3054-3056 - Operation and Maintenance Manual

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Operation and Maintenance

Manual Excerpt

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© 2010 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
October 2004

Operation and
3054 and 3056 Marine Generator Sets
CHN1-Up (Generator Set)
TCN1-Up (Generator Set)
SNX1-Up (Generator Set)
84 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i02195434 First 300 L (80 US gal) of Fuel or First 20 to

40 Service Hours
Maintenance Interval Schedule
(3054 Naturally Aspirated Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace .............................. 91
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Marine Generator Set Engine)
Every 3000 L (800 US gal) of Fuel or 400
SMCS Code: 1000; 7500 Service Hours or 1 Year
S/N: CHN1-Up Auxiliary Water Pump (Rubber Impeller) -
Inspect ................................................................ 89
Note: Before performing any operation or Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 90
maintenance procedures, ensure that the Safety Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
Information, warnings, and instructions are read (SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 98
and understood. Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ................. 99
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) -
To determine the maintenance intervals, use fuel Clean/Replace .................................................. 101
consumption, service hours, or calendar time, Engine Mounts - Inspect ..................................... 106
whichever occurs first . Experience has shown that Engine Oil Sample - Obtain ................................ 106
maintenance intervals are most accurately scheduled Engine Oil and Filter - Change ........................... 107
on the basis of fuel consumption. Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator)
Element - Replace ............................................. 111
Before each consecutive interval is performed, all Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ............. 112
of the maintenance items from the previous interval Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................ 113
must also be performed. Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer - Clean ................... 114
Heat Exchanger - Inspect .................................... 118
When Required Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace ................. 119
Battery - Replace .................................................. 89
Every 45 000 L (12 000 US gal) of Fuel or
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 90
Engine - Clean .................................................... 100 6000 Service Hours
Fuel System - Prime ............................................ 110 Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ............. 94
Generator Set - Test ............................................ 118
Rotating Rectifier - Test ...................................... 126 Every 7500 L (2000 US gal) of Fuel or 1000
Service Hours
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 97 Rotating Rectifier - Check ................................... 125
Electrical Connections - Check ........................... 100
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ... 103 Every 15 000 L (4000 US gal) of Fuel or 2000
Engine Oil Level - Check .................................... 106
Generator Load - Check ...................................... 117
Service Hours or 2 Years
Walk-Around Inspection ...................................... 128 Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 89
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change .......... 91
Every Week Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................... 99
Generator - Inspect .............................................. 116 Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean/Replace ..... 104
Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange .............. 109
Every 100 Service Hours or 3 Months Generator - Dry .................................................... 114
Insulation - Test ................................................... 120 Starting Motor - Inspect ...................................... 127
Turbocharger - Inspect/Clean ............................. 127
Every 500 Service Hours Water Pump - Inspect ......................................... 129

Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Every 75 000 L (20 000 US gal) of Fuel or 10
Obtain ................................................................. 97 000 Service Hours

Every Year Overhaul Considerations .................................... 123

Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Every 22 800 L (6000 US gal) of Fuel or 3000
Obtain ................................................................. 98 Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 96
SEBU7577-01 85
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i02206974 First 470 L (125 US gal) of Fuel or First 20 to

40 Service Hours
Maintenance Interval Schedule
(3054 Turbocharged Marine Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace .............................. 91
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Generator Set Engine)
Every 4450 L (1175 US gal) of Fuel or 250
SMCS Code: 1000; 7500 Service Hours or 1 Year
S/N: TCN1-Up Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
(SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 98
Note: Before performing any operation or
maintenance procedures, ensure that the Safety Every 4700 L (1250 US gal) of Fuel or 400
Information, warnings, and instructions are read Service Hours or 1 Year
and understood.
Auxiliary Water Pump (Rubber Impeller) -
To determine the maintenance intervals, use fuel Inspect ................................................................ 89
consumption, service hours, or calendar time, Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 90
whichever occurs first . Experience has shown that Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
maintenance intervals are most accurately scheduled (SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 98
on the basis of fuel consumption. Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ................. 99
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) -
Before each consecutive interval is performed, all Clean/Replace .................................................. 101
of the maintenance items from the previous interval Engine Mounts - Inspect ..................................... 106
must also be performed. Engine Oil Sample - Obtain ................................ 106
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ........................... 107
When Required Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator)
Element - Replace ............................................. 111
Battery - Replace .................................................. 89 Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ............. 112
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 90 Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................ 113
Engine - Clean .................................................... 100 Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer - Clean ................... 114
Fuel System - Prime ............................................ 110 Heat Exchanger - Inspect .................................... 118
Generator Set - Test ............................................ 118 Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace ................. 119
Rotating Rectifier - Test ...................................... 126
Every 23 500 L (6250 US gal) of Fuel or 2000
Daily Service Hours or 2 Years
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 97 Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 89
Electrical Connections - Check ........................... 100 Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change .......... 91
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ... 103 Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Engine Oil Level - Check .................................... 106 Replace ............................................................... 99
Generator Load - Check ...................................... 117 Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean/Replace ..... 104
Walk-Around Inspection ...................................... 128 Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange .............. 109
Every Week Generator - Dry .................................................... 114
Starting Motor - Inspect ...................................... 127
Generator - Inspect .............................................. 116
Turbocharger - Inspect/Clean ............................. 127
Water Pump - Inspect ......................................... 129
Every 100 Service Hours or 3 Months
Insulation - Test ................................................... 120 Every 70 500 L (18 750 US gal) of Fuel or
6000 Service Hours
Every 500 Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ............. 94
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) -
Obtain ................................................................. 97 Every 7500 L (2000 US gal) of Fuel or 1000
Service Hours
Every Year
Rotating Rectifier - Check ................................... 125
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) -
Obtain ................................................................. 98
86 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

Every 117 500 L (31 250 US gal) of Fuel or

10 000 Service Hours
Overhaul Considerations .................................... 123

Every 28 500 L (7500 US gal) of Fuel or 3000

Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 96
SEBU7577-01 87
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

i02206976 First 700 L (185 US gal) of Fuel or First 20 to

40 Service Hours
Maintenance Interval Schedule
(3056 Turbocharged Marine Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace .............................. 91
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Generator Set Engine)
Every 4450 L (1175 US gal) of Fuel or 250
SMCS Code: 1000; 7500 Service Hours or 1 Year
S/N: SNX1-Up Auxiliary Water Pump (Rubber Impeller) -
Inspect ................................................................ 89
Note: Before performing any operation or Battery Electrolyte Level - Check .......................... 90
maintenance procedures, ensure that the Safety Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
Information, warnings, and instructions are read (SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 98
and understood. Crankshaft Vibration Damper - Inspect ................. 99
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) -
To determine the maintenance intervals, use fuel Clean/Replace .................................................. 101
consumption, service hours, or calendar time, Engine Mounts - Inspect ..................................... 106
whichever occurs first . Experience has shown that Engine Oil Sample - Obtain ................................ 106
maintenance intervals are most accurately scheduled Engine Oil and Filter - Change ........................... 107
on the basis of fuel consumption. Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator)
Element - Replace ............................................. 111
Before each consecutive interval is performed, all Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ............. 112
of the maintenance items from the previous interval Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain ................ 113
must also be performed. Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer - Clean ................... 114
Heat Exchanger - Inspect .................................... 118
When Required Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace ................. 119
Battery - Replace .................................................. 89
Every 4700 L (1250 US gal) of Fuel or 400
Battery or Battery Cable - Disconnect .................. 90
Engine - Clean .................................................... 100 Service Hours or 1 Year
Fuel System - Prime ............................................ 110 Cooling System Supplemental Coolant Additive
Generator Set - Test ............................................ 118 (SCA) - Test/Add ................................................. 98
Rotating Rectifier - Test ...................................... 126
Every 36 000 L (9500 US gal) of Fuel or 2000
Daily Service Hours or 1 Year
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check ................ 97 Alternator - Inspect ............................................... 89
Electrical Connections - Check ........................... 100 Water Pump - Inspect ......................................... 129
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect ... 103
Engine Oil Level - Check .................................... 106
Every 36 000 L (9500 US gal) of Fuel or 2000
Generator Load - Check ...................................... 117
Walk-Around Inspection ...................................... 128
Service Hours or 2 Years
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change .......... 91
Every Week Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................... 99
Generator - Inspect .............................................. 116 Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust .................... 108
Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange .............. 109
Every 100 Service Hours or 3 Months Generator - Dry .................................................... 114
Insulation - Test ................................................... 120 Starting Motor - Inspect ...................................... 127
Turbocharger - Inspect/Clean ............................. 127
Every 500 Service Hours
Every 43 200 L (11 250 US gal) of Fuel or 3000
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Service Hours or 2 Years
Obtain ................................................................. 97
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 96
Every Year
Every 108 000 L (28 500 US gal) of Fuel or
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - 6000 Service Hours
Obtain ................................................................. 98
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change ............. 94
88 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule

Every 7500 L (2000 US gal) of Fuel or 1000

Service Hours
Rotating Rectifier - Check ................................... 125

Every 180 000 L (47 500 US gal) of Fuel or

10 000 Service Hours
Overhaul Considerations .................................... 123
SEBU7577-01 89
Maintenance Section
Alternator - Inspect

i00072207 i01505178

Alternator - Inspect Battery - Replace

SMCS Code: 1405-040 SMCS Code: 1401-510

Caterpillar recommends a scheduled inspection

of the alternator. Inspect the alternator for loose
connections and proper battery charging. Inspect the Batteries give off combustible gases which can
ammeter (if equipped) during engine operation in explode. A spark can cause the combustible gas-
order to ensure proper battery performance and/or es to ignite. This can result in severe personal in-
proper performance of the electrical system. Make jury or death.
repairs, as required. Refer to the Service Manual.
Ensure proper ventilation for batteries that are in
Check the alternator and the battery charger for an enclosure. Follow the proper procedures in or-
proper operation. If the batteries are properly der to help prevent electrical arcs and/or sparks
charged, the ammeter reading should be very near near batteries. Do not smoke when batteries are
zero. All batteries should be kept charged. The serviced.
batteries should be kept warm because temperature
affects the cranking power. If the battery is too cold,
the battery will not crank the engine. The battery will
not crank the engine, even if the engine is warm.
When the engine is not run for long periods of time The battery cables or the batteries should not be
or if the engine is run for short periods, the batteries removed with the battery cover in place. The bat-
may not fully charge. A battery with a low charge will tery cover should be removed before any servic-
freeze more easily than a battery with a full charge. ing is attempted.

i01041983 Removing the battery cables or the batteries with

the cover in place may cause a battery explosion
Auxiliary Water Pump (Rubber resulting in personal injury.
Impeller) - Inspect
1. Turn the key start switch to the OFF position.
SMCS Code: 1371-040 Remove the key and all electrical loads.

Impellers and seals require periodic inspection. 2. Turn OFF the battery charger. Disconnect the
Impellers have a service life that is limited. The charger.
service life depends on the engine operating
conditions. 3. The NEGATIVE “-” cable connects the NEGATIVE
“-” battery terminal to the NEGATIVE “- VE”
Inspect the components more frequently when the terminal on the starter motor. Disconnect the cable
pump is exposed to debris, sand, or other abrasive from the NEGATIVE “-” battery terminal.
materials. Inspect the components if the pump is
operating at a differential pressure of more than 4. The POSITIVE “+” cable connects the POSITIVE
103 kPa (15 psi). “+” battery terminal to the POSITIVE “+” terminal
on the starting motor. Disconnect the cable from
Check the following components for wear or damage: the POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.

• Bearings Note: Always recycle a battery. Never discard a

battery. Return used batteries to an appropriate
• Impeller recycling facility.

• Seals 5. Remove the used battery.

• Wear plate 6. Install the new battery.

If wear or damage is found, replace the components Note: Before the cables are connected, ensure that
which are worn or damaged. Use the proper repair the key start switch is OFF.
kit for the pump. Refer to the Disassembly and
Assembly for more information on servicing the 7. Connect the cable from the starting motor to the
auxiliary water pump. POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
90 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Battery Electrolyte Level - Check

8. Connect the cable from the NEGATIVE “- VE” i01492654

terminal on the starter motor to the NEGATIVE
“-” battery terminal. Battery or Battery Cable -
SMCS Code: 1402-029
Battery Electrolyte Level -
SMCS Code: 1401-535 The battery cables or the batteries should not be
removed with the battery cover in place. The bat-
When the engine is not run for long periods of time or tery cover should be removed before any servic-
when the engine is run for short periods, the batteries ing is attempted.
may not fully recharge. Ensure a full charge in order
to help prevent the battery from freezing. If batteries Removing the battery cables or the batteries with
are properly charged, ammeter reading should be the cover in place may cause a battery explosion
very near zero. resulting in personal injury.

