Draft of Is 1893 (Part-2) ..Scribd-2
Draft of Is 1893 (Part-2) ..Scribd-2
Draft of Is 1893 (Part-2) ..Scribd-2
39 (7231)
0.1 In the fifth revision IS 1893 has been split into following five parts:
Part 1 contains provisions that are general in nature and applicable to all types of
structures. It also contains provisions that are specific to buildings only. Unless
stated otherwise, the provisions in Part 2 to 5 shall be read in conjunction with the
general provisions in Part 1.
0.2 IS 1893 (Part 2) contains provisions on liquid retaining tanks. Unless otherwise
stated, this standard shall be read necessarily in conjunction with IS: 1893 (Part 1):
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
10. Veletsos, A. S., 1984, “Seismic response and design of liquid storage tanks”,
Standards for the seismic design of oil and gas pipeline systems, Technical Council
on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, ASCE, N.Y., 255-370, 443-461.
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
0.5 In the formulation of this Standards due weightage has been given to
international coordination among the standards and practices prevailing in different
countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field of this country.
Moreover, to be consistent with present international practice of code writing, a
commentary explaining the rationale behind a particular clause is also provided
whenever necessary.
0.6 In the preparation of this Standard considerable help has been given by the
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Visvesvaraya National Institute of
Technology, Nagpur and several other organizations.
0.8 The units used with the items covered by the symbols shall be consistent
throughout this Standard, unless specifically noted otherwise.
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
1.1 This Standard covers ground supported liquid retaining tanks and elevated
tanks supported on staging. Guidance is also provided on seismic design of buried
Tanks used for storing drinking water, non-volatile material, low 1.5
inflammable petrochemicals etc. and intended for emergency
services such as fire fighting services. Tanks of post earthquake
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
All other tanks with no risk to life and with negligible consequences 1.0
to environment, society and economy
Note - Values of importance factor, I given in IS 1893 (Part 4) may be used where
Type of Tank R
Elevated Tank
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Masonry tank
a) Masonry wall reinforced with horizontal bands* 1.3
b) Masonry wall reinforced with horizontal bands and vertical bars at 1.5
corners and jambs of openings
RC / prestressed tank
a) Fixed or hinged/pinned base tank (Figrs. 6a, 6b, 6c) 2.0
b) Anchored flexible base tank (Fig. 6d) 2.5
c) Unanchored contained or uncontained tank (Figrs. 6e, 6f) 1.5
Steel tank
a) Unanchored base 2.5
b) Anchored base 2.0
# These R values are meant for liquid retaining tanks on frame type staging which are inverted
pendulum type structures. These R values shall not be misunderstood for those given in other parts
of IS 1893 for building and industrial frames. * These tanks are not allowed in seismic zones IV
and V
+ For partially buried tanks, values of can be interpolated between ground supported and
underground tanks based on dept of embedment.
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
4.5.2 If time period is less than 0.1 second, the value of Sa/g shall be taken as 2.5
for 5 percent damping and be multiplied with appropriate factor, for other damping.
4.5.3 For time periods greater than four seconds, the value of Sa /g shall be
obtained using the same expression which is applicable upto time period of four
4.5.4 Value of multiplying factor for 0.5 percent damping shall be taken as 1.75.
Vi = (Ah)i (mi+mw+mt) g
Vc = (Ah)c mc g
Base shear in impulsive mode, just above the base of staging (i.e. at the top of
footing of staging) is given by
Vi = (Ah)i (mi+ms) g
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Vc = (Ah)c mc g
4.6.3 Total base shear V, can be obtained by combining the base shear in
impulsive and convective mode through Square root of Sum of Squares (SRSS)
rule and is given as follows
Vc = √ Vi2+ VC2
Mc = (Ah)c mc hc g
Where Overturning moment in impulsive mode to be used for checking the tank
stability at the bottom of base slab/plate is given by
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
M *c = (Ah)c mc ( hc + hs) g
M = √Mi2 + Mc2
M = √M *i2 + M* c2
4.7.4 For elevated tanks, the design shall be worked out for tank empty and tank
full conditions.
4.8.2 For elevated tanks, staging components should be designed for the critical
direction of seismic force. Different components of staging may have different
critical directions.
