Analysis and Design of Three-Phase AC-to-DC Converters With High Power Factor and Near-Optimum Feedforward

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Analysis and design of three-phase AC-to-DC converters with high power factor
and near-optimum feedforward

Article  in  IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics · July 1999

DOI: 10.1109/41.767060 · Source: IEEE Xplore


64 3,025

2 authors, including:

Ming-Tsung Tsai
Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology


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Analysis and Design of Three-Phase AC-to-DC

Converters With High Power Factor
and Near-Optimum Feedforward
Ming-Tsung Tsai and W. I. Tsai

Abstract— This paper presents a three-phase pulsewidth- be roughly catalogued into three groups, termed the hysteresis
modulated ac-to-dc converter with unity power factor and current control, the ramp comparison control, and the predicted
near-optimum dynamic regulation. A general mathematical current control [1]. The hysteresis current control has a fast
model of the converter has been established to lead to a
comprehensive analysis. The averaged small-signal technique is dynamic response and no dc offset. It is easy to implement,
used to obtain the near-optimum feedforward compensator, thus but the switching frequency depends on the load parameters
resulting in the output impedance, and the audio susceptibility and comparator tolerance band, and usually results in a higher
become zero, that is, the output voltage of the converter presented switching frequency than other techniques. According to the
in this paper is independent of variations of the dc load current
and the utility voltage. The proposed procedure of analysis is drawbacks, some modified strategies are deduced, including
simple and effective, and it is also easy to implement. Finally, the variable tolerance band by multiplying the reference signal
the theoretical formulations are verified both by simulated and instead of fixed band, using both wide and narrow hysteresis
experimental results in a 5-kW laboratory prototype system. bands, a space-vector-based hysteresis (which is suitable for
Index Terms— Converter, current-mode control, feedforward three-phase systems) to decrease the switching frequency, and
compensator, power balance. so on [3], [10], [11]. The ramp comparison control has several
advantages, such as a well-defined harmonic spectrum due to
I. INTRODUCTION the operation in constant switching frequency, an optimum
switch pattern, etc. However, this method has an inherent

T RADITIONALLY, conversion of ac line voltages from

utilities has been done by a combination of rectification
and a large capacitor. Such a conversion approach leads to
magnitude and phase error in the actual current and, for a
three-phase system, it yields more switching losses than the
space-vector-based method. The predicted current control can
pulsed current being drawn from the ac distribution networks. only be realized by a microprocessor-based scheme, since
These current pulses cause the following problems: it performs a real-time optimization algorithm. It calculates
• poor use of the ac source and distribution wiring volt- the voltage vector commands in every sampling interval,
ampere capacity because of the high harmonic contents then forces the current vector to follow its command in the
of line current; next interval. This method can provide constant switching
• distortion of line voltage waveforms caused by harmonic frequency and lower current ripple. However, the system
currents and the nonzero source impedance of the dis- parameters and operating conditions must be known, so as
tribution network (constructive combination of harmonic to meet sufficient accuracy [1]–[3], [16].
currents in neutral return lines can, in particular, lead to Even though many papers emphasize improving the current
such distortion); controller to achieve the system performance, a faster dc-bus
• injection of noise into equipment which operates from voltage response, however, is also expected, that is, a detailed
the line voltage.
analysis of an ac/dc converter model must be made to fulfill the
Pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) ac-to-dc voltage-source con- entire system function. References [15]–[17] have presented
verters have been presented to overcome the above problems a comprehensive and complete analysis, but the results are
[1]–[17]. They have the merits of nearly sinusoidal input complicated. It cannot be used to lead a simple but clear
current, good power factor, and regeneration ability. These design for the engineers to achieve the performance of the
control strategies achieved the same steady-state characteris- dc-bus voltage.
tics, but with different implementations, dynamic response, This paper will propose a control concept, denoted as the
PWM patterns, and harmonic contents. Generally, they can power balance control, to simplify the design procedure of
Manuscript received October 7, 1997; revised March 3, 1999. Abstract the dc-bus voltage regulator. This control strategy has the
published on the Internet March 1, 1999. This work was supported by the bidirectional high dynamic features, and it can achieve a
National Science Council, Taiwan, R.O.C., under Reasearch Project NSC-87-
2213-E-218-011. near-optimum voltage dynamic regulation by the action of
M.-T. Tsai is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Nan-Tai the proposed feedforward compensator. In order to establish
Institute of Technology, 710 Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. the complete design concept, the ramp comparison control is
W. I. Tsai is with DELTA Electronics Corporation, 710 Tainan, Taiwan,
R.O.C. chosen as a minor current loop switching strategy, because it
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(99)04133-7. is well suited to an analog implementation; it is simple, and
0278–0046/99$10.00  1999 IEEE

