Bioprocess Assignment-Rework
Bioprocess Assignment-Rework
Bioprocess Assignment-Rework
Table of Contents
Section 1: Introduction and background....................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................4
4.2 Implementation of MBR in a proposed wastewater treatment plant..............................11
Section 6: Timescales...............................................................................................................14
Section 1: Introduction and background
1.1 Introduction
Bioprocess Technology is considered a crucial part concerning biotechnology that actually
deals with different types of procedures that combined all living things along with its
elements with different nutrients for producing bio therapeutics, reagents, chemicals and
speciality chemicals. Membrane Bioreactor mainly combines membrane filtration with
conventional biological treatments such as activated sludge (Lei et al. 2018). Membrane
Bioreactors have numerous benefits including a high degradation rate and are easier to use
(Asif et al. 2020). Subsequently, a lack of knowledge can lead to different types of
operational problems.
Membrane bioreactor is being used by 23% of UK manufacturing companies for treating
wastewater that is being produced at time of manufacturing process. Membrane bioreactor is
being integrated with help of different types of biological procedures in terms of treating
wastewater. It has actually been observed that the respective bioreactor is being utilised for
municipal and industrial wastewater treatment.
Working of Membrane Bioreactor is diversified and can be used for performing a wide range
of activities. Bio fuel and food production companies are utilising Membrane Bioreactors
(Maazet al. 2019). Incremental Engineering Ltd is a manufacturing company of products. In
their manufacturing process, fine chemicals are dissolved into water and resulting in pollution
of water. Polluted water is not used by any other applications. In order to treat polluted
wastewater, membrane bioreactors can be used by industries. Their tertiary and secondary
clarifiers that are present in its system classify working of membrane bioreactors (Cheng et
al. 2018). Conventional membrane bioreactors are being used by industry for treating
wastewater for maintaining high reliability while treatment process.
1.2 Programme Aim
Incremental Engineering Ltd. has been identified to treat wastewater that is being produced at
the time of manufacturing process. Aim of performing this study is to highlight the
importance of biotechnology process in treating wastewater within industries. In order to
implement bioprocess technology, it is necessary to have proper funding application capital
(Aslam et al. 2018). Life Sciences Innovative Manufacturing Fund is providing funds to
Incremental Engineering Ltd. This fund is providing companies with sufficient funds to treat
wastewater and introduce bioprocess technology. Approximately 40% of the cost is being
provided by a fund that is introduced by UK government.
1.3 Grants Allocation
In order to grant funds from UK government, proper certification along with documents is
required to be submitted by Incremental Engineering Ltd. For seeking 40% of funds, the
company is required to follow guidelines that are introduced by the Government. According
to the Water Environment Regulations 2017, water waste plants require to integrate such
technical components to preserve microorganism and prevent potential changes in
ecosystems of water bodies.
Adhering to minimum requirements is important for seeking government funds for
commercial purposes. Water waste management requires following legal standards for
developing bioprocess integration. A wastewater plant in UK follow AMP8goals includes
Fundamental waste management; Net zero by 2030 and recycling of water.UK government
has a different and diverse policy for fund seekers.
Budget plan
The budget plan of this study is concerned with producing a proposed budget plan that needs
to be considered in budget grant and operational processes. This will lead this proposed
bioprocess plant to meet a deadline efficiently and cost-effectively.
Equipment Market Cost (Million Budget allocated (Million
£) £)
(Source: Self-developed)
Figure 1: Specific cost in k£ per m3/h flow capacity of an MBR plant
(Source:, 2020)
The capital expenditure of an MBR plant depends upon flow capacity and totals CAPEX of
an MBR plant including operational cost is around 20 million GBP. MBR replacement cost is
around 34885.40 - 52288.50GBP for a plant with a capacity of around a 4000-metre cube.
level of approach concerning an accurate level of prevention that significantly helped in
protecting respective surrounding.
This process has many advantages with aerobic digestion process, such as,
There could be achievements of high organic loads.
Less sludge is kept in after completing this process, thus cost of sludge treatment is
Toxic wastes could be transformed into non-harmful products.
This is an energy-efficient method of comparison.
2.5 Need of grant to proceed with project
Initial capital investment is quite high as initial capital is concerned with buying an MBR a
wastewater filtration and purification system or technology and construction cost is high.
