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qiān shǒu qiān yǎn dà bēi chàn yí guǐ

千 手 千 眼 大 悲 懺 儀 軌


Liturgy of the Great Compassion Repentance of the Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed One

Copyright © 2021 by Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple (International Buddhist Progress Society)

Translators, Editors, and Graphic Designers:

Andrew Nguy, Raymond Kong

All rights reserved.

Protected by copyright under the terms of the International Copyright Union. Except for fair use in book reviews, no part of this

book may be reproduced for any reason by any means, including any method of photographic reproduction, without

permission of the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

Second Edition, June 2021

Fo Guang Shan Hsi Lai Temple

3456 Glenmark Drive

Hacienda Heights, CA 91745

Tel: (626) 961-9697

Email: [email protected]
Web: www.hsilai.org
qiān shǒu qiān yǎn dà bēi chàn yí guǐ

千 手 千 眼 大 悲 懺 儀 軌
Great Compassion Repentance

chēng niàn shèng hào

[Mindfully Invoke the Sacred Title 稱 念 聖 號]

▲ ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音 菩 薩
Homage to Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva!

yáng zhī jìng shuǐ zàn

[Pure Water of the Willow Sprig Praise 楊枝淨水讚]

| | ○ | | ◎ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | |
● yáng zhī jìng shuǐ piàn sǎ sān qiān
楊 枝 淨 水 徧 灑 三 千
Pure water of the willow sprig showers across the trichiliocosm.

○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○||○| ○ | ○ |
xìng kōng bā dé lì rén tiān
性 空 八 德 利 人 天
Its nature of emptiness has eight virtues benefitting human and celestial beings,

○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○||○|
fú shòu guǎng zēng yán
福 壽 廣 增 延
extensively enhancing and lengthening blessings and longevity,

○ | ○ | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○|
miè zuì xiāo qiān huǒ yàn huà hóng lián
滅 罪 消 愆 火 燄 化 紅 蓮
extinguishing sins and eliminating faults, blazing flames are transformed into red lotuses!

|○ | ○ | ○ | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○| ○|| ○| ○|
▲ ná mó guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà (3x)
南 無 觀 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Homage to Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva!


● yí qiè gōng jìng

一 切 恭 敬
All be reverent and solemn!

● yì xīn dǐng lǐ shí fāng cháng zhù sān bǎo

一 心 頂 禮‧十 方 常 住 三 寶
Single-mindedly prostrate to the Eternally Abiding Triple Gem of the ten directions!

● shì zhū zhòng děng gè gè hú guì yán chí xiāng huá rú fǎ gòng yǎng
是 諸 衆 等 ‧ 各 各 胡 跪 ‧ 嚴 持 香 華 ‧ 如 法 供 養
Each in the assembly, all kneel down.
Solemnly hold the incense and flowers and offer them in accordance with the Dharma.

● yuàn cǐ xiāng huā yún piàn mǎn shí fāng jiè

願 此 香 花 雲‧ 徧 滿 十 方 界‧
May this cloud of incense and flowers pervade the realms of the ten directions,

yī yī zhū fó tǔ wú liàng xiāng zhuāng yán

一 一 諸 佛 土‧ 無 量 香 莊 嚴‧
fill each and every buddha land with limitless fragrance and adornments,

jù zú pú sà dào chéng jiù rú lái xiāng

具 足 菩 薩 道‧ 成 就 如 來 香 。
fulfill the bodhisattva path, and become the tathāgatha’s fragrance!

● wǒ cǐ xiāng huá piàn shí fāng

我此 香 華 徧 十 方 ‧
May these incense and flowers pervade the ten directions

yǐ wéi wéi miào guāng míng tái zhū tiān yīn yuè tiān bǎo xiāng zhū tiān yáo shàn tiān bǎo yī
以 為 微 妙 光 明 臺‧ 諸 天 音 樂 天 寶 香 ‧ 諸 天 餚 饍 天 寶 衣‧
and become a subtle and wondrous platform of light; various kinds of celestial music, and
precious celestial incenses; various celestial delicacies, and precious celestial robes;

bù kě sī yì miào fǎ chén yī yī chén chū yí qiè chén yī yī chén chū yí qiè fǎ

不 可 思 議 妙 法 塵 ‧一 一 塵 出 一 切 塵 ‧一 一 塵 出 一 切 法‧
and inconceivable and wondrous dharma sense objects. Each of these [six sense] objects
manifests all sense objects; each of these [six sense] objects manifests all phenomena.

佛光山 | FGS

xuán zhuǎn wú ài hù zhuāng yán piàn zhì shí fāng sān bǎo qián shí fāng fǎ jiè sān bǎo qián
旋 轉 無 礙 互 莊 嚴 ‧ 徧 至 十 方 三 寶 前 ‧十 方 法 界 三 寶 前 ‧
[These offerings] spin and adorn each other without obstruction, spreading and arriving before
the Triple Gem of the ten directions. And before all of the Triple Gem in the Dharma realms of

xī yǒu wǒ shēn xiū gòng yǎng yī yī jiē xī piàn fǎ jiè bǐ bǐ wú zá wú zhàng ài

悉 有 我 身 修 供 養 ‧一 一 皆 悉 徧 法 界‧彼 彼 無 雜 無 障 礙‧
the ten directions, my own body is making this offering, with each of my bodies appearing
throughout Dharma Realms. [These offerings] do not interfere or obstruct each other,

jǐn wèi lái jì zuò fó shì pǔ xūn fǎ jiè zhū zhòng shēng méng xūn jiē fā pú tí xīn
盡 未 來 際 作 佛 事‧普 熏 法 界 諸 衆 生 ‧ 蒙 熏 皆 發 菩 提 心‧
and until the limits of the future, they conduct the Buddha’s work; [their fragrance] universally
permeates all sentient beings in the Dharma Realms, and those who are permeated [by its
fragrance] all give rise to the bodhi mind

● tóng rù wú shēng zhèng fó zhì

同 入 無 生 證 佛 智
and together enter the state of non-arising, awakening to the Buddha’s wisdom!

● gòng yǎng yǐ yí qiè gōng jìng

供 養 已‧一 切 恭 敬
Having made offerings, all be reverent and solemn.

