1496 2018 03 20 Proposal - Eng

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Datos de identificación del solicitante

Denominación del centro u organismo de investigación:
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Acrónimo CIF
UCM Q-2818014-I
Avenida de Séneca, 2
Localidad Código Postal Provincia
Madrid 28040 Madrid

Centro receptor
Organismo CIF
Universidad Complutense Q-2818014-I
Centro/departamento/grupo Investigador
Instituto Complutense de Madrid – ICAE/ Análisis Cuantitativo de Política Económica y Mercados
Facultad de Económicas y Empresariales, Edificio 1,Campus de Somosaguas
Código Postal Ciudad Provincia País
28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón Madrid España
Teléfono Fax Sitio Web

Persona de Contacto
Primer apellido Segundo apellido Nombre
Novales Cinca Alfonso
Correo electrónico.
[email protected]





A systemic shock is an idiosyncratic shock whose effects spread throughout the entire
financial sector generating financial instability that ultimately affects real activity. In this
project we will address the identification of systemic shocks and, therefore, systemic
risk, at THREE levels.
In the first level the main objective is to identify systemic shocks and analyse their
transmission from the financial sector to the real economy. To this end, our objective is:
a) to identify different types of shocks (persistent versus non-persistent, or systemic
versus idiosyncratic) by combining different econometric techniques. Some classic,
such as structural VAR models, and some not so common, such as methods for signal
extraction and the identification of unobservable components; b) to develop general
equilibrium models to determine not only how transitory shocks in asset valuation
become persistent, but also how idiosyncratic shocks can become systemic.
In the second level we focus on the first transmission channel (the risk of contagion
between banks) and study the impact of a large increase in credit risk for one bank on
the other banks in the system. The study takes as its starting point several measures of
individual credit risk (CDS market, Value at Risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES)
measures) and analyses the transmission of risk in the financial sector in the most
appropriate way given the risk measurement used in each case.
And, finally, in the third level we will study which systemic shocks and macroeconomic
disturbances most affect the behaviour over time and cross-sectional behaviour of the
beta values of financial assets. There are banks that have a high degree of correlation
with macroeconomic conditions. If, moreover, they are highly leveraged, these banks
have a high probability of being systemic. Therefore, understanding the
macroeconomic determinants of the correlations of the returns of these banks with
aggregate economic activity is a key step in identifying the origin of systemic banks.
Furthermore, in the same vein, we want to study the simultaneous determinants of the
risk premiums of asset returns and the risk premiums of volatility. Here, simultaneous
treatment will allow us to analyse the determinants of the risk premiums explicitly using
expected returns and not, as is normal, historical average returns. The explicit
introduction of expected returns into the analyses is possible through the options
trading carried out by our sample of banks.

KEYWORDS: Unobservable components, systemic shocks, credit risk, general
equilibrium models, risk transmission, market betas, risk and volatility premiums,
capital structure.

Part B. Research report

1. Starting hypothesis
This research report is based on the belief that the real economy, the prices of financial
assets and corporate finances must be analysed together, since the interrelationship
between the three areas is critical if we are to understand each of them.

2. General objectives
The general objectives of the project are:
– To improve the procedures for the identification of systemic shocks and the
methods for the estimation and assessment of the consequences of those
shocks on the financial sector and the real economy as a whole.
– To improve the techniques for quantifying the credit risk of banks and analyse
the transmission of such risk to the banking sector.
– To study the macroeconomic determinants of the betas of financial assets, their
cross-sectional consequences on the expected returns from these and analyse
their relationship with the capital structure of industrial and financial companies.
The results of the proposed analysis are important because they should allow society
to move in the right direction given that:
• An improvement to the techniques to quantify the effect of financial shocks on
the real economy and to the understanding of the transmission mechanisms will
result in better economic policy decision-making designed to anticipate,
alleviate or overcome a financial crisis.
• A better understanding of the credit risk of banks and the contagion effect will
lead to advances in one of the fundamental elements in banking regulation and
supervision, which will provide the necessary stability for the financial system
and prevent future financial crises.
• In view of the effects of the recent economic crisis, accurate and prompt
diagnosis of a crisis and its consequences is a necessity for any economy that
wants to continue to be part of the developed economies.

