(Final by Smita) Navdeep CA2 Revision Worksheet

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Saupin’s School

Class III
EVS CA2 (2023-24)
Revision Worksheet
Name: .............................Section: ……………. Roll No: .…………..…….Date: ...............
A. MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS (Select the correct answer)
1. An eagle's eyesight is ______________ sharper than that of human beings.
a. three times b. two times c. four times d. five times
2. Ants move in line because of their super sense of ___________ .
a. hearing b. tasting sugar c. touch d. smell
3. Which animal has a super sense of smell?
a. Dog b. Cow c. Goat d. Cat
4. What is an ant's strongest sense?
a. Taste b. Touch c. Sight d. Hearing
5. What is an Elephant's strongest sense?
a. Taste b. Touch c. Sight d. Hearing
6. Who amongst these were the earliest humans?
a. Hunter gatherers c. Cobblers
b. Farmers d. Bakers
7. What were the roles of men and women in the hunter-gatherer community?
a. Women gathered as well as hunted.
b. Men gathered as well as hunted.
c. Men hunted while women gathered.
d. Women hunted while men gathered.
8. The sense organs send information to the brain through __________.
a. brain b. nerves c. eyes d. blood
9. In order to express ideas, early humans
a. wrote letters c. Painted on cave walls.
b. played music d. posted letters
10. What do archaeologists do?
a. Study people. c. Study buried materials.
b. Study plants. d. Study animals.
11. How did the start of farming change early human tribes?
a. It forced them to stay in one place and build villages and cities.
b. It caused them to continue to hunt animals and gather plants.
c. It ended the fighting between the tribes for land.
d. It stopped them from building temples for their gods.
12. What did the discovery of fire allow early man to do?
a. Cook food, heat homes, protect families and hunt animals.
b. Create primitive machines requiring fire power.
c. Build more permanent structures.
d. Develop a complex form of communication.
13. People who gathered wild food and hunted animals to survive:
a. Cavemen c. Scavengers
b. Hunter-gatherers d. Avengers
14. Bhimbetka caves are located in ___________________ .
a. Uttar Pradesh c. Andhra Pradesh
b. Kerala d. Madhya Pradesh
15. Bhimbetka caves are famous for their _______________ .
a. sculptures b. rock paintings c. tiger parks d. temples
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. Early Humans used _________ to cover their bodies.
2. Two stones rubbed together, led to the discovery of____________.
3. Some stones, when melted, gave two metals ___________ and
4. Early humans were_________________________ because they moved
from one place to another.
5. Later early man discovered that walls of huts can be made up of
6. Early humans are also known as_____________.
7. Archaeologists found evidence that____________ was one of the first crops
grown by ancient people.
8. The process of growing plants for food is called_______________ .
9. The period during which human beings depended on stone for their survival
is known as______________.
10. Most useful tool for early man was a ___________________.

C. Match the following

1 society a migrate

2 hunter-gatherers b "Upright Man"

3 Homo Erectus c People who hunt animals and

gather wild plants, seeds, fruits,
and nuts to survive.

4 move d ice ages

5 freezing times e A community of people who share

a common culture

D. Answer the following questions.

1. How did the early humans live?




2. How did early humans make stone tools?




3. How Was the Discovery of Metals Useful to the Early Man?




4. Give one example of a want that has become a need these days.



5. Which supersense is helpful to the following animals?

a. Ants -



b. Octopus-



c. Whales-



d. Elephants-



e. Dogs-



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