ISS Vanguard Logbook Fillable Fields V5 Enhanced

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Fillable Fields V5







2 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Starting Log Log 2

[Captain Wayman]: Good morning, crew! If you’re hearing TOP SECRET
this, it means you belong to a small group of essential Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1F
personnel waking up in the first wave.
Our further research into a gravity tether pinning
Let me bring you up to speed: For the last two years, the stele to one specific location relative to
Vanguard has been cruising safely to our destination, the planet’s center proves the link can be severed,
following alien coordinates to the main objective of our given enough energy. This discovery almost cost
mission. Five days ago, we switched off the Alcubierre us the lives of our Away Team. When we attached
drive and dropped to sublight speed. You might feel a bit the antigravity device of my design to the bottom of
heavy on the main deck; gravitational compensators keep the stele, it immediately began to glitch, causing
deceleration down to a slightly uncomfortable 2G. The red deadly anomalies in the immediate area. I prohibited
zones on the ship are locked and off-limits – unless you any further experiments with the stele’s anchors. Still,
want to experience what 90G feels like. I suspect stele theft is possible. It’s just insanely
dangerous and impractical. I will be scanning the data
We’re now approaching our target. So far, sensors aren’t
of various anomalous sites humans found on Earth
picking up anything, but don’t let that get you down.
throughout their history. Maybe one of them is a place
We’re still a ways off, and…
from which our own Builders’ stele was stolen?
*** Main Alert ***
Gain 1 .
[Captain Wayman]: Report! What’s going on? Log 3
[Chief Navigator Neels]: Sir, we’re detecting a massive, After-Action Incident Report 105/F
cloaked object directly in our path. The calculations … to summarize, we followed the Extraterrestrial
show… we’re three weeks from impact. Discoveries Acquisition Protocol to the letter, taking
[Captain Wayman]: Begin evasive maneuvers. all possible precautions. We didn’t even scan the probe,
fearing it would react. I am certain it activated on its
[Chief Navigator Neels]: Sir… this object is several own, triggered by our proximity.
times larger than our Solar System – a diameter of
nearly 200 Astronomical Units. Considering our current It began to emit wide-spectrum pulses, including
speed, I’m not sure we’ll be able to adjust the course vibrations that unsettled the volcano. We tried to
in time. continue our work, but the tremors, lava blasts, and heat
began to take their toll on the Team, forcing us back.
[Captain Wayman]: How could we miss something this big?
As soon as we left the lava chamber, we received
[Chief Navigator Neels]: The object employs some active a Vanguard transmission, warning us of the imminent
cloaking technology and does not seem to have any eruption.
gravitational interactions with nearby systems.
• Place card P001 on top of any cards in your Sector.
[Captain Wayman]: Sergeant Nahy, are the section • Each Crewmember in this Sector gains 1 Wounded Injury.
leaders awake? • Find and reveal the M34 Mission card. Discard M10 and M31 Mission
[Sergeant Nahy]: Yes, sir! cards, if revealed.
• If the Dust Storm Threat card and standee are revealed, discard them.
[Captain Wayman]: Get them up here. And lock down
the bridge. Not a word of this to anyone – we don’t want
• Replace your current Global Condition card with card G04. Warning:
to cause a panic onboard. when its Time Track runs out, you will die!

If you’re playing the Tutorial, follow the Setup instructions for the Tutorial on

page 11 of the Rulebook.
Log 4
Even though we didn’t see its face, we could tell
If you’re using Quickstart rules, return to the Campaign Quickstart section from the slumping posture of the creature that it was
of your Rulebook (page 28) and begin Step 4. disappointed. It stayed motionless for a while, and then
began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate.
Log 1 Go to Log 336.
[Captain Wayman]: You’ve read the briefing, so I’ll
keep this short: ISS Vanguard is now barreling at 300
thousand kilometers per hour toward an alien-made
Log 5
*** Engine noise ***
sphere larger than our Solar System. Our engineers
are trying everything to decelerate and alter our [Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM? This is the Away
collision course, but that might not be possible without Team. We’re approaching the target. Our short-range
endangering the crew’s health and the ship’s integrity. scans detect an outer shell of unknown carbon allotrope
that seems to absorb all emissions. We have no way of
You’re our plan B. We’re sending you forward to
knowing what’s inside.
scout the object and determine its composition and
structure. We need to know how close we can get without [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: We’re already crunching your
endangering Vanguard. data, Away Team. I’ll let you know if we find anything.
We’ve equipped your lander with additional fuel and [Away Team, Operative 2]: No wonder we couldn’t detect
extra supplies – if Vanguard flies past the sphere, it this thing. It was literally built to be invisible.
might take months for us to reconnect. This means you
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Should we attempt a landing?
won’t have cargo space for any additional equipment. Due
to your rapid awakening, you may also feel… not at your [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: No. We’re not sure how
best. We hope the effects of the torpor chamber fade resilient the structure is. Make a closer flyby and
before you reach your objective. deploy a sample-gathering drone.
God speed! [Away Team, Operative 1]: Roger, Vanguard. We’re…

If you’re playing the Tutorial, continue reading the “Prepare the Away Team” *** Scanning sound ***
instructions on page 12 of the Rulebook. [Away Team, Operative 2]: Wait! I’m detecting something
If you’re using Quickstart rules, go to Log 5. on the surface of the sphere. A metallic object,
embedded in its shell. Look here: The surface around
it is cracked, almost as if it crashed into it. It’s…
turning toward us?
*** Loud BANG ***
ISS Vanguard Logbook 3

*** Lander alert *** an alien language. They follow Zipf’s law, just like
most known languages – from English to the songs of
[Away Team, Operative 2]: We’re hit! It’s shooting
Humpback whales. I’ve also noticed several substantial
at us! It’s some sort of automated sentry, anchored on
conditional probabilities: On different steles, certain
the sphere!
symbols are very often followed by other specific ones.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Abort! Do you copy, Away Team?
I recently noticed that each stele contains its own
Abort mission now!
unique chain of glyphs that look related to the central
You’ve crashed on the surface of an alien object! symbol and repeat throughout the text. It’s possible
If you’re playing the Tutorial, continue reading the “Prepare Section Dice & that the central symbol is a simplified message, meant
Cards” instructions on page 12 of the Rulebook. for primitive life forms. The smaller glyphs expand
on its meaning, often referencing it. This might be
If you’re using Quickstart rules, the Recon Section player takes the Start the inroad we need to start cracking this language.
token and decides who takes the first Turn – see the Reference card in case of
any questions. Gain 1 .

Log 6 Log 11
[Away Team]: This is the Away Team. We’re preparing • Discard the Quarantined Mission card (M32 or M33).
to enter the fissures on the largest active volcano in • Flip the Rank-Up card to the completed side – your Rank-Up task is
the area. We’re detecting abnormal seismic patterns. considered complete, regardless of its rules.
There are also layers of magnetic compounds scattered • Each Crewmember Refreshes 2 .
all over the mountainside. Expect radio interruptions. • Replace the Biolab card (P169) with the Field Lab card (P082).
[CAPCOM]: Copy that, Away Team. If you don’t make
contact in an hour, we’re sending in a rescue team. Log 13
Go to Log 8. Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1G

Log 7 The number of Builders’ steles discovered so far

in this part of the galaxy allowed me to perform
Away Team Exploration Report 27/b
a comparative analysis of their main glyphs and minor
We found trace amounts of water on the cave floor, symbols. I am now confident that each stele represents
but the central corridor ended in a massive cave-in. not only a message to the civilization Builders hoped to
The sensors detected unusual vibrations from the other raise around it, but also a unique starting condition
side of the rubble, as well as something that might they wanted to test on this world. A “what if” situation
have been a substantial concentration of water. of universal scale. What if several intelligent species
Unfortunately, breaking through would require a large- evolved at the same time? What if a young civilization
scale excavation effort. was given an almost unlimited opportunity for expansion
within their own solar system? What if an intelligent
Replace POI in this Sector with card P081.
species showed an organic hatred toward any abstract

Log 8 concepts? And then, there are steles from dead or empty
worlds, where the “what if” went too far, where the idea
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, was too extreme to bear any fruit.
resolve the bottom one.
Given the vast differences between these starting
Go to Log 33. conditions, and the audacity of some of them, I see only
two possible solutions. Either the Builders went through
Go to Log 615. all this trouble to create the most diverse possible
set of civilizations, or they were desperately looking
Go to Log 220. for one specific species, ideally suited to some task
I cannot fathom…
Log 9 Gain 1 .
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Look at this. What were they
digging for?
Log 14
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Lime. The walls and piles If card M34 is revealed, this Log ends – violent earthquakes make it
contain mostly calcium oxide and calcium hydroxide. impossible to study the samples! Otherwise, read on:
I guess they were making concrete.
Away Team Exploration Report 31/F
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Enough concrete to fill
a small sea. An exciting find: We’ve come upon pieces of clearly
alien technology. Dust storms and rolling rocks damaged
New Objective: Find out what the concrete was used for. it severely, but preliminary analysis of the remains
• Replace POI in Sector 6 with card P116. indicate it was some kind of miniature drone – too
small to have come from space.
• Replace Mission card M21 with Mission card M22. Read Mission
card M22. We tuned the scanners to the unusual radioactive
• You discover another exciting area! Remove this card from the game elements found in the drone’s coils, and we’ve detected
and replace it with another random P113 card. similar signatures in the vicinity of a large volcano
• If there are no more P113 cards, replace this card with card P000. visible on the horizon. Either the drones came from
there, or they were studying the volcano.
Log 10 Either way, visiting it might be worthwhile.
• Gain 1 .
Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1E
• Place Mission card M31 next to the Planet board and read its text.
With our current data set, the meaning of large, central • Replace POI in this Sector with card P010.
glyphs of each stele looks well established. Each is
an abstract concept, presented in a simple shape, meant
as a founding message to a civilization that would
Log 15
The scans were correct. There are several interesting
hopefully grow around the stele. However, what remains
sites in this sector!
a mystery are the smaller glyphs. They are completely
different from the large ones, and there are anywhere Find all three P113 cards. Place a random one in this Sector and return
from thirty to two hundred of them per stele. the rest to “Points of Interest” (Card Tray A).
Both Vanguard’s AI and my own research came to Reminder: The Sector is fully explored only when you reveal a card with
the same conclusion: The minor glyphs are a part of the icon.
4 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 16 We wonder whether some steles could have been lost

or purposefully destroyed, and whether that happened
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re passing the ridge of to the one we predict should be somewhere on Earth.
solidified lava.
Gain 1 .
[CAPCOM]: Don’t forget to gather samples – they may tell
us something about the composition of the planet’s core.
It might be somehow related to this crystal.
Log 22
*** Beeping signals ***
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Wait, there’s a whole field of
antennae up ahead. They are… humongous. [Away Team]: Vanguard, we are close to the signal’s
[CAPCOM]: Perfect place to scavenge some alien tech.
Define “humongous,” Away Team. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Proceed with caution, Away
Team. Our advisors have several conflicting opinions
[Away Team, Operative 1]: At least several times larger as to what this thing might be. Some insist it is
than our Earth’s FAST telescope. Diameters measured in a trap, made to—
*** Sound of shifting rubble ***
Place card P114 in this Sector.
[Away Team]: We’ve got it! It’s a… satellite?

Log 17 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: …

TOP SECRET [Away Team]: Any ideas, Vanguard? It could have fallen
Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1H from the sky.
Our further research into the material from which these [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: No, it’s buried too deep. It
obelisks are made led to a rather surprising find. Hoping seems the end of this planet was rather… explosive. This
to secure a sample large enough to study on Vanguard, piece of the crust must have impacted the satellite
I authorized a rather… destructive sample-gathering in the wake of the explosion. Good find, Away Team! Grab
experiment. It took incredible energy to split off just what you can and continue the mission.
a small piece of the stele. And as soon as we did that,
the stele activated, sending a strong signal back toward • Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery.
the Eye of the Void. This pulse could be observed on most • You see another interesting place in this area! Remove this card from
wavelengths, but it also caused a strong disturbance in the game and replace it with another card P113.
the operation of all our subspace-based technology. Since • If there are no more P113 cards, replace this card with card P000.
sub-space fields are unaffected by electromagnetic forces,
it can only mean the steles also emit some yet unknown Log 23
wave that affects other dimensions. TOP SECRET
As for the nature of the signal, I can only speculate. Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1A
Was it a maintenance request? Or, maybe, the steles The semantic analysis of the glyphs so far reveals
double as some kind of early warning system little. While we’re certain they convey some sort of
that surrounds the Builders’ sphere from all sides. information, we lack any comparative material – any
If so, what were they supposed to warn about? real foothold – to start deciphering the language.
I plan to repeat this experiment with the next stele we Based on our discoveries from Pellucid and other
find, but this time I will be ready to record the pulse visited worlds, We believe each stele may be devoted
in every conceivable way. to one concept, one topic, related to the shape of its
central glyph. This central theme seems to somehow
Gain 1 . influence the civilization that developed in the shadow
of each stele. However, more detailed studies will
Log 18 only be possible when we gather enough inscriptions
Mark box A in Log 950. for comparison – or another sample of Builder writing.
Check if box C in Log 930 is NOT marked. Gain 1 .
If it’s not, go to Log 61. Otherwise, go to Log 48.
Log 24
Log 19 [Away Team]: I’m entering the derelict. There’s still
Congratulations! You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration! power, surprisingly. The light flickers.

If the box below is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text. [Captain Wayman]: Progress with caution. Some lights are
on, and this thing looks active. Anything can happen.
Shuffle the S13 Ship Situation card (Food Shortage) from
“Future Situations” into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B). [Away Team]: Roger.

If you’re on Everstorm, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) [Captain Wayman]: Remember your mission. Don’t stray!
Stay focused.
and begin Ship Management.
Otherwise, go to Log 990. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
makes the final decision):
Log 20 » Focus on gathering interesting scraps of technology
Away Team Exploration Report 27/c – Go to Log 44.
» Focus on studying the derelict – Go to Log 49.
We survived the crash, but we were not out of the woods
yet. The lander broke into two parts upon impact, and
» Focus on streaming the interior to eager viewers on
some of us were trapped inside its mangled tail section. ISS Vanguard – Go to Log 64.

Continue reading the “Amir’s First Action” instructions on page 15 of

the Rulebook.
Log 25
Away Team Exploration Report 27/c

Log 21 While exploring a rocky area, we located an entry into

a large cave complex. It includes structures consistent
with the effects of water erosion. Caves sprawl in all
Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1B
directions: Analyzing them could derail our mission,
The material of the stele did not come as a surprise but liquid water environments offer a high chance of
– it is roughly similar to the alloy the Builders used encountering life.
when constructing the Eye of the Void. It is resilient,
but – like all other materials – not indestructible.
Place card P080 in this Sector.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 5

Log 26 • Place your Crewmember and any Assisting Crewmembers in Sector 8.

• Your Crewmember and each Assisting Crewmember .
Project “Birthright,” Research Log 1C If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
When our team tried to move the artifact, all Gain 1 .
conventional attempts failed. We now understand why.
We’ve discovered an invisible gravity-wave tether Log 31
that keeps the stele anchored in one specific position, [Away Team]: Vanguard! This is Team One. Do you copy?
relative to the center of the planet’s mass. The Builders
went to great lengths to ensure their steles could not [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: We hear you, Team One. What’s
be removed from any planet, or otherwise moved between the problem?
the planets – though we still don’t know why. [Away Team]: We found some sort of organism:
Short of moving the planets themselves, we have no a homogenous bacterial colony, several centimeters
practical way to collect the steles, and we must rely in diameter, capable of motion. It crawled onto one of
on their detailed scans for future research. the suits. We tried to remove it, but it squeezed into
the suit’s apertures. We’re sending you all the data.
Gain 1 . Please advise.

