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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 12: Organizational Behavior

Submission date April 9, 2021 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Ngo Nhu Thao Student ID GBD191179

Class GBD0804B Assessor name Nguyen Minh Hai

Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Thao

Grading grid
P1 P2 M1 M2 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

INTRODUCTION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
PART 1: A case study handout------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2
I.Introduction on the company----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
II. Organizational culture, behaviors and performance analysis--------------------------------------------4
1. The influence of organization’s culture, politics and power on behaviors of individual and
team, and organizational performance-------------------------------------------------------------------4
1.1 The influence of an Organizational Culture----------------------------------------------------4
1.2 The influence of an Organizational Politics---------------------------------------------------10
1.3 The influence of an Organizational Power--------------------------------------------------- 11
2. Critical points on how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence
individual and team behavior and performance.------------------------------------------------------ 12
III. Analysis on the motivation methods that the organization applies to enhance working spirit of
1. Motivation and goal achievement---------------------------------------------------------------------14
1.1.Content theories of motivation---------------------------------------------------------------- 14
1.2 Process theories of motivation----------------------------------------------------------------- 17
1.3.Critical evaluation of the organization’s motivation policies, programs, practices and
techniques that enable effective achievement of goals.--------------------------------------- 19
2.Critical evaluation on how Vingroup motivates and influences the behavior of employees21
IV. The relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation---------------------------------- 22
1.How this relationship enables teams and organizations to succeed-----------------------------22
2.Recommendations---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
PART 2: A reflective statement----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------27
According to the invitation to attend the CEO talk show program organized by Vietnam Television,
the discussion topic of this issue revolved around organizational culture and motivation. The
purpose of the discussion will be to establish the influence of organizational culture and dynamics
on workplace behavior and performance. In this report there are two parts with the following

PART 1: A case study handout.

1. Introduction on the company: the name, the head office, the address, the website address and
the structure of the ownerships, shareholders.

2. Organizational culture, behavior, and performance analysis include the influence of culture,
politics and organizational power on individual and group behavior as well as the performance of
the organization and its an important perspective on how an organization's culture, politics, and
power can influence the behavior and performance of individuals and groups.

3. Analyze the motivational methods that the organization applies to improve the employee's
working morale, including motivation and goal achievements and critical evaluation on how the
chosen company motivates and influences the behavior of employees.

4. The relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation.

5. Conclusion.

PART 2: A reflective statement.

1. Good and bad points of the talk.

2. Improvement in future.

3. Add link of the talk uploaded to Youtube.

Page 1
PART 1: A case study handout

I.Introduction on the company

Company name Vingroup Joint Stock Company

Company’s logo

The head office Vietnam

The address No 7, Bang Lang 1 Street, Viet Hung Ward, Long Bien District, Ha Noi

The website

Industry Financials

Charter capital Around $1.412 billion

Fax +84 24 39748888

Page 2
The structure of
the ownerships

Figure 1: The structure of the ownerships (Hung,2015)


Figure 2: Shareholder of Vingroup (Marketscreener. 2021)

Vingroup is the biggest financial bunch in Vietnam. The head of the bunch is Mr. Pham Nhat Vuong-
chairman of the board of directors (VinGroup,2020). With a long-term vision, Vingroup centers on
contributing in tourism and genuine domain with two unique key brands, Vinpearl and Vincom.
Within the soul of feasible and proficient improvement. Vingroup is currently organized with 7
main business areas:
 Real estate (Vincom, Vinhomes, VinCity).
 Resort tourism – entertainment (Vinpearl Land,Vinpearl,Vinpeark Golf and VinTaTa)
 Retail (Vinmart and Vinmart+, VinPro, Adayroi, VinID)
 Industry (VinFast, VinSmart)
 Medical (Vinmec, VinFa)
 Education (Vinschool, VinUni).

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 Agriculture (VinEco).

Figure 3: The subsidiaries of the Vingroup Corporation (VinGroup, 2020).

II. Organizational culture, behaviors and performance analysis

1. The influence of organization’s culture, politics and power on behaviors of individual and team,
and organizational performance

1.1 The influence of an Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how
people behave in organizations. Organizational culture includes an organization’s expectations,
experiences, philosophy, and values that hold it together, and is expressed in its self-image, inner
workings, interactions with the outside world, and future expectations.

According to Schein (1985), The term “Organizational culture” refers to the values and beliefs of an
organization. The principles, ideologies as well as policies followed by an organization form its
culture. It is the culture of the workplace which decides the way individuals interact with each
other and behave with people outside the company. The employees must respect their

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organization’s culture for them to deliver their level best and enjoy their work. Problems crop up
when individuals are unable to adjust to a new work culture and thus feel demotivated and
reluctant to perform.

