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Page numbers followed by “f” indicate figures, “t” indicate tables, and “b” indicate boxes.

22q11.2 deletion, 218–219 Abdominal wall (Continued) Abdominoplasty (Continued)

transplantation, 618 surgical management, 1121–1130
A VRAM reconstruction, 618f sutures, 1124
Abbe flap, 398, 403, 405f wound assessment, 613–614 thigh lift, 1132–1135, 1136f
Abdominal liposuction, 1121–1122, 1122f wound management, 614–615 umbilicus, 1116, 1119
Abdominal wall Abdominoplasty. See also Abdominal wall weight loss, 1130–1138, 1132f–1134f,
acute wounds, 614 anatomical landmarks, 1119, 1119f 1136f
allotransplantation, 142 anatomy, 1116–1119 Abductor digiti minimi (ADM)
anatomy, 610–612 arm lifts, 1135–1137, 1137f opponensplasty, 765, 766f
anterolateral thigh flap, 618 assessments, 1119–1120 opposition transfer, 699f
assessments, 1119–1120 back assessments, 1120 Abductor pollicis brevis (APB),
biologic meshes, 615–616, 616f blood supply, 1116–1117, 1117f–1118f opponensplasty, 764
blood supply, 611 body contouring, 1116–1138 Abductor pollicis longus (APL), 750, 906
body contouring, 1119–1120 brachioplasty, 1135–1137, 1137f Ablation, 1104
bulge management, 618–619 CLTD, 1131, 1132f–1134f Ablative lasers, 50
chronic wounds, 614–615 complications, 1130, 1137–1138 Abnormal factors, wound healing, 10–11
classification, 612–613 documentation, 1120 Above mid-dermis tissue loss, 10
clinical assessment, 613 dorsal preparation, 1131 Absorption, local anesthetics, 38–39
closure, 617 esthetic assessment, 1119–1121 Accelerated fractionation, 149
components separation, 616–617, 617f fascia, 1116 Access incisions, breast augmentation,
computed tomography, 613–614, 614f fat, 1116 522–523, 528
direct closure, 617 fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, 1128, 1129f Acellular dermal matrices (ADM), 525–527,
etiology, 612–613 free-floating umbilicus abdominoplasty, 1127 606
fascia, 610–612 general assessments, 1121 Acellular nerve allograft
fascial defects, 615–617 high lateral tension abdominoplasty, nerve regeneration, 816f
flap reconstruction, 617–618 1127–1128 nerve repair/reconstruction, 812–813
hernia defects, 612–613 historical assessments, 1120–1121 noncritical sensory nerve reconstruction,
imaging, 613–614 indications, 1121, 1121t 816f
innervation, 611 liposuction, 1121–1122, 1122f Achilles heel, 973
magnetic resonance imaging, love handles, 1131–1132, 1133f ACI. See Autologous chondrocyte
613–614 lymphatic drainage, 1116 implantation
management, 614–617 management, 1121–1130 Acid burns, 157
mesh placement, 616, 616f massive weight loss, 1130–1138, Acquired blepharoptosis, 1097
motor innervation, 611 1132f–1134f, 1136f Acquired defects
muscles, 610, 611f mini-abdominoplasty, 1125–1127 chest wall reconstruction, 604
pedicled rectus abdominis flap, 618 musculoaponeurotic system, 1116, 1117f penile defects, 632
postoperative bulge management, nerve supply, 1117–1119, 1118f vaginal reconstruction, 630
618–619 operative management, 1121–1130 ACR. See American College of Rheumatology
reconstruction, 614 patient assessments, 1120–1121 Acral lentiginous melanoma, 84
sensory innervation, 611 physical examinations, 1120 Acrochorda, 115
skin, 610 postoperative management, 1128–1130 Acrosyndactyly, 687f
skin advancement, 617 preoperative management, 1130–1131, Actinic keratosis (AK), 105
soft tissue reconstruction, 617–618 1134–1136 Action mechanisms
subcutaneous fat, 610 redundant adipose tissue, 1121t intense pulsed light systems, 51
synthetic mesh, 615 skin, 1116–1119 local anesthetics, 37
tensor fascia latae flap, 618 standard abdominoplasty, 1122–1125 Activation, epidermal wound healing, 8

1150 Index

Acute infections, lower limbs, 664 Aggressive rheumatoid arthritis, 921 Airways
Acute injuries Aging craniofacial clefts, 249
burns, 155–171 aesthetic surgery facial trauma, 482
extensor tendon injuries, 754–755 body contouring, 1116, 1135 AJCC. See American Joint Committee on
proximal interphalangeal joint, 5–11 eyelid-cheek rejuvenation, 1016, 1017f Cancer
wound healing, 7 eyelid reconstruction, 436 AK. See Actinic keratosis
wrist, 7 forehead lifts, 976–978, 978f–979f Alar base adjustments, 1092
Acute toxicity, radiation therapy, 149–150 liposculpture, 1107–1115 Alar–columellar relationship, 1086
Acute wounds, 148 liposuction, 1107–1115 Alar rim deformities, 1086
Adaptive neovascularization, 79 lower eyelid-cheek rejuvenation, 1016, ALCL. See Anaplastic large cell lymphoma
Adductorplasty, 766, 767f 1017f Algorithms
Adhesions, tendon, 775 areola tissue, 962–963, 962f ears, 468, 468f
Adhesive proteins, 4 biodegradable fillers, 951–954 lip reconstruction, 401–409
Adipogenesis, tissue engineering, 79 body contouring, 1116, 1135 Alignment, dental arches, 200
Adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), 71 bones, facial anatomy, 968–969, 969f Allergenicity, 38t
Adipose tissue deep fascia, 963 Alloderm, 163
autografting, 28–30 eyelid–cheek rejuvenation, 1016, 1017f AlloDerm® dermal matrices, 32
breast reconstruction, 79–80 facelifts, 1030–1032 Allografts
tissue engineering (TE), 74 facial aging, 969–970 biomaterials, 31–32
Adjunctive techniques anatomy, 959–972 burns, 159
local anesthetics, 39 bone changes, 968–969, 969f nerve repair/reconstruction, 812–813, 813t
pressure injuries, 646 components, 959, 961f structural fat grafting, 31–32
scalp reconstruction, 471 deep fascia, 963 vascularized composite
Adjuvant therapy, melanoma, 92 facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f allotransplantations, 478
Adolescence forehead anatomy, 969–970 VCA transplantation, 131
breast development, 565 lasers, 52 Alloplastics
craniosynostosis management, 279 loose areola tissue, 962–963, 962f biomaterials, 32–35
Adult fractures lower face regions, 971 ear reconstruction, 244–247
distal phalanx fractures, 888–889 lower premasseter space, 964–965, 965f rhinoplasty, 1091
intraarticular metacarpal head fractures, midcheek facial anatomy, 970–971, structural fat grafting, 32–35
885–886 970f Allotransplantation, 131–145
metacarpal fractures, 885–887 middle premasseter space, 965, 965f abdominal wall, 142
middle phalanx fractures, 889 muscle, 967–968 animal models, 133–137
neck fractures, 885 musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962 bone marrow, 133–135
PIP joint fractures, 889–891 nerve branches, 966–967 cadaver studies, 137–140, 138f
proximal phalanx fractures, 889 nerves, 966–967 cheek reconstruction, 393
shaft fractures, 886–887, 886f premaxillary space, 964, 964f clinical applications, 140–142
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) prezygomatic space, 964, 964f experimental models, 133–140, 134t
program, 652 principles, 959, 960f face transplants, 133–135, 136f, 141
Advancement flaps regions of facial anatomy, 969–971 femur, 142
blood supply, 23–25 retaining ligaments, 965, 966f, 968, hand, 142
cheek reconstruction, 390–392 968f hindlimb, 133
eyelid reconstruction, 439 skin, 959, 967 historical background, 131
finger tips, 718–720 subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967 immunology, 132–133
perineal reconstruction, 623–624, 624f temple anatomy, 969–970 immunomodulatory, 135–136
Advance Trauma Life Support (ATLS), 155 upper temporal space, 963–964, 963f knee, 142
Adverse effects. See also Complications zygomatic muscles, 964 laryngotracheal transplantations, 141
botulinum toxin (BoNT), 950–951 facial anatomy, 959–972 lower central facial allograft, 139
lasers, 50 forehead anatomy, 969–970 lower extremity transplantation, 142
local anesthetics, 42–43 forehead lifts, 976–978, 978f–979f midfacial allograft, 139
radiation therapy, 149–154 hyaluronic acids (HA), 952–954, 953f nomenclature, 131–132
AeroForm Tissue expander, 61 microdermabrasion, 955 outcomes, 142–143
Aesthetic considerations midcheek, 1016, 1017f pediatric, 142
breast augmentation, 525–528 muscles, facial anatomy, 967–968 penis, 142
cheek reconstruction, 386, 387f musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962 peripheral nerve, 142
Aesthetic surgery. See Esthetic surgery nonbiodegradable fillers, 951 scalp reconstruction, 478
African nasal characteristics, 1086 poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA), 952, 952f–953f skin, 133, 135f
AFX. See Atypical fibroxanthoma polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 951 soft tissue, 133, 135f
Age considerations skin, 5 upper extremity, 140–141
nerve repair, 807 subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967 upper facial allograft, 139–140
orthognathic surgery, 292 superficial musculoaponeurotic system uterus, 142
wound healing, 5 (SMAS), 312, 962 wound healing, 143
Index 1151

Alopecia, 475, 475f Anatomy (Continued) Antibiotics

Alphabet Procedure, 772t malignancies, 386–397 breast augmentation, 529
Alpha particle radiation, 146 median nerve compression, 845–851 burns, 158–159
ALT flaps. See Anterolateral thigh flaps median nerve palsy, 763 lower limb reconstruction, 654–655
Amastia, 567 nasal reconstruction, 411–412 superomedial vertical breast reduction,
American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), nerve compression, 845–846, 851–855, 589–590
1145, 1147 863 Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR), 132
American College of Rheumatology (ACR), nose, 411–412 Anticoagulation, replantation, 780
919, 920t perineum, 623 Antigen-presenting cells (APC), 132
American Joint Committee on Cancer pharyngeal reconstruction, 364 Antigens, 132
(AJCC) radial nerve, 863 Antihelix injuries, 455
head and neck malignancies, 323 scalp, 469–470 Antiinflammatory treatments, lymphedema,
Merkel cell carcinoma, 121 skull base reconstruction, 377–378 677–678
soft tissue sarcoma, 945t tendon, 760 Antiseptics, 528
staging melanoma skin cancers, 85–87, thoracic cage, 599 Antley–Bixler syndrome, 270–271
85t trauma reconstruction, 480–481, Apertognathia, 284
Amides, local anaesthetics, 38t 489–490, 495–496 Apert syndrome, 270, 271f, 271t
AmnioGuard, 446 ulnar nerve, 851–855 Aphallia, 632
Amniotic membrane-based tissue wrist, 750 Apical ectodermal ridge (AER), 684
substitutes, 160 Anchoring flap, 999–1000 APL. See Abductor pollicis longus
Amputation Anesthesia. See also Local anesthetics Apocrine glands, benign lesions, 118
ear reconstruction, 450–451 eyelid reconstruction, 437–438 Appendages, skin, 1, 3–4
finger tips, 713–714, 713f fore head plasty, 994 Applied tissue engineering (TE), 69–71
levels, 783t lip reconstruction, 399–400 Arcus marginalis release, 1021
lower limb, 661–664, 663f tenolysis, 929–930 Areolar closure, 588–589
replantation, 774 upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1010–1011 Areolar pseudoherniation, 567–568
thumb, 782–790, 783t Aneurysmal bone cyst, 947 Arms. See Upper limbs
Amyoplasia, 705 Angiogenesis, 59, 72–73 Arterial supply, 481–482. See also Blood
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL), Angiolipoma, 936 supply
530–532 Angiosarcoma, 128–129 Arteriovenous fistula, hands, 942
Anatomically-shaped implants, 553–554 Angiosomes, 17, 388f Arteriovenous malformations (AVM),
Anatomy Angle classification, 284, 284f 191–193, 942
abdominal wall, 610–612 Animals Artery-based flaps, 625–629
abdominoplasty, 1116–1119 allotransplantation, 133–137 circumflex femoral profunda, 625–629
blood supply, 17–18, 18f pressure injuries, 643 deep inferior epigastric flaps, 625,
body contouring, 1116–1119 Animation deformity, latissimus dorsi flap, 626f–627f
carpal tunnel, 846 562 epigastric flaps, 625
cheek reconstruction, 386–389 Annular pulleys, 730–731 gluteal artery-based flaps, 625
chest wall, 599 Anotia, 239–240 submental flaps, 339
cleft lip, 196–198, 204–207 Antagonist muscle, 1096 Arthritis, 919–931. See also Rheumatoid
cleft palate, 213–215 Anterior craniofacial approach, 378–379 arthritis
compartment syndrome, 793–795 Anterior interosseous nerve (AIN) Arthrodesis, 930
donor nerves, 312–313 syndrome, 851 definitions, 759t
Dupuytren disease (DD), 872–874 Anterior lamellar defects, eyelid distal interphalangeal joint, 896–897
ears, 232f reconstruction, 438–441 proximal interphalangeal joint, 897
extensor tendon injuries, 750 Anterior platysma bands, 1049, 1052f, thumb carpometacarpal (CMC)
extremity compartment syndrome, 1054f osteoarthritis, 902
793–795 Anterior platysma plasty, 1047–1049, 1053f, Arthrogryposis, 705–707
eyelids, 435–436 1070, 1071f–1072f Arthroplasty
facial nerves, 311–312 Anterior preparation, body contouring, distal radioulnar joint, 925–926
facial skeleton, 386–389 1131 resection, 902
facial trauma, 480–481, 489–490, Anterior thoracic hypoplasia, 570 rheumatoid arthritis, 925
495–496, 508 Anterolateral thigh (ALT) flaps, 341–342 ulna head, 926
flexor tendon injuries, 730–731 abdominal wall, 618 Asian nasal characteristics, 1086
foot, 795 lower limb reconstruction, 662f Asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604
forearm, 750, 793 orbital exenteration, 359–360 Aspiration, 1108–1109
genioplasty, 306–307 penis reconstruction, 633, 634f Assessments. See also Examinations
hands, 793 perineal reconstruction, 625 abdominal wall, 613–614
lip reconstruction, 398–399 pharyngeal reconstruction, 367 abdominoplasty, 1119–1120
lower leg, 793–795 posterior palatoalveolar defects, 353–354 blepharoptosis, 1098–1099
lymphatics, 388 skull base reconstruction, 379–380 body contouring, 1119–1120
lymphatic system, 666–668 vaginal reconstruction, 632 brachial plexus injuries, 828–829
1152 Index

Assessments (Continued) Auricular hillocks of His, 232 Basal cell nevus syndrome (BCNS), 97–98
breast augmentation, 521–522 Auricular skin, 459 Base fractures, 887
breast reduction, 575–582 Auriculo-condylar syndrome, 242–243 Basement membrane zone, 3, 4f
chest wall reconstruction, 600 Australasian College of Surgeons, 1139 Basisquamous basal cell carcinoma, 99t
clinodactyly, 688–689 Autogenous ear reconstruction, 240, Bayne classification, 701t
craniosynostosis, 271–275 244–247 BCC. See Basal cell carcinoma
ear, 450–451 Autografts Becker implants, 60
facial trauma, 482–483, 508–510 allotransplantation, 131 Bedsores. See Pressure sores
finger tips, 711 biomaterials, 28–31 Bell’s palsy, 314
hands, 688–689 burns, 159 Below mid-dermis tissue loss, 10
head and neck cancers, 322–323 nerve repair/reconstruction, 803, Benign lesions
lower limb, 652 810–813 apocrine glands, 118
macromastia, 575–576 structural fat grafting, 28–31 atypical skin lesions, 114–120
neck malignancies, 322–323 Autologous chondrocyte implantation cysts, 114–115
orbital fractures, 501 (ACI), 31 epidermis, 115–116
pediatric fracture, 883 Autologous fat grafting, 71, 532–533 epidermoid cysts, 114
pharyngeal reconstruction, 365–366 Autologous grafts. See Autografts hair follicles, 116–117
pressure injuries, 645 Autologous tissue flap, posterior sebaceous glands, 117–118
replantation, 774–776 palatoalveolar defects, 353 sweat ducts, 118–119
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920–921 Avascular necrosis, 906–909 Benign sebaceous adenoma, 118
rhinoplasty, 1084–1087 Avulsion fractures, 753 Benign tumors
superomedial vertical breast reduction, Avulsions, 485–487, 805–806 bone, 947
582–583 Axial flap, 15 hands, 943–945, 947–948
tetraplegia, 770 Axial musculovermilion flap, 401f nerve, 943–945
wound, abdominal wall, 613–614 Axillary burns, 160, 169 neuromuscular hamartomas, 945
Associated syndromes Axonotmesis, 804 triton tumors, 945
cleft palate, 216–219 Bennett’s fracture, 887
hypospadias, 635 B Bernard flap, 404
radial longitudinal deficiency (RLD), Back assessments, 1120 Bernard–Webster flap, 406, 407f
700–701 Back-cut, 23 Beta particle radiation, 146
Asymmetric velophayngeal insufficiency, 230 BAHA. See Bone-anchored hearing aid Bicoronal incision, foreheadplasty, 985–986,
Asymmetries Balanced distal duplications, 692 986f–988f
breast augmentation, 527 Ballottement test, 912 Bicoronal synostosis, 274
facial, 978 Banff classification, 132 Bier block, 45–46
mandibular, 301 Bank digit concept, 723 Bilateral amastia, 567
Atasoy flap, 718, 719f Bar insertion and removal, chest, 602 Bilateral cleft lip repair, 197–198, 207–208
Athelia, 567 Barraquer–Simons syndrome, 393–394 Bilateral constrictive breast hypoplasia, 571,
ATLS. See Advance Trauma Life Support Bars, Nuss procedure, 600–602, 601f 572f
Attrition injuries, 755 Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) Bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356, 359f
Atypical fibroxanthoma (AFX), 124, 125f biopsy, 100–102, 100f–101f Bilateral perforated tissue engineering
Atypical mole syndrome, 83–84 classification, 99 chambers, 80f
Atypical skin lesions, 114–130 clinical presentation, 99, 99t Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy, 296, 299
adnexal carcinomas, 122–123 curettage, 104 Bilateral syndromes, cheek reconstruction,
angiosarcoma, 128–129 dermoscopy, 100 393–394
atypical fibroxanthoma, 124 diagnosis and staging, 100–102 Bilhaut–Cloquet procedure, 692
benign lesions, 114–120 electrodessication, 104 Bilobed flaps, 390, 414–415, 417f
dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, epidemiology, 97–98 Bimaxillary osteotomy, 280
126–127 genetics, 97–98 Bioactive graft material, 33
dermoid cysts, 115 histology, 100–102 Biocell, 520
epidermoid cysts, 114 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 97–104 Biodegradable fillers, 951–954
leiomyosarcoma, 127–128 nonoperative management, 102–103 Bioglass, 33
Merkel cell carcinoma, 120–122, 121f operative management, 103–104 Bioimpedance, lymphedema, 673
microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC), oral therapy, 102–103 Bioinert graft materials, 33
122 pathogenesis, 98, 98f–99f Bioink printers, 75
pleomorphic dermal sarcoma, 126 photodynamic therapy (PDT), 103 Biological creep, 56–58, 57b
soft tissue sarcomas, 123–126 pulsed dye laser, 104 Biological dressings, 12
tricholemmal (pilar) cysts, 114–115 radiotherapy, 103 Biological effect, radiation therapy, 147
Augmentation risk factors, 97 Biologically-derived matrices, 78
breast augmentation. See Breast standard surgical excision, 103–104 Biologic skin substitutes, 160
augmentation TNM and imaging, 102 Biomaterials
chin, 1048f topical therapies, 102 alloplastics, 32–35
Auricular cartilage, 446 ultraviolet (UV) exposure, 97 autografts, 28–31
Index 1153

Biomaterials (Continued) Blepharoptosis (Continued) Body contouring (Continued)

chest wall reconstruction, 606 preoperative assessments, 1098–1099 fat, 1116
polymer, 34–35 pseudoptosis, 1098 fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, 1128, 1129f
tissue engineering, 68 trauma, 1098 free-floating umbilicus abdominoplasty,
xenografts, 31–32 treatment principles, 1099–1105, 1100t, 1127
Biomechanics 1102f general assessments, 1121
skin, 56 undercorrection complications, 1106 high lateral tension abdominoplasty,
tendon transfer, 758–759 upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1014, 1015f 1127–1128
Biopsies Blink reflex, 317 historical assessments, 1120–1121
basal cell carcinoma, 100–102 Blisters, 155 indications, 1121, 1121t
hands, 932–933 Blood loss, 592. See also Bleeding liposuction, 1121–1122, 1122f
lymph node, 89–90 Blood supply love handles, 1131–1132, 1133f
melanoma, 84 abdominal wall, 611 lymphatic drainage, 1116
soft tissue sarcomas, 945 abdominoplasty, 1116–1117, management, 1121–1130
Bioreactors, tissue engineering (TE), 77–79 1117f–1118f massive weight loss, 1130–1138,
Biotechnological skin replacements, 12 body contouring, 1116–1117, 1132f–1134f, 1136f
Bipedicle flaps, 426, 472 1117f–1118f mini-abdominoplasty, 1125–1127
Birth to age 3 months craniosynostosis breast, 578f musculoaponeurotic system, 1116, 1117f
assessment, 271–272 cheeks, 387–388 nerve supply, 1117–1119, 1118f
Birth trauma, 313 design, 19–25 operative management, 1121–1130
Blast injuries, 807 eyelids, 435–436 patient assessments, 1120–1121
Bleeding facial trauma, 482–483 physical examinations, 1120
facial trauma, 482–483 flap surgery, 15–26 postoperative management, 1128–1130
hypospadias, 640 lip reconstruction, 398 preoperative management, 1130–1131,
rhinoplasty complications, 1093 macromastia, 582 1134–1136
Blepharophimosis (BPES) syndrome, mastopexy, 576, 578f redundant adipose tissue, 1121t
1103–1104 nasal reconstruction, 412, 412f skin, 1116–1119
Blepharoplasty pedicled transverse abdominis standard abdominoplasty, 1122–1125
forehead lift, 975, 975f myocutaneous flap, 540f surgical management, 1121–1130
transconjunctival lower eyelid, 1020– perineum, 623, 623f sutures, 1124
1024 physiology, 17–18 thigh lift, 1132–1135, 1136f
upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1008–1015 rhinoplasty, 1084, 1084f thighs, 1120
Blepharoptosis, 1096–1106. See also Ptosis Blood tests, 920 umbilicus, 1116, 1119
ablation, 1104 Blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, 191 weight loss, 1130–1138, 1132f–1134f,
acquired causes, 1097 Blunt penetrating injury, 807 1136f
anatomy, 1096–1097, 1097f Board examinations Bombs, atomic bomb survivors, 153
assessments, 1098–1099 EBOPRAS exams, 1139–1140 Bone allografts, 31
blepharophimosis syndrome, 1103–1104 FRACS(Plast) exams, 1139–1140 Bone-anchored hearing aid (BAHA), 240,
brow suspension, 1103–1105 FRCSC exams, 1142–1144 378
canthoplasty, 1103–1104 FRCS(Plast) examination, 1140–1142 Bone autografts, 30
complications, 1106 IMG perspective, 1140 Bone-bearing regional flaps, 339–340
congenital disorders, 1097, 1100–1103, plastic surgery fellowships, 1144–1147 Bone grafts, 30
1100t, 1102f surgery fellowship, 1139–1148 cortical, 30
corneal exposure, 1106 Body contouring, 1116, 1135 vascularized, 30
correction complications, 1106 abdominal wall assessments, 1119–1120 Bone loss, 484
definition, 1096 abdominoplasty, 1116–1138 Bone marrow, 5
etiological factors, 1097–1098 aging, 1116, 1135 Bone resorption, 307
examinations, 1098–1099 anatomical landmarks, 1119, 1119f Bone scan, 304, 305f
eyelid closure complications, 1106 anatomy, 1116–1119 Bone tumors, 947–948
Fasanella-Servat procedure, 1101–1103 anterior preparation, 1131 BoNT. See Botulinum toxin
involutional ptosis management, 1105 arm lifts, 1135–1137, 1137f Bony free flaps, 353–354
jaw-winking ptosis management, 1104 assessments, 1119–1120 Bony supports
levator ablation, 1104 back assessments, 1120 chest wall reconstruction, 606
levator muscle, 1104 blood supply, 1116–1117, 1117f–1118f rhinoplasty, 1082, 1083f
levator resection, 1100–1101 brachioplasty, 1135–1137, 1137f Border, scalp anatomy, 469
lid contour complications, 1106 buttocks, 1120 Botulinum toxin (BoNT)
medial canthoplasty, 1103–1104 CLTD, 1131, 1132f–1134f adverse effects and complications,
Müller’s muscle, 1096, 1100–1101 complications, 1130 950–951
myasthenia management, 1104 documentation, 1120 definition, 949
myopathic ptosis management, 1104– dorsal preparation, 1131 formulations, 949
1105 esthetic assessment, 1119–1121 Botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A),
overcorrection complications, 1106 fascia, 1116 949–950, 950f
1154 Index

Botulinum toxin type B (BoNT-B), 949 Breast augmentation (Continued) Breast reconstruction (Continued)
Boutonniére deformity (BND), 753, 754f, autologous fat grafting, 532–533 deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
928–929, 928f BRAVA device, 533 flap, 542–544
Bowen’s disease, 105 capsular contracture, 528–529 delayed reconstruction, 537
Bow-string effect, 1045, 1046f complications, 525–528 diagonal upper gracilis (DUG) flap, 546
Brachial neuritis, 830 device failure, 525 direct to implant (DTI) reconstruction,
Brachial plexus anatomy dual plane, 523 555–556
branches, 826–828 esthetic considerations, 535 free transverse abdominis myocutaneous
cords, 826 esthetic outcomes, 525–528 flap, 541–542
divisions, 826 hematoma, 525 gluteal flaps, 551–552
roots, 826–828 historical overviews, 520–521 gracilis flaps, 545–551
trunks, 826 implant evolution, 520–521 implant, 552–559
Brachial plexus injuries implant illness-type symptoms, 529–530 lateral thigh perforator (LTP) flap,
assessment, 828–829 implant selection, 521–522 549–551
clinical history, 828–829 implant type, 528 latissimus dorsi flap, 559–562, 560f
complications, 839 incisions, 522–523, 528 mastectomy incisions, 535–538
compression, 829–830 indications, 521 muscle-sparing transverse abdominis
elbow flexion restoration, 832 infection and exposure, 525 myocutaneous flap, 541–542
etiology, 829–830 inframammary, 522–523 nipple-sparing mastectomy, 536,
exploration, 832 late seromas, 525 536f–537f
function establishment, 839 malposition, 525–527 non-skin-sparing mastectomy, 537
hand function, 836–837, 837f–838f management, 522–525 pedicled transverse abdominis
iatrogenic, 829 markings, 522 myocutaneous flap, 538–541
imaging, 830 mastopexy, 575, 591 profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap,
investigations, 830 NAC sensory changes, 527 546–549
lower plexus injuries, 831 operative techniques, 522–525 radiation, 559
management, 831–839 outcomes, 528–529 reconstructive goals, 535
neuralgic amyotrophy, 830 parenchyma, 521–522 septocutaneous tensor fascia lata (scTFL)
obstetrical brachial plexus injuries, 831 pathophysiology, 522–523, 528–529 flap, 549–551
outcomes, 839–840 periareolar, 522 skin-sparing mastectomy, 537
pan-plexus injuries, 831 perioperative antibiotics, 529 superficial inferior epigastric artery flap,
patterns of, 830–831 periprosthetic drains, 529 544–545
posterior cord injury, 831 personal preference, 521 thigh-based flaps, 545–552
postoperative care, 839 pocket creation, 523 tissue engineering (TE), 79–80, 80f
radiation, 830 preoperative markings, 522 tissue expander/implant (TE-I), 556–557
sensation restoration, 839 rotation, 525–528 tissue expansion, 56
shoulder function restoration, 832–836 saline implants, 521 transverse upper gracilis (TUG), 545–546
traumatic injuries, 829 scar formation, 527–528 wise pattern mastectomy, 537–538, 538f
upper plexus injuries, 831 sensory outcomes, 527 Breast reduction, 574–598.e1
Brachioplasty, 1135–1137, 1137f seromas, 525 augmentation-mastopexy, 591
Brachioradialis, 750 silicone, 520 blood loss, 592
Brachytherapy, 148 study outcomes, 528–529 blood supply, 576, 578f
BRAVA breast augmentation system, 533 subfascial surgical pockets, 523 complications, 592–593
Breast subglandular surgical pockets, 523, 529 dehiscence, 593, 597f
asymmetry, 571 submuscular surgical pockets, 523 glandular ptosis, 575–582
blood supply, 578f subpectoral surgical pockets, 529 hematoma, 593
burns, 169 surgical pockets, 528–529 indications, 582
congenital anomalies, 565–573 transaxillary, 522–523 infection, 592
embryology, 565 transumbilical, 523 inframammary fold, 574
hypoplasia, 571 wrinkling/rippling, 527 macromastia, 575–582
markings, 522, 575f, 583 Breast cancer, 666 management, 576–582
nipple–areola complex, 521–522 lymphedema, 673f necrosis, 592–593, 596f
pathophysiology, 522–523 mastectomy incisions, 535–538 nipple ptosis, 575
polythelia, 565–566 reconstruction, 535–564 pedicle design, 576–578, 579f–581f
Breast augmentation Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL), photograph assessments, 575–576, 577f
access incisions, 522–523, 528 677 principles, 574, 575f
alloplastic material evolution, 521t Breast implant-associated anaplastic large ptosis, 575
anaplastic large cell lymphoma, 530–532 cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), 554 resection, 578–582
antibiotics, 529 Breast meridian, 583 seroma, 593
antiseptics, 528 Breast reconstruction, 535–564 superomedial vertical, 582–590
assessment, 521–522 abdominally-based flaps, 538–545 surgical management, 576–582
asymmetries, 527 autologous tissue, 538 vertical mastopexy, 591
Index 1155