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
i) 100 % + 30 % Rule:
√EL2x + EL2 y
The impulsive hydrodynamic pressure exerted by the liquid on the tank wall and
base is given by
Qiw (y)= 0.866 1- y/h tanh 0.866 ---
sinh 0.866----
h Pib = 0.866(Ah ) I ρ g h
cosh 0.866 ----
Qiw (y) is same as that for a circular tank and can be read from Fig. 9a, with
h/L being used in place of h/D.
sinh 0.866----
Qib (x)= -----------------------
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
cosh 0.866 ----
The value of coefficient of impulsive hydrodynamic pressure on base Qib (×), can
also be read from Fig. 9b.
The convective pressure exerted by the oscillating liquid on the tank wall and base
shall be calculated as follows:
Pcw = Qcw (y) (Ah )c ρ g h D 1- --- cos2 φ cos φ
cosh 3.674----
Qcw(y) = 0.5625 -----------------------
cosh 3.674----
x 4 x 3
h Qcb(x) = 1.125 --- - --- ---- sech 03.674
D 3 D D
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
cosh 3.162----
Qcw (y) 0.4165 = _____________
h cosh
The value of Qcw (y) can also be obtained from Fig. 11a.
x 4 x 3
Qcb(x) = 1.25 --- - --- ---- sech 3.162 ---
L 3 D D
linear pressure distribution may be assumed so as to give the same base shear
and bending moment at the bottom of tank wall (Figs. 12b and 12c).
Pww = (Ah )i t ρ m g
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Pv = (Av ) ρ g h (1-y/h)
Z I Sa
Av = ---x ----x ----
2 R q
In absence of more refined analysis, time period of vertical mode of vibration for all
types of tank may be taken as 0.3 sec.
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Circular ground supported tanks shall be anchored to their foundation (Fig. 13)
----- > ----
D (Ah)i
In case of rectangular tank, the same expression may be used with L instead of D.
4.13 Miscellaneous
4.13.1 Piping
Piping systems connected to tanks shall consider the potential movement of the
connection points during earthquake and provide for sufficient flexibility to avoid
damage. The piping system shall be designed so as not to impart significant
mechanical loading on tank. Local loads at pipe connections can be considered in
the design of the tank. Mechanical devices, which add flexibility to piping such as
bellows, expansion joints and other special couplings, may be used in the
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Ground supported tanks (particularly, steel tanks) shall be checked for failure
against buckling. Similarly, safety of shaft type of staging of elevated tanks against
buckling shall be ensured.
Dynamic earth pressure shall be taken into account while computing the base
shear of a partially or fully buried tank. Earth pressure shall also be considered in
the design of walls. In buried tanks, dynamic earth pressure shall not be relied
upon to reduce dynamic effects due to liquid.
The lateral earthquake force generates shear between wall and base slab and
between roof and wall. Wall-to-base slab, wall-to-roof slab and wall-to-wall joints
shall be suitably designed to transfer shear forces. Similarly in elevated tanks,
connection between container and staging should be suitably designed to transfer
the shear force.
For elevated tanks with tall staging (say, staging height more than five times the
least lateral dimension) it may be required to include the P-Delta effect. For such
tall tanks, it must also be confirmed that higher modes of staging do not have
significant contribution to dynamic response.
4.13.6 Aesthetics
Elevated water tanks are prominently in public view and visible from near as well
as long distances. They often become landmarks on the landscape. It is therefore
important that the shape and form of the container and the supporting structure
must receive due attention from the point of aesthetics. Innovations in the shape
and form should be encouraged when they improve the ambience and enhance
the quality of the environment.
Where unusual shapes and forms for supporting structures are used, the designer
may use some discretion in choosing the value of response reduction factor R
consistent with expected seismic performances and ductility. It will be incumbent
on the designer, however, to justify the choice of R value vis-à-vis the seismic
For Comments Only IS 1893 (Part 2) Doc No. CED
39 (7231)
Quality control in design and constructions are particularly important for elevated
tanks in view of several collapses of water tanks during testing. It is necessary that
quality of materials and construction tolerances are strictly adhered to during
construction phase. Some suggestions on construction tolerances and detailing
are listed below. The information given below is not exhaustive and designers and
construction engineers are expected to have competence to take adequate
measures to ensure required structural performance.
A) RC Frame Staging
B) RC Shaft Staging
D is diameter of shaft in mm