Motion in A Straight Line Class 11

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Motion in a Straight
Line Class 11
Important Extra
Questions Physics
Chapter 3
July 22, 2021 by Prasanna

Here we are providing Class 11 Physics Important

Extra Questions and Answers Chapter 3 Motion in a
Straight Line. Important Questions for Class 11
Physics with Answers are the best resource for
students which helps in Class 11 board exams.

Class 11 Physics Chapter 3

Important Extra Questions
Motion in a Straight Line
Motion in a Straight Line
Important Extra Questions Very
Short Answer Type
The Velocity Calculator is a handy physics tool to
quickly get your answer.

Question 1.
Can a moving body have relative velocity zero with
respect to another body? Give an example.
Yes, two trains running on two parallel tracks with the
same velocity in the same direction.

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projectile motion step by step.

Question 2.
Can there be motion in two dimensions with
acceleration in only one dimension?
Yes, projectile motion.

Question 3.
Is it true that a body is always at rest in a frame that
is Wxed to the body itself?

Question 4.
Tell under what condition a body moving with
uniform velocity can be in equilibrium?
When the net force on the body is zero.

Question 5.
What does the speedometer records: the average
speed or the instantaneous speed?
It records (or measures) the instantaneous speed.

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Question 6.
Can an object be accelerated without speeding up or
slowing down? Give examples,
Yes, circular motion.

Question 7.
Is it possible to have the rate of change of velocity
constant while the velocity itself changes both in
magnitude and direction? Give an example.
Yes, in projectile motion.

Question 8.
Which motion is exactly represented by Δs = vΔt?
It Represents motion with uniform velocity.

Question 9.
In which frame of reference is the body always at
The body is always at rest in the frame attached to it
i. e. inertial frame of reference.

Question 10.
What is common between the two graphs shown in
Wgs, (a) and (b)?

Both these graphs represent that the velocity is


Question 11.
What is common between the two graphs shown in
Wgs, (a) and (b)?

Both these graphs represent that velocity is positive.

Question 12.
What is meant by a point object in Physics?
An object is said to be a point object if its dimensions
are very small as compared to the distance covered
by it.

Question 13.
The displacement of a body is zero. Is the distance
covered by it is necessarily zero?

Question 14.
Which of the velocity or speed is measured by the
speedometer of a vehicle?

Question 15.
Can you think of a situation where a body falling
under gravity has constant velocity? Give example.
Yes, the terminal velocity of a body.

Question 16.
Give an example of a motion which even though is
accelerated motion yet it is called uniform motion.
Uniform circular motion.

Question 17.
How many-dimensional motion does the following
(a) Train moving fast on its track.
One dimensional motion.

(b) A lizard moving on a wall in a room.

Two-dimensional motion.

(c) Kite gying in the sky.


(d) Bee gying in a closed room.

Three-dimensional motion.

Question 18.
When is the average velocity over an interval of time
becomes equal to instantaneous velocity?
When the velocity is constant.

Question 19.
A coolie carries a bag of luggage from one side of a
platform to another side on the same platform. How
far vertically the load is shifted?

Question 20.
The displacement of a body is proportional to the
square of time along a straight line. Is the body
moving with constant velocity or constant
It is moving with constant acceleration.

Question 21.
When the train in which you are sitting starts moving
by the side of another train without jerks, you Wnd
that the other train is moving but when you look to
the platform you Wnd that your train is moving. Name
the phenomenon responsible for such a motion.
Relative velocity is the phenomenon responsible for
such a motion.

Question 22.
Under what condition the magnitude of the average
velocity of a particle is equal to the average speed?
The magnitude of the average velocity of a particle is
equal to the average speed if it moves with constant

Question 23.
Two particles A and B are moving along the same
straight line with B being ahead of A. Velocities
remaining unchanged, what would be the effect on
the magnitude of relative velocity if A is ahead of B? ’
The magnitude of the relative velocity will remain the
same i.e. no effect on its magnitude.

Question 24.
DeWne the speed of the object.
The speed of an object is deWned as the distance
covered by it per unit of time.

Question 25.
Why the speed of an object cannot be negative?
The speed of an object cannot be negative because
the distance can never be negative.

Question 26.
Can a body have zero velocity and still accelerating?

Question 27.
Can the direction of the velocity of a body change,
when acceleration is constant?

Question 28.
Is the acceleration of a car is greater when the
accelerator is pushed to the goor or when the brake
pedal is pushed hard?
The acceleration of the car is greater when the brake
pedal is pushed hard because the car comes to rest
suddenly i. e. the rate of change of velocity of the car
is large in this case, so the acceleration.

Question 29.
The displacement is given by x = 2 + 4t + 5t2. Find the
value of instantaneous acceleration.
d2 x
a = 2 = 10

Question 30.
A stone is thrown vertically upwards from the surface
of Earth. What is the direction of the velocity and
acceleration of the stone?
(a) on its upward motion
Velocity is vertically upward and acceleration is
vertically downward.

(b) on its downward motion?