2. Theoretical approach
The relationship between the real and financial economy is widely documented. Both
Stock and Watson (1989, 2003) and Backus, Routledge and Zin (2009) show that lead
and lag correlations exist between macroeconomic variables and financial variables. In
addition, Malkhozov and Tamoni (2015) show the important role played by “news
shocks” in explaining the trend in financial variables that "anticipate" fluctuations in the
real economy. Nieto, Novales and Rubio (2014a and 2014b) relate macroeconomic
and financial factors in determining the risks and volatilities of bond and swap yields.
The starting point for the method to measure and anticipate systemic shocks that we
intend to develop in the project is a model where agents gradually learn which part of
the observed shock is noise and which part corresponds to a significant change in the
state of the economy. Therefore, the inclusion of variables that act as leading indicators
of future events will determine which part of the shock has information content and a
lasting effect on the fluctuations observed in the data. Several members of the project's
research team have already made significant contributions to this type of technique

(Lafuente, Pérez and Ruiz, 2014 and 2015), which is expected to be used both to
identify and assess more or less frequent events, as well as to analyse the impact of
the systemic risk factor on financial markets once it has been estimated.
Once these systemic shocks have been identified and estimated, we want to use them
to test whether such shocks, along with other financial and macroeconomic
disturbances, can to some extent affect the behaviour of the risks of the financial
assets over time. As a result, we will study the macroeconomic determinants of the
systematic risk (market beta) of shares, jointly analysing the estimation of the betas
and their determinants. We propose to break down the beta into a high frequency
component and a low frequency one. Both components, which are modelled additively,
will follow the MIDAS processes (mixed data sampling regression). The betas
estimated in this way will be called mixed frequency conditional betas. To the best of
our knowledge, the econometric methodology proposed is new for the estimation of
beta risk, although it has its origins in the literature on the volatility of components from
Engel and Rangel (2008) and Engel, Ghysels and Sohn (2013). The relationship with
macroeconomic factors and systemic shocks will be generated through the long-term
beta risk component. Considering also that beta has a component associated with the
economic risk of the assets themselves and another with financial risk, we can relate
the real economy to the prices of financial assets and corporate finances as part of the
same phenomenon. In particular, we want to analyse the relationships between the
economic and financial components of market betas and the borrowing decisions of
both industrial and financial companies.

3. Specific objectives
The research project has three clear objectives:
The first of these is to develop econometric techniques, using signal extraction
methods, to identify which part of the observed noise corresponds to persistent shocks
and which part corresponds to transitory shocks. To this end:

i) We will develop a general procedure for dealing with models affected by lasting
shocks observed with noise. From the representation of an observable signal
with two (persistent and transient) components, we will establish assumptions
for identifying them separately. State-space representation ensures good
statistical and computational properties for the estimators. It also makes it
possible to work at the component level in the theoretical models used to study
the transmission of effects from the financial economy to the real economy
[Lafuente, Pérez, Ruiz, 2014, 2015];
ii) We will empirically identify persistent shocks and assess their impact on
economic fluctuations. To do this, we must integrate the structural VAR
methodology with the signal extraction procedure designed in i). We will study
the countries of the European Union (EU) and the United States and relate
variables that measure economic activity (growth of GDP, consumption or
investment) to variables that summarise financial activity, such as credit,
financial asset prices, yields and house prices [Barsky and Sims, 2012;
Beaudry and Portier, 2014; Forni, Gambetti, Lippi and Sala, 2014; Blanchard,
L’Huillier and Lorenzoni, 2012; Fernández-Villaverde, Rubio-Ramirez, Sargent
and Watson, 2007; Leeper, Walker and Yang, 2009];
iii) We will develop dynamic and stochastic general equilibrium models that allow
us to identify not only how transitory shocks become persistent, but also how
systemic shocks can become systemic in the valuation of assets. In a model
with friction, even noisy signals - which provide less information - may have an
impact on the real economy, albeit a transitory one. Incorporating a stylised
financial sector will allow us to deal with the dispersion of expectations of