Breathing, 482 Burns (Continued) Carcinomas (Continued)

Brenemark implants, 464, 464f pathophysiology, 156 microcystic adnexal carcinoma, 122
Breslow thickness, 84–85 reconstruction, 155, 159–164 nasopharyngeal, 364
British Association of Dermatologists, 1141 respiration, 158 penile, 632–633
British Association of Plastic Reconstructive resuscitation, 158 squamous cell carcinoma, 104–112, 322,
and Aesthetic Surgeons (BAPRAS), scalp, 169 364
1141 scar release, 162 Cardiac conditions, radial longitudinal
Brow fat span (BFS), 1008 sepsis, 159 deficiency (RLD), 700
Brow ptosis, 975, 976f smoke inhalation, 158 Cardiovascular effects, anesthetic toxicity, 43
Brows surgical techniques, 162–164 Carotid blowout syndrome, 332
facial reanimation, 316 systemic effects, 158–159 Carpal instability dissociative (CID), 911
suspension, 1103 thermal injury, 157 Carpal tunnel release (CTR), 846–851,
upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1008–1015 timing of reconstruction, 159 847f–850f
Brugia malayi, 669–670 tissue expansion, 164, 165f Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), 846–851
Brugia timori, 669–670 topical scar treatments, 162 Carpenter syndrome, 270–271
Buccal space, 971 types, 157 Carpometacarpal joint, extensor tendon
Buccal trunk, 967 wound care, 159 injuries, 756–757
Buck-Gramcko stiletto flaps, 689f zones of injury, 155 Carpus, radial longitudinal deficiency, 701
Bulge management, abdominal wall, Z-plasty, 162, 163f, 163t Cartilage
618–619 Buttocks, 1120 autografts, 30–31
Bulging synovitis, 922f breaking, 235–236
Bunnell’s procedure, 766–767 C rhinoplasty, 1082–1084, 1083f, 1090–
Burns, 155–171 Cadavers 1091
acid, 157 allotransplantation, 137–140, 138f scoring, 235–236
acute care, 155–171 ears, 235–236 suturing, 235–236
adjacent tissue rearrangements, 160 irradiated cartilage rhinoplasty, 1091 Carving, ears, 458–459
anatomical considerations, 166–170 CaHA. See Calcium hydroxyapatite Cast immobilization, scaphoid fracture, 910
assessment, 155 Calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) CCT. See Certificate of Completion of
autologous tissue reconstruction, 164, microspheres, 951–954 Training
166f Calvarial grafts, 484–485 CDT. See Complete decongestive therapy
axilla, 169 Calvarial growth, 267 Cell-assisted lipotransfer, 71
biologics, 163 Calvarial reconstruction, 469–479. See also Cell-based approaches, tissue engineering
biologic skin substitutes, 160, 161f Scalp reconstruction (TE), 75
breast, 169 Calvarial remodeling, 276 Cell-based extracorporeal support devices,
capillary permeability, 158 Camper’s fascia, 610 76–77
chemical, 157 Camptodactylous little finger, 690f Cell cycle, radiation therapy, 147, 147f
classification, 157 Camptodactyly, 690–691 Cell suspensions, 75
complications, 158–159 Cancellous bone grafts, 30 Cellulitis, lymphedema, 671
cultured skin substitutes, 160 Cancer. See also Carcinomas; Malignant Central abdominal wall, 610
depth, 156 tumors; Tumors Central depressed fractures, 485
ears, 168, 450 breast cancer, 535–564 Central nervous system effects, anesthetic
elbow/hand, 169, 170f carcinogenesis, 153 toxicity, 43
electrical injury, 157 hereditary cancer, 154 Central pedicle design, 576–577
epidemiology, 155 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 97–113 Central polydactyly, 696
escharotomies, 159 oral cancer, 322–352 Central wrist pain, 906
eyebrow/eyelid, 166–168 Cannulas, liposuction, 1108 Centric occlusion, 286
face, 166 Canthal dystopia, 507 Centric relation, 286
fat grafting, 166 Canthoplasty, 1103–1104 Cephalometrics, orthognathic pediatric
fluid resuscitation, 158 Cantilever rib graft, 429 surgery, 287–290, 290t
grafting, 163 Capillary lymphatics, 666–668 Ceramic biomaterials, 33
hypermetabolic response, 158–159 Capillary malformation–arteriovenous Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, 384, 1093
inhalation injury, 158 malformation, 191–193 Certificate of Completion of Training
lasers, 164–166 Capillary malformations, 187–194, 942 (CCT), 1140
lower extremity, 169–170 Capillary permeability, 158 Cervical lipectomy, 1063
management, 158 Capsular contracture, 528–529 Cervical lymph nodes, 90, 327, 331t
metabolic effects, 158–159 implant breast reconstruction, 558–559 Cervicofacial flaps, 390–392, 395f
neck and chin, 168–169 Carbon dioxide lasers, 53, 164–166 Cervicofacial rhytidectomy, 386–387
nonsurgical techniques, 164–166 Carbon monoxide poisoning, 158 CFNG. See Cross-facial nerve grafts
nose, 168 Carcinogenesis, 153, 153f Chainsaw injury, 755f
nutrition, 158–159 Carcinomas Chang Gung repair, 203
occupational therapy, 160 basal cell carcinoma, 97–104 CHARGE syndrome, 313
pain, 159 Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), 120–122 Charles procedures, 678
1156 Index

CHART. See Continuous hyperfractionated Chest wall (Continued) Classification (Continued)

accelerated radiation therapy pectoralis major muscle flap, 607 ear deformity, 233, 234b
Cheek rotation flaps, 448f pectus carinatum, 602 facial trauma, 485–487, 490, 493f, 504t,
Cheeks pectus deformities, 599–602 514
anatomy, 386–389 pectus excavatum, 599–602 gynecomastia, 566–567
arteries, 387–388, 388f Poland’s syndrome, 570, 603 hand congenital differences, 684–685
bilobed flaps, 390 radiation, 606 hands, 684–685
cervicofacial flaps, 390–392 reconstruction, 599–609 hypospadias, 635f
complications, 393, 396b rectus abdominis, 608 lasers, 51b
contour defects, 393–394 soft tissue, 606–608 lower extremity injury, 653, 654t
craniofacial clefts, 261 sternal cleft, 603–604 lymphedema, 674–676
direct closure, 390 sternal wound dehiscence, 604–605 melanoma, 84–85
esthetic subunits, 386, 387f surgical management, 600–602 nerve injury, 804–807, 804t, 842
fascia, 386–387 TRAM flaps, 608 orbital fractures, 504t
flap surgery, 389–393 trauma, 606 osteoarthritis, 902
free flaps, 393 tumours, 605–606 pediatric fracture, 884t, 886f
grafts, 392–393 VRAM flaps, 608 pharyngeal defects, 365
layers, 386, 387b Chiari I malformation, 276–277 pressure injuries, 643t
ligaments, 387b Children. See Adolescence; Pediatric surgery pressure sores, 643t
local flaps, 390, 391f Chimerism, 131–132 primary lymphedema, 669
lymphatics, 388 Chin radial longitudinal deficiency (RLD), 701,
management, 389–393, 389f, 390b augmentation, 1048f 701t
markings, 394f–395f burns, 168–169 rheumatoid arthritis, 924t
midcheek, 1016–1029 Cholesteatoma, 314 rheumatoid wrist disease, 923–924
muscles, 387, 387b Chondrocyte implantation, 31 ring avulsion injury, 779t
nerves, 388–389 Chondrogenesis, 684 skull base reconstruction, 377
prefabrication and allotransplantation, Chondromas syndactyly, 685
393 extra skeletal, 946 tetraplegia, 769t
reconstruction, 386–397 periosteal, 946 thumb hypoplasia, 697–698, 697t
regional flaps, 392, 396f Chondrosarcoma, 946–947 tuberous breast, 568
rhomboid flaps, 390, 391f Chordee tissue, 634 ulnar polydactyly, 694t
rotation-advancement flaps, 390–392 Chronic frontalis spasm, 973–975, 974f unicondylar fracture, 890f
secondary intention, 389–390 Chronic inflammatory disease, 919–931 vaginal reconstruction, 630
skeletal, 386 Chronic injuries, 754–755 wound healing, 6
skin grafts, 392–393 Chronic wound, 7 Clavicular fractures, 830
tissue expansion, 390 Chyle leak, 332 Clawing correction, 766–767, 767f
veins, 388 Circular expanders, 60 Clean amputations, 450
Cheiloplasty, 199 Circulation. See Blood supply Clearance, local anesthetics, 39
Cheiralgia paresthetica, 864–868 Circumferential lower truncal Cleft congenital disorders, 196–231
Chemical burns, 157 dermatolipectomy (CLTD), 1131, Cleft lip, 196–211. See also Cleft palate;
Chemistry, local anesthetics, 37–38 1132f–1134f Craniofacial clefts
Chemokines, tissue engineering, 79 Circumflex femoral profunda artery-based anatomy, 196–198, 204–207
Chest midline, 583 flaps, 625–629 complications, 209–210
Chest wall Clark histological classification, 84–85, 85t embryology, 196, 196f
acellular dermal matrices (ADM), 606 Classical cutaneous wound healing, 5–11 Fisher technique repair, 204–207,
acquired defects, 604 Classical skin graft, 424 204f–206f
adult presentation, 608 Classic arthrogryposis, 705 inferior triangle repair, 201–202, 201f
anatomy, 599 Classic lop ear, 237–239 markings, 196–197
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604 Classification, 172 Millard technique repair, 202–203,
biomaterials, 606 abdominal wall hernia defects, 612–613, 202f–203f
congenital defects, 599, 608 613t nasal deformity, 198
defects, 606–608 anatomical defects, 336–337 orthopedics, 200–201
dehiscence, 605 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 99 outcomes, 210
epidemiology, 599, 603–604 breast ptosis, 574–575 postoperative care, 209
etiology, 603 burns, 157 preoperative assessment, 198–200
flap surgery, 606–608 camptodactyly, 691t rotation–advancement repair, 202–203
Jeune syndrome, 604 chest wall reconstruction, 605t subunit approximation repair, 204–207
latissimus dorsi (LD) flap, 607–608 congenital hand differences, 684–685 surgical treatments, 200–201
management, 600–602 congenital melanocytic nevi, 172 Tennison–Randall technique repair,
mechanical integrity, 606 constriction ring syndrome, 704, 704t 201–202
neoplasms, 605–606 craniofacial clefts, 249f unilateral, 201–207
omental flap, 607, 608f dehiscence, 605, 605t Cleft orthognathic surgery, 305
Index 1157

Cleft palate. See also Cleft lip; Craniofacial Clinical features (Continued) Coherent laser, 49
clefts radial longitudinal deficiency, 701 Cold lasers, 677
22q11.2 deletion, 218–219 radial nerve palsy, 760–761 Collagen, 4
anatomy, 196–198, 213–215 ulnar nerve palsy, 766 Collagenase injection, Dupuytren disease,
associated syndromes, 216–219 Clinical history 878–879
complications, 223 abdominal wound, 613 Collateral injuries, digits, 892
embryology, 212 brachial plexus injuries, 828–829 Collecting lymphatics, 666
familial association, 212 compartment syndrome, 795 Colles’s fascia, 610
management, 219–223 Clinical practice, local anesthetics, 39 Collimated laser, 49
marking, 222f Clinical presentation. See also Clinical Colostrum, 565
palatoplasty, 219–223 features Columellar incisions, 1092
Pierre Robin sequence, 216 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 99 Columellar strut grafts, 1090–1091
preoperative assessment, 220 carpal tunnel syndrome, 846 Combined orthoplastic approach, 653
Sommerlad technique, 222–223, 222f constriction ring syndrome, 703–704 Commissure, lip construction, 398
Stickler syndrome, 216 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855 Commissuroplasty, 409–410
submucous cleft palate, 215–216 Guyon’s canal syndrome, 857 Compartment pressures, 157
surgical treatment, 219–223 nerve compression, 846 Compartment syndrome, 157, 653,
van der Woude syndrome, 218 pronator syndrome, 851 793–802
velar closure, 221, 221f proximal radial nerve compression, anatomy, 793–795
velocardiofacial syndrome, 218–219 864–868 anterior compartment, 793–795
velopharyngeal dysfunction, 223–230 superficial radial nerve compression, 864 deep posterior compartment, 793–795
Clefts congenital disorders, 248–266 Clinodactyly, 688–689 diagnosis, 795–796
Clinical assessment CLND. See Completion lymph node fascia, 793
mandible, 508–510 dissection fasciotomies, 797t
orbital fractures, 501 Closed foreheadplasty techniques foot, 795, 798
Clinical assessments. See also Clinical drain placement, 998, 999f forearm, 793, 794f, 796
examinations flap anchoring, 999–1000, 1000f hands, 793, 796–797
abdominal wall, 613 flap elevation, 996–997, 996f–997f infrared spectroscopy, 796
camptodactyly, 691 flap repositioning, 999, 1000f intracompartmental pressure, 795–796
clinodactyly, 688–689 incision closure, 1000, 1001f lateral compartment, 793–795
congenital hand differences, 686 making incisions, 996 late sequelae, 798–801
Dupuytren disease, 876 marking incisions, 994–996, 994f–996f lower extremity, 793–795, 798
facial trauma, 483, 508–510 overview of, 994, 994b lower leg, 793–795, 798
hands, 688–689 procedures, 991–994, 993f near-infrared spectroscopy, 796
melanoma, 83–84 releasing and mobilizing the lateral brow, objective diagnosis, 795–796
pectus deformities, 599–600 997–998, 998b pathophysiology, 795–796
Clinical diagnosis Closed fracture, 893 subjective diagnosis, 795
melanoma, 83–84 Closed injuries, 754, 757 superficial posterior compartment,
Clinical evaluation Closure techniques 793–795
Kienbück’s disease, 907 abdominal wall, 617 treatment, 796–798
nerve compression, 843 areolar closure, 588–589 two-step anterolateral and posteromedial
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920–930 breast reduction, 588 approach, 798
wrist pathology, 907 cheek reconstruction, 390 upper extremity, 793, 796–797
Clinical examinations cleft palate, 221 Volkmann’s contracture, 798–801
brachial plexus injuries, 829 congenital melanocytic naevi, 178–179 wrist, 796–797
congenital hand differences, 686 eyelid reconstruction, 438–439, 442f Complete decongestive therapy (CDT), 676
duplication disorders, 692 eyelids, 1106 Complete scapholunate dissociation (SLD),
facial nerves, 314–315 hypospadias, 637 911
facial reanimation, 314–315 nasal reconstruction, 413–414 Complete syndactyly, 687f
hands, 686 scalp reconstruction, 471 Completion lymph node dissection
head and neck cancers, 322–323 vaginal reconstruction, 631 (CLND), 90
radial polydactyly, 692 wound care/healing, 9 Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS),
syndactyly, 686 Cloverleaf skull, 275 822
ulnar polydactyly, 693 CLOVES syndrome, 191 Complex syndactyly, 687f
Clinical features CLTD. See Circumferential lower truncal Complicated syndactyly, 687f
arthrogryposis, 705–706 dermatolipectomy Complications. See also Side effects
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604 CMTC. See Cutis marmorata telangiectatica abdominoplasty, 1130, 1137–1138
cleft lip, 196–198 congenita blepharoptosis, 1106
complex regional pain syndrome, 822 Coagulation, 6 body contouring, 1130
Jeune syndrome, 604 Cobalt alloys, 33 brachial plexus injuries, 839
median nerve palsy, 763 Cobb syndrome, 187–188 breast augmentation, 525–528
Poland’s syndrome, 570, 603 Co-culture techniques, 75 breast reduction, 592–593
1158 Index

Complications (Continued) Computed tomography (Continued) Congenital disorders (Continued)

burns, 158–159 facial reanimation, 315 lip disorders, 196–211
cheeks, 393, 396b facial trauma, 483 lip reconstruction, 398–410
cleft lip, 209–210 hands, 932 macrodactyly, 696–697, 696f
craniosynostosis surgery, 280–281 head and neck cancer, 323 malignant melanoma, 174–175
Dupuytren disease (DD), 878 nerve compression, 844–845 melanocytic nevi, 172–182
ear reconstruction, 465 orthognathic pediatric surgery, 287–288 neurological associations, 172–174
ears, 243–247 osteoarthritis, 896 paediatric surgery
facial trauma, 492–495, 505–507, 514 pectus excavatum, 600f craniofacial clefts, 196–231, 248–266
fluid resuscitation, 158 scaphoid fracture, 909–910 craniosynostosis, 267–282
hand fractures, 884t Computer-aided design and computer-aided ears, 232–247
hematoma, 1038 manufacture (CAD-CAM), 350–351 facial reanimation, 311–321
hypospadias, 640 Concentration, local anesthetics, 39 vascular anomalies, 183–187
implant breast reconstruction, 557–558 Conchal grafts, 451, 1091 phenotypic classification, 172
infections, 1038 Conchal hypertrophy, 235–236 primary closure, 178–179
lasers, 54 Conchal mastoid sutures, 235–236, 236f radial polydactyly, 691–692
latissimus dorsi flap, 561 Conduits, nerve repair/reconstruction, 803, Swanson’s classification, 684–685, 686t
liposculpture, 1113, 1114t 812 syndactyly, 685–688
liposuction, 1113, 1114t Condylar fractures, 890f thumb hypoplasia, 697–699
lower limb, 664 Condylar hyperplasia, 304 trigger thumb, 707
mandible fractures, 514 Condyle dislocations/fractures ulnar polydactyly, 693–694
maxillary fractures, 493–495 classification, 514 vascular anomalies, 183–187
medial epicondylectomy, 856 clinical assessment, 515 Wassel type duplications, 692–693, 693f
midcheek, 1018–1020 management, 515–516 Congenital melanocytic nevus (CMN)
nerve injury, 1038 radiological assessment, 515 syndrome, 172–174
oral tongue reconstruction, 349–350 surgical pathology, 514 Conjunctiva, 435
orbital fractures, 505–507 Congenital breast anomalies, 565–573 Connective tissue, tumors, 936–938
palatoplasty, 223 amastia, 567 Constricted ear, 237–239
pediatric fractures, 884t athelia, 567 Constriction ring syndrome, 703–705
pharyngeal flap surgery, 227 breast hypoplasia, 571 Continuous hyperfractionated accelerated
pharyngeal reconstruction, 370–371 gynecomastia, 566–567, 566f radiation therapy (CHART), 149
replantation, 780–781 Poland syndrome, 570–571 Continuous wave laser, 50
rhinoplasty, 1093–1094 polymastia, 566 Contours. See also Body contouring
secondary rhinoplasty, 1095 polythelia, 565–566, 566f cheek reconstruction, 393–394
skin loss, 1038 tuberous breast, 567–570 ear reconstruction, 458–459
skull base reconstruction, 384 virginal hypertrophy, 567 Contracture
structural fat grafting, 29–30 Congenital disorders capsular, 528–529
subciliary/transcutaneous approach, 1026 blepharoptosis, 1097, 1100–1103, 1100t, scar contracture, 162
tertiary rhinoplasty, 1095 1102f Volkmann’s contracture, 798–801
thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) camptodactyly, 690–691 Contraindications
osteoarthritis, 902 central polydactyly, 696 DIP joint arthrodesis, 896–897
unsatisfactory scars, 1038 chest wall, 599, 608 metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty,
vaginal reconstruction, 632 classification, 172, 684–685 900
Components separation technique, cleft disorders, 212–231 pressure sores, 647t
616–617, 617f cleft lip, 196–211 scalp reconstruction, 476
Composite autogenous/alloplastic clefts, 248–266 tetraplegia, 770t
reconstruction, 244–247 clinical features, 172, 173f Contralateral septal flap, 426, 427f
Composite defects, nasal reconstruction, 430 clinical hands examination, 686 Contralateral upper eyelid, 446
Composite tissue allotransplantation (CTA), clinodactyly, 688–689 Convergence, laser light, 49–50
68 constriction ring syndrome, 703–705 Cordeiro classification, 630
Compound depressed fracture, 485, craniofacial clefts, 196–231, 248–266 Cormack and Lamberty’s classification, 20f
485f–486f craniosynostosis, 267–282 Corneal exposure, 1106
Compound muscle action potential cutaneous phenotypes, 173f Cornified layer, epidermis, 3
(CMAP), 844 duplication disorders, 691–693 Coronal synostosis, 274
Compressible laser, 49 ears, 232–247 Corrugator modification, 993
Compression excision, 176–177 Corrugator myoplasty, 1001–1005,
brachial plexus injuries, 829–830 facial reanimation, 311–321 1003f–1004f
Dupuytren disease (DD), 880 genetics, 175–176 Corrugator supercilii muscles, 989
lymphedema, 676–677 hand congenital differences, 684–709 Corset platysmal tightening technique,
Computed tomography (CT) hand differences, 684–709 1049, 1053f
abdominal wall, 613–614, 614f hemangioma, 183–187 Cortical bone grafts, 30
craniosynostosis, 274 histology, 172 Costal cartilage, 451–455
Index 1159

Cover, nasal reconstruction, 411–412 Craniosynostosis (Continued) Cyanide poisoning, 158

Cranial cavity, 481 otological problems, 278 Cyclin-dependent kinase gene (CDK), 83
Cranial nerve deficits, 378 parameters of care, 271–275 Cyclosporine, 131
Cranial vault remodeling, 275 plagiocephaly, 272–274 Cylindroma, 123
Craniofacial clefts. See also Cleft lip; Cleft posterior cranial vault remodeling, 276 Cystic hygromas, 188–189
palate posterior plagiocephaly, 272–274 Cysts
22q11.2 deletion, 218–219 prenatal diagnosis, 271 aneurysmal bone, 947
airway management, 249 prevalence, 267 benign lesions, 114–115
cheek, 261, 262f psychological problems and social cystic hygromas, 188–189
classification, 248–249, 249f function, 275, 278–279 epidermal inclusion cysts (EIC), 933
congenital disorders, 196–231, 248–266 radiographic imaging, 274 epidermoid, 114
diagnosis, 248 sagittal synostosis, 274 ganglion cysts, 936–937
encephalocele, 258–259 skeletal development, 267 hands, 933
etiology, 248 syndromic, 267–269, 276–281 macrocystic lesions, 188–189
eyelids, 258 treatment, 275–281 microcystic lesions, 188–189
frontonasal dysplasia, 258–259 Upton’s classification, 271t mucous, 937
genetics, 248 Creep, 56 retinacular, 937
management, 249 Cribriform plate fracture, 1093 tricholemmal, 114–115
mandible, 264, 265f Cricoid cartilage, 1049
maxilla, 261–264 Crispr-Cas9 technology, 75 D
microsomia, 261 Cross-facial nerve grafts (CFNG), 317 Darrach procedure, 926
nose, 258–261, 260f Cross finger flap, 716–718, 717f Debridement, 605, 655–656
orbit, 261, 263f–264f Cross-lip flap, 401 Decompression, compartment syndrome,
paediatric surgery, 196–231, 249 Crouzon syndrome, 269, 270f 796, 798
prevention, 265 CRPS. See Complex regional pain syndrome Decongestive therapy, 676–677
Pruzansky classification, 249 Cruciate pulleys, 730 Decubitus ulcers. See Pressure sores
skeletal reconstruction, 261–264 Crural strut grafts, 1092 Deep circumflex iliac artery (DCIA) flap,
skin, 258, 258f–259f, 258b Crush distal phalanx fractures, 883 344–345
surgical treatment, 249 Crush injuries, 450, 482, 804–805, 829 Deep fascia, facial anatomy/ageing, 963
Treacher Collins syndrome, 248–249 Cryolipolysis, 955 Deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
Craniofacial microsomia, 242–243 Cryotherapy (DIEP) flap, 625, 626f–627f
Craniofrontonasal syndrome, 270–271 basal cell carcinoma, 102 breast reconstruction, 542–544
Craniosynostosis, 267–282 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 109 history, 542–544
airway and feeding problems, 278 Cryptotia, 237, 238f outcomes, 544
assessment, 271–275 Crystalloid resuscitation, 158 patient selection, 542
calvarial growth, 267 C8–T1 cervical radiculopathy, 855 surgical technique, 542–544, 542f
classification, 268 Cubital tunnel syndrome (CuTS), 855–857 De-epithelialization, 584, 585f–587f
complications of surgery, 280–281 Cultured keratinocyte allograft, 12 Deep layer approach, 1045
computed tomography, 274 Cultured skin substitutes, 160 Deep nasal defects, 417–428
congenital disorders, 267–282 Cup ear, 237–239 Deep partial-thickness burns, 155
congenital heart defects, 278 Cupid’s bow, 197 Definitive management
coronal synostosis, 274 Curettage conservative management, 511
cranial vault remodeling, 275–276 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 104 craniosynostosis, 280
craniofacial assessment, 271–275 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 110 head and neck malignancies, 332
deformational posterior plagiocephaly, Cutaneous angiosarcoma, 128–129 mandible fractures, 511
272–274 Cutaneous local anesthetics, 39 miniplate osteosynthesis, 511–512,
diagnostics, 269 Cutaneous melanoma, 83–96. See also 512f
functional problems, 275–279 Melanoma operative fixation, 511
history, 267 Cutaneous remodelling, facial rejuvenation Deformational posterior plagiocephaly,
imaging, 274 chemical peels, 955 272–274, 273f
lambdoid synostosis, 274–275 IPL, 957 Degloving techniques, 637f
management, 276–281 MFU, 956–957 Dehiscence, 597f
metopic synostosis, 274, 274f microdermabrasion, 955 Delayed flap, 716
molecular mechanisms, 268–269 microneedling, 956 Delay phenomenon, flap surgery, 19
multisuture synostosis and cloverleaf PRP, 955–956 Delivery modes, soft tissue radiation therapy,
skull, 275 radiofrequency, 956 148–149
neurodevelopmental problems, 275 Cutaneous treatment, lasers, 49–51 Dental arches, 303, 492
neurosurgical problems, 275–277 Cutaneous wound healing, 5–11 Dental terminology, 283–284, 284f
nonsyndromic, 268, 275–276 Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita Dentin, 283
normal calvarial growth, 267 (CMTC), 184t Deoxycholic acid, 954–955
ocular problems, 277–278 Cutler–Beard flap, 445f, 446 Depressed fractures lateral to the sinuses,
orthognathic surgery, 280 CuTS. See Cubital tunnel syndrome 485
1160 Index

