Managing Urban Stormwater Harvesting Reuse 060137
Managing Urban Stormwater Harvesting Reuse 060137
Managing Urban Stormwater Harvesting Reuse 060137
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Department of Environment and Conservation NSW
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This report may be cited as Managing urban stormwater: harvesting and reuse
DEC 2006/137
April 2006
The recent drought and concerns about climate change have all highlighted the need to
manage our water resources more sustainably. Expanding the use of stormwater runoff
to add to our water supply and reduce water pollution are important objectives for the
NSW Government. Stormwater is now recognised as a valuable resource, rather than a
nuisance to be disposed of quickly, especially in large urban centres.
Over recent years, stormwater harvesting and reuse have emerged as a new field of
sustainable water management. Harvesting and reusing stormwater offer both a potential
alternative water supply for non-drinking uses and a means to further reduce stormwater
pollution in our waterways. Stormwater harvesting complements other approaches to
sustainable urban water management, including rainwater tanks, greywater systems,
effluent reuse and demand management.
The NSW Government recognises the many benefits that can accrue from harvesting
stormwater. Through the Government’s Stormwater Trust, we have already provided over
$4 million for ten pilot projects that together are saving up to 13 million litres of water
annually. This has been Australia’s most comprehensive stormwater harvesting funding
program and many of these projects are profiled in this document.
Additional funding for stormwater harvesting will be made available from mid-2006
through the NSW Government’s $80 million Urban Sustainability Fund, part of the Iemma
Government’s $439 million City and Country Environment Restoration Program.
The pilot projects that have already been funded have taught us much about what
goes to make a stormwater harvesting scheme successful. In an Australian first, this
document combines these lessons with ideas and principles from the fields of stormwater,
wastewater and water supply management to provide specific guidance on developing
successful stormwater harvesting schemes. It aims to encourage projects that will lead
to more sustainable urban water management, while also managing the health and
environmental risks associated with stormwater reuse.
Managing urban stormwater: harvesting and reuse provides a sound basis for
implementing operational stormwater harvesting schemes more widely. It is also an
invaluable part of the Government’s Metropolitan Water Plan which aims to utilise all cost-
effective means to help meet the demand for water resources as Sydney grows, while
sustaining the health of our rivers.
I encourage all local councils, water managers, developers and planners to use this
document and help realise the full potential of stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes.
Bob Debus
Minister for the Environment
This report was funded by the NSW Government through its Stormwater Trust.
Officers from the following organisations kindly provided information for this report:
Manly Council
Taronga Zoo
This document also incorporates the results of modelling carried out for the Department
by WBM Pty Ltd.
Several people and organisations kindly supplied photographs for use in this report:
Section 1 opener: Taronga Zoo stormwater treatment plant and Sydney Harbour
(H Pantenburg/Taronga Zoo)
Section 7 opener: Weed control in stormwater reuse system at Archers Creek, Ryde
(M Sharpin/DEC)
Foreword iii
Acknowledgments iv
1 Introduction 1
3 Statutory requirements 17
4 Risk management 21
5 Planning considerations 27
6 Design considerations 37
7 Operational considerations 59
8 Case studies 73
Appendices 119
Appendix A: Key considerations 120
Appendix B: Risk management 123
Appendix C: Stormwater quality 142
Appendix D: Maintenance costs 148
Appendix E: Water balance considerations 149
Glossary 153
Abbreviations 155
1. Int ro duct ion
1.1 Water in the urban environment 2
Introduction 1
1.1 Water in the urban environment
Water is an integral part of urban life. In our homes, we use water for drinking, washing
and watering our gardens. Away from home, we swim and fish in water, and sail on
water. At the beach or paddling a canoe on a river, we appreciate good quality water. We
value water for its usefulness, its recreational benefits and its place in the landscape and
Urbanisation changes the way water flows through a catchment, and this can have a
range of adverse impacts on the water environment, including:
• poor water quality and degraded aquatic ecosystem health within rivers and creeks
from the disposal of stormwater and wastewater
• changes to the pattern of flow in streams and rivers
• increased frequency and magnitude of flooding
• demand for potable water exceeding the sustainable supply, and impacting on the
availability of water for users.
These are significant issues facing urban water managers and urban communities,
although there are many potential solutions.
One option receiving increasing attention is water recycling and reuse. Water for reuse
in urban areas can be sourced from rainwater, stormwater, greywater and effluent from
sewage treatment plants (STPs).
Water reuse projects can achieve multiple benefits, including:
• reduced demand for mains drinking water
• reduced pollution loads to waterways
• reduced wastewater flows (where effluent and greywater are reused)
• reduced stormwater flows (where stormwater and rainwater are reused).
Recognising all of the potential benefits is a key to the economic and environmental
viability of many reuse projects.
Introduction 3
This document does not address urban stormwater harvesting as a raw water source for
large-scale potable water supply schemes. Relevant information about these schemes
can be obtained from the Australian drinking water guidelines (NHMRC & NRMMC
2.2.2 Irrigation
To date, harvested stormwater has been mainly used to irrigate public reserves and
playing fields. It is used to grow and maintain grass surfaces on playing fields, golf
K Walters/DEC
Indicative outcomes
The actual outcomes from a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme depend on the
specifics of the scheme and its catchment. Table 2.1 indicates the potential outcomes that
could be achieved from schemes in New South Wales, based on moderate and large on-
line storages and an irrigation demand (WBM 2004, 2005).
The noted peak flow reductions for rare events, e.g. 100-year average recurrence interval
(ARI), are low. This is because stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes focus on
more frequent events (i.e. below the three-month ARI event). This is discussed further in
section 6.
Figtree Place, in inner suburban Newcastle, discard the first part of inflow carrying
presents an innovative example of integrated sediment, leaves, etc.). Each tank
stormwater management in a residential services between four and eight homes.
and commercial setting. • recharge trenches on 19 of the home
The site, consisting of 27 residential units, sites, each trench measuring 750 mm
employs rainwater tanks, infiltration deep by 1000 mm wide, and containing
trenches and a central basin in which gravel ‘sausages’ enclosed in geofabric.
These trenches receive overflow from
treated stormwater enters an unconfined
the rainwater tanks and help to recharge
During the planning phase of the • diversion of the run-off from impervious
development, it was determined that the areas to the central detention basin for
stormwater harvested from the site should recharging of groundwater
• increasing the degree of flood protection
• 50% of in-house needs for hot water and
for the site to the 50-year ARI level
toilet flushing
• use of groundwater for garden watering
• 100% of domestic irrigation needs
and bus washing.
• 100% of the bus-washing demand.
These measures achieved internal residential
The main features of the development water savings of 45% by using treated water
include: in hot water systems and flushing toilets,
• underground rainwater tanks, with with total water savings anticipated to be
capacities ranging from 9 to 15 kL, 60%. For further details, see Coombes et al.
fitted with ‘first flush’ devices (i.e. to (2000).
Capital costs Higher, but paid by central authority Lower, but paid by individual
or industry owner homeowner (rebates may be
Costs per kL of water used Likely to be higher than rainwater Likely to be lower than
tanks stormwater harvesting
Flow attenuation benefits Reuse schemes can reduce Rainwater tanks only reduce
stormwater flows from a catchment flows from roofs
Health risks – drowning Potential public safety risks with No safety risks due to tanks
open storages
Health risks – pathogens Higher pathogen levels in raw Pathogen levels in rainwater
stormwater than rainwater relatively low
Health risks – viruses Potential for mosquito breeding in Limited potential for
storages with associated diseases mosquito breeding in tanks
– the Brickpit Reservoir (located in the old
quarry), having a 300 ML capacity, and a
series of freshwater wetlands constructed as
for the annual diversion of approximately
part of the Haslams Creek area remediation.
550 ML of sewage normally discharged
Treatment through the wetlands reduces
through ocean outfalls.
sediment and nutrient loads by up to 90%.
Stormwater from both storages is combined The scheme, with a capital cost of $15
with reclaimed water ‘mined’ from a trunk million, provides recycled water to
sewer, filtered via continuous microfiltration consumers at a rate of $0.83 per kL. While
and disinfected prior to use. A dual this is lower than mains water charges, it
reticulation system distributes the water to does not reflect the true cost of recycled
the park and to Newington homes. water supply.
In addition to conserving water, For more information, see SOPA
implementation of the scheme has allowed (2004a, 2004b).
Statutory requirements 17
3.1 Planning
The statutory approvals required for stormwater harvesting and reuse projects vary between
states. This section deals with the requirements that may apply in New South Wales. The
information was current at the time of publication; however, statutory requirements and
the roles of government agencies can change over time – proponents should check that this
information is current during the planning stage of their project.
Statutory requirements 19
3.2.5 Impacts on threatened species
The Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 integrates the conservation of
threatened species and communities into the processes for planning and development
control under the EP&A Act. The Minister for the Environment can certify environmental
planning instruments if satisfied that they will bring an overall improvement or
maintenance in biodiversity values. A separate threatened species assessment may
not be needed for development applications in areas that have certified environmental
planning instruments.
Where a development is proposed in an area for which the environmental planning
instrument has not been certified, the EP&A Act sets out factors to be considered
in deciding whether there is likely to be a significant effect on threatened species,
populations or ecological communities and if a species impact statement is required.
Where there is likely to be a significant effect, the consent authority must seek the
concurrence of DEC.
Risk management 21
4.1 Background
Risk management is playing an increasingly important role in the water industry.
