Prefabricated Branch Cable: 1 Brief Introduction

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Prefabricated Branch Cable
1  Brief Introduction

,  、 ! "#$%。
'()*+,  -./、*+01 23、4 567、897
:4 ;<"= 6>?@。ABCD, E@,FGH)IJ KLMNOP:OP QRS,
TUAVWXYZ[,\]^_ `a
“bc”def K,ghi(XY Z[、 jk、
/l mnopqrs E?。tuvwxyrszr“bc”def K。

With the development of modern construction, the complexity of building distribution systems, reliability
has become a topic of growing concern and attention from customer. Especially reduce the cost of
distribution system in the construction site, shorten the construction cycle, enhanced supply reliability
has become the strong request from the builders, investors and the electricity sector. In order to meet
the market requirement, under the guidance of the Shanghai Electric Cable Research Institute experts
and construction specialists, our company absorbing advanced top technology from abroad, successfully
developed the branch cable independently.“Chint” Brand branch cable and its advanced technology,
reliable quality, low price to meet the requirement of users. We sincerely welcome customers to choose
"Chint" brand branch cable.


Main advantages of prefabricate branch cable

●  ¡¢£ 4 With better reliability in safe power supply
1._¥ KR¦§¨©,ª«¬,­®A¯°±。
Conductor of main cable has no connector, better continuity to reduce failure point.
Branch connectors adopt mechanical manufacturing for whole process.
Good branch connector structure, small contact resistance and short manufacturing process,
keep contact resistance from growing larger owing to copper wire being oxidized in air.
4.ef;á³râ6ãä娩, ¡×äâ、æçæèé¬。³rêëìef K)íîï
ðS, ñò90min bõ4±ö÷。
Great moisture-resistant performance with high seal-ability contact. Adopt fire resistant branch
cable and assure normal power supply for 90mins when during fire.

●  ¡¢£ úûücost-effective
1. ýþÒÿ,Üref K./+¶-,ef K Z[úûQâ。
Low construction cost compared with bus-ducts
2. ef KrÖÎÉ,¡
3.  , ã: Z[?@¿â, 013, 6ã/,yy­® r。
Low installation cost owing to easy installation
4. ef K" ,Ð、Ðñ, ¡â úûü。
Free maintenance

3  Application
1. Øâ、、+´Ür。
Applicable for high buildings,plains and factories.
2. !: !"#r。
Applicable for tunnel construction and lighting
3. $ÜrØ、É%kþÒÿ &',Ä。
Can be alternatively used for small/middle capacity bus-ducts

4 Standard
JCS 376 ef K branch cable
IEC 60502 () *1kV~30kV,-ì ×.0 1 K
Rated voltage 1kV~30kV extrusion-type extruding insulation power cable
JB/T 10636 () *0.6/1kVÑ234.08ºef K
Rated voltage 0.6/1kV Cu core rubber insulation prefabricated branch cable
IEC 60332 K)ë9:;S íî<=
Cable combustion test under fire condition
IEC 60754 >^ K?@K A4íîÍBCצ <=D
Gas releasing test for cable materials in fire
GB 12666 Ò Kíî<=D
Cable combustion test
IEC 601034 K)E):;Síî Gäã<=D
Cable smoke density test when building under specific condition

5   Type and Title

 Type  Title

Cu core PVC insulated PVC sheathed prefabricated branch cable

Cu core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed prefabricated branch cable

Cu core PVC insulated PVC sheathed flame-resistant prefabricated branch cable


Cu core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed flame-resistant prefabricated branch cable

WDZa-FZYJY Cu core XLPE insulated low smoke halogen free PE sheathed flame-resistant
prefabricated branch cable

Cu core XLPE insulated PVC sheathed fire-resistant prefabricated branch cable

※ #$:a &'IEC 60332(A)、B)、C)+-.,/01: ZA、ZB2ZC; &'IEC 60332-3(D)+-

b &'GB/T 19216.21(.A)2B)+-.,/01:NA2NB
※ Note: (1) Products with“a”mark meet A class, B class and C class requirements of IEC 60332, the code
of which are ZA, ZB and ZC respectively; ZD refers to products which meet D class of IEC 60332-3.
(2) Products with“b”mark b meet A class and B class of GB/T 19216.21, the code are: NA and NB respectively.

