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Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15

REVIEW Open Access

Energy and sustainable development in Nigeria:

the way forward
Sunday Olayinka Oyedepo

Access to clean modern energy services is an enormous challenge facing the African continent because energy is
fundamental for socioeconomic development and poverty eradication. Today, 60% to 70% of the Nigerian
population does not have access to electricity. There is no doubt that the present power crisis afflicting Nigeria will
persist unless the government diversifies the energy sources in domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors and
adopts new available technologies to reduce energy wastages and to save cost. This review examines a set of
energy policy interventions, which can make a major contribution to the sustainable economic, environmental, and
social development of Africa's most populated country, Nigeria. Energy efficiency leads to important social benefits,
such as reducing the energy bills for poor households. From an economic point of view, implementing the
country's renewable energy target will have significant costs, but these can partly be offset by selling carbon credits
according to the rules of the ‘Clean Development Mechanism’ agreed some 10 years ago, which will result in
indirect health benefits.
Nigeria could benefit from the targeted interventions that would reduce the local air pollution and help the
country to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. Many factors that need to be considered and appropriately addressed
in the shift to its sustainable energy future are examined in this article. These include a full exploitation and
promotion of renewable energy resources, energy efficiency practices, as well as the application of energy
conservation measures in various sectors such as in the construction of industrial, residential, and office buildings, in
transportation, etc.
Keywords: Sustainable energy, Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, Energy conservation

Review and the increase in the living standard of whole societies.

Background The per capita energy consumption is a measure of the
Energy plays the most vital role in the economic growth, per capita income as well as a measure of the prosperity
progress, and development, as well as poverty eradica- of a nation [2].
tion and security of any nation. Uninterrupted energy Energy supports the provision of basic needs such as
supply is a vital issue for all countries today. Future eco- cooked food, a comfortable living temperature, lighting,
nomic growth crucially depends on the long-term avail- the use of appliances, piped water or sewerage, essential
ability of energy from sources that are affordable, health care (refrigerated vaccines, emergency, and inten-
accessible, and environmentally friendly. Security, cli- sive care), educational aids, communication (radio, tele-
mate change, and public health are closely interrelated vision, electronic mail, the World Wide Web), and
with energy [1]. Energy is an important factor in all the transport. Energy also fuels productive activities includ-
sectors of any country's economy. The standard of living ing agriculture, commerce, manufacturing, industry, and
of a given country can be directly related to the per mining. Conversely, a lack of access to energy contri-
capita energy consumption. The recent world's energy butes to poverty and deprivation and can contribute to
crisis is due to two reasons: the rapid population growth the economic decline. Energy and poverty reduction are
not only closely connected with each other, but also with
the socioeconomic development, which involves prod-
*Correspondence: [email protected] uctivity, income growth, education, and health [3].
Mechanical Engineering Department, Covenant University, Ota 2023, Nigeria

© 2012 Oyedepo; licensee Springer. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 2 of 17

The energy crisis, which has engulfed Nigeria for al- average electrical energy generated by the Power Hold-
most two decades, has been enormous and has largely ing Company of Nigeria (PHCN). With a 10% conserva-
contributed to the incidence of poverty by paralyzing in- tive conversion efficiency, the available solar energy
dustrial and commercial activities during this period. resource is about 23 times the Energy Commission of
The Council for Renewable Energy of Nigeria estimates Nigeria's (ECN) projection of the total final energy de-
that power outages brought about a loss of 126 billion mand for Nigeria in the year 2030 [9]. To enhance the
naira (US$ 984.38 million) annually [4]. Apart from the developmental trend in the country, there is every need
huge income loss, it has also resulted in health hazards to support the existing unreliable energy sector with a
due to the exposure to carbon emissions caused by con- sustainable source of power supply through solar energy.
stant use of ‘backyard generators’ in different households Moreover, many indigenous researchers have also
and business enterprises, unemployment, and high cost explored the availability of wind energy sources in Ni-
of living leading to a deterioration of living conditions. geria with a view of implementing them if there is a like-
Moreover, according to the Central Bank estimate in lihood for their usage. Adekoya and Adewale [10]
1985, Nigeria consumed 8,771,863 tonnes of oil equiva- analyzed the wind speed data of 30 stations in Nigeria,
lent [5]. This is equal to about 180,000 barrels of oil per determining the annual mean wind speeds and power
day. Since then, oil consumption in Nigeria has drastic- flux densities, which vary from 1.5 to 4.1 m/s to 5.7 to
ally increased. The effect of this increase on the econ- 22.5 W/m2, respectively. Fagbenle and Karayiannis [11]
omy relying solely on revenue from oil is tremendous. carried out a 10-year wind data analysis from 1979 to
Also, the Department for Petroleum Resources [6] 1988, considering the surface and upper winds as well as
reported an amount of petroleum of more than 78% of the maximum gusts, whereas Ngala et al. [12] performed
the total energy consumption in Nigeria. In the present a statistical analysis of the wind energy potential in Mai-
predicament as a nation, it is obvious that depending duguri, Borno State, using the Weibull distribution and
mainly on fossil fuel (petroleum) is not enough to meet 10-year (1995 to 2004) wind data. A cost benefit analysis
the energy needs of the country. Since Nigeria is blessed was also performed using the wind energy conversion
with abundant renewable energy resources such as systems for electric power generation and supply in the
hydroelectric, solar, wind, tidal, and biomass, there is a State. Each of these reports point to the fact that the na-
need to harness these resources and chart a new energy tion is blessed with a vast opportunity for harvesting
future for Nigeria. In this regard, the government has a wind for electricity production, particularly at the core
responsibility to make renewable energy available and af- northern states, the mountainous parts of the central
fordable to all. and eastern states, and also the offshore areas, where
Many indigenous researchers have looked into the wind is abundantly available throughout the year. The
availability of renewable energy resources in Nigeria with issue then is for the country to look at ways of harnes-
a view to establishing their viability in the country. sing resources towards establishing wind farms in vari-
Onyebuchi [7] estimated the technical potential of solar ous regions and zones that have been identified as
energy in Nigeria with a 5% device conversion efficiency possessing abilities for the harvesting of wind energy.
put at 15.0 × 1014 kJ of useful energy annually. This Akinbami [13] reported that the total hydroelectric
equates to about 258.62 million barrels of oil equivalent power potential of the country was estimated to be
annually, which corresponds to the current national an- about 8,824 MW with an annual electricity generation
nual fossil fuel production in the country. This will also potential in excess of 36,000 GW h. This consists of
amount to about 4.2 × 105 GW/h of electricity produc- 8,000 MW of large hydropower technology, while the
tion annually, which is about 26 times the recent annual remaining 824 MW is still small-scale hydropower tech-
electricity production of 16,000 GW/h in the country. In nology. Presently, 24% and 4% of both large and small
their work, Chineke and Igwiro [8] show that Nigeria hydropower potentials, respectively, in the country have
receives abundant solar energy that can be usefully har- been exploited.
nessed with an annual average daily solar radiation of Akinbami et al.'s assessment [14] indicated that the
about 5.25 kW h/m2/day. This varies between 3.5 kW h/ identified feedstock substrate for an economically feas-
m2/day at the coastal areas and 7 kW h/m2/day at the ible biogas program in Nigeria includes water lettuce,
northern boundary. The average amount of sunshine water hyacinth, dung, cassava leaves, urban refuse, solid
hours all over the country is estimated to be about 6.5 h. (including industrial) waste, agricultural residues, and
This gives an average annual solar energy intensity of sewage. The authors' views include the following: Nigeria
1,934.5 kW h/m2/year; thus, over the course of a year, produces about 227,500 tonnes of fresh animal wastes
an average of 6,372,613 PJ/year (approximately 1,770 daily. Since 1 kg of fresh animal wastes produces about
TW h/year) of solar energy falls on the entire land area 0.03 m3 gas, then Nigeria could produce about 6.8 mil-
of Nigeria. This is about 120,000times the total annual lion m3 of biogas every day. In addition to all these,
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 3 of 17

