The Kitchenista Diaries 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

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Nobody taught me how to cook for Thanksgiving. I wish I feeling victorious that Thanksgiving. I’d made everything myself and the food was actually
had charming stories to tell you about sitting in either of my pretty good. I’d taken a gigantic, adult leap of faith on my cooking skills and landed on my
grandmothers’ kitchens, learning the art of cooking from feet. More importantly, my son was happy and he had a memory to look back upon now.
scratch. But when I think about visiting for the holidays back The next day, I blogged about my Thanksgiving adventures, hiccups and all. It was cathartic,
in the day, all I remember is having a good time cutting up with igniting my passion to take these kind of holiday dinners head on.
my cousins or impatiently waiting to be fed. I always thought
of holiday dinners as something other people were responsible I’ve since moved back home to Virginia, now with two kids in tow and a little bit of
for – the adults. My parents, grandmothers, aunts and uncles professional experience under my belt. It’s become important to me that Jaden and Raven
did the heavy lifting. When dinner was finally ready, it was have the experiences I did at their age, when holidays meant fun, family, and home cooked
always a magical moment to walk into the dining room and see food. The loss of my grandparents and other loved ones resulted in scaling back our family’s
all that home cooked food laid out, as if it had appeared from holiday gatherings for a while, but things have picked up in recent years. My parents’ house
thin air. has become Thanksgiving central, much to my delight. It gets crazy, but I have a blast
preparing in the weeks leading up to the big day, both for our family’s dinner and creating
Eventually I grew up and took a real interest in cooking. Eager content for my social media following online. It is quite literally my Super Bowl. My menu
to participate in Thanksgiving, I insisted on cranberry sauce hasn’t changed drastically over the years, but I have certainly refined my techniques and
from scratch one year (my mother had only ever served approach. We always do the traditional big Thanksgiving dinner; Christmas is a bit of a
canned.) It was a feat I figured out by reading the back of the wild card. The recipes are my own – even the mac & cheese – and roasting a turkey is no
bag, but boiling sugar, water and cranberries felt like a big longer a terrifying mystery. Today, I am the primary cook for Thanksgiving at our house, a
deal at the time. Gradually my curiosity worked its way up to responsibility I was proud to take on and one that sent my culinary career soaring. Cooking
making the mac & cheese. Sadly, by this time my grandmothers the meal is no less hectic than it was when I first flew solo. By the end of the day my back
had both retired from the kitchen due to illness, so I was once hurts and I would rather have a cocktail than finish the gravy. But it’s a good kind of stress,
again left to my own devices. Patti Labelle’s recipe became and I learned to push through those fleeting moments. It’s interesting how the tables have
my mainstay, printed out and tucked into a cookbook for turned, as now my kids are the ones running off to play and I am in the kitchen all day. When
safekeeping. Despite these contributions, I still wasn’t expected everybody in my family sits down to eat for Thanksgiving, it’s always a good feeling to have
or needed to help much at holiday dinners. Duties like cooking been a big part of making that happen. If either of my grandmothers were around to see the
the turkey or making the greens – my dad’s forte – seemed so home cook I’ve grown up to be, I can’t think of a day they would be more proud.
far out of my league that it never even occurred to me that I
should watch how it was done. As it turns out, food does not miraculously show up on the dining room table when dinner
is ready! Pulling off a scratch holiday dinner is a hell of a lot of work, especially if you plan
I moved to Florida in my late twenties and pursued cooking to do the bulk of it yourself. To think about attempting it, you must love the people you’re
enthusiastically in my tiny apartment, a culinary student by feeding, and then you’ll need to dig deep to find an even bigger reason than that. I don’t
way of the internet and television. When I turned thirty, “The mean to sound callous, but the truth is that your family and friends won’t appreciate half
Kitchenista” was born. As I blogged dish after dish and learned of the work you put in. Sure, they will thank you for cooking (hopefully) and be more than
new skills, my confidence grew. Much to my surprise, the excited about how good the food is. But they won’t understand that the homemade turkey
first holiday dinner I cooked on my own did not go exactly stock for the gravy was simmered eighteen hours or care that you shredded six blocks of
as I'd always envisioned. It was the third year in a row that cheese by hand. It will not occur to them that the little flecks of black pepper are actually
we couldn’t travel home for Thanksgiving. My son Jaden a blend of four different peppercorns you ground yourself. Those things literally will not
begged for a real dinner. Not wanting to disappoint him, I was register in their consciousness, even though it is the reason the table has fallen silent while
determined to cook the kind of holiday meal I hadn’t seen since everybody hums to themselves as they devour your food.
I was kid. I had no real plan and it didn’t occur to me what a
huge undertaking this was. Researching recipes and buying the You’ll have to be okay with that, because cooking for other people will often fall short on
groceries turned out to be a last-minute struggle, dinner wasn’t accolades relative to the time and resources you put into it. Yet, we do this out of love
finished until ten o’clock at night, and all I could afford to eat and in the big picture, a desire to uphold family traditions – our children and their children
in the following week was black bean soup. But I remember deserve to have the upbringing we did, Thanksgiving dinners and all. Looking back, those
moments shared with my family mattered to me and became work was the time alone needed to reflect and recharge, or if the monotonous rhythm of
memories I’ll tuck away forever. Holiday dinners have served a knife dicing onions and celery stilled their anxiety. I wonder if the quiet moments spent
as family reunions, homecomings, farewells and memorials. crimping pie crusts and cutting out biscuits provided a space for them to breathe, to exhale.
They’ve set the stage for pregnancy announcements, For me, those long hours in the kitchen for holiday dinners, Sunday dinners and catering
engagements and reconciliations. At times, they are peace gigs alike, are as much about doing for others as they are an exercise of self-care. I get lost
offerings. In what can only be described as periods of in the food, in the process of creating, in focusing on the little details that for a moment
insurmountable turmoil in my personal life, holiday dinners seem bigger than my problems. Learning to appreciate the talent and power that emanates
were a reprieve. Home cooked food is almost always the from my own two hands is an ever-evolving lesson in self-love. Finding the confidence to
lifeblood of these special occasions, made possible by people teach myself new things without anybody else’s help is liberating. When I finally realized
who got up early to stand over a stove that morning or that cooking was my passion, the work to develop those skills became more fulfilling than a
started baking days in advance. The dishes they infuse with career I had known for ten years; in fact, it provided me an exit plan.
love and soul always feel familiar and comforting. But our
grandparents, parents, aunts and uncles won’t be around So yes, I have found my reasons for wanting to spend my holidays coaxing magic out of
forever. Few things are more heartbreaking than grief a Dutch oven pot. It was about family and tradition, but it also became about my own
compounded by recipes that fade away with the people personal freedom. When I make the time and effort to cook a big holiday dinner it is not
who cooked them. Nobody ever seems able or willing to without purpose. I can’t provide you with those reasons, and they don’t have to be the same
put their finger on what’s missing. You just know it isn’t the as mine. If you're like me, and nobody sat you down to teach you any of these things, that's
same anymore. One day that food will stop appearing on okay. You'll grow into it just as I did. But learning to cook, really cook, is going to require an
the table if nobody learns how to make it. At some point my investment of your time and more than a little bit of spare change. Your motivation needs to
generation must recognize that we are the adults responsible become personal, because I am about to ask that you pour every bit of your soul into these
for this now, and step up to the plate accordingly. dishes. If you're ready to create the kind of holiday dinners people dream about - the kind of
food that sends people running to the table - I'm here to help.
I understand the obstacles seemingly in the way of that.
Our schedules have gotten busier, budgets are tighter. The
external pressures we face from society have taken their toll
on many of us. We are at times, weary. It’s hard enough to
think about cooking day to day meals without the holidays
coming around, feeling like yet another obligation. In the era
of instant gratification and dinners that arrive at your door
with the push of a mobile phone button, it might seem crazy
that anybody would take the time to plan a traditional dinner
from scratch. Truthfully there are easier ways to eat now. So,
when I say that you’ll have to dig deeper and find another
reason to want to do it all, I mean that. This is going to be
about you as much as it is about what you can do for others.

I taught myself how to cook the dishes that were important

to my family during the holidays. Now if I could go back
in time and sit in my grandmothers’ kitchens, it isn’t the
recipes I would ask about. I would want to know what was
on their minds as they stood on their feet for hours at a time,
what fueled their ability to show up for decades on end. Of
course, they enjoyed cooking and nothing meant more to
them than being surrounded by family for the holidays. As
children and grandchildren ran in and out of the kitchen,
all those endearing moments must have been taken in. But
still, I wonder what my grandmothers thought about as they
seasoned collard greens and ladled stock over the dressing.
I wonder if like me, getting up early to begin the day’s prep
When I set out to write this year's holiday recipes, it was About the Collection Deluxe Sides
important to me that I stayed true to the way I cook. I am What’s On the Menu This Year? The Ultimate Baked Mac & Cheese
unapologetically meticulous when it counts, and it's true that Recipe Guide Grown Up Candied Yams
I'll go out of my way to get the best ingredients I can source. Seasonal Inspiration Southern Collard Greens
If there is a step I can take to improve the quality of my dish, Specialty Ingredients Horseradish Mashed Potatoes
I take it. I will push for you to do the same, because the result Suggested Cookware & Tools Mushroom & Leek Dressing
is food that tastes real, and not the watered-down version A Word on Substitutions Cornbread & Andouille Dressing
of something that could be greater. You will find my process
explained in a way that I hope is approachable, even for first Building Blocks Simple Sides
time cooks. Some dishes are more involved than others but Poultry Herbs Oven Roasted Greens
you’ll find some that are too easy to be true. Cracked Pepper Garlic & Herb Carrots
Poultry Dry Brine Crispy Brussels Sprouts
Thanksgiving (or any big holiday dinner for that matter) is a Pumpkin Spice Duck Fat Potatoes
marathon, and nobody shows up to run a marathon without Apple Pie Spice Brown Butter Sweet Potato & Squash Mash
having jogged around the block a few times. Start small with a Smoked Turkey Stock Roasted Green Bean Medley
few dishes that you can contribute to your family’s gathering, Make Ahead Gravy
then work your way up to taking responsibility for more of the Caramelized Onions Desserts
menu. The only way to get better at something is to practice Butternut Squash Puree Deep Dish Sweet Potato Pie
doing it, more than once. There’s a lot of noise from television Roasted Sweet Potatoes Whipped Cream
and glossy magazines this time of year, promising bigger and Roasted Garlic Butternut Squash Pie
better ways to cook for the holidays. It’s okay to reject that. I’d Pomegranate Chile Cranberry Compote Chocolate Pistachio Cream Pie
encourage you to focus on learning some sound techniques, Citrus & Herb Butter Apple Crumbles
then allow yourself the time, room and grace to improve. The Brown Butter Bread Pudding & Egg Nog Sauce
creativity and ability to innovate will come in time. Garlic & Herb Basting Oil
Buttermilk Pie Crust Appendix
What I can offer you in this collection is more than a set of List of Ingredients
holiday recipes. You’re going to get a little bit of hand-holding, Starters Acknowledgments & Resources
a lot of tough love, and a great deal of solid advice to help you Sweet Potato Biscuits Where to Find Additional Recipes
pull off a successful holiday dinner. My vision was a little bigger Sage Brown Butter Cornbread
this year – I wanted to offer as close to one-stop shopping as Overstuffed Mushrooms
possible. The recipes are intended to complement one another Butternut Squash Soup
and much of the prep work is used for more than one dish. Roasted Beet, Walnut & Goat Cheese Salad
The more of your menu you plan from this collection, the more Pomegranate Lamb Ribs
you’ll get out of it. My goal was to relieve you of the hassles
of piecing a menu together from multiple sources so that you Main Dishes
can focus on learning how to cook the food! I’m excited to How to Spatchcock Poultry
share a beautiful collection of recipes that I believe you’ll find Duck Fat Roasted Turkey
useful for Thanksgiving, Christmas, fancy Sunday dinners and Smoked Turkey (On the Grill!)
everything in between. It’s all within your reach. This book is Split Cornish Hens
for the Kitchenista who does everything and the aspiring home Pomegranate Honey Glazed Spiral Ham
cook who one day hopes to get there. No matter where you Coffee Rubbed Beef Rib Eye Roast
are in your cooking journey, who you’re cooking for, or what Pistachio Crusted Salmon Roast
your reasons for doing it will be – there is a memorable holiday
dinner in your future.
about the collection
Read this section before you begin for
information on how to use the recipes and
choose the right ingredients.
I was blown away by the support and success of my first ebook, The Kitchenista’s
Thanksgiving Handbook. It turns out that readers also found it helpful for Christ-
mas and other special holiday dinners. With that mind, I revamped the project to
incorporate additional recipes and an improved design. If you were a fan of the
first book, you’ll love this one! Here’s what’s been updated:

Move over, turkey.

Last year’s ebook featured a simple turkey Thanksgiving menu. This year, I’m
showing you how versatile the recipe is for chicken or Cornish hens. I’ve also in-
cluded the much requested spiral ham, plus a beef and pescatarian option.

“Healthy-ish” holiday options.

Sugar has been cut where it wasn’t needed, like the turkey brine. In other cases,
I’ve reduced sugar or traded refined sugars for natural sweeteners. Many of the
dishes are Whole30 or paleo friendly as written; in a few cases, I've noted substitu-
tions that wouldn't compromise the recipe.

Vegetarian friendly side dishes.

As much as I love sausage and bacon, adding meat to everything winds up feel-
ing really heavy. I now make the majority of my side dishes meatless for holiday
dinners. You’re bound to have a vegetarian guest or two who will appreciate the
gesture, plus perfectly cooked veggies can shine on their own.

The only mac & cheese tutorial you need.

My classic mac & cheese recipe is the most popular blog post I’ve written to date.
The step by step tutorial is now included in this ebook, with expanded tips on how
to make it your own!

Choose your own adventure.

Whether you’re cooking a traditional holiday meal for a crowd, scaling back the
menu for two, or eating light this year, The Kitchenista Diaries 2016 Holiday Recipe
Collection will give you the inspiration and tools to make your dinner a success.
recipe guide seasonal inspiration
Active Time: How to Use This Book: These are the flavors and ingredients that represent the holidays to me. You’ll see them used
This is time spent doing “hands in various ways throughout the recipe collection!
This collection is geared towards home cooks
on” work. who want one-stop shopping for their holiday Seasonal produce: Dark leafy greens, mushrooms, potatoes and other root vegetables,
dinner menu. With that in mind, the recipes winter squash, oranges, apples, cranberries and pomegranate make up some of the won-
Total Time: are designed to complement one another. derful produce in season for the holidays. Use them! Seasonal ingredients are more likely to
This is how long it takes to make Some ingredients, once prepped, can be used be locally grown, typically cost less and taste better than produce grown out of season and
the dish, from start to finish. in multiple recipes. Any ingredient printed in shipped from warmer climates.
italics refers to another recipe within the book;
Yield: it should be made first. Fresh herbs: Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme work in perfect harmony to compliment tur-
This is how much the recipe key and chicken. Fresh herbs are a must for holiday cooking; I use them often and liberally.
makes or how many people it The same flavors are reinforced by Bell’s poultry seasoning, a holiday pantry staple.
serves. Notes on Ingredients:
Poultry: Turkey is celebrated this time of year and I’ve honored that. You'll want to make the
Ingredients are listed in the order they are used smoked turkey stock, which will lace your dishes with an amazing layer of flavor. That said,
Special Equipment: in the recipe, with the following abbreviations:
Appliances or specialty tools chickens and Cornish hens can also make elegant menu options. No matter which bird you
oz = ounce(s) choose to cook in this recipe collection, I’ll show you how to make it the star at your dinner
needed to get the job done are
table. Shout out to duck fat for sealing the deal.
listed here. tsp = teaspoon(s)
tbsp = tablespoon(s) Butter: It’s not Thanksgiving until I smell onions and celery sizzling in butter for the dress-
ing! My cooking fat of choice for most holiday recipes, butter is essential for flavor, brown-
Affiliate Disclosure: lb(s) = pound(s)
ing, and flaky pastries. As if butter wasn’t good enough on its own, compound herb butter,
In this ebook, you'll find links to brown butter, and truffle butter make it even better.
products available for purchase “As needed” denotes a measurement that may
online. While they come at no vary based on other variables. “To taste” means Warm and sweet spices: Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, ginger and cloves are some of the
extra cost to you, I receive a season to your preferences (and by taste test flavors you expect to taste in holiday desserts, but they can also go savory with the right
small commission on what you whenever possible.) touch. I turn to cracked black pepper and smoked paprika often for all-purpose seasoning,
spend through those affiliate which can elevate dishes without becoming a distraction.
networks. Your purchases help
to fund The Kitchenista Diaries Except where otherwise specified: Coffee and chocolate: Aromatic and decadent ingredients make the holidays feel cozy and
website and future ebooks! • Salt is coarse Kosher salt. special. Both coffee and chocolate contribute bitterness - in a good way, which balances
• All eggs are “large” sized.
• All butter is unsalted. Nuts: The scent of toasted nuts takes me back to visiting the Christmas markets in Germany
as a child. I turned to pecans, walnuts and pistachios for my holiday recipes this season.
• Flour is all-purpose (not self-rising.)
• “Neutral cooking oil” denotes a high smoke Cocktail time: Whether you’re partial to cognac, whiskey, bourbon or wine, I’ve included a
point, neutral flavored oil such as grape seed few special ways you can add some holiday cheer to your menu. Don’t forget the egg nog!
oil, safflower oil, canola oil or light olive oil.

12 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

specialty ingredients
Sometimes the unique ingredients that make a dish taste just right to me aren't common
pantry staples for everybody else. I try to keep that to a minimum. These are the products I
feel are worthy of making the effort to seek out for the recipes in this collection.

Basting oil: Wegmans makes a fantastic all-purpose garlic & herb flavored oil! If you don’t
live near a Wegmans you should probably move. (Just kidding. You can order Wegmans’
Basting Oil online, or see my recipe in the next section for a homemade version.)

Bell’s Seasoning: This is my favorite poultry seasoning. Around the holidays most grocery
stores carry it. If not, purchase Bell’s Seasoning online or look for a similar salt-free poultry
seasoning made by a different brand.

Duck fat: Rendered duck fat can be bought in grocery stores, at local farms and butchers, or
ordered online from D'Artagnan. There’s no substitution for the flavor of duck fat, but clari-
fied butter or ghee will work well in high temps for roasting. (Side note: D'Artagnan also sells
black truffle butter. While not specifically required for my recipes here, it is mentioned as an
optional finishing butter.)

European butter: The higher fat content of European butter (brands such as Kerrygold or
Plugra) is essential for flaky pastry, but its rich flavor makes it ideal in any application. If cost
is a concern, save the European butter for baking and finishing butters/spreads. Use regular
butter for all other purposes.

Other oils: Get a good extra virgin olive oil; it doesn’t need to be a pricey finishing oil. I like
the California Olive Ranch line. Roasted walnut oil is a really interesting flavor to have in the
fall and winter for dressings, sauteeing and roasting. It’s not a deal breaker if you substitute
olive oil, but if you’re curious give something new a try.

Pomegranate Molasses: This is a thick, syrupy reduction of sweetened pomegranate juice.

Look for it where international ingredients are sold, or purchase pomegranate molasses on-
line. Although it’s possible to make, it takes awhile and isn't much difference in cost.