● ná mó guò qù zhèng fǎ míng rú lái xiàn qián guān shì yīn pú sà

南 無 過 去 正 法 明 如 來‧ 現 前 觀 世 音 菩 薩‧
Homage to Saddharmaprabhasa Tathāgatha of the past, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva of the present.

chéng miào gōng dé jù dà cí bēi yú yī shēn xīn xiàn qiān shǒu

成 妙 功 德‧具 大 慈 悲 ‧於 一 身 心 ‧ 現 千 手
Having accomplished wonderful merits and virtue, you are replete in great kindness and
compassion. With one body and mind, you manifest a thousand hands and eyes,

yǎn zhào jiàn fǎ jiè hù chí zhòng shēng jīn fā guǎng dà dào xīn
眼 ‧ 照 見 法 界‧護 持 眾 生 。今 發 廣 大 道 心‧
illuminating and observing the Dharma Realms while protecting and supporting sentient
beings, causing them to give rise to the vast and great aspiration for the Path and


jiāo chí yuán mǎn shén zhòu yǒng lí è dào dé shēng fó qián
教 持 圓 滿 神 咒 ‧ 永 離 惡 道 ‧得 生 佛 前 。
teaching them to uphold the perfect and complete dhāraṇī. They forever leave the lower
realms and are reborn in the presence of a buddha.

wú jiān zhòng qiān chán shēn è jí mò néng jiù jì xī shǐ xiāo

無 間 重 愆 ‧ 纏 身 惡 疾‧ 莫 能 救 濟‧悉 使 消
You cause grave transgressions of the Uninterrupted [Hell], terrible ailments which entangle the
body, all for which there is neither rescue nor aid, to be entirely dissolved and eradicated;

chú sān mèi biàn cái xiàn shēn qiú yuàn jiē lìng guǒ suì jué dìng
除 。 三 昧 辯 才‧ 現 身 求 願 ‧皆 令 果 遂‧ 決 定
and cause the fruition of samādhi and eloquence, as well as wishes of this present life, to be
assured without doubt.

wú yí néng shǐ sù huò sān chèng zǎo dēng fó dì wēi shén zhī
無 疑。 能 使 速 獲 三 乘 ‧早 登 佛 地。 威 神 之
You enable the swift attainment of the Three Vehicles as well as quick ascension to the stage of

lì tàn mò néng qióng gù wǒ yī xīn guī mìng dǐng lǐ

力‧ 歎 莫 能 窮 ‧故 我 一 心 ‧ 歸 命 頂 禮。
a buddha. Your awe-inspiring spiritual strength is praised inexhaustibly, thus we single-
mindedly prostrate and seek refuge in you!

● yì xīn dǐng lǐ běn shī shì jiā móu ní shì zūn

一 心 頂 禮‧ 本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to Our Teacher, Sakyamuni World-Honored One.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ xī fāng jí lè shì jiè ō mí tuó shì zūn

一 心 頂 禮‧西 方 極 樂 世 界 阿 彌 陀 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to Western Pure Land, Amitābha World-Honored One.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ guò qù wú liàng yì jié qiān guāng wáng jìng zhù shìzūn
一 心 頂 禮‧ 過 去 無 量 億 劫 千 光 王 靜 住 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to Sahasraprabharaja-dhyāna-bhūmika World-Honored One of
infinite millions of kalpas past.

佛光山 | FGS

yī xīn dǐng lǐ guò qù jiǔ shí jiǔ yì jìng qié shā zhū fó shì zūn
一 心 頂 禮‧ 過 去 九 十 九 億 殑 伽 沙 諸 佛 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to the myriad buddhas, world-honored ones, of the past as
numerous as the sands of ninety-nine million Ganges Rivers.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ guò qù wú liàng jié zhèng fǎ míng shì zūn

一 心 頂 禮‧ 過 去 無 量 劫 正 法 明 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to Saddharmaprabhasa World-Honored One of limitless kalpas past.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ shí fāng yī qiè zhū fó shì zūn

一 心 頂 禮‧ 十 方 一 切 諸 佛 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to all buddhas, world-honored ones of the ten directions.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ xián jié qiān fó sān shì yī qiè zhū fó shì zūn
一 心 頂 禮‧ 賢 劫 千 佛‧ 三 世 一 切 諸 佛 世 尊
Single-mindedly prostrate to the thousand buddhas of the Virtuous Kalpa, and all buddhas,
world-honored ones of the three periods of time.

● yī xīn dǐng lǐ guǎng dà yuán mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn

一 心 頂 禮‧ 廣 大 圓 滿 無 礙 大 悲 心
Single-mindedly prostrate to the spiritually wondrous verses of the Great Dhāraṇī of the

dà tuó luó ní shén miào zhāng jù

大 陀 羅 尼 神 妙 章 句
Vast, Perfected, Unhindered Mind of Great Compassion.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ guān yīn suǒ shuō zhū tuó luó ní

一 心 頂 禮‧ 觀 音 所 說 諸 陀 羅 尼‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to all dhāraṇīs proclaimed by Avalokiteśvara,

jí shí fāng sān shì yī qiè zūn fǎ

及 十 方 三 世 一 切 尊 法
and all honored Dharma of the ten directions and three periods of time.


● yī xīn dǐng lǐ qiān shǒu qiān yǎn dà cí dà bēi

一 心 頂 禮‧ 千 手 千 眼 ‧大 慈 大 悲 ‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed, Great Kindness and

guān shì yīn zì zài pú sà mó hē sà

觀 世 音 自 在 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ dà shì zhì pú sà mó hē sà

一 心 頂 禮‧大 勢 至 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Single-mindedly prostrate to Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ zǒng chí wáng pú sà mó hē sà

一 心 頂 禮‧ 總 持 王 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Single-mindedly prostrate to Dhāraṇī Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva

yī xīn dǐng lǐ rì guāng pú sà yuè guāng pú sà mó hē sà

一 心 頂 禮‧日 光 菩 薩‧ 月 光 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Single-mindedly prostrate to Sūryaprabha Bodhisattva-, Candraprabha Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ bǎo wáng pú sà yào wáng pú sà

一 心 頂 禮‧ 寶 王 菩 薩‧ 藥 王 菩 薩‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Ratnarāja Bodhisattva-, Bhaiṣajyarāja Bodhisattva-,

yào shàng pú sà mó hē sà
藥 上 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Bhaiṣajyasamudgata Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ huá yán pú sà dà zhuāng yán pú sà

