Maxlife Smart Wealth Income Plan Leaflet

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Non-Linked Participating Individual Life Insurance
Savings Plan | UIN: 104N120V02


This plan offers you additional income, so that you can continue providing your family
with extra love, comfort and opportunities to fulfil their dreams.

Guaranteed~ Income
Whole Life Cover* with Flexibility to accrue Income
and Bonuses paid out and Cash Bonuses**
Life Long income #
f rom 2nd Policy Year

Choice of 3 plan Optional Policy Enhanced protection

variants Continuance Benefit through optional Riders

*Applicable on choosing maturity age of 100 years | #Applicable on choosing early income variants | **Cash bonus will be payable, if declared
Policy Continuance Benefit is available with all the 3 plan options with maturity age of 60, 65, 70, 75 and 85 years. It is not available with maturity age of 100 years

23_ JAN_MAX LIFE_11887924_TP_210(W)x297(H) MM_SWIP LEAFLET


Depending on whether you want income early, or a few years down the line, your needs will def ine your choice of plan.

3 plan opt ions to build your additional income stream

Choose between Early Income, Early Income with Guaranteed ~ Money Back or Deferred Income Plan
opt ions available, that come with inbuilt guarantees & and cash bonuses**.

Opt ion to accrue survival benefits and take them as per need
Choose to accrue your survival benefit pay-outs and withdraw as much as you like, whenever you like.

Choice of income period including Whole Life Income* Option

Flexibility to receive income and avail life cover till 100, 85, 75, *70, *65 or *60 years.

Enhanced protect ion through opt ional riders and Policy Cont inuance Benefit (PCB) ##
Customize your protection cover by opt ing for riders by paying a small amount of extra premium.
Policy Continuance Benefitif opted, ensures your survival and maturity benefits cont inue to be paid,
as and when due in case of death of the Life Insured without any need of premium payment.

Tax Benefit
You may be eligible for tax benefits as per prevailing income tax laws.


Here are the steps to make your Policy:


Choose the Plan Option, Maturity Age, Premium Payment Term (PPT) and Premium Payment Mode

STEP Choose to enhance your cover with Policy Continuance Benefit and / or any additional riders, as

per your needs


Choose how you want to receive your additional income stream: Annual mode or monthly mode

STEP Choose your Premium amount, basis which your Sum Assured on Maturity (SAM) and Sum Assured at

Death (SAD) will be calculated or you may directly choose your Sum Assured on Maturity (SAM) basis which
your Sum Assured at Death (SAD) and Premium amount shall be calculated


Choose if you would like to accrue survival benefits at inception or at any time during the Policy Term

STEP Enjoy the feeling of staying protected for your family and income benefits associated with your

plan customized as per your needs

**Cash bonus will be payable, if declared.

*Applicable on choosing maturity age of 100 years.
The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid.
Policy Continuance Benefit is available with all the 3 plan options with maturity age of 60, 65, 70, 75 and 85 years. It is not available with maturity age of
100 years.
Guarantees are payable in the form of Guaranteed Income in case of Early Income and Deferred Income variants for a period of 25 years or t ill the end
of Policy Term, whichever is lower; and as 3 Guaranteed Money Backs at def ined intervals in case of Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back variant.
*60, 65 and 70 year maturity ages are available with variant 1 and variant 3 only.

Eligibility Criteria Plan Option Minimum Maximum

Sum Assured on No limit, subject
` 5 Lakhs
Maturity (SAM) to board
All options with / without Policy Continuance Benef it (PCB) approved
Annualised Based on underwriting
premium*** minimum SAM policy
4 premium payment modes are
available with all plan options
Premium Payment The Premium Payment Mode can be changed anytime during Modal Factor
Payment Mode
Mode and Modal the Policy Term provided it meets minimum premium requirement Annual 1
Factors criteria and SAM remains unchanged.
Semi-annual 0.520
Quarterly 0.265
Monthly 0.090

Maturity ages (all ages as on last birthday) available under the product are as follows:

Policy Continuance Benef it opted Maturity age opt ion

Maturity age Yes 60, 65, 70, 75, and 85 years
No 60, 65, 70, 75, 85 and 100 years

So, the maximum maturity age allowed under the plan is 100 years (without PCB) and 85 years (with PCB).