Log 27 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Standby, Away Team. We are

consulting with the Science section.
Perform the following steps:

• Replace POI in this Sector with card P169.
• Gain 1 Supplies per Crewmember. [Away Team]: This is Team One. Do you have any updates?
This thing is spreading through the suit! We’re afraid
• Each Crewmember in this Sector gains an Exhausted Injury.
it might…
• Find Mission card M32, place it next to the Planet board, and read it.
[Captain Wayman]: This is the captain speaking. We have
New Objective: Get rid of the parasite.
analyzed your recordings. Both Security and Science
officers are worried – this thing seems to consciously
Log 28 evade danger and multiplies rapidly. If you return
If there’s a marker in Sector 8, go to Log 301. carrying this specimen, there’s a high chance it could
Otherwise, read on: escape quarantine. We’re landing a portable biolab near
your location. Please set it up and use the equipment
The holes led into the bowels of a strange machine inside to contain the organism. Until then, evacuating
that bore a striking resemblance to the architecture you carries a risk we’d rather not take. I’m sorry,
of the Builders we saw in the Eye of the Void. Team One.
The structure extended deep underground, and to other
parts of the planet, though its purpose was unclear. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
player makes the final decision):
According to our preliminary research, this structure
originates a millennium or two ago. Our scans awoke » Attempt to get rid of the parasite – This starts a new obligatory
something deep inside, emitting small bursts of energy. Mission! Go to Log 27.
Then, it went silent once more. » Refuse the order – This removes all your and causes trouble on
the ship, but you will be able to Lift-Off from the planet. Go to Log 45.
We should see if there are other parts of this great
machine scattered in nearby sectors.
Log 32
Place a marker in Sector 5. Voice Log 13F
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
I’m entering the underground. The charred walls seem
Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads. to absorb the light. Starting to regret that I went
in alone…
Log 29 There are… remains here. Dozens of bodies, in many
Warning: You may not terminate this introductory Mission before you reach strange shapes and sizes. It’s bewildering and
your objective. Follow your primary Mission (card M21 or M22) to conclude unsettling. I look over my shoulder and half-expect
this Planetary Exploration. one of them to move. Some cadavers show signs of major
bionic and cybernetic modifications. They must all
Log 30 belong to different species. All surviving equipment
seems adapted to various operators of different body
Personal Journal, ID 30/5
shapes. How did so many intelligent species end up on
No one believed my report, and the blurred images one planet? We haven’t found any proof that this was
didn’t convince anybody either. I write it here, while a spacefaring civilization.
the memory is fresh, so I remember that day and can
I’m leaving this place, there’s nothing more for me to
revisit the machine’s innards someday – if I can muster
see. But I have several questions for later. Did all
the courage.
these species evolve on this planet simultaneously, or
When performing a structural analysis of the strange were they brought here somehow? How did they manage to
holes we found on Everstorm, I fell into one of them live together peacefully? We should be on the lookout
– as soon as I passed the entrance, a strange force for more clues – especially something that could hold
sucked me deeper into the tunnel. I hit my head and any pieces of their communication.
lost consciousness for a minute. Then, I saw weird
colors, shapes, and sounds – and feelings. My legs • You see another interesting place in this area! Remove this card from
were somewhat elongated. I did not feel my hands. My the game and replace it with another random card P113.
body warped like boiled spaghetti, dragged somewhere. • If there are no more cards P113, replace this card with card P000.
I was traveling in spirals, up and down at the same
time. I tried to understand, but my mind drifted away Log 33
– I couldn’t focus. The only thing I remember clearly If you’re on Brimstone, go to Log 34.
was a chamber with glistening “gills” swirling at
If you’re on Matchstick, go to Log 39.
an incredible speed. Then, the machine spat me out
through its vast mouth, many kilometers away from
the place into which I fell.
My body burned with pain, my mind was hazy, and I felt…
excited to the point of crippling dread.
6 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 34 [Bridge]: [loud applause and cheering]

[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Say Again, Team One. We’re [Away Team]: Wait! Something’s happening.
losing your signal. The bioluminescence is fading. There’s some sort
of reaction.
[Away Team]: We’re inside the mountain. We found… [radio
static] … of the seismic disturbance. It’s some sort of [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Our flora experts suggest
a mechanism, stuck in the large magma reservoir. It’s… a defensive mechanism.
[radio static] [Away Team]: No. The cave flora is dying, starting from
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Exercise caution, Team One. the point of our entry. We’ve sealed the… [radio static],
We don’t know if— but the effect is magnifying. I… I think we’re killing
[Away Team]: [radio static] … moving toward us!
The energy pulse destabilized the… [radio static] We’re… All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
player makes the final decision):
• Place card P001 on top of any cards in this Sector.
• Place the Arrogator Behemoth in this Sector. » Seal the dying ecosystem back and leave it – Discard 2 ,
• Place the Arrogator Behemoth Threat card in the designated slot above replace the POI card in your Sector with card P000.
the Planet board. » Attempt to save the ecosystem – This will start a new obligatory
Mission! Go to Log 41.
– If this is the first Threat you’ve ever found, remember to check
the Threats rules in Chapter III of the Rulebook.
– Arrogator Behemoth becomes active – read its Threat card and
Log 38
Away Team Exploration Report TF/19
apply its rules whenever necessary.
The surface of the mound is made of an organic
• Replace your current Global Condition card with card G04. Warning:
compound, so even our best equipment cannot break
when its Time Track runs out, you will die! the crust. At first, we wanted to enter the structure,
• Find and reveal the M34 Mission card. Discard M10 and M31 as scanners showed hollow spaces inside, but it
Mission cards, if revealed. proved impossible with our limited tools. However, we
• If the Dust Storm Threat card and standee are revealed, discard them. successfully secured samples of the compound, and we
• Go to Log 694. will try to replicate it once aboard Vanguard.

Log 35 We also mentioned to the aerodynamics team

that the area surrounding these mounds was almost
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, serene, with little wind. They began to study
resolve the bottom one. the mounds’ effect on the airflow and quickly discovered
all are in the perfect position to ensure the safety of
Roll a D10 and check your result below:
the largest possible surface area.
0–4: Go to Log 37. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
5–9: Go to Log 284.
Gain 1 Mineral Discovery.
Go to Log 284.
Log 39
Log 36 Personal Journal
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: It’s starting, Away Team. I slowly approached the door, still in awe. It was
We can see it from up here. This will be one hell of reckless, I know, but I couldn’t take my eyes off
an eruption. What’s your progress toward the LZ? the shining glyph at the center. Countless ages have
[Away Team]: … passed, and here was still a working power source…

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Do you copy, Away Team? What’s Suddenly, something moved in the dark –
your progress? the surroundings trembled at the waking of a hulking,
metal giant. I should have been more careful.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard? This is The Away
Team. I think… we won’t get there in time. The seismic • Place the Arrogator Behemoth Threat card in the indicated slot above
activity opened large crevices in front of us. It will the Planet board.
take too long to work our way around them. • Place the Arrogator Behemoth standee in your Sector.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: … – If this is the first Threat you’ve ever found, remember to check
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We are setting up behind some
the Threats rules in Chapter III of the Rulebook.
rocks, deploying our mobile shelters. I’ll call back – Arrogator Behemoth becomes active – read its Threat card and
when we’re done. apply its rules whenever necessary.

[Away Team, Operative 2, in the distance]: • Go to Log 694.

*** Radio static ***
Log 40
Away Team Exploration Report 58/d
• All Crewmembers on the planet die – remove their cards from
The object proved exceedingly resilient to all weaponry,
the sleeves.
but we managed to disable it. As we approached
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the
the smoldering wreckage, at first we focused only on its
Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side
unfamiliar, biomechanical construction. Some parts of
(unless it is a Basic Lander). the machine clearly were once parts of the craft.
• Open your Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
Ship Management. Then, we noticed it: a symbol on one of the armored
plates, eerily similar to the one we’re wearing on our
Log 37 dog-tags. A sign from the wreckage discovered on Earth,
now the heart of our ship.
[Away Team]: Vanguard! This is Team One. We’ve broken
through to the other side. Entering the deeper caves. What could possibly connect this hulk with our ship?

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: We received your uplink, Team Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
One. All eyes on you. resolve the bottom one.
[Away Team]: Detectors are going wild! Atmospheric
composition is heavy with organic particles. We see…
gill-like growth on the walls. There are complex
organisms moving in the water. It’s an entire ecosystem!
ISS Vanguard Logbook 7

Gain 1 . Gain 4 Alien Tech Leads. Remove from the game Log 47

the Toppling the Titan Secondary Objective (O16) from the “Bridge” Away Team Exploration Report 60/F
section of the Ship Book, or from the “Awaiting…” envelope
Excitement runs high. Materials and markings on this
(if it’s there). Discard Arrogator Behemoth and its Threat card.
strange milestone-like stele appear similar to the ones
Mark the box in Log 970.
found on Eye of the Void, confirming our suspicions:
Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads. Discard Arrogator Behemoth the Builders are responsible for creating these obelisks.
and its Threat card. We now suspect they left one stele on every world marked
on the map we’ve received once we entered the Eye.
Discard Arrogator Behemoth and its Threat card. Some kind of energetic anchor seemed to secure
the milepost on the planet and made it impossible
Log 41 for us to move it, but we took all possible scans, made
Perform the following steps: every possible analysis, and built a one-to-one replica
of the stele aboard Vanguard.
• Each Crewmember Refreshes 1 .
• Find Mission card M35 and place it next to the Planet board. It’s hard to determine its exact purpose, and the nature
• Replace POI in your Sector with card P164. of glyphs eludes us. Perhaps with more examples to
study, we can learn more.

Log 42 Go to Log 55.

As we tried to cross one of the chasms, one of us began
to slip down the ravine. We had no choice but to mount Log 48
a rescue party and descend from the plateau to look “We sent covert messages to many different parts of
for our crewmate in the ravines below. the ship, trying to find someone who would fight on our
Gain a Wounded Injury. Place a random P160 card in this Sector. side to free Captain Wayman. No one was brave enough
to stand up to Major Dahl. This fight was ours alone –

Log 44 but we decided to fight anyway. Soon, a desperate battle

broke out right at the door of the Captain’s cabin."
[Away Team]: I managed to secure a sample of every
material I encountered. Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: That’s good news. Come back
Crewmembers used in this Dice Check may die. Depending on your choices,
you may face several more checks in this part of the story.
[Away Team]: Just what I wanted to hear. You should also
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
know that one of the devices tried to puncture my suit.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: … a or or converter from their hand and place them in the Roll
[Away Team]: I was careful, just so you know! Pool. Only Crewmembers with those converters can be chosen!
• Count the number of or or or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 10 or more
Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.“ points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
Log 45 • Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this
• Discard all .
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to
• Shuffle Situation card S17 (Intrusive Organism) from “Future Situations”
their Available Crewmembers.
into “Possible Situations.“
• If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise:

Log 46 If you have 9 or fewer points, go to Log 73.

Personal Journal, Crewmember #327 If you have 10 or more points, go to Log 84.
I must admit I thought the command lost it when they
told us to open a giant, menacing tomb on a dark, Log 49
menacing planet. I mean, I’ve played enough games to [Away Team]: That’s strange. I don’t see anything
know where this was going. Unfortunately, I also drew that resembles a port. Do you think everything
the short straw and found myself in the role of a poor was wireless?
sod who has to go there first. [CAPCOM]: It’s possible. What was the last time you’ve
As soon as I unsealed the door, the light of my suit used a cable?
flooded a vast hall, reflecting from the eyes of countless [Away Team]: Right.
deadly machines, ordered in neat lines; a literal army
of the dead that stayed buried for millenia. I don’t [CAPCOM]: Huh? What are you saying? But why would
even know what was stronger: the urge to nope the hell we… ? Alright, I’ll tell him. Sorry, Away Team. I have
out of there, or to yell “I told you so!” into my comms a Science Section representative at my back. He wants you
before these guardians rip me to shreds. to place one of your devices in several different places
near screens or other things that resemble consoles.
I might have overreacted a little. The machines weren’t
moving. No doomsday device switched on. [Away Team]: Yeah, whatev… I mean, understood.

Later on, I learned from guys at the Science Section …

that the authoritarian ruler of the neighboring planet …
was buried here, along with his army of murder bots, not
unlike some ancient Chinese emperors. I thought we were [Away Team]: What the hell?! Something extended from
in the clear, but then I learned that Science guys took this console and connected to my device, frying it
a good couple of dozen of these machines onboard and completely.
began experimenting. I played this game as well… [CAPCOM]: The Science rep says you should attempt to
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If it's marked, remove this alien connector. Just be careful. We don’t
know where else it may try to connect.
nothing happens.
[Away Team]: Very funny, Vanguard. Away Team out!
Move Research Project R03 (Alien Programming) from
“Research Projects” (Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:

Move card E45 (Multiport Interface) from “Unavailable Equipment”

to “Armory.“
8 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 50 Go to the Project Birthright diagram (below) and trace a line from any of
the filled points to a round point of your choice. Fill this chosen point and go
Away Team Exploration Report 1/B
to the Log indicated next to it.
When I woke, the cockpit was dark and filled with If a line has a Tech Level requirement, you can only trace it if the Tech Level
smoke. A strange glow seeped in through the cracks card in your Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3) shows a Tech Level at
of the fuselage. Whatever this turret brought us down
least this high.
with, it was still eating through the hull, melting
steel like butter. I thought about the oxygen tanks and
supplies in the cargo bay below the cockpit. If we were PROJECT BIRTHRIGHT
to survive until the rescue, they needed to be saved… Start
Continue reading the “Second Crewmember’s Turn” instructions on page 19
of the Rulebook.

Log 51 Moving the Stele Stele Material

Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, Log 26 Log 21
resolve the bottom one.

Go to Log 47. Central Glyph

Log 23
Go to Log 55.

Log 52
Away Team Exploration Report 29/C
The water is denser than it should be – it contains
significant quantities of unusually stable tritium.
Its presence diminishes the possibility of finding Log 13
life here. However, we’ve gathered water and mineral
samples that may hide the secret to stabilizing
radioactive isotopes.
Apart from this discovery, if we install water purifiers
and oxygen extractors, this place would make for a good Gravitational Minor Glyphs
resupply station. Anchor Log 10
Log 2
Gain 1 Mineral Discovery. Replace POI in this Sector with card P168.

