3054-3056 - Operation and Maintenance Manual
3054-3056 - Operation and Maintenance Manual
3054-3056 - Operation and Maintenance Manual
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© 2010 Caterpillar
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October 2004
Operation and
3054 and 3056 Marine Generator Sets
CHN1-Up (Generator Set)
TCN1-Up (Generator Set)
SNX1-Up (Generator Set)
84 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Every 75 000 L (20 000 US gal) of Fuel or 10
Obtain ................................................................. 97 000 Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Every 22 800 L (6000 US gal) of Fuel or 3000
Obtain ................................................................. 98 Service Hours
Cooling System Coolant Extender (ELC) - Add .... 96
SEBU7577-01 85
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
i00072207 i01505178
Impellers and seals require periodic inspection. 2. Turn OFF the battery charger. Disconnect the
Impellers have a service life that is limited. The charger.
service life depends on the engine operating
conditions. 3. The NEGATIVE “-” cable connects the NEGATIVE
“-” battery terminal to the NEGATIVE “- VE”
Inspect the components more frequently when the terminal on the starter motor. Disconnect the cable
pump is exposed to debris, sand, or other abrasive from the NEGATIVE “-” battery terminal.
materials. Inspect the components if the pump is
operating at a differential pressure of more than 4. The POSITIVE “+” cable connects the POSITIVE
103 kPa (15 psi). “+” battery terminal to the POSITIVE “+” terminal
on the starting motor. Disconnect the cable from
Check the following components for wear or damage: the POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
If wear or damage is found, replace the components Note: Before the cables are connected, ensure that
which are worn or damaged. Use the proper repair the key start switch is OFF.
kit for the pump. Refer to the Disassembly and
Assembly for more information on servicing the 7. Connect the cable from the starting motor to the
auxiliary water pump. POSITIVE “+” battery terminal.
90 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Battery Electrolyte Level - Check
g00740037 g00822695
Illustration 68 Illustration 71
Typical example (5) Drain plug on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3056
Marine Generator Set
(1) Expansion tank
(2) Cooling system filler cap
Illustration 72
Engine oil cooler for the 3054 Marine Generator Set
(6) Hose for the outlet of the coolant
(7) Hose for the inlet of the coolant
Illustration 69
(3) Drain plug on the cylinder block
Illustration 73
(8) Heat exchanger for the 3056 Marine Generator Set
(9) Drain plug for the heat exchanger
Illustration 70
g00822686 2. Open the cooling system drain valve (if equipped).
If the cooling system is not equipped with a drain
(4) Drain on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3054
Marine Generator Set
valve, remove the cooling system drain plugs.
SEBU7577-01 93
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (DEAC) - Change
Remove the drain plug from the cylinder block 5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
(3). Remove the drain plug for the water cooled Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
exhaust manifold (4) or (5). Remove the hoses in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
for the engine oil cooler (6) and (7), if equipped. cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
Remove hose for the heat exchanger on the equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
3054 engine. Remove the drain plug for the heat plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
exchanger on the 3056 engine. Allow the coolant system with clean water. Close the drain valve
to drain. (if equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the
drain plugs. For the proper torque, refer to the
NOTICE Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque
Dispose of used engine coolant properly or recycle. Specifications”.
Various methods have been proposed to reclaim used
coolant for reuse in engine cooling systems. The full Cooling Systems with Heavy
distillation procedure is the only method acceptable by
Caterpillar to reclaim the used coolant. Deposits or Plugging
Note: For the following procedure to be effective,
For information regarding the disposal and the there must be some active flow through the cooling
recycling of used coolant, consult your Caterpillar system components.
dealer or consult Caterpillar Dealer Service Tool
Group: 1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order
to remove any debris.
Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-8665
Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-8665 2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the
Canada: 1-800-523-8665 drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. For the
proper torque, refer to the Specifications Manual,
Flush SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”.
5. Pour coolant/antifreeze into the recovery tank until 1. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool.
the coolant reaches “COLD FULL” mark. Do not Loosen cooling system filler cap (2) slowly in order
fill the recovery tank above “COLD FULL” mark. to relieve any pressure. Remove cooling system
filler cap (2).
6. Clean the filler cap for the expansion tank. Install
the filler cap for the expansion tank. Start the
engine. Inspect the cooling system for leaks and
for proper operating temperature.
SEBU7577-01 95
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant (ELC) - Change
g00740076 g00822687
Illustration 75 Illustration 78
(3) Drain plug on the cylinder block Engine oil cooler
(6) Hose for the outlet of the coolant
(7) Hose for the inlet of the coolant
Illustration 76
(4) Drain on the water cooled exhaust manifold for the 3054
Marine Generator Set Illustration 79
(8) Heat exchanger for the 3056 Marine Generator Set
(9) Drain plug for the heat exchanger
Outside Illinois: 1-800-542-8665 4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect
Inside Illinois: 1-800-541-8665 the gasket for the cooling system filler cap. If
Canada: 1-800-523-8665 the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is
damaged, discard the old cooling system filler
cap and install a new cooling system filler cap. If
Flush the gasket for the cooling system filler cap is not
1. Flush the cooling system with clean water in order damaged, use a 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump in
order to pressure test the cooling system filler cap.
to remove any debris.