insensitive to load parameters and, in particular, a variety of

dedicated IC’s are variable and can be associated with today’s
fast and powerful microcontrollers. Nevertheless, any other
switching strategy, for example, the hysteresis control and
the predicted current control, can also be chosen freely. As
the ramp comparison control has an inherent magnitude and
phase error in the actual currents, a suitable compensator is,
therefore, necessary to overcome it.
The procedure of analysis presented here is less difficult
than that of the conventional method [15]–[17]. It is easy to
understand and to implement. The deduction of the proposed
feedforward compensator is also quite easy, but the effect
is sensible. The operating principles of the proposed method
will be analyzed and its feasibility and performance under
various conditions will be demonstrated through simulation
and experimental results.


Fig. 1(a) shows the main circuit of the three-phase ac-to-dc
voltage-source converter. It consists of a three-phase PWM
converter which is connected in parallel to a utility source (a)
through coupling reactances and C-type filters. By using the
circuit theorem, the following dynamic equations can be made:





Fig. 1. (a) Main circuit of the three-phase ac-to-dc voltage-source converter.
(6) (b) Switching pattern in one switching period.
where (1)–(5) are the input equations, and the (6) is the
output equation. In combination with switching states, the
input equations can be rewritten in a matrix form as


where and are the switching functions, shown as

if or ON denoted SW1 ON
if or ON denoted SW1 OFF
if or ON denoted SW2 ON
if or ON denoted SW2 OFF
if or ON denoted SW3 ON
(9) if or ON denoted SW3 OFF

Even though this matrix form equation is detailed and This mathematical model is a general model which usually
clear, it is, yet, complicated to analyze. Some refinement applies to various forms of pulsewidth modulation ac-to-
may be necessary. Since the proposed converter is operated dc switch-mode rectifiers. It provides an exact solution if
in current-mode control with voltage-source type, the system the switching function is defined. It is also valid in the
state variables should be focused at the converter input currents computer simulation. However, it is time variant, nonlinear,
and dc-bus voltage. Thus, some state variables, such as the and includes switching functions, such that it can give only
source line current variables and line voltage variables a piecewise solution. Therefore, it is difficult to evaluate
, can be neglected. Therefore, a simplified scheme the closed-form solutions, including steady-state and dynamic
shown as the subblock in Fig. 1(a) is adopted to reduce the performance of the system.
complication. It includes the interrelated equations of Reference [17] has shown three techniques implemented
, and , thus we step by step to solve this problem, including the Fourier
have analysis to obtain the low-frequency model and the high-
frequency model, the transformation to a rotating frame of
(11) reference which is synchronized with the utility voltage to
take a time-invariant but nonlinear model, and the small-signal
(12) linearization to disturb the system with a small area around
the steady-state operation point.
(13) This procedure presents, indeed, a comprehensive analysis
of the converter under these control conditions, including
(14) steady-state solution, dynamic response, and harmonic aspects.
It can provide a theoretical view for the system model.
For a balanced three-phase system without a neutral line, the Nevertheless, there are two state variables (the dc-bus voltage
sums of the phase currents and phase voltages are equal to and the converter input current) which must be controlled, and
zero, that is, the closed-form block diagram includes a minor current loop.
(15) Thus, it extends the complication of the algorithm and causes
complex expressions. These expressions do not provide a valid
simplification for engineers in the design procedure.
Thus, the term can be obtained as follows: In opposition to this, if the system response in the minor
current loop is independent of the outer voltage loop, then
the analysis is simplified. If the system response in the minor
loop (current loop) is faster than the outer loop (voltage loop),
this viewpoint will become reasonable to separately consider
Therefore, these equations can be represented as the matrix- those two terms. A faster minor current loop can be taken by
form differential equation as follows: using a high-voltage margin (ratio of the dc-bus voltage to
the value of the phase voltage), or reducing the value of the
commutator , or improving the parameters of the current
where loop controller. Then, we can consider that the minor loop
has reached the steady-state when proceeding with the output
(19) loop. Thus, a simplification in the design procedure can be
(20) obtained. This design strategy is adopted in this paper and
will be shown later.


