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The Economic Times Wealth July 17-23, 2023 11

ing markets (in terms of 12-month

forward PE) stood at 71.6%, com- VODAFONE IDEA TATA ELXSI
pared to its five-year average of 12-M forward Current 1-year target 12-M Current 1-year target
64.1%, according to the data com- DOWNSIDE DOWNSIDE
EV/EBITDA price (`) price (`) forward PE price (`) price (`)
piled from Reuters-Refinitiv.
Experts feel that the domestic
rally may not last long as the
15.1 7 5 -27.7% 53.1 7,425 6,081 -18.1%
US Fed has indicated a further THE TELECOM SERVICE provider THE GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY ser-
increase in interest rates in the fu-
is struggling due to its inability BUY HOLD SELL vices company missed Refinitiv BUY HOLD SELL
ture. “The recent strong jobs data
to raise funds, critical for capex, revenue estimates by over 2.2%
from the US does not indicate that 0 3 12 1 0 5
liquidity and network expan- in the March 2023 quarter due
the highly anticipated US reces-
sion. The company is also lagging to the weak performance of the on building a strong deal pipe-
sion is nearing, which should keep
its peers in 5G rollout. Bharti of `7,990 crore in the December transportation vertical. In the line and opportunities in 5G. The
the US Fed on the hawkish side.
Airtel and Reliance Jio have been 2022 quarter, supported by lower past few quarters, the company automotive and transportation
This may put a pause on the unin-
expanding their 5G coverage since interest cost on the conversion of has also seen deceleration in business is expected to support
terrupted rally in Indian equities,”
October last year, whereas Voda- debt. The analysts compiled by media and communication, and future growth. However, the val-
says an ICICI Securities report.
fone Idea is yet to announce its 5G Reuters-Refinitiv expect the com- healthcare verticals. While the uation premium of 156% is exor-
A Systematix report also en-
launch timeline. Also, the company pany to post a net loss of `7,178.8 former was impacted by the bitant in terms of the 12-month
dorses similar views and believes
is continuously losing subscribers crore in the June 2023 quarter. slowdown in spending by large forward PE ratio relative to the
that the current market assumes
and the absence of a significant An Emkay report, which was customers, the extension of MSCI India Index. Compared to
the high inflation in the US and ad-
tariff hike is impacting its ARPU. In released after the March 2023 regulatory timelines impacted the industry median forward
vanced economies (AE) will glide
the fourth quarter of 2022-23, the quarter results, believes that the the latter. These verticals are ex- PE, the valuation premium is
back to normal without triggering
company reported a 0.8% sequen- subsistence of the company will pected to recover in the second over 2.5 times. The risk-reward
a recession. “Such extrapolative
tial decline in revenue growth. become increasingly difficult half of 2023-24. ratio remains unfavourable as
assumptions can run out of fuel
However, the net loss narrowed to after 2025-26 due to a significant The management is focusing the current valuation implies
as the latest data suggests that the
`6,419 crore, as against a net loss funding shortfall and may require
18% USD revenue CAGR over the
overheated conditions in the US steep tariff hikes. 100
next 10 years, states a recent
and AEs have not ebbed and cen- 100 HDFC Securities report.
tral banks have voiced renewed
hawkishness,” adds the report. Nifty 500
Nifty 500
As for the domestic economic 120.39
growth prospects, a recent Kotak 120.39
Securities report lists factors like
an erratic monsoon, broad-based
consumer demand slowdown, and Vodafone Tata Elxsi
US recession as the key risks for Idea 92.89
India over the next 3-6 months. It Telecom sector median 12-M forward EV/EBITDA: 7.1.
88.09 Software sector median 12-M forward PE: 20.7.