20 kg of municipal solid wastes per capital has been esti- Table 1 Nigeria's energy reserves/capacity as in
mated to be generated in the country annually. December 2005
The prime objectives of this paper are (1) to review Resource type Reserves Reserves Reserves
the current status of the energy resources, the energy (BTOE)c (× 107) TJ
demand, and supply in Nigeria and (2) to explore the Crude oil 36.2 billion barrels 4.896 20.499
prospects of utilizing renewable energy resources and to Natural gas 166 trillion SCF 4.465 18.694
increase the energy efficiency as a possible means of sus- Coal and lignite 2.7 billion tonnes 1.882 7.879
tainable development in Nigeria. Tar sands 31 billion barrels of 4.216 17.652
oil equivalent
Energy situation in Nigeria Subtotal Fossil 15.459 64.724
Nigeria is Africa's energy giant. It is the continent's most
Hydropower, 11,000 MW 0.0341/year
prolific oil-producing country, which, along with Libya, large Scale
accounts for two-thirds of Africa's crude oil reserves. It Hydropower, 3,250 MW 0.0101/year
ranks second to Algeria in natural gas [15]. Most of Afri- small Scale
ca's bitumen and lignite reserves are found in Nigeria. In Fuel wood 13,071,464 hab
its mix of conventional energy reserves, Nigeria is simply
Animal waste 61 million tonnes/year
unmatched by any other country on the African contin-
Crop residue 83 million tonnes/year
ent. It is not surprising therefore that energy export is
the mainstay of the Nigerian economy. Also, primary en- Solar radiation 3.5 to 7.0 kW h/m2/day
ergy resources dominate the nation's industrial raw ma- Wind 2 to4 m/s (annual average)
terial endowment. at 10 m in height
Several energy resources are available in Nigeria in SCF, standard cubic feet; bforest land estimate for 1981; cBTOE, billion tonnes
of oil equivalent. Adapted from ECN [18].
abundant proportions. The country possesses the world's
sixth largest reserve of crude oil. Nigeria has an esti-
mated oil reserve of 36.2 billion barrels. It is increasingly whereas reforestation is only at about 10% of the defor-
an important gas province with proven reserves of nearly estation rate [19].
5,000 billion m3. The oil and gas reserves are mainly The rural areas, which are generally inaccessible due
found and located along the Niger Delta, Gulf of Guinea, to the absence of good road networks, have little access
and Bight of Bonny. Most of the exploration activities to conventional energy such as electricity and petroleum
are focused in deep and ultra-deep offshore areas with products. Petroleum products such as kerosene and
planned activities in the Chad basin, in the northeast. gasoline are purchased in the rural areas at prices 150%
Coal and lignite reserves are estimated to be 2.7 billion in excess of their official pump prices. The daily needs of
tons, while tar sand reserves represent 31 billion barrels the rural populace for heat energy are therefore met al-
of oil equivalent. The identified hydroelectricity sites most entirely from fuel wood. The sale of fuel wood and
have an estimated capacity of about 14,250 MW. Nigeria charcoal is mostly uncontrolled in the unorganized pri-
has significant biomass resources to meet both trad- vate sector. The sale of kerosene, electricity and cooking
itional and modern energy uses, including electricity gas is essentially influenced and controlled by the Fed-
generation [16]. Table 1 shows Nigeria's energy reserves/ eral Government or its agencies - the Nigerian National
potentials. There has been a supply and demand gap as Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) in the case of kerosene
a result of the inadequate development and inefficient and cooking gas, and the PHCN in the case of electri-
management of the energy sector. The supply of electri- city. The policy of the Federal Government had been to
city, the country's most used energy resource, has been subsidize the pricing of locally consumed petroleum pro-
erratic [17]. ducts, including electricity. In a bid to make the petrol-
The situation in the rural areas of the country is that eum downstream sector more efficient and in an
most end users depend on fuel wood. Fuel wood is used attempt to stem petroleum product consumption as a
by over 70% of Nigerians living in the rural areas. Ni- policy focus, the government has reduced and removed
geria consumes over 50 million tonnes of fuel wood an- subsidies on various energy resources in Nigeria. The
nually, a rate which exceeds the replenishment rate various policy options have always engendered price
through various afforestation programs. Sourcing fuel increases of the products [20].
wood for domestic and commercial uses is a major cause With the restructuring of the power sector and the
of desertification in the arid-zone states and erosion in imminent privatization of the electricity industry, it is
the southern part of the country. The rate of deforest- obvious that for logistic and economic reasons especially
ation is about 350,000 ha/year, which is equivalent to in the privatized power sector, rural areas that are re-
3.6% of the present area of forests and woodlands, mote from the grid and/or have low consumption or low
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 4 of 17

