Statement of Purpose - Griffith Uni

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Genuine Temporary Entrant Criterion – (Mr.

Elis ogbe)
Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering)
Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Australia.
Throughout history, mechanical engineers brought about mechanical innovation to ease and
reduce human energy to carry out a task. Some of the innovations are wheel and axe, steam
turbine engine, heavy lifting pulley, automobile aircraft, sailing ships, etc. Delving down to the
major industries that contribute to economic development first is construction. Mechanical
engineers are the ones accountable for manufacturing, designing, and recommending the
specific machine and tool suitable for construction.

In the automobile industry, they are the main driver, they set up all the components required for
vehicle production, and they design and develop interior, exterior, stationary and rotational
parts of automobile systems. In the oil and gas industry, they implement procedures, tools, and
machines suitable for oil production during the disintegration and integration process of
production.In the telecommunication industry, they design, maintain, repair, construct, test,
supervise and give recommendations on material selection. In the Health care industry, they are
in charge of the design, development, testing, and evaluation of various life-saving medical
equipment.Mechanical engineers and market forces are inseparable. It has been their
responsibility to develop innovative products and machines that help the human race while also
being good for the environment, it is the duty of Mechanical engineers to disseminate cutting-
edge ideas to the globe.

Economic theory suggests that growth in the economy, which is the only means of increasing
the prosperity of a country, depends on the quantities of the factors of production employed –
labor and capital – and the efficiency with which those quantities are utilized. Growth is
sustained by increasing the amounts of labor and/ or capital that are used and by increasing the
efficiency with which they are used individually and in combination to produce
output.Engineering plays a key role in ensuring the growth and development of a country’s
economy as well as in improving the quality of life for citizens within the country. Its remit is
far wider than just buildings and bridges, spanning improvements in renewable energy
technologies and solutions through to global health challenges. As such, there is an important
link between a country’s engineering capacity and its economic development. Hence, my
decision to do my bachelor’s program in a reputable institution especially in Australia.

Family Background
I am Mr Mr. Elis ogbe; born on the 12th of October, 1994; my parents are Mr. ogbe, Philip
and Mrs. ogbe Lawretta. I was fortunate to be the only child of my parents. I got married to
my better half (cynthia omen) on the 26th of October, 2021; and the union is blessed with a
lovely and adorable baby girl (Ogbe anna).

I had my high school atGovernmentSecondarySchool, Kubwa, Abuja –
Nigeria,September2006 – June 2012 where I obtained West African Senior School
Certificate (WASSC).While searching for admission, I took up a job with OC Trading
Ventures as a Storekeeper from July 2012 – February 2014. Thereafter, I was admitted into
Auchi Polytechnic to study National Diploma in Mechanical Engineeringfrom March 2014
– February 2017. Upon successful graduation, I secured a job with Tobel Consults Limited as
an Assistant Mechanical Engineer; where I workedfromMarch2017 – August2019and
returned to AuchiPolytechnicformyHigherNationalDiploma in MechanicalEngineering in
September 2019– October2021. I currently work with Tobel Consults Limited as a
Mechanical Engineer since November 2021 till present.

Why I Chose Australia as My Study Destination
Universities Rankings: Based on the 2022 university ranking released by Cybermetrics lab and
Webometrics, Nigerian universities were ranked from 1190 to 11987 while Australian
universities were ranked from 33 to 170 by Times Higher education World University ranking
this development, knowledge can only flow from top to bottom, not vice versa.

Educational System: The system of education in Nigeria cannot be compared to UK, Canada,
USA and Australia. The education system in USA, UK, Canada, and Australia are regularly
updated compared to Nigeria in terms of course outlines, education facilities, etc. More so,
considering education equipment’s and infrastructures, they are all more advanced than Nigeria.
It is realistic that there is a wide gap we need to bridge to improve developing country like
Nigeria and we are not ashamed to learn from those who had gone ahead of us to improve our
systems as well. Australia provides a progressive education program with a reputation for
excellence, globally recognized course, and qualification with a unique kind of education and a
learning style that encourages innovative, creative and independent thinking culture.

