Streptococus y MALDITOF

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International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (2020) 151413

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Development of a novel MALDI-TOF MS-based bile solubility test for rapid T

discrimination of Streptococcus pneumoniae⋆
Evgeny A. Idelevicha, Andreas Schlattmanna, Markus Kostrzewab, Karsten Beckera,c,*
Institute of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital Münster, Münster, Germany
Bruker Daltonik GmbH, Bremen, Germany
Friedrich Loeffler-Institute of Medical Microbiology, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany


Keywords: Differentiation of Streptococcus pneumoniae from other Streptococcus mitis group streptococci (SMGS) remains
Streptococcus pneumoniae challenging despite the introduction of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectro-
MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry metry (MALDI-TOF MS). While the bile solubility test (BST) provides most reliable discrimination of pneumo-
Bile solubility test cocci, its practical implementation is limited by subjective visual interpretation and frequent inconclusive re-
Rapid test
sults. We aimed to develop a rapid confirmation BST based on direct-on-target MALDI-TOF MS assay. After
establishment of optimal test conditions, test performance was evaluated on 36 consecutive clinical SMGS iso-
lates. Colony material was suspended and pipetted onto a MALDI target. After drying, sodium deoxycholate in
different concentrations (2%, 5%, and 10 %) was added. Incubation for 30 min (at room temperature or 35 °C)
was followed by liquid removal and spot washing. After adding 70 % formic acid, spots were overlaid with
matrix and measured (MALDI Biotyper smart, Bruker). The absence of microbial spectra (Biotyper score <1.7) in
samples with sodium deoxycholate indicated efficient removal of bacterial biomass due to bile solubility, thus,
identifying pneumococci. In contrast, scores ≥1.7 were interpreted as lack of bile solubility and confirmation as
viridans streptococci other than S. pneumoniae. Highest test accuracy was achieved applying 5% sodium deox-
ycholate at 35 °C and 10 % sodium deoxycholate at room temperature. These test conditions provided 100 %
sensitivity and 100 % specificity for discrimination of S. pneumoniae. The developed MALDI-TOF MS-based BST
is an easy-to-perform assay with minimum hands-on time and objective readout. The promising results of this
proof-of-principle study warrant confirmation with large collections of epidemiologically diverse strains.

1. Introduction (Arbique et al., 2004; Richter et al., 2008; Wessels et al., 2012; Yahiaoui
et al., 2016). However, after initial method description by Neufeld in
Discrimination of Streptococcus pneumoniae from other viridans 1900 (Neufeld, 1900), difficulties with performing BST and result in-
streptococci is clinically important due to their different pathogenic terpretation have been reported (Greey, 1939; Howden, 1979) and a
potential (Spellerberg et al., 2019). However, reliable differentiation of number of test improvements and modifications have been suggested
pneumococci from other S. mitis group streptococci (SMGS) remains (Greey, 1939; Hawn and Beebe, 1965; Howden, 1979). Nowadays,
challenging despite the introduction of matrix-assisted laser deso- there is still no unified standardized protocol on conducting this test
rption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) and recommended testing conditions vary among different sources
(Burckhardt et al., 2017; Ikryannikova et al., 2013; Slotved et al., 2017; (Atlas and Snyder, 2019; Spellerberg et al., 2019). Subjective visual
Spellerberg et al., 2019; van Prehn et al., 2016; Varghese et al., 2017). interpretation, frequent inconclusive reading results, and limited re-
Using combination of different methods, the bile solubility test (BST) producibility in different laboratories have been pointed out (Slotved
has been recommended for accurate species identification within SMGS et al., 2017; Yahiaoui et al., 2016).
(Satzke et al., 2013; Slotved et al., 2017). In comparison studies, BST Here, we developed an easy-to-perform BST based on direct-on-
provided most reliable discrimination of pneumococci from other SMGS target MALDI-TOF MS assay (Idelevich et al., 2018) for rapid and