power purchase potential will not be attractive to private areas at prices very high in excess of their official pump
power investors. Such areas may remain unserved into prices. The rural population, whose needs are often
the distant future [21]. basic, therefore depends to a large extent on fuel wood
Meanwhile, electricity is required for such basic devel- as a major traditional source of fuel. It has been esti-
opmental services as pipe borne water, health care, tele- mated that about 86% of rural households in Nigeria de-
communications, and quality education. The poverty pend on fuel wood as their source of energy [24]. A fuel
eradication and Universal Basic Education programs re- wood supply/demand imbalance in some parts of the
quire energy for success. The absence of reliable energy country is now a real threat to the energy security of the
supply has not only left the rural populace socially back- rural communities [22].
ward, but has also left their economic potentials un- The energy consumption per capita in Nigeria is very
tapped. Fortunately, Nigeria is blessed with abundant small - about one-sixth of the energy consumed in devel-
renewable energy resources such as solar, wind, biomass, oped countries. This is directly linked to the level of pov-
and small hydropower potentials. The logical solution is erty in the country. Gross domestic product (GDP) and
increased penetration of renewables into the energy sup- per capita income are indices that are used to measure
ply mix [15]. the economic well-being of a country and its people [25].
GDP is defined as the total market value of all final goods
Energy consumption pattern in Nigeria and services produced within a given country in a given
Energy consumption patterns in the world today shows period of time (usually a calendar year). The per capita
that Nigeria and indeed African countries have the low- income refers to how much each individual receives, in
est rates of consumption. Nevertheless, Nigeria suffers monetary terms, of the yearly income that is generated in
from an inadequate supply of usable energy due to the his/her country through productive activities. That is
rapidly increasing demand, which is typical of a develop- what each citizen would receive if the yearly income gen-
ing economy. Paradoxically, the country is potentially erated by a country from its productive activities were
endowed with sustainable energy resources. Nigeria is divided equally between everyone.
rich in conventional energy resources, which include oil,
national gas, lignite, and coal. It is also well endowed Current electricity situation in Nigeria
with renewable energy sources such as wood, solar, The electricity system in Nigeria centers on PHCN,
hydropower, and wind [17]. which accounts for about 98% of the total electricity
The patterns of energy usage in Nigeria's economy can generation [26]. Power generation by other agencies
be divided into industrial, transport, commercial, agri- such as the Nigerian Electricity Supply Company relies
cultural, and household sectors [22]. The household sec- on thermal power for electricity generation unlike
tor accounts for the largest share of energy usage in the PHCN, which relies on both hydro- and thermal power.
country - about 65%. This is largely due to the low level However, electricity is also a consumer of fuel and en-
of development in all the other sectors. ergy such as fuel oil, natural gas, and diesel oil. The im-
The major energy-consuming activities in Nigeria's portance of these sources of energy and fuel for
households are cooking, lighting, and use of electrical generating electricity has been decreasing in recent
appliances. Cooking accounts for a staggering 91% of years. However, hydropower that is relatively cheaper
household energy consumption, lighting uses up to 6%, than these sources has grown to be more important than
and the remaining 3% can be attributed to the use of other sources [27]. However, more recently, the Power
basic electrical appliances such as televisions and press- Authority has generated electricity through a mix of
ing irons [9]. both thermal and hydro systems. All the power, distribu-
The predominant energy resources for domestic and tion, and substations are specially interlinked by a trans-
commercial uses in Nigeria are fuel wood, charcoal, mission network popularly known as the national grid.
kerosene, cooking gas and electricity [20]. Other sources, The entire electricity generated nationwide is pooled
though less common, are sawdust, agricultural crop resi- into the National Control Centre, Osogbo, from where
dues of corn stalk, cassava sticks, and, in extreme cases, electricity is distributed to all parts of Nigeria.
cow dung. In Nigeria, among the urban dwellers, kero- The national electricity grid presently consists of 14
sene and gas are the major cooking fuels. The majority generating stations (3 hydro and 11 thermal) with a total
of the people rely on kerosene stoves for domestic cook- installed capacity of about 8,039 MW as shown in
ing, while only a few use gas and electric cookers [23]. Table 2. The transmission network is made up of
The rural areas have little access to conventional en- 5,000 km of 330-kV lines, 6,000 km of 132-kV lines, 23
ergy such as electricity and petroleum products due to of 330/132-kV substations, with a combined capacity of
the absence of good road networks. Petroleum products 6,000 or 4,600 MVA at a utilization factor of 80%. In
such as kerosene and gasoline are purchased in the rural turn, the 91 of 132/33-kV substations have a combined
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 5 of 17

Table 2 Summary of generation capabilities of PHCN power stations as operated in 2008 (January to December)
Plant Operator Age Type Installed Average Availability Number Current
(year) capacity availability factor of units number
(MW) (MW) installed available
Kainji PHCN 38 to 40 Hydro 760 438.86 0.58 8 6
Jebba PHCN 25 Hydro 578.4 529.40 0.92 6 4
Shiroro PHCN 22 Hydro 600 488.82 0.81 4 4
Egbin PHCN 23 ST 1320 694.97 0.53 6 5
AES AES 7 GT 315 233.91 0.77 9 9
Ajaokuta STS NA GT 110 24.88 0.23 2 2
Sapele PHCN 26 to 30 ST/GT 1020 156.60 0.15 10 1
Okpai AGIP 3 GT/ST 480 394.56 0.88 3 3
Afam PHCN 8 to 45 GT 709.6 82.12 0.09 20 3
Delta PHCN 18 GT 912 211.67 0.24 18 12
Geregu PHCN NA GT 414 305.14 0.74 3 3
Omoku RS 3 GT 150 87.27 0.87 6 4
Omotosho PHCN 1 GT 335 256.58 0.77 8 2
Olorunsogo PHCN 1 GT 335 271.46 0.81 8 2
Total 8,039 4176.24 0.50 93 45
Adapted from PHCN [30].

capacity of 7,800 or 5,800 MVA at a utilization factor of In spite of the contribution of electricity to the total
75%. The distribution sector is comprised of 23,753 km gross domestic product, it is evident that Nigeria is fa-
of 33-kV lines, 19,226 km of 11-kV lines, and 679 of 33/ cing several problems. The incapacity of the electricity
11-kV substations. There are also 1,790 distribution subsector to efficiently meet the demand for electricity
transformers and 680 injection substations [28]. Table 2 in the country has been caused by a number of pro-
shows a summary of the generation capabilities of blems, which have been detrimental to economic
PHCN power stations as operated in the year 2008 growth. The Central Bank of Nigeria [26] has identified
(January to December) [29]. nine problems associated with the National Electric
As it can be seen in Table 2, the existing plants oper- Power Authority (NEPA) (now PHCN):
ate at far below their installed capacity as many of them
have units that need to be rehabilitated, retrofitted, and 1. Lack of preventive and routine maintenance of
upgraded [31]. The percentage of generation capability NEPA's facilities, resulting in huge energy losses.
from hydro turbines is 34.89%; from gas turbine, 35.27%; 2. Frequent major breakdowns, arising from the use of
and from steam turbines, 29.84%. The relative contribu- outdated and heavily overloaded equipment.
tion of the hydropower stations to the total electricity
generation (megawatt per hour) is greater than that of Table 3 Country statistics of electricity generation and
the thermal power stations. per capita consumption
In terms of the consumption of electricity, a classifica- Continent Country Population Generation Per capita
tion into three groups has been proposed (industrial, (million) capacity consumption
(MW) (kW)
residential, and street light consumption). In 1970, the
North America USA 250 813,000 3.2
total electricity consumption stood at 145.3 MW/h; this
increased to about 536.9 MW/h in 1980. However, in South America Cuba 10.54 4,000 0.38
2005, the total electricity consumption had increased to Europe (central) UK 57.5 76,000 1.1
1,873.1 MW/h [32]. On the generation side, these values Europe (eastern) Ukraine 49 54,000 1.33
of 176.6 MW/h in 1970 increased to 815.1 MW/h in Middle East Iraq 23.6 10,000 0.42
1980. By the end of 2005, the achieved total electricity
Far East South Korea 47 52,000 1.10
generation was 2,997.3 MW/h [32]. Comparing the per
Africa Nigeria 140 <4,000 0.03
capita power generation to that of other countries, Ni-
geria has the lowest among the countries, as shown in Egypt 67.9 18,000 0.27
Table 3, while the USA has the highest per capita elec- South Africa 44.3 45,000 1.02
tricity generation. Adapted from Okafor and Joe-Uzuegbu [17].
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 6 of 17

