10 1016@j Microc 2020 105539
10 1016@j Microc 2020 105539
10 1016@j Microc 2020 105539
Microchemical Journal
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/microc
Review Article
Keywords: Deep eutectic solvents (DES) were introduced as an alternative to ionic liquids (IL) to overcome the drawbacks of
Deep eutectic solvents IL solvents. However, some authors consider them to be a subclass of ILs. In contrast, other authors emphasize
Ionic liquids that these are by their nature independent, different groups of substances. Thus, the question arises: Which
Analytical chemistry
solvent group should DESs belong to? Maybe a new class should be added to the existing ones. The aim of this
work is to attract the attention of researchers using DES in their studies to the need for a proper use of terms.
1. Introduction the structural classification of ILs, their synthesis pathways and the
potential applications [13].
At the beginning of our century, Abbott’s group published a few DESs were introduced as an alternative to ILs to overcome the
papers that triggered research in the area we call today Deep Eutectic drawbacks of ILs. Some authors consider them to be a subclass of ILs,
Solvents (DES) [1–3]. They examined the properties of these systems and and sometimes they consider these terms interchangeable. On the other
also indicated the possibility of their use as solvents with interesting hand, other authors emphasize that despite the many similarities (See
features. There are also other terms and denominations, which may or Fig. 1), they are by their nature independent, different groups of sub
may not denote the substances we now consider to be DESs: Low stances [14,15]. Thus, the question arises: Which solvent group should
Transition Temperature Mixtures (LTTM) [4], Low Melting Mixtures DESs belong to? The aim of this work is to attract the attention of re
(LMM) [5] or Deep Eutectic Ionic Liquids (DEIL) [6]. When a DES is searchers using DES in their studies to the need for a proper use of terms.
composed of components of natural origin, it is defined as a natural deep Although ILs and DESs have a lot in common, especially when it comes
eutectic solvent (NADES) [7,8]. to physical properties as well as applications, from the chemical point of
On the other hand, Ionic Liquids (IL), which could be considered as view, these are two separate groups of substances. Therefore, it is still
the parents of DESs, were reported for the first time by Paul Walden in necessary to understand the specific chemical nature of DES systems in
1914 [9]. At that time, no one knew that ILs would become a very hot order to prevent a mechanistic understanding of how these systems
topic of chemistry one century later. Nowadays, some important work. In our opinion there are many more differences than similarities.
fundamental points of view are different from the original concepts, as In considering the differences between these two type of solvents, the
insights into the nature of ILs have become deeper. For instance, ILs chemical formation process as well as the source of their starting ma
were known to be non-volatile, non-flammable and stable on air and in terials need to be mentioned [16].
water, and were considered as green solvents. Recently, it is well known
that many of them are, in fact, volatile, flammable, unstable and even 2. Starting materials and mechanism of synthesis
toxic. This situation is attributed to the large combinations of cations
and anions that meet the definition of ILs, leading to an adverse suite of DESs differ from ILs in two basic ways, namely the nature of the
behaviors. As the chemical variety of ILs has grown, they have been starting materials and the methods of their formation. ILs are a combi
further divided into many types. Worth mentioning are: task-specific ILs nation of organic heterocyclic cations and organic or inorganic anions
(TSILs) [10], room-temperature ILs (RTILs) [11] and polyionic liquids (Fig. 2), while DESs are a combination of various hydrogen bond ac
(PILs) [12]. Very recently Singh and Savoy summarized the literature on ceptors (HBAs) (Fig. 3) and hydrogen bond donors (HBDs) (Fig. 4). The
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Płotka-Wasylka).