1. Turn the start switch to the OFF position. Turn the

ignition switch (if equipped) to the OFF position
All lead-acid batteries contain sulfuric acid which and remove the key and all electrical loads.
can burn the skin and clothing. Always wear a face
shield and protective clothing when working on or 2. Disconnect the negative battery terminal at the
near batteries. battery that goes to the start switch. Ensure that
the cable cannot contact the terminal. When four
12 volt batteries are involved, the negative side of
1. Remove the filler caps. Maintain the electrolyte two batteries must be disconnected.
level to the “FULL” mark on the battery.
3. Tape the leads in order to help prevent accidental
If the addition of water is necessary, use distilled starting.
water. If distilled water is not available use clean
water that is low in minerals. Do not use artificially 4. Proceed with necessary system repairs. Reverse
softened water. the steps in order to reconnect all of the cables.

2. Check the condition of the electrolyte with the

245-5829 Coolant Battery Tester Refractometer.

3. Keep the batteries clean.

Clean the battery case with one of the following

cleaning solutions:

• A mixture of 0.1 kg (0.2 lb) of baking soda and

1 L (1 qt) of clean water

• A mixture of 0.1 L (0.11 qt) of ammonia and 1 L

(1 qt) of clean water

Thoroughly rinse the battery case with clean water.

Use a fine grade of sandpaper to clean the

terminals and the cable clamps. Clean the items
until the surfaces are bright or shiny. DO NOT
remove material excessively. Excessive removal
of material can cause the clamps to not fit properly.
Coat the clamps and the terminals with 5N-5561
Silicone Lubricant, petroleum jelly or MPGM.
SEBU7577-01 91
Maintenance Section
Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace

i02200198 If new belts are installed, check the belt adjustment

again after 30 minutes of engine operation at the
Belts - Inspect/Adjust/Replace rated rpm.
SMCS Code: 1357-025; 1357-040; 1357-510
Replacement of Multiple Drive Belts
Inspection For applications that require multiple drive belts,
replace the belts in matched sets. Replacing only one
belt of a matched set will cause the new belt to carry
more load because the older belts are stretched. The
additional load on the new belt could cause the new
belt to break.


Cooling System Coolant

(DEAC) - Change
SMCS Code: 1350-070; 1395-044

Clean the cooling system and flush the cooling

system before the recommended maintenance
interval if the following conditions exist:

• The engine overheats frequently.

• Foaming is observed.
Illustration 67
The belt cover must be removed for inspection, adjustment and
• The oil has entered the cooling system and the
coolant is contaminated.
(1) Mounting bolts
(2) Adjustment bolt • The fuel has entered the cooling system and the
(3) Typical belt tension gauge coolant is contaminated.

To maximize the engine performance, inspect the NOTICE

belt for wear and for cracking. Check the belt tension. Use of commercially available cooling system clean-
Adjust the belt tension in order to minimize belt ers may cause damage to cooling system compo-
slippage. Belt slippage will decrease the life of the nents. Use only cooling system cleaners that are ap-
belt. proved for Caterpillar engines.

For the correct tension on the belt, refer to

Specifications, “Belt Tension Chart”. Note: Inspect the water pump and the water
temperature regulator after the cooling system has
been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
Adjustment the water pump, the water temperature regulator and
the hoses, if necessary.
1. Remove the belt cover.

2. Loosen mounting bolts (1) and adjusting bolt (2). Drain

3. Slide the alternator in the direction that will give
the correct tension.
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri-
4. Tighten adjusting bolt (2). Tighten mounting ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap,
bolts (1). For the proper torque, refer to the stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
Specifications”. pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
5. Reinstall the belt cover.
92 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change

g00740037 g00822695
Illustration 68 Illustration 71
Typical example (5) Drain plug on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3056
Marine Generator Set
(1) Expansion tank
(2) Cooling system filler cap

1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.

Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap.

Illustration 72
Engine oil cooler for the 3054 Marine Generator Set
(6) Hose for the outlet of the coolant
(7) Hose for the inlet of the coolant

Illustration 69
(3) Drain plug on the cylinder block

Illustration 73
(8) Heat exchanger for the 3056 Marine Generator Set
(9) Drain plug for the heat exchanger

Illustration 70
g00822686 2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped).
If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain
(4) Drain on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3054
Marine Generator Set
valve, remove the cooling system drain plugs.
SEBU7577-01 93
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change

Remove the drain plug from the cylinder block 5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
(3). Remove the drain plug for the water cooled Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
exhaust manifold (4) or (5). Remove the hoses in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
for the engine oil cooler (6) and (7), if equipped. cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
Remove hose for the heat exchanger on the equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
3054 engine. Remove the drain plug for the heat plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
exchanger on the 3056 engine. Allow the coolant system with clean water. Close the drain valve
to drain. (if equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the
drain plugs. For the proper torque, refer to the
NOTICE Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle. Specifications”.
Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full Cooling Systems with Heavy
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant. Deposits or Plugging
Note: For the following procedure to be effective,
For information regarding the disposal and the there must be some active flow through the cooling
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar system components.
dealer or consult Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool
Group: 1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order
to remove any debris.
Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-8665
Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-8665 2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
Canada: 1-800-523-8665 drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. For the
proper torque, refer to the Specifications Manual,
Flush SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”.

1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order NOTICE

to remove any debris. Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks.
2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. For the
proper torque, refer to the Specifications Manual, 3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”. water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling System
Cleaner. Add 0.5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per
3.8 to 7.6 L (1 to 2 US gal) of the cooling system
NOTICE capacity. Install the cooling system filler cap.
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks. 4. Start and run the engine at low idle for a minimum
of 90 minutes. The coolant temperature should be
3. Fill the cooling system with a mixture of clean at least 82°C (180°F).
water and Caterpillar Fast Acting Cooling System
Cleaner. Add 0.5 L (1 pint) of cleaner per 15 L NOTICE
(4 US gal) of the cooling system capacity. Install Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system
the cooling system filler cap. can result in damage to copper and other metal com-
4. Start and run the engine at low idle for a minimum
of 30 minutes with a coolant temperature of at To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure
least 82°C (180°F). to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa-
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the
NOTICE cleaning agent are gone.
Improper or incomplete rinsing of the cooling system
can result in damage to copper and other metal com-

To avoid damage to the cooling system, make sure

to completely flush the cooling system with clear wa-
ter. Continue to flush the system until all signs of the
cleaning agent are gone.
94 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. i02214231

Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the Cooling System Coolant (ELC)
cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
- Change
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling SMCS Code: 1350-070; 1395-044
system with clean water. Close the drain valve
(if equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the When the cooling system is cleaned, only clean water
drain plugs. For the proper torque, refer to the is needed when the ELC is drained and replaced.
Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque
Specifications”. Note: Inspect the water pump and the water
temperature regulator after the cooling system has
Fill been drained. This is a good opportunity to replace
the water pump, the water temperature regulator and
NOTICE the hoses, if necessary.
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal)
per minute to avoid air locks. Drain

1. Fill the system to the top with the mixture of

coolant/antifreeze that is recommended. Refer to
the Operation and Maintenance Manual for more Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri-
information on cooling system specifications. Do ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap,
not install the cooling system filler cap. stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
2. Start and run the engine at low idle. Increase the pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres-
engine rpm to 1500 rpm. Run the engine at 1500 sure.
rpm for one minute in order to purge the air from
the cavities of the engine block. Stop the engine.

3. Add coolant/antifreeze into the cooling system

until the cooling system is full to the top.

4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect

the gasket for the cooling system filler cap. If
the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is
damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is not
damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump in
order to pressure test the cooling system filler cap.
The correct pressure for the cooling system filler
cap is stamped on the face of the cooling system Illustration 74
filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap does not Typical example
retain the correct pressure, install a new cooling
(1) Expansion tank
system filler cap. (2) Cooling system filler cap

5. Pour coolant/antifreeze into the recovery tank until 1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
the coolant reaches “COLD FULL” mark. Do not Loosen cooling system filler cap (2) slowly in order
fill the recovery tank above “COLD FULL” mark. to relieve any pressure. Remove cooling system
filler cap (2).
6. Clean the filler cap for the expansion tank. Install
the filler cap for the expansion tank. Start the
engine. Inspect the cooling system for leaks and
for proper operating temperature.
SEBU7577-01 95
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change

g00740076 g00822687
Illustration 75 Illustration 78
(3) Drain plug on the cylinder block Engine oil cooler
(6) Hose for the outlet of the coolant
(7) Hose for the inlet of the coolant

Illustration 76
(4) Drain on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3054
Marine Generator Set Illustration 79
(8) Heat exchanger for the 3056 Marine Generator Set
(9) Drain plug for the heat exchanger

2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped).

If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain
valve, remove the cooling system drain plugs.

Remove the drain plug from cylinder block (3).

Remove the drain plug for water cooled exhaust
manifold (4) or (5). Remove the hoses for engine
oil cooler (6) and (7), if equipped. Remove hose
for the heat exchanger on the 3054 engine.
Remove the drain plug for the heat exchanger on
the 3056 engine. Allow the coolant to drain.
Illustration 77
(5) Drain plug on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3056
Marine Generator Set Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle.
Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant.

For information regarding the disposal and the

recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar
dealer or consult Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool
96 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add

Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-8665 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect
Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-8665 the gasket for the cooling system filler cap. If
Canada: 1-800-523-8665 the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is
damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
Flush the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is not
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump in
order to pressure test the cooling system filler cap.
to remove any debris.
The correct pressure for the cooling system filler
2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the cap is stamped on the face of the cooling system
filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap does not
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. For the
retain the correct pressure, install a new cooling
proper torque, refer to the Specifications Manual,
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”. system filler cap.

5. Pour the ELC into the recovery tank until the

NOTICE coolant reaches the “COLD FULL” mark. Do not
Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal) fill the tank above “COLD FULL” mark.
per minute to avoid air locks.
6. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Install the
cooling system filler cap. Start the engine. Inspect
3. Fill the cooling system with clean water. Install the
the cooling system for leaks and for proper
cooling system filler cap.
operating temperature.
4. Start and run the engine at low idle until the
temperature reaches 49 to 66°C (120 to 150°F). i02106346

5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. Cooling System Coolant
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
Extender (ELC) - Add
cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081
equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC) does not
system with clean water. Close the drain valve
require the frequent Supplemental Coolant Additive
(if equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the
(SCA) additions which are associated with the
drain plugs. For the proper torque, refer to the
present conventional coolants. The Extender only
Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque
needs to be added once.
Check the cooling system only when the engine is
Fill stopped and cool.

NOTICE 1. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in

Fill the cooling system no faster than 19 L (5 US gal) order to relieve pressure. Remove the cooling
per minute to avoid air locks. system filler cap.

2. It may be necessary to drain enough coolant from

1. Fill the cooling system to the top with the the cooling system in order to add the Extender.
ELC. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual for more information on cooling system 3. Add Extender according to the requirements for
specifications. Do not install the cooling system your engine’s cooling system capacity. Refer
filler cap. to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” in
2. Start and run the engine at low idle. Increase the the Maintenance Section for more information
engine rpm to 1500 rpm. Run the engine at 1500 concerning the Caterpillar ELC Extender additions.
rpm for one minute in order to purge the air from
the cavities of the engine block. Stop the engine. 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
gaskets on the cooling system filler cap. Replace
3. Add the ELC into the cooling system until the the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are
cooling system is full to the top. damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap.
SEBU7577-01 97
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Level - Check

i02200477 i01987707

Cooling System Coolant Level Cooling System Coolant

- Check Sample (Level 1) - Obtain
SMCS Code: 1395-082 SMCS Code: 1350-008; 1395-008; 1395-554; 7542

Check the coolant level when the engine is stopped NOTICE

and cool. Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
1. Observe the coolant level in the coolant recovery Using the same pump for both types of samples may
tank. Maintain the coolant level to “COLD FULL” contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
mark on the coolant recovery tank. contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.

Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Note: Level 1 results may indicate a need for
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, Level 2 Analysis.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system Obtain the sample of the coolant as close as possible
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- to the recommended sampling interval. In order
sure. to receive the full effect of S·O·S analysis, you
must establish a consistent trend of data. In order
2. Loosen filler cap slowly in order to relieve any to establish a pertinent history of data, perform
pressure. Remove the filler cap. consistent samplings that are evenly spaced.
Supplies for collecting samples can be obtained from
3. Pour the proper coolant mixture into the tank. your Caterpillar dealer.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” for Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of
information on the correct mixture and type of the coolant:
coolant. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations” • Complete the information on the label for the
for the cooling system capacity. Do not fill the sampling bottle before you begin to take the
coolant recovery tank above “COLD FULL” mark. samples.

• Keep the unused sampling bottles stored in plastic


• Obtain coolant samples directly from the coolant

sample port. You should not obtain the samples
from any other location.

• Keep the lids on empty sampling bottles until you

are ready to collect the sample.

• Place the sample in the mailing tube immediately

after obtaining the sample in order to avoid

Illustration 80
g00103639 • Never collect samples from expansion bottles.

4. Clean filler cap and the receptacle. Reinstall the • Never collect samples from the drain for a system.
filler cap and inspect the cooling system for leaks.
Submit the sample for Level 1 analysis.
Note: The coolant will expand as the coolant heats
up during normal engine operation. The additional For additional information about coolant analysis,
volume will be forced into the coolant recovery tank see Special Publication, SEBU6251, “Caterpillar
during engine operation. When the engine is stopped Commercial Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations”
and cool, the coolant will return to the engine. or consult your Caterpillar dealer.
98 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Obtain

i01987714 Water and SCA

Cooling System Coolant NOTICE
Sample (Level 2) - Obtain Do not exceed the recommended eight percent sup-
plemental coolant additive concentration.
SMCS Code: 1350-008; 1395-008; 1395-554; 7542
Test the concentration of the SCA with the 8T-5296
NOTICE Coolant Conditioner Test Kit. Use the instructions
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and that follow:
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may 1. Fill the syringe to the “1.0 ml” mark with the
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This coolant.
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both 2. Dispense the 1.0 mL coolant sample from the
dealers and customers. syringe into the empty mixing bottle.

Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, 3. Add tap water to the mixing bottle in order to bring
“Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Obtain” the level up to the “10 ml” mark. Place the cap on
for the guidelines for proper sampling of the coolant. the bottle and shake the bottle.

Submit the sample for Level 2 analysis. 4. Add 2 to 3 drops of the “NITRITE INDICATOR
SOLUTION B” to the mixing bottle. Move the bottle
For additional information about coolant in a circular motion in order to mix the solution.
analysis, see Special Publication, SEBU6251,
“Caterpillar Commercial Diesel Engines Fluids 5. Add 1 drop of “NITRITE TEST SOLUTION A” to
Recommendations” or consult your Caterpillar dealer. the mixing bottle. Move the bottle in a circular
motion in order to mix the solution.

i02017557 6. Repeat 5 until the solution changes color from red

to light gray, green, or blue. Record the number of
Cooling System Supplemental drops of “NITRITE TEST SOLUTION A” that were
Coolant Additive (SCA) - required to cause the color change.
Test/Add 7. Use Table 13 to interpret the results.
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081 Table 13
Number of Concentration Maintenance
Drops of SCA Required
Less than 25 Less than the Add SCA.
Cooling system coolant additive contains alkali. recommended Retest the
To help prevent personal injury, avoid contact with concentration of coolant.
the skin and eyes. Do not drink cooling system SCA
coolant additive.
25 to 30 The None
Note: Caterpillar recommends an S·O·S coolant concentration of
analysis (Level 1). SCA
More than 30 More than the Remove the
Test the Concentration of the SCA recommended coolant.
concentration of Replace with
SCA water only
Coolant/Antifreeze and SCA Retest the
Do not exceed the recommended six percent supple-
mental coolant additive concentration.

Test the concentration of the SCA with the 8T-5296

Coolant Conditioner Test Kit. Follow the instructions
that are provided in the kit.
SEBU7577-01 99
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator - Replace

Add the SCA, If Necessary A water temperature regulator that fails in a

partially opened position can cause overheating or
overcooling of the engine.

A water temperature regulator that fails in the closed

Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- position can cause excessive overheating. Excessive
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, overheating could result in cracking of the cylinder
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system head or piston seizure problems.
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- A water temperature regulator that fails in the open
sure. position will cause the engine operating temperature
to be too low during partial load operation. Low
1. Remove the cooling system filler cap slowly. engine operating temperatures during partial loads
could cause an excessive carbon buildup inside the
Note: Always dispose of fluids according to local cylinders. This excessive carbon buildup could result
regulations. in an accelerated wear of the piston rings and wear
of the cylinder liner.
2. If necessary, drain some coolant in order to allow
space for the addition of the SCA. NOTICE
Failure to replace your water temperature regulator
NOTICE on a regularly scheduled basis could cause severe
Excessive supplemental coolant additive concentra- engine damage.
tion can form deposits on the higher temperature sur-
faces of the cooling system, reducing the engine’s Caterpillar engines incorporate a shunt design cooling
heat transfer characteristics. Reduced heat transfer system and require operating the engine with a water
could cause cracking of the cylinder head and other temperature regulator installed.
high temperature components.
If the water temperature regulator is installed incor-
Excessive supplemental coolant additive concentra- rectly, the engine may overheat, causing cylinder head
tion could also result in blockage of the heat exchang- damage. Ensure that the new water temperature reg-
er, overheating, and/or accelerated wear of the water ulator is installed in the original position. Ensure that
pump seal. the water temperature regulator vent hole is open.

Do not exceed the recommended amount of supple- Do not use liquid gasket material on the gasket or
mental coolant additive concentration. cylinder head surface.

3. Add the proper amount of SCA. The concentration Refer to the Service Manual for the replacement
of the SCA depends on the type of coolant that procedure of the water temperature regulator, or
is used. To determine the proper amount, see consult your Caterpillar dealer.
this Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Refill
Capacities and Recommendations” topic. Note: If only the water temperature regulators are
replaced, drain the coolant from the cooling system to
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Install the a level that is below the water temperature regulator
cooling system filler cap. housing.

i00912898 i00934535

Cooling System Water Crankshaft Vibration Damper

Temperature Regulator - - Inspect
Replace SMCS Code: 1205-040
SMCS Code: 1355-510 Damage to the crankshaft vibration damper or failure
of the crankshaft vibration damper can increase
Replace the water temperature regulator before torsional vibrations. This can result in damage to
the water temperature regulator fails. This is a the crankshaft and to other engine components. A
recommended preventive maintenance practice. damper that is damaged can cause excessive gear
Replacing the water temperature regulator reduces train noise at variable points in the speed range.
the chances for unscheduled downtime.
100 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Electrical Connections - Check

The damper is mounted to the crankshaft which is Check all lead wires and electrical connections for
located behind the belt guard on the front of the proper clearance.
Visconic Damper
Engine - Clean
The visconic damper has a weight that is located
inside a fluid filled case. The weight moves in the SMCS Code: 1000-070
case in order to limit torsional vibration.

Inspect the damper for evidence of fluid leaks. If

a fluid leak is found, determine the type of fluid. Personal injury or death can result from high volt-
The fluid in the damper is silicone. Silicone has age.
the following characteristics: transparent, viscous,
smooth, and difficult to remove from surfaces. Moisture can create paths of electrical conductiv-
If the fluid leak is oil, inspect the crankshaft seals for
leaks. If a leak is observed, replace the crankshaft Make sure that the electrical system is OFF. Lock
seals. out the starting controls and tag the controls “DO
Inspect the damper and repair or replace the damper
for any of the following reasons:
• The damper is dented, cracked, or leaking. Accumulated grease and oil on an engine is a fire haz-
ard. Keep the engine clean. Remove debris and fluid
• The paint on the damper is discolored from heat. spills whenever a significant quantity accumulates on
the engine.
• The engine has had a failure because of a broken
Periodic cleaning of the engine is recommended.
• Analysis of the oil has revealed that the front main Steam cleaning the engine will remove accumulated
bearing is badly worn. oil and grease. A clean engine provides the following
• There is a large amount of gear train wear that is
not caused by a lack of oil. • Easy detection of fluid leaks

Refer to the Service Manual or consult your • Maximum heat transfer characteristics
Caterpillar dealer for information about damper
replacement. • Ease of maintenance
Note: Caution must be used in order to prevent
i01595880 electrical components from being damaged by
excessive water when you clean the engine. Avoid
Electrical Connections - Check electrical components such as the alternator, the
starter, and the ECM.
SMCS Code: 4459-535

Check all exposed electrical connections for


Check the following devices for loose mounting or

for physical damage:

• transformers
• fuses
• capacitors
• lightning arrestors
SEBU7577-01 101
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) - Clean/Replace

i01553486 Dual Element Air Cleaners

Engine Air Cleaner Element The dual element air cleaner contains a primary
(Dual Element) - Clean/Replace air cleaner element and a secondary air cleaner
element. The primary air cleaner element can be
SMCS Code: 1054-037; 1054-510 used up to six times if the element is properly cleaned
and inspected. The primary air cleaner element
should be replaced at least one time per year. This
NOTICE replacement should be performed regardless of the
Never run the engine without an air cleaner element number of cleanings.
installed. Never run the engine with a damaged air
cleaner element. Do not use air cleaner elements with The secondary air cleaner element is not serviceable
damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dirt entering the or washable. The secondary air cleaner element
engine causes premature wear and damage to engine should be removed and discarded for every three
components. Air cleaner elements help to prevent air- cleanings of the primary air cleaner element. When
borne debris from entering the air inlet. the engine is operating in environments that are
dusty or dirty, air cleaner elements may require more
frequent replacement.
Never service the air cleaner element with the engine
running since this will allow dirt to enter the engine.

Servicing the Air Cleaner Elements

If the air cleaner element becomes plugged, the air
can split the material of the air cleaner element.
Unfiltered air will drastically accelerate internal engine
wear. Your Caterpillar dealer has the proper air
cleaner elements for your application. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer for the correct air cleaner element.

• Check the precleaner (if equipped) daily for

accumulation of dirt and debris. Remove any dirt Illustration 81
and debris, as needed.
(1) Cover
(2) Primary air cleaner element
• Operating conditions (dust, dirt and debris) may (3) Secondary air cleaner element
require more frequent service of the air cleaner (4) Turbocharger air inlet
1. Remove the cover. Remove the primary air
• The air cleaner element may be cleaned up to cleaner element.
six times if the element is properly cleaned and
inspected. 2. The secondary air cleaner element should be
removed and discarded for every three cleanings
• The air cleaner element should be replaced at least of the primary air cleaner element.
one time per year. This replacement should be
performed regardless of the number of cleanings. Note: Refer to “Cleaning the Primary Air Cleaner
Replace the dirty paper air cleaner elements with
clean air cleaner elements. Before installation, the 3. Cover the turbocharger air inlet with tape in order
air cleaner elements should be thoroughly checked to keep dirt out.
for tears and/or holes in the filter material. Inspect
the gasket or the seal of the air cleaner element for 4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner cover and body
damage. Maintain a supply of suitable air cleaner with a clean, dry cloth.
elements for replacement purposes.
5. Remove the tape for the turbocharger air inlet.
Install the secondary air cleaner element. Install a
primary air cleaner element that is new or cleaned.

6. Install the air cleaner cover.

7. Reset the air cleaner service indicator.

102 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) - Clean/Replace

Cleaning the Primary Air Cleaner Pressurized Air

Elements Pressurized air can be used to clean primary air
cleaner elements that have not been cleaned more
NOTICE than two times. Pressurized air will not remove
Caterpillar recommends certified air filter cleaning ser- deposits of carbon and oil. Use filtered, dry air with a
vices that are available at Caterpillar dealers. The maximum pressure of 207 kPa (30 psi).
Caterpillar cleaning process uses proven procedures
to assure consistent quality and sufficient filter life.

Observe the following guidelines if you attempt to

clean the filter element:

Do not tap or strike the filter element in order to re-

move dust.

Do not wash the filter element.

Use low pressure compressed air in order to remove

the dust from the filter element. Air pressure must not
exceed 207 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air flow up the
pleats and down the pleats from the inside of the filter
element. Take extreme care in order to avoid damage Illustration 82
to the pleats.
Note: When the primary air cleaner elements are
Do not use air filters with damaged pleats, gaskets, or cleaned, always begin with the clean side (inside)
seals. Dirt entering the engine will cause damage to in order to force dirt particles toward the dirty side
engine components. (outside).

