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A Level Project Guide

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NB: - The project should have a maximum of 60 pages, excluding evidence of research.
- Watermarks are NOT allowed, you will lose marks because of them.
- Use Font Size 12 and Font Type Times New Roman throughout the document.
Only major headings may be of font size 14 or 16.
- Do NOT include dedications, acknowledgements or References / Bibliography.
-The contents page should takes to the exact location of text within the document. It
should be correct. The contents page must be automatically generated by the word


Choice of Problem Area and Background Analysis
In paragraph form, which exceeds half a page, students are expected to give information
on/ or answer the following questions:
• State the name of the organisation/system
• Give its physical location (Students should choose local Mutare companies)
• Who started it and when?
• How many workers does it have (Give a bigger population which will help to justify
computerisation, e.g from 100 workers or more)
• If it deals with customers / suppliers / orders, etc the number of records involved
per day should be stated (give a large figure over 100 as well per week/day/or
• The organisation’s major activities (e.g keeping and maintaining student records,
providing sales records for shop, etc, depending on choice of problem)
• State that records are kept manually (a must) and state the files that are involved in
the system, e.g supplier File, Customer File, etc, at least 4 files.
• Draw a DFD for the system, all arrows should be labelled with appropriate data
items (fields). Text should NOT cross lines/arrows.


Research Instruments
• First state the research instruments that were used.
• It is wise for students to choose questionnaires and interview guides which will be
easier to design and analyse.
• Clearly indicate to whom the instrument belongs. Do not just say questionnaire,
• Students are expected to design at least 2 research instruments used, must be
different; e.g:
• Questionnaire for Students (each questionnaire to have at least 12 questions.)
• Interview guide for school head (Each interview guide to bave at least 7
• A sample of each research instrument should be provided in this section (it should be
blank Questionnaire or unanswered interview questions)
• DO NOT give advantages or disadvantages, just design your research instruments.

Problems of the Current System

Students are expected to state, in point form, the problems of the current manual system.
Such problems must be solved using computers. The problems must be clear. Student can
choose common problems of manual systems like duplication of records, difficult updating,
searching problems, sorting problems, security of records, inconsistencies of data, human
calculation errors, too much paperwork, costs involved, problems in deleting records, etc.
Problems can be stated as follows (may differ depending on your system):
• The system has too much duplication of records, for example, Clarence Makombe’s
records has been repeatedly entered in the Student File 4 times.
• There is a lot of inconsistencies as a result of duplication of records, e.g. Clarence
Makombe’s date of birth in one record is given as 23/03/1992 while in the other file it
is given as 23/04/1993.
• It is difficult to make alterations to names written in the books, for instance if a wrong
spelling of student Surname has been made. This may lead to dirty and filthy books,
especially where figures are involved.
• It is slow in searching customer records, as it takes about 20 minutes to find one
record from the files. This often leads to long queues outside the banks especially
during pay days for civil servants and month-ends. (NB: time taken to search is
needed, do not just say it too slow, it is too fast. How fast is fast? How slow is
• It is very difficult and time consuming to sort asset records in an order needed by
management, may take over 5 hours to sort them and to re-write a sorted list.
• It is very expensive to run the system. About $2 000.00 a week is needed on ex-book,
ball point pens, manual files, ….(to not just say its expensive, state the figures)
• Files are not secure from unauthorised personnel as the files are in a room whose lock
/ key is not reliable. (never talk of passwords, or anything related to computers in
this section, remember this is a manual system)
• A lot of human errors in calculating customer change or amount to be paid are very
common. This is leading to loses since some customers are given too much change
than they should due to wrong calculations on change or total amount to be paid.
• Too much paperwork is involved in writing involices, receipts, recording every
transaction, etc. This causes stress for workers and increases changes of mistakes and
• There too much space wasted by the manual files which are filling almost ¾ of the
room. This room might be used productively than the manual files.
• Deleting unwanted records is difficult since it involves re-writing the records in a
different book again. This is boring and time consuming.
NB: At least 7 problems should be stated.