believes that while the long-term 8 July 2022 11 July 2023 8 July 2022 11 July 2023
prospects of the Indian economy
remain strong, the investment cy-
cle is currently narrow-based and
the pick-up will be more gradual MRF INDIA CEMENTS
than expected. 12-M Current 1-year target 12-M forward Current 1-year target
forward PE price (`) price (`) EV/EBITDA price (`) price (`)
Change in stock ratings
There are 278 companies out of 427
that have seen a change in their
25.7 1,01,572 83,308 -18% 17.7 209 144 -31.3%
‘buy’ ratings since 31 March 2023. THE TYRE MANUFACTURER re- THE CEMENT MANUFACTUR-
Of the 278 companies, 56.8% saw a ported 10% and 60% year-on-year ER’S poor operating performance
decrease in ‘buy’ ratings, whereas growth in revenue and EBITDA, continued in the March 2023
43.2% saw an increase. On the 1 2 7 0 1 5
respectively, in the March quarter. quarter. It reported an EBITDA
other hand, 132 of 269 stocks saw a However, the company is losing loss for the third consecutive
after the fourth quarter results, has set up a capex of `600 crore
change in ‘sell’ ratings during the its competitive positioning and quarter despite higher volumes.
believes that the lower fixed asset and plans to monetise its surplus
period. Of the 132 companies, 57.6% pricing power in the TBR and PCR Weak prices and higher fuel costs
turnover of TBR against other tyre land for funding the capex.
saw an increase in ‘sell’ ratings, segments. Also, the rising radiali- led to the EBITDA loss. The com-
segments, coupled with a higher Analysts have flagged el-
whereas 42.4% saw a decrease. sation will force it to spend more pany has lost a significant market
competitive intensity, will keep the evated debt levels and poor RoE
Since the risks are increasing, on building TBR capacity, which share due to capacity additions
pricing potential under check. The as key concerns. Higher costs
ET Wealth has decided to identify will moderate its RoCE profile. by peers. Low-capacity utilisation
positive EBITDA margin differen- and weak pricing environment
five stocks that investors should re- There are expectations of natural and low blended cement sales
tial for MRF has been shrinking will also continue to hamper
frain from picking to avoid losses. rubber prices moving up as the have hindered its ability to pass
over the years. The stock trades performance. The valuations
These stocks have fallen out of demand is expected to rise with on higher costs through price
at a 12-month forward PE of 25.7 are expensive in terms of the
favour with the analysts or, in other China reopening. Such higher in- hikes. The company is aiming to
times, which is at 29.7% and 25% 12-month forward EV/EBITDA
words, those with a higher number put prices could negatively impact enhance efficiency and planning
premium to the tyre industry of 17.7 times, compared to the
of ‘sell’ ratings compared to their tyre companies, including MRF, in to replace old equipment at some
median PE and market benchmark- industry median EV/EBITDA of
combined ‘buy’ and ‘hold’ ratings. the future. plants over the next two years. It
MSCI India Index PE, respectively. 9.4 times.
Among these, stocks that are cur- An Ambit report, released
rently offering a downside were
100 India Cements
included. 100
Except for India Cements, all 120.62
other stocks listed here have seen a MRF
decline in stakes by foreign inves- 133.56
tors between December 2022 and
March 2023 quarter. Looking at Nifty 500 Nifty 500
the holdings of domestic mutual 120.39 120.39
funds, barring MRF, domestic
funds have reduced their stakes Cement sector 12-M median forward EV/EBITDA: 9.4.
in these four stocks during the de- Tyre sector median 12-M forward PE: 19.8.
8 July 2022 11 July 2023
fined period. 8 July 2022 11 July 2023 Current price as on 11 July 2023. MSCI India 12M forward PE: 21. Source: Refinitiv.
financial planning
12 The Economic Times Wealth July 17-23, 2023