The primary air cleaner element can be used up Aim the hose so that the air flows inside the element
to six times if the element is properly cleaned and along the length of the filter in order to help prevent
inspected. When the primary air cleaner element is damage to the paper pleats. Do not aim the stream
cleaned, check for rips or tears in the filter material. of air directly at the primary air cleaner element. Dirt
The primary air cleaner element should be replaced could be forced further into the pleats.
at least one time per year. This replacement should
be performed regardless of the number of cleanings. Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Use clean primary air cleaner elements while dirty
elements are being cleaned. Vacuum Cleaning
Vacuum cleaning is a good method for cleaning
primary air cleaner elements which require daily
Do not clean the air cleaner elements by bumping or
cleaning because of a dry, dusty environment.
tapping. This could damage the seals. Do not use el-
Cleaning with pressurized air is recommended prior
ements with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dam-
to vacuum cleaning. Vacuum cleaning will not remove
aged elements will allow dirt to pass through. Engine
deposits of carbon and oil.
damage could result.
Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Visually inspect the primary air cleaner elements Elements”.
before cleaning. Inspect the air cleaner elements for
damage to the seal, the gaskets, and the outer cover.
Discard any damaged air cleaner elements.

There are two common methods that are used to

clean primary air cleaner elements:

• Pressurized air
• Vacuum cleaning
SEBU7577-01 103
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect

Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic as a
Elements protective covering for storage. An airflow restriction
may result. To protect against dirt and damage, wrap
the primary air cleaner elements in Volatile Corrosion
Inhibited (VCI) paper.

Place the primary air cleaner element into a box

for storage. For identification, mark the outside of
the box and mark the primary air cleaner element.
Include the following information:

• Date of cleaning
• Number of cleanings
Store the box in a dry location.
Illustration 83

Inspect the clean, dry primary air cleaner element.

Use a 60 watt blue light in a dark room or in a similar
Engine Air Cleaner Service
facility. Place the blue light in the primary air cleaner Indicator - Inspect
element. Rotate the primary air cleaner element.
Inspect the primary air cleaner element for tears
(If Equipped)
and/or holes. Inspect the primary air cleaner element SMCS Code: 7452-040
for light that may show through the filter material. If it
is necessary in order to confirm the result, compare
Some engines may be equipped with a different
the primary air cleaner element to a new primary air service indicator.
cleaner element that has the same part number.
Some engines are equipped with a differential gauge
Do not use a primary air cleaner element that has for inlet air pressure. The differential gauge for inlet
any tears and/or holes in the filter material. Do not air pressure displays the difference in the pressure
use a primary air cleaner element with damaged
that is measured before the air cleaner element and
pleats, gaskets or seals. Discard damaged primary the pressure that is measured after the air cleaner
air cleaner elements. element. As the air cleaner element becomes dirty,
the pressure differential rises. If your engine is
Storing Primary Air Cleaner Elements equipped with a different type of service indicator,
follow the OEM recommendations in order to service
If a primary air cleaner element that passes inspection the air cleaner service indicator.
will not be used, the primary air cleaner element can
be stored for future use. The service indicator may be mounted on the air
cleaner housing or in a remote location.

Illustration 84
Illustration 85
Typical service indicator
104 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean/Replace

Observe the service indicator. The air cleaner i01585200

element should be cleaned or the air cleaner element
should be replaced when one of the following Engine Crankcase Breather -
conditions occur: Clean/Replace
• The yellow diaphragm enters the red zone. SMCS Code: 1317-070; 1317-510

• The red piston locks in the visible position.

3054 Marine Generator Set
Test the Service Indicator
Service indicators are important instruments.

• Check for ease of resetting. The service indicator

should reset in less than three pushes.

• Check the movement of the yellow core when the

engine is accelerated to the engine rated speed.
The yellow core should latch approximately at the
greatest vacuum that is attained.

If the service indicator does not reset easily, or if the

yellow core does not latch at the greatest vacuum,
the service indicator should be replaced. If the new
service indicator will not reset, the hole for the service
indicator may be plugged.

The service indicator may need to be replaced

frequently in environments that are severely dusty, if
necessary. Replace the service indicator annually
regardless of the operating conditions. Replace the
service indicator when the engine is overhauled, and
whenever major engine components are replaced.

Note: When a new service indicator is installed,

excessive force may crack the top of the service
indicator. Tighten the service indicator to a torque
of 2 N·m (18 lb in).

Illustration 86
(1) Valve
(2) Clips
(3) Element
(4) Clip retainers
(5) Baffles
(6) Gasket
(7) Elbow

Note: Clean the body of the breather, the cover, and

the baffle (5) and replace the element (3) at 2000
Service Hours. Replace the valve (1) at 4000 Service

The crankcase breather removes the combustion

gases from the engine crankcase. The crankcase
breather directs the gases to the induction system.
SEBU7577-01 105
Maintenance Section
Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean/Replace

An internal port in the rocker cover allows the gases 7. Ensure that the holes in the bottom of the chamber
in the crankcase to pass into the breather body for baffles (5 ) are not restricted. If necessary,
through an element (3). The gases flow through a clean the holes.
series of baffles (5) and into the valve cover through
holes at the bottom of the chamber for the baffles. Assembly
Valve (1) controls the flow of gases which pass from
the breather through the plastic outlet elbow (7) to 1. Install baffles (5) into the grooves in the breather
the intake manifold. body.
The valve cover and the breather assembly are made 2. Install a new element (3) into the breather body.
of a composite material. The valve cover and the
breather assembly should be removed and installed 3. Install a new valve (1) into the breather cover.
with care. Ensure that clip retainers (2) are engaged
4. Install a new gasket (6). The gasket is installed
dry. Put the cover and valve assembly into position
on the breather body. Loosely install the bolts.
Do not use excessive force to remove the hose from
the breather outlet elbow. If the breather outlet elbow Tighten the bolts gradually and tighten the bolts
evenly to a torque of 3 N·m (27 lb in).
breaks away from the breather body, see the proce-
dure to repair the connection for the breather outlet
elbow. NOTICE
Do not use excessive force to fit the hose to the
breather outlet elbow.
1. Release the hose clamp and carefully remove the
hose from elbow (7).
5. Ensure that there is no restriction in elbow (7) or
2. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Service in the breather hose. Carefully install the breather
Manual for more information. hose on elbow (7). Tighten the hose clamps that
fasten the hose to the elbow.
Use care not to damage the breather cover or the Procedure to Repair the Connection for
breather body with a pry bar. the Outlet Elbow of the Breather

3. Remove the bolts and carefully remove the If the outlet elbow for the crankcase breather breaks,
breather cover from the breather body. It may then use the following procedure in order to repair
be necessary to use a suitable pry bar in order the elbow.
to remove the breather cover from the breather
body. Ensure that the pry bar does not damage NOTICE
the breather cover or the breather body. Gasket Thoroughly clean the inside of the breather body after
(6) should be removed and discarded. it has been drilled.

4. Release clip retainers (2) on valve (1). Push valve 1. Ensure that the breather body is secure. Use a
(1) out of the breather cover. 22.5 mm (0.89 inch) drill in order to drill to a depth
of 10.0 mm (0.39 inch). Drill the depth in order to
5. Element (3) should be removed and discarded. remove the broken connection of the outlet elbow.
Thoroughly clean the inside of the breather body.
To prevent damage to the breather valve, remove the 2. Thoroughly clean the contact faces of the elbow
breather valve before the cover is washed. (7) and the breather cover.

3. Install elbow (7). Ensure that the contact surface

NOTICE of the connection for the elbow has a rough finish.
Ensure that all the cleaning fluid is removed before the Put the elbow into position on the breather body.
breather is assembled.
4. Apply Permabond® E3524 adhesive. Refer to the
6. Use a clean nonflammable solvent to wash the instructions on the adhesive. The adhesive will
body of the breather, the cover, baffle (5), and secure the elbow to the breather body.
elbow (7). Thoroughly dry the components after
cleaning the components.
106 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Mounts - Inspect

3056 Marine Generator Set

The closed crankcase ventilation system (CCV) on Operating your engine when the oil level is above the
the 3056 Marine Generator Set is maintenance free. “FULL” mark could cause your crankshaft to dip into
No maintenance is required. the oil. The air bubbles created from the crankshaft
dipping into the oil reduces the oil’s lubricating char-
acteristics and could result in the loss of power.

Engine Mounts - Inspect 2. Remove the oil filler cap and add oil, if necessary.
Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap.
SMCS Code: 1152-040

Inspect the engine mounts for deterioration and for i01935337

proper bolt torque. Engine vibration can be caused
by the following conditions: Engine Oil Sample - Obtain
• Improper mounting of the engine SMCS Code: 1000-008; 1348-554-SM;
7542-554-OC, SM
• Deterioration of the engine mounts
In addition to a good preventive maintenance
Any engine mount that shows deterioration should program, Caterpillar recommends using S·O·S oil
be replaced. Refer to the Service Manual for analysis at regularly scheduled intervals in order
the recommended torques. Refer to the OEM to monitor the condition of the engine and the
recommendations for more information. maintenance requirements of the engine. S·O·S oil
analysis provides infrared analysis, which is required
for determining nitration and oxidation levels.

Engine Oil Level - Check Obtain the Sample and the Analysis
SMCS Code: 1348-535-FLV

Hot oil and hot components can cause personal

injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal contact the skin.
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to
contact the skin.
Before you take the oil sample, complete the Label,
PEEP5031 for identification of the sample. In order
to help obtain the most accurate analysis, provide
the following information:

• Engine model
• Service hours on the engine
Illustration 87 • The number of hours that have accumulated since
(Y) “ADD” mark. (X) “FULL” mark. the last oil change

• The amount of oil that has been added since the
last oil change
Perform this maintenance with the engine stopped.
To ensure that the sample is representative of the
1. Maintain the oil level between “ADD” mark (Y) and oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil
“FULL” mark (X) on oil level gauge (1). Do not fill sample.
the crankcase above “FULL” mark (X).
To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools
and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil
samples must be clean.
SEBU7577-01 107
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change

Caterpillar recommends using the sampling valve Drain the Engine Oil
in order to obtain oil samples. The quality and the
consistency of the samples are better when the
sampling valve is used. The location of the sampling
valve allows oil that is flowing under pressure to be
obtained during normal engine operation.

The 169-8373 Fluid Sampling Bottle is

recommended for use with the sampling valve. The
fluid sampling bottle includes the parts that are
needed for obtaining oil samples. Instructions are
also provided.

Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.

If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve, Illustration 88
use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is Manual sump pump for the engine oil
designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion 1. Connect a suitable hose to the outlet of the manual
into the sump. sump pump for the engine oil. Place the opposite
end of the hose into a suitable container. The
For instructions, see Special Publication, PEHP6001, container should hold at least 18 L (19 qt) of oil.
“How To Take A Good Oil Sample”. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer for complete information and 2. Pump the handle of the manual sump pump until
assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your the oil has been removed from the engine into
engine. the suitable container. Dispose of the used oil in
accordance with local regulations.
Replace the Oil Filter
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
SMCS Code: 1318-510; 1348-044
Caterpillar oil filters are built to Caterpillar speci-
fications. Use of an oil filter not recommended by
Caterpillar could result in severe engine damage to
the engine bearings, crankshaft, etc., as a result of
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal the larger waste particles from unfiltered oil entering
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to the engine lubricating system. Only use oil filters
contact the skin. recommended by Caterpillar.

Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the oil 1. Remove the oil filter with a 1U-8760 Chain
cools, suspended waste particles settle on the bottom Wrench.
of the oil pan. The waste particles are not removed
with the draining cold oil. Drain the crankcase with 2. Cut the oil filter open with a 175-7546 Oil Filter
the engine stopped. Drain the crankcase with the Cutter. Break apart the pleats and inspect the oil
oil warm. This draining method allows the waste filter for metal debris. An excessive amount of
particles that are suspended in the oil to be drained metal debris in the oil filter may indicate early wear
properly. or a pending failure.