A. Current Regulator
If we consider only the model of the minor (current) loop,
then we have the following differential equations:

(22) (24)



(23) In this paper, the ramp comparison control is chosen as the

switching strategy, thus the ON or OFF states of switches are
determined by the pulsewidth modulators. If the modulating

(a) (b)

Fig. 2. (a) The control block diagram of the current loop. (b) Frequency response of the closed-loop transfer function of the current loop. (c) Frequency
response of the loop-gain of the current loop.

signals, denoted as and , are smaller than the shown in Fig. 2(a), where is the gain of the pulsewidth
carrier of a triangular wave, then the corresponding switches modulator and is represented as
SW1, SW2, and SW3 are ON, otherwise they are OFF. An
example of this switching pattern in phase is shown in (30)
Fig. 1(b).
Based on the state-space averaging technique, we derive
To improve the control performance of the current loop, the
the low-frequency model equation for the current loop, while
current regulator and the noise filter are chosen as
the high-frequency components are ignored. Thus, the average
voltage in one switching period is
where is the peak value of the triangular wave. Similarly,
we have For example, if mH, V,
V, and volts/ampere, then based on the root-
(28) locus method and the Bode-diagram method, the parameters
of the current loop controller are chosen as
(29) Hz, kHz,
kHz, and Hz.
Here, three independent current loop regulators are used. If Fig. 2(b) and (c) shows the frequency responses of the
we consider the source voltage and as disturbances, the current regulator. From these figures, the bandwidth is known
control block diagram of the current loop, including the current to be about 3 kHz, the gain margin is 12 dB and the phase
regulator and a noise filter , can be constructed, as margin is 48 . Note that the phase shift of the reference current

and output current is nearly zero, that is, the output current is
nearly in phase with the utility phase voltage.

B. Voltage Regulator
Here, we prepare to introduce a simple design concept,
termed the power balance concept, instead of a comprehen-
sive analysis of the voltage loop control. However, it must
be pointed out again that the proposed control concept is
constrained on the basis that the dynamic of the voltage
loop control is slower than the main frequency, otherwise the
current will be distorted. The dynamic equation of the dc-bus
voltage is shown as follows:


