Election Managemt

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Central University of South Bihar, Gaya.

Department of Political studies

Questionnaire on political behaviour

NAME-_______________________________ ADDRESS-________________________________
LOK SABHA COSTITUENCY-___________________________ PACHAYAT-_______________________________

Instruction:- Please tick the appropriate answer for the below mentioned questions.

1. Are you a registered voter of your constituency?

 Yes
 No
2. Is the government working for the welfare of people and development of society?
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
3. Political awareness is required to be spreded among the common people of country toimprove political participation
and political behavior among them.
 Agree
 Disagee
 Neutral
 Not sure
4. Which party do you support to handle sensetive topics such as national security?
 Democrats
 Republican
 Don’t know
 I don’t support any party
5. What is your criteria for chosing a representative of your constituency?
 His caste and religion
 His relations to you
 His civil activism
 His social score
 His money and property
6. Do you think there should be stricter rules ans regulations on the use of money in dismentalling/puchasing votes?
 Yes
 No
 Don’t know
7. Government should make economic conditions as a criteria for reservation, rather than the cast.
 Yes
 No
 Not sure
 Change is not needed
8. There should be rules to include all the religion religion in all political party.
 Completely agree
 Somewhat agree
 Neutral
 Somewhat disagree
 Completely disagree

9. Among the below mentioned issues for improvement, which issue a party should take up for development at 1st
instance or on priority basis?
 Health
 Education
 Law and order
 Infrastructure
 Nothing is needed to be developed
10. Does your panchayat conducts gram sabha?
 Yes
 No
 Regularly
 2 times a year
 Ocasionally only

Thanking you for your response and effort in answering

the question and making the research succesful.
- Shahank Bhardwaj
MA Political science and international relations
Central university of south Bihar, Gaya

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