Log 53
Science Section Wishlist, Entry by Crewmember #325
Stele Cluster Background
I would love to put my hands on the rare species from (Only fill this Transmission
“Matchstick.” It’s just wonderful how life adapted box when specificaly Log 17
to flee from sudden air combustions! And, of course, asked to)
the planet’s coordinates were found in the Eye of
the Void, so it’s just natural to research them. (requires Tech Level 5)
Wish signed by 79 percent of Science Section members. TOP SECRET
Log 840.
Place card P130 on top of any cards in Sector 2. Place the Lander in Sector 2.
Place a Sprout standee in Sectors 1 and 8.
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
Log 56
Exploration” procedure. If this box was already marked, go to Log 58. Otherwise, mark this
box and read on:
After-Action Incident Report 60/F Project “Birthright,” Research Log 19c
The safety commission decided that the most likely The detailed stele copies and research data we obtained
cause of the accident was a misuse of field power tools. from this ancient race proved invaluable. Perhaps it’s
A superheated drill bit was allowed to directly touch not as detailed as our own research would be, but on
the crystal’s surface, causing local scintillation of the other hand we’d have to spend decades roaming
extreme magnitude. space to learn as much as we did with this one mission!
We recommend Away Teams take care not to apply There was so much data we had to add a new database
excessive heat or strain to yet-unknown materials. to the bridge just to hold it. Still, several last
questions about the steles are left unanswered.
Each Crewmember in this Sector rolls .
Not for long, I hope.
Log 55 On the Project Birthright diagram in Log 55, fill the square “Stele Cluster” point.
TOP SECRET Whenever progressing the graph in Log 55, you may now choose to trace
Project “Birthright” founding document, Excerpt a line from this point as well.
While the Builders’ message that ISS Vanguard received Move Objective card O09 (Farthest Reaches) and Bridge Upgrade B18
at the Eye of The Void was far from obvious, it did seem (Stele Database) from Bridge cards to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
to encourage us to visit all the nearby worlds capable Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
of supporting life, to look for what Builders called
Ship Management.
“our tribe.” We now suspect each of these coordinates
has a habitable planet. And each of these planets has
a stele; an obelisk left by the Builders. The study
of these obelisks is our only chance of understanding
the message, and our purpose. Therefore, it should be
Vanguard’s top priority.
Dr. Sarah Corey, ISS Vanguard Chief Researcher
ISS Vanguard Logbook 9


Mark the first unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, Uncontrolled Choose one:
resolve the bottom one. Flight
» Ignore Turbulence
Some scorched remains of ancient explorers Return 3 random Equipment cards
lie here. It seems they jumped into the pit reduced by to “Armory.”
to protect themselves from something above. » Secure the Cargo
Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads. Each Crewmember 3 .
A thorough search returns only some small
Gale Force 6 Endure
pieces of destroyed alien tech. Gain 1 Alien Tech
Lead. Refresh 1 . Each Crewmember 5 reduced by .

Log 58 EMP Choose one:

Go to Project Birthright diagram (Log 55) and trace a line from any of » Cooling System Malfunction
the filled points to a round point of your choice. Fill this chosen point and go If is 2 or fewer, each Crewmember
to the Log indicated next to it. IMPORTANT: after resolving the indicated gains a Burned Injury.
Log, your Planetary Exploration ends – open the Ship Book at page 25 If is 3 or more,
(Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management. each Crewmember .
» Reroute Energy
Log 59 Return 2 random Equipment cards to
All Crewmembers now have their Turn token on the “Turn Ended” side. “Armory” or lose 2 Supplies.
This ends the first round.
Favorable Follow the current
From now on, you have full control over your choice of actions. Before Current
continuing the game, browse through the sections under “Continuing If is 3 or more,
the Tutorial” in the Rulebook. There is no need to read all of these sections progress the Landing track twice.
in full right now; only read them the first time you need them.
Continue reading the “Continuing the Tutorial” instructions on page 20
Log 61
“As we were planning our attack over the blueprints of
of the Rulebook.
the ship, we had a surprise visitor. Deadspeaker hobbled

Log 60 into our hideout, armed in some strange Arrogator

weaponry. Major Dahl’s hatred for Arrogators turned him to
Captain’s Log, Entry D-432 our side. He made an offer: If our Section Leaders used
Despite many findings gathered on Pellucid, our first their private access codes to get him past the Vanguard’s
exploration of a world marked by the Builders was firewall, he could connect directly to the ship’s systems.
hardly the success for which we hoped. The contact with Then, he would be able to lock all bulkheads leading
extraterrestrial intelligence still eludes us, and I’m toward the captain’s quarters, and manipulate the ship’s
afraid this new world we’re about to explore will change systems against Dahl’s men. Needless to say, many of us
little in that regard. were not too keen on the idea of connecting an Arrogator
AI directly to the Vanguard AI. Still, our list of
It’s hard to imagine an environment more hostile to potential allies wasn’t too long at that point.”
life: a giant, cold planet with a thick, super-rotating
atmosphere. The never-ending storm lashes the surface All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
of basalt and glass and carries razor-sharp shards with player makes the final decision):
velocities capable of shredding anything in their path. » Trust the Deadspeaker and give them access to the ship’s
Yet, a set of incredible structures extends past systems – Go to Log 63.
the planet’s stratosphere, like claws reaching out from » Ignore the Deadspeaker and attack the captain’s quarters
the storm. Each of these claws, made of an unidentified without their help – Go to Log 48.
substance, is several kilometers long and wide enough » Call off the attack and consider a different approach –
to break apart the winds, creating small pockets we The more time you waste the higher the chance you will be captured!
could potentially explore. Go to Log 501.
And explore them we will – no one aboard Vanguard has
the faintest idea how structures like that could occur Log 62
naturally… Scout Craft Mission Flight Recorder
If your Lander has at least 4 and 5 , place a marker on the “Landing [Mission Time 16:24]
Successful” space and go to step 4. Otherwise, begin the landing
We’re approaching the mesosphere of the planet. We
detect something that looks like a radioactive forcefield
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated up ahead. The systems tell us there are some gaps in
with an “S” on the Landing track). the barrier, barely larger than our Lander. I will try
to fit through one of them.
2. Roll a Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled result
in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one option [Mission Time 16:55]
is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you cannot The lander is now at the right angle. Engaging boosters.
fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next step. Three… two… one… start!
In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore
that Injury card and Injury die. [Mission Time 16:58]

3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but [static noises][loud alerts] The radiation levels keep
not beyond the last space. rising! Many systems are not responding. The gap in
the shield is shifting! [static noises]… reacting to our
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful” presence? It’s the last chance to change direction!
space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully:
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
– Open the Planetopedia at pages 10-11 (Everstorm). Open the Ship makes the final decision):
Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration”
procedure. » Abort the landing! – This will end your Planetary Exploration and
start a new Ship Phase. You may do it once without suffering a penalty.
Go to Log 68.
» Let the landing proceed – Warning: depending on your Lander
Attributes, you may lose the craft and its crew! Go to Log 74.
10 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 63 [CAPCOM]: Yes?

“Despite the objections of the Vanguard’s AI, we [Scout Craft]: I think I can get through this barrier.
connected Deadspeaker directly to our mainframe. I’d need a better lander, and a lot of shielding, but
Immediately, alarms flared up. The bulkheads began to I think it would be possible.
open and shut throughout the ship and flickered as [CAPCOM]: Copy that. Please make sure to mention this
two powerful Artificial Intelligences were wrestling in your report. And don’t worry about the mission. We’ve
for control of the ship. Finally, things went quiet. captured a lot of valuable data on our approach.
“I am now in direct control,” said Deadspeaker, his Mark the first unmarked box and resolve its text.
voice echoing through all nearby speakers as if
an entire Arrogator army was speaking to us. “You may Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
carry out your plan.” Ship Management.
On our screens, we’ve noticed the lights in Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander, open the Ship Book at
the corridors leading to Captain Wayman’s cabin went page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management.
out. All bulkheads except for one went shut. The marines
on guard duty stumbled around in the dark. It was our
time to make a move.” Log 69
Personal Journal
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any The door opened – it was made of titanium alloy, and its
Crewmembers used in this check may die. Depending on your choices, you stone facade was only a mineral crust that accumulated
over the millenia.
may face several more checks in this part of the story.
Perform the following steps: Behind the gate, the past awaited us – pristine
Builders’ vault, unopened until now.
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers Replace POI in this Sector with card P137.
with a  or or converter from their hand and place them
in the Roll Pool. Log 70
• Count the number of or or or results in the Roll Pool. *** Engine and wind noises ***
Then, add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 8 [SAR Mission Pilot, Sergeant Marquez]: Rappel up,
or more points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and folks! The cavalry’s here.
assign additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: [static]
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this [SAR Team, Sergeant Marquez]: Please repeat, Away
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to Team. We’re losing you.
their Available Crewmembers. [Away Team, Operative 1]: [static] Go higher, dammit!
• If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Your jet blast is cracking the surface.
*** Insect noises ***
If you have 7 or fewer points: go to Log 77.
[CAPCOM]: We’re detecting additional signatures on
If you have 8 or more points: go to Log 81. the mound top. What’s happening there?

Log 64 [Away Team, Operative 1]: They’re crawling out of

the woodwork! Rappel up! Fast!
[CAPCOM]: Whoa. I’m sorry for being a little
unprofessional, but you have quite an audience. [SAR Team, Sergeant Marquez]: We’re hit! I repeat,
There are a lot of people behind my back right now. the evacuation craft is hit. They’re shooting some
organic webbing at us. The Evac Zone is compromised.
[Away Team]: I don’t mind. This derelict truly is I repeat: The Evac zone is compromised. We’re aborting—
something else! Nothing here looks familiar.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: No! Wait. I’ll draw
[CAPCOM]: Was this a door? their attention.
[Away Team]: So it seems. But I might be inside some [CAPCOM]: Negative, Away Team Two. Do not engage.
vent right now. Who knows? I repeat, do not—
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: *** The sound of unbuckling safety belt ***
Gain 1 . [Away Team, Operative 1]: Get back here, dammit!
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Go on without me! Don’t wait!
Log 65 If you have the Unique Discovery 33 (Royal Jelly), go to Log 172.
Captain’s Log, Entry 412
Otherwise, read on:
We knew that landing on Atropos would present… unusual
challenges. Instead of risking the lives of the Away • Discard Mission card M52.
Team, I decided we need to first perform a quick • All players discuss and choose a Crewmember who will be left behind,
scouting run. fighting off the mound mites.
• If players fail to agree which Crewmember should stay, the Security
Go to Log 62. Section player makes the choice.
• Remove the chosen Crewmember from their Rank sleeve and place them
Log 67 back on their Crew board. This Crewmember is dead.
Even though we didn’t see its face, we could tell • The Section this Crewmember belonged to immediately draws 5 new
from the slumping posture of the creature that it was Recruit cards, chooses 1, places it in the Rank 1 sleeve, and adds it to
disappointed. It stayed motionless for a while, and then the “Resting Crew.”
began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate. • Hint: In ISS Vanguard, each Section has several Crewmembers. This
Go to Log 336. means Crewmembers will sometimes die when a Mission goes wrong,
or when you decide to sacrifice them.
Log 68 Go to Log 71.
[CAPCOM]: Correct your course immediately!
[Scout Craft]: Roger that. Aborting now!
*** Loud retrorocket noises ***
[Scout Craft]: Just for the record, Vanguard…
ISS Vanguard Logbook 11


Captain’s Log, Entry D-435 Navigation We Must Use Our Auxiliary Scanners
We swore never to leave anyone behind, but no one was Failure If is 5 or more, nothing happens.
prepared to sacrifice another crew and another lander. If is 3-4, place 1 marker
As the Search and Rescue craft engaged the boosters,
on the Lander board. If there are 3 or more,
our dear friend disappeared in the distance, fighting
go to Log 76.
off the countless mound mites, until the clouds
mercifully shrouded the scene. If is 0-2, place 2 markers
on the Lander board. If there are 3 or more,
Vanguard has a dead hero to remember. Let’s hope more
go to Log 76.
won’t follow soon.
Accelerated Choose one:
• Remove Landing card L4 from the game.
• Place the Basic Lander board next to the Planet board and place all » Dodge
Discoveries from the Crew boards, as well as your Rank-Up card, Roll a Danger die 7 times, reduced
in the indicated Lander board slots. by . For each place 1 marker
• Shuffle the Ship Situation S14 (Mutiny) from “Future Situations” into on the Lander board. If there are
“Possible Situations.” 3 or more, go to Log 76.
Go to Log 440. » Expose Armored Hull
Place 6 markers on the Lander board,
Log 72 reduced by . If there are 3 or more,
• If there’s no card in Sector 8, go to Log 378. If card P241 (Arrogator go to Log 76.
Cruiser) is in Sector 8, read on: Radiation Level If is 5 or more, nothing happens.
• Choose a standee representing any of your Available Landers Rises Otherwise, each Crewmember rolls 3 Injury
(listed on page 19 of the Ship Book).
dice. Each Crewmember who rolled
• Place the Lander standee in Sector 8.
1 and 1 or 2 results dies
• Place any number of Crewmembers from Sector 4 in Sector 8.
– remove them from their Rank sleeves.
– IMPORTANT: These Crewmembers won’t be able to return to the ship If all Crewmembers die, go to Log 76.
until the enemy cruiser is defeated, or their Lander is shot down.
Field Shift! The Gaps in the Field Change Locations.

Log 73 If is 5 or more, nothing happens.

“That’s when the fight in front of the Captain’s cabin Otherwise, move the marker on the Landing
took a dire turn. Reinforcements have arrived: a group track 1 space to the left.
of heavily armored marines, with a hulking warmachine
at their backs. It was one of the Arrogator boarding Log 75
robots we had to deal with when defending Vanguard, now [Captain Wayman]: This is your Captain speaking.
reprogrammed by Major Dahl. We’re under…
We managed to bust out the Captain at the last possible *** Static ***
moment, but the enemy was closing in on all sides.
The Captain smiled as soon as he saw us and tried to [Captain Wayman]: Despite the efforts of our security
tell us something – that’s when he was hit. A heavy personnel, ISS Vanguard has been breached by hostile
round ripped through his torso. We carried him out forces. We have several Fire Teams defending critical
of the combat zone and tried to stabilize him. That’s locations on all decks. The bridge is knocked out. We’re
where Captain Wayman passed away, a smile on his lips, doing what we can to repair it. All civilian personnel
surrounded by his faithful crew. We’ve failed.” should evacuate to the forward part of the ship.

Mark box B in Log 930. *** Gun blasts ***

Go to Log 501. [Captain Wayman]: All Section Operatives should report

to their leaders for assignments. Stay strong. We will
Log 74 get through this.

If your Lander has at least 6 and 5 , go to Log 103. Otherwise, begin The battle begins aboard ISS Vanguard! Before you begin preparations,
the landing procedure: please be aware that:

1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated • Failure will be very costly. Use the best Crewmembers you have.
with an “S” on the Landing track) and move it • Expect to face dangerous Threats and risk many Injuries.
by 2 slots to the left (or as far to the left as track slots allow). • You’ve had no time to arm yourself! Equipment won’t be available
at the start of the mission, but you will be able to find it later aboard ISS.
2. Now, you may decide to retreat. If you do, go to Log 68.
• In combat, there will be few opportunities to draw Leads.
3. Roll a Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled result • Being able to relocate from one Section of the ship to another quickly
in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose one will help you coordinate the defense better.
(you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare cases • You have nowhere to evacuate to! This Mission has special
where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card Evac rules – Crewmembers will have to fight until they die,
and Injury die. in which case they will be replaced with other Crewmembers,
4. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), and the Mission will continue.
but not beyond the last space. Perform the following steps to begin the defense:
5. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, discard all
1. Clean Up
Damage markers from the Lander and go to Log 103.
Otherwise, go back to step 2. • Return all Situation cards from the table to “Possible Situations”
and shuffle them.
• Discard all and tokens.
• Move all tokens to the Token bag.
• Close and store the Ship Book.
• Close and store the System Maps book.
12 ISS Vanguard Logbook

2. Prepare your Team 8. Start Playing!

• Players pick Crewmembers for this mission from their hand of Available • Each Crewmember places a Turn token on their Crew board,
Crewmembers. You can only pick one Crewmember from each Section, “Turn Available” side up.
but you may never pick fewer than two Crewmembers in total. • Each Crewmember draws a number of Section cards indicated on their
Crew board from their Section deck.
– If players fail to appoint at least two Crewmembers, the Security
• The Recon Section player chooses a Crewmember to receive
Section player makes the choice.
the Start token.
• Players place the chosen Crewmembers on their appropriate Crew
boards and fill the Crew boards with Section dice from their Section Log 76
Compartment. You may never have more dice than your board slots allow [CAPCOM]: Scout craft, do you copy? I repeat:
– and some of them require a particular Rank. Do you copy?!
• Each player places the starting number of Charges, represented
by markers, in the Charges slot on their Crew board. [SCOUT CRAFT]: [static noises]

3. Section Cards [voice in the background]: Sergeant Johnson…

we lost contact with the lander. No sign of emergency
• Players take all their Section cards and create Section decks of beacons either.
at least 10 cards. You may not use any cards that have a Rank higher
[CAPCOM]: Impossible… the calculations were correct.
than the Crewmember on your Crew board. Place the completed
The whole Science—
Section decks next to the Crew boards.
• Players draw their Section cards up to the limit printed on their Crew boards. [Captain Wayman]: Enough. This is a sad day
for Vanguard, and for every one of us. First, let’s
4. Rank-Up prepare a memorial ceremony for another brave soul this
• Do not draw a Rank-Up card. Crewmembers who survive the Vanguard ship has lost. A time for investigations will come later.
Defense will Rank-Up based on their performance in this scenario. Remove all Crewmembers on Crew boards from their sleeves
5. Equipment – they are now dead.

