s = − b 4π0 r2 dr = 4π0 r = 4π0 a − b > 0, which is positive as
we expect. We can now calculate the capacitance using the definition C = |∆V | = Q =
( a1 − 1b )
= 4π0 ab 0.1 m 0.2 m
b−a = 8.99×109 Nm2 /C2 0.1 m = 2.2 × 10
−11 F. Note that the units of capacitance are 0
( a1 − 1b )
times an area ab divided by a length b − a, exactly the same units as the formula for a parallel-plate
capacitor C = 0 A/d. Also note that if the radii b and a are very close together, the spherical
capacitor begins to look very much like two parallel plates separated by a distance d = b − a and
a+b a+a 2
= 4πa2 ≈ 4πab. So, in this limit, the spherical formula is the

area A ≈ 4π 2 ≈ 4π 2
4π0 ab 0 4πa2 0 A Q
same at the plate one C = limb→a b−a ≈ d d . (ii) The electric field is E(a) = 40 a2 .
6 V·m−1 (0.1 m)2
Therefore the maximum charge is Qmax = 4π0 Emax (a)a2 = 3.0×10
8.99×109 N·m2 /C2
. (iii) The energy
Q2max (3.3×10−6 C)2
stored is Umax = 2C = 2·2.2×10−11 F
= 2.5 × 10−1 J. (iv) We can find the potential difference
Q 4π0 E(a)a2 (b−a)
two different ways. Using the definition of capacitance we have that |∆V | = C = 4π0 ab =
E(a)a(b−a) 6 −1 (0.1 m)2
b = 3.0×10 V·m
= 1.5 × 105 V. We already calculated the potential difference in
Q 1 1 Q Q
part (i): ∆V = 4π 0 a − b . Recall that E(a) = 4π0 a2 or 4π0 = E(a)a2 Substitute this into

our expression for potential difference yielding ∆V = E(a)a2 a1 − 1b = E(a)a2 b−a b−a
ab = E(a)a b in
agreement with our result above.

6. A parallel plate capacitor has capacitance C. It is connected to a battery until is fully charged,
and then disconnected. The plates are then pulled apart an extra distance d, during which the
measured potential difference between them changed by a factor of 4. What is the volume of the
dielectric necessary to fill the region between the plates? (Make sure that you give your answer only
in terms of variables defined in the statement of this problem, fundamental constants and numbers).

Solution How in the world do we know the volume? We must be able to figure out the cross-
sectional area and the distance between the plates. The first relationship we have is from knowing
the capacitance: C = 0xA where x is the original distance between the plates. Make sure you dont
use the more typical variable d here because that is used for the distance the plates are pulled
apart. Next, the original voltage V0 = Ex, which increases by a factor of 4 when the plates are
moved apart by a distance d, that is, 4V0 = E(x + d). From these two equations we can solve
for x: 4V0 = 4Ex = E(x + d) ⇒ x = d/3. Now, we can use the capacitance to get the area,
and multiply that by the distance
 the plates (now x + d) to get the volume, i.e., volume
xC dC d 4d2 C
= A(x + d) = 0 (x + d) = 30 3 + d = 90 .

7. Consider two nested cylindrical conductors of height h and radii a and b respectively. A
charge +Q is evenly distributed on the outer surface of the pail (the inner cylinder), −Q on the
inner surface of the shield (the outer cylinder). See Fig. 6. You may ignore edge effects. (i) Calcu-
late the electric field between the two cylinders (a < r < b). (ii) Calculate the potential difference
between the two cylinders. (iii) Calculate the capacitance of this system, C = Q/∆V (iv) Nu-
merically evaluate the capacitance, given: h ' 15 cm, a ' 4.75 cm and b ' 7.25 cm. (v) Find
the electric field energy density at any point between the conducting cylinders. How much energy
resides in a cylindrical shell between the conductors of radius r (with a < r < b), height h, thickness
dr, and volume 2πrhdr? Integrate your expression to find the total energy stored in the capacitor
and compare your result with that obtained using UE = 21 C(∆V )2 .