The approach of the Australian Colleges and Universities to technical and vocational education
is being recognized as one of the best universities and colleges in the world. The top
universities in Australia have the reputation of being able to adopt new technologies in the
world faster than in other countries. It maintains a reputation of providing high-quality
education and consumer protection, specifically developed for overseas students under the
Educational Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) Act, CRICOS code and course code
frameworks. The Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) framework protects the
rights of international students studying in Australia, including the right to receive, before
enrolling, current and accurate information about the courses, fees, modes of study, and other
information from your institution and institution’s agent sign a written agreement with your
institution before paying fees, setting out the services to be provided, fees payable, and
information about refunds of course money ease. The Tuition Protection Service (TPS) is an
initiative of the Australian Government to assist students if an institution is unable to fully
deliver our course of study which means my paid fee is safe in Australia and the same facility is
not available in the UK, USA and European countries. I have visited the Australian
government website to collect information about Australia. The factors of the educational
system in Australia for student and best ranges of courses may vary each other, where I choose
Australia as a destination for further study. I would be blessed to get the opportunity to continue
my education in Australia.

Varieties of study options: In Australia, international students have a wide variety of choice
when it comes to studying. It is a case of quality and quantity with six Australian Universities
ranking in the internationally renowned top 100 (BUPA Health Insurance). There are 43
universities in Australia (40 Australian universities, two international universities, and one
private specialty university). Australia offers a diverse range of study options for international
students, with more than 1,200 educational institutions and over 22,000 courses to choose from

Academic Environment: In my point of view, Australia is a dynamic, friendly environment

and a fabulous place to live. It is the 8th happiest country all over the world since 2016.
Australia is a safe country, education fees are quite affordable with good and interactive
educational system as compared to other countries like the USA, UK and so on. So, I prefer
Australia because it is a top country to go for studying where it has some of the best colleges

and universities in the world. The best part of Australia, its climate is quite like Nigeria so that
students can be favorable with her climate.

Cultural Interaction:Australia provides a welcoming and multicultural society with a

population that originates from various countries.

Why I did not opt for similar program in myhome country

The syllabus composition such as relevant and new generation software’s are not used in
learning. According to Forbes record, Australia has been one of the countries that has best
universities with good educational system. Firstly, as the adage says “change is the only
constant thing”; I would like to have an experience of education system outside my home
country and introduce necessary changes in our education system. I researched various school
structures in different developed countries like USA, Canada and UK and I have come to
understand that to obtain a world class global education with relaxed lifestyles and diverse
study options, I need to study in a country like Australia where the best is offered at affordable

I believe the knowledge that I obtain from Australia will help me in driving the economy of my
great country (Nigeria) in the right direction and standing a chance of making an impact in the
development of my home country.

I also researched some Universities offering Mechanical Engineering at the Bachelor’s level in
Australia like The University of Adelaide, University of Melbourne and Flinders University; I
realized that there are differences in school fees, teaching structure, cost of living, and career
outcomes. I preferred Griffith University as my best option to select.

Selecting Griffith University (GU)

Griffith University ranks in the top 2% of universities globally with 50000 students spanning
six campuses in South East Queensland. I also found out that Griffith University has received
more Australian awards for university teaching than any other university since 2012 coupled
with the fact that the university is ranked in Australia’s top 5 for teacher education. I am also
keen on the education program because it spans all levels of learning from early childhood,
primary, middle school, and high school, to adult and vocational education. This allows me to
choose from the different lifecycles of education and gain expertise as needed.

Griffith University also has various locations one can learn at the Digital campus, South Bank,
Nathan, Mount Gravatt, Logan, and Gold Coast. Having campuses in three different locations
allows the students experience flexibility, diverse cultures, weather, and experiences. On the
different campuses, there is provision for accommodation, aquatic and fitness center, clubs,
Griffith college, health clinics, library, medical, shops, and different sporting activities. Among
the academic groups, I am most fascinated with the Arts, Education, and Law groups. I am also
looking to live on campus for enhanced concentration and the accommodation at my preferred
campus, the Mount Gravatt campus, will be a great opportunity.

Griffith University is rated highly as a young university, ranking 33rd in the 2022 Times Higher
Education Young University Rankings and 33rd in the 2021 QS World University Rankings
Top 50 Under 50 world university rankings. By choosing to study at Griffith, I would benefit
from degrees informed by their world-class research, expert knowledge and industry
connections. Griffith is also a university that lives its values—and, despite their relative youth,
they are recognized worldwide for their commitment to sustainable development. In 2021,
Griffith has been included for the first time in the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings,
placing inside the global top 50 overall. The rankings assess universities against the UN’s 17

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with Griffith placing 38th out of 1,115
institutions globally in its first appearance on the list.