3. Lack of coordination between town planning could also be due to the 80-MW export of electricity
authorities and PHCN, resulting in poor overall each to the republic of Niger and Benin. ‘Apart from
power system planning and overloading of PHCN serving as a pillar of wealth creation in Nigeria, electri-
equipment. city is also the nucleus of operations and subsequently
4. Inadequate generation due to operational/technical the engine of growth for all sectors of the economy’ [34].
problems arising from machine breakdown, low gas It has been indirectly re-echoed that electricity con-
pressure, and low water levels. sumption is positively related to economic growth and
5. Poor funding of the organization. that the former is a causal factor of the latter. This
6. Inadequate budgetary provision and undue delay in means that electricity consumption has diverse impacts
release of funds to PHCN. on a range of socioeconomic activities and consequen-
7. PHCN's inefficient billing and collection system. tially the living standards of Nigerians.
8. High indebtedness to PHCN by both public and Notwithstanding the above pitfalls that had rendered
private consumers who are reluctant to pay for public electricity supply in Nigeria unreliable and ineffi-
electricity consumed when due. cient, the trend of its utilization has grown significantly
9. Vandalizing and pilfering of PHCN equipment. over the past years. Figure 1 shows the total electricity
consumption in megawatts per hour and the various sec-
In addition to these, most of the existing electricity torial decompositions. Electricity utilization by the in-
plants in Nigeria are underutilized or not functioning at dustrial sector has been fairly static because of the
all. Numerous reasons could be sighted as responsible unreliable nature of the public electricity supply system
for the underutilization of these plants. Some of which in the country. Thus, many companies have resolved to
are (1) scarcity of relevant manpower for adequate main- provide their own power-generating sets as sources of
tenance and general consumer indiscipline; (2) lack of electricity, leading to huge transfer costs on their pro-
essential spare parts for maintenance of the plants; (3) ducts and services.
absence of local manufacturing capabilities;(4) lack of Studies and experiences have shown that power gener-
systematic studies of distribution networks to reduce the ation in the country has been dismal and unable to com-
extraordinary losses that usually accompany haphazard pare with what has been obtained in smaller African
system expansion; and (5) inability to convert gas flares countries. Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN)
to a source of electricity [33]. gave the following performance indicators in Table 4 for
The inefficiency as well as the inadequate facilities to Nigeria's electricity sector compared with those of some
boost electricity supply also have been major causes of other countries [28]. The data for some Southern Africa
the increasing gap between the demand and the supply Development Community (SADC) countries such as Bot-
of electricity. This could be due to the fact that there are swana and South Africa are comparable to those of the
only 14 generating stations in Nigeria (3 hydro and 11 USA and France. The performance of the Nigerian power
thermal stations). Out of the approximated 8,039 MW sector on the International Best Practices comparative
of installed capacity in Nigeria, not more than rating is disgraceful. Perhaps, no other sector feels it as
4,500 MW is ever produced. This is due to poor main- much as the manufacturing industrial sector wherein
tenance, fluctuation in water levels powering the hydro some notable international companies and organizations
plants, and the loss of electricity in transmission. It are on self-generated electricity 24 h/day for the 365 days

Figure 1 Electricity consumption pattern in Nigeria. Adapted from CBN [35].

Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 7 of 17

Table 4 Power supply reliability indices (international able to meet the energy needs of the people. The rural
best practices) dwellers still lack electric power [37].
Index USA Singapore France Nigeria Nigeria The nature of Nigeria's energy crises can be character-
(NEPA (MAN ized by two key factors. The first concerns the recurrent
data) study)
severe shortages of the petroleum product market of
SAIDIa(min) 88 1.5 52 900 ≥60,000
which kerosene and diesel are the most prominent. Ni-
SAIFI (number/year 1.5 NA NA 5 ≥600 geria has five domestic refineries owned by the govern-
CAIDIc(h) 0 NA 0 9 15 ment with a capacity to process 450,000 barrels of oil
1 1 1 NA ≤0.4 per day, yet imports constitute more than 75% of petrol-
SAIDI, System average international duration index − Annual average total eum product requirements. The state-owned refineries
duration of power interruption to a consumer, in minutes; bSAIFI, System have hardly operated above a 40% capacity utilization
average interruption frequency index − Average number of interruptions of
supply that a consumer experiences annually; cCAIDI, Consumer average
rate for any extended period of time in the past two dec-
interruption duration index − Average duration of an interruption of supply for ades. The gasoline market is much better supplied than
a consumer who experiences the interruption on an annual basis, in hours; kerosene and diesel because of its higher political profile.
ASAI, Average service availability index − Ratio of (Consumer hours service
availability)/(Consumer hours service demanded). Adapted from Fagbenle This factor explains why the government has embarked
et al. [28]. on large import volumes to remedy domestic shortages
of the product. According to the Minister for Energy,
of each year, as confirmed by the United Nations Indus- the subsidy to support the imports of gasoline alone will
trial Development Organization in 2009 [36]. The survey be in the range of 700 to 800 billion naira in 2008 [38].
showed that, on average, manufacturers generated about The weaker political pressures exerted by the consumers
72% of the total power required to run their factories. of kerosene (the poor and low middle class) and diesel
(industrial sector) on the government and the con-
straints on public financing of large-scale imports of
The Nigerian energy challenge these products, as in the case of gasoline, largely explain
Nigeria's energy need is on the increase, and its increas- their more severe and persistent market shortages [39].
ing population is not adequately considered in the energy The second dimension of Nigeria's energy crises is ex-
development program. The present urban-centered en- emplified by such indicators as electricity blackouts,
ergy policy is deplorable, as cases of rural and sub-rural brownouts, and pervasive reliance on self-generated
energy demand and supply do not reach the center stage electricity. This development has occurred despite abun-
of the country's energy development policy. People in dant energy resources in Nigeria. The electricity market,
rural areas depend on burning wood and traditional bio- dominated on the supply side by the state-owned PHCN,
mass for their energy needs, causing great deforestation, formerly called NEPA, has been incapable of providing
emitting greenhouse gases, and polluting the environ- minimum acceptable international standards of electri-
ment, thus creating global warming and environmental city service reliability, accessibility, and availability for
concerns. The main task has been to supply energy to the past three decades [40]. The nature of this poor rec-
the cities and various places of industrialization, thereby ord in electricity supply is apparent in the trend in trans-
creating an energy imbalance within the country's socioe- mission and distribution losses shown in Figure 2. The
conomic and political landscapes. Comparing the present double-digit transmission and distribution losses are ex-
and ever increasing population with the total capacity of tremely large by international standards and are among
the available power stations reveals that Nigeria is not the highest in the world. The system losses are five to

Figure 2 Indicators of the electricity crisis in Nigeria from 1970 to 2004. Adapted from Iwayemi [38].
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 8 of 17