一 心 頂 禮‧ 華 嚴 菩 薩‧大 莊 嚴 菩 薩‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Avataṃsaka Bodhisattva-, Mahāvyūha Bodhisattva-,

bǎo zàng pú sà mó hē sà
寶 藏 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Ratnagarbha Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ dé zàng pú sà jīn gāng zàng pú sà

一 心 頂 禮‧德 藏 菩 薩‧金 剛 藏 菩 薩‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Guṇagarbha Bodhisattva-, Vajragarbha Bodhisattva-,

佛光山 | FGS

xū kōng zàng pú sà mó hē sà
虛 空 藏 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Ākāśagarbha Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ mí lēi pú sà pǔ xián pú sà

一 心 頂 禮‧彌 勒 菩 薩‧普 賢 菩 薩‧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Maitreya Bodhisattva-, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva-,

wén shū shī lì pú sà mó hē sà

文 殊 師 利 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Mañjuśrī Bodhisattva-Mahāsattvas.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ shí fāng sān shì yī qiè pú sà mó hē sà

一 心 頂 禮‧ 十 方 三 世 一 切 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Single-mindedly prostrate to all bodhisattva-mahāsattvas of the ten directions and three
periods of time.

yī xīn dǐng lǐ mó hē jiā shè wú liàng wú shù dà shēng wén sēng

一 心 頂 禮‧ 摩 訶 迦 葉 無 量 無 數 大 聲 聞 僧
Single-mindedly prostrate to Mahākāśyapa and the limitless, countless sangha of great śrāvakas.

● yī xīn dǐng lǐ chǎn tiān tái jiào guān sì míng zūn zhě fǎ zhì dà shī
一 心 頂 禮‧ 闡 天 台 教 觀 四 明 尊 者 法 智 大 師
Single-mindedly prostrate to Honored One of [Mount] Siming, Venerable Master Fazhi, who
promulgated the Tiantai school’s teachings and contemplations.

● yī xīn dài wèi shàn zhā fàn mó qú pó qié tiān zǐ hù shì sì wáng
一 心 代 為 ‧ 善 吒 梵 摩 ‧瞿 婆 伽 天 子‧護 世 四 王 ‧
On behalf of Brahma Sahāmpati; Deva Gopaka; the Four World-Protecting Kings;

tiān lóng bā bù tóng mù tiān nǚ xū kōng shén jiāng hǎi shén

天 龍 八 部‧ 童 目 天 女‧ 虛 空 神 ‧ 江 海 神 ‧
the eight divisions of celestial protectors; Celestial Maiden Youthful Eyes; spirits of empty space;
spirits of rivers and seas;


quán yuán shén hé zhǎo shén yào cǎo shù lín shén shě zhái shén
泉 源 神 ‧河 沼 神 ‧藥 草 樹 林 神 ‧舍 宅 神‧
spirits of springheads; spirits of streams and lakes; spirits of herbs, grasses, trees and forests;
spirits of houses and dwellings;

shuǐ shén huǒ shén fēng shén tǔ shén shān shén dì shén
水 神 ‧火 神 ‧ 風 神 ‧土 神 ‧ 山 神 ‧地 神 ‧
spirits of water; spirits of fire; spirits of wind; spirits of soil; spirits of mountains; spirits of the ground;

gōng diàn shén děng jí shǒu hù chí zhòu yī qiè tiān lóng guǐ shén
宮 殿 神 等 ‧及 守 護 持 咒 ‧ 一 切 天 龍 鬼 神 ‧
spirits of palaces; and others; as well as all devas, nāgas, ghosts, and spirits who protect
upholders of the mantra,

gè jí juàn shǔ dǐng lǐ sān bǎo

各 及 眷 屬‧ 頂 禮 三 寶。
along with each of their retinues, we single-mindedly prostrate to the Triple Gem!

● jīng yún ruò yǒu bǐ qiū bǐ qiū ní yōu pó sè yōu pó yí tóng nán
經 云 ‧ 若 有 比 丘 ‧比 丘 尼‧ 優 婆 塞‧ 優 婆 夷‧ 童 男
The [Great Compassion Dhāraṇī] Sūtra states: “If there are any bhikṣus, bhikṣuṇīs, upāsakas, upāsikās,

tóng nǚ yù sòng chí zhě yú zhū zhòng shēng qǐ cí bēi xīn xiān
童 女‧欲 誦 持 者 ‧於 諸 眾 生 ‧ 起 慈 悲 心‧ 先
boys or girls, who wish to recite and uphold [this dhāraṇī], bring forth the mind of kindness

dāng cóng wǒ fā rú shì yuàn

當 從 我‧發 如 是 願 。
and compassion towards all sentient beings. They should first follow me in making these vows:

● ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ sù zhī yí qiè fǎ

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音 ‧ 願 我 速 知 一 切 法。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to quickly know all phenomena.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ zǎo dé zhì huì yǎn

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 早 得 智 慧 眼 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to soon obtain the eye of wisdom.

佛光山 | FGS

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ sù dù yí qiè zhòng

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 速 度 一 切 眾 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to quickly liberate all beings.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ zǎo dé shàn fāng biàn

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 早 得 善 方 便。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to soon obtain skillful and expedient means.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ sù chéng bō ruì chuán

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 速 乘 般 若 船 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to quickly sail upon the boat of prajñā.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ zǎo dé yuè kǔ hǎi

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 早 得 越 苦 海。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to soon cross the sea of suffering.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ sù dé jiè dìng dào

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 速 得 戒 定 道 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to quickly master the path of
precepts and concentration.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ zǎo dēng niè pán shān
南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 早 登 涅 槃 山 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to soon ascend the mountain of nirvāṇa.

