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Ten Questions Concerning Hybrid Computational Physical Mod - 2016 - Building and

This document discusses 10 questions concerning hybrid computational/physical modeling for simulating wind flow in the built environment. It notes that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) using physical modeling have traditionally been seen as competing approaches, but combining them offers synergistic benefits. A hybrid approach can leverage the strengths of both methods to expedite research, improve understanding of flow phenomena, and reduce costs and time. The document considers advantages of each approach and how they can complement each other in a new "hybrid" wind engineering methodology.

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Ten Questions Concerning Hybrid Computational Physical Mod - 2016 - Building and

This document discusses 10 questions concerning hybrid computational/physical modeling for simulating wind flow in the built environment. It notes that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) using physical modeling have traditionally been seen as competing approaches, but combining them offers synergistic benefits. A hybrid approach can leverage the strengths of both methods to expedite research, improve understanding of flow phenomena, and reduce costs and time. The document considers advantages of each approach and how they can complement each other in a new "hybrid" wind engineering methodology.

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Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21

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Building and Environment

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10 Questions

Ten questions concerning hybrid computational/physical model

simulation of wind flow in the built environment
Robert N. Meroney
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: For over fifty years the common presumption has been that computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and
Received 17 September 2015 experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) were mutually exclusive and competitive. Often the question was
Received in revised form posed: When can we get rid of our physical modeling facilities? This question does not recognize the
3 November 2015
tremendous synergistic leverage of combining the best qualities of both CFD and EFD as a research and
Accepted 4 November 2015
Available online 21 November 2015
design methodology. Coordinating the application of both CFD and EFD in a hybrid management
approach can expedite results, improve understanding of flow phenomena, and often reduce research
costs and time. This paper considers some of the common questions that arise as one considers hybrid
Hybrid research
research or design methods as it is applied to wind engineering and the built environment.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Physical modeling
Experimental flow dynamics (EFD)
Built environment

1. Introduction 1.1. Advantages of physical modeling

Wind Engineering was first identified and defined as a specific Wind or water tunnels are, in effect, analog computers that have
subtopic in engineering in the 1975 Freeman lecture prepared by the advantage of “near-infinitesimal” resolution and “near-infinite
Jack E. Cermak [1]. The application of experimental fluid dynamics memory.” A fluid modeling study employs “real fluids” not models
(EFD)1 in fluid modeling facilities (wind or water tunnels) to wind of fluids; hence, the fluid model is implicitly non-hydrostatic, tur-
engineering applications began as early as 1891 when Professor la bulent, includes variable fluid properties, non-slip boundary con-
Cour of Denmark established a windmill experimental station at ditions, and dissipation. Real fluids permit flow separation and
Askov, Denmark. Even earlier in 1759 John Smeaton did experi- recirculation. All conservation equations are automatically included
mental investigations of wind effects on solid objects. However, in their correct form without truncation or differencing errors, and
serious application of fluid similarity and physical modeling did not there are no missing terms or approximations. The basic equations
really begin until the 1940e1960 period, when attempts were of motion and transport are solved by simulating the flow at a
made to estimate loads on the proposed World Trade Center in New reduced scale, and then the desired quantity is measured. Finally,
York, the selection of stack heights for power stations, the esti- the fluid model bridges the gap between the fluid-mechanician's
mation of flow and dispersion in forests, and the effects of winds analytic or numeric models of flow, turbulence and dispersion and
and turbulence on pedestrian comfort near buildings and in cities their application in the field. Fluid modeling may be used to plan
[1,2]. The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to field experiments, provide conservative estimates of plume trans-
wind engineering occurred somewhat later, since significant soft- port, wind flows, wind forces, and validate modules of numeric
ware and computational capacity were developed only after about code [6e8]. Some limitations will, of course, exist such as inability
1960 [3e5]. to model geophysical scales larger than test facilities.

1.2. Advantages of numerical modeling

In this paper experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) will be limited to physical Numerical modeling, despite its many limitations associated
modeling and not full-scale field experiments. with grid resolution, choice of turbulence model, or assignment of