• Do not take any Equipment cards! The sudden nature of the attack caught Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander.
you unprepared – you will have to gather Equipment during the Mission. Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the Lander
card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side (unless it is
6. Record your current Planet board
a Basic Lander).
If there is no Planet board on the table, skip this step. Otherwise, check if Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
there is a Planet Record sheet for your current planet in “Recorded Planets” Ship Management.
(Card Tray B) and dispose of it. Then, take a blank Planet Record sheet and
fill it in as follows:
Log 77
• Write the name of the planet at the top. “Dahl’s marines wouldn’t give up. When pressed against
• For each Sector, write the number and name of any POI cards the wall, they began to lob plasma that was never meant
in that Sector. If there is more than one POI card, write the top one to to be used on Vanguard. The explosions soon blasted
the left. Mark if the Sector was Finished. through the walls and damaged the fuselage. The entire
• Write the number of each Unique Discovery still on the Planet board. section of the ship began to vent out. Many marines,
• Write the name and Sector number of any Threats still on the Planet and many of our own, were sucked out into space. I’ve
board. Then, return all Threat cards on the Planet board and their witnessed the Deadspeaker shot out of the ship like
matching standees to the box. a piece of space garbage – the last of the Arrogators
floating away into the eternal darkness. Despite this
Return all POI cards on the Planet board to “Points of Interest” mayhem, we managed to seal the corridor and break
(Card Tray A). Captain Wayman free. Still, considering our losses, we
Return all Unique Discovery cards on the Planet board to “Unique Discoveries” couldn’t help but feel we made two steps forward, but
(Card Tray A). one step back.”
Place the Planet Record sheet in “Recorded Planets” (Card Tray B). Mark box C in Log 930. Then, go to Log 403.
7. Planet Board
Log 79
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 20-21 (ISS Vanguard). “With Captain Wayman at our side, everything became so
• Set the Supplies track on the Planet board to 8. much easier. In our next move, we stormed the ship’s
• Take any remaining Available Crewmembers and Resting Crew of each bridge. The guards there did not dare to shoot at
Section and place them in the indicated spaces under the Planet board. Wayman, and the officers immediately accepted his
These Crewmembers will be able to contribute to your efforts command. Dahl lost control of the ship, and soon, her
– and may die if you choose to sacrifice them. own lieutenants brought her to us in handcuffs.”
• Add 2 markers to the Enemy Advantage slot on the right side of
Go to Log 403.
the Planet board.
• Shuffle the Event deck and place it next to the Planet board.
• Populate the right side of the Planet board with the indicated Unique Log 80
Discoveries (face down). We must decide if we should send exploration vessels to
• Take three G11 Global Conditions, shuffle them, and place them the asteroid, or ignore the operator’s recommendation
and send mining drones instead.
in a face up stack in the Global Conditions slot.
• Place card P244 in Sector 1. Place all Crewmember minis in this Sector. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
• Place card P233 in Sector 4 and place a Time token in the first slot of makes the final decision):
its Time Track.
» Send crewless explorers – Go to Log 126.
• Place card P235 in Sector 5. Then, place card P233 on top of it.
» Send mining drones – Go to Log 131.
• Place card P236 in Sector 6. Then, place card P233 on top of it
and place a Time token in the second slot of its Time Track.
• Place the M101 Mission card in the indicated slot next to the Planet
Log 81
board and read its text. “The skirmish in front of the captain’s cabin went
better than expected. We have managed to break Captain
• Shuffle all 5 Discovery decks separately and place them above the Planet
Wayman free and run away before Dahl’s marines could
board. If they are not already there, take them from Card Tray A.
overwhelm us. Still, there were losses. I noticed
• Place the Lead bag next to the Planet board. Ensure it contains
the captain’s solemn face as we retreated through
20 Lead tokens.
the same ground we captured. But only after we reached
• Place the Injuries deck to the right of the Planet board. If it isn’t already our safe place, and he sat heavily, his face in tears,
there, take it from Card Tray A. I understood how hard it was for him to see people he
personally accepted for the mission killing each other.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 13

“I never wished for things to get this far,” he said. [Away Team, Operative 1]: No. We’re skirting along
“I hope you can all forgive me.” the edge of the nebula.
Add 2 markers to the Victory Pool. Go to Log 403. [Captain Wayman]: These organisms are concentrating
around you, Away Team. Get the hell out of there, now!
Log 82 *** Engine sounds ***
[Captain Wayman]: Your signal is fading, Away Team.
[Away Team]: Aye. We’re breaking contact… no!
Is everything OK? We don’t want to lose another group
They are following us out of the nebula. Damn, those
down there.
things are fast!
*** Heavy static ***
[Vanguard AI]: Warning! Maximum safe
[Away Team]: … halfway through the sun’s corona. acceleration achieved.
Still a couple of hours from the… One of the null field
[Away Team]: We won’t outrun them!
generators burned up. We had to switch to a…
Go to Log 94.
*** Heavy static ***
[Captain Wayman]: Please, come back safely. Log 84
If your Lander has at least 5 and 5 and 5 , go to step 5. “Dahl’s marines wouldn’t give up. When pressed against
Otherwise, begin the landing procedure: the wall, they began to lob plasma that was never meant
to be used on Vanguard. The explosions soon blasted
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated through the walls and damaged the fuselage. The entire
with an “S” on the Landing track). section of the ship began to vent out. Many marines,
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled and many of our own, were sucked
result in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose out into space. Despite this mayhem, we managed to seal
one (you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare the corridor and break Captain Wayman free.
cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore Still, considering our losses, we couldn’t help but feel
that Injury card and Injury die. we made two steps forward, but one step back.”
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool and go to Log 79.
beyond the last space.
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, Log 85
go to step 5. Otherwise, go back to step 2. A B
5. If your currently open Planet board is Thorne-Zytkov Object
[Portal Operator]: Gateway to Visitors’ homeworld is
(pages 38-39), go to step 6. If your currently open Planet board opened. Connection stable.
is Builders’ Vault (pages 40-41) go to step 7.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re ready.
6. Shuffle all three G20 cards and place them face up
in the Global Conditions slot. Open the Ship Book at page 24 and [Away Team, Operative 2]: Any early readings?
perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure. What should we expect?
7. Go to Log 581. [Portal Operator]: Hard to tell. Stay suited, be wary,
and don’t attack anything unless you’re in grave danger.
Solar Flare Choose one: You’ll be on your own – we cannot promise we’ll be able
to maintain radio contact once you’re on the other side.
» Speed Through
If is 4 or more, [Captain Wayman]: Just so you know, Away Team. Any one
nothing happens. of you is still free to drop out. This is a volunteer
Otherwise,, each Crewmember rolls . only mission. No one will hold a grudge.

» Evasive Maneuver [Away Team, Operative 2]: Not an option, sir.

We’re going in.
Lose 3 Supplies reduced by .
[Captain Wayman]: Good luck. Remember: Pooling our
Thermal Shock Choose one:
research with any stele data gathered by the Visitors may
» Ignore be our only hope. Make a good first impression, will you?
Each Crewmember 4 reduced by .
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Roger that!
» Change the Approach Vector
• If you have a Lander prepared, discard it along with all Mods.
If is 3 or more, move the marker
• If you haven’t done it already, choose 5 Personal Equipment
1 space to the left on the Landing track.
and 2 Mission Equipment to take on this Mission.
Otherwise, move it 2 spaces to the left.
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 34-35 (Visitors' World).
Damaged Choose one: • Place a marker in slot 5 of the Supplies track.
Fuselage • In this Mission, you’ll gather Discoveries on the Planet board – you may
» Let the Lander Repair It
take up to 6 Discoveries back with you.
Each Crewmember rolls .
If boxes A and B are marked, go to Log 104.
» Repair It Yourself
One Crewmember rolls . If box A is marked, go to Log 101.
If none are marked, go to Log 91.
Log 83
[Away Team, Operative 1]: This is the Away Team. We’ve Log 86
decelerated and we’re now entering the nebular disc. If your Lander has at least 6 and 6 and 6 , go to Log 88.
It’s… actually, there’s remarkably little difference. Otherwise, begin the landing procedure:
I was expecting it to get dark.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space
[Dr. Corey]: The nebula stretches for millions
(indicated with an “S” on the Landing track).
of kilometers. It only looks opaque from the outside.
The organic particles are relatively sparse. 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
Could you take some samples? result in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose one
(you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare cases
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Copy that, doctor.
where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card
We’re getting ready to…
and Injury die.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Wait. Is it me, or did it get
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right),
darker? Are we heading deeper?
but not beyond the last space.
14 ISS Vanguard Logbook

4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, up by a straightforward digestive system and a set of
go to Log 88. Otherwise, go back to step 2. legs barely strong enough to lift the creature’s weight.
At first, I was mystified by the lack of any reproductive
Solar Flare Choose one: organs. I even started to suspect the beast could be
a clone or a bioengineered weapon. I couldn’t fathom
» Speed Through how it appeared on our ship and how its older sibling
If is 5 or more, ended up on Ugnir, lacking any capabilities for space
nothing happens. travel. Perhaps the only thing I was sure of is that it
Otherwise,, each Crewmember rolls . was not a native species – Ugnir’s ecosystem lacked
» Evasive Maneuver any intermediaries between primitive plants and these
Lose 5 Supplies reduced by . hulking beasts. Only when Captain Wayman gave me access
to classified video footage from the incident aboard
Thermal Shock Choose one: Vanguard – much to Major Dahl’s chagrin – did things
» Ignore begin to fall into place.
Each Crewmember 5 reduced by . The smaller Magnacereb that attacked our ship came from
our own biomass tanks, containing a liquid slush ready
» Change the Approach Vector
to be recycled into meals. One of the industrial cameras
If is 5 or more, move the marker 1
recorded its birth. As Vanguard was leaving the Ugnir’s
space to the left on the Landing track.
orbit, the biomass suddenly reorganized into a small
Otherwise, move it 2 spaces to the left.
ball of stem cells that kept growing and forming until
Damaged Choose one: less than 24 hours later, a young yet dangerous creature
Fuselage crawled onto the decks. I suspect this “miraculous”
» Let the Lander Repair It
conception was the doing of the older creature that we
Each Crewmember rolls . left on the planet – the scanner data I’ve accessed
» Repair It Yourself showed the older Magnacereb was focused entirely on
One Crewmember rolls . Vanguard, tracking our moves with its giant head even as
we departed from the orbit, and became invisible to its
Log 87 crude eyes.

• Discard the P233 card from your Sector. I believe we have met the first species to use telekinesis
• If there are no more P233 cards anywhere on the board, go to Log 164. as a part of its reproductive cycle. My initial studies
• If your Crewmember is now standing in a Sector with a revealed and autopsy data indicate that Magnacerebs colonize
Log number, resolve this Log. the stars by telepathically searching for objects with
abundant biomass. Once they locate a feasible place,
Log 88 they use their incredible telekinetic powers to shape
the matter into a reproductive cell, ready to split and
Personal Log, Crewmember #213 develop rapidly. Perhaps the one on Ugnir was fooled just
For the last part of our flight, the drive worked at full like us – instead of a rich ecosystem it could thrive in,
throttle to push us away from the neutron star. it ended up on a veritable desert, chock full of small
The gravity of this object was two billion times organic pebbles.
stronger than Earth’s. It took all the power of our There’s still much I want to learn about these species,
physics-bending null field and our supercharged engines but right now, I have asked our lead engineers to
just to stop us from smashing into the surface. prepare an early warning that would alert us to any
The touchdown was rough. Though the null field shielded more Magnacerebs coming to life on the ship.
us from most of the forces, our lander could still Note added [Wayman, N. – Commanding Officer]: I’ve
barely withstand the crushing gravity. decided to classify the Magnacereb data – the details
When we walked out of it, and set foot on the surface will be known only to select Security personnel.
of the star – harder than a diamond and smoother than The creature caused real havoc aboard, and the thought
glass – I tried not to think about the powers at play that a new one could spontaneously spring to life in
around us. We were inside a Red Giant. The temperatures any large biomass pool would be disturbing to our crew.
were in excess of seven thousand degrees Celsius. Gain 1 . If Research Project R11 (Telepathy) is in “Research Projects”,
The pressure was off the charts. The amount of gamma move it to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
radiation could fry us in a split second. If not
for the visual reconstruction software that powered
our visors, we would be blind – the gravity bent light
Log 90
itself in a way that would make it impossible for us to Open the Planetopedia at pages 38-39 (Thorne-Zytkov Object). If any other
see. Even the smallest malfunction of the null fields Planet board is on the table, remove all its cards from the game first – you will
on our mechasuits was enough to kill us instantly. not need them anymore.
I just wondered if the temperature and radiation Shuffle all three G20 cards and place them face up in the Global Conditions slot.
would annihilate our every living cell before gravity
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin
squashed and spread them thin over the neutronium
Planetary Exploration” procedure.
surface of the star.
Then, something caught my attention. Just a half-mile
from our landing zone, the scans showed a giant ramp
Log 91
Away Team’s Private Channel Transcript 58B
leading deeper under the surface – a corridor carved in
the densest matter of the universe. On both its sides, [Away Team, Operative 1]: Where the hell are we?
two large structures resembling vents stood, sucking [Away Team, Operative 2]: It seems… like hell,
in the hot plasma of the sun. I pulled up the digital to be frank.
spectrometer on my screen and started to take readings.
It was time to begin our job. [Away Team, Operative 3]: Shut up and run!
This mass of flesh is moving toward us!
Go to Log 90.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: What?!
Log 89 [Away Team, Operative 1]: [panting] Why am I not moving
Classified Autopsy File N93, Excerpt at all?

The codename our crew gave to this specimen is [Away Team, Operative 3]: You’re running away
“Magnacereb.” A staggering 75 percent of its body mass from us! Stop!
comes from an oversized cerebrum packed with unusually [Away Team, Operative 1]: I’m right behind you!
dense cells that resemble neurons. The rest is taken
ISS Vanguard Logbook 15

[Away Team, Operative 3]: Huh?! Right… but why do I see [Away Team, Operative 3]: Wait, stop! STOP IT.
your back before me? And… my own back?
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Why should we?
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Nice. An Escher-style hell. It’s melting them like butter.
Place P370 in Sector 1, P371 in Sector 2, and P373 in Sector 3. [Away Team, Operative 3]: Look to the sides!
Place all Crewmembers in Sector 1. More clouds are approaching, it’s almost as if—
Find Mission card M170 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team! Cease fire!
Find Global Condition G28 and place it in the Global Conditions slot These creatures are drawn to high-energy signatures.
They’re speeding up and converging on you
on the Planet board.
from all Locations.
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin
[Away Team, Operative 2]: They’re in front
Planetary Exploration” procedure.
of us too!

Log 92 [Away Team, Operative 1]: Evade! Evade.