unlikely risk events, and the fact that agents learn about the economy from
signals relating to the dividend policy of companies and/or the monetary policy
of the Central Bank [Acemoglu, 2015; Piatti, 2014; Burashi, Trojani and Vedolin,

The second objective is to test whether the shocks identified and estimated as part of
the first objective, along with other financial and macroeconomic disturbances, to some
extent affect the behaviour over time of the risks of financial assets. In particular:

i) We will study the macroeconomic determinants of the market betas of shares,

jointly analysing these betas and their determinants. In this way we can relate
the real economy to financial asset prices and corporate finances as part of a
single phenomenon;
ii) We will study the simultaneous macroeconomic determinants of risk premiums
for the returns on assets and the risk premiums of volatility, following the
approach initiated by González-Urteaga and Rubio, Journal of Financial
Economics (2015). This simultaneous approach will allow us to analyse the
determinants of the risk premiums explicitly using expected returns and not, as
is normal, historical average returns. This analysis will be performed in different
environments: i) under restrictions on borrowing, ii) under disturbances in the
rate of time preference, and iii) considering changes in risk aversion and/or the
intertemporal elasticity of substitution of consumption, focusing on market
illiquidity, illiquidity in the provision of funds and high-frequency trading;
iii) We will study corporate capital structure decisions in this new scenario, given
that the analysis of the risks will affect the cost of financing and this can
determine corporate capital structure decisions.

The third objective addresses the study of systemic risk from an individual point of
view. The literature on the transmission of systemic risk in the financial sector from an
individual point of view is at a very early stage (Brewer III and Jagtiani, 2013; Helwege
and Zhang, 2013, Mink and de Haan, 2015). The aim is to identify shocks in the
idiosyncratic component of the credit risk of important banks in the system and analyse
their spread or contagion to the rest of the banking sector. We will attempt to analyse
this issue using market risk measures that will enable us to identify significant
increases in the credit risk of each bank and determine when that signal causes an
increase in the risk level of the system. We will focus on the systemic banks (G-SIBs)
identified by the Financial Stability Board from both the Eurozone and the US. Our
objectives are:
i. to estimate the idiosyncratic shocks in the default risk by using the CDS market
and to characterise the main attributes of those shocks that spread to the rest of
the system;
ii. to estimate the transmission of credit risk between pairs of banks using the
CoVaR; we will study the sensitivity of the results to the method used for
calculating the VaR of each bank, and propose an alternative measure to the
CoVaR, i.e. conditional ES (CoES), comparing the results obtained with both
iii. to analyse whether the classification of a bank as systemic is justified from the
point of view of our analysis;
iv. to identify common credit risk factors in the financial system from the individual
risks, in order to build an indicator of systemic risk. Subsequently, we will study
the determinant factors of this indicator and its relationship with different
variables measuring economic and financial activity. We will analyse its
relationship with the systemic risk indicator obtained from the structural analysis
proposed as the first objective of the project;

v. to analyse to what extent it is possible to cover this risk using the CDS indices
listed in the market.

4.- References

Acemouglu, D., Ozdaglar, A, Tahbaz-Salehi, A. (2015), “Systemic Risk and Satbility in

Financial Networks”, American Economic Review 105(2), 564-608.