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ sù huì wú wèi shě

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 速 會 無 為 舍 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to quickly dwell in the home of the

ná mó dà bēi guān shì yīn yuàn wǒ zǎo tóng fǎ xìng shēn

南 無 大 悲 觀 世 音‧ 願 我 早 同 法 性 身 。
Seeking refuge in Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara, I vow to soon recognize the Dharma
nature body as my own.

wǒ ruò xiàng dāo shān dāo shān zì cuī zhé

我 若 向 刀 山 ‧刀 山 自 摧 折。
If I face a mountain of knives, the mountain of knives shall shatter by itself.


wǒ ruò xiàng huǒ tāng huǒ tāng zì kū jié

我 若 向 火 湯 ‧ 火 湯 自 枯 竭。
If I face liquid fire, the liquid fire shall dry-up by itself.

wǒ ruò xiàng dì yù dì yù zì xiāo miè

我 若 向 地 獄‧地 獄 自 消 滅 。
If I face the hells, the hells shall vanish and extinguish by themselves.

wǒ ruò xiàng è guǐ è guǐ zì bǎo mǎn

我 若 向 餓 鬼 ‧餓 鬼 自 飽 滿 。
If I face hungry ghosts, the hungry ghosts shall become self-satisfied.

wǒ ruò xiàng xiū luó è xīn zì tiáo fú

我 若 向 修 羅 ‧ 惡 心 自 調 伏。
If I face the asūras, their minds of hatred shall tame themselves.

wǒ ruò xiàng chù shēng zì dé dà zhì huì

我 若 向 畜 生 ‧自 得 大 智 慧 。
If I face animals, by themselves they shall gain great wisdom!

▲ ná mó guān shì yīn pú sà (10x)

南 無 觀 世 音 菩 薩
Homage to Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva!

▲ ná mó ō mí tuó fó (10x)
南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛
Homage to Amitābha Buddha!

● guān shì yīn pú sà bái fó yán shì zūn ruò zhū zhòng shēng sòng chí
觀 世 音 菩 薩 白 佛 言 ‧世 尊 ‧ 若 諸 眾 生 ‧誦 持
Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva addressed the Buddha saying, “World-Honored One, if sentient beings

dà bēi shén zhòu duò sān è dào zhě wǒ shì bù chéng zhèng jué
大 悲 神 咒 ‧ 墮 三 惡 道 者 ‧我 誓 不 成 正 覺。
who recite and uphold the Great Compassion Dhāraṇī descend into the three lower realms, I
vow to not achieve proper awakening.

佛光山 | FGS

sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu ruò bù shēng zhū fó guó zhě wǒ shì bù
誦 持 大 悲 神 咒 ‧若 不 生 諸 佛 國 者 ‧我 誓 不
If those who recite and uphold the Great Compassion Dhāraṇī are not reborn in any of the
myriad buddha lands, I vow to not achieve proper awakening.

chéng zhèng jué sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu ruò bù dé wú liàng sān mèi
成 正 覺。 誦 持 大 悲 神 咒 ‧若 不 得 無 量 三 昧
If those who recite and uphold the Great Compassion Dhāraṇī do not attain infinite samadhis
and eloquence,

biàn cái zhě wǒ shì bù chéng zhèng jué sòng chí dà bēi shén zhòu
辯 才 者 ‧我 誓 不 成 正 覺。 誦 持 大 悲 神 咒 ‧
I vow to not achieve proper awakening. If those who recite and uphold the Great Compassion

yú xiàn zài shēng zhōng yī qiè suǒ qiú ruò bù guǒ suì zhě bù dé wéi
於 現 在 生 中 ‧一 切 所 求 ‧ 若 不 果 遂 者 ‧不 得 為
Dhāraṇī do not realize the fulfillment of their wishes in this present lifetime, then this is not

dà bēi xīn tuó luó ní yě nǎi zhì shuō shì yǔ yǐ yú zhòng huì qián
大 悲 心 陀 羅 尼 也。乃 至 說 是 語 已‧於 眾 會 前‧
the Great Compassion Dhāraṇī.” After saying these words, he joined his palms and stood up

hé zhǎng zhèng zhù yú zhū zhòng shēng qǐ dà bēi xīn kāi yán hán
合 掌 正 住 ‧於 諸 眾 生 起 大 悲 心‧開 顏 含
straight before the assembly. He gave rise to the mind of great compassion towards all sentient
beings and carried a smile on his face.

xiào jí shuō rú shì guǎng dà yuán mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn dà tuó luó ní
笑 ‧即 說 如 是 廣 大 圓 滿 無 礙 大 悲 心 大 陀 羅 尼
He then began to discourse the spiritually wondrous sections and verses of this Great Dhāraṇī

shén miào zhāng jù tuó luó ní yuē

神 妙 章 句‧ 陀 羅 尼 曰 ‧
of the Vast, Perfected, Unhindered Mind of Great Compassion. The Dhāraṇī goes:

[Repeat the following dhāraṇī multiple times as instructed.]


▲ na mo he la da na duo la ye ye na mo o li ye po lu jie di
南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 夜 耶‧南 無 阿 唎 耶‧ 婆 盧 羯 帝‧
Namo ratnatrayāya nama āryāvalokiteśvarāya

shuo bo la ye pu ti sa duo po ye mo he sa duo po ye mo he

爍 鉢 囉 耶‧ 菩 提 薩 埵 婆 耶‧ 摩 訶 薩 埵 婆 耶‧ 摩 訶
bodhisattvāya mahāsattvāya

jia lu ni jia ye an sa po la fa yi shu da na da xie na mo xi

迦 盧 尼 迦 耶 ‧ 唵‧ 薩 皤 囉 罰 曳 ‧ 數 怛 那 怛 寫 ‧ 南 無 悉
mahākārunikāya oṃ sarva-raviye śudhanadasya namas

ji li duo yi meng a li ye po lu ji di shi fo la leng tuo po

吉 栗 埵 伊 蒙 阿 唎 耶‧ 婆 盧 吉 帝‧ 室 佛 囉 楞 馱 婆 ‧
kritvā imam āryāvalokiteśvara ramdhava

na mo na la jin chi xi li mo he po duo sha mie sa po o ta dou

南 無 那 囉 謹 墀 ‧醯 唎 摩 訶‧皤 哆 沙 咩 ‧ 薩 婆 阿 他 豆
namo narakindi hrīḥ mahā-vat- svāme sarva-arthato-

shu peng o shi yun sa po sa duo na mo po sa duo na mo po qie

輸 朋 ‧阿 逝 孕 ‧薩 婆 薩 哆 ‧那 摩 婆 薩 多 ‧那 摩 婆 伽 ‧
śubham ajeyam sarva-sat namo-vasat namo-vāka

mo fa te dou da zhi ta an o po lu xi lu jia di jia luo di

摩 罰 特 豆 ‧ 怛 姪 他‧唵‧ 阿 婆 盧 醯‧ 盧 迦 帝‧ 迦 羅 帝 ‧
mavitāto tadyathā oṃ avaloki-lokate-krate-

