HES 005 P2 Coverage and Drug Study Guide

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Course Title Pharmacology

PEN Code HES 005
Course Credit 3 units Lecture
Course Schedule MT (7:00-11:00; 1:00-5:00) / ThF (7:00-11:00; 1:00-5:00)

This course deals with pharmacodynamics, pharmacokinetics, clinical/therapeutic uses, and toxicology of drugs, which are all necessary for nurses
to understand since nursing responsibilities include, but are not limited to administering drugs, assessing drug effects, intervening to make drug
intake more tolerable, and providing teachings about drugs and drug regimen. Emphasis is given on how drugs work to achieve their maximum
therapeutic effects while ensuring patient’s safety.

At the end of the course and given relevant actual or simulated situations/ conditions, the student will be able to:
1. Apply concept and principles of pharmacology to ensure safe and proper use of drugs
2. Explain the action, therapeutic use, preparation, dosage, mode of administration of selected drugs and medicinal plants
3. State precautionary measures to be observed in the administration of selected drugs
4. Discuss the roles and responsibilities of the nurse in pharmacology

Course Content
Coverage for P2 and Guide for Drugs Study
Chapter 5: Drugs acting on the Autonomic Nervous System
• Adrenergic Agonists
o Alpha- and Beta-Adrenergic Agonist
o Alpha- Specific Adrenergic Agonists
o Beta- Specific Adrenergic Agonists
• Adrenergic Antagonists
o Nonselective Adrenergic Blocking Agents
o Nonselective Alpha- Adrenergic Blocking Agents
o Alpha, - Selective Adrenergic Blocking Agents
o Nonselective Beda – Adrenergic Blocking Agents
o Beta1- Selective Adrenergic Blocking Agents
• Cholinergic Agonists
o Direct- Acting Cholinergic Agonists
o Indirect-Acting Cholinergic Agonist
§ Agents for Myasthenia Gravis
§ Agents for Alzheimer’s Disease
• Cholinergic blocking agents/ Anticholinergic Agents
o Anticholinergic Agents/Parasympathoytics

Chapter 6: Drugs acting on the Endocrine System

• Overview
• Hypothalamic and Pituitary agents
o Hypothalamic Hormones
§ Agonist
§ Antagonist
o Drugs Affecting Anterior Pituitary Hormones
§ Growth Hormones Agonist
§ Growth Hormones Antagonist
o Drugs affectinf other Anterior Pituitary Hormones
o Drugs Affecting Posterior Pituitary Hormones
• Adrenocortical agents
§ Glucocorticoids
§ Mineralocorciticoids
• Thyroid and Parathyroid agents
o Thyroid Agents
§ Thyroid Hormones
§ Anti Hypercalcemic Agents
• Bisphosphonates
§ Antithyroid Agents
• Thiomides
• Iodine Solutions
o Parathyriod Agents
§ Antihypocalcemic
§ Calcitonines
• Antidiabetic agents
o Insulin

o Sulfonylureas and other Antidiabetic Agents
§ First – Generation Sulfonylureas
§ Second- Generation Sulfonylureas
o Other Antidiabitetic Agents
§ Alpha- Glucosidase Inhibitors
§ Biguanide
§ Dipeptidyl Peptidase – Inhibitors
§ Glucagon – like Polypeptide Receptor Agonist
§ Human Amylins
§ Incretin Mimetic
§ Meglitinides
§ Sodium- Glucose Cotranporter – 2 Inhibitors
o Glucose – Elevating Agents

Chapter 8: Drugs acting on the cardiovascular system

• Introduction
• Anti-Hypertensive Drugs
o Drugs affecting the Renin Angiotensin – Aldosterone System
§ Angiotensin – Converting Enzyme Inhibitors
o Vasodilators
o Vasodilators for Pulmonary Artery Hypertension
o Other Antihypertensive Agents
§ Diuretics
§ Sympathetic Nervous System Drugs
§ Angiotensin II Receptors Blockers
§ Renin inhibitors
o Calcium Channel Blockers
o Antihypotensive Agents
§ Sympathetic Adrenergic Agonists or Vasopressors
• Cardiotonic agents
o Cardiac Gycoside
o Phosphodiesterase Inhibitor
o Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic Nucleotide– Gated Channel Blockers/HCN Blocker
• Anti-Arrhythmic agents
o Antiarrhythmic Agents
§ Class I Antiarrhythmics
§ Class II Antiarrhythmics
§ Class III Antiarrhythmics
§ Class IV Antiarrhythmics
§ Other Antiarrhythmics
• Anti-Anginal agents
o Nitrates
o Beta- Blockers
o Calcium- Channel Blockers
o Piperazine Acetamide
• Lipid Lowering agents
o Bile Acid Sequestrants
o Other Lipid Lowering Agents
§ Fibrates
§ HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
§ Vitamin B
§ Omega – 3 fatty Acids
§ Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitors
• Drugs affecting Blood Coagulations
o Drugs affecting Clot Formation and Resolution
§ Antiplatelet
§ Anticoagulants
§ Thrombolytic Agents
§ Other drugs Affecting Clot Formation
• Low Molecular Weight Heparin
• Anticoagulant Adjunctive Therapy
• Hemorrheologic Agent
o Drugs used to Control Bleeding
§ Antihemophillic
§ Hemostatic Agents
• Systemic
• Topical
• Drugs used to treat Anemias
o Erythopoiesis – Stimulating Agents
o Agents used for iron deficiency anemia
o Agents used for other anemias
§ Agents for Megaloblastic Anemia
• Folic Acid Derivatives
• Vit B12
§ Agents for Sickle cell anemia
Chapter 9: Drugs acting on Renal System