The correct pressure for the cooling system filler
2. Close the drain valve (if equipped). Clean the cap is stamped on the face of the cooling system
filler cap. If the cooling system filler cap does not
drain plugs. Install the drain plugs. For the
retain the correct pressure, install a new cooling
proper torque, refer to the Specifications Manual,
SENR3130, “Torque Specifications”. system filler cap.
5. Stop the engine and allow the engine to cool. Cooling System Coolant
Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly
in order to relieve any pressure. Remove the
Extender (ELC) - Add
cooling system filler cap. Open the drain valve (if
SMCS Code: 1352-045; 1395-081
equipped) or remove the cooling system drain
plugs. Allow the water to drain. Flush the cooling
Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC) does not
system with clean water. Close the drain valve
require the frequent Supplemental Coolant Additive
(if equipped). Clean the drain plugs. Install the
(SCA) additions which are associated with the
drain plugs. For the proper torque, refer to the
present conventional coolants. The Extender only
Specifications Manual, SENR3130, “Torque
needs to be added once.
Check the cooling system only when the engine is
Fill stopped and cool.
i02200477 i01987707
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Note: Level 1 results may indicate a need for
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, Level 2 Analysis.
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system Obtain the sample of the coolant as close as possible
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- to the recommended sampling interval. In order
sure. to receive the full effect of S·O·S analysis, you
must establish a consistent trend of data. In order
2. Loosen filler cap slowly in order to relieve any to establish a pertinent history of data, perform
pressure. Remove the filler cap. consistent samplings that are evenly spaced.
Supplies for collecting samples can be obtained from
3. Pour the proper coolant mixture into the tank. your Caterpillar dealer.
Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
“Refill Capacities and Recommendations” for Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of
information on the correct mixture and type of the coolant:
coolant. Refer to the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, “Refill Capacities and Recommendations” • Complete the information on the label for the
for the cooling system capacity. Do not fill the sampling bottle before you begin to take the
coolant recovery tank above “COLD FULL” mark. samples.
Illustration 80
g00103639 • Never collect samples from expansion bottles.
4. Clean filler cap and the receptacle. Reinstall the • Never collect samples from the drain for a system.
filler cap and inspect the cooling system for leaks.
Submit the sample for Level 1 analysis.
Note: The coolant will expand as the coolant heats
up during normal engine operation. The additional For additional information about coolant analysis,
volume will be forced into the coolant recovery tank see Special Publication, SEBU6251, “Caterpillar
during engine operation. When the engine is stopped Commercial Diesel Engine Fluids Recommendations”
and cool, the coolant will return to the engine. or consult your Caterpillar dealer.
98 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 2) - Obtain
Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual, 3. Add tap water to the mixing bottle in order to bring
“Cooling System Coolant Sample (Level 1) - Obtain” the level up to the “10 ml” mark. Place the cap on
for the guidelines for proper sampling of the coolant. the bottle and shake the bottle.
Submit the sample for Level 2 analysis. 4. Add 2 to 3 drops of the “NITRITE INDICATOR
SOLUTION B” to the mixing bottle. Move the bottle
For additional information about coolant in a circular motion in order to mix the solution.
analysis, see Special Publication, SEBU6251,
“Caterpillar Commercial Diesel Engines Fluids 5. Add 1 drop of “NITRITE TEST SOLUTION A” to
Recommendations” or consult your Caterpillar dealer. the mixing bottle. Move the bottle in a circular
motion in order to mix the solution.
Do not exceed the recommended amount of supple- Do not use liquid gasket material on the gasket or
mental coolant additive concentration. cylinder head surface.
3. Add the proper amount of SCA. The concentration Refer to the Service Manual for the replacement
of the SCA depends on the type of coolant that procedure of the water temperature regulator, or
is used. To determine the proper amount, see consult your Caterpillar dealer.
this Operation and Maintenance Manual, “Refill
Capacities and Recommendations” topic. Note: If only the water temperature regulators are
replaced, drain the coolant from the cooling system to
4. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Install the a level that is below the water temperature regulator
cooling system filler cap. housing.
i00912898 i00934535
The damper is mounted to the crankshaft which is Check all lead wires and electrical connections for
located behind the belt guard on the front of the proper clearance.
Visconic Damper
Engine - Clean
The visconic damper has a weight that is located
inside a fluid filled case. The weight moves in the SMCS Code: 1000-070
case in order to limit torsional vibration.
Refer to the Service Manual or consult your • Maximum heat transfer characteristics
Caterpillar dealer for information about damper
replacement. • Ease of maintenance
Note: Caution must be used in order to prevent
i01595880 electrical components from being damaged by
excessive water when you clean the engine. Avoid
Electrical Connections - Check electrical components such as the alternator, the
starter, and the ECM.
SMCS Code: 4459-535
• transformers
• fuses
• capacitors
• lightning arrestors
SEBU7577-01 101
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Element (Dual Element) - Clean/Replace
The primary air cleaner element can be used up Aim the hose so that the air flows inside the element
to six times if the element is properly cleaned and along the length of the filter in order to help prevent
inspected. When the primary air cleaner element is damage to the paper pleats. Do not aim the stream
cleaned, check for rips or tears in the filter material. of air directly at the primary air cleaner element. Dirt
The primary air cleaner element should be replaced could be forced further into the pleats.
at least one time per year. This replacement should
be performed regardless of the number of cleanings. Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Use clean primary air cleaner elements while dirty
elements are being cleaned. Vacuum Cleaning
Vacuum cleaning is a good method for cleaning
primary air cleaner elements which require daily
Do not clean the air cleaner elements by bumping or
cleaning because of a dry, dusty environment.
tapping. This could damage the seals. Do not use el-
Cleaning with pressurized air is recommended prior
ements with damaged pleats, gaskets or seals. Dam-
to vacuum cleaning. Vacuum cleaning will not remove
aged elements will allow dirt to pass through. Engine
deposits of carbon and oil.
damage could result.