Solution: (i) For this we use Gauss law, with a Gaussian cylinder of radius r, height l: ~ ·dA
E ~=
Qinside 1 Q Q
2πrlE = 0 = 0 h l ⇒ E(r) = 2πr0 h with a < r < b. (ii) The potential difference between the
Ra a
Q 0 Q
outer shell and the inner cylinder is ∆V = V (a) − V (b) = − b 2πr0 0 h dr = − ln r0 =

2π0 h b
Q b Q Q 2π0 h 2π0 h
2π0 h ln a . (iii) C = ∆V = Q = ln( ab )
. (iv) C = ln(b/a) = 15 cm · 2π · 8.85 ×
2π0 h
ln( ab )
10−14 cm−1 · F ln(7.25 1
cm/4.75 cm) ' 20 pF. (v) The total energy density stored in the capacitor
2 2
Q2 dr
is u = 12 0 E 2 = 21 0 2πr 0h
. Then dU = udV = 1

2 0 2π0 rh 2πrhdr = 4π0h r
. Integrating we
Rb R b Q2 dr Q 2
find that U = a dU = a 4π0 h r = 4π 0h
ln(b/a). From part (iii) C = 2π0 h/ ln(b/a), therefore
Rb R b Q2 dr Q 2 Q2
U = a dU = a 4π0 h r = 4π0 h ln(b/a) = 2C = 12 C(∆V )2 , which agrees with that obtained above.

8. A capacitor is made of three sets of parallel plates of area A, with the two outer plates on the
left and the right connected together by a conducting wire as shown in Fig. 7. The outer plates are
separated by a distance d. The distance from the middle plate to the left plate is z. The distance
from the inner plate to the right plate is d − z. You may assume all three plates are very thin
compared to the distances d and z . Neglect edge effects. (i) The positive terminal of a battery
is connected to the outer plates. The negative terminal is connected to the middle plate. The
potential difference between the outer plates and inner plate is ∆V = V (z = 0) − V (z). Find the
capacitance of this system. (ii) Find the total energy stored in this system.

Solution When the battery is connected positive charges QL and QR appear on the outer plates
(on the inner facing surfaces) and negative charges −QL and −QR respectively appear on each side
of the inner plates. The plates on the left in Fig. 8 act as a capacitor arranged as show in Fig. 9.
This is a parallel plate capacitor with capacitance CL = QL /∆V . The plates on the right also act
as a capacitor with capacitance CR = QR /∆V . All the plates have the same area A so neglecting
edge effects we can use Gauss law to show that the magnitude of the electric field on the left is
EL = QL /0 A for parallel plates on the left. Because the electric field is uniform the potential
difference is ∆V = EL z = Q0LAz . Therefore the positive charge on the left satisfies QL = ∆V z0 A . A
similar argument applied to the plates on the right show that ∆V = ER (d − z) = Q0RA (d − z). Hence
the positive charge on the right satisfies QR = ∆V 0 A
d−z . The total positive charge at the higher
potential is the sum QL + QR capacitance of the capacitor is C = QL∆V +QR
. Wecan nowsubstitute
the equations above and solve for the capacitance C = ∆V 0 A ∆V 0 A 1 1 0 Ad
∆V z + ∆V (d−z) = 0 A z + d−z = z(d−z) .
Note: Because the outer plates are at the same potential you can think of these capacitors as
connected in parallel. Therefore the equivalent capacitance is C = CL + CR = ∆V + ∆V agreeing
0 Ad(∆V )2
with our result above. (ii) The stored energy is just U = 12 C(∆V )2 = 2z(d−z) .
9. Two flat, square metal plates have sides of length L, and thickness s/2, are arranged parallel
to each other with a separation of s, where s  L so you may ignore fringing fields. A charge
Q is moved from the upper plate to the lower plate. Now a force is applied to a third uncharged
conducting plate of the same thickness s/2 so that it lies between the other two plates to a depth
x, maintaining the same spacing s/4 between its surface and the surfaces of the other two. The
configuration is shown in Fig. 10. (i) What is the capacitance of this system? (ii) How much energy
is stored in the electric field? (iii) If the middle plate is released, it starts to move. Will it move to
the right or left? [Hint: If the middle plate moves to the left by a small positive amount ∆x, the
change in potential energy is approximately ∆U = (dU/dx)∆x. Will the stored potential energy
increase or decrease? (iv)) For a small displacement ∆x in the direction you determined in part
(iii), find the horizontal force exerted by the charge distribution on the outer plates acting on the
charges on the middle plate that cause it to move.

