Training and Development

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Training and development refer to educational activities within a company created to enhance
the knowledge and skills of employees while providing information and instruction on how to better
perform specific tasks.

Difference Between Training and Development

-training is a short-term reactive process meant -development is designed continuous pro-active
for operatives and process process meant for executives
in development, it is to develop a total
-in training employees' aim is to develop -in development, it is to develop a total
additional skills  personality.
-In training, the initiative is taken by the -In development, initiative is taken by the
management with the objective of meeting the individual with the objective to meet the future
present need of an employee. need of an employee.


• Offers optimum utilization of Human resources

• Enhances skill development
• Increases productivity
• Improves organizational culture
• Improve quality and safety
• Increase profitability
• Improves the company's morale and corporate


1. Helps employees develop new skills and 1. It is a relatively expensive process.
increases their knowledge. 2. There is a risk that after the training and
2. Improves efficiency and productivity of development session, the employee can quit the
individuals and teams. job.
3. Creates new and improved job positions.
4. Keeps employees motivated and enhance
contribution levels.

1. Technical training is a type of training meant to teach the new employee the technological
aspects of the job. In a retail environment, technical training might include teaching someone
how to use the computer system to ring up customers. In a sales position, it might include
showing someone how to use the customer relationship management (CRM) system to find
new prospects.
2. Quality training refers to familiarizing employees with the means of preventing, detecting, and
eliminating nonquality items, usually in an organization that produces a product. In a world
where quality can set your business apart from competitors, this type of training provides
employees with the knowledge to recognize products that are not up to quality standards and
teaches them what to do in this scenario. 
3. Skills training, the third type of training, includes proficiencies needed to actually perform the
job. For example, an administrative assistant might be trained in how to answer the phone,
while a salesperson at Best Buy might be trained in assessment of customer needs and on
how to offer the customer information to make a buying decision.
4. Soft Skills Training, refer to personality traits, social graces, communication, and personal
habits that are used to characterize relationships with other people. Soft skills might include
how to answer the phone or how to be friendly and welcoming to customers. It could include
sexual harassment training and ethics training. In some jobs, necessary soft skills might
include how to motivate others, maintain small talk, and establish rapport.
5. Professional training is a type of training required to be up to date in one’s own professional
field. For example, tax laws change often, and as a result, an accountant for H&R Block must
receive yearly professional training on new tax codes (Silkey, 2010). Lawyers need
professional training as laws change. A personal fitness trainer will undergo yearly
certifications to stay up to date in new fitness and nutrition information.
6. Team training is a process that empowers teams to improve decision making, problem solving,
and team-development skills to achieve business results. Often this type of training can occur
after an organization has been restructured and new people are working together or perhaps
after a merger or acquisition. 
7. Managerial training is identified when you are a candidate for promotion. Topics might include
those from our soft skills section, such as how to motivate and delegate, while others may be
technical in nature. For example, if management uses a particular computer system for
scheduling, the manager candidate might be technically trained. Some managerial training
might be performed in-house while other training, such as leadership skills, might be
performed externally.
8. Safety training is a type of training that occurs to ensure employees are protected from injuries
caused by work-related accidents. Safety training is especially important for organizations that
use chemicals or other types of hazardous materials in their production. Safety training can
also include evacuation plans, fire drills, and workplace violence procedures. 
- Eye safety
- First aid
- Food service safety
- Hearing protection
- Asbestos
- Construction safety
- Hazmat safety

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSH, is the main federal agency
charged with enforcement of safety and health regulation.

Role or HR T&D Manager

The HR Training and Development Manager is responsible for the organization's
staff training requirements, programs, and career development needs. They
supervise training staff, plan and administer training seminars, and manage conflict resolution,
team building, and employee skill evaluations.

Training Needs Analysis (TNA)

Training is an expensive process not only in terms of the money spent on it but also the
time and the other resources spent on the same. The most important question therefore is
determining whether or not a need for training actually exists and whether the intervention will
contribute to the achievement of organizational goal directly or indirectly?

3 Stages of Training Needs Analysis

- Organizational Analysis
- Job Analysis
- Individual Analysis

Organizational Analysis
The organizational analysis is aimed at short listing the focus areas for training within
the organization and the factors that may affect the same. Organizational mission, vision,
goals, people inventories, processes, performance data are all studied. The study gives cues
about the kind of learning environment required for the training. Motorola and IBM for example,
conduct surveys every year keeping in view the short term and long term goals of the

Job Analysis
The job analysis of the needs assessment survey aims at understanding the ‘what’ of the
training development stage. The kind of intervention needed is what is decided upon in the job
analysis. It is an objective assessment of the job wherein both the worker oriented - approach as well
as the task - oriented approach is taken into consideration. The worker approach identifies key
behaviours and ASK for a certain job and the task - oriented approach identifies the activities to be
performed in a certain job. The former is useful in deciding the intervention and the latter in content
development and program evaluation.
Individual Analysis
As evident from the name itself, the individual analysis is concerned with who in the
organization needs the training and in which particular area. Here performance is taken out from the
performance appraisal data and the same is compared with the expected level or standard of
performance. The individual analysis is also conducted through questionnaires, 360 feedback,
personal interviews etc. Likewise, many organization use competency ratings to rate their managers;
these ratings may come from their subordinates, customers, peers, bosses etc.

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