Backus, D.K., Routledge, B.R., Zin, S. E., (2009). “The Cyclical Component of US
Asset Returns”, 2009 Meeting Papers 13, Society for Economic Dynamics
Barsky, R.B., Sims, E.R. (2012), “Information, Animal Spirits, and the Meaning of
Innovations in Consumer Confidence”, American Economic Review, 102(4),
Beaudry, P., Portier, F. (2014), “News-Driven Business Cycles: Insights and
Challenges”, Journal of Economic Literature, 52 (4), 993-1074.
Blanchard, O.J., L'Huillier, J.P., Lorenzoni, G. (2013), "News, Noise, and Fluctuations:
An Empirical Exploration", American Economic Review, 103(7), 3045-70.
Brewer III, E., Jagtiani, J. (2013), “How much Did Banks Pay to Become Too-Big-To-
Fail and to Become Systemically Important?" Journal of Financial Services
Research, 43, 1-35.
Burashi, A, Trojani, F. A. Vedolin (2014), “When uncertainty blows in the orchard:
comovement and equilibrium volatility risk premia”. Journal of Finance, 69(1),
Engle, R., E. Ghysels, Sohn, B. (2013), “Stock market volatility and macroeconomic
fundamentals”, Review of Economics and Statistics 95, 776-797.
Engle, R., Rangel, J. (2008), “The spline GARCH model for low frequency volatility and
its global macroeconomic causes”, Review of Financial Studies 21, 1187-1222.
Fernández-Villaverde, J., Rubio-Ramirez, J.F., Sargent, T.J., Watson, M.W. (2007).
“ABCs (and Ds) of Understanding VARs”, American Economic Review, 97 (3),
Forni, M., Gambetti, L., Lippi, M. Sala, L. (2013), “Noisy news in business cycles”,
Discussion Paper, CEPR nº 9601, International Macroeconomics Series.
González-Urteaga, A., Rubio, G. (2015), “The Cross-Sectional Variation of Volatility
Risk Premia”, Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming. DOI:
Helwege, J., Zhang, G. (2013), “Financial firm bankruptcy and contagion”, in Midwest
Finance Association 2013 Annual Meeting Paper.
Lafuente, J.A., Pérez, R., Ruiz, J. (2014), "Time-varying inflation targeting after the
nineties", International Review of Economics and Finance, 29, 400-408.
Lafuente, J.A., Pérez, R., Ruiz, J. (2015), "Disentangling permanent and transitory
monetary shocks with a non-linear Taylor rule”, mimeo, (en revision en Journal
of Economic Dynamics and Control).
Leeper, E.M., Walker, T.B., Yang, S.S. (2009), “Fiscal Foresight and Information
Flows.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 14630.
Malkhozov, A., Tamoni, A. (2015), “News Shocks and Asset Prices”, SRC Discussion
Paper nº 34, Published by Systemic Risk Centre (SRC), The London School of
Economics and Political Science.
Mink, M., de Haan, J. (2015), “Spillovers from Systemic Bank Defaults”, Journal of
Financial Services Research, forthcoming.
Nieto, B., A. Novales, G. Rubio (2014a). “Macroeconomic and Financial Determinants
of the Volatility of Corporate Bond Returns”, The Quarterly Journal of Finance,

Volume 54, Issue 2, 257-270.
Nieto, B., A. Novales, G. Rubio (2014b). “Variance Swaps, Non-normality and
Macroeconomic and Financial Risks”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and
Finance, Volume 54, Issue 2, 257-270.
Piatti, I. (2014), “Heterogeneous Beliefs About Rare Event Risk in the Lucas Orchard”
Mimeo. http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2427628.
Stock, J. H., Watson, M. W. (1989), “New Indexes of Coincident and Leading Economic
Indicators,” in NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1989, Volume 4, NBER
Chapters, 351–409. National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc.
Stock, J. H., Watson, M. W. (2003), “Forecasting Output and Inflation: The Role of
Asset Prices,” Journal of Economic Literature, 41(3), 788–829.


The research proposal presented in the report requires the completion of a set of
activities which are to be carried out within the framework of this agreement.
Below we have listed the specific actions to be carried out, grouped into: (1) activities
for the completion of the research, (2) complementary activities to improve the
research, and (3) the dissemination of the results.

