Module 2 P.E. 2

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Brgy. Pingit, Baler, Aurora
S.Y. 2021–2022
1ST semester

Quarter 4 Module 1


NAME OF LEARNER: ________________________________________________________________

Surname Name M.I.

STRAND, GRADE, SECTION __________________________________________________________


In recent decades, sport as a social practice has become relevant in many different fields: in health,
economy, politics, education, work and leisure. The importance of sport transcends the confines of the sports
field. Sport involves not only organization but also organizing. Sport is about organizing collective efforts and
performance. Sport is about managing excellence, coaching and developing tactics as well as strategies. Sport
also has its own mechanisms of organizing social differences. The competitive aspects of sport imply practices
of in- and exclusion. These practices are enacted spatially on the sports field, dividing space between
competing teams and individual sportsmen and sportswomen. In a broader sense, this theme touches upon
the issue of access and socially marginalized identities. Sport deals with contradictions and paradoxes that
exist in society at large. Sport is ‘contested terrain’ (Bourdieu 1988), an arena in which social and political
differences are being played out.

 State the different strategies that can minimize the occurrence of having
 Enumerate the Skill-Related Fitness Component.
 Identify the types of sports.
 Describe your participation in sports.
 Explain the importance of Health-Related Physical Fitness Component.

 What physical fitness component do you want to develop/improve? Rank
each component with 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.


1. Cardiovascular Endurance
2. Muscular Strength
3. Muscular Endurance
4. Flexibility
5. Body Composition



Sports is an activity that requires physical actions and skills where individuals or teams
compete under a set of rules. It is classified into individual, dual, or team sports. Individual

sports are played by one participant on each competing side, dual sports are played by two
competing pairs, while team sports are played with three or more players.

Some of the popular individual and dual games include badminton, bowling, boxing, lawn tennis, track
and field, table tennis, skating, swimming, and beach volleyball. However, there are some individual and dual
sports that can be played in teams, depending on the tournament and sponsoring sports organizations. Some
sports can also be played ion indoor, outdoor, or both.

Individua It is necessary to learn the basic of each sport in
SPORT Dual Team
l order to properly play the game. Nonetheless,
Badminton * * * understanding how the game is played is most essential.
Basketball *
Bowling * * In whichever sports, the benefits of participating in
Boxing * * a physical activity is the most significant.
Football *
Lawn Tennis * * *
 What
Track and Fieldis the difference
* of individual/dual
* sports vs. team sports?
Table tennis/
* * *
Skating * * *
Softball *
Swimming * *
Volleyball *
Volleyball (beach)

Individual sports foster a higher amount of discipline, self-confidence, focus, and passion. The
individual player is solely responsible for winning or losing, succeeding or failing.

In team sports, many variables are considered to determine the success or failure of the team.
Although individual qualities and skills are helpful, performance will not rely on a single talent. A team’s
performance or success depends on the collective effort of all its players.

 What does one need to know in playing sports?

Individual sport relies on the individual while team sports rely on teammates. In playing any type of
sports, it is important to have focus, clear understanding of the game, and work ethics in mastering the skills.

Some of the important aspects to consider in learning a sport are:

1. History – the inventor of the sport, country of origin, and development of the game.
2. Court Dimension/Venue – where the games are played (indoor, outdoor, or both), size, different
designs for male or female, and safety procedures for the players.
3. Equipment and Gear – proper protective gears, uniforms, and outfits which also involve safety of
players and the officials.
4. Technical and Tactical Skills – technical skills are the basics of playing the game (e.g., basketball
– dribble, shoot, pass) while tactical skills are the strategies to take advantage during the game.
5. Rules of the Game – set of rules on how the game is played, violations, penalties, how to score
points, how many players are allowed, etc.
6. Officiating – officials of the game, their duties and responsibilities of calling for violations, penalties,
points, etc. and regulating fair play.

The following are examples of the basics in playing different individual/dual and team sport:

Individual/Dual Sports

Table Tennis
1. Grip
 Shakehand Grip
 Penhold Grip
2. Ready Position
3. Forehand and Backhand
4. Basic Hitting
5. Topspin Serve

6. Basic Position, Forehand and Backhand Drive
7. Forehand and Backhand Push

1. Grip
 Handshake Grip (forehand and backhand)
2. Ready Position and Footwork
3. Serve
 Long Serve
 Short Serve (forehand and backhand)
4. Forehand and Backhand Overhead Stroke
5. Forehand and Backhand Clear
6. Forehand and Backhand Drop
7. Forehand and Backhand Smash
8. Forehand and Backhand Drive

1. Footwork
2. Pivoting
3. Catching the Ball
4. Dribbling
5. Passing
6. Shooting
7. Rebounding

1. Throwing
2. Catching
3. Fielding Flyballs and Ground Balls
4. Playing catcher
5. Pitching
6. Batting
7. Baserunning
8. Sliding

1. Stance (ready position of the body and foot)
2. Service (underhand, sidearm, and overhand serve)
3. Tossing (underhand and overhand or finger toss)
4. Passing/receiving (forearm pass, overhand, and dig
5. Attacking
6. Blocking
7. Defensive Skills (rolling/sliding)


In playing any sport, learning and developing skills help athletes improve in the game. These skills
involves physical training and game strategies.

 Technical Skills

These are basic or fundamental skills needed to play the game. These are required in all sports. It
advances in degrees or levels as a player practices or get used to doing the skill. Examples of these are
dribbling, passing, and shooting in basketball, and ball reception, attacking/spiking and setting in volleyball.