“The circular section of the floor began to tilt. *** Alerts ***
Eventually, it flipped horizontally, 180 degrees.
*** Loud thud ***
What was above it, now hung below – and vice versa.”
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, do you hear us?
If card P435 (Searing Plasma Jet) is in Sector 2 or if there’s no card in this Sector
We’ve lost your signal in the cloud. Away Team,
(other than the printed one): can you respond?
• Replace any cards in Sector 2 with card P434. Then, if card P436 Mark one box in Log 925. Important: Marking all three boxes there will
(Charging Plasma Jet) is in Sector 3, discard card P436. cause the destruction of your Lander.
• Replace any cards in Sector 4 with card P439.
• Any Crewmembers in Sector 2 may be placed in Sector 4. Each Crewmember rolls . Then, go to Log 119.
Any Crewmembers in Sector 4 may be placed in Sector 2.
If card P434 (Deflected Plasma Jet) is in Sector 2:
Log 97
After-Action Review 3B226, Excerpt
• Replace it with card P435. “The Away Team increased the Ladner’s throttle
• Place card P436 atop any cards in Sector 3. over the recommended limits and tried to outrun
• Replace any cards in Sector 4 with card P438. the approaching shoals of microorganisms. Life sign
• Any Crewmembers in Sector 2 may be placed in Sector 4. sensors in suits 1 and 2 recorded a potentially
Any Crewmembers in Sector 4 may be placed in Sector 2. dangerous spike in g-force. At the same time, Vanguard’s
• Hint: The keystone is now under the floor and the plasma jet can travel sensors recorded increased activity in the shoal. It
further, hitting and charging the door at the end of the hallway. Please seemed like the Lander’s engines, glowing white from
note that touching the keystone again will cause it to flip back up and overheating, fascinated them. The microorganisms
block the plasma jet! increased their speed, emitting quick, powerful bursts
of energy, and began to catch up with the Lander. At
If card P433 (Upturned Keystone) is in Sector 2:
the same time, the crew had to reduce their acceleration
• Discard card P433. back to the safe limits. Two and a half minutes later,
• Replace any cards in Sector 4 with card P439. the agitated shoals crashed into the Lander and covered
• Any Crewmembers in Sector 2 may be placed in Sector 4. it on all sides with a thickening layer, their own gamma
Any Crewmembers in Sector 4 may be placed in Sector 2. emissions blocking any signals from the inside.”
Mark one box in Log 925. Important: Marking all three boxes there will
Log 94 cause the destruction of your Lander.
All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Security Section Each Crewmember rolls . Then, go to Log 119.
player makes the final decision:
» Turn around and shoot the approaching shoal – Maybe Log 98
the barrage will disperse them? Go to Log 96. “The entire circular section of the floor bearing
» Accelerate beyond safe limits – Our bodies should be able to the keystone began to tilt quickly. This caught me by
handle a short spike of g-force! Go to Log 97. surprise. I fell into the darkness under the floor.”
» Turn everything off and drift in the void – Maybe, once all power
Place card P433 in Sector 2. Place card P438 in Sector 4. Place your
signatures are gone, the creatures will lose interest? Go to Log 119.
Crewmember and any Assisting Crewmembers from your Sector in Sector 4.

Log 95 Log 99
“The entire circular section of the floor bearing
Operator’s Log 74C
the keystone began to tilt quickly. Fortunately,
we knew something was bound to happen here and tried Our drones encountered crystalline structures under
to jump back…” the mineral crust. When we tried to take samples,
something emitted a strong EM pulse and disabled our
Immediately resolve a Dice Check – you may not use any
machines. Next time, we recommend a thorough survey of
Dice Combinations in this Dice Check.
the area with explorer probes before we commence any
Jump Away! mining operations.
= Gain 1 Mineral Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”

+ Go to Log 122.
Log 100
Go to Log 98. Research Log 18C
When analyzing the message, we discovered that the order

Log 96 in which the Builders placed worlds on their list wasn’t

accidental. Though at a different distance from the Eye
*** Engine noise *** of the Void, they form an ideal chain for gravitational
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Light them up, crew! slingshots to accelerate the journey through them.
Using this information, we were able to develop an idea
*** Gun blasts *** for an improved bridge starmap, which would make our
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Yeah, take that, journey more efficient.
you space sludge!
There was also one thing that began to greatly disturb
*** Gun blasts *** some members of the Security section. The Earth was too
far from the Eye of the Void for our 20th-century radio
16 ISS Vanguard Logbook

and TV broadcasts to reach it. It had to intercept them There was nothing to gather and nothing from which
in some other way – we believe the most likely answer to run. The only thing awaiting us on Atropos was
is the Builders left an object hidden deep in our a long, silent walk between eons-old tombs – each
solar system. We have sent an FTL probe with a message brimming with burial pods – toward a stele resting
to Earth, advising them to look for this hidden atop a dead mountain. As xenolinguists aboard Vanguard
observer, but it will take a long while for the probe quickly determined, the central glyph of the stele
to reach them… meant “preserve.”
On a more private note, I noticed a worrying trend. Only later, with this world left behind us, did we learn
Some crewmembers are growing increasingly obsessed with what happened. A deeply spiritual civilization rose here,
the Builders and their plans… under the thick atmosphere of Atropos, with no other
stars, and without knowledge of the universe beyond. Its
Move the B07 Bridge Upgrade (Advanced Starmap) from “Bridge Cards”
priests and philosophers misread the stele’s glyph. We’re
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
confident the Builders meant to inspire them to conserve
Move the R07 Research Project (Extreme Biome Survival) from and preserve everything worth saving on their world and
“Research Projects” to the “Awaiting…” envelope. worlds beyond. Instead, the Atropians believed the glyph
Shuffle the S11 Ship Situation (Builders’ Cult) from “Future Situations” ordered them to preserve themselves for the afterlife.
into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B). To each of them, there was nothing more important than
protecting their own body for eternity. As centuries
Log 101 passed, most of the resources of the planets were
expended on building magnificent tombs for the ever-
Away Team’s Private Channel growing cohort of the dead. And once space travel
[Operative 1]: The last Away Team was lost in this was discovered, instead of exploring it, Atropians
dimension. We need to prioritize building an outpost. sought to protect themselves from hypothetical tomb
Without it, we’ll end up just like them! raiders and thieves, turning their entire planet into
a guarded mausoleum.
[Operative 2]: Let’s not make the same stupid mistake.
Finally, they dwindled, the last of them perishing
[Operative 1]: They left us a map of the strange Möbius on a desolate world of graves, awaiting the afterlife
space so we could find a way out. they believed the Builders had promised them.
If we survive, it’ll be because of their sacrifice. They
deserve honor, not condemnation! At least they achieved one thing: The dread vistas of
this dead world will last forever – in the detailed
• Find all three POI P382 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up recordings of our explorers and in the few mementos
in Sector 2. we’ve managed to bring from this place.
• Find all three POI P383 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
in Sector 3. Remove the Atropos Landing card (L5) from the game. Mark the topmost
• Find all three POI P384 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up unmarked box and resolve its text:
in Sector 1. Gain 4 , 1 Alien Tech Discovery and Unique Discovery 5.
• If card P374 (Stable Environment) is not in Sector 4, place it there. Gain 1 more for all Rank 2 and 3 Crewmembers who played
• Place all Crewmembers in Sector 4. in this Exploration. All Rank 1 Crewmembers who played in this
• Find Mission Cards M171 and M172 and place them in the Mission slots Exploration Rank-Up.
on the Planet board.
• Find all three Global Conditions G29, shuffle them, and place them Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
in a face up pile in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board. Ship Management.
• Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
Exploration” procedure. Log 104
Letters from Escher’s Hell
Log 102 Why am I here again? I haven’t even left our safe
“Our plan was simple: We pretended to raise a mutiny outpost, sheltered with cutting-edge technology, and
in a distant aft part of the ship, and as soon as Dahl I’m already sick of this place. So close to the portal
took most of her loyalists to control the situation, from home, and my weary body drags me toward it. I want
we stormed the bridge.” to go home. I don’t want to feel my intestines twist to
the rhythm of this strange reality. My eyes won’t stand
Mark box B in Log 950.
the torture of false perspective, looking at the back of
If box A in Log 930 is marked, go to Log 117. Otherwise, go to Log 110. my own head. Still, I’m the best one here. I’m the one
who survived this place. I must leave this safe haven
Log 103 and do what humanity needs me to do.
Away Team Exploration Report 419D • Find all three POI P382 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
When we cleared the final shield gap, we were ecstatic. in Sector 2.
After all, if some alien species constructed an obstacle • Find all three POI P383 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
this elaborate, it must protect something precious. in Sector 3.
As we descended into the lower levels of the atmosphere, • Find all three POI P384 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
the first thing we noticed was a collection of elongated in Sector 1.
objects floating toward our lander in a long line. We • Place all Crewmembers in Sector 4.
thought this was a welcoming committee – a flock of • Find Mission card M172 and place it in the Mission slot
curious Atropians. However, as the objects floated past on the Planet board.
us through the clouds, the scans revealed a bone- • Find all three Global Conditions G29, shuffle them, and place them
chilling truth. They were coffins, each containing in a face up pile in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board.
a perfectly preserved alien body. As we descended • Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
through the thick atmosphere, we flew past more and more Exploration” procedure.
morbid swarms like this one. Finally, the veil of hazy
air lifted, and we saw the surface – all covered with
ancient tombs, as far as the eye could see.
Log 105
We’re too late. There’s nothing left of this ecosystem!
We touched down between their giant facades that shaded
Replace the card in Sector 2 with card P000.
our landing zone, and we quickly learned there
was nothing here. No flora or fauna. No minerals or Discard 2 .
discoveries. Only the tombs and the dead – every square Discard Mission card M35.
mile of the planet turned into a giant cemetery in
a process that spanned half a million years, according
to preliminary scans.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 17

Log 106 Log 109

After-action Report 76 Even though we didn’t see its face, we could tell
from the slumping posture of the creature that it was
Yes, I was close to the Core when that happened. Me and
disappointed. It stayed motionless for a while, and then
my buddies were one of the last to arrive. When we came
began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate.
to the Core, the place was almost entirely overrun, with
just a couple fireteams barely holding the immediate Go to Log 336.
vicinity of the generator. We literally sprinted through
the Arrogators, fired at from all the sides, to take
positions around the Core. That’s when we saw Captain
Log 110
“The time of our bridge assault drew near, with teams
Wayman: He was half-sitting with his back against
hidden near entrances and diversion groups scattered
the Core, a gaping hole in his chest. I think he’d
across the ship. We were almost ready to make our move
noticed us coming and smiled. I really think so. Maybe
when Anu suddenly appeared and wished to speak to us.
he thought it was some larger force coming to the rescue?
She begged us not to kill one another over abstract
But there were only six of us, and we soon took losses.
differences in our worldview. Instead of violence and
The enemy pushed from all the sides, outflanking our
bloodshed, she had another solution: Making use of her
cover, forcing us to abandon it piece by piece. Soon,
bridge pass, she could enter and detonate non-lethal
we had literally nowhere to go. I thought ISS Vanguard
Idemian gas grenades, designed to incapacitate the feline
was lost. I really did. Then, something came from behind
predators of her planet. This would allow us to take
us, its tentacles brushing against my shoulders. I don’t
the bridge without firing a single shot. The only problem
know if it walked or flew – it barely touched the ground.
was the nerve agent in the grenades was never tested on
The Arrogators seemed shocked, but they fired again. These
humans. Despite her assurances that it was safe, we had
new creatures responded with strange weapons that spewed
no way of telling how long it would work or whether it
various corrosive compounds. I couldn’t understand
wouldn’t leave Vanguard without most of its bridge crew
where they came from. Then I turned back to the Core
in the middle of a tense situation.”
just as one of them emerged from the blinding light
of Vanguard’s Core, as if it were some kind of portal. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
More came in from behind, and I swear that for a minute player makes the final decision):
I glimpsed some other place, with red, pulsating walls,
» Accept Idemian help and gas the bridge – Go to Log 120.
somewhere beyond the Core.
» Decline and storm the bridge without any help – Go to Log 117.
But what struck me most was the symbol emblazoned
on the creatures’ rounded armor plates – the same symbol
found on the alien ship that became the foundation
Log 111
“As soon as the bridge was ours, we sent a message
of ISS Vanguard, one later repurposed as the Vanguard
across the intercom and all frequencies, asking other
Initiative logo. It was the same symbol on my badge
crew members to come to our aid and stop Major Dahl.
and dog tags. That’s when I knew: The old owners of
Nervous minutes of silence followed.”
the Core decided to step in. We didn’t want them to take
the brunt of the fighting. We regrouped and pushed forward Check if the box is marked in Log 922 or 924. If any of them is marked,
with our new allies. go to Log 169. Otherwise, go to Log 216.
If Mission card M102 is still revealed, go to Log 108.
If Mission card M102 is no longer revealed, go to Log 149.
Log 112
[Away Team]: I’m entering the subsurface. It seems

Log 107 the external shell of the sphere rests on a mesh of

something that looks like carbon filaments. Just about
Conversations with the Strange large enough to squeeze through… I think I can use them
Only one of us was let into the spacecraft. The ascetic to reach the other parts of this sector.
interior made me feel claustrophobic: walls were dark [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Be careful, there’s no telling
gray, some part of me touched a surface at all times. how this structure—
Until I acclimatized myself to this small cage drifting
[Away Team]: Damn.
through space, I was hitting myself on the head, knee,
or elbow. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Away Team One, I see your
heart rate spiking. What’s going on?
The Idemian, calm like a rock, moved with grace.
We started to talk. At first, I tried using my AI, [Away Team]: I seem to be… stuck.
but the Idemian asked me to turn it off. So, we
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: There’s no one who could
used our different languages and incomprehensible
assist you at this time. Can you free yourself?
body movements, but suddenly it all started to make
sense. Soon, despite not understanding a single word, [Away Team]: I’ll try, Vanguard. Away Team Out.
I understood the message.
You failed. However, in ISS Vanguard, this isn’t always a bad thing. Some
We spent many hours exchanging worldviews, emotions, negative outcomes may open up new possibilities and storylines that are only
andconcepts. In the end, I felt the Idemian was grateful available after a failure.
for my time, and they offered me the device that allowed
Choose one:
us to have this profound comprehension of each other.
» Slowly work your way down – + + and place your
As another parting gift, the Idemian gave me
Crewmember, and any Assisting Crewmembers, in Sector 4.
coordinates to a nearby comet we might harvest
» Call for help – If there is another Crewmember in this Sector,
for additional energy supplies.
they may to help you. If they do, place your Crewmember,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: and the Crewmember who helped you, in Sector 4.
» Use tools to cut yourself out – Roll . After applying the results
Move card E42 (Xenoanalyser)
Xenoanalyser from “Unavailable Equipment”
of this roll, place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
to “Armory” and gain 3 .
Reminder: During your Turn, whenever you enter a Sector that contains
Log 108 a Log redirection, you should immediately read this Log. In this case,
Replace the card in Sector 2 with card P243. read Log 311 as soon as you enter Sector 4.
18 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 113 • Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with a
or or converter from their hand and place them in the Roll Pool.
Operator’s Journal
• Count the number of or or or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
These rocks are cursed! But here we are, mining them add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 10 or more
again. I’ve already registered a complaint – of course, points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
they ignored it. What a waste of resources! additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
You may Assign 1 Crewmember to gain 1 Mineral Discovery and move it to • Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
“Gathered Discoveries.” in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to
Log 114 their Available Crewmembers.
Mark this box. If it was already marked, go to Log 134. • If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise:
Otherwise, read on. If you have 9 or fewer points: Go to Log 176.
Away Team Exploration Report TF/29 If you have 10 or more points: Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool
When we reached the broken top of the mound, we noticed and go to Log 111.
it was no longer deserted! We found fresh trails of
mites, leading into its depths. We followed, only to Log 118
discover a large chamber, full of old, dried-out larvae. [Away Team]: This is the Away Team. We're now close to
The mites present in the chamber regurgitated some the sun, following a shoal of migrating microorganisms.
strange, greenish substance into a pit in the middle They’re decelerating and spreading out. There's
of the room, taking great care not to waste a single a significant increase in background temperature.
drop. Then, they submerged larva in the substance, one Spectrometry reveals several chemical reactions
by one. Remote scans show an extremely complex organic happening within them.
composition to the slime. Taking samples could be
[Dr. Corey]: Yes. This is in line with my initial
profitable but risky.
findings. Most likely, the organism needs to approach
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section the sun because one of the phases of its life cycle
player makes the final decision): requires the amount of energy or ultraviolet radiation
» Take samples – Gain Unique Discovery 33 (Royal Jelly) that's impossible to achieve in the nebula. Then—
and go to Log 148. [Away Team]: Wait! Something's happening. They're
» Don’t risk it – End this Log. breaking off!