Policy Term is def ined as (Chosen maturity age minus age at entry) of the Life Insured.
The below table shows the maturity age options and corresponding Policy Terms.

Maturity age Policy Term

60 years 60 years – age at entry
65 years 65 years – age at entry
70 years 70 years – age at entry
75 years 75 years – age at entry
85 years 85 years – age at entry
100 years 100 years – age at entry

Further, the minimum policy term as per variant combination is as follows:

Policy Term
Policy Continuance Premium Payment Maturity Age Maturity Age Maturity Age Maturity Age Maturity Age Maturity Age
Benefit Option Term (in Years) 60 65 70 75 85 100
6 18 16 16 21 30 45
8 20 20 18 25 25 40
Not Opted 10 22 22 22 25 25 40
12 22 22 22 27 27 42
15 25 25 25 30 30 45
6 18 16 16 30 40
8 20 20 18 25 35
Opted 10 22 22 22 25 30 applicable
12 22 22 22 27 30
15 25 25 25 30 35

Minimum entry age (all ages as on last birthday) under the product is provided in the table below:

Policy Continuance Benef it Minimum entry age*

With Policy Continuance Benef it 18 years
Without Policy Continuance Benef it 91 days
Age of the Life
Insured at entry *The risk commencement date of the policy is same as date of commencement of the policy. In
(Age as on last case of minor lives, the policy shall vest in the life insured on attainment of his / her majority i.e., 18 years.

All ages mentioned above are age as on last birthday.


The maximum entry age (age as on last birthday) for different plan opt ions is as follows:
PCB PPT/ Maturity
Yes / No 60 years 65 years 70 years 75 years 85 years 100 years
6 years 42 years 49 years 54 years 54 years 55 years 55 years
8 years 40 years 45 years 52 years 50 years 60 years 60 years
No 10 years 38 years 43 years 48 years 50 years 60 years 60 years
12 years 38 years 43 years 48 years 48 years 58 years 58 years
15 years 35 years 40 years 45 years 45 years 55 years 55 years

PPT/ Maturity
PCB 60 years 65 years 70 years 75 years 85 years 100 years
6 years 42 years 49 years 54 years 45 years 45 years
8 years 40 years 45 years 52 years 50 years 50 years Not
Yes 10 years 38 years 43 years 48 years 50 years 55 years Applicable
12 years 38 years 43 years 48 years 48 years 55 years
15 years 35 years 40 years 45 years 45 years 50 years
With / without Policy Cont inuance Benefit, the following Premium Payment Terms are available against
the chosen plan opt ions
Premium Payment
Term Early Income 6, 8, 10 and 12 years
Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back 6, 8, 10 and 12 years
Deferred Income 8, 10, 12 and 15 years
Gender Male, Female and Transgender

Premium rates and the benef its are uni-smoker but vary by gender. This product can also be
Premium rates / offered to sub-standard lives with extra mortality charges subject to board approved underwriting
benef its policy of the company. The premium rates vary by gender of the Life Insured as a discount is
applicable for female lives. For transgender, the premium rates shall be same as male.


Bonuses of fered:
Your policy is eligible for bonuses during Policy Term
Annual Cash Bonus:
Cash Bonus is a bonus rate (as a percentage rate applied on policy Sum Assured on Maturity) that may be declared and is
payable if declared, starting from:
Ÿ The second policy year in case of ‘Early Income’ and ‘Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back’ plan opt ions
Ÿ The policy year (Premium Payment Term + 2)th in case of “Deferred Income” plan opt ion
Ÿ You can choose to take your cash bonuses in either annual or monthly mode. You can also accrue your bonuses as per your choice

Terminal Bonus (if declared):

All eligible policies shall receive the Terminal Bonus on maturity or on exit due to death or surrender based on the
terminal bonus rates declared by the company.

Riders available:
Following riders are available under the product:
1. Max Life Waiver of Premium Plus Rider (UIN: 104B029V04), which provides waiver of all future premiums in case of Critical
Illness or dismemberment or Death. This rider shall not be available in case Policy Continuance Benefit option is chosen under
this base plan.
2. Max Life Accidental Death and Dismemberment Rider (UIN: 104B027V04), which provides additional benefits in case of
death or dismemberment of the Life Insured due to an accident.
3. Max Life Term Plus Rider (UIN:104B026V03), which provides additional lump sum benefit in case of death of the Life Insured.
4. Max Life Critical Illness and Disability Rider (UIN: 104B033V01), which provides additional lump sum benefit in case of
critical illness diagnosis.