six times higher than those in well-run power systems. national product, which is a measure of the market value
The high level of power losses and the significant illegal of the total national output of goods and services [42].
access to the public power supply are indicative of the According to Sambo et al. [43], population is a major
crisis in the industry. driver of energy demand, while its most important deter-
Though the peak electricity demand has been less than minant is the level of economic activity and its structure
half of the installed capacity in the past decade, load measured by the total gross domestic product (GDP)
shedding occurs regularly. Power outages in the manu- alongside the various sectors and sub-sectors of the
facturing sector provide another dimension to the crisis. economy. Population projection of Nigeria was expected
In 2004, the major manufacturing firms experienced 316 to grow from 115.22 million in 2000 to 281.81 million
outages. This increased by 26% in 2005, followed by an by 2030 at an average annual rate of 2.86% between
explosive 43% increase between 2006 and 2007. Though 2000 and 2030.
no published data exist, the near collapse of the generat- Based on the models developed by the ECN, the coun-
ing system to far below 2,000 MW for prolonged periods try's energy demand was analyzed for the period from
of time suggests a reason for the number of outages in 2000 to 2030 with the use of the Model for the Analysis
2008 to be very high. This poor service delivery has ren- of the Energy Demand (MAED) and the Wien Auto-
dered public supply a standby source as many consu- matic System Planning (WASP) package (Table 5). It can
mers who cannot afford irregular and poor quality be said that the energy demand of Nigeria will be ap-
service substitute more expensive captive supply alterna- proximately 2.5-, 3-, 3.5-, and 4.5-fold between the years
tives to minimize the negative consequences of power 2000 and 2015 and approximately 8-, 13-, 17-, and 22.5-
supply interruptions on their production activities and fold between the years 2000 and 2030 based on a 7%
profitability. An estimated 20% of the investment into (reference), 10% (high growth), 11.5% (optimistic), and
industrial projects is allocated to alternative sources of 13% (optimistic) GDP growth rate per annum, respect-
electricity supply [3]. ively. This increase in the energy demand is due to the
In summary, the causal factors in Nigeria's energy cri- high level of economic activities expected in Nigeria as
sis include the following: measured by the total GDP.
The trends of the projected energy demand are shown
 Prevalence of a regime of price control. in Figure 3. In 2005, the total energy demand based on a
 Weak concern for cost recovery and lack of 10% GDP growth rate revealed that the household seg-
adequate economic incentives to induce the state- ment had the largest share of all the sectors. The sector-
owned companies (NNPC and PHCN) to engage in ial energy demands in the 2030 plan period, however,
efficient production and investment behavior. This showed the highest growth rates for the industrial, fol-
seems apparent in the existence of large input and lowed by the services, household, and transport sectors
output subsidies. in that order (Table 6). The electricity demand
 Multiplicity of economic and noneconomic (extracted from the total energy demand) shows an in-
objectives without proper identification of the trade- creasing trend from the base year 2005 to 2030 in the
offs among these different objectives. This is implicit four adopted growth scenarios, respectively, as shown in
in its pricing policies in both electricity and Figure 4, indicating a high economic growth rate leading
petroleum products markets. to a substantial increase in the electricity demand. The
 Institutional and governance failures which induced energy consumed over the years shows a decreasing
gross distortions and inefficiency in production, trend with an increasing population, necessitating a cor-
investment choices and high costs of operation, low responding increase in the energy output. Hence, the
return on investment, and expensive delays along country's large energy efficiency potential needs to be
with cost overruns in the state energy enterprises. exploited (Table 7). In 2007, the total primary energy
consumed was 11.4 million tons of oil equivalent
(MTOE) with petroleum products having the largest
Energy demand projection
There is an increasing demand for fuel energy due to Table 5 Total projected energy demand (MTOE)
the increase in economic development and civilization Scenario 2000 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
all over the world. Industry is one of the most important
Reference (7%) 32.01 51.40 79.36 118.14 169.18 245.19
energy-consuming sectors in the world. According to
High growth (10%) 32.01 56.18 94.18 190.73 259.19 414.52
Mitchel [41], energy is essential to our way of life. It pro-
vides us with comfort, transportation, and the ability to Optimistic (11.5%) 32.01 56.18 108.57 245.97 331.32 553.26
produce food and material goods. Historically, energy Optimistic (13%) 32.01 72.81 148.97 312.61 429.11 715.70
consumption has been directly related to the gross Adapted from ECN [44].
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 9 of 17

Table 6 Total energy demand based on a 10 % GDP

growth rate (MTOE)
Item 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 Average
rate (%)
Industry 8.08 12.59 26.03 39.47 92.34 145.21 16.2
Transport 11.70 13.48 16.59 19.70 26.53 33.36 4.7
Household 18.82 22.42 28.01 33.60 33.94 34.27 2.6
Services 6.43 8.38 12.14 15.89 26.95 38.00 8.7
Total 45.01 56.87 82.77 108.66 179.75 250.84 8.3
Adapted from ECN [46].

Figure 3 Graph showing the projected electricity demand The electric power capacity demand by projection in
between 2000 and 2030. Nigeria would be approximately 3.5-fold between 2010
and 2020 and 7.5-fold between 2010 and 2030, respect-
ively, at a growth rate of 7%, while the projected supply
share of 67.3% of the total consumption, amounting to a by fuel mix shows a similar trend with the demand at
total average consumption of 78.7% between 2002 and both growth rates of 7% and 13% (Table 9). There is a
2007. This level of consumption was followed by that of wide disparity in the energy demand to the supply ratio
hydropower at 23.9%, natural gas at 8.7%, and coal at in Nigeria both in the present and the future. This
0.05% with their respective total average consumption necessitates an urgent need for alternative energy
standing at 16.08%, 5.17%, and 0.04% for the period from sources and efficient energy usage in order to avert
2002 to 2007 as shown in Table 8. Flaring adversely looming energy crises.
reduced the maximum contribution of natural gas to the These projections for continued rapid energy growth
total energy consumption mix in spite of its abundance imply some severe problems for the future resource de-
in the country as most of the oil fields lack appropriate pletion, energy degradation, associated environmental
infrastructure for gas production. The general Niger problems, fuel shortage, etc. Indeed, many of these pro-
Delta security issue (bunkering, sabotage, etc.) have also blems are already happening; thus, energy conservation
weakened most of the oil and gas projects [45]. is concerned with ways to reduce energy demand, but
Throughout the world, electricity is the most widely yet achieve the same objective as before.
used and desirable form of energy. It is a basic require- To achieve its objective of sustainable development,
ment for economic development, national development, Nigeria needs to substantially increase the supply of
meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), modern affordable energy services to all its citizens
and for an adequate standard of living. As a country's while, at the same time, maintaining environmental in-
population grows and its economy expands, its demand tegrity and social cohesion. In addition, a robust mix of
for electrical energy multiplies. If this demand is not met energy sources (fossil and renewable), combined with an
adequately, a shortage in supply occurs. This shortage improved end-use efficiency, will almost certainly be
can assume crisis proportions and possibly affect achiev- required to meet the growing demand for energy ser-
ing sustainable energy development. vices in the country. Technological development, decen-
tralized non-grid networks, diversity of energy-supply

Table 7 Per capita primary energy consumption in

Year Energy Population Per capita energy
consumed (million) consumption
(MTOE) (TOE/capita)
2002 18.783 122.365 0.153
2003 19.106 126.153 0.151
2004 16.267 129.927 0.125
2005 17.707 133.702 0.132
2006 12.421 140.003 0.089
Figure 4 Graph showing the projected electricity demand 2007 11.387 144.203 0.097
between 2005 and 2030.
Adapted from CBN and NBS [32,47,48].
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 10 of 17