The Australian drinking water guidelines (NHMRC & NRMMC 2004a) apply a risk
management approach to the production of drinking water in Australia. Another relevant
example is the publication Guidelines for managing risk in recreational water (NHMRC
The draft national guidelines for water recycling (NRMMC & EPHC 2005) include a risk-
based framework for managing the quality and use of recycled water. This is based on the
framework in the Australian drinking water guidelines. The draft water recycling guidelines
note that the sustainable use of recycled water should be based on the following three
• the protection of public and environmental health is paramount and should never be
• ongoing protection of public and environmental health depends of the implementation
of a preventive risk management approach
• application of control measures and water quality requirements should be
commensurate with the source of recycled water and the intended uses.
The panel below summarises the approach to risk management used in the Australian
drinking water guidelines and adopted in this document. Further information on risk
management can be obtained from AS/NZS 4360:2004 Risk management (Standards
Australia 2004) and related documents.
Ideally, risks for a stormwater harvesting and reuse project should be assessed during the
project’s planning phase. This will enable many significant hazards to be managed during
the project’s design. If risk assessment and management are left to the operational phase
of a project, the costs of effective mitigation may be considerably higher than if they were
considered during the planning phase.
Further information on risk management is provided in appendix B.
Risk management
The current edition of the Australian be if it did. The final stage is to ensure that
drinking water guidelines emphasises existing preventive measures are sufficient
the importance of taking a preventive to control the hazards, and to improve or
management approach to drinking water replace such measures if necessary.
quality, in which risks are identified and
Source: NHMRC & NRMMC (2004a)
managed proactively, rather than simply
reacting to when problems arise.
There are three basic steps in taking a
preventive approach. The first step is to look
systematically at all the potential hazards
to the water supply from the catchment
to the consumer’s tap (i.e. what might
happen and how).
Once the hazards are identified, the next
step is to assess the risk from each hazard by
estimating the likelihood that the event will
happen and what the consequences would
Table 4.1 Common potential hazards associated with stormwater harvesting and reuse
Area Hazard
Public health Microorganisms (pathogens) in water:
• bacteria
• viruses
• protozoa
• helminths
Risk management 23
drinking water guidelines. A related approach has been used in Queensland for water
recycling (EPA Queensland 2005a).
The framework in table 4.2 recognises that successful risk management requires
appropriate scheme planning, design and operations. As the monitoring of treated
stormwater is not continuous and there is normally a period of time (hours or days)
between sampling and the availability of monitoring results, monitoring should not be
used as a primary risk management activity – the focus of monitoring should be primarily
on validating the effectiveness of the preventive approaches to managing water quality.
The framework applies to schemes of all sizes and complexity, the main difference
in application being the extent to which the elements are applied. The extent of risk
management for a project should be appropriate to the project’s risks. Hence a large
stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme with significant public contact (exposure) to
treated stormwater warrants a comprehensive risk assessment. Smaller schemes with
controlled public access (i.e. lower exposure risk) warrant a less comprehensive risk
The approach taken in this document is to provide guidance on appropriate public
health and environmental risk management activities for stormwater harvesting and
reuse schemes that meet the nominated threshold criteria noted in table 4.3 and follow
nominated design and operational practices. Management practices suitable for sub-
threshold schemes are noted in tables 4.4 and 4.5 and described in sections 5 to 7.
Public safety, occupational health and safety and operational risks should be assessed
separately for each scheme. The basis for the thresholds in table 4.3 is provided in
appendix B.
This default approach is intended to provide guidance on suitable risk management
activities to achieve low public health and environmental risks from the scheme’s
operations. This approach is particularly suitable for small schemes, particularly where
the application has relatively low public exposure such as irrigation. Most stormwater
harvesting and reuse schemes to date are relatively small-scale compared with many
effluent reuse schemes, and this is likely to continue for the foreseeable future.
Table 4.2 Risk management framework for recycled water quality and use
Element Description
Location of irrigation area More than 1 km from a town water supply bore
Risk management 25
Where a scheme does not meet some or all of the threshold criteria or different
management practices are proposed, a risk assessment should be carried out. It should
focus on the area exceeding the threshold or the different management practice. This
may result in additional management actions being developed.
The scheme’s developer should check that the management measures are appropriate
for the circumstances of the particular scheme, recognising that all schemes have some
unique features.
Further information is provided in appendix B, including a generic risk assessment for
sub-threshold schemes.
Table 4.4 General management measures for default risk management approach
Table 4.5 Specific management measures for default risk management approach
Application Access restrictions quality criteria Specific operational practices
Residential Nil Level 1 Above-ground storage design
(non-potable) and management
Additional plumbing controls
Irrigation of Nil Level 2 Irrigation scheme design and
open spaces operational controls
Controlled public Level 3
access or subsurface
Industrial Nil Level 2
Planning considerations 27
5.1 Planning process
Planning considerations 29
• existing water management infrastructure
• statutory or regulatory constraints.
This step should identify opportunities for reusing treated stormwater, as well as suitable
locations for storages. Other aspects of the end-user’s operations may also be important,
such as future development plans or land-use changes that may affect longer-term water
use patterns.
The quality of stormwater for a reuse project is affected by the characteristics of the
scheme’s catchment. For example:
• the risk of chemical pollution in a catchment increases with the extent and nature of
industrial uses and paved roads, particularly those with high traffic volumes
• the risk of pathogen contamination increases where catchments have multiple sewer
overflows or high loadings of animal wastes.
The impact of such diffuse pollution sources can be gauged by investigating water quality
during wet and dry weather, or by referring to existing water quality databases.
Similarly, the scheme should investigate the impacts on water quality from any point
sources of pollution, such as sewage treatment plants and landfills. The hazard
assessment for the scheme (see section 5.1.4) may need to consider both diffuse
and point sources of pollution – for example, significant sewer overflows may pose a
significant hazard for a scheme involving residential use for garden watering.
The level of the site and catchment investigation required should match the size and
scale of the development and its potential impacts (i.e. larger developments having
a greater impact would require greater site investigation). As noted for effluent reuse
schemes (DEC 2004), a staged approach to site investigations can be adopted to
minimise costs. This involves an initial screening level assessment using readily available
information to identify major constraints and opportunities, then focusing efforts on any
identified constraints.
Planning considerations 31
Economic evaluation: cost-benefit analysis
Cost-benefit analysis quantifies in monetary terms all the major costs and benefits
of project options. The outcomes for a range of options are therefore translated into
comparable terms to facilitate evaluation and decision making. The technique can also
makes explicit allowance for the many costs and benefits which cannot be valued. In both
cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, all unquantifiable benefits and costs should
be described.
Cost-benefit analysis is a more comprehensive technique than cost-effectiveness
analysis and is normally the preferred technique wherever feasible (NSW Treasury 1999).
An approach that can be adopted to cost-benefit analysis is described in NSW Treasury
(1999). This approach involves quantifying the benefits and costs over the project life,
with a 20-year analysis period recommended for consistency. The costs and benefits are
expressed in net present value terms, using a 7 per cent discount rate.
A potential difficulty in using cost-benefit analysis for stormwater harvesting and reuse
proposals is that some benefits can be difficult to quantify. Further, the analysis is often
not warranted for small reuse projects.
While capital costs for projects are relatively easy to estimate, maintenance costs (which
are important in the life-cycle cost of a project) are often more difficult.
Appendix D provides some guidance on estimating maintenance costs for stormwater
treatment measures.
Triple-bottom-line analysis
An alternative and often more comprehensive approach to assessing costs and benefits
in a sustainability context is triple-bottom-line (TBL) assessment. This method provides
for the equal consideration of environmental, social and economic elements associated
with a given scheme proposal (see table 5.1).
While the obvious benefits of this approach lie with the potential to undertake a balanced
assessment of project options, the considerable investment of time required for detailed
investigations suggests that TBL assessment is best suited to large-scale proposals.
Taylor (2005a) generated comprehensive guidelines on the application of this approach
for stormwater management measures, and explains the preferred use of multi-criteria
analysis in evaluating multiple objectives.
Multi-criteria analysis
Multi-criteria analysis or evaluation provides a decision-support framework that can be
used to undertake a triple bottom-line assessment of project options. This technique
Planning considerations 33
requires that proposals be evaluated against predetermined criteria, with the most
favourable option identified through comparing relative weightings or rankings arising
from this evaluation. While complicated, this approach allows for an in-depth assessment
of the multiple parameters and objectives normally associated with a stormwater
harvesting and reuse scheme. Further information on undertaking a multi-criteria analysis
can be found in Proctor & Qureshi (2005).
Planning considerations 35
• management arrangements for the scheme
• what (if any) risks and/or financial obligations would be transferred to council if it
operates the scheme (e.g. operations, maintenance, monitoring and reporting costs)
• compatibility of the proposed plan with surrounding land uses (compliance with zoning
• a ‘scheme management plan’, as described in section 7.
The development consent for a stormwater reuse scheme may include conditions
• appropriate management arrangements to be in place, if council is not the scheme’s
operator (e.g. a golf course operated by a club or private company)
• implementation of an EMP to manage construction impacts on the environment
• the scheme management plan to be implemented
• regular reviews and updating of the management plan as required
• reporting of monitoring results (including any exceedances) and implementing any
corrective actions.
