Cell Revolution

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The Revolution in Cell


Concept Outline
Photo Not Available
9e.1 Cloning animals, once thought impossible, isn’t.
The Challenge of Cloning. As recently as 1997, scientists
thought it was impossible to clone an adult animal. Then
researchers announced the successful cloning of a lamb from a
breast cell taken from an adult sheep.
Cloning Humans Is Not Going to Work Until a Key Problem
Is Solved. Cloning of animals usually fails for lack of proper
gene conditioning of the adult DNA used in the attempted

9e.2 Replacing defective genes in tissues remains an

elusive goal.
Initial Attempts at Gene Therapy. It should be possible to
cure hereditary disorders by replacing damaged genes in par-
ticular tissues. Early attempts, however, have failed.
More Promising Vectors. New viral vectors seem to avoid the
problems experienced in earlier studies. FIGURE 9e.1
Embryonic stem cells growing in tissue culture. Embryonic
Ethical Issues Raised by Gene Interventions. Both somatic
stem cells derived from early human embryos will grow indefinite-
and germ-line gene therapy raise significant ethical issues.
ly in tissue culture. When transplanted, they can sometimes be
9e.3 Replacing defective tissues is a promising but induced to form new cells of the adult tissue into which they have
been placed. This suggests exciting therapeutic uses.
controversial possibility.
Embryonic Stem Cells. Some of the cells of a blastocyst, called
embryonic stem cells, are capable of forming any tissue of the
body. In mice, transplanted embryonic stem cells can replace
injured or lost tissue. Molecular biology is such an integral part of our lives today
Tissue-Specific Adult Stem Cells. Because the use of embry- that it is difficult to comprehend how very new is our knowl-
onic stem cells is controversial, researchers are also attempting edge of how genes work. In less than 50 years, we have come
to replace damaged tissues with later-stage stem cells isolated from Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA
from adult tissues. to a time when new developments in genetics are announced
Therapeutic Cloning of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. To practically every week. Many of these developments, partic-
avoid immunological rejection of transplanted stem cells, ularly those involving the biology of cells, impact human
researchers have proposed using a patient’s own cells to obtain health very directly. In this chapter, you will encounter three
nuclei for a Dolly-style cloning procedure, creating a blasto- areas where landmark progress is being made in cell technol-
cyst that could be used as a source of embryonic stem cells
ogy: animal cloning, gene therapy, and stem cell research
that would not be embryonically rejected.
(figure 9e.1). While each of these might have been treated
The Search for Pleuripotent Adult Stem Cells. There are
within different chapters of the text—chapters devoted to
teasing possibilities that some adult tissues may harbor small
numbers of stem cells still able to become any body tissue. control of gene expression (Chapter 8), gene engineering
Grappling with the Ethics of Stem Cell Research. The prom- (Chapter 9), or development (Chapter 28)—it seemed more
ise of stem cell research has rekindled debates about when desirable to pull them together, so the broad sweep of what
human life begins. Few issues in modern science raise as many is occurring would be more apparent. Advances in cell tech-
difficult ethical issues. nology hold the promise of literally revolutionizing our lives.

The Revolution in Cell Technology 1

9e.1 Cloning animals, once thought impossible, isn’t.

The Challenge of Cloning The Path to Success

The promise of gene engineering has had little impact on Although nuclear transplant experiments were attempted
farm animals. The difficulty in using genetic engineering to without success for decades, the technology continued to
improve livestock is in getting enough animals. Breeding advance. Finally in 1984, Steen Willadsen, a Danish embry-
genetically improved individuals produces offspring only ologist working in Texas, succeeded in cloning a sheep using
slowly, and recombination acts to undo the painstaking work a nucleus from a cell of an early embryo. This exciting result
of the genetic engineer. Ideally, one would like to “Xerox” was soon replicated by others in a host of other organisms,
many exact genetic copies of the desirable strain—but adult including cattle, pigs, and monkeys.
animals can’t be cloned. At least it was commonly accepted Only early embryo cells seemed to work, however.
that they couldn’t be. Now, in a surprising development, the Researchers became convinced that animal embryo cells
holy grail of agricultural genetic engineers seems within become irreversibly “committed” after the first few cell divi-
reach. In 1997, scientists announced the first successful sions. After that, they concluded, nuclei from differentiated
cloning of differentiated vertebrate tissue. animal cells could not be used to clone entire organisms.
We now know their conclusion to have been unwarrant-
ed. The key advance for unraveling this puzzle was made in
Spemann’s “Fantastical Experiment”
Scotland by geneticist Keith Campbell, a specialist in study-
The idea of cloning animals was first suggested in 1938 by ing the cell cycle of agricultural animals. By the early 1990s,
German embryologist Hans Spemann (called the “father of knowledge of how the cell cycle is controlled, advanced by
modern embryology”) who proposed what he called a “fan- cancer research, had led to an understanding that cells do not
tastical experiment”: remove the nucleus from an egg cell divide until conditions are appropriate. Just as a washing
and put in its place a nucleus from another cell. machine checks that the water has completely emptied
It was 14 years before technology advanced far enough for before initiating the spin cycle, so the cell checks that every-
anyone to take up Spemann’s challenge. In 1952, two thing needed is on hand before initiating cell division.
American scientists, Robert Briggs and T. J. King, used very Campbell reasoned, “Maybe the egg and the donated nucle-
fine pipettes to suck the nucleus from a frog egg (frog eggs us need to be at the same stage in the cell cycle.”
are unusually large, making the experiment feasible) and This proved to be a key insight. In 1994 researcher Neil
transfer a nucleus sucked from a body cell of an adult frog First, and in 1995 Campbell himself working with reproduc-
into its place. The experiment did not work when done this tive biologist Ian Wilmut, succeeded in cloning farm animals
way, but partial success was achieved 18 years later by the from advanced embryos by first starving the cells, so that
British developmental biologist John Gurdon. In 1970 he they paused at the beginning of the cell cycle at the G1
inserted nuclei from advanced toad embryos and adult small checkpoint. Two starved cells are thus synchronized at the
intestine into toad eggs. The toad eggs developed into tad- same point in the cell cycle.
poles, but almost all of them died before becoming adults.