where is the dc-bus load current of the converter, and a

minus value refers to energy regeneration. The averaged small- Fig. 3. The control block diagram of the voltage loop.
signal model is based on the idea of power balance. Since the
current-mode control strategy is adopted in the inner loop, we
can assume the utility current is nearly sinusoidal and in phase According to the above equations and combining with the
with the utility voltage. Suppose the system is lossless, thus, voltage regulator , we obtain the small-signal control
the power balance equation can be obtained block diagram of the system. It is shown in Fig. 3, where the
parameters presented are given as follows:
where are the rms values related to . Since (48)
the current commands are obtained from the voltage regulator
output through a multiplier where they are multiplied by (49)
the related voltage signal, so in a closed-form control block
diagram, we have (50)
where is the closed-loop gain of the current, is Note that the low-pass filter and the notch filter are not
the output of the voltage regulator, is the turns ratio of the included in the voltage feedback loop. They are neglected
potential transformer, and is the gain of the multiplier. To because the small-signal model is valid in a frequency range
deduce the small-signal model, let which is less than the line frequency. Thus, we can deduce
the expression (yet, including the feedforward part) of the dc
(37) output voltage as
(40) where , and are denoted as the control function,
(41) the audio susceptibility, and the dc-bus output impedance,
(42) respectively, and can be derived as follows:
(43) (53)
By using the technique of small-signal linearization and ne-
glecting the higher order terms, we obtain the following (54)
steady-state equations and small-signal equations:
(45) (56)

C. Near-Optimum Feedforward Compensator Design

(46) To minimize the influence caused by the load current
and the input line voltage, we will propose a feedforward
compensator. Since the desired converter input current is
varied according to the load current, the input line voltage, and

Fig. 4. Simplified functional block diagram of the proposed three-phase ac-to-dc converter.

the desired dc output voltage, the feedforward compensator Then, the output voltage can be expressed as
can be represented intuitively as
that is, the output voltage of the converter is independent of
variations in the load current and the input line voltage.
where is a scaling factor. For derivation of the small-
From the viewpoint of control, the voltage regulator
signal model, let
must be chosen so as to minimum the influence of the audio
(58) susceptibility and the dc-bus output impedance, while the
steady-state error of the dc-bus output voltage should also be
then, we have as small as possible. Here, a PI controller is chosen for the
voltage regulator, that is
Thus, the complete averaged small-signal model of the voltage
loop, including the feedforward compensator, is established. Then, the control function becomes
Fig. 3 shows the result, where
(61) (72)
Then, the output voltage can be refined as
(63) (74)

where (75)
(64) The above equations show that the system bandwidth is
affected by the voltage regulator , the input voltage,
(65) the output voltage, and the load current. It appears that a large
input voltage leads to a wider system bandwidth, and a larger
(66) output voltage decreases the system bandwidth.
Since the main function of the system is to force the input
(67) current to be sinusoidal and in phase with the input line
From the above equations, it is easy to prove that the proposed voltage, the bandwidth of the voltage regulation loop should
three-phase ac-to-dc converter has near-optimum dynamic be smaller than the line frequency. A suitable bandwidth is in
the interval of (1/3, 1/2) line frequency. Therefore, the control
regulation if
parameters and can be so chosen such that the bandwidth
(68) is in such interval. Fig. 4 shows the simplified functional block
diagram of the proposed three-phase PWM converter.




Fig. 5. Simulated transient response for step load variation without the Fig. 6. Simulated transient response for step load variation with the feed-
feedforward compensator. forward compensator.