0360-1323/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21 13

boundary conditions is not intrinsically limited by similitude or advantages of an old tool, fluid (or physical or scale) modeling
scale constraints. Thus, in principle, it should be possible to (EFD), with the speed and convenience of a new technology,
numerically simulate all aspects of fluid motions, thermal stratifi- computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The traditional view is that
cation, induced forces (such as Coriolis effects), plume transport, the scientific method has two foundations, experimental and
dispersion, and/or drift. In addition it should be possible to examine theoretical (Fig. 1). While the traditional scientific method does not
all interactions of these properties individually, sequentially and acknowledge the role for computing and simulation, a new para-
combined to evaluate nonlinear effects [9,10]. Recently, modelers digm establishes a foundation for the extension of the traditional
have even managed to perform down-scaling from meso-scale processes to include verification and scientific software develop-
synoptic programs and up-scaling from surface layer CWE calcu- ment that results in the notional framework known as Sargent's
lations [11,12]. It is this tremendous potential that has led wind Framework. This framework elucidates the relationships between
engineering practitioners to more frequently present results of the processes of scientific model development, computational
such numerical studies in professional and trade journals and model verification, and simulation validation (Fig. 2). “The outer
promotional materials. circle together with data validity are the technical processes that
must be addressed to show that a model is credible … .Assessment
1.3. The CFD/EFD dilemma activities are spawned from each of these technical processes.” (See
Knepell and Arangno, Chapter 2 [35]) For example, fluid modeling
Initially the relationship between proponents of CFD and EFD for can initially provide data from which CFD turbulence models are
wind engineering applications, however, was very uneasy. CFD created, CFD calculations can use such turbulence models to quickly
proponents were enthusiastic about the future of their craft, and survey alternate solution strategies using simplified domain sce-
frequently endorsed numerical methods as the wave of the future, narios, then physical modeling can examine in greater depth design
open to immediate use on almost any application, and predicted consequences, and finally, CFD can extend initial conclusions to a
the eventual demise of “old fashioned” and “surely expensive” and broader set of similar cases. Combining experiments with numer-
cumbersome fluid modeling facilities. Some predicted that CFD ical simulations also provides new educational opportunities for
would be dominant by 1985 [13]. Perhaps this is not surprising the next generation of engineers and scientists [36].
considering that computer costs were declining by factors of 10 Thus, both CFD and EFD are in many respects mature tools to
every 5 years. EFD specialists were not convinced. Peter Bradshaw apply to wind engineering. Recently, there has been a courtship
(1975) [14] pointed out that whereas computational number between the two methodologies as one identifies how they can
crunching capacity had increased exponentially, our fundamental complement one another. Indeed, today there are opportunities for
understanding of turbulence had only grown slowly; hence a “fact a marriage of experimental and numerical technologies. This new
gap” which made proposed turbulent models approximate and discipline has been called “hybrid” wind engineering.
most numerical results questionable unless carefully validated for
the given application. The tendency for many CFD users to believe
2. Ten questions (and answers) concerning hybrid simulation
implicitly in the realism of the beautiful graphical displays that
of the wind environment
their software produces is implied when one says that CFD is really
an acronym for “Colorful Fluid Dynamics.” Harsher critics say that
Many readers may still feel uncertain as to exactly what this new
“Cheats, Frauds and Deceivers” would be more appropriate [10].
“hybrid” design dogma entails; hence in the next sections we will
Since 1960 a number of researchers have reviewed CFD and
consider ten questions about “hybrid” wind engineering research.
EFD methods to judge how well they represent the “full scale” or
original wind phenomena. Several committees have been formed
to systematically examine CFD and EFD reliability and propose 2.1. What is hybrid modelling for wind engineering?
minimum domain, boundary conditions, initial conditions, and
appropriate turbulence models [15,16]. Other researchers have Answer: It is the complementary use of CFD and EFD modeling
compiled experimental data sets suitable for validation of CFD to simulate wind engineering (WE) problems.
models (NPARC Alliance, 2005; ERCOFTAC, 2015; CEDVAL; CSU/
TTU Cooperative Program in Wind Engineering, 1987e2002;
Architectural Institute of Japan Working Group, 1992e1994)
[17e22]. Periodically papers appear that critique CFD methods,
consider software verification, and propose validation scenarios
[10,21,23e33]. Recently Kraft (2010) [34] even asked the ques-
tion “After 40 years why hasn't the computer replaced the wind
Nonetheless, over the last fifty years the application of CFD to
wind engineering (or Computational Wind Engineering, CWE) has
matured substantially. The increase in CWE skill parallels the
similar growth in fluid-physical or EFD modeling. Cochran and
Derickson [33] summarized the sixty year struggle for physical
modeling to develop facilities, instrumentation, and model re-
quirements. Today there is general consensus about what one can
do with EFD with confidence, what remains uncertain, and what
should not be attempted at all. Indeed, EFD for wind engineering
went through decades of validation, and so it is not surprising that
CWE has followed a similar path. Blocken [3] and Meroney and
Derickson [5] have recently reviewed the birth, growing pains,
teenage status, and recent maturity of CWE.
A reliable new hybrid methodology has arisen that combines the Fig. 1. The “old” scientific method [82].
14 R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21

2.3. What problems are particularly suitable for hybrid modeling?

Answer: Wind-engineering situations where a large number of

alternatives need to be considered, but validation data are limited;
situations where several physical time or space scales are involved
simultaneously or sequentially; and situations where critical sub-
modules or mechanisms need to be identified, defined, or mathe-
matically modeled before either CFD or physical modeling can
Successful hybrid modeling usually involves maximum “cross-
talk” between the numerical and fluid modelers. Each needs to
know the other discipline to the extent that intelligent questions
are asked before and during modeling. The process can be
considered as one where there is frequent leapfrogging in questions
and answers, and a “bootstrap” process can occur where EFD sug-
gests boundary conditions, and subsequently CFD suggests model
modifications, which are validated by further EFD.

Fig. 2. The “new” scientific method [82,83]. 2.4. What type of problems may be unsuitable for hybrid modeling?

Answer: Problems which depend primarily on dimensionless

There is a renewed interest in modelling structure and envi- scales where the phenomena are not correctly reproduced during
ronment interactions to plan for consequences of wind related physical simulation, e.g. surface heat transfer, combustion, radia-
hazards, atmospheric transport and dispersion, pedestrian comfort, tion, and problems during which important phenomena are
weather related transportation effects, and wind effects on alter- disconnected due to a mismatch in time or space scales.
native energy solar or wind energy projects. The interaction of Although some flow characteristics are known to be scale in-
these needs are included in the taxonomy of the discipline of wind dependent, there are others which are not Reynolds or Peclet
engineering by Derickson and Cochran [37]. Such configurations number independent. In particular flow phenomenon which are
are often too complicated to predict reliably by the host of analytic limited by microscopic fluid properties such as heat or mass
or code models developed for stationary effects in limited or transfer in the laminar sublayer, chemical reaction rates which have
idealized situations. A new hybrid methodology has arisen that different time scales than the surrounding flow motions, stratified
combines the advantages of an old tool, fluid (or physical or scale) flows that scale as Froude number (L1/2) while mean or mixing
EFD modeling, with the speed and convenience of a new technol- flows scale by Reynolds number (L), or problems in which con-
ogy, computational fluid dynamics, CFD [4,38]. duction, convection and radiation produce similar order driving
forces, yet they occur over different time scales.

2.5. Will performing both CFD and physical simulations during

hybrid modeling be more expensive?
2.2. Why perform joint hybrid modeling versus CFD/Physical
modelling independently? Answer: Often simplified or approximate CFD modeling will
permit the elimination of many expensive physical modeling sim-
Answer: Each method can provide insight, accuracy levels and ulations; thus, permitting a focus on critical options, or alterna-
reliability that are jointly synergistic. tively, early physical modeling validation may identify what
The very use of the word “hybrid” implies a combination of linearization or simplifying assumptions can be incorporated into a
initially unrelated concepts of heterogeneous origin that results in CFD model.
an offspring that has hopefully the best qualities of both parents. In- Modeling costs depend on facility operational costs and labor
deed, such crossbreeding often results in ‘hybrid vigor’ that has costs. Larger physical modeling facilities can cost millions of dollars
even better and stronger characteristics than either parent. For to construct and operate, similarly large scale computing requires
example. huge investments for maintenance, cooling, and software support.
But although significant reductions have been made in the unit cost
 Both methods permit the individual control of many variables, of computer hardware and software, physical laboratory facilities
which allows the researcher to isolate driving or dominant costs have remained constant or even risen. Thus, any project
transport mechanisms, management scheme that can leverage on the high cost physical
 Fluid modeling can provide data in situations where the actual model research to reduce or extend the value of their measure-
physical mixing mechanisms are vague, confused or obscured by ments is a savings in time and money. Without EFD verification, the
other phenomena, CFD results often remain questionable, but, on the other hand, once
 Computational modeling can provide data at greater spatial verified CFD systems can also quickly and more cheaply extend
resolution than is practicable during fluid modeling due to basic EFD measurements (e.g. CFD and EFD teamwork used during
instrumentation, time or cost limitations, solar panel analysis, Meroney and Neff [39] as described in Section
 Flow in fluid modeling situations incorporate mixing at all time- 2.9).
scales, whereas time dependent solutions in CFD often require
the dedication of massive computational resources, and 2.6. What size CFD/Physical modeling facilities are required to
 Computational modeling can be employed to explore further perform realistic simulations?
the parametric space of a problem while keeping specific pa-
rameters constant. Answer: CFD calculation capacity in terms of grid size and speed
R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21 15