Received 3 July 2020; Received in revised form 9 September 2020; Accepted 10 September 2020
Available online 14 September 2020
0026-265X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Płotka-Wasylka et al. Microchemical Journal 159 (2020) 105539
Fig. 2. Selected cations and anions used for the synthesis of ILs.
number of potential mixtures is virtually unlimited for both ILs and DESs naturally occurring biocompatible compounds that are not hazardous if
[17]. With such a large number of suitable starting materials as well as they are released back into nature [18]. It is also important to note that
their possible combinations, they have both advantages and disadvan the components of DESs, unlike ILs, must not react with each other;
tages which allow the properties of these substances to be changed to therefore, it is necessary to avoid combinations of such compounds
meet the requirements of specific application (which is precisely why where this is possible.
both ILs and DESs have found wide use in various fields of science, The synthesis of ILs often involves several synthetic steps using
research and technology). The huge advantage of DESs, however, is that various reagents, organic volatile solvents; in addition, by-products and
they are made of generally nontoxic, easily accessible, cheap and sus waste are generated. Generally, the reaction time is long (up to 48 h)
tainable compounds. Furthermore, common components of DESs are with the temperature varying from 25 to 100 ◦ C. The synthesis of ILs
J. Płotka-Wasylka et al. Microchemical Journal 159 (2020) 105539
method is the most used; the compounds are mixed and heated at
temperatures between 50 ◦ C and 100 ◦ C under constant stirring for times
spanning from minutes to hours until a homogeneous liquid forms. The
grinding method is based on mixing the compounds at room tempera
ture and grinding them in a mortar with a pestle. A liquid formed by the
heating or grinding method is obtained with a yield of 100% and with an
atom economy of 100% [20]. Another method – freeze-drying (Fig. 2) –
is also known, but it is a bit more complicated. The separated aqueous
solutions of components are mixed together, frozen and freeze-dried to
form a clear viscous liquid [21]. From the above stated, it is clear that ILs
and DESs differ not only in the nature of the components, but also in the
methods of their formation.
The synthesis of ILs is, in general, more costly and difficult than the
preparation of DESs. The production of DESs is relatively straightfor
ward and inexpensive and does not pose any significant post purification
or disposal problems.
3. Properties
(Fig. 5) consists of two main steps: (i) cation formation (by protonation However, due to the large number of possible ILs and DESs resulting
of the amine by an acid or quaternization reaction of the amine with from the large number of possible combinations of starting substances, it
a haloalkane) and (ii) anion exchange (by treatment of halide salt with a is very difficult to unambiguously characterize and generalize their
Lewis acid or by anion metathesis) [19]. In contrast, DESs can be simply physical properties. We can only define some general rules and con
prepared by heating or the grinding method (Fig. 6). The heating clusions. Both ILs and DESs have low melting points. ILs melt below
J. Płotka-Wasylka et al. Microchemical Journal 159 (2020) 105539
100 ◦ C, while the melting temperature of DES is far below that of either toxicology, biodegradability and recyclability factors, there are several
individual component. The density and viscosity of these solvents also other assessments that influence the green-chemistry quality of ILs: the
have similar values and are strongly dependent on their composition and long reaction time at high temperatures, the use of volatile and non-
temperature. Therefore, the selection of IL and DES constituents is renewable solvents, the large quantities of chemicals, large quantity of
essential, since high viscosity and density are the main drawbacks for by-products as waste, and high stability in water (ILs become persistent
the practical use of these solvents [23–25]. Although the viscosity pollutants in wastewaters). Moreover, their different chemical proper
problem can be solved quickly and easily in the case of DESs by using ties encourage application areas which are significantly more varied (for
water as an additional component, a large excess of water can in some example many enzymes exhibit both high activity and unexpected
cases lead to the complete decomposition of the DES [26]. In general, ILs promising stability in DESs [28]).