yi xi li mo he pu ti sa duo sa po sa po mo la mo la mo xi
夷 醯 唎‧ 摩 訶 菩 提 薩 埵 ‧薩 婆 薩 婆‧ 摩 囉 摩 囉‧ 摩 醯
e-hrīḥ mahā bodhisattva sarva sarva mala mala mahi

mo xi li tuo yun ju lu ju lu jie meng du lu du lu fa she ye di

摩 醯‧唎 馱 孕 ‧俱 盧 俱 盧 羯 蒙 ‧度 盧 度 盧‧罰 闍 耶 帝‧
mahi ridayam kuru kuru karmam dhuru dhuru vijayate

mo he fa she ye di tuo la tuo la di li ni shi fo la ye zhe la

摩 訶 罰 闍 耶 帝‧ 陀 囉 陀 囉 ‧ 地 唎 尼‧ 室 佛 囉 耶 ‧ 遮 囉
mahā vijayati dhara dhara dhriniśvarāya cala

zhe la mo mo fa mo la mu di li yi xi yi xi shi na shi na

遮 囉 ‧ 麼 麼 罰 摩 囉 ‧ 穆 帝 隸 ‧ 伊 醯 伊 醯 ‧ 室 那 室 那‧
cala mama vimala muktele ehi ehi śina śina

佛光山 | FGS

a la seng fo la she li fa suo fa seng fo la she ye hu lu hu lu

阿 囉 嘇 佛 囉 舍 利‧罰 娑 罰 嘇 ‧佛 囉 舍 耶‧呼 盧 呼 盧
ārsam prasari viśva viśvam prasaya hulu hulu

mo la hu lu hu lu xi li suo la suo la xi li xi li su lu su lu
摩 囉‧呼 盧 呼 盧 醯 利‧ 娑 囉 娑 囉‧悉 唎 悉 唎‧蘇 嚧 蘇 嚧‧
mara hulu hulu hrīḥ sara sara siri siri suru suru

pu ti ye pu ti ye pu tuo ye pu tuo ye mi di li ye na la jin chi

菩 提 夜 菩 提 夜‧菩 馱 夜 菩 馱 夜‧彌 帝 利 夜‧那 囉 謹 墀‧
bodhiya bodhiya bodhaya bodhaya maitreya narakindi

di li se ni na po ye mo na suo po he xi tuo ye suo po he

地 利 瑟 尼 那‧ 婆 夜 摩 那‧ 娑 婆 訶‧悉 陀 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧
dhriśnina bhayamāna svāhā siddhāya svāhā

mo he xi tuo ye suo po he xi tuo yu yi shi po la ye suo po he

摩 訶 悉 陀 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧悉 陀 喻 藝‧室 皤 囉 耶‧ 娑 婆 訶‧
mahā siddhāya svāhā siddha-yogeśvarāya svāhā

na la jin chi suo po he mo la na la suo po he xi la seng a

那 囉 謹 墀 ‧ 娑 婆 訶 ‧ 摩 囉 那 囉‧ 娑 婆 訶 ‧悉 囉 僧 阿
narakindi svāhā maranāra svāhā śira simha-

mu qie ye suo po he suo po mo he o xi tuo ye suo po he

穆 佉 耶 ‧ 娑 婆 訶 ‧ 娑 婆 摩 訶 阿 悉 陀 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶 ‧
mukhāya svāhā sarva mahā-asiddhāya svāhā

zhe ji la o xi tuo ye suo po he po tuo mo jie xi tuo ye suo po he

者 吉 囉 阿 悉 陀 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧波 陀 摩 羯 悉 陀 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧
cakra-asiddhāya svāhā padma-kastāya svāhā

na la jin chi po qie la ye suo po he mo po li sheng jie la ye suo po he

那 囉 謹 墀 皤 伽 囉 耶‧ 娑 婆 訶‧ 摩 婆 利 勝 羯 囉 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧
narakindi-vagalāya svāhā mavariśankharāya svāhā

na mo he la da na duo la ye ye na mo o li ye po lu ji di
南 無 喝 囉 怛 那 哆 囉 夜 耶 ‧ 南 無 阿 利 耶 ‧ 婆 盧 吉 帝‧
namo ratnatrayāya namo āryāvalokiteśvarāya

shuo po la ye suo po he an xi dian du man duo la ba tuo ye suo po he

爍 皤 囉 夜‧ 娑 婆 訶‧唵‧悉 殿 都‧ 漫 多 囉‧跋 陀 耶‧ 娑 婆 訶。
svāhā oṃ sidhyantu mantra padāya svāhā!
[Return to ▲ page 12 and repeat the section as needed.]


● guān shì yīn pú sà shuō cǐ zhòu yǐ dà dì liù biàn zhèn dòng tiān yǔ
觀 世 音 菩 薩 說 此 咒 已‧大 地 六 變 震 動 ‧天 雨
“After Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva discoursed this dhāraṇī, the great earth quaked in six ways,

bǎo huá bīn fēn ér xià shí fāng zhū fó xī jiē huān xǐ tiān mó wài
寶 華 繽 紛 而 下‧十 方 諸 佛 悉 皆 歡 喜‧ 天 魔 外
the heavens showered precious blossoms which descended abundantly, the myriad buddhas of
the ten directions were all delighted, celestial demons and those of other paths were terrified

dào kǒng bù máo shù yí qiè zhòng huì jiē huò guǒ zhèng huò dé
道 恐 怖 毛 豎 ‧一 切 眾 會 皆 獲 果 證 ‧或 得
as their hairs stood on end, and all in the assembly attained the realization of various stages

xū tuó huán guǒ huò dé sī tuó hán guǒ huò dé ō nà hán guǒ
須 陀 洹 果‧或 得 斯 陀 含 果‧或 得 阿 那 含 果‧
of fruition. Some attained the fruition of the śrotāpanna, some attained the fruition of the
sakṛdāgāmin, some attained the fruition of the anāgāmin,

huò dé ō luó hàn guǒ huò dé yī dì èr dì sān sì wǔ dì

或 得 阿 羅 漢 果 ‧ 或 得 一 地 二 地‧ 三 四 五 地‧
some attained the fruition of the arhat, some attained the first ground or second ground, the
third, fourth, or fifth grounds,

nǎi zhì shí dì zhě wú liàng zhòng shēng fā pú tí xīn

乃 至 十 地 者 ‧無 量 眾 生 ‧發 菩 提 心 。
and even the tenth ground [of a bodhisattva], and infinite sentient beings gave rise to the
bodhi mind.”