Photo Not Available

Wilmut’s animal cloning experiment. Wilmut combined a nucleus from a mammary cell and an egg cell (with its nucleus removed) to
successfully clone a sheep.

2 The Living World, ed. 3

Wilmut’s Lamb The Future of Cloning
Wilmut then attempted the key breakthrough, the experi- Wilmut’s successful cloning of fully differentiated sheep cells
ment that had eluded researchers since Spemann proposed it is a milestone event in gene technology. Even though his
59 years before: he set out to transfer the nucleus from an procedure proved inefficient (only one of 277 trials succeed-
adult differentiated cell into an enucleated egg, and to allow ed), it established the point beyond all doubt that cloning of
the resulting embryo to grow and develop in a surrogate adult animal cells can be done. In the following four years,
mother, hopefully producing a healthy animal. researchers succeeded in greatly improving the efficiency of
Wilmut removed mammary cells from the udder of a six- cloning. Seizing upon the key idea in Wilmut’s experiment—
year-old sheep (figure 9e.2). With tongue in cheek, the clone to clone a resting-stage cell—they returned to the nuclear
was named “Dolly” after the country singer Dolly Parton. transplant procedure pioneered by Briggs and King. It
The cells were grown in tissue culture; some were frozen so seemed to work well. Many different mammals have been
that in the future it would be possible with genetic finger- cloned, including mice, pigs, and cattle. Unfortunately, as we
printing to prove that a clone was indeed genetically identi- will see, problems often develop in the cloned animals.
cal to the six-year-old sheep. Transgenic cloning will likely have a major impact on
In preparation for cloning, Wilmut’s team reduced for five medicine as well as agriculture. Animals with human genes
days the concentration of serum on which the sheep mam- can be used to produce rare hormones. For example, sheep
mary cells were subsisting. In parallel preparation, eggs that recently have been genetically engineered to secrete a
obtained from a ewe were enucleated, the nucleus of each protein called alpha-1 antitrypsin (helpful in relieving the
egg carefully removed with a micropipette. symptoms of cystic fibrosis) into their milk may be cloned,
Mammary cells and egg cells were then surgically com- greatly reducing the cost of producing this expensive drug.
bined in January of 1996, the mammary cells being inserted It is impossible not to speculate on the possibility of
inside the covering around the egg cell. Wilmut then applied cloning a human. There is no reason to believe such an
a brief electrical shock. A neat trick, this causes the plasma experiment could not be made to work but many reasons to
membranes surrounding the two cells to become leaky, so question whether it should be done. Because much of
that the contents of the mammary cell passes into the egg Western thought is based on the concept of human individ-
cell. The shock also jump-starts the cell cycle, initiating cell uality, we can expect the possibility of human cloning to
division. engender considerable controversy.
After six days, in 30 of 277 tries, the dividing embryo
reached the hollow-ball “blastula” stage, and 29 of these were Recent experiments have demonstrated the possibility
transplanted into surrogate mother sheep. Approximately of cloning differentiated mammalian tissue, opening the
five months later, on July 5, 1997, one sheep gave birth to a door for the first time to practical transgenic cloning of
lamb. This lamb, “Dolly,” was the first successful clone gen- farm animals.
erated from a differentiated animal cell.