The above riders and their subsequent versions may be attached with this product or any future versions of this product.
A. Survival Benef it B. Maturity Benef it C. Tax Benef its D. Death Benef its
Under all plan options, survival benefit payable in Upon maturity of the You may be The death benefit
the form of Cash Bonus (if declared) and Policy, the sum of following eligible for tax under this plan varies
Guaranteed Income / Guaranteed Money Back. benefits will be paid: benef its as per with your choice of
The survival benefits under each of three key plan i) Sum Assured on prevailing Policy Continuance
options are explained below: Maturity, plus income tax laws Benefit.
All ages mentioned above are age as on last birthday.
A. Survival Benefit B. Maturity Benefit C. Tax Benefits D. Death Benefits
1. Early Income ii) Terminal Bonus (if any) 1. Without Policy
a. Cash Bonus (% of Sum Assured on Maturity) from Any accrued survival Continuance Benefit:
2nd policy year till end of Policy Term; and In case of an unfortunate
benefit, if not already
demise of the Life Insured
b. Guaranteed Income (% of Sum Assured on Maturity) paid shall be paid in during the Policy Term, the
from 2nd policy year and payable for a period of addition if accrual Death Benefit shall be
25 years or till the end of Policy Term, whichever equal to:
option has been chosen
is earlier i) Sum Assured on Death, plus
ii) Terminal Bonus (if any)
2. Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back Any accrued survival
a. Cash Bonus (% of Sum Assured on Maturity) from benefit, if not already paid
2nd policy year till end of Policy Term; and shall be paid in addition
b. Guaranteed Money Back (% of Sum Assured on Please refer section
Maturity) at the end of the policy years (Premium ‘Accrual of Survival
Payment Term + 1)st, (Premium Payment Term + Benefits’ for related details
6)th and (Premium Payment Term + 11)th 2. With Policy
Continuance Benefit:
3. Deferred Income In case of an unfortunate
a. Cash Bonus (% of Sum Assured on Maturity) demise of the Life Insured
starting policy year Premium Payment Term +2 during the Policy Term,
till end of Policy Term; and the benefit payable is the
sum of following
b. Guaranteed Income (% of Sum Assured on components:
Maturity) starting policy year Premium Payment i) Death Benefit: The Death
Term +2 and payable for a of 25 years or till the Benefit is equal to Sum
end of Policy Term, whichever is earlier Assured on Death, where
‘Sum Assured on Death’
is higher of:
a. 11 times the (Annualised
Premium*** plus
underwriting extra
premium #, if any) or
b. 105% of (Total
Premiums Paid^ plus
Underwriting Extra
Premiums paid plus
loadings for modal
premiums received
as on the date of
death of Life Insured),
Any accrued survival benefit,
if not already paid shall be
paid in addit ion to death
benefit. Please refer section
‘Accrual of Survival Benefits’
for related details
ii) Policy Continuance
Benefit: All future Cash
Bonus, Guaranteed
Income, Guaranteed Money
Back and Maturity Benefit
(Sum Assured at Maturity
plus Terminal Bonus) shall
be payable as and when
due in future without
any need for the
premium payment
The policy will participate
in future prof its (i.e., all
future bonuses shall be
payable under the policy).
All future survival and
maturity benef its shall be
paid to the benef iciary as
and when due, as would
have been the case had
the Life Insured been
alive and would have
been paying premiums

***Annualised Premium means the Premium amount payable during a Policy Year chosen by Policyholder, excluding Underwriting Extra Premium,
loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums and applicable taxes, cesses or levies if any.
Underwriting Extra Premium means an additional amount charged by Us, as per Underwriting Policy, which is determined on the basis of disclosures
made by Policyholder in the Proposal Form or any other information received by Us including medical examination report of the Life Insured.
^Total Premiums Paid means the total of all Premiums received, excluding Underwriting Extra Premium, loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums,
and applicable taxes, cesses or levies, if any.
Story 1 - Early Income

Mr. Gupta, 35 years old, has a younger sister whom he loves the most. He wants his sister to be successful in life.
So, he decides to support her by helping her start her new venture with an additional income.