● wǒ jí zhòng shēng
我 及 眾 生 ‧
All beings and I,

wú shǐ cháng wéi sān yè liù gēn zhòng zuì suǒ zhàng bù jiàn zhū fó bù zhī chū yào
無 始 常 為 ‧ 三 業 六 根 ‧ 重 罪 所 障 ‧不 見 諸 佛‧不 知 出 要 ‧
since beginningless time, have been constantly obstructed by the grave transgressions of the
three karmas and six faculties. We did not encounter the buddhas and did not know that it is
necessary to leave [saṃsāra].

佛光山 | FGS

dàn shùn shēng sǐ bù zhī miào lǐ wǒ jīn suī zhī yóu yǔ zhòng shēng tóng wéi yī qiè
但 順 生 死‧不 知 妙 理‧我 今 雖 知‧ 猶 與 眾 生 ‧ 同 為 一 切‧
Instead, we were complicit with birth and death and did not understand the wondrous principles
[of the Dharma]. Although we now know this, we are obstructed by all grave transgressions,

zhòng zuì suǒ zhàng jīn duì guān yīn shí fāng fó qián pǔ wéi zhòng shēng guī mìng chàn huǐ
重 罪 所 障 ‧今 對 觀 音‧十 方 佛 前 ‧普 為 眾 生 ‧皈 命 懺 悔‧
just like all sentient beings are. Now, [kneeling] before Avalokiteśvara and the buddhas of the
ten directions, we seek refuge in you as well as repent and reform on universal behalf of all
sentient beings.

● wéi yuàn jiā hù ‧ lìng zhàng xiāo miè

惟 願 加 護‧ 令 障 消 滅。
May you bless us with aid and support! Cause these obstacles to be dissolved and

● pǔ wéi sì ēn sān yǒu fǎ jiè zhòng shēng

普 為 四 恩 三 有 ‧法 界 眾 生 ‧
Universally, on behalf of the four objects of gratitude, three states of existence, and all sentient
beings in the Dharma Realms,

xī yuàn duàn chú sān zhàng guī mìng chàn huǐ

悉 願 斷 除 三 障 ‧皈 命 懺 悔。
we all vow to sever and eradicate the three obstacles through seeking refuge, repentance, and reform.

● wǒ yǔ zhòng shēng
我 與 眾 生 ‧
All beings and I,

wú shǐ lái jīn yóu ài jiàn gù nèi jì wǒ rén wài yīn è yǒu bù suí xǐ tā
無 始 來 今‧ 由 愛 見 故‧內 計 我 人 ‧ 外 因 惡 友 ‧不 隨 喜 他‧
since beginningless time until now, have internally schemed for ourselves and externally
conspired with evil friends due to attachments and wrong views. We did not rejoice in

yī háo zhī shàn wéi piàn sān yèguǎng zào zhòng zuì shì suī bù guǎng è xīn piàn bù
一 毫 之 善 ‧唯 徧 三 業‧ 廣 造 眾 罪‧事 雖 不 廣 ‧惡 心 徧 布‧
a hair’s breadth of others’ virtues and instead extensively committed various offenses through
the three karmas. Though each incident was not great, our unwholesome intentions pervaded.


zhòu yè xiāng xù wú yǒu jiān duàn fù huì guò shī bú yù rén zhī bú wèi è dào
晝 夜 相 續‧無 有 間 斷 ‧覆 諱 過 失‧不 欲 人 知‧不 畏 惡 道 ‧
These continued day and night without a moment’s pause. We concealed our transgressions,
errors, and mistakes, not wanting others to know; did not fear the lower realms;

wú cán wú kuì bō wú yīn guǒ gù yú jīn rì shēn xìn yīn guǒ shēng zhòng cán kuì
無 慚 無 愧‧撥 無 因 果 ‧故 於 今 日‧ 深 信 因 果 ‧ 生 重 慚 愧‧
were unashamed and unremorseful; and denied the existence of cause and effect. However, we
now deeply believe in cause and effect, give rise to immense shame and remorse,

shēng dà bù wèi fā lù chàn huǐ duàn xiàng xù xīn fā pú tí xīn duàn è xiū shàn
生 大 怖 畏 ‧發 露 懺 悔‧ 斷 相 續 心‧發 菩 提 心‧ 斷 惡 修 善 ‧
give rise to great fear, reveal all [our misdeeds] in repentance and reform, end the continuous
mind [of evil], bring forth the bodhi mind, end evils and cultivate virtues,

qín cè sān yè fān xī zhòng guò suí xǐ fán shèng yì háo zhī shàn niàn shí fāng fó
勤 策 三 業‧翻 昔 重 過 ‧隨 喜 凡 聖 ‧一 毫 之 善 ‧ 念 十 方 佛‧
diligently train the three karmas and reform our grave transgressions of the past, rejoice in
even a hair’s breadth of virtue by unawakened and awakened beings, and are mindful that the
buddhas in the ten directions

yǒu dà fú huì néng jiù bá wǒ jí zhū zhòng shēng cóng èr sǐ hǎi zhì sān dé àn
有 大 福 慧‧ 能 救 拔 我‧及 諸 眾 生 ‧ 從 二 死 海‧置 三 德 岸‧
possess great blessings and wisdom and are able to rescue us and all beings from the sea of
two saṃsāras and bring us to the shore of three virtues.

cóng wú shǐ lái bù zhī zhū fǎ běn xìng kōng jí guǎng zào zhòng è jīn zhī kōng jí
從 無 始 來‧不 知 諸 法‧ 本 性 空 寂‧ 廣 造 眾 惡‧今 知 空 寂‧
From beginningless time until now, we did not know that the fundamental nature of all
phenomena is empty and tranquil, and thus we committed many evil deeds.

wèi qiú pú tí wèi zhòng shēng gù guǎng xiū zhū shàn piàn duàn zhòng è
為 求 菩 提‧ 為 眾 生 故‧ 廣 修 諸 善 ‧ 徧 斷 眾 惡‧
Now, we know [that all phenomena] are empty and tranquil, and so we extensively cultivate all
virtues and completely end all evil for the sake of seeking bodhi and for the sake of sentient

● wéi yuàn guān yīn cí bēi shè shòu

唯 願 觀 音‧慈 悲 攝 受 。
O, Avalokiteśvara! Compassionately embrace and accept us!