Sherry Vinegar: Cheaper than a good balsamic but more fun to cook with than apple cider
vinegar, sherry vinegar deserves some play for the holidays. I’d describe the flavor as bright, Note: If desired, the turkey can be cooked at lower
temperatures (in the 225°F to 250°F range) for a longer
nutty and a little woodsy. It’s perfect for vinaigrettes, greens, roasted veggies and sauces.
amount of time to achieve more smoke flavor. This is
easier to do using a smoker if you have one available.
White Lily Flour: I specify White Lily All Purpose Flour in my recipes for biscuits and corn-
bread because of its extra light texture. If you don’t live in the south, your best bet is to pur-
chase White Lily online. The closest substitution is an Italian “00” soft wheat flour. Otherwise,
use a mix of half regular all-purpose flour and half cake flour, which are the same flours used
in the pie crust recipe.

14 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

suggested cookware & tools Meat thermometer: I never take chances on undercooked meat. A hand held instant read
thermometer allows me to quickly spot check if foods have reached a safe temperature (and
prevent overcooking.) For roasts and smoked foods, the best and easiest thermometer to
use is a probe, which stays in the meat as it cooks. The device reader rests outside of your
oven or grill so you can monitor the internal temperature of the meat accurately without
Heavy baking sheets: Rimmed heavy duty baking sheets are essential for oven roasting and constantly opening doors and poking your food. Many also operate wirelessly or sync with
baking. They are also handy for prep work. The most versatile size is the baker’s half sheet mobile apps so you can keep an eye on things from a distance.
(measuring 18” x 13”) so I recommend having at least two or three on hand. These heavy
duty pans are not the same as the cookie baking sheets you may see in the store. Your best Spice grinder: I recommend getting a small coffee grinder to use exclusively for grinding
bet is to purchase them online or at a restaurant supply store. spices if you make your own rubs and blends. They’re inexpensive and you won’t have to
worry about transferring weird flavors to your coffee!
Oven-safe cooking racks: A raised metal grid, sized to fit inside of an 18” x 13” heavy baking
sheet, will elevate food so that the hot oven air can circulate and excess fat or liquids can Zester/grater: When a recipe calls for citrus zest or freshly grated nutmeg, I reach for my
drain. It’s an essential setup to do the spatchcocked birds in this collection, because they can grater. It can also be used to grate parmesan cheese, fresh garlic, horseradish or ginger.
spread out and lie flat for even cooking while drippings fall below. Sometimes they’re labeled
as “cooling racks” so make sure the rack you purchase is oven-safe. Colander, fine mesh sieves and cheesecloth: These are the best tools to drain wet foods
and strain small particles from stocks, sauces and other liquids.
Roasting pans and racks: A roasting pan and rack work similarly to a heavy baking sheet
and cooking rack, but it’s better for bulky roasts like the rib eye roast and spiral ham in this Mason jars, freezer safe plastic deli containers, double zipper freezer bags: All three are
collection. If you plan to cook large birds traditionally (not spatchcocked), a roasting pan fit- versatile containers for storage and prep work.
ted with a rack is the sturdier option. With a roasting pan, you’ll also have the advantages of
taking it straight from the oven to the stove top for pan sauces, cooking veggies along with Pastry and basting brushes: I use brushes to apply egg wash, butter biscuits and baste the
your roast, or using it without the rack to cook other side dishes. turkey. I prefer natural boar bristles for pastry and silicone for basting hot foods.

Casserole dishes: Standard casserole dishes measure 13” x 9” and come in 3 quart capacity. Dough scraper: Use it to easily lift, move, slice and portion dough on the counter.
(A larger, deep casserole dish or lasagna pan is best for the mac & cheese recipe.) For small
servings, an 8" x 8" casserole dish or oval gratin dish may be appropriate. In my experience, French rolling pin: I find this style to be easiest to work with when rolling pie crust out. The
the best economical choice is Pyrex glass. For investment pieces, stoneware or porcelain smooth shape is also really easy to keep clean and store.
cookware performs better, is safer under high heat, and doubles as attractive serving dishes.
Biscuit cutters: You can get by using a dough scraper or knife to slice square biscuits, but
Pie pans: Pyrex glass pie pans are a good economical choice; I like being able to monitor the for classic round biscuits get metal or plastic biscuit cutters. As opposed to using a cup, the
crust through the glass. My favorite high end piece is a deep dish enameled ceramic pie pan sharp edges of biscuit cutters make clean cuts for biscuits that will rise higher.
which crisps the crust well and is beautiful on the table.
Silicone pan liners and parchment paper: I often call for “lined baking sheets” in my recipes.
Skillets: An 8” or 10” cast iron skillet is versatile and oven safe. For all other tasks, a 10” to 12” This means you should line your heavy duty baking sheet with something to prevent stick-
non-stick scratch-resistant skillet is a good option. ing. It will protect your pan and ensure you can lift food up easily without needing excess
oil. Parchment paper is disposable and available in grocery stores. An alternative is a silicone
Pots: You’ll be covered with a large stock pot, an oven-safe Dutch oven pot (at least 5 qt pan liner, which is safer at higher oven temperatures than parchment paper. Buy a couple;
capacity) and a smaller non-stick pot or saucepan for general cooking tasks. they are reusable and dishwasher safe. Silicone pan liners are sized to fit 18” x 13” heavy bak-
ing sheets. In some cases, foil is a smarter choice to skip the heavy duty cleaning.
Knives and poultry shears: A good chef’s knife, serrated knife and paring knife are sufficient
for the recipes in this collection. If you cook large roasts throughout the year, a carving knife Blender, electric mixer and food processor: For the smoothest, silkiest purees, a high pow-
may be a smart investment. Shears come in handy for butchering, trimming pie dough, cut- ered blender is key. A food processor and electric mixer are helpful for a few tasks in this
ting herbs and other miscellaneous tasks. collection. If you’re short on storage space or on a budget, an immersion blender that comes
with a whip attachment and mini food processor bowl is a great choice and covers all tasks.
Knife sharpener and honing rod: I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep knives
sharpened. Dull knives are unsafe to use and require much more force and effort to slice Visit The Kitchenista’s Cookware Essentials Store at
through foods. Make sure you buy a knife sharpener made for the type of knife you have. to view product recommendations and purchase items through Amazon’s marketplace.

16 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

(My social media followers are probably already laughing because they
know I feel strongly about this subject.)

In a perfect world, recipes would be cooked exactly as written without

unnecessary changes. In the real world, I realize that's almost never the
case, whether due to allergies, personal preferences or not being able to
find an ingredient. I'd caution you to try your best at sticking to the script.
Make educated guesses on modifications, if necessary. Google to see if
other people have suggested similar workarounds or alternatives.

Benign changes like swapping honey for maple syrup or seasoning your
dish a little more liberally will not drastically alter your menu. Where I could
anticipate frequently asked questions, I've included notes throughout the
collection on ingredient substitutions, mostly for non-dairy or gluten-free
variations. You'll notice there's a hundred different ways to make mashed
potatoes depending on how healthy (or not) you need them to be. I'm not
particularly passionate about mashed potatoes, so have at it. Trying to
eliminate dairy in my mac & cheese? Don't play yourself. Certain recipes
are simply not worth cooking if you're going to change the essence of
what makes it good. There's no substitutes in mac & cheese! (You've gotta
picture me yelling that with a look of disgust in my face, à la Tom Hanks in
A League of Their Own.)

Sometimes a short cut is necessary due to time constraints. Maybe this year
you couldn't make your own turkey stock or prepare homemade pie crusts.
Deal-breakers? Probably not, because there's obviously store bought
equivalents. But the more short cuts you take, the further you begin to drift
away from the dishes I honestly hoped you'd get a chance to experience.
That's really what's behind my neurotic frustration with substitution
requests. I just want you to cook excellent food.

In the wise words of multiple rappers, "Don't cheat yourself. Treat yourself."
building blocks
This section includes home made items that
should be prepped ahead of time to use for
the recipes in this collection. Every detail
counts, so take the time to build flavor from
the bottom up.
I call these my “Thanksgiving herbs” as my day
usually starts by piling a huge mass of herbs on
the counter. Once chopped, I’m able to use the
blend throughout the day instead of repeating

HERBS prep work for multiple dishes. There’s no need

to be too precise here. You’ll want roughly twice
the amount of parsley and sage as you have
rosemary and thyme.

Active Time: Directions:

15 minutes After removing stems, spread the herbs out
on a cutting board. Use a chef’s knife to
Total Time: roughly chop the herbs, then gather them
15 minutes into a pile. Continue to chop until very finely
minced and evenly distributed.
Makes about 1 cup Store in an airtight jar. Refrigerate any unused
herb blend to use within one to two days.
Special Equipment:

1/2 cup fresh parsley
1/2 cup fresh sage
1/4 cup fresh rosemary
1/4 cup fresh thyme
One of the ways I simplify a large menu is
by choosing dishes with similar flavor pro-
files. For traditional holiday dinners, I let the
fresh poultry herbs shine, complimented
Note: All herbs were measured after removing
by cracked black pepper, warm cinnamon
stems, before chopping.
spice blends, citrus notes, roasted garlic
and subtle pops of heat. There’s still plenty
of room to be creative, but working within
a “theme” keeps my shopping list shorter.
There’s also less to think about while I’m
cooking and everything tastes like it be-
longs on the same plate.

22 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Inspired by the mixed peppercorn grinders that I love to use, I started making my own cracked pepper
Wet brines were the wave for awhile, however the space and time required to submerge a whole bird
blend using different colored peppercorns plus a bit of allspice, coriander and fennel seeds. I keep in liquid is not ideal. In my experience, dry brining is the way to go and is as easy as rubbing the meat
it in a small jar on my counter, right next to the Kosher salt. Even though you can use it like regular with salt ahead of time. This simple rub will enhance your turkey, chicken or Cornish hens with a touch
black pepper, it’ll have more impact and a bit more heat. If you don’t want to buy all the peppercorns of citrus. In most cases an overnight sit in the fridge allows plenty of time for salt to penetrate directly
separately, look for a jar of mixed peppercorns. Worst case, even grinding all black peppercorns will into the meat. The result is tender, juicy poultry that is flavored throughout. Pair this poultry brine with
give you better flavor than pre-ground black pepper and will be easier to pinch or measure in recipes. the citrus & herb butter to cook a perfectly seasoned bird!

Active Time: Directions: Active Time: Directions:

5 minutes Add peppercorns, coriander seeds, allspice 5 minutes Combine all ingredients in a small bowl. Rub
berries and fennel seeds to a warm, dry skillet. the brine between your fingers to help release
Total Time: Toast, stirring constantly for a minute until Total Time: citrus oils into the salt. Use a heaping teaspoon
5 minutes fragrant. Transfer to spice grinder and grind to 5 minutes of dry brine for every pound of meat.
desired coarseness. Store in an airtight jar. Use
Yield: within a few weeks for maximum freshness. Yield:
Makes about 1/4 cup Enough to season a 15 lb bird Note: All recipes in this collection are written
for coarse Kosher salt. The brine is particularly
Special Equipment: Special Equipment: important. Using the same measurement for
Spice grinder n/a table salt or sea salt will result in meat that is
much too salty.
Ingredients: Ingredients:
2 tbsp black peppercorns 1/3 cup salt (see note) Do Ahead: The brine can be used immediately
1 tbsp white peppercorns 2 tsp celery seeds or made a couple days ahead of time, stored in
2 tsp green peppercorns 2 tsp cracked pepper a tightly sealed container. If you'd like to make
it in larger quantities to store, use dried orange
2 tsp pink peppercorns 2 tsp Bell’s Seasoning and lemon peel instead of fresh.
1 tsp coriander seeds (or 1 tsp 1/2 tsp crushed red pepper
ground) flakes
1/2 tsp whole allspice berries (or Zest of 1 orange
1/2 tsp ground) Zest of 1 lemon
1/2 tsp fennel seeds

24 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Active Time: These fragrant blends provide the warm,
5 minutes sweet flavors you’d expect to taste in holiday
baked goods. Both spice blends are also
Total Time: great for seasoning squash and sweet potato
5 minutes dishes, spiced nuts, whipped cream, coffee,
and egg nog. Apple Pie Spice is mellow and
Yield: more cinnamon forward, while Pumpkin Spice
Makes about 1/4 cup each is bolder and spicy. Cardamom is my secret
ingredient in both. This year I was excited to play
Special Equipment: with mace, which reminds me of a more intense
Spice grinder (optional) nutmeg. My favorite cinnamon flavor comes from
grinding canela, a soft Mexican cinnamon stick. If
you prefer an intense cinnamon, look for ground
Saigon cinnamon instead.

2 canela sticks or 2 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp ground ginger

1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 tsp mace
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ground allspice
1/2 tsp dried orange peel (optional)
1/2 tsp ground cardamom

3 canela sticks or 3 tbsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ground ginger

1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
1 tsp mace
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp ground allspice

Directions: If using canela sticks, break up the sticks by hand then pulverize in
a spice grinder to a fine powder. Combine all spices and store in a tightly sealed
container. Use within a few weeks for best flavor.

Note: If you decide not to make your own blends, use commercially prepared
pumpkin spice and apple pie spice blends, which will have similar profiles.

26 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Preheat oven to 400°F. Arrange bones,
scraps, carrots, celery, onion and garlic on a
large heavy sheet pan or roasting pan, lined

Stock is an ingredient you can’t have enough of for the holiday
season! When it comes to gravy, dressing, southern greens, and with foil. Drizzle lightly with oil. Roast for 1 hour,
all those soups you plan to eat to repair your diet, it pays off to or until bones are browned and any meat that
make stock. The flavor of homemade stock is more robust than was raw is cooked through and golden.

TURKEY store bought and has more body to it. It’s also free from excess
salt, sugar and other additives. Whenever I can, I freeze carcasses
from cooked chickens, plus back bones, necks and wing tips
2. Transfer everything from the roasting pan
to a stock pot. Add the smoked turkey, leek

STOCK from trimming raw chickens. About once a month, I use all the
scraps to make a pot of stock. Last year we smoked our turkeys
for Thanksgiving, so the smoked bones were added to my next
batch of stock. The depth of flavor was insane! I rarely happen
tops, bay leaves, peppercorns, celery seed
and all herbs. Add enough water to cover the
ingredients; about 5 quarts.
to have bones from smoked turkeys on hand, but I've recreated
the rich flavor by roasting my chicken bones and adding smoked 3. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat until water
turkey necks to the stock pot. This is a deeply flavored, versatile is just barely bubbling at the surface. Simmer
stock that can be used for chicken or turkey recipes. for at least 4 hours, uncovered. Skim any foam
that floats to the top. You can simmer the stock
for several more hours if you wish; flavors will
concentrate as the water evaporates. Taste the
Active Time: Ingredients:
stock for progress periodically.
1 hour 4 lbs chicken or turkey bones (see note)
2 carrots, chopped into thirds 4. Once the stock is done, allow to cool slightly
Total Time:
so it’s safe to handle. Use tongs or a large
6 hours (or up to 24 2 celery sticks, chopped into thirds
slotted spoon to retrieve and discard the bones
1 large onion, halved and any large pieces of vegetables left. Ladle
1 whole head garlic, top sliced off the stock through a fine mesh sieve into sterile
containers. If freezing, make sure to leave a
Varies; 4 quarts or Neutral cooking oil, as needed couple inches of space at the top for the stock
2 lbs smoked turkey necks (or other smoked turkey meat) to expand. I find it easiest to use a wide mouth
funnel fitted over the containers as I fill them
Special Equipment: Green tops from a couple leeks (optional)
up. Refrigerated stock should be used within
Large stock pot or 2 bay leaves a week, or freeze up to 3 months. A solid layer
slow cooker, sterile
1 tsp black peppercorns of fat will rise to the top as the stock chills; it
glass jars or freezer
can be skimmed off before using (try cooking
safe plastic contain- 1 tsp celery seed with it!) Chilled stock may gel up due to the
ers, large fine mesh
Small bunch of parsley natural gelatin from bones and cartilage -- this
sieve. A wide mouth
Handful of fresh thyme, rosemary and sage is a good thing. The stock will return to a liquid
funnel is helpful.
state once reheated.
Water, as needed
Note: If you’re leery about leaving the stove
Note: For best results, include a mix of bones from cooked
top on for an extended amount of time, you
chickens along with scraps (raw is fine) that have lots of joints
can simmer your stock in a large slow cooker
and cartilage, like wings, necks, backs and feet. If adding giblets,
do not use the liver, which can make the stock taste bitter. instead. Set it to low and cook for 8 to 24 hours.

28 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Do yourself a huge favor and prep your gravy before
the big day! The most important ingredient for

gravy is a good stock, so I’d strongly urge you to use
the Smoked Turkey Stock or your own homemade

GRAVY recipe. See the next page for ways to customize

your gravy if desired.
Garlicky: Before preparing gravy, puree the
stock with ten cloves of roasted garlic.
Active Time: Directions:
Spiked: Whisk in a splash of cognac, bourbon,
20 minutes 1. Melt butter in pot over medium heat. Whisk in whiskey with the stock. Or try a dry white
flour until completely dissolved. Cook for a few wine, the acidity brightens gravy. Simmering
Total Time: minutes until bubbly and golden brown, whisking will cook the alcohol out.
30 minutes constantly. This mixture is called a “roux” and it
will thicken your gravy. Umami: Add a splash or two of soy sauce,
Yield: then whisk a couple tablespoons of black
Makes 1 to 1 1/2 quarts 2. Gradually pour in warm stock, stirring
constantly to prevent lumps. After all stock is truffle butter into the finished gravy.
Special Equipment: incorporated, bring the pot up to a gentle boil.
Reduce heat to low and simmer until thickened, Extra creamy: Whisk in some heavy cream
n/a just before serving for a super rich gravy.
about 15 minutes. The gravy should coat the back
Ingredients: of a wooden spoon. Season with salt and pepper
to taste. The gravy will be very thick at this stage, Herb Gravy: Add a small pinch of your poultry
6 tbsp butter so you should add up to 2 cups of additional herb blend as the gravy simmers, or whisk in
1/2 cup all-purpose flour stock if you don’t plan to add drippings. a couple tablespoons of citrus & herb butter
before serving.
4 cups warmed Smoked Turkey 3. Serve immediately, or cool and refrigerate
Stock, more as needed for up to one week. If you do plan to add pan Smoky Hot: Add a pinch of smoked paprika
drippings later, go easy on the salt. You can and cayenne to the gravy as it simmers. Go for
Salt, to taste
always adjust salt at the very end once the gravy subtle warmth, not in-your-face spicy.
Cracked pepper, to taste is at its final consistency.
Up to 2 cups roasted turkey or 4. Close to serving time, reheat prepared gravy Cider Gravy: Replace up to 1 cup of stock with
chicken drippings, if desired in a saucepan over medium low heat. Add up to pure apple cider.
2 cups of turkey or chicken drippings that have
been strained and skimmed of excess fat. Whisk Gluten Free: King Arthur’s Measure for
well. Leaving the saucepan uncovered, simmer 10 Measure Gluten Free Flour can be used in
minutes or so to develop flavor. Season to taste place of the all-purpose flour in the roux here.
and serve hot.