must be large enough to capture relevant flow scales over times full-scale flow situations. When the situations are very complex,
sufficient to reach flow equilibrium, and physical modeling facil- enormously large, or involve extended times, then engineers will
ities must be large enough to reproduce relevant scaled turbulence attempt to examine all the possible submodules of their design in
length and time scales of both the atmospheric boundary layer and the place of testing everything simultaneously.
those generated by building models.
Different wind engineering phenomenon tend to be dominated 2.9. What are some examples where hybrid wind-engineering has
by specific turbulence scales. For example although a dispersing achieved credibility?
plume is influenced by all scales of atmospheric motion from the
micro scales to the macro scales, most of the mixing of a plume (as Answers:
opposed to its displacement) is caused by eddies close to the same
size as the local plume. Thus, initially at a plume source large eddies  Building structures: bridge and tower vibrations; exterior
displace the entire plume back and forth, but only the smaller size cladding loading; pedestrian comfort: street canyon flows;
eddies entrain nearby air; however, at larger sizes the smallest vegetation effects [32,39,42e45,39,46,47].
eddies merely “vibrate” the edges of the plume, the largest eddies  Solar panel loads: isolated performance; installation on and
still cause plume “meander:, and the eddies of the same order of near structures [39,48,49].
magnitude as the plume entrain nearby fluid. Similarly, phenom-  Building ventilation: infiltration; window/door movement;
enon such as cladding loading, snow drifting, pedestrian comfort, combined internal and external flows; transport in stairwells or
etc. require consideration of the scales of motion that dominate between floor [32,50,51].
their behavior. Cermak et al. [2] and Cermak [1,40] proposed facility  Dispersion and diffusion of stack gases: modification and
limitations associated with atmospheric boundary layer simulation, entrainment of stack plumes by buildings; cooling tower drift;
structural loading, canopy flows, and atmospheric transport, dense gas dispersion [4,7,32,41,52e55].
Snyder [6] identified significant facility requirements for dispersion  Fire and smoke transport: cases involving combined heat
and transport from stack plumes, Meroney [7,41] extended the conduction, radiation, convection and even chemical reaction;
dispersion discussion to include transport and mixing of dense gas evacuation of personnel; control of sprinklers or automated
clouds, and Meroney and Melbourne [8] identified operating ranges vents [5,32,56e60].
to simulate the convective boundary layer in different size wind-  Snow, sand, dust or rain drifting/loading: complex interaction
tunnel facilities. of particle propagation and interaction with structures; thermal
environment variations; rain penetration or impact on struc-
2.7. Will it be necessary for a researcher to be an authority in both tural cladding [5,32,61,62].
CFD and physical modeling to achieve reliable results?  Wind energy production and siting: turbine performance;
wake and terrain interaction; built environment [63e65].
Answer: Researchers should share a foundation in meteoro-  Flow over complex terrain: terrain enhanced flows; landesea
logical, fluid mechanics, and structural mechanic fundamentals, but interfaces [63,64,66e68].
the details of metrology and numerical simulation need not be  Vehicle aerodynamics: exhaust behavior, overturning mo-
duplicated in every member of a research team. ments, loads and stability of rail and road vehicles; rocket
One of the fascinating features of wind engineering research has launch site characteristics [69e72].
been the successful participation of researchers with many back-  Meteorological phenomena: flow physics of tornadoes;
grounds. At Colorado State University (CSU) from 1950 through downbursts; hurricanes; interaction with built environment;
2010 the Fluid Mechanics and Wind Engineering Program involved etc. [8,11,12,73e76].
staff trained in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemi-  Facility design: wind tunnel specifications [8,77].
cal Engineering, Atmospheric Science, Engineering Mechanics,
Economics, Physics, Computer Science, and Electrical Engineering. There are so many application examples it is difficult to list them
The synergism of this wide variety of education and training all, so here are a couple cases to provide insight into the advantages
resulted in over 50 years of productive research and engineering of hybrid analysis.
design. It is however very important that there is some cross- Solar Panels: Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can provide a
disciplinary training, especially with respect to a base under- flexible and cost-effective tool to select promising configurations
standing of micro-meteorology and atmospheric surface layer for solar panels from alternative design strategies, which can be
phenomena. Both clients and engineers need to talk the same subsequently tested in detail either in the laboratory or the field.
language and have the same expectations about the contributions Two-dimensional CFD models were performed for single, double,
of wind engineering [42]. and multiple collector arrangements before more time-consuming
and detailed three-dimensional calculations were performed for
2.8. What role does full field scale research play during hybrid selected cases. EFD studies were performed first at near full scale to
modelling? provide a validation base for CFD trials (See Figs. 3 and 4). Only after
a protocol was found that reproduced the initial EFD measure-
Answer: Both CFD and physical simulation need “truth” testing ments, were other alternatives considered. Then based on these
against full size environments if possible; however, it is sometimes results the “best” solar arrangements were studied again by EFD
impossible to perform reliable or repeatable full scale tests due to [39,49,50].
inherent meteorological variabilities, safety, and cost constraints. Cladding and Pedestrian Effects: A wind-sick building at the
Engineering decisions frequently entail risk; hence, there will Denver Federal Center, Colorado, USA was examined by the CSU
always be some doubt and reluctance to make design decisions Wind Doctors using MRI (Measurement Research Investigation)
based completely on “models”, “simulations” or “virtual” reality, and CATscan (CFD Aerodynamic Testing) diagnostic techniques to
especially as the consequences of a wrong decision may entail determine a proper course of treatment to alleviate severe skin and
extreme cost or lives. Thus, as we extend our predictions into breathing problems. The evaluation determined that the building's
formerly unexplored areas, it will always be wise to take the time to sickness was due to severe extreme wind exposure (See Figs. 5 and
confirm our estimates when possible by comparison with the actual 6). A prescription was written to provide protection through
16 R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21

Fig. 3. Static pressure contours for CFD 3-d model (Left e 0 and right 180 wind orientations) from Meroney and Neff [39].