Solution: (i) Divide the plates into left and right sides. The area on the left is AL = L(L − x)
and the area on the right is AR = Lx. The charge densities on the two sides are shown in Fig.11.
The charge on the left isQL = σL L(L − x). The charge on the right is QR = σR (Lx). The elec-
tric field on the two sides is shown in Fig. 11. We can calculate the electric field on both sides
using Gauss law (neglecting edge effects). We find EL = σ/0 , ER = σ/0 . Because the electric
field is uniform on both sides (neglecting edge effects) ∆VL = EL s = σL s/0 . Note that on the
right side the electric field is zero in the middle conductor so ∆VR = σRs/4 0
+ σRs/4
σR s
20 . The
potential difference on the two sides are the same because the upper and lower plates are held
at the same potential difference ∆V ≡ ∆VL = ∆VR . Therefore we can solve for a relationship
between the charge densities on the two sides by setting the above equations equal to each other
σL s σR s σR
0 = 20 ; hence σL = 2 . The capacitance of the system is the total charge divided by the
potential difference C = QL∆V +QR
. Using our results for the charges and the potential difference
σL L(L−x)+σR Lx
we have that C = σL s/0 . We can now substitute the value of σL and find that the
σL(L−x)/2+σR Lx  [L(L−x)+2Lx]
capacitance is C = σR s/(20 ) = ) s = 0 L(L+x)
s . (ii) The energy stored in the
Q 2 2
Q s
capacitor is then U = 2C = 20 L(L+x) . (iii) If the middle plate moves
a positive distance ∆x to
the left resulting in a larger value of x, then the stored potential energy changes by an amount
Q2 s
∆U = dU dx ∆x = − 20 L(L+x)2 ∆x. This change is negative hence the middle plate will move to the
left decreasing the stored potential energy of the system. Because the change in potential energy
Q2 s
is negative, the work done by the electric forces is positive W = 20 L(L+x)2 ∆x. (iv) For a small

displacement in the positive x-direction, the work done is equal to W = F ∆x. Therefore the hor-
izontal force exerted by the charges on the outer plates acting on the charges on the middle plate
Q2 s
is given by F = 20 L(L+x) 2.

10. A flat conducting sheet A is suspended by an insulating thread between the surfaces formed
by the bent conducting sheet B as shown in Fig. 12. The sheets are oppositely charged, the differ-
ence in potential, in volts, is ∆V . This causes a force F , in addition to the weight of A, pulling A
downward. (i) What is the capacitance of this arrangement of conductors as a function of y, the
distance that plate A is inserted between the sides of plate B ? (ii) How much energy is needed to
increase the inserted distance by ∆y? (iii) Find an expression for the difference in potential ∆V
(d) What If? If C 3 is increased, what happens to the
charge stored by each of the capacitors? 2


C2 C3

Figure P26.22
Figure 1: Problem 1.

in terms of F and relevant dimensions shown in the figure.