Depth variations Differential diagnosis Dorsal preparation, abdominoplasty/body

burns, 156 Dupuytren disease (DD), 876 contouring, 1131
liposculpture harvest, 1108 hands, 933 Dorsal support, rhinoplasty, 1093
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 906, 909 Differentiation, epidermis skin structure, 1 Dose and dose rate, radiation therapy, 149
Dermal leiomyosarcoma, 127 Digital deformities, rheumatoid, 928–929 Double-bubble deformity, 525–527
Dermal matrix structural fat grafting, 31–32 Digital extension–flexion test, 736 Double chin deformity, 1046, 1049f–1050f
Dermal tumors, 120 Digital extensor deficiency, 926–927 Double-crease deformity, 569–570
Dermal wound healing, 8 Digital joint replacements, 927–928 Double fascicular nerve transfer (DFT),
Dermatochalasis, 1008, 1010, 1098 Digital loss 833f–834f
Dermatofibroma, 120 digit factors, 777 Double push up brassiere effect, 576
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans (DFSP), functional loss assessment, 774–776 Drainage, lymphatic system, 667f
126–127 postoperative care, 780 Drain placement, foreheadplasty, 998, 999f
Dermatoporosis, 5 replantation, 774–792 Drains, superomedial vertical breast
Dermis technique and principles, 777–779 reduction, 589
skin structure, 3–4 Digital transposition, 705 DRAPE, basal cell carcinomas, 103
tissue expansion, 58 Dimethylpolysiloxane, 520 Dressings
Dermo-epidermal junction, 3 Diplopia, midface reconstruction, 360 biological, 12
Dermofasciectomy (DF), 877–878 Direct closures, 617, 390, 413–414, 438 hypospadias, 637
Dermoid cysts, 115 Direct excision techniques, lymphedema, negative-pressure, 481
Dermoscopy 678 Drooping eyelids. See Blepharoptosis
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 100 Direct presentation, 132 Drug-induced gynecomastia, 566–567
melanoma, 83–84 Direct to implant (DTI) reconstruction, Duchenne’s sign, 855
squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 107 555–556 Duplication, congenital hand disorders,
Design, 576 Disability status assessment, 921 691–693
flap surgery, 19–25 Disease activity assessments, 921 Dupuytren diathesis, 872
inferior pedicle, 576–577 DISI. See Dorsal intercalated segmental Dupuytren disease (DD), 872–882
propeller flap, 23–25 instability anatomy, 872–874
tissue expansion, 62 Distal arthrogryposis, 705 band and cords, 874
Desmoplastic melanoma, 84 Distal duplications, 692 clinical assessment, 876
Development Distal interphalangeal (DIP) joint collagenase injection, 878–879
congenital hand differences, 684 arthrodesis, 896–897 combined removal of skin and fascia,
upper limb, 685t Dupuytren disease, 876 877–878
Devices extension, 751 complications, 878
breast augmentation failure, 525 extensor tendon injuries, 752–753 definition, 872
tissue expansion, 59–61, 59f fractures, 888 differential diagnosis, 876
DF. See Dermofasciectomy index finger flexion, 756–757 early outcome, 878
DFSP. See Dermatofibrosarcoma skeletal fracture/dislocation, 780 early signs, 876
protuberans Distal phalanx, 727, 727f etiology, 874
Diabetes, 11, 1121 fractures, 888–889 fascial structures, 872–874, 875t
Diagnosis Distal radioulnar (DRA) joint, rheumatoid fascia management, 877
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 100–102 arthritis, 925–926 grading systems, 876, 876t
compartment syndrome, 795–796 Distal thumb reconstruction, 767 limited fasciectomy (LF), 877
complex regional pain syndrome, 822 Distant free flaps, 428 long-term outcome, 879–880
de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 909 Distant metastasis, 93–95, 323 management, 877
flexor tendon injuries, 732 Distraction lengthening, 704 medicinal treatment, 878
lymphedema, 672–674 Distraction osteogenesis, 275–276, 787 nonoperative treatments, 878–880
melanoma, 83–84 Distribution, local anesthetics, 38–39 operative treatments, 877–879
neurofibroma, 943b Documentation, abdominoplasty/body palmar fascia, 872–874
rheumatoid arthritis, 919, 920t contouring, 1120 pathophysiology and histology, 874–876
scaphoid fractures, 909–910 Dome osteotomy, clinodactyly, 690f patient-rated outcome measures, 872
SLAC and SNAC, 916 Donor nerves, 312–313 percutaneous needle fasciotomy (PNF), 877
smoke inhalation injuries, 158 Donor sites PIP joint management, 878
wrist pathology, 916 eyelid reconstruction, 440 postoperative management, 878
Diagnostics structural fat grafting, 29 radical fasciectomy, 877
craniofacial clefts, 248 Donor-specific allotransplantation tolerance, radiotherapy, 879
craniosynostosis, 269 131–132 recurrence, 879–880
facial reanimation, 315 Dorsal cutaneous branch (DCU), 852 rehabilitation, 880
Diagonal upper gracilis (DUG) flap, 546 Dorsal intercalated segmental instability selective fasciectomy (SF), 877
Diastasis, 1127 (DISI), 911 skin management, 877
DIEP flap. See Deep inferior epigastric Dorsal mallet splint, 889f splinting, 879
artery perforator flap Dorsal nasal flap, nasal reconstruction, 414, steroid injection, 878
Differential blockade, local anesthetics, 37 415f–416f variable disease course, 872
Index 1161

Dupuytren’s contracture, 69 Ears (Continued) Epidemiology

Duration of action, local anesthetics, 37–38 scarless skin availability, 459, 462f asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604
Dynamic deformities, 1047 skin availability, 459, 461f basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 97–98
Dynamic pharyngoplasty, 229 skin necrosis, 465, 465f–466f burns, 155
Dynamics, rhinoplasty, 1087–1088 skin potential analysis, 450–451 chest wall reconstruction, 599, 603–604
Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB), 10 Stahl’s ear deformity, 238f Jeune syndrome, 604
subtotal amputation, 456–465 melanoma, 83
E total amputation, 456–465 pectus excavatum, 599
Early assessments, lower limb Eaton–Glickel classification, 902 Poland’s syndrome, 570, 603
reconstruction, 652 Eccrine poromas, 118 pressure injuries, 642
Early closure, wound healing, 9 Eccrine spiradenocarcinoma, 123 Epidermal inclusion cysts (EIC), 933
Early outcome, Dupuytren disease, 878 ECRL. See Extensor carpi radialis longus Epidermis
Ears Ectopic breast tissue, 566 benign lesions, 115–116
algorithms, 468, 468f Education, board examinations, 1139–1148 skin structure, 1–3
amputation, 450–451 Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (EDS), 10 tissue expansion, 58
anatomy, 232f EIC. See Epidermal inclusion cysts Epidermoid cysts, 114
anomalies, 232–247 Elastin, 4 EpiFix, 163
antihelix injuries, 455 Elbows Epigastric flaps, 625
auriculo-condylar syndrome, 242–243 arthrogryposis, 706 Epinephrine, 39
autogenous reconstruction, 240 burns, 170f Epiphora/dry eye, upper eyelid rejuvenation,
Brenemark implants, 464, 464f cleft lip postoperative restraint, 209 1014
burn injury, 450 radial longitudinal deficiency, 701 Epithelial/epidermal
burns, 168 Electrical burns, 157 cysts, 933
cadavers, 235–236 Electrochemotherapy, 93, 94f wound care/healing, 7
carving, 458–459 Electrodessication Epithelial/mesechymal interactions, 5
classification of deformities, 234b basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 104 Epithelioid sarcoma, 945–946
clean amputations, 450 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 110 Epstein–Barr virus, 364
complications, 243–247 Electrodiagnostic studies Equivalent drug concentrations, 41t
conchal grafts, 451 brachial plexus injuries, 830 Erbium:YAG lasers, 53
congenital disorders, 232–247 carpal tunnel syndrome, 846 Erb’s palsy, 831
contours, 458–459 nerve compression, 844–845 ERCB. See Extensor carpi radialis brevis
costal cartilage, 451–455 Electromyography (EMG) Erythema, 1093
craniosynostosis, 278 brachial plexus injuries, 830 Escharotomies, 159
crush injury, 450 facial reanimation, 315 ESOPE. See European Standard Operating
cryptotia, 237 nerve compression, 844 Procedures of Electrochemiotherapy
defect analysis, 450 Electroporation, 42 Esters, local anaesthetics, 38t
development, 232–234 Embryology Esthetic subunits
embryology, 232–234, 232f cleft lip, 196, 196f secondary intention healing, 413
fibrocartilage, 451 cleft palate, 212 small and superficial defects, 413–417
flap surgery, 451 ears, 232–234, 232f Esthetic surgery
frameworks, 240, 244f, 458–459 hand congenital differences, 684 abdominoplasty, 1121–1122, 1122f
harvesting, 241, 451, 452f, 458 lip reconstruction, 398, 399f blepharoptosis, 1096–1106
implants, 464, 464f Embryonic stem cells, 73–74 body contouring, 1116, 1135
infection, 465 EMPD. See Extramammary Paget’s disease breast augmentation, 535
initial assessment, 450–451 En bloc excision, 90 eyelid reconstruction, 436
injuries, 450 Encephalocele, 258–259 facial aging
lop ear, 237–239 Enchondroma, 946–947 anatomy, 959–972
markings, 240 Endonasal rhinoplasty, 1088 bone changes, 968–969, 969f
microtia, 239–242 Endoscopy components, 959, 961f
normal antihelix, 451–455, 454f–456f head and neck malignancies, 323 deep fascia, 963
oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, nasoendoscopy, 224–225 facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f
239–240, 242–243 Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), 73 forehead anatomy, 969–970
paediatric surgery, 232–247 End-to-side nerve repairs, 815–818, 820f lasers, 52
partial amputations, 451–455 Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) loose areola tissue, 962–963, 962f
posttraumatic amputation, 450–451 protocol, 543–544 lower face regions, 971
preoperative treatments, 240–241 Enophthalmos, 506–507 lower premasseter space, 964–965,
prominauris, 234–237 Environmental influences 965f
prosthesis, 244–247, 464–465, 464f basal cell carcinoma, 97 midcheek facial anatomy, 970–971,
reconstruction, 240–242, 451–455 melanoma, 83 970f
retroauricular sulcus reconstruction, nonmelanoma skin cancer, 97 middle premasseter space, 965, 965f
459–462 EpiBurn, 163 muscle, 967–968
rib cartilage, 452, 458 Epicel, 160 musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962
1162 Index

Esthetic surgery (Continued) Ethmoid sinuses, 327t, 481 Excision techniques (Continued)
premaxillary space, 964, 964f Etiology upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1011, 1011f
prezygomatic space, 964, 964f abdominal wall hernia defects, 612–613 wound care/healing, 10
principles, 959, 960f arthrogryposis, 705 Excursion, tendon transfer, 758–759
retaining ligaments, 965, 966f, 968, carpal tunnel syndrome, 846 Exophthalmos, 356–357
968f chest wall tumors, 605 Expendable microcirculatory bed (ECB),
skin, 959, 967 constriction ring syndrome, 703–704 76–77
subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967 craniofacial clefts, 248 Experimental vascularized composite
upper temporal space, 963–964, 963f Dupuytren disease (DD), 874 allotransplantation, 133–140
zygomatic muscles, 964 facial paralysis/palsy, 313–314 Exploration
facial anatomy Guyon’s canal syndrome, 857 brachial plexus injuries, 832
anatomy, 959–972 hypospadias, 634–635 penetrating trauma, 806
bone changes, 968–969, 969f lymphedema, 668–670 Extended defects, nasal reconstruction, 430
cheeks, 386–389 Poland’s syndrome, 603 Extended neck lifts, 1045, 1047f–1048f,
components, 959, 961f Poland syndrome, 570 1062–1063, 1062f
deep fascia, 963 radial longitudinal deficiency (RLD), 700 Extended radical neck dissection, 330
facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f sternal wound dehiscence, 604–605 Extension–flexion test, 741f
forehead anatomy, 969–970 superficial radial nerve compression, 864 Extensor carpi radialis brevis (ERCB), 750,
loose areola tissue, 962–963, 962f trigger thumb, 707 761–762, 762f
lower face regions, 971 tuberous breast, 568 Extensor carpi radialis longus (ECRL), 750
lower premasseter space, 964–965, EULAR. See European League Against Extensor carpi ulnaris (ECU), 750,
965f Rheumatism 925–926
midcheek facial anatomy, 970–971, European Board of Plastic Reconstructive Extensor digitorum communis (EDC), 750
970f and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS) Extensor indicis proprius (EIP), 764, 764f
middle premasseter space, 965, 965f examinations, 1139–1140 Extensor pollicis brevis (EPB), 750, 906,
muscle, 967–968 European League Against Rheumatism 927
musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962 (EULAR), 919, 920t Extensor pollicis longus (EPL), 750
nerve branches, 966–967 European Standard Operating Procedures of re-routing, 930
nerves, 311–312, 966–967 Electrochemiotherapy (ESOPE), 93 tendon transfer, 762–763
premaxillary space, 964, 964f Evaluations. See Assessments tendon transfers, 927
prezygomatic space, 964, 964f Evans step advancement island flap, Extensor retinaculum, 750
principles, 959, 960f 724f–725f Extensor tendon injuries, 750–757
regions of facial anatomy, 969–971 Ewing’s sarcoma, 947 acute injuries, 754–755
retaining ligaments, 965, 966f, 968, Examinations anatomy, 750
968f blepharoptosis, 1098–1099 attrition injuries, 755
skeletal structure, 386, 480–481 camptodactyly, 691 chronic injuries, 754–755
skeleton, 411 clinodactyly, 688–689 closed injuries, 754, 757
skin, 959, 967 congenital hand differences, 686 dorsal interphalangeal joint, 752–753
subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967 duplication disorders, 692 dorsum of hand, 755
temple anatomy, 969–970 EBOPRAS examination, 1139–1140 fingers, 750–751
upper temporal space, 963–964, 963f fellowship examinations, 1139–1148 hand, 750
zygomatic muscles, 964 FRCSC exams, 1142–1144 interphalangeal joint, 756
facial rejuvenation FRCS(Plast) examination, 1140–1142 long extensors, 750
blepharoptosis, 1096–1106 hands, 686 management, 751–756
forehead lifts, 973–1007 IMG perspective, 1140 MCP joint, 754–755
lower eyelid and midcheek macromastia, 575–576, 576f middle phalanx, 753
rejuvenation, 1016–1029 plastic surgery fellowships, 1144–1147 open injuries, 754–755, 755f, 757
neck lifts, 1041–1081.e1 radial polydactyly, 692 proximal and distal forearm, 756
non-operative facial rejuvenation, surgery fellowship, 1139–1148 proximal interphalangeal joint, 753–754
949–958 syndactyly, 686 proximal phalanx, 754
upper eyelids, 1008–1015 tetraplegia, 770 thumb, 751, 756–757
facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f ulnar polydactyly, 693 wrist, 750, 755
forehead lifts, 973–1007 Excisional biopsy wrist extensors, 750
liposculpture, 1107–1115 hand lesions, 932–933 zones, 751–756, 753f
liposuction, 1107–1115 melanoma, 84 Extensor tendon subluxation, 927
lower eyelid and midcheek rejuvenation, Excision techniques External beam radiotherapy, 148
1016–1029 basal cell carcinoma, 100–102 External fixation, fractures, 891
neck lifts, 1041–1081.e1 congenital disorders, 176–177 External oblique, 610
non-operative facial rejuvenation, epidermal inclusion cysts (EIC), 933 External rhinoplasty, 1088–1090
949–958 lymphedema, 678 Extracellular matrix (ECM), 4–5
upper eyelids, 1008–1015 melanocytic nevi, 176–177 Extracorporeal flap perfusion bioreactors,
Estlander flap, 398, 403, 405f squamous cell carcinoma, 112 76–77
Index 1163

Extracranial course, facial nerves, 312 Mustardé cheek rotation flap, 440–441, Facial aging (Continued)
Extraction techniques, structural fat grafting, 448f nerves, 966–967
29 neurological reflex pathways, 434 premaxillary space, 964, 964f
Extramammary Paget’s disease (EMPD), perioperative tips, 437–438 prezygomatic space, 964, 964f
122–123, 124f physiology, 434–435 principles, 959, 960f
Extremities posterior lamellar grafting, 446 regions of facial anatomy, 969–971
allotransplantation, 140–142 postoperative management, 439–441, 444 retaining ligaments, 965, 966f, 968, 968f
anatomy, 793–795 protection, 436 skin, 959, 967
compartment syndrome, 793–802 pyramid of goals, 434f subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967
diagnosis, 795–796 reconstruction, 434–449 temple anatomy, 969–970
foot, 795, 798 rhomboid flap, 439 upper temporal space, 963–964, 963f
hands, 793, 796–797 rotation flap, 440–441, 448f zygomatic muscles, 964
late sequelae, 798–801 skin grafts, 439–440 Facial anatomy
lower leg, 793–795, 798 skin match, 436 anatomy, 959–972
treatment, 796–798 skin tension lines, 436 bone changes, 968–969, 969f
Volkmann’s contracture, 798–801 staged approach, 437f cheeks, 386–389
Eye-brows, 316, 1103 surgical management, 438–446 components, 959, 961f
attractive eyebrow position, 979, 979f, tarsoconjunctival advancement flap, deep fascia, 963
984–985, 986f 441–446 facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f
burns, 166–168 techniques, 438–446 forehead anatomy, 969–970
golden eyebrow, 980, 980f–981f tension lines, 436 loose areola tissue, 962–963, 962f
height/shape, 981–982, 982f–983f tenzel flap repair, 441, 443f lower face regions, 971
lower orbital volume and eyebrow tenzel semicircular advancement flap, 441 lower premasseter space, 964–965, 965f
position, 982–983, 984f transposition flaps, 439 midcheek facial anatomy, 970–971, 970f
position and shape and influence, 980 Tripier flap, 439 middle premasseter space, 965, 965f
proper position and configuration, 979 vascularity, 436 muscle, 967–968
upper orbital volume and eyebrow vascular supply, 435–436 musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962
position, 983–984, 985f Eye protection, lasers, 50 nerve branches, 966–967
Eyelids nerves, 311–312, 966–967
advancement flaps, 439 F premaxillary space, 964, 964f
aesthetic surgery, 436 Facelifts, 1030–1032 prezygomatic space, 964, 964f
anatomy, 435–436, 1096–1097, 1097f aging face, 1030–1032 principles, 959, 960f
anesthesia, 437–438 complications, 1038 regions of facial anatomy, 969–971
anterior lamellar defects, 438–441 esthetics, 1030, 1031f retaining ligaments, 965, 966f, 968, 968f
challenges, 435f limited dissection composite, 1038–1039, skeletal structure, 386, 480–481
closure, 438–439, 442f 1039f skeleton, 411
closure complications, 1106 SMAS skin, 959, 967
contours complications, 1106 deep plane and composite subcutaneous tissue, 959–960, 967
corneal exposure, 1106 rhytidectomy, 1033–1034, 1034f temple anatomy, 969–970
craniofacial clefts, 258 extended SMAS, 1035, 1035f upper temporal space, 963–964, 963f
Cutler–Beard flap, 445f high SMAS facelift, 1035–1036, 1036f zygomatic muscles, 964
direct closure, 438 lateral SMASectomy, 1034–1035 Facial appearances, melanocytic nevi, 174,
donor sites, 440 MACS lift, 1037–1038, 1037f 175f, 175t
facial reanimation, 316–317 plication/imbrication, 1033, 1033f Facial artery myomucosal flaps (FAMM),
flap surgery, 438–446 subperiosteal facelift, 1036–1037 401–402, 402f
fricke flap, 439 subcutaneous facelift, 1032–1033 Facial asymmetry, 978
full-thickness eyelid defects, 441–446 Facial aging Facial atrophy, 394
full-thickness skin grafts, 439–440 anatomy, 959–972 Facial musculature, 400f
functions, 434–435 bone changes, 968–969, 969f Facial nerve blocks, 46–47
fundamentals, 435–436 components, 959, 961f Facial nerves, 311–312, 966–967
general principles, 436–438 deep fascia, 963 anatomy, 311–312, 966–967
grafting, 446 facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f branch anatomy, 966–967
harvesting, 446 forehead anatomy, 969–970 clinical examination, 314–315
hemi-tripier flap, 439 lasers, 52 extracranial course, 312
Hughes tarsoconjunctival flap, 441–446 loose areola tissue, 962–963, 962f facial reanimation, 311–321
incision size, 436–437 lower face regions, 971 intracranial course, 312
lamellar grafting, 446 lower premasseter space, 964–965, 965f local anesthetics, 46–47
local flaps, 439 midcheek facial anatomy, 970–971, 970f markings, 966
lower eyelid, 1016–1029 middle premasseter space, 965, 965f Facial paralysis/palsy
management, 438–446 muscle, 967–968 adult’s reanimation surgery, 318–320
marking, 437–438 musculoaponeurotic layer, 960–962 Bell’s palsy, 314
mobility, 436 nerve branches, 966–967 birth trauma, 313
1164 Index

Facial paralysis/palsy (Continued) Facial surgery Familial melanoma carcinogenesis, 83

CHARGE syndrome, 313 allotransplantation, 133–135, 136f, 141 FAMM. See Facial artery myomucosal flaps
cholesteatoma, 314 blepharoptosis, 1096–1106 Fanconi’s anemia, 700
clinical examination, 314–315 forehead lifts, 973–1007 Fasanella–Servat procedure, 1101–1103
congenital disorders, 311–321 liposculpture, 1107–1115 Fascia
donor nerve anatomy, 312–313 liposuction, 1107–1115 abdominal wall, 610–612
etiology, 313–314 lower eyelid and midcheek rejuvenation, abdominoplasty, 1116
extracranial course, 312 1016–1029 allografts, 31
facial reanimation, 311–321 neck lifts, 1041–1081.e1 body contouring, 1116
hemifacial microsomia, 313 non-operative facial rejuvenation, 949–958 compartment syndrome, 793
hypoglossal nerve, 312–313 paediatric reanimation, 311–321 Dupuytren disease, 872–874, 875t
infectious disease, 314 transplants, 133–135, 136f, 141 structural fat grafting, 31
intracranial course, 312 upper eyelids, 1008–1015 Fasciocutaneous flaps, 16–17, 19, 20f, 365
Lyme disease, 314 VCA transplantation, 133–135, 136f, 141 Fat, 935–936
masseteric nerve, 312–313 Facial trauma, 480–519 abdominoplasty, 1116
microsomia, 313 airway assessments, 482 body contouring, 1116
Möbius syndrome, 313 anatomy, 480–481, 489–490, 495–496, grafts, 12–13, 166, 168f
neoplastic disorders, 314 508 hand tumor, 935–936
neurological disorders, 314 angiography, 483 injection, 532
otitis media/mastoiditis, 314 bone grafting, 484 liposuction, 1110, 1112
Ramsey–Hunt syndrome, 314 breathing, 482 tissue expansion, 62–63
reanimation paediatric surgery, circulation, 482–483 upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1011, 1011f
311–321 classification, 485–487, 490, 493f, 504t, wound healing grafts, 12–13
spinal accessory nerve, 313 514 FAVA. See Fibroadipose vascular anomaly
systemic diseases, 314 clinical assessment, 483, 508–510, 515 FCR. See Flexor carpi radialis
trauma, 314 complications, 492–495, 505–507, 514 FCU. See Flexor carpi ulnaris
Facial profile analysis, 286–287, 287f compression plates, 512 FDP. See Flexor digitorum profundus
Facial reanimation computed tomography (CT), 483 FDS. See Flexor digitorum superficialis
adult, 318–320 conservative management, 511 Feet, compartment syndrome, 795, 798
brow, 316 definitive management, 483–485, 511 Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of
clinical examination, 314–315 donor sites, 484–485 Canada (FRCSC), 1142–1144
congenital disorders, 311–321 emergency assessment and resuscitation, Femoral artery-based flaps, 625
diagnostic studies, 315 482–483 Femur transplants, 142
donor nerves, 312–313 facial anatomy, 480–481 FFMT. See Free functional muscle transfer
eye, 316–317 facial paralysis/palsy, 314 Fibroadipose vascular anomaly (FAVA), 191
free functional muscle transfer (FFMT), fixation, 511 Fibroblasts, 4
313, 317 frontal bone, 480–485 Fibrocartilage, 451
functional muscle transfer, 313 imaging, 483, 491, 510 Fibrolipoma, 936
hypoglossal nerve, 312–313 initial management, 482 Fibroma, 938
lips, 318 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 483 Fibroplasia, 7
lower face management, 317–320 management principles, 481–482, 491, Fibrosis, lymphedema, 672
management, 315–320 510–511 Fibula flap, 343–344
masseteric nerve, 312–313 mandible fractures, 507–514 Fibula osteocutaneous flap, 356
mid-and lower face, 317–320 miniplate osteosynthesis, 511–512 bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356
mid face management, 317–320 naso-orbital fractures, 480–485 hemipalatoalveolar defects, 356, 357f
muscle transfer, 317 naso-orbito-ethmoid fractures, 485–489 Filaggrin, 3
non-operative management, 316 operative management, 485, 487–489 Fine needle aspiration, 323
operative management, 316–320 operative surgical principles, 483–484, Fine needle biopsy, melanoma, 95
paediatric surgery, 311–321 484f Finger injuries
spinal accessory nerve, 313 orbital fractures, 495–507 adult fractures, 885–891
vascular supply, 313 orbitozygomatic fractures, 491–492 arthrogryposis, 707
Facial rejuvenation paralysis/palsy, 314 Dupuytren disease (DD), 875t
blepharoptosis, 1096–1106 reanimation paediatric surgery, 314 extensor tendon injuries, 750–751
forehead lifts, 973–1007 zygomatic arch fractures, 491 Finger interphalangeal joint (IPJ) extension,
lower eyelid and midcheek rejuvenation, zygomatico-maxillary fractures, 489–492 863
1016–1029 Failed nerve wrap case, 817f Finger tips, 710–729
neck lifts, 1041–1081.e1 Failures advancement flaps, 720–721
non-operative facial rejuvenation, breast augmentation device, 525 amputation, 713–714, 713f
949–958 pharyngeal reconstruction flaps, 372–375 assessment, 711
upper eyelids, 1008–1015 Familial factors Atasoy flap, 718
Facial skeleton, 386, 411, 480–481 cleft palate, 212 bank digit, 723
Facial spaces, 963, 968, 968f cylindroma, 219–220 cross finger flap, 716–718, 717f
Index 1165