Fig. 4. Overall load comparisons between CFD 3-d and wind-tunnel models (Left for 0 and right for 180 wind orientations) from Meroney and Neff [39].

Fig. 5. CFD computed average pressure coefficients for NNW winds, N face in stag-
nation, from Meroney et al. [44].
Fig. 6. MRI and CATscan pressure coefficient comparison, West Face, NNW winds, from
Meroney et al. [44].

constructive plastic surgery on the face of the building and the

R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21 17

insertion of supportive landscaping orthotics around the foot of the

structure. The prognosis is for significantly improved quality of life,
but problems will persist even if various landscaping improve-
ments mature [45].

a. By looking at both CFD and EFD results one could determine

how building façade (mullions) affected variations in pressure.
b. It was also possible to determine if the mullions present during
the EFD tests modified the general behavior of pressure distri-
butions by looking at CFD results. The CFD also filled in infor-
mation in regions that were not instrumented.
c. Both methods produced results similar enough to make equiv-
alent design decisions.

Cooling Tower Drift: EFD was used to determine general flow

patterns in an urban environment with cooling towers, but simu- Fig. 8. Discrete Particle Model predicted nodal contours of deposition from all Cooling
lating drift as small scales was not considered feasible. Hence, the Tower units (kg/m2 s) for wind approach angle 2400 from Meroney [55].
EFD measurements were used to confirm CFD simulations, and
then Lagrangian particle predictions were produced in the resultant
wind fields using CFD (Figs. 7 and 8). Tests were performed with results and to design more configuration independent EFD
and without structures present to determine multiplicative factors facilities.
to correct seasonal or annual predictions using approved codes like
ISCST3 and SACTI [55]. 2.10. What does the future hold for hybrid modeling in wind
Fire Propagation: Fire can propagate through vegetative can- engineering?
opies, around buildings and within buildings. Flow and turbulence
measurements within model vegetative canopies have been Answer: The maturity of CFD and improved computers suggests
extensively studied by EFD [78] but since fires involve scales that IT will eventually permeate EFD metrology and analysis, and in
ranging from the micro to the macro scales, it is not feasible to some situations CFD design techniques will dominate with EFD
realistically simulate them in the laboratory. Thus, EFD has been being used to validate solutions or extend numerical submodules.
used to validate CFD models absent fires; then, fire and smoke as- One can even imagine future situations where EFD measure-
pects are added into the CFD simulations to complete the evalua- ments may drive a CFD interpretation which controls subsequent
tion (Fig. 9) [57e59]. EFD measurements in a feedback manner; thus improving
Facility Evaluation: Given that different wind or water test fa- predictions.
cilities can have different sizes and configurations (open vs closed,
various combinations of flow straighteners and screens) it is not 3. Summary and conclusions
surprising that they may have different wind, turbulence, and
secondary flow fields. Thus, even when EFD tests are repeated by Good mental health in a fluid or numerical modeler is always
different research organizations in what was assumed to be indicated by the presence of a suspicious nature, cynicism and a
equivalent initial and boundary conditions, significant variations in “show me” attitude. These are not necessarily the best traits for a
results can occur. It has been difficult to identify how often and how life mate or a best friend, but they are essential if the integrity of the
large such deviations affect measurements. Recently Moonen et al. modeling process is to be maintained.
[77] have shown by using CFD that numerical methods can repro-
duce these facility idiosyncrasies by including all facility turns, 3.1. Limitations of similitude
contractions, screens, flow straighteners and boundaries (See
Figs. 10 and 11). This provides an important means to critique EFD It is important to remember that models whether CFD or EFD
based are “virtual” reality and only as accurate or realistic as our
own imagination. When we insist on modeling at full or reduced
length scale ratios then simulation criteria often require metrology
decisions that may enhance one flow characteristic while degrad-
ing another. We will never fully be able to answer the question “Just
how reliable are the results?” Simulation must be limited by un-
certainties in our understanding of the physical phenomena, un-
certainties about the initial or boundary conditions, uncertainties
about our measuring or calculation equipment, uncertainties about
our prototype observations, and uncertainty about what we really
want to know.
We must also take care that our search for agreement and cor-
relation does not itself lead to “spurious” errors and self-deception
[79]. Data presentation suggested by scaling variables and simu-
lation criteria might itself misrepresent the results. Flawed analysis
either intentional or through misunderstanding of commonly
accepted data analysis methods can lead to erroneous results and
Fig. 7. Discrete Particle Model predicted particle tracks (scale ¼ sec traveled) from all
presumption of correlation of cause and effect, when, in fact, there
Cooling Tower units for wind approach angle 240 and Rosin-Rammler source distri- is little or none. Classical dimensional analysis combined with
bution (dmean ¼ 0.1 mm, n ¼ 1) from Meroney [55]. statistical regression of such scaled data may produce apparent
18 R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21

Fig. 9. Large eddy calculations of 3-d thermal plume behavior at 160 s after ignition, Centerline section, T ( K) for flow over clear ground (left) and flow within a porous canopy
(right) as calculated by Meroney [59].

Fig. 10. The Jules Verne thermal wind tunnel a) Plan view, b) and c) are longitudinal and lateral cross-sectional views, and d) is a photograph of the nozzle, screen and guide vanes
as noted in Moonen et al. [77].

correlation of information resulting in “virtual” or “spurious” cor-  Consistent inlet flow during CFD simulation of scales and char-
relation. Such inadvertent correlation errors can result in inap- acteristics of the atmospheric boundary layer (reproduction
propriate conclusions and self-deception concerning the actual simultaneously of velocity, turbulence and integral length scale
relationships between scaling variables and the associated reduc- profiles which are in equilibrium); (e.g. adjustment of numerical
tion in variance found in tables and graphs. A number of dimen- wall functions [80].
sionless expressions used in meteorology and wind engineering  Simultaneous resolution of small and large scales (e.g. fire in-
induce large magnitudes of spurious correlation when plotted volves scales from microns to km);
against other commonly accepted parameters. For example, when  Simultaneous similitude when conflicting similarity re-
drag coefficients, CD, pressure coefficients, Cp, dimensionless shear, quirements exist (e.g. Fr and Re number, one requires U pro-
S*, or dimensionless concentrations, K, are regressed against Rey- portional to L and the other L1/2);
nolds numbers, Re, dimensionless height, z/LMO, or stratified Jensen  Turbulence models that correctly model the balance of turbu-
numbers, zo/LMO, inherent virtual correlations can exist with values lent production and dissipation (e.g. standard k-epsilon model
from 50 to 95% even when random numbers are used to generate presumes equilibrium in production and destruction of turbu-
the component parts of the dimensionless groups! lence energy in situations where significant convection is
Despite the limitations noted above, careful CFD/EFD modeling actually present, but large eddy simulation models are known to
are often still the best and only reliable predictive tool available! incorrectly model jet growth rates if incorrect constants are
chosen) [32]; and
 Chemical reaction models that do not impose reaction time
3.2. Specific modeling limitations yet unresolved scales which are incompatible with other fluid modeling
similitude requirements.
Sometimes CFD, EFD, and hybrid model capacity are constrained  Studies which define model sensitivities [e.g. Beychok (2005)
by our own limited understanding of the fluid phenomena. For [81] notes that uncertainties in input information can propagate
example, better simulations await the ability to provide:
R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21 19