Figure 4: Schein’s model of Organizational Culture (Schein, 1985).

Schein believed that there are three levels in an organization culture:

 Artifacts  Values  Assumptions

The first level is the A deeper level to the
The third level is the
characteristics of the superficial artefacts that
assumed values of the
organisation which can be contribute to the
employees which can’t be
easily viewed, heard and organisational culture is
measured but do make a
felt by individuals which the values of the company,
difference to the culture of
are collectively known as the individuals that work
the organisation.
artefacts. there and the coherent
alignment of those values. There are certain beliefs
For instance, the dress and facts which stay
How employees react to
code of employees, office
hidden but do affect the
situations and problems
furniture, facilities, culture of the

Page 5
behaviours of the will shape the culture. organisation. The inner
employees, mission and What people actually think aspects of human nature
vision of the organisation matters a lot for the come under the third level
all come under artefacts organisation. The mindset of organisational culture.
and go a long way in of the individual The organisation follows
deciding the culture of the associated with any certain practices which are
workplace (Schein, 1985). particular organisation not discussed often but
influences the culture of understood on their own.
the workplace (Schein, Such rules form the third
1985). level of the organisational
culture (Schein, 1985).
 Ultimately, Schein stressed that cultures are not adopted by organisations in one day. Rather,
they are formed through the course of time as employees undergo various changes whilst
adapting to their external environment and solving problems. The culture of the workplace is
formed as employees gain from their past experiences and put such learning into practice
(Schein, 1985).

Culture of Vingroup

Vingroup brings together the most capable Vietnamese and international professionals who
possess intellect and discipline, talent and determination, patriotism and ethnic pride, charity, good
intentions and intense work ethics.

Each Vingroup employee must be proactive, eager to learn, constantly strive for self-improvement
and internalize the Group’s culture and its six core values as a guideline for his or her actions. Here,
they are always fair, transparent and with the utmost respect for discipline. They always provide
equal opportunity for all employees to develop their skills. Simple and effective, widely circulated,
consistent policies, regulations and procedures that apply and are accessible and have specific and

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transparent assessment criteria. Rewards and penalties are clearly stated, fair and timely
(Ircdn.vingroup, 2020).

Besides, Vingroup provides a well-organized work space and full amenities for everyone to work
effectively. Employees must comply with all occupational health and safety regulations. The Group
regularly trains, monitors and evaluates the compliance with occupational health and safety rules.
As part of this program, the Group provides routine, free check-ups to all employees.

Innovation must be constant and continuous to accomplish the goals of "Best People - Best
Products & Services - Best Life - Best Society". With each passing day, all across Vietnam, day and
night, rain or shine, projects bearing the Vingroup brand continue to rise. This non-stop effort is to
ensure sustained development of the Group and bring future generations a better life.

With the utmost respect for discipline, Vingroups corporate culture - a culture of professionalism
and trust is built on the six core values: "Credibility – Integrity – Creativity – Speed – Quality -
Humanity". The emphasis on speed, efficiency and adherence to company policies is imbued in all
employee actions, creating a collective force that ensures strong success and development in all
sectors in which the Group participates (VinGroup, 2020).

To instil and reinforce the six core values, the Group holds award contests and training campaigns
such as "Good People, Good Deeds", "Efficiency, Profitability" and "12 - Hour Transformation for
Success". These campaigns entertain, boost morale and reinforce the core values while helping
employees to change their thinking and work more efficiently with better results (VinGroup, 2020).

Each role must include a succession plan. Every employee must be well informed about business
planning, leadership training, in order to plan their own career paths. Employees will be given
opportunities for challenge and growth so that they can develop their talents to the fullest extent.
It is also expected that those employees with the skills and aptitude for a management role will be
given the opportunity to reach that level (Ircdn.vingroup, 2020).

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For timely dissemination of corporate information as well as activities taking place across the
country, an internal magazine called "The House of Vingroup" provides common space for
employees to exchange ideas and to learn about and gain pride in the history of the Group.
At Vingroup, each employee considers the Group a second home, a place to engage and spend the
majority of each day to live and work. In any role and any position, we are proud to be a member of
the Vingroup family (VinGroup, 2020).

Vingroup and the application of Schein’s model of Organizational Culture

Each organization has its own culture attached to it, Vingroup also has a strong culture which
means the company is always a good place for individuals to work and will improve the individuals
and their performance. company. According to Schein's Model, there are three levels to define
organizational culture.