23. Consider
Solution: a) We begintheby circuit
assuming the shown
plates are very P26.23,
and use Gauss where
law to calculate
1 ! 6.00 F,
electric "
field between theCplates! 3.00
~ · dA
E ~ =
F, Our
and #V
choice ! 20.0
of Gaussian V.
surface isCapacitor
shown in
~ · dA 2
~ = EAcap and q σA
~ = σ î, be-
Fig. 12. Then E =  . Thus, Gauss’ law implies that E
C 1theisplates.
tween firstNote
charged by the
that the potential

difference betweenof
theswitch S 1negative
positive and . Switch 
S 1 is
plates is

− V (−)opened, and  . the
So thecharged
surface chargecapacitor is σconnected
=  [V (+)−V . to
R x=0 (−)]
V (+) = − x=s Ex dx = σs 0
density is equal to s

The area between the plates is yb. Note that there is a charge on inner surface of the surrounding
sheet equaluncharged
to σyb, so the total capacitor by sheets
charge on the outer the isclosing
Q = 2σyb. of S 2. the
Therefore Calculate
the initial charge acquired by C 1 and the final charge on
Q 2σyb 2 yb
0 0
tance is C(y) = V (+)−V (−) = σs = s . (ii) If the inserted distance is increased by ∆y then
∆C = 2 s∆yb . Because the charge on the plates is fixed, the energy stored in the capacitor is given

by U Qcapacitor.
(y) = 2C(y) . Hence, when the inserted distance is increased by ∆y, the energy stored between 2
Q2 (−)]2 20 ∆yb
the plates decreases by ∆U = dU
dC ∆C
= − 2C
= 2 ∆C − [V (+)−V .
(iii) This decrease in
2 s
energy is used to pull the hanging plate in between the two positive charged plates. The work done
in pulling the hanging plate a distance ∆y is given by ∆W = Fy ∆y. By conservation of energy
(−)]2 20 ∆yb
0 = ∆U + ∆W = − [V (+)−V + Fy ∆y. We can solve this equation for the y-component of
the force Fy = 2
[V (+)−V (−)]2 20 b
or else find V (+) − V (−) =
0 b .
∆V C1 C2

S1 S2
Figure P26.23

24. According to its design specification, the timer circuit

group of capacitors in Figure P16.31. (b) Find the charge on and the
potential difference across each.
Problem 3 Dielectric
Using the rules for combining capacitors in series and in parallel,
the circuit is reduced in steps as shown below. The equivalent capacitor is
A dielectric rectangular
shown toslab
be a has
2 .00length s , width w , thickness d , and dielectric
µ F capacitor. constant
! . The slab is inserted4.00on µFthe right hand side of a parallel-plate capacitor consisting of
two conducting plates of width 3.00 w , µF
length L , and thickness d . The left hand side of the
6.00 µF 3.00 µF
capacitor of length L ! s is empty. The capacitor is charged up such that the left hand
2.00 µF

side has surface charge

a densitiesb ±! cL on the afacing b surfaces
c of athe top andc bottom plates
respectively and the right hand side has surface charge densities ±! R on the facing
2.00 µF
surfaces of the top and bottom plates respectively. The total charge on the entire top and
12.0 V 12.0 V 12.0 V
bottom plates is +Q and !Q respectively.
Figure 1
The charging
Figure 2
battery is then removed from the
Figure 3
circuit. Neglect all(b)edge
From effects.
Figure 3: Figure ac ( !V ) ac = ( 2 .00 µ F )( 12.0 V ) = 24.0 µ C
Q ac =2:CSolution of problem 1.
From Figure 2: Q ab = Q bc = Q ac = 24.0 µC
Thus, the charge on the 3.00 µF capacitor is Q 3 = 24.0 µ C
Q ab 24.0 µC
Continuing to use Figure 2, ( !V ) ab = = = 4.00 V ,
C ab 6.00 µF
Q bc 24.0 µ C
and ( !V )3 = ( !V ) bc = = = 8.00 V
C bc 3.00 µF
From Figure 1, ( !V )4 = ( !V ) 2 = ( !V ) ab = 4.00 V
and Q 4 = C4 ( !V ) 4 = ( 4.00 µF ) ( 4.00 V ) = 16.0 µC
Q 2 = C2 ( !V ) 2 = ( 2.00 µF )( 4.00 V ) = 8.00 µC