Finger tips (Continued) Flap surgery (Continued) Forearms (Continued)

delayed flap, 716 indications, 18 extensor tendon injuries, 756
distant, delayed flaps, 718 lower limb, 658–661 radial longitudinal deficiency, 701
Evans step advancement island flap, movement, 19t, 20–25 Volkmann’s contracture, 798–801
724f–725f nasal reconstruction, 412–413 Forehead, ageing/anatomy, 969–970
flap cover, 715 perineum, 623–624 Forehead crease incision, 989–991,
flap surgery, 714–726 pharyngeal reconstruction, 366–370 992f–993f
fractures and dislocations, 883–895 pressure injuries, 647 Forehead flaps, 422–424, 423f, 425f
free pulp transfer, 722–723 scalp reconstruction, 470–478 Forehead lifts
full-thickness skin graft (FTSG), 714–715 skull base reconstruction, 378–384 case study, 1005, 1006f
grafts, 714–715 vaginal reconstruction, 631–632 closed technique, 973
healing by secondary intention, 713 Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty, 1128, 1129f eyebrow esthetics and planning elevation
heterodigital flap, 721–722 Flexible silicone implant arthroplasty, 928 attractive eyebrow position, 979, 979f,
homodigital flap, 721–722 Flexor carpi radialis (FCR), 762 984–985, 986f
Hueston flap, 720f Flexor carpi ulnaris (FCU), 762, 852 golden eyebrow, 980, 980f–981f
island flaps, 721–722 Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP), 730, height/shape, 981–982, 982f–983f
kite flap, 715–716 845, 888 lower orbital volume and eyebrow
Kutlerflap, 718 Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), 730, position, 982–983, 984f
Moberg flap, 719f 762, 845 position and shape and influence, 980
nail, 726–728, 727f opponensplasty, 765, 765f proper position and configuration, 979
O’Brien islanded flap, 720f Flexor pollicis longus (FPL), 730, 927 upper orbital volume and eyebrow
pediatric fractures, 883–885 Flexor tendon injuries, 730–749 position, 983–984, 985f
pulp flap, 722 anatomy, 730–731 foreheadplasty. See Foreheadplasty
rotation flap, 720–721 anesthesia, 743 forehead rejuvenation, 973
skin grafts, 714–715 biomechanical considerations, 732 open technique, 973
Souquet flap, 721f in children, 739 patient identification
split-thickness skin graft (STSG), 714 clinical diagnosis, 732 brow ptosis, 975, 976f
surgical options, 713–714 closed rupture, 741 chronic frontalis spasm, 973–975, 974f
thenar advancement flap, 718–720 critical pulleys venting, 735, 740f Connell’s sign, 975, 975f
venous flaps, 723–726 digital extension–flexion test, 736 facial asymmetry, 978
Finkelstein’s maneuver, 909 one-stage tendon grafting, 744, Flower’s sign, 975, 975f
Fire hazard, lasers, 50 745f–746f glabellar creases, 976, 977f
Fisher anatomical subunit approximation operative techniques, 744 transverse forehead creases, 973–975,
repair, 204–207, 204f outcomes, 927–928 974f
Fistulas partial tendon laceration repair, 739 upper facial aging and expressions,
hypospadias, 640 postoperative active motion protocols, 923 976–978, 978f–979f
midfacial reconstruction, 360–361 postoperative care, 748 postoperative care, 1005
pharyngeal reconstruction flaps, 372 primary and delayed primary repair, 732 Foreheadplasty
Fixation pulley reconstructions, 746, 747f anesthesia, 994
facial trauma, 511 rheumatoid arthritis, 927 bicoronal incision, 985–986, 986f–988f
lower limb, 656–657 rupture, 927 closed and short-scar foreheadplasty,
scaphoid fracture, 910 staged tendon reconstruction, 746 991–994, 993f
Flap anchoring, 999–1000, 1000f surgical repair techniques, 734, 736f–738f closed, nonendoscopic forehead lift
Flap-harvesting techniques, 139 tendon ends exposure and finding, 734 drain placement, 998, 999f
Flap inset, 383–384 tenolysis, 928–929 flap anchoring, 999–1000, 1000f
Flap microvascularity, 59 thumb, 923–924 flap elevation, 996–997, 996f–997f
Flap mobilization, 997–998, 998b trends and evolution, 923 flap repositioning, 999, 1000f
Flap reconstruction zones and subzones, 731–732, 732f–733f incision closure, 1000, 1001f
abdominal wall, 617–618 Flexor tendon rupture, 927 making incisions, 996
posterior palatoalveolar defects, 353–354 Flexor tenosynovitis, 923 marking incisions, 994–996, 994f–996f
Flap repositioning, 999, 1000f Fluid resuscitation, 158 overview of, 994, 994b
Flaps in-continuity, 20–25 Follicular unit extraction (FUE), 478 releasing and mobilizing the lateral
Flap surgery Follicular unit transplantation (FUT), 478, brow, 997–998, 998b
blood supply, 15–26 478f corrugator myoplasty, 1001–1005,
cheek reconstruction, 389–393 Forced duction test, 360, 504 1003f–1004f
chest wall, 606–608 Forearm flap corrugator supercilii muscles, 989
ears, 451 pharyngeal reconstruction, 367–370 dressings, 1005
evolution, 15–17 tubed radial artery, 367–370 hairline and partial hairline incision,
eyelid reconstruction, 438–446 Forearm reconstruction, 771–772 986–989, 989f–992f
failed pharyngeal reconstruction, Forearms partial hairline planning, 989, 992f
372–375 anatomy, 750, 793 supraciliary and forehead crease incision,
finger tips, 714–726 compartment syndrome, 793, 794f, 796 989–991, 992f–993f
1166 Index

Forehead rejuvenation, 973 Free flaps (Continued) Gastric pull-up, 365

Foucher classification, camptodactyly, 691t nasal reconstruction, 428 Gastrocnemius flap, lower limb, 658, 659f
FPL. See Flexor pollicis longus pharyngeal reconstruction, 367–370 Gender affirming surgery, 633
FRACS(Plast) exams, 1139–1140 radial forearm free flap, 340–341, Gender identity disorder, 633
Fractionated lasers, 50–53 353–354, 356, 633 Gene editing, 74–75
Fractionation, radiotherapy, 148–149 rectus abdominis myocutaneous (RAM) General assessments
Fractures free flap, 379–380 abdominoplasty/body contouring, 1121
adult, 885–891 tissue engineering (TE), 75–76 joint synovitis, 920
assessment, 883 Free-floating umbilicus abdominoplasty, General principles
base fractures, 887 1127 biomaterials, 27–28
Bennett’s, 887 Free functional muscle transfer (FFMT), eyelid reconstruction, 436–438
classification, 884t, 886f 317, 320 facial units reconstruction, 390b
closed, 893 Free tissue transfer, 475–476, 476f lasers, 49
collateral injuries, 892 Fricke flap, eyelid reconstruction, 439 lip reconstruction, 399–401
complications, 884t Froment’s sign, 855 tendon transfer, 759, 761t
cribriform plate fracture, 1093 Frontal alopecia, 478f Genetics
distal interphalangeal joints, 888 Frontal bone, 480–485 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 97–98
finger injuries, 883–895 Frontal impact, 481 cleft palate, 212
hands, 883–895 Frontonasal duct, 485 craniofacial clefts, 248
complications, 893–894 Frontonasal dysplasia, 258–259 lymphedema, 671
hand therapy, 891 Fronto-orbital remodeling (FOR), 276, 277f melanocytic nevi, 175–176
ligament injuries, 892 FTSGs. See Full-thickness skin grafts soft tissue radiation therapy, 154
outcomes, 894 FUE. See Follicular unit extraction vascular malformations, 191
hand therapy intervention, 885 Full-thickness defects Genial tubercle, 306
incomplete, 883 eyelid reconstruction, 441–446 Genioplasty
intraarticular fractures, 885–886 nasal reconstruction, 417–428 anatomy, 306–307
ligament injuries, 892 Full-thickness grafts complications, 309
mallet, 888–889 nasal reconstruction, 414, 424 goals of, 305–306
management, 884t, 892–893 wound care/healing, 11–12 indications for, 307–308
metacarpal fractures, 885–887 Full-thickness pedicle, 578 microgenia, 306f
neck fractures, 885 Full-thickness skin grafts (FTSGs), 160–163 surgical technique, 308–309
open, 893 Dupuytren disease, 877 Genital reconstruction, 630
operative management, 892–893 eyelid reconstruction, 439–440 Genitourinary reconstruction, 622–641
orbital fractures, 495–507 finger tip injuries, 714–715 Giant cell tumor, 937–938, 947
outcomes, 894 nasal reconstruction, 414, 424 Gigantomastia, 567
pediatric, 883–885 scalp reconstruction, 471 Glabellar flap, 415–416, 419f
phalanges, 883–895 Full-thickness wounds, 12 Glabrous skin, 1
proximal phalanx fractures, 889 Functional considerations Glandular hypomastia, 521
radial collateral ligament (RCL) injury, cheek reconstruction, 393 Glandular ptosis, 575–582
892 chest wall reconstruction, 600 Glasgow Coma Scale, 483
rhinoplasty complications, 1093 eyelid reconstruction, 434–435 Global dystopia, 507
Rolando’s fracture, 887 pectus excavatum, 600 Glomus tumor, 938–939
scaphoid, 909–911 Functional disorders, craniosynostosis, Glossectomies, 346–347
Seymour, 883, 885f 276–279 Glossopharyngeal nerve resection, 378
surgical management, 892–893 Functional morbidity, latissimus dorsi flap, Glossoptosis, 216
thumb fracture, 887 561 Glottis, 326t
tuft fractures, 888 Functional muscle transfer, 313 Glucose transporter isoform 1 (GLUT1),
unicondylar fractures, 890 Functions, lymphatic system, 666 183
volar plate injuries, 891 Furlow palatoplast, 225–226 Gluteal artery-based flaps, 625, 628f–629f
wrist pathology, 906–918 Furnas sutures, 236–237 Gluteal flaps, breast reconstruction,
zygomatico-maxillary fractures, 489–492 FUT. See Follicular unit transplantation 551–552
Frameworks, ear reconstruction, 240, 244f, Future directions Glycosaminoglycan (GAG), 4–5
458–459 allotransplantation, 143 Golden rules, tissue expansion, 66
Frank procedure, 631 pharyngeal reconstruction, 375 Gold, structural fat grafting, 33
FRCS(Plast) examination, 1140–1142 tissue expansion, 65–66 Gorlin syndrome, 97–98
Free flaps wound healing grafts, 13 Gracilis flaps, 341, 545–551
blood supply, 19t Gracilis myocutaneous flap, 627–629
cheeks, 393 G Graded motor imagery (GMI), 823
distant free flaps, 428 Gamekeeper deformity, 930 Grading Dupuytren’s disease, 876, 876t
double-barrel, 358f Gamma radiation, 146 Grafts
fibula free flap, 357f Ganglion cysts, hands, 936–937 allografts, 31–32
lower limb, 659–661 Garments, breast reduction, 590 bone grafts, 30
Index 1167

Grafts (Continued) Hands (Continued) Hands (Continued)

cartilage autografts, 30–31 duplication, 691–693 trigger thumb, 707
cheeks, 392–393 Dupuytren disease (DD), 875t tumors, 932–948
cortical bone grafts, 30 embryology, 684 ulnar polydactyly, 693–694
ear reconstruction, 451 enchondroma, 946–947 ultrasound, 932
ears, 451 epidermal inclusion cysts, 933 vascularized composite allotransplantation
eyelid reconstruction, 439–440 Ewing’s sarcoma, 947 (VCA), 133
fascia allografts, 31 examinations, 686 vascular malformations, 940
fat, 12–13 extensor tendon injuries, 750–757 vascular tumors, 938–942
finger tips, 714–715 extraskeletal chondroma, 946 venous malformations, 940–942
nasal reconstruction, 414, 424 fat, 935–936 Wartenburg’s sign, 855
nerve repair, 813 fibrolipoma, 936 warts, 933–935
nerve repair/reconstruction, 803, fibroma, 938 Wassel type duplications, 692
810–813 fractures and dislocations, 883–895 Watson test, 912
rhinoplasty, 1091–1092 ganglion cysts, 936–937 Hang nail, 727f
scalp reconstruction, 471 giant cell tumor, 937–938, 947 Hard palate, 446
skin autografts, 28 glomus tumor, 938–939 Harvesting
skull base reconstruction, 378 granular cell tumors, 942–943 ear reconstruction, 451, 452f
vascularized bone grafts, 30 hemangiomas, 939 ears reconstruction, 241
Granular cell tumors, 942–943, 944f high-flow lesion, 942 eyelid reconstruction, 446
Groin, flap surgery, 15, 133 history, 932 liposuction and liposculpture
Groin metastasis, melanoma, 92f imaging, 932 aspiration technique, 1108–1109
Growth factors, 56–58, 79 investigation, 686 cannula size, 1108
Gunshot wounds, 482 lesions, 932–948 depth of, 1108
Guyon’s canal release, 857–863, 861f–862f limb patterning, 684 parcel size, 1108
Guyon’s canal syndrome, 857–863 lipoblastoma, 935–936 site, 1107
Gynecomastia, 566–567, 566f lipoma, 935, 936f Head and neck malignancies
low-flow lesions, 940–942 biopsy, 323
H lymphatic malformations, 942 clinical examination, 322–323
HA. See Hyaluronic acid magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 932, endoscopy, 323
Hair 934f evaluation, 322–323
follicles, 116–117 malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors, hypopharynx, 324, 325t
laser removal, 54 945 imaging, 323
restoration, 477–478 malignant tumors, 947–948 incidence, 322
Hairline incision, foreheadplasty, 986–989, management, 686–689, 696–697 larynx, 324–325
989f–992f metastatic disease, 947–948 medical history, 322
Hands nerve, 942–945 nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, 325,
anatomy, 793 neurofibroma, 942, 943f–944f 327t
aneurysmal bone cyst, 947 osteoarthritis, 896–905 nasopharynx, 323
angiolipoma, 936 osteochondroma, 946 neck dissections, 327–332
arteriovenous fistula, 942 osteoid osteoma, 947 N staging, 326
arteriovenous malformations (AVM), 942 osteosarcomas, 947 oral cavity, 323
arthrogryposis, 705–707 pediatric fractures, 883–885 oropharynx, 324, 324t–325t
benign nerve tumors, 943–945 perineurioma, 943 radiological examination, 323
biopsy, 932–933 periosteal chondromas, 946 radiotherapy, 332
bone tumors, 947–948 physical examination, 932 risk factors, 322
burns, 160, 170f plain radiographs, 932, 934f salivary glands, 325, 328t
camptodactyly, 690–691 psychological aspects, 728 staging, 323–326
capillary malformations, 942 pyogenic granulomas, 938, 940f Head and neck reconstruction
cartilage, 946–947 radial longitudinal deficiency, 700–703 calvarial reconstruction, 469–479
central polydactyly, 696 radial polydactyly, 691–692 cheek malignancies, 386–397
chondrosarcoma, 946–947 radiographs, 932, 934f ear, 450–468
classification, 684–685, 694t, 701 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 919–931 eyelid reconstruction, 434–449
clinical assessment, 688–689, 691 scaphoid shift test, 912 head and neck cancers, 322–333
clinical examinations, 686, 691–692 schwannoma, 942 lip reconstruction, 398–410
clinodactyly, 688–689 skin tumors, 933–935 midface reconstruction, 353–363
compartment syndrome, 793, 796–797 soft tissue sarcomas, 945–946 nasal reconstruction, 411–433
computerized tomography (CT), 932 soft tissue tumors, 933–946 oral cancer, 322–333
congenital differences, 684–709 surgical principles and management, pharyngeal reconstruction, 364–376
connective tissue, 936–938 686–689 scalp reconstruction, 469–479
constriction ring syndrome, 703–705 syndactyly, 685–688 skull base malignancies, 377–385
differential diagnosis, 933 thumb reconstruction, 781–790 staging, 323–326
1168 Index

Head and neck reconstruction (Continued) Hinged septal flap, 429 Hynes pharyngoplasty, 229
tongue reconstruction, 334–352 Hingeover flaps, 424–426 Hyperacute rejection, 132
tumors, 322–333 Hip grafts, 484 Hyperfractionation, 148–149
Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas Histology Hyperinflating incision, 994
(HNSCC), 322 basal cell carcinoma, 100–102 Hypertension, 1093
Head position, postoperative care, 1078 chronic nerve compression, 843f Hyperthermic isolated limb perfusion
Healing congenital melanocytic nevi, 172 (HILP), 92–93
cheek reconstruction, 390 Dupuytren disease (DD), 874–876 Hypertrophic scarring, 7–8, 68–69
cutaneous wound healing, 5–11 melanoma, 84–85 tissue engineering (TE), 69, 70f
dermal wound healing, 8 Merkel cell carcinoma, 120 Hypocalcemia, 157
epidermal wound healing, 8 squamous cell carcinoma, 107 Hypofractionation, 149
epithelial/epidermal wound healing, 7 Historical assessments, 1085 Hypoglossal nerve, 312–313
finger tip injuries, 713 abdominoplasty/body contouring, Hypomastia, 521
mesenchymal/dermal wound healing, 7 1120–1121 Hypopharynx, 324, 325t
nasal reconstruction, 413 allotransplantation, 131 Hypoplasias, 571
phases, 6–7 biopsy, 322 Hypospadias
radiation therapy, 150–152 orthognathic surgery, 283 anatomical abnormalities, 634
wound healing, 150–152 tuberous breast, 567–568 associated anomalies, 635
Health status assessment, rheumatoid Historical overviews bleeding, 640
arthritis, 921 breast augmentation, 520–521 Bracka’s two stage repair, 637–638
Hearing loss, 240, 278 deep inferior epigastric artery perforator chordee correction, 635–636
Heart defects, craniosynostosis, 278 (DIEP) flap, 542–544 classification, 634, 635f
Hedgehog-signaling pathway, 97–98 diagonal upper gracilis (DUG) flap, 546 complications, 640
Hemangioendothelioma, 186–187, 187f free TRAM and muscle-sparing TRAM, degloving, 636, 637f
Hemangiomas, 183, 939 541–542 etiology, 634–635
Hematoma, 46, 1038 gluteal flaps, 551–552 fistula, 640
breast augmentation, 525 hands, 932 incidence, 634–635
breast reduction, 593 implant breast reconstruction, 552–555, infection, 640
Hemifacial microsomia (HFM), 313 553t management, 635–636
Hemihamate graft, 890 lateral thigh perforator (LTP), 549 meatal stenosis, 640
Hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354–356 latissimus dorsi flap, 559–562 nonoperative management, 635
double-barrel fibula free flap lower limb reconstruction, 651–652 operative technique, 636–638
reconstruction, 356, 358f macromastia, 575 outcomes, 637–638
fibula osteocutaneous flap, 356 palatoplasty, 220–222 penile shaft skin reconstruction, 636
fibula osteocutaneous free flap, 356, 357f pedicled transverse abdominis skin closure and dressing, 637
iliac crest free flap, 355–356 myocutaneous flap, 538–541 surgical principles, 635–636
internal oblique muscle, 355–356 pharyngeal reconstruction, 365 surgical techniques, 636–640
metal clasps, 354 profunda artery perforator flap, 546 syndromic gene mutations, 635t
prosthetic obturator, 354 superficial inferior epigastric artery flap, tubularised incised plate (snodgrass)
radial forearm osteocutaneous flap, 544–545 repair, 636–640
354–355 transverse upper gracilis flap, 545 urethral stricture, 640
scapula, 355 Holt–Oram syndrome, 700 urethra reconstruction, 636
single-barrel fibula free flap Homodigital flap, 721–722, 722f urethrocutaneous fistula, 640
reconstruction, 356, 358f Horner’s syndrome, 831 urethroplasty, 636
skin paddle, 354–355 Horn flap, 23–25
soft tissue free flap reconstruction, 354 Hospital-acquired pressure injuries (HAPI), I
Hemi-pulps, 785 642 IASP. See International Association for the
Hemi-tripier flap, 439 Huber opponensplasty, 766f Study of Pain
Hemostasis, 1011 Hueston dog-ear, 721f Iatrogenic injury, 1093
Hereditary cancer syndromes, 154 Hueston flap, 720f ICG lymphography, 678–679, 679f
Hering’s law, 434 Huger’s abdominal skin perfusion zones, Ideal nipple position, 583
Heterodigital flap, 721–722 612f Iliac crest free flap, 355–356
Heterotopic transplantation, 131 Hughes tarsoconjunctival flap, 441–446 Ilizarov technique, 787
HFM. See Hemifacial microsomia Human lymphocyte antigen (HLA), 132 Imaging
Hidradenocarcinoma, 123 Human papilloma virus (HPV), 116–117, abdominal wall, 613–614
Hidradenoma papilliferum, 118 364 brachial plexus injuries, 830
High-density polyethylene (HDPE), 34 Hunter’s rods, 71 craniosynostosis, 274
High lateral tension (HLT) abdominoplasty, Hyaluronic acid (HA), 952–954, 953f, 1018 hands, 932
1127–1128 complications, 954 lymphedema, 673–674
Hildreth’s test, 938–939 preparations, 952–954 mandible fractures, 510, 511f
Hillocks, 232 Hydrocephalus, 276–277 nerve compression, 844
Hindlimb allotransplantation, 133 Hydrofluoric acid, 157 orbital fractures, 501–502
Index 1169

Imaging (Continued) Indirect presentation, 132 Injuries (Continued)

osteoarthritis, 896 Indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography, finger tips, 710–729
pectus excavatum, 599–600 674 hand, 728
IMF. See Inframammary fold Indomethacin, adipogenesis, 79 nerve, 803–825
Imiquimod, 102, 123 Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 74 penetrating, 806–807
Immunohistochemical surveys, 84 Infancy craniosynostosis management, 279 radiation therapy, 147–148
Immunology, 132–133 Infantile hemangioma, 183 ring avulsion, 779–780
Immunomodulatory vascularized composite Infections smoke inhalation, 158
allotransplantation, 135–136 breast augmentation, 525 soft tissue radiation response, 147–148
Immunosuppression, 97 breast reduction, 592 tendons, 750–757
ImpeiMed L-Dex machine, 673 ears, 465 traction and avulsion, 805–806
Implants facial paralysis/palsy, 314 Inlay mesh technique, 616f
breast augmentation, 520–521 hypospadias, 640 Innervation, 611, 412
breast reconstruction, 552–559 lower limb, 664 Integra® dermal matrix, 31–32, 160, 163
ears, 464, 464f mandible fractures, 514 Integument
implant breast reconstruction, 558–559 reanimation paediatric surgery, 314 allotransplantation, 131–145
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 925 Inferior gluteal artery perforator flaps atypical skin lesions, 114–130
saline implants, 521 (IGAP), 552, 622 burns, 155–171
selection, 521–522 Inferior labial arteries, 198, 204f melanoma, 83–96
tuberous breast deformity, 569–570 Inferior pedicle designs, 576–577, non-melanoma skin cancer, 97–113
types, 528, 553–554 579f–581f radiation therapy, 146–154
Implications, melanoma treatment, 175–176 Inferior triangle repairs, cleft lip, 201–202 skin structure, 1–5
Incidence Inferior wedge principle, 574 Intense pulsed light (IPL) laser, 51, 957
carpal tunnel syndrome, 846 Infiltration Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
constriction ring syndrome, 703 local anesthetic agents, 29 (IMRT), 153–154, 332
ganglion cyst, 936–937 superomedial vertical breast reduction, 583 1,2 Intercompartmental supraretinacular
hypospadias, 634–635 Infiltrative basal cell carcinoma, 99t artery (1,2 ICSRA) bone graft, 911
melanoma, 83 Inflammation, 6–7 Interdigastric fat, 1051–1052, 1057–1058,
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 919 lymphedema, 672 1058f
syndactyly, 685 osteoarthritis, 896 Interferon regulatory factor 6 (IRF6), 212
thumb hypoplasia, 697 tissue engineering, 73, 79 Intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC),
Incision techniques Informed consent, 523 676–677
breast augmentation, 522–523, 528 Inframammary fold (IMF) Intermittent pneumatic pumps, 676–677
foreheadplasty, 986–989, 989f–992f breast augmentation, 522–523 Internal fixation, 910
neck lifts, 1077–1078 breast reconstruction, 535 Internal oblique, 610
rhinoplasty, 1092 breast reduction, 574 International Association for the Study of
tissue expansion, 62 Inframammary incisions, 522–523 Pain (IASP), 822
upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1011, 1011f Infraorbital nerve block, 46 International Medical Graduate (IMG)
wound healing, 8–10 Infundibular cysts, 114 perspective, 1140
Incomplete syndactyly, 687f Infundibulocystic basal cell carcinoma, 99t Interphalangeal joint, extensor tendon
Index DIP joint flexion, 765 Inguinal–iliac–obturator lymphadenectomy, injuries, 756
Indian nasal characteristics, 1086 90–91 Intestinal conduits, 632
Indications Inhalation, smoke injuries, 158 Intracompartmental pressure, 795–796
abdominoplasty/body contouring, 1121, Inheritance Intracranial course, facial nerves, 312
1121t Cowden’s syndrome, 116–117 Intramedullary nailing, 657
advantages, 815 cylindroma, 118–119 Intramuscular transposition, 857
breast augmentation, 521 Initial management Intranasal exams, 1086
breast reduction, 582 carpal tunnel syndrome, 846 Intranasal lining flaps, 426–427
DIP joint arthrodesis, 896–897 frontal bone and naso-orbital fractures, In transit metastases, 92
flap surgery blood supply, 18 482 Intraoral flap techniques, 338–339
macromastia, 582 lower limb reconstruction, 652–653 Intraoral vertical ramus osteotomy, 296
metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty, pressure sore, 645–646 Intraparenchymal melanosis, 173
900 Injuries Intravenous regional anesthesia (Bier Block)
neck dissection, 327–330 acute, 155–171 complications, 45–46
nerve transfers, 818t antihelix injuries, 455 indications, 45–46
pharyngeal reconstruction, 364–365 avulsion, 805–806 principle, 45
PIP joint implant arthroplasty, 900 brachial plexus, 826–841 technique, 45
Poland’s syndrome, 603 burns, 155–171, 450 Intrinsic muscle, 751
pressure sores, 647t crush, 450, 804–805 Inverted-L osteotomy, 296
replantation, 774 ear, 450 Investigations
tendon transfer, 758, 759t extensor pollicis longus, 751 brachial plexus injuries, 830
thumb CMC arthrodesis, 904 extensor tendon, 750–757 hands, 686, 932–933
1170 Index

Investigations (Continued) Kienböck’s disease (Continued) Lasers (Continued)

Kienböck’s disease, 907 radiography, 907–909 vascular lesions, 51–52
nerve compression, 844–845 staging, 907–909 vascular tumor, 187–188
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920–930 ulnar variance, 907 LAST. See Local anesthetic systemic
wrist pathology, 907 Kirschner-wire (K-wire), 883 toxicity
Involutional ptosis, 1105 Kite flap, 715–716 Last resort pressure sores, 647
Iontophoresis, 42 Klippel–Trénaunay syndrome, 191 Late closure, wound healing, 9
IPC. See Intermittent pneumatic Klug classification, radial longitudinal Lateral abdominal wall muscles, 610
compression deficiency, 701t Lateral canthal tendon, 435
IPSCs. See Induced pluripotent stem cells Klumpke’s palsy, 831 Lateral cartilages, 1082–1084, 1083f,
Ipsilateral ptosis, 434 Knee transplants, 142 1090–1091
Ipsilateral septal flap, 426, 426f Kutler flaps, 718 Lateral circumflex femoral profunda artery-
IRF6. See Interferon regulatory factor 6 Kybella, 954–955 based flaps, 625
IRF6 mutations, 218 Lateral lip element height, 197
Irish classification system, 377 L Lateral malleolus reconstruction, 647
Ishiguro frame, 888f Labial arteries, 198 Lateral pedicle designs, 579f–581f
Island flaps Laboratory-based tissue engineering Lateral pedicle island flap, 23–25
blood supply, 19–20, 23–25 research, 69–71 Lateral platysma bands, 1049, 1054f
finger tip injuries, 721–722 Laceration Lateral platysmapexy, 1070–1073,
Isograft, 131 flexor tendon injuries, 732 1072f–1075f
Isolate cleft palate, 212 nerve injury, 807–808 Lateral thigh perforator (LTP), 549–551
Isthmus-catagen cysts, 114–115 Lacrimal gland, 1008 Late sequelae, compartment syndrome,
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level, 85t 798–801
J Lagophthalmos, upper eyelid rejuvenation, Late seromas, 525
Jackson burn model, 155 1014 Late toxicity, radiation therapy, 150
Jaw-winking ptosis, 1104 Lambdoid synostosis, 267, 274–275 Latissimus dorsi flap (LD), 559–562,
JCIE. See Joint Committee of Intercollegiate Lamellar defects, anterior, 438–441 607–608
Examinations Lamellar grafting, 446 LD flap. See Latissimus dorsi flap
Jejunal free flaps, 367, 371, 374t Laminin, 4 Ledderhose disease (LD), 872
Jeune syndrome, 604 Langerhans cells, 1 Lee, Gordon K, 630
Joint Committee of Intercollegiate Large/full-thickness nasal reconstruction, Le Fort I-type osteotomy, 356
Examinations (JCIE), 1140 417–428 Le Fort osteotomy, 293–294, 293f
Joints Larsen classification, wrist, 923, 924t Legs. See Lower limbs
carpometacarpal joints, 756–757 Laryngotracheal transplantations, 141 Leiomyosarcoma (LMS), 127–128
digital joint replacements, 927–928 Larynx, 324–325 Lentigo maligna, 84
distal radioulnar, 925–926 Lasers, 49–55 Lesions
synovial, 919–931 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 104 atypical skin lesions, 114–130
synovial joints, 919–931 burns, 164–166 hands, 932–948
classification, 51b laser treatment, 51–54
K CO2, 53 Lethal damage, radiation therapy, 147
KA. See Keratoacanthomas commonly used, 51t Levator ablation, 1104
Kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas congenital melanocytic nevi, 177–178 Levator knee, 225
(KHE), 186–187, 187f cutaneous remodelling, 957 Levator labii superioris, 398
Kaposi’s sarcoma, 54 cutaneous treatment, 49–51 Levator muscle surgery, blepharoptosis,
Karapandzic flap, 403 erbium:YAG, 53 1100–1101
Keloid scarring, 68–69 esthetic applications, 52–54 Levator palpebrae superioris (LPS), 435
Keloid scars, 54 fractionated, 50–51 Levator resection, blepharoptosis, 1100–
Keratin cysts, 114 fractionated CO2, 53 1101
Keratinocyte allograft, 12 hair removal, 54 Levator sling restoration, 214
Keratinocytes, 1 indications, 54 Levator veli palatini, 214, 214f
Keratins, 3, 3f intense pulsed light (IPL) systems, 51 Leverage, tendon transfer, 758
Keratoacanthomas (KA), 105 lesion treatment, 51–54 Liacyr Ribeiro’s method, 574
Keratocystic odontogenic tumors (KCOTs), medical, 51t Lid-cheek junction, 982–983, 984f, 1016
97–98 modality, 50 Ligaments
Keystone flap, 23–25, 24f physics, 49 cheeks anatomy, 387b
KHE. See Kaposiform pigmented lesions, 52 facial ageing/anatomy, 965, 966f, 968,
hemangioendotheliomas resurfacing, 53–54 968f
Kienböck’s disease, 906–909 safety, 50 hands, 892
clinical evaluation, 907 side effects, 51 Limberg’s transposition flaps, 21f
diagnosis, 907 tattoos, 52 Limb patterning, 684
investigations, 907 therapy principles, 49 Limb swelling, lymphedema, 673
management, 907–909 types, 50–51 Limited fasciectomy (LF), 877
Index 1171