User Requirements
• Give the user requirements in paragraph form (do not use point form)
• Common user requirements include a system that will sort student records by
surname, search records by their sex and display them on the screen very fast, add a
new student record when a student joins then school, delete a student record from files
when a student transfers/pass away, Display students by class, Display student records
by forms, display students who have not paid all school fees and their amounts
outstanding, Display teachers records and their subjects…. Etc.
• Tell us what users what the system to do in paragraph form. This should be related to
your system
• Include as many points as possible

Software requirements
State and describe the use of each software required, in point form, e.g.
• Word Processor (Microsoft Word): This will be used for documenting the system,
that is, for both the user and technical documentation.
• Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: This will be used in designing and coding the package…
Include others like device drivers, Database package (Access), operating system (Specify,
e.g. Windows 7), etc., in point form
Hardware requirements
In point form, state and describe the use of the required hardware under input, output,
processing, storage devices, e.g.
Input hardware
• Keyboard: this will be used for entering data into the system by typing, e.g typing of
customer name, items bought, ……. (relate to your system. What is it that will be
At least 2 input devices are needed

Output Devices
• LaserJet printer : will be used for fast printing of customer receipts, supplier reports,
asset forms, …. (tell us what it will be printing in this organisation)
At least 2 output devices are needed

Storage Media
• Hard disk (500 GB): This will be used to store the software package, store student
records and the operating system. An external hard disk may also be used as a backup
in case of system failure. (for every storage device, specify the storage capacity and
what it will store or used for)
At least 2 storage devices are needed
Processing hardware
A Pentium 4 processor with 2.0 GHz is needed for fast calculation of change, fast searching
and sorting, etc. (state why you need such a processor, what for?)


State 3-4 aims which are general and long term. e.g
• To reduce human errors involved in making calculations
• avoid duplication of student records

Students should state at least 7 objectives, which are SMART.
For examples, considering the problems I stated under Problem identification section, my
objectives could be as follows:

The new computer system should be able to:

• Search and display student records by class.
• display students with outstanding school fees.
• sort student records by their class/form
• To protect files from unauthorised access by use of password and usernames.
(Never include encryption!!)
• To automate calculating of customer change or amount to be paid thereby removing
human errors involved in making such calculations.
• delete student record from all files after transfering from the school
• etc.

Consideration of alternative methods
Student should first state and then describe the alternative solution, how it will be done or
This will be followed by giving 4 advantages and 5 disadvantages of the alternative
At least 2 alternative solutions must be analysed, excluding the chosen Solution (that of
using Visual Basic to design a tailor-made system).
Alternative solutions are other solutions that do not include the chosen solution, e.g.
• Using an Off-the-shelf package (Customised package) like Microsoft Office Access
and customising it.
• Renting a software from other companies in the same business like CABS banking
system and use it at CBZ
• Designing a tailor made software using any other programming language like Java,
C++, Python, etc
*NB: Employing more workers is NOT a VALID alternative as the system will remain
Justification of method of solution
Students first state the chosen solution, i.e. creating a tailor-made system using Microsoft
Visual Basic Programming Language.
This will be followed by stating at least 6 advantages and 3 disadvantages of this chosen
solution. when giving the advantages, try to compare with the alternative solutions you gave

This should be in form of the following:
• Data capture forms designed to scale of each field of a file. Each file to have its
own data capture form. At least 3 are needed.
Data capture forms can be completed to scale manually, then scanned and pasted
under this section.
They are NOT part of the Appendices
• At least 3 blank forms generated by the system (textboxes should be of different
sizes depending on the field size)


This can be given as shown below:

Customer File
Customer Name Text 30 Alphabetic only customer name must not
contain numeric characters
ID Number Text 12 99-999999-L-99 Should contain text
DOB Date 8 dd/mm/yyyy Should be less than current
day and greater than 1945
License Class Number 2 99 Should contain 2 digits.
Home Address Text 50 Text Should be text
Phone Number Text 10 999 999 9999 Should be numeric
Date of Purchase Date 8 dd/mm/yyyy Should show current date
Gender Text 1 L Should be F or M

At least 3 file designs are needed.

