Group A

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Technical Interview

Have you ever taken part in a technical interview?

What makes you feel more nervous: an interview with an HR or a 
technical interview?
What is the best way to prepare for a technical interview?

Technical Interview

Hard skills: questions 

Solving problems
about programming Questions about your 

1. Read the task carefully.

2. Ask questions to clarify any confusion or 
3. Identify any assumptions you may be making 
and confirm them with the interviewer.
4. Identify any edge cases or special scenarios 
that may need to be considered.
Clarifying Questions

Write a program that creates custom workout plans for fitness 

enthusiasts based on their fitness level, goals, and preferences.

1) Should the program be an app?

2) How much time do we have?
3) Which technology can we use?
4) Which type of fitness will we work with?
5) How does it collect data?
6) Could you show us the layout for this app?
7) Is there going to be a gender division?
8) How should it calculate the user's level?
9) What types of data formats will it have?
10) Can it work together with other equipment?
11) How many levels can there be?
12) How do we assign levels to users?
13) What are the criteria for the fitness plans that are 
proposed to clients?
14) Is there going to be a loyalty program/membership?
15) Will the user need to sign up or can he/she use a 
program as a guest?

Live coding

How to solve problems


IF problem is easy THEN
Solve problem directly
Break problem into smaller problems P1, P2, ... , Pn
SOLVE(P1), SOLVE(P2), ... , SOLVE(Pn)
Assemble the solutions
Most common terminology

variable переменная
declare объявить
assign value присвоить значение
input and output ввод и вывод
display/write вывести на экран
calculate/compute рассчитать
initialize инициализировать
return вернуть
call вызвать
loop цикл, зациклить
traverse/iterate итерировать

Write a program to find the maximum 

element in an array of integers
Classroom version

Function FindMax (array)

Initialize max
Assign max = array [0]
WHILE index is less than array length, index + 1
Compare max and array [index]
IF max is less THEN reassign max with current array value

Chat GPT version

Initialize array of integers

Initialize variable to hold maximum value = max_value
Loop to traverse through each element in the array
Check if current element is greater than max_value
If current element is greater, update maximum
Output the maximum value​v=-​

Family Game - Fizz Buzz


divide by 3
divide without remainder

3 = fizz
5 = buzz
3, 5 = fizzbuzz

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 

to 100. But for multiples of three print "Fizz" 
instead of the number and for the multiples of 
five print "Buzz". For numbers which are 
multiples of both three and five print "FizzBuzz".

Chat GPT solution

In this pseudocode, we loop through 

numbers 1 to 100 and check if each 
number is divisible by both 3 and 5, 3, 5, 
or none of them. For each case, we 
output the corresponding string or 
number. The program will output 
"FizzBuzz" for numbers that are 
multiples of both 3 and 5, "Fizz" for 
numbers that are multiples of 3, "Buzz" 
for numbers that are multiples of 5, and 
the number itself for other numbers.

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