Note: Refer to “Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner
Visually inspect the primary air cleaner elements Elements”.
before cleaning. Inspect the air cleaner elements for
damage to the seal, the gaskets, and the outer cover.
Discard any damaged air cleaner elements.
• Pressurized air
• Vacuum cleaning
SEBU7577-01 103
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Cleaner Service Indicator - Inspect
Inspecting the Primary Air Cleaner Do not use paint, a waterproof cover, or plastic as a
Elements protective covering for storage. An airflow restriction
may result. To protect against dirt and damage, wrap
the primary air cleaner elements in Volatile Corrosion
Inhibited (VCI) paper.
• Date of cleaning
• Number of cleanings
Store the box in a dry location.
Illustration 83
Illustration 84
Illustration 85
Typical service indicator
104 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean/Replace
Illustration 86
(1) Valve
(2) Clips
(3) Element
(4) Clip retainers
(5) Baffles
(6) Gasket
(7) Elbow
An internal port in the rocker cover allows the gases 7. Ensure that the holes in the bottom of the chamber
in the crankcase to pass into the breather body for baffles (5 ) are not restricted. If necessary,
through an element (3). The gases flow through a clean the holes.
series of baffles (5) and into the valve cover through
holes at the bottom of the chamber for the baffles. Assembly
Valve (1) controls the flow of gases which pass from
the breather through the plastic outlet elbow (7) to 1. Install baffles (5) into the grooves in the breather
the intake manifold. body.
The valve cover and the breather assembly are made 2. Install a new element (3) into the breather body.
of a composite material. The valve cover and the
breather assembly should be removed and installed 3. Install a new valve (1) into the breather cover.
with care. Ensure that clip retainers (2) are engaged
4. Install a new gasket (6). The gasket is installed
dry. Put the cover and valve assembly into position
on the breather body. Loosely install the bolts.
Do not use excessive force to remove the hose from
the breather outlet elbow. If the breather outlet elbow Tighten the bolts gradually and tighten the bolts
evenly to a torque of 3 N·m (27 lb in).
breaks away from the breather body, see the proce-
dure to repair the connection for the breather outlet
elbow. NOTICE
Do not use excessive force to fit the hose to the
breather outlet elbow.
1. Release the hose clamp and carefully remove the
hose from elbow (7).
5. Ensure that there is no restriction in elbow (7) or
2. Remove the valve cover. Refer to the Service in the breather hose. Carefully install the breather
Manual for more information. hose on elbow (7). Tighten the hose clamps that
fasten the hose to the elbow.
Use care not to damage the breather cover or the Procedure to Repair the Connection for
breather body with a pry bar. the Outlet Elbow of the Breather
3. Remove the bolts and carefully remove the If the outlet elbow for the crankcase breather breaks,
breather cover from the breather body. It may then use the following procedure in order to repair
be necessary to use a suitable pry bar in order the elbow.
to remove the breather cover from the breather
body. Ensure that the pry bar does not damage NOTICE
the breather cover or the breather body. Gasket Thoroughly clean the inside of the breather body after
(6) should be removed and discarded. it has been drilled.
4. Release clip retainers (2) on valve (1). Push valve 1. Ensure that the breather body is secure. Use a
(1) out of the breather cover. 22.5 mm (0.89 inch) drill in order to drill to a depth
of 10.0 mm (0.39 inch). Drill the depth in order to
5. Element (3) should be removed and discarded. remove the broken connection of the outlet elbow.
Thoroughly clean the inside of the breather body.
To prevent damage to the breather valve, remove the 2. Thoroughly clean the contact faces of the elbow
breather valve before the cover is washed. (7) and the breather cover.
Engine Mounts - Inspect 2. Remove the oil filler cap and add oil, if necessary.
Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap.
SMCS Code: 1152-040
Engine Oil Level - Check Obtain the Sample and the Analysis
SMCS Code: 1348-535-FLV
• Engine model
• Service hours on the engine
Illustration 87 • The number of hours that have accumulated since
(Y) “ADD” mark. (X) “FULL” mark. the last oil change
• The amount of oil that has been added since the
last oil change
Perform this maintenance with the engine stopped.
To ensure that the sample is representative of the
1. Maintain the oil level between “ADD” mark (Y) and oil in the crankcase, obtain a warm, well mixed oil
“FULL” mark (X) on oil level gauge (1). Do not fill sample.
the crankcase above “FULL” mark (X).
To avoid contamination of the oil samples, the tools
and the supplies that are used for obtaining oil
samples must be clean.
SEBU7577-01 107
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
Caterpillar recommends using the sampling valve Drain the Engine Oil
in order to obtain oil samples. The quality and the
consistency of the samples are better when the
sampling valve is used. The location of the sampling
valve allows oil that is flowing under pressure to be
obtained during normal engine operation.