It has internship opportunities where students will gain practical knowledge and develop the
required skill-set for their profession. Griffith University equips its students with the required
technical and professional skills that make them indispensable in the industry with cutting-edge
research. With their outstanding student support, teaching and research scale, Griffith
University graduates are ranked as one of the best for employability. I’m thrilled with some
YouTube videos on Griffith University’s personalized teaching approach that allows
intercommunication between students and academic staffs, small-scale classrooms where
students can receive one-to-one communication from lecturers. Having a multifarious student
population from all over the world, international students will easily get acclimatize in Griffith
University. It’s one of the top-ranked and highly reputed universities in the world with
innovative research centers on campus. The facilities for my course at this university are
excellent and suit my programming needs.

Mechanical engineering is the most diverse of all the engineering disciplines. As a graduate, I
will be qualified for a career in automotive, aerospace, renewable energy, marine, etc. The
program is a four (4) year duration and requires completion of 320 credit points.I must finish
the numerical topicsindicated in order to getallcertificatesoffered byaccreditation.


 PracticeasaprofessionalMechanicalEngineeringinaknowledgeable,competent,reflective,a
nd responsible manner.
 UnderstandandassessthecomplexityofMechanicalEngineeringandsystemicfactorsthatcont
ributeto theissuesfacing theEngineeringIndustries.

My chosen academic path and the duration of my employment history are strongly related.
Ihave a wide variety of professional experiences and talents that have fueled my desire topursue
a Bachelor ofEngineering(Mechanical Engineering). Iwould want to study and advance my
knowledge in Mechanical Engineering at the esteemedGriffith University in Nathan campus,
specifically to equip me with the skills I will need to launch acareer as a Mechanical
Engineering expert and to support the achievement of my professionalobjectives. My research
on the university course curriculum makes me feel satisfied since itincludes engineering-related
topics. The creation of new technologies is significantlyinfluencedby mechanical engineering.

Myshort-termcareergoal:On successful completion of my program, I will definitely return to

my home country with all the professional skills I would have acquired and join my current
employer (Tobel Consults Limited). My place of work is willing to have me on their team as
they are in support of my academic pursuit as stated in my study leave letter.

Future Career Plans:Iintendtoworkwithtopmechanical

engNigeriaLimited,DeltaStreelCompany,DanadaniIntegrated Limited, Fambosco Engineering
Company, Slot Engineering, etc. I will use the knowledge and skills I would acquire in Griffith
University, Australia, to create and develop my dream engineeringfirmand create employment
for the unemployed in my home country in thenearfuture.

Additionally, I own two plots of land that I intend to develop and use for engineering
purposesupon my return where I can train young Nigerians who have interest in Engineering
but have no means (see attached landed documents).

Cost and Benefits Analysis

The total cost for the duration of my program in Griffith University A$156,000.00 and is about
48,730,69.50 naira when converted to Nigerian currency. Upon completion of program in
Griffith University, the field of Mechanical Engineering is highly competitive in a developing
country like mine (Nigeria); professionals in this field are sought after. Remunerations are quite
negotiable because of the unavailability of trained personnel in this field. I would be able to
earn within 400,000 Naira and 500,000 Naira monthly. With my calculation, even on a salary of
400,000 Naira monthly, I will be able to recoup my educational expenditurein lessthan

1. Nigeria My Home: Nigeria my home country has a platform for new innovation and
discovery in terms of economic strides are enamors; Nigeria which is the biggest
economy in Africa is a big opportunity for emerging market and ideas as a center stage
and a magnet for investment and development of new business generally, this factor is a
big incentive for me to return home to establish and build business and take advantage
of this opportunity for my benefit economically.

2. Partnership: I will like to partner and register with The Council for the Regulation of
Engineering in Nigeria (COREN), is a statutory body that regulates and controls the
training and practice of engineering in Nigeria and also enforces the registration of all
engineering personnel (i.e., Engineers, Engineering Technologists, Engineering
Technicians, and Engineering Craftsmen) and consulting firms wishing to practice or
engage in the practice of engineering. Hence, COREN is empowered to determine who
are engineering personnel.

3. National Youth Service Corps (NYSC): I will like to bring to your attention that after
my study I will have to come back to enroll in the National Youth Service Corps
(NYSC). The National Youth Service Corps was establish to inculcate discipline in
Nigerian youths by instilling in them a tradition of industry at work, and of patriotic and
loyal service to Nigeria in any situation they may find themselves; the NYSC act of
1993 Section 2b States that “ if, at the end of the academic year or, as the case may be,
at the end of any subsequent year, he shall have graduated at any university outside
Nigeria, Subsection(2) or section (17) of this act, to make himself available for service
for a continuous period of one year from the date specified in the call up instruction
served upon him” this is one of the reasons why I will have to come back to Nigeria to
serve my father land for one year.