Do I need to pay tax on
my inheritance?
Money &

Find out if you incur any tax liability for the movable and immovable property
that has been left to you by relatives, says Riju Mehta.

so, any gains or losses from the sale of
t’s always a welcome feeling to re- tate of the deceased under the Estate Duty this property will accrue to you. In case
ceive inheritance, unexpected or Act, 1953. Even though the assets that are of gains, you will have to pay capital
otherwise, from your relatives. It’s a passed on to legal heirs could be consid- gains tax. Whether this is a short-term
warm reminder of the fact that you ered gifts, since they are received without or long-term capital gain will be deter-
were loved and important enough any consideration, no gift tax is levied mined by the holding period of the asset.
for someone to leave behind something for because the Income-tax Act, 1961, keeps For calculating the holding period, your
you. What may sour this feeling, however, assets received as inheritance or through cost of acquisition will be considered
is the realisation that you may incur tax a will out of the purview of gifts. Hence, as the original date of purchase by the
liability on the inheritance you have re- these are not considered as income and deceased.
ceived. Does one have to pay inheritance you will incur no tax liability on the assets For instance, if you inherit a house
tax in India? What happens if you decide that you receive as inheritance. in 2020 after the demise of your father,
to sell the movable or immovable assets It is, however, possible that the asset or and decide to sell it in February 2022,
you have received? Is there any short- or property that you get is capable of generat- the profit you make will be considered
long-term capital gains tax involved? ing income. For instance, you could in- capital gain. If your father purchased
Here’s everything you need to know about herit a house that has been rented out and, the house in January 2007 for, say, `50
the taxation that you may or may not incur as a legal heir, you become the owner of lakh, then this purchase price will be
considered as the cost of acquisition. The
on your inheritance. this property. In such a case, the rent will
holding period will be taken as 15 years
Inheritance tax is levied on any as- be added to your income and taxed at the
as it will include the period for which
sets or property that are passed on by a applicable rate. Similarly, if you receive
both you and your father held the prop-
deceased to his legal heirs, be it children any bank deposits or assets that earn an
erty. Since this period is more than 24
or grandchildren. The good news is that interest, this will be added to your income months, it will be considered a long-term
there is no inheritance tax in India, even and taxed. So the income created by the capital gain and you will have to pay tax
though many developed countries still inherited property or asset will be taxable accordingly.

levy it. This tax was abolished in 1985, in your hands. You can also avail of the indexation
before which a high ‘estate duty’ of up to Once you become the owner of an benefit while calculating capital gains.
85% of the value of the inherited property inherited property or asset, you can This means that you can factor in the
had to be paid by the executors of the es- choose to sell it at a later date. If you do inflation to lower your tax liability while
computing the capital gain. You can do
so by multiplying the property’s cost
IF YOU HAVE A WEALTH WHINE, WRITE TO US... Disclaimer: The advice in this column is not from
a licensed healthcare professional and should with the cost inflation index (CII) to find
All of us have been in a financial dilemma when it comes to relationships. How do you say no to a friend not be construed as psychological counselling, out the inflation of the year in which it
who wants you to invest in his new business venture? Should you take a loan from your married brother? therapy or medical advice. ET Wealth and the was sold, and then dividing it by the CII
Are you concerned about your wife’s impulse buying? If you have any such concerns that are hard to writer will not be responsible for the outcome of
of the year in which the property was
resolve, write in to us at [email protected] with ‘Wealth Whines’ as the subject. the suggestions made in the column.


Q I recently inherited some movable property from my grandfather after he passed

away. Is there any tax implication for me regarding this inheritance? — Vinod S.

According to the Income-tax Act, 1961, there is no tax levied on inheritance of property, whether it is movable or immovable. Hence, the movable
property you have inherited from your grandfather will incur no tax in your hands.

My father had some ancestral a legal heir, you have the same right over join the family by way of marriage. — T. Bhardwaj
Q property, but he passed away
without writing a will. I am
your father’s ancestral property as your
brothers. Your marital status will also
Hence, you cannot act as the karta of the
family, and only your oldest child can
As a class I legal heir, your child will
have a right to his father’s self-acquired
married and have two brothers, who have no bearing on your legal right to this be one. However, since your older son is properties if he passes away without a
are now claiming that I have no right property. Hence, you can stake a claim to still a minor, you can act as the manager will. In such a case, the properties will
over this property. Can I stake a claim this property, irrespective of your broth- of the HUF and handle its affairs till the be divided equally among all class I legal
to this property and contest my broth- ers’ claims. time your child becomes a major. heirs, including your child and the chil-
ers in a court of law? dren from his second marriage. If, how-
— Binati S. My husband was the karta of My husband and I are in the ever, your husband decides to pass on his
Ancestral property cannot be willed
to anyone and is passed on to the next
Q our Hindu Undivided Family.
He passed away recently. I
Q process of filing a divorce. We
have a three-year-old child. If
self-acquired properties to someone else
through a will, leaving out your child, he
three generations of legal heirs by have two sons who are minors. Can I my husband gets married again, will cannot stake a claim to the properties.
virtue of their birth, as long as the prop- take over as the karta of this HUF till my child have any rights to his self-ac-
erty remains undivided. Also, as per the my sons become adults? quired properties? Also, what will be Disclaimer: The responses are based on limited
Hindu Succession (Amendment) Act, — Shanti Triphathi my child’s right to the properties if my facts provided by the queries. It is advisable to
consult a legal practitioner after presenting full
2005, daughters have the same right over In an HUF, wives are considered only husband has other children from his facts and documents. Responses should not be con-
ancestral property as sons. Since you are members, not coparceners, since they second marriage? sidered as legal advice in any manner whatsoever.
financial planning
The Economic Times Wealth July 17-23, 2023 13


