Rodstar-D Brochure

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Incredibly User Friendly

RODSTAR-D for Windows has an improved user
interface that is very easy to use. It contains help for
each input parameter and for all program features. It
displays recommendations and warnings to help you
avoid mistakes or to improve system design. With
for Windows™
RODSTAR-D for Windows you can enter everything
yourself, or have the program do most of the hard
work for you.

User Customizable Defaults

RODSTAR-D allows you to select English, SI (Met-
ric), or Canadian (mix of English and Metric) units.
You can save time by specifying values that usually
do not change such as: your company name, electric-
ity cost, standard sucker rod length, tubing size and
pump type, rod and pumping unit costs, etc.
Also, you can specify different types of sucker rod
guides and how much side load is recommended per
guide. The program uses this information to recom-
mend rod guide placement.

Outstanding Technical Support

Theta Oilfield Services is dedicated to your satis-
faction. Our technical support,Unlimited
which isPetroleum
free for theConsulting l UPC

Modern Design
first year, includes an emailed newsletter, upgrades,
“bug” fixes and immediate response to problems or
questions. Program upgrades can be downloaded
directly from our web site. When you have a problem,
and Simulation of
System Requirements
solving it becomes our highest priority.
Processor: Deviated Rod Pumping
• 1.6 GHz or higher
Operating System:
• Windows XP/Vista/7
• 1 GB of RAM or higher
Hard Disk:
• 125 MB available disk space
• 1024 x 768 or higher

Please contact UPC Global for more information


[email protected]
Unlimited Petroleum Consulting l UPC
Finally !!! A Smart Design Program for that allows unattended execution of as many ROD- On-Screen Dynamometer Card Comparison
STAR-D files as you want. RODSTAR-D can sum- and Animation
Deviated or Straight Rod Pumping Wells. marize the results of all these runs in a customiz- After you analyze a system with RODDIAG or XDIAG
able Excel® spreadsheet file for easier comparison. (diagnostic programs developed by Theta Oilfield
RODSTAR-D is the most sophisticated and most
This allows you to select the best design with the least Services), you can load the RODDIAG or XDIAG file
accurate design computer program for rod pumping
amount of work. into RODSTAR-D. Then, you can overlay the measured
systems in deviated wellbores. RODSTAR-D makes it
RODSTAR-D even calculates the cost of the rods, dynamometer card on the predicted dynamometer
very easy to enter deviation data either from a spread-
pumping unit, and monthly electrical bill, for even card plot. This saves time and allows you to determine
sheet file, or even with Optical Character Recognition
more accurate comparisons unknown quantities such as rod-tubing friction, fluid
(OCR) software. Also,
between different system level, detect bad data, etc.
RODSTAR-D has all
design options. Also, RODSTAR-D for Windows can “animate” its
the powerful “smart”
features familiar to ROD- dynamometer card plots by simultaneously showing
STAR-D users. Concise Output how the surface and downhole loads change. This al-
You can enter a Report lows you to “see” rod stretch effects, load fluctuations
“target” production (or RODSTAR-D has an on the plunger, the delay between pump and surface
IPR data) and have the improved output report position, the severity of fluid pound, and other interest-
program automatically that looks the same on the ing effects that cannot be seen any other way.
calculate the pumping screen as on the
speed, plunger size, printer. All devia-
and the optimum rod tion related plots are
string design you need. one page, saving
IPR integration allows paper and making
you to have RODSTAR- the output report
D calculate the target easier to use.
production from pump
intake pressure or fluid Compare
level, or to calculate the
Pumping Units
pump intake pressure from a target production or
RODSTAR-D can simulate any pumping unit,
entered spm. RODSTAR-D can even recommend
including long stroke (Rotaflex) or hydraulic
the pumping unit and motor size you need while it
units. It comes with a huge pumping unit data
simultaneously designs the rod string for you.
base (with about 4000 units) that includes data
RODSTAR-D has a powerful “batch” run capability
for most new and old pumping units. Also, you
can enter your own pumping unit dimensions
and you can customize the list of units to only
show units you have.

Sophisticated 3-D Wellbore Plot

After you enter (or import) your deviation
survey you can select to see a 3-D plot of the
wellbore, spin it around to look at different
views, zoom in, etc.. The program shows the
different sections in the rodstring with different
colors and also shows the rest of the wellbore in
black. This shows where the pump is located.

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