The Initial investment of this project is analysed to 20000000. The overall discount rate is
analysed to 40%. Cash flow of 5 years are, in year 1 it is 1000000, year 2 is 1200000, year 3
is 95000, year 4 is 115400 and year 5 is 1000000. Therefore NPV is analysed to
2.7 Target market and outputs
A wastewater treatment plan based on MBR significantly helps in meeting water scarcity and
it will be effective in producing reusable water for industries. The main target customer will
be industries, as this project will offer them reusable water that will significantly reduce
water wastage (Purnell, 2019). Company is also planning for selling drinkable water to its
customers with additional purification processes.
2.8 Financial feasibility of a project
Business-to-business transactions will be main source of income and due to their contribution
to environment; government will offer monetary support in an operational process that will
significantly reduce operational costs in long run (Iacovidou and Voulvoulis, 2018).
Changing behaviour in customer preference and their tendency of moving toward
environment-friendly businesses will help this business to ensure financial success and
sustainable growth.
2.9 Rules, guidelines and CSRs followed by project
This waste-water-treatment plant development proposal is concerned with standard practices,
CSR guidelines, government regulations and plant verification guidelines of wastewater
treatment plants in the UK.
3.3 Design Quality
Funding approval depends on project quality and its applications to real life. It is essential to
highlight individual operational plans that are being designed for implementation of
Membrane Bioreactors. It has been observed that operational plan quality is checked and
determined that include project management, project maintenance and storage (Aslam et al.
2018). Organization is required to focus on enhancing its operational plane.
3.4 Arrangements Quality for Marketing
Incremental Engineering Ltd. is required to take credibility and security into consideration in
context of projected sales. In order to seek funds for 40% of Membrane Bioreactors
implementation, it is necessary to have enhanced security concerns (Singh et al. 2020).
Another factor that needs to be taken into consideration is enhancing overall marketing
strengths so that panel is conveyed.
3.5 Arrangements Quality for Sourcing
In order to evaluate criteria for funds, it is important to manage supply reliability. Having
good reliability in terms of supply can help an organisation for quicker fund approval.
Produced by-product carbon can be stored through the carbon capture process and gain
financial benefits.
AMP8's goals of waste management are concerned with imposing regulatory guidelines on
water companies to meet Net Zero by 2030 associated with minimisation of water wastage to
deal with climate change. Additional taxes on companies will be charged to companies who
do not use around 30% of recycled products in product packaging.
3.6 Project Delivery
In order to focus on project delivery, Incremental Engineering Ltd. is required to focus on
operational and technical track. Allocated personnel are being accessed by their technical
capability, skills and commercial capability. During implementation of Membrane
Bioreactors, it is required to access operational plan capacity (Cheng et al. 2018). Before
approving funds, the panel can analyse licensing and planning that are prepared for
completing this project of Membrane Bioreactors implementation.
3.7 Corporate Environmental Commitment
Corporate environmental commitment is being maintained by accessing overall
environmental impact of a particular project. Corporate environmental commitment can be
achieved by mating sustainability in project activities. Membrane Bioreactors are required to
be implemented by maintaining sustainability (Ji et al. 2020). It is required to be taken into
consideration that best environmental practices are required to be implemented by an
organisation before starting project work.
Used wastewater from households, cities and industrial areas that can be converted back into
drinkable or usable water will be transported through a pipeline to initial wastewater storage
located in local areas of households or municipalities or industry.
3.8 Health & Safety Commitment of Corporate
In context of health and safety, it is essential to manage corporate commitment so that it is
easier to convince panels for adequate funding. In the rainy season due to a lack of efficient
water storage rainwater is stored in a lake or any artificial reservoir and this wastewater can
be transported to a wastewater treatment plant through a pipeline.
burning any fossil fuel in power generation. This carbon is transported to areas of production
through pipelines or ships and then stored underground with geological formation.
Storage and distribution process and facilities
Purified water produced from wastewater treatment process needs to be stored in large
gallons of capacity around 50000 cubic meters. Purified water needs to be distributed from
this storage to its final destination through pipelines. Based on quality of water needs to be
distributed to either customer for drinking purposes or to industries for industrial purposes
(Al-Khafaji and Al-Rekabi, 2022). Fresh water will be produced as the final product and
carbon and methane gas will be produced as by-products.
Carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) uses energy-intensive capture process to extract
carbon from water. This helps to reduce carbon footprint in collected water in the plant. The
technology has the capability to remove 0.74 to 575 m3 of H2O per tonne CO2 from
collected wastewater. Hydrolytic Softening Technology can be used in the wastewater plant
to capture CO2 from collected water. The concerned technology shows 70% efficiency to
separate carbon from wastewater (, 2022). Director Ocean Capture (DOC)
technology captures large volume of wastewater and separate carbon from air. The
technology use decarbonisation process to extract carbon from ambient air.
4.2 Implementation of MBR in a proposed wastewater treatment plant
MBR needs to be implemented in sequential order with wastewater storage that is capable of
removing huge solid waste by allowing them to rest and utilising gravitation principles. This
water will lead to an MBR wastewater treatment facility where microfiltration process will be
concerned with separating solid and liquid and bio filtration will remove rest of
microorganisms (Skoczkoet al. 2020). Inventory management and effective supply will be
ensured through an increased rate of production and high-capacity storage tanks (Vergineet
al. 2018). Reliable supplier identification needs to be based on British Standard institutions
(BSI) and needs to follow Regulations 23 to 26 under DSPCR.
Inclusion or supplier selection criteria need to follow BSI guidelines and need to meet
Regulations 23 to 26 of DSPCR. In contrast to that, exclusion criteria need to be based on the
violation of Regulation 23(1), Regulation 23(4) and Regulation 24 and such suppliers need
not be selected for raw material resources. Yellow colour represents project initiation, the
blue colour represents tasks that are associated with project execution and Red colour
represents project closures. The bottleneck is resulted due to uncertainties and ineffective
change management decisions that result in a delay of proposed scheduled jobs and cause
congestion of jobs.
and comparatively bigger size particles are prevented (Li et al. 2020). Based on quality of
water produced water is either transported or sold to industries or consumers.
Produced freshwater needs to be sold to either industries or customers as drinking water
based on the quality of produced water and with additional treatment of water, its quality or
nutrient compositions can be enhanced.
Environment-friendly products significantly influence buying behavioural change of
customers and this project has a significant positive contribution to environment that will
influence customer purchase decisions in favour of the organisation.
Role of MBR
In wastewater treatment process the role of MBR is to separate solid wastages or
contaminants from water through its series membranes and eliminate microorganisms to
produce quality drinkable and reusable water.
Produced water quality and nutrient measurements
Quality of produced, filtrated or treated water in bio treatment process can be measured
through a Solid Retention Time (SRT) and fined controlled SRT can be achieved in MBR
wastewater treatment process. It effectively removes harmful wastewater constituents that
include biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), various bacteria, total suspended solids and
various nutrient constituents like nitrogen and phosphorous. Nitrogen nutrients can be
recovered from wastewater by converting nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gases through a
process called nitrification-gentrification.
The by-product of wastewater treatment process using MBR and storing by-products
Wastewater treatment process using MBR produces biomass and CO2 as by-products that
need to be considered utilising them to ensure financial benefits and meet environmental
concerns. Biomass burning results in CO2 emission that may cause asthma, and respiratory
diseases and may lead to a heart attack. Biomass needs to be utilised in producing bio energy
in form of heat and electric energy and produced by-product CO2 needs to be captured in
deep underground storage.
Produced by-product CO2 from both wastewater treatment process and bioenergy production
process from biomass needs to be transported to a deep underground isolated CO2 storage
through a closed seal pipeline. In this process, CO2 needs to be cooled and pumped through a
pipeline to a chamber that contains chemical scrubbers capable of binding CO2 molecules.
Stored CO2 and biomass need to be transported to industries for production of energy and
production of methanol, urea and other products associated with CO2 (Mostafa et al.
2021). CO2 can be used in fire extinguishers for companies or others that may offer
additional business opportunities. These business deals and opportunities will be financially
beneficial for the company that may significantly increase financial feasibility of this
5.2 Plant layout
The proposed plant will be located in Sheffield in the UK and it will mainly use industrial
wastewater sources as inputs. Size of the building will be according to needs management
operations of managing two MBR systems of production capacity of around 3500 cubic
metres per day (Zahraa and Gzar, 2019). MBR systems will locate in centre of proposed plant
and they will connect with inputs and outputs with a centralised pipeline or sewage system
(Kitanouet al. 2018). Reception area will consist of initial storage of volume 15000 cubic
metres and it will be connected with feedstock storage of a volume of 1500 cubic metres.