30 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Slow Cooker Instructions: Place all of the
ingredients in a slow cooker. Cook on low
for up to 8 hours, stirring occasionally, un-

Caramelized onions are a fantastic addition to
til onions are golden brown. Time will vary appetizers, soups, salad, dressings and creamy
so keep an eye on the onions to monitor dishes like mac & cheese or baked potatoes.
A splash of Marsala wine, sherry or balsamic

progress periodically. This is the best way
to caramelize a larger batch of onions, so vinegar finishes the onions off with just the right
amount of acidity. This is a “do ahead” project.
scale the recipe up based on what will fit Make a batch to freeze or refrigerate, and then
in your slow cooker at one time. you’ll have the freedom to use them when the
need arises. You can also make this recipe with

Active Time: Directions:

1 hour 1. Add butter to skillet over medium heat.
Add sliced onions, salt and pepper. Cook until
Total Time: onions have softened and turned translucent,
1 hour, 30 minutes about 10 minutes.

Yield: 2. Reduce heat to low and cook another

Makes about 1 cup 30 to 40 minutes, stirring occasionally
until onions are golden brown and tender.
Special Equipment: Towards the end a splash of water can be
n/a added as needed to loosen onions from the
pan and prevent scorching.
Ingredients: 3. Once onions are caramelized (they’ll be a
2 tbsp butter deep golden brown color) pour the wine or
vinegar of your choice into the skillet. Scrape
2 lbs onions, thinly sliced (sweet up any browned bits stuck to the bottom of
onions will caramelize faster) the pan. Continue cooking until liquid has
1/4 tsp salt been fully absorbed, about 5 minutes. Onions
will be slightly syrupy.
1/4 tsp cracked pepper
Use right away, freeze, or store in the fridge
Water, as needed
for up to one week.
1/4 cup Marsala wine, sherry vine-
gar, or balsamic vinegar

32 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A squash puree has a ton of uses for holiday
cooking. Butternut squash makes a great base
for soup and can be used to flavor baked goods
such as quick breads, biscuits and pancakes. Use

SQUASH PUREE cup for cup in place of canned pumpkin in your

favorite recipes. Roasted squash makes a great
simple side dish to have on hand for babies and
picky kids!

Active Time: Directions:

15 minutes Slice off the stem of each squash. Carefully
slice squash in half from top to bottom. Lay
Total Time: each half flesh down on a baking sheet lined
2 hours with parchment or silicone. Roast at 375°F
until skin is wrinkly and flesh can be easily
Yield: pierced with a fork; about an hour. Allow
Varies; about 1 cup per pound of to cool completely. Scoop out and discard
uncooked squash seeds. Scoop out the flesh and puree until
smooth. The puree keeps well stored in
Special Equipment: resealable plastic containers or freezer bags
Blender or food processor (squeeze out excess air.) Use within a week if
refrigerated or three months if frozen.
Whole butternut squash(es)

Butternut squash has a denser texture

and sweeter flavor than fresh pumpkin.
Try swapping it in your favorite pumpkin
recipes and see the difference!

34 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Roasted sweet potato is always nice to have on hand.
Roasting the sweet potatoes caramelizes the sugars, creating
a more intense flavor than you can achieve by boiling or
steaming. Puree the roasted sweet potatoes to use in baked

SWEET recipes, desserts, soups or mashed dishes. Of course, you can

also serve these as is with butter and cinnamon as an easy
and healthy side dish! My absolute favorite sweet potatoes

POTATOES are Jewel Yams, Garnet Yams or those labeled as “red sweet
potatoes.” They all have a denser texture and rich, deeply
colored flesh that is both delicious and visually stunning.

Active Time: Directions:

5 minutes Preheat oven to 375°F. Scrub sweet potatoes
and place on a foil or silicone lined baking
Total Time: sheet. Prick potatoes a few times each with a
1 hour, 30 minutes fork; rub lightly with oil.

Yield: Roast for approximately one hour, or until

Makes about 5 cups fork tender. Allow to cool until safe to handle;
mashed serve warm or scoop out flesh to mash for
recipes. The mashed sweet potatoes keep
Special Equipment: well stored in resealable plastic containers or
n/a freezer bags (squeeze out excess air.) Use
within a week if refrigerated or three months
Ingredients: if frozen.
3 lbs sweet potatoes
Neutral cooking oil, as

36 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Garlic can be roasted in oven temps up
to 400°F, so it makes sense to do this
whenever you are already using the oven

I love the flavor of fresh garlic, but it’s pungency
can be overwhelming when added to every dish. to cook something else. Monitor at higher
The sweet, mellow flavor of roasted garlic cloves temps as it may take less time to cook.
is even more addictive, plus its soft creamy

GARLIC texture is easier to mash into dishes. The garlic

infused olive oil is equally tasty, so use it as a
cooking oil, finishing oil or in vinaigrettes.

Active Time: Directions:

10 minutes If using whole garlic bulbs, slice off the top of
the heads to expose the cloves. Place garlic
Total Time: in a foil lined ramekin or other small oven
1 hour proof container. Pour a generous amount of
olive oil over the garlic heads. If using peeled
Yield: cloves, pour enough to submerge them in
About 1 cup oil. Cover the dish with aluminum foil. You
may want to place the dish on a small baking
Special Equipment: sheet to prevent spills and for easy transfer
n/a to the oven.

Ingredients: Roast at 300°F until garlic is fork tender;

about 45 minutes for peeled cloves and
Several whole garlic bulbs or 1 cup slightly longer if roasting whole heads.
peeled garlic cloves Remove from oven and allow to cool.
Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed Squeeze out the cloves into an airtight jar;
cover with the olive oil from the dish plus
more if needed. Store in the refrigerator and
use within one week.

Note: Most of the recipes in this collection call

for roasted garlic. If you choose not to make
your own, you may be able to find roasted garlic
cloves at the store. Otherwise, use fresh minced
garlic but reduce the amount to your tastes.

38 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Last Thanksgiving, I took a risk with a spicier
cranberry sauce to pair with smoked turkey. It
was a hit! A tart, fruity base balances the heat
and smokiness of chiles, while the shallots,

CHILE ginger, bay leaf and spices bridge the gap

between sweet and savory. A splash of bourbon
or whiskey gives it one last extra punch. This is

CRANBERRY an easy recipe to knock out early.

Truthfully, I make cranberry sauce mostly with

Thanksgiving sandwiches in mind! It's a great
condiment to have all year long, so freeze extra
bags of cranberries while in season.

Active Time: Directions:

20 minutes 1. Saute the shallots in oil over medium
heat, until softened. Add salt, grated ginger,
Total Time: pepper flakes and spices. Cook for a minute
20 minutes, plus an overnight chill until fragrant.

Yield: 2. Add the pomegranate juice, maple syrup,

Makes about 2 cups brown sugar, orange juice, zest and bay leaf.
Bring to boil, then reduce heat to low and
Special Equipment: simmer for 10 minutes until the liquid reduces
n/a slightly.

Ingredients: 3. Add cranberries. Continue to cook until

1 tbsp neutral cooking oil berries begin to pop, another 5 minutes. Stir
1/4 cup minced shallots in the liquor and cook for a minute. Discard
1/4 tsp salt bay leaf. Turn off heat and mash the berries
1” knob fresh ginger, grated gently, leaving some whole.
1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
2 tsp Ancho chile powder 4. Transfer sauce to storage container and
1/2 tsp pumpkin spice allow to cool overnight; it will thicken to a
1/4 tsp cracked pepper jammy consistency and flavors will intensify.
3/4 cup pomegranate juice Cranberry sauce can be made several days
1/4 cup maple syrup ahead of time and stored in the fridge. Use
1/2 cup light brown sugar within two weeks.
2 tbsp orange juice, plus zest
1 bay leaf
People have strong opinions about 12 oz fresh or frozen cranberries
cranberry sauce. Those who hate it will 1 tbsp bourbon or whiskey
probably not be convinced no matter
how it's prepared. Take advantage of the
opportunity to have fun with something
that doesn't have to appeal to everyone!

40 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Compound butters are an easy way to finish
your dishes with a gourmet touch. Perfect for
savory holiday dishes, my citrus & herb butter is
infused with fresh herbs, roasted garlic, lemon

HERB BUTTER and orange. It’s a bright, convenient pop of


Active Time: Directions:

10 minutes Combine all ingredients in food processor
and pulse until herbs are evenly distributed,
Total Time: or mash all ingredients together in a large
10 minutes bowl. Use immediately as a softened butter,
or refrigerate and use within a couple weeks.
Makes 1 cup For slice-able pats of butter, spread softened
butter down the center of a sheet of
Special Equipment: parchment, wax paper or plastic wrap. Fold
Food processor (optional) one side of paper over the butter and roll into
a log shape, twisting ends to seal. Refrigerate
Ingredients: until firm and use within one week.
1 cup butter, softened at room
temperature Butter can be frozen up to 6 months, just
transfer to the fridge a day before it’s needed
1/4 cup poultry herbs
to soften.
2 cloves roasted garlic
Zest of 1 lemon
Zest of 1 orange
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp cracked pepper

Compound butters can be spread on

biscuits or rolls, smeared under turkey
skin before roasting, whisked into gravy,
melted and drizzled over roasted veggies,
and much more!

42 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Cooking butter until the milk solids brown creates a deep, nutty flavor and intoxicating aroma. Recipes
One of my favorite grocery stores makes an amazing basting oil that I literally use every day. In this
like my Sage Brown Butter Cornbread include a step to brown butter built into the process. This recipe collection, it’s my secret to easy roasted veggies. If you don’t have a Wegmans store near you, their
shows you how to make a whole jar of brown butter instead. Swap brown butter for regular melted basting oil is available for purchase on Amazon. It's a highly recommended pantry staple. As an
butter in your favorite recipes, stir it into mashed potatoes, drizzle it over roasted chicken or use it as a alternative, you can make your own basting oil at home to use on the same day.
spread for cornbread, biscuits and rolls at the dinner table.

Active Time: 1. Melt butter in a large saucepan Active Time: Directions:

20 min or pot at the lowest temperature 15 minutes
needed to keep the butter sizzling.
Combine all ingredients in a small pot or skillet
Total Time: Occasionally scrape the edges of the over medium low heat (just warm enough that
1 hr pot and stir the butter once it starts
Total Time: the oil sizzles gently around the garlic.) Cook
to foam. After the foam dies down 15 minutes for 10 minutes, removing garlic once it is golden
Yield: completely you can reduce the heat
1 1/2 cups
brown. Allow the oil to cool slightly, then strain
to low. Yield: through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth.
Special Equipment:
Makes 1 cup Funnel into a small jar or plastic squeeze bottle.
Cheesecloth or fine
mesh sieve 2. Let the butter cook until it develops Special Equipment:
a deep golden brown color, smells Cheesecloth or fine mesh sieve
Ingredients: nutty, and browned bits collect at
the bottom of the pot. This may take
2 cups butter Ingredients:
10 minutes or so. Keep an eye on it
closely as the milk solids can go from 1 cup neutral cooking oil
brown to black fairly quickly. If you
don’t have a light colored pot, check 2 cloves of fresh garlic, smashed
progress of the color by spooning a 2 sprigs fresh thyme
little bit onto a white dish.
2 tsp chopped fresh parsley
3. Carefully filter the browned butter
into a jar through a fine mesh sieve
or cheesecloth. Discard browned
bits. (Note the dark color here; if
your butter is still yellowish, it’s not
browned enough! You can return it to
the pan to continue cooking.)

4. You can use the butter immediately Note: Unlike a store bought infused oil, this homemade
for hot recipes, or allow it to cool if version won’t be pasteurized. Due to the risk of bacterial
using as a spread or in baked recipes. growth from fresh garlic and herbs, only make what you
Brown butter takes on a caramel plan to use on the same day. Discard any unused portion.
color and creamy consistency at
room temperature. It will harden
slightly more after refrigeration. Use
within a couple weeks - it probably
won’t last that long though!

44 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Measure out the three cups of flour onto a
baking sheet and toss with salt. Cut chilled
butter and shortening into small chunks.
Smash butter and shortening into the flour
I’m a sucker for a good, homemade pie crust. The buttermilk and egg added to this dough helps to until it’s dispersed into large flat flakes. If
tenderize the crust and give it a richer flavor. There’s nothing you can’t do with this dough, so use it to the butter begins to melt, transfer the pan
prepare your favorite sweet and savory pies, empanadas, galettes, quiches and tarts. Pie crust dough to the freezer for 10 minutes to chill before
can be prepared several weeks in advance and frozen until needed, so there’s no excuse not to carve resuming.
out some time to have it on hand for holiday baking. If you really want to go old school, substitute
good quality leaf lard for the shortening in this recipe!

Active Time: Ingredients: 2. Whisk the egg, vinegar and buttermilk

1 hour 2 cups all-purpose flour together. Slowly drizzle the liquid over the
flour mixture. Use the dough scraper to
Total Time: 1 cup cake flour, plus more as needed toss the flour as you go, in order to evenly
24 hours 1 tsp salt incorporate the liquid.

1/2 cup butter, chilled

Makes dough for 2 single pie crusts or 1 1/4 cup butter flavored shortening,
double crust (see note below) chilled
1 egg
Special Equipment:
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar
Dough scraper, rolling pin
1/2 cup buttermilk, chilled 3. Stop adding liquid when the dough holds
together once pinched. It may be slightly
shaggy. Push it together into a mound, wrap
tightly with plastic and transfer to freezer
for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, take the
dough out and unwrap.

Note: Rolled out, each half of the prepared dough 4. Use your hands or rolling pin to smash the
will comfortably fit a deep dish 9.5” or 10" pie pan dough into a large rectangle, then use your
with overhang. You’ll have a much more leftover if dough scraper to fold it onto itself 3 times,
using standard sized pie pans. (With experience, as shown. You can flour your hands and
I have been able to stretch the dough for 3 pie
baking sheet lightly to prevent sticking.
pans, but I am hesitant to guarantee results for
inexperienced bakers.) Use scraps for decorative
cut outs, mini pies or bake as a snack, sprinkled
with cinnamon sugar.

46 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

5. Press the dough out again into a large 9. Roll from the center outwards, rotating
rectangle. Lightly flour the dough and the dough in quarter turns after each roll.
fold it onto itself again 3 times, using the After the dough has doubled in diameter,
dough scraper to lift as needed. The folding you can roll in any direction to make a
process, also known as laminating the dough, circular shape. Use your dough scraper to lift
helps to create flaky layers when baked. the dough as needed and keep the surface
floured to prevent sticking. The rolled out
dough should be a couple inches wider than
the diameter of your pie pan and 1/8” thick.

6. Repeat the fold at least 1 final time; if the 10. To easily transfer the dough, fold it onto
dough does not seem to be warming too itself in quarters, then lift and move it into
much you can repeat the folds a few more the pie pan. Dust off excess flour.
times for added layers. With each repetition
you’ll see and feel the dough become less
shaggy and more pliable. The dough is now
conditioned and will be easy to roll out
without tearing. Cut into equal halves.

7. Wrap each half tightly in plastic and use 11. Unfold and carefully center the dough,
your hands to shape into a round wedge. pressing it into the sides and bottom of the
Refrigerate for at least an hour before using. pie pan. Trim excess overhang of more than
The wrapped dough can also be frozen; store an inch.
in freezer bags for extra protection and use
within 3 months. Move it to the fridge a day
before it’s needed to allow time to thaw.

8. To give the dough a head start before 12. Tuck the overhanging crust under itself,
rolling it out, pound it several times to flatten working your way around the rim of the pie
while still wrapped in plastic. Transfer to a pan. Flute or crimp the crust as desired. If
floured surface. you'll be blind baking the crust, prick it all
over with a fork. Cover loosely with plastic
and transfer to the freezer for at least one
hour before baking, ideally overnight. If you
plan to freeze the crust longer, wrap it more
securely with plastic after it has frozen solid.

48 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Fresh bread, a simple soup, salad or hearty
appetizer are all welcome beginnings to any
holiday meal. They also work well as a light
lunch or snack earlier in the day!
Sweet potato biscuits are often requested
around here for the holidays! Homemade
biscuits are a good make-ahead project. Freeze
the batch and just bake the biscuits you need,

BISCUITS when you need them. You can also use this
recipe to make butternut squash biscuits using
the roasted butternut squash puree.

Active Time: Ingredients:

20 minutes 2 cups mashed roasted sweet potatoes
1 cup buttermilk, more as needed
Total Time:
1 hour 1/2 cup light brown sugar
2 tsp apple pie spice
1/2 tsp cracked pepper
Makes about 18 biscuits with a
2 3/4” biscuit cutter 2 large eggs
5 cups White Lily Flour, plus additional
Special Equipment: flour for your work surface*
Blender or food processor,
2 tbsp baking powder
dough scraper, biscuit cutter,
pastry brush 1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt, more to taste
1 cup (16 tbsp) unsalted butter, chilled
and diced into small cubes
Additional melted butter, for brushing
biscuit tops and serving
Maple syrup, for serving (optional)

Note: White Lily Flour is a soft winter wheat flour

available in the south and online for purchase.
Alternatively, substitute a mix of half cake flour
and half regular all-purpose flour.

52 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. In your blender, puree the mashed sweet 5. As you cut the biscuits out, transfer them
potato, 1 cup of buttermilk, brown sugar, to silicone or parchment lined heavy bak-
apple pie spice, cracked pepper and eggs ing sheets, about 2 inches apart. Brush with
until smooth. In a separate large bowl, whisk melted butter. You can gather scraps up and
together the flour, baking powder, baking press them together to cut out additional
soda and salt. Add the cubed butter and rub biscuits; I wouldn't do that more than once
between your fingers until it’s distributed as they'll get progressively tougher.
into the flour. You want a mix of crumbly
pieces and big flat pieces of butter.

2. Fold in the sweet potato mixture, adding 6. Bake the biscuits at 475°F for 12 to 15
additional buttermilk if necessary. It will be a minutes or until tops and bottoms are crusty
slightly wet dough. Turn the dough out onto and the sides are dry. Brush the warm sweet
a well floured surface. With floured hands, potato biscuits with a mixture of melted
very gently knead it a few times until it holds butter and maple syrup before serving, or
together and isn’t so sticky. The dough serve a small bowl of maple butter on the
should feel light and fluffy; don’t overwork it. side. For an extra decadent spread, try using
brown butter mixed with maple syrup!

3. Fold the dough onto itself three times, Do Ahead: If you want to freeze biscuits to bake later, freeze the cut out biscuits on the lined
then slide it onto a baking sheet or into a baking sheet after brushing with melted butter. Once they are frozen solid you can transfer
clean bowl. Cover loosely with plastic wrap to a freezer safe plastic bag. You don’t need to thaw frozen biscuits before baking, but they
and transfer it to the fridge. Allow it to rest may take a minute extra to bake.
at least 20 minutes or up to an hour. This
helps relax any gluten that was developed,
for tender biscuits. After the dough has
rested, preheat your oven to 475° F.

4. Turn the dough back out onto a floured

surface and press it down with your hands
so it’s about an inch thick all the way across.
Cut out biscuit rounds using a floured biscuit
cutter. Don’t twist the biscuit cutter as you
pull it up. Alternatively, cut the biscuits into
squares using a sharp knife or dough scraper.
This minimizes the need to deal with scraps.