828 C H A Chapt16, Capacitance

P T E R 2 6 •Problem-44: and Dielectrics
Two capacitors C = 25.0 µF and C
1 2 = 5.00 µF are connected in p
and charged with a 100-V Figure
power supply. (a) Calculate
3: Problem 2.
the total energy stored in the two capacitors.
a) Find an expression
potential for the magnitude of the electric field EL on the left hand
difference would be required across
combination store the same energy as in (a)?
the same two capacitors connected side
in series in order t

in terms ofS! o nR: , ! , s , w , L , ! 0 , and d as needed.

o lLu ,t i !
(a) When connected in parallel, the energy stored is
1 1 1
b) Find an expression
W = for the
C 1( !V )2magnitude 2
+ C 2 ( !V ) = of( C the
1+ C 2 ) ( !V )
field ER on the right hand
2 2 2
side in terms of ! L , ! R= ,1 !(25.0
, s+, 5.00
[ L , "6!F0 ,(100
w ,) !10 andV )d2 =as0.150
] needed.
(b) When connected in series, the equivalent capacitance
2 is d/2
! 1 1 $
c) Find an d C eq = #
expression that + & µF = 4.17 µF
5.00 % 1the surface
" 25.0relates charge densities ! L and ! R in terms of
! , s , w , From
L , !W κ3
the potential difference required to store the same energy as in part (a) ab
0 , and
= 2 C eq (d!Vas) ,needed.
2W 2 ( 0.150 J )
!V = = = 268 V
d) What is the total charge +Q on the entire top plate? Express your answer in terms
C eq 4.17 "10 F

of ! L , ! R , ! , s , w , L , ! 0 , and d as needed.

Figure P26.61
Figure 4: Problem 3.
e) What is the capacitance of this system? Express your answer in terms of ! , s ,
w , L , ! 0 , and d as needed.
Figure 5: Problem 5.
nclosed charge is Qenc = +Q , and the electric field is everywhere perpendicu
rface. Thus Gauss’s Law becomes
Problem 10: Cylindrical Capacitor

Consider two nested cylindrical conductors of height h and radii a & b respectively. A
charge +Q is evenly distributed on the2 outerQsurface of the pailQ
(the inner cylinder), -Q on
E !(the r =cylinder).
$ YouE =may ignore
the inner surface of the shield
#0 4"# 0 r 2edge effects.

s, the electric field is exactly the same as that for a point charge.
# Q
! % r̂ for a < r < b
a) E=
Calculate the electric field 4!"
$ between
r 6: Problem
0 the
Figure two cylinders
7. (a < r < b).
%0 elsewhere
b) &
Calculate the potential difference between the two cylinders:

c) Calculate the capacitance of this system, C = Q/DV

now the positively charged inner sheet is at a higher potential so we shall calcu
d) Numerically evaluate the capacitance, given: h ≅ 15 cm, a ≅ 4.75 cm and b ≅ 7.25
et creates a the wire. Ignore the other conductors of the transmission
magnitude line and assume the electric field is everywhere purely
are positive charges Q and Q appear on the outer plates (on

in the above figure act as a capacitor arranged as show in the figure

rying oppo- radial.
respectively appear on

all distance 57. Two large parallel metal plates are oriented horizontally
ric field in and separated by a distance 3d. A grounded conducting
E " Q /A !. wire joins them, and initially each plate carries no charge.
o potential. Now a third identical plate carrying charge Q is inserted
ial Q d/A!. between the two plates, parallel to them and located a dis-

of plates is
tance d from the upper plate, as in Figure P26.57.