Failure to follow this recommended procedure will Use a magnet to differentiate between the ferrous
cause the waste particles to be recirculated through metals and the nonferrous metals that are found in
the engine lubrication system with the new oil. the oil filter element. Ferrous metals may indicate
wear on the steel and cast iron parts of the engine.
108 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust

Nonferrous metals may indicate wear on the

aluminum parts, brass parts or bronze parts of NOTICE
the engine. Parts that may be affected include If equipped with an auxiliary oil filter system or a re-
the following items: main bearings, rod bearings, mote oil filter system, follow the OEM or filter manu-
turbocharger bearings, and cylinder heads. facturer’s recommendations. Under filling or overfilling
the crankcase with oil can cause engine damage.
Due to normal wear and friction, it is not
uncommon to find small amounts of debris in the
oil filter. Consult your Caterpillar dealer in order NOTICE
to arrange for a further analysis if an excessive To prevent crankshaft bearing damage, crank the en-
amount of debris is found in the oil filter. gine with the fuel OFF. This will fill the oil filters before
starting the engine. Do not crank the engine for more
than 30 seconds.

2. Start the engine and run the engine at “LOW

IDLE” for two minutes. Perform this procedure in
order to ensure that the lubrication system has
oil and that the oil filters are filled. Inspect the oil
filter for oil leaks.

3. Stop the engine and allow the oil to drain back to

the sump for a minimum of ten minutes.

4. Remove the oil level gauge in order to check the

oil level. Maintain the oil level between the “ADD”
Illustration 89
g00741009 and “FULL” marks on the oil level gauge.
Typical mounting base for the oil filter and oil filter gasket
3. Clean the sealing surface of the filter mounting
base. Ensure that all of the old oil filter gasket is Engine Valve Lash -
removed. Inspect/Adjust
4. Apply clean engine oil to the new oil filter gasket. SMCS Code: 1102-025

NOTICE The initial valve lash adjustment on new engines,

Do not fill the oil filters with oil before installing them. rebuilt engines, or remanufactured engines is
This oil would not be filtered and could be contaminat- recommended at the first scheduled oil change. The
ed. Contaminated oil can cause accelerated wear to adjustment is necessary due to the initial wear of
engine components. the valve train components and to the seating of the
valve train components.
5. Install the oil filter. Tighten the oil filter until the This maintenance is recommended by Caterpillar
oil filter gasket contacts the base. Tighten the oil as part of a lubrication and preventive maintenance
filter by hand according to the instructions that are schedule in order to help provide maximum engine
shown on the oil filter. Do not overtighten the oil life.
Fill the Engine Crankcase Only qualified service personnel should perform this
maintenance. Refer to the Service Manual or your
1. Remove the oil filler cap. Refer to the Operation Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve lash adjust-
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacitites ment procedure.
and Recommendations” for more information on
the proper type of oil. Fill the crankcase with Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve
the proper amount of oil. Refer to the Operation adjustments can reduce engine efficiency. This re-
and Maintenance Manual, “Refill Capacitites and duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
Recommendations” for the proper amount of oil. and/or shortened engine component life.
SEBU7577-01 109
Maintenance Section
Fuel Injection Nozzles - Test/Exchange

Ensure that the engine can not be started while Never wire brush or scrape a fuel injection nozzle.
this maintenance is being performed. To help pre- Wire brushing or scraping a fuel injection nozzle will
vent possible injury, do not use the starting motor damage the finely machine orifice. Proper tools for
to turn the flywheel. cleaning and testing the fuel injection nozzles can be
obtained from Caterpillar dealers.
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
additional time for the engine to cool before mea- The following items are symptoms of a malfunction of
suring/adjusting valve lash clearance. the fuel injection nozzle:

Ensure that the engine is stopped before measuring • Abnormal engine operation
the valve lash. To obtain an accurate measurement,
allow the valves to cool before this maintenance is • Smoke emission
• Engine knock
Refer to the Service Manual for more information.
Each fuel injection nozzle must be isolated one at
a time in order to determine the malfunctioning fuel
i00626014 injection nozzle.
Fuel Injection Nozzles - 1. Start the engine.
2. Loosen each fuel line nut one at a time at the fuel
SMCS Code: 1254-013; 1254-081 injection pump. A cloth or similar material must be
used in order to prevent fuel from spraying on the
hot exhaust components. Tighten each nut before
loosening the next nut.
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri- 3. A defective fuel injection nozzle may be identified
cal components can cause a fire. when a fuel line nut is loosened and the following
conditions are present:
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly • The exhaust smoke is partially eliminated or the
exhaust smoke is completely eliminated.
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component. • Engine performance is not affected.
A fuel injection nozzle that is suspected of being
Fuel injection nozzles are subject to tip wear. Tip defective should be removed. A new fuel injection
wear is a result of fuel contamination. Tip wear can nozzle should be installed in the cylinder in order
cause the following problems: to determine if the removed fuel injection nozzle is
• Increased fuel consumption
Removal and Installation of the
• Black smoke
Fuel Injection Nozzles
• Misfire
For the removal and the installation of fuel injection
• Rough running nozzles, special tooling is required. Refer to the
Service Manual for more information. Consult your
Fuel Injection nozzles should be cleaned, inspected, Caterpillar dealer for assistance.
tested, and replaced, if necessary. Refer to Special
Instruction, SEHS7292 for using the 8S-2245
Injection Cleaning Tool Group. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer about cleaning the fuel injection
nozzle and testing the fuel injection nozzle.
110 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System - Prime

i01539174 3. Loosen banjo bolt (1).

Fuel System - Prime Note: The priming lever of the fuel transfer pump
cannot be operated if the cam is at the maximum lift
SMCS Code: 1258-548 position. If this occurs, the crankshaft must be rotated
one revolution.
Priming the fuel system fills the fuel filter. Priming
the fuel system removes air bubbles from the fuel 4. Operate the priming lever for the fuel transfer
system. Prime the fuel system under the following pump until the flow of fuel from banjo bolt (1) is
conditions: continuous and free of air bubbles.

• Fuel system that is run dry

• Storage
• Fuel filter maintenance
• Disconnecting fuel lines and installing fuel lines
• Repair of leaks in the fuel lines

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-

trical components can cause a fire. To help pre- Illustration 91
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
Priming lever for the fuel transfer pump
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.
Note: The priming lever of the fuel transfer pump
cannot be operated if the cam is at the maximum lift
NOTICE position. If this occurs, the crankshaft must be rotated
Use a suitable container to catch any fuel that might one revolution.
spill. Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
5. Operate the priming lever for the fuel transfer
pump until the flow of fuel from the vent is
continuous and free of air bubbles. Tighten the
bolt at the top of the fuel filter.

Illustration 90

Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly Illustration 92
clean the area around a fuel system component that Nut for the fuel inlet line at the fuel injection pump
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component. 6. Loosen the nut for the fuel inlet line at the fuel
injection pump in order to open a vent.
1. Loosen vent (2).

2. Tighten vent (2).

SEBU7577-01 111
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Primary Filter (Water Separator) Element - Replace

7. Ensure that the manual stop control (if equipped) i02214246

is in the RUN position. Turn the start switch to the
RUN position. Operate the priming lever for the Fuel System Primary Filter
fuel transfer pump until the flow of fuel from the
vent is continuous and free of air bubbles. Tighten
(Water Separator) Element -
the nut for the fuel inlet line. Replace
SMCS Code: 1260-510-FQ; 1263-510-FQ

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-

trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.

Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
g00286062 clean the area around a fuel system component that
Illustration 93
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
Fuel line nuts at the fuel injection nozzles nected fuel system component.
8. Loosen two of the fuel line nuts at two of the fuel
injection nozzles in order to open two vents. Turn the fuel supply valve to the OFF position before
performing this maintenance. Place a tray under the
fuel filter in order to catch any fuel that might spill.
NOTICE Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.

9. Ensure that the manual stop control (if equipped)

is in the RUN position. Crank the starting motor
until the flow of fuel from the vents is continuous
and free of air bubbles. Tighten the fuel line nuts.

10. Ensure that all fuel line connections are secure

and tightened to the proper torque. Ensure that
any spilled fuel is cleaned up.

11. Start the engine. The engine may run rough.

Run the engine at low idle until the engine runs g00741109
smoothly. If the engine will not start, further Illustration 94
priming may be necessary. If the engine starts and (1) Cap
if the engine continues to misfire or smoke, one or (2) Locking ring
(3) Element
more of the following conditions may be present: (4) Water separator bowl
(5) Drain
• The fuel system requires more priming.
1. Close the fuel supply valve.
• There may be an air leak in the fuel system.
2. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly. Drain
the fuel into a suitable container by using the
fuel drain on the bottom of element (3). Drain
the water from water separator (4) into a suitable
container. Not all engines are equipped with a
water separator.
112 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace

Note: The fuel level in element (3) should be reduced

before removal of the element. Remove cap (1) if the NOTICE
element is not equipped with a drain on the bottom. Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
Remove the nylon insert in order to reduce the level clean the area around a fuel system component that
of fuel in the element. A reduction in the level of fuel will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
in the element will help prevent fuel from being spilled nected fuel system component.
when the element is removed.
Turn the fuel supply valve to the OFF position before
Do not use a tool in order to remove the fuel filter. performing this maintenance. Place a tray under the
fuel filter in order to catch any fuel that might spill.
Attempting to remove the fuel filter with a filter wrench
Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
or a filter strap could damage the locking ring.

3. Hold element (3) and rotate locking ring (2)

counterclockwise. Remove locking ring (2). The
used element should be removed and discarded.

Note: If the element is equipped with a sediment

bowl, remove the sediment bowl from the element.
Thoroughly clean the sediment bowl. Inspect the
O-ring seals for wear or damage. Install new O-ring
seals, if necessary. Install the sediment bowl onto the
new element. Hand tighten the sediment bowl. Hand
tightening is the only method that should be used.

NOTICE Illustration 95
Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
(1) Cap
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel (2) Fuel filter base
system parts. (3) Quick release collar
(4) Fuel filter
(5) Drain valve for fuel filter
4. Ensure that the filter head is clean. Push a new
element fully into the filter head. 1. Close the fuel supply valve.
5. Hold the element in place. Fit locking ring (2) into 2. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly. Open
position. Rotate the locking ring clockwise in order drain valve (5) and drain the fuel and water from
to fasten the element to the filter head. fuel filter (4) into a suitable container.
Note: If the nylon insert was removed, install the Note: If the fuel filter element is not equipped with
nylon insert and install cap (1). a drain, remove cap (1). Remove the nylon insert
in order to reduce the level of fuel in the fuel filter
6. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation and element. A reduction in the level of fuel in the fuel
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for filter element will help prevent fuel from being spilled
more information. when the element is removed.

i01713207 NOTICE
Do not use a tool in order to remove the fuel filter.
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Attempting to remove the fuel filter with a filter wrench
Replace or a filter strap could damage the locking ring.

SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE 3. Hold fuel filter (4) and rotate quick release collar
(3) counterclockwise. Remove quick release collar
(3). The used element should be removed and
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-
trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.
SEBU7577-01 113
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain

Note: If the element is equipped with a sediment Fuel Tank

bowl, remove the sediment bowl from the element.
Thoroughly clean the sediment bowl. Inspect the Fuel quality is critical to the performance and to the
O-ring seals. Install new O-ring seals, if necessary. service life of the engine. Water in the fuel can cause
Install the sediment bowl to the new element. Hand excessive wear to the fuel system. Condensation
tighten the sediment bowl. Hand tightening is the occurs during the heating and cooling of fuel. The
only method that should be used. condensation occurs as the fuel passes through the
fuel system and the fuel returns to the fuel tank. This
NOTICE causes water to accumulate in fuel tanks. Draining
Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them. the fuel tank regularly and obtaining fuel from reliable
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel sources can help to eliminate water in the fuel.
system parts.
Drain the Water and the Sediment
4. Ensure that the fuel filter base is clean. Push a Fuel tanks should contain some provision for draining
new fuel filter fully into the fuel filter base. water and draining sediment from the bottom of the
fuel tanks.
5. Hold the fuel filter in place. Fit locking ring (3) into
position. Rotate the locking ring clockwise in order Open the drain valve on the bottom of the fuel tank
to fasten the fuel filter to the fuel filter base. in order to drain the water and the sediment. Close
the drain valve.
Note: If the nylon insert was removed, install the
nylon insert and install cap (1). Check the fuel daily. Drain the water and sediment
from the fuel tank after operating the engine or drain
6. Prime the fuel system. Refer to Operation and the water and sediment from the fuel tank after the
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime”. fuel tank has been filled. Allow five to ten minutes
before performing this procedure.
Fill the fuel tank after operating the engine in
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment order to drive out moist air. This will help prevent
- Drain condensation. Do not fill the tank to the top. The
fuel expands as the fuel gets warm. The tank may
SMCS Code: 1273-543-M&S
Some fuel tanks use supply pipes that allow water
NOTICE and sediment to settle below the end of the fuel
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained supply pipe. Some fuel tanks use supply lines that
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test- take fuel directly from the bottom of the tank. If
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to the engine is equipped with this system, regular
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- maintenance of the fuel system filter is important.
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Fuel Storage Tanks
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, “Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide” for tools and supplies Drain the water and the sediment from the fuel
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar storage tank during the following conditions:
• Weekly
Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. • Oil change
• Refill of the tank
This will help prevent water or sediment from being
pumped from the storage tank into the engine fuel
114 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer - Clean

If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved 2. Use nonflammable solvent in order to clean the
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to strainer, the cover, and the seal. Carefully wash
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal any sediment from the chamber of the fuel transfer
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap pump.
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel. 3. Assemble the clean, dry fuel transfer pump.
When possible, water separators should be used.
i01190897 Ensure that the lift pump cover is secure so that air
does not enter the fuel system.
Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer -
Clean 4. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.