Photo Not Available

The Revolution in Cell Technology 3

Cloning Humans Is Not Going to RNA polymerase
Work until a Key Problem Is Solved DNA
Since Dolly’s birth in 1997, scientists have successfully
cloned sheep, mice, cattle, goats, and pigs. Only a small per- (a) Nonimprinted gene: gene is read by polymerase
centage of the transplanted embryos survive to term, howev-
er, most dying late in pregnancy. Those that survive to be
born usually die soon thereafter. Many become oversized, a
condition known as large offspring syndrome.
The few cloned offspring that reach childhood face an CH3
uncertain future, as their development into adults tends to go CH3 CH3
unexpectedly haywire. For example, three heifers cloned by
scientists at California State University at Chico were born
healthy on March 9, 2001, but the calves died in April 2001 (b) Imprinted gene: methylation blocks gene expression
of abrupt immune system failure.
Genomic imprinting. In mammalian reproductive cells (sperm
The Importance of Genomic Imprinting and eggs), many genes with roles in early development are
imprinted. For each of these genes, imprinting occurs either in the
What is going wrong? It turns out that to make a successful maternal side or the paternal side but never in both. Imprinting
mammal, two kinds of information are required: involves methylation—the addition of methyl groups. When
1. The genome says what proteins are made. The DNA methyl groups are added directly to the gene, the gene cannot be
sequences of the genes within an adult donor cell provide the read and is silenced. Alternatively, gene expression can be activat-
basic information specifying a new human being—what pro- ed by the methylation of genes encoding repressor proteins.
teins are to be made and how they are to be used to construct
the adult body.
2. Reprogramming says when proteins are made. As human
eggs and sperm mature, their DNA is conditioned by the Why Cloning Fails
parent female or male, a process called reprogramming. Normal human development depends on precise genomic
Chemical changes are made to the DNA that alter when par- imprinting. This chemical reprogramming of the DNA,
ticular genes are expressed without changing the genes’ which takes place in adult reproductive tissue, takes months
DNA sequences. for sperm and years for eggs.
In the years since Dolly, scientists have learned a lot about During cloning, by contrast, the reprogramming of the
reprogramming. It appears to occur by a process called donor DNA must occur within a few minutes. After the
genomic imprinting. While the details are complex, the basic donor nucleus is added to an egg whose nucleus has been
mechanism of genomic imprinting is simple. removed, the reconstituted egg begins to divide within min-
Like a book, a gene can have no impact unless it is read. utes, starting the process of making a new individual.
Genomic imprinting works by blocking the cell’s ability to Cloning fails because there is simply not enough time in
read certain genes. A gene is locked in the “OFF” position by these few minutes to get the reprogramming job done prop-
chemically altering some of the cytosine DNA units. Because erly. Lorraine Young of the Roslin Institute in Scotland
this involves adding a –CH3 group (a methyl group), the (Dolly’s birthplace) reported in 2001, for example, that in
process is called methylation. After a gene has been methylat- Large Offspring Syndrome sheep, many genes have failed to
ed, the polymerase protein that is supposed to “read” the become properly methylated.
gene can no longer recognize it. The gene has been shut off Human cloning will not be practical until scientists figure
(figure 9e.3). out how to reprogram a donor nucleus, as occurs to DNA of
Genomic imprinting can also lock genes in the “ON” sperm or eggs in our bodies. This reprogramming may be as
position, permanently activating them. This process also uses simple as finding a way to postpone the onset of cell division
methylation; in this case, however, it is not the gene that is after adding the donor nucleus to the enucleated egg, or may
blocked. Rather, a DNA sequence that normally would have prove to be a much more complex process.
prevented the gene from being read is blocked. The point is, we don’t have a clue today as to how to do
Genomic imprinting locks such a gene in the “ON” posi- it. In light of this undeniable ignorance, any attempt to clone
tion by methylating the insulator sequence. Now the bulky a human is simply throwing stones in the dark, hoping to hit
protein cannot bind to it and shield the gene. No longer a target you cannot see.
blocked, the helper proteins have the access they need to do
their job, and the gene is expressed. Cloning of animals from adult tissue usually fails for
lack of proper gene conditioning.

4 The Living World, ed. 3

9e.2 Replacing defective genes in tissues remains an elusive goal.

Initial Attempts at Gene Therapy

The search for a way to introduce “healthy” genes into
humans that lack them has gone on for 35 years. A trio of
Nobel Prize winners (Ed Tatum, Joshua Lederberg, and
Arthur Kornberg) suggested in 1964 that it should be possi-
ble to cure often-fatal genetic disorders like cystic fibrosis, Photo Not Available
muscular dystrophy, and multiple sclerosis by replacing the
defective gene with a functional one.

Early Success
That such gene transfer therapy can work was first demon-
strated in 1990. Two girls were cured of a rare blood disor-
der due to a defective gene for the enzyme adenosine deam- FIGURE 9e.4
inase. Scientists isolated working copies of this gene and Adenovirus (200,000×). This virus that causes the common cold
introduced them into bone marrow cells taken from the girls. has been used to carry healthy genes in clinical trials of gene ther-
The gene-modified bone marrow cells were allowed to pro- apy. Its use as a vector is problematic, however, as it is usually
liferate then were injected back into the girls. The girls attacked and destroyed by the immune system of the host. In addi-
tion, it can cause severe immune reactions and can insert into the
recovered and stayed healthy. For the first time, a genetic
host’s DNA at random places to cause mutations.
disorder was cured by gene therapy.

early attempts seems predictable. Adenovirus causes colds.