The first level is Artifacts. It forms the outermost layer of the organizational culture circle. Artifacts
are tangible aspects of Vingroup's organizational culture. Vingroup's artifacts are open-door policy,
facilities, work environment, office layout, and formal attire for employees. Vingroup's cultural
artifacts can be easily observed by the outside world.

The second level is Values. Vingroup's core value is “Credibility -Integrity -Creativity -Speed ​ ​ -
Quality - Humanity” (Vingroup, 2019).

 Credibility: Vingroup vigorously protects its Credibility as one would protect one's honor. The
Group is fully prepared to execute its plans and spares no effort in meeting its goals.

 Integrity: As a foundation of our Group, Integrity demands that we remain in full compliance
with all applicable laws and ethical standards. It follows that we must always put the interests
of customers first.

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 Creativity: Vingroup management believes that Creativity is what enables the Group to deliver
on its philosophy, which is expressed as, “Dare To Think, Dare To Do's”. This philosophy
encourages all employees to learn new skills.

 Speed: The Group considers Speed of execution and efficiency in operations to be critical to our
success. Among the practices that follow our emphasis on speed are, “Fast To Decide, Fast To
Invest, Fast To Deploy, Fast To Sell, Fast To Change, and Fast To Adapt”.

 Quality: The place of Quality in Vingroup's operations is expressed as “Best in People, Best in
Products and Services, Best in Quality of Life, Best in Commitment to Society”.

 Humanity: The Group respects the interests of all its stakeholders. Employees are Vingroup's
most important resource. The Group will continue to promote harmony among the interests of
all stakeholders by emphasizing fairness, integrity, unity, and strength.

All of the above are the core values that VinGroup always strives to achieve to achieve common
goals, principles and standards. These core values ​ ​ are accountability, diversity, quality,
collaboration, passion, integrity, and leadership. Vingroup management understands the
importance of communicating core values ​ ​ so that each employee can accept and modify
behavior accordingly. From these core values, Vingroup's culture is more and more valuable and
deeply affects employees.

The third level is basic assumptions. VinGroup's mission: ”To create a better life for the Vietnamese
people”. Vingroup has developed a diversified portfolio across many business areas. Vingroup
continues to pioneer and lead consumer trends in each of its businesses, introducing Vietnamese
consumers to a completely new and modern lifestyle with products and services of international
standards. In addition, the company has created a respected, recognized and proud Vietnamese

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brand as one of the leading private enterprises in the country. Therefore, employees in the
company play a key role in shaping core values and visible behavior.

1.2 The influence of an Organizational Politics


According to Brandon et. al., (2004), Organizational politics are activities that managers engage in
to increase their power. Once they acquire it, they can use power to influence decision making so
that the organization pursues goals that favor their individual, functional, and divisional interests.

The impact of organizational politics on the organization

According to Kodisinghe (2010), Politics is part of organizational life, because organizations are
made up of different interests that need to be linked together. In fact, 93% of managers surveyed
report that workplace politics exist in their organizations, and 70% feel that to be successful, one
must engage in politics. From a negative perspective, a person engaged in types of political
behavior such as raising images of trading, manipulation or hidden agendas for personal gain is said
to be in action. acts of self-service without being sanctioned by the organization. However,
organizational politics also negatively affect the likelihood of a flare-up during times of
organizational change or when difficult decisions are made, and resource scarcity causes
competition among organizational groups. To minimize excessive political behavior, company
leaders can provide equal access to information, models of collaborative behavior, and
demonstrate that political behavior will not be rewarded or tolerated. stuff. Furthermore, leaders
should encourage managers across the organization to provide high-level feedback to employees
about their performance. The high level of response reduces awareness of organizational politics
and improves employee morale and work performance. Ultimately, politics can be a healthy way
for employees to get things done in the organization because politics often has a significant effect

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on the actions of an individual and a group, which in turn influences the behavior of an individual
and a group, which in turn affects the success of the company.

In Vingroup, there are employees with honesty, self-reliant with their abilities, but there are also
employees who do not work hard using dishonest behaviors to win their jobs. surname. Therefore,
politics also greatly determines the company's development. Politics refers to the unethical actions
of certain employees in an institution to gain advantages beyond their influence. In this regard,
Vingroup has a large organization with thousands of employees and management is responsible for
its smooth operation. That, new helps Vingroup thoroughly solve the fraudulent acts affecting the
company's brand, and helps to mount the relationship of employees more.