Linear paramedian submental fullness, Liposuction (Continued) Local anesthetics (Continued)

1060f intrinsic patient variability, adipose mental nerve block, 46–47
Lining tissue in, 1111 metabolism, 39
nasal anatomy, 411 manipulation, 1111 methemaglobinemia, 44
nasal reconstruction, 424–428 volume retention over time, microporation, 42
Lipectomy, 1057, 1063, 1068, 1131, 1111–1112 mucosal agents, 41
1132f–1134f superomedial vertical breast reduction, neck lifts, 1061
Lipoblastoma, 935–936 589, 589f–590f nerve fiber characteristics, 37
Lipoblastomatosis, 935–936 Lip reconstruction, 398–410 onset of action, 38
Lipofibromatous hamartomas, 936 Abbe flap, 403–404, 405f pharmacokinetics, 38–39
Lipoma, 935, 936f algorithm, 401–409 physiochemical properties, 37–38
Liposculpture anesthesia, 399–400 potency, 37
complications, 1113, 1114t Bernard flap, 404 regional techniques, 45–47
donor site preparation, 1107–1108 Bernard–Webster flap, 406, 407f sonophoresis, 42
emerging safety concerns, 1113, 1114t commissure, 401 structural fat grafting, 29
harvest commissuroplasty, 409–410, 409f supraorbital nerve blocking, 46
aspiration technique, 1108–1109 cross-lip flap, 401 supratrochlear nerve block, 46
cannula size, 1108 depth analysis, 401 topical, 39–42
depth of, 1108 Estlander flaps, 404, 406f toxicity, 45–46
parcel size, 1108 full-thickness lower lip defect, 402–409 transdermal, 41–42
site, 1107 full-thickness upper lip defect, 406–407, Local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)
injection, 1110 408f cardiovascular effects, 43
processing innervation, 398–399 central nervous system effects, 43
centrifugation, filtration, decanting, Karapandzic flap, 403, 404f management, 44
and rolling techniques, McGregor and Nakajima flaps, 404 prevention, 43–44
1109–1110 radial forearm free flap, 408f symptoms and signs, 42–43
pharmacological additives, 1110 reconstruction, 399–401 Local factors, wound care/healing, 11
washing, 1110 site analysis, 401 Local flaps
recipient site size analysis, 401 cheeks, 390, 391f
fat grafting, 1110, 1112 vermilion defects, 401–402 eyelid reconstruction, 439
fat graft survival, ASCs in, 1112–1113 Lips lower limb, 658–661
intrinsic patient variability, adipose anatomy, 398–399 nasal reconstruction, 414–415
tissue in, 1111 congenital disorders, 196–211 pharyngeal reconstruction, 366
manipulation, 1111 embryology, 398, 399f total penile reconstruction, 633
volume retention over time, facial reanimation, 318 Local skin flaps, 414–415
1111–1112 lymphatic drainage, 398 Locoregional melanoma treatment, 92–93
Liposomal bupivacaine, 41 musculature, 398, 400f Longitudinal platysmal hyperfunction,
Liposomal drug delivery, 41–42 site analysis, 401 1046–1047
Liposuction size analysis, 401 Longitudinal platysma muscle
abdominal surgery, 1121–1122, 1122f vasculature, 398 hyperfunction, 1049
abdominoplasty, 1121–1122, 1122f Liquid injectable silicone (purified Long pulsed Nd:YAG, 52
body contouring, 1121–1122, 1122f polydimethylsiloxane), 951 Long-scar neck lift, 1045, 1047f–1048f,
complications, 1113, 1114t Liver failure, cell-based extracorporeal 1062–1063, 1062f
donor site preparation, 1107–1108 support device, 76–77 Long term laser side effects, 51
emerging safety concerns, 1113, 1114t Local anesthetics, 37–48 Long-term outcomes, Dupuytren’s disease,
harvest absorption, 38–39 879–880
aspiration technique, 1108–1109 adjuncts, 39 Lop ear, 237–239
cannula size, 1108 Bier block, 45–46 Lotus flaps, 623f
depth of, 1108 chemical structure, 38f Love-handles, 1131–1132, 1133f
parcel size, 1108 chemistry, 37–38 Lower central facial allograft, 139
site, 1107 clearance, 39 Lower extremity transplantation (LET), 142
injection, 1110 clinical practice, 39 Lower eyelid and midcheek rejuvenation
lymphedema, 678 concentration, 39 aging, 1016, 1017f
processing differential blockade, 37 nonsurgical techniques
centrifugation, filtration, decanting, distribution, 38–39 complications of injectables, 1018–
and rolling techniques, duration of action, 37–38 1020
1109–1110 electroporation, 42 hyaluronic acid, 1018
pharmacological additives, 1110 facial nerve blocks, 46–47 neurotoxins, 1018
washing, 1110 infraorbital nerve block, 46 tear trough deformity, 1018,
recipient site intravenous regional anesthesia, 45–46 1019f–1020f, 1028
fat grafting, 1110, 1112 iontophoresis, 42 patient selection, 1017–1018
fat graft survival, ASCs in, 1112–1113 mechanism of action, 37 safe dissection, 1028
1172 Index

Lower eyelid and midcheek rejuvenation Lunate avascular necrosis, 906–909 Lymphedema (Continued)
(Continued) Lund and Browder chart, 156f physiological procedures, 678
subperiosteal plane, 1028 Lunotriquetral (LT) dissociation, 916 postoperative infections, 671
surgical techniques LVB. See Lymphovenous bypass primary, 668–669
anatomy and dissection planes, Lyme disease, 314 radiation therapy, 670
1016–1017, 1017f Lymphadenectomy, 90–91 reductive methods, 678
subciliary/transcutaneous approach, Lymphangiomas, 188–189 risk factors, 670–671
1024–1026 Lymphatic anatomy, 388 secondary, 669–672
transconjunctival lower eyelid Lymphatic drainage stem cells, 677
blepharoplasty, 1020–1024 abdominoplasty/ body contouring, 1116 surgical treatments, 678–682
youthful midcheek, 1016 lips, 398 swelling, 672–673
Lower eyelid, facial reanimation, 317 scalp anatomy, 470 treatment, 676–682
Lower facial reanimation management, Lymphatic malformations, 188–191, 942 vascularized lymph node transplantation,
317–320 Lymphatic system 680–682
Lower lateral cartilages (LLC), 1083–1084, anatomy, 666–668 weight loss, 676
1083f, 1090–1091 capillaries and collectors, 666–668 wound care/healing, 13
Lower limbs deep collecting, 667 Lymphedema index, 673
amputation, 661–664, 663f drainage system, 667f Lymphedema praecox, 669
anatomy, 793–795 functions, 666 Lymphedema tarda, 669, 669f
anterolateral thigh flap, 662f lymph nodes, 668 Lymph nodes, 668
antibiotics, 654–655 mouse ear model, 667f biopsy, 89–90
arthrogryposis, 706 mouse lymph node, 668f melanoma, 84
assessments, 652 superficial, 667 neck dissections, 327–332
burns, 169–170 Lymphedema, 13, 666–683 Lymphoscintigraphy, 673
combined orthoplastic approach, 653 advanced age, 671 Lymphosomes, 667
compartment syndrome, 653, 793–795, antiinflammatory treatments, 677–678 Lymphovenous bypass (LVB), 678–680,
798 bandaging, 676 679f
complications, 664 bioimpedance, 673
debridement, 655–656 breast cancer-related, 673f M
external fixation, 657 cellulitis, 671 MABC. See Medial antebrachial cutaneous
fasciocutaneous flap, 658–661 classification, 669, 671–672, 674–676 nerve
flap surgery, 658–661 compression, 676–677 MAC. See Microcystic adnexal carcinoma
free flaps, 659–661 congenital, 669 Macrochimerism, 131–132
gastrocnemius flap, 658 decongestive therapy, 676–677 Macrocystic lesions, 188–189, 189f
history, 651–652 diagnosis, 672–674 Macrodactyly, 696–697, 696f
infection, 664 etiology, 668–670 Macrogenia, 307–308
initial management, 652–653 exercise, 676 Macromastia
injury classification, 653, 654t fibrosis, 672 assessment, 575–576
intramedullary nailing, 657 genetic mutations, 671 breast reduction, 575–582
local muscle flaps, 658–661 imaging, 673–674 examination, 575–576
musculoskeletal, 653 indocyanine green (ICG) lymphography, history, 575
nerve function, 652 674 indications, 582
osteomyelitis, 664 inflammation, 672 management, 576–582
perforator flaps, 658–659, 660f intermittent pneumatic pumps, 676–677 mastopexy, 575–582
plates and screws, 657 International Society of Lymphology pedicle design, 576–578, 578f
reconstruction, 651–665 (ISL) Staging, 674 photographic assessment, 575–576
skeletal fixation, 656–657 Koshima ICG classification system, resection patterns, 578–582
skeletal reconstruction, 661 674–676, 675f, 675t skin resection pattern, 578–582
skin, 652 liposuction, 678 Macrostomia, 261, 261b
soft tissue reconstruction, 657–658 low-level laser therapy (LLLT), 677 MACS. See Minimal access cranial
soleus flap, 658 lymphangiogenic growth factors, 677 suspension
vascular injury, 653–654 lymphoscintigraphy, 673 Maffucci syndrome, 191
vascular status, 652–653 lymphovenous bypass (LVB), 678–680 Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
wound complications, 664 magnetic resonance angiography (MRA), deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
wound debridement, 655–656 674 flap, 542, 542f
Lower lip defect, 402–409 MD Anderson ICG Classification, 675t, lateral thigh or septocutaneous tensor
Lower plexus injuries, 831 676 fascia lata perforators, 549f
Lower premasseter space, 964–965, 965f medical treatments, 676–678 lymphedema, 674
Low-level laser therapy (LLLT), NECST classification system, 674, 675t profunda artery perforator flap, 547f
lymphedema, 677 omentum flap, 682f Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
LPS. See Levator palpebrae superioris pathophysiology, 671–672 abdominal wall, 613–614
L-strut technique, 429 physical examination, 672 brachial plexus injuries, 830
Index 1173

Magnetic resonance imaging (Continued) Management (Continued) Management (Continued)

facial reanimation, 315 craniosynostosis, 275–281 scapholunate dissociation (SLD),
glomus tumor, 938–939 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855–857 912–913
hands, 932 debridement, 605 skull base reconstruction, 378–384
head and neck cancer, 323 dehiscence, 605 soft tissue radiation, 149
lipoma, 935, 936f de Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 909 sternal cleft, 603–604
nerve compression, 844–845 distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, sternal dehiscence, 605
osteoarthritis, 896 897, 897f superficial radial nerve compression, 864
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 921 duplication disorders, 692 superomedial vertical breast reduction,
scaphoid fracture, 909–910 Dupuytren disease (DD), 877 582–590
scapholunate dissociation, 912 extensor tendon injuries, 751–756 syndactyly, 686–688
soft tissue sarcomas, 945 eyelid reconstruction, 438–446 syndromic craniosynostosis, 279–281
velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD), 225 facial reanimation, 315–320 thumb CMC arthrodesis, 904
venous malformation, finger, 941f fascial defects, 615–617 thumb hypoplasia, 698–699
volar wrist ganglion, 937f feet, compartment syndrome, 798 trigger thumb, 707
wrist pathology, 907 forearm, 771–772 tuberous breast, 568–569
Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) fractures, 884t, 892–893 ulnar polydactyly, 693–694
antigen, 132 fronto-orbital remodeling, 276 unilateral velophayngeal insufficiency, 230
Malignant chondroid syringoma, 123 Guyon’s canal syndrome, 857–863, vaginal reconstruction, 630–632
Malignant cylindroma, 123 861f–862f velopharyngeal dysfunction, 225–226
Malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH), hands vertical augmentation-mastopexy, 591
123, 946 compartment syndrome, 796–797 vertical mastopexy, 591
Malignant melanoma, 174–175 finger tip injuries, 713–714 wrist, 907–909, 912–913
Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumors fractures, 884t, 892–893 zygomatico-maxillary fractures, 489–492
(MPNST), 945 hypospadias, 635–636 Manchester technique, 207
Malignant tumors Jeune syndrome, 604 Mandible fractures
adnexal carcinomas, 122–123 Kienböck’s disease, 907–909 anatomy, 335–336
atypical skin lesions, 120–129 lower extremity compartment syndrome, clinical assessment, 508–510
hands, 947–948 798 complications, 514
head and neck reconstruction, 322–333 lower limb reconstruction, 651–665 compression plates, 512
Merkel cell carcinoma, 120–122 lymphedema, 676–682 craniofacial clefts, 264, 265f
Mallet fractures, 753, 753f, 888–889 macrodactyly, 696–697 definitive treatment, 511
Malocclusion, 514 macromastia, 576–582 early management, 510–511
Malunion, 514 mastopexy, 576–582 imaging, 510, 511f
Mammary ridges, 565 melanocytic nevi, 176–181 infections, 514
Management Merkel cell carcinoma, 122 malocclusion and malunion, 514
abdominoplasty, 1121–1130 metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty, nerve injury, 514
arthrogryposis, 706–707 901, 901f nonunion, 514
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604 nasal reconstruction, 412–413 operative management, 512–514, 513f
asymmetric velophayngeal insufficiency, nerve compression, 846–851, 855–857 plate exposure, 514
230 nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, sites of, 510f
blepharoptosis, 1099–1105, 1100t, 1102f 275–276 Mandibular anatomy, 335–336
body contouring, 1121–1130 oral tongue reconstruction, 334–352 Mandibular asymmetry, 301
brachial plexus injuries, 831–839 osteoarthritis, 897, 901 Mandibular hypoplasia, 296
breast reduction, 576–582 pectus carinatum, 602 Mandibular nerve branch, 967
burns, 158 pectus excavatum, 600–602 Mandibular prognathism, 299
camptodactyly, 691 perineum, 623–624 Mandibular reconstruction
carpal tunnel syndrome, 846–851, pharyngeal reconstruction, 366–370 extensive oromandibular defect, 349
847f–850f Poland syndrome, 570–571, 603 free fibula osteoseptocutaneous flap,
cheek reconstruction, 389–393, 389f, pressure injuries, 645–646 347–348
390b pronator syndrome, 851 free flap selection, 347
chest wall tumors, 606 proximal interphalangeal joint marginal mandibulectomy reconstruction,
cleft lip, 200–201 arthrodesis, 897, 900 348–349
cleft palate, 219–223, 225–226 proximal radial nerve compression, 868 microsurgical reconstructions, 339–345
clinodactyly, 689, 690f radial longitudinal deficiency, 701–703 osseointegration, 349
compartment syndrome, 796–798 radial nerve decompression, spiral groove, regional flap reconstruction, 339–340
congenital disorders 868 segmental, 347
blepharoptosis, 1100–1103, 1100t, radial polydactyly, 692 Mandibular sagittal split osteotomy, 295
1102f radial tunnel decompression, 864 Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS),
melanocytic nevi, 176–181 radiation therapy, 146–154 653
constriction ring syndrome, 704–705 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920–930 Mannerfelt lesion, 927
craniofacial clefts, 249 scalp reconstruction, 470–478 Manual lymphatic massage (MLD), 676
1174 Index

Marjolin’s ulcer, 104 Maxillary sinuses, 327t, 481 Melanomas, 83–96

Markings Maxillary transverse deficiency, 303 acral lentiginous, 84
breast, 583, 584f Maxillectomy, 358–360 adjuvant therapy, 92
breast augmentation, 522 Maxillomandibular relationships, 284, biopsy, 84
cheeks, 394f–395f 285f classification, 84–85
cleft lip, 196–197, 204 Maximal intercuspation, 286 clinical diagnosis, 83–84
cleft palate, 222f MCC. See Merkel cell carcinoma cutaneous melanoma, 84, 85t
ears, 240 Mclaughlin’s lateral tarsorrhaphy, 317 desmoplastic, 84
eyelid reconstruction, 437–438 Meatal stenosis, hypospadias, 640 distant metastases, 93–95
facial nerves, 966 Mechanical creep, 56, 57b epidemiology, 83
pressure sores, 648f Mechanical integrity, chest wall, 606 excisional biopsy, 84
superomedial vertical breast reduction, Mechanisms histology, 84–85
583, 584f ear amputation, 450 incidence, 83
Marrow stromal cells, 5 local anesthetics, 37 invasion, 85t
Martin–Gruber anastomosis, 855 Mechanotransduction, 11 lentigo maligna, 84
Masseteric nerve, 312–313 Medial antebrachial cutaneous nerve locoregional treatment, 92–93
Massive weight loss, 1130–1138, (MABC), 815f, 831–832, 857 lymphadenectomy, 90–91
1132f–1134f, 1136f Medial canthal tendon, 435 lymph nodes, 84
Mastectomy Medial canthal webbing, upper eyelid metastases, 93–95
incisions, 535–538 rejuvenation, 1014 mucosal melanomas, 95
nipple-sparing mastectomy, 536, 536f–537f Medial canthoplasty, 1103–1104 nodular, 84
non-skin-sparing, 537 Medial circumflex femoral profunda artery- noncutaneous, 95
skin-sparing mastectomy, 537 based flaps, 626–629 non-melanoma skin cancer, 97–113
wise pattern mastectomy, 537–538, 538f Medial epicondylectomy, 856 ocular melanoma, 95
Mastopexy Medial pedicle, 579f–581f, 583 prognosis, 83
blood supply, 578f Medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) flap, risk factors, 83
breast reduction, 574–598.e1, 593 343 satellites, 92
dehiscence, 593, 597f Median nerve sentinel lymph node biopsy, 89–90
glandular ptosis, 575–582 anatomy, 763 staging, 85–87
hematoma, 593 clinical features, 763 superficial spreading, 84
infection, 592 compression, 845–851 TNM staging categories, 85t
inframammary fold, 574 decompression, 851 in transit metastases, 92
macromastia, 575–582 muscle–tendon unit transplantation, tumorigenic phase, 84–85
management, 576–582 763–765 wide excision, 87–88
nipple necrosis, 592–593, 596f palsy, 763 Mentalis muscle, 306
seroma, 593 reconstruction, 763 Mental nerve
Mathes and Nahai classification, 16f, 20f tendon transfer, 763–765 block, 46–47
Matrices, tissue engineering (TE), 78 thumb IP and index DIP joint flexion, local anesthetics, 46–47
Matti–Russe technique, 910 765 Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), 120–122
Maxilla, 493–495 thumb opposition, 764–765, 764f Mesenchymal/dermal wound healing, 7
allotransplantation model, 133–135 transplants, 763–765 Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), 5
craniofacial clefts, 261–264 Medical Research Council (MRC) lymphedema, 677
Maxillary and mandibular dental grading system, 839 MESS. See Mangled Extremity Severity
relationships, 284 scale, 829 Score
Maxillary artery supply, cheek, 388 Melanocytic nevi Metabolism
Maxillary fractures children, 172–182 burns, 158–159
anatomy, 482 classification, 172 local anesthetics, 39
classification, 490 clinical features, 172, 173f Metacarpal extensor tendon injuries,
clinical assessment, 490–491 congenital disorders, 172–182 756–757
complications, 493–495 cutaneous phenotypes, 173f Metacarpal fractures
imaging, 491 excision, 176–177 base fractures, 887, 887f
management, 491 facial appearances, 174, 175f, 175t intraarticular, 885–886
Maxillary hypoplasia, 198 genetics, 175–176 neck fractures, 885
Maxillary reconstruction histology, 172 shaft fractures, 886–887
bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356 malignant melanoma, 174–175 thumb, 887
complications, 360–361 management, 174f Metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ)
fistula formation, 360–361 melanoma, 174–175 arthroplasty, 900–901, 930
hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354–356 neurological associations, 172–174 extension tendon transfer, 762
orbital wall reconstruction, 356–358 pediatric surgery, 176–181 extensor tendons, 756
orbitomaxillectomy, 358–360 phenotypic classification, 172 rheumatoid arthritis, 927–928
outcomes, 361–362 primary closure, 178–179 thumb, 756
palatoalveolar defects, 353–356 surgical management, 176–181 Metallic biomaterials, 32–33
Index 1175

Metastases Möbius syndrome, 313 Muscle–tendon unit (MTU) transplantation

basal cell carcinoma, 98 Modality, lasers, 50 (Continued)
melanoma, 93–95 Mode of action, radiation therapy, 146–148 general principles, 759
Methemaglobinemia, 44 Modified radical neck dissection, 330 indications, 758
Metopic synostosis, 274, 274f Mohs micrographic surgery (MMS), 88 management, 759–760
MFH. See Malignant fibrous histiocytoma basal cell carcinoma, 103 median nerve palsy, 763–765
Microbiology, cleft lip, 199 pilomatrixoma, 116 postoperative care, 772
Microchimerism, 131–132 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 110 radial nerve palsy, 760–763
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (MAC), 122, Molecular mechanisms, craniosynostosis, surgical technique, 760
123f 268–269 tetraplegia, 767–772
Microcystic lesions, 188–189 Moment arm, 760f ulnar nerve palsy, 765–767
Microdermabrasion, 955 Monochromatic laser, 49 Muscle transfer, 317
Microfocused ultrasound (MFU), 956–957 Mons pubis flap, 624f Musculoaponeurotic system, 1116, 1117f
Microgenia, 307 Morbidity, lymphadenectomy, 90 Musculocutaneous flap, 340, 345
Microneedling, cutaneous remodelling, 955 Morpheaform basal cell carcinoma, 99t Musculus uvulae, 215
Micronodular basal cell carcinoma, 99t Morphology Mustardé cheek rotation flap, 440–441,
Microporation, 42 asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604 448f
Microsomia, 261, 313 chest wall, 604 Mustardé technique, 235–236, 235f
Microsurgery extensor tendon injuries, 756–757 Myasthenia management, 1104
pharyngeal reconstruction, 365, 373t Jeune syndrome, 604 Myelinated fibers, 37
scalp reconstruction, 475–476 melanoma, 84 Mylohyoid muscle, 306
Microtia, 239–242 pectus carinatum, 602 Myocutaneous flaps, 15–16, 379–380
Microvascular anastomosis, 354 pectus excavatum, 599 Myopathic ptosis, 1104–1105
Microvascularity, tissue expansion, 59 Motor and sensory recovery, 133–135
Microvascular pharyngeal reconstruction, Motor examination N
365 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855 Nails, finger tip injuries, 726–728, 727f
Midcheek regions, 970–971, 970f, 1016, nerve compression, 843 Nalebuff classification, rheumatoid thumb
1017f Motor innervation, abdominal wall, 611 deformities, 930t
Mid-dermis tissue loss, 10 Motor nerves, scalp anatomy, 470 Nasal anatomy, 1082–1084, 1083f–1084f
Middle Eastern nasal characteristics, 1086 Motor unit potentials (MUPs) Nasal bones, 1082
Middle phalanx fractures, 889 brachial plexus injuries, 830 Nasal cavity, 325, 327t
Middle premasseter space, 965, 965f nerve compression, 844 Nasal deformity, cleft lip, 198
Midface deformity, 279 Movement, blood supply, 19t, 20–25 Nasal lining, 411
Mid face management, 317–320 MPNST. See Malignant peripheral nerve Nasal reconstruction, 411–433. See also
Midface reconstruction, 353–363 sheath tumors Nose
bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356 MRA. See Magnetic resonance angiography alloplast, 427
complications, 360–361 MRI. See Magnetic resonance imaging bilobed flap, 414–415, 417f
fistula formation, 360–361 Mucochondralnasal septum graft, 448f bipedicle flap, 426
hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354–356 Mucosal local anesthetics, 41 blood supply, 412, 412f
orbital wall reconstruction, 356–358 Mucosal melanomas, 95 cantilever rib graft, 428f, 429
orbitomaxillectomy, 358–360 Mucous cysts, 937 classical skin graft, 424
outcomes, 361–362 Muenke syndrome, 269–270, 269f composite defects, 430
palatoalveolar defects, 353–356 Müller’s muscle, 435, 1096, 1100–1101 contralateral septal flap, 426, 427f
Midfacial allograft, 139 Müller test, 225 deep defects, 417–428
Midline support, nasal reconstruction, 429 Mulliken’s method, 207 defect analysis, 412–413
Mid-thumb reconstruction, 767–772 Multicenter Selective Lymphadenectomy direct closure, 413–414
Miliary hemangiomatosis, 183 (MSLT-I) randomized trial, 89 distant free flaps, 428
Milk lines, 565 Multidisciplinary team approach, pressure dorsal nasal flap, 414, 415f–416f
Millard rotation–advancement repair, injuries, 647, 649 esthetic subunits, 413, 413f
202–203 Multisuture synostosis, 275 extended defects, 430
Millard technique, 207 MUPs. See Motor unit potentials forehead flaps, 422–424, 423f, 425f,
Milroy’s disease, 669 Muscles 427–428
Mini-abdominoplasty, 1125–1127 abdominal wall, 610, 611f free flaps, 428, 428f
Minimal access cranial suspension (MACS), aging, 964, 967–968 full-thickness graft, 414, 424
1037–1038, 1037f anatomy, 1096, 1097f glabellar flap, 415–416, 419f
Mirror ear, 232 blepharoptosis, 1096, 1100–1101, 1104 grafts, 414, 424
Mixed basal cell carcinoma, 99 cheeks, 387, 387b hinged septal flap, 429
MLD. See Manual lymphatic massage facial anatomy, 387, 967–968 hingeover flaps, 424–426
MMS. See Mohs micrographic surgery lip reconstruction, 398, 400f innervation, 412
Moberg flap, 719f Muscle–tendon unit (MTU) transplantation intranasal lining flaps, 426–427
Mobile tissue availability, 17 biomechanics, 758–759 ipsilateral septal flap, 426, 426f
Mobile wad, 793 combined palsy, 767 large defects, 417–428
1176 Index