SMCS Code: 1256-070-STR 5. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual for more information on
priming the fuel system.

Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec- i01593502

trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when Generator - Dry
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately. SMCS Code: 4450-569

Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that Personal injury or death can result from improper
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon- troubleshooting and repair procedures.
nected fuel system component.
The following troubleshooting and repair proce-
dures should only be performed by qualified per-
Cleaning the Strainer and the sonnel familiar with this equipment.
Sediment Chamber for the Fuel
Refer to Safety Section, “Generator Isolating fo
Transfer Pump Maintenance” for information regarding the procedure
to safely isolate the generator.
Turn the fuel supply valve to the OFF position before
the maintenance is performed. If the insulation resistance values are less than the
recommended values, one of the following drying
procedures must be selected. This decision should
be based on the following factors:

• the size of the unit

• the location of the unit
• the equipment that is available
• the experience of personnel
Note: For more information on drying methods, refer
to Special Instruction, SEHS9124, “Cleaning and
g00286056 Drying of Electric Set Generators”.
Illustration 96
(1) Fuel transfer pump
(2) Cover and seal
(3) Strainer

1. Remove the cover and seal (2) from the top of fuel
transfer pump (1). Remove strainer (3).
SEBU7577-01 115
Maintenance Section
Generator - Dry

Remove the voltage regulator. Cover all of the inlet Heat can be used in order to dry the generator
openings. Cover all of the discharge holes. Provide windings. This heat can be created by allowing a
an opening at the top of the machine. This opening controlled current to flow through the generator. No
will allow moisture to evaporate. Preferably, this high voltages are generated during the following
opening will be located at the fan end. Monitor the procedure. Therefore, insulation breakdown will not
winding temperatures. DO NOT APPLY HEAT TOO occur.
RAPIDLY. Winding temperature should be raised
gradually at a rate of 10 °C (50 °F) per hour up to
85 °C (185 °F). Measure insulation resistance at one
hour intervals. Typically, the insulation resistance
will slowly drop while the temperature is rising. The
insulation resistance will then start to increase at a
slow rate until the insulation resistance reaches a
constant level.

The following methods can be used for drying a


• Self-circulating air method

• Oven method
• Controlled current method

Self-Circulating Air Method

Run the engine and disconnect the generator load.
This will help circulate air. Operate the generator
space heaters.

Oven Method
Place the entire generator inside a forced air drying
oven for four hours at 65 °C (149 °F). Illustration 97
Generator Wiring Diagram
NOTICE (CR1-CR6) Diodes
Use a forced air type oven rather than a radiant type (CR7) Varistor
(L1) Exciter field (stator)
oven. (L2) Exciter armature (rotor)
(L3) Main field (rotor)
Radiant type ovens can cause localized overheating. (L4) Main armature (stator)
(RFA) Rotating field assembly
(CST) Customer supplied transformer
Controlled Current Method 1. Make an external power source.
Table 14
2. Refer to the above diagram. Disconnect “F1+”
Tools Needed from the voltage regulator. Disconnect “F2-” from
Part Description Qty the voltage regulator. Disconnect the generator
Number load. Connect the generator output leads “T0”,
“T1”, “T2”, and “T3”. Install the clamp-on ammeter
8T-0900 Clamp on ammeter (1200 1
to generator output lead “T1”.
External Power Source 1 Note: When the line current is measured on
multiple-lead units, measure the current in each
Rheostat 1
conductor per phase. The currents can then be

3. Refer to the above diagram. Connect the rheostat.

Adjust the rheostat to the maximum resistance
value. Connect the external power source to wires
“F1+” and “F2-”.
116 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Generator - Inspect

4. Start the generator set. Run the generator set at Proper maintenance of electrical equipment requires
idle speed. periodic visual examination of the generator and
periodic visual examination of the windings. Proper
5. Monitor the phase current. Gradually increase the maintenance of electrical equipment also requires
engine RPM. Increase the engine RPM until one appropriate electrical checks and appropriate thermal
of the following conditions are met: checks. Insulation material should be examined for
cracks. The insulation material should be examined
• The rated phase current is obtained. for accumulations of dirt and dust. If there is an
insulation resistance value that is below normal, a
• The full generator set speed is obtained. conductive path may be present. This conductive
path may be made of one of the following materials:
6. If more phase current is still necessary, slowly
turn the rheostat until the rated phase current is • Carbon
• Salt
7. On an hourly basis, stop the drying procedure.
Check the insulation resistance. Repeat the above • Metal dust
steps until the insulation resistance is acceptable.
• Dirt that is saturated with moisture
These contaminants will develop a conductive path
Generator - Inspect which may produce shorts. Cleaning is advisable if
heavy accumulations of dirt can be seen or if heavy
SMCS Code: 4450-040 accumulations of dust can be seen. If excess dirt is
the cause of a restriction in the ventilation, cleaning
is also advisable. Restricted ventilation will cause
excessive heating.
Personal injury or death can result from improper
troubleshooting and repair procedures. NOTICE
To avoid the possibility of deterioration to the genera-
The following troubleshooting and repair proce- tor windings, do not clean the generator unless there
dures should only be performed by qualified per- is visual, electrical, or thermal evidence that dirt is
sonnel familiar with this equipment. present.

If harmful dirt accumulations are present, a variety

of cleaning techniques are available. The cleaning
procedure that is used may be determined by one of
The high voltage that is produced by an operating the items on the following list:
generator set can cause severe injury or death.
Before performing any maintenance or repairs, • The extent of the cleaning procedure that is being
ensure that the generator will not start. attempted
Place the engine control switch in the “OFF” posi- • The type of enclosure of the generator
tion. Attach “DO NOT OPERATE” tags to all start-
ing controls. Disconnect the batteries or disable • The voltage rating of the generator
the starting system. Lock out all switchgear and
automatic transfer switches that are associated • The type of dirt that is being removed
with the generator.
Cleaning (Assembled Generators)
Refer to Safety Section, “Generator Isolating for
Maintenance” for information regarding the procedure Cleaning may be required at the point of installation.
to safely isolate the generator. At this point, complete disassembly of the generator
may not be necessary or feasible. In this case,
a vacuum cleaner should be used to pick up the
following items: dry dirt, dust, and carbon. This will
prevent the spreading of these contaminants.
SEBU7577-01 117
Maintenance Section
Generator Load - Check

A small nonconductive tube may need to be i01593513

connected to the vacuum cleaner. This will allow the
vacuum cleaner to clean the surfaces that are not Generator Load - Check
exposed. After most of the dust has been removed,
a small brush may be attached to the vacuum hose SMCS Code: 4450-535-LA
in order to loosen dirt that is more firmly attached to
the surface. During normal operation, monitor the power factor
and monitor generator loading.
After the initial cleaning with a vacuum, compressed
air may be used to remove the remaining dust and When a generator is installed or when a generator
dirt. Compressed air that is used for cleaning should is reconnected, ensure that the total current in any
be free of moisture and free of oil. Air pressure one phase does not exceed the nameplate rating.
should be a maximum of 210 kPa (30 psi) in order to Each phase should carry the same load. This allows
prevent mechanical damage to the insulation. If the the generator to work at the rated capacity. If one
above cleaning procedures are not effective, consult phase current exceeds the nameplate amperage,
a Caterpillar dealer. an electrical imbalance will occur. An electrical
imbalance can result in an electrical overload and an
electrical imbalance can result in overheating.
Cleaning (Disassembled
Generators) The power factor can be referred to as the efficiency
of the load. This can be expressed as the ratio of kVA
An initial insulation resistance check should be to actual kW. The power factor can be calculated by
made on the generator in order to confirm electrical dividing kW by kVA. Power factor is expressed as a
integrity. A minimum reading of one megohm would decimal. Power factor is used to mean the portion
be expected with severely contaminated generators. of current that is supplied to a system that is doing
A zero megohm reading may indicate an insulation useful work. The portion of the current that is not
breakdown. An insulation breakdown requires more doing useful work is absorbed in maintaining the
than cleaning. An insulation breakdown requires magnetic field in motors. This current (reactive load)
repair. can be maintained without engine power.

A high pressure wash is normally an effective way

to clean windings. This includes windings that have
been exposed to flooding or windings that have been
contaminated by salt. A solution of hot water and
detergent is used for this method of cleaning.

A high pressure wash sprays a high velocity fluid

stream of this solution over the generator that is
being cleaned. This detergent washing is followed by
multiple sprays of clean water. The clean water is
used in order to remove the detergent or the clean
water is used in order to dilute the detergent.

Allow the generator to dry at room temperature.

Check the insulation resistance. The insulation
resistance should now be normal. If the insulation
resistance is not normal, repeat the procedure. It
may be necessary to use solvents if the generator
is contaminated with oil or if the generator is
contaminated with grease.

Note: For more information on drying methods, refer

to Special Instructions, SEHS9124, “Cleaning and
Drying of Electric Set Generators”.
118 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Generator Set - Test

i01593517 • The phase voltages change relative to engine

Generator Set - Test
The generator set functional test consists of the
SMCS Code: 4450-081 following steps:

1. Stop the generator. Connect the potential

transformer’s high voltage winding to the
Personal injury or death can result from high volt- generator terminals (T1) and (T2). Connect
age. the voltmeter to the low voltage winding. If two
transformers are available, connect the high
When power generation equipment must be in op- voltage winding of the second transformer to the
eration to make tests and/or adjustments, high generator terminals (T1) and (T3). Connect the
voltage and current are present. secondary terminals that correspond to generator
terminal (T2) of both transformers together.
Improper test equipment can fail and present a
high voltage shock hazard to its user. 2. Disconnect wires “E+” and “E-” from the voltage
regulator. Disconnect the generator from the load.
Make sure the testing equipment is designed for
and correctly operated for high voltage and cur- 3. Connect a 12 VDC automotive battery to wires
rent tests being made. “E+” and “E-”.

When servicing or repairing electric power gener- 4. Measure the AC voltage across the low voltage
ation equipment: terminals of the transformer that correspond to the
following generator terminals: “T1” and “T2”, “T2”
• Make sure the unit is off-line (disconnected and “T3”, and “T3” and “T1”. Record the voltages.
from utility and/or other generators power
service), and either locked out or tagged DO
Heat Exchanger - Inspect
• Make sure the generator engine is stopped.
SMCS Code: 1379-040
• Make sure all batteries are disconnected.
The interval for the maintenance of the tube type heat
• Make sure all capacitors are discharged. exchanger depends on the operating environment of
the vessel and on the operating time. The sea water
Table 15 that is circulated through the heat exchanger and the
amount of operating time of the vessel affects the
Tools Needed
following items:
Part Number Part Quantity
• Cleanliness of the tubes for the heat exchanger
6V-7070 1
• Effectiveness of the heat exchanger system
12 VDC battery 1
Operating in water that contains silt, sediment, salt,
1 algae, etc will adversely affect the heat exchanger
system. In addition, intermittent use of the vessel will
adversely affect the heat exchanger system.
The generator set functional test is a simplified test
that can be performed in order to determine if the The following items indicate that the heat exchanger
generator is functional. The generator set functional may require cleaning:
test should be performed on a generator set that is
under load. • Increased coolant temperature
The generator set functional test determines if the • Engine overheating
following statements happen:
• Excessive pressure drop between the water inlet
• A phase voltage is being generated. and the water outlet

• The phase voltages are balanced.