54 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Active Time: Directions:
15 minutes 1. Preheat oven to 400°F. In a small bowl,
whisk together the cornmeal, flour, bak-
Total Time: ing powder, baking soda, salt and pepper.
45 minutes In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs, honey,
sour cream and 3/4 cup of buttermilk until
Yield: smooth.
Serves 8
2. In a cast iron skillet, melt butter over low
Special Equipment: heat. Once the butter has melted, increase
8” or 10” cast iron skillet heat to medium. Add sage and cook until the
butter has stopped foaming, a few minutes
Ingredients: longer. Meanwhile finish the batter, keeping
an eye on the skillet.
1 cup stone ground cornmeal
3. Fold the dry ingredients into the wet. Add
1 cup White Lily Flour more buttermilk if it’s too thick. Don’t over
1 tbsp baking powder mix. Cornbread batter should be the consis-
1/2 tsp baking soda tency of pancake batter - lumpy and pour-
able. Fold in the caramelized onions. Remove
1 tsp salt the sage from the skillet and crumble it into
1/4 tsp cracked pepper the batter if desired.
2 eggs 4. Splash a small spoonful of butter from the
skillet onto a white dish. If it’s a deep gold-
1/4 cup honey
en brown, continue on. Otherwise, cook the
1/2 cup sour cream butter another minute or so.
3/4 cup buttermilk, more if 5. Carefully swirl the browned butter around
needed the skillet to coat all of the sides. Pour in the
If you’d like to make this recipe without a cornbread batter. It should sizzle slightly
1/4 cup butter
cast iron skillet, prepare the sage brown and the butter will seep around the edges.
butter as instructed, but transfer it to a 8 sage leaves Immediately transfer the skillet to the pre-
casserole dish or large cake pan. Grease 1/2 cup caramelized onions heated oven. Bake at 400°F for 25 min or
the container with the brown butter, then Additional brown butter, for until a knife inserted in the cornbread center
pour in the cornbread batter and bake serving (optional) comes out clean. Let rest for 15 minutes after
at 400°F, checking for doneness at 20 removing from oven. Invert the skillet onto a
minutes. cutting board, slice and serve.

56 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Made a day or two in advance, this
cornbread will make an excellent base for
my Cornbread & Andouille Dressing in the
next section. If you're making cornbread
to serve at the table, don't forget to do a
jar of brown butter to use as a spread.

58 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

It’s fun to serve an appetizer but it shouldn’t pull you away 1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Carefully snap off
from everything else. I make stuffed mushrooms every mushroom stems and scrape out gills. Save
Thanksgiving, but my strategy is to use ingredients I’m already the mushroom stems for stock or chop and
prepping for other dishes. The prepared stuffed mushrooms

cook with the sausage. Arrange mushroom
can be chilled on a tray to bake at a later time. The easiest
caps in a baking dish or lined sheet pan.
mushrooms to stuff are 1 1/2” to 2” in diameter, so if necessary
select from a bulk bin instead of pre-packaged mushrooms.
Brush with melted butter, season with salt
and cracked pepper.

Active Time:
30 minutes

Total Time:
Stuffed mushrooms are extremely versatile. 2. In a skillet, cook sausage until browned.
1 hour
Here are some ideas for variations and Drain excess fat. Remove from heat and stir
substitutions: in the smoked paprika, caramelized onions,
About 3 dozen herbs, pepper flakes and Bell’s. Season
• Any meat that works for dressing is mixture with salt and pepper, to taste. Once
Special Equipment: good, such as pork sausage, turkey sau- cooled, fold in the bread crumbs, cream
n/a sage, ground chorizo, Andouille sausage cheese, shredded cheese and beaten egg.
or crumbled bacon.
Ingredients: • For meatless stuffed mushrooms, brown
2 lbs large Cremini or white mushrooms the chopped mushroom stems plus 1 cup
additional chopped mushrooms. Take the
2 tbsp butter, melted
time to cook the mushrooms until golden
1/2 lb ground sage sausage brown and crusty. 3. Stuff mushrooms generously
1 tsp smoked paprika • Saute diced fresh onions or shallots with with the sausage and cheese mixture,
1/2 cup caramelized onions the sausage if you don’t have caramel- pressing it firmly into the cavity and packed
ized onions. on top. Bake at 350°F until cheese is bubbly
1 tbsp poultry herbs and mushrooms are tender, about 30
• Any soft, spreadable cheese can be used minutes. Transfer the cooked mushrooms to
1/4 tsp crushed pepper flakes
in place of cream cheese. Goat cheese is a platter and serve hot!
1/2 tsp Bell’s Seasoning one of my faves.
1 cup panko bread crumbs • Choose a shredded cheese that melts
4 oz. cream cheese, softened easily, like mozzarella, cheddar, Gruyere
or Gouda. If you’re already making mac
8 oz. Fontina cheese, shredded & cheese just use some of your cheese
1 egg, beaten blend! Do Ahead: The unbaked stuffed mushrooms can be chilled on a tray to bake up to a day
• Extra cornbread on hand? Crumble it up later; let them come to room temperature before cooking. To freeze, just prepare the stuffing
Salt, to taste
to use in place of breadcrumbs. by itself. Transfer to a freezer safe container or plastic bag with any extra air squeezed out.
Cracked pepper, to taste
Freeze up to a few weeks. On the day you plan to cook, thaw the frozen stuffing. Using fresh
mushroom caps, stuff and bake the mushrooms as instructed.

60 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Stuffed mushrooms are always a crowd
pleaser, even among people who think
they don’t like mushrooms. The batch
pictured here was made with leftover
cornbread, sage sausage and Gouda

62 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A high powered blender makes this soup
exceptionally silky; prepped ingredients make it easy
to whip up. A Moroccan ras el hanout blend can
stand in for the curry powder - it’s a fun way to add

SQUASH SOUP some international flair to your menu that still pairs
well with traditional dishes! To keep it vegetarian,
use vegetable stock in place of turkey stock.

Active Time: Directions:

30 minutes
1. In a skillet, warm 1/2 cup olive oil over me-
Total Time: dium heat. Add several sage leaves; fry a few
30 minutes seconds on each side until crisp. Transfer sage
to a paper towel lined plate and crumble once
Yield: cooled. Transfer the olive oil to a heat safe con-
Serves 8 as a starter; 4 to 6 for larg- tainer, such as a glass measuring cup.
er portions
2. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the skillet
Special Equipment: over medium heat. Cook the onion and carrots
High powered blender or immersion until softened and beginning to brown; about
blender 10 minutes. Season with a pinch of salt and
pepper. Add the ginger and spices; cook for
Ingredients: another minute until fragrant. Pour in the stock,
Extra-virgin olive oil, as needed scraping up any browned bits.
6 sage leaves 3. Transfer the contents of the skillet to the
1/2 small onion, diced
blender, along with the squash and garlic. The
squash puree should be gently warmed first if
A high powered blender works best for a 2 carrots, diced it came from the fridge. Starting on low speed
smooth and silky soup. Alternatively, prepare 2” knob ginger, grated and working up to high, puree the mixture until
the soup in a large pot. Puree the ingredients 1 tbsp yellow curry power smooth. Reduce speed to medium and with the
right in the pot using an immersion (stick) lid securely in place, let the blender run for 10
blender. 1 tsp pumpkin spice
minutes or until the soup is steaming hot. Add
Pinch of crushed pepper flakes lemon juice and zest. Shake up the can of co-
Always take precaution when working with 1 cup smoked turkey stock conut milk, then add all but 1/3 cup to the soup.
hot liquid in a blender to avoid overflow and Puree again to combine; season with salt and
3 cups butternut squash puree
exploding lids. Leave plenty of space so there pepper to taste.
is room for the volume to expand as it heats 4 cloves roasted garlic
4. With the blender running on low speed, care-
up. Hold a folded towel over the top of the 13.5 oz can full fat coconut milk
fully stream the sage infused olive oil into the
lid to keep it in place while blending on high 2 tbsp lemon juice, plus zest soup. Ladle hot soup into bowls. Drizzle with
speeds. If your blender lid does not have a
8 sage leaves reserved coconut milk and garnish with crum-
steam vent, periodically stop to crack the lid
bled fried sage.
and allow steam to escape. Work in batches Salt, to taste
if necessary for smaller blenders. Cracked pepper, to taste

64 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A salad course is an elegant addition to a formal holiday
menu. I’m in love with slow roasted beets, which still
have an earthy flavor but are also intensely sweet due
to the extra time for sugars to caramelize. (If you’re

WALNUT & GOAT terrified of serving beets, try cubed and roasted
butternut squash or sweet potatoes for an equally tasty
alternative!) The beets and vinaigrette can be prepped

CHEESE SALAD ahead of time and refrigerated for a few days until
needed, just allow them to come to room temperature
before serving.

Active Time: Directions:

30 minutes Preheat oven to 275°F. Scrub the beets
and pat dry. Slice off the beet tops. Rub
Total Time: the beets lightly with oil, then wrap tightly
3 hours in aluminum foil. Roast on a lined baking
sheet for 2 hours, or until the beets are knife
Yield: tender. Allow to cool until safe to handle, or
Serves 4 leave in the foil and refrigerate until needed.

Special Equipment: I recommend wearing gloves to peel beets

n/a and avoid stained fingers. Use a paring knife
to scrape off any stubborn patches of the
Ingredients: peel. Dice the beets into 1/2” cubes and set
3 large beets (a mix of red and
golden beets is pretty) Toast the walnuts in a dry skillet for a couple
minutes over medium heat, until fragrant.
Neutral cooking oil, as needed Roughly chop and set aside.
1/2 cup walnuts To prepare the vinaigrette, combine the
4 oz soft goat cheese, chilled walnut oil, vinegar, mustard, honey, shallots
1/2 cup walnut oil and apple pie spice in a mason jar. Close the
lid and shake vigorously to combine. Season
1/4 cup sherry vinegar (balsamic to taste with salt and pepper.
also works)
Add the greens to a large bowl, season
2 tsp Dijon mustard with a pinch of salt and pepper. Drizzle a
2 tsp honey small amount of the vinaigrette around the
sides of the bowl. Use your hands to gently
1 tbsp finely minced shallot
toss the greens to dress them, then place a
1/4 tsp apple pie spice handful of greens on each plate.
Salt, to taste Divide the roasted beets and walnuts among
Cracked pepper, to taste the plates. Top with crumbled goat cheese
and drizzle lightly with additional vinaigrette.
4 cups baby arugula, baby kale
or mesclun mix

66 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

I wanted to include a wild card appetizer
in this collection. Nobody expects lamb
ribs. If you're a seasoned cook, a unique
starter can keep things interesting so you
don't get bored cooking the traditional
stuff. Check out The Kitchenista's
Appetizer Handbook for other ideas to
liven up your holiday dinner menu!

68 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Do Ahead: Lamb ribs can be baked until
tender, then covered and chilled for up to 3
days. Reheat them gently in a 325°F oven until
If you can source them at the butcher or upscale grocery store, lamb ribs will be an impres-
warmed through, then glaze as instructed. sive starter for your holiday gathering. I like the small baby back lamb ribs, but spare ribs will
also work for this recipe with a little more cooking time. (Alternatively, you can cook a whole
lamb breast on the bone and cut into ribs before glazing.)

Active Time: Directions:

30 minutes 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Pull the thin membrane of
silverskin off the back of each rack. If you're lucky,
Total Time: you can grab the end firmly and it will rip off in one
2 to 3 hours sheet. If it's too difficult to remove, use the tip of
your knife to score the membrane in between the
Yield: ribs, exposing the meat. Don't cut into the meat
Serves 8 itself.
Special Equipment: 2. Pat the racks dry, then drizzle with oil. Mix to-
n/a gether the salt, pepper, smoked paprika, chile pow-
der, pumpkin spice and orange zest. Rub the sea-
Ingredients: sonings into the racks on both sides. If time allows,
4 racks baby back lamb ribs, about 4 cover and chill for an hour, up to overnight.
lbs total
2 tbsp neutral cooking oil 3. Place the ribs in a roasting pan. Add enough liq-
1 tbsp salt uid just to cover the bottom of the dish, about a cup
and a half. The ribs do not need to be submerged in
2 tsp cracked pepper liquid, and it's okay if they overlap. Cover the dish
2 tsp smoked paprika with foil and roast for an hour. Flip the ribs over,
then cover and continue cooking for up to another
2 tsp Ancho chile powder
hour, until the meat is very tender. You should be
1 tsp pumpkin spice able to slide a knife in without resistance. The meat
Water, stock or cider, as needed will shrink, but don't let it cook to the point that the
rib bones are falling off.
1/4 cup pomegranate molasses
2 tbsp honey 4. Remove the ribs carefully from the roasting pan.
2 tsp harissa or Sriracha chile paste, Arrange meat side up in a single layer on a sheet
pan lined with foil or silicone. Preheat the oven to
or to taste
450°F. To prepare the glaze, mix the pomegranate
molasses and honey until smooth. Stir in your pre-
Note: Lamb ribs can be cooked in the ferred chile paste or hot sauce, to taste. Baste the
smoker and/or finished on the grill as lamb ribs generously with glaze, then roast for 5
alternative methods to oven braising. minutes. Flip, baste with more glaze, and roast for
Prepare as you would cook pork baby another 5 minutes. Flip again and baste with remain-
back ribs, glazing as a final step. ing glaze. Cook for a few minutes longer, just until
the glaze is set and beginning to char in spots.

Transfer the glazed ribs to a cutting board. Carefully

slice into single ribs. Serve hot.
70 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection
The holiday roast should be the centerpiece
of your meal, but don’t let that intimidate you.
Here’s how to prepare impressive main dishes
that everybody will be eager to try.
1. Lay the bird on a heavy baking sheet,
breast down. Remove the bag of giblets from
the cavity, if applicable. Using poultry shears
or your chef’s knife, cut along each side of
“Spatchcocked” is a fun way to say you’ve butterflied a bird by removing the backbone so it lays the backbone to remove it, along with the
flat. I learned how to roast whole chickens this way and then realized the same technique made tail. Trim any excess skin. Backbone, tail, neck
Thanksgiving a lot easier. Not only do spatchcocked turkeys roast faster, but they take up less room in and giblets can be frozen to use for stocks, if
the oven (and fridge!) The biggest advantage to taking this simple butchering step is that the delicate desired.
breast meat no longer sits elevated above the rest of the bird, where it is destined to dry out before
the thighs fully cook. Instead, the entire bird cooks at the same rate. By spatchcocking, you can enjoy
Note: Turkey bones require more force than
perfectly cooked white and dark meat without compromising one for the other.
chicken, so use your knife where needed.
This quick tutorial demonstrates the process on a chicken, but the steps will be the same for a turkey
and similar for cornish hens. I definitely recommend practicing on a chicken for the first time; as a 2. Use your knife to make a small slit in
bonus you’ll have extra bones to use for stock.
between the breasts, exposing the tip of the

Active Time: Ingredients:

15 minutes
Whole chicken, turkey or Cornish hen,
thawed completely if previously frozen
Total Time:
15 minutes

3. Hold each side of the bird and press down
firmly, allowing the top of the breastbone
Special Equipment: to pop out. You should feel the bird flatten
Poultry shears (optional but helpful) out. Pull the legs out as far as they’ll extend.
Congrats! You’ve just spatchcocked a bird!

Note: I don’t recommend spatchcocking turkeys over 12 pounds unless you have an over-
sized heavy duty sheet pan large enough to hold the sprawling bird (make sure the pan will
also fit in your oven.) If you need more meat, it’s easier to spatchcock and roast two small
turkeys on separate pans. Alternate the pans a couple times during the cooking process. If
you plan to smoke your turkey on a standard sized grill, you can accommodate a slightly
larger spatchcocked turkey (up to 15 pounds.)

True story, I once spatchcocked a 20 pound turkey and then realized we didn’t have
anything big enough to cook it on. I ended up having to truss the bird back up with butcher’s
twine and cook it upright! It all worked out, but lesson learned!

74 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Spatchcock the turkey as detailed in
the previous tutorial. Liberally season the
underside of the turkey with some of the dry
Another lesson I learned from roasting all kinds of chickens this year: duck fat makes everything better.
It is the best way to get exceptionally crispy, golden brown, savory skin. Roasting the turkey on an Note: Measure out the amount of brine
oven safe cooking rack fitted over a heavy sheet pan elevates the bird so drippings can fall; this setup you’ll need before beginning so as not to
also exposes the turkey to more of that hot oven air for an evenly browned bird all the way around. contaminate other containers.
Cooking the turkey over a bed of vegetables adds flavor to the drippings for a glorious gravy. This
recipe can also be used to prepare a roasted chicken, just adjust the amount of the brine used to
season it and see the note in the instructions about oven temperature. For an especially luxurious
roasted turkey, substitute some or all of the citrus & herb butter for black truffle butter!

2. Flip the turkey over and gently use

your fingers to loosen the skin over the
breasts and thighs. Rub some of the
Active Time: Ingredients: brine underneath the skin, especially over
30 minutes Fresh turkey, 8 to 12 pounds the breasts.

Total Time: 1 heaping tsp poultry dry brine per pound

24 hours (Up to 2 hours cook time, of meat
depending on size of turkey) 1/2 cup citrus & herb butter, divided
1 cup diced onion
Serves 4 to 6 1/2 cup diced carrots
3. Rub the remaining brine into the
1/2 cup diced celery
surface of the skin.
Special Equipment:
Bay leaf
Heavy baking sheet fitted with a metal
cooking rack, instant read meat ther- Non-stick cooking spray, as needed
mometer (preferably a leave-in probe 1/4 cup duck fat, softened
2 cups smoked turkey stock

4. Refrigerate the turkey, uncovered, for

at least 1 hour per pound but preferably
overnight. The turkey can be chilled safely up
to 3 days. If prepping the turkey more than
24 hours in advance, cover it loosely with
Note: Never dry brine a bird that’s already plastic wrap to avoid drying it out too much.
been soaked or injected with seasoning prior to
purchase; it will turn out too salty. Just use a small
amount of the dry brine to season the outside of
the bird lightly. You can still let the bird air chill
overnight to dry out the skin.

76 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

5. Take turkey out of the fridge 30 minutes 9. Roast until the internal temperature
prior to roasting. Line a clean pan with foil reads at least 170°F in the thickest part of
or a silicone mat and spread out the diced the thighs and breasts are between 150°F
celery, carrots, onion and bay leaf. Place the and 155°F. Residual heat will cause the
cooking rack on top and pour in 2 cups of temperature continue to rise after removing
stock. Spray the rack with non-stick cooking the turkey from the oven, so be careful not to
spray. pull it out too late.

6. Preheat oven to 450°F. Lay the 10. After the turkey is safe to handle,
spatchcocked turkey on the rack, tucking carefully transfer it to a large cutting board.
wingtips under the breasts. Rub half of the Allow it to rest at least 15 minutes before
butter underneath the skin of the breast carving.
and thighs. Rub 2 tablespoons of duck fat
all over the entire surface of the turkey; Note: The best way to carve the breasts is to
reserve remainder. If you’re using a probe remove them from the bird, debone, then cut
thermometer, insert it into the thickest part horizontal slices against the grain. You can
of the breast. Transfer the turkey to the oven debone and slice the thighs in a similar way.
and roast 20 minutes.

7. Turn the heat down to 350°F. Meanwhile, 11. Strain the drippings from the pan through
melt the remaining herb butter and duck a fine mesh sieve; discard the cooked
fat together. After the breast temperature vegetables or freeze for stock. Skim excess
reaches 125°F, baste the turkey every 10 fat if necessary and add the drippings to
minutes. When you baste, take the entire your gravy.
pan out of the oven and keep the oven
door closed. This will keep prevent the
temperature of the oven from fluctuating too
much, and it’s much safer to baste on the
counter top.