Below the files designs, show how the files are linked, using Microsoft Access relationship
feature, e.g :
File Linkages/Relationships

• A Jackson structure diagram is expected, showing at least 3 levels from the
switchboard (main menu)
• Each level should have CLOSE/ RETURN/EXIT button as shown below:

- Each level should have CLOSE/ RETURN/EXIT button as shown below:

Santa Student Registration System

Main Menu / Switchboard

? Forms ? Exit System

Level 1

Level 2 Sports Student Fees Return /

Form Form Form Close

Search Add New Delete Return /

Level 3
Record Record Record Close
NB: The text Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 plus on the diagram above are just included to
show the 3 different levels needed to be indicated in your diagram. Do not include them on
your diagram!!
The above diagram is just an illustration, it may differ depending on your design, system,
…….. but the 3 levels should be there.

Student must first of all state / describe the form of output produced by the system, for
example, the student may write the following:
Output produced by Santa Student system is in the form of screen displays of :
• Form showing student details
• student query by class
• student query bey sex
• student report
• etc

This student description is then followed by dump screens of output produced by the
system, that is the forms, queries and reports, receipts, etc with data on them, e.g
Customer query:
NB: Include 2 queries, 3 forms, with menus on them……..
NB: (textboxes on forms should be of different sizes depending on the field size)

Students must choose only one test plan for the system, which can be either Black box,
White box or Alpha testing.
Students should also be able to justify why they choose such a test plan
This is followed by stating that Standard, Extreme and Abnormal data will be used for
testing the system
NB: Only test for the fields in files, NOT passwords, NO!
NB: only test coded data fields, and data that has a range or limit, leave those without e.g,
Give example of at least 3 fields that can be tested and the expected results in description
form (not table). 1 standard data, 1 extreme data and 1 abnormal data item


Technical Documentation:
• include at least 3 pseudocodes, 3 flowcharts and the VB code (maximum of 3 pages
for VB code) in this order. e.g.

• Do not include the pseudocode for password
• At least 4 different pseudocodes are needed, e.g, one for menu selection, one for
searching, one for sorting, one for adding records, etc
• Correct indenting is very important for you to get marks. For example, the following

Reports Menu:
Select Option
If selected option is Customers Reports Menu Then Show Customers
Reports (wrong indentation )
If selected option is Vehicle Reports Menu Then Show Vehicle
Reports (wrong indentation)
If selected option is Stock Reports Menu Then Show Stock Reports
If selected option is Accounting Reports Menu Then Show Accounting
Reports (wrong indentation)
If selected option is Receipts Reports Menu Then Show Receipts
Reports (wrong indentation)
If selected option is Employees Reports Menu Then Show Employees
Reports (wrong indentation)

• It should be as follows in order to score some marks

Reports Menu Pseudocode:

Purpose: Allows the use to select an appropriate menu/option
Select Option
If option is Customers Reports Menu Then Show Customers Reports
If option is Vehicle Reports Menu Then Show Vehicle Reports
If option is Stock Reports Menu Then Show Stock Reports
If option is Accounting Reports Menu Then Show Accounting Reports
If option is Receipts Reports Menu Then Show Receipts Reports
If option is Employees Reports Menu Then Show Employees Reports
Or as follows:
Reports Menu Pseudocode:
Purpose: Allows the use to select an appropriate menu/option
Select Option
If option is Customers Reports Menu Then
Show Customers Reports
Else If option is Vehicle Reports Menu Then
Show Vehicle Reports
Else If option is Stock Reports Menu Then
Show Stock Reports
Else If option is Accounting Reports Menu Then
Show Accounting Reports
Else If option is Receipts Reports Menu Then
Show Receipts Reports
Else option is Employees Reports Menu Then
Show Employees Reports
End If