The Rush to Cure Cystic Fibrosis
Do you know anyone who has never had a cold? Due to pre-
Like hounds to a hot scent, researchers set out to apply the vious colds, all of us have antibodies directed against adeno-
new approach to one of the big killers, cystic fibrosis. The virus (figure 9e.4). We were introducing therapeutic genes in
defective gene, labelled cf, had been isolated in 1989. Five a vector our bodies are primed to destroy.
years later, in 1994, researchers successfully transferred a In 1995, the newly-appointed head of the National
healthy cf gene into a mouse with a defective one—they in Institutes of Health (the NIH), Nobel winner Harold
effect had cured cystic fibrosis in a mouse. They achieved this Varmus, held a comprehensive review of human gene ther-
remarkable result by adding the cf gene to a virus that infect- apy trials. Three problems became evident in the review:
ed the lungs of the mouse, carrying the gene with it “piggy- (1) The adenovirus vector being used in most trials elicits a
back” into the lung cells. The virus chosen as the “vector” strong immune response, leading to rejection of the added
was adenovirus, a virus that causes colds and is very infective gene. (2) Adenovirus infection can, in rare instances, pro-
of lung cells. To avoid any complications, the lab mice used duce a very severe immune reaction, enough to kill. If many
in the experiment had their immune systems disabled. patients are treated, such instances can be expected to occur.
Very encouraged by these well-publicized preliminary tri- (3) When the adenovirus infects a cell, it inserts its DNA
als with mice, several labs set out in 1995 to attempt to cure into the human chromosome. Unfortunately, it does so at a
cystic fibrosis by transferring healthy copies of the cf gene random location. This means that the insertion events will
into human patients. Confident of success, researchers added cause mutations—by jumping into the middle of a gene, the
the human cf gene to adenovirus then squirted the gene- virus inactivates that gene. Because the spot where aden-
bearing virus into the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients. For ovirus inserts is random, some of the mutations that result
eight weeks the gene therapy did seem successful, but then can be expected to cause cancer, certainly an unacceptable
disaster struck. The gene-modified cells in the patients' lungs consequence.
came under attack by the patients' own immune systems. Faced with these findings, Varmus called a halt to all fur-
The “healthy” cf genes were lost and with them any chance ther human clinical trials of gene therapy. “Go back to work
of a cure. in the laboratory,” he told researchers, “until you get a vec-
tor that works.”
Problems with the Vector
In principle, it should be possible to cure hereditary dis-
Other attempts at gene therapy met with similar results, orders like cystic fibrosis by transferring a healthy gene
eight weeks of hope followed by failure. In retrospect, into affected individuals. Early attempts using aden-
although it was not obvious then, the problem with these ovirus vectors were not often successful.

The Revolution in Cell Technology 5

2. Combine healthy gene with viral vector to produce
Viral DNA recombinant adeno-associated virus (AAV).
3. Inject the recombinant
virus into the retinal space
within the eyes of young
dogs known to have retinal
degenerative disease.

virus (AAV)

1. Isolate and clone retinal

gene from dogs without
the disease. Young dog with
retinal degenerative
disease 6-12 weeks

Healthy version Normal dog

of retinal gene

4. Test for normal protein

DNA from
product of gene and
normal dog
restoration of vision.

Normal protein production

and vision restored in
treated eyes

Using gene therapy to cure a retinal degenerative disease in dogs. Recently, researchers were able to use genes from healthy dogs to
restore vision in dogs blinded by an inherited retinal degenerative disease. This disease also occurs in human infants and is caused by a
defective gene that leads to early vision loss, degeneration of the retinas, and blindness. In the gene therapy experiments, genes from dogs
without the disease were inserted into 3-month-old dogs that were known to carry the defective gene and that had been blind since birth.
Six weeks after the treatment, the dogs’ eyes were producing the normal form of the gene’s protein product, and by three months, tests
showed that the dogs’ vision was restored.

More Promising Vectors keys, scientists were able to greatly elevate their red blood
Within a few years, researchers had a much more promising cell counts, curing the monkeys of anemia—and they stayed
vector. This new gene carrier is a tiny parvovirus called cured.
adeno-associated virus (AAV). It has only two genes and needs A similar experiment using AAV cured dogs of a heredi-
adenovirus to replicate. To create a vector for gene transfer, tary disorder leading to retinal degeneration and blindness.
researchers remove both of the AAV genes. The shell that These dogs had a defective gene that produced a mutant
remains is still quite infective and can carry human genes into form of a protein associated with the retina of the eye, and
patients. Importantly, AAV always enters the human DNA at were blind. Injection of AAV bearing the needed gene into
the same place, a harmless location; thus, it does not produce the fluid-filled compartment behind the retina restored their
cancer-causing mutations. In addition, AAV does not elicit a sight (figure 9e.5).
strong immune response—cells infected with AAV are not Human clinical trials are now underway again. In 2000,
eliminated by a patient's immune system. Finally, AAV never scientists performed the first gene therapy experiment for
elicits a dangerously strong immune response, so it is safe to muscular dystrophy, injecting genes into a 35-year old South
administer AAV to patients. Dakota man. He is an early traveller on what is likely to
become a well-travelled therapeutic highway. Trials are also
underway for cystic fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, hemophil-
Success with the AAV Vector ia, and a wide variety of cancers. The way seems open, the
In 1999, AAV successfully cured anemia in rhesus monkeys. possibility of progress tantalizingly close.
In monkeys, humans, and other mammals, red blood cell
production is stimulated by a protein called erythropoietin New virus vectors like AAV avoid the problems of earli-
(EPO). People with anemia (that is, low red blood cell er vectors and offer promise of gene transfer therapy
counts), like dialysis patients, get regular injections of EPO. cures.
Using AAV to carry a souped-up EPO gene into the mon-