6.2 Collection 40
6.3 Storage 42
6.3.1 Storage volume 42
6.3.2 Design of storages 43
6.4 Treatment 48
6.4.1 Treatment overview 48
6.4.2 Stormwater quality criteria 48
6.4.3 Treatment techniques 51
6.5 Distribution 56
6.7 Construction 58
Design considerations 37
6.1 Design overview
Storage Irrigation
Treatment Pump
Low flow
Figure 6.1 (a) Schematic of an example harvesting scheme with off-line storage
Figure 6.1 (b) Schematic of an example harvesting scheme with on-line storage
Design considerations 39
6.2 Collection
This component of a scheme collects or diverts stormwater into the harvesting scheme
from an urban creek, stormwater drain or overland flow. The nature of the collection
arrangements depends on whether the storage is constructed on a drainage system
(on-line) or away from the drainage system (off-line). These arrangements are discussed
further in section 6.3.
Where on-line storage is used, there is no collection system, as stormwater flows directly
into the storage. Stormwater can be directed to the storage by drains or swales.
For schemes with off-line storages, water is usually collected by a diversion weir
constructed on a stormwater drain or urban creek. The weir diverts low flows into the
scheme while enabling high flows to bypass the system. These schemes should also
include a bypass facility to return stormwater to the drain when the storage is full. Where
a scheme draws stormwater from larger watercourses, lakes or ponds, stormwater can be
collected by installing a well with a submersible pump and associated rising main.
In new urban developments, stormwater can be collected through water-sensitive
design elements such as swales and biofilters. These elements also provide a degree of
stormwater treatment.
The design of the diversion weir should ensure that an adequate volume of stormwater
would be diverted to meet the planned water demand and reliability of supply. The weirs
are usually designed to divert flows below a specific average recurrence interval (ARI)
peak flow into the scheme, with higher flows overtopping the weir. Usually it is the low ARI
storm events that are diverted (e.g. 3-month ARI), as such low flows provide the bulk of
the annual yield and account for the greater proportion of the pollution load.
The relationship between annual run-off volume and peak flow is site-specific and
distinctly non-linear. Figure 6.2 from Wong et al. (2000) illustrates that 90–97% of the
mean annual run-off from Australian urban catchments occurs at flows lower than the
3-month ARI peak flow. This relationship is indicative only, and a site-specific relationship
should be developed for particular projects.
Figure 6.2 also highlights a distinct ‘point of diminishing returns’ in the relationship
between diversion flow rate and the percentage of average annual run-off volume
diverted. Diversion flows of 6-month to 1-year ARI are likely to divert nearly all (over 98%)
of the annual run-off volume. The implication for the design of diversion structures is that
the diversion of infrequent, high-ARI flows is unlikely to be cost-effective.
Proportion of runoff volume diverted (%)
95 Brisbane
0.1 1 10
Figure 6.2 Relationship between diversion structure flow and run-off volume
Source: after Wong et al. 2000
Similarly, where water is pumped from a creek, the benefits of selecting a pump with a
rate greater than the 3-month ARI flow would only be marginal.
The project design should assess the extraction volume compared to the needs of the
downstream receiving environment and any downstream users to prevent over-extraction.
For example, a 90% reduction in annual runoff volume may result in over-extraction
relative to environmental flows, and a design diversion flow of 1-month ARI or less
may be more appropriate. This needs to be assessed on a case-by-case basis as, for
example, a high extraction could be compensated for by significant stormwater inflows
downstream of a harvesting scheme.
Design considerations 41
6.3 Storage
flood detention
flood outlet
reuse volume
supply outlet
permanent pool (water quality)
sediment storage
While multiple objectives may be desirable, the scheme may not be able to satisfy
all objectives all of the time, requiring some compromises to be made. For example,
significant fluctuations in the water levels of open storages may hinder the growth of
fringing macrophytes needed for effective water quality control, habitat, visual appeal and
access control, requiring some trade-off between these objectives.
The various storage volumes for a multi-purpose project can be derived through water
balance, water quality and flood modelling, as described in section 5.
Storage in stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes can be on-line and off-line. There
are both advantages and disadvantages with each type (see table 6.1). Some of the
potential disadvantages can be addressed through good design. Off-line systems are
likely to be the most appropriate for schemes on natural watercourses.
Storage types
Open storages and above-ground or underground tanks are normally used in stormwater
harvesting and reuse schemes. Each has particular advantages and disadvantages that
should be considered during the planning and design phases (see table 6.2).
Design considerations 43
Table 6.1 Comparison of on-line and off-line storages
To minimise the risk of cyanobacterial blooms in open storages, Melbourne Water (2005)
recommends that detention times should not exceed those noted in table 6.3 at the
summer water temperatures indicated. This is based on the assumption that sufficient
nutrients are available for algal growth and there is no light limitation due to elevated
turbidity levels.
During the water balance modelling for the project, the residence time of water in the
storages should be checked against these guidelines. If the residence times will exceed
those indicated, consider options for minimising the likelihood of blue-green algal blooms,
such as nutrient removal before storage or altering the diversion/demand operating rules.
Anaerobic conditions can develop in all storages, especially where elevated loads of
organic matter occur with inadequate aeration. This is because the bacteria that break
down organic matter consume the available dissolved oxygen faster than it can be
replenished from the atmosphere. This may be a greater problem in underground tanks
than in open storages. Management options include reducing the loads of organic matter
before storage by installing a gross pollutant trap and not operating the scheme during
periods of limited demand and long retention times (e.g. winter).
50 15
30 20
20 25
Design considerations 45
Open storages can be attractive to waterbirds, which contribute faecal matter containing
pathogens, thus increasing public health risks. This is of particular concern where the
treated stormwater is intended for residential uses, as low pathogen levels are required
due to the high public exposure. To minimise attractiveness to waterbirds, the storage
should be designed with relatively steep side slopes and no fringing macrophytes planted.
The storage should also be fenced for public safety and to minimise faecal inputs from
animals. This arrangement should be considered as an additional barrier for addressing
health risks for schemes with residential uses of treated stormwater.
K Walters/DEC
Turkey’s-nest dam, Bexley golf course
Sediment levels in raw and treated urban stormwater are higher than those in mains
water. It is important that the design allows for accumulated sediment to be removed,
which is likely to involve dewatering of the storage. This also applies to storage tanks
where sedimentation of fine particles will occur.
Spillway design
Above-ground storages should be provided with a spillway to safely convey a design
flood flow. This design flow is commonly the 100-year average recurrence interval (ARI)
event or higher. Further advice can be sought from the Dam Safety Committee (NSW)
Design considerations 47
6.4 Treatment
Table 6.4 Stormwater quality criteria for public health risk management
Design considerations 49
Operational stormwater quality criteria
Urban stormwater contains elevated levels of gross pollutants, including litter and coarse
sediment (Engineers Australia 2005). These are likely to present a hazard to most
stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes through their potential impacts on pump
operations, the efficiency of treatment measures and the operations of the distribution
system. A high degree of gross pollutant removal should be achieved for flows up to the
scheme’s collection flow.
Irrigation with stormwater has different water quality requirements to irrigation with treated
effluent. The levels of pollutants in stormwater are normally much lower than in effluent
(see appendix C). Further, effluent reuse schemes typically have higher application rates
(higher hydraulic loadings) because they aim primarily to dispose of effluent, whereas
stormwater schemes may have multiple objectives. For these reasons, the environmental
consequences of poor design or operation are likely to be more severe in an effluent
irrigation scheme than in a stormwater irrigation scheme.
As noted above, urban stormwater is characterised by high loads of suspended solids,
sand and grit. This can cause excessive wear and clogging of pumps and control
equipment, and may block irrigation sprays. The specific treatment level required would
depend on the design of the irrigation systems. For irrigating playing fields and golf
courses, suspended solids levels below 50 mg/L are unlikely to result in operational
problems. Limiting particle sizes to smaller than approximately 0.5–1.0 mm may avoid
operational problems in conventional spray irrigation schemes. Specific information
should be obtained from the irrigation scheme designer and/or equipment supplier.
High nutrient levels can cause operational problems for irrigation schemes through
biofilms clogging irrigation equipment. ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) provides trigger
values for agricultural irrigation that could be used for stormwater irrigation. These are
presented in table 6.5.
Element Long term (up to 100 years) Short term (up to 20 years)
Total phosphorus (mg/L) 0.05 0.8–121
Industrial uses
Additional stormwater quality objectives for industrial uses will depend on the nature
of the use. Advice should be sought from the operator of particular industrial premises.
Potential water quality concerns for industrial uses are noted in table 6.6.
Design considerations 51
Stormwater treatment – contaminants
Stormwater for harvesting and reuse is likely to need pre-treatment to remove gross
pollutants, including litter, organic matter and coarse sediment before it enters a storage
or downstream treatment measures. Several types of proprietary and non-proprietary
gross pollutant traps are available which could be used for this purpose.
As the level of gross pollutants in stormwater and the efficiency of gross pollutant traps
are variable, the scheme should be designed on a contingency basis such that the
scheme’s operation is not compromised by the presence of gross pollutants. Pumps
should be capable of pumping sand and grit, and subsequent stormwater treatment
measures and storages should be able to accommodate some sediment inputs.
Table 6.7 shows indicative concentrations for pollutant retention and outflow from a range
of stormwater treatment measures. The outflow concentrations have been based on the
average stormwater concentrations contained in tables C.1 and C.3 (appendix C) for
a residential catchment. Outflow concentrations will depend on inflow concentrations,
with higher outflow levels expected in industrial catchments or those with high sewer
overflows. The relationships also assume that there is no significant loss of volume
through the treatment measure that might affect the concentration of a parameter.
Table 6.7 Indicative levels of pollution retention and outflow concentrations for
different stormwater treatment measures
treatment Suspended Total Total
measure solids phosphorus nitrogen Turbidity E. coli
* concentrations in mg/L except for turbidity (NTU) and E. coli (cfu/100 mL)
Source of retention data: DEC (2006), Fletcher et al. (2004), Victorian Stormwater Committee (1999).