• Include any 3 flowcharts. It could be ideal if you include flowcharts for pseudocodes
given above.
• JUST DRAW the flowcharts, DO NOT explain then meaning of symbols.
• do not include the password/login flowchart, its not valid

Program Listing / Code

• Select only relevant portion of codes/modules/functions. Do not include the whole VB
• There should be the following in the selected code:
•at least 3 procedures / Sub Programs
•at least 2 functions
•evidence of global variables
•evidence of local variables
•each instruction should NOT overlap to the next line, Never! If it is like that,
shorten it so that it fits in that line only. (including the comments, if there).
•comments at the beginning of every function / procedure, describing its task
•comment should NOT overlap to the next line, NEVER!
•In-line (in-text) comments (found at the end of an instruction, describing what is
happening in that line.)
•In-line (in-text) comments should NOT overlap to the next Line, NEVER!
•Correct INDENTATION needed
•Use of equal size blank lines between procedures and functions.
• The following will be a valid VB code listing:
Public ContractDescrption As String 'Declaring global variable
Public Duration As Integer 'Declaring global variable
Public Cost As Integer 'Declaring global variable

' a public function to calculate the cost of a contract

Public Function CalcCost_Click(duration As Integer)
Dim duration As integer 'Declaring local variable
CalcCost = duration* $2000 ' Function to calculate cost
End Function

' Procedure to search records

Private Sub cmdsearch_Click() ' a module for searching a record in a file
Dim contractnumber As Integer ' local variable
contractnumber = InputBox(" enter the contractnumber to search for")
With AdoContractsfile.Recordset
While Not .EOF
If .Fields(0) = contractnumber Then
.Fields(1) = txt1
.Fields(2) = txt2
.Fields(4) = txt3
.Fields(5) = txt4
.Fields(6) = txt5
Exit Sub
If .EOF Then
MsgBox ("Record not found")
End If
End If
End With
End Sub

• Using point form and some diagrams, give steps that a user might be able to follow
under the following subheadings:
•Installation of the System
Give steps (in point form) followed when installing the software on your
Screen dumps / Diagrams can be used to clarify this
•Starting the System
Give steps followed when loading/starting the software on the computer after
switching it on.
Use diagrams / screen dumps too.
Tell use the usernames and the passwords
•Navigation of the System
Give steps followed when moving through the system, e.g menu selections,
opening forms, reports, queries, searching, deleting, etc.
Include screen dumps of forms with data and menus (command buttons),
Include screen dumps of reports with data,
Include screen dumps of queries with data, etc.
•Exiting the system
Give steps followed when exiting the software

SECTION D: Testing and Evaluation

User Testing
• DO NOT include tests on passwords/login, NEVER!
• the tables required are as follows:
• Standard Data Testing tables,
3 tables to be tested, e.g
Customer File
Field name Purpose Test Data Entered Result

Total Revenue Testing for correct value e.g. a $500,000 accepted

value greater than zero
Site of operation Testing for correct area of Harare accepted
Date of Birth Testing for correct range of 01/05/1970 accepted
Amount Received Testing for correct amount of $5 accepted
money received
Salary Testing the correct amount of 10000 accepted

• Extreme Data Testing tables,

3 tables to be tested, e.g

Customer File
Field name Purpose Test Data Entered Expected Result

Total Revenue Testing for maximum acceptable $1 000 000 Accepted

value (upper extreme)
Testing for minimum acceptable 0 Accepted
value (lower extreme)
Date of Birth Testing for maximum acceptable 01/01/1970 Accepted
value (upper extreme)
Testing for minimum acceptable 31/12/2009 Accepted
value (lower extreme)
Amount Testing for maximum acceptable $500 000 Accepted
Received value (upper extreme)
Testing for minimum acceptable $1 Accepted
value (lower extreme)
Salary Testing for maximum acceptable $10000 Accepted
value (upper extreme)
Testing for minimum acceptable $500 Accepted
value (lower extreme)