6 The Living World, ed. 3

Ethical Issues Raised by Gene ventions, NIH ethicists apply a broad test called the benef-
icence principle. Phrased broadly, the beneficence princi-
Interventions ple states that in reaching decisions about potential therapy,
The advent of highly publicized clinical trials of gene thera- one should carefully weigh risks versus benefits. Thus, for
py has raised serious ethical issues that are being widely dis- example, it is important that results of earlier experiments
cussed within the medical and scientific communities. carried out with laboratory animals be solid and promising
Medical ethicists tend to avoid the term “gene therapy,” as before risking the life of a human patient. Gene transfer
these words seem to offer a cure to potential patients, when, vectors like adenovirus greatly increase the risk of a proce-
in fact, today’s procedures are still largely experimental. dure because of the possibility their insertion into a human
Ethicists prefer the term gene intervention. A gene inter- chromosome might cause cancer in rare patients. Safer vec-
vention is any procedure that deliberately alters a person’s tors like AAV reduce that risk.
genes, whether by modification of existing genes or by con- Because the risks of germ-line gene intervention are diffi-
tributing additional genes. cult to assess ahead of time and must be born for many gen-
When considering the ethics of gene interventions, it is erations by babies who have had no say in the decision to
important to draw a clear distinction between changes that undergo the therapy, it is particularly important that the
will be hereditary and those that will not. There are two gen- patient suffer from a condition sufficiently “bad” to justify
eral possibilities that must be considered: the risk. A potentially fatal hereditary disorder like cystic
fibrosis or muscular dystrophy might be considered to satis-
1. Somatic tissue. Gene intervention of somatic tissue is
fy the beneficence principle if animals trials work with a high
what we generally mean by “gene therapy.” Such pro-
probability of success.
cedures attempt to correct problems with somatic tis-
But what about “enhancements” that seek to improve a
sues by adding “healthy” genes to their cells.
person’s genetic complement, such as adding a gene that
Attempting to cure cystic fibrosis by adding healthy cf
increases life span (such a human gene has been recently
genes to lung and pancreas cells is a widely discussed
reported)? Are “designer babies” OK? How about nonlethal
example. Changes induced by gene interventions in
disorders like hypercholesterolemia, a gene mutation leading
somatic tissues are not inherited.
to too-high-cholesterol that is the most common human
2. Germ-line tissue. Gene intervention of germ-line tis-
genetic disorder? The risk would have to be very low before
sue has not yet been attempted in humans.
the beneficence principle would recommend such changes.
Experiments have been carried out with mice for
decades and in 2000 with a rhesus monkey (dubbed
ANDi for “inserted DNA” read backwards). These The Respect-for-Persons Principle
experiments typically used an adenovirus vector and
Ethicists apply a second principle, a test called the respect-
suffered from the problems associated with that vector:
for-persons principle, in trying to assess the desirability of
the genes inserted any old place in the genome, and
gene interventions. This principle is particularly important
often did not function correctly after insertion. New
in the case of germ-line interventions. The respect-for-
experiments using improved vectors like AAV can be
persons principle states that the persons affected by the pro-
expected to produce better results. Importantly,
cedure have a right to make their own informed decisions.
changes induced by gene interventions in germ-line
Prospective parents contemplating germ-line gene interven-
tissue are inherited.
tion have a right to a clear explanation of the risks, possible
Ethical questions arise from both sorts of gene interven- benefits, and particularly of the alternative ways available to
tions, but their implications are far more profound when have healthy children. Parents who know they carry a gene
considering germ-line changes. Such changes may offer disorder might instead choose in vitro fertilization, for exam-
advantages over somatic therapies, as the changes are perma- ple, where the doctor can select a healthy embryo for implan-
nent. The children of a cystic fibrosis parent with modified tation. In any ongoing study, parents, children, and future
germ-line tissue would be free of worry about contracting descendents must be allowed to discontinue their participa-
the disease, as would all their descendents. However, because tion in the research study. Participation in any gene inter-
the procedure is in effect altering the human genome, the vention must always be informed and free.
possibility of unanticipated negative consequences must be
evaluated carefully. Gene therapy and other gene interventions raise a host
of ethical issues, because the procedures involve human
The Beneficence Principle beings and affect real lives. These ethical issues are
being actively evaluated by both researchers and
In the United States, every proposed gene intervention clinicians.
involving human subjects must be approved by the NIH. In
trying to assess the ethical questions raised by gene inter-

The Revolution in Cell Technology 7

9e.3 Replacing defective tissues is a promising but controversial possibility.