• Introduction
• Diuretics (Potassium sparing/wasting, Osmotic)
o Diuretics
§ Thiozide Diuretics
§ Thiazide – like Diuretics
o Loop Diuretics
o Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
o Potassium Sparring Diuretics
o Osmotic Diuretics
• Parenteral Fluids
o (isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic)
• Electrolytes
o (sodium, potassium, chloride)
Chapter 10: Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System
• Overview
• Drugs Acting on the Upper Respiratory Tract
o Antitussives
o Decongestants
o Antihistamines
o Expectorant
o Mucolytics
• Drugs Acting on the Lower Respiratory Tract
o Bronchodilators/Antiasthmatics
§ Xanthines
§ Sypmathomimetics
§ Anthicholinergics
o Drugs affecting inflammation
§ Inhaled Steriods
§ Leukotriene Receptors Antagonists
o Lung Surfactants
§ Drugs for Pulmonary Fibrosis
Chapter 11: Drugs acting on the Gastrointestinal System
• Overview
• Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Secretions
o Histamine- 2 Antagonists
o Antacids
o Proton Pump Inhibitors
o Gastrointestinal Protectant
o Prostaglandin
o Drugs used to treat digestive Enzyme Dysfunction
• Drugs Affecting Gastrointestinal Motility
o Laxatives
§ Chemical Stimulants
§ Bulk Stimulants
§ Lubricants
§ Gastrointestinal Stimulants
§ Antidiarrheals
§ Irritable Bowel Syndrome Drugs
• Anti-emetic agents
o Phenothiazines
o Nonphenothiazines
o 5HT3, Receptor Blockers
o Substance P/ Neurokinin 1 Receptor Antagonist

List of some emergency drugs

• Emergency drugs for cardiac disorders
o Nitroglycerine
o Morphine sulphate
o Atropine sulfate
o Isoproteronol
o Adenosine
o Verapamil
o Diltiazem
o Lidocaine
o Amiodarone
o Procainamide
o Magnesium sulfate
o Epinephrine
o Vasopressin
o Sodium bicarbonate
• Emergency drugs for neurosurgical disorders
o Mannitol
o Methylprednisolone
o Emergency drugs for poisoning

o Naloxone
o Flumazenil
o Activated charcoal
o Emergency drugs for shock
o Dopamine
o Dobutamine
o Norepinephrine
o Epinephrine
o Albuterol
o Diphenhydramine Hcl
o Dextrose 50%
o Glucagon
• Emergency drug for hypertensive crisis & pulmonary edema
o Labetalol
o Sodium nitroprusside
o Furosemide
o Morphin sulphate

------------------------------- Summative Examination---------------------------

--------------------------------- P2 Examination------------------------------------
---------------------------------- Radblock Examination--------------------------

Course Requirements:
• Assignments/Projects, Quizzes, Recitation/ Class Participation, Unit Examinations, Drug Study
• The students are also expected to pass the major examinations given for this course: P1, P2, RBE
Grading System:
A zero-based grade equivalent in all major exams and quizzes, with a score of 60 as a passing grade.
Grades are computed using the following formula:


• Class Standing (Quiz/SAS/Conduct/Assignments etc.) 50% + Periodic Exam (P1,P2Long Exam)50% = Periodic Grade


PG= (ASP + APT)/ 2
ASP refers to Class Standing
APT refers to Periodic Exam Score


FG= (P1*0.30) + (P2*0.30) + (RBE*0.40)
P1 refers to First Periodic Grade
P2 refers to Second Periodic Grade
RBE refers to RadBlock Examination


“Pharmacology A Patient Centered Nursing Process Approach” 10th Edition by Lynda E. MacCuistion
“Focus on Nursing Pharmacology” Fifth Edition by Amy M. Karch
“Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach” Second Edition by Gloria D. Picker

Prepared by:

Justiniano J. Medel Jr. RN.

Noted by:

Risa Pekitpekit Chua RN, MAN, Ed.D

Level II- Chairman

Jill Marie T. Cabrera - Hermogenes, Ed.D, MAN

Assistant Dean


Michelle B. Yu, RN, MAN, DM


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