Annual maintenance contract

To get your appliances to run smoothly, you could opt for an annual maintenance contract
or AMC. However, these aren’t as useful as they seem at first glance.
THE CATCH: The upfront fee is heavy and you other issue is that an AMC can be bought for only
will probably only get one free preventive check- one product and will not apply to similar prod-
up for your appliance. At other times, you will ucts. For instance, if you have three ACs, each
have to pay for replacement of damaged equip- will need a separate AMC or you will have to
ment, as well as extra labour charges, if needed. subscribe to a larger AMC to cover all three. You
Often, the parts to be replaced or even labour won’t be able to buy a generic AMC that could
charges are more expensive than the ones you be used for any AC in case it needs emergency
are likely to get if you were to shop around. An- repairs, which makes this an expensive buy.

Streaming entertainment Hoarding

platforms products

5 money
We’re all hooked to various streaming platforms, ranging This probably doesn’t
from Netflix to Spotify. While most of us have sub- sound like a major money
scribed to multiple platforms, do we really use them all loophole. However, you’ll
or is it just money going down the drain? be surprised how much
money you are wast-
PAY FOR WHAT YOU NEED: When people subscribe to ing by hoarding stuff

such entertainment channels, most automate payments by
using the auto-debit mode via credit cards, Net banking or UPI.
that you don’t use, or by
However, you may be paying a hefty amount for multiple such throwing away unused
platforms that you don’t even use each month. Make a list of things because these are
all your subscriptions over the past 3-6 months, along with the past their expiry dates.
usage time for these. You’ll probably find that you subscribe to
similar ones, such as YouTube Music, Spotify and Apple Music, DECLUTTERING
HELPS: If you haven’t

you need to
while using only one of these more often than the others. In
some cases, it might be better to subscribe for a monthly or heard of Marie Kondo, the
quarterly service, say, for Netflix, rather than pay for an entire Japanese influencer famous
year if you don’t use it regularly. for her unique method of
decluttering and holding on
OTT platforms & subscription plans to things that ‘spark joy’, do

plug now
so now. Take a few hours to
go through all the items in
your kitchen and house, and
OTT PLATFORM SUBSCRIPTION FEE (`) pile the ones you haven’t
used for a year or the
Netflix 199-649 a month ones that are close to their
expiry dates. Then roughly
Namrata Dadwal tells you how to reduce Amazon Prime
179 (monthly); 459 (quarterly);
1,499 (annual) calculate their cost. It will
give you a good idea of how
unnecessary expenses that may not be Hotstar 299 (monthly); 1,499 (annual) much hoarding has actually
dented your wallet without
providing any bang for your buck. Zee 5 399-1,499 (annual)
299 (monthly); 699 (half-yearly);
providing any benefits. To
avoid this money leak in the
999 (annual) future, buy only the things
that you deem are essential
for you and are likely to be
Extended warranty used frequently in the next
three months.
Several manufacturers of appliances and vehicles offer extended warranties
* Only subscription plans for TVs have been considered.
for a price. This is over and above the free, standard warranty that these
offer. There is no difference in the service as it is only an extension of your
warranty by 2-5 years.
THE CATCH: These warranties often come with terms and conditions that make them Vampire gadgets
more problematic than being useful. For instance, you can get repairs done only by a
specific agency or dealership, which may not be convenient for a user as far as time These devices are electrical appliances that TURN IT OFF: Such devices can
and distance are concerned. Most such warranties also cover only breakdowns, not drain power when left on standby or when they increase your electricity consumption
wear-and-tear or regular maintenance. So, these are ineffective if any modification has aren’t in use. For instance, your TV or microwave by 2-5% a month. According to a global
been made or the manufacturer/agency believes you have used the product improperly. may not be working but there will be a light on research study conducted in 2016, an
The company may refuse to cover your product under the warranty and you may still average household consumes 0.8 kWh
(or a display clock) to indicate that they are still
have to pay extra for repairs. In case of vehicles, any damage due to an accident will be of vampire power or phantom load
covered under insurance, not by the extended warranty. functioning and on standby to be used instantly.
every day. The best way to plug this
In the meantime, they continue to consume money leak is to turn off appliances
Extended warranties for some cars electricity. The same is true for a charger. and unplug them when not in use.