Design considerations 53
Further information on the relative effectiveness of stormwater treatment measures
and treatment technologies for reducing pathogen levels in stormwater can be found in
Perdeck et al. (2003).
Chlorination 2 to 6 99 to 99.9999
Ozonation 2 to 6 99 to 99.9999
Source: NRMMC & EPHC (2005)
Design considerations 55
6.5 Distribution
It is important that distribution schemes minimise the potential for contaminant inputs
between the final treatment facility (e.g. disinfection) and the end use. This is usually
achieved by using a piped distribution system.
There is a risk that treated stormwater contained in a piped distribution system could
be mistaken for mains water, with the potential for accidental cross-connection. This
is particularly important for schemes that use mains water as a supplementary water
supply or for dual reticulation schemes for residential uses. To minimise these risks, the
distribution system should be designed on the basis of:
• no cross-connection of the stormwater distribution system into the mains water system
• where mains water is used as make-up water, a backflow prevention device (e.g. an
air gap) should be installed in the mains water supply before it enters the stormwater
reuse scheme. The stormwater distribution scheme should also be operated at lower
pressure than the mains water system, if practical
• underground and above-ground pipes in a stormwater distribution system should be
colour-coded (e.g. purple) for schemes where there is public access, mains water
back-up or dual reticulation. Identification tape should be installed on top of the
underground pipes warning that the pipe contains recycled/reclaimed water and that it
is not suitable for drinking
• hose taps for dual reticulation schemes should be have a removable handle and have
a connection different to that used for mains water supply. Signs should be provided
reading, for example, ‘Recycled water – not for drinking’. The sign could also include
relevant symbols indicating that the supply is not for drinking purposes. For sign
design, refer to AS 1319 (Standards Australia 1994).
If a harvesting and reuse scheme is operated on private property and there is no regular
public access, appropriate signage for site workers and any infrequent visitors should be
provided. Other special signage requirements may be needed in some circumstances.
Detailed information on the design of the distribution system’s plumbing is contained in
the following documents (or more recent versions):
• for reticulated systems for residential uses:
• NSW Guidelines for urban and residential use of reclaimed water (NSW Recycled
Water Coordination Committee, 1993)
• NSW Code of practice for plumbing and drainage (CUPDR, 1999)
• AS/NZS 3500: 2003 Plumbing and drainage (Standards Australia 2003)
• for other uses:
• National Water Quality Management Strategy – Guidelines for sewerage
systems: use of reclaimed water (ARMCANZ et al. 2000).
6.6.1 Background
Irrigation with stormwater is a relatively new activity compared to irrigation using treated
effluent. However there is a significant overlap between these applications. This section
provides an overview of the issues to be considered in stormwater irrigation and
highlights the differences in irrigating with stormwater or effluent. General information on
the design of effluent irrigation schemes can be found in DEC (2004).
The main differences arise from the different pollutant levels in stormwater and effluent
(as noted in appendix C). In general, contaminant levels in stormwater are lower than
those in secondary treated municipal effluent, with the exception of some metals. DEC
(2004) can be adapted to account for these differences.
Design considerations 57
present. The preferred approach is to carry out a site-specific study to determine a
suitable width. Alternatively, the design could use an indicative buffer zone of 30 metres
for drip or trickle irrigation schemes and 50 metres for spray irrigation (excluding high-
pressure sprays). To help define buffer zones, low-flow sprinklers or 180o inward throw
sprinklers can be used. Irrigation control systems can also include anemometers, which
monitor wind direction and speed, to trigger an irrigation system cut-off under high wind
conditions where excessive spray drift is likely.
In public access areas, facilities such as drinking water fountains, swimming pools and
picnic tables should be placed outside the area irrigated by treated stormwater or be
protected from drift and direct spraying.
Signage should be provided at all public access points to stormwater irrigation areas,
warning not to drink the water. Additional signage will be needed to warn the public where
access controls apply.
6.7 Construction
The design of a stormwater reuse project needs to consider the potential environmental
impacts from both the operation and construction of the scheme. Construction may
cause water, air or noise pollution, and generate waste, and may also damage soils and
vegetation. These impacts maybe minimised by preparing an environmental management
plan, the implementation of which should be monitored during construction. This will
enable practices to be modified or the plan to be updated to address any observed
implementation issues.
The construction of a scheme should be in accordance with:
• relevant legislation and guidelines
• relevant development consent conditions
• any environmental management plan that may have been submitted with the
development application.
Guidance of particular relevance includes
Landcom (2004) for water quality management,
and any council guidelines or requirements
for preserving trees or other vegetation during
construction. Particular attention needs to be paid
to the construction of on-line storages, where
7.3 Operations 62
7.3.1 Commissioning 62
7.3.2 Catchment management 63
7.3.3 Chemicals 63
7.3.4 Incident response 63
7.3.5 Occupational health and safety 64
7.3.6 Controlling access 64
7.3.7 Operating irrigation schemes 65
7.4 Maintenance 65
7.4.1 Inspections 65
7.4.2 Scheme maintenance 66
7.4.3 Asset management 67
Operational considerations 59
7.1 Background
The planning and design phases of a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme play a
key role in managing risk, cost-effectiveness and sustainability. However, the operational
phase is equally important in achieving the scheme’s anticipated outcomes, particularly
from a risk management perspective.
The operation and maintenance of stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes are similar
to those of other recycled water reuse schemes and, to varying degrees, to other areas of
water supply and stormwater management. Consequently, guidance on the operation and
maintenance of stormwater reuse systems can draw on the available information from
these other types of recycled water schemes (see DEC 2004, ARMCANZ et al. 2000,
EPA Queensland 2005a, EPA Victoria 2003).
This section provides an overview of the issues to be considered in stormwater irrigation,
highlighting the differences relative to effluent irrigation, and it provides references to
additional relevant information.
Operational considerations 61
7.2.3 Continuous improvement
The management team responsible for a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme
should be committed to the continuous improvement of the scheme’s operations. This is
likely to involve:
• reviewing monitoring results and assessing what, if any, corrective actions are
• preparing and implementing a plan to address identified problems
• auditing the operation of the scheme to identify any areas where procedures are not
being followed
• based on the audit results, reviewing procedures and/or retraining staff
• regularly reviewing the operations of the scheme to assess whether there have been
any changes to public health or environmental hazards
• revising the risk assessment and altering the operations as required.
7.3 Operations
7.3.1 Commissioning
The operation of all equipment and the scheme as a whole should be tested during the
commissioning phase. After equipment testing, the scheme should operate normally
for a certain period for quality assurance purposes – NSW RWCC (1993) recommends
one month. During this time, the scheme would operate normally, although all treated
stormwater would be diverted and not applied to its end use. More frequent monitoring
should be carried out during this commissioning phase (see section 7.5) and action taken
to address any identified problems.
The commissioning phase is particularly important for stormwater harvesting and reuse
schemes, as this is a relatively new approach to water management and there is a
degree of uncertainty associated with the performance of aspects of scheme design (e.g.
7.3.3 Chemicals
Some chemicals used in stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes may adversely
affect the quality of treated stormwater or the receiving environment (e.g. chlorine for
disinfection). These chemicals should be evaluated for potential contamination and
impact on the integrity of the scheme (e.g. their corrosion potential). All chemicals used
in treatment processes should be securely stored and bunded (as appropriate) to avoid
spills or leakage to waters.
Operational considerations 63
nominate a person to communicate information to any end-users of the treated
stormwater, as well as the relevant council and health authorities. The notification would
summarise the nature of the incident and the actions to be taken. Following the incident,
when the scheme’s operations have returned to normal, all parties initially notified should
be advised.
As part of the incident response arrangements, the scheme’s operator should arrange
with the council and DEC to be notified of any major chemical spills within the catchment,
and with the water supply authority to be notified of any sewer overflows.
In the case of spills or sewer overflows within the catchment or algal blooms in the
storage, the operator should consider suspending operations of the scheme.
7.4 Maintenance
7.4.1 Inspections
Regular inspections of a scheme are needed to identify any defects or additional
maintenance required. The inspections may need to include:
• storages for the presence of cyanobacteria, particularly during warmer months
Operational considerations 65
• spillways and creeks downstream of any on-line storage after a major storm
for any erosion
• stormwater treatment systems
• distributions systems for faults (e.g. broken pipes)
• irrigation areas for signs of erosion, under-watering, waterlogging or surface
K Walters/DEC
Guidance on asset management can be obtained from the
International infrastructure management manual (IPWEA,
7.5.1 Monitoring
Monitoring program
Monitoring programs should be developed to ensure that public health and environmental
hazards are monitored to provide sufficient data to manage the relative risk each poses.
Those components that play a critical role in the scheme’s risk management will require
more intensive monitoring than low-risk components.
Monitoring is costly and it is therefore important to design a monitoring program that gives
sound information at an affordable cost. Several guidelines and standards are available
on sampling techniques (e.g. ANZECC & ARMCANZ 2000, Standards Australia 1998).
The following monitoring recommendations are a guide only and provide a basis for
tailoring a monitoring program to an individual scheme. It is important that any monitoring
program is site-specific and takes account of the above considerations. In particular, the
frequency (how often) and intensity (number of samples) of monitoring will depend on the
type and scale of the scheme, sensitivity of the site and trends identified in any previous
In an irrigation scheme using stormwater, the key component to be monitored is the
quality of the treated stormwater. Monitoring of soil characteristics is less important in
such a scheme than it is in effluent irrigation because of the generally lower contaminant
levels of stormwater. Where stormwater salinity levels are high, DEC (2004) provides
guidance on appropriate soil monitoring.
