BDRRM Final 2023-25
BDRRM Final 2023-25
BDRRM Final 2023-25
F/Y 2023-2025
Barangay: LIBOTON
Themat Primary Annual Alloted Funds
Projects & Activities Expected Results Indicators Com role of each member
ic Area
Program Target Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Funds Responsi
1. PreventDisaster Prevention
MitigationStructuring of 1. Re-organization of BDRRM 1 Membership to commitee organized BDRRM 3000.00 2000.00 70% PB /Bgy resolution passage
BDRRMC Committee and structure reviewed and re-organized structures fund Council and approval
Organization membership passed and Executive Order and
committee approved resolution enacted.
and teams 2. Organization of Emergency 1 Response team organized Team organized and 2000.00 2000.00 3000.00 70% PB/ delineation of functions
Response Team and for duty bearers assignment delineation of functions fund bdrrm for emergency
tasking of functions mapping and monitoring of areas chair purposes
3. Regular and emergency 12 Monthly meetings for risk availability of data and 12000.00 12000.00 12000.00 70% PB/ cooridnation with CDRRMO
meetings assessment & incident reporting information based on fund bdrrmc for incident reporting
and monittoring hazard data com.
Disaster Mitigation
End to End Early Warning system Timely warning information for early warning devices 70% PB/ fund release for
Monitoring - repair of hand held radios 20 impending or up-coming functional and useful 5000.00 fund bdrrmc purchase and repair
- repair or purchase of CCTV 18 natural disaster dissemiated 60000.00 120000.00 Bgy fof EW devices
- Repair of tromp/paging 1 10000.00 15000.00 treas.
Information Conduct of information and 1 IEC campaign for residents increased level of aware 10,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 70% BDRRM Assigning of IEC materials to Bgy.
Campaign campaign on disasters through and information campaign ness on types of disaster fund and Bgy.Kagawads and distribution per
media and zonal visits and awareness.on disaster council zone
prevention and mitigation
1. Prevention Data Base Review of data base 1 number of families at risk of data base of families 4,000.00 5,000.00 10,000.00 70% BDRRM Health Com. review of age & health situation
and review, of families and individuals hazards and disasters per zone per zone Funds PWD Com. review of number and situation
Mitigation analysis, who can be at risk are identified Senior com. review of adultts vulnerable to risks
assessment for any type of risk.or hazards BDRRM com. revuiew and inventory of health
and mapping hazards
" LISTO SI KAP" 1 Facilitated tools for formulation of BDRRM plan and 10,000.00 10,000.00 15,000.00 70% BDRRM BDRRM com QAS response
and QAS review and finalization plans covering all phases of BDRRM contigency plan Fund chaimrnan & BDRRM and contignency planning
with technical team members finalization with hazard maps.
Inventory of conduct of Inventoiry and risk 1 vulnerability of barangay facilities studie risky faciliities in the 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 70% ffund CEO identification of hazardous facilites
hazardous assessment of barangay facilities and risks to natural and/or man made barangay per year by City engineering Office
facilities disasters identified. as requested
Inventory of Inventory of response equipment 25 Barangay equipment for disaster use record of response quipment 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 70% fund Bgy treasuruer inventory of MR review
equipment can be used during disaster are inventoried . BDRRM chair per personnel
Regisrty Special Needs Registry and 1 registry database in registry of needs 3,000.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 70% Bgy. Sec. Masterlisting of all Householdss
emergency situations identification
and listing outreach efforts for pre BDRRM Bgy Clerk with capcility for additonal shelter
emergency information to utilized and support groups listed Funds and transport for emergency
residents and recorded
Emergency Acquisition of Emergency Kits/ 20 stockpiling and prepositioning of equipment /supplies stock- 20,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 70% fund Bgy prepare vouchers/purchase
Procurement supplies and equipment resources maintained for emergency. piled treasurer doc./receipts.
