Tle 7 Agriculture

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Republic of The Philippines


Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo City


Date: January 16-20, 2023
Year& Section: Grade VII

A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in using farm tools and

B. Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to use farm tools and equipment accordingly.

C. Learning Competency
 Identify farm tools and equipment according to use
 Conduct pre-operation check-up in line with the manufacturer’s manual
 Use appropriate tools and equipment for the job requirement according to manufacturer's
specifications and instructions



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources


Conduct a brief review of the different types of farm tools and equipment. Ask the students to identify the uses of
each tool and equipment.
Show a video of farmers using different farm tools and equipment.
Ask the students to observe how each tool is used and how it helps in farming.
Divide the students into groups and assign them a specific farm tool or equipment. Ask them to research and
create a poster presentation about their assigned tool/equipment. The poster should include the following

 Name of the tool/equipment

 Uses of the tool/equipment
 Proper handling and maintenance of the tool/equipment
 Safety precautions in using the tool/equipment
After the poster presentation, ask the students to share their insights and learnings about their assigned
tool/equipment. Encourage them to ask questions and clarify any misconceptions.
Discuss the importance of proper handling and maintenance of farm tools and equipment. Emphasize the benefits
of using the right tool for the right job and the consequences of using a tool incorrectly.
Give the students a real-life problem related to the objective. For example, ask them to design a farm layout using
different tools and equipment for a specific crop. Ask them to explain their design and how each tool/equipment is

Directions: Read the questions and Encircle the correct.

1. What are the benefits of using the right tool for the right job?
a. Saves time and energy b. Reduces the risk of accidents c. Improves efficiency and productivity d. All of the above

2. What are the consequences of using a tool incorrectly?

a. Damage to the tool b. Injury to the user c. Reduced efficiency and productivity d. All of the above

3. What are the safety precautions in using farm tools and equipment?
a. Wear appropriate clothing and safety gear
b. Use the tool only for its intended purpose
c. Keep the tool clean and well-maintained
d. All of the above

Ask the students to create a short video demonstrating the proper use and handling of a specific farm tool or equipment.
They can use their mobile phones to record the video.
Republic of The Philippines
Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo City


Date: January 16-20, 2023
Year& Section: Grade VII
A. Content Standards
The learners demonstrate an understanding of the underlying theories in using farm tools and

B. Performance Standards
The learners shall be able to use farm tools and equipment accordingly.

C. Learning Competency
 Clean tools and equipment after use in line with farm procedures
 Perform routine check-up and maintenance
 Perform preventive maintenance by following the procedures in sharpening and oiling
farm tools and equipment
 Store tools and equipment in designated areas in line with farm procedures.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
B. Other Learning Resources


Ask students to share their prior knowledge on farm tools and equipment. Review the different types of farm tools
and equipment used in agriculture.

Show a video of a farmer using different farm tools and equipment. Ask students to identify the tools and
equipment used in the video.


Activity 1: Divide the class into groups and provide each group with a set of farm tools and equipment. Ask them to
identify the different parts of each tool and how they are used in agriculture.

Activity 2: Conduct a role-play activity where students act as farmers using different farm tools and equipment. This will
help them understand the proper use of each tool and equipment.

Activity 3: Provide a worksheet with pictures of different farm tools and equipment. Ask students to label each tool and
equipment and write a brief description of how it is used in agriculture.
Ask students to share their observations and insights on the different farm tools and equipment used in the

Discuss the underlying theories and principles behind the use of farm tools and equipment in agriculture.

Present a real-life problem related to the use of farm tools and equipment and ask students to suggest solutions
using the theories and principles discussed in class.

Directions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the importance of using the right farm tools and equipment in agriculture?
Answer: Using the right farm tools and equipment ensures efficient and effective farming operations.

2. What are the different types of farm tools and equipment used in agriculture?
Answer: Plow, harrow, cultivator, seed drill, sprayer, and mower, among others.

3. What are the different parts of a plow and how are they used?
Answer: Share, mouldboard, coulter, and beam. The share is used to cut the soil, the mouldboard turns the
soil over, the coulter cuts through the soil, and the beam connects the plow to the draft animals or tractor.

4. What are the different parts of a sprayer and how are they used?
Answer: Tank, pump, nozzle, and boom. The tank holds the liquid, the pump pressurizes the liquid, the nozzle
sprays the liquid, and the boom spreads the spray over a wide area.

5. What is the importance of proper maintenance of farm tools and equipment?

Answer: Proper maintenance ensures that farm tools and equipment are in good working condition, prolongs
their lifespan, and prevents accidents.

Ask students to research and write a short essay on the different types of farm tools and equipment used in
agriculture and their importance in farming operations.