Environmental monitoring is also not usually important for a stormwater irrigation
Operational considerations 67
scheme. This form of monitoring commonly assesses water quality or aquatic ecosystem
health upstream and downstream of a scheme to identify any impacts the scheme may
be having on water quality. As harvesting schemes commonly draw stormwater from
drains or creeks any runoff from the irrigation scheme is likely to have similar or lower
contaminant levels than the receiving waterway, and downstream impacts are therefore
Monitoring of the volume of treated stormwater and any mains water used can provide
useful information for optimising the operation of a scheme. This would use metering or a
combination of power usage records and pump characteristics where treated stormwater
is pumped within the scheme.
Table 7.2 Interim guidance on treated stormwater quality monitoring for public health
1 derived from NSW RWCC (1993) and ANZECC & ARMCANZ (2000) 2 derived from DEC (2004),
Operational considerations 69
7.5.2 Reporting
Monitoring results and other scheme performance information should be routinely
reported to key internal and external stakeholders (e.g. the consent authority), and this
would normally be annually. This would enable the operator and the consent authority to
assess the ongoing performance of the scheme, in particular by comparing monitoring
results to the scheme’s stormwater quality criteria. The report should identify appropriate
follow-up actions needed where systems are not performing adequately.
Table 7.3 Interim guidance on treated stormwater quality monitoring for irrigation
Constituent Monitoring frequency
Suspended solids Quarterly
The proponent of a stormwater reuse scheme should prepare a management plan for the
scheme and the site during the planning phase. The plan should highlight the roles and
responsibilities of relevant parties and provide a framework for the appropriate operation
of the scheme. The plan should be made available to all staff involved in the scheme’s
The content and extent of the management plan will vary depending on the nature and
scale of the scheme, but could include the information shown in table 7.4.
Various sources provide guidance on water management planning for recycled water.
This information can be modified to suit stormwater and applications other than irrigation:
• New South Wales – site management plan (DEC 2004, ARMCANZ et al. 2000)
• Queensland – recycled water management plan (EPA Queensland 2005a)
• Victoria – environment improvement plan (EPA Victoria 2003)
• South Australia – irrigation management plan (EPA SA 1999).
As part of the operator’s commitment to continuous improvement, the management plan
for the scheme should be reviewed regularly (e.g. every three to five years and after any
major incident) and updated as required.
K Walter/DEC
Operational considerations 71
Table 7.4 Indicative contents of a scheme management plan
Section Contents
Background • Statutory requirements
information • Relevant permits or approvals
• Description and flow diagram or map of the scheme, including
the location of public warning signs and all underground pipes
• Treatment objectives (against which monitoring data is compared)
Case studies 73
8.1 Background
Case studies 75
None of the projects incorporate specific controls on public access during and following
irrigation, although it is likely that the two golf course projects are closed to the public
during irrigation.
The treatment processes for most projects used conventional stormwater treatment
measures designed to achieve typical stormwater quality objectives for protecting
receiving waters. Most of these systems were not designed specifically to meet
stormwater quality criteria for irrigation.
The case studies note the total project capital costs provided by the project managers.
Data for operating costs was not available for the projects, and so was estimated using
the approach noted in section 8.1. It was therefore not possible to accurately derive the
long-term cost-effectiveness of all projects.
This document highlights the importance of restricting access because of relatively low
stormwater quality, designing schemes to meet specific stormwater quality criteria, and
assessing both capital and operating costs.
ll P
Table 8.1 Unit prices for mains water in the Sydney, Central Coast and Newcastle
areas, 2005–06
Case studies 77
the wetland. This higher cost is expected, as most of these projects included conventional
stormwater treatment measures, as well as additional reuse-related items.
Again, just as the cost of treated stormwater does not account for the benefits of pollutant
removal, the cost of pollutant removal does not account for the benefits of water reuse.
It is apparent that the cost-effectiveness of some projects is relatively low, as described
by their levelised costs (while acknowledging the limitations of this approach). The
stormwater treatment costs significantly affect the cost of these projects. Project cost-
effectiveness will be enhanced by following the steps in section 6.4 when designing
treatment arrangements. This involves adopting targeted stormwater quality criteria and
designing the treatment system to meet these.
Storage volumes
Figure 8.3 indicates the unit storage volumes (kL/ha) for the sites. The volumes are highly
variable, ranging from 0.2 to 344 kL/ha, averaging 86 kL/ha. The highest volumes were
R² = 0.37
Capital cost ($000)
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Unit storage volume (kL/ha)
ll P
Proportion of annual runoff reused
ll P
Case studies 79
This variability in the storage and annual run-off volumes highlights the need to model
water balances at the planning and design stages, as these volumes depend heavily on
catchment characteristics and the demand for treated stormwater.
8.3.1 Objectives
• Identify the catchment objectives for the scheme (e.g. water quality, demand
management and stream flow). Also ensure there is a link between the objectives of
not only the project, but also an applicable integrated urban water cycle management
plan/strategy and the greater strategic goals of the organisation
• Develop quantified water management objectives for the project for:
• annual volumes of stormwater reused
• loads of stormwater pollutants reduced
• percentage reductions in streamflows.
• Determine related end-use objectives relating to volume and water quality
requirements and reliability of supply.
8.3.3 Operations
• Assess pollutant sources from within the catchment during the planning stage and
manage catchment pollution during the operational phase
• Undertake appropriate maintenance of the scheme
• Undertake water quality monitoring to assess compliance against the stormwater
treatment objectives
• Monitor the volumes of treated stormwater reused, to assist with project evaluation
and guide development of future projects.
• Communicate with internal and external stakeholders, including reporting of monitoring
Case studies 81
Barnwell Park Golf Course, Five Dock
Brief description
Stormwater is diverted from a stormwater pipe, treated, stored off-line and irrigated onto a
golf course, partially replacing mains water.
Project objectives
• Reduce the mains water demand at Barnwell Park Golf Course through the use of
treated stormwater for irrigation
• Reduce stormwater pollution loads entering Hen and Chicken Bay, Drummoyne.
Project manager
City of Canada Bay Council
Completion date
Barnwell Park Golf Course – stormwater channel, retention basins and storage tanks
Project costs
Total capital cost $337,530
Recurrent cost $27,000
Life-cycle cost $572,000
Project outcomes
• Design annual stormwater reuse volume of 1.5 ML, saving $2200.
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads to Hen and Chicken Bay reduced by
4000 kg for suspended solids, 5 kg for total phosphorus and 20 kg for total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
Copper (μg/L) 36
Case studies 83
Sydney Smith Park, Westmead
Brief description
Stormwater is diverted from a stormwater pipe, treated, stored off-line and irrigated on
playing fields, partially replacing mains water.
Project objectives
• Protect 30 downstream properties from flooding
• Reduce pollution loads to Domain Creek and Parramatta River
• Irrigate the soccer/cricket fields on Sydney Smith Park with treated stormwater,
partially replacing mains water use.
Project manager
Holroyd City Council
Completion date
Project description
This project incorporated different collection and treatment arrangements for low
and high stormwater flows.
A diversion pit was constructed on the pipe beneath Sydney Smith Park. Low flows are
diverted to two underground gross pollutant traps for initial treatment. A proportion of this
treated stormwater then flows to an underground rapid sand filter for further treatment.
The outflows from the sand filter are stored in a 600 kL underground concrete storage
A drainage pipe beneath the park downstream of the diversion pit was removed.
Any flows greater than the capacity of the low flow diversion pipeline then flow into the
park. The park was excavated to provide temporary storage for floodwaters and an
embankment constructed at the downstream end of the park.
Holroyd City Council
Project costs
Capital cost $731,827 (excluding flood mitigation cost of $400,000)
Recurrent cost $45,000
Life-cycle cost $1,115,000
Project outcomes
• Protection of 30 properties from flooding in a 100-year ARI storm event.
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 12 ML, saving $17,760.
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads to local watercourses reduced by
12,000 kg for suspended solids, 15 kg for total phosphorus and 70 kg for total
nitrogen. Design removal of approximately 30 tonnes of gross pollutants annually.
Monitoring results
No monitoring of irrigation water quality has been undertaken.
flows Extended detention basin
flows Low 600 kL
flows storage
Figure A1 Schematic diagram showing Sydney Smith Park stormwater reuse scheme
Case studies 85
Bexley Municipal Golf Course, Bexley
Brief description
Stormwater is collected in an on-line weir, with some stormwater pumped to an off-line
storage. The stormwater is irrigated on a golf course, replacing mains water use.
Project objectives
• Reduce the mains water demand at Bexley Golf Course by using treated stormwater
for irrigation
• Enhance visual amenity of the golf course
• Reduce stormwater pollution loads entering the Cooks River.
Project manager
Rockdale City Council
Completion date
Project description
This project was implemented in two stages:
• constructing the system for stormwater collection, storage and treatment
• installing the irrigation system.
Project costs
Capital cost $594,197
Recurrent cost $18,000
Life-cycle cost $728,000
Project outcomes
• Design annual stormwater reuse volume of 66 ML, saving $97,680 and improving the
visual amenity of the golf course
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads to Cooks River reduced by 46,000 kg
for suspended solids, 60 kg for total phosphorus and 240 kg for total nitrogen. Design
reduction of annual gross pollutant load of 100 tonnes.