8. If you don’t have a probe thermometer,

you should periodically check the To prepare chicken using this method: In step 7, you don’t need to reduce the oven
temperature as the turkey roasts, using an temperature for chickens smaller than 6 pounds. Roast at 450°F or up to 475°F.
instant read thermometer. I usually leave the
probe in the breasts and check the thighs Do Ahead: Cooked turkey should not be left out longer than two hours. For turkey that must
manually when I take the turkey out to be roasted earlier in the day, separate the cooked turkey into parts (wings, breasts, thighs
baste. Always insert the thermometer in the and drumsticks.) Cover loosely with foil and chill. The cooked turkey can be gently rewarmed
thickest part of the meat, avoiding bones. in a 325°F oven for 20 minutes on a baking sheet. Remove the foil in the last five minutes to
re-crisp the skin. Be careful not to overcook the breasts; remove from the pan early. The dark
meat is much more forgiving. After reheating the turkey, carve as desired.

78 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

You don’t need to buy fancy serving
platters! Arrange carved meat on a large
rimmed wooden cutting board for an
attractive presentation.

To keep the turkey moist after it’s been

carved, generously ladle hot gravy over
it. Nobody ever complains about extra

80 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Spatchcock and dry brine the turkey
overnight, as detailed in the Duck Fat
Roasted Turkey recipe, steps 1 - 4. Include
the smoked paprika in the dry brine. Remove
If you have a charcoal grill, consider smoking your turkey for the holidays! Besides the obvious flavor the turkey from the fridge an hour before
enhancement, you’ll free up your oven. I don’t recommend learning how to bbq for the first time
the grill is ready. Smear 2 tablespoons of
on Thanksgiving morning, so the instructions below assume you have some experience. I used a
softened herb butter under the skin of the
Weber kettle grill; if you have a traditional smoker available adapt the process to your manufacturer’s
instructions. As with a roasted turkey, a simple overnight dry brine will give you fully seasoned meat. breasts. Rub the outside of the entire turkey
The smoked paprika adds color to the skin and a touch of earthiness to compliment the smoke! generously with oil. Tuck the wingtips under
the breasts.

Active Time:
1 hour
2. Oil the grate. Place the turkey over the
water pan with legs pointing towards the
Total Time: To set up a charcoal grill for indirect heat hotter side of the grill (breasts should be
24 hours (3 to 4 hours cook time, (2-zone fire): over the coolest area possible.) Insert a
depending on size of turkey)
1. Start with a clean grill! Pile about 40 probe thermometer into the thickest part of
unlit briquettes as close as possible to one the breast and place the device outside of
side of the grill. Top with a small handful the grill. Close the grill so the exhaust vents
Varies; serves up to 8
of wood chips. Add an aluminum roasting are positioned over the turkey. This forces
pan of water on the empty side. smoke to pass over the turkey as it escapes.
Special Equipment:
Charcoal grill fitted with a thermom- 2. Use the chimney starter to light another
eter, chimney starter, Kingsford® Bri- 40 briquettes (or about half the chimney.)
quettes, 1 cup apple or pecan wood Once the flames have died down and coals
chips soaked in water for 30 minutes, are ashed over (about 15 minutes,) spread 3. If the legs start to char before the rest
internal meat thermometer (prefera- the lit coals over the unlit coals. Add the of the turkey is cooked, cover with foil or
bly a probe and/or hand held instant remaining pieces of wood on top of the lit reposition the bird as needed. Smoke until
read thermometer for spot checking) coals. Replace the grate and close the grill. the breast temperature reaches 150°F and
3. Adjust the air intake and exhaust thighs reach at least 165°F. Carefully remove
Ingredients: dampers until the internal grill temperature turkey. Melt remaining butter and use a
Fresh turkey, up to 15 pounds is steady between 300°F and 325°F for silicone brush to baste the surface of the
15 minutes. (The exhaust dampers must skin. Crisp skin in a 425°F oven for 5 - 10
1 heaping tsp poultry dry brine per minutes. Rest turkey for 15 minutes before
always be at least partially open to allow
pound of meat carving.
fumes to escape.)
1 tbsp smoked paprika
Your goal is to maintain the grill
1/2 cup citrus & herb butter temperature. Don’t open the lid except
Neutral cooking oil, as needed when absolutely needed to spot check If using a traditional smoker: Set up your smoker per manufacturer’s instructions. Although
the turkey’s temperature. Adjust the air it is easier to maintain lower temperatures in a smoker, you can still smoke the turkey
Non-stick grill spray dampers if the temperature fluctuates between 300°F and 325°F for best results. If you prefer a lower range, smoke at 250°F to
outside the 300°F and 325°F range. Refill 300°F and plan on cooking time to take quite a bit longer. If smoking more than one bird,
the water pan if it evaporates. Add a small rotate the racks halfway through cooking time.
amount of briquettes if the grill temp
drops below 225°F and doesn’t respond to
other adjustments.

82 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

If you’re not quite the grillmaster by
Thanksgiving, prep and season the turkey to
hand off to the bbq pro in your home. Take
time to practice on weekends that are less
hectic! Smoked turkey is great any time of
the year, so there’s never a bad time to learn.

84 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Remove the backbone from each Cornish
hen using the method detailed in the How
to Spatchcock Poultry tutorial. Pull the
breastbone out, if necessary using your
As a kid I was always fascinated by the miniature sized chickens known as Cornish hens. They taste
poultry shears or knife to cut around the
just like any larger chicken, although I find the meat to be a bit more tender. Split in half, Cornish
hens are perfectly portioned for plated holiday meals and make an elegant presentation! The nice cartilage. Cut the Cornish hen in half, in
thing is that each guest will get both dark and white meat . Preparing them is easy and utilizes the between the breasts.
same techniques detailed in the Duck Fat Roasted Turkey recipe.

Active Time: Ingredients:

30 minutes 2 Cornish hens, 2 lbs each 2. Season each Cornish hen with the poultry
dry brine, making sure to rub it into the
Total Time: 1 tbsp poultry dry brine underside of the meat and underneath the
5 hours, up to 24 hours (45 min- Non-stick cooking spray, as needed breasts. Place the birds on a rack fitted over
utes to 1 hour cook time) a lined heavy baking sheet. Allow to air chill
2 tbsp duck fat in the fridge uncovered, at least 4 hours
2 tbsp citrus & herb butter but preferably overnight. Before cooking,
preheat oven to 450°F. Grease the rack with
Serves 4
non-stick cooking spray.
Optional, for drippings:
Special Equipment:
Heavy baking sheet fitted with a 1 cup diced onion
metal cooking rack, instant read 1/2 cup diced carrots
3. Smear Cornish hens with 1 tablespoon
meat thermometer
1/2 cup diced celery of duck fat. Divide 1 tablespoon of butter
to spread underneath the breasts. Wrap
Bay leaf
the wing tips in foil. If using a probe
2 cups smoked turkey stock thermometer, stick it into one of the breasts.
Roast for 20 minutes in the top 1/3 of the
oven. Meanwhile, melt remaining herb butter
with remaining duck fat. Take the hens out
and baste with half of the mixture; return to
Note: Cornish hens will not produce as much
drippings as a whole turkey or chicken, but if you
desire you can follow the same steps in the Duck
4. Roast another 10 minutes before basting
Fat Roasted Turkey recipe to place onion, carrots,
celery and a bay leaf under the rack along with the hens a final time. Cook until the internal
stock. After cooking, strain and skim excess fat. temperature of the breasts is between 150°F
The drippings can be spooned over the Cornish and 155°F and 170°F in the thighs. Rest for 5
hens (“au jus”) or added to a traditional gravy. minutes before serving.

86 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

For a gorgeous plated presentation,
spoon mashed potatoes or another puree
onto the center of a dinner plate. Mound
roasted vegetables on one or both sides,
then place the Cornish hen over the top,
partially lifted up by the veggies. Ladle
the gravy (or jus) around the plate and
drizzle a small amount over the meat.

88 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Because a spiral ham is already cooked, you’ll
just need to slowly warm it in the oven before
coating it with a glaze. But toss out that
package of junk that came with your ham,

HONEY GLAZED because you can do better. It only takes a

few minutes to whip up your own glaze made
with pomegranate molasses and honey, for

SPIRAL HAM something that is equally tart and sweet with a

little bit of heat. I love how the glaze mixes with
the ham juices. This is screaming to be served
with sweet potatoes!

Active Time: Directions:

15 min 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Cover ham
tightly with aluminum foil and place
Total Time: in a foil lined roasting pan. Bake for 10
2 to 3 hours minutes per pound.

Yield: 2. To prepare the glaze, whisk together

Serves 10 all other ingredients. Remove the ham
from the oven. Uncover the foil and pour
Special Equipment: the glaze over the entire ham. Turn the
Large roasting pan oven up to 375°F.
3. Bake ham, uncovered, for another
Ingredients: 20 to 30 minutes, until ham is crusty,
8-10 lb bone-in smoked spiral sliced browned and glaze has thickened. Don’t
ham let the ham burn. Allow the ham to rest
for 20 minutes before transferring to a
1/3 cup pomegranate molasses large cutting board or serving platter.
1/4 cup honey Serve with pan juices.
1/4 cup fresh orange juice
2 tbsp Dijon mustard
2 tsp Ancho chile powder
1/2 tsp pumpkin spice
1/2 tsp cracked pepper
Pinch of salt

90 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

The next best thing to having glazed ham
for the holidays is saving the ham bone
for a pot of country beans!

This pomegranate glaze would be dope

on smoked turkey too. To avoid burning,
baste at the very end of cooking time.

92 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A roasted beef rib eye roast makes an
impressive main dish for the holidays.
Consider it as an alternative to turkey, or
later in the season as a change in pace for
Christmas dinner.

94 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. If your roast is boneless, have your butcher
tie it. Otherwise, you can fumble through
YouTube tutorials to figure it out at home
Although a beef roast is definitely on the higher end of holiday dishes, the trade-off is that a simple (Just kidding; it's really not that hard if you
side of potatoes and veggies is more than enough to accompany it. For flavor, I turned to coffee, need to do it yourself.) Tying the roast will
which I've grown to love rubbed into steaks. It added a dark, seasoned crust to the boneless rib eye help keep it compact for even cooking. Pat
roast and amped up the drippings. Look for fresh rib eye roasts or "standing rib roasts" at a reputable the roast dry, then rub it with oil. The fat cap
grocer (prime or choice grade, not select.) You'll want to see red meat with good marbling and a thick should be facing upwards, as shown.
fat cap on top. If cut from certain sections, the roast may be sold as "prime rib" and you'll pay quite a
bit more. I used a boneless rib eye roast here, which cooks a little faster, but some people like bone-in
for presentation. If cooked properly, either option is superb, so go with your personal preference.

Active Time: Ingredients: 2. Mix together the salt, coffee, cracked

30 minutes 9 to 10 lb beef boneless rib eye roast pepper and paprika. Pack it into the surface
of the beef, covering it entirely. Chill
Total Time: 1/4 cup basting oil or other neutral cooking oil overnight, or at least 1 hour per pound.
Up to 6 hours, plus overnight air- 2 tbsp salt Prior to cooking, let the roast sit out on the
chill counter for an hour. Transfer the roast to
2 tbsp finely ground espresso or coffee a cooking rack fitted over a roasting pan.
2 tbsp cracked pepper Fill the pan with 4 cups beef stock, onions,
Yield: carrots, celery and bay leaf. Preheat the oven
Serves 10 1 tbsp smoked paprika to 275°F.
4 cups good quality, unsalted beef stock or
Special Equipment:
bone broth (preferably homemade)
Probe meat thermometer,
1 onion, quartered 3. Insert a probe thermometer into thickest
butcher's twine, roasting pan
part of the roast. Roast for approximately
fitted with a rack 2 carrots, chopped into thirds 3 hours, or until meat registers 125°F for
2 celery sticks, chopped into thirds medium-rare and 135°F for medium. The time
could vary widely; bone-in will take longer.
1 bay leaf Remove the roasting pan from the oven and
6 tbsp butter, melted rest the beef for 15 minutes, up to an hour.
Carefully pour the contents of the roasting
pan into another container.

4. Meanwhile, you can prepare the jus (see

instructions on the next page.)Just before
serving, preheat the oven to 500°F. Baste
the rested beef with butter. Return the beef
to the oven and roast for 10 to 15 minutes,
until deeply browned and crusty. Transfer to
a cutting board, remove string and carve into
thick slices for serving.

96 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Roasted beef is often served "au jus," which
literally translates to "with juice." Here's how
to prepare it:

Most importantly, start off with homemade

or good quality beef stock, unsalted. You can
buy tubs of stock at the butcher or higher-end
grocery stores. (Add to your list of things to
learn, it's well worth having in the freezer!)

After the beef has roasted, strain the drippings,

discarding the vegetables. Skim excess fat. If
you have the time, chilling the drippings for a
little while will make it easier to scoop the fat
off the top.

Transfer the strained drippings to a small pot;

you'll want 2 to 3 cups. You can add a cup
of red wine if desired; I do not usually find it
necessary. Taste it to make sure it's not too
salty (the only real way to fix that is to replace
a cup of the drippings with fresh unsalted
stock.) Bring the jus to a boil, then reduce
and simmer until it thickens slightly, about
20 minutes. Season to taste if needed. If it
tastes like it's missing something, a splash of
Worcestershire, balsamic or sherry vinegar can
lift the flavor a bit. Turn off the heat and whisk
in two tablespoons of butter. Serve hot.

The jus will not be as thick as gravy, but it

makes a really nice sauce spooned over the
sliced roasted beef (and mashed or roasted
potatoes, if serving!)

98 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Prep: Prepare the quick brine by dissolving 1/4 cup Kosher salt in 4 cups cold water.
Submerge the whole salmon fillet in the brine for 15 minutes. If you need more liquid, use
the same ratio of 1 tbsp salt to 1 cup water. Remove the salmon from the brine and pat dry.
Transfer to a parchment lined heavy duty sheet pan.
Slow roasted salmon stays ridiculously moist as it cooks, making it a great choice for a no-fail holiday
dinner main dish. A short saltwater brine seasons the flesh of the fish throughout and helps prevent the
1. Toast the pistachios in a dry skillet over
white albumin from squeezing out when it roasts. For a contrast in texture, I add a fragrant topping of
toasted pistachios and fresh herbs. Any leftovers are fantastic served cold in a salad the next day.
medium heat for a few minutes, until
fragrant. In a food processor, pulse toasted
pistachios until chopped. Add a good
pinch of salt, lemon zest, cracked pepper,
Active Time: Ingredients: coriander and herbs. Pulse until finely
15 minutes 2 lb whole salmon fillet minced. (If preparing by hand, place the
pistachios in a plastic bag, then use a rolling
Total Time: 1/4 cup salt, more as needed
pin or can to crush them. Mince the herbs
1 hour 1/3 cup peeled pistachios with a knife, then combine all ingredients in a
small bowl.)
Zest and juice of 1 lemon
Serves 4 to 6 2 tsp cracked pepper
2. Whisk together 1 egg white until frothy.
2 tsp ground coriander Apply the egg white over the surface of the
Special Equipment: salmon. Coat the salmon with the pistachio
1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley
Food processor (optional) topping, pressing it to stick. Drizzle the
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint salmon with olive oil.
1 egg white
Do Ahead: At this point, you can refrigerate
Extra virgin olive oil, as needed the salmon for a few hours until ready to
cook, or roast it immediately.

Note: This works best with a whole salmon 3. Preheat oven to 275°F. Roast salmon for
roast but can be adapted for individually cut 20 to 25 min, or until the flesh is flaky and
salmon fillets, just keep an eye on cooking a knife can slide in without resistance. The
time. I find it easier to work with skin-on cooked salmon will have a medium rare to
salmon, but if desired have your fishmonger medium texture.
remove the skin for you.
Lift the parchment paper up with the salmon
and transfer to a serving platter, then slide
the paper out. Squeeze lemon over the fish
before serving.

100 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Slow roasted fish isn’t really that slow at
all, but it is practically foolproof! This is
another versatile recipe. Switch up the
herbs or nuts or even try it with another
type of fish fillet.

102 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Go big or go home! Here's an all-star line up
of classic holiday sides, with my secrets to
making them shine.
The best baked mac & cheese is creamy and decadent, oozing with melted cheese, a
well-seasoned sauce and perfectly cooked noodles. If you've never made anything but the
processed boxed stuff or custard-style, this version will blow your mind.

Active Time:
1 hour

Total Time: Choose from one of my mac & cheese blends

1 hour, 30 minutes below, or create your own using the tips on the
next pages!
Serves 8 - 10
Classic Mac & Cheese:
Special Equipment:
12 oz Sharp Cheddar
9” x 13” deep casserole dish or
lasagna pan 8 oz Monterrey Jack
4 oz Muenster
1 lb dried elbows or Cavatappi Smoked Gouda Mac & Cheese:
Salt, as needed 8 oz Extra Sharp Cheddar
6 tbsp butter, more as needed 8 oz Smoked Gouda
1/2 cup flour 4 oz Pepper Jack
5 cups whole milk, plus additional 1/2 4 oz Mozzarella (whole milk, low-moisture)
cup if assembling ahead of time
1 bay leaf
Extra Creamy Mac & Cheese:
1/2 onion
8 oz Extra Sharp Cheddar
2 tsp dry mustard, or to taste
8 oz Butterkäse
1/4 tsp cayenne, or to taste
4 oz Mild Gruyere
1 tsp smoked paprika, or to taste
4 oz Italian Fontina
1/4 tsp grated nutmeg, or to taste
1/2 tsp cracked pepper, or to taste
2 tsp Worcestershire sauce, or to
taste Do Ahead: Mac & cheese can be fully assembled
and chilled until baking time, up to a day in advance.
24 oz cheese; choose a blend to the Alternatively, prepare the cheese sauce and transfer
right to a container; refrigerate up to 3 days. When ready to
bake, boil the noodles and layer with the prepared sauce
1/4 cup Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese,
plus remaining shredded cheese. See instructions for
freshly grated (optional) additional info.
1/4 cup panko crumbs (optional)

106 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Create the ultimate mac & cheese by
choosing cheeses that pair well and melt
easily. Always buy your cheese in blocks
and shred at home. Parmigiano-Reggiano
should be bought in a small wedge and
freshly grated.

108 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Prep: Bring a large pot of water to boil. Salt
the water liberally; it should taste like the sea.
Boil noodles for 2 minutes shy of package
directions, usually 6 minutes for elbows.
After noodles are par-cooked, drain and rinse
You can make an excellent mac & cheese using "regular" cheese. Yes, even store brand. That with cool water. Set aside.
doesn't mean it's not worth upgrading, as long as each cheese serves a purpose. Ask the
cheesemonger for help when shopping for artisan cheeses. When in doubt, hit that Google In a separate pot, add the milk, onion and
search bar! If you can't find a specific cheese, research the family of cheeses it's in and pick bay leaf. Keep it warm (steaming, not
another with similar characteristics. bubbling) and stir occasionally.