(a) What induced charge appears on each of the two origi-

nal plates? (b) What potential difference appears between

the middle plate and each of the other plates? Each plate

has area A.
P26.54, find

m, (b) the

ge on each

is connected
A capacitor is made of three sets of parallel plates of area A , with the two outer plates on

separated by a distance d . The distance from the middle plate to the left plate is z . The
distance from the inner plate to the right plate is d ! z . You may assume all three plates

outer plates and inner plate is !V = V (z = 0) " V (z) . Find the capacitance of this
side of the inner plate.
Figure 7: Problem 8.
e group.


outer plates


the battery

on the



When The


the left and the right connected together by a conducting wire.

are very thin compared to the distances d and z . Neglect edgeeach

a) The positive terminal of a battery is connected to theThe

terminal is connected to the middle plate. TheFigure

Figure P26.57
58. A 2.00-nF parallel-plate capacitor is charged to an initial

b) Find the total energy stored in this system.

potential difference &Vi " 100 V and then isolated. The

Problem 11 Capacitance of Multiple Plates

dielectric material between the plates is mica, with a
dielectric constant of 5.00. (a) How much work is required
to withdraw the mica sheet? (b) What is the potential
difference of the capacitor after the mica is withdrawn?
ach of area 59. A parallel-plate capacitor is constructed using a

stance d " dielectric material whose dielectric constant is 3.00
ected to the and whose dielectric strength is 2.00 ' 108 V/m. The

sitive termi- desired capacitance is 0.250 %F, and the capacitor must
ce of 12.0 V. withstand a maximum potential difference of 4 000 V. Find
what is the the minimum area of the capacitor plates.

The plates on the left in the above figure act as a capacitor arranged as show in the figure

plates on left
Problem 12: Capacitance, Stored Energy, and Electrostatic Work plates on right

Two flat, square metal plates have sides of length L , and thickness s 2 , are
This is parallel plate
arranged capacitor
parallel to each
Figure with
9: other
More oncapacitance
with athe
solution ,C
of sof = sQ<<L 8.L/ !V
. The
so you plates
may ignore on the right
fringing fields. A charge Q is moved from the upper plate to the lower plate. Now a
also act as aforce
is applied with capacitance
to a third C R =plate
uncharged conducting !V
QRof/the . All
same the splates
thickness 2 so thathave
it the same area
lies between the other two plates to a depth x , maintaining the same spacing s 4
A so neglecting edge effects we can use Gauss’s Law to show that the magnitude of the
between its surface and the surfaces of the other two.
electric field on the left is E L = QL / ! 0 A for parallel plates on the left. Because the
electric field is uniform the potential difference is

!V = E L z = QL z / " 0 A .

Therefore the positive charge

a) What is the on ofthe
capacitance thisleft satisfies
Figure 10: Problem 9.
b) How much energy is stored in the electric field?

c) If the middle plate is released, it starts to move. Will it move to the right or left?
Hint: If the middle plate moves to the left by a small positive amount !x , the
change in potential energy is approximately !U ! (dU / dx)!x . Will the stored
The electric
potential energy increase field on the two sides is shown in the figure below.
or decrease?

d) For a small displacement !x in the direction you determined in part c), find the
horizontal force exerted by the charge distribution on the outer plates acting on
the charges on the middle plate that cause it to move.


a) What is the capacitance of this system?

The electric field on the two sidesDivide

is shown We can calculate the electric field on both sides using Gauss’s Law (neglecting edge
the in the figure
plates below.
left and11:
right sides. Theofarea 9. is AL = L( L ! x) and the
on the left
We find problem
area on the right is AR = Lx . The charge densities on the two sides are shown in the
figure below. The charge on the left is QL = ! L L( L " x) . EThe L
= !charge
/ " 0 , onEthe
=! / "is
R 0

QR = ! LR (Lx) .
Because the electric field is uniform on both sides (neglecting edge effects)

" Ls
!VL = E L s = (1)
nd Force in a Capacitor

t A is suspended by an insulating thread between the surfaces

ducting sheet B as shown in the figure on the left. The sheets are
difference in potential, in volts, is !V . This causes a force F , in
f A , pulling A downward.

acitance of this arrangement of conductors as aE! function
Figure 12: Problem 10.
" ! d a = EAcapof y , the
and between the sides of plate B ?
te A is inserted
1 1
gy is needed to increase the inserted distance q =
enc !y ?
" Acap .
! 0 by !0
Thus Gauss’s Law implies that
on for the difference in potential !V in terms of F and relevant
wn in the figure. ! 1
E = " î , between the plates .

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