1.3 The influence of an Organizational Power


Organizational power is the ability that they have to influence the behavior of another stakeholder
in their organization. The power can be explained as the alteration of the actions of certain
individuals or classes in the best way they want, without needing to adjust their conduct
appropriately or not. As long as power is concerned, it is obvious that the more an individual or
team has control, the more it affects the company (Muchiri, et. al., 2017).

The impact of organizational power on the organization

Power is needed even to run the smallest functions of an organization or project. Therefore, power
is a prerequisite for success, regardless of man's internal need for power. While the organization's
power can keep an organization in control and help improve the organization and its leaders, even
fostering its growth and popularity, it is also effective. no less in destroying the organization as
some managers have taken advantage of this problem by showing dominance and bluff in the
workplace. The level and direction of the exercise of power is a function of the user's intent and

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skill. Organizational authority, therefore, is seen as a managerial resource, like information and
technical expertise, as managerial resources in their own right. Therefore, it is very important to
use organizational power properly. In addition, power is also a way to motivate employees to work
with higher productivity, hard work attitude in order to achieve the set goals and have the
opportunity to advance to the desired position. to create power in the organization. (Singh, 2020).

In Vingroup's case, the company always aims to effectively manage human resources. In HR
management of senior managers, each employee must be mindful of his or her work. Therefore,
employees are always the ones who are most attentive to their own work and try to get it done
from there. In addition, Vingroup has used effective performance assessments such as 360
feedback, allowing employees to be more honest in their personal performance evaluation.
Therefore, the power of the manager is forged by their mutual relationships with subordinates,
leading to the employee's honest attitude towards the manager, helping employees to increase
their awareness of themselves. This means that workers are more aware of their identities,
qualities, and shortcomings and feel they are not being imposed by anyone by high power. This
always makes the top managers in the organization always hold certain power in good control of all
their employees.

2. Critical points on how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence
individual and team behavior and performance.

The culture, politics and power associated with an organization always influence the behavior and
performance of individuals and groups (Argyris, 2017).

Four types of culture are common in an organization, based on the roles, duties, powers and
people involved in the organization's areas. In general, the culture within the organization helps
shape diversity and forms many ideas that were not previously available. It also increases a
company's ability to communicate with different types of people and understand the general tastes
and preferences of these people in a market. For Vingroup, people are at the heart of the
organization, the culture of professionalism and belief is built on six core values: “CREDIT -

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ACCURACY - CREATION - SPEED - QUALITY - HUMAN WAY". Therefore, the employees in the
organization are actively involved in the culture of the organization and do their best in their work.
From there, it helps increase productivity and efficiency for the company. However, the increase in
cultural diversity also increases a number of problems for the company, especially those related to
the religion and traditional culture of the employees. An organization and its employees regarding
cultural differences that exist within the organization require certain awareness. According to
Professor Geert Hofstede's theory of culture, there are six aspects or aspects of culture and
Hofstede defines culture as a suitable program of human mind, thereby distinguishing the most
group of people. with another group.

According to Senge (2014), it is often seen that power is limited to the decisions of managers and
supervisors and therefore these people are only responsible for the execution of major corporate
decisions, not the minor or minor decisions. Therefore, it will be difficult for managers and
supervisors to come up with new ideas and initiatives in operations whenever needed and who will
have to contact their superiors about any changes. in the organization. Research shows that at
Vingroup powerful employees, especially senior managers, have a higher opinion of pursuing
power, meaning that they will actively contribute more to the organization to gain opportunities.
The guild goes up to positions of higher power than it currently is. Without these privileges, these
people would not be able to do their job properly and be unable to bring about the changes, which
is necessary at those points. Therefore, the influence of power affects individuals and the overall
performance of the organization. Power when used creates positive motivations for employees,
and when used negatively, it damages the brand and the workplace atmosphere.

Moreover, Pettigrew (2014) points out that politics bring positive effects, helping employees to
develop in their careers because politics teaches them how to work in the company and how to be
more competitive, thereby affecting. On the other hand, politics in an organization also has
negative effects, as individuals engage in quagmire and noncooperation with others, thus
productivity and the organization's good name was tarnished.

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III. Analysis on the motivation methods that the organization applies to enhance working spirit of

1. Motivation and goal achievement

According to Morin (2020), Motivation is one of the forces that lead to performance. Motivation is
defined as the desire to achieve a goal or a certain performance level, leading to goal-directed

1.1.Content theories of motivation

According to Maslow (1943), Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory in psychology,
represented by a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a
pyramid. Needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before individuals before needs
higher up can be addressed. The needs are: physiological, safety, love and belonging, esteem, and

Figure 5: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, 1943).

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There are five main levels to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. These levels begin from the most basic
needs to the most advanced needs. Maslow originally believed that a person needed to completely
satisfy one level to begin pursuing further levels.