and DESs present high polarity. This is a great advantage of both sol
vents, because they can solubilize a wide range of organic and bioactive 4. Applications in analytical chemistry
substances. On considering other similarities between DESs and ILs, it
could be highlighted that both systems concern a low vapor pressure and Without a doubt, DESs and ILs share many interesting properties
wide liquid range. Moreover, they are highly tunable. [20] which allow them to be applied in many fields of analytical
As we can see, the physical properties of ILs and DESs are close to chemistry (Fig. 7) [29,30]. These solvents are used in analytical chem
each other, and what is even more important, thanks to the large number istry mainly at the sample preparation stage for solvent-based and
of possible combinations of starting materials, they are also highly sorption-based extraction of target analytes from aqueous or solid
tunable depending on the requirements for specific use. On the other samples, as stationary phase modifiers in GC, and also as mobile phase
hand, this makes it impossible to generalize about their chemical additives in LC, but in the case of DESs also for the dissolution or
properties, such as toxicity, stability, biodegradability, flammability, digestion of solid samples.
greenness, etc. From an environmental perspective, DESs are superior to Despite the fact that the application areas of DESs are very close to
ILs due to their higher biodegradability and lower toxicity. The natural those of ILs [13], the number of publications devoted to ILs is more than
origin of the constituents gives DESs a great edge over ILs, because they one order of magnitude higher than for DESs (Fig. 8) especially con
are clearly less toxic and more environmentally friendly. Whereas IL cerning their use in analytical chemistry. This is probably because IL
components are onium salts, which show high toxicity [27]. Beside compounds were introduced into analytical science several years before
J. Płotka-Wasylka et al. Microchemical Journal 159 (2020) 105539
the introduction of DESs. However, if we do not compare the absolute unknowns exist. This is why there is a continuous need for research in
number of published papers in each category but their percentage dis this area. On the other hand, the potential of the solvents described
tribution, the order of the categories for both solvents becomes very herein opens interesting perspectives for further research in analytical
close. The category “chemistry analytical” is in the highest positions for chemistry as well as in industrial applications.
both solvents. However, for example, the category of “green sustainable
science technology” is much higher for DES than for IL. 6. Conclusions
5. Advantages and drawbacks The aim of this work is to attract the attention of researchers using
DES in their studies to the need for a proper use of terms. Although ILs
ILs and DESs were found to be greener options when compared to and DESs have a lot in common, especially when it comes to physical
conventional solvents. In comparison to ILs, the advantages of DESs properties and applications, from a chemical point of view, these are two
concern their easy synthesis by simply mixing the components with separate groups of substances. However, from our point of view, it is
gentle heating. In addition, no future purification is required, in contrast important to focus on the mechanisms of DESs and ILs formation, as this
to ILs. Additionally, the cost of production is low due to the low prices of could explain a lot of unknowns, e.g. their differences. It also would help
synthetic raw materials. Unfortunately, their high viscosity and solid to look for new applications in many fields of chemistry and, especially
state at room temperature could be detrimental. However, the physi in analytical chemistry, while at the same time, correctly evaluating the
cochemical properties of DESs can be tailored by the selection of proper greenness of these new solvent systems. Considering DESs as a subtype
HBA and HBD and their molar ratio or the addition of water. of ILs will lead to the forming of confused criteria for the selection of the
Although authors often report that most of these solvents, both ILs applications in which they can be employed to enhance analytical
and DESs, are non-toxic, biocompatible and biodegradable, others state perspectives.
that more investigation is required on this matter, since the toxicity and In addition to analytical chemistry, we can expect new applications
cytotoxicity of DESs vary depending on the components. Therefore, of DESs in pharmacy, medicine, cosmetics, food science and, very
cautious handling of the terms non-toxicity and biodegradability must be importantly, new knowledge in the field of theoretical study of DESs
considered [31]. However, despite everything, DESs are believed to be concerning their composition and extraction mechanism as well.
more effective and environmentally friendly solvents than ILs.
While ILs are well understood, there are still some aspects that need
further studies. In the case of DESs, studies are still limited and many
J. Płotka-Wasylka et al. Microchemical Journal 159 (2020) 105539
Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the type of chemistry categories versus percentage number of publications for ILs and DESs (performed by application of Web of
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