Table 8 Commercial primary energy consumption by type (CO2), oxides of nitrogen (NOx), oxides of sulfur
(average percentage of total) (SOx), and particulate matters as a result of power
Type 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Average generation from oil, natural gas, and coal. A variety
Coal 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.04 of renewable energy resources provide a flexible
Hydro 11.93 14.20 17.39 12.04 17.03 23.90 16.08 array of options for their use.
 They cannot be depleted. If used carefully in
Natural gas 2.84 1.9 4.54 5.5 7.52 8.73 5.17
appropriate applications, renewable energy resources
Petroleum products 85.20 83.87 78.04 82.45 75.44 67.32 78.71
can provide a reliable and sustainable supply of
Adapted from CBN [32,49].
energy almost indefinitely. In contrast, fossil fuel
systems, and affordable energy services are imperative to resources are diminished by extraction and
meeting the future demand. consumption.
 They favor system decentralization and local
The role of renewable energy technologies in sustainable solutions that are somewhat independent of the
development national network, thus enhancing the flexibility of
Renewable energy has an important role to play in meet- the system and providing economic benefits to small
ing the future energy needs in both rural and urban isolated populations.
areas [50]. The development and utilization of renewable
energy should be given a high priority, especially in the To seize the opportunities presented by renewable en-
light of increased awareness of the adverse environmen- ergy resources in sustainable development, Nigeria needs
tal impacts of fossil-based generation. The need for sus- to establish renewable energy markets and gradually de-
tainable energy is rapidly increasing in the world. A velop experience with renewable energy technologies. The
widespread use of renewable energy is important for barriers and constraints to the diffusion of renewable en-
achieving sustainability in the energy sectors in both ergy should be overcome. A legal, administrative, and fi-
developing and industrialized countries. nancing infrastructure should be established to facilitate
Nigeria is blessed with a large amount of renewable planning and application of renewable energy projects.
natural resources (Table 1), which, when fully developed Government must play a useful role in promoting renew-
and utilized, will lead to poverty reduction and sustain- able energy technologies by initiating surveys and studies
able development. to establish their potential in both urban and rural areas.
Renewable energy resources and technologies are a Because renewable energies are constantly being replen-
key component of sustainable development for the fol- ished from natural resources, they have security of supply,
lowing primary reasons: unlike fossil fuels, which are negotiated on the inter-
national market and subject to international competition,
 They generally cause less environmental impact than sometimes even resulting in wars and shortages. They have
other energy sources. The implementation of important advantages, which could be stated as follows:
renewable energy technologies will help to address
the environmental concerns that emerged due to  Their rate of use does not affect their availability in
greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide the future; thus, they are inexhaustible.

Table 9 Electric power capacity in Nigeria

Electric power demand
2010 2020 2030
Demand (MW%) Supply (MW%) Demand (MW%) Supply (MW%) Demand (MW%) Supply (MW %)
Fuel type 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13 7 13
Coal 0 0 6.515 16.913 15.815 63.896
Gas 13.555 31.935 37.733 78.717 85.585 192.895
Hydro 3.702 3.902 6.479 6.749 11.479 11.479
Nuclear 0 0 3.530 11.005 11.872 36.891
Small-hydro 40 208 140 1.000 701 2.353
Solar 5 30 34 750 302 4.610
Wind 0 500 1.471 3.791 5.369 15.567
Total 15.730 33.250 17.303 36.576 50.820 107.600 55.903 118.836 119.200 297.900 131.122 327.690
Supply by fuel mix and demand for 7% and 13% GDP growth. Adapted from ECN [44,46].
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 11 of 17

 The resources are generally well distributed all over in converting, directing, and amplifying energy to pro-
the world, even though wide spatial and temporal duce goods and services needed for growth and poverty
variations occur. Thus, all regions of the world have reduction [3].
reasonable access to one or more forms of Energy services are essential ingredients of all three pil-
renewable energy supply. lars of sustainable development - economic, social, and
 They are clean and pollution-free and are therefore environmental. Economies that have replaced human
a sustainable natural form of energy. and animal labor with more convenient and efficient
 They can be cheaply and continuously harvested sources of energy and technology are also the ones that
and are therefore a sustainable source of energy. have grown fastest. No country in modern times has suc-
ceeded in substantially reducing poverty without ad-
Unlike the nuclear and fossil fuels plants which belong equately increasing the provision and use of energy to
to big companies, governments, or state-owned enter- make material progress [55]. Indeed, by not ensuring a
prises, renewable energy can be set up in small units and minimum access to energy services for a broad segment
is therefore suitable for community management and of the population, economic development of developing
ownership. In this way, the returns from renewable en- countries such as Nigeria beyond the level of subsistence
ergy projects can be kept in the community. In Nigeria, has proven to be a real challenge.
this has particular relevance since the electricity grid At the national level, energy propels economic devel-
does not extend to remote areas, and it is prohibitively opment by serving as the launch pad for industrial
expensive to do so. This presents a unique opportunity growth and, via transport and communications, provid-
to construct power plants closer to where they are actu- ing access to international markets and trade. Reliable,
ally needed. In this way, much needed income, skill efficient, and competitively priced energy supplies also
transfer, and manufacturing opportunities for small busi- attract foreign investment - a very important factor in
nesses would be injected into rural communities. boosting economic growth in recent times. At the local
level, energy facilitates economic development by im-
Energy and sustainable development in Nigeria proving productivity and enabling local income gener-
Sustainable energy involves the provision of energy ser- ation through improved agricultural development
vices in a sustainable manner, which in turn necessitates (irrigation, crop processing, storage, and transport to
that energy services be provided for all people in ways market) and through non-farm employment, including
that, now and in the future, are sufficient to provide the micro-enterprise development. As an indicator of local
basic necessities, affordable, not detrimental to the en- recognition of the importance of energy for businesses,
vironment, and acceptable to communities and people Nigerian manufacturers, who were asked to rank the
[51-53]. Linkages between sustainable energy and factors constraints on their firms' activities, identified power
such as efficiency and economic growth have been inves- breakdowns, and voltage fluctuations as their top two
tigated [54]. problems [46]. Recent developments in Ghana's energy
The energy sector plays a pivotal role in attempts to sector support this point [56].
achieve sustainable development, balancing economic Energy has also strong and important links to the en-
and social developments with environmental protection vironment. Many energy sources are drawn directly from
(encapsulated in the ‘strap line’ for the 2002 Johannes- the environment, requiring a sound management for
burg World Summit on Sustainable Development of these sources to be sustainable. Furthermore, energy use
‘people, planet, and prosperity’). Energy is central to affects the environment. Emissions from fossil fuels, for
practically all aspects of sustainable development. Energy example, reach beyond the local and national levels to
is central to the economy because it drives all economic affect the global environment and contribute to climate
activities. This characterization of energy directs our at- change. The poorest people often live in the most eco-
tention to its sources in nature, to activities that convert logically sensitive and vulnerable physical locations.
and reconvert this energy, and finally to activities that These areas may be the most affected by the predictable
use the energy to produce goods and services and effects of climate change such as an increased frequency
household consumption. Traditionally, energy is treated of extreme events, for example floods, drought, rising
as an intermediate input in the production process. This sea levels, and melting ice caps. The risks facing poor
treatment of energy's role understates its importance people are often increased by the unsustainable use of
and contribution to development. All economic activities biomass resources [3].
and processes require some form of energy. This effect- The connection between energy, the environment, and
ively makes energy a critical primary factor of produc- sustainable development is worth highlighting. Energy
tion. Given the state of technological advancement in supply and use are related to climate change as well as
the economy, capital and labor perform supporting roles such environmental concerns as air pollution, ozone
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 12 of 17