Embryonic Stem Cells

In 1981, mouse stem cells were first discovered to be have been successfully replaced with embryonic stem cells,
pluripotent—to have the ability to form any body tissue, and as have the islet cells of the pancreas whose loss leads to
even an adult animal—launching the era of stem cell juvenile diabetes.
research. After many years of failed attempts, human These very promising experiments in mice suggest that
embryonic stem cells were isolated by James Thomson of embryonic stem cell therapy may hold great promise in
the University of Wisconsin in 1998. treating a wide variety of human illnesses involving dam-
What is an embryonic stem cell? At the dawn of a human aged or lost tissues. This research, however, is quite con-
life, a sperm fertilizes an egg to create a single cell destined troversial, as embryonic stem cells are typically isolated
to become a child. As development commences, that cell from discarded embryos of reproductive clinics, where in
begins to divide, producing after five or six days a small ball vitro fertilization procedures typically produce many more
of a few hundred cells called a blastocyst. Described in human embryos than can be successfully implanted in the
Chapter 28, a blastocyst consists of a protective outer layer prospective mother’s womb. This raises serious ethical
destined to form the placenta, enclosing an inner cell mass issues among some citizens who regard life as starting at
of embryonic stem cells. Each embryonic stem cell is fertilization.
capable by itself of developing into a healthy individual. In There is a second serious problem associated with using
cattle breeding, for example, these cells are frequently sepa- embryonic stem cells to replace defective or lost tissues. All
rated by the breeder and used to produce multiple clones of of the successful experiments described above were carried
valuable offspring. out in mice whose immune systems had been disabled. Had
Because they can develop into any tissue, these embryon- these mice possessed fully functional immune systems, they
ic stem cells offer the exciting possibility of restoring dam- almost certainly would have rejected the implanted stem
aged tissues, such as muscle or nerve tissue (figure 9e.6). cells as foreign. For such stem cell therapy to work in
Experiments have already been tried successfully in mice. humans, this problem will need to be addressed and solved.
Heart muscle cells grown from mouse embryonic stem cells The need to solve this problem is the primary impetus
have been successfully integrated with the heart tissue of a behind the push to develop therapeutic cloning, described
living mouse. This suggests that the damaged heart muscle later in this chapter.
of heart attack victims might be repairable with stem cells.
In other experiments with mice, damaged spinal neurons Human embryonic stem cells offer the possibility of
have been partially repaired, suggesting a path to treating replacing damaged or lost human tissues, although the
spinal injuries. DOPA-producing neurons of mouse brains procedures are controversial.
whose progressive loss is responsible for Parkinsons disease

Using embryonic stem cells to restore Photo Not Available
damaged tissue. Embryonic stem cells can
develop into any body tissue. Methods for
growing the tissue and using it to repair
damaged tissue in adults, such as the brain
cells of multiple sclerosis patients, heart
muscle, and spinal nerves, are being

8 The Living World, ed. 3

Tissue-Specific Adult Stem Cells
New results promise an innovative way around the ethical
maze presented by stem cells derived from embryos. Go
back for a moment to what we were saying about how a
human child develops. What happens next to the embryon-
ic stem cells? They start to take different developmental
paths. Some become destined to form nerve tissue and,
after this decision is taken, cannot ever produce any other Photo Not Available
kind of cell. They are then called nerve stem cells. Others
become specialized to produce blood, still others muscle.
Each major tissue is represented by its own kind of tissue-
specific stem cell (figure 9e.7). Now here’s the key point:
as development proceeds, these tissue-specific stem cells
persist. Even in adults. So why not use these adult cells
rather than embryonic stem cells?

Transplanted Tissue-Specific Stem Cells Cure FIGURE 9e.7

Multiple Sclerosis in Mice Human embryonic stem cells. Stem cells removed from a six-
day blastocyst can be established in culture and then maintained
In pathfinding 1999 laboratory experiments by Dr. Evan
Snyder of Harvard Medical School, tissue-specific stem cells
were able to restore lost brain tissue. He and his coworkers
injected neural stem cells (immediate descendants of embry- The approach seems very straightforward and should
onic stem cells able to become any kind of neural cell) into apply to humans. Indeed, blood stem cells are already rou-
the brains of newborn mice with a disease resembling multi- tinely used in humans to replenish the bone marrow of can-
ple sclerosis (MS). These mice lacked the cells that maintain cer patients after marrow-destroying therapy. The problem
the layers of myelin insulation around signal-conducting with extending the approach to other kinds of tissue-specific
nerves. The injected stem cells migrated all over the brain stem cells is that it has not always been easy to find the kind
and were able to convert themselves into the missing type of of tissue-specific stem cell needed.
cell. The new cells then proceeded to repair the ravages of
the disease by replacing the lost insulation of signal- Transplanted tissue-specific stem cells may allow us to
conducting nerve cells. Many of the treated mice fully recov- replace damaged or lost tissue, offering cures for many
ered. In mice at least, tissue-specific stem cells offer a treat- disorders that cannot now be treated while avoiding the
ment for MS. ethical problems posed by embryonic stem cells.