Early Income Option Maturity age: 100 years Annualised Premium***: ` 1 Lakh
Premium Payment Term: 10 years Mode of payment: Annual Policy Continuance Benefit: Not opted

He continues to recieve Cash Bonuses**

after completing 26 Policy years

Income Benefit every year

(27th year onwards)
Cash Bonus** @4% p.a.#: ` 12,707
Premium Payment Term: 10 years Cash Bonus** @8% p.a.#: ` 36,760
Annualised Premium***: ` 1,00,000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 26 27 65

Mr. Gupta Maturity

35 years old Benefit

From the 2nd year onwards,

he starts receiving Guaranteed income~ and Cash Bonuses**

Sum Assured on Maturity +

Terminal Bonus (if declared)
at 4% #: ` 11,34,559 + ` 25,77,150
Total Income Benefit every year at 4%#: = ` 37,11,709 (` 37.11 Lakhs)
Guaranteed Income Benefit~ ` 11,005 + Cash Bonus** at 4%# at 8% #: ` 11,34,559 + ` 1,40,39,256
` 8,850 = ` 19,855 (every year from 2 to 26 years) = ` 1,51,73,815 (` 1.51 Crores)

Total Income Benefit every year at 8%#:

Guaranteed Income Benefit~ ` 11,005 + Cash Bonus** at 8%#
` 25,754 = ` 36,760 (every year from 2 to 26 years)

The above benefits are as per the below mentioned modal points
Gender: Male | Age: 35 year old | Premium Payment Term: 10 years | Policy Term: 65 years | Mode: Annual
Guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. Guarantees are payable in the form of Guaranteed Income in case of
Early Income Variant.
**Cash bonus will be payable, if declared.
Kindly note that the above scenarios are only illustrat ions and does not create any rights and / or obligations. The assumed non-guaranteed
rates of return chosen in the above illustration are 4% and 8%. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and are not the upper or
lower limit of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment
performance. The actual experience on the contract may be different f rom the illustrated.
***Annualised Premium means the Premium amount payable during a Policy Year chosen by Policyholder, excluding Underwriting Extra
Premium, loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums and applicable taxes, cesses or levies if any.
Story 2 - Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back

Mr. Ghosh, 35 years old, wishes to take care of his parents’ aspirations f inancially, even in their golden years.
He wants to help them live their life to the fullest and accomplish their dreams with the assurity of lifelong
happiness and to meet their planned goals f rom t ime to time. So, he opts for

Max Life Smart Weal th Income Plan Early Income Option with Guaranteed Moneyback ~
Premium Payment Term: 10 years Maturity age: 100 years
Mode of payment: Annual Annualised Premium***: ` 1 Lakh
Policy Continuance Benefit: Not opted

3 Guaranteed Money Backs~:

of ` 1,14,469/- each

Premium Payment Term: 10 years

Annualised Premium***: ` 1,00,000

(PPT+1) (PPT+6) (PPT+11)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 16 21 65

Mr. Ghosh
35 years old

From the 2 nd year onwards,

he starts receiving Cash Bonuses**

Sum Assured on Maturity +

Terminal Bonus (if declared)
at 4% #: ` 11,44,689 + ` 23,03,342
= (` 34.48 Lakhs)
Total Income Benefit every year at 4%#: at 8% #: ` 11,44,689 + ` 1,63,09,524
Cash Bonus** @4% ` 8,929 (every year from 2 to 65 years)
= (` 1.74 Crores)

Total Income Benefit every year at 8%#:

Cash Bonus** @8%# ` 26,671 (every year from 2 to 65 years)

The above benefits are as per the below mentioned modal points
Gender: Male | Age: 35 year old | Premium Payment Term: 10 years | Policy Term: 65 years | Mode: Annual
Guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. Guarantees are payable in the form of Guaranteed Money Back amount
in case of Early Income with Guaranteed Money Back Variant
**Cash bonus will be payable, if declared.
Kindly note that the above scenarios are only illustrat ions and does not create any rights and / or obligations. The assumed non-guaranteed
rates of return chosen in the above illustration are 4% and 8%. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and are not the upper or
lower limit of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment
performance. The actual experience on the contract may be different f rom the illustrated.
***Annualised Premium means the Premium amount payable during a Policy Year chosen by Policyholder, excluding Underwriting Extra
Premium, loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums and applicable taxes, cesses or levies if any.
Story 3 - Deferred Income

Mr. Verma, 35 years old, is a married man with a 1 year old daughter. He wishes to plan for her higher education and
gift her a bright future with the assurance of happiness, when she grows up.