depletion, forest destruction, and emissions of radio- general quality of life. If Nigeria is to take the path of
active substances. These issues must be addressed if so- sustainable energy, it is important to accurately and
ciety is to develop while maintaining a healthy and clean technically model the energy demand and supply scenar-
environment. Ideally, a society seeking sustainable devel- ios and their impacts on the economy, resources, and
opment should use only energy resources which have no society along with the environment, for both medium
environmental impact. However, since all energy and long terms. From such analyses, we can derive infor-
resources lead to some environmental impact, an mation that is vital for policy construction and invest-
improved efficiency and environmental stewardship can ment [59].
help overcome many of the concerns regarding the lim-
itations imposed on sustainable development by environ- Energy efficiency and energy conservation in sustainable
mental emissions and their negative impacts [55]. development
Energy is directly linked to the broader concept of sus- Energy efficiency means an improvement in practices
tainability and affects most of civilization. That is par- and products that reduce the energy necessary to pro-
ticularly evident since energy resources drive much if vide services. Energy efficiency products essentially help
not most of the world's economic activity, in virtually all to do more work with less energy [60]. Energy efficiency
economic sectors. Also, energy resources, whether is also defined as essentially using less energy to provide
carbon-based or renewable, are obtained from the envir- the same service [55]. In this sense, energy efficiency can
onment, and wastes from energy processes (production, also be thought of as a supply of resource - often consid-
transport, storage, utilization) are typically released to ered an important, cost-effective supply option. Invest-
the environment. Given the intimate ties between energy ment into energy efficiency can provide additional
and the key components of sustainable development, the economic value by preserving the resource base (espe-
attainment of energy sustainability is being increasingly cially combined with pollution prevention technologies)
recognized as a critical aspect of achieving sustainable and mitigating environmental problems.
development [55]. Energy efficiency (EE) improvements have multiple
Use of renewable natural resources, combined with effi- advantages, such as the efficient exploitation of natural
cient supply and use of fossil fuels with cleaner technolo- resources, the reduction in air pollution levels, and lower
gies, can help reduce the environmental effects of energy spending by the consumers on energy-related expend-
use and help Nigeria replacing the existing, inefficient fos- iture. Investments in EE result in long-term benefits,
sil fuel technologies that pollute the environment. such as reduced energy consumption, local environmen-
As a complementary measure, careful management of tal enhancement, and overall economic development.
energy resources is important to promote economic Energy use has environmental impacts, regardless of the
growth, protect ecosystems and provide sustainable nat- source or mechanism. For example, hydroelectric pro-
ural resources. jects affect their local ecological systems and displace
Thus, energy sustainability is considered to involve the long-standing social systems. Fossil fuel power creates
sustainable use of energy in the overall energy system. pollution in the extraction, transportation, and combus-
This system includes processes and technologies for the tion of its raw materials. The long-term storage of waste
harvesting of energy sources, their conversion to useful products of the nuclear power industry is an issue to be
energy forms, to provide energy services such as operat- resolved. Cost-effective energy efficiency is the ultimate
ing communications systems, lighting buildings, and multiple pollutant reduction strategy [61].
cooking [57]. In Nigeria, a lot of energy is wasted because house-
The reform of the energy sector is critical to sustainable holds, public and private offices, as well as industries use
development in Nigeria. This includes reviewing and more energy than is actually necessary to fulfill their
reforming subsidies, establishing credible regulatory fra- needs. One of the reasons is that they use outdated and
meworks, developing policy environments through regula- inefficient equipment and production processes. Un-
tory interventions, and creating market-based approaches wholesome practices also lead to energy wastage.
such as emission trading [58]. Globally, countries are In Nigeria, the need for energy is exceeding its supply.
developing strategies and policies to enable a sustainable In view of these circumstances, primary energy conser-
development of their energy resources, thus contributing vation, rationalization, and efficient use are immediate
to fuel economic and social developments, while reducing needs. Getting all the possible energy from the fuel into
air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. the working fluid is the goal of efficient equipment
The energy sector is very strategic to the development operations. This leads to a higher productivity and saves
of the Nigerian economy. In addition to its macroeco- not only money, but also influences the safety and life of
nomic importance, it has major roles to play in reducing the equipment and reduces pollution [62]. Steps taken
poverty, improving productivity, and enhancing the to minimize energy consumption, or to use the energy
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 13 of 17

more effectively, are steps in the right direction to Renewable energy and energy efficiency as climate
preserve the global environment. Energy conservation change mitigation strategies
measures or recommendations are often referred to The Inter-government Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),
more positively as opportunities. Two primary criteria a body set up in 1988 by the World Meteorological
for applying energy conservation are that it is easy to Organization and the United Nations Environmental
implement and that its payback is brief. Ease of imple- Programme to provide authoritative information about
mentation and duration of payback period have been the climate change phenomenon, asserts that the warm-
used to classify Energy conservation opportunities into ing of the last 100 years was unusual and unlikely to be
three general categories for use: in maintenance and natural in origin [58]. The IPCC has attributed the
operation measures, in process improvement projects, warming of at least the second half of the century to an
and in large capital projects [61]. increase in the emission of greenhouse gases into the at-
Energy conservation and energy efficiency are separate mosphere. Human activity is largely responsible for the
but related concepts. Energy efficiency is achieved when emission of these gases into the atmosphere: CO2 is pro-
energy intensity in a specific product, process, or area of duced by the burning of fossil fuels (coals, oil, gas) as
production or consumption is reduced without affecting well as by land-use activities such as deforestation; me-
output, consumption, or comfort levels. Promotion of thane is produced by cattle, rice agriculture, fossil fuel
energy efficiency will contribute to energy conservation use, and landfills; and nitrous oxide is produced by the
and is therefore an integral part of energy conservation chemical industry, cattle feed lots, and agricultural soils.
promotional policies [63]. As humans have increased their levels of production and
Energy efficiency encompasses conserving a scarce re- consumption, greenhouse gas emissions have also
source; improving the technical efficiency of energy con- increased; since 1750, at the time of the industrial revo-
version, generation, transmission and end-use devices; lution, CO2 emission has increased by 31%, methane by
substituting more expensive fuels with cheaper ones; and 15%, and nitrous oxide by 17%. Moreover, the emissions
reducing or reversing the negative impact of energy pro- of these gases continue to rise steadily [65].
duction and consumption activities on the environment. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) was inte-
Energy conservation is a tangible resource by itself that grated to the Kyoto Protocol as the United Nations
competes economically with contemporary energy supply Framework Convention on Climate Change [66]. CDM
options. In addition to this, it offers a practical means of projects allow investment by entities from industrialized
achieving four goals that should be of high priority in any countries into projects in developing countries. In return
nation that desires quick and sustainable economic for this investment, carbon credits (in this case, certified
growth and development. These are economic competi- emission reductions) are received by the investor in the
tiveness, utilization of scarce capital for development, en- industrialized country. This enables the industrialized
vironmental quality, and energy security. It enhances the country to meet its emission reduction targets given by
international competitiveness of the industries in the the Kyoto Protocol more cost-effectively, while promot-
world markets by reducing the cost of production. It opti- ing sustainable development in developing countries.
mizes the use of capital resources by directing lesser CDM projects may also be unilateral, i.e., they take place
amounts of money in conservation investment as com- in the developing country without a project partner from
pared with capital-intensive energy supply options. It pro- an industrialized nation.
tects the environment in the short run by reducing Investment into clean energy facilities is recognized
pollution and in the long run by reducing the scope of as the best way to increase the participation of
global climate change. It strengthens the security of sup- Nigerian proponents in the CDM process and hence
ply through a lesser demand and a lesser dependence on the global carbon market. Clean energy investment
petroleum product imports. No energy supply option may is defined as follows: investment into an energy sup-
be able to provide all these benefits. Energy conservation ply and utilization system that provides the required
is a decentralized issue and is largely dependent on indi- energy with minimal negative environmental and so-
vidual, distinct decisions of energy supply, which are cial consequences [67]. Investment into clean energy
highly centralized. The housewife, the car driver, the systems can also be viewed as an investment into
housing developer, the house owner, the boiler operator in energy sources and technologies that are significantly
industry, and every other individual who consumes energy less environmentally damaging than in the status
in some form or another are required to participate in quo case. Investment into clean energy systems pro-
energy-saving measures. It calls for a collective endeavor vides the most effective and optimally efficient path
and is dependent upon the actions of people in diverse to an increased CDM participation in Nigeria and
fields although the people involved may not be sufficiently hence an effective participation in the global carbon
informed or motivated to conserve energy [64]. market.
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 14 of 17