Fig. 11. Contours of dimensionless velocity magnitude a 1.80 m height (left) and in the vertical center plane (right) for different calculated situations a) no vanes, b) only horizontal
vanes, c) only vertical vanes, and d) both. Wind speeds higher than 2.1 are colored white as noted in Moonen et al. [77].

through models for plume rise, dispersion coefficients and Acknowledgments

concentration averaging to produce potential errors by factors of
six to eighty]. This paper could not have been written without the contribu-
tions of the cohort of international engineers and scientists who
have contributed to the growth of wind engineering using physical
and numerical modeling. The author acknowledges their creativity,
genius and hard work. The author would also admit that not all
3.3. Hybrid modeling in the 21st and 22nd Centuries relevant references could be included in this review. Papers chosen
were based on relevance and familiarity to the author, and it is
The primary role of EFD modeling of building aerodynamics highly likely additional and perhaps better examples are available.
during the next century will not always be the direct measurement
of data to be used during engineering design of specific facilities. References2
Physical modeling is often not fast or flexible enough to perform the
sensitivity studies commonly required making engineering de- [1] J.E. Cermak, Applications of Fluid Mechanics to Wind EngineeringeA
Freeman Scholar Lecture, J. Fluids Eng. 97 (1) (1975) 9e38.
cisions about very complex systems. Instead EFD and CFD may be
[2] J.E. Cermak, V.A. Sandborn, E.J. Plate, G.H. Binder, H. Chuang, R.N. Meroney,
combined: S. Ito, Simulation of Atmospheric Motion by Wind-tunnel Flows, Civil Engi-
neering Report CER66JEC-VAS-EJP-GJB-HC-RNM-SI17, Colorado State Uni-
 To explore atmospheric interactions not yet fully understood, versity Fort Collins, CO, 1966, p. 111, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/
RG.2.1.2298.5687, http://hdl.handle.net/10217/169834 (Valid 10/2015).
 To tune and justify turbulence models incorporated into CFD [3] B. Blocken, 50 Years of Computational Wind Engineering: Past, Present and
models, future, J.Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 129 (June 2014) 69e102.
 To complement (or replace) numerical measurements when the [4]* R.N. Meroney, Wind Tunnel and Numerical Simulation of Pollution Disper-
sion: a Hybrid Approach, Proceedings of Croucher Advanced Study Institute,
veracity of CFD modeling is constrained by computational ca- Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2004, p. 66, 6e10
pacity, understanding, or economics, December 2004, and again 7e8 December 2005.
 To devise new analytic models suitable for inclusion in larger [5] R.N. Meroney, R.E. Derickson, Virtual reality in wind engineering: The windy
world within the computer, Indian J. Wind Eng. Indian Soc. Wind Eng. 11 (2)
numerical systems, and (July 2014) 11e26.
 To validate computational modules as they are incorporated into [6] W.H. Snyder, Guideline for Fluid Modeling of Atmospheric Diffusion, US
computer design codes. Environmental Protection Agency, 1981, p. 199. Report EPA-600/8-81-009,
http://nepis.epa.gov/Adobe/PDF/2000BDW8.PDF (Valid 10/2015).
 To assist in the “education” of a new generation in fluid dy-
[7] R.N. Meroney, Guideline for Fluid Modeling of Liquefied Natural Gas Cloud
namics and wind engineering.

The proliferation of conference titles and sessions focusing on 2

*- These references are available to download at http://www.engr.colostate.edu/
EFD/CFD and wind engineering suggests that this refocus is already ~meroney/ under the subject category html link contributions of Robert N. Mer-
underway. oney. (Valid 10/2015).
20 R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21