佛光山 | FGS

● zhì xīn chàn huǐ ‧ dì zi zhòng děng yuán yǔ fǎ jiè yí qiè zhòng
至 心 懺 悔 ‧弟 子 眾 等 ‧ 原 與 法 界 一 切 眾
Wholeheartedly we repent and reform! We, your disciples and others, along with all beings of
the Dharma Realms,

shēng xiàn qián yī xīn běn jù qiān fǎ jiē yǒu shén lì jí yǐ

生 ‧ 現 前 一 心 ‧ 本 具 千 法‧皆 有 神 力‧及 以
possess this single mind of the present, which is inherently replete with the thousand phenomena,

zhì míng shàng děng fó xīn xià tóng hán shí wú shǐ àn dòng
智 明 ‧ 上 等 佛 心‧下 同 含 識‧無 始 闇 動 ‧
spiritual powers, and radiant wisdom. It is equal to the buddhas’ mind above and identical to
sentient beings below, but due to deluded actions since beginningless time,

zhàng cǐ jìng míng chù shì hūn mí jǔ xīn fù zhuó píng děng
障 此 靜 明 ‧ 觸 事 昏 迷‧舉 心 縛 著 ‧ 平 等
this tranquil radiance has been obstructed. We were confused upon encountering situations
and each thought that arose was fettered. Within the Dharma of equality,

fǎ zhōng qǐ zì tā xiǎng ài jiàn wéi běn shēn kǒu wéi yuán

法 中 ‧起 自 他 想 ‧愛 見 為 本 ‧ 身 口 為 緣 ‧
we gave rise to thoughts of self versus others. With attachments and wrong views as the
foundation and our bodies and speech as the conditions,

yú zhū yǒu zhōng wú zuì bú zào shí è wǔ nì bàng fǎ bàng

於 諸 有 中 ‧ 無 罪 不 造 ‧十 惡 五 逆‧ 謗 法 謗
we left no transgression undone among the various states of existence. We committed the ten
evils and five grave transgressions, slandered the Dharma and slandered people,

rén pò jiè pò zhāi huǐ tǎ huài sì tōu sēng qí wù wū jìng fàn

人 ‧破 戒 破 齋 ‧ 毀 塔 壞 寺‧ 偷 僧 祇 物 ‧ 污 淨 梵
violated precepts and violated fasts, destroyed stūpas and ruined temples, stole the Sangha’s
property, defiled the pure practice of celibacy,

xíng qīn sǔn cháng zhù yǐn shí cái wù qiān fó chū shì bù tōng
行 ‧侵 損 常 住 ‧飲 食 財 物‧ 千 佛 出 世 ‧ 不 通
and pillaged and plundered the monastery’s food, drink, finances, and property. A thousand
buddhas appeared in the world, but we did not know of repentance and reform.


chàn huǐ rú shì děng zuì wú liàng wú biān shě zī xíng mìng
懺 悔 ‧如 是 等 罪‧ 無 量 無 邊 ‧ 捨 茲 形 命 ‧
Transgressions like these are limitless and boundless. Shedding this present body and life,

hé duò sān tú bèi yīng wàn kǔ fù yú xiàn shì zhòng nǎo jiāo
合 墮 三 途‧ 備 嬰 萬 苦‧復 於 現 世 ‧ 眾 惱 交
we fall into the three lower realms together and undergo myriad sufferings. Furthermore,
during this present life, we are tormented by various afflictions,

jiān huò è jí yíng chán tā yuán bī pò zhàng yú dào fǎ bù

煎‧或 惡 疾 縈 纏 ‧他 緣 逼 迫‧ 障 於 道 法‧不
or are bound by grave ailments, buffeted by external conditions, and are obstructed from the Path,

dé xūn xiū jīn yù

得 熏 修 ‧今 遇
preventing us from practicing and cultivating. Now, we have encountered the

dà bēi yuán mǎn shén zhòu sù néng miè chú rú sī zuì zhàng
大 悲 圓 滿 神 咒 ‧速 能 滅 除 ‧如 斯 罪 障 ‧
perfect Great Compassion Dhāraṇī, which can swiftly extinguish and eradicate such
transgressions and obstacles.

gù yú jīn rì zhì xīn sòng chí guī xiàng

故 於 今 日‧至 心 誦 持 ‧ 歸 向
Thus, today we sincerely recite and uphold it. Seeking refuge in and facing

guān shì yīn pú sà jí shí fāng dà shī fā pú tí xīn xiū zhēn yán
觀 世 音 菩 薩‧及 十 方 大 師 ‧發 菩 提 心 ‧ 修 真 言
Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva and the Great Teachers of the ten directions, we bring forth the
bodhi mind and cultivate the practice of dhāraṇīs.

hèng yǔ zhū zhòng shēng fā lù zhòng zuì qiú qǐ chàn huǐ bì

行 ‧與 諸 眾 生 ‧發 露 眾 罪‧ 求 乞 懺 悔 ‧畢
Along with all sentient beings, we confess our many transgressions and seek repentance and

jìng xiāo chú wéi yuàn

竟 消 除‧唯 願
wishing that these may be completely dissolved and eradicated.