Interactive Activities

Virtual Farm Tour: Conduct a virtual tour of a farm and show the different types of farm tools and equipment used in
agriculture. This activity can be done using a virtual reality headset or a video presentation.

DIY Farm Tool Project: Ask students to design and create their own farm tool using recycled materials. This activity will
help them understand the different parts of a farm tool and how they work together.

Farm Equipment Simulation: Use a simulation software to allow students to experience operating different farm
equipment virtually. This activity will help them understand the proper use and operation of farm equipment.
Republic of The Philippines
Bentley Park Subdivision 1870 Antipolo City


Date: January 16-20 2023
Year& Section: Grade VII

A. Content Standards
➢ Demonstrates an understanding of scientific practices in planting trees and fruit trees.

B. Performance Standards
➢ Applies knowledge and skills in planting trees and fruit trees.

C. Learning Competency
➢ Identifies the appropriate tools and equipment in plant propagation and their uses. (TLE6AG-0d-5)



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
 Home Economics and Livelihood Education. Pages 73-75 Josephine Bemardino et al.
B. Other Learning Resources
Pruning shears,hoe, sprinkler, trowel, wheelbarrow, shovel, rake, hand fork, bolo, crow bar, shovel, other tools
and equipment: like hose, sprayer, weighing scale, piece of wood or bamboo.


A Reviewing previous lesson

Differentiating trees arrangement in an orchard.

(Group Activity)
Assemble the puzzle to form a layout/design in the arrangement of trees in an orchard. The first group to finish
will be the winner. Describe each design that you formed.

B. Establishing a purpose for the lesson

Study the jumbled letters to form a word.

1. OTLSO - it is a handheld device that aids in accomplishing a task
2. QEPUIMNET -supplies or tools needed for a purpose
2. PATIONPROGA -act or action of propagating -to cause to continue or increase
Today’s lesson has something to do with the words you formed.
We are going to identify the tools and equipment used in plant propagation as well as their uses.
Can you name a tool or equipment and site its uses?How can plant propagation be a source of income of the family.

How can plant propagation be a source of income of the family.

C. Presenting examples/instances of new lesson

 On the working table, show all the tools and equipment used in plant propagation.
 (Video presentation)
 The teacher will group the pupils into 5.
 Each group will work on the activity assigned to them.
Group 1 ( Totoy Bibo )
Directions: In a form of a dance, present the different tools and equipment used in propagation of trees and fruit bearing
trees your group identified. Give also the uses of each.

Group 2 ( Finding my Soul mate )

Provide pictures of tools and equipment used in propagation of trees and strip of papers written therein the uses of each
Directions: Students holding the picture will find the one holding a strip of paper bearing its uses.If everybody find its
soul mate, they will conduct a simple “Parade of Tools and Equipment Used in Propagating Trees” around the classroom.

Group 3 ( D’ Voice KIDZ )

Directions: Create a song,rap or jingle about the tools and equipment used in propagation of trees and fruit bearing trees
that your group identified.

Group 4 ( Draw and Label Me)

Directions: Draw and label the tools and equipment used in propagating trees that your group identified.

Group 5 ( We are The Gardeners )

Role play where and how each tool that you identified is being used.
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1
Group presentation and discussion of out put.
Answer the following questions:
1. What are the different tools and equipment used in propagating plants did your group identify?
2. What are the uses of each?

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2

Discuss on some concepts for clarification.
Ask: Suppose there is no trowel or sprinkler available in your school or in the house, what other things around can be used
in place of them?
Give some things to be observed for proper care, maintenance and handling of the tools and equipment.

F. Developing mastery
(Pick,Name and Tell)
A pupil will pick one picture in the box, identify the picture and tell its uses.

G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills

Are you now ready to use these tools in propagating plants?
Do think your knowledge about the tools and equipment will help you? How will it help you?

H. Making Generalizations and abstractions about the lesson

What are the different tools and equipment used in propagating trees and fruit bearing trees?
What are its uses?
I. Evaluating Learning
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number.
A B.
_____ 1.A toolused for digging holes for
planting seedlings A. crowbar
_____ 2. It is used for hauling fertilizers and
soil and for carrying other tools
and materials B. trowel
_____ 3. used to hand cultivate the garden
plot by loosening the soil and
removing the weeds around the plant C.hoe
_____ 4. It isused for digging holes for planting
seedlings D. shovel
_____ 5. A toolused to turn over soil and dig up
plants for propagation. E. Rake

J. Agreement
Ask each pupil to name a tool he/she likes best.
Tell him/her to complete this sentence;
Of all the tools used in propagating trees, I like _____________ best because, it can help me in
______________________________ ____________________________________________.

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