SEBU7577-01 119
Maintenance Section
Hoses and Clamps - Inspect/Replace

An operator that is familiar with the normal operating 6. Dry the core with compressed air. Direct the air in
temperature of the coolant can determine when the reverse direction of the normal flow.
the coolant temperature is out of the normal range.
Inspection and maintenance of the heat exchanger 7. Inspect the core in order to ensure cleanliness.
are required if the engine is overheating. Pressure test the core. Many shops that service
radiators are equipped to perform pressure tests.
Cleaning the Heat Exchanger If necessary, repair the core.

8. Install the heat exchanger. Refer to the Service

1. Remove the heat exchanger. Refer to the Service
Manual for the procedure. Manual for the procedure.

For more information on cleaning the core, consult

2. Turn the heat exchanger core upside-down in
order to remove debris. your Caterpillar dealer.

NOTICE i02121526
Do not use a high concentration of caustic cleaner to
clean the core. A high concentration of caustic cleaner Hoses and Clamps -
can attack the internal metals of the core and cause Inspect/Replace
leakage. Only use the recommended concentration of
cleaner. SMCS Code: 7554-040; 7554-510

3. Back flush the core with cleaner. Inspect all hoses for leaks that are caused by the
following conditions:
Caterpillar recommends the use of Hydrosolv
liquid cleaner. Table 16 lists Hydrosolv liquid • Cracking
cleaners that are available from your Caterpillar
dealer. • Softness
Table 16 • Loose clamps
Hydrosolv Liquid Cleaners(1)
Replace hoses that are cracked or soft. Tighten any
Description Size loose clamps.
1U-5490 Hydrosolv 4165 19 L (5 US gallon) NOTICE
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not in-
Hydrosolv 100 19 L (5 US gallon)
stall bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses. Repair
(1) Use a two to five percent concentration of the cleaner at any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes and
temperatures up to 93°C (200°F). Refer to Application hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Inspect all lines, tubes
Guide, NEHS0526 or consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
information. and hoses carefully. Tighten all connections to the rec-
ommended torque.
4. Steam clean the core in order to remove any
residue. Flush the tubes of the heat exchanger Check for the following conditions:
core. Remove any other trapped debris.
• End fittings that are damaged or leaking
5. Wash the core with hot, soapy water. Rinse the
core thoroughly with clean water. • Outer covering that is chafed or cut
• Exposed wire that is used for reinforcement

Personal injury can result from air pressure. • Outer covering that is ballooning locally

Personal injury can result without following prop- • Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro-
tective face shield and protective clothing. • Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering

Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less A constant torque hose clamp can be used in place
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. of any standard hose clamp. Ensure that the constant
torque hose clamp is the same size as the standard
120 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Insulation - Test

Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will 10. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
heat set. Heat setting causes hose clamps to loosen. leaks.
This can result in leaks. A constant torque hose
clamp will help to prevent loose hose clamps.

Each installation application can be different. The

differences depend on the following factors:
Insulation - Test
SMCS Code: 4453-081; 4454-081; 4457-081;
• Type of hose 4470-081
• Type of fitting material
Recommended Periodic Insulation
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the hose Tests
• Anticipated expansion and contraction of the
The high voltage that is produced by an operating
Replace the Hoses and the Clamps generator set can cause severe injury or death.
Before performing any maintenance or repairs,
ensure that the generator will not start.

Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Place the engine control switch in the “OFF” posi-
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, tion. Attach “DO NOT OPERATE” tags to all start-
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system ing controls. Disconnect the batteries or disable
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system the starting system. Lock out all switchgear and
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- automatic transfer switches that are associated
sure. with the generator.

Table 17
1. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool.
Tools Needed
2. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in 142-5055 Insulation Testing Gp
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap. 9U-6003 Insulation Testing Gp

Note: Drain the coolant into a suitable, clean Periodically, use an insulation tester to check the
container. The coolant can be reused. insulation resistance of the generator’s main stator
winding. The frequency of this test is determined by
3. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a the generator’s environment. Previous insulation
level that is below the hose that is being replaced. tester readings will also determine the frequency of
this test.
4. Remove the hose clamps.
Test the main stator windings with an insulation tester
5. Disconnect the old hose. in the following situations:
6. Replace the old hose with a new hose. • The generator set is started for the first time.
7. Install the hose clamps with a torque wrench. • The generator set is removed from storage.
Note: Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130, • The generator set is operating in a humid
“Torque Specifications” in order to locate the proper environment. Test every three months.
• The generator set is not protected from the
8. Refill the cooling system. elements in an enclosed area. Test every three
9. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
cooling system filler cap’s gaskets. Replace • The generator set is installed in an enclosed area.
the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are This area needs to be low in humidity and this area
damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap. needs to have steady temperatures. Test every
twelve months (minimum).
SEBU7577-01 121
Maintenance Section
Insulation - Test

• The generator set has not been run under load 9. For units that are 600 volts or less, set the voltage
for three months. Test the generator set weekly. to 500 Volts. For units that are more than 600
Use space heaters around the generator set if the volts, set the voltage to 1000 Volts.
generator is exposed to a sea water environment or
if the humidity is above 75 percent. Also use space 10. Use the 30/60 Time Resistance Method:
heaters if a test result was below 3 megohms.
a. Apply voltage.
Space heaters must be used whenever the generator
set is not under load. Space heaters must also be b. Observe the readings at 30 seconds. Observe
used whenever salt is present or whenever high the readings at 60 seconds.
humidity is present. Using a space heater in this
fashion is the only way to maintain insulation tester c. Record the 60 second reading. This reading
readings above one megohm. Use space heaters must be corrected for temperature.
only when the generator is not running.
d. Record temperature.
For additional information, refer to Special Instruction,
SEHS9124, “Cleaning and Drying of Electric Set e. Record humidity.
f. Remove voltage.
Recommended Procedure for A 11. Evaluate the readings. The actual value of the
Periodic Insulation Test resistance may vary greatly between generators.
For this reason, the insulation’s condition must be
evaluated. Base this evaluation on the comparison
between the 60 second resistance readings and
Personal injury or death can result from electro- the readings that were taken on previous dates.
cution. These two readings must be taken under similar
conditions. If a 60 second resistance reading
The megohmmeter is applying a high voltage to has a 50 percent reduction from the previous
the circuit. reading, the insulation may have absorbed too
much moisture.
To avoid electrocution, do not touch the instru-
ment leads without first discharging them. When Switch the insulation tester to the “OFF” position.
finished testing also discharge the generator This will discharge the insulation tester’s leads.
windings. Disconnect the insulation tester’s leads.

Note: The results from the insulation resistance

1. Take the generator out of service. checks indicate when cleaning and/or repairing is
becoming critical. Generally, insulation resistance
2. Visually inspect the generator for moisture. If will vary greatly with temperature. Therefore, always
moisture exists, do not perform this insulation test at the same temperature and humidity. Refer to
test. Dry the unit first. Refer to Special Instruction, Illustration 98.
SEHS9124, “Cleaning and Drying of Electric Set
Generators”. Serial Number (Engine)___________________________________

3. Inspect the installation. Determine the equipment Serial Number (Generator)_______________________________

that will be tested by the insulation tester.

4. Discharge the capacitance of the windings.

5. Disconnect “101” from ground.

6. Disconnect the regulator sensing lead wires: “0”,

“110”, “220”, and 380.

7. Connect the insulation tester’s RED lead to


8. Connect the insulation tester’s BLACK lead to

122 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Insulation - Test

Illustration 98
SEBU7577-01 123
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations

i01585907 • Costly unplanned downtime can be avoided.

Overhaul Considerations • Many original parts can be reused according to the
standards for reusable parts.
SMCS Code: 7595-043
• The engine’s service life can be extended without
Reduced hours of operation at full load will result in a the risk of a major catastrophe due to engine
lower average power demand. A decreased average failure.
power demand should increase both the engine
service life and the overhaul interval. • The best cost/value relationship per hour of
extended life can be attained.
The need for an overhaul is generally indicated by
increased fuel consumption and by reduced power. After Failure Overhaul
The following factors are important when a decision If a major engine failure occurs and the engine must
is being made on the proper time for an engine be removed from the hull, many options are available.
overhaul: An overhaul should be performed if the engine block
or the crankshaft needs to be repaired.
• The need for preventive maintenance
If the engine block is repairable and/or the crankshaft
• The quality of the fuel that is being used is repairable, the overhaul cost should be between 40
percent and 50 percent of the cost of a new engine
• The operating conditions with a similar exchange core.

• The results of the S·O·S analysis This lower cost can be attributed to three aspects:

Oil Consumption as an Overhaul • Specially designed Caterpillar engine features

Indicator • Caterpillar dealer exchange components
Oil consumption, fuel consumption, and maintenance
information can be used to estimate the total
• Caterpillar remanufactured exchange components
operating cost for your Caterpillar engine. Oil
consumption can also be used to estimate the Overhaul Recommendation
required capacity of a makeup oil tank that is suitable
for the maintenance intervals. To minimize downtime, Caterpillar recommends a
scheduled engine overhaul by your Caterpillar dealer
Oil consumption is in proportion to the percentage before the engine fails. This will provide you with the
of the rated engine load. As the percentage of the best cost/value relationship.
engine load is increased, the amount of oil that is
consumed per hour also increases. Note: Overhaul programs vary according to the
engine application and according to the dealer that
The oil consumption rate (brake specific oil performs the overhaul. Consult your Caterpillar
consumption) is measured in grams per kW/h (lb per dealer for specific information about the available
bhp). The brake specific oil consumption (BSOC) overhaul programs and about overhaul services for
depends on the engine load. Consult your Caterpillar extending the engine life.
dealer for assistance in determining the typical oil
consumption rate for your engine. If an overhaul is performed without overhaul service
from your Caterpillar dealer, be aware of the following
When an engine’s oil consumption has risen to three maintenance recommendations.
times the original oil consumption rate due to normal
wear, an engine overhaul should be scheduled. Rebuild or Exchange
There may be a corresponding increase in blowby
and a slight increase in fuel consumption. Cylinder Head Assembly, Oil Pump, and Fuel
Transfer Pump
Overhaul Options
These components should be inspected according to
Before Failure Overhaul the instructions that are found in various Caterpillar
reusability publications. The Special Publication,
A planned overhaul before failure may be the best SEBF8029 lists the reusability publications that are
value for the following reasons: needed for inspecting the engine parts.
124 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations

If the parts comply with the established inspection • Bearing material that has seized to the journals
specifications that are expressed in the reusable
parts guideline, the parts should be reused. Check the journal taper and the profile of the
crankshaft journals. Check these components by
Parts that are not within the established inspection interpreting the wear patterns on the following
specifications should be dealt with in one of the components:
following manners:
• Rod bearing
• Salvaging
• Main bearings
• Repairing
Note: If the crankshaft is removed for any reason,
• Replacing use the magnetic particle inspection process to check
for cracks in the crankshaft.
Using out-of-spec parts can result in the following
problems: Inspect the camshaft for damage to the journals and
to the lobes.
• Unscheduled downtime
Note: If the camshaft is removed for any reason, use
• Costly repairs the magnetic particle inspection process to check for
cracks in the camshaft.
• Damage to other engine parts
Inspect the following components for signs of wear or
• Reduced engine efficiency for signs of scuffing:

• Increased fuel consumption • Camshaft bearings

Reduced engine efficiency and increased fuel • Camshaft followers
consumption translates into higher operating
costs. Therefore, Caterpillar recommends repairing Caterpillar recommends replacing the crankshaft
out-of-spec parts or replacing out-of-spec parts. vibration damper.

Inspection and/or Replacement Oil Cooler Core and Heat Exchanger Core

Crankshaft Bearings, Crankshaft Seals, Thrust During an overhaul, Caterpillar recommends the
Bearings, Main Bearings, and Rod Bearings removal of the oil cooler core and the heat exchanger.
Clean the cores. Then, pressure test the cores.
The following components may not last until the
second overhaul. NOTICE
Do not use caustic cleaners to clean the core.
• Thrust bearings
Caustic cleaners can attack the internal metals of the
• Main bearings core and cause leakage.

• Rod bearings
Note: Use this cleaning procedure to clean the oil
• Crankshaft seals cooler core and the heat exchanger core.