Nasal reconstruction (Continued) Neck dissection (Continued) Neck staging, 323–326

lateral support, 429–430 metastasis, 327–330 Necrosis, 592–593, 596f, 1093
lining, 411 radical neck dissection, 330 Negative-pressure therapy, 470–471, 605
lining restoration, 424–428 reconstruction, 327–332 Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT),
local skin flaps, 414–415 selective neck dissection, 330–331 645
L-Strut technique, 429 sentinel lymph node biopsy, 331–332 acute abdominal wounds, 614
management, 412–413 types, 330–332 chronic abdominal wounds, 614
nasal cover, 411–412 Neck lifts, 1041–1081.e1 Neoclassical cutaneous wound healing,
nasal skeleton, 411 anesthesia, 1061 11–13
nasolabial flaps, 416–417, 420f anterior platysmaplasty, 1070, Neoglottis, 371
paramedian forehead flap, 422–424, 423f, 1071f–1072f Neoplastic disorders, 314
425f case studies, 1079–1081, 1079f–1081f Neovascularization, tissue engineering (TE),
prefabricated forehead flap, 424 cervical lipectomy, 1063 72–73
prelaminated forehead flaps, 424 chin implant, 1045, 1047f Nerve anatomy
presurgical evaluation, 412 drain removal, 1078 facial anatomy, 311–312, 966–967
regional flaps, 427 excess subplatysmal volume, 1051, 1056f scalp anatomy, 470
regional skin flaps, 415–417 extended techniques, 1045, 1047f–1048f, Nerve compression, 842–871
residual nasal lining advancement, 426 1062–1063, 1062f anatomy, 845–846, 851–855, 863
rib grafts, 429 facelift, 1045–1046, 1048f anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, 851
septal pivot composite flaps, 426–427, fat distribution, 1051–1058, carpal tunnel syndrome, 846–851
427f, 429 1055f–1058f clinical evaluation, 843
single-stage nasolabial flap, 416–417, former smokers, 1060–1061 clinical presentation, 846, 851, 855, 857,
420f head position, 1078 863
single-stage regional skin flaps, 415–417 incision closure, 1077–1078 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855–857
skin grafts, 424 lateral platysmapexy, 1070–1073, electrodiagnostic studies, 844–845
skin replacement, 418–424 1072f–1075f Guyon’s canal syndrome, 857–863
structural support, 428–430 local anesthetic, 1061, 1062f imaging, 844
subunit principle, 413, 413f neck contour, 1063–1064, 1064f investigations, 844–845
surgical anatomy, 411–412 neckline, 1041, 1042f magnetic resonance imaging, 844–845
surgical management, 412–413 neck problems assessments, 1051–1060 management, 846–851, 855–864
three-layered reconstruction, 413 operating room time allocation, 1061 median nerve compression, 845–851
three-stage folded forehead flap, 427–428 partial digastric myectomy, 1068–1069, median nerve decompression, 851
three-stage paramedian forehead flap, 1069f–1070f palmar cutaneous nerve, 851
423–424, 425f platysma deformity assessments, 1047– pathophysiology, 842–843
two-stage nasolabial flap, 419–422, 421f 1051, 1052f–1055f physical examination, 843
two-stage paramedian forehead flap, platysma treatments, 1046–1047 posterior interosseous nerve (PIN)
422–423, 423f postoperative care, 1078 syndrome, 863
V–Y flap, 415, 418f preoperative preparations, 1060–1061 pronator syndrome, 851
Zitelli’s bilobed flap, 414–415, 417f procedure for performing, 1041, 1042f proximal radial nerve compression, 864
Nasal septal cartilage, 446 radiofrequency skin shrinking treatment, radial nerve compression, 863–868
Nasal skeleton, 411 1060–1061 radial tunnel syndrome, 863
Nasal tips, 1090–1091 short-scar technique, 1043–1045, superficial radial nerve compression,
Nasoalveolar molding (NAM), 200, 200f 1044f–1046f 864–868
Nasoendoscopy, 224–225 sleeping position, 1078 ulnar nerve, 851–863
Nasolabial flaps, 416–417, 420f smokers, 1060–1061 Wartenberg syndrome, 864–868
Nasometry, 225 submandibular glands, 1058–1060, Nerve conduction studies (NCS)
Naso-orbital fractures, 480–485 1059f–1060f, 1066–1068, 1067f brachial plexus injuries, 830
Nasopharynx, 323, 324t submental dissection, 1062, 1062f nerve compression, 844
Natatory ligament (NL), 873 submental incision, 1043–1045, Nerve Excitability Test (NET), 315
National Comprehensive Cancer Network 1044f–1046f, 1061 Nerve fiber characteristics, local
(NCNN), 91 submental liposuction, 1041–1043, anesthetics, 37
National Institute for Health and Care 1043f–1044f Nerve gaps
Excellence (NICE), 1141 submental region, modification, 1051, long, 813
NCNN. See National Comprehensive 1055f short, 810–813
Cancer Network subplatysmal fat, 1063–1066, 1065f Nerve grafts, 809–813
Neck, burns, 168–169 surgical management, 1061–1078 Nerve injuries, 803–825, 1038
Neck contour, 1063–1064, 1064f surgical planning, 1046–1051, classification, 804–807, 804t
Neck dissection 1049f–1055f complex regional pain syndrome,
cervical lymph node levels, 327, 331t transverse platysma myotomy, 1073– 822–823
chemoradiotherapy, 332 1077, 1076f crush Injuries, 804–805
complications, 332 ultrasonic skin shrinking treatment, evaluation, 807
indications, 327–330 1060–1061 lacerations, 807–808
Index 1177

Nerve injuries (Continued) Neurilemoma, 942 Non-operative facial rejuvenation

mandible fractures, 514 Neurocutaneous melanosis, 172–173 ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid), 954–955
penetrating injuries, 806–807 Neurofibroma, 942, 943f–944f botulinum toxin
traction and avulsion, 805–806 Neurological disorders, 172–174, 314 adverse effects and complications,
Nerve palsy, 758–773 Neurolysis, 864 950–951
anatomy, 760, 763, 765–766 Neuroma, 819–822 BoNT-A, 949–950, 950f
combined palsy, 767 Neuromuscular hamartomas, 945 definition, 949
excursion, 758–759 Neuropathic pain, 819 cutaneous remodelling
general approach, 759–760 Neurosurgical problems, 276–277 chemical peels, 955
indications, 758, 759t Neurothekeoma, 943–945 IPL, 957
median nerve palsy, 763–765 Neurotmesis, 804 MFU, 956–957
metacarpophalangeal joint extension, 762 Nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn, 118 microdermabrasion, 955
postoperative care, 772 New areolar opening, 583 microneedling, 956
power, 758 NICE. See National Institute for Health and PRP, 955–956
principles, 759, 761t Care Excellence radiofrequency, 956
radial nerve palsy, 760–763 Niche manipulation, tissue engineering soft tissue fillers
surgical technique, 760, 761f (TE), 77–78 biodegradable fillers, 951–954
tendon transfer, 758–773 Nipple–areolar complex (NAC) historic context, 951
tensioning, 759 breast augmentation, 522 nonbiodegradable fillers, 951
tetraplegia, 767–772 tuberous breast, 568 rheological properties, 951
thumb, 762–763, 766 Nipple necrosis, 592–593, 596f submental fullness, 951–954
ulnar nerve palsy, 765–767 Nipple-sparing mastectomy, 536, 536f–537f ATX-101 (deoxycholic acid), 954–955
wrist extension, 761–762 NMSC. See Nonmelanoma skin cancer cryolipolysis, 955
Nerve reconstruction, 803, 812–813, 816f Nodular basal cell carcinoma, 99t, 100–102 Non-operative management
acellular nerve allograft, 813, 816f Nodular melanoma, 84 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 102–103
intraoperative nerve stimulation, 809 Nomenclature, allotransplantation, 131–132 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855
lacerations, 807–808 Nonablative lasers, 50 Dupuytren disease (DD), 878–880
nerve grafting, 809–813 Nonbiodegradable fillers, 951 facial paralysis/palsy, 316
penetrating injuries, 806–807 Noncutaneous melanoma, 95 facial reanimation, 316
postoperative management, 818–822 Noninvoluting congenital hemangiomas lunotriquetral (LT) dissociation, 916
Nerve repair (NICH), 186 osteoarthritis, 896
acellular nerve allograft, 813, 816f Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) perilunate dislocations (PLDs), 913–914
allografts, 813, 816f basal cell carcinoma, 97–104, 98f–100f, pronator syndrome, 851
conduits, 803, 812 99t SLAC and SNAC, 916
end-to-end, 819f biopsy, 100–102, 107 thumb carpometacarpal (CMC)
end-to-side, 815–818, 820f classification, 99, 105–107 osteoarthritis, 902
epineural repairs, 808, 809f clinical presentation, 99, 99t, 105 vaginal reconstruction, 631
fascicular repairs, 808 curettage, 104, 110 Non-skin-sparing mastectomy, 537
grafts, 809–813 dermoscopy, 100, 107 Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug
intraoperative nerve stimulation, 809 electrodessication, 104, 110 (NSAID), 677–678
lacerations, 807–808 epidemiology, 97–98, 104–105 Nonsyndromic craniosynostosis, 268, 275–276
nerve grafting, 809–813 excision, 103–104, 110 Nonunions
nerve transfers, 814–818 genetics, 97–98, 104–105 mandible fractures, 514
neurorrhaphy, 803, 808–810 histology, 100–102 scaphoid, 910–911
postoperative management, 818–822 imaging, 107–108 No-reflow phenomenon, 780–781
proximal injuries, 807–808 incidence, 97 Normal antihelix, 451–455, 454f–456f
reverse end-to-side, 815–818 management, 102–104 Normal ear, 237
tension, 808 Mohs micrographic surgery, 104, 110 Normal tongue anatomy, 334–336
timing, 808 nasopharyngeal carcinoma, 364 Norton scale, 644
Nerve supply nonoperative management, 102–103, Nose
abdominoplasty/body contouring, 109–110 anatomy, 411–412, 1082–1084,
1117–1119, 1118f operative management, 103–104 1083f–1084f
cheeks, 388–389 oral therapy, 102–103, 110 burns, 168
rhinoplasty, 1084, 1085f pathogenesis, 98, 105 cover anatomy, 411–412
Nerve transfers photodynamic therapy, 103, 110 craniofacial clefts, 258–261
end-to-end, 819f pulsed dye laser, 104 defect analysis, 412–413
end-to-side, 815–818 radiotherapy, 103, 110 lining anatomy, 411
indications, 818t risk factors, 97, 104 skeleton, 411
median to radial nerve transfer, 818f squamous cell carcinoma, 104–112 NRAS mutation, 176
tendon transfers, 814–815 staging, 107–109 N Staging, 326
Neuralgic amyotrophy, 830 TNM classification system, 108t, 109 Nuss procedure, 600–602
Neurapraxia, 804 topical therapies, 102, 109–110 Nutrition, 158–159, 646
1178 Index

O Oral tongue reconstruction (Continued) Orbital septum, 1008, 1096–1097

Obesity, 10–11 medial sural artery perforator (MSAP) Orbital wall reconstruction
Objective diagnosis, compartment flap, 343 bone grafts, 357–358
syndrome, 795–796 microsurgical reconstructions, 340–345 exophthalmos, 356–357
Objective issues, rhinoplasty, 1094 non-flap options, 338 soft tissue free flap, 357–358
Oblique retinacular ligament (ORL), 751 normal anatomy, 334–336 suprastructure maxillectomy, 356–357
O’Brien islanded flap, 720f osseointegration, 349 titanium mesh, 358
Obstetrical brachial plexus injuries, 831 pectoralis major myocutaneous flap, total maxillectomy, 356–357
Obstructive sleep apnea, 225, 304–305 339 Orbitomaxillectomy, 358–360
Occasional schwannomatosis, 942 pectoralis major osteomusculocutaneous Orbits
Occidental eyelid, 1008–1009 flap, 340 anatomy, 495–496
Occlusal splints, 287–288, 288f physiology, 334–336 craniofacial clefts, 261
Occult submucous cleft palate, 215–216 postresection anatomy, 334–336 Organs
Occupational therapy, burns, 160 profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap, allotransplantation, 131
Ocular melanoma, 95 342–343 tissue engineering, 68, 69f
Ocular problems, 277–278, 505–506 radial forearm free flap, 340–341 ORL. See Oblique retinacular ligament
Oculo-auriculo-vertebral spectrum, regional flap reconstruction, 339–340 Oronasal fistula, 360–361
239–240, 242–243 scapular osteomusculocutaneous Oropharynx, 324, 324t–325t
Olfactory nerve filaments, 481 flap, 345 Orthognathic pediatric surgery
Omental flap, 16f, 607, 608f, 632 soft tissue free flaps, 340–345 anatomy, 291–296
Onset of action, local anesthetics, 38 soft tissue regional flaps, 339 cephalometrics, 287–290, 290f, 290t
Open carpal tunnel release, 847f–850f submandibular artery flap, 339 clinical evaluation, 286–287
Open fracture, 893 supraclavicular artery island flap, 339 conventional model surgery, 288f
Open rhinoplasty, 1088–1090 surgical reconstruction, 334–352 craniosynostosis, 280
Operative management. See also Surgical thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) dental impressions, 287
management flap, 343 dentofacial relationships and terminology,
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 103–104 total glossectomy, 342f 283–286
brachial plexus injuries, 831–839 Orbicularis oculi muscle, 435, 1008, facial dimensions, 286, 286f
cubital tunnel syndrome, 855–856 1023–1024, 1024f–1025f facial profile analysis, 286–287, 287f
Dupuytren disease (DD), 877–878 Orbicularis oris muscle, 197, 398 history, 283
fractures, 892–893 Orbicularis retaining ligament (ORL), maxillary and mandibular growth, 291,
superomedial vertical breast reduction, 1024–1026 292f
585f–587f Orbit, 481 occlusal bite registration, 287
vertical augmentation-mastopexy, 591 Orbital cavity, 481 operative management, 291–296
vertical mastopexy, 591, 591f–595f Orbital exenteration orthodontics, 290–291
Opponensplasty, 764–765 bulkier flaps, 359–360 postnatal midfacial growth, 291
Optic nerve, 481 definition, 358–359 preoperative radiography, 290f
Oral cancers, 322–333 free flaps, 359 radiography, 287–290
Oral cavities, 322–333, 324t maxillectomy, 360 sensory innervation, 291
Oral commissure, 398 skin grafts, 359 surgical anatomy, 291–296
Oral examinations, board exams, 1142, Orbital fat, 1011, 1011f treatment planning, 291–296
1144 Orbital floor vascularity, 291
Oral therapy, basal cell carcinoma, 102–103 craniofacial clefts, 261 virtual surgical planning, 287–288, 289f
Oral tongue reconstruction, 334–352 reconstruction, 34 Orthopaedics, cleft lip, 200–201
anatomical defects, 334–336 Orbital fractures, 495–507 Orthotopic transplantation, 131
anterolateral thigh flap, 341–342 anatomy, 495–496 Orticochea flap, 472
bone-bearing regional flaps, 339–340 canthal dystopia, 507 Osmed self-expanders, 61
complications, 349–350 classification, 504t Osmotic expanders, 60–61
compound mandibular defects, 348 clinical assessment, 501 Osseointegrated implant, 378
computer-aided design and computer- complications, 505–507 Osseointegration, 349
aided manufacture, 350–351 enophthalmos, 506–507 Osseous genioplasty, 296, 307
deep circumflex iliac artery (DCIA) flap, global dystopia, 507 macrogenia, 307–308
344–345 imaging, 501–502 microgenia, 307
defect-directed reconstruction, 345–349 lateral orbital wall, 497 Ossification, 684
extensive oromandibular defect, 349 management, 502–505 Osteoarthritis, 896–905
fibula flap, 343–344 medial walls, 497 complications, 902
function, 334–336 ocular problems, 505–506 distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis,
gracilis flap, 341 orbital apex, 497 896–897
intraoral flap techniques, 338–339 orbital floor, 496–497 Eaton–Glickel classification, 902
management, 334–352 orbital roof, 496 hand, 896–905
marginal mandibulectomy reconstruction, surgical pathology and pathogenesis, imaging, 896
348–349 496–501 inflammation, 896
Index 1179

Osteoarthritis (Continued) Pain (Continued) Pathology (Continued)

metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty, pressure sores, 645–646 vascular tumor, 183
900–901 rhinoplasty complications, 1093 wrist pathology, 906–918
nonoperative treatment, 896 tourniquet, 45 Pathophysiology
preoperative evaluation, 896, 901–902 ulnar-sided wrist pain, 906 breast, 522–523, 528–529
proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, wrist pathology, 906 burns, 156
897 Paired rectus abdominis muscle, 610 capsular contracture, 528–529
small joints, hand, 896 Pairolero’s classification, 605t compartment syndrome, 795–796
surgical technique, 897, 901 Palatoalveolar defects complex regional pain syndrome, 823
thumb, 901–904 bilateral, 356 Dupuytren disease (DD), 874–876
Osteochondral autograft transfer (OAT), hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354–356 pressure sores, 642–644, 644f
30–31 obturator prostheses, 353, 354f rheumatoid wrist disease, 923
Osteochondroma, 946 posterior defects, 353–356 Patient selection
Osteocutaneous face transplantation, 139 reconstruction, 353–356 abdominoplasty/body contouring,
Osteoid osteoma, 947 Palatoglossus, 214, 214f 1120–1121
Osteomyelitis, 664 Palatopharyngeus, 214 deep inferior epigastric artery perforator
Osteoradionecrosis, 150, 606 Palatoplasty, 219–223 (DIEP) flap, 542
Osteosarcomas, 947 Palliative care, 93–94 eyelid reconstruction, 434
Osteotomy Palmar and digital fascias, 873–874 free TRAM and muscle-sparing TRAM,
bilateral sagittal split, 296, 299 Palmar aponeurosis (PA) pulley, 730 541
Le Fort, 293–294, 293f Palmar cutaneous nerve (PCM), 845, 851 gluteal flaps, 551
Otitis media/mastoiditis, 314 Palm, Dupuytren disease (DD), 875t implant breast reconstruction, 554–555
Otological problems, 278 Palmodigital tenosynovitis, 923 lateral thigh perforator (LTP), 549
Otoplasty, 235 Palpation, 1085–1086 latissimus dorsi flap, 559–560
Outcomes Palpebral spring implants, 316 pedicled transverse abdominis
allotransplantation, 142–143 Palsy myocutaneous flap, 539–540
brachial plexus injuries, 839–840 Bell’s palsy, 314 pressure injuries, 645
breast augmentation, 528–529 facial paralysis/palsy, 311–321 profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap,
capsular contracture, 528–529 facial reanimation, 311–321 546–547
cleft lip, 210 Pan-plexus injuries, 831 superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA)
deep inferior epigastric artery perforator Papillary dermis, 4 flap, 544
(DIEP) flap, 544 Paralysis, facial reanimation, 311–321 transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap, 545
diagonal upper gracilis (DUG) flap, 546 Paramedian forehead flap, 422–424, 423f, PBT. See Proton beam therapy
Dupuytren’s disease, 879–880 425f Pcinian neuromas, 945
free TRAM and muscle-sparing TRAM, Paranasal air sinuses, 481 PD. See Peyronie disease
541–542 Parenchyma, 521–522 PDMS. See Poly(dimethylsiloxane)
gluteal flaps, 552 Parenchymal resection, 587–588 PDS. See Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma
implant breast reconstruction, 557–559 Parkes–Weber syndrome, 191–193 Pectoralis major flaps, 366–367, 368t, 371,
lateral thigh or septocutaneous tensor Parkland formula, 157 607, 607f
fascia lata perforators, 551 Parotidectomy, 380–381 Pectoralis major myocutaneous (PMC) flap,
latissimus dorsi flap, 561–562 Parotid glands, 325 339
PAP flap, 548–549 Parry–Romberg syndrome, 393–394 Pectoralis major osteomusculocutaneous
pedicled transverse abdominis Parsonage–Turner syndrome, 830 flap, 340
myocutaneous flap, 540–541 Pars peripheralis, 197 Pectus carinatum, 602
pharyngeal reconstruction, 372, 373t–374t Partial amputations, 451–455 Pectus deformities, 599–602
superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) Partial digastric myectomy, 1068–1069, Pectus excavatum, 599–602, 600f
flap, 544–545 1069f–1070f Pediatric surgery
transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap, Partial latissimus muscle harvest, 561 clefts, 196–231
545–546 Partial perineal defects, 631 congenital disorders
VCA transplantation, 142–143 Partial-thickness burns, 155 craniofacial clefts, 196–231
Overbite, 284, 285f Partial wrist arthrodesis, 924 ears, 232–247
Overcorrection, blepharoptosis, 1106 Passavant’s ridge, 214 facial reanimation, 311–321
Overjet, 285f Patched gene (PTCH1), 97–98 melanocytic nevi, 176–181
Oversculpting/hallowed appearance, upper Patch fasciocutaneous flaps, 365 vascular anomalies, 183–187
eyelid rejuvenation, 1014 PATF. See Postauricular transposition flap craniofacial clefts, 196–231, 249
Oxygen, radiation therapy, 149 Pathology ears, 232–247
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 98 facial reanimation, 311–321
P camptodactyly, 690 melanocytic nevi, 176–181
PAF. See Platysma auricular fascia chest wall surgery, 604 vascular anomalies, 183–187
Pain epidermal inclusion cysts (EIC), 933 Pedicle creation, breast reduction, 587
burns, 159 pharyngeal reconstruction, 364 Pedicle design, breast reduction, 576–578,
complex regional pain syndrome, 823 rheumatoid wrist disease, 923 578f–581f
1180 Index

Pedicled gracilis myocutaneous flap, Periorbital, 1008 Physical examinations (Continued)

631–632, 631f Periosteal flap, 446 nerve compression, 843
Pedicled rectus abdominis flap, 618, 631 Peripheral nerve transplantation, 142 rhinoplasty, 1085–1086
Pedicled transverse abdominis myocutaneous Periprosthetic drains, 529 wrist, 906
flap (pTRAM) Personal preference, breast augmentation, Physics of lasers, 49
blood supply zones, 540f 521 Physiochemical properties, local anesthetics,
breast reconstruction, 538–541 Peyronie disease (PD), 872 37–38
history, 538–541 Pfeiffer syndrome, 269–270, 270f Physiological pubertal gynecomastia,
outcomes, 540–541 Phalangization, 770–771 566–567
patient selection, 539–540 Pharmacodynamics/pharmacokinetics, local Physiology
surgical technique, 540 anesthetics, 38–39, 38t blood supply, 17–18
Pedicle flaps, 18 Pharyngeal constrictor, 214 chest wall reconstruction, 600
PEEK. See Polyetheretherketone Pharyngeal defects, 365 oral tongue, 334–336
Penetrating and missile wounds, 482 Pharyngeal flap surgery, 226–228, 227f thoracic cage, 600
Penetrating injuries, 485, 806–807 Pharyngeal reconstruction, 364–376 Pierre Robin sequence, 216, 217f
Penile reconstruction, 632–633 anatomy, 364 Pigmented basal cell carcinoma, 99
acquired defects, 632 anterolateral thigh flaps, 367 Pigmented lesions, 52
anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap, 633, 634f assessment, 365–366 Pilar cysts, 114–115
degloving techniques, 637f clinical outcomes, 372 Pillar closure, 588
hypospadias, 636 complications, 370–375 Pilomatrix carcinoma, 123
radial forearm free flap (RFFF), 633 failures, 372–375 Pilomatrixoma, 116
subtotal reconstruction, 633 fistulae, 372 PIN syndrome. See Posterior interosseous
surgical options, 633 flap surgery, 366–370 nerve syndrome
total reconstruction, 633 forearm flap, 367–370 Pinwheel flap, 471
Penile trauma, 632 free flaps, 367 Pi procedure, 276, 278f
Penis transplantation, 142 free skin flaps, 367–370 Pivot point, flap surgery, 23
Percutaneous needle fasciotomy (PNF), 877 future directions, 375 PKa, local anesthetics, 38
Perforator flaps, lower limb, 658–659 historical perspectives, 365 Plagiocephaly, 272–274
Perforators, 17, 18f indications, 364–365 Plain radiographs
Periareolar breast augmentation, 522 jejunal free flaps, 367, 371 glomus tumor, 938–939
Periareolar skin resection patterns, 582 local flaps, 366 hands, 932, 934f
Perilunate dislocations (PLDs), 913–916 management, 366–370 nerve compression, 844–845
Perineal reconstruction, 622–641 microvascular technique, 365 Planning
advancement flap, 623–624, 624f outcomes, 372 chest wall tumors, 606
anatomy, 623 pathology, 364 pharyngeal reconstruction, 365–366
anterolateral thigh (ALT) flaps, 625 pectoralis major flaps, 366–367, 368t, 371 sternal dehiscence, 605
artery-based flaps, 625–629 planning, 365–366 submental incision, 1046, 1049f–1051f
blood supply, 623, 623f radial artery forearm flap, 367–370 Plastic surgery, 68, 71–72
circumflex femoral profunda artery-based regional flaps, 366–367 Plastic surgery fellowship programs,
flaps, 625–629 risk factors, 364 1144–1147
deep inferior epigastric flaps, 625 surgery, 366–370 Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), 71, 955–956
femoral artery-based flaps, 625 thigh flap, 367 Platysma
flap surgery, 623–624 tissue engineering, 375 deformity assessments, 1047–1051,
gluteal artery-based flaps, 625 upper aerodigestive (UAD) tract, 1052f–1055f
lateral circumflex femoral profunda 364–376 planning treatments, 1046–1047
artery-based flaps, 625 voice, 371–372 Platysma auricular fascia (PAF), 962
lotus flaps, 623f Pharyngoplasty, 228–229 Platysma bands, 1043f, 1046–1047
management, 623–624 Phenol, burns, 157 Platysma musce, 306
medial circumflex femoral profunda Phenotypic classification, melanocytic nevi, PLDs. See Perilunate dislocations
artery-based flaps, 626–629 172 Pleomorphic dermal sarcoma (PDS), 126
mons pubis flap, 624f Philtral dimple, 197 Plume extraction, lasers, 50
posterior thigh flaps, 625–626 Photodynamic therapy Pluripotency, tissue engineering (TE), 74
pudendal flaps, 623f basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 103 PNF. See Percutaneous needle fasciotomy
rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap, 626f squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 110 Pocket creation, breast augmentation, 523
regional flaps, 625–629 Photographic assessments, 575–576, Poland’s syndrome, 570–571, 603
thigh flaps, 625–626 1086–1087 Pollicization, 698–699, 770
vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous Photothermolysis, 49 Poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), 34, 34f
(VRAM) flap, 626f–627f Physical examinations Polydactyly
Perineum, anatomy and blood supply, 623 abdominoplasty/body contouring, 1120 central, 696
Perineurioma, hands, 943 hands, 932 postaxial, 693–694
Periocular physiology, 434–435 lunotriquetral (LT) dissociation, 916 radial, 691–692
Perioperative antibiotics, 529 lymphedema, 672 ulnar, 693–694
Index 1181

Polyetheretherketone (PEEK), 35, 35f Power, tendon transfer, 758 Pressure sores (Continued)
Polyethylene grafts, 34–35 Preauricular skin tags, 232 thigh flap, 648f
Poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA), 952, 952f–953f Prefabricated forehead flap, 424 trochanteric, 647
Polymastia, 566 Prefabrication, cheeks, 393 wound assessment, 645, 645b
Polymer biomaterials, 34–35 Prelaminated forehead flaps, 424 wound care, 645
Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 951 Premaxillary space, 964, 964f Presurgical evaluation, 412
Polyotia, 232 Prenatal diagnosis, 272–274 Pretrichial forehead lift, 991f
Polypropylene, 615 Preoperative management Prevalence
Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), 34–35, 615 abdominoplasty, 1130–1131, 1134–1136 arthrogryposis, 705
Polythelia, 565–566, 566f blepharoptosis, 1098–1099 pressure injuries, 642
Polyurethane foam, 520 body contouring, 1130–1131, 1134– Prevention
Population inversion, 49 1136 craniofacial clefts, 265
Porites, 33 breast augmentation, 522 local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST),
Porocarcinoma, 122 cleft lip, 198–200 43–44
Poroma, 118 cleft palate, 220 pressure injuries, 644, 645b
Poselts diagram, 286, 286f congenital ear anomalies, 240–241 Prezygomatic space, 964, 964f
Positron emission tomography (PET), 323 ears, 240–241 Primary closure
Postauricular transposition flap (PATF), laser consultation, 53–54 melanocytic nevi, 178–179
1070–1072, 1073f–1074f neck lifts, 1060–1061 scalp reconstruction, 471
Postaxial polydactyly, 693–694 orthopedics, 200–201 vaginal reconstruction, 631
Posterior cord injury, 831 osteoarthritis, 896 Primary incisional wound healing, 8–10
Posterior cranial vault remodeling, 276 pressure injuries, 646 Primary lymphedema, 666, 668–669
Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) sternal wound dehiscence, 605 Profiles, orthognathic surgery, 286–287,
syndrome, 863, 865f–868f tetraplegia, 770 287f
Posterior lamellar reconstruction, 437 Preparation, structural fat grafting, 29 Profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap,
Posterior palatoalveolar defects, 353, 355f Prepectoral tissue expander technique, 342–343
flap reconstruction, 353–354 556–557 Prognosis
obturator prostheses, 353, 354f Preplatysmal fat, 1055–1057, 1056f lymphadenectomy, 91
temporalis muscle pedicled flap, 353 Pressure dressing, 470–471 melanoma, 83
Posterior plagiocephaly, 272–274 Pressure injuries. See Pressure sores rheumatoid wrist disease, 921b
Posterior thigh flap, 625–626, 648f Pressure-sensitive self-expanding devices, Prominauris, 234–237
Postmastectomy breast reconstruction, 56, 60–61 Prominent ears, 234–237
60 Pressure sores, 642–650 Prominent submandibular glands, 1047–
Postmastectomy radiation therapy (PMRT), adjunctive treatments, 646 1049
559 assessment, 645 Pronator syndrome, 851
Postnatal stem cells, tissue engineering (TE), classification, 643t Pronator teres (PT), 761–762
73–74 debridement, 646, 646b Propeller flap design, 23–25, 25f
Postoperative care/management, 1092 epidemiology, 642 Prophylaxis, 1121
abdominoplasty/body contouring, flap surgery, 647 Prosthetics
1128–1130 heel and lateral malleolus, 647 ears, 244–247, 464–465, 464f
brachial plexus injuries, 839 initial management, 645–646 hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354
cleft lip, 209 ischial, 647 palatoalveolar defects, 354f
Dupuytren disease (DD), 878 last resort, 647 Proteoglycans, 4–5
eyelid reconstruction, 439–441, 444 lateral supramalleolar perforator flap Proton beam therapy (PBT), 148, 332
forehead lifts, 1005 reconstruction, 649f Protuberant eyes, 434
lasers, 54 management, 645–646 Provocative tests
neck lifts, 1078 markings, 648f carpal tunnel syndrome, 846
nerve repair, 818–822 nutrition, 646 nerve compression, 843, 844t
pressure sores, 647–649 pain control, 645–646 radial tunnel syndrome, 863
replantation, 780 pathophysiology, 642–644, 644f Proximal duplications, 692–693
subciliary/transcutaneous approach, 1026, patient assessment, 645 Proximal interphalangeal (PIP) joint
1027f posterior thigh flap, 648f adult fractures, 889–891
tetraplegia, 772 postoperative care, 647–649 arthrodesis, 897, 898f
upper eyelid rejuvenation, 1012, preoperative management, 646 Dupuytren’s disease, 878
1012f–1014f prevalence, 642 extensor tendon injuries, 753–754
Postresection tongue anatomy, 334–336 prevention, 644 fractures, 889–891
Posttraumatic ear amputation, 450–451 reconstruction, 646–647, 647t implant arthroplasty, 900
Potency, local anesthetics, 37 reconstructive ladder, 646–647 Proximal radial nerve compression, 864
Potential donor nerves, 312–313 risk assessment, 644 Proximal thumb reconstruction, 768–769
Potentially lethal damage, radiation therapy, risk factors, 643b PRS Science and Principle Examination,
148 sacral, 647 1139
Pouter pigeon chest, 602 surgical debridement, 646, 646b Pruzansky classification, 249
1182 Index