Here are some tips to consider when choosing cheese:

• Sharp cheddars are always a safe bet as a base flavor, but balancing the richness with a Prep: Shred and mix all the cheeses before
blend of a few cheeses will be more interesting. Two to four cheeses is reasonable; going beginning and set aside. Very soft cheeses
past five is probably a waste of money. can be diced into small chunks if that works
• Mild American cheeses like Monterrey Jack and Colby are inexpensive options that add better, especially if it is the cheese that will
creaminess and balance sharp cheddars effectively. be layered between the pasta.
• Sharp Gouda can add a unique flavor in addition to or instead of cheddar. The Dutch
cheese is thick, creamy and sweet. To accompany barbecued foods, consider Smoked Separate cheese into two piles if it’s helpful;
Gouda (however, it does not melt as well on its own, so be sure to blend it with creamier 2/3 will go into the bechamel and 1/3 will be
cheeses.) layered.
• Some of the best melting cheeses to add are fondue cheeses, like the Swiss Gruyere.
Italian Fontina is another great option that melts really smoothly. Both come in a range of
intensities, from mild and nutty to the more pricey varieties which will taste earthier. You
can't go wrong with either end of the spectrum. 1. In a large pot or saucepan, prepare the
• If you're interested in replicating the texture of Velveeta, reach for the German Butter- roux. Melt 6 tablespoons of butter over
käse. It is incredibly creamy and buttery - my secret weapon (until now!) medium heat. Add the flour and whisk to
• If you want a dramatic stringy cheese effect, add Muenster, Oaxaca, Provolone or Mozza- dissolve. Cook until bubbly and smooth, 2
rella to your blend. (If using Mozzarella, make sure you buy the whole milk, low-moisture minutes or so. It’s important to cook the
variety.) These cheeses are best used to layer between the noodles. roux long enough to avoid a raw flour taste.
• Flavored cheeses can work as an interesting accent; just choose one for up to a 1/4 of However, the roux does not need to darken.
your blend. This is a nice way to work in something spicy or even a truffle flavor, without It should still be a light golden color.
overwhelming everything else.
• Cheeses to avoid include reduced fat cheeses, non-dairy cheese replacements or dry
crumbly cheeses. "Stinky" cheeses like blue cheese and Gorgonzola are polarizing. For
the holidays, I'd recommend a cheese blend that everybody will enjoy and won't clash
with the rest of your menu.
• While some people love adding freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano to bechamel sauce, 2. Strain the warm milk, discarding bay
I think it's best worked into the bread crumbs or grated over the top of the casserole be- leaf and onion. Use all 5 1/2 cups of milk
fore baking. However you use it, don't buy the stuff in a can. if assembling the mac & cheese a day in
advance, but just 5 cups if cooking it right
No matter what cheese you select, always buy it in blocks! Pre-shredded cheese is coated away. Pour the milk into the roux, whisking
with starches that can cause your sauce to turn grainy. Remove any rinds, then use a box constantly to prevent lumps.
grater or food processor to shred it yourself.
(Worst case scenario: if you can’t fix the
P.S. The pasta matters too! Elbow or Cavatappi macaroni is the best; look for noodles that lumps, an immersion blender can smooth
have ridges, which will grab on to the cheese sauce. Mezze penne noodles will work too, but your bechamel sauce out!)
avoid shells, spirals, flat noodles or shapes like bow-ties.

110 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

3. Once the milk is incorporated, season the 7. Butter a deep casserole dish. For extra
bechamel with mustard, cayenne, paprika, flavor, you could use a savory compound
grated nutmeg, pepper and Worcestershire butter (like truffle butter, pictured here.)
sauce. Adjust to your tastes, adding salt Spread half of the mac & cheese into the
as well (start with 1 teaspoon, cheese may dish.
be salty so adjust again later.) Simmer the
bechamel sauce for at least 10 minutes, until
it coats the back of a wooden spoon easily.
Stir frequently.

4. Take the finished bechamel sauce off the 8. Spread half the reserved shredded
heat (do not just turn the heat off; physically cheese over the first layer of noodles. If you
move the pot off the burner.) Stir in about cut any of the cheese into small chunks,
2/3 of the shredded cheese until melted. push it into random spots throughout the
Season the sauce to taste again with salt, if noodles. Remember, whatever cheese you
needed. use to layer should be something that melts
extremely well.
If you’re cooking the mac & cheese right
away, preheat oven to 350°F.

5. The cheese sauce should now be about 9. Spread the rest of the mac & cheese into
twice as thick, smooth and adequately the casserole dish. Don’t pack it; leaving the
seasoned. top layer loose and uneven adds texture to
the crust. Top with the rest of the shredded
If you’re prepping the sauce ahead of time cheese. You don’t need a blanket of cheese
to assemble later, transfer it to a container, here; some of the noodles can poke through.
pressing plastic wrap into the surface to If you’ve prepped the mac & cheese to bake
prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate up to later, loosely wrap it with plastic. Refrigerate
3 days. Warm gently over low heat before and bake within one day for best results.

6. Stir the cooked noodles into the cheese 10. If you’re topping with breadcrumbs,
sauce so they’re well coated. At this point toss the breadcrumbs and 1/4 cup of
the mixture should feel saucy and thick, but freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano with a
not runny or soupy. tablespoon of melted butter. Sprinkle the
buttered crumbs loosely over the top layer
of cheese.

Bake, uncovered, in a 350°F oven for 30

minutes, or until browned and bubbly. Cool
10 minutes before digging in!

112 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

For the best candied yams, start with really good sweet potatoes and roast them before glazing.
Garnet Yams, Jewel Yams and red sweet potatoes all have a deep orange flesh with a firm texture
that holds up to cooking. Marsala wine adds a nutty, toasty flavor to the glaze without being cloyingly
sweet. If you ruin this dish with marshmallows, I will judge you forever.

Active Time: Directions:

20 minutes 1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Peel and slice the sweet
potatoes into 1/2” thick rounds. Toss with the oil
Total Time: and arrange on a baking sheet lined with silicone or
1 hour parchment. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for
20 minutes, then flip the sweet potatoes over. Bake
Yield: for another 20 minutes or until fork tender but not
Serves 8 falling apart.
Special Equipment: 2 Meanwhile, prepare the glaze. In a saucepan, add
n/a the wine, brown sugar, maple syrup and apple pie
spice. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat,
Ingredients: simmering on low until you no longer smell the
alcohol and the mixture turns thick and syrupy.
4 pounds sweet potatoes That should take about 10 minutes depending on
3 tbsp neutral cooking oil the size of your pan. Don’t overcook the glaze.
1 1/2 cups good Marsala wine (dry or Once it’s reduced, turn off the heat and stir in two
sweet) tablespoons of butter.

1/3 cup light brown sugar 3. Butter a casserole dish and transfer the roasted
potatoes to the dish, then pour the glaze over the
1/3 cup maple syrup top. Gently toss to coat all the potatoes. Return the
1 tbsp apple pie spice sweet potatoes to the oven and bake for another 5
to 10 minutes to set the glaze, being careful not to
2 tbsp butter, more as needed
let it burn. Serve immediately, if desired sprinkled
Salt, to taste with a tiny pinch of a salt.
Cracked pepper, to taste
Do Ahead: The sweet potatoes can be roasted ahead of
time and transferred to a buttered casserole dish, then
refrigerated. The glaze can also be made ahead of time
and once cooled slightly, transferred to a container and
refrigerated. To reheat potatoes, cover the dish with foil
and place in a 350°F oven until warmed through, then
follow remaining instructions to add glaze.
A glaze can be made with any combination
of liquid and sugar. No Marsala? Try 3/4
cup orange juice and 1/4 cup of cognac,
bourbon or whiskey. Sweeten to taste, heat
as instructed to reduce to a glaze.

114 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

This is the real deal, smoky braised collard greens with pot liquor. Use collard greens alone or in
combination with mustard greens, turnip greens, or any variety of kale. This recipe can be prepared in
a slow cooker if necessary; simmer the meat and stock on high until the meat falls apart, then add the
greens and cook on low until done.

Active Time: Directions:

1 hour 1. Add oil to the pot over medium high heat and
brown the meat on all sides, about 5 minutes. Add
Total Time: onions and cook until softened, about 5 minutes.
4 hours Add garlic, paprika and pepper flakes, cook for
another minute; season with salt and pepper. Add
Yield: stock and scrape up any brown bits at the bottom
Serves 8 of the pot. Bring the liquid up to a boil. Add the bay
leaves and thyme.
Special Equipment: 2. Cover the lid, reduce heat to low and simmer on
Large Dutch oven pot with lid the stove top, or transfer the covered pot to the
oven and cook at 350° F. Cook until meat is tender
Ingredients: and starting to fall apart, about 2 hours.

2 tbsp neutral cooking oil 3. Discard bay leaf. Add maple syrup and vinegar.
Season to taste with salt, pepper and hot sauce.
2 lbs smoked meat (ham hocks, neck- Add greens, allowing them to wilt until they all fit.
bones, turkey necks or drumsticks) Cover the pot and simmer over low for an hour, or
2 onions, sliced return it to the oven for an hour.
4 cloves fresh garlic, chopped 4. After cooking greens, remove smoked meat from
the pot and set aside. Once cool enough to handle,
1 tbsp smoked paprika
pull the meat off the bones, shred and add back to
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes the greens. Discard bones or save for stock. Stir in
Salt, to taste the butter and hot sauce before serving.
Cracked pepper, to taste Optional, to concentrate pot liquor: Use a slotted
spoon to transfer cooked greens to a bowl and let
6 cups smoked turkey stock the liquid left in the pot simmer, uncovered, until the
2 tsp fresh thyme, chopped level drops down by about half. It’ll be much more
2 bay leaves concentrated and a thicker consistency. Return
greens to the pot, stir in butter and additional hot
Hot sauce, to taste sauce, if desired.
1 tbsp maple syrup (optional)
1/4 cup sherry or apple cider vinegar Do Ahead: The greens can be prepared in advance and
5 lbs destemmed, shredded or stored in a freezer safe container. Refrigerate up to 3
chopped collard greens days, or freeze and thaw once needed. Return to pot and
reheat over low heat.
2 tbsp butter (optional)

116 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Always wash fresh greens thoroughly before
cooking. Here’s how to prep them:

Destem: The fastest way to destem tender

greens is to hold a leaf by the end of the stem
with one hand and slide your other hand down
the stem, tearing away the leaf as you go. If
they’re a little tougher you can fold a small
stack in half and use your chef’s knife to cut off
the stem side.

Soak: Fill up your sink with cool water. As

you destem, add the greens to the sink. Once
you’ve destemmed all the greens swish them
around in the sink really well to release any
dirt. Let them soak for several minutes so the
dirt can sink to the bottom. Lift the greens up
and drain the sink. Rinse and repeat.

Chop: If you’re working with flat greens like

collards or Tuscan kale, grab a handful and
stack them up on your cutting board . Chop,
or roll into a cigar and slice into slivers or
thick bands. Curly greens like kale or mustard
greens will be easier to handle if you just make
a small pile and chop.

Rinse: Add the chopped greens to a sinkful of

cool clean water. Give them one last swish in
the water. Drain in a large colander. The greens
are now ready to use in recipes.

Store: If you want to store the washed greens,

use a salad spinner to dry them thoroughly.
Transfer the greens to plastic zipper bags,
squeezing out excess air. Add a paper towel
to help soak up moisture. Refrigerate to use
within 3 days.

118 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Spicy horseradish, sweet roasted garlic and sour cream add personality to these tangy mashed Russet potatoes are important for their
potatoes, which are great alongside any of the main dishes in this collection. After testing all of the starch content and light fluffy texture, but
“new and improved” ways to mash potatoes and wasting $30 on a crappy food mill, I ended up Yukon Golds offer better flavor. I like the
sticking with the tried and true method: a good old fashioned hand held potato masher. Resist the mix, but sometimes I sneak other root
urge to use a food processor or mixer, which can result in gluey potatoes.
vegetables into my mashed potatoes
instead. An equivalent weight of peeled
Active Time: Directions: and cubed celery root, rutabaga or
30 minutes 1. Peel potatoes and cut into 1” cubes. Place in a parsnips can be substituted for the Yukon
large pot of liberally salted cold water with the bay Gold potatoes. Cook as instructed, boiling
Total Time: leaf. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium everything together in the same pot.
1 hour and cook until potatoes are fork tender, about 30
minutes. To lighten mashed potatoes up, replace
2. Drain potatoes, shaking out excess water. Discard the Yukon Golds with steamed, pureed
Serves 8
bay leaf. Return potatoes to the pot (The stove top cauliflower. Adjust the amount of sour
Special Equipment: should be off, but the residual heat will help dry cream and half & half needed.
Large Dutch oven pot, colander, them out a bit more.)
potato masher 3. Add roasted garlic, horseradish and butter; mash
the potatoes thoroughly. Add sour cream and
Ingredients: warmed half & half. Continue mashing until potatoes
1 1/2 lbs Russet potatoes are desired texture, adding more half & half if
needed. Season with salt and pepper, to taste.
1 1/2 lbs Yukon Gold potatoes (or
another veggie; see next page) 4. Before serving, stir in chives and finishing butter,
if desired.
Salt, as needed
1 bay leaf
4 cloves roasted garlic
Do Ahead: Prepare as above, spreading into a deep
1/4 cup grated fresh horseradish
buttered casserole dish covered with foil. Keep
root or 1 tbsp prepared horseradish,
at room temperature up to an hour, otherwise
more to taste
refrigerate up to 3 days. Gently reheat in a 350°F
6 tbsp chilled butter, cubed oven or microwave until warmed through, stirring
8 oz sour cream occasionally. Add additional cream if needed. Finish
with chives and finishing butter, if desired.
8 oz warmed half & half, more as
Cracked pepper, to taste
1 tbsp minced chives (optional)
2 tbsp citrus & herb butter, brown
butter or truffle butter (optional)

120 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Sour cream adds creaminess and tang to
potatoes. Cream cheese, soft goat cheese
or mascarpone can also be used. Feeling
fancy? Spring for crème fraîche.

If you choose to skip the extra cream,

increase the liquid component or butter.

Anything in the range of whole milk to

heavy cream works for mashed potatoes
depending on how rich you want them.
Half & half strikes a good balance.

Full fat coconut milk is the best non-

dairy substitute in my experience, but
the subtle sweetness may not vibe with
everybody’s tastes. Unsweetened cashew
milk is the next best thing.

Don’t be shy about adding a flavor or

two. Roasted garlic, herbs, horseradish,
citrus, or spices can take things to a new Use good butter. Lots of it. More than you
level. Most importantly, season potatoes think you should use. If dairy is out, try
with plenty of salt and pepper. clarified butter and/or extra-virgin olive
oil. Save the fancy finishing butters for
melting over the top just before serving.

122 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

If there is only one dish you attempt from this section, make this savory, custardy dressing. This year,
I replaced my usual sage sausage with mushrooms and leeks and didn't miss a thing. Feel free to
include meat if you prefer! Breads that already have a buttery flavor and eggy texture work best. Try
Brioche, Challah or Hawaiian sweet bread (better yet, the real deal Portuguese sweet bread, if you're
lucky enough to get it locally.) My Smoked Turkey Stock will send this over the edge, but if you truly
need to keep the dressing vegetarian you'll want to use a good veggie or mushroom stock instead.

Active Time: Ingredients:

1 hour 2 tbsp olive oil
6 tbsp butter, plus additional for butter-
Total Time:
ing the casserole dish
2 hours
8 oz sliced Cremini mushrooms
Yield: Salt, to taste
Serves 8
Cracked pepper, to taste
Special Equipment: 1 1/2 cups sliced leeks (light green and
n/a white parts)
1/2 cup diced onions
1/2 cup diced celery
1 lb loaf Hawaiian sweet bread, Brioche or
4 cloves roasted garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp red pepper flakes
2 tsp Bell's Seasoning
1/4 cup poultry herbs
1 cup diced Honeycrisp apples
1/2 cup caramelized onions (optional)
Do Ahead: The dressing can be made a day
1 to 1 1/2 cups Smoked Turkey Stock
ahead of time, covered and refrigerated.
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream Allow the dressing to come to room
2 eggs temperature for an hour and bake as
instructed. To prep dressing more than a
Gravy, for serving day in advance, complete steps 2 - 4 and
refrigerate the cooked ingredients up to 3
days. Combine with fresh dried bread and
all other ingredients on the day of assembly,
bake as directed.

124 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Use a serrated knife to cut bread into 1" 5. Whisk together the remaining stock,
cubes. Arrange bread cubes on baking sheet cream and eggs thoroughly. Pour half of
and bake at 225°F until bread is dried but the mixture over the bread cubes; use your
not very toasted, about 30 minutes. Transfer hands or a wooden spoon to toss. Slowly
to a large mixing bowl. add additional liquid, just until the bread is
well moistened (it should not be soggy.)
The amount needed will vary depending on
moisture from the bread, vegetables, and
meat if using.

2. Heat olive oil and 2 tablespoons of butter 6. Melt 4 tablespoons of butter and pour it
over medium high heat in a large skillet. over the dressing mixture. Season with salt
Brown the mushrooms until golden and and pepper, if needed.
crusty, about 10 minutes. Season with salt
and pepper.

(If you're adding meat, brown up to 8

ounces of sausage or bacon in the skillet
before cooking the mushrooms. Set it aside,
draining excess grease.)

3. Add additional olive oil if needed. Saute 7. Butter a large gratin or casserole dish.
the leeks, onions and celery until softened, For extra flavor, you could use a savory
about 5 minutes. Season with salt and compound butter (like truffle butter or the
pepper. citrus & herb butter pictured here.) Spoon
the dressing into the dish. To keep the
Note: Leeks can be gritty on the inside. After dressing light and fluffy, try not to smash the
cutting off the dark green top, split the leek bread cubes too much.
in half and rinse in between the layers with
running water. It can then be sliced to used in Preheat oven to 350°F.
the recipe.

4. Stir in the garlic, red pepper flakes, poultry 10. Cover the dressing loosely with aluminum
seasoning, fresh herbs, diced apples and foil. Bake for 45 minutes covered, then
caramelized onions. Pour in 1/2 cup stock to remove the foil. Bake an additional 15
deglaze the pan, scraping up any browned minutes to crisp the top. Remove from oven
bits. Transfer the contents of the skillet, plus and cool for 10 minutes. Drizzle hot gravy
browned meat (if using) to the mixing bowl. over the top before serving.
Toss with bread cubes.

126 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Day old bread is fine, but letting it get
stale is not the best method. To preserve
flavor, cube fresh bread and dry it out in Mushrooms add body and umami to
the oven just prior to assembly. a meatless dressing. If you're adding
ground sausage or bacon, 8 oz for flavor
is more than enough.

Your poultry herb blend will come in

handy here, so use it liberally to season
the dressing. Reinforce the herb flavor
with a dried poultry seasoning, like
Bell's. Seasoning is especially critical for
meatless dressings, as you lose the spices
Apples add tart sweetness. I like and fat that sausage or bacon add.
Honeycrisp, which stay firm when baking.
Caramelized onions, dried fruits and nuts
are also wonderful add-ins.

Leeks take the savory onion flavor in this

dressing up a couple notches. Save the
dark green tops for stock!

128 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

I don't know why it took me so long to make a cornbread dressing, but I've been hooked ever since. I
really loved the smoky spicy flavor that Andouille added, which paired nicely with smoked turkey. You
can use any plain homemade cornbread, or try the sage brown butter cornbread in this collection. The
process is similar to making a bread based stuffing, just rethink the ingredients!