 Type and Interpretation

□ FZ □ □ □ - □ □/□
 (1      )
Core quantity of branch cable (1 nominal cross section of branch cable )

Core quantity of main cable (1 nominal cross section of main cable)
 U 0 /U Rated voltage U 0 /U
   Outer sheath
    Series No.
      Combustion property code

 Series No.

 ! Prefabricated branch cable FZ
"#$ Sorted by material property
% Cu conductor &' Omitted
()*+ PVC V
,-(*+ XLPE YJ
(*+((+.) PE Y
 Combustion property code
/ Flame-resistant Z
01 Fire-resistant N
23 Halogen free W
45 Low smoke D

67 Example

8!9:; Main cable:ZC-FZYJV-0.6/1 4 (1 95)+PE (1 50)

8!9:; Branch cable:ZC-FZYJV-0.6/1 4 (1 25)+PE (1 16)
<9:; Or together like: ZC-FZYJV-0.6/1 4 (1 95)+PE (1 50)/ 4 (1 25)+PE (1 16)


Branch Structure Diagram and Accessory

!Main cable
@ -AB
Branch sheath Connecting part
about 1.70D
= 1.70D

Specification of main cable (mm2) 35~50 70~120 150~240 300~400 500~630

LCDL dimension
110 130 150 180 200

"#$%&'() (、 )
Hanger and steel net hook Anti eddy current anchor (Support, clamp)

FG Cross arm
Anti eddy current
H Support clamp
IJ Suspension hook W Support
KLM@ Metallic net
NO8 Tightening wire

PQR Heat shrinkable tube

bcd<efd Metallic net
Official or residential areas XYZ[
ghij Building hoistway
Lighting or other
power utilizations 8 Branch wire
!\ V]
Cable fixing clamp
Cable connecting position
Lighting or other Aa
power utilizations Branch connector

! Main cable

Lighting or other
power utilizations

External power supply

1 *+,-./ Requirements of Civil Engineering
1.1 lmZnYopqrCD(mm):
Dimension of interior floor holes of electrical vertical bay (mm)
Length of floor holes(mm)
B.Yosrvu(mm) B
Width of floor holes(mm)
Distance of floor holes from wall (mm)
!{ 3
A= the number of main cable OD of main cable 3
B =
! 240mm2|}~,€‚ƒ200,„‚ƒ300;
B=cross section of main cable less than 240mm2, single-loop 200, and two-loop 300;

! 300mm2|}†,€‚ƒ300,„‚ƒ500;
Cross section of main cable more than 300mm2, single-loop 300, and two-loop 500;

1.2  Bend radius of cable:

R=20D Single-core R=20D

2  Installation Guideline

●   ( , ) 。
Put the cable tray on the supply frame.
●  !"#$%&。
Hosting rope connected with the cable by winding machine.
● '(!"# ()*+,-./,01234)。
Start the winding machine to pull up the cable.
● 56789:;<=>/, 56789?@AB8C。
Hang the metal braid on hook when metal braid reach top floor.
Fix the middle part.
● )*9$LM7NLO%P。
Connect branch head and Ammeter.
● QR$SO%P。
Connect main cable and distribution box.

※ U: V W 0 1 X < = > Y   。
※ Note: Installation can be unwinded on the top floor.

 Notice of Construction
● Z[\]B)*+,$^_`a+,%bc 。
In advance to confirm the specification of branch cable meet the specification which site needs.
● de/a\])*>Gfghdi jkl。
Confirm whether branch part can pass reserved hole safely.
● de/aUmno)*pqr7stu。
Avoid the branch cable stuck.
● vahwsxy4z,{|}~ €aD)*‚ƒ4。
The elevating rope should bear the 4 times the weight of cable. Do not exert tension on the
branch cable.
● „…†,‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽD‚2JK。
After cable elevation, fix the cable immediately.