According to Maslow (1943), A more modern perspective is that these levels overlap. As a person
reaches higher levels, their motivation is directed more towards these levels. However, though
their main focus is on higher levels, they will still continue to pursue lower levels of the hierarchy
but with less intensity.

Physiological needs: are the lowest level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. They are the most
essential things a person needs to survive. They include the need for shelter, water, food,
warmth, rest, and health. A person’s motivation at this level derives from their instinct to
Safety needs: The second level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs consists of safety needs. Once an
individual’s physiological needs are satisfied, the needs for security and safety become salient.
People want to experience order, predictability and control in their lives. These needs can be
fulfilled by the family and society.

Love and belongingness needs: The third level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is love and
belonging needs. Humans are social creatures that crave interaction with others. This level of
the hierarchy outlines the need for friendship, intimacy, family, and love. Humans have the need
to give and receive love; to feel like they belong in a group. When deprived of these needs,
individuals may experience loneliness or depression.

Esteem Needs: are the fourth level in Maslow’s hierarchy - which Maslow classified into two
categories: (i) esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, independence) and (ii) the
desire for reputation or respect from others (e.g., status, prestige). Maslow indicated that the
need for respect or reputation is most important for children and adolescents and precedes real
self-esteem or dignity.

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Self - actualization needs: The fifth and final level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is self-
actualization needs. It refers to the realization of a person's potential, self-fulfillment, seeking
personal growth and peak experiences. Maslow (1943) describes this level as the desire to
accomplish everything that one can, to become the most that one can be.

Vingroup and the application of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

In this case, Vingroup has successfully excelled at Physiological needs level and Safety needs level
in Maslow’s Hierarchy. Vingroup salaries are competitive with other companies in the same sectors.
The Group also has a compensation, allowance and incentive-payment policy that is particularly
competitive for well-qualified and experienced employees in relevant fields. About the Safety
needs level, Vingroup provides its employee with benefits include the best health care. In addition
to social and medical insurance required by law, members of the Board, the Supervisory Board and
Management and their immediate families are also provided with health insurance. Also, this
company provides a number of benefits such as mobile phones, meals, vehicle fuel, transportation
to and from work. The Group continues to standardize and optimize its direct-compensation
system, as well as its allowance and incentive-payment programs in order to attract and retain
talent (Vingroup, 2019).

Vingroup also focuses on and improve the policies reward based on a higher level in Maslow's
Hierarchy of Need. On special occasions, Vingroup will have incentive policies for staff. While the
value of the reward is insignificant, it demonstrates the company's interest in the employees. In
addition, at each awarding ceremony at the end of the quarter, the company will reward
employees with outstanding achievements in the form of performance awards and bonuses. When
female employees become pregnant, the company provides preferential policies and reasonable
working time for them. Support employees in the company when they are in difficult circumstances.
Raise salary if the long-term commitment to the company (Vingroup, 2019).

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1.2 Process theories of motivation

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation

According to Wagner et. al., (2007), Vrooms’s expectancy theory stipulates that behavior is a
product of choices that are available for to be prioritized. The idea is to derive satisfaction and
minimize dissatisfaction in employees. Individual factors such as personality and skills determine
performance (Wagner and Hollenburg, 2007). This theory also explains that performance,
motivation, and effort are within an individual’s motivation and variables such as valence,
instrumentality, and expectancy verifies this. The higher the effort in work relates to the higher the


Valence refers to the emotional orientations people hold with respect to outcomes (rewards). The
depth of the want of an employee for extrinsic (money, promotion, time-off, benefits) or intrinsic
(satisfaction rewards). Management must discover what employees value.


Employees have different expectations and levels of confidence about what they are capable of
doing. Management must discover what resources, training, or supervision employees need.


The perception of employees as to whether they will actually get what they desire even if it has
been promised by a manager. Management must ensure that promises of rewards are fulfilled and
that employees are aware of that.

Vroom suggests that an employee's beliefs about Expectancy, Instrumentality, and Valence interact
psychologically to create a motivational force such that the employee acts in ways that bring
pleasure and avoid pain.

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Figure 6: Vroom’s Expectancy Theory Model (Wagner et. al., 2007).

Vingroup and the application of Vroom’s Expectancy Theory of Motivation

To get the best employees, Vingroup provides a great working environment with clearpay and
bonuses, which everyone wants to work, contribute, get a reward for hard work. Expectancy
theory has been effectively used by Vingroup to create motivation foremployees to
fulfill measurable, achievable and specific goals. People will be somotivated that they
believe that their efforts will lead to good performance, goodperformance will be
rewarded and they will be awarded attractive prizes. Vingroup always offers incredible
perks and the compensation. However, sometimes Vingroup's rewards are not meet the needs of
its employees so their "special discount policies" for employees will maintain labor productivity.