Active Time: Directions:

1 hour 1. Use a serrated knife to cut cornbread into 1/2"
to 1" cubes. Arrange on baking sheet and bake
Total Time: at 225°F until cornbread is dried but not toasted,
4 hours about 30 minutes. Transfer to a large mixing bowl.
Yield: 2. In a large skillet over medium high heat, brown
Serves 8 the diced sausage in olive oil, about 5 minutes. Add
the onion, celery and peppers. Season with salt
Special Equipment: and pepper. Cook until the veggies brown around
n/a the edges, about 10 minutes. Add the garlic, herbs,
smoked paprika, poultry seasoning, dried cherries
Ingredients: and pecans. Cook for another minute until fragrant.
1 batch day old Sage Brown Butter Pour in 1/2 cup of stock to deglaze the skillet,
Cornbread, or other skillet cornbread scraping up any browned bits. Transfer the contents
2 tbsp olive oil of the skillet to the bowl containing the cornbread.

12 oz good quality Andouille sausage, 3. Whisk together the remaining stock and cream
diced into 1/4" pieces with 2 eggs. Pour half of the mixture over the
1 cup diced onion dressing ingredients; toss gently to combine. Try
not to crumble the cornbread too much. Continue
1/2 cup diced celery
adding just enough liquid until moistened but not
1/2 cup diced green bell peppers soggy. Preheat oven to 350°F.
Salt, as needed
4. Use half of the butter to grease a gratin or
Cracked pepper, as needed casserole dish. Loosely pile the dressing into the
2 cloves roasted garlic, smashed dish, being careful not to mash the cornbread. Melt
2 tbsp poultry herbs remaining butter and drizzle over the top. Cover
loosely with foil; bake for 30 minutes, then uncover
2 tsp smoked paprika and bake another 15 minutes to crisp the top. Fluff
2 tsp Bell's Seasoning before serving.
1/4 cup chopped dried cherries
1/2 cup chopped pecans Do Ahead: Saute the skillet ingredients in
advance; refrigerate up to 3 days. When
1 to 1 1/2 cups Smoked Turkey Stock you're ready to assemble, combine cubed
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream dried cornbread with all other dressing
2 eggs ingredients and bake as instructed.
1/4 cup butter

130 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A little less fuss. A lot less guilt. Holiday side
dishes can be impressive and good for you at
the same time.
When tough, bitter winter greens are oven-
roasted with garlic and vinegar, they become
silky and sweeter. This is a satisfying vegetarian
side dish and something different from

GREENS traditional southern greens. I’ve dressed up my

“weekday” version of this recipe using shallots,
roasted garlic and sherry vinegar.

Active Time: Directions:

15 minutes 1. Preheat oven to 350° F. Over medium
heat, add 2 tablespoons of olive oil to
Total Time: the pot. Add the shallots and cook for
1 hour, 15 minutes a couple minutes just until softened,
seasoning with salt and pepper. Stir in the
Yield: garlic, pepper flakes, nutmeg and 1/3 cup
Serves 8 of sherry vinegar. Cook for another minute
until fragrant.
Special Equipment:
Large Dutch oven pot with lid 2. Add the greens a pound at a time,
stirring so they wilt down a bit and to
Ingredients: evenly distribute the shallots. Season with
salt and pepper to taste. Drizzle olive oil
2 tbsp olive oil, more as needed over the top of the greens.
4 large shallots, sliced 3. Cover the pot and transfer to the oven.
Salt, to taste Roast for 1 hour. After roasting, stir the
Cracked pepper, to taste greens, adding an extra splash of vinegar
and olive oil.
8 cloves roasted garlic, smashed
1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
Do Ahead: The greens can be prepared in
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg advance and stored in a freezer safe bag or
container. Refrigerate and eat within 3 days, or
1/3 cup sherry vinegar; more as
freeze and thaw once needed.
needed (balsamic also works)
5 lbs Tuscan kale and/or collard
To offset bitter greens without resorting greens, chopped (tender stems are
to sugar, try adding a very thinly sliced okay to include)
firm apple to the pot before roasting. The
apples will become meltingly tender and
add natural sweetness to the greens.

134 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Carrots have a ton of natural sweetness, so
roasting them in the oven caramelizes the
sugars. Instead of adding a glaze, I kept it simple
with my garlic and herb basting oil for a savory,

CARROTS simple veggie side. This recipe works with any

kind of whole carrots, but if you can find them,
rainbow carrots are gorgeous!

Active Time: Directions:

5 minutes
1. Cut off the tops of the carrots, leaving
just a small stub at the top if desired. Rinse
Total Time:
them well, then dry. If you're using organic
30 minutes
carrots, no need to peel. Slice the thicker
carrots in half lengthwise but leave any
small ones intact; you want them to all be a
Serves 8
uniform size for roasting.
Special Equipment: 2. Preheat oven to 450°F. (Any range
Dutch oven pot with lid from 400°F to 450°F will work if you are
coordinating with other things in the oven.
Adjust the cook time accordingly.) Spread
the carrots out over a parchment or silicone
2 bunches carrots; about 4 lbs lined sheet pan. Drizzle with the basting oil;
2 tbsp basting oil; more as needed toss to coat well. Arrange in a single layer
and season with salt and pepper.
Salt, to taste
3. Roast for 20 minutes, or until carrots are
Cracked pepper, to taste tender throughout and crusty around the
Poultry herbs, to garnish edges. Arrange on a serving platter and
garnish with herbs.
Carrots can be served hot or at room

The ingredients in this collection are

versatile. If you've opted not to use the
basting oil, you can achieve similar results
roasting with a neutral cooking oil. Finish
the cooked carrots by drizzling with
melted citrus & herb butter.

136 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Brussels sprouts may invoke memories of mushy, bitter balls
of terror from childhood, but that's mostly because boiling
vegetables used to be the norm. Like all of the other veggies
in this section, I opt to roast Brussels Sprouts for an easy

BRUSSELS side dish. The high temperature of the oven will cook them
through while crisping the other leaves. I happen to like the
flavor of Brussels sprouts without any added sweeteners,

SPROUTS but a drizzle of honey or maple syrup will be just enough to

convert anybody who is still on the fence. To get the best
results, you'll need to start with fresh (not frozen) veggies.

Active Time: Directions:

5 minutes 1. Slice the Brussels sprouts in half length-
wise, trimming any tough parts of the stump
Total Time: off.
30 to 45 minutes
2. Preheat oven to 450°F. (Any range
Yield: from 400°F to 450°F will work if you are
Serves 8 coordinating with other things in the oven,
however they'll crisp better at higher temps.
Special Equipment: Adjust cook time accordingly.) Spread the
n/a Brussels sprouts out over a parchment
or silicone lined sheet pan. Drizzle with
the basting oil and vinegar; toss to coat
well. Arrange in a single layer and season
Ingredients: generously with salt and pepper.

4 lbs whole Brussels sprouts 3. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes, or until

Brussels sprouts are tender throughout
1/4 cup basting oil and charred around the edges. Arrange on
Salt, to taste a serving platter and drizzle with honey or
maple syrup, if using.
Cracked pepper, to taste
Serve hot or at room temperature.
2 tbsp balsamic or sherry vinegar
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup (op-
tional) Brussels sprouts are delicious with savory
cooking oils as well. Try walnut oil or
duck fat, which are ingredients you may
already have on hand from other recipes
in the collection!

138 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Duck fat might be the best thing that ever
happened to potatoes. Pre-cooking the
potatoes gets them soft on the inside first;
tossing in duck fat and roasting at a high temp

POTATOES will then get them super crispy to finish. This

recipe will work best with Russet, Yukon Gold or
Fingerling potatoes.

Active Time: Directions:

10 minutes To steam: Toss potatoes with a good pinch
of salt and the vinegar in a microwave
Total Time: steamer bowl. Cover and microwave on
45 minutes to 1 hour high for 5 minutes, or until potatoes are
knife tender. Drain liquid and open cover to
Yield: let steam escape.
Serves 8
Or, to boil the potatoes: Add potatoes
Special Equipment: and vinegar to a large pot of cold salted
Microwave steamer (optional) water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and
simmer just until potatoes are knife tender.
Drain water and return potatoes to pot.
Roast: Preheat oven to 450°F and line
4 lbs potatoes, scrubbed and cut
a heavy duty sheet pan with parchment
into 1" to 2" evenly sized pieces
paper or silicone. Melt the duck fat and
Salt, to taste butter together. Add to the cooked
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar potatoes, then cover and shake the bowl
(or pot) around to coat them with fat. You
Cracked pepper, to taste want the potatoes to get smashed up a
3 tbsp rendered duck fat little bit on the surface. Season with salt and
pepper to taste.
1 tbsp butter (try truffle butter!) or
basting oil Spread the potatoes out on the sheet pan.
Roast for about 30 minutes, or until desired
Poultry herbs, to garnish (optional)
crispness is reached. Toss the potatoes half
way through cooking to redistribute the fat
Do Ahead: Potatoes can be pre-cooked and brown evenly. Cook time will depend
and prepped for roasting earlier in the on the size and type of your potatoes, so
day, so that they can be served hot later. keep an eye on them after they start to
After spreading out on a sheet pan, cover brown. Serve hot, garnishing with a pinch of
herbs if desired.
and set aside. Roast potatoes just before
serving time.

140 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

BROWN BUTTER I love roasted butternut squash and sweet
potatoes so much that I'll eat them all
by themselves, no adornment necessary.

For a holiday meal, I suppose it's nice to
dress things up a bit. While I think either
veggie is great as a mash on its own, they
really compliment each other when pureed

& SQUASH MASH together. If you skip the added sugar, this
is a healthier alternative to a sweet potato

Active Time: Directions:

15 minutes Prep: Follow instructions in the Building
Blocks section to roast the sweet potatoes
Total Time: and squash. Both will take about an hour at
1 hour, 30 minutes 375°F and can be cooked at the same time.
Yield: 1. Scoop the sweet potato and squash flesh
Serves 8 into a large bowl. Mash thoroughly. Season
to taste with salt, cracked pepper and apple
Special Equipment: pie spice. Stir in orange juice and zest, as
Food processor or blender well as any sweetener if using.
2. Heat 3/4 cup butter in a small skillet
Ingredients: until it sizzles and foams. Reduce heat and
1 1/2 lbs roasted sweet potatoes, to continue cooking until the butter is a deep
yield about 2 1/2 cups mashed golden brown and smells nutty, scraping up
any browned bits in the skillet frequently. (If
2 1/2 lbs roasted butternut squash, you've already prepared brown butter, just
to yield about 2 1/2 cups mashed measure the 1/2 cup needed for this recipe
3/4 cup butter or 1/2 cup prepared and melt it gently in a skillet over low heat.)
brown butter 3. Working in batches, puree the mash with
Salt, to taste all but 2 tablespoons of the brown butter.
Cracked pepper, to taste Leave a little texture if desired, or puree
until smooth and silky. Adjust seasonings if
2 tsp apple pie spice, or to taste needed. Transfer to a casserole dish.
Do Ahead: The mash can be pureed 2 tbsp orange juice plus 1 tsp zest 4. Add the pecans to the remaining brown
ahead of time and reheated in the butter. Cook over low heat for a minute or
Brown sugar or maple syrup, to
microwave or 350°F oven before serving, two, until fragrant. Drizzle the butter and
taste (optional)
stirring occasionally. Save the 2 tbsp pecans over the top of the mash. Serve hot.
brown butter and pecans as a final step 1/2 cup chopped pecans
just before serving.

142 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

I used to prepare a dish similar to this in the skillet,
but in a hectic moment I threw everything on a
sheet pan and roasted it instead. The result was just
as good and much easier to prepare. While green

GREEN beans aren't a winter vegetable, they're still easy to

come across out of season and a traditional side for
the holidays. Instead of cooking them to death or

BEAN MEDLEY drowning in a casserole, crisp tender roasted green

beans are much more appealing to me.

Active Time: Directions:

15 minutes
1. Preheat oven to 450° F. (Any range
from 400°F to 450°F will work if you are
Total Time:
coordinating with other things in the oven.
45 minutes
Adjust the cook time accordingly.) On a
parchment or silicone lined sheet pan, spread
green beans out and toss with peppers and
Serves 8
shallots. Drizzle with basting oil. Season
generously with salt and pepper.
Special Equipment:
n/a 2. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes, or until green
beans are crisp tender and charred in spots.
Ingredients: Toss with vinegar and transfer to serving
platter; serve hot or at room temperature.
4 lbs fresh Haricots verts or
trimmed green beans
2 red bell peppers, thinly sliced
1/2 cup sliced shallots
1/4 cup basting oil
Salt, to taste
Cracked pepper, to taste
2 tbsp balsamic or sherry vine-
The ingredients in this collection are
versatile. If you've opted not to use the
basting oil, you can achieve similar results
roasting with a neutral cooking oil. Finish
the cooked green beans by drizzling with
melted citrus & herb butter.

144 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

There’s a sweet reward at the finish line. You
earned it.
My version of sweet potato pie is a dense creamy custard. Take your time baking; I've includ-
ed steps to prevent the pie from cracking or cooking unevenly. If you have the patience to
allow the pie to chill overnight, you’ll be rewarded by the best sweet potato pie of your life.
This is a pie that deserves the spotlight at your family’s holiday table!

Active Time: Ingredients:

1 hour For the crust:
Total Time: 1 prepared deep dish pie shell, frozen at least
5 hours, ideally chilled overnight an hour (Buttermilk Pie Crust, recommended)
Non-stick cooking spray, if needed
1 egg yolk beaten with 2 tsp water
Serves 8

Special Equipment:
9.5" to 10" deep dish pie pan, high
powered blender (otherwise, use a For the filling:
food processor), fine mesh sieve (op- 1 1/2 lbs roasted sweet potatoes, to yield 2 1/2
tional), 1 bag of dried rice or beans cups mashed
3/4 cup half & half
1 tsp pure vanilla extract
2 tsp grated fresh ginger
2 tsp orange zest
1/2 to 3/4 cup cane sugar; to taste
1/2 cup light brown sugar
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp salt
2 tsp apple pie spice
Pinch of cracked pepper
6 tbsp unsalted butter
3 eggs plus 2 yolks

Do Ahead: This pie should be baked a day or two

ahead of time and refrigerated. Once baked and chilled
completely, it can be frozen, although the crust may not
remain as crisp once thawed.

148 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Preheat oven to 425°F. You should blind 5. Back in the blender, mix the remaining
bake the frozen crust while you prepare the 3 eggs and 2 egg yolks on low speed (you
filling. Line the crust with parchment paper don’t want a ton of air incorporated into the
or foil that has been sprayed with non-stick filling.) Add a half cup of the warm sweet
cooking spray on the side that will touch potato filling to the eggs, and quickly mix
the crust. Fill the pie up with dried beans or again until smooth. This tempers the eggs so
rice. This weighs the crust down so it doesn’t that they don’t scramble immediately when
puff up or sag while it bakes without a filling. introduced to the pot. Pour the tempered
Bake for 15 minutes on a lined sheet pan. eggs into the filling, whisking quickly to

2. Meanwhile, puree the mashed sweet 6. The timing of this should be that you
potato with half & half, vanilla, orange zest are adding the tempered eggs while the
and ginger. In a small bowl, whisk together pie crust is baking for its last 5 minutes.
both sugars, cornstarch, salt and all spices. Allow the filling to cook on low heat, stirring
With the motor running, pour the sugar frequently, until the pie has finished blind
mixture into the blender and puree until baking and is removed from the oven. To be
smooth and velvety. extra cautious, I pass the filling through a fine
mesh sieve to catch anything that may have

3. In a medium pot or large saucepan, allow 7. Pour the hot filling into the hot pie crust.
the butter to melt over medium low heat. If necessary smooth out the surface with a
Once sizzling, pour in the sweet potato silicone spatula.
filling. Whisk to thoroughly incorporate the
butter and cook for a few minutes, stirring Bake the pie on the bottom 1/3 of the oven
frequently. At this point you can taste at 325°F, for approximately 40 minutes. The
and make any adjustments on seasonings pie may puff up slightly towards the end of
or sweetness. You want the spices and baking. If the rim of the crust browns too
sugar to enhance the sweet potato but not much, place a pie shield over the top to
overpower it. protect it.

4. Whisk the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of 8. To know that it’s done, gently jiggle the
water until frothy. Once the crust has baked pie. If only the center quivers – it’s done! A
for 15 minutes, carefully peel the paper or foil large wet area in the center may indicate
away and remove the beans/rice. Quickly it needs more time. After baking, turn off
brush the entire pie crust with a light layer the oven. Crack the door but leave the pie
of egg wash, Return the pie to the oven and in the oven to cool for 30 minutes. After
bake for another 5 minutes, uncovered. Turn 30 minutes, remove the pie and finish
down the oven to 325°F. cooling on the counter until it reaches room
temperature. Refrigerate overnight, or at
least 4 hours.

150 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

You went through all the trouble of baking desserts from
scratch, so freshly whipped cream should be a given. It's a
pretty quick task to do just before serving. Do yourself a favor
and mix all the ingredients together in a bowl ahead of time,

CREAM then chill it in the fridge until needed. Unless you're serving
kids, it wouldn't be a terrible thing to replace the vanilla with a
splash of liquor.

Active Time:
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
5 minutes
Whip on high speed until soft peaks form.
Over whipping will result in a stiff texture;
Total Time:
if that happens you can fix it by stirring in
5 minutes
a little more cream to loosen it.
Yield: Serve immediately. Extra whipped cream
Makes 2 cups will keep for a day in the fridge, it just
won't be as fluffy.
Special Equipment:
Electric mixer or stand mixer
fitted with a whip attachment

1 cup chilled heavy whipping
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
2 tbsp powdered sugar

Note: Powdered sugar dissolves into the cream

better, but you can get away with granulated
sugar if that's all you have on hand.

152 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

When I set out to do holiday baking from scratch, I had a hard time replacing the canned
pumpkin with fresh. I discovered that roasted butternut squash puree is thicker and naturally
sweeter than fresh pumpkin, with a flavor superior to anything canned. Although this pie is
similar to pumpkin, it has a fresher, more delicate flavor that lets the squash shine!

Active Time: Ingredients:

1 hour For the crust:
Total Time: 1 prepared standard sized pie shell, frozen at least
5 hours, ideally chilled overnight an hour (Buttermilk Pie Crust, recommended)
Non-stick cooking spray, if needed
1 egg yolk beaten with 2 tsp water
Serves 6 to 8

Special Equipment:
8 to 9" pie pan, fine mesh sieve (op-
tional), 1 bag of dried rice or beans For the filling:
2 tbsp butter
1 tsp pumpkin spice
Pinch of cracked pepper
2 cups butternut squash puree
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 oz. honey
1/2 to 3/4 cup granulated sugar, to taste
1 cup half & half
2 eggs plus 1 egg yolk
Zest of 1 lemon

Do Ahead: This pie should be baked a day or two

ahead of time and refrigerated. Once baked and chilled
completely, it can be frozen, although the crust may not
remain as crisp once thawed.
Aluminum pans aren't ideal, but they are
sometimes necessary for travel. Keep an
eye on the crust, which may brown faster.

154 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Preheat oven to 425°F. You should blind 5. Whisk the egg yolk with 2 teaspoons of
bake the frozen crust while you prepare the water until frothy. Once the crust has baked
filling. Line the crust with parchment paper for 15 minutes, carefully peel the paper or foil
or foil that has been sprayed with non-stick away and remove the beans/rice. Quickly
cooking spray on the side that will touch brush the entire pie crust with a light layer
the crust. Fill the pie up with dried beans or of egg wash, Return the pie to the oven and
rice. This weighs the crust down so it doesn’t bake for another 5 minutes, uncovered. Turn
puff up or sag while it bakes without a filling. down the oven to 325°F.
Bake for 15 minutes on a lined sheet pan.