佛光山 | FGS

dà bēi guān shì yīn pú sà mó hē sà qiān shǒu hù chí qiān yǎn

大 悲 觀 世 音 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩‧ 千 手 護 持‧ 千 眼
O, Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva! Protect and hold us with your
thousand hands; illuminate and watch over us with your thousand eyes!

zhào jiàn lìng wǒ děng nèi wài zhàng yuán jì miè zì tā hèng yuàn
照 見‧令 我 等 內 外 障 緣 寂 滅 ‧自 他 行 願
Cause our internal and external obstructive conditions to be extinguished and tranquil and
both our own and others’ vows and practices to be perfectly accomplished;

yuán chéng kāi běn jiàn zhī zhì zhū mó wài sān yè jīng jìn xiū
圓 成 ‧ 開 本 見 知 ‧ 制 諸 魔 外 ‧ 三 業 精 進‧ 修
cause us to reveal our original [natures] and understand it upon seeing it [so that we are able
to] subdue all demons and those of other paths; cause our three karmas to be diligent in

jìng tǔ yīn zhì shě cǐ shēn gèng wú tā qù

淨 土 因 ‧ 至 捨 此 身 ‧ 更 無 他 趣‧
cultivating the causes [for rebirth] in the Pure Land so that when we shed this body, we will not
have any other inclinations,

jué dìng dé shēng ō mí tuó fó jí lè shì jiè qīn chéng gōng

決 定 得 生 ‧阿 彌 陀 佛‧極 樂 世 界‧ 親 承 供
and we will surely attain rebirth in Amitābha Buddha’s Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, where we

yǎng dà bēi guān yīn jù zhū zǒng chí guǎng dù qún pǐn jiē
養 ‧大 悲 觀 音 ‧具 諸 總 持‧ 廣 度 群 品 ‧皆
will personally serve and present offerings to Great Compassion, Avalokiteśvara.
Replete in all dhāraṇīs, we will extensively liberate the host of beings so that they may

chū kǔ lún tóng dào zhì dì

出 苦 輪 同 到 智 地。
all leave the wheel of suffering and reach the ground of wisdom together.

● chàn huǐ fā yuàn yǐ guī mìng lǐ sān bǎo

懺 悔 發 願 已‧ 皈 命 禮 三 寶 。
Having repented and reformed as well as made vows, venerate and seek refuge in the Triple Gem!


[Repeat the following section three times.]

▲ ná mó shí fāng fó
南 無 十 方 佛
Homage to the Buddhas of the ten directions.

ná mó shí fāng fǎ
南 無 十 方 法
Homage to the Dharma of the ten directions.

ná mó shí fāng sēng

南 無 十 方 僧
Homage to the Sangha of the ten directions.

ná mó běn shī shì jiā móu ní fó

南 無 本 師 釋 迦 牟 尼 佛
Homage to Our Teacher, Śākyamuni Buddha.

ná mó ō mí tuó fó
南 無 阿 彌 陀 佛
Homage to Amitābha Buddha.

ná mó qiān guāng wáng jìng zhù fó

南 無 千 光 王 靜 住 佛
Homage to Sahasraprabharaja-dhyāna-bhūmika Buddha.

ná mó guǎng dà yuán mǎn wú ài dà bēi xīn dà tuó luó ní

南 無 廣 大 圓 滿 無 礙 大 悲 心 大 陀 羅 尼
Homage to the Great Dhāraṇī of the Vast, Perfected, Unhindered Mind of Great Compassion.

ná mó qiān shǒu qiān yǎn guān shì yīn pú sà

南 無 千 手 千 眼 觀 世 音 菩 薩
Homage to Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva.

ná mó dà shì zhì pú sà
南 無 大 勢 至 菩 薩
Homage to Mahāsthāmaprāpta Bodhisattva.

ná mó zǒng chí wáng pú sà

南 無 總 持 王 菩 薩
Homage to Dhāraṇī Bodhisattva.

佛光山 | FGS

▲ ná mó dà chèng cháng zhù sān bǎo (3x)

南 無 大 乘 常 住 三 寶
Homage to the Eternally Abiding Triple Gem of the Mahāyāna!
xuān dú wén shū

[Declaration of Dedicative Report 宣讀文疏]

▲ ná mó zhuāng yán wú shàng fó pú tí (3x)

南 無 莊 嚴 無 上 佛 菩 提
Homage to the Noble Adornment of the Buddha’s Unsurpassed Bodhi!

sān guī yī wén

[Three Refuges 三皈依文]

● zì guī yī fó dāng yuàn zhòng shēng
自 皈 依 佛‧ 當 願 眾 生 ‧
I seek refuge in the Buddha, wishing that all sentient beings

tǐ jiě dà dào fā wú shàng xīn

體 解 大 道 ‧發 無 上 心。
understand the great Path and make the greatest vow!

● zì guī yī fǎ dāng yuàn zhòng shēng

自 皈 依 法‧ 當 願 眾 生 ‧
I seek refuge in the Dharma, wishing that all sentient beings

shēn rù jīng zàng zhì huì rú hǎi

深 入 經 藏 ‧智 慧 如 海。
deeply study the sūtra treasury and acquire an ocean of wisdom!

● zì guī yī sēng dāng yuàn zhòng shēng

自 皈 依 僧 ‧ 當 願 眾 生 ‧
I seek refuge in the Sangha, wishing that all sentient beings

tóng lǐ dà zhòng yí qiè wú ài

統 理 大 眾 ‧一 切 無 礙。
lead the congregation without any obstruction!


shèng guān zì zài zàn

[Noble Avalokiteśvara Praise 聖 觀自在讚]

| | ○ | | ◎ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | |○| |
● shèng guān zì zài gǔ fó chuí xíng
聖 觀 自 在 古 佛 垂 形
Noble Avalokiteśvara is an ancient buddha’s manifestation.

○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○| |○| ○ | ○ |

yī qiān shǒu yǎn zhǎn cí xīn
一 千 手 眼 展 慈 心
With one thousand hands and eyes, he reveals the mind of compassion

○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○||○|
jiǔ jiè bá chén lún
九 界 拔 沉 淪
as he rescues those drowning in the nine realms.

○| ○| ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | | ○ | ○|| ◎|○|
shén zhòu gōng shēn wàn shàn xī pián zhēn
神 咒 功 深 萬 善 悉 駢 臻
The profound merits of the dhāraṇī brings myriads of virtues.

| | ○ | | ○ | | ○| ○| ○
▲ ná mó shī wú wèi pú sà mó hē sà (3x)
南 無 施 無 畏 菩 薩 摩 訶 薩
Homage to Bestower of Fearlessness Bodhisattva-Mahāsattva!

lǐ fó sān bài wèn xùn

[Three Prostrations to the Buddha + Bow 禮佛三拜、問訊]

zhǔ fǎ kāi shì

[Address by Officiant 主法開示]

qiān shǒu qiān yǎn dà bēi chàn yí guǐ zhōng

千手千眼大悲懺儀軌 終
Liturgy of the Great Compassion Repentance of the Thousand-Handed and Thousand-Eyed One | The End


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