Dispersion, Report No. GRI-86/0102.1, Chicago, Il, in: Instruction Guide, Vol. 1, Engineering, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 99 (2011) 139e153.
Gas Research Institute, 1986, p. 62. Also available as US NTIS PB87-120051. [34] E.M. Kraft, After 40 Years Why Hasn't the Computer Replaced the Wind
[8] R.N. Meroney, W.H. Melbourne, Operating ranges of meteorological wind Tunnel? ITEA J. 31 (2010) 329e346.
tunnels for the simulation of convective boundary layer phenomena, [35] P.L. Knepell, D.C. Arangno, in: Simulation Validation: a Confidence Assess-
J. Bound. Layer Meteorol. 61 (1992) 145e174. ment Methodology, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA,
[9] S. Murakami, Past, present and future of CWE: the view from 1999, in: 1993, p. 168.
A. Larson, G.L. Larose, F.M. Livesy (Eds.), Wind Engineering into the 21st [36] L. Guessous, R. Bozinoski, R. Kouba, D. Woodward, Combining Experiments
Century, Balkema Press, 1999, pp. 91e104. with Numerical Simulations in the Teaching of Computational Fluid Dy-
[10] T. Stathopoulos, Computational wind engineering: Is it mature for civil en- namics, Comput. Educ. J. ASEE XIV (3) (2004) 55e60.
gineering applications? (Editorial), J. Aerosp. Eng. 12 (1999) 111e112. [37] R.G. Derickson, L. Cochran, Making the Wind Engineer's Role More Effective
[11] T. Yamada, K. Koike, Downscaling mesoscale meteorological models for in Urban Projects: A Proposed Three-Facet Framework for Enhanced Success,
computational wind engineering applications, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 99 in: 12th Americans Conference on Wind Engineering (12ACWE), Proceedings
(2011) 199e216. of, Vol. 2, Seattle, Washington, USA, June 16-20, 2013, pp. 1237e1250.
[12] A. Mochida, S. Iizuka, Y. Tominaga, I.Y. Lun, Up-scaling CWE models to include [38] H.M. Hangan, Wind-driven rain studies. A C-FD-D approach, J. Wind Eng. Ind.
mesoscale meteorological influences, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 99 (4) (2011) Aerodyn. 81 (1999) 323e331.
187e198. [39]* R.N. Meroney, D.E. Neff, Wind effects on roof-mounted solar photovoltaic
[13] D.R. Chapman, H. Mark, M.W. Pirtle, Computers Vs. Wind Tunnels for Aero- arrays: CFD and wind-tunnel evaluation, in: Proceedings of 5th Int. Sym-
dynamic Flow Simulations, Aeronaut. Astronaut. J. (April 1975) 22e30, 35. posium on Computational Wind Engineering (CWE2010), 23e27 May, Chapel
[14] P. Bradshaw, Letter to Editor on “Computers vs Wind Tunnels”, Aeronaut. Hill, NC, 2010, p. 8.
Astronaut. J. (September 1975) 6. [40] J.E. Cermak, Wind-tunnel design for physical modeling of atmospheric
[15] AIAA, Guide for the Verification and Validation of Computational Fluid Dy- boundary layers, Special Volume on Advances in Fluid Mechanics, ASCE,
namic Simulation, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, J. Eng. Mech. 107 (EM3) (1981) 623e642.
Reston, VA, 1998, p. 19. AIAA G-077-1998. [41] R.N. Meroney, Wind-tunnel experiments on dense gas dispersion, Special
[16] QNET-CFD, Repository of Structured Knowledge and Advice for Industrial and Issue, J. Hazard. Mater. 6 (1982) 85e106. also in book Dense Gas Dispersion,
Academic Application of CFD, 2004. http://www.ercoftac.org/products_and_ R. E. Britter and R. F. Griffiths, eds. Chemical Engineering Monograph No. 16,
services/wiki/. http://uriah.dedi.melbourne.co.uk/w/index.php/Main_Page Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co., 1982.
(Valid 9/1/15). [42]* L. Cochran, R. Derickson, R.N. Meroney, H. Sharp, On what new building
[17] NPARC Alliance, CFD and Validation, NPARC Alliance CFD Verification and project managers need to know about wind engineering, in: 17th Austral-
Validation Web Site, 2005. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/wind/valid/ asian Wind Engineering Society Workshop, Wellington, New Zealand, 11e13
homepage.html. http://www.grc.nasa.gov/WWW/wind/valid/archive.html February, 2015, p. 4.
(Valid 9/1/15). [43] R.N. Meroney, C.W. Letchford, P.P. Sarkar, Comparison of numerical and wind-
[18] ERCOFTAC, European Research Community on Flow, Turbulence and tunnel simulation of wind loads on smooth and rough domes immersed in a
Combustion-Best Practice Guidelines-Publications, 2015. http://www. boundary layer, in: 3rd Int. Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering,
ercoftac.org/publications/. http://www.ercoftac.org/publications/ercoftac_ Univ. of Birmingham, UK, 4e7 September 2000, 2002, p. 12. Also Journal of
best_practice_guidelines/ (Valid 9/1/15). Wind and Structures (2002), Vol. 5, No. 2-4, 347-358.
[19] B. Leitl, Compilation of Experimental Data for Validation of Microscale [44]* R.N. Meroney, D.E. Neff, C.H. Chang, Diagnosis of a Sick Building by the Wind
Dispersion Models, CEDVAL, Website maintained by Environmental Wind Doctors, in: C.K. Choi, et al. (Eds.), Proc.. of the Second International Sym-
Tunnel Laboratory (EWTL), Meteorological Institute, University of Hamburg, posium on Advances in Wind and Structures (AWAS'02), August 21e23,
Germany, 2006 (Valid 9/1/15), http://www.mi.zmaw.de/index.php?id¼433. 2002, pp. 43e52. Busan, Korea.
[20] B. Bienkiewicz, Animation and Data from CSU/TTU Cooperative Program in [45]* R.N. Meroney, D.E. Neff, C.H. Chang, R. Predoto, Computational Fluid Dy-
Wind Engineering (1987-2000), 2006 (Valid 9/1/15), http://www.windlab. namics and Physical Model Comparisons of Wind Loads and Pedestrian
colostate.edu/research_and_service.htm. Comfort Around a High Rise Building, Session on Computational Evaluation
[21] A.H.P. Smith, Data from CSU/TTU Cooperative Program in Wind Engineering of Wind Effects on Buildings, in: Proceedings of ASCE 2002 Structures