Photo Not Available

The Revolution in Cell Technology 9

Therapeutic Cloning of Human has already been removed. The egg with its skin cell nucle-
us is allowed to form a 120-cell embryo. The embryo is then
Embryonic Stem Cells destroyed, its cells used as embryonic stem cells for transfer
By surgically transplanting embryonic stem cells, scientists to injured tissue.
have performed the remarkable feat of repairing disabled Using this procedure, which they called therapeutic
body tissues in mice. The basic strategy for repairing dam- cloning, the researchers succeeded in making cells from the
aged tissues is to surgically transfer embryonic stem cells to tail of a mouse convert into the dopamine-producing cells of
the damaged area, where the stem cells can form healthy the brain that are lost in Parkinsons disease.
replacement cells. Stem cells transferred into mouse heart Therapeutic cloning successfully addresses the key prob-
muscle develop into heart muscle cells, replacing cells dead lem that must be solved before stem cells can be used to
from heart attack. Stem cells transferred into a mouse brain repair human tissues damaged by heart attack, nerve injury,
form neurons, offering hope that we eventually will learn to diabetes (figure 9e.8), or Parkinsons, which is immune
use embryonic stem cells to repair spinal injury. Embryonic acceptance. Since stem cells are cloned from the body’s own
stem cells of mice have been induced to become insulin- tissues in therapeutic cloning, they pass the immune system’s
secreting pancreas cells. The new cells produce only about “self” identity check, and the body readily accepts them.
2% as much insulin as normal cells do, so there is still plen- The first cloning of a human embryo from adult skin
ty to learn, but the take-home message is clear: transplant- cells was reported in November 2001. Designed to allow
ed embryonic stem cells offer a path to cure type 1 diabetes. therapeutic cloning, the procedure is controversial, for fear
While exciting, these advances in stem cell research were the embryo could be brought to term by inserting it into a
all experiments carried out in strains of mice without func- human uterus. Actually, without first solving the gene
tioning immune systems. This prevents the mice from imprinting problem, this would be impossible, and the
rejecting transplanted stem cells as “foreign.” A human with researchers argue that they had no such intention—rather,
a normal immune system might well refuse to accept trans- they had wished to obtain stem cells for therapeutic cloning.
planted stem cells simply because they are from another In fact, their human clones did not survive long enough to
individual. make stem cells. There is little doubt that the controversy
Early in 2001, a research team at the Rockefeller over human therapeutic cloning will continue.
University reported a way around this potentially serious
problem. Their solution? They isolate skin cells, then using Therapeutic cloning involves initiating blastocyst devel-
the same procedure that created Dolly, they create an opment from a patient’s tissue using nuclear transplant
embryo from them. First they remove the nucleus from the procedures, then using these embryonic stem cells to
replace the patient’s damaged or lost tissue.
skin cell, and then they insert it into an egg whose nucleus

Nucleus of
skin cell

Early embryo
Diabetic The nucleus from a
patient skin cell of a diabetic
patient is removed.

The nucleus is
removed from a The skin cell nucleus
Cell cleavage occurs
human egg cell. is inserted into the
as the embryo begins
enucleated human
to develop in vitro.
Human Enucleated egg cell.
egg cell egg cell

How human embryos might be used for therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning differs from reproductive DNA cloning in that
after the initial similar stages, the embryo is destroyed and its embryonic stem cells are extracted, grown in culture, and added to a tissue of
the individual who provided the DNA. In reproductive cloning, by contrast, the embryo is preserved to be implanted and grown to term in
a surrogate mother. It is this latter procedure that was done in cloning Dolly the sheep. Human cells were first cloned in November 2001
in a failed attempt to obtain stem cells for therapeutic cloning procedures such as outlined in this figure.

10 The Living World, ed. 3

The Search for Pleuripotent Adult
Stem Cells
The difficult ethical issues raised by human therapeutic
cloning could be largely avoided if the stem cells did not
have to be harvested from an embryo. Imagine, for example, Bone marrow
that it were possible to find stem cells able to become any stem cells
other kind of cell—technically known as pleuripotent stem
cells—somewhere in the body of an adult human. Adult mouse
In 2001, researchers reported that they had found just
such cells in the bone marrow of mice. They transplanted
single stem cells from mouse bone marrow into the marrow
of individuals whose marrow had been destroyed. After 11
months, the one stem cell had given rise to descendant cells
that had migrated throughout the body, forming new bone,
blood, lung, esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, and skin Experimental
cells (figure 9e.9). The bone marrow stem cells appear to
have the properties of the long-sought pleuripotent adult
stem cells. Many labs are trying to repeat this exciting pre-
liminary result. Skin Lung Liver Intestinal
cells cells cells cells
Many of the ethical issues concerning the use of human FIGURE 9e.9
embryonic stem cells for research can be avoided if cells Pleuripotent stem cells. In May, 2001, a single cell from the
with similar developmental potential can be found in bone marrow of a mouse was demonstrated to have added func-
adult tissues. Some results suggest this may be possible. tional cells to the lungs, liver, intestine, and skin of an experimen-
tal mouse.

Therapeutic Cloning Healthy pancreatic The healthy tissue

islet cells is injected or
transplanted into
the patient.


Stem cells Embryonic stem cells The stem cells are developed
are extracted and into healthy pancreatic islet
grown in culture. cells needed by the patient.

Reproductive Cloning
The embryo
reaches the
blastocyst stage.

The blastocyst is kept intact

and is implanted into the
The resulting baby is a
uterus of a surrogate mother.
clone of the diabetic patient.