• Abnormal Data Testing tables,

3 tables to be tested, e.g
Customer file
Field name Purpose Test Data Entered Expected Result

Sex Testing for abnormal data G Rejected

Total Revenue Testing for abnormal data $2 000 000 Rejected

Testing for abnormal data -5 Rejected
Date of Birth Testing for abnormal data 01/01/1960 Rejected
Testing for abnormal data 31/12/2020 Rejected
Amount Received Testing for abnormal data $700 000 Rejected

Testing for abnormal data -1 Rejected

Salary Testing for abnormal data $40000 Rejected

Testing for abnormal data $100 Rejected

• Sample runs
Paste screen dumps of at least 2 forms with data, 2 reports with data and two queries
with data.
• error messages
paste 5 different Error messages generated by the system.


Evaluate each objective (given under objectives section above) in turn. Achieved objectives
are credited as achievements. Objectives not met are taken as Limitations. For example, my
first objective is:
To avoid duplication of student records in the Student File by use of a unique
primary key field for each record.
The above objective was met so I state it under achievements as shown under achievements
Objective 8 was as follows:
To automate calculating of customer change or amount to be paid thereby removing
human errors involved in making such calculations
This objective was not met since I did not code the calculations. So I write it under
limitations as indicated below:
Analyse each objective in turn until the end of all objectives.
After that, you can now add other achievements and / or Limitations that may have arisen

• The Student File has a primary key field which is unique for each record and this has
managed to reduce / avoid duplication of student records in the file.

NB: At least 5 achievements are needed. You can add more even not on the objectives list,
• The new system does not automatically calculate the customer change or amount to
be paid therefore some human errors involved in making such calculations still exist.

NB: At least 3 limitations are needed. Remember that you can add other limitations that
might have come up even not on the objectives list. However, do not include anything that
has to do with purchasing extra-hardware and software that do not exist in most Zimbabwean
schools, e.g. Networking, barcodes, sensors, OMR, etc. these are not valid.
NB: Just choose any task that your system does not do and write it, but NEVER say your
system does not Add, delete, search, .., which are the basic operations, otherwise it would be
taken as if you did not do the project.

Opportunities for Future Development

On this section, look at the limitations you have just stated above and decide how these can
be solved. Avoid solutions that include purchasing new hardware and software, purchasing of
sensors, barcode readers, OMR systems, network cables and servers, data encryption etc.
These do not score any mark.

Instead, it will be advisable to design new modules/functions/procedures that solve the

problems under the Limitations section. For example, given the limitation above, my first
opportunity for further development will be as follows:
• To add a new module that will automatically calculate customer change after
purchasing the goods
• A new procedure must be added to enable automatic calculation of the total aount of
money that a customer must pay
• etc.
NB: At least 3 opportunities for future development are needed!

These must be a maximum of 3
• Appendix A
• Appendix B
During data collection, I stated the following research instruments:
• Questionnaire for Students.
• Interview guide for school head
So, what need to be done is :
• to print one questionnaire for students, and give it to someone to complete it. After
printing the whole project, put it under Appendix A
• Print one questionnaire for teachers and give it to someone else to complete it. After
printing the whole project, put it under Appendix B
• Type, in Microsoft Word, a dialogue between the school head and the researcher,
asking each question on the interview guide and the answers that were given by the
school head, e.g.
Researcher : Do you have enough computers for your students at this school?
School head : No. though we have more computers than most schools, the computer
–pupil ratio is still too high. 1: 20 is not favourable.
Researcher : ………….
School Head :…..

NB: This dialogue is then printed and put under Appendix C.

• These appendices differ according to individual projects/research instruments used.
• Each Appendix must start on its separate page at the end of the whole document.

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