Monitoring results
Main storage
Parameter Results
Chloride (mg/L) 44
Sodium (mg/L) 26
pH 7.1
*E. coli sample taken on 7 November 2005. Other results from a grab sample in March 2004
Case studies 87
Black Beach Foreshore Park, Kiama
Brief description
Stormwater is collected, treated and pumped to an off-line storage and irrigated on two
parks, reducing mains water demand.
Project objectives
• Reduce stormwater pollution to Kiama Harbour
• Irrigate two parks to reduce mains water consumption.
Project manager
Kiama City Council
Completion date
Project description
The project was developed progressively in three stages.
• installing gross pollutant traps
• constructing the primary treatment system
• completing the reuse system.
Project costs
Capital cost $174,900
Recurrent cost $17,000
Life-cycle cost $322,000
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 12 ML/year
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads have been reduced by 5000 kg for
suspended solids, 7 kg for total phosphorus and 40 kg for total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
Sand filter*
Case studies 89
Manly stormwater treatment and reuse project
Brief description
Collection of stormwater using permeable pavement, underground storage and irrigation
of a previously non-irrigated park.
Project objectives
• Provide an alternative water source for irrigation of the Manly beachfront, particularly
during periods of water restrictions
• Reduce stormwater pollution loads to Manly Beach, particularly pathogens.
Project manager
Manly Council
Completion date
Project description
A 500-metre length of concrete dish drain on the eastern side of North Steyne was
replaced with ‘Atlantis Eco Pavers’. These permeable pavers receive run-off from the
road surface and the adjacent car park. Stormwater infiltrates through the pavers into an
amended soil media beneath the pavers. The treated stormwater is collected by a plastic
channel at the base of the media and piped to a 390 kL geo-cell underground storage.
Water levels in the tank are influenced by groundwater interactions.
paving path path
road and irrigation/reuse
car park pump beach
Project costs
Capital cost $359,780
Recurrent cost $39,000
Life-cycle cost $698,000
Manly Council
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 19 ML, saving $28,120.
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads reduced by 4000 kg for suspended
solids, 6 kg for total phosphorus and 50 kg for total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
Sampled weekly from storage tank between June 2005 and February 2006
Case studies 91
Powells Creek Reserve, North Strathfield
Brief description
Collection of stormwater using pervious road gutters, stormwater treatment and irrigation
on a previously non-irrigated park.
Project objectives
• Reduce the level of stormwater pollution entering Homebush Bay, particularly
protecting the mangrove wetlands near the Powells Creek estuary
• Irrigate part of Powells Creek Reserve using treated stormwater
• Demonstrate an innovative method for managing road stormwater run-off.
Project manager
City of Canada Bay Council (formerly Concord Council)
Completion date
Project description
The gutters along both sides of a 40- to 50-metre length of the five streets were removed
and replaced with porous plastic ‘Atlantis geo-blocks’. The geo-blocks were filled with
biologically engineered soil (soil with added organic matter and minerals) then grassed.
Stormwater infiltrates through the geo-blocks and through a biologically engineered filter
media within plastic block channels. For three of the streets, the stormwater is stored
Z Fink / DEC
Project costs
Capital cost $379,183
Recurrent cost $30,000
Life-cycle cost $636,000
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse
volume of 2 ML.
• Estimated annual stormwater
pollution loads reduced by 300 kg
for suspended solids, 0.5 kg for total
phosphorus and 4 kg for total nitrogen.
Z Fink / DEC
Pervious gutters, North Strathfield (note loss of
grass cover in cells)
Monitoring results
pH 7.8 9.1
Case studies 93
Hawkesbury water reuse project
Brief description
The Hawkesbury water reuse project (HWRP) involves the treatment, storage and reuse
of stormwater. It is part of the Hawkesbury water recycling scheme (HWRS), which also
includes effluent reuse.
Project objectives
The project manages stormwater in a total catchment context, involving both structural
and non-structural strategies, as below:
• develop, trial and implement structural and non-structural control strategies for
controlling source pollution affecting Rickaby’s Creek (a Hawkesbury River tributary)
• develop infrastructure to integrate stormwater and effluent reuse
• develop an effective monitoring system to provide information for adaptive catchment
and infrastructure management
• promote Richmond as a model stormwater township and transfer experience to other
councils and stormwater managers.
Project manager
Hawkesbury City Council, with the University of Western Sydney
Completion date
Project description
The HWRP utilises both treated effluent and treated stormwater to supply a number of
irrigation users, including the Richmond Campus of the University of Western Sydney,
Richmond TAFE, and a variety of other stakeholders. The project ultimately seeks to
establish sustainable use of water within the peri-urban land area of the Richmond
township. The project is long-term, implemented in a number of stages.
Approximately 45% of the
stormwater from the Richmond
township and university grounds
flows into a 60 ML detention basin
constructed below ground level
to minimise flood risk. Retained
stormwater is pumped from the
basin to a series of four one-hectare
constructed wetlands where further
treatment occurs.
Z Fink / DEC
Project costs
Not available
Project outcomes
At present the amount of mains water saved has not been calculated for the HWRS in
its entirety. However, within the university, horticulture production is currently reusing
a minimum of 25 ML and potentially 40–50 ML annually. These volumes directly offset
mains water use, with potential savings of up to $74,000.
Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads have been reduced by 30,000 kg for
suspended solids, 60 kg for total phosphorus and 500 kg for total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
Constructed wetland
pH 7.6 8.0
Mean results from fortnightly monitoring between November 2003 and August 2005
Case studies 95
Scope Creek, Cranebrook
Brief description
Collection of stormwater low flows, treatment and initial irrigation of a woodlot.
Project objectives
• Reduce stormwater pollution levels in low flows from a mixed residential/semi-rural
catchment by piloting a range of innovative treatment techniques
• Irrigate a woodlot with treated stormwater during its establishment phase.
Project manager
Penrith City Council
Completion date
Project description
The scheme was designed to target low flows from the catchment. A GPT comprising
a trash rack and sediment basin was constructed at the inlet to the site (immediately
downstream of the three stormwater pipes leading to the site). A diversion pit was
constructed on the low-flow pipe beneath the grass-lined stormwater channel downstream
of the GPT to divert a proportion of the low flows into the stormwater harvesting scheme.
Flows were treated by an underground oil and grit (sediment) separator.
Treated stormwater from the separator flows to a pumping station with a wet-well volume
of 4 kL. The stormwater is pumped into two underground concrete storage tanks with a
combined volume of 44 kL. When the storages are full, a bypass pipe directs outflows
from the separator to the main low-flow pipe. When originally constructed, the treated
stormwater was pumped to a 1 ha (1500-tree) woodlot constructed on adjacent land,
where it was distributed by sub-surface drip irrigation to assist with establishment of the
newly planted trees. The trees are now fully established and no longer irrigated. Treated
stormwater from the oil and grit separator now flows back to the low-flow pipe.
The project also involved significant earthworks to reshape the site to form the woodlot,
as well as channel and pipeline construction.
low-flow pipe
oil and grit
separator pump well
Project costs
Capital cost $562,452
Recurrent cost $44,000
Life-cycle cost $950,000
Project outcomes
• Irrigation of a woodlot during its establishment phase without the use of mains water,
reusing approximately 6 ML/year of treated stormwater
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads to Penrith Lakes Scheme have been
reduced by 80,000 kg for suspended solids, 90 kg for total phosphorus and 260 kg for
total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
No water quality monitoring has been undertaken.
Z Fink/DEC
Z Fink/DEC
Scope Creek irrigated woodlot – trees fully Gross pollutant trap on pipes upstream of the scheme
established (note drainage channel on centre-right
of photo)
Case studies 97
Solander Park, Erskineville
Brief description
Collection of stormwater from an underground pipe system, treatment, and then irrigation
onto a park previously irrigated by mains water.
Project objectives
• Reduce the stormwater pollution loads entering Alexandra Canal
• Reduce flooding in nearby residential areas
• Irrigate Solander Park without using mains water by using treated stormwater
• Provide an educational opportunity for the community to learn about:
• their impacts on water quality
• stormwater treatment technologies.
Project manager
City of Sydney Council (formerly South Sydney City Council)
Completion date
Project description
Stormwater from the upstream catchment enters a GPT designed to treat all flows up
to the 6-month ARI event. The GPT traps street litter, vegetation and coarse sediments.
The treated stormwater is diverted to a 12 kL underground holding tank, then undergoes
further treatment by electrolysis in two 1000-litre ‘Electropure’ units. This removes
sediment fines, organics and any heavy metals not already removed by the GPT.
The treated stormwater is directed to a 225 kL storage tank and then pumped through the
park’s irrigation system to irrigate 0.4 ha. The storage tank also receives surface drainage
Project costs
Capital cost $544,798
Recurrent cost $46,000
Life-cycle cost $946,000
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 2.7 ML, saving $4000 and supplying up
to 90% of the irrigation demand.
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads to Alexandra Canal have been reduced
by 40,000 kg for suspended solids, 45 kg for total phosphorus and 190 kg for total
nitrogen. Design retention of 20 tonnes of gross pollutants annually.
Monitoring results
Irrigation storage tank
Parameter Concentration
pH 7.6
Case studies 99
Taronga Zoo, Mosman
Brief description
The project collects stormwater from the zoo, provides advanced treatment, and reuses
the stormwater for irrigation, washdown and toilet flushing.
Project objectives
• Reduce stormwater pollution loads to Sydney Harbour (prompted by water quality
monitoring between 1988 and 1992 indicating high faecal coliform levels at beaches
near the zoo)
• Reduce the demand for mains water
• Demonstrate advanced stormwater treatment methods.
