BPI02 - BPI Payroll Waiver Form (Annex A)

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Annex A

(To be accomplished and signed by each employee to the Branch upon Payroll Account Opening or nomination of account as
a Payroll account)

To: The Bank of the Philippine Islands

______________________ Branch

I hereby designate my payroll account in connection with the Payroll/Company Credits Arrangement (herein referred to as
the “Arrangement”) between the Bank of the Philippine Islands (herein referred to as the “Bank”) and TI (Philippines), Inc.
(herein referred to as the “Company”), of which I am an employee. In this connection, I hereby authorize the Bank to provide
the details of my designated payroll account to the Company. I hereby acknowledge that the minimum maintaining deposit
balance requirement for my designated payroll account shall be waived for as long as the aforesaid payroll arrangement with
the Company remains in effect and I continue to be employed by the Company.

It is further understood and agreed that once the Company’s payroll arrangement with the bank is terminated, or upon
instruction from the Company, or when the Bank incurs loss or damage arising from acts which, in the Bank’s sole
determination and judgment, constitute mishandling, evident bad faith or fraud, the Bank shall have the right to immediately
close the aforesaid payroll account and/or lift the waiver on the minimum maintaining balance requirements without need of
prior written notice, demand or consultation, all of which I hereby expressly waive. The Bank is, however, authorized to
provide the Company information regarding the circumstances arising from the closure/suspension of my payroll account.

I hereby irrevocably authorize the bank to debit, without notice, my payroll account for whatever amount(s) necessary to
effect any adjustment(s) on what has been credited to said payroll account for reason(s) of correction(s) or any error(s) or
mistake(s) that may have been committed in the Company’s payroll preparation or in the Bank’s crediting.

Further, I hereby irrevocably authorize the Bank to disclose and share information to the Company about me, my payroll
account and all deposits/credits made thereto to establish the payments/credits made by Company to me and for such other
reasons in connection with this Arrangement. I likewise authorize the Bank to disclose and share information about me, my
payroll account and my transactions which are necessary or appropriate to facilitate administer or implement the purposes
and intentions of this Arrangement or those that may relate to or arise therefrom, as and when required by circumstances, or
as may be required or allowed by applicable laws, bank policies, government regulatory rules and regulations. The authority
and consent given herein is deemed to be the consent required under the bank deposit confidentiality laws in the Philippines
including but not limited to RA 1405 (The Law on Secrecy of Bank Deposits), RA 6426 (The Foreign Currency Deposit Act)
and RA 8791 (The General Banking Law) and the consent required under the data privacy laws of the Philippines including,
but not limited to, RA 10173 (The Data Privacy Act).

If, for whatever reason, no payroll credits are made to my payroll account for a period of six (6) consecutive calendar months,
the Bank shall have the absolute right and is hereby authorized, at the Bank’s option and without need of further notice to,
demand or consultation with the Company or with me, to automatically change my payroll account status to that of a regular
deposit account. I hereby agree that the authorities and the indemnification herein shall remain valid and effective
notwithstanding the change of status the payroll account to a regular deposit account or closure / suspension of the account or
termination of the Company’s payroll arrangement.

By signing this BET Payroll Waiver, I hereby agree to indemnify and hold the Bank, its parent, subsidiaries, affiliates, its
respective directors, stockholders, officers, employees, representatives, agents, service providers and such other persons or
entities engaged by the Bank, under an obligation of confidentiality, free and harmless from any and all liability, claims,
demands, actions, proceedings, losses, expenses and all other liabilities of whatsoever nature or description which may be
suffered or incurred by the Bank, its subsidiaries, affiliates, its respective directors, stockholders, officers, employees,
representatives, agents, service providers and such other persons or entities engaged by the Bank or by its subsidiaries or
affiliates arising from or in connection with the implementation of the foregoing authorization and waiver.

Very truly yours,

______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________

Employee Name Signature Date

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