Vingroup develops a special support policy such as building multi-purpose sports areawith beautiful
scenery, full facilities, where all officers and employees can regularly practice and play sports and
Health training. Establishing the Support Fund for staff and employees who have difficulties with
the purpose of subsidizing, supporting (once or for a long time) for officials, employees and
family members in especially difficult circumstances. Establishment of Mutual Funds compatible
with interest-free loan policy. Issuing Bond Investment program exclusively for Vingroup's

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employees and employees with outstanding interest rates. They can also use Vingroup's internal
services such ashealth care, education, cars and houses with preferential discounts.

Managers in departments such as Sales, Human Resources, Design, Insurance, etc, always
cleverly set bonuses around 3% to 5% of their salary base to encourage employee effort. A
subsidiary of Vinhome VinGroup always rewards its employees with commissions of up to
$ 1,000 for each house sold. Vinfast employees are entitled to pre-purchase for the latest models
of this company. Vingroup and its subsidiaries have acompetition policy among employees during
the month with a Considering award that increases of 25% of salaries with efficient employees
every 3 years.

Vingroup is a good example in Vietnam about an organization that is not only able to elicit
employees to perform some achievements but also make them ready to do so. Vingroup
promote both internal and external motivation through organizational factors such as culture
recognizing the merits and values of employees by providing financial and non-financial incentives.

1.3.Critical evaluation of the organization’s motivation policies, programs, practices and

techniques that enable effective achievement of goals.

Motivation has provided a way for employers to increase employee productivity and commitment
to the organization without spending a lot of resources on their employees. Armstrong asserts that
motivated employees work very hard and therefore need managers to use the work environment
to influence human behavior and harmonize personal goals with goals. organization's. People are a
company's knowledge base and skill base that help the company compete and lead to improved
performance. If the employee's motivation is high, the service quality provided to the stakeholders
will be high and if the employee's motivation is very low, the service delivery level will be low. So
Vingroup has adopted motivational approaches like Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs and Vroom's
Expectancy Theory. In addition, the company uses the organization's motivational policies,
programs, practices and techniques to help motivate employees to work at full productivity and

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help the company grow and generate benefits. profit. All of this is evidenced by the company's
annual statistical reports on total profits and liabilities as follows:

Figure 7: Q3/2019 Financial Performance of Vingroup (Vingroup, 2019).

Looking at the past numbers, the company is taking a significant step forward. Thereby, it can be
seen that Vingroup has the right direction in managing the company's people. To achieve this
achievement, Vingroup has effectively used the method of motivating employees by commending
and encouraging all employees' efforts and successes, recognizing worthy employees,
remuneration policy. Equity, training, skills improvement for employees, motivating employees,
creating a dynamic and decentralized working environment for employees based on Maslow's
Hierarchy of Needs and Vroom's Expectancy Theory. By working in an environment that always
motivates employees, they always work with high productivity and produce quality items and
deliver high levels of fulfillment to companies and customers. Therefore, motivating employees not
only helps Vingroup attract and retain talents, but also promotes labor productivity, achieving the
organization's goals.

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2.Critical evaluation on how Vingroup motivates and influences the behavior of employees

Motivation plays an important role in meeting business goals. It supports the achievement of goals
through the collective efforts of workers using employee knowledge, experience, expertise and
creativity. Besides, it also helps for a comfortable working individual to increase their work
efficiency. Behavioral theories, concepts and models that influence the behavior of others.
Motivational theory in the organization helps develop the human resources of the organization and
makes the organization prosper. Moreover, Maslow model helps to establish, exploit and use
human resources effectively. According to Expectation Theory, it provides an expectation or hope
among employees that they will be recognized and rewarded for their work.

At Vingroup, the understanding of employees' prospects for commitment bonuses is clear as

employees receive expectations and incentives. The positive characteristics of effort, performance
and rewarded satisfaction, have inspired workers to achieve success and increase legacy output.
Incentives have improved loyalty in the workplace, allowing them to be more productive to meet
the organization's goals. The reward scheme, outlined here, helps the organization recognize all
tireless workers to assist the company in achieving its market growth and consumer base goals. In
order to support the organization in achieving its goals, not only inspiration but also financial and
organizational considerations are needed equally. The level of profit that Vingroup earned over a
certain period of time is calculated by revenue and daily activities. Motivational strategies play an
important role not only in motivation theories but also in the actions of others contributing to the
goal. Vingroup completely practices daily routines, breaks indifference and encourages itself
through simple tasks. The tasks are set out and staff will focus on the fun and basic abilities to
complete the task. However, this particular method of inspiration is not very successful as it
depends on the individual actions in the company. Through the above assessments, it can be seen
that Vingroup's motivation is very important, it affects employee behavior and is considered a key
to the company's development.