4. Patriotic Nigerian: It is imperative to note that, as a patriotic Nigerian, I will return

home after my studies, as this holds many advantages and mouth-watering opportunities

for me, particularly with respect to a potential massive increase on my income and
earnings as there are many developmental projects ongoing in my home country and
coupled with many existing problems to solve through leveraging my exposure abroad. I
would be delighted to return and play my path in changing the narrative in my career
field and other relevant fields too. I love my country Nigeria and I want Nigeria to
improve to the standards of developed countries abroad like Australia.

5. Family Bonds: Aside the fact that I will return home to a flourishing career I will be
returning home to my wife, she has always been a source of inspiration and support ever
since I met her; my daughter whom I share a very special bond with being away from
them on my study adventure to Australia would be the toughest decision I will have to
make, my extended family that are all based in Nigeria as we have a long family
tradition of being close to each other.Therefore, traveling to Australia for some time is
not an easy decision for us to make, my family supported my plan and opportunity to
pursue my degree in Australia; they are giving me the full moral support and
encouragement that I need to pursue my career and dream, with the belief that it is going
to be for a definite time after which we will be back again together in Nigeria. Hence,
the sacrifice is worth it. I will never want to disappoint them by staying away further
after my master’s program. So, I will return to my home country after the completion of
my course at Griffith University, to reunite with my family.

6. Responsibility: Being the only child of my parents, I have enormous responsibility to

return home and take good care of them as they are growing old. Thanks to my father
who is a worthy mentor, this is now a life pattern for me to always want to live a
positive mark whatever sphere I find myself. Personal development and a quest for
knowledge was also a core aspect in my family. Hence, my return home upon
completion of my program is not negotiable.

7. Tourism:Nigeria is a big nation with many different races and religious beliefs;this
gives depth and color to lives, travel and experiences are among the most
popularpastimes of people in civilized cultures. In today's fast-paced culture, it is one of
the finestmethods to unwind and reduce stress. A lot of natural and human resources are
available toNigeria. Nigeria is one of the world's most well-liked tourist locations since
n Nigeria that amaze and astonish the general public with their breathtaking beauty
ncedue to its tangible manifestation of brilliant brain work, distinctive architectural
designs, andenigmaticenthusiasm ofnatural inventiveness.

8. Landed Properties:I own two plots of land that I intend to develop and use for business
purposesupon my return. One of the plots is 150 feet by 150 feet in size and I bought it
in 2021 forN5,800, 000;according to a current market survey, it is worth about
N14,000,000; the other plot is100feetby 100feet,anditworth N4,500,000 as today.

9. I will also like to state that I have a Toyota Corolla Car that will be left behind in my
home country(See attached documents).

It is crucial I return after my studies, and my return would enable me to attain my medium- and
long-term goals and help the Nigerian society, as I had always wanted to better the conditions in
my home country, but of course taking cues from the Australian systems.

Planned Living Arrangements in Australia
I have carried out research as to accommodation options in Australia, most of my discovery are
pointing that I need to be onshore before I could sing bonds to living arrangements. However, I
would be booking temporary accommodation like backpackers where I could temporarily stay
after my arrival pending when I am able to secure a more permanent one.I have factored the
cost of my above plan including other miscellaneous expenses within my living

My uncle, Mr.Emene Lukas, will be financially responsible my study in Australia throughout
the duration of my program at Griffith University. My sponsor works with Vinfudals Nigeria
Ltd as a manager of the company.

I have no criminal record or previous immigration histories, such as visa application,
refusal,orgrant, becausetherewas neverareasonformetotravel prior to myacademicpursuit.

Obligations of a Student under a Higher Education Visa

As a student, I understand the financial requirement and every other obligation attached to
studying my chosen course in Australia. I will abide by the stipulated rules as a Genuine
Temporary Entrant and will not be a source of concern or liability to the school and Australia at
large. I understand that I must have sufficient funds to cover my return airfares, tuition fees, and
living cost in Australia for myself and any dependents in my application, I am entitled to work
up to 20 hours per week and would be allowed to start part-time work once the course starts. It
also includes that I meet the course requirements, not be disruptive and maintain adequate
health insurance, inform the provider of address, maintain adequate arrangements for my
education, no further stay and continue to satisfy the criteria for the grant of the visa.

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