Log 115 [Dr. Corey]: As expected. After finishing whatever they

come here to do, the creatures return to the darkness
[Major Dahl]: Good morning, crew! The planet you’re of the nebula.
about to explore was marked by Builders as one of
the cradles. It’s bustling with life – but also [Away Team]: No! They're not going toward the nebula.
dangerous. The Captain asked me to teach you about all They're coming toward us. More and more of them!
known hazards before you move in. [Captain Wayman]: Away Team, get the hell out.
*** Click! *** I repeat, abort the approach.

[Major Dahl]: Be extremely cautious and watch *** Engine sounds ***
the oxygen levels – the planet’s atmosphere encourages [Away Team]: Aye. We're breaking contact. Damn, those
flash fires. In some areas, all it takes is one spark of things are fast!
static electricity.
[Vanguard AI]: Warning! Maximum safe
*** Click! *** acceleration achieved.
[Major Dahl]: We also detect many complex life forms. [Away Team]: We won't outrun them!
The abundance of oxygen means their metabolism can be
much faster than in any of the earth’s flora and fauna. Go to Log 94.
They may surprise you with their speed or strength.
*** Click! *** Log 119
*** Metallic creaking of the hull ***
[Major Dahl]: Since we’re still not sure what to expect
down there, your mission is just to scout the planet’s [Away Team, Operative 1]: This is the Away Team! These
outer layers and bring as many samples as you can. creatures are all over the lander.
Do you read us, Vanguard?
Place card P130 atop any cards in Sector 1. Place the Lander in Sector 1.
*** Radio static ***
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
Exploration” procedure. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard, are you there?
They’re crushing our hull, trying to get inside.
Log 116 Please advise, over!
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, *** Radio static ***
resolve the bottom one.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: It’s no use. There’s just
Go to Log 99. too many of them and they cause too much distortion.
The signals won’t get past them.
Go to Log 80.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: So, what should we do?
Go to Log 113. *** Metallic creaking of the hull ***

Log 117 [Away Team, Operative 2]: Whatever we do,

we should do it fast.
“No-one answered our calls. We were alone in this.
Soon, we decided to make our move regardless – we would Each Crewmember draws a number of Section cards indicated by their
either bring down Dahl, or die trying.” Crew board. You may only use these cards in special Dice Checks that may
happen during this Landing depending on your choices. These Section cards
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers. and dice on Crew boards will not be Refreshed between the checks!
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks.
Divide all Equipment cards on the Lander between the Crewmembers.
Any Crewmembers used in this check may die. Depending on your choices,
you may face several more checks in this part of the story. Any cards that refer to anything not present on the table (for example: cards
that let you draw Leads, or move to other Sectors) will have no effect during
Perform the following steps:
this Landing.
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
Go to Log 123.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 19

Log 120 [Mission Time 00:08:54]

“We let Anu carry out her plan. She calmly entered There’s a blinding flash that knocks all explorers
the bridge and detonated her grenades. The bridge offline. Vanguard’s sensors receive a strong EM pulse,
personnel were so surprised they barely had a chance and we observe a powerful explosion that rips apart
to twitch before they each collapsed to the deck, the asteroid belt. To find out what happened, we must
unconscious. As soon as the room was safe to enter analyze all data about the crystalline fiber sent by
again, Anu opened the doors for us. Carefully probe prior to its destruction.
stepping over the bodies of the officers, we took Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”
control of all consoles.”
Mark box G in Log 930 and add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. Log 127
Then, go to Log 111. If this box is already marked, the Log ends. Otherwise, mark this box
and read on:
Log 121 [Captain Wayman]: Fireteam Alpha, your lander won’t
Visitors’ World: Research Notes #3 take more punishment. Retreat to repair and rearm.
We still can’t be sure if these conducting structures *** Alert sounds ***
are natural nerves or bioengineered cables, although
[Lander AI]: Critical damage detected!
we do know that they are hazardous – they conduct
electricity of the same amperage as Earth’s main power [Fireteam Alpha]: No. I got him. I got him.
lines, but without any insulation. They can easily harm I just need to…
us if we’re not careful. Apart from that, they seem to *** Explosion ***
affect surrounding tissues and even non-organic matter
in many ways. If we didn’t have to constantly run, we [Captain Wayman]: Fireteam Alpha, do you read us?
should closely examine such structures, as they may We lost your signal. Fireteam Alpha?
lead us to a better understanding of this world. [Fireteam Alpha]: … yee-haw! Scratch this one off, Cap.
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: *** Loud cheering ***

Gain 1 . [Captain Wayman]: Congratulations, Fireteam Alpha.

That was outstanding!
Log 122 • Remove 2 markers from the Enemy Advantage slot.
“In front of us, the circular section of the floor flipped • Remove the Bombardment Threat card and standee from the board.
horizontally, 180 degrees. The keystone was now hanging • Discard card P241 (Arrogator Cruiser) from Sector 8.
under the floor, and in front of us, there was a small • Gain Unique Discovery 8.
control panel with a single large button.” • Discard the M103 Mission card.
Place card P433 in Sector 2. Place card P438 in Sector 4. • Gain 1 .
Any Crewmembers in Sector 2 may be placed in Sector 4. • Remove the Lander standee from Sector 8.
Any Crewmembers in Sector 4 may be placed in Sector 2. • Place all Crewmembers from Sector 8 back in Sector 4.

Log 123 Log 128

All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Recon Section player • Place card P441 in Sector 6.
makes the final choice: • Place card P442 in Sector 7.
• Place card P443 in Sector 8.
» Try to restore communication – We could try to boost the signal • Place card P440 in this Sector.
enough to get past the creatures surrounding us. Go to Log 146.
» Obtain a sample from the creatures – While risky,
it would allow us to study them more easily. Go to Log 624.
Log 129
Away Team’s Private Channel
» Wait for Vanguard to save us – They must see we’re in trouble!
Go to Log 645. [Operative 1]: I’m tired of climbing.
[Operative 2]: Huh?! We were descending this whole time!
Log 124 [Operative 1]: Quit joking. You—
The way is open now! Replace the card in Sector 3 with card P437.
[Operative 3]: He’s not joking – we’re descending.
Place the Guardian Metahedron Threat card in the indicated slot on top
of the Planet board. Place the Adaptive Shield Threat card in the indicated [Operative 2]: Wait! Finally, a change of landscape! And
slot on top of the Planet board. now, we’re climbing.

Place the Guardian Metahedron standee in Sector 5. [Operative 1]: You’re trying to pull my leg, are you?
I see real well we’re going down the slope now…
Log 125 Remove all POI cards from Sectors 1, 2, and 3. Replace the POI in your Sector
If you’re playing Brimstone go to Log 42. with P372. Replace the POI in Sector connected to your Sector and indicated
Otherwise, gain a Wounded Injury. by a white arrowhead with P371. Replace the POI in the Sector connected to
your Sector and indicated by a black arrowhead with P373.
Log 126
[Mission Time 00:03:27] Log 130
If your current Mission card is M03, go to Log 133.
The probe approaches the broken crust. The remains
of the mining machines float nearby, their circuits Otherwise, go to Log 132.
fried beyond repair. The crystalline structure inside
the fracture resembles optical fibers – it’s cracked Log 131
in several places. We intercept EM radiation leaking Operator’s Log
through the cracks. Preliminary theory: These asteroids
We mine carefully, trying to avoid the strange
are parts of a machine covered in a mineral crust. Data
crystalline structures, as we can’t afford to lose more
sent to further analysis.
machines. It works well enough – soon, our transporters
[Mission Time 00:08:52] are loaded with rare minerals and even some research
The explorer approaches a symmetrical rock structure samples.
to scrape off the outer layer of minerals. Underneath, Two transporters lift off; one more approaches
there’s a power source or something similar – sensors the asteroids to get the last part of cargo.
catch an increasing electric activity…
20 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Something happens when it lands – the crust trembles If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
and cracks. Suddenly, the machines stop responding.
The blast that follows is blinding! Move card A18 (Alien Nav Console) from “Lander Mods”
(Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
More equipment lost. Recon will kill me.
Then, you may Assign 3 Crewmembers to gain 1 Microorganism Discovery.
Gain 1 Mineral Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”

Log 132 Log 139

How do you want to arrange the parts? All players discuss and choose one:
You’re getting too far from your objective! You cannot progress deeper into
the sphere until you complete your Mission.
Move your Crewmember back to Sector 4. Then, continue your turn.

Log 133
Away Team Exploration Report 16C
One of the technical corridors eventually led us
to a small balcony attached to the inner part of
the sphere. We gasped, looking upon the enormous space
contained within the object. Before us, a derelict » Go to Log 143. » Go to Log 150. » Go to Log 177.
of an entire solar system floated inside the sphere,
its sun red and tired.
We took preliminary readings and scans. It seemed
apparent that the matter of this system – and probably
many neighboring ones – was repurposed to build this
enormous structure. But why go through all this trouble
only to hide an old Red Giant and some mined-out rocks?
The inside of the sphere is covered with solar panels,
aiming at the sun, yet all corridors and terminals
we’ve seen so far are dead. Did something break in
the circuitry of this part of the sphere? And can we » Go to Log 182. » Go to Log 185. » Go to Log 190.
fix it?
Place a random card P000 face up in this Sector.
Log 140
The deposit is extremely abundant,
Gain 1 . but not exceptionally large.

Log 134 Mark the first unmarked box and continue the game. If all boxes
Go to Log 148. are now marked, read on:
We’ve exhausted the deposit.
Log 135 Gain the top Unique Discovery on the Planet board (if there are any).
• Discard card P432 (Focusing Iris) from Sector 1. Then, replace the POI in this Sector with card P011.
• If card P434 (Deflected Plasma Jet) is in Sector 2, discard it.
• If card P435 (Searing Plasma Jet) is in Sector 2, replace it with card P433. Log 141
• If card P436 (Charging Plasma Jet) is in Sector 3, discard it. Away Team’s Private Channel

Log 136 [Operative 1]: Am I going insane, or is this whole

world insane?
• Each Crewmember in Sector 8 gains a Critically Wounded Injury.
• Place all Crewmembers from Sector 8 in Sector 4. [Operative 2]: Yes to both. But what do you mean?
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the [Operative 1]: Look up – you see the same landscape
Lander card representing the Lander in Sector 8 to the Damaged side before us. And behind us.
(unless it is a Basic Lander).
[Operative 2]: Ummm…
• Remove the Lander standee from Sector 8.
• Add 1 marker to the Enemy Advantage slot. [Operative 1]: Um, indeed. Also, I think it’s the horizon
that moves while the loop stays in the same place.
Log 137 [Operative 2]: Relative motion?
Hint: Observe how the environment changes when you navigate [Operative 1]: I’m not sure…
this strange place.
If you’re in Sector:
All players discuss and choose one:
1 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 2. Make sure that
» Move with the synapses’ flow (follow the black arrow) POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 2, and POI P372 (Membranous Passage)
– Go to Log 141. is in Sector 3. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
» Move sideways, trying to reach the top of the bent horizon;
2 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 3. Make sure that
it may completely change our perspective – Go to Log 129.
POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 3, and POI P372 (Membranous Passage)
is in Sector 1. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
Log 138 3 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 1. Make sure that
Kelu-8 Organic Cloud Research Summary
POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 1, and POI P372 (Membranous Passage)
We expected the cloud to be remnants of a space battle, is in Sector 2. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
an organism launched into space, or the corpse of
something that died out here. It appears that it’s
actually a cloud of encapsulated microorganisms
Log 142
• Place card P234 in your Sector, if it’s not there yet.
that somehow slowly navigate through the vast cosmos
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip one
and leave their spores on every planet they pass. Their
ability to organically find their way across the vast
chosen Lander other than Basic Lander to the Damaged side.
space without coming in contact with any danger • If the sum of Ranks of your chosen Crewmembers is 4 or more,
inspired a breakthrough in our navigation systems. progress the green track on card P241 (Arrogator Cruiser)
in Sector 8 by two.
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Security or Recon Section,
progress the green track on card P241 (Arrogator Cruiser)
in Sector 8 by one.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 21

• For every chosen Crewmember who has a or or converter on that seemed to warn other mites of danger – and with
their Crewmember card, progress the green track on card P241 every meeting, they grew increasingly aggressive. We knew
in Sector 8 by one. it was only a matter of time before things turned ugly.
• Place all of the chosen Crewmembers in the “Casualties” slot If a marker is in the final Time Track slot of the Close Encounter
on the edge of the Planet board. Global Condition, reset this track.
If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome: your chosen Then, resolve the top unmarked effect and mark it. If all slots are marked,
Crewmembers reached their objective and died. Go to Log 590. resolve the bottom one.
If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome:
The mites begin to notice our presence.
your chosen Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died. You have
We must tread lightly!
to send another team to finish the work! Go to Log 607.
We must walk around an unfriendly group of
Log 143 mites. Each Crewmember in this Sector .
Go to Log 217.
The mites try to chase us away. Each Crewmember in
Log 144 this Sector + .
History of Dimensional Technology Research, Excerpt They pursue us with clearly hostile intentions.
Among many other findings on the Visitors' Homeworld, our Each Crewmember in this Sector is immediately placed
Away Team has recovered an object that eventually led in another connected Sector of their choice and rolls .
us to a better understanding of additional dimensions
hidden from our senses – and how they interact with The mites assault us! Each Crewmember in this Sector
those we perceive. This was our first real step in immediately makes the Dice Check below, in the following order:
developing an entirely new branch of technology. Of Security, Recon, Science, Engineering.
course, back then, we still had no idea how much work
this technology would require and how instrumental + Nothing happens.
it would be to Vanguard’s success. And it wasn’t even
the last thing recovered during that mission… Gain a Wounded injury.

If the R20 Research Project (Subspace Physics) is in “Research Projects,”

move it to the “Awaiting…” envelope. Log 149
Doctor Corey’s Personal Diary, Entry 213
Otherwise, gain 1 and 1 Alien Tech Discovery.
Then, go to Log 752. We’ve won, but there was no cheering. When the smoke
cleared, and we began to tally our losses, reality began
Log 145 to sink in. We’ve lost many good friends and co-workers,
CAPCOM officer Nahy, and my dear friend, SAR pilot
Return Unique Discovery 35 and 38 to “Unique Discoveries.” Then, discard Marquez. Captain Wayman was critically wounded, and –
all Missions. Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) judging from the looks I’ve seen on the faces of our
and begin Ship Management. trauma team – was not long for this world. We were left
grieving on a limping, damaged ship, unable to return
Log 146 home, and unable to reach any place other than a couple
*** Loud static *** of nearby systems. Many, including me, feared this was
the end of ISS Vanguard and its mission…
[Away Team, Operative 1]: No use. Each of these
microorganisms is a small reactor. They create enough You have completed the Mission!
energy and radiation to block any signals
• Gain Unique Discovery 11.
in such a mass.
• Count the number of markers in the Enemy Advantage slot.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Wait, did you say radiation? Add22points
Add pointsfor each
for eachCrewmember
in in the “Casualties”
the “Casualties” slotslot
to to
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Yep. I hope you did not plan the left of the Planet board. Subtract 1 point for each . Check
to have any kids… the final score and apply the appropriate result from the table below.