WARRANTY TIME (Hours) (Monthly)

Maruti Suzuki 2 years / 5 years /

How some
Swift 40,000 km
3 years
1 lakh km
11,000 - 16,500
vampire PC monitor 0.14 12 50.40

Tata Nexon
2 years /
75,000 km
3 years
5 years /
1.25 lakh km
20,000 - 25,000 gadgets TV 0.35 10 105

3 years / 7 km /
add to Microwave 1 12 360
Hyundai Creta
1 lakh km
4 years
1 lakh km
38,000 - 42,000 your
Toyota 3 years / 5 years / power bill Electric oven 2 8 480
Fortuner Unlimited km
2 years
1 lakh km
40,000 - 48,000
Washing machine 2.5 8 600
Note: Warranties may differ across agencies. There may be additional 18% GST.
your queries

14 The Economic Times Wealth July 17-23, 2023

One of my relatives had government gold bonds My son is a UK citizen with an OCI (overseas cit-
in his demat account, which was held jointly izen of India) status and, hence, doesn’t have an
with his wife. He passed away recently. His wife Aadhaar card. He has been filing income-tax
opened a demat account in her name as a single returns in India for his rental income from cer-
holder and applied for transfer of all securities
held in the joint account to her account by Our panel of experts will tain properties in the country. I believe that
non-resident Indians can apply for an Aadhaar
submitting the relevant documents. All the secu-
rities, except gold bonds, were transferred to
answer questions related to card now, but I don’t know whether OCIs can do
the same. As my son does not have an Aadhaar
her account. Is there a separate procedure to be any aspect of personal card, there is no question of linking it to his
followed in case of transfer of gold bonds? If so, PAN. However, now that the deadline for link-
how should one go about it? finance. If you have a query, ing PAN with Aadhaar card is over, will his PAN
be deactivated? My son has been listing his res-
mail it to us right away. idential status as a non-resident/OCI in his IT
Since gold bonds were held in a demat returns. However, we have received many
account, no separate procedure is required reminders from the IT department to link his
to transfer these to the legal heir’s account
after the death of the account holder. The
QUESTION OF THE WEEK PAN with Aadhaar. We don’t know to whom we
can respond and inform about him not having
gold bonds should have been transferred an Aadhaar card. What should we do?
along with other securities. You need to en-
quire from your broker or depository partic- Please ignore the reminders from the Income-tax
ipant (DP) the reason for not transferring the I sold a plot for `40 lakh after Department as it might not be taking your son’s
gold bonds. If the value of bonds is more holding it for 15 years. I bought residential status into consideration while send-
than `15 lakh, the DP will be not be it for `3 lakh and spent `5 lakh ing the bulk messages.
able to transfer the bonds with- on making a boundary wall and Section 139AA of the Income-tax Act provides
out legal documentation, such that every individual who has been allotted a per-
as legal heir certificate or
plinth levelling. In the sale
manent account number (PAN) as of 1 July 2017,
succession certificate. agreement, the plot’s value is and who is eligible to obtain an Aadhaar number,
mentioned as `35 lakh, with shall intimate his Aadhaar number in the pre-
construction value of `5 lakh. scribed form and manner. So they have to manda-
Vikash Jain Will my long-term capital gain torily link their Aadhaar and PAN. However, the
Co-founder, Share Samadhan
be `37 lakh or `32 lakh? Aadhaar and PAN linking does not apply to the fol-
lowing individuals:
z Those residing in Assam, Jammu and Kashmir,
My mother is 50 years old and a homemaker.
She has been receiving family pension of and Meghalaya.
`50,000 since the demise of my father a few z A non-resident as per the
As per the provisions of Section 45 of Income-tax Act, 1961.
years ago. Of this amount, she has been