Page 21
IV. The relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation

1.How this relationship enables teams and organizations to succeed

Over the ages, humanity has struggled to strike a balance between culture, politics, power and
motivation. Organizational culture, politics, power and motivation influence everyday activities and
help create a perfect atmosphere within the organization (Senge, 2014). An organization needs the
right culture to be able to inspire individuals toward corporate performance. For example, if a
manager behaves properly with his subordinates and does not participate in any politics within the
organization, the organization is likely to be successful. In addition, a mission-oriented culture
promotes the use of traditional motivational tools. The fact that corporate cultures are blends of
cultures explains the use of both types of motivational practices.

In two types of culture, task-oriented and people-oriented, it can be seen that motivational
activities also depend on managers' management approach. These two management styles are
described in Fieldler's (1967) Preventive approach. The Fiedler Failure Model was created in the
mid-1960s by Fred Fiedler, a scientist who studies the personality and traits of leaders. Instead, the
effectiveness of a leader is based on situation. This is the result of two factors - the "leadership
style" and the "ease of the situation".

Figure 8: Fiedler’s Contingency Model (Fiedler, 1967).

Page 22
In the case of Vinroup, the organizational culture also has a direct influence on the employees.
Motivate them to strive in the organization. It has been observed that if the organization develops
a culture of rewarding and recognizing strong employee efforts, motivation and performance will
be greatly enhanced so Vingroup hosted events for staff and give gifts to excellent employees every
month, on holidays. In addition, there are stable welfare regimes including insurance regimes
according to state regulations, periodic health checks at Vinmec, personal health insurance, team
building activities for cultural development. Moreover, giving incentives to employees when using
Vingroup Group's services such as Vinfast, Vinmart, Vinmec, Vinschool, Vinhomes, etc.

According to Zaleznik (1970), Politics defines the essence and form of culture and has the purpose
of transforming it, while culture affects the everyday state of society and its course of growth. As a
result, politics plays a critical role in determining the culture's future course. The culture would
then determine which motivational practices should be used.

Organizational life in a political framework is a series of contradictions. It is an exercise on

rationality, but its energy comes from ideas in the minds of powerful people so their content and
origin are only vaguely perceived. It deals with the sources of power and their distribution; but first
it depends on the existence of a balance of power in the hands of an individual who initiates action
and achieves results. When the manager's power is actively exercised, it helps employees to
perform well at work. Since then, power is a great driver to enhance the positive reputation of the
organization. Employees need to be recognized and united in an organization so that every well-
conscious individual is part of the organization. According to Burnham (2003), to prove it, they
surveyed more than 50 managers at both top and lower levels in all divisions of a large company.
They found that most managers' motivation scores - more than 70% - were higher than the average
person. This finding confirms that power motivations are important to management. In addition,
during product development and operation, 73% of better managers have a need for more power
than is needed, compared with just 22% of poor managers.

Page 23

The purpose of the discussion will be to establish the influence of organizational culture and
motivation on workplace behavior and performance. To meet those goals, we give
recommendations to Vingroup in the fields of organizational culture, politics, power and dynamics
appropriate to the Vietnamese context, which are:

First of all, Vingroup should encourage and motivate teamwork to increase productivity as it makes
employees feel less isolated and helps them feel more attached to their duties by being regular.
organize team building work and provide opportunities for team members to bond and get to know
each other. Teams can function effectively if it encompasses the following six elements such as the
purpose, the right individuality and the organization's support, focused training and a clear
knowledge of relevant standards. trial. To be an effective group, a group must set clear goals and
goals (Wheelan, 2014). Secondly, it requires ownership of a results-oriented structure. Thirdly, an
effective team should include suitably qualified team members. The team must ensure that its
members have effective knowledge, education, and training skills.

Secondly, company members feel more valuable when they learn and improve their skills. To
motivate and inspire them to achieve great results, a company should provide its employees with
opportunities for growth and development. These opportunities should be tailored specifically to
the individual employee's suitability and may take the form of additional training, setting
challenging goals. Focus on teaching employees transferable skills they can use in different
positions and encouraging them to set learning goals for themselves.