Abbreviations: SMGS, Streptococcus mitis group streptococci; BST, bile solubility test; MALDI-TOF MS, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass
spectrometry; DOT-MGA, direct-on-target microdroplet growth assay; MIC, minimum inhibitory concentration; MBC, minimum bactericidal concentration

A part of this work was presented at the ASM Microbe Congress, 20th–24th June 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA [SUNDAY-CPHM-LB-2]

Corresponding author at: Friedrich Loeffler-Institute of Medical Microbiology, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K. Becker).
Received 2 October 2019; Received in revised form 13 January 2020; Accepted 12 February 2020
1438-4221/ © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier GmbH. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
E.A. Idelevich, et al. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (2020) 151413

objective confirmation of pneumococcal discrimination. We hypothe- McFarland suspension in water and 30 μl sodium deoxycholate
sized that lysed pneumococcal biomass would be efficiently removed were first mixed in a microtitre plate. Subsequently, 6 μl of the
from the spot with liquid removal after lysis by sodium deoxycholate, a mixture were pipetted onto a spot.
commonly used bile salt reagent (Atlas and Snyder, 2019; Downie et al., (v) A 1-μl loopful of colony material was suspended in 50 μl water in a
1931; Spellerberg et al., 2019), resulting in the absence of a MALDI- microtube (1.5 ml Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tube, Eppendorf,
TOF microbial spectrum and, thus, identifying as S. pneumoniae. In Hamburg, Germany) and 3 μl of this suspension were pipetted onto
contrast, other SMGS would show characteristic microbial spectra de- a spot. Subsequently, 3 μl sodium deoxycholate were added by
spite the treatment with sodium deoxycholate due to their bile in- pipetting.
solubility. Efforts were made to design the assay as a rapid and easy-to- (vi) A 1-μl loopful of colony material was suspended in 50 μl water in a
perform test with minimum hands-on time, which can conveniently be microtube (1.5 ml Eppendorf Safe-Lock Tube, Eppendorf) and 1 μl
integrated into laboratory workflows. of this suspension was pipetted onto a spot. After the droplet had
dried, 6 μl sodium deoxycholate were added by pipetting.
2. Materials and methods
With all processing methods, sodium deoxycholate solution in
2.1. Bacterial strains deionized water was added in concentrations 2%, 5% or 10 %, as well
as water without sodium deoxycholate as control. Inoculated MALDI
In preliminary experiments, four SMGS reference strains (S. pneu- targets were incubated for 30 min or for 3 h in a plastic box filled with 4
moniae ATCC 49619, S. mitis DSM12643, S. oralis DSM20627, and S. ml water (MALDI target transport box, Bruker) to avoid evaporation.
pseudopneumoniae DSM18670) were used to establish optimal test Incubation was accomplished at 35 °C as well as at room temperature.
conditions. Subsequently, the liquid was removed from spots by contact with ab-
Consecutive clinical blood culture SMGS isolates (n = 37) from sorptive paper strips (37 × 100 mm; GE Healthcare GmbH, Freiburg,
routine diagnostics of the Institute of Medical Microbiology (University Germany) and the spots were washed by adding 6 μl water for 5 min
Hospital Münster) were used as challenge set for the evaluation of test and again removal of liquid by absorption. For comparison, this
performance. Only one isolate per patient was eligible. washing step was omitted in an additional set-up. Finally, 1 μl of 70 %
Species identification was confirmed by standard and molecular formic acid was added to the spot, overlaid with α-cyano-4-hydro-
methods. The methods of the bile solubility tube test and the bile so- xycinnamic acid (HCCA) containing internal standard for DOT-MGA
lubility test using direct application of the reagent to a colony on an (Idelevich et al., 2018), and measured with the MALDI Biotyper smart
agar plate are described in the Supplementary text S1. Biochemical instrument (Bruker) using device settings as previously applied for
identification was performed by the Vitek 2 instrument using the GP DOT-MGA (Idelevich et al., 2018). Bacterial test standard (Bruker) was