the Income-tax Act, 1961, any profits z Anyone of the age of 80
investing `10,000 a month in the SBI Bluechip
Fund. Recently, she received `60 lakh as lump or gains arising from the transfer of a years or above;
sum from a different source after tax deduc- capital asset are chargeable to income z Someone who is not a
tion. How can she balance her corpus so that it tax under the head ‘capital gain’. While citizen of India.
doesn’t lose value and yet gives her a regular computing the capital gain, the cost of
source of income for life? The only major acquisition and improvement, and any
foreseeable expense is my wedding, which expenses related to the transfer of Sudhir Kaushik
may take place after 4-5 years. Currently, capital asset, are to be deducted from Co-founder & CEO, TaxSpanner
there is no other liability for her. the full value of sales consideration.
This is subject to granting of indexa-
Let’s assume your mother sets aside `10 lakh tion benefit, wherever applicable. I want to liquidate the holdings in the demat
from her corpus for your wedding and puts it in a Besides, the indexation benefit is to account of my deceased parents, in which I am a
fixed deposit. The rest can be invested in a mix of be provided with the help of relevant nominee. What is the best option with regard to
blue-chip mutual funds, schemes like SCSS, and the taxation of these holdings? Should I sell from
cost inflation index (CII) notified for
government securities with stable returns. If the my parent’s account, credit the sales proceeds to
the respective year of transfer and their bank account, and transfer the same to my
money is to never run out, the rates of withdraw- acquisition/improvement of the account? Or should I transmit the shares to my
al and inflation should be less than the rate of re- capital asset. account and then sell at my convenience?
turn. For instance, the return on investment (ROI) In your case, the cost incurred on
can be 10%, inflation rate 6%, and withdrawal making a boundary shall be consid-
rate 4%. So, a 4% withdrawal from `50 lakh cor- It is not legal to transact in a deceased per-
ered as the ‘cost of improvement’ and
pus will be `2 lakh or `16,666 a month, leaving son’s demat account, irrespective of the fact
hence, the indexation benefit would
her with `48 lakh. If this grows at 10%, it will rise that you are a nominee or sole heir. You
be available as it is a long-term capital
to `52.8 lakh the next year. If you want higher should transfer the shares into your account
asset. Therefore, the indexed cost of
monthly returns, consider investing the corpus and then sell. You will need to follow the pro-
acquisition (ICOA) and indexed cost of
for at least five years without any withdrawal, cedure laid out by your broker and submit
improvement (ICOI) would be deduct-
assuming the pension meets her current financial some documents for this transfer. The cost of
ed from the sales considera-
needs. The money invested in the blue-chip fund acquisition of these shares paid by your
tion of `40 lakh and the
can come in handy for future capex. Make sure parents will be your cost of
long-term capital
she has sufficient health insurance. If acquisition for calculating
gains shall be cal-
there is a history of medical condi- the capital gain.
culated accord-
tions in the family, it would be a ingly.
good idea to take additional
top-up insurance that covers Shubham Agrawal
Senior Taxation Adviser,
these conditions. TaxFile

Amit Maheshwari Ask our experts

Adhil Shetty Partner, AKM Global Have a question for the experts?
CEO, BankBazaar [email protected]
The Economic Times Wealth
July 17-23, 2023

In This Section



Every week we put about 3,000 stocks through four key filters and rate them on a mix of factors. The end result
of this is the listing of the top 50 stocks based on the composite rating to help ease your fortune hunt.