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling, and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling.
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.
If the engine is not equipped with a sampling valve, Illustration 88
use the 1U-5718 Vacuum Pump. The pump is Manual sump pump for the engine oil
designed to accept sampling bottles. Disposable
tubing must be attached to the pump for insertion 1. Connect a suitable hose to the outlet of the manual
into the sump. sump pump for the engine oil. Place the opposite
end of the hose into a suitable container. The
For instructions, see Special Publication, PEHP6001, container should hold at least 18 L (19 qt) of oil.
“How To Take A Good Oil Sample”. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer for complete information and 2. Pump the handle of the manual sump pump until
assistance in establishing an S·O·S program for your the oil has been removed from the engine into
engine. the suitable container. Dispose of the used oil in
accordance with local regulations.
Replace the Oil Filter
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
SMCS Code: 1318-510; 1348-044
Caterpillar oil filters are built to Caterpillar speci-
fications. Use of an oil filter not recommended by
Caterpillar could result in severe engine damage to
the engine bearings, crankshaft, etc., as a result of
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal the larger waste particles from unfiltered oil entering
injury. Do not allow hot oil or hot components to the engine lubricating system. Only use oil filters
contact the skin. recommended by Caterpillar.
Do not drain the oil when the engine is cold. As the oil 1. Remove the oil filter with a 1U-8760 Chain
cools, suspended waste particles settle on the bottom Wrench.
of the oil pan. The waste particles are not removed
with the draining cold oil. Drain the crankcase with 2. Cut the oil filter open with a 175-7546 Oil Filter
the engine stopped. Drain the crankcase with the Cutter. Break apart the pleats and inspect the oil
oil warm. This draining method allows the waste filter for metal debris. An excessive amount of
particles that are suspended in the oil to be drained metal debris in the oil filter may indicate early wear
properly. or a pending failure.
Failure to follow this recommended procedure will Use a magnet to differentiate between the ferrous
cause the waste particles to be recirculated through metals and the nonferrous metals that are found in
the engine lubrication system with the new oil. the oil filter element. Ferrous metals may indicate
wear on the steel and cast iron parts of the engine.
108 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Lash - Inspect/Adjust
Ensure that the engine can not be started while Never wire brush or scrape a fuel injection nozzle.
this maintenance is being performed. To help pre- Wire brushing or scraping a fuel injection nozzle will
vent possible injury, do not use the starting motor damage the finely machine orifice. Proper tools for
to turn the flywheel. cleaning and testing the fuel injection nozzles can be
obtained from Caterpillar dealers.
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow
additional time for the engine to cool before mea- The following items are symptoms of a malfunction of
suring/adjusting valve lash clearance. the fuel injection nozzle:
Ensure that the engine is stopped before measuring • Abnormal engine operation
the valve lash. To obtain an accurate measurement,
allow the valves to cool before this maintenance is • Smoke emission
• Engine knock
Refer to the Service Manual for more information.
Each fuel injection nozzle must be isolated one at
a time in order to determine the malfunctioning fuel
i00626014 injection nozzle.
Fuel Injection Nozzles - 1. Start the engine.
2. Loosen each fuel line nut one at a time at the fuel
SMCS Code: 1254-013; 1254-081 injection pump. A cloth or similar material must be
used in order to prevent fuel from spraying on the
hot exhaust components. Tighten each nut before
loosening the next nut.
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri- 3. A defective fuel injection nozzle may be identified
cal components can cause a fire. when a fuel line nut is loosened and the following
conditions are present:
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly • The exhaust smoke is partially eliminated or the
exhaust smoke is completely eliminated.
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component. • Engine performance is not affected.
A fuel injection nozzle that is suspected of being
Fuel injection nozzles are subject to tip wear. Tip defective should be removed. A new fuel injection
wear is a result of fuel contamination. Tip wear can nozzle should be installed in the cylinder in order
cause the following problems: to determine if the removed fuel injection nozzle is
• Increased fuel consumption
Removal and Installation of the
• Black smoke
Fuel Injection Nozzles
• Misfire
For the removal and the installation of fuel injection
• Rough running nozzles, special tooling is required. Refer to the
Service Manual for more information. Consult your
Fuel Injection nozzles should be cleaned, inspected, Caterpillar dealer for assistance.
tested, and replaced, if necessary. Refer to Special
Instruction, SEHS7292 for using the 8S-2245
Injection Cleaning Tool Group. Consult your
Caterpillar dealer about cleaning the fuel injection
nozzle and testing the fuel injection nozzle.
110 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Fuel System - Prime
Illustration 90
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly Illustration 92
clean the area around a fuel system component that Nut for the fuel inlet line at the fuel injection pump
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
nected fuel system component. 6. Loosen the nut for the fuel inlet line at the fuel
injection pump in order to open a vent.
1. Loosen vent (2).
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
g00286062 clean the area around a fuel system component that
Illustration 93
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon-
Fuel line nuts at the fuel injection nozzles nected fuel system component.
8. Loosen two of the fuel line nuts at two of the fuel
injection nozzles in order to open two vents. Turn the fuel supply valve to the OFF position before
performing this maintenance. Place a tray under the
fuel filter in order to catch any fuel that might spill.
NOTICE Clean up any spilled fuel immediately.