Emergency Procurement and installation of installation of new generator for continuity of operations
Management new generator for Barangay hall 1 critical barangay opperations in the barangay 60,000.00 70% fund Bgy treas prepare vouchers/receits for genrator
chiarman Install new genrator
Simulation Conduct of emergency drill 1 Simulation exercise for children increased participatIon 5,000.00 5,000.00 6,000.00 70% fund chairman communication with PNP/CSNHS/
Exercise and adults at school and streets in preparedenss activities Edcuare/ALS /NGOs for particpation
participated. and request for assistance
Risk Lot acquisition )1,800 sq.mtrs.) 1 new buildings with evacuation center facilities with sheter provided 5, 500,000.00 City fund PB/council finalization of agreements and
Reduction New Barangay Hall and Facitly constructed for disaster resiliency of 40,000,000.00 DPWH infra construction of brangay hall and its
construction infrastructure systems. fund facilitiies:
for particpation
F/Y 2023-2025
Barangay: LIBOTON
Thematic Primary Annual Alloted Funds Person/Com
Projects & Activities Expected Results Indicators of role of each member
Area Program
target Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3 Funds Responsible
Risk Procurment of Folding beds 15 iniial needs of evacuees assumed by the supplied initial needs 10,000.00 30,000.00 50,000.00 70% bgy treasurer purchase request /voucher/receipts/
Managmenfor evancuees barangyay such as folding beds Fun documentation
Road Clearing/ Clean up 24 road health safety observed in all areas of the road safety nets 12,000.00 24,000.00 24,000.00 70% PB/ BPOC/ notice for clean up and rabuz to
and synchronized Rabuz barangay prior, during and after any disaster fpr protection provided fund BDRRM com different
in compliance to national mandate on Road Clearing. organizations for zonal celan up.
Preparation of Provisional 7 Temporary shelter for evacuees provided shelter to evacuees 9,998.46 10,000.00 15,000.00 70% PB/ BPOC/ temporary shelter area preparation
evacuation centers as safety measures. prioritized for safety fund BDRRM com
- Educare Center
- Health Center
- ALS room
- Bgy Chapel
- private residence (3)
Procurement of Rescue 1 rescue operations for immediate response immediate response 1,500,000.00 LDF PB/ BDRRM . Resolution/ request letter/ proposal
Vehicle ( L-300 Travis) provided to evacuees. for evacuees 20% Bgy. Sec./ Clerk BAC / Philgeps/
Search & quick response to disaster Minimized damage to casualties no. of minimized 10,000.00 15,000.00 20,000.00 30% PB/ BDRRM . administration of rescue operations
rescue victims by response team. casualties fund com.
4. RECOVERY Needs Assessment of needs and Assessment tool for response utilized no. oamages identified 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 30% SWV staff/ Damage reporting to CSWDO
AND analysis damages of victims of disaster for damage reports: Damages, needs and reported fund BDRRM for financial assistance to partially
REHABILITATION a. identify needs for assistance and losses identified and reported. com/ PB and totally damaged properties. and EC info.
b. mobilize funding sources board report to Naga City DRRMO.
"Return to Normal"
Livelihood identification of livelihood projects re-builidng livelohood to affected no. of families provided 10,999.34 20,000.00 30,000.00 30% Environment meeting with Env. Comm for identification
Assistance for victims of disaster / calmaity families are ensured livelihood assistance fund Com. and assistance to beneficiaries.
PB/ BDRRMC request additonal fund for outside
Medical identification of medical and other Health conditions of disaster adter disaster needs 21,000.00 30,000.00 40,000.00 30% BHC chair Purchase of medicines/ vouchers and
assitance health needs of HH affected families restored to identified for recovery fund treas. receipts/ list of beneficiries
normalcy and return to normalcy
sub total ( 5) 77,999.34 111,000.00 146,000.00
Alloted Funds
Thematic Area total
Yr 1 Yr 2 Yr 3
1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation 15,000.00 14,000.00 17,000.00 46,000.00
181998.46 224000 354,000.00
77999.34 111,000.00 146,000.00
259997.8 335000 500,000.00 1094997.8