Current Previous Stock Net Div Downside Bear No. of Consensus
Rank Rank Price Revenue Profit PE PB Yield PEG Risk Beta Analysts Rating

1 Fast growing stocks

Kalpataru Projects 1 1 559.85 19.00 73.22 19.09 1.91 1.25 0.30 1.38 1.17 14 4.57
IndusInd Bank 2 2 1,376.30 23.93 22.02 14.40 1.95 1.02 0.47 1.34 1.88 49 4.67
LIC Housing Fin 3 3 386.95 16.93 27.19 7.54 0.80 2.16 0.23 1.29 1.14 34 3.79 Top 5 stocks with the highest
revenue growth (%) over the
UPL 4 4 631.00 9.17 35.51 13.41 1.60 1.55 0.34 1.08 1.31 29 4.55
previous year
SAIL 5 5 89.85 1.64 100.84 17.22 0.68 3.63 0.15 1.25 1.86 27 3.26
LTIMindtree 44
Balrampur Chini Mills 6 7 374.60 29.90 96.00 27.44 2.66 0.65 0.28 1.42 1.20 10 4.20
Orient Cement 7 6 140.90 14.50 85.35 23.90 1.83 1.60 0.27 1.42 1.43 15 4.20 PSP Projects 36
Karur Vysya Bank 8 8 121.95 20.49 24.79 9.00 1.17 1.27 0.35 1.70 1.04 13 4.92 Natco Pharma 34
Embassy Office Parks 9 10 299.99 13.53 48.03 56.32 1.17 7.25 1.01 0.78 0.20 13 4.77
Balrampur Chini 30
Natco Pharma 10 11 681.40 34.19 50.94 17.29 2.54 0.45 0.34 1.15 0.63 14 3.57 Mills
PSP Projects 11 12 716.55 35.81 49.04 19.55 3.22 0.69 0.40 1.49 1.99 11 4.45 BHEL 30

Adani Ports & SEZ 12 15 717.20 18.53 58.66 29.52 3.44 0.69 0.50 2.19 2.49 21 4.86
Maruti Suzuki India 13 16 9,647.55 28.85 37.51 35.87 4.77 0.61 0.93 0.82 0.86 50 4.22
2 Least expensive stocks
Finolex Industries 14 13 174.60 10.32 127.27 43.37 2.22 2.32 0.34 1.37 0.96 19 3.89
Top 5 stocks with the lowest
Somany Ceramics 15 9 715.35 16.05 87.31 43.61 3.96 0.38 0.50 1.10 0.68 20 4.60
price-earnings ratio
Federal Bank 16 17 126.75 15.55 13.50 8.73 1.25 1.34 0.59 1.20 1.58 40 4.75
CESC 7.48
Larsen & Toubro 17 14 2,450.15 17.58 33.47 33.15 3.89 0.90 1.03 0.86 0.73 41 4.59
LIC Housing 7.54
Heidelberg Cement 18 18 177.50 12.40 132.19 40.53 2.75 5.10 0.31 1.19 1.25 20 2.95 Fin
Endurance Technologies 19 19 1,670.00 22.77 64.29 49.24 5.35 0.37 0.70 1.02 -0.09 20 4.35 Federal Bank 8.73
EPL 20 22 217.45 17.23 35.31 30.51 3.49 1.96 0.86 1.38 0.41 12 4.67 Karur Vysya 9.00
Bharat Forge 21 42 858.10 18.87 141.54 75.29 5.93 0.82 0.53 1.11 1.31 31 3.97 Bank
NTPC 10.83
NTPC 22 24 187.90 3.56 15.50 10.83 1.25 3.80 0.66 0.85 0.87 24 4.79
Apollo Tyres 23 20 424.55 10.53 53.22 24.71 2.12 0.75 0.47 1.29 1.34 30 3.70
HDFC Bank 24 29 1,641.10 22.90 33.31 20.00 3.19 1.16 2.33 0.84 1.29 45 4.91 3 Best PEGs
Coforge 25 21 4,755.50 22.12 53.88 42.04 9.47 1.38 0.77 1.32 1.11 35 3.86 Top 5 stocks with the least
Ipca Laboratories 26 23 769.25 16.96 82.32 41.45 3.34 0.52 0.50 1.17 0.23 22 3.09
price earnings to growth ratio
Alembic Pharmaceuticals 27 26 655.00 14.18 62.80 37.30 2.92 1.52 0.59 0.99 0.63 19 3.11 LIC Housing Fin Balrampur Chini Mills