[Away Team, Operative 2]: Right. I think we could – 16 or more – No Crewmembers Rank-Up!
do something to boost our signal output. We need to – 5 - 15 – All Rank 1 Crewmembers who played in this Exploration
reroute the power, remove the protective limits on Rank-Up. If a Section had no Crewmembers in this Exploration,
the antenna, reprogram the comms computer… one chosen Rank 1 Crewmember in this Section may Rank-Up.
– 4 or fewer – All Rank 1 and Rank 2 Crewmembers who played in
*** Metallic creaking ***
this Exploration Rank-Up. If a Section had no Crewmembers in this
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Any chance we can get this Exploration, one chosen Rank 1 or Rank 2 Crewmember in this
done in time? Section may Rank-Up.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Yes. Go to Log 158.
*** Metallic creaking ***
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Probably.
Log 150
Go to Log 217.
All players discuss and choose one Crewmember that you think is best
suited for tinkering with the Lander’s high tech equipment. In case of a tie, Log 151
the Engineering Section player makes the final decision. Then, go to Log 167. Away Team’s Private Channel

Log 147 [Operative 1]: Stop!

Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, [Operative 2]: We must examine them. Otherwise, we’ll
resolve the bottom one. know nothing!
[Operative 1]: Damn. The systems of this room are on!
– Go to Log 772.
[Operative 2]: We must examine them! If this ship
– Go to Log 756. falls, it’s all lost. All this knowledge! Their story!
[Operative 1]: Argh!
Log 148 [Operative 2]: Are you alright?
After-Action Incident Report 96/F
[Operative 1]: Damned tremors! I’m ok. Told you it’s
We quickly learned our scent and appearance irritated dangerous!
the mites. Each time we met, they released pheromones
22 ISS Vanguard Logbook

[Operative 2]: Maybe, but see? Something opened.

It leads to… oh… more corpses. Log 157
After-action Report 77
• Remove Landing card L12 from the Scanner and remove it from the game.
• Replace this POI card with card P297. We fought beside, and under, these weird, tentacled
• Discard Mission card M130 and reveal Mission card M131. creatures. My crewmates say the Arrogators were soon
gone, but I did not get to see that – or the moment
Log 152 creatures returned through their portal, leaving almost
no traces behind. In the last moments of fighting around
[Away Team]: We’ve found many interesting parts and one the Core, I was hit by an Arrogator beam. The next
curious alien module. thing I remember, I woke up here, in Medbay. What day
[CAPCOM]: … did you say it was?
[Away Team]: Do you copy, Vanguard? Discard Mission card M102.
[CAPCOM]: Copy that, Away Team. Sorry, I didn’t realize Go to Log 149.
you were waiting for praise. Excellent job!
[Away Team]: … Log 158
• Return any P001 and P000 cards from the Planet board
Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery and Unique Discovery 10. Replace this POI
to “Points of Interest.”
with card P141.
• Remove all Mission cards, Global Condition cards and other POI cards
Shuffle the S12 Ship Situation (Illegal Drugs) from “Future Situations” into left on the Planet board from the game.
the “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B) – the Discovery’s research data • Take all Crewmember cards from the “Casualties” slot. Place these
leaked from the Science laboratories and was used by ill-willed people. Crewmembers anywhere on the Crew boards of their Sections (even if
the Section did not take part in the mission) and remove their Rank sleeves.
Log 153 • Take all Crewmember cards from Section slots below the Planet board
Medical Report Excerpt 189F and move them to “Resting Crew.”
Those who made the decision to take this radioactive • Place the O05 Objective (Limping On) in the “Awaiting…” envelope.
junk onto our ship should be brought to justice. • Shuffle the S15 Ship Situation (Generator Malfunction) from “Future
Several crewmembers contracted radiation sickness, and Situations” into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
who knows how many of those in torpor chambers are also • Open the Ship Book at page 4 (Bridge (Travel) cardholder) and move
affected! I’m sure this decision will haunt us for many the B01 Bridge Upgrade (Reinforced Hull) back to “Bridge Upgrades.”
years. I only hope that the discoveries we’ve made are Then, replace the current Tech Level card on page 3 with Tech Level 0.
worth all this suffering… • Move all , , and from the Token bag back to the appropriate
Gain 2 Alien Tech Discoveries and move them to “Gathered Discoveries.” pools next to the Ship Book.
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
Log 154 Ship Management.
Visitors’ World: Research Notes #9
[data corrupted]
Log 159
All players discuss and choose one:
Visitors’ World: Research Notes #9 – Revision
• Move backwards (follow the white arrow) – Go to Log 162.
We couldn’t recover anything from the original file. • Move forwards (follow the black arrow) – Go to Log 171.
However, we gathered information from other notes, • Move sideways, trying to reach the top of the bent horizon;
and we spoke with the author (who, unfortunately, didn’t
it may completely change our perspective – Go to Log 173.
remember much).
There are probably many more dimensions in the Visitors’ Log 160
plane than in our world. We humans don’t have senses or [Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you have anything from
technology to perceive them – we experience vertigo, Science?
hallucinations, and we hurt our bodies as we “fall
through a twenty-meter gap” that doesn’t exist to [CAPCOM]: I’m uploading their analysis. You should have
our senses. it by now.

To “counter” our blindness, we may simply move forward [Away Team, Operative 1]: Give us a moment…
in a straight line and hope for the best outcome. [Away Team, Operative 1]: So, we were right! This
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: machine should have planted the seed of life on this
planet – but it didn’t. Should we turn it on? Or do you
Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads. want us to scrap it and haul it to Vanguard?

Log 155 [CAPCOM]: Captain’s orders are simple. You should…

• Discard Mission card M35 (Wilting Ecosystem). If this box is not marked, mark it and gain 1 .
• Flip the Rank-Up card to the completed side – it is considered complete, All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
regardless of its rules. player makes the final choice):
• Each Crewmember Refreshes 2 .
• Replace card P164 (Infected Biome) with card P000. » Turn the machine on, as the Builders would have wanted
– Go to Log 175.
Log 156 » Take the machine apart – Go to Log 152.
» Leave the machine alone; maybe you’ll return here later –
If this box is already marked, go to Log 161. Otherwise, mark this Nothing happens.
box and read on:
Operator’s Log Log 161
The cuboid is made of steel, bleached from the cosmic Research Journal FP-T-9
radiation, but likely red before. Preliminary scans We spent our free time studying the trajectory of
reveal that it’s filled with radioactive substances; the long-gone cuboid – it seems that it traveled here
dangerous for us, but they may hide interesting secrets, from some distant planetary system and was accidentally
as this object is certainly artificial. caught by gravity. At first, someone joked that it was
Choose one: just a container with dangerous waste chucked by some
alien civilization into space. We all laughed.
» Destroy the cuboid – Go to Log 174.
But now, we all think that might actually have been
» Take the container for research – Go to Log 153.
the case.
You may Assign 2 Crewmembers to gain 1 .
ISS Vanguard Logbook 23

Log 162 planet we’ve plotted a safe landing path, which means
you shouldn’t have any surprises on your way down.
Letters from Escher’s Hell CAPCOM out.
Like a chain on a sprocket, I’m being wrapped, coiled, • Open the Planetopedia at pages 24-25 (Idemian Cabal).
bent. Each step is pain, and each step is a relief. • Place the Idemian Pilgrim Threat card in the indicated space above
In a blink of an eye, I traverse miles. the Planet board, and place the Idemian Pilgrim standee in Sector 7.
If you’re in Sector: • Find the Scavenger Hunt Mission card (M10), place it in the indicated
Missions slot of the Planet board, and read its text.
1 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 3. Make sure
• Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
that POI P373 (Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 2, and POI P370
Exploration” procedure.
(Synapses Hills) is in Sector 3. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
2 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 1. Make sure
that POI P373 (Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 3, and POI P370
Log 167
The Crewmember chosen in the previous Log performs the following Dice
(Synapses Hills) is in Sector 1. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
Check. Other Crewmembers may assist as if they were in the same Sector.
3 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 2. Make sure Ignore any card or Equipment effects that refer to anything not present on
that POI P373 (Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 1, and POI P370 the table (for example: cards that let you draw Leads, or move to other
(Synapses Hills) is in Sector 2. If not, replace the POIs there with them. Sectors). Any dice you use will not be available for subsequent Checks.
Depending on your choices, you may face more checks in this Landing.
Log 163 Boost Lander’s Comms
Muspelheim Research Log
Our findings in this secret enclave were interconnected
with everything we found so far, or were about to + +
discover. To understand the writings and paintings, we
Refresh 5 dice.
+ +
had to see them in another context. To understand their
communal machines, we had to study the circuitry of
+ + Go to Log 178.
their more militaristic devices. Everything here served
many purposes, and only looking at it as a whole could Mark one box in Log 925.
bring any results. If it wasn’t the last marked box,
Perform the following steps: go to Log 123.
• If there’s a marker in Sector 4, discard it and gain Unique Discovery 20.
• If there’s a marker in Sector 5, discard it and gain Unique Discovery 21. Log 168
• Refresh 2 . Even though we didn’t see its face, we could tell
• If Mission card M131 is revealed, check if you’ve now completed its from the slumping posture of the creature that it was
requirements. disappointed. It stayed motionless for a while, and then
began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate.
Log 164 Go to Log 336.
Mark this box. If this box was already marked, nothing happens –
continue the game. Otherwise, read on: Log 169
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: This is Fireteam Alpha. “Our call to arms reached every part of the ship – and
The decks are clear. I repeat: The decks are clear. everywhere it went, it fell on receptive ears. Most of
We’ve won. the crew declared themselves on our side, including
some of Dahl’s top lieutenants. But she wouldn’t give up
[Section Leader]: …
just yet. Instead, she gathered everyone still loyal to
*** Explosion *** her and stormed the bridge less than 30 minutes after
our incursion.”
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: Bridge, what’s going on
there? What are the orders? Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
[Section Leader]: … Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any
Crewmembers used in this check may die. Depending on your choices, you
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 2]: Is the radio working? may face several more checks in this part of the story.
Maybe they can’t—
Perform the following steps:
[Section Leader]: … a diversion! The bridge was not
their prime target. As we fought them off, other groups • First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
took position around the Vanguard's Core. They assault • Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers
it from all sides. Our security team there won’t hold with a or or converter from their hand and place them
long. Captain Wayman is leading the relief force. If you in the Roll Pool.
hear this, head toward the Core. If you— • Count the number of or or or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 6 or more
*** Static noises ***
points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: The Core! That’s the one additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
part of the ship we cannot repair or replace. • Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 2]: They must know that. in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this
Come on, let’s keep moving. Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to
their Available Crewmembers.
• Replace the POI in Sector 2 with card P242. • If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise:
• Gain 1 .
• Discard Mission card M101. If you have 5 or fewer points: Go to Log 176.
• Find Mission card M102, place it next to the Planet board and read its text. If you have 6 or more points: Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool
• If your Crewmember is now standing in a Sector with a revealed and go to Log 403.
Log number, resolve this Log.
Log 170
Log 165 Muspelheim Research Log
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: You know the drill, Away We had to cease our research. The derelict life-support
Team. This is the Idemian Temple World. Gather anything systems awakened, immediately depleting energy
that could help us in our research, but don’t overstay reserves, and the whole construction started sinking
your welcome. Based on our extensive knowledge of this into the inferno below. We had the artifacts: three
fractal Rosetta Stones, as we then thought. We couldn’t
24 ISS Vanguard Logbook

save the derelict, but we hoped to learn much about Gain 1 . Gain Unique Discovery 10. Replace this card with card P138.
this species from the artifacts.
Shuffle the S12 Ship Situation (Illegal Drugs) from “Future Situations” into
Discard Mission card M131 and reveal Mission card M134. “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B) – the Discovery’s research data leaked
from the Science laboratories and was used by ill-willed people.
Log 171
Letters from Escher’s Hell Log 176
The path unfurls before me like a rolling ball of yarn. Check if box B in Log 930 is marked – if it is, go to Log 181.
I travel upside down, but the horizon is still. Vertigo Otherwise, read on:
is killing me, but if I throw up into the suit, I’m in “The fight with Dahl’s people was quickly going downhill.
for some serious trouble. I must observe the behavior of They had better arms, better training, and there were
the loop. more of them. But then, Captain Wayman appeared,
If you’re in Sector: leading a small group of soldiers who must have freed
him when we were busy on the bridge. Wayman assumed
1 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 2. Make sure
command, and many marines laid down their arms, not
that POI P372 (Membranous Passage) is in Sector 2, and POI P373
willing to go against the captain himself. We were
(Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 3. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
winning. And that’s when a heavy round ripped through
2 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 3. Make sure his torso. We carried him out of the combat zone and
that POI P372 (Membranous Passage) is in Sector 3, and POI P373 tried to stabilize him. That’s where Captain Wayman
(Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 1. If not, replace the POIs there with them. passed away, a smile on his lips, surrounded by his
3 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 1. Make sure faithful crew. We kept the bridge. We’d won – but at
what cost?”
that POI P372 (Membranous Passage) is in Sector 1, and POI P373
(Pulsating Tendrils) is in Sector 2. If not, replace the POIs there with them. Mark box B in Log 930. Go to Log 403.

Log 172 Log 177

Court Martial Proceedings 35/A Away Team Testimony 3 Go to Log 217.
We were sure the defendant was going to die, fending off
mites. But then, we noticed the container. The defendant Log 178
cracked it open and spilled the royal jelly all over [Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you read us, Vanguard?
the mound’s top. The mites immediately lost interest in
[Captain Wayman]: Thank god! Yes, we read you, Away
us and rushed to save every small droplet of the slime.
Team. We had to move Vanguard farther from the shoal to
We were able to catch the defendant with one of
avoid attracting these creatures. What’s your status?
the tethers and flew to safety.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: The hull is barely holding.
All members of the Away Team strongly believe
Is there any way you can assist us?
the defendant should be acquitted of all charges,
including disobeying the direct order and destroying If box B is marked in Log 910, go to Log 192.
a valuable sample. Instead, we recommend the defendant If box C is marked in Log 910, go to Log 183.
for the Medal of Bravery.
Otherwise, go to Log 620.
• Gain 1 .

