Quick Indian History For Compet - Disha Experts
Quick Indian History For Compet - Disha Experts
Quick Indian History For Compet - Disha Experts
ADVENT OF EUROPEANS First few to Burmese invasion and then to
Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, and
Portuguese Kashmir were annexed after the Second
The cape route from Europe to India was Anglo-Sikh War in 1849; however, Kashmir
discovered by Vasco da Gama. Cochin was immediately sold under the Treaty of
was the initial capital of the Portuguese in Amritsar to the Dogra Dynasty of Jammu
India, later on was replaced by Goa. and thereby became a princely state.
The border dispute between Nepal and
Dutch British India, which sharpened after 1801,
The Dutch East India Company established had caused the Anglo-Nepalese War
factories in India at Masulipatnam in 1605. of 1814–16 and brought the defeated
Dutch was defeated by British in the Battle Gurkhas under British influence. In 1854,
of Sedera. Berar was annexed, and the state of Oudh
was added two years later.
English The first factory was built at Surat (1608).
In 1617, the British East India Company The factory at Sutanati was fortified and
was given permission by Mughal Emperor named Fort William in 1700.
Jahangir to trade in India. As a result of In 1757, Clive was appointed by the
three Carnatic Wars, the British East India company as its first ‘Governor of Bengal’.
Company gained exclusive control over the In same year Treaty of Allahabad was
entire Carnatic region of India. The Anglo- concluded by which the Mughal Emperor
Mysore Wars (1766–1799) and later the granted the Diwani rights to the English
Anglo-Maratha Wars (1772–1818) led East India Company. Thus, the British
to the control of the vast regions of India. power in India was thoroughly established.
First evidence of human in India was found in western Narmada region in Madhya Pradesh.
Danes French
The Danes arrived in India in 1616. They The French East India company was formed
established Settlement at Tranquebee in 1664 by Colbert. The first French factory
(Tamil Nadu) in 1620 and Serampore was established at Surat in 1668 and second
(Bengal) in 1676. at Masulipatnam in 1669.
Revolts Year Area
Chuar uprising 1966-70 Bengal and Bihar
Koli uprising 1824-28,1839,1899 Gujarat
Bhil uprising 1818-31 Western Ghat
Rampa Rebellion 1879 Coastal Andhra
Khasi Up Rising 1846-48, 1885, 1914 Odisha
Kuki Up Rising under Rani 1917-19 Manipur
No Rising 1820, 1822 Singhbhum and
Naikad Revolt 1858-59 Gujarat
Kachhang Revolt 1882 Chhachar Area, Assam
Munda Revolt 1899-1900 Chhotanagpur area
6 April, 1930 Gandhi reached Dandi and broke the Salt Law.
12 Nov. 1930 First round table conference was held in London, was chaired by British
Prime Minister Ramsay MacDonald.
5 March, 1931 Gandhi-Irwin Pact was signed between Gandhi and then viceroy of India
Lord Irwin according to which British agreed to withdraw all ordinances
and end prosecutions and release all political prisoners.
24 August, Poona Pact was signed between Gandhi and Dr. B.R. Ambedkar at
1932 Yerwada Central Jail.
1935 Government of India Act was passed according to which All India
Federation was established including British India and Princely States
(representative were appointed by the rulers) forming a bicameral federal
October, 1940 Mahatma Gandhi gave an order for limited satyagraha (for few individuals
8 August, 1942 Quit India Movement was launched by M.K. Gandhi.
1945 Congress Working Committee adopted a resolution to abolish landlordism.
2 Sept. 1946 Interim government of India formed the newly elected Constituent
Assembly of India. This idea was rejected by Muslim League.
9 Dec. 1946 The Constituent Assembly met for the first time.
Mountbatten Plan
The Indian Independence Act 1947 also called 3 June Plan or Mountbatten Plan,
declared that power would be handed over by 15 August 1947. It gave India and Pakistan
a dominion status. The Act received the royal assent on 18 July 1947. The boundaries
between the two dominion states were determined by a Boundary Commission which
was headed by Sir Cyril Radcliffe.
The Founding Years (1885-1900)
Session Place Date President
1st Session Bombay Dec. 28-30, 1885 Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee
2nd Session Calcutta Dec. 27-30, 1886 Dadabhai Naoroji
3rd Session Madras Dec. 27-30, 1887 Badruddin Tyabji
6th Session Calcutta Dec. 26-30, 1890 Pherozeshah Mehta
8th Session Allahabad Dec. 28-30, 1892 Womesh Chandra Bonnerjee
11th Session Poona Dec. 27-30, 1895 Surendranath Banerjee
9th Session Lahore Dec. 27-30, 1893 Dadabhai Naoroji
Editor /Author Book Name
Aurobindo Ghosh • Kalmayogi
• New Lamp for Old
• Bhawani Mandir
Bankim Chandra Chatterjee • Anand Math
• Durgesh Nandini
Gautam Buddha was raised to the position of God during the reign of Kanishka.
passed by East India Company in 1784
The Regulating Act
so as to address the shortcomings of the
•• The Regulating Act of 1773 was Regulating Act of 1773.
an Act of the Parliament of Great Provisions of this Act were
Britain intended to refurbish the
management of the East India 1. With the Pitt‘s India Act of 1784, East
Company’s rule in India. India Company’s political functions
•• The Company was very much were differentiated from its commercial
important to British as it was the only activities.
company which was trading in India 2. In political matters, the Company
with many influential people as its which was till now working as
shareholders. somewhat sovereign was made directly
Provisions of this Act were subordinate to the British government.
3. To enable this, a Board of Commissioners
1. The Act cut down company dividends
was created, which was called Board of
to 6% until it repaid a £1.5M loan
along with restricting the term of the Control.
Court of Directors to 4 years. 4. 6 people viz. the Chancellor of the
2. It prohibited the servants of company Exchequer, the Secretary of State, and
from engaging in any private trade or four Privy Councilors, nominated by the
accepting presents or bribes from the King were the members of this Board of
natives. Control.
3. It elevated the position of Governor 5. The Secretary of the State was entitled
of Bengal to Governor-General of as the President of the Board of Control.
Bengal during the period of Warren This Board of control was empowered
Hastings with the subsumption of the to control all matters of civil or military
presidencies of Madras and Bombay government or revenues.
under Bengal’s control. 6. The board was given full access to the
4. According to the Act four men were to company’s records. It had the powers
be appointed by British government to send Governors to India and full
in the name of “Council of Four” to authority to alter them.
serve the Supreme Council of Bengal. The Charter Act of 1793
5. A Supreme Court was established
•• The Charter Act of 1793 extended
at Fort William at Calcutta under the commercial privileges of the
the provision of the Act stating that company for a further period of
British judges were to be sent to India twenty years.
to administer the British legal system •• Lord Cornwallis was given special
that was used there. power at the time of his appointment,
to override his Council but it was
The Pitt’s India Act not extended to all Governors or
The Pitt’s India Act, was an Act of the Governor General by the Charter Act
Parliament of Great Britain which was of 1793.
Time Period Events
5000 BC Farming started along the bank of Nile river.
3100 B.C The Egyptian Script, known as hierroglyphic, was invented. The Egyptian
Script – hierroglyphic script was deciphered by Champollion.
3500-3000 BC Starting of Pre dynastic period which was characterized by permanent
2650 BC Old kingdom began to flourish which was known to be the era of dynamic
development of Egyptian art.
2575-2465 BC Pharaoh Khufu built Great pyramid of Giza having a height of 481 feet.
2381-2345 BC The Old Kingdom ended during the realm of Unas.
2055 BC-1650 BC The era of middle kingdom started with the reunion of Egypt.
1539 BC With the expulsion of the Hyksos and reunification of Egypt, it became
the leading power in the Middle East.
1344-1328 BC The first ever instance of monotheism had been illustrated by the
religious reforms of Pharaoh Akhenaton.
1336-1327 BC The realm of Tutankhamun.
1279-1213 BC The existence of Ramses Realm when Egypt experienced the height of
its power.
728 BC Nubian kings took over the power of Egypt.
639 BC The period of revival started with the expulsion of Assyrians by
525 BC Persians started ruling the Egypt.
332 BC Alexander the Great conquered Egypt.
305 BC A greek-speaking dynasty was established by one of the generals of
Alexander the Great.
30 BC The last queen of independent Egypt died and Roman empire occupied
Time period Events
3rd Century B.C. The Chinese dynasty became important. During the China dynasty the
construction of Great Wall’ begin to keep out invaders from the North.
202 BC. The Han Dynasty followed the China Dynasty under the Hans, Silk was
a principal item of export.
604 BC The major religion of ancient China were Toism, based on teachings of
1st Century AD. Paper was invented in China.
In 2nd century AD. China invented Seismogaph.
Time Period Events
1300-1200 BC The land of Canaan occupied by the Israelites.
1050-970 BC The kingdom was ruled by Soul followed by David.
970 BC David’s son Solomon became the new king.
931 BC The kingdom divided into north (Israel) and south(Judah) parts.
722 BC The Assyrians destroyed the northern kingdom.
620 BC A religious revival took place in southern kingdom of Judah.
597-582 The destruction of both Judah and Jerusalem occurred.
538 BC The Persian king Cyrus repatriated the kings of Judah and Jerusalem and
encouraged them to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem.
164 BC The revolution broke out against the Seleucid kings under the leadership of
the Maccabbees brothers by Jews.
63 BC Judea was conquered by Romans and the family of Herod the Great started
Time Period Events
776 BC The first official date of Olympic Games.
750 BC Greek started planting colonies on the Mediterranean coast.
490 B.C. The Battle of Marathon happened, the Greek defeated the Iranian King
Darius 1 at Marathon near Athens.
490-479 Athens and Sparta took lead for defending their land against invasion
from the huge Persian Empire.
447 BC Athenian Empire was at the height of its power.
431-404 Athens was defeated by Sparta in the Second Peloponnesian War.
336BC-323BC Alexander compelled all Greece to accept his leadership and conquered the
Achaemenid empire.
326 BC Alexander comes to border of India and he defeated king Porus on the
Time Period Events
1000 BC The city of Rome was founded
509 BC Roman republic was built.
390 BC Rome was sacked by the Gauls.
264-241 BC First Punic War between Carthage and Rome took place.
218-202 BC Second Punic War consisting of several small battles took place where
Rome was the ultimate winner.
83-31 BC Decline of Roman Republic due to the continuous phase of civil wars.
27 BC Augustus established himself as the first of the Roman emperors.
117 AD Roman Empire became the largest empire of its time.
312 AD Constantine the great got converted to Christianity.
410 AD Goths sacked Roman Empire.
476 AD The last Roman emperor was thrown out by German Tribes.
•• It was founded by Jesus Christ (i.e. Merriah).
•• He was born on 25th December to Mother Mary (Marium) in Bethlehem (Nr. Jerusalam)
•• Bible is the holy book of Christians.
•• His crucifixion (hanging) on cross happened in about 33 AD.
•• So, sign of ‘cross’ is considered holy for Christians.
Time Period Events
1206 AD Temüjin from the Orkhon Valley received the title Genghis Khan, and
started ruling the unified nomads of Mongolia homeland.
1227 AD Death of Genghis Khan.
1250–1350 AD Pax Mongolica or stabilization of Mongol empire.
1260-1294 AD Fragmentation of Mongol Empire into Ilkhanate Yuan dynasty, Chagatai
Khanate, Golden Horde.
1368 AD Fall of Yuan Dynasty.
1687 AD Collapse of Chagatai Khanate.
Time Period Events
571AD The great Prophet of Islam was born in Mecca
With the rise of new religion Islam, the Arab civilization started expanding its realm
622 AD Mohammad had to leave Mecca and take refuge in Medina. This Year is known
as Hijra.
632AD After the death of Mohammad his successors continued to spread his teachings
and were known as Caliphs or Khalifas.
13th Century The Islamic Empire came to end with the defeat of Abbasids by Seljuq Turks
•• Hijri Era started on 24th September (cousin), & Abu Bakr (friend).
622 when he migrated to Medina. •• Prophet Muhammad died on Monday,
•• He attained enlightenment, i.e. the first 8th June, 623 AD and was buried at
revelation came to him on Monday, Medina.
August 10th, 610 AD (21st of Ramadan) •• Islam divided into Shia and Sunni cults
at 40 years of age at Gaare-Hira (Hira after his death.
cave). •• His successors were called Khalifa.
•• First persons who embraced Islam •• Eid-milad-un-Nabi is celebrated as the
were–Khadija (wife), Zaid (slave), Ali birthday of the prophet.