CESC 28 27 75.05 11.09 13.04 7.48 0.92 6.04 0.66 0.85 0.61 15 4.87
Aurobindo Pharma 29 25 724.40 11.35 41.12 22.15 1.59 0.41 0.53 1.34 1.18 30 4.30 0.15 0.23 0.27 0.28 0.30

Hero MotoCorp 30 40 3,073.10 11.16 30.59 22.10 3.73 3.25 0.72 0.93 0.82 46 3.48
JK Lakshmi Cement 31 28 674.50 12.99 53.51 21.54 2.84 0.74 0.40 1.59 1.94 22 4.00 SAIL Orient Cement Kalpataru Projects
Cyient 32 33 1,427.25 23.71 34.06 30.28 4.54 1.84 0.91 1.29 0.42 18 3.94
Eris Lifesciences 33 31 700.35 28.63 21.62 24.89 4.33 1.05 1.16 0.85 -0.01 11 5.00
4 Income generators
Blue Star 34 -- 795.20 25.68 44.70 38.67 11.40 0.64 0.75 1.01 0.48 24 4.17
Top 5 stocks with the highest
UltraTech Cement 35 32 8,234.00 12.41 52.96 47.37 4.42 0.46 0.89 0.86 0.80 46 4.30
dividend yield (%)
Zydus Lifesciences 36 34 591.45 13.81 45.25 30.52 3.42 0.42 0.72 0.92 0.70 36 3.92 Embassy Office
Parks REIT
NHPC 37 37 46.00 20.41 12.01 11.98 1.26 4.03 1.28 1.15 0.49 10 4.80
CESC 6.04
Prince Pipes & Fittings 38 44 633.50 14.67 102.47 58.13 5.17 0.32 0.56 0.99 0.20 14 4.57
Birlasoft 39 35 361.90 11.65 66.92 30.43 4.09 1.29 0.47 1.45 1.40 12 4.25 HeidelbergCement 5.10
NHPC 4.03
Ramco Cements 40 41 928.80 16.98 134.82 70.67 3.24 0.32 0.54 1.17 1.21 40 3.15
NTPC 3.80
Jindal Steel & Power 41 36 633.55 5.54 75.74 20.11 1.64 0.32 0.44 1.50 1.90 26 4.04
Alkem Laboratories 42 43 3,511.15 12.64 57.73 43.04 4.68 1.25 0.75 0.79 0.18 25 3.12
5 Least risky
Kajaria Ceramics 43 38 1,299.05 19.05 48.15 62.24 9.21 0.68 1.29 1.03 -0.11 34 4.44 Top 5 stocks with the lowest
Cipla/India 44 45 1,020.70 13.31 29.28 29.44 3.52 0.49 1.02 0.85 0.32 41 4.10 downside risk
BHEL 45 46 91.80 29.85 87.23 68.36 1.22 0.42 0.35 1.55 2.10 18 1.83 Alkem
Laboratories HDFC Bank
Zydus Wellnes 46 47 1,460.45 15.44 38.33 30.12 1.82 0.34 0.79 0.91 0.23 10 4.40
CG Consumer Elect 47 50 289.75 15.32 34.05 40.47 7.05 1.02 1.20 1.34 1.09 47 4.38
0.78 0.79 0.82 0.84 0.85
Ceat 48 48 2,476.85 10.74 136.87 54.29 2.94 0.48 0.44 1.58 1.06 22 3.59
Aptus Value Hsg Fin 49 -- 262.55 11.80 28.16 26.08 3.93 1.54 0.96 1.58 0.12 16 4.38
Embassy Office Maruti Suzuki NTPC
LTIMindtree 50 -- 4,893.30 44.37 55.35 33.57 8.77 1.25 1.45 1.26 1.25 42 3.45 Parks REIT India

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