2. While the pie crust bakes, prepare the 6. Whisk the remaining 2 eggs and egg yolk
filling. Melt butter in a small pot in a separate bowl. Add a half cup of the
over medium low heat. Add the pumpkin warm squash mixture to the eggs, whisking
spice and pepper. Stir for a minute quickly until smooth. Pour the tempered egg
until bubbly and fragrant to bloom the mixture into the pot, whisking constantly to
spices. prevent the eggs from scrambling. Turn off
the heat.
As extra precaution, you can pass the filling
through a fine mesh sieve to catch any small
bits that may have curdled.

3. Stir in the butternut squash puree, salt, 7. Pour the hot filling into the hot pie crust.
vanilla, lemon zest, honey and sugar. If necessary smooth out the surface with a
silicone spatula.

Bake the pie on the bottom 1/3 of the oven

at 325°F, for 30 to 40 minutes. The pie may
puff up slightly towards the end of baking. If
the rim of the crust browns too much, place
a pie shield over the top to protect it.

4. Add the half & half, stirring until the 8. To know that it’s done, gently jiggle the
mixture is evenly blended. Taste test to pie. If only the center quivers – it’s done! A
check seasonings and sweetness; adjust large wet area in the center may indicate
as needed, Stir frequently. Time the it needs more time. After baking, turn off
preparation of the filling so that the pie crust the oven. Crack the door but leave the pie
has 5 minutes left to bake (Step 5) before in the oven to cool for 30 minutes. After
proceeding. 30 minutes, remove the pie and finish
cooling on the counter until it reaches room
temperature. Refrigerate overnight, or at
least 4 hours.

156 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

When I was a kid, we had a chocolate cream pie every Thanksgiving. Back then, it seemed
like a big deal to help mix the pudding, even though it came from a box. Now I know that
it's not much harder to make from scratch, and the graham cracker pistachio crust is just as
simple to throw together. I'm not going to tell you how much of this I ate without sharing.

Active Time: Ingredients:

1 hour
For the crust:
Total Time: 1/3 cup roasted pistachios, plus more to garnish
3 hours, plus at least 4 hours to chill 1/4 cup cane sugar

Yield: 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs

Serves 8 6 tbsp melted butter (or melted brown butter)

Special Equipment:
9.5" to 10" deep dish pie pan, For the filling:
food processor (optional) 1 cup cane sugar
1/4 cup cornstarch
2 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp finely ground espresso or finely ground
• Graham crackers can be purchased
instant coffee (optional)
as crumbs, as specified in the recipe.
If using whole graham crackers, crush 1/4 teaspoon salt
them first, then measure to 1 1/2 cups. 1 tsp unflavored gelatin
• If you'd like to make this a gluten free 3 egg yolks
crust, substitute the graham crackers
2 cups whole milk
for a dry, crisp gluten-free cookie of
your choice and crush into crumbs. 1 cup heavy whipping cream
• If you don't have a food processor, 6 ounces chocolate (60% cacao), chopped
crush the pistachios and/or graham 2 tbsp cold butter
crackers in a plastic bag, using a roll-
ing pin or heavy can. 2 tsp vanilla extract

For the topping:

1 teaspoon unflavored gelatin
1 cup chilled heavy whipping cream
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Do Ahead: This pie is best within a day of making
it, although it should definitely be chilled at least 4 Pinch of salt
hours to firm up. Add the whipped cream topping
2 tbsp powdered sugar
up to a few hours before serving time.

158 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. To prepare the crust, give the pistachios 5. Place the saucepan over medium heat.
a rough chop and add to a food processor. Once the mixture is warm, whisk in the
Pulse a few times until they are finely melted gelatin. Stirring constantly as the
chopped. Add the sugar, graham cracker mixture thickens, bring it up to a boil. Boil for
crumbs and melted butter. Pulse again until 1 minute, then remove the saucepan from the
combined; the mixture should feel like moist heat.
sand. Press the graham cracker mixture
into a deep dish pie pan. Use a flat cup or
measuring spoon to firmly pack it into the
pan, being sure to pack the sides too. Freeze
the pie shell for at least 2 hours.

2. In a pot or large saucepan, whisk together 6. Stir in the chocolate until melted. Whisk in
the sugar, cornstarch, cocoa, espresso and the butter and vanilla until smooth.
salt. Don't turn the heat on just yet.

(Note: Coffee enhances the chocolate flavor.

Very finely ground espresso or instant coffee
won't make the pudding grainy, however
regular coffee grounds could. If you don't
have it, just omit.)

3. Add the heavy cream, whisking until no 7. Pour the hot filling into the frozen pie
lumps remain. Whisk in the milk and eggs. crust. Smooth out the surface with a silicone
spatula. Press plastic wrap into the surface to
prevent skin from forming. Refrigerate for at
least 4 hours, until the pudding is firm.

4. In a small microwaveable dish, sprinkle 8. To make the topping, repeat the

1 teaspoon of gelatin over 1 tablespoon of process of melting 1 teaspoon of gelatin
water. Let it sit for a minute. Microwave in 5 in 1 tablespoon of water. In a large bowl,
second increments until the gelatin dissolves, combine heavy cream, vanilla, salt and
then stir. powdered sugar. Using a mixer, beat on
medium until combined, streaming in the
gelatin. Beat on high until stiff peaks form.
Spread the whipped cream over the pie.
Refrigerate 30 minutes to set. Garnish with
chopped pistachios.

160 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Fruit crisps are damn near impossible to screw up, plus they are easy to serve as individual portions.
This can be a great alternative to pie if you're looking for something with less work (and sugar)
involved. Pears can be exchanged for the apples. Stone fruit like peaches or plums also works well,
although you'll be better off getting it frozen this time of year. For something more tart, use fresh
cranberries instead of the dried fruit.

Active Time: Ingredients:

15 min For the filling:
1/4 cup unsalted butter
Total Time:
1 hour 1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup maple syrup
Juice and zest of 1/2 lemon
Serves 4
2 tsp cornstarch
Special Equipment: 1/2 teaspoon salt
4 large ramekins or a medium sized
casserole or gratin dish, food pro- 2 tsp apple pie spice
cessor (optional) 5 cups diced Honeycrisp apples
1/2 cup dried cherries or cranberries, chopped
Walnut oil or additional butter, to grease ramekins

For the topping:

1/2 cup all-purpose flour (gluten-free flour is fine)
1/2 cup rolled oats
1/4 cup walnuts or pecans, finely chopped
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp apple pie spice
1/2 tsp very finely minced rosemary
6 tbsp cold butter, diced

Fresh whipped cream or ice cream, for serving.

Do Ahead: The crumbles can be prepped through step 5

and refrigerated to bake up to a day later. Cover loosely
with plastic if not baking on the same day.

162 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

1. Combine the butter, brown sugar, 5. Divide the topping among the ramekins,
cornstarch, maple syrup, lemon juice and loosely piling it into a mound on top of the
zest in a large sauce pan or non-stick skillet. apples.
Add 2 teaspoons of apple pie spice and 1/2
teaspoon salt. As the butter melts, whisk all
the ingredients thoroughly and bring to a
gentle boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5

2. Add the diced apples and dried cherries. 6. Bake for 45 minutes, or until filling is
Toss to coat in the sauce, then cook for a bubbly and topping is nicely browned. Allow
couple minutes just until slightly softened. to cool slightly until ramekins are safe to

3. Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease 4 large 7. Serve warm, topped with fresh whipped
ramekins with walnut oil or butter. Arrange cream or vanilla ice cream.
on a lined sheet pan, to catch spills while
baking. Divide the apples among the
ramekins, filling to the top.

Alternatively the crumble can be prepared in

a greased casserole dish.

4. To make the crumble, place the oats,

chopped nuts, flour, brown sugar, remaining
apple pie spice, rosemary and salt in a food
processor. Pulse a few times to combine.
Add the chilled butter, then pulse to
incorporate until butter is pea-sized. The
mixture should be thick and clumpy; don't
let the butter melt. If you don't have a food
processor, toss ingredients in a bowl and
work the butter in by hand.

164 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Growing up, the only bread pudding I knew was soggy and studded with raisins, so I couldn't
figure out why it existed. The first time I braved it again was at a restaurant in my late 20's.
It was soft, custardy, cinnamon flecked and buttery, soaked in a creamy caramelized sauce.
That is what I now understand bread pudding should be. Luckily, it's very easy to make!

Active Time: 1. Slice bread into 1" cubes. Spread out on a

1 hour sheet pan. Bake at 225°F until bread is dried
but not very toasted, about 30 minutes.
Total Time: 2. Meanwhile in a separate bowl, whisk to-
4 hours gether the half & half, eggs, egg yolks, scraped
vanilla beans, 1 cup of sugar, apple pie spice,
Yield: orange zest and salt. Make sure no streaks of
Serves 8 eggs remain.
Special Equipment: 3. Butter the casserole dish, then sprinkle the
n/a insides with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Transfer
bread cubes to the buttered gratin or casserole
Ingredients: dish. (Note: The dish you use will need to fit
inside of a larger pan.)
1 lb loaf fresh Brioche, Challah or Hawaiian
sweet bread 4. Pour the custard mixture over the bread
cubes, tossing to make sure they're all well
4 cups half & half coated. For a crusty top, it's okay if some of
6 eggs plus 2 yolks the tops of the bread cubes stick out, other-
1 vanilla bean, scraped (or 1 tbsp vanilla wise, press it all down. Allow the bread to soak
extract) for 30 minutes to an hour. Cover the dish tight-
ly with foil.
1 cup cane sugar, plus 2 tsp
5. Preheat oven to 325°F. Place the casserole
2 tsp apple pie spice dish inside of a larger roasting pan. Fill the
2 tsp orange zest larger dish with water to reach the level of the
bread pudding. Carefully transfer to the oven
1/2 tsp salt
and bake on the middle rack for 45 minutes.
2 tbsp butter Uncover the bread pudding and bake another
15 minutes, until puffy and golden brown; no
liquid should remain. Carefully remove the dish
For the sauce: from the water pan; allow to cool at least 2
3 tbsp butter hours. Bread pudding can be gently rewarmed
1/4 cup light brown sugar; or to taste in the microwave or oven if desired.

2 cups prepared full-fat eggnog 6. To prepare the sauce, melt the butter in
a saucepan over medium heat. Whisk in the
Do Ahead: The texture of the custard will actually 1 tsp apple pie spice brown sugar, egg nog, apple pie spice and salt.
improve with an overnight chill, so feel free to Pinch of salt Simmer for 10 minutes until slightly thickened,
bake the day before you plan to serve and gently whisking in the booze, if using. Serve warm
rewarm. 2 tbsp bourbon, whiskey or cognac (op-
over sliced bread pudding.

166 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

A few last words and helpful resources.
list of main ingredients
This list is not meant to be an all-inclusive shopping list, rather a reference for specific ingredients used
in this collection. Ingredients that are only listed as suggested variations are not included here.

MEAT Pomegranate juice (pure, unsweetened)

Beef rib eye roast (boneless or bone-in) Parsley, Italian flat-leaf
Beef stock, unsalted (buy fresh) Rosemary
Cornish hens Sage
Turkey, whole (preferably fresh) Shallots
Turkey, smoked (necks, wings or drumsticks) Potatoes, white (Russet, Yukon Gold)
Pork sausage, ground (sage seasoned) Potatoes, sweet (Jewel, Garnet Yams or red)
Pork sausage, smoked (Andouille) Thyme
Pork, smoked (ham hocks or neck bones)
Ham, bone-in (spiral cut, smoked) DAIRY & EGGS
Lamb ribs (preferably baby back) Butter, unsalted (preferably European)
Salmon, whole fillet Buttermilk (preferably whole; low fat is okay)
Cheese, goat (soft log)
Cheese, cream
Apples (Honeycrisp) Eggs, large
Bay leaves Egg nog (full-fat)
Beets Half & half
Bell peppers, green Heavy whipping cream
Bell peppers, red Milk, whole
Butternut squash Sour cream (full-fat)
Brussels sprouts, whole
Carrots, whole
Chives (good quality freeze dried is okay) Apple cider vinegar
"What begins in chaos, ends in chaos." This Collard greens Balsamic vinegar
line from one of my favorite shows always Cranberries (fresh or frozen) Chile paste such as harissa or Sriracha
rang true, so I consciously aim for the Green beans (trimmed or Haricots Verts) Cooking oil (neutral and high smoke point,
opposite. For a successful holiday dinner, Garlic, whole or peeled cloves such as safflower, grape seed, light olive oil,
start with a plan. Organize your kitchen and Ginger root (peel, then freeze for grating) canola)
clean out the fridge. Make lists for groceries Horseradish root (or prepared horseradish) Duck fat, rendered
and prep tasks. Follow a schedule on the big Leeks Honey
day so things run smoothly. Put some good Lemons Hot sauce
music on and don't forget to have fun! Lettuce (baby arugula/kale, or mesclun mix) Maple syrup, pure (preferably dark robust)
Kale (Tuscan or Lacinato variety) Mustard, Dijon
Mint Non-stick cooking spray
Mushrooms (large white and/or Cremini) Olive oil, extra virgin
Onions, yellow (or sweet, for caramelized) Pomegranate molasses
Oranges Sherry vinegar

170 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Shortening, butter flavored Vanilla extract, pure
Walnut oil (preferably roasted)
Wegmans Basting Oil NUTS & DRIED FRUIT
Worcestershire sauce (low salt is okay) Cherries or cranberries, dried
Pecans, whole
Pistachios, whole (roasted/unsalted)
SPICES Walnuts, whole
Allspice (whole and/or ground)
Ancho chile powder (ground) OTHER NON-PERISHABLES:
Bell’s Seasoning Beans or rice, dried
Cardamom (ground) Coconut milk (full-fat)
Cayenne Espresso (finely ground)
Celery seeds Macaroni noodles, dried
Cinnamon (canela sticks or ground)
Coriander (whole and/or ground) OTHER SPECIALTY ITEMS:
Cloves (ground) Bread (Brioche, Challah, Hawaiian Sweet
Curry powder, yellow (Indian or Jamaican) Bread or Portuguese Sweet Bread)
Crushed red pepper flakes Marsala wine (dry or sweet; not cooking
Dried orange peel grade)
Fennel seeds Liquor (cognac, bourbon or whiskey)
Ginger (ground)
Mace (ground)
Mustard, dry
Nutmeg (whole)
Paprika, smoked
Peppercorns, black (whole)
Peppercorns, green (whole)
Peppercorns, pink (whole)
Peppercorns, white (whole)
Salt (coarse Kosher)

Cornmeal, stone-ground (yellow or white)
Chocolate, baking (60% Cacao, good quality) Setting the table is a nice way to honor a
Cocoa powder, unsweetened meal you worked hard to execute. Don't
Flour, all-purpose (not self-rising) feel badly about delegating! Last year, I was
Flour, cake swamped with final food preparations, so I let
Flour, White Lily all-purpose (not self-rising) my little cousins have at it. Their tablescape
Graham cracker crumbs was made with an inexpensive bag of craft
Panko bread crumbs supplies, candles and mason jars. The end
Rolled oats (not quick oats) result was a beautiful holiday dinner that we
Sugar, granulated natural cane (or regular all got to sit down to enjoy.
white sugar)
Sugar, light brown
Sugar, powdered
Unflavored gelatin
Vanilla bean

172 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Thanksgiving didn't happen unless a
sandwich gets made. Buttered sour
dough bread, Dijon mustard, glazed ham
(or turkey), brie cheese and cranberry
sauce. Griddle or grill pan. Thank me later.

174 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS additional suggested recipes
This handbook would not have been possible without the support of others.
The recipes below are published online at The Kitchenista Diaries, in case you're looking for
To Nana and Grandma, who remain in my thoughts every time I pick up a additional tutorials or inspiration for your holiday dinner, brunch or leftovers. Please also check
wooden spoon. out my previous ebook, The Kitchenista's Appetizers Handbook, which has many more!

To Jaden, my unofficial sous chef, and Raven, the self-appointed quality Main Dishes:
control specialist. Duck Fat Roasted Chicken
Smoked Leg of Lamb with Mustard Mint Sauce
Truffle Butter Rib Eye Steak
To Jeff, for coming through again with graphic design talents!
Side Dishes:
To the local farms and butchers I frequent in Northern Virginia, for providing Saffron Potato & Parsnip Mash
ethically raised, sustainably sourced food I can feel good about feeding my Rosemary Balsamic Asparagus with Truffle Salt
family and clients. How to Make a Pot of Southern Greens
Sausage, Leek & Gruyere Pasta Casserole
And finally to my friends and followers on social media, for unwavering Gourmet Roasted Mushroom & Caramelized Onion Mac & Cheese
support and encouragement. Thank you to those who have believed in me, Cajun Mac & Cheese with Andouille Sausage & Shrimp
bought my books, shared my recipes and welcomed my food into your Riesling & Dijon Haricots Verts with Crispy Shallots
homes. Your enthusiasm for cooking and investment in my success gives me Bacon, Fennel & Apple Dressing
endless reasons to keep pushing.
Soup & Appetizers:
Collard Greens & Chorizo Soup with Black Eyed Peas
Thanksgiving Pot Stickers
RESOURCES Baking & Desserts:
The Kitchenista Diaries is my home kitchen on the web. Stop by for How to Make Better Buttermilk Biscuits
additional recipes and cooking tutorials, or to shop for recommended Pumpkin Sage Biscuits
Buttermilk Pie & Pomegranate Cranberry Compote
cookware and equipment. (
Maple Almond Crumble Apple Pie
Roasted Mango Custard Pie
Jeff Fuller is a Philadelphia based print & interactive designer. When he’s
not in front of a computer or working on projects with friends you can find Breakfast:
him photographing his adventures, riding his skateboard, sipping a cup of Buttermilk Pumpkin Pancakes & Pecan Spiced Maple Syrup
coffee, searching for sunshine or enjoying a cold beer. (, itsjefff. Sweet Potato Pancake Pigs in a Blanket & Ginger Orange Syrup Sweet Potato, Bacon & Apple Hash
Maple Goat Cheese & Jam Stuffed Brioche French Toast Rolls
Amazing Ribs is the #1 free resource for all things barbecue. If you plan
to smoke your turkey this year and need more assistance, check out their Leftovers:
tutorials. ( Cranberry Walnut Chicken Salad Sandwich
Smoked Turkey Pot Pies in a Curry Crust
National Farmers Market Directory is a great guide to finding nearby Other:
options to shop locally for fresh produce. ( The Beers You Need for Thanksgiving Dinner
directories/farmersmarkets) How to Stay Sane on Thanksgiving

176 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

Angela Davis is a self-taught home
cook, food blogger, recipe developer,
food photographer, private chef
and single mom of two, residing
in Northern Virginia. For press or
business inquiries, please email
[email protected].

Copyright © 2016 by Angela M Davis. All rights reserved. No part of this

publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author,
except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and
certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

This ebook was originally for sale at If you

received an unauthorized copy, please consider making a donation. Your
support helps keep creatives and small business owners like myself afloat!

178 | The Kitchenista Diaries: 2016 Holiday Recipe Collection

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