Deferred Income Option Premium Payment Term: 10 years Maturity age: 85 years
Mode of Payment: Annual Annualised Premium***: ` 1 Lakh Policy Continuance Benefit: Not opted

When his Policy completes 36 years,

the Cash Bonuses** continue

Income Benefit every year

(37th year onwards)
Cash Bonus** @4% p.a.#: ` 2,746
Premium Payment Term: 10 years Cash Bonus** @8% p.a.#: ` 1,02,989
Annualised Premium***: ` 1,00,000

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 36 37 50

Mr. Varma Maturity

35 years old Benefit

From the 12 th year onwards,

he starts receiving Guaranteed income ~ and Cash Bonuses**
Sum Assured on Maturity +
Terminal Bonus (if declared)
at 4% #: ` 10,56,301 + ` 9,75,388
= ` 20,31,689 (` 20.31 Lakhs)
at 8% #: ` 10,56,301 + ` 10,43,942
Total Income Benefit every year at 4%#: = ` 21,00,243 (` 21 Lakhs)
Guaranteed Income Benefit~ ` 41,196 + Cash Bonus** at 4%#
` 1,690 = ` 42,886 (every year f rom 12 to 36 years)

Total Income Benefit every year at 8%#:

Guaranteed Income Benefit~ ` 41,196 + Cash Bonus** at 8%#
` 61,794 = ` 1,02,989 (every year f rom 12 to 36 years)

The above benefits are as per the below mentioned modal points
Gender: Male | Age: 35 year old | Premium Payment Term: 10 years | Policy Term: 50 years | Mode: Annual
~ Guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. Guarantees are payable in the form of Guaranteed Income in case of
Deferred Income Variant.
**Cash bonus will be payable, if declared.
Kindly note that the above scenarios are only illustrat ions and does not create any rights and / or obligations. The assumed non-guaranteed
rates of return chosen in the above illustration are 4% and 8%. These assumed rates of return are not guaranteed and are not the upper or
lower limit of what you might get back as the value of your policy is dependent on a number of factors including future investment
performance. The actual experience on the contract may be different f rom the illustrated.
***Annualised Premium means the Premium amount payable during a Policy Year chosen by Policyholder, excluding Underwriting Extra
Premium, loading for modal premium, Rider Premiums and applicable taxes, cesses or levies if any.

^As per IRDAI Annual Report FY 2021-2022 | *As per Public Disclosures 2022.
~The guaranteed benefits are applicable only if all due premiums are paid. The premiums shall be adjusted on the due date even if it has been received in advance.
Max Life Insurance Company Limited is a Joint Venture between Max Financial Services Limited and Axis Bank Limited. Corporate Office: 11 th Floor, DLF Square Building,
Jacaranda Marg, DLF City Phase II, Gurugram (Haryana) - 122 002. For more details on risk factors, Terms and Conditions please read the prospectus carefully before concluding
a sale. You may be entitled to certain applicable tax benefits on your premiums and policy benefits. Please note all the tax benefits are subject to tax laws prevailing at the time
of payment of premium or receipt of benefits by you. Tax benefits are subject to changes in tax laws. Trade logo displayed belongs to Max Financial Services Ltd. and Axis Bank
Ltd. respectively a nd w ith t heir consents, are used b y M ax Life I nsurance C o. Ltd. Y ou c an c all u s o n o ur C ustomer Helpline N o. 1 860 1 20 5 577 o r SMS ‘LIFE’ t o 5 616188 or
ARN: Max Life/FCB/Marketing/Agency/Smart Wealth Income Plan Leaflet/January, 2023 IRDAI Regn. No. 104


• IRDAI is not involved in activities like selling insurance policies, announcing bonus or investment of premiums
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