 Tactical Skills
These are the decision-making skills or
strategies used in different situations during the Five Steps in Teaching Tactical Skills
game. These may vary depending on the trainer 1. Distinguishing the important decisions
or coach, skill level of an athlete, or the strength 2. Establishing essential knowledge for athletes
and weakness of the opposing team. A basic 3. Recognizing the signals in situations
example is use of quick pass and movement 4. Giving appropriate tactical options
against a taller but slower opponent in 5. Planning a Practice Game
basketball. The use of tactical decision during a
game is called game sense.

In planning a training/practice, an individual must consider the following:

1. Preparation/Planning Factor Definition

 Date, time, and duration of training/practice Frequency Number of sessions
in a week
 Objectives/goal Intensity Difficulty level of
 Equipment needed during training/practice the exercise or
2. Training proper work demand
 Warm-up/Stretching Time Duration or
 Teaching new skills/practice of previously distance covered in
an exercise session
taught skills
Type Mode of exercise or
 Scrimmage/Practice game activity
 Cool down and assessment


An activity/sport should be chosen based on an individual’s preference and lifestyle.

Some of the considerations that will guide an individual in their choice of sports include:

1. Weather extremities (hot or cold) for an outdoor sports activity.

2. Enjoyment derived from the activity.
3. Previous activities tried and enjoyed.
4. Financial capacity or budget. Activities like ice skating, golf, and scuba diving require
financial investment on equipment and actual activity.
5. State of health and level of fitness. Demands of physical activity may be excessive for
the body, having a conditioning is recommended.
6. Other alternative activities that will give motivation.

 What are the health-related and skill-related fitness in sports/physical activity?

Health-related physical fitness are the aerobic capacity, muscular strength, muscular endurance,
flexibility, and body composition of an individual. Chapter 1 contains more information about health-related
Skill-related physical fitness is sometimes called sports fitness or motor fitness. The skill-related
physical fitness is called as such because people who possess them find it easy to achieve high levels of
performance in motor skills. The components of skill-related physical fitness are agility, balance, coordination,
power, reaction time, and speed.

One of the factors that influence skill-related performance is heredity; however, most fitness skills can
be developed and improved. Different sports skills can be used in setting your FITT goals to achieve your
health related fitness. FITT principle can be used as a starting point for one’s sports activities to ensure fitness

The table below presents examples of sports and movement in each component of skill-related fitness.

Skill-Related Fitness Example of Sports Movement

Agility  Basketball  Changing directions to escape a
 Tennis  Changing directions to hit the ball
Balance  Cycling  Riding a bicycle
 Gymnastics  Performing on the balance beam
Coordination  Table Tennis  Hitting the ball
 Baseball  Catching the ball
 Soccer  Kicking a soccer ball
Reaction Time  Swimming  Start to jump/dive on the pool when the
signal start
 Basketball  Getting the rebound
Speed  Athletics  Running the 100m event
 Badminton  Receiving a drop shot
 Baseball  Stealing a base
Power  Baseball  Throwing a fast ball
 Powerlifting  Lifting weights

 What are the safety measure to avoid unnecessary injuries in playing games or sports?

In taking part in any physical activity, it is essential to first observe safety measures to avoid
unnecessary injuries. Although certain injuries may not be avoided, most injuries can be prevented by
observing good judgment. The following are safety measures to avoid injuries:

1. Safety equipment. Have the appropriate gears for the type of activity such as clothing, shoes, and
protective gears that would prevent uneasiness and harm. Also take into consideration the activity area.

2. Hydration. Keep your body hydrated with enough water or fluids during exercise or activity especially
during hot weather. Drink a cup of water minutes before exercise and every 15 minutes during your
exercise to help your body replenish lost fluids.

3. Perform moderate-intensity physical activity. It is better to perform physical activities with moderate
intensity on a regular basis rather than occasional strenuous activities. A vigorous workout will tire your
body easily and overstraining yourself can lead to injuries. It also causes nausea and body pains that
would not go away quickly. Maintain an exercise routine with comfort. Forcing yourself with too much
intensity just to attain goals quickly is a mistake.

4. Weather Condition. Wear appropriate clothes for the weather. The clothing you wear have to make you
feel a little cool at the start of exercise. Wear light-coloured clothes during sunny days as not to absorb too
much heat to avoid overheating and put on sun protection. During cold weather, a thermal suit will help you
keep warm. Avoid using thick clothes for it constrains perspiration and can cause your body temperature to
go up.

Social Studies

History is the study of change over time, and it covers all aspects of human
society. Political, social, economic, scientific, technological, medical, cultural,
intellectual, religious and military developments are all part of history.



Camaraderie is a spirit of good friendship and loyalty among members of a

group. You might not like your job, but still enjoy the camaraderie of the people
you work with.


Sports is an activity that requires physical action and skills where individuals or
teams compete under a set of specific rules and regulations. Sports can be played
individually, in pairs, or in teams composed of three or more players. Individual and dual
sports foster greater discipline, self-confidence, focus, and passion. Team sports promote
collective discipline besides individual skills and talents. However, in any sports, focus and being goal-oriented
is important. Any sport is best played when the player is familiar of its history, court/venue, gears/equipment,
technical/tactical skills, rules, and officiating.


Callo, L. T., Dajime, P. F. (2016). Physical Education and Health Volume I. Rex Book
Store, Inc. (RBSI).

“Camaraderie”. Vocabulary.


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