(1987-2000), Wind Science and Engineering Research Center, Texas Tech Congress, Denver, CO, April 4e6, 2002, p. 2.
University, Lubbock, TX, 2006. http://www.wind.ttu.edu/index.php (Valid 9/ [46] Y. Tominaga, A. Mochida, R. Yoshie, H. Kataoka, T. Nozu, M. Yoshikawa,
1/15). T. Shirasawa, AIJ guidelines for practical applications of CFD to pedestrian
[22] T. Tamura, Numerical Prediction of Wind Loading on Buildings and wind environment around buildings, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 96 (10e11)
Structures-Activities of AIJ Cooperative Project on CFD by Working Group of (2008) 1749e1761.
Architectural Institute of Japan, in: IWEF Workshop on CWE/CFD’96, Fort [47] M.H. Salim, K.H. Schlunzen, D. Grawe, Including trees in the numerical
Collins, CO, 9 August 1996, p. 72. See also (1997) J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn., simulations of the wind flow in urban areas: Should we care? J. Wind Eng.
Vol. 67-68, pp. 671e685. Ind. Aerodyn. 144 (September 2015) 84e95.
[23] P. Bearman, The Tortoise and the Hare: the Physical Experiment versus the [48]* D.E. Neff, R.N. Meroney, Wind Performance of Photovoltaic Arrays, Final
Computer Model Has Been a Scientific Tortoise and Hare Race over the Last Report, Wind Engineering and Fluids Laboratory, Colorado State University,
30 Years, BMT Focus, BMT (British Maritime Technology) Group Ltd, Ted- 2003, p. 181, http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.1798.8563.
dington, U.K., 1996, p. 12. Also see link : http://www.zoominfo.com/ [49] D. Banks, Panels in the Wind: How Wind Load Studies Will Impact the Solar
CachedPage/?archive_id¼0&page_id¼2069416270&page_url¼//www. Industry, World Renewable Energy Forum, Denver, CO, 2012, p. 7.
bmtfm.com/?/377/694/487&;page_last_updated¼2012-10-11T11:57: [50] P. Karava, Airflow Prediction in Buildings for Natural Ventilation Design:
39&firstName¼Peter&lastName¼Bearman (Valid 10/2015). Wind-Tunnel Measurements and Simulation, Ph.D. Thesis, Dept. of Building,
[24] A.J. Baker, R.M. Kelso, E.B. Gordon, S. Ray, E.G. Schaub, Computational Fluid Civil and Environmental Engineering, Concordia University, Montreal,
dynamics: A Two-Edged Sword, ASHRAE J. 29 (8) (August, 1997) 51e58. Quebec, 2008, p. 242.
[25] T. Stathopoulos, Computational wind engineering: Past achievements and [51]* R.N. Meroney, CFD Prediction of Airflow in Buildings for Natural Ventilation,
future challenges, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 67&68 (1997) 509e532. in: Proceedings 11th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, San Juan,
[26] T. Stathopoulos, A State-of-the art Report on Computational Wind Engi- Puerto Rico, June 22-26, 2009, p. 11.
neering, in: C.K. Choi, C.B. Yun, H.G. Kwak (Eds.), 7th Int. Conf. On Computing [52] C.H. Chang, R.N. Meroney, Concentration and flow distributions in urban
in Civil and Building Engineering, 1997, pp. 2081e2086. Seoul, Korea. street canyons: Wind tunnel and computational data, J. Wind Eng. Ind.
[27] T. Stathopoulos, The numerical wind tunnel for industrial aerodynamics: Real Aerodyn. 91 (2003) 1141e1154.
or virtual in the new millennium? Wind Struct. 5 (2e4) (2002) 193e208. [53] B. Leitl, P. Klein, M. Rau, R.N. Meroney, Concentration and flow distributions
[28] Y. Li, T. Stathopoulos, Computational evaluation of pollutant dispersion in the vicinity of U-shaped buildings: Wind-tunnel and computational data,
around buildings: Estimation of numerical errors, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 67&68 (1997) 745e755.
77&78 (1998) 619e630. [54] R.N. Meroney, B.M. Leitl, S. Rafailidis, M. Schatzmann, M. Pavegeau, Wind-
[29] I.P. Castro, J.M.R. Graham, Numerical wind engineering: the way ahead?, tunnel and numerical modeling of flow and dispersion about several building
Proc. Institute of Civil Engineers, Struct. Build. 134 (1999) 275e277. shapers, in: Int. Workshop on ACFD for Wind Climate in Cities, Hayama,
[30]* D. Banks, R.N. Meroney, R.L. Petersen, J.J. Carter, Evaluation of Fluent for Japan, August 24-26, 1998, p. 10. Special issue of J. of Wind Engineering and
Predicting Concentrations on Buildings, Paper No. 70223, in: Proceedings of Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol 81(1999), pp. 333e346.
the Annual Meeting of the AWMA (Air and Waste Management Association), [55] R.N. Meroney, CFD Prediction of cooling tower drift in an urban environment,
San Diego, CA, June 2003, p. 11. in: Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Computational Wind
[31] T. Scott, D. Banks, Virtual Versus Physical: Examining the Capabilities of CWE/ Engineering (CWE2006), 16-19 July 2006, Yokohama, Japan, 2006, p. 4. Also
CFD Simulations through Comparisons to Wind Tunnel Observations, in: 4th Journal of Wind Engineering, Vol. 108, pp. 809e812.
Int. Proceedings of Symposium on CWE (CWE2006), Yokohama, Japan, 2006, [56] H.R. Baum, D.B. McGrattan, R.G. Rehm, Three dimensional simulations of fire
pp. 581e584, in: http://www.iawe.org/Proceedings/CWE2006/TB2-06.pdf plume dynamics, in: Fie Safety Science Proceedings of the Fifth International
(Valid 10/15). Symposium, International Association of Fire Science, March 3e7, 1997,
[32] B. Blocken, T. Stathopoulos, J. Carmeliet, J. Hensen, Application of CFD in Melbourne, AU, 1997, pp. 511e522 (also J. Heat Transfer Society of Japan, Vol.
building performance simulation for the outdoor environment: an overview, 35, pp. 45e52.).
J. Build. Perf. Simul. 4 (2) (2011) 157e184. [57]* R.N. Meroney, Fire whirls, fire tornadoes, and fire storms: Physical and nu-
[33] L. Cochran, R. Derickson, A physical modeler's view of Computational Wind merical modeling, in: Proceedings of PHYSMOD'03: International Workshop
R.N. Meroney / Building and Environment 96 (2016) 12e21 21