Pseudoblepharochalasis, 977 Radiation therapy (Continued) Reconstruction (Continued)

Pseudoexpressions, 977 gamma radiation, 146 forearm, 771–772
Pseudogynecomastia, 566–567 hereditary cancer syndromes, 154 genital reconstruction, 630
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, 604–605 indirect effect, 146–147 head and neck reconstruction, 322–333
Pseudoptosis, 1098 injury, 147–148 hemipalatoalveolar defects, 354–356
Psychological aspects late toxicity, 150 lip, 398–410
congenital melanocytic nevus, 177 mode of action, 146–148 lower limb, 651–665
hand injuries, 728 osteoradionecrosis, 150 malignant tumors, 322–333
PTFE. See Polytetrafluoroethylene oxygen effects, 149 median nerve palsy, 763, 763t
Ptosis sarcoma, 153–154 midface, 353–363
blepharoptosis. See Blepharoptosis supportive management, 152 mid-thumb, 767–772
breast reduction, 575–582 time elapsed, 149 nasal reconstruction, 411–433
PTRAM. See Pedicled transverse abdominis total dose, 149 neck dissections, 331–332
myocutaneous flap treatment parameters, 149 oral cancers, 322–333
Pudendal flaps, 623f, 632 volume treated, 149 orbital wall, 356–358
Pulleys, 730, 731f and wound healing, 150–152 orbitomaxillectomy, 358–360
Pulp flap, 712f, 722 x-rays, 146 palate and alveolus, 353–356
Pulsed dye laser, 52 Radical fasciectomy (RF), 877 pectus carinatum, 602
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 104 Radical melanoma surgery, 93–94 pectus excavatum, 600–602
capillary malformation, 187–188 Radical neck dissection (RND), 330 penile reconstruction, 632–633
Pulse duration, 50 Radiography perineal body, 624–625
Pulsed wave laser, 50 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 103 pharyngeal reconstruction, 364–376
Pyogenic granuloma, 187, 938 camptodactylous digits, 690f Poland’s syndrome, 570–571, 603
Pyrimidalis muscle, 610 Dupuytren disease (DD), 879 pressure injuries, 646–647, 647t
Pyrocarbon implants, 899 hands, 932, 934f proximal thumb, 768–769
head and neck malignancies, 323, 332 radial nerve palsy, 761t
Q osteoarthritis, 896 scalp reconstruction, 469–479
Q-switched laser, 50 pectus excavatum, 599–600 skull base malignancies, 377–385
perilunate dislocations (PLDs), 913 thumb, 781–790
R rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920–921, tongue, 334–352
Radial artery forearm flap, 367–370 921b trunk, 599–609
Radial collateral ligament (RCL), 892 scaphoid fractures, 909–910 tuberous breast, 568–569
Radial forearm free flap (RFFF), 340–341 squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 110 ulnar nerve palsy, 766
bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356 wrist pathology, 907 voice, 371–372
orbital exenteration, 359 Radiolunate (RL) fusion, 924 Reconstructive ladder, 657–658
posterior palatoalveolar defects, 353–354 Radioscapholunate (RSL) arthrodesis, 924 Rectus abdominis flap, 608, 626f
total penile reconstruction, 633 RAMFF. See rectus abdominis Rectus abdominis myocutaneous (RAM) flap
Radial forearm osteocutaneous flap, 354–355 myocutaneous free flap orbital exenteration, 359–360
Radial longitudinal deficiency (RLD), Ramsay–Hunt syndrome, 314 posterior palatoalveolar defects,
700–703 Random flaps, 19 353–354
Radial nerve compression, 863–868 Rapidly-involuting congenital hemangiomas vaginal reconstruction, 631
Radial nerve palsy, 760–763 (RICH), 186 Rectus abdominis myocutaneous free flap
Radial-sided wrist pain, 906 RAS/MAPK pathway, 175–176 (RAMFF), 379–380
Radial tunnel decompression, 864 RASopathies, 175–176 Recurrence, Dupuytren disease, 879–880
Radial tunnel syndrome, 863–864 Rat hindlimb transplantation mode, 133 Reductive methods, lymphedema, 678
Radiation injuries, 147–148 RCL. See radial collateral ligament Redundant adipose tissue, 1121t
Radiation therapy, 146–154 Reanimation, facial, 311–321 Reflectance confocal microscopy, melanoma,
acute toxicity, 149–150 ReCell, 160 83–84
adverse effects, 149–154 Reconstruction Reflex sympathetic dystrophy, 822
alpha particle radiation, 146 bilateral palatoalveolar defects, 356 Regenerative medicine therapies, 80–81
beta particle radiation, 146 breast, 535–564 Regenerative peripheral nerve interface
brachial plexus injuries, 830 burns, 155 (RPNI) wraps, 822
brachytherapy, 148 calvarial reconstruction, 469–479 Regional flaps
carcinogenesis, 153, 153f challenges, 353 cheeks, 392, 396f
cell cycles, 147, 147f cheek malignancies, 386–397 nasal reconstruction, 415–417, 427
chest wall, 606 chest wall, 599–609 perineal reconstruction, 625–629
delivery modes, 148–149 congenital ear anomalies, 240–242 pharyngeal reconstruction, 366–367
direct effect, 147 craniofacial clefts, 261–264 total penile reconstruction, 633
dose and dose rate, 149 distal thumb, 767 Regional local anesthetics, 45–47
dose fraction size, 149 ears, 240–242 Regnault classification, 574–575
external beam radiotherapy, 148 eyelid reconstruction, 434–449 Regulatory approval, regenerative medicine
fractionation, 148–149 finger tips, 713–714 therapies, 80–81
Index 1183

Rehabilitation Rete ridges, 1 Rhinoplasty (Continued)

Dupuytren disease (DD), 880 Reticular dermis, 3–4 grafts, 1091–1092
metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty, Retinacular cysts, 937 history, 1085
901 Retroauricular sulcus reconstruction, incisions, 1092
proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, 459–462 lateral cartilages, 1082–1084, 1083f,
900 Retrobulbar hematoma, upper eyelid 1090–1091
replantation, 780 rejuvenation, 1012–1014 lower lateral cartilages, 1083–1084,
thumb CMC arthrodesis, 904 RFFF. See Radial forearm fasciocutaneous 1083f, 1090–1091
voice, 371–372 free flap nasal anatomy, 1082–1084, 1083f–1084f
Rejection, allotransplantation, 132 Rhabdomyolysis, 157 nasal bones, 1082
Rejuvenation facial treatments Rhabdomyosarcomas, 946 nasal tips, 1090–1091
blepharoptosis, 1096–1106 Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) nerve supply, 1084, 1085f
lower eyelid, 1016–1029 aggressive, 921 objective issues, 1094
midcheek, 1016–1029 arthroplasty, 925, 930 open techniques, 1088–1090
upper eyelids, 1008–1015 assessment, 920–921 operative approach, 1088–1092
Relaxed skin tension lines (RSTLs), 389f Boutonniere deformity (BND), 928–929, operative history, 1094
Relocation nerve grafting, 821–822 928f operative principles and approach,
Remodeling, 7 definition, 919 1094–1095
Repair diagnostic criteria, 919, 920t patient assessments, 1084–1087
cleft lip, 201–207, 201f, 204f–206f digital deformities, 928–929 patient-reported issues, 1094
flexor tendon injuries, 732 digital extensor deficiency, 926–927 photographic assessments, 1086–1087
nerve repair. see Nerve repairpectus digital joint replacements, 927–928 physical examinations, 1085–1086
carinatum, 602 disability status and health status, 921 postoperative care, 1092
Replantation disease activity assessments, 921 secondary, 1094–1095
anticoagulation, 780 distal radioulnar joint, 925–926 septum, 1084
circulatory monitoring, 780 evaluation, 920–930 skin, 1082, 1094
complications, 780–781 flexor tendon rupture, 927 SMAS, 1084
contraindications, 777 hand, 919–931 spreader grafts, 1091
digit factors, 777 implants, 925 structural support, 1094
functional capacity, 776 incidence, 919 supportive grafts, 1092
functional loss assessment, 774–776 investigations, 920–930 tertiary, 1094–1095
indications, 774 management, 920–930 tip considerations, 1090–1091
microvascular complications, 781 metacarpophalangeal joint (MCPJ), upper lateral cartilages, 1082
multiple, 779 927–928 Rhomboid flaps, 20–21, 22f, 391f, 439
no-reflow phenomenon, 780–781 nonarticular manifestations, 919 Rib cartilage, 452, 458, 1091
normal hand function, 775–776, 775f partial wrist arthrodesis, 924 Ribeiro technique, 569–570
patient factors, 777 pathophysiology, 919–920 Rib grafts, 429, 484, 1091
postoperative care, 780 prognostics, 921b RICH. See Rapidly-involuting congenital
psychosocial aspects, 780 radiological features, 920–921 hemangiomas
rehabilitation, 780 swan neck deformity, 928–929 Riche–Cannieu anastomosis, 846
ring avulsion, 779–780 synovectomy, 922–923 Rieger’s flap, 414
scalp reconstruction, 476–477 tenosynovectomy, 922–923 Ring avulsion, 779–780
smoking, 780 thumb deformities, 929–930 Rippling, breast augmentation, 527
technique and principles, 777–779 total wrist arthrodesis, 925 Risk/risk factors
Resections total wrist arthroplasty, 925 anesthetics, 42–43
arthroplasty, 902 wrist disease, 923 basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 97
breast reduction, 578–582, 587–588 x-rays, 920 carpal tunnel syndrome, 846
macromastia, 578–582 Rheumatoid digital deformities, 928–929 cubital tunnel syndrome, 855
skin, 578–582 Rheumatoid nodules, 919–920 local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST),
Residual nasal lining advancement, 426 Rhinophyma, 117 42–43
Resistant warts, 54 Rhinoplasty, 1082–1095.e1, 305 lymphedema, 670–671
Respiration alar base adjustments, 1092 melanoma, 83
burns, 158 anatomy, 1082–1084, 1083f–1084f obstetrical plexus injury, 829
craniosynostosis, 278 assessments, 1084–1087 pharyngeal reconstruction, 364
Restitution, wound healing, 8 blood supply, 1084, 1084f pressure injuries, 643b, 644
Resuscitation bones, 1082 pronator syndrome, 851
burns, 158 bony support, 1082 RLD. See Radial longitudinal deficiency
facial trauma, 482–483 cartilages, 1082–1084, 1083f, 1090–1091 Rocker deformity, 1093
Retaining ligaments complications, 1093–1095 Rolando’s fracture, 887
cheeks anatomy, 387b dynamics, 1087–1088 Root avulsion, 830
facial ageing/anatomy, 965, 966f, 968, endonasal rhinoplasty, 1088 Rotation-advancement cleft lip repair,
968f external techniques, 1088–1090 202–203
1184 Index

Rotation, breast augmentation, 525–528 Scapholunate advanced collapse (SLAC), Short-scar technique, 1043–1045,
Rotation flaps, 22–23, 23f, 440–441, 448f 916 1044f–1046f
Round implants, 553 Scapholunate ballottement test, 912 Shoulder arthrogryposis, 706
Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Scapholunate dissociation (SLD), 911–913 Side effects
1139 Scapular osteomusculocutaneous flap, 345 lasers, 50
RSTLs. See Relaxed skin tension lines Scar contracture, 162 local anesthetics, 42–43
Ruptures, 927 Scarless skin availability, 459, 462f radiation therapy, 149–154
Scarpa’s fascia, 610 SIEA. See Superficial inferior epigastric
S Scars artery flap
Saethre–Chotzen Syndrome, 270, 271f breast augmentation, 527–528 Silastic ear reconstruction, 244
Safety wound healing, 7–8 Silastic implant arthroplasty, 898–899
lasers, 50 SCC. See Squamous cell carcinoma Silicone
liposuction, 1113, 1114t Schwannoma, 942 breast augmentation, 520
sedation, 45 Sclerotherapy, 189–191 implants, 553
Sagittal synostosis, 267, 274 Scratch collapse test (SCT), 843 interposition implants, 927–928
Saline implants, 521, 553 SCT. See Scratch collapse test rheumatoid arthritis, 927–928
Salivary bypass stent (SBS), 372 Sebaceous carcinoma, 122 structural fat grafting, 34, 34f
Salpingopharyngeus, 215 Sebaceous cysts, 114 Silicone rod, 71
Salter–Harris classification, 883, 884t Sebaceous hyperplasia, 117 Siltex, 520–521
Sarcoma Secondary excisional wound healing, 10 Simmen’s classification, 924t
angiosarcoma, 128–129 Secondary intention healing Simple depressed fracture, 485
leiomyosarcoma, 127–128 cheeks, 389–390 Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs),
radiation therapy, 153–154 finger tip injuries, 713 671
soft tissue, 123–126, 153–154 nasal reconstruction, 413 Single-stage nasolabial flap, 416–417, 420f
Satellites, melanoma, 92 scalp reconstruction, 470–471 Single-stage regional skin flaps, 415–417
Sauve–Kapandji procedure, 926 Secondary lymphedema, 666, 669–672 Sino-naso-cutaneous fistula, 360–361
SBS. See Salivary bypass stent Secondary rhinoplasty, 1094–1095 Sistrunk procedures, 678
Scaffolds Sedation Skeletal reconstruction, craniofacial clefts,
biomaterials, 27–36 basic principles, 44–45 261–264
tissue engineering (TE), 78 safety, 45 Skeletal structure
Scalp anatomy, 469–470 ‘Seed versus soil’ hypothesis, 73 cheeks, 386
Scalp reconstruction, 469–479. See also Segmental Le Fort osteotomy, 294 craniosynostosis, 267
Calvarial reconstruction Selective fasciectomy (SF), 877 facial anatomy, 386, 411
adjuvant techniques, 471 Selective neck dissection, 330–331 lower limbs, 653
allotransplantation, 478 Sensory innervation, abdominal wall, 611 nose, 411
alopecia, 477 Sensory nerve action potential (SNAP), Skin, 5
closure, 471 844 abdominal wall, 610
contraindications, 476 Sensory nerves, scalp anatomy, 470 abdominoplasty, 1116–1119
dermal matrix and substitutes, 471 Sensory outcomes, breast augmentation, 527 aging, 5
flap surgery, 470–478 Sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) atypical lesions, 114–130
follicular unit extraction, 478 melanoma, 89–90 availability, ears, 459, 461f
free tissue transfer, 475–476, 476f neck dissections, 331–332 barrier function, 1
grafts, 471 Sepsis, 159 blood supply, 15–26
hair restoration, 477–478 Septal cartilage grafts, 1091–1092 body contouring, 1116–1119
healing, 470–471 Septal pivot composite flaps, 426–427, 427f closure, 1011, 1012f
locoregional flaps, 471–472 Septum, 1084 cover, finger tip injuries, 714–726
management, 470–478 Sequential lasers, 52 craniofacial clefts, 258
microsurgical free tissue transfer, Serial staged excision, 177, 179f Dupuytren disease (DD), 877
475–476 Serology, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920 ear reconstruction, 450–451
patient evaluation and examination, 470 Seromas, 525, 593 epidermis, 1–3
reconstruction, 470–478 Serum LDH level, 85t facial ageing/anatomy, 959, 967
replantation, 476–477 Seymour fractures, 883, 885f finger tip injury covers, 714–726
secondary intention healing, 470–471 SF. See Selective fasciectomy function, 1–5
skin grafts, 471 Shaft fractures, 888 hand tumors, 933–935
surgical management, 470–478 Sharp and Larsen scores, 921 incision and excision, 1011, 1011f
tissue expansion/transfer, 472–475 Shell ear deformity, 235 loss complications, 1093
Scaphocephaly, 268f Sherrington’s reflex, 434, 435f lower limb, 652
Scaphoid fractures, 909–911 Shift test, 912 necrosis, 465
Scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse Short Form 36 (SF-36), 921 nonmelanoma skin cancer, 97–113
(SNAC), 906, 909 Short nerve gaps, 810–813 resection pattern, 578–582
Scaphoid nonunions, 910–911 Short-scar foreheadplasty techniques, rhinoplasty, 1082, 1093–1094
Scaphoid shift test, 912 991–994, 993f soft tissue sarcomas, 123–126
Index 1185

Skin (Continued) Smoke inhalation injuries, 158 Souquet flap, 721f

structure, 1–5 Smoke/plume extraction, lasers, 50 Spacer grafting, 446
tension lines, 436 Smoking, 11, 1060–1061 Sphenoid sinuses, 481
tissue expansion, 56–58 SNAC. See Scaphoid nonunion advanced Spinal accessory nerve, 313
tumors, 933–935 collapse Spiradenomas, 118–119
unusual malignancies, 120–129 SNAP. See Sensory nerve action potential Splints
vascularized composite allotransplantation Sodium bicarbonate, 39 burns, 160
(VCA), 133, 135f Soft fillers, facial rejuvenation Dupuytren disease (DD), 879–880
viscoelastic properties, 56–58, 57b biodegradable fillers, 951–954 radial nerve palsy, 762f
Skin closure historic context, 951 rhinoplasty, 1092
breast reduction, 588 nonbiodegradable fillers, 951 tetraplegia, 770
hypospadias, 637 Soft tissue Split-rib graft, 504
superomedial vertical breast reduction, 588 allotransplantation, 133 Split-thickness skin graft (STSG), 11–12,
Skin deficiency, 237–239 cheeks anatomy, 386 160–163
Skin envelope, 569–570 chest wall, 606–608 Dupuytren disease (DD), 877
Skin grafts complications, 360 ear, 455f
autografts, 28 hand tumors, 933–946 finger tips, 714
cheeks, 392–393 lower limb reconstruction, 657–658 scalp reconstruction, 471
ear reconstruction, 455f midface reconstruction, 360 Split tolerance, allotransplantation, 131–132
eyelid reconstruction, 439–440 radial longitudinal deficiency, 701–702, Spontaneous emission, 49
finger tips injury, 714–715 702f Spot size, laser, 49
nasal reconstruction, 414, 424 reconstruction, 657–658 Spreader grafts, 1091
scalp reconstruction, 471 regional flaps, 339 Spring-assisted cranioplasty, 275, 276f–277f
vaginal reconstruction, 631 sarcoma, 153–154 Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), 322
wound care/healing, 11–12 sarcomas, hands, 945–946 biospy, 107, 108f
Skin infections, hypospadias, 640 tissue expansion, 56–67 classification, 105–107
Skin loss, 1038 tumors, 933–946 clinical presentation, 105
Skin replacement wound healing, 150–152 curettage, 110
nasal reconstruction, 418–424 Soft tissue radiation therapy, 146–154 cutaneous, 105
supranormal healing, 11–12 acute toxicity, 149–150 dermoscopy, 107
Skin resection pattern, 583 adverse effects, 149–154 diagnosis, 107–109
Skin shrinking treatments, 1060–1061 alpha particle radiation, 146 electrodessication, 110
Skin-sparing mastectomy, 537 beta particle radiation, 146 epidemiology, 104–105
Skin structure, 1–5 brachytherapy, 148 excision and reconstruction, 112
aging, 5 carcinogenesis, 153, 153f genetics, 104–105
basement membrane zone, 3 cell cycles, 147, 147f head and neck reconstruction, 322
blood supply, 15–26 delivery modes, 148–149 high-risk factors, 107t
collagen, 4 direct effect, 147 histology, 107
dermis, 3–4 dose and dose rate, 149 imaging, 107–108
dermo-epidermal junction, 3 dose fraction size, 149 management, 109–112
epidermis, 1–3 external beam radiotherapy, 148 moderately differentiated, 107
extracellular matrix (ECM), 4–5 fractionation, 148–149 Mohs micrographic surgery, 110
fibroblasts, 4 gamma radiation, 146 non-melanoma skin cancer, 104–112
and function, 1–5 hereditary cancer syndromes, 154 nonoperative management, 109–110
keratinocytes, 1 indirect effect, 146–147 operative management, 110
keratins, 3 injury, 147–148 oral therapy, 110
Skull base reconstruction late toxicity, 150 pathogenesis, 105
anatomy, 377–378 mode of action, 146–148 pharyngeal reconstruction, 364
classification system, 377 osteoradionecrosis, 150 photodynamic therapy, 110
complications, 384 oxygen effects, 149 poorly differentiated, 107
flap surgery, 378–384 sarcoma, 153–154 radiotherapy, 110
management, 378–384 supportive management, 152 risk factors, 104
pathology, 377–378 time elapsed, 149 staging, 107–109, 108t
technical considerations, 383–384 total dose, 149 standard surgical excision, 110
SLAC. See Scapholunate advanced collapse treatment parameters, 149 topical therapy, 109–110
SLD. See Scapholunate dissociation volume treated, 149 treatment options, 109t
Sleeping, postoperative care, 1078 and wound healing, 150–152 well-differentiated, 105
SLNB. See Sentinel lymph node biopsy x-rays, 146 Squill head, 267
Small defects, 413–417 Soldier’s patch, 828 SRA. See Surface replacement arthroplasty
Smart scaffold, 78 Solid organ transplantations (SOT), 131, 142 Stability
SMAS. See Superficial muscular aponeurotic Sommerlad technique, 222–223, 222f local anesthetics, 38t
system Sonophoresis, 42 thoracic cage, 606
1186 Index

Staged flap, 716 Structural fat grafting (Continued) Subunit principle, 413, 413f
Staging fascia allografts, 31 Subunits
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 100–102 gold, 33 cleft lip repair, 204–207
head and neck malignancies, 323–326 local anesthetic agents, 29 nasal reconstruction, 413f
Kienböck’s disease, 907–909 metallic biomaterials, 32–33 Sudeck’s dystrophy, 822
melanoma, 85–87 polyetheretherketone, 35 Sulcus sign, 831f
Merkel cell carcinoma, 121–122 preparation, 29 Sunderland and Seddon classification, 842
nonmelanoma skin cancer, 107–109 silicone, 34 Superficial basal cell carcinoma, 99t
scapholunate dissociation (SLD), 912 skin autografts, 28 Superficial benign fibrous histiocytoma, 120
wrist pathology, 907–909, 912 stainless steel, 32–33 Superficial biopsies
Stahl’s ear deformity, 237, 238f titanium (Ti), 33 histology, 84–85
Stainless steel, structural fat grafting, 32–33 vascularized bone grafts, 30 melanoma, 84
Standard abdominoplasty, 1122–1125 Structural proteins, 4 Superficial burn, 155
Stanford Health Assessment Questionnaire Structural support, 428–430 Superficial digastric myectomy, 1059–1060
Disability Index (HAQ - DI), 921 nasal reconstruction, 428–430 Superficial inferior epigastric artery flap
Staphylococcus aureus, 604–605 rhinoplasty, 1094 (SIEA)
Starzynski’s classification, 605t Structured saline implants, 553 breast reconstruction, 544–545
Static facial nerve reanimation, 381, 381f STSG. See Split-thickness skin graft history, 544–545
Stelling classification, ulnar polydactyly, Sturge–Weber syndrome, 187–188 outcomes, 544–545
694t, 695f Subciliary/transcutaneous approach patient selection, 544
Stem cells complication, 1026 surgical technique, 544
lymphedema, 677 postoperative care, 1026, 1027f Superficial inferior epigastric vein (SIEV),
tissue engineering (TE), 73–74 preoperative preparation, 1024 542–543
Stener lesion, 891 surgical technique, 1024–1026, 1025f Superficial muscular aponeurotic system
Stenosis, 278 Subcutaneous and deep plane facelift (SMAS), 312, 435, 962
Sternal cleft, 603–604 techniques, 392f facelift, 1031–1032
Sternal wound dehiscence, 604–605 Subcutaneous facelift, 1032–1033 deep plane and composite
Steroid injection, Dupuytren disease (DD), Subcutaneous fat, abdominal wall, 610 rhytidectomy, 1033–1034, 1034f
878 Subcutaneous leiomyosarcoma, 127 extended SMAS, 1035, 1035f
Stickler syndrome, 216, 218f Subcutaneous tissue, 959–960 high SMAS facelift, 1035–1036, 1036f
Stimulated emission, 49 Subfascial surgical pockets, 523 lateral SMASectomy, 1034–1035
Strasbourg Thorax Osteosyntheses System Subglandular surgical pockets, 523, 529 MACS lift, 1037–1038, 1037f
(STRATOSTM), 601f, 602 Subglottis, 326t plication/imbrication, 1033, 1033f
StratticeTM dermal matrices, 32 Subjective compartment syndrome, 795 subperiosteal facelift, 1036–1037
Stratum basale, 1–2 Sublethal damage, 147–148 neck lifts, 1060, 1073
Stratum corneum, 1 Sublingual glands, 325 rhinoplasty, 1084
Stratum granulosum, 2 Subluxation, 753 Superficial nasal defects, 413–417
Stratum lucidum, 2 Submandibular artery flap, 339 Superficial radial nerve (SRN)
Stratum spinosum, 2 Submandibular glands, 325, 1058–1060, compression, 864–868
Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 endonuclease, 75 1059f–1060f, 1066–1068, 1067f decompression, 864, 869f–870f
Stress relaxation, tissue expansion, 57b Submental dissection, 1062, 1062f Superficial spreading melanoma, 84
Stricture formation, pharyngeal Submental incision, 1043–1045, Superficial temporal artery, cheek, 388
reconstruction, 372 1044f–1046f, 1061 Superior labial arteries, 198
Strip craniectomy, 275 Submental liposuction, 1041–1043, Superior pedicle design, breast reduction,
Structural fat grafting 1043f–1044f 578, 579f–581f
adipose tissue, 28–30 Submucous cleft palate, 215–216, 223 Superomedial pedicle, 583
allografts, 31–32 Submuscular surgical pockets, 523 Superomedial vertical breast reduction
alloplastics, 32–35 Submuscular transposition, 857 antibiotics, 589–590
applications, 29 Subpectoral surgical pockets, 529 areolar closure, 588–589
autologous chondrocyte implantation, 31 Subpectoral tissue expander technique, 557 assessment, 582–583
bioactive materials, 33 Subperiosteal facelift, 1036–1037 de-epithelialization, 584, 585f–587f
bioinert materials, 33 Subplatysmal fat, 1063–1066, 1065f drains, 589
bone grafts, 30 Subplatysmal lipectomy, 1057, 1068 infiltration, 583
cartilage autografts, 30–31 Subplatysmal, sub-superficial liposuction, 589, 589f–590f
ceramic biomaterials, 33 musculoaponeurotic system, 138 markings, 583, 584f
chondrocyte implantation, 31 Sub-superficial musculoaponeurotic system operative technique, 585f–587f
cobalt alloys, 33 allotransplantation, 138 parenchymal resection, 587–588
complications, 29–30 face/scalp flaps, 138 pedicle creation, 587
cortical bone grafts, 30 scalp flaps, 138 pillar closure, 588
dermal matrix, 31–32 Subtotal amputation, 456–465 positioning, 583
donor sites, 29 Subtotal anterior digastric myectomy, skin closure, 588
extraction techniques, 29 1068–1069 taping and garments, 590
Index 1187