Project manager
Zoological Parks Board
Completion date
Project description
The Taronga Zoo scheme is a combined wastewater/ stormwater system treating water
generated from animal cage washdowns, moats and low stormwater flows.
A stormwater basin installed upstream of the zoo’s treatment plant provides first flush
collection of up to 1200 kL/day of stormwater from the site. From here, a chamber for
screen and grit removal filters roadway and exhibit solids (animal droppings) from the
stormwater stream. This primary treated stormwater then flows to an aeration channel
and through a biological treatment plant to remove nitrogen and phosphorus.
From here, the stormwater flows to a buffer tank and feeds a continuous membrane
microfiltration system where further filtration and disinfection occurs. The treated
stormwater is then discharged into a 500 kL holding tank and disinfected by UV
H Pantenburg/Taronga Zoo
(36.5 ML/year).
Project costs backwash
Project outcomes UV disinfection
• Estimated annual stormwater irrigation
Monitoring results
Not available
Brief description
Stormwater is treated by a wetland system and used to irrigate sporting fields, replacing
mains water use.
Project objectives
• Reduce mains water use at the Riverside Park sporting fields through the use of
stormwater for irrigation, utilising an existing constructed wetland system for treatment.
Project manager
Liverpool City Council
Completion date
Project description
The project added stormwater reuse facilities to an existing off-line wetland system
constructed in 2000. A weir diverts low flows from the catchment through a grass-lined
stormwater channel to a 2.4 ML storage and sedimentation pond. Stormwater is then
pumped to the first of three treatment wetlands. The first two ponds provide water
treatment through gravity (sedimentation) and biological processes. Water is stored in a
third wetland (polishing pond) from where it flows to the Georges River via groundwater
This project involved installing a pump to draw water from the third wetland for distribution
to an existing irrigation system for the adjacent baseball fields. This system irrigates an
area of 2 ha (baseball fields). Mains water provides a back-up supply for the irrigation
Project costs
Capital cost $68,234
Recurrent cost $5700
Life-cycle cost $118,000
Note: these costs relate only to the
irrigation headworks and pipeline to
the existing irrigation system.
Liverpool City Council
Open channel
Deposition of course sediment
Pump house
Wetland 3
UV irradiation and Wetland 1
infiltration of water Filtration of fine
to Georges River sediments
Via infiltration
Wetland 2
Uptake of
nutrients by
Flow plants
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 12 ML, saving $17,760.
• Estimated annual stormwater pollution loads have been reduced by 17,000 kg for
suspended solids, 23 kg for total phosphorus and 37 kg for total nitrogen.
Monitoring results
Third wetland
Brief description
Collection of stormwater from a nursery, treatment, storage and reuse for nursery
irrigation, truck wash and toilet flushing.
Project objectives
• Use the nursery/depot site as an example of best practice in the nursery industry
• Demonstrate cost savings from reusing stormwater to other local governments
• Significantly reduce the volume of stormwater/irrigation water leaving the site.
Project manager
Hornsby Shire Council
Completion date
Project description
The site was re-graded to direct all run-off into a 90-metre vegetated infiltration trench
(bioretention system). Stormwater is then directed into a junction pit, a sediment trap and
a series of gravel-filled, baffled wetland bays for initial treatment. This primary treated
stormwater is pumped into a 107 kL concrete storage tank.
The stormwater is then pumped through a specialised 27 kL filtration tank. This includes
10% washed river gravel and 70% ‘Grodan’ (stone wool) filtration media. Outflow from
the filtration tank is then pumped to a second 107 kL concrete tank for storage. Treated
stormwater is then pumped from the tank into the nursery’s irrigation system.
A second sub-surface irrigation system was constructed to complement the existing
copper irrigation system which uses mains water. Existing sprinkler heads were replaced
with more water efficient heads.
Z Fink/DEC
The project also included the installation of three modular rainwater tanks to collect run-
off from the roofs of the existing buildings for toilet flushing. One set of toilets is also
serviced by the recycled water system. Xeriscaping (‘dry landscaping’) of the site was
also carried out to display plant selection and techniques for minimising water use.
Project costs
Capital cost $329,500
Recurrent cost $28,000
Life-cycle cost $581,000
Project outcomes
• Estimated annual stormwater reuse volume of 0.72 ML, saving $1000.
• Reduction in annual stormwater pollution loads.
Monitoring results
Parameter Inlet Outlet
pH 7.23 8.26
Mean results of five grab samples from filtration tanks taken in wet weather during 2004
Brief description
Stormwater from a residential and retail development will be collected, treated and
drained to two new storages and two existing storages. This will be used for irrigating
three local parks, street trees and road verges within Prince Henry Development, and to
irrigate the Coast golf course.
Project objectives
• Reduce stormwater pollution to Little Bay
• Provide a high-reliability alternative supply for irrigation of the adjacent golf course and
the local development
• Provide a cost-effective stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme utilising existing
Project manager
Completion date
2006 (scheduled)
Project description
The project is the result of a detailed water-sensitive urban design strategy undertaken
as a component of the master-planning process for the site. This strategy recommended
stormwater reuse rather than the use of individual lot rainwater tanks and reuse, based
on the results of a water balance for the site.
Run-off generated from the residential areas of site will be filtered through a sediment/silt
arrestor pit before combining with road and open space run-off. All stormwater will then
pass through one of six GPTs
to remove gross pollutants and
coarse sediments.
This partially treated stormwater
will be discharged from the
GPTs into six bioretention
systems. These systems use
a combination of fine media
filtration, extended detention
and biological uptake (through
vegetation) to remove nutrients,
Project costs
Not available
Prince 15
Henry ML/yr Irrigation of public
storage open space
pond demand = 15.5 ML/yr
3 ML
Golf course ML/yr Prince Henry
catchment (overflow) catchment 4B
(4 ha) (4 ha)
Balance line
Golf course New southern
storage pond 55 ML/yr (available from
(8 ha) 1.7 ML storage in three ponds)
Irrigation of golf
demand = 65 ML/yr
Further reading
Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering, 2004. Water recycling in Australia.
Berndtsson, JC, 2004. Beneficial use of stormwater: a review of possibilities. Urban Water
Report 2004:6, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden.
Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency, 1993. Urban stormwater: a resource too
valuable to waste. Canberra.
Mitchell VG, Mein R & McMahon, T, 1999. The reuse potential of urban stormwater and
wastewater. Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology Industry Report
1999/14, Melbourne.
Mitchell VG, Mein RG & McMahon TA, 2002. Utilising stormwater and wastewater
resources in urban areas. Australian Journal of Water Resources, 6(1): 31–43.
Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council, 2003. Recycling water for
our cities.
Waitakere City Council, 1999. Guidelines for the beneficial reuse of stormwater.
Comprehensive urban stormwater strategy and actin plan report No 7, Auckland, New
WBM Oceanics Australia, 1999. Stormwater recycling background study, prepared on
behalf of Queensland Water Recycling Strategy.
Appendices 119
Appendix A: Key considerations
A.1 Planning
The planning process should aim to:
• identify all risks to public health, safety and the environment
• identify all catchment characteristics likely to present public health or environmental
risks to stormwater reuse
• involve the organisation(s) responsible for operating the scheme, and other key
• identify all site constraints and regulatory requirements
• evaluate possible arrangements for a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme,
including evaluating costs and benefits.
A.2 Design
The design process should aim to:
• design the reuse scheme for ease of operations and maintenance
• incorporate elements in the design intended to address public health and
environmental risks, to complement operational risk management activities
• cost-effectively meet the project’s objectives identified during project planning.
A.2.1 Collection
The design of the collection system should ensure that:
• sufficient stormwater is collected for transfer to storage to meet the end-use volume
• the extraction does not compromise downstream aquatic ecosystems
• collection can be stopped if stormwater is contaminated by an incident within the
• the risk of upstream flooding impacts is minimised.
A.2.2 Storage
The design of the storage system should ensure that:
• sufficient water is stored to balance supply and demand, and meet reliability of supply
• above-ground storages minimise mosquito habitat (virus control), risks to public safety,
risks to water quality (e.g. eutrophication), and address dam safety issues.
A.2.3 Treatment
The stormwater treatment system should be based on:
• adopting stormwater quality objectives that:
• minimise public health risks for the adopted public access arrangements
• minimise environmental risks
• meet any additional end-use requirements
• designing appropriate stormwater treatment measures to meet the adopted objectives.
A.2.5 Irrigation
For irrigation systems, ensure that:
• irrigation systems are designed to minimise run-off, groundwater pollution and soil
• where access control is adopted to reduce public health risks, the irrigation scheme
minimises spray to areas outside the control zone.
A.3 Construction
In constructing a stormwater harvesting and reuse scheme:
• construct the scheme to minimise water, air and noise pollution and waste generation
• protect any valuable vegetation during construction.
A.4 Operations
Ensure that:
• the organisation is committed to the appropriate management of the scheme
• appropriately qualified staff operate the scheme
• the scheme’s management is committed to refining the scheme’s operations.
A.4.1 Commissioning
Scheme commissioning should be carried out before starting routine operations. The
scheme should ensure that:
• catchment managers should identify and respond to incidents affecting the quality of
stormwater entering a scheme
• appropriate incident response procedures are in place
• appropriate equipment and materials are used
• occupational health and safety procedures should be followed, including procedures
related to working with recycled water
• appropriate records are maintained.
A.4.2 Maintenance
Plans for maintenance should ensure that:
• the scheme is inspected and maintained regularly
• asset management practices are followed.
