Science Lab Reports Guideline and Rubric

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Lab Report Writeups

Each lab must include the following:

Title Page
 descriptive experiment title
 your full name
 date, course code, instructor

 What is the point of this experiment?
 Why did we do it?
 What are we trying to find out?

 Make a summary of the procedure in your own words
 Don’t just copy the procedure
 What were the major steps you did? (eg. Tested solubility in water for….)

 includes any data you collected during the experiment as well as any tables, graphs, or
calculations you made.
 Be precise with quantities (amounts & units) and descriptions
 Any graphs must be properly labeled, with titles, scales, axes

Eg. Trial #1 Mass (g) Time (s) Acceleration (m/s2)

1 250 30 9.04
2 400 40 9.36

 This is the most important part of any lab
 What did you find out in the experiments? Were your results expected? Why/why not?
 What did you learn?
 How does this lab fit in with the class work?
 Answer any questions included with the lab, to guide your discussion. (Not as separate
numbered answers)
 Did you make mistakes? What could you have done better?
 How are your results applicable to technology/daily life/the world?
 What are some ideas for future experiments that arise from your lab?

 This is a summary statement of your key results.
 Refers back to the purpose and indicates if it was accomplished.
Laboratory Achievement Rubric Name:__________
Lab Work Student Coaching 1 2 3 4
Lab Work I complete the lab by  Unable to work  Much assistance  Procedure  Procedure followed
following the procedure independently or required appears correct, independently
correctly and with minimal without direct  Limited or poor usable results  Excellent results
assistance supervision results

Knowledge Student Coaching 1 2 3 4

Components 

 contains some of  contains most of  contains all of the  contains all of the
(Checklist) these basic these basic basic basic in proper format
 Materials or Apparatus
 Procedure or Method components components and all or almost all of
 Observations the relevant optional
 Conclusions components
Understanding I describe the purpose of the  describes few  describes some  describes many  describes all relevant
lab, and use most of the related terms raised in terms and terms and terms and connections
terms from class. class connections connections raised in class and
 purpose is unclear raised in class raised in class extends to include
 purpose is clear original or complex
and cohesive connections
Thinking and Student Coaching 1 2 3 4
Inquiry Rubric
Observing and I form appropriate tables or  forms tables or  forms tables or  forms tables or  forms tables or graphs
Recording graphs, which include correct graphs that are graphs that graphs that are that are appropriate,
use of symbols and units. My inappropriate, or require minor appropriate, correct, detailed and
data is correct and easily requiring major correction correct and easily understood
understood correction legible
Communication Student Coaching 1 2 3 4
Presentation I present most information in a  presents little  presents some  presents most  presents all
logical order, with spelling, information in information in information in information in logical
grammar, units and use of S.I. logical order logical order logical order order
system that are correct in most
cases.  spelling, grammar  spelling,  spelling,  spelling, grammar and
and S.I. usage are grammar and S.I. grammar and S.I. S.I. usage are correct
correct in few usage are correct usage are correct in all or almost all
cases in some cases in most cases cases
Application Student Coaching 1 2 3 4
Interpretation and I use rational thinking to reach  reaches few  reaches some  reaches many  reaches all or almost
Discussion many realistic conclusions realistic realistic realistic all realistic
based on the observations. conclusions conclusions conclusions conclusions
They are presented in a clear
and complete manner. I also  explanantion  explanation  clear and fairly  relates lab purpose and
relate them to technology, requires a great requires some complete results to class theory
society, or the environment. deal of clarification clarification or explanation  detailed and complete
or correction correction explanation
 includes application or
extension of results
Science Lab Report
Lab Title: Name(s):
Course: Teacher: Date:

The point of this experiment is to

As part of this experiment, we did the following tests:

The data we collected can be seen in the table below:


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