The Revolution in Cell Technology 11

Grappling with the Ethics of Stem Table 9e.1 The Ethics of Stem Cell Research
Cell Research
Few advances in science have proven as controversial as
embryonic stem cell research and the possibility of using opponents A human life begins at the moment egg and sperm
therapeutic cloning to generate them. The relevant facts are are united, so destroying an embryo to harvest embryonic stem
cells is simply murder, and morally wrong. Benefits to others,
straightforward. Human embryonic stem cells retain the however great, cannot justify the destruction of a human life.
potential to become any tissue in the body and thus have
proponents While human embryos should be treated with
enormous promise for treating a wide range of diseases. respect, the potential for saving lives that embryonic stem cell
Human embryonic stem cells are very difficult to isolate and research offers is also a strong moral imperative. The blasto-
establish in culture, but a few dozen lines have been suc- cysts being used to obtain stem cells were created to help infer-
cessfully obtained from the inner cell mass of six-day blas- tile couples conceive and would have been destroyed in any
tocysts. It is important to isolate the cells at this early stage, event. Besides, it is not clear that an individual life begins at
before development begins the process of restricting what fertilization. An early embryo can split, leading to the birth of
sorts of tissues the stem cells can become. The blastocysts identical twins, so it can be argued that individuality begins
some days after fertilization.
are obtained from reproductive clinics, which routinely pro-
duce excess embryos in the process of helping infertile cou-
ples have children by in vitro fertilization. 2. POSSIBILITY OF FUTURE ABUSE
However, obtaining embryonic stem cells destroys the opponents Permitting embryonic stem cell research may
early embryo in the process; for this reason, stem cell open the door to further ethically-objectionable research.
research raises profound ethical issues. The timeless ques- Certainly the development of embryonic stem cell therapies will
tion of when human life begins cannot be avoided when lead to a cry for therapeutic cloning, so that the therapies can
human embryos are being deliberately destroyed. What is actually be employed in clinical situations. This creation of
embryos specifically for the production of embryonic stem cells
the moral standing of a six-day human embryo? In resolv-
is morally wrong. In addition, therapeutic cloning to obtain
ing the tension between scientific knowledge and moral clinical embryonic stem cells is unnatural, as it involves produc-
sensibilities, religious, philosophical, and cultural issues all ing a viable human embryo without fertilization. If therapeutic
come into play. Table 9e.1 illustrates the range of issues use of the results of stem cell research is unacceptable, then
being discussed. there is little use in carrying out the research in the first place.
It will come as no surprise that government, which funds It only delays and excalibrates the morally difficult choice posed
much of modern biomedical research, has become by therapeutic cloning. Even more disturbing, it opens the door
to reproductive cloning—the production of human babies from
embroiled in the controversy. In Britain, reproductive
cloned embryos. This moral nightmare will always be a threat if
cloning is banned, but stem cell research and therapeutic an absolute line is not drawn preventing all cloning.
cloning to obtain clinically useful stem cells are both per-
proponents In practice, only a few hundred cell lines are
mitted. Because the research is funded by the government, likely to be required to carry out embryonic stem cell research.
there is careful ethical supervision of all research by a vari- The derivation of human cell lines, which is difficult and
ety of governmental oversight committees. Britain’s Human expensive to do, would be limited to these few lines.
Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA), for exam- Continuous destruction of embryos would be neither desirable
ple, is a panel of scientists and ethicists accountable to par- nor likely. Therapeutic cloning presents a separate and more
liament, which oversees government-funded stem cell complex ethical issue. Because fertilization is not involved, the
blastocyst might better be thought of as an “activated egg”
research. Similar arrangements are being established in
rather than as an embryo. Such a distinction has biological
Japan and France. Germany, by contrast, discourages all merit and avoids the ethical issues posed by human reproduc-
stem cell research. tive cloning, which should be banned.
In the United States, the situation is ambivalent.
American stem cell research is chiefly carried out in private
research labs using no government funds and thus are sub-
ject to no ethical oversight. This leaves American scientists opponents Why not use stem cells derived from adult tis-
pretty much free to do what they want, so long as they use sues? These stem cells raise no difficult ethical issues and can
private money. Federal funds were made available in the lead to the same medical benefits.
summer of 2001 for research on the small number of exist- proponents Adult stem cells simply cannot do the job. By the
ing human embryonic stem cell lines. In what has become a time embryonic stem cells have developed into adult stem cells,
they have lost much of their developmental versatility and so
very political contest between those favoring increased stem
lack the range of medical capabilities necessary for regenerative
cell research and those opposing all such research on ethical medicine. Also, adult stem cells are not very prolific and have
grounds, it seems certain that federal government policies proven to be difficult to use in therapeutic procedures on
with regard to stem cell research will fluctuate for some experimental laboratory animals.
time to come.

12 The Living World, ed. 3

Fallopian tube
First cleavage
Sperm (30 hours) Uterus


Inner cell mass

of embryonic
stem cells


(7 days)

Egg Ovulation

FIGURE 9e.10
Four widely-held views about when human life begins.
(1) At fertilization; (2) At implantation; (3) at quickening;
(4) when independent survival is possible.
(4 weeks)
When Does Human Life Begin?
The story of when human life begins has a checkered past.
Centuries before people knew of sperm and eggs, Aristotle
argued that the fusion creating a new person did not exist
until “quickening,” the first noticeable movements in a
woman’s womb. He reckoned quickening occurred 40 days
into pregnancy (18–20 weeks is the actual time). The 40-day
rule was picked up by Jewish and Muslim religions. In 1591,
Pope Gregory XIV supported this view of delayed anima-
tion and ensoulment. The Catholic Church did not reach its
current conclusion that life begins at fertilization until 1896,
when Pope Pius IX condemned abortion at any age after the
moment of conception. Many Jewish theologians now argue (20 weeks)
that life begins seven days into pregnancy, with implantation
of the embryo. Gene transcription starts even later (well
after stem cells are harvested), and many scientists feel
human individuality cannot be said to begin until then,
when the embryo starts to actually use its genes. The United
States Supreme Court takes the position that human life
begins much later, when the fetus becomes capable of inde-
pendent life if separated from the mother—roughly the
third trimester (figure 9e.10).
(third trimester)
Embryonic stem cell research is quite controversial, as it
involves many ethical issues, not the least of which is
when human life begins.

The Revolution in Cell Technology 13

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