Furthermore, provide tools for employees to achieve their goals. This may include information
tools or software programs to make these tasks easier.

Besides, the company should build rooms for its employees. For example, employees who work
through the morning without a lunch break are distracting. Therefore, they need rest in place to
increase strength and health to meet the criteria, when they are tired without rest, they will not
have the spirit of work. After taking a break, they will feel refreshed and concentrate on working,

Page 24
which affects the performance of Vingroup. In order to develop and elevate Vingroup, the first
thing is to pay attention to its employees. Then, the staff with good attitude and manners will take
good care of customers. In order to improve operational productivity, workers operate in their
fields of operation. Astrategy of periodically receiving positive input is often required. Moreover,
Vingroup should let employees use mental exercises such as meditation to help employees reduce
stress and fatigue, concentrate and improve work efficiency.

In addition, Vingroup can encourage staff to have lunch together. Lunch served at the office,
dinner after work. Rather than talking about work, encourage fun and less formal conversations.
Employees who are friends with their co-workers will often work harder, feel happier, more
confident about their work, and be less likely to seek other opportunities.

Finally, the company should have more employee remuneration policies, because there are now
many companies that create many benefits for employees, employees can quit their jobs and
switch to work in one. new company. Along with that, Vingroup should encourage creativity in
employees to help them achieve their goals. Create a supportive work environment that promotes
risk taking while showing employees that the company believes in their talents and ideas.
Innovation can motivate some employees to continue working towards their goals.

Page 25

In short, this report focuses on the themes of motivation and organizational culture at Vingroup.
This will in particular assess the impact of corporate culture and motivation on employee's actions
in the workplace. This study explains an overview of Vingroup culture, politics and power, with
relevant examples and how these aspects of organizational behavior influence workplace behavior.
Evaluating how individuals and groups are motivated to achieve goals is the purpose of the report.
It also covers how motivational theories and models have been applied in Vingroup supported by
relevant examples. It provides guidance and suggestions to help Vingroup help motivate employees.
Through the above analysis we can see that culture and motivation is a very important part for any
business or organization. It is also an important bridge connecting the company owner with their
employees, thereby demonstrating the influence of culture on activities inside and outside the

Page 26
PART 2: A reflective statement

After this CEO talk, there are a few advantages and disadvantages that need to be discussed:

On the good side, the talk brought out all the highlights of Vingroup's culture as well as the impact
of organizational culture and motivation on employee behavior and success. In the video, we also
saw a positive attitude when communicating and boldly answering questions between CEOs with a
pretty attractive voice and smiling together, creating a friendly, non-tension atmosphere. straight
to other CEOs as well as participants. In addition, when answering questions, do not use too
abstract languages ​ ​ to ensure that the content is conveyed as easy to understand and concisely
as possible. Although the talk was short, it was still going smoothly and successfully and the
content was guaranteed to be fully conveyed.
On the weak side, this talk is held in a short time, so the ability to interact poorly with people will
also affect the attractiveness of the talk. Besides, the video recording quality is not very good, it has
a bit of noise and that makes the video look unprofessional. However, all of this does not matter
significantly as we need to focus on still the content being conveyed easily understood by everyone
and the voice of the speaker.
In the future, if I have the opportunity to participate in the conversation, I will practice my
communication skills and interact with people. Besides, I will learn more about how to design
videos with lots of effects and images to attract viewers and filter out background noise of the
video. Furthermore, the costumes prepared for the talk must be elaborated.
Finally, this is a not so excellent speech, but it provides enough information about Vingroup's
working culture for viewers.

The video link is attached as follow:

Hopefully viewers will be satisfied with this video.

Page 27

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Page 30

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Index of comments

2.1 Nhu Thao

What you did well
- You pointed out some aspects/values of culture of the chosen company Vin Group and how those values
influence the behaviors of individual and team, and organizational performance (P1, achieved)
- You evaluated the chosen organization’s motivation programs, practices based on relevant motivation theories
that enable effective achievement of goals in the chosen organization (P2, achieved)
- You made critical points on how the culture, politics and power of an organization can influence individual and
team behavior and performance. Good points were supported with examples from the company. (M1)
- You made critical evaluation on how to motivate and influence the behavior of employees through the effective
application of behavioral motivation theories. Good points of analysis on organizational motivation policies and
practices for addressing employee needs. (M2 achieved)
- You critically evaluated the relationship between culture, politics, power and motivation that enables teams and
organizations with a reference to Vietnamese context. Practical recommendations were made. (D1, achieved)

What you did less well

- Some parts of writing needs further citing sources and references
- Pay more attention to spelling errors

- You made a good job, keep this up!

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