4334 01 Caj4511y-Fz FZ

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Voltage Code : FZ CAJ4511Y-FZ

High Temp. Commercial (HP) 220 - 240V 1~ 50 Hz

R134a AJ4511Y-FZ3B

Nominal Cooling Capacity Sound Power

Conditions Frequency Watts BTU/h ISO3745 / ISO 3743-1

EN12900_HP / R134a 50 Hz 2714 9253 61 dBA

Displacement (cc) 32,7

Net Weight (Kg) 21.5
Oil Quantity (cc) 475.0
Oil Type Polyolester
Expansion Device Capillary_Tube/Expansion_Valve
Cooling Fan
Main Winding (Ohm) 2.9
Start Winding (Ohm) 8.8

RLA (A) 5.1
MCC (A) 8.6
LRA (A) 30

Electrical Equipment CSR

Overload MRA38088
Time Check 2.8s - 5.2s / 27.5 A
Open Temp 105° C
Close Temp 57° C
Optional T0419

Start Capacitor 88 µF / 330 V

Run Capacitor 15 µF / 400 V

Potential Relay RVA6M**

Pick Up 239/268V
Drop Out 60/135V
Optional 3ARR3*4AA*

* EN12900_HP : T°Cond. 50.0°C / T°Evap. 5.0°C / T°Return gas temp.. 20.0°C

Refrigerating connection for OD
T°Subcooling. 0.0K
Suction Tube 15.9 (5/8")
Discharge Tube 7.9 (5/16")
Certificates : Process Tube 6.35 (1/4")

Note : Tecumseh reserves the right to change information contained in this document without notification.

Selection program - V4.6_2021028 - 25/03/2021

CAJ4511Y-FZ Tension FZ : 220 - 240V 1~ 50 Hz

© 2021 Tecumseh Products Company

Les performances sont données dans les conditions EN12900_HP : Gaz aspirés : 20.0 °C
Condition Dew Sous refroidissement : 0.0 K

The performance data are in EN12900_HP conditions : Return gas : 20.0 °C

Dew Condition Subcooling : 0.0 K

All rights reserved

50 Hz R134a
4 | T condensation 5 | T évaporation (°C) -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
30 1 | P frigorifique (Watt) 815 1116 1474 1899 2399 2985 3665 4448 5343
2 | P absorbée (W) 491 565 632 696 759 826 901 987 1087
3 | I absorbée (A) 2.33 2.64 2.94 3.24 3.53 3.83 4.13 4.42 4.71
40 1 | P frigorifique (Watt) 642 924 1252 1634 2079 2597 3196 3885 4674
2 | P absorbée (W) 475 575 664 746 825 904 986 1076 1177
3 | I absorbée (A) 2.25 2.64 3.03 3.42 3.81 4.20 4.58 4.97 5.35
50 1 | P frigorifique (Watt) 716 1014 1354 1744 2195 2714 3310 3994
2 | P absorbée (W) 552 672 781 883 982 1081 1184 1294
3 | I absorbée (A) 2.58 3.06 3.54 4.02 4.50 4.97 5.45 5.92
60 1 | P frigorifique (Watt) 764 1063 1400 1784 2223 2729 3308
2 | P absorbée (W) 649 794 928 1055 1178 1302 1430
3 | I absorbée (A) 3.03 3.60 4.17 4.74 5.30 5.87 6.43

1 = cooling capacity 2 = power input 3 = current 4 = condensing temperature 5 = evaporating temperature

Nota : Tecumseh se réserve le droit de modifier les informations contenues dans ce document sans préavis.

Note : Tecumseh reserves the right to change information contained in this document without notification.

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