B.2.3 Pathogens
Gastroenteritis is the most common disease derived from water. It can be caused by
bacteria, viruses or protozoans from human or animal faeces (Mills 2003). The Australian
drinking water guidelines contain a comprehensive account of water-borne pathogens
(NHMRC & NRMMC 2004a).
Quantitative microbiological risk assessment (QMRA) can be used to assess the health
risks from water-borne pathogens. This involves:
• identifying the potential hazards and their effects on human health
• identifying a relationship between the dose of the hazard and the likelihood of illness
• assessing the size of the exposed population and the amount of exposure
Element 1: Commitment to the responsible use and management of recycled water quality
• Involve public health and environment protection agencies
• Ensure that schemes are designed and operated by organisations and individuals with
appropriate expertise
• Meet all regulatory requirements
• Engage relevant stakeholders
• Develop an organisational policy for recycled water quality (refer to section 5)
B.3.4 Flooding
There are potential flooding hazards for stormwater harvesting and reuse schemes
excluding those where pumps are used for stormwater collection. Diversions for schemes
with off-line storages for collecting stormwater for reuse commonly involve installing
a weir in the drain of waterway, with low flows diverted upstream of the weir. On-line
storages involve installing a weir or embankment across the drain or waterway.
Weirs and embankments will normally result in higher upstream flood levels. This may
present a hazard to riparian vegetation and bank stability. There may also be associated
impacts on adjacent properties.
These hazards tend to be specific to each site and project and should be assessed for
any project involving a diversion structure or an on-line storage.
Surface rock and outcrop nil 0–5 >5 Increased risk of run-off.
Dichlobenil 10
Fluometuron 2.2
Propanil 0.15
Sewer overflows in the catchment High levels of sewer overflows can significantly increase
pathogen levels and concentrations of some contaminants
in stormwater
Hazard and pathway Uncontrolled risk Control strategies Residual risk Comments
Non-potable residential
Pathogens – ingestion, Almost Minor Treatment to achieve Unlikely Minor Low Likelihood of exposure is high
aerosol certain median E. coli levels relative to other applications
– refer to section B.2.2 re
of <1 cfu/100 mL
ingestion volumes. Treat to
Disinfection residual level in NSW RWCC (1993) to
achieve low risk.
Hazard and pathway Uncontrolled risk Control strategies Residual risk Comments
Pathogens – ingestion, Almost Major Very high Treatment to achieve Unlikely Minor Low Likelihood of exposure
aerosol certain median E. coli levels is variable depending on
of <10 cfu/100 mL with the industrial use and the
uncontrolled public associated level of public
access OR exposure. Likely ingestion
volumes are expected to
Treatment to achieve
be considerably less than
median E. coli levels of
for drinking water. Control
<1000 cfu/100 mL and
risks through either high
controlled public access
treatment when there is no
with spray controls
access limitation or moderate
treatment with access controls
(ARMCANZ et al. 2000).
Toxicants – ingestion Unlikely Insignificant Low Nil Unlikely Insignificant Low See comment for residential
Hazard and pathway Uncontrolled risk Control strategies Residual risk Comments
Over-extraction Possible Moderate High Design and operate to Unlikely Minor Low Limit extraction to pre-
– surface waters limit extraction development flows or other
flow depending on ecosystem
On-line storages (on Rare Insignificant Low Nil Rare Insignificant Low Risks are low for on-line
drains) – surface waters storages constructed on piped
and ecosystems drainage systems or constructed
Nutrient and organic Likely Minor Moderate Treatment to remove Unlikely Minor Low Growth of cyanobacteria is also
matter inputs to open phosphorus and influenced by temperature and
storages organic matter if design turbidity levels.
residence times are
Incident response
Weirs for diversion Impacts are site and project-
systems – surface specific and should be assessed
for each project
waters (flood impacts)
Irrigation applications
Boron – soil (plant No data located on boron
toxicity) concentrations in stormwater
– assume risk is low for reuse
of stormwater from residential
C.1 Introduction
The three aspects of stormwater quality of particular relevance to stormwater harvesting
and reuse schemes are:
• pathogens, including faecal coliforms and E. coli – for public health implications
• chemical constituents – for public health and environmental considerations, and some
end-use requirements (e.g. irrigation)
• suspended solids and turbidity – for their potential impact on both the effectiveness of
disinfection and the function of irrigation schemes.
E. coli (%)
10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000
Figure C.1 Relationship between E. coli and faecal coliforms derived in Virginia, USA
E. coli (cfu/100 mL)
Rainwater Stormwater Greywater Wastewater
Raw Raw Treated Raw Treated Raw Treated
Figure C.2 Indicative median E. coli levels for rainwater, stormwater, greywater
and wastewater
Source: adapted from Fletcher et al. (2004), NSW Health (2000), SWC (1998, 2004)
(in wet-weather conditions) compared to sewage, and is derived from a literature review.
Considerable variability in levels was found both within and between sites. Where
data was sourced from North America or Europe, sites influenced by combined sewer
overflows were not included. Combined sewer overflows considerably increase pathogen
levels in stormwater and almost all sewerage systems in Australia are separate, rather
than combined systems.
Monitoring of pathogens in stormwater has focused heavily on indicator organisms
such as thermotolerant (faecal) coliforms and E. coli. Relatively limited monitoring data
is available on the levels of other specific bacteria and viruses in stormwater, as is the
case elsewhere, such as the USA (Smith & Perdek 2004). This limitation may hinder
the application of a comprehensive risk-based approach contained in the draft national
guidelines for water recycling (NRMMC & EPHC 2005).
In general, bacterial and viral concentrations are around two orders of magnitude lower
in stormwater than in sewage. However, a direct comparison is difficult, due to different
monitoring and reporting techniques used in the literature.
Enteroviruses7, 12 10 – 102 101 – 105
pH 2,3
– 6.3 6.9 7.5 7.9
Cadmium (total) 1
μg/L 1 4.5 20 0.3
Cyanide7,8 μg/L 2 33 80
3.0 Demand
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure E.1 Illustrative relationship between storage volume, yield and demand
Source: DEC, derived from WBM 2004, 2005
Volumetric reliability
0.4 ML/ha/yr
1.3 ML/ha/yr
40% Increasing demand 2.2 ML/ha/yr
3.1 ML/ha/yr
4.0 ML/ha/yr
0 50 100 150 200 250
Figure E.2 Illustrative relationship between storage volume, reliability and demand
Source: DEC, derived from WBM 2004, 2005
The storage capacity can be either storage limited or supply limited. Where the average
annual demand is equal to or less than the average annual run-off diverted into storage,
the storage capacity is the factor that normally determines the reliability (storage limited).
Where the average demand is greater than the average annual run-off, it will not be able
to meet all the demand, irrespective of the size of the storage (supply limited).
There can be a range of combinations of demand and storage options available to
achieve a target volumetric reliability. In general, the greater the demand or the variation
in either the demand or the supply pattern, the greater the storage volume required for a
given volumetric reliability of supply.
Irrigation yield (ML/ha/yr)
1 Dubbo
supply limited
Coffs Harbour
0 50 100 150 200 250
Storage (kL/ha)
Figure E.3 Illustrative relationships between storage volume and irrigation yield
Source: DEC, derived from WBM 2004, 2005
Stormwater volume reduction (%)
10 Dubbo
Coffs Harbour
5 Sydney
0 50 100 150 200 250
Storage volume (kL/ha)
Figure E.4 Illustrative relationship between storage volume and stormwater reductions
Source: DEC, derived from WBM 2004, 2005
Glossary 153
Log reduction logarithmic (base 10) concentration reductions
(e.g. 1 log reduction equals 90% reduction, 2 log
reduction equals 99% reduction, 3 log reduction
equals 99.9% reduction)
Mains water potable water from a reticulated water supply,
e.g. town water supply.
Nutrient a substance that provides nourishment for
an organism. For the purposes of stormwater
run-off, the key nutrients are nitrogen and
Pathogen an organism capable of eliciting disease
symptoms in another organism (e.g. humans).
pH value taken to represent acidity or alkalinity of
an aqueous solution; expressed as the logarithm
of the reciprocal of the hydrogen ion activity in
moles per litre at a given temperature.
Potable water water of drinking quality
Rainwater water collected from the roofs of buildings.
Reuse utilisation of water for domestic, commercial,
agricultural or industrial purposes, which would
otherwise be discharged to wastewater or
stormwater systems.
Storage an area, dam, pond, tank or other facility for
storing water
Stormwater rainfall that runs off all urban surfaces such as
roofs, pavements, carparks, roads, gardens and
vegetated open space.
Suspended solids the solids in suspension in water that are
(non-filterable residue) removable by laboratory filtering, usually
by a filter of nominal pore size of about 1.2
micrometres (μm).
Swale a shallow and wide grass-lined channel.
Treatable flow the minimum flow that a pollution control device
must be capable of treating without bypass.
Turkey’s-nest dam a dam constructed on a valley slope or plain
rather than a watercourse, usually with no
Yield the volume of water extracted from a stormwater
system or creek and used in a stormwater
harvesting and reuse scheme, usually expressed
as an annual volume. This is a proportion of the
annual runoff volume from the catchment, which
can be termed the ‘catchment yield’.
Abbreviations 155
SA South Australia
SS suspended solids
STAR stormwater treatment and reuse
STP sewage treatment plant
TBL triple bottom line
TDS total dissolved solids
TN total nitrogen
TP total phosphorus
UV ultraviolet
WSUD water-sensitive urban design