In order to Prevent eddy current loss, do not use iron fixture to grip single core cable.

4  Main Technical Parameter

M1: ™š›œ
Table1: Structural Parameter

QR Main cable )* Branch cable

ž ž
Ÿ ¡ Ÿ ¡
Normal ¢£¤ mm Normal ¢£¤ mm
cross Approximate OD(mm) cross Approximate OD(mm)
sectional sectional
area area

mm2 N-VV N-YJV mm2 N-VV N-YJV
10 8.9 10.0 8.3 9.4
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5 16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
10 8.9 10.0 8.3 9.4
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
50 14.9 16.0 14.1 15.2
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
10 8.9 10.0 8.3 9.4
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1 35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
150 22.8 23.9 22.0 23.1 35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
185 25.0 26.1 24.2 25.3 35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
240 28.1 29.2 27.1 28.2 50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1

 Main cable  Branch cable


Normal  mm Normal  mm
cross Approximate OD(mm) cross Approximate OD(mm)
sectional sectional
area area

mm2 N-VV N-YJV mm2 N-VV N-YJV
16 9.9 11.0 9.3 10.4
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
300 30.9 32.0 29.7 30.8
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1
150 22.8 23.9 22.0 23.1
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
400 34.3 35.4 33.1 34.2 70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1
150 22.8 23.9 22.0 23.1
25 11.8 12.9 11.2 12.3
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
500 38.0 39.1 36.8 37.9 70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1
150 22.8 23.9 22.0 23.1
35 13.0 14.1 12.4 13.5
50 14.9 16.0 14.2 15.3
70 16.7 17.8 16.1 17.2
630 41.9 43.0 41.1 42.2 95 19.2 20.3 18.2 19.3
120 20.8 21.9 20.0 21.1
150 22.8 23.9 22.0 23.1

Table 2: Structural Parameters and Electrical Property

   !  "# $%

   Cable approximate weight &'

Normal Conduct Insulation Sheath Max.D.C
cross Diameter thickness thickness
sectional VV YJV
area PVC XLPE N-VV N-YJV (20℃)
mm2 mm mm mm mm Kg/km Kg/km Ω/km
10 4.0 1.0 0.7 1.4 170.4 191.6 152.1 170.5 1.83
16 5.1 1.0 0.7 1.4 235.6 258.5 214.6 234.7 1.15
25 6.3 1.2 0.9 1.5 352.6 379.4 325.0 348.6 0.727
35 7.1 1.2 0.9 1.5 454.9 483.6 424.0 449.6 0.524
50 8.3 1.4 1.0 1.6 606.4 639.0 561.7 590.5 0.387
70 10.0 1.4 1.1 1.6 821.1 856.7 776.6 808.7 0.268
95 11.6 1.6 1.1 1.7 1114.6 1155.1 1044.0 1079.8 0.193
120 13.2 1.6 1.2 1.7 1363.6 1406.8 1294.3 1333.1 0.153
150 14.5 1.8 1.4 1.7 1655.9 1702.7 1574.5 1616.7 0.124
185 16.2 2.0 1.6 1.7 2047.7 2098.7 1951.6 1997.7 0.0991
240 18.4 2.2 1.7 1.7 2640.5 2696.9 2514.6 2565.4 0.0754
300 20.6 2.4 1.8 1.7 3268.0 3329.6 3109.5 3164.7 0.0601
400 23.6 2.6 2.0 1.7 4118.4 4186.1 3933.1 3994.0 0.047
500 26.8 2.8 2.2 1.8 5146.3 5220.8 4930.5 4998.0 0.0366
630 30.2 2.8 2.4 1.9 6419.0 6500.1 6211.3 6286.1 0.0283