Caterpillar recommends the installation of new parts 1. Remove the oil cooler core and the heat
at each overhaul period. exchanger core.

Inspect these parts while the engine is disassembled 2. Remove any debris from the cores. To remove
for an overhaul. debris from the oil cooler core, turn the oil cooler
core onto one end. To remove debris from the
Inspect the crankshaft for any of the following heat exchanger core, turn the heat exchanger
conditions: core onto one end.

• Deflection 3. Flush the cores internally with cleaner in order to

loosen foreign substances. This will also help to
• Damage to the journals remove oil from the oil cooler core.
SEBU7577-01 125
Maintenance Section
Rotating Rectifier - Check

Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of Hydrosolv For example, considerable deposits are found in the
Liquid Cleaners. Table 18 lists the Hydrosolv Liquid water jacket areas on the external cooling system, but
Cleaners that are available from your Caterpillar the concentrations of coolant additives were carefully
dealer. maintained. The coolant water probably contained
minerals that were deposited on the engine over time.
Table 18

Hydrosolv Liquid Cleaners(1) A coolant analysis can be conducted in order to verify

the condition of the water that is being used in the
Part cooling system. A full water analysis can be obtained
Description Size
Number by consulting your local water utility company or
1U-5490 Hydrosolv 4165 19 L (5 US gallon) an agricultural agent. Private laboratories are also
available for water analysis.
174-6854 Hydrosolv 100 19 L (5 US gallon)
(1) Use a two to five percent concentration of the cleaner at Caterpillar recommends an S·O·S Coolant Analysis
temperatures up to 93°C (200°F). Refer to Application (Level II).
Guide, NEHS0526 or consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level II)
4. Use steam to clean the cores. This removes any
An S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level II) is a
remaining residue from the cleaner. Flush the fins
comprehensive coolant analysis which completely
of each of the cores. Remove any other trapped
analyzes the coolant and the effects on the cooling
system. An S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level II) provides
the following information:
5. Wash the cores with hot, soapy water. Rinse the
cores thoroughly with clean water.
• Complete S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level I)
• Visual inspection of properties
Personal injury can result from air pressure. • Identification of metal corrosion
Personal injury can result without following prop- • Identification of contaminants
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro-
tective face shield and protective clothing. • Identification of built up impurities (corrosion and
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level II) provides a report of
the results of both the analysis and the maintenance
6. Dry the cores with compressed air. Direct the air
in the reverse direction of the normal flow. For more information about coolant analysis, see
your Caterpillar dealer.
7. Inspect the components in order to ensure
cleanliness. The oil cooler core and the heat
exchanger core should be pressure tested. Repair i01593539
cores, if necessary. Install the oil cooler core and
the heat exchanger core. Rotating Rectifier - Check
For more information about cleaning the cores, SMCS Code: 4465-535
consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Check the exciter armature. Ensure that the rotating
rectifier is tight. If a failure of a rectifier is suspected,
Obtain Coolant Analysis refer to Maintenance Procedure, “Rotating Rectifier -
The concentration of supplemental coolant additive
(SCA) should be checked regularly with test kits
or with S·O·S Coolant Analysis (Level I). Further
coolant analysis is recommended when the engine
is overhauled.
126 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Rotating Rectifier - Test

i01593540 The ohmmeter should indicate a low resistance

when the ohmmeter leads are across the rectifier in
Rotating Rectifier - Test one direction. The ohmmeter should indicate a high
resistance when the leads are reversed.
SMCS Code: 4465-081
If the ohmmeter indicates a low resistance in both
Testing A Brushless Exciter directions, the rectifier is shorted. A high resistance
in both directions indicates an open rectifier.
Rotating Rectifier With An
Ohmmeter Replace any faulty rectifiers with rectifiers that have
comparable operating characteristics. Include the
Table 19 following information when a rectifier is being ordered
Tools Needed for replacement:

Part Number Part Name Quantity • Part Number of the rectifier

6V-7070 Digital 1
Multimeter • Model number of the exciter
9U-7330 Multimeter 1 • Type of the exciter
146-4080 Digital 1
Multimeter • Serial number of the generator
7X-1710 Multimeter Probe 1 Testing a Brushless Exciter
Rotating Rectifier With A Test Light

g00555106 g00555113
Illustration 99 Illustration 100
Test Light
If the failure of a rectifier is suspected, use the
following procedure. If an ohmmeter is not available, a rectifier can be
tested by using a test light. A test light consists of
1. Remove the cover from the exciter. two standard flashlight batteries and a flashlight bulb.
Refer to Illustration 100.
2. Remove the nut that secures the rectifier to the
heat sink. If the failure of a rectifier is suspected, use the
following procedure.
3. Remove the diode lead.
1. Remove the cover from the exciter.
4. Lift the rectifier from the heat sink.
2. Remove the nut that secures the rectifier to the
5. Refer to Illustration 99. Connect the ohmmeter’s heat sink.
leads across the rectifier. Note the meter reading.
3. Remove the diode lead.
6. Reverse the ohmmeter leads. Note the meter
reading. 4. Lift the rectifier from the heat sink.
SEBU7577-01 127
Maintenance Section
Starting Motor - Inspect

5. Connect the leads of the test light across the If the turbocharger fails during engine operation,
rectifier. Notice if the bulb is illuminated. damage to the turbocharger compressor wheel
and/or to the engine may occur. Damage to the
6. Reverse the leads of the test light across the turbocharger compressor wheel can cause additional
rectifier. Notice if the bulb is illuminated. damage to the pistons, the valves, and the cylinder
The bulb should be illuminated when the leads of the
test light are across the rectifier in one direction. The NOTICE
bulb should not be illuminated when the leads are Turbocharger bearing failures can cause large quan-
reversed. tities of oil to enter the air inlet and exhaust systems.
Loss of engine lubricant can result in serious engine
If the bulb is illuminated in both directions, the rectifier damage.
is shorted. If the bulb is not illuminated in either
direction, the rectifier is open. Minor leakage of a turbocharger housing under ex-
tended low idle operation should not cause problems
Replace any faulty rectifiers with rectifiers that have as long as a turbocharger bearing failure has not oc-
comparable operating characteristics. Include the curred.
following information when a rectifier is being ordered
for replacement: When a turbocharger bearing failure is accompanied
by a significant engine performance loss (exhaust
• Part Number of the rectifier smoke or engine rpm up at no load), do not continue
engine operation until the turbocharger is repaired or
• Model number of the exciter replaced.

• Type of the exciter

An inspection of the turbocharger can minimize
• Serial number of the generator unscheduled downtime. An inspection of the
turbocharger can also reduce the chance for potential
damage to other engine parts.
Note: Turbocharger components require precision
Starting Motor - Inspect clearances. The turbocharger cartridge must
be balanced due to high rpm. Severe Service
SMCS Code: 1451-040; 1453-040
Applications can accelerate component wear.
Severe Service Applications require more frequent
Caterpillar Inc. recommends a scheduled inspection inspections of the cartridge.
of the starting motor. If the starting motor fails, the
engine may not start in an emergency situation.
Removal and Installation
Check the starting motor for proper operation. Check
the electrical connections and clean the electrical For options regarding the removal, installation, repair
connections. Refer to the Service Manual for more and replacement, consult your Caterpillar dealer.
information on the checking procedure and for Refer to the Service Manual for this engine for the
specifications or consult your Caterpillar dealer for procedure and specifications.
Cleaning and Inspecting
1. Remove the exhaust outlet piping and remove
Turbocharger - Inspect/Clean the air inlet piping from the turbocharger. Visually
inspect the piping for the presence of oil.
SMCS Code: 1052-571
2. Turn the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel
Periodic inspection and cleaning is recommended by hand. The assembly should turn freely. Inspect
for the turbocharger compressor housing (inlet side). the compressor wheel and the turbine wheel for
Any fumes from the crankcase are filtered through contact with the turbocharger housing. There
the air inlet system. Therefore, by-products from oil should not be any visible signs of contact between
and from combustion can collect in the turbocharger the turbine wheel or compressor wheel and the
compressor housing. Over time, this buildup can turbocharger housing. If there is any indication of
contribute to loss of engine power, increased black contact between the rotating turbine wheel or the
smoke and overall loss of engine efficiency. compressor wheel and the turbocharger housing,
the turbocharger must be reconditioned.
128 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Walk-Around Inspection

3. Check the compressor wheel for cleanliness.

If only the blade side of the wheel is dirty, dirt NOTICE
and/or moisture is passing through the air filtering For any type of leak (coolant, lube, or fuel) clean up the
system. If oil is found only on the back side of the fluid. If leaking is observed, find the source and correct
wheel, there is a possibility of a failed turbocharger the leak. If leaking is suspected, check the fluid levels
oil seal. more often than recommended until the leak is found
or fixed, or until the suspicion of a leak is proved to be
The presence of oil may be the result of extended unwarranted.
engine operation at low idle. The presence of oil
may also be the result of a restriction of the line
for the inlet air (plugged air filters), which causes NOTICE
the turbocharger to slobber. Accumulated grease and/or oil on an engine or deck is
a fire hazard. Remove this debris with steam cleaning
4. Use a dial indicator to check the end clearance or high pressure water.
on the shaft. If the measured end play is greater
than the Service Manual specifications, the
turbocharger should be repaired or replaced.
• Ensure that cooling lines are properly clamped and
that cooling lines are tight. Check for leaks. Check
An end play measurement that is less than the the condition of all pipes.
minimum Service Manual specifications could
indicate carbon buildup on the turbine wheel. The
turbocharger should be disassembled for cleaning
• Inspect the water pumps for coolant leaks.
and for inspection if the measured end play is less Note: The water pump seal is lubricated by coolant
than the minimum Service Manual specifications. in the cooling system. It is normal for a small amount
of leakage to occur as the engine cools down and
5. Inspect the bore of the turbine housing for the parts contract.
Excessive coolant leakage may indicate the need
6. Clean the turbocharger housing and clean the to replace the water pump seal. For the removal of
backing plate of the cartridge with standard shop water pumps and the installation of water pumps
solvents and a soft bristle brush. and/or seals, refer to the Service Manual for the
engine or consult your Caterpillar dealer.
7. Fasten the air inlet piping and the exhaust outlet
piping to the turbocharger housing.
• Inspect the lubrication system for leaks at the front
crankshaft seal, the rear crankshaft seal, the oil
i01585919 pan, the oil filters and the valve cover.

Walk-Around Inspection • Inspect the fuel system for leaks. Look for loose
fuel line clamps.
SMCS Code: 1000-040
• Inspect the piping for the air inlet system and the
Inspect the Engine for Leaks and elbows for cracks and for loose clamps.

for Loose Connections • Inspect the alternator belt and the accessory drive
belts for cracks, breaks or other damage.
A walk-around inspection should only take a few
minutes. When the time is taken to perform these Belts for multiple groove pulleys must be replaced as
checks, costly repairs and accidents can be avoided. matched sets. If only one belt is replaced, the belt will
carry more load than the belts that are not replaced.
For maximum engine service life, make a thorough The older belts are stretched. The additional load on
inspection of the engine compartment before starting the new belt could cause the belt to break.
the engine. Look for items such as oil leaks or coolant
leaks, loose bolts, worn belts, loose connections and • Drain the water and the sediment from fuel tanks
trash buildup. Make repairs, as needed: on a daily basis in order to ensure that only clean
fuel enters the fuel system.
• The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
damaged guards or replace missing guards. • Inspect the wiring and the wiring harnesses for
loose connections and for worn wires or frayed
• Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is wires.
serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
contamination. • Inspect the ground strap for a good connection and
for good condition.
SEBU7577-01 129
Maintenance Section
Water Pump - Inspect

• Disconnect any battery chargers that are not

protected against the current drain of the starting
motor. Check the condition and the electrolyte level
of the batteries, unless the engine is equipped with
a maintenance free battery.

• Check the condition of the gauges. Replace any

gauges which are cracked or any gauges that can
not be calibrated.


Water Pump - Inspect

SMCS Code: 1361-040; 1361

A failed water pump might cause severe engine

overheating problems that could result in the following

• Cracks in the cylinder head

• A piston seizure
• Other potential damage to the engine
Visually inspect the water pump for leaks. If any
leaking is observed, replace the water pump seal
or the water pump assembly. Refer to the Service
Manual for the disassembly and assembly procedure.

Note: Refer to the Service Manual or consult your

Caterpillar dealer if any repair is needed or any
replacement is needed.

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