Supportive grafts, rhinoplasty, 1092 Surgical management (Continued) Swan neck deformity, 928–929, 928f
Supportive management, soft tissue mastopexy, 576–582 Swanson’s classification, 684–685, 686t
radiation therapy, 152 median nerve decompression, 852f–854f Sweat ducts, 118–119
Supraciliary incision, 989–991, 992f–993f metacarpophalangeal joint arthroplasty, Swelling, lymphedema, 672–673
Supraclavicular artery island flap, 339 901, 901f Syndactyly, 685–688
Supraglottis, 326t nasal reconstruction, 412–413 Syndromic craniosynostosis, 276–281
Supranormal healing by skin replacement, neck lifts, 1046–1051, 1049f–1055f Synmastia, 525–527
11–12 open carpal tunnel release, 847f–850f Synovectomy, 922–923
Supranormal healing with apparent oral tongue reconstruction, 334–352 Synovial joints, 919–931
acceptance of tissue loss, 12 orthopedics, 200–201 Synovial sarcomas, 945–946
Supraorbital nerve block, 46 osteoarthritis, 897, 901 Synovial sheath, 730
Supratrochlear nerve block, 46 PAP flap, 547–548 Synovitis, 922
Surface anatomy, blepharoptosis, 1096 pectus carinatum, 602 Syringoma, 118
Surface replacement arthroplasty (SRA), pectus excavatum, 600–602 Systemic diseases, 314
899–900, 899f pedicled transverse abdominis Systemic effects, burns, 158–159
Surgery fellowship, board examinations, myocutaneous flap, 540 Systemic factors, wound care/healing, 10–11
1139–1148 perineal reconstruction, 623–624 Systemic therapy, 93–94
Surgical anatomy, 411–412 pharyngeal reconstruction, 366–370
Surgical management Poland syndrome, 570–571, 603 T
abdominoplasty, 1121–1130 pressure injuries, 645–646 Tangential tissue loss, 10
arthrogryposis, 706–707 profunda artery perforator (PAP) flap, Taping, breast reduction, 590
asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy, 604 547–548 Targeted muscle reinnervation (TMR), 822
bilateral cleft lip, 207–208 proximal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, Tarsal plate, 1096
blepharoptosis, 1099–1105, 1100t, 1102f 897, 900 Tarsal platform show (TPS), 1008, 1009f
body contouring, 1121–1130 radial longitudinal deficiency, 701–703 Tarsal replacement, 446
breast augmentation, 522–525 radial polydactyly, 692 Tarsoconjunctival advancement flap,
breast reduction, 576–582 radial tunnel and posterior interosseous 441–446
camptodactyly, 691 nerve decompression, 865f–868f Tarsoconjunctival resection, 1101–1103
carpal tunnel syndrome, 846–851, rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 921–923 Tarsorrhaphies, 160–162
847f–850f scalp reconstruction, 470–478 Tattoos, laser, 52
cheek reconstruction, 389–393, 389f, secondary rhinoplasty, 1094–1095 TBSA. See Total burn surface area
390b skull base reconstruction, 378–384 T-cell lymphoma, 530
chest wall, 600–602 SLAC and SNAC, 916, 917f TCP. See Tricalcium phosphate
cleft palate, 219–223, 225–226 sternal cleft, 603–604 Tear trough (TT), 1018, 1019f–1020f,
clinodactyly, 689 superficial inferior epigastric artery (SIEA) 1023–1024, 1024f–1025f
compartment syndrome, 796–798 flap, 544 Telangiectasia, 183
constriction ring syndrome, 704–705 superficial radial nerve decompression, Temple, ageing/anatomy, 969–970
craniofacial clefts, 249 869f–870f Temporal incisions, 995–996
craniosynostosis, 275–281 superomedial vertical breast reduction, Temporalis fascia grafts, 1091
deep inferior epigastric artery perforator 582–590 Temporalis muscle transfer, 316–317
(DIEP) flap, 542–544, 542f syndactyly, 686–688 Temporal nerve branch, 967
diagonal upper gracilis (DUG) flap, 546 syndromic craniosynostosis, 276–281 Tendon interposition, 902–904
distal interphalangeal joint arthrodesis, tendon transfer, 760 Tendons, 758–773
897, 897f tertiary rhinoplasty, 1094–1095 anatomy, 760, 763, 765–766
duplication disorders, 692 tetraplegia, 770 biomechanics, 758–759
Dupuytren disease (DD), 877 thumb CMC arthrodesis, 904 clawing, 766–767
extensor tendon injuries, 751–756 thumb hypoplasia, 698–699 combined palsy, 767
eyelid reconstruction, 438–446 transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap, 545 definitions, 759t
facial reanimation, 316–320 trigger thumb, 707 excursion, 758–759
finger tip injuries, 713–714 tuberous breast, 568–569 extensor tendon injuries, 750–757
free TRAM and muscle-sparing TRAM, ulnar nerve transposition, 858f–860f general approach, 759–760
541–542 ulnar polydactyly, 693–694 giant cell tumor, 937–938
gluteal flaps, 551–552, 552f unilateral cleft lip, 201–207 indications, 758, 759t
Guyon’s canal release, 861f–862f vaginal reconstruction, 630–632 injuries, 750–757
hypospadias, 635–636 velopharyngeal dysfunction, 225–226 leverage, 758
implant breast reconstruction, 555–559 Surgical pockets, breast augmentation, median nerve palsy, 763–765
Jeune syndrome, 604 528–529 metacarpophalangeal joint extension, 762
lateral thigh or septocutaneous tensor Sutures postoperative care, 772
fascia lata perforators, 549–551 abdominoplasty, 1124 power, 758
latissimus dorsi flap, 560–561 body contouring, 1124 principles, 759, 761t
lymphedema, 678–682 cleft lip postoperative care, 209 radial nerve palsy, 760–763
macrodactyly, 696–697 extensor tendon injuries, 754 rheumatoid arthritis, 926–927
1188 Index

Tendons (Continued) 3D printing technology, 75 Tips

surgical technique, 760, 761f Three-layered nasal reconstruction, 413 finger injuries, 710–729
tensioning, 759 Three-stage folded forehead flap, 427–428 rhinoplasty, 1090–1091
tetraplegia, 767–772 Three-stage paramedian forehead flap, Tissue engineering (TE), 68–82
thumb, 762–763, 766 423–424, 425f applied, 69–71
ulnar nerve palsy, 765–767 Thrombocytopenia–absent radius (TAR) bioreactors, 77–79
wrist extension, 761–762 syndrome, 700 breast reconstruction, 79–80, 80f
Tennison–Randall technique repair, Thumb carpometacarpal (CMC) cartilage model, 69–71, 71f
201–202 osteoarthritis cell-based approaches, 75, 76f
Tenodesis, 759t arthrodesis, 902, 904 cell-based products, 71–72
Tenolysis, 928–929 complications, 902 Crispr-Cas9 technology, 75
anesthesia, 929–930 implant arthroplasty, 902 definition, 68
prerequisites, 928–929 nonoperative treatment, 902 elements, 71
Tenorrhaphy technique, 761f radiographic prevalence, 901 experimental, 68–71
Tenosynovectomy, 922–923 radiographic staging system, 902 extracorporeal support devices and
Tenosynovitis, 922–923 surgical reconstructive procedures, 902 bioreactors, 76–77
Tension symptoms, 901–902 flaps, 75–76
lines, 436 Thumbs gene editing, 74–75
tendon transfer, 759 amputation, 782, 783t growth factors and chemokines, 79
tissue expansion, 56 arthrogryposis, 707 hypertrophic scarring, 68–69, 70f
Tensor fascia latae (TFL) flap, 618 cosmesis, 782–783 immune system, 79
Tensor veli palatini, 215 distal thumb reconstruction, 767 induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs),
Tenzel flap, 441, 443f distraction lengthening, 787 74
“Terry Thomas” sign, 912 dorsal injuries, 781–782 inflammation, 79
Tertiary rhinoplasty, 1094–1095 extensor tendon injuries, 751, 756–757 laboratory-based, 69–71
Tessier classification, 249, 249f flexor tendon injuries, 923–924 matrices and scaffolds, 78
Tessier clefts, 250t hemi-pulps, 785 microenvironmental approaches, 77–78
Tetanus prophylaxis immunization schedule, hypoplasia, 697–699 neovascularization, 72–73
653t IP joint flexion, 765 pharyngeal reconstruction, 375
Tetraplegia length, 782 plastic surgery, 71–72
assessment, 770 median nerve palsy, 764–765 pluripotency, 74
classification, 768–769, 769t metacarpal fractures, 887 progenitor cells, 73–74
elbow extension, 770–771 mid-thumb reconstruction, 767–772 regulatory approval, 80–81
examination, 770 mobility, 782 scientific discovery, 68–69
forearm reconstruction, 771–772, 772t osteoarthritis, 901–904 ‘seed versus soil’ hypothesis, 73
multidisciplinary team, 770 phalangization, 770–771 stem cells, 73–74
postoperative care, 772 pollicization, 770 supporting cells, 78
preparation, 770 proximal thumb reconstruction, targeted, 72–77
surgical restoration, 770 768–769 team approach, 69–71
timing of surgery, 770 radial nerve palsy, 762–763 tissues and organs, 68, 69f
TGF-α (transforming growth factor alpha), reconstruction, 781–790 vascularization, 75–76
9f rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 929–930 Tissue expander/implant (TE-I)
TGF-β (transforming growth factor beta), 9f soft tissue loss, 781–782 reconstruction, 556–557
Thelarche, 565 stability, 782 Tissue expansion, 56–67. See also Flap
Thenar advancement flap, 718–720 tendon transfer, 762–763 surgery; skin
Therapy principles, lasers, 49 toe transfer technique, 784–786, 786f advantages, 63
Thermal burns, 157 total degloving, 782 breast reconstruction, 56
Thigh-based flaps, 545–552 ulnar nerve palsy, 766, 767f changes during, 58–59
Thigh flaps web space reconstruction, 789–790 cheek reconstruction, 390
lower limb, 662f wrap-around flap, 785–786, 787f, 789f complications, 56, 64–65
perineal reconstruction, 625–626 Thymus transplantation, 136 design plans, 62
pharyngeal reconstruction, 367 Timing considerations devices, 59–61, 59f
pressure injuries, 648f arthrogryposis, 706 disadvantages, 63–64
vaginal reconstruction, 632 cleft palate, 220 future directions, 65–66
Thighs lower limb, 657 golden rules, 66
body contouring, 1120, 1132–1135, pectus carinatum, 602 incision, 62
1136f pectus excavatum, 600 molecular cascade, 57f
lifts, 1132–1135, 1136f radiation therapy, 149 principle, 57f
Thoracic cage, 599, 606 soft tissue reconstruction, 657 scalp reconstruction, 472–475
Thoracodorsal artery perforator (TDAP) sternal cleft, 603–604 vascularity, 58
flap, 343 Tinel’s sign, 851, 932 viscoelastic properties, 56–58
Three-dimensional cultures, 75 Tinel’s test, 843 Tissue hypoxia, 79
Index 1189

Tissue loss, wound care/healing, 10 Transconjunctival lower eyelid Tripier flap, 439
Tissue transfer, 472–475 blepharoplasty Trunk
Titanium (Ti), structural fat grafting, 33 complications, 1022–1023 chest wall reconstruction, 599–609
TLPA. See Transverse ligament of the palmar markings and preparation, 1020–1021 genital reconstruction, 630
aponeurosis orbicularis oculi origins, 1023–1024, lower limb reconstruction, 651–665
T lymphocytes, 132 1024f–1025f perineal reconstruction, 622
TMG flap. See Transverse myocutaneous surgical technique, 1021–1022, pressure sores, 642–650
gracilis flap 1021f–1023f reconstruction, 599–609
TMR. See Targeted muscle reinnervation tear trough ligament, 1023–1024, T staging, 325t–327t
TNM staging system. See Tumor–node– 1024f–1025f Tubed radial artery forearm flap, 367–370
metastasis staging system Transdermal local anesthetics, 41–42 Tuberous breast, 567–570
Toe-to-hand transfers, 704, 705f Transforming growth factor alpha (TGF-α), anatomy, 568
Toe transfer technique, 784–786, 784f 9f classification, 568, 569f
Tolerance factors, allotransplantation, Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β), constricted skin envelope, 569–570
131–132 9f historical assessment, 567–568
Tongue reconstruction, 334–352 Transpalpebral corrugator myectomy, 993 implants, 569–570
anatomical defects, 334–335 Transplants inframammary fold, 568–569
function, 335 allotransplantation, 131–145 management, 568–569
glossectomies femur, 142 nipple-areolar complex, 568
floor of mouth, 346–347 knee, 142 pathoanatomy, 568
presulcal, 345 laryngotracheal transplantations, 141 periareolar reconstruction, 569–570
tongue base, 345–346 maxilla, 133–135 pseudoherniation, 567–568
physiology, 334–336 median nerve palsy, 763–765 reconstruction, 568–569
small tongue defects, 345 muscle–tendon unit (MTU) staged reconstruction, 570
surgical reconstruction, 334–352 transplantation, 758–773 Tuft fractures, 888
Topical bacitracin–polymyxin B ointment, outcomes, 142–143 TUG flap. See Transverse upper gracilis flap
209 penile, 633 Tumescent anesthesia, 42
Topical local anesthetics tendon transfers, 758–773 Tumor–node–metastasis (TNM) staging
advantages, 39 tetraplegia, 767–772 system
clinical practice, 40t vascularized composites, 131–145 head and neck malignancies, 323
cutaneous agents, 39 Transplant tolerance, 131–132 melanoma, 85t
disadvantages, 39 Transposition flap blood supply, 20–22, 21f Merkel cell carcinoma, 121
mucosal agents, 41 Transumbilical, breast augmentation, 523 Tumors
preparations, 41t Transverse forehead creases, 973–975, 974f adnexal carcinomas, 122–123
Topical treatments Transverse ligament of the palmar chest wall reconstruction, 606
basal cell carcinoma (BCC), 102 aponeurosis (TLPA), 873 congenital disorders, 183–187
burn scar, 162 Transverse myocutaneous gracilis (TMG) dermal tumors, 120
Total amputation, 456–465 flap, 545–546, 626–627 head and neck reconstruction, 322–333
Total burn surface area (TBSA), 155 Transverse platysma myotomy, 1049, hemangiomas, 183
Total dose, soft tissue radiation therapy, 149 1073–1077, 1076f infantile hemangiomas, 183
Total passive extension deficit (TPED), 878 Transverse process fracture, 830 kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas,
Total perineal defects, 622 Transverse upper gracilis (TUG) flap, 186–187
Total wrist arthrodesis, 925 545–546, 626–627 management, 606
Total wrist arthroplasty (TWA), 925 Transversus abdominis, 610 noninvoluting congenital hemangiomas,
Tourniquet pain, 45 Trapeziectomy, 902–904 186
Toxicity Trapezius flap, 474f pyogenic granuloma, 187
carbon monoxide poisoning, 158 Trauma, 314 rapidly-involuting congenital
cyanide poisoning, 158 blepharoptosis, 1098 hemangiomas, 186
local anesthetics, 43, 45–46 brachial plexus injuries, 829 reconstruction, 322–333
radiation therapy, 149–150 chest wall, 606 vascular tumor, 183
smoke inhalation, 158 facial. See Facial trauma Turek classification, ulnar polydactyly, 694t
TPED. See Total passive extension deficit Traumatic optic neuropathy, 384 TWIST1 transcription factors, 269
TPS. See Tarsal platform show Treacher Collins syndrome, 248–249 Two-stage nasolabial flap, 419–422, 421f
Tracheal mucosa decellularized extracellular Triangular fibrocartilage complex (TFCC) Two-stage paramedian forehead flap,
matrix (tmdECM) hydrogel, 375 pathology, 906 422–423, 423f
Tracheoesophageal puncture, 371–372 Tricalcium phosphate (TCP), 33, 34f Types of wound care/healing
Tracheostomy, 168–169 Trichoepithelioma, 116 type 1a, primary incisional, 8–10
Traction injuries, 805–806, 829 Trichofolliculoma, 116 type 2a, “supranormal” healing by skin
Training, board examinations, 1139–1148 Tricholemmal (pilar) cysts, 114–115 replacement, 11–12
Transaxillary incision, 522–523 Tricholemmoma, 116–117 type 1b, normal/secondary excisional, 10
Transconjunctival injection, 437–438 Trigger thumb, 707 type 2b, “supranormal” healing with
Trigonocephaly, 274f apparent acceptance of tissue loss, 12
1190 Index

U Upper eyelids rejuvenation (Continued) Vaginal reconstruction (Continued)

UADT. See Upper aerodigestive tract patient evaluation, 1009–1010 pedicled gracilis myocutaneous flap,
Ulcer. See also Pressure scores periorbital aging, 1008, 1009f 631–632, 631f
melanoma, 84–85 postoperative care, 1012, 1012f–1014f pedicled rectus abdominis myocutaneous
Ulna head arthroplasty, 926 retractor anatomy, 1096 flap, 631
Ulnar nerve surgical techniques primary closure, 631
adductorplasty, 766, 767f anesthesia, 1010–1011 pudendal thigh flap, 632
anatomy, 765–766 marking, 1010–1011, 1010f skin graft, 631
clawing correction, 766–767, 767f orbital fat, 1011, 1011f small defects, 631
clinical findings, 766 procedures, 1011 thigh flaps, 632
compression, 851–863 skin closure, 1011, 1012f vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous
internal topography, 828, 828f skin incision and excision, 1011, 1011f flap, 631
palsy, 765–767 Upper facial allograft, 139–140 Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS), 162
reconstructive aim, 766, 766t Upper lateral cartilage, rhinoplasty, 1082 Van der Meulen’s embryological
transposition, 857, 858f–860f Upper limbs classification, 249
Ulnar polydactyly, 693–694 arm lifts, 1135–1137, 1137f Van der Woude syndrome, 218
Ulnar-sided wrist pain, 906 arthrogryposis, 706 Vascular anomalies
Ultrasound (US) compartment syndrome, 793, 796–797 classification, 184t
basal cell carcinoma, 97 development, 685t malformations, 187–194
hands, 932 Dupuytren disease (DD), 872–882 tumors, 183–187
head and neck cancer, 323 extensor tendon injuries, 750–757 Vascular delay, 19
melanoma, 83 extremity allotransplantation, 140–141 Vascular endothelial growth factor 3
nerve compression, 844–845 forearm anatomy, 750 (VEGFR3), 669
Ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), fractures and dislocations, 883–895 Vascular endothelial growth factor-C
1109 hand congenital differences, 684–709 (VEGF-C), 677
Umbilicus, abdominoplasty/body lesions, 932–948 Vascular injury, 653–654
contouring, 1116, 1119 lifts, 1135–1137, 1137f Vascularity, tissue expansion, 58
Unbalanced distal duplications, 692 osteoarthritis, 896–905 Vascularization
Undercorrection, blepharoptosis patterning, 684 nasolabial flaps, 422
complications, 1106 radial longitudinal deficiency, 701 tissue engineering (TE), 75–76
Undifferentiated pleomorphic sarcoma rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 919–931 Vascularized bone grafts, 30
(UPS), 123 tendon transfer, 758 Vascularized composite allotransplantation
Unicondylar fractures, 890, 890f wrist, 906–931 (VCA)
Unicoronal synostosis, 274 wrists, 750, 755 abdominal wall, 142
Unilateral amastia, 567 Upper plexus injuries, 831 animal models, 133–137
Unilateral breast hypoplasia, 571, 572f Upper temporal space, facial anatomy, bone marrow, 133–135
Unilateral cleft, 198, 201–207 963–964, 963f cadaver studies, 137–140, 138f
Unilateral hypoglossal nerve deficits, 378 UPS. See Undifferentiated pleomorphic clinical applications, 140–142
Unilateral ptosis, 434 sarcoma experimental models, 133–140, 134t
Unilateral syndromes, cheek reconstruction, Upton’s classification, 271t face transplants, 133–135, 136f, 141
393–394 Urethral stricture, 640 femur, 142
Unilateral velophayngeal insufficiency, 230 Urethrocutaneous fistula, hypospadias, 640 future perspectives, 143
Upper aerodigestive tract (UADT), 364–376 Urethroplasty, 636 hand, 142
Upper blepharoplasty. See Upper eyelid Uterus transplantation, 142 hindlimb, 133
rejuvenation Uveal melanoma, 95 historical background, 131
Upper breast border, 583 immunology, 132–133
Upper buccal trunk surgery, 967 V immunomodulatory, 135–136
Upper extremity allotransplantation, VACTERL association, 700–701 knee, 142
140–141 Vacuum therapy, 605 laryngotracheal transplantations, 141
Upper eyelid, facial reanimation, 317 Vaginal reconstruction lower central facial allograft, 139
Upper eyelids rejuvenation acquired defects, 630 lower extremity transplantation, 142
anatomy, 1008–1009, 1009f anterolateral thigh flap, 632 midfacial allograft, 139
blepharoptosis, 1096–1106 classification system, 630 nomenclature, 131–132
complications closure, 631 outcomes, 142–143
blepharoptosis, 1014, 1015f complications, 632 pediatric, 142
conjunctivitis/chemosis, 1014 flap surgery, 631–632 penis, 142
epiphora/dry eye, 1014 Frank procedure, 631 peripheral nerve, 142
lagophthalmos, 1014 gracilis myocutaneous flap, 631–632, scalp reconstruction, 478
medial canthal webbing, 1014 631f skin, 133, 135f
oversculpting/hallowed appearance, intestinal conduits, 632 soft tissue, 133, 135f
1014 nonsurgical options, 631 sternum transplantation, 135–136
retrobulbar hematoma, 1012–1014 omental flap, 632 upper extremity, 140–141
Index 1191

Vascularized composite allotransplantation Venous malformations, hands, 940–942 Wise pattern

(VCA) (Continued) Vermilion defects, 401–402 breast, 574, 576f
upper facial allograft, 139–140 Vermilion transposition flap, 261, 262f macromastia, 576f
uterus, 142 Verrucous lesions, 115 mastectomy, 537–538, 538f
wound healing, 143 Vertical augmentation-mastopexy, 591 Witch’s chin deformity, 1046, 1049f
Vascularized lymph node transplantation, Vertical dystopia, 356–357 Wound care/healing
680–682, 681f Vertical mastopexy, 591, 591f abdominal wall, 613–614
Vascular lesions, lasers, 51–52 Vertical rectus abdominis myocutaneous abnormal factors, 10–11
Vascular malformations, 183 (VRAM) flap, 538–539 burns, 159
arteriovenous malformations, 191–193 perineal reconstruction, 626f–627f classifications, 6
blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome, 191 vaginal reconstruction, 631 closure, 9
capillary malformation, 187–188 Viability, flap surgery, 20–25 coagulation, 6
children, 187–194 Videofluoroscopy, 225 dermal, 8
Klippel–Trénaunay syndrome, 191 Videonasopharyngoscopy, 224–225 excision, 7–8
lymphatic malformation, 188–191 Virginal hypertrophy, 567 fat grafts, 12–13
lymphatic malformations, 188–189, Virtual surgical planning, 287–288, 289f inflammation, 6–7
188f Visceral voice tube reconstruction, 372 lymphoedema, 13
macrocystic lesions, 188–189, 189f Viscoelasticity, 56–58 normal/secondary excisional, 10
Maffucci syndrome, 191 Vocal cord paralysis, 378 phases, 6–7
microcystic lesions, 188–189 Voice, pharyngeal reconstruction, pressure sores, 645
Parkes–Weber syndrome, 191–193 371–372 primary incisional, 8–10
tumors, 183 Volar compartment, 793 radiation therapy, 150–152
venous malformations, 189–191 Volar gutter DIP joint splint, 888f scar formation, 7–8
Vascular supply, eyelids, 435–436 Volar hand splint, 887f secondary excisional, 10
Vascular tumors, 183–187 Volar intercalated segmental instability soft tissue radiation therapy, 150–152
children, 183 (VISI), 911 supranormal healing by skin replacement,
congenital hemangiomas, 186 Volar plate injuries, 891 11–12
flat segmental facial hemangioma, 186 Volar-radial/anterior approach, 902 supranormal healing with apparent
hemangiomas, 183–187 Volkmann’s contracture, 798–801 acceptance of tissue loss, 12
infantile hemangiomas, 183 Volume types, 5–13
kaposiform hemangioendotheliomas breast reconstruction, 535 Wound debridement
(KHE), 186–187 radiation therapy parameters, 149 lower limb, 655–656
noninvoluting congenital hemangiomas, Von Willebrand disease, 1093 lower limb reconstruction, 655–656
186 VPD. See Velopharyngeal dysfunction Wrap-around flap’, 789f
rapidly-involuting congenital VPI. See Velopharyngeal insufficiency Wrap-around toe technique, 788f
hemangiomas, 186 VRAM flap. See Vertical rectus abdominis Wrightington classification, 923, 924t
vascular malformations, 183 myocutaneous flap Wrinkling, breast augmentation, 527
Vasculature anatomy, 412, 412f VSS. See Vancouver Scar Scale Wrist extensors, 750
Vasculogenesis, 72, 191–193 V–Y flaps, 23–25, 415, 418f Wrist-neutral nighttime splinting, 846
Vasoconstrictors, 39 Wrists, 919–931
V beam, 52 W arthrogryposis, 706–707
VCA. See Vascularized composite Wagner approach, 902 avascular necrosis, 906–909
allotransplantation Walls central pain, 906
VCFS. See Velocardiofacial syndrome abdominal wall allotransplantation, clinical evaluation, 907
Veau–Wardill–Kilner pushback palatoplasty, 142 compartment syndrome, 796–797
220 abdominal wall contouring, 1119–1120 De Quervain’s tenosynovitis, 909
Velar closure, 221 chest wall reconstruction, 599–609 extensor tendon injuries, 750, 755
Velocardiofacial syndrome (VCFS), Wartenberg syndrome, 864–868 Finkelstein’s maneuver, 909
218–219, 219f Wartenburg’s sign, 855 fractures, 883–895
Velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) Warts, 115–116, 933–935 Kienböck’s disease, 906–909
cleft palate, 223–230 Wassel type duplications, 692, 693f lunate avascular necrosis, 906–909
management, 229–230 Waterlow and Braden scales, 644 lunotriquetral (LT) dissociation, 916
pharyngeal flap surgery, 226–228 Watson test, 912 management, 907–909, 912–913
pharyngoplasty, 228–229 Wavelengths, 50 pain, 906
surgical management, 225–226 Weber–Fergusen incision, 360–361 partial arthrodesis, 924
videofluoroscopy, 225 Websites, FRCS(Plast) examination, 1141 pathology, 906–918
Velopharyngeal function assessment, Web space reconstruction, 789–790 perilunate dislocations (PLDs), 913–916
224–225 Weight loss, 676, 1130–1138, 1132f–1134f, physical examination, 906
Velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI), 1136f radial longitudinal deficiency, 702, 702f
214–215, 223–224, 230 Weiss–Hastings classification, 890f radial nerve palsy, 761–762
Venous drainage, scalp anatomy, 469–470 Whitnall’s ligament, 1008–1009 radial-sided pain, 906
Venous flaps, 17–18, 723–726 Wide excision, 87–88 radiographic evaluation, 907
1192 Index

Wrists (Continued) X Zones

scaphoid fractures, 909–911 Xenografts, 31–32, 131, 159 burns, 155
scaphoid nonunion advanced collapse, X-rays extensor tendon injuries, 751–756, 753f
906 rheumatoid arthritis (RA), 920 skull base reconstruction, 379f–380f,
scaphoid nonunions, 910–911 rheumatoid wrist, 923 382f
scapholunate advanced collapse, 916 soft tissue radiation therapy, 146 Z-plasty, 21–22, 22f, 162, 163f, 163t, 221,
scapholunate dissociation, 911–913 903f
staging, 912 Y Zygoma, 492–493
tendon transfer, 761–762 YAG lasers, 52–53 Zygomatic arch fractures, 491
ulnar negative variance, 907 Youthful midcheek, 1016 Zygomatic muscles, 964
ulnar positive or neutral variance, 907 Zygomatico-maxillary fractures, 489–492
ulnar-sided wrist pain, 906 Z Zygomatico-orbital artery, cheek, 388
Written examinations, 1143, 1145 Zitelli’s bilobed flap, 414–415, 417f
Wuchereria bancrofti, 669–670 Zone of polarizing activity (ZPA), 700

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