The salient characteristics of clean energy investment Conclusions

are as follows: From the energy outlook of Nigeria, it is very clear
that the energy demand is very high and is increas-
 The resulting system results in little or no emissions ing geometrically while the supply remains inad-
of obnoxious gases and particulates; equate, insecure, and irregular and is decreasing with
 The clean energy technologies have a carbon time; the mix has hitherto been dominated by fossil
footprint that is much lower than the baseline resources which are fast being depleted apart from
emission scenario; being environmentally non-friendly. The energy sup-
 The technology is accessible, and the required ply mix must thus be diversified through installing
investment is available for adoption in developing an appropriate infrastructure and creating full aware-
countries like Nigeria; ness to promote and develop the abundant renew-
 The implementation of the clean energy technology able energy resources present in the country as well
will contribute to sustainability. as to enhance the security of supply.
There is clear evidence that Nigeria is blessed with
Energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies abundant resources of fossil fuels as well as renewable
are prominent in most sustainable development pro- energy resources. The major challenge is an inefficient
grams, for example, the Agenda 21 [68]. According to usage of energy in the country. As a result, there is an
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), urgent need to encourage the evolvement of an energy
the second assessment report, the stabilization of atmos- mix that will emphasize the conservation of petroleum
pheric greenhouse gas concentrations at levels that will resources in such a manner enabling their continued ex-
prevent serious interference with the climate system can portation for foreign earnings for as many years as
only be achieved by dramatically increasing the imple- possible.
mentation of renewable energy. In one IPCC scenario, in The opportunities for conserving energy in our various
which greenhouse gases are stabilized by the year 2050, sectors - office building and residential areas, manufac-
the share of renewable energy in the global energy bal- turing industries, transportation, electricity generation
ance must increase tenfold from the current level. In and distribution, and electricity equipment and appli-
developing countries, the required increase is even more ances - were presented in this work. The various areas
dramatic, estimated at 20-fold between 1990 and 2050. where savings in energy can be made have also been
Further improvements in energy efficiency and energy identified. Several guidelines and measures have been
conservation can reduce emissions in the shorter term, suggested to conserve energy in these areas, and if the
thus ‘buying time’ for the required changes in energy guidelines and measures are strictly adhered to, then
production [69]. substantive savings in energy will be carried out.
Nigeria is one of the highest emitters of greenhouse In this study, four economic growth scenarios were
gases in Africa. The practice of flaring gas by the oil dealt with in the review of the energy requirements.
companies operating in Nigeria has been a major These are the reference scenarios of a 7% total GDP
means through which greenhouse gases are released growth rate that will ensure the MDGs of reducing
into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide emissions in this poverty by 50% of the 2,000 value by 2015. The high
area are among the highest in the world [70]. Some growth scenario of a 10% GDP growth rate in
45.8 billion kW of heat are discharged into the atmos- the attempt to eradicate poverty by 2030 and the
phere of the Niger Delta from flaring 1.8 billion ft3 of optimistic scenarios of 11.5% and 13% GDP growth
gas every day [58]. Gas flaring has raised temperatures rates that will further increase the rate of economic
and rendered large areas uninhabitable. Between 1970 development.
and 1986, a total of about 125.5 million m3 of gas was In order to ensure the sustainability of energy sup-
produced in the Niger Delta region, about 102.3 ply and subsequently the sustainable economic de-
(81.7 %) million m3 were flared, while only 2.6 million velopment of the country, the government has to
m3 were used as fuel by oil-producing companies and intensify the further implementation of renewable
about 14.6 million m3 were sold to other consumers energy and energy efficiency programs. As observed
[71,72]. The use of renewable energy sources will re- in quite a number of successful countries promoting
duce the over dependence on the burning of fossil fuel. renewable energy, such as Germany, Denmark, and
Moreover, instead of flaring gas in Nigeria, the gases Japan, a strong and long-term commitment from the
can be converted to methanol and used as a fuel for government is crucial in implementing any kind of
both domestic and industrial use. With good energy ef- policies which will lead to the development of re-
ficiency practices and products, the burning of fossil newable energies, in particular, and a sustainable de-
fuel for energy will be greatly minimized. velopment, in general.
Oyedepo Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012, 2:15 Page 15 of 17

Recommendations  Efficient production of charcoal as a fuel in homes

In this study, it is established that renewable energy and and small and medium enterprises.
energy efficiency are two components that should go to-  Use of biofuels in efficient cooking stoves and lamps
gether to achieve sustainable development in Nigeria. in homes.
The need to conserve the present energy generated in  Energy-efficient lighting.
the country using energy-efficient products and the ap-  Use of compressed natural gas (CNG) as a transport
propriate practices is essential for sustainable develop- fuel.
ment. Therefore, it is recommended that the country  Use of biofuels as a transport fuel.
should do the following:  Introduction of a bus rapid transit system to other
cities and expansion of the Lagos system.
 Develop policies on energy efficiency and integrate  Shift from high carbon intensive fuels to natural gas
them into the current energy policies. A for energy generation in industries.
comprehensive and coherent energy policy is  Development of a CNG infrastructure to distribute
essential in guiding the citizens towards an efficient natural gas to industries located at sites remote from
usage of its energy resources. the existing pipelines.
 Promote energy-efficient products and appropriate  Implementation of combined heat and power (CHP)
practices at the side of the end users and energy facilities in industries.
generation.  Implementation of energy efficiency improvements
 Create awareness on renewable energy and energy in manufacturing industries.
efficiency.  Implementation of CHP facilities in commercial
 Establish an agency to promote the use of energy- facilities.
efficient products and ensure the appropriate  Use of solar and wind energy for irrigation water
practices. pumping and farm electricity supply.
 Develop and imbibe energy efficiency technologies.  Utilization of agricultural residues for electricity
 Carry out a resource survey and assessment to generation.
determine the total renewable energy potential in  Generation of biogas from wastes produced by the
the country as well as identify the local conditions livestock and animal husbandry.
and local priorities in various ecological zones.
 Establish a testing and standards laboratory for In addition to these, the existing research and develop-
renewable energy technologies similar to that in ment centers and technology development institutions
South Africa. should be adequately strengthened to support the shift
 Take advantage of global partnerships, such as the towards an increased use of renewable energy. Human
Residential Energy Efficiency Project initiative of resource development, critical knowledge, and know-
UK, to assist the country in a creative integration of how transfer should be the focus for project develop-
renewable energy systems. ment, project management, monitoring, and evaluation.
 Establish a renewable energy funding/financing The preparation of standards and codes of practices,
agency such as India's Indian Renewable Energy maintenance manuals, life cycle costing, and cost-benefit
Agency. analysis tools should be undertaken on urgent priority.
 Develop appropriate drivers for the implementation
of energy efficiency policies. Competing interests
 Clean energy facilities should be embraced in the The author declares that there are no competing interests.

different sectors of the Nigerian economy. Received: 1 November 2011 Accepted: 10 July 2012
Published: 23 July 2012
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Nigeria: the way forward. Energy, Sustainability and Society 2012 2:15.

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