on Physical Modelling of Flow and Dispersion Phenomena, 3e5 September [73] R.N. Meroney, Wind-tunnel simulation of convective boundary layer phe-
2003, p. 9. Prato, Italy. nomena: Simulation Criteria and Operating Ranges of Laboratory Facilities,
[58]* R.N. Meroney, Numerical prediction of fire propagation in idealized wildland in: E.J. Plate, E.E. Fedorovich, D.X. Viegas, J.C. Wyngaard (Eds.), (NATO
and urban canopies, in: Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Advanced Study Institute on Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows, 17-27
Wind Engineering (ICWE12), 1e6 July 2007, p. 8. Cairns, North Queensland, March 1997, Pforzheim, Germany.) Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows,
Australia. Kluwer Press, August 1998, pp. 313e326.
[59] R.N. Meroney, Fires in porous media: natural and urban canopies (Chapter 8), [74] R. Avissar, R.N. Meroney, M.D. Moran, G. Wu, R.A. Pielke, Operating range of
in: Y.A. Gayev, J.C.R. Hunt (Eds.), Flow and Transport Processes with Complex numerical and physical models for the simulation of coastal marine flows,
Obstructions, NATO Science Series, Springer, Berlin, 2007. Bound. Layer. Meteorol. 50 (1990) 227e275.
[60] R.N. Meroney, Protocol for CFD prediction of cooling tower drift in an urban [75] A. Sengupta, F.L. Haan, P.P. Sarkar, V. Balaramudu, Transient loads on build-
environment, in: 4th Int. Symp on Computational Wind Engineering ings in microburst and tornado winds, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 96 (2008)
(CWE2006), 2008, p. 12. Final publication in J. Wind Engr. Ind. Aerod, Vol. 96, 2173e2187.
(2008), pp. 1789e1804. [76] C.W. Letchford, M.T. Chay, Pressure distributions on a cube in a simulated
[61] B. Bang, A. Nielsen, P.A. Sundsbo, T. Wilk, Computer simulation of wind thunderstorm downburst. Part A: stationary downburst observations, Part B:
speed, wind pressure and snow accumulation around buildings (SNOW-SIM), moving downburst observations, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 90 (7) (2002),
Energy Build. 21 (1994) 235e243. 711-732 and 733e753.
[62] B. Blocken, J. Carmeliet, Spatial and temporal distribution of driving rain on a [77] P. Moonen, B. Blocken, J. Carmeliet, Indicators for the evaluation of wind
low-rise building, Wind Struct. 5 (5) (2002) 441e462. tunnel test section flow quality and application to a numerical closed-circuit
[63] D.E. Neff, R.N. Meroney, (1997), Wind-tunnel modelling of hill and vegetation wind tunnel, J. Wind Eng. Industrial Aerodynamics 95 (2007) 1289e1314.
influence on wind power availability, in: Proceedings of Wind Energy and [78] R.N. Meroney, Characteristics of wind and turbulence in and above model
Landscape (WEL), Satellite International Workshop of the 2nd European & forests, J. Appl. Meteorology 4 (5) (October 1968) 780e788.
African Conference on Wind Engineering (2 EACWE), Genova, Italy, June 26- [79] R.N. Meroney, Spurious or Virtual Correlation Errors Commonly Encountered
27, 1997, p. 10. Also published as reviewed paper in J. of Wind Engineering in Reduction of Scientific Data, J. Wind Eng. Industrial Aerodyn. 77e78
and Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol. 74-76, 1998, pp. 335e343. (1998a) 543e553.
[64] R.G. Derickson, J.A. Peterka, Development of a powerful hybrid tool for [80] B. Blocken, T. Stathopoulos, J. Carmeliet, CFD Simulation of the Atmospheric
evaluating wind power in complex terrain: Atmospheric Numerical Models Boundary Layerdwall Function Problems, Atmospheric Environment, 2000.
and Wind Tunnels, in: 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, [81] M.R. Beychok, Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion, fourth ed., 2005, p. 201
5e8 January 2004, Reno, Nevada, American Institute of Aeronautics and (Published by author), Newport Beach, CA.
Astronautics, 2004, p. 25, http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2004-1005. Paper No. [82] C.P. Rahaim, The AIAA Committee on Standard for CFD e Verification Project
AIAA-2004-1005. Status and Plans, 3rd QNET-CFD Workshop Program, Prague, CZ, 29-30 May
[65] C.J. Desmond, S.J. Watson, S. Aubrun, S. Avila, P. Hancock, A. Sayer, A study on 2003, Slides 13 & 14 of 39 slides. Or see: Rahaim, C.P., Oberkampf, W., Cosner,
the inclusion of forest canopy morphology data in numerical simulations for R.R. and Dominik, D.F. (2003), in: AIAA Committee on Standards for
the purpose of wind resource assessment, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 126 Computational Fluid Dynamicsestatus and Plans, AIAA Aerospace Sciences
(March 2014) 24e37. Meeting, Reno, NV, 2003, p. 21, http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2003-844. Paper
[66]* R.G. Derickson, R.N. Meroney, A simplified physics airflow model for evalu- No. 2003-0844, 6e9 January.
ating wind power sites in complex terrain, in: Proceedings of Summer [83] R.G. Sargent, Proceedings of, in: B. Johansson, S. Jain, J. Montoya-Torres,
Computer Simulation Conference, July 18-20, 1977, p. 14. Chicago, Illinois. J. Hugan, E. Yucesan (Eds.), Verification and Validation of Simulation Models,
[67] R.N. Meroney, CFD Modeling of dense gas cloud dispersion over irregular 2010 Winter Simulation Conference, 5-8 December, 2010, pp. 166e183. Bal-
terrain, in: 13th Int. Conf. on Wind Engineering, July 10-15, 2011, Amsterdam, timore, MD.
The Netherlands, 2011, p. 8. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics (2012), Vol. 104-106, pp. 500e508.
[68]* R.N. Meroney, , Wind-tunnel Modelling of Hill and Vegetation Influence on Dr. Meroney has over 50 years of experience in both numerical methods and
Wind Power Availability: Task 1: Literature Review, Prepared for Meteoro- metrology applied to wind-engineering problems. He is the author of more than 350
logical Services, U.S. Windpower, Inc, Livermore, CA, 1992, p. 123, http:// papers and reports. He is an Emeritus Professor of Wind Engineering in the Civil and
dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.2560.7124. CSU Contract No. 298610, November Environmental Engineering Department at Colorado State University (CSU) at which
1992. he was Director of the Fluid Dynamics and Diffusion Laboratory (FDDL) and Leader
[69] B. Leitl, R.N. Meroney, Car exhaust dispersion in a street canyon e Numerical of the Fluid Mechanics Program for over 15 years. For over ten years he co-directed
critique of a wind tunnel experiment, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 67e78 the joint CSU/TTU Cooperative Program in Wind Engineering with Texas Tech Univer-
(1997) 293e304. sity which studied extreme wind effects about low-rise buildings, diffusion, tornadoes,
[70] M. Desai, S.A. Channiwala, H.J. Nagarsheth, Computational validation of and wind turbines. Between 1965 and 2000 he supervised $31 million or $1 million/
experimental aerodynamic predictions of a car, in: FMA’08: Proceedings of year in 31 years (discounting sabbatical years) in 2010 adjusted CPI dollars. Retired
6th IASME/WSEAS Int. Conf. On Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics, Rhodes, in 2004 he has continued as a Senior Research Scientist/Scholar at CSU to the present.
Greece, August 20-22, 2008, p. 3. New Aspects of Fluid Mechanics and Dr. Meroney also consults and works as an expert witness on fluid mechanics problems
Aerodynamics, Series WSEAS Mechanical Engineering, pp. 125e128. in the areas of water and waste treatment, building ventilation, smoke and fires, forest
[71] Y. Sakuma, M.P. Paidoussis, S.J. Price, Effect of boundary layer development and urban dispersion. He has taught several workshops at national meetings on
on the dynamics of trains and train-like articulated systems travelling in Computational Wind Engineering (2006, 2007, and 2010). He regularly contributes pa-
confined fluid, J. Wind Eng. Ind. Aerodyn. 126 (March 2014) 38e47. pers at national and international wind engineering conferences on CFD applications
[72] B. Blocken, T. Defraeye, E. Koninckx, J. Carmeliet, P. Hespel, CFD simulations of to wind flows about buildings, vegetation, solar systems, complex terrain, wind tur-
the aerodynamic drag of two drafting cyclists, Comput. Fluids 71 (2013) bines, and drifting snow.

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