Produced water will be stored in 50000 cubic metre gallons that will be effective in managing
inventory and effectively meeting demand.
Section 6: Timescales
Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) is also a huge matter of concern in developing a
contingency plan and HAZOP process is associated with a strategic systematic approach to
risk identification, risk mitigation and system examination.
HAZOP team specialisation
A group of around 15 people or participants needs to be considered to develop a HAZOP
team that will be led by a team leader or facilitator. Selection of participants of HAZOP team
members needs to include all departments of an organisation to ensure effective knowledge
or information about HAZOP group (Lyon and Popov, 2020). This group will be responsible
for identifying operational errors, measuring error severity, measuring performance
variations, setting action plans and producing effective risk mitigation recommendations. A
team leader needs to have diverse skillets and knowledge of managing organisational
operations to make decisions and respond to changes (Pey and Steinkrauß, 2022). Group
participant needs efficient work experience in the work field and needs to have risk
management experience to contribute to HAZOP team.
HAZOP steps, reporting and track action plan
Based on this strategy potential risk identification, risk mitigation strategy development and
execution need to follow following steps:
Steps Actions
This table defines roles and actions of HAZOP team and job responsibilities of associated
team members that will be effective in ensuring effectiveness of produced contingency plan.
HAZOP process consist of different stages, example of some stages are plan, team, report,
track actions and close. These stages help to identify the potential hazards in the project.
Figure 3: Conceptual framework of contingency plan
(Source: Self-developed)
This conceptual framework helped in representing reach steps of risk identification and
mitigation process adopting HAZOP approach to risk mitigation or Contingency plan
6.3 Further planning and management
Completion of construction of proposed plant and setup of technological equipment will lead
to development of a production, maintenance and growth plan. Production plan needs to be
concerned with meeting proposed production rates and maintenance plans need to be
concerned with identifying and resolving operational issues to ensure effectiveness of
This report shows that proposed plant is financially feasible and environmentally sustainable.
Investors will be benefited in long run with a high return on investment. Incremental
Engineering Ltd. Company will reach and attract new customers via market campaigns based
on above to enhance financial performance. This company is an environment-friendly brand
and influence purchase-decisions of organizations that are concerned with environmental
concerns and can benefit from meeting AMP8 standards. Partnerships with governments or
municipalities help in reducing procurement and logistics costs of raw materials such as
wastewater purchase and increasing ROI. This is because government will be keen to
promote and support environment-driven brands or businesses to reduce environmental
pollutions which will help this company to gain additional discounts in corporate tax, gain
incentives and government support. Based on HAZOP examination analysis system
equipment and processes needs to be modified, risk identification and mitigation mechanisms
need to be implemented and operations need to be tracked effectively. This will significantly
contribute to sales growth and increasing demand that will be effective in ensuring
sustainable growth and building a profitable business.
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This figure mentioned about renewable obligation certificate guidance and here
mentioned that 1 ROC is required for generators of upto 50kw. Different factors have
considered here that includes wind, photovoltaic, hydro, AD and Biomass.
Appendix 2: Flow Diagram
This figure mentioned about raw wastewater converted into treated water. First raw
wastewater has passed through influent screen then supplied in bioreactor. Bioreactor
transfers wastewater to membrane module and that membrane module contain air scour
blower. From air scour blower, water has transferred to permeate pump and clean water has
Appendix 3: Feedstock management and waste water treatment
Building Length (m) Width (m) Height (m) Volume (m³)
Waste 100 30 12 100*30*12
Feedstock 40 30 12 40*30*12
MBR 70 30 12 70*30*12
Output 100 30 12 100*30*12
Distribution 60 30 12 60*30*12
This table mentioned about feedstock management and wastewater treatment that described
various buildings of wastewater treatment. Feedstock chamber, MBR building, Output
storage buildings, waste reception buildind and distribution building.
Technological equipment Number of units
MBR systems 2
Waste corrosive resistance pumps 2
Feedstock chamber and operation facility 2
Automate check-in and check-out system 4