Discard Misson card M52.
Discard Unique Discovery 33.
Log 179
Muspelheim Research Log
• Go to Log 203.
Despite using a mechanical interface, this is
Log 173 complicated machinery controlling the element
protection of the derelict. The mechanism is damaged
Letters from Escher’s Hell
(or we couldn’t find a way to use it properly) and offers
The horizon suddenly flips. My bowels twist. And I’m in only a limited number of functionalities.
the same – but also different – place.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
Remove all POI cards from Sectors 1, 2, and 3. Replace your POI with P373. player makes the final choice):
Replace the POI in the Sector indicated by a white arrowhead with P372.
» Activate lead shielding – Go to Log 401.
Replace the POI in the Sector indicated by a black arrowhead with P370.
» Activate vacuum shielding – Go to Log 449.
Log 174 Log 180
Bridge Audio Log
After-action Report 76
“It’s stupid. Just stupid!”
Yes, I was close to the Core when that happened. Me and
“Why? It was quite a show – never knew I’d see fireworks my buddies were one of the last to arrive. When we came
in space.” to the Core, the fireteams already on the ground were on
“Visually – yeah. But without sound… it just wasn’t the verge of something impossible – they were beating
the same.” the enemy back! That’s when Captain Wayman was hit. One
moment he was leading the charge, the next: he was half-
“I can edit the sound in, you know?” sitting with his back against the Core, a gaping hole
“Really? Do it!” in his chest. The enemy took advantage of our shock and
confusion and pushed from all the sides, outflanking our
“Sure, but it will cost you several canteena desserts.”
cover, forcing us to abandon it piece by piece. Soon,
Raise the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3). If Morale was we had literally nowhere to go. I thought ISS Vanguard
already “High,” gain 1 instead. was lost. I really did. Then, something came from behind
us, its tentacles brushing against my shoulders. I don’t
Log 175 know if it walked or flew – it barely touched the ground.
[Away Team]: It works! Not as spectacular as we The Arrogators seemed shocked, but they fired again. These
expected, but… it sprayed the surroundings with a rich new creatures responded with strange weapons that spewed
mix of amino acids and DNA-based bacteria. Builders’ various corrosive compounds. I couldn’t understand
life! Our beginnings! where they came from. Then I turned back to the Core
just as one of them emerged from the blinding light
[CAPCOM]: Take samples with you. We may learn something of Vanguard’s Core, as if it were some kind of portal.
new. More came in from behind, and I swear that for a minute
[Away Team]: Already done. I’m all covered in this stuff. I glimpsed some other place, with red, pulsating walls,
somewhere beyond the Core.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 25

But what struck me most was the symbol emblazoned on

the creatures’ rounded armor plates – the same symbol Log 184
found on the alien ship that became the foundation [Away Team]: This is Away Team. We had a good ride;
of ISS Vanguard, one later repurposed as the Vanguard everything is looking good so far. No threats in the LZ.
Initiative logo. It was the same symbol on my badge We’re ready to head toward the colony. Do you copy?
and dog tags. That’s when I knew: The old owners of *** Silence ***
the Core decided to step in. We didn’t want them to
take the brunt of the fighting. We regrouped and pushed [Away Team]: Do you copy, Vanguard? We seem to have
forward with our new allies. some radio problems.

Discard Mission card M102. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Oh, sorry, Away Team. I was
pushing the wrong button. It’s my first mission as
Go to Log 149. the Spacecraft Communicator.

Log 181 [Away Team]: Yeah, don’t need to remind us about poor
Sergeant Nahy.
Check if box A in Log 930 is marked – if it is, go to Log 193.
Otherwise, read on: [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Sorry!

“The fight with Dahl’s people was quickly going downhill. *** Footsteps ***
They had better arms, better training, and there were [Away Team]: We’re approaching the structures. They look
more of them. But then, Anu appeared, brandishing long abandoned. We’re deploying scanning drones. You
an Idemian rifle and leading a small group of soldiers. should have the data soon.
They attacked from the flank, forcing many marines to
lay down their arms. We were winning. And that’s when [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: We’re receiving your data, Away
a heavy round ripped through the Idemian’s torso. Team. Nothing alive left.
We carried Anu out of the combat zone and tried to [Away Team]: So, we’re too late?
stabilize her, only to learn how little we knew about
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Seems like it. Based on your
her anatomy. She passed away, a smile on her lips. We
data, the AI thinks this place had to be abandoned
kept the bridge. We’d won – but at what cost?”
a couple of hundred years ago. Right about the same
Mark box A in Log 930. Go to Log 403. time when this planet went through a violent
geomagnetic reversal.
Log 182 [Away Team]: No bodies. No personal belongings. Most
It’s working! The doorway at the end of the hall slowly interiors were picked clean. Looks like an orderly
opens, revealing stairs leading deeper into the depths. evacuation. This means they had somewhere to go, right?
Replace a card in this Sector with card P445. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Correct. We’re suspecting
Gliese 368-2, a neighboring system marked on
Log 183 the Builders’ starmap.
[Captain Wayman]: Fortunately, I do have someone [Away Team]: OK, we’ve reached something that looks
who can. like a landing pad. No ships left, but we detect tanks
[Deadspeaker]: My ingenuity can save you, humans. In full of liquid under the ground.
my long wars of conquest, I have met the ones that now [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Good find, Away Team. It seems
surround you. Needles to say, I fared better than they left plenty of their fuel behind. It might come in
your pathetic effort. I carry a weapon in my memory – handy now that Vanguard is running low on energy. See
a plague I developed to cleanse any systems colonized what more you can find.
by these pests. I’m uploading the data to the Lander as
we speak. You’ll have to synthesize it on board. Your [Away Team]: Roger, Away Team out.
field lab should be sufficient, given enough skill. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
[Dr. Corey]: Wait a second! Will this kill… all of them?
Gain 3 .
[Deadspeaker]: Yes. We specifically developed it to
kill every single one of these pests, else they will Important: Whatever you do next, make sure you leave enough Energy to
multiply again. reach the Gliese 368-2 system.

[Dr. Corey]: These are no pests! They are unique,

unknown life forms.
Log 185
Go to Log 217.
[Deadspeaker]: They can neither serve nor fight. They
are pests.
Log 186
[Dr. Corey]: We can’t just kill every dangerous species Exploration Log 14/74-A
we meet! This is a scientific mission.
This complex of cavernous halls spans much of the sector
[Deadspeaker]: You will do what you wish. If you value of the city. Placing it below the (hypothetical) ground
their lives more than your own crew, so be it. If not, level of the city allowed parts of it to survive. We
I wait for your sign to synthesize the plague. managed to gain access to one of the halls through some
[Captain Wayman]: Away Team, do you read me? We kind of a service ramp. Due to lack of the comms with
have a solution that will get rid of the creatures. the Vanguard and time constraints, we had to abandon
Unfortunately, in doing so, we will lose any chance to regular exploration methods in favor of quick personal
study them. Let me know if you see any other option survey of the remains.
or whether we should proceed with manufacturing and Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead. Replace the card in this Sector with card P323.
releasing the agent.
All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Security Section Log 187
player makes the final choice: All players discuss and choose one Crewmember that you think is best suited
to re-create the lab-grown synthetic plague from the Deadspeaker’s recipe.
» Attempt to synthesize the Deadspeaker’s plague – Go to Log 187.
In case of a tie, the Security Section player makes the final decision. Then, go
» Attempt to gain a sample from the creatures and find another
to Log 189.
solution – Mark one box in Log 925. If it isn’t the last marked box,
go to Log 624.
26 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 188 All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
player makes the final decision):
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: That should do it!
Situation console working. All comms operational. » Accept Thrall’s help and attempt to build a marker on the ship
– Move any 2 Discovery cards from “Gathered Discoveries” to their
[Captain Wayman]: Good job, Alpha Team! We can now
decks. Then, go to Log 665.
coordinate the defenses throughout the ship. Now get
» Attempt to gain a sample of the microorganism and find
out there and show these attackers what the people of
Earth are made of! another solution – Mark one box in Log 925, and go to Log 624.

Replace the card in your Sector with card P230. Log 193

Note: There is a Special Action printed in the Enemy Advantage slot, “The fight with Dahl’s people was far from easy. They
available in multiple places on the Planet board that can be used to to had better arms, better training, and there were more
reduce the Enemy Advantage. Though using it may cost the lives of your of them. Still, we had more to lose. We held on and
Crewmembers, letting enemies overrun Vanguard will be even more costly! eventually beat them back, though at a terrible cost.”
• For each Available Crewmember, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1
Log 189 or 1 , remove this Crewmember from the game. Players return any
The Crewmember chosen in the previous Log performs the following Dice other Crewmembers to their Available Crewmembers.
Check. Other Crewmembers may assist as if they were in the same Sector. • If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise:
Ignore any card or equipment effects that refer to anything not present
Mark boxes F and G in Log 930. Go to Log 403.
on the table (for example: cards that let you draw Leads, or move to other
Sectors). Any dice you use will not be available for subsequent checks.
Depending on your choices, you may face more checks in this Landing.
Log 194
Personal Journal
the Deadspeaker’s Plague It took four attempts! Four! Three probes were lost due
to a miscalculation of our dear friends at Engineering.
= Fortunately, the fourth one was sent by us – we used
a bit less jury rigging and good intentions, and a bit
+ + Gain 1 , more scientific knowledge. Together with all earlier
+ + Refresh 5 dice. attempts, it came at a stiff price.
The results were worth it, I believe. We managed to
+ + Go to Log 651. take a sample of, until now, a theoretical substance
– neutronium. And we have a hint on how to replicate
Mark one box in Log 925.
the process of producing it. But I will file a request
If it isn’t the last marked box, so that Engineering won’t have anything to do with it.
go to Log 624. Cooperating for the greater good is all fine and well,
but it was our discovery.
Log 190 If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Go to Log 217.
Move card A16 (Neutronium Plating) from “Lander Mods”
Log 191 (Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.

Remove Mission card M03 from the game.

Log 195
Remove 5 Tutorial Event cards from the game. The work was challenging, and we weren’t getting
Remove all Just a Scratch Injury cards from the game, including the ones anywhere. Consumed by it, we failed to notice small
attached to Crew boards. vibrations of the ground. We were unable to see a slowly
growing roar in the distance. Suddenly, a wall of
You are now ready to leave the planet! Please note: since the first mission did
chitinous legs and carapaces barreled down the canyon-
not make use of a Lander, Discovery decks, Leads, Threats, and some other
like an avalanche, crushing all in its path. Sandbugs!
elements of the game, certain Ship Book procedures will refer to components It now made sense why this alien probe looked like it
that are not on the table. You can safely ignore these steps. was squashed into pieces.
Now, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
Each Crewmember in this Sector immediately makes the Dice Check below,
Ship Management.
in the following order: Security, Recon, Science, Engineering.

Log 192 If all Dice Checks are completed, and the yellow top Outcome was not
triggered, replace the card in your Sector with card P010.
[Captain Wayman]: Fortunately, I do have someone
who can. Escape the Sandbugs!
[Thrall]: We – that is, me, your fellow human from
Gain 1 , replace the card
ISS Vanguard – I learned a lot from the Visitors' queen
in this Sector with card P074
in our short communion. According to your captain, +
you are at the wrong place now. The thing is, places and continue the game –
don’t matter. Changing places is easy. The Visitors no more Crewmembers roll.
have perfected the art of subspace travel. I can return
to my… I mean, their dimension and tunnel out in your / Nothing happens.
Lander to evacuate you.
Gain a Wounded Injury.
[Captain Wayman]: That’s it? You can just go and grab
[Thrall]: No. Building a tunnel will require some Log 196
exotic materials. But your ship should have enough. Your Visitors’ World: Research Notes #21
humans will also need to build a marker on their ship
Tendrils grown in geometric shapes, resembling mandalas.
so that I know where to emerge. Oh, and their lander
They probably serve as sensors for the whole area.
will be left behind, naturally.
Everything here is made mostly of flesh, so that it might
[Captain Wayman]: You heard Thrall, Away Team! This will be one large organism – it’s quite unsettling to think
cost us, but I think there’s no better way to get you that a planet can be wary of our presence. But that’s
here in one piece. Are you willing to give it a shot? just a theory – and I hope I’m not right.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
Gain 3 Live Specimen Leads.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 27

Log 197 Congratulations! You’ve completed

your first Planetary Exploration!
This mission wasn’t a great success…
Use the QR Code or link below to watch the cinematic introduction
In future Missions, take care to avoid unnecessary risks and reduce the number to your ISS Vanguard campaign:
of Injuries. Composing your rolls carefully, planning ahead, and strategically
using your Section cards will help you in this. Serious Injuries will cause
Crewmembers to spend several Ship Phases in the Medbay, slowing your
character development and reducing your number of available Crewmembers.
Also, focus on gaining . They are responsible for ranking up your
Crewmembers and can be spent on additional Section dice, making them one
of the most important things you can bring back from a Planetary Exploration.
Go to Log 204.
Log 198 Open the System Maps book and mark the Eye of the Void system (page 2)
You did well!
with the Current System bookmark.
You didn’t gain too many Injuries and you gathered some additional tokens.
Move card R02 (Analyzing the Message) from “Research Projects”
However, keep in mind the Injuries on upcoming Planetary Explorations will be
(Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
much more dangerous. Avoid them, as serious Injuries cause Crewmembers to
spend time recovering in the Medbay, slowing your character development and If you’re playing the Tutorial, read on. Otherwise, go to Log 191.
reducing your number of available Crewmembers. Tutorial
Also, while it’s OK not to get every on the planet, grab them whenever Take the top card from Tutorial Deck A (Research Project card R01) and
you have a chance. They are responsible for ranking up your Crewmembers move this card to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
and can be spent on additional Section dice, making them one of the most Your crew is now returning to ISS Vanguard, and you’re about to learn about
important things you can bring back from a Planetary Exploration. the second major part of the game: Ship Management!
Go to Log 204. But first, let’s see how well you did in the Tutorial!
If you have Unique Discovery 1, gain 1
Log 199 .

You did great! • Count your .

• Subtract 1 for each Crewmember currently Injured (do not actually
Are you sure you’re new to ISS Vanguard? You avoided Injuries and
remove the tokens).
gathered a lot of . However, keep in mind the upcoming planets will keep
ramping up the difficulty. Don’t let your guard down. – If the total result is 0–1, go to Log 197.
– If the total result is 2–3, go to Log 198.
Go to Log 204.
– If the total result is 4 or more, go to Log 199.
Log 200 Log 201
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Are you getting anywhere?
[Away Team]: It’s done. We’re safe – well, at least from
The power will go out shortly…
this monster.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Who knew interfacing with
[CAPCOM]: Good to hear that, Away Team. Take what you
technology would be difficult, huh? You wanna take
can and return to the ship.
the front seat?
[Away Team]: What about our original mission?
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Well, no. It’s just—
[CAPCOM]: If you feel confident, you have permission to
[Alien Console]: WE-L-COM-E. GUES-T-S.
continue. But you’ve already done enough.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: OK, I’m in! It’s some sort
of a welcome message with instructions and pictograms… Gain 2 Strange Flora Leads and Unique Discovery 7. Replace the POI
some of it in Chinese, some in English, some in French. in the Sector with Carnivorous Thicket with card P136. Discard Carnivorous
And this part – I don’t even know what this is. Thicket standee and its Threat card. If you want, you may discard your current
Mission card and focus on returning to the Lander.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: They were listening to us?
But how? The Earth is too far away for even our first
radio transmissions to reach this place…
Log 202
MS plant Tissue Experiment No. 3
[Away Team, Operative 1]: That’s a question for later.
Now… see that? It seems the sphere can open up. They After a certain amount of exposure to vibrations,
wanted visitors to get inside. the tissue rapidly contracts. If it were a part of
a plant, the plant would immediately cower, protecting
[Away Team, Operative 2]: What for? There’s nothing its vulnerable parts.
there. Just an old, destroyed system…
Move each Sprout that is still on the Planet board once:
[Away Team, Operative 1]: They must have a reason. Let
me just try this. And This. 1. From Sector 7 to the box (discard them from the game).
*** Loud rumble *** 2. From Sectors 3 and 5 to Sector 7.

[Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you read us, Vanguard? 3. From Sector 8 to 5, and from Sector 1 to 3.
We’re opening the gates! Then, reset the Time Track on the Mission card.
*** Cheering ***
[Captain Wayman]: We read you, Away Team. Excellent
Log 203
job! We see an entire section of the sphere, several • Remove the L4 Landing card (Everstorm) from the game – you won’t be
hundred miles across, slowly moving. We should be able to land on this planet anymore!
able to steer into the opening. Good job, Away Team! • Place the Basic Lander board next to the Planet board and place all
The rescue ship is on its way. We’ll meet you inside. Discoveries from the Crew boards, as well as your Rank-Up card,
in the indicated Lander board slots.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Iweala]: Captain… we are receiving
a transmission from within the sphere. Go to Log 440.
28 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 204 Log 207

[SAR Mission Pilot, Sergeant Marquez]: Vanguard? We’re If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
approaching the starboard dock. ETