Using A Secondary Impression With A Resin Index To Correct An RPD de Finitive Cast
Using A Secondary Impression With A Resin Index To Correct An RPD de Finitive Cast
Using A Secondary Impression With A Resin Index To Correct An RPD de Finitive Cast
The definitive cast for the fabrication of a removable However, this traditional corrected impression proced-
partial denture (RPD) should accurately replicate ure cannot be used when an error is made in the tooth-
the surface detail of the teeth and edentulous ridges of supported area of a partially edentulous arch.1 Although
a partially edentulous arch.1 The cast should also remaking an impression can be a challenge when the
reproduce the functional and physiologic extensions of partially edentulous arch demonstrates an excessive un-
the facial and lingual vestibules, particularly the sublin- dercut associated with tilting of the remaining teeth,
gual vestibule, for the placement of a lingual major when microsomia is present, or when the patient has
connector. difficulty opening the mouth, a new impression should
The single-impression technique may suffice for be made.4
generating an RPD definitive cast with contemporary This article describes an impression procedure to
impression materials.2 This technique requires an correct a tooth-supported area of a partially edentulous
impression made in a border-molded custom tray to re- arch. This method involves a laboratory procedure for
cord both the dentate and edentulous areas of the arch. fabricating a resin index to support an impression ma-
This procedure is convenient and can be supplemented terial and correct inadequate anatomy in the original
with the altered cast technique when an error is found in definitive cast. A secondary impression is made by using
the extensionebase segment of the edentulous ridge.3 the index secured against the teeth and edentulous ridges
Figure 1. Mandibular RPD definitive cast with inadequate replication of Figure 2. Tissue side of relined resin index demonstrating 2 holes
sublingual vestibule (arrow). RPD, removable partial denture. (arrows) for injection of impression material.
Clinical Professor, Department of Biologic and Materials Sciences Division of Prosthodontics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, Chonbuk National University School of Dentistry, Jeonju, Republic of Korea.
Figure 3. Lingual aspect of modified definitive cast demonstrating 2 Figure 4. Facial aspect of modified definitive cast. Metal rods inserted in
channels (arrows) created along sublingual vestibule. cast to demonstrate patency of channels.
to record the area missed in the original impression.5 This 5. Reline the index against the cast by using a silicone
procedure eliminates the need to remake an impression occlusion registration material (Blu-Bite; Henry
of the entire arch, and the use of the index can be Schein Inc) to engage the surface detail of the cast.
extended to verify the accuracy of the original impression Separate the relined index from the cast and cut
and register a maxillomandibular relation record. Thus, out the silicone material over the target area using
the clinical metal framework evaluation can be expedited a sharp blade (carbon steel surgical blade number
as its occlusal relationship can be adjusted on the artic- 25; Miltex Inc).
ulator. However, care should be taken to avoid an error 6. Create 2 holes (1 for inlet and the other for outlet
related to the orientation of the secondary impression to of an impression material) in the index at each end
the definitive cast.3 of the target area using a number 8 tungsten car-
bide round bur (Brasseler USA) (Fig. 2). Set aside
PROCEDURE the index for the clinical procedure of impression
1. Evaluate the impression and definitive cast for the 7. Modify the definitive cast by carving out (approx-
fabrication of a mandibular RPD. Note the inade- imately 1 mm in depth) the target area and
quate anatomy (target area) along the sublingual creating 2 channels (1 for inlet and the other for
vestibule for the design of a lingual major outlet of dental stone) along the sublingual vesti-
connector (Fig. 1). bule by using a number 8 tungsten carbide round
2. Adapt a layer of tin foil (Buffalo Dental) against the bur (Brasseler USA) (Fig. 3). Ensure that the
teeth and edentulous ridges of the definitive cast channels penetrate the facial aspect of the cast and
and block out the undercuts by using baseplate are positioned outside the RPD design area
wax (Coltène). Add a layer of baseplate wax (Col- (Fig. 4).
tène) over the target area to provide space for the 8. Evaluate the intraoral fit of the index to verify the
impression material. accuracy of the original impression and carry out
3. Adapt a layer of light-polymerizing resin (Visible- the border molding procedure7 along the sublin-
Light-Cured Triad; Dentsply Sirona) to cover the gual vestibule of the target area.
target area and edentulous ridges and extend it 9. Seat the index intraorally and secure it firmly
incisally to engage the incisal aspect of the teeth and against the teeth and edentulous ridges. Make an
ensure the stability and accuracy of the orientation. impression by injecting a light viscosity polyvinyl
4. Polymerize the resin as recommended by the siloxane impression material (Aquasil; Dentsply
manufacturer6 and separate the processed index Sirona) through a hole (inlet) of the index until it
from the cast when it has polymerized completely. extrudes though the other (outlet). Separate the
Trim the excess along the borders by using a impression from the mouth when it polymerizes
tungsten carbide bur (E-cutter; Brasseler USA) and completely. Evaluate the impression and trim the
remove the layer of tin foil (Buffalo Dental) to excess using a sharp blade (carbon steel surgical
expose the clean surface of the cast. blade number 25) (Fig. 5).
Figure 5. Secondary impression (arrows) made by means of resin index. Figure 6. Secondary impression trimmed along gingival crest of teeth.
Figure 7. Facial aspect of definitive cast demonstrating dental stone Figure 8. Corrected definitive cast demonstrating adequate anatomy
injected though channels against secondary impression. along sublingual vestibule (arrow) for design of lingual major connector.
Color contrast of dental stones for demonstration purposes.
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