1. Activities necessary for the completion of the proposed research:

This section includes the activities designed to facilitate interaction between the
members of the working team. Some of the tasks that we intend to carry out to achieve
the stated objectives involve researchers assigned to different centres. The different
geographic locations are not an obstacle for working together and knowing exactly
what is going on given the current available communication technologies. However, we
consider physical interaction between the researchers in the team to be absolutely
necessary. Consequently, we propose payment for any travel (and stays, if necessary)
for the team members needed in order to hold:

• An organisational meeting at the start of the research. The purpose of this

meeting will be the discussion and evaluation of the current state of the topic
associated with each of the tasks to be performed, the determination of the
specific objective to be met, clearly identifying our contribution, as well as the
organisation and distribution of tasks between the researchers in the team in
order to achieve the objective.
• A follow-up meeting at the end of the first year. In this case, the meeting will be
structured in the format of seminars run over one or more days, where the
person responsible for each task will present the progress in the research to the
rest of the team members. The purpose of these seminars is twofold. First,
there will be a presentation of the progress made in meeting the objectives, any
possible deviations from the initial objective, any problems that have arisen and,
if so, whether it is necessary to make any adjustments to the objective. Second,
the preliminary results will be presented, commented on and discussed in order
to analyse their reliability and the possible avenues for additional research that
they may suggest.
• A meeting prior to the completion of the research. We will again use the format
of seminars to present the results obtained in each of the areas of work
included in the report, thus encouraging all members of the team to contribute
to the evaluation of results and proposals for future research.

2. Complementary activities to improve the research:

The research that we propose in our report links macroeconomics and finance through
the concept of risk. Its completion therefore requires knowledge and research
experience in these two areas of economics, and the curricula of the members of the
research team demonstrate this. However, i) it is not an easy task to work on both
sides in a theoretical context of dynamic general equilibrium models that include
financial and real assets together, in order to understand the transmission of risk
between them; and ii) in addition, the importance of the potential results of the research
we are proposing is clear in terms of decision-making in economic policy in general and
especially in the banking sector. To deal with these two points, we consider that funds
will be necessary to:

• Organise an intensive and advanced course given by an international expert in
• Run at least three seminars given by renowned national or international
researchers in topics closely linked to the objectives of our research.
• Hold at least two meetings with banking professionals in order to present and
discuss both the objectives of our research and the results that we are

3. Dissemination of the results:

Finally, we consider it necessary to include in the agreement the possibility of funding a
series of activities aimed at disseminating the research results, such as:

• Participation in national and international conferences to interact with other

members of the research community.
• The development of a research group website where the achievements of the
projects are published in a timely manner and that also includes a blog to
discuss them.
• The publication of research papers in journals of high international impact.


The Complutense University will provide the computing equipment and rooms
necessary to hold the organisational meeting at the beginning of the research, the
follow-up meeting at the end of the first year and the meeting prior to the completion of
the research, as well as the courses, seminars and meetings with professionals
mentioned in the activity report. No funding is requested to directly pay the researchers
involved in the research, but there is a request for funds for food and travel expenses,
organisational meetings and conferences. Specifically, the budget would be broken
down as follows:

Consumables/travel and expenses/other expenses

Item Cost (€) Breakdown

Consumables-Computer Computer consumables (Printer toner/Printer maintenance/Repair of

1300 Computers, tablets and laptops, pen drives)
A.- 3 organisational meetings (1500 euros per meeting)=4500
B - 2 External guest speakers at the intensive training course (1000 euros
per guest)=2000
Travel and expenses: 15700 C - Invitation for three prestigious speakers to give seminars (400 euros
per guest): 1200
D - 4 international conferences (1400 per conference) = 5600
E - 4 national (€600 per conference)= 2400
A - Expenses for publication in scientific journals. 5*100 = 500
Other expenses 3000 B - Improvement and development of group's website = 2500€


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