The three-phase ac-to-dc converter system including a

power electronic stage and a control stage was simulated
by the PC-based program. The purpose of the simulation is to
verify the control strategy, design the controller parameters, (a)
and study the static and dynamic performance of the system
before building the laboratory prototype. In order to verify
the system principle by simulations, an experimental system
is constructed of rating 5 kVA. The power circuit consists of
voltage-source PWM converter using insulated gate bipolar (b)
transistors (IGBT’s) (600 V, 50 A) as the switching devices,
the switching frequency is about 11 kHz, the source phase
voltage is 80 V , the dc output voltage is 250
V, F, and mH.
Fig. 5 shows the simulated transient response of the
converter input current and output dc-bus voltage for step
load variation without the feedforward compensator. Fig. 5(a)
shows the dc-bus voltage response . Fig. 5(b) shows the
reference command change , which is the sum of the PI
controller output and the feedforward compensator
output corresponding to the load change. Fig. 5(c) shows the
detected line voltage for phase , and the converter Fig. 7. Simulated transient response for step line voltage variation without
the feedforward compensator.
input current for phase , where .
Fig. 6 shows the simulated transient response in the same
case as Fig. 5, but with the proposed feedforward compensator.
Fig. 7 shows the simulated transient response of the
Fig. 6(a) shows the dc-bus voltage response due to the load
converter input current and output dc-bus voltage for step
change. Fig. 6(b) shows the reference command change .
line voltage variation. Fig. 7(a) shows the dc-bus voltage
Fig. 6(c) shows the response of converter input voltage and
current. Comparing the simulated results in Fig. 5 with the response due to the step utility line voltage variation
simulated results in Fig. 6, we see that the proposed feedfor- (100%–80%–100%). Fig. 7(b) shows reference command
ward compensator has achieved the desired performance in the change . Fig. 7(c) shows the converter ac input response.
case of load variation. Moreover, Figs. 5 and 6 also show that From Fig. 7(c), it is clear that the input power factor remains
the converter input currents are sinusoidal and in phase with unity under transient status. Fig. 8 shows the same case
the corresponding phase voltages, that is, the proposed three- as Fig. 7, but with the proposed feedforward compensator.
phase converter system operates with a high power factor. Fig. 8(a) shows that the output dc-bus voltage remains nearly




Fig. 8. Simulated transient response for step line voltage variation with the
feedforward compensator.

Fig. 10. Experimental transient response for step load variation with the
feedforward compensator.

unchanged if the feedforward compensator is added. Fig. 8(b)

(a) shows the reference command has a faster response than
that of Fig. 7(b). Fig. 8(c) shows that the input power factor
also remains unity under transient status.
Fig. 9 shows the experimental transient response for step
load variation without the feedforward compensator. Fig. 9(a)
shows the dc-bus voltage and the actual dc bus load current
. Fig. 9(b) shows the detected line voltage for phase
, and the converter input current for phase . In
this case, the dc-bus load is changed from no load to nearly
full load.
Fig. 10 shows the experimental transient response for step
load variation with the feedforward compensator. Fig. 10(a)
shows the dc-bus response, and Fig. 10(b) shows the converter
ac input response. Comparing the experimental results in
Fig. 9 with the experimental results in Fig. 10, we see that the
transient response in Fig. 9 is much slower than that of Fig. 10.
(b) So, the proposed feedforward control strategy is effective and
exhibits better system performance. Comparing the simulation
Fig. 9. Experimental transient response for step load variation without the
feedforward compensator. and experimental results, we also see that the simulation results

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addition, this paper does not discuss the typical nonminimum
phase behavior of PWM rectifiers (a right-half-plane zero)
because the system bandwidth is small compared to that.
Furthermore, with a practical, finite bulk filter capacitor, there Ming-Tsung Tsai was born in Tainan, Taiwan,
R.O.C., in 1964. He received the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
will be a few volts of ripple across the output bus voltage grees in electrical engineering from National Cheng-
due to the input voltage unbalance at the second harmonic of Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1991
line frequency. This will cause the current commands to be and 1996, respectively.
He is currently an Associate Professor in the
distorted by the ripple and, thus, a notch filter with a notch Department of Electrical Engineering, Nan-Tai In-
frequency of 120 Hz is used to reduce the effects from the dc stitute of Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, R.O.C. His
ripple voltage. Finally, the system has been verified both by research interests include active power filters, bat-
tery energy storage systems, and residential photo-
simulated and experimental results in a laboratory prototype voltaic power conditioning systems.
system of about 5-KW size.

W. I. (Charles) Tsai was born in Tainan, Taiwan,
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[4] Y. Guo, X. Wang, H. C. Lee, and B. T. Ooi, “Pole-placement control switched power converters, active power filters,
of voltage regulated PWM rectifiers through real-time multiprocessing,” and residential photovoltaic power conditioning sys-
in Proc. IEEE IECON’91, 1991, pp. 513–518. tems.

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