Do not crank the engine continuously for more than
30 seconds. Allow the starting motor to cool for two
minutes before cranking the engine again.
NOTICE Illustration 95
Do not fill fuel filters with fuel before installing them.
(1) Cap
Contaminated fuel will cause accelerated wear to fuel (2) Fuel filter base
system parts. (3) Quick release collar
(4) Fuel filter
(5) Drain valve for fuel filter
4. Ensure that the filter head is clean. Push a new
element fully into the filter head. 1. Close the fuel supply valve.
5. Hold the element in place. Fit locking ring (2) into 2. Clean the outside of the fuel filter assembly. Open
position. Rotate the locking ring clockwise in order drain valve (5) and drain the fuel and water from
to fasten the element to the filter head. fuel filter (4) into a suitable container.
Note: If the nylon insert was removed, install the Note: If the fuel filter element is not equipped with
nylon insert and install cap (1). a drain, remove cap (1). Remove the nylon insert
in order to reduce the level of fuel in the fuel filter
6. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation and element. A reduction in the level of fuel in the fuel
Maintenance Manual, “Fuel System - Prime” for filter element will help prevent fuel from being spilled
more information. when the element is removed.
i01713207 NOTICE
Do not use a tool in order to remove the fuel filter.
Fuel System Secondary Filter - Attempting to remove the fuel filter with a filter wrench
Replace or a filter strap could damage the locking ring.
SMCS Code: 1261-510-SE 3. Hold fuel filter (4) and rotate quick release collar
(3) counterclockwise. Remove quick release collar
(3). The used element should be removed and
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec-
trical components can cause a fire. To help pre-
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spills immediately.
SEBU7577-01 113
Maintenance Section
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain
If a bulk storage tank has been refilled or moved 2. Use nonflammable solvent in order to clean the
recently, allow adequate time for the sediment to strainer, the cover, and the seal. Carefully wash
settle before filling the engine fuel tank. Internal any sediment from the chamber of the fuel transfer
baffles in the bulk storage tank will also help trap pump.
sediment. Filtering fuel that is pumped from the
storage tank helps to ensure the quality of the fuel. 3. Assemble the clean, dry fuel transfer pump.
When possible, water separators should be used.
i01190897 Ensure that the lift pump cover is secure so that air
does not enter the fuel system.
Fuel Transfer Pump Strainer -
Clean 4. Turn the fuel supply to the ON position.
SMCS Code: 1256-070-STR 5. Prime the fuel system. Refer to the Operation
and Maintenance Manual for more information on
priming the fuel system.
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thoroughly
clean the area around a fuel system component that Personal injury or death can result from improper
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon- troubleshooting and repair procedures.
nected fuel system component.
The following troubleshooting and repair proce-
dures should only be performed by qualified per-
Cleaning the Strainer and the sonnel familiar with this equipment.
Sediment Chamber for the Fuel
Refer to Safety Section, “Generator Isolating fo
Transfer Pump Maintenance” for information regarding the procedure
to safely isolate the generator.
Turn the fuel supply valve to the OFF position before
the maintenance is performed. If the insulation resistance values are less than the
recommended values, one of the following drying
procedures must be selected. This decision should
be based on the following factors:
1. Remove the cover and seal (2) from the top of fuel
transfer pump (1). Remove strainer (3).
SEBU7577-01 115
Maintenance Section
Generator - Dry
Remove the voltage regulator. Cover all of the inlet Heat can be used in order to dry the generator
openings. Cover all of the discharge holes. Provide windings. This heat can be created by allowing a
an opening at the top of the machine. This opening controlled current to flow through the generator. No
will allow moisture to evaporate. Preferably, this high voltages are generated during the following
opening will be located at the fan end. Monitor the procedure. Therefore, insulation breakdown will not
winding temperatures. DO NOT APPLY HEAT TOO occur.
RAPIDLY. Winding temperature should be raised
gradually at a rate of 10 °C (50 °F) per hour up to
85 °C (185 °F). Measure insulation resistance at one
hour intervals. Typically, the insulation resistance
will slowly drop while the temperature is rising. The
insulation resistance will then start to increase at a
slow rate until the insulation resistance reaches a
constant level.
Oven Method
Place the entire generator inside a forced air drying
oven for four hours at 65 °C (149 °F). Illustration 97
Generator Wiring Diagram
NOTICE (CR1-CR6) Diodes
Use a forced air type oven rather than a radiant type (CR7) Varistor
(L1) Exciter field (stator)
oven. (L2) Exciter armature (rotor)
(L3) Main field (rotor)
Radiant type ovens can cause localized overheating. (L4) Main armature (stator)
(RFA) Rotating field assembly
(CST) Customer supplied transformer
Controlled Current Method 1. Make an external power source.
Table 14
2. Refer to the above diagram. Disconnect “F1+”
Tools Needed from the voltage regulator. Disconnect “F2-” from
Part Description Qty the voltage regulator. Disconnect the generator
Number load. Connect the generator output leads “T0”,
“T1”, “T2”, and “T3”. Install the clamp-on ammeter
8T-0900 Clamp on ammeter (1200 1
to generator output lead “T1”.
External Power Source 1 Note: When the line current is measured on
multiple-lead units, measure the current in each
Rheostat 1
conductor per phase. The currents can then be
4. Start the generator set. Run the generator set at Proper maintenance of electrical equipment requires
idle speed. periodic visual examination of the generator and
periodic visual examination of the windings. Proper
5. Monitor the phase current. Gradually increase the maintenance of electrical equipment also requires
engine RPM. Increase the engine RPM until one appropriate electrical checks and appropriate thermal
of the following conditions are met: checks. Insulation material should be examined for
cracks. The insulation material should be examined
• The rated phase current is obtained. for accumulations of dirt and dust. If there is an
insulation resistance value that is below normal, a
• The full generator set speed is obtained. conductive path may be present. This conductive
path may be made of one of the following materials:
6. If more phase current is still necessary, slowly
turn the rheostat until the rated phase current is • Carbon
• Salt
7. On an hourly basis, stop the drying procedure.
Check the insulation resistance. Repeat the above • Metal dust
steps until the insulation resistance is acceptable.
• Dirt that is saturated with moisture
These contaminants will develop a conductive path
Generator - Inspect which may produce shorts. Cleaning is advisable if
heavy accumulations of dirt can be seen or if heavy
SMCS Code: 4450-040 accumulations of dust can be seen. If excess dirt is
the cause of a restriction in the ventilation, cleaning
is also advisable. Restricted ventilation will cause
excessive heating.
Personal injury or death can result from improper
troubleshooting and repair procedures. NOTICE
To avoid the possibility of deterioration to the genera-
The following troubleshooting and repair proce- tor windings, do not clean the generator unless there
dures should only be performed by qualified per- is visual, electrical, or thermal evidence that dirt is
sonnel familiar with this equipment. present.
When servicing or repairing electric power gener- 4. Measure the AC voltage across the low voltage
ation equipment: terminals of the transformer that correspond to the
following generator terminals: “T1” and “T2”, “T2”
• Make sure the unit is off-line (disconnected and “T3”, and “T3” and “T1”. Record the voltages.
from utility and/or other generators power
service), and either locked out or tagged DO
Heat Exchanger - Inspect
• Make sure the generator engine is stopped.
SMCS Code: 1379-040
• Make sure all batteries are disconnected.
The interval for the maintenance of the tube type heat
• Make sure all capacitors are discharged. exchanger depends on the operating environment of
the vessel and on the operating time. The sea water
Table 15 that is circulated through the heat exchanger and the
amount of operating time of the vessel affects the
Tools Needed
following items:
Part Number Part Quantity
• Cleanliness of the tubes for the heat exchanger
6V-7070 1
• Effectiveness of the heat exchanger system
12 VDC battery 1
Operating in water that contains silt, sediment, salt,
1 algae, etc will adversely affect the heat exchanger
system. In addition, intermittent use of the vessel will
adversely affect the heat exchanger system.
The generator set functional test is a simplified test
that can be performed in order to determine if the The following items indicate that the heat exchanger
generator is functional. The generator set functional may require cleaning:
test should be performed on a generator set that is
under load. • Increased coolant temperature
The generator set functional test determines if the • Engine overheating
following statements happen:
• Excessive pressure drop between the water inlet
• A phase voltage is being generated. and the water outlet
An operator that is familiar with the normal operating 6. Dry the core with compressed air. Direct the air in
temperature of the coolant can determine when the reverse direction of the normal flow.
the coolant temperature is out of the normal range.
Inspection and maintenance of the heat exchanger 7. Inspect the core in order to ensure cleanliness.
are required if the engine is overheating. Pressure test the core. Many shops that service
radiators are equipped to perform pressure tests.
Cleaning the Heat Exchanger If necessary, repair the core.
NOTICE i02121526
Do not use a high concentration of caustic cleaner to
clean the core. A high concentration of caustic cleaner Hoses and Clamps -
can attack the internal metals of the core and cause Inspect/Replace
leakage. Only use the recommended concentration of
cleaner. SMCS Code: 7554-040; 7554-510
3. Back flush the core with cleaner. Inspect all hoses for leaks that are caused by the
following conditions:
Caterpillar recommends the use of Hydrosolv
liquid cleaner. Table 16 lists Hydrosolv liquid • Cracking
cleaners that are available from your Caterpillar
dealer. • Softness
Table 16 • Loose clamps
Hydrosolv Liquid Cleaners(1)
Replace hoses that are cracked or soft. Tighten any
Description Size loose clamps.
1U-5490 Hydrosolv 4165 19 L (5 US gallon) NOTICE
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not in-
Hydrosolv 100 19 L (5 US gallon)
stall bent or damaged lines, tubes or hoses. Repair
(1) Use a two to five percent concentration of the cleaner at any loose or damaged fuel and oil lines, tubes and
temperatures up to 93°C (200°F). Refer to Application hoses. Leaks can cause fires. Inspect all lines, tubes
Guide, NEHS0526 or consult your Caterpillar dealer for more
information. and hoses carefully. Tighten all connections to the rec-
ommended torque.
4. Steam clean the core in order to remove any
residue. Flush the tubes of the heat exchanger Check for the following conditions:
core. Remove any other trapped debris.
• End fittings that are damaged or leaking
5. Wash the core with hot, soapy water. Rinse the
core thoroughly with clean water. • Outer covering that is chafed or cut
• Exposed wire that is used for reinforcement
Personal injury can result from air pressure. • Outer covering that is ballooning locally
Personal injury can result without following prop- • Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed
er procedure. When using pressure air, wear a pro-
tective face shield and protective clothing. • Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering
Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less A constant torque hose clamp can be used in place
than 205 kPa (30 psi) for cleaning purposes. of any standard hose clamp. Ensure that the constant
torque hose clamp is the same size as the standard
120 SEBU7577-01
Maintenance Section
Insulation - Test
Due to extreme temperature changes, the hose will 10. Start the engine. Inspect the cooling system for
heat set. Heat setting causes hose clamps to loosen. leaks.
This can result in leaks. A constant torque hose
clamp will help to prevent loose hose clamps.
Pressurized System: Hot coolant can cause seri- Place the engine control switch in the “OFF” posi-
ous burns. To open the cooling system filler cap, tion. Attach “DO NOT OPERATE” tags to all start-
stop the engine and wait until the cooling system ing controls. Disconnect the batteries or disable
components are cool. Loosen the cooling system the starting system. Lock out all switchgear and
pressure cap slowly in order to relieve the pres- automatic transfer switches that are associated
sure. with the generator.
Table 17
1. Stop the engine. Allow the engine to cool.
Tools Needed
2. Loosen the cooling system filler cap slowly in 142-5055 Insulation Testing Gp
order to relieve any pressure. Remove the cooling
system filler cap. 9U-6003 Insulation Testing Gp
Note: Drain the coolant into a suitable, clean Periodically, use an insulation tester to check the
container. The coolant can be reused. insulation resistance of the generator’s main stator
winding. The frequency of this test is determined by
3. Drain the coolant from the cooling system to a the generator’s environment. Previous insulation
level that is below the hose that is being replaced. tester readings will also determine the frequency of
this test.
4. Remove the hose clamps.
Test the main stator windings with an insulation tester
5. Disconnect the old hose. in the following situations:
6. Replace the old hose with a new hose. • The generator set is started for the first time.
7. Install the hose clamps with a torque wrench. • The generator set is removed from storage.
Note: Refer to the Specifications, SENR3130, • The generator set is operating in a humid
“Torque Specifications” in order to locate the proper environment. Test every three months.
• The generator set is not protected from the
8. Refill the cooling system. elements in an enclosed area. Test every three
9. Clean the cooling system filler cap. Inspect the
cooling system filler cap’s gaskets. Replace • The generator set is installed in an enclosed area.
the cooling system filler cap if the gaskets are This area needs to be low in humidity and this area
damaged. Install the cooling system filler cap. needs to have steady temperatures. Test every
twelve months (minimum).
SEBU7577-01 121
Maintenance Section
Insulation - Test
• The generator set has not been run under load 9. For units that are 600 volts or less, set the voltage
for three months. Test the generator set weekly. to 500 Volts. For units that are more than 600
Use space heaters around the generator set if the volts, set the voltage to 1000 Volts.
generator is exposed to a sea water environment or
if the humidity is above 75 percent. Also use space 10. Use the 30/60 Time Resistance Method:
heaters if a test result was below 3 megohms.
a. Apply voltage.
Space heaters must be used whenever the generator
set is not under load. Space heaters must also be b. Observe the readings at 30 seconds. Observe
used whenever salt is present or whenever high the readings at 60 seconds.
humidity is present. Using a space heater in this
fashion is the only way to maintain insulation tester c. Record the 60 second reading. This reading
readings above one megohm. Use space heaters must be corrected for temperature.
only when the generator is not running.
d. Record temperature.
For additional information, refer to Special Instruction,
SEHS9124, “Cleaning and Drying of Electric Set e. Record humidity.
f. Remove voltage.
Recommended Procedure for A 11. Evaluate the readings. The actual value of the
Periodic Insulation Test resistance may vary greatly between generators.
For this reason, the insulation’s condition must be
evaluated. Base this evaluation on the comparison
between the 60 second resistance readings and
Personal injury or death can result from electro- the readings that were taken on previous dates.
cution. These two readings must be taken under similar
conditions. If a 60 second resistance reading
The megohmmeter is applying a high voltage to has a 50 percent reduction from the previous
the circuit. reading, the insulation may have absorbed too
much moisture.
To avoid electrocution, do not touch the instru-
ment leads without first discharging them. When Switch the insulation tester to the “OFF” position.
finished testing also discharge the generator This will discharge the insulation tester’s leads.
windings. Disconnect the insulation tester’s leads.
Illustration 98
SEBU7577-01 123
Maintenance Section
Overhaul Considerations
• The results of the S·O·S analysis This lower cost can be attributed to three aspects:
If the parts comply with the established inspection • Bearing material that has seized to the journals
specifications that are expressed in the reusable
parts guideline, the parts should be reused. Check the journal taper and the profile of the
crankshaft journals. Check these components by
Parts that are not within the established inspection interpreting the wear patterns on the following
specifications should be dealt with in one of the components:
following manners:
• Rod bearing
• Salvaging
• Main bearings
• Repairing
Note: If the crankshaft is removed for any reason,
• Replacing use the magnetic particle inspection process to check
for cracks in the crankshaft.
Using out-of-spec parts can result in the following
problems: Inspect the camshaft for damage to the journals and
to the lobes.
• Unscheduled downtime
Note: If the camshaft is removed for any reason, use
• Costly repairs the magnetic particle inspection process to check for
cracks in the camshaft.