3: *&#
Table 3: Carrying Capacity


PVC insulation, PVC sheath

XLPE insulation, PVC sheath
Normal Normal
cross cross
sectional +,&A(40℃) -. (V/A.m) 10 sectional +,& A (40℃) -. (V/A.m) 10
area mm2 Rated current A(40℃) Voltage Drop (V/A.m) 10 area mm2 Rated current A (40℃) Voltage Drop (V/A.m) 10
10 67 3.0 10 94 3.0
16 88 1.3 16 120 1.3
25 111 0.84 25 155 0.84
35 140 0.63 35 185 0.63
50 168 0.49 50 220 0.49
70 214 0.36 70 270 0.36
95 260 0.29 95 320 0.29
120 303 0.24 120 365 0.24
150 349 0.21 150 410 0.21
185 400 0.19 185 465 0.19
240 475 0.16 240 540 0.16
300 545 0.15 300 610 0.15
400 642 0.131 400 695 0.131
500 745 0.120 500 780 0.120
630 856 0.111 630 880 0.111

10  Calculation of Carrying Capacity

Correction factor of carrying capacity at different environmental temperature

Environmental temperature 20℃ 25℃ 30℃ 35℃ 40℃ 45℃

1.29 1.22 1.15 1.08 1.0 0.91
Correction factor

S=2d :=0.9
Installation over two floors: correction factor=0.9

s s


Calculation of Voltage Drop of End of Branch Cable
①  PVC70℃, ① Maximum allowable temperature of conductor:
XLPE90℃,  40℃; PVC 70℃,XLPE 90℃,environmental temperature 40℃;
② !"#$%S=2d; ② Parallel installation of single core cable: S=2d;
③ '()Cos=0.8; ③ Power factor: Cos=0.8;
④ +,-.=5% ; ④ Allowable voltage drop of extremity =5% ;
⑤ Vd01 -. ⑤ Vd: voltage drop
Vd=K I V (V) Vd=K I V (V)
I:23 456 (A) I: working current or calculated current
L:789 m L: line length
V:1: -.(V/A.m) 10 V:voltage drop inside meter(V/A.m) 10
K:;<=7K=1.732; "<K=1 K:three-phase four-wire K=1.732; single-phase K=1
"<>+, -.: Allowable voltage drop of extremity (single-phase) :
Vd=220V 5%=11V Vd=220V 5%=11V
;<>+, -.: Allowable voltage drop of extremity (three-phase):
Vd=380V 5%=19V Vd=380V 5%=19V
⑥@A !9 56BC: ⑥ Formula of allowable length of main cable:
"<L=11/(I V) Single-phase L=11/(I V)
;<L=19/(1.732 I V) Three-phase L=19/(1.732 I V)

DE:@A !70mm2,23 200A, -.V=0.36 10V/A.m

For instance: main cable 70mm2, working current 200A, current drop V=0.36 10V/A.m

;<9 : L=19/(1.732 200 0.36 10)=130m

Allowable length (three-phase): L=19/(1.732 200 0.36 10)=130m

※ F:GHIJ 6, LKLM130N.

※ Note: If calculated by current period, L can be more than 130m.

12  Ordering Information

PQRS5TSUVWXY !,[\]^_` ab:
In order to better design your prefabricated branch cable, please provide the following information:

● defgh:de、jkl、B8m。
Building Category:high buildings, stadiums, roads, etc.
● defop:defq rs,UVWXY !Stu。
Building Construction: building power distribution system maps, prefabricated branch cable
● q vC:"<w7、"<;7、;<;7、;<=7、;<x7V。
Distribution method: single-phase two-wire, single-phase three-wire, three-phase three-wire,
three-phase four-wire, three-phase five-wire.
● UVWXY !: !yz、@A{XY !S|}、~XY€‚ƒ„、@A !9 ,
XY !9 m。
Prefabricated branch cable: cable type, the section of main and branch cables, the distance
between the branch junction box, length of main cable, length of branch cable.
● vC:…†‡ˆ‰ 4Š‹}‰ˆ†‡。
Installation method: pull down from the roof to ground or pull up from the ground to roof.
● ˆ,YŒ:\4
\ !Žu、 !‘u。
Support of top: with or without cable suspension device, cable clamping device.
● ’“:”、•–m。
Accessories: clamps, brackets, etc.
● !—”。
Cable tray.
● ˜™š›。
Other requirements.

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