Both velocity and acceleration are vertically

Question 31.
Can Earth be regarded as a point object if only the
orbital motion of Earth around the Sun is considered?
Yes. This is because the size of Earth is very small as
compared to the size of the orbit of the Earth around
the Sun.

Question 32.
The motion of two persons is shown by two straight
lines on a displacement time graph intersecting each
other at a certain point. What information do you get
from the point of intersection?
This means that the two persons cross each other at
a certain place at a given instant of time.

Question 33.
Following two equations represents the x – t relation
for the motion of an objects.
x (t) = x(0) + v(0)t + 12 at2
and x(t) = v(0)t + 12 at2
What is the difference between them?
The Wrst equation is a more general form of motion
as it contains information regarding the initial
position of the object.

Question 34.
Can the speed of a body change if its velocity is
constant? Why?
No, the speed of a body cannot change if its velocity
is constant which means that both the magnitude
and direction of velocity do not change. The
magnitude of velocity is speed, so speed cannot

Question 35.
If the instantaneous velocity of a particle is zero, will
its instantaneous acceleration be necessarily zero?

Question 36.
What is the shape of the displacement time graph of
a particle having an average velocity equal to its
instantaneous velocity?
In this case, the velocity is uniform, so the x – t graph
is a straight line.

Question 37.
Can there be a two-dimensional motion with
acceleration in one dimension only? Give example.
Yes, a projectile motion which is two-dimensional
one has acceleration only in one dimension i.e.
vertically downward.

Question 38.
Under what condition will the distance and
displacement of a moving object will have the same
The distance and displacement of a moving object
will have the same magnitude when it is moving with
uniform velocity along a straight line.

Question 39.
Under what condition an object in motion cannot be
considered a point object?
A moving object cannot be considered as a point
object if its size is not negligible as compared to the
distance travelled by it.

Question 40.
DeWne a point object.
It is deWned as an object having dimensions (length,
breadth, thickness etc.) very small as compared to
the distance covered by it.

Question 41.
Is the following graph possible for the motion of a
particle moving along a straight line?


Question 42.
Explain why the graph in the above question is not
This is because the speed for a given time is negative
and speed is always positive.

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Question 43.
Why the following graph is not possible for the
motion of a particle moving along a straight line?

This is because here the path length decreases with
time while it must either increase or must remain

Question 44.
What happens to kinematic equations under time
The kinematic equations of motion don’t change in
the form under time reversal i.e. if t is replaced by -t.

Question 45.
What happens to the uniform motion of a body when
it is given an acceleration at right angles to its
The body will come in a circular motion when it is
given an acceleration at right angles to its motion.

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Question 46.
To deal with physical phenomena, we consider
objects even as big as Sun a point objects. Can you
name physical phenomena in which Earth cannot be
taken as a point object?
The occurrence of solar or lunar eclipse does not
allow Earth to be taken as a point object otherwise
the phenomena cannot be explained.

Question 47.
The average velocity of a body moving with uniform
acceleration is given by 12 (u + v). Ii the acceleration
changes from point to point can the average velocity
be still given by this expression? Give reason.
No, the average velocity cannot be given by 12 (u + v)
in case the acceleration varies from point to point i.e.
if it is not uniform. This is because the slope of the v-t
graph does not remain the same at all points.

Question 48.
Acceleration is deWned as the rate of change of
velocity. Suppose we call the rate of change of
acceleration SLAP. Then (i) What is the unit of SLAP.
SLAP = Acceleration/time (By deWnition).

∴ Its unit will be = ms -3
 s = ms .

(ii) How can you calculate instantaneous SLAP?

Average SLAP = ∆a

∴ Instantaneous SLAP = Limiting value of average


Question 49.
Why is the time stated twice in stating acceleration?
Since acceleration is the double rate of change of

i. e. a = d x2 , so time is stated twice in stating

Question 50.
Separate the following in one, two and three-
dimensional motion :
(a) a kite gying on a windy day.
(b) an insect crawling on a globe.
(c) a carom coin rebounding from the side of the
(d) a planet revolving around its star.
(e) the motion of a boat.
(f) the motion of a dropped body.
(g) the motion of a tennis ball.
(h) a charged particle moving under an electric Weld.
(i) movement of a saw while cutting wood.
(j) molecular motion.
(k) a charged particle moving under a magnetic Weld.

One dimensional motion : (e), (f), (i)

Two dimensional motion : (b), (c), (d), (g), (h),
Three dimensional motion : (a), (j).

Motion in a Straight Line

Important Extra Questions Short
Answer Type
Question 1.
Prove that the average velocity of a particle over an
interval of time is either smaller than or equal to the
average speed of the particle over the same interval.
Average velocity is deWned as the ratio of the total
displacement to the total time. Average speed is
deWned as the ratio of the total distance to the total
time. Since displacement is less than or equal to the
distance, therefore the average velocity is less than
or equal to the average speed.

Question 2.
Two trains each of the length 109 m and 91 m are
moving in opposite directions with velocities 34 km
h-1 and 38 km h-1 respectively. At what time the two
trains will completely cross each other?

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