• Damage to other engine parts
Inspect the following components for signs of wear or
• Reduced engine efficiency for signs of scuffing:
Inspection and/or Replacement Oil Cooler Core and Heat Exchanger Core
Crankshaft Bearings, Crankshaft Seals, Thrust During an overhaul, Caterpillar recommends the
Bearings, Main Bearings, and Rod Bearings removal of the oil cooler core and the heat exchanger.
Clean the cores. Then, pressure test the cores.
The following components may not last until the
second overhaul. NOTICE
Do not use caustic cleaners to clean the core.
• Thrust bearings
Caustic cleaners can attack the internal metals of the
• Main bearings core and cause leakage.
• Rod bearings
Note: Use this cleaning procedure to clean the oil
• Crankshaft seals cooler core and the heat exchanger core.
Caterpillar recommends the installation of new parts 1. Remove the oil cooler core and the heat
at each overhaul period. exchanger core.
Inspect these parts while the engine is disassembled 2. Remove any debris from the cores. To remove
for an overhaul. debris from the oil cooler core, turn the oil cooler
core onto one end. To remove debris from the
Inspect the crankshaft for any of the following heat exchanger core, turn the heat exchanger
conditions: core onto one end.
Note: Caterpillar recommends the use of Hydrosolv For example, considerable deposits are found in the
Liquid Cleaners. Table 18 lists the Hydrosolv Liquid water jacket areas on the external cooling system, but
Cleaners that are available from your Caterpillar the concentrations of coolant additives were carefully
dealer. maintained. The coolant water probably contained
minerals that were deposited on the engine over time.
Table 18
g00555106 g00555113
Illustration 99 Illustration 100
Test Light
If the failure of a rectifier is suspected, use the
following procedure. If an ohmmeter is not available, a rectifier can be
tested by using a test light. A test light consists of
1. Remove the cover from the exciter. two standard flashlight batteries and a flashlight bulb.
Refer to Illustration 100.
2. Remove the nut that secures the rectifier to the
heat sink. If the failure of a rectifier is suspected, use the
following procedure.
3. Remove the diode lead.
1. Remove the cover from the exciter.
4. Lift the rectifier from the heat sink.
2. Remove the nut that secures the rectifier to the
5. Refer to Illustration 99. Connect the ohmmeter’s heat sink.
leads across the rectifier. Note the meter reading.
3. Remove the diode lead.
6. Reverse the ohmmeter leads. Note the meter
reading. 4. Lift the rectifier from the heat sink.
SEBU7577-01 127
Maintenance Section
Starting Motor - Inspect
5. Connect the leads of the test light across the If the turbocharger fails during engine operation,
rectifier. Notice if the bulb is illuminated. damage to the turbocharger compressor wheel
and/or to the engine may occur. Damage to the
6. Reverse the leads of the test light across the turbocharger compressor wheel can cause additional
rectifier. Notice if the bulb is illuminated. damage to the pistons, the valves, and the cylinder
The bulb should be illuminated when the leads of the
test light are across the rectifier in one direction. The NOTICE
bulb should not be illuminated when the leads are Turbocharger bearing failures can cause large quan-
reversed. tities of oil to enter the air inlet and exhaust systems.
Loss of engine lubricant can result in serious engine
If the bulb is illuminated in both directions, the rectifier damage.
is shorted. If the bulb is not illuminated in either
direction, the rectifier is open. Minor leakage of a turbocharger housing under ex-
tended low idle operation should not cause problems
Replace any faulty rectifiers with rectifiers that have as long as a turbocharger bearing failure has not oc-
comparable operating characteristics. Include the curred.
following information when a rectifier is being ordered
for replacement: When a turbocharger bearing failure is accompanied
by a significant engine performance loss (exhaust
• Part Number of the rectifier smoke or engine rpm up at no load), do not continue
engine operation until the turbocharger is repaired or
• Model number of the exciter replaced.
Walk-Around Inspection • Inspect the fuel system for leaks. Look for loose
fuel line clamps.
SMCS Code: 1000-040
• Inspect the piping for the air inlet system and the
Inspect the Engine for Leaks and elbows for cracks and for loose clamps.
for Loose Connections • Inspect the alternator belt and the accessory drive
belts for cracks, breaks or other damage.
A walk-around inspection should only take a few
minutes. When the time is taken to perform these Belts for multiple groove pulleys must be replaced as
checks, costly repairs and accidents can be avoided. matched sets. If only one belt is replaced, the belt will
carry more load than the belts that are not replaced.
For maximum engine service life, make a thorough The older belts are stretched. The additional load on
inspection of the engine compartment before starting the new belt could cause the belt to break.
the engine. Look for items such as oil leaks or coolant
leaks, loose bolts, worn belts, loose connections and • Drain the water and the sediment from fuel tanks
trash buildup. Make repairs, as needed: on a daily basis in order to ensure that only clean
fuel enters the fuel system.
• The guards must be in the proper place. Repair
damaged guards or replace missing guards. • Inspect the wiring and the wiring harnesses for
loose connections and for worn wires or frayed
• Wipe all caps and plugs before the engine is wires.
serviced in order to reduce the chance of system
contamination. • Inspect the ground strap for a good connection and
for good condition.
SEBU7577-01 129
Maintenance Section
Water Pump - Inspect