card (REF 21342, bioMérieux, Marcy l’Etoile, France) in accordance spotted onto each target and calibration performed. The acquired
with the manufacturer’s instructions. Streptococcal isolates were con- spectra were evaluated by the MALDI Biotyper 4.1 software (Bruker),
firmed by sodA gene sequencing. To distinguish between S. pneumoniae which is usually used for standard microbial identification.
and S. pseudopneumoniae, rpoB gene sequencing was performed. Test validity was defined as the appearance of characteristic mi-
Autolysin (lytA) and pneumolysin (ply) were detected using endpoint crobial MALDI-TOF MS spectra with MALDI Biotyper score of ≥1.7
PCR. Primer sequences and PCR amplification protocols are given in the when water was used as control instead of sodium deoxycholate. The
Supplementary text S2. Only isolates that could be unambiguously absence of microbial spectrum (score <1.7) in samples with sodium
identified as a species within the S. mitis group using NCBI’s Basic Local deoxycholate signified efficient removal of bacterial proteins from the
Alignment Search Tool (Zhang et al., 2000) were included in this study. spot with the removal of liquid. Therefore, these score values were
interpreted as bile solubility and, hence, identification as S. pneumoniae.
2.2. MALDI-TOF MS-based bile solubility test Score values ≥1.7 achieved in samples with sodium deoxycholate were
interpreted as lack of bile solubility and confirmation as viridans
2.2.1. Investigation of optimal test conditions streptococci other than S. pneumoniae.
Using four reference strains, multiple test conditions were in-
vestigated. For each strain, all test variants were studied simultaneously 2.2.2. Evaluation of assay performance
on the same day from the same overnight culture on an agar plate. Using a challenge set of consecutive clinical SMGS isolates, test
Tested conditions included different processing methods for the in- accuracy was evaluated. In this phase, test conditions were im-
oculation of MALDI target, different concentrations of sodium deox- plemented that demonstrated best performance during the preceding
ycholate, different incubation temperatures, different incubation times investigation of optimal test conditions. When no pronounced differ-
as well as implementation or no implementation of a washing step ence in test performance was seen for a particular variable, e.g. con-
(Tables S2-S5). Each test condition was tested in triplicate, i.e. applied centration of sodium deoxycholate, all variants were again tested
to three spots of the MALDI target, and the median result was taken for during this investigation of test accuracy. This resulted in the final
data analysis. experimental set-up (Fig. 1). As with the processing method “vi” in the
Bacteria were placed onto a spot of the disposable MALDI target investigation of optimal test conditions, 1-μl loopful of colony material
(MBT Biotargets-96, Bruker, Germany) and mixed with sodium deox- was suspended in 50 μl water in a microtube and 1 μl of this suspension
ycholate solution in deionized water using six different processing was pipetted onto a spot. After the droplet has dried, 6 μl of sodium
methods: deoxycholate in concentration 2%, 5% or 10 % (or 6 μl water as a
control) were added by pipetting. Inoculated targets were incubated for
(i) Small amount of colony material was transferred and smeared onto 30 min at room temperature or at 35 °C. Subsequently, the liquid was
a spot using a toothpick. Subsequently, 6 μl sodium deoxycholate removed from spots by contact with absorptive paper strips and the
were added. spots were washed by adding 6 μl water for 5 min followed again by
(ii) 3 μl of a 4 McFarland suspension in water was pipetted onto a spot. removal of liquid. Thereafter, 1 μl of 70 % formic acid was added to the
Subsequently, 3 μl sodium deoxycholate were added by pipetting. spot, overlaid with HCCA matrix and measured with the MALDI Bio-
(iii) 1 μl of a 4 McFarland suspension in water was pipetted onto a spot. typer smart (Bruker) (Fig. 1).
After the droplet has dried, 6 μl sodium deoxycholate were added As with the previous study part, all test variants were set-up si-
by pipetting. multaneously on the same day from the same overnight culture on an
(iv) The processing corresponded to the method (ii), but 30 μl of a 4 agar plate. All tests were performed in triplicate, i.e. applied to three

E.A. Idelevich, et al. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (2020) 151413

Fig. 1. Workflow of the MALDI-TOF MS-based bile solubility test. The figure depicts testing conditions that enabled optimal assay performance.

spots of the MALDI target, and the median result was taken for data methods (Tables S2-S5). Incubation time 30 min resulted in higher
analysis. Bacterial test standard (Bruker) was spotted on each target and accuracy than incubation for 3 h (Tables S2-S5). No unambiguous dif-
calibration was performed. ference in test performance was observed for different concentrations of
Determination of sodium deoxycholate minimum inhibitory con- sodium deoxycholate as well as for different incubation temperatures
centration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was (Tables S2-S5).
performed as given in Supplemental text S3.
3.4. Evaluation of assay performance
3. Results
Based on the preceding experiments with reference strains, test
3.1. Standard identification methods conditions that resulted in higher accuracy were implemented for the
assay and its evaluation on clinical isolates comprising processing
The initial collection comprised 14 S. pneumoniae and 23 non-S. method “vi”, the wash step, and incubation time 30 min. As no obvious
pneumoniae isolates (reported as S. mitis (n = 4), S. oralis (n = 6) and S. decision could be made based only on testing of reference strains re-
mitis/oralis (n = 13)), according to the identification in routine diag- garding optimal concentration of sodium deoxycholate and optimal
nostics (Table S6). One isolate identified as S. mitis/oralis by routine incubation temperature, testing of clinical isolates included comparison
diagnostics, was identified as Streptococcus vestibularis by sodA se- of these conditions (Table 1).
quencing. As this species does not belong to S. mitis group (Spellerberg Characteristic microbial MALDI-TOF MS spectra with MALDI
et al., 2019), this isolate was excluded from the study. Taken molecular Biotyper score (Bruker) of ≥1.7 were generated with water control
identification as reference method, the tested collection consisted of 14 without sodium deoxycholate for all streptococcal strains at both in-
S. pneumoniae and 22 non-S. pneumoniae isolates (12 S. mitis, 9 S. oralis cubation temperatures tested, thus confirming test validity in 100 % of
and 1 S. australis) (Table S6). isolates. The results for assay accuracy are presented in Table 1. Sodium
deoxycholate concentration of 5% in combination with incubation at 35
3.2. Minimum inhibitory concentration and minimum bactericidal °C (sensitivity 100 %, specificity 100 %) as well as sodium deoxycholate
concentration concentration of 10 % in combination with incubation at room tem-
perature (sensitivity 100 %, specificity 100 %) provided highest accu-
MIC and MBC values of sodium deoxycholate for the SMGS re- racy values.
ference strains were equal (Table S1). Vancomycin MICs determined for
S. pneumoniae ATCC 49619 for QC purpose, were in QC range. 4. Discussion

3.3. Investigation of optimal test conditions The introduction of MALDI-TOF MS into clinical microbiology has
considerably improved routine diagnostics and the majority of
Characteristic microbial MALDI-TOF MS spectra with MALDI European microbiology laboratories are now using MALDI-TOF MS for
Biotyper score (Bruker) of ≥1.7 were generated with all of four identification of cultures (Idelevich et al., 2019a). For practical and cost
streptococcal reference strains when water as control was used instead considerations, it would be advantageous to run necessary additional
of sodium deoxycholate (Fig. 2). diagnostic tests on the same MALDI-TOF MS instrument. Indeed, a
Results with reference strains demonstrated that the wash step is MALDI-TOF MS-based direct-on-target microdroplet growth assay
indispensable (Tables S2-S5). Further, processing method “vi” for in- (DOT-MGA) was recently developed as a rapid universal antimicrobial
oculation of MALDI targets showed more accurate results than other susceptibility testing method (Idelevich et al., 2018; Neonakis and

E.A. Idelevich, et al. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (2020) 151413

Fig. 2. MALDI-TOF mass spectra generated with MALDI-TOF MS-based bile solubility test for S. pneumoniae and non-S. pneumoniae reference strains. Baseline
subtraction and smoothing of spectra were performed with flexAnalysis 4.0 (Bruker). Y-axis (intensity) of each reference strain’s spectrum with sodium deoxycholate
is scaled corresponding to the spectrum of the same reference strain’s control with water.

Table 1 concentrations. This is in accordance with the data of Mellroth et al.

Accuracy of the MALDI-TOF MS-based bile solubility test for rapid dis- who observed effective killing after deoxycholate treatment of the S.
crimination of Streptococcus pneumoniae from other mitis group streptococci, n pneumoniae T4ΔlytA mutant without lytic phenotype (Mellroth et al.,
= 36. 2012). In contrast, lytic action of sodium deoxycholate is highly specific
Sodium deoxycholate Room temperature 35 °C for S. pneumoniae due to the presence of autolysin LytA (Richter et al.,
concentration 2008; Yahiaoui et al., 2016; Mellroth et al., 2012) – the property on
Sensitivity Specificity Sensitivity Specificity which BST is based.
2% 50.0 % 100 % 28.6 % 100 %
Processing method “vi” not only had the best accuracy (Tables S2-
5% 92.9 % 100 % 100 % 100 % S5), but also was one of the most convenient and practical methods to
10 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 86.4 % inoculate the MALDI target. It appears that the rest of sodium deox-
ycholate remaining on a spot after liquid removal may disturb MALDI-
TOF MS measurement. Comparative testing of reference strains de-
Spandidos, 2019). MALDI-TOF MS-based DOT-MGA was also suggested monstrated that the wash step was essential (Tables S2–S5), remarkably
as optochin susceptibility testing method for differentiation of S. improving spectra quality. It can be assumed that water removal within
pneumoniae from other SMGS (Idelevich et al., 2019b), since conven- this wash step can occur much earlier than after 5 min without com-
tional MALDI-TOF identification of these bacteria remains challenging promising washing efficiency and spectra quality. Further optimization
(Slotved et al., 2017; Spellerberg et al., 2019; Varghese et al., 2017; studies should investigate this issue. Also, reproducibility experiments
Burckhardt et al., 2017; Ikryannikova et al., 2013; van Prehn et al., should explore whether measurement of only one or two spots instead
2016). of three provides reliable results.
This study focused on the development of a MALDI-TOF MS-based The protocols for the standard bile solubility test are diverse and
bile solubility test for the reliable discrimination of pneumococci from lacking a uniform recommendation (Atlas and Snyder, 2019; Slotved
other SMGS. As sodium deoxycholate causes unspecific inhibition and et al., 2017; Spellerberg and Brandt, 2015). For the tube test, re-
killing of S. pneumoniae and other mitis group streptococci, growth- commended inoculum size varies from McFarland 0.5–1.0 to McFarland
based susceptibility testing methods, such as MALDI-TOF MS DOT-MGA 4 or “heavy suspension” (Atlas and Snyder, 2019; Slotved et al., 2017;
(Idelevich et al., 2019b, 2018), cannot directly be applied for differ- Spellerberg et al., 2019). On the one hand, initial inoculum of McFar-
entiation between these microorganisms based on bile action. MIC and land 0.5–1.0 appears not turbid enough to allow optimal visual eva-
MBC of sodium deoxycholate were similar for S. pneumoniae and other luation of decrease in turbidity over time, according to our experience.
SMGS (Table S1), indicating that sodium deoxycholate inhibits and kills On the other hand, preparation of a “heavy suspension” does not allow
both S. pneumoniae and other mitis group streptococci at similar

E.A. Idelevich, et al. International Journal of Medical Microbiology 310 (2020) 151413

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