Revesion Grade 10

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Rapid Institute - Bandaragama


Grade 10 Information and Communication Technology One hour
Name / Index No. :
i. Answer all questions.
ii. In each of the question 1 to 40 pick one of the alternatives (1) (2) (3) and (4) which is correct of most

01. Select the correct statement from the following statements.

A - Data are the unprocessed facts.
B - Information should always be updated.
C - Data is generated by processing information.
(1) A and C only (2) A only (3) A and B only (4) All of A, B and C
02. An e - Government service provided for the businesses by the Government of Sri Lanka is,
(1) Forms (2) Payments of utility bills
(3) Legal system (4) Banking Information
03. What is the machine that used to record the activities of the brain?
(1) Electrocardiogram Machine (ECG)
(2) Computerized Axial Tomography Machine (CAT)
(3) Electro-encephalography Machine (EEG)
(4) Magnetic Resonance Imaging Machine (MRI)
04. What is the machine created by Charles Babbage by using the concepts of input, process,
output and store?
(1) Adding Machine (2) Automatic Sequence Control Calculator
(3) Mechanical Loom (4) Analytical Engine
05. What is an example for the free and open source operating system?
(1) Macintosh Operating System (2) Fedora Operating System
(3) MS Windows XP Operating System (4) MS Windows Server Operating System
06. What is the correct statement about an operating system from the following statements?
A - An operating system is required for Hardware and Software Management.
B - Windows 7 is an example for multi-user multi-tasking operating system.
C - Disk partitioning and Disk Formatting are the utility software in an operating system.
(1) A and B (2) A and C (3) B and C (4) All A, B and C
07. What is/are an/the information maintained by an operating system regarding a file?
A - Type of a file
B - Size of a file
C - Saved date and time
Which of the above statement/s is / are true?
(1) A only (2) B only (3) A and B only (4) All A, B and C.
08. The decimal equivalent of 1000101two is,
(1) 67 (2) 72 (3) 105 (4) 69
09. Which of the following does not included for the BCD coding system?
(1) 1001 0100 1001 (2) 0110 0011 0101
(3) 1100 0101 0110 (4) 0101 1001 0011
10. If the letter A is represented by 65 in ASCII coding system, what is the binary value that
represents the letter C?
(1) 100 0010 (2) 100 0001 (3) 100 0101 (4) 100 0011
11. If price of a book is Rs. 62 and price of a pen is Rs. 12, the total equals to,
(1) 112 eight (2) 113 eight (3) 4Bsixteen (4) 3A sixteen
12. Which of the following gives the ascending order of the data access speed of the computer
memory devices?
(1) Compact Disk, Magnetic Tapes, USB Flash Drive, Memory Registers
(2) Magnetic Tapes, Hard Disk, USB Flash Drive, Cache Memory
(3) Compact Disk, Hard Disk, Magnetic Tapes, Memory Registers
(4) Memory Registers, Compact Disk, USB Flash Drive, Cache Memory
13. Number of bits in a nibble is;
(1) 8 (2) 4 (3) 16 (4) 32
14. What is the value of 1011two+1001two+1111two?
(1) 001011two (2) 101110two (3) 100011two (4) 1100011two
15. What is the largest number of the following numbers?
(1) 1010101two (2) 170eight (3) 75 (4) 27sixteen
16. A Giga Byte is equal
10 20 20 30
(1) 2 KB (2) 2 byte (3) 2 KB (4) 2 MB
Answer the questions on 17 to 19 using the logic circuit given below.

B z

17. Which answer gives the correct names of logic gates A, B, C and D respectively?
18. What is the Boolean logic expression of the output (Z) of the logic circuit?
(1) [(x'+y')+(x'.y)]' (2) [(x'.y')+(x'+y)]'
(3) x'+y+x'.y' (4) (x'+y')+(x'.y)'
19. The relationship of the input and the output of the logic circuit correctly represented in ?
(1) (2) (3) (4)
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0
1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
20. What is the logic gate that is represented by electric circuit given below? (A, B, = input, z = output)
(1) NOT
(2) NOR AB Z
(3) NAND
(4) AND
21. What is the answer that contains only the types of computers classified according to the
(1) Analog Computers, Hybrid Computers, Super Computers
(2) Digital Computers, Analog Computers, Hybrid Computers
(3) Super Computers, Mini Computers, Digital Computers
(4) Mini Computers, Mainframe Computers, Super Computers
22. Which device outputs the softcopies?
(1) Multimedia Projector (2) Plotter
(3) Head Phones (4) Optical Character Recognition
23. What is the correct answer which contains the correct descending order according to the
capacity of the following secondary storages devices?
A - Compact Disk
B - Floppy Disk
C - USB Flash Drive
D - Blue Ray Disk
(1) D C B A (2) D C A B (3) A D B C (4) B A C D
24. Select the correct statement.
A. Walki-Talki
B. Fax Machine
C. Video Conferencing
(1) Data communication modes of A, B and C are Simplex, Half Duplex and Full Duplex
(2) While A, B are Full Duplex and C is Half Duplex data communication mode.
(3) While A, B are Half Duplex and C is Simplex data communication mode.
(4) While A, B are Half Duplex and C is Full Duplex data communication mode.
25. What is an occasion where the infrared radiation is used for data communication?
(1) Remote controller of the television (2) Computer networking
(3) Satellite communication (4) Router
26. What is the correct answer that shows the computer network topology of the diagram given
(1) Tree Topology
(2) Bus Topology
(3) Star Topology
(4) Mesh Topology
27. Select the correct statement about the computer network?
(1) The resource can be shared whereas centralized software control is not possible.
(2) There is more room to spread computer viruses whereas need large space for storing data.
(3) Data and information can be stored safely whereas there is less protection for data.
(4) Computer errors are minimal whereas no need of special training.
28. What is the most suitable input device for marking multiple choice question answer sheets?
(1) Optical Mark Recognition (2) Optical Character Recognition
(3) Magnetic Ink Character Reader (4) Flat Bed Scanner

29. What is defragmentation?

(1) Rearranging the same data part which is stored in different locations
(2) Allocating the spaces for storing data in the hard disk
(3) A logical division or a section of a hard disk
(4) The whole structure of the file storing and organizing

30. Which one of them is responsible for storing updated booting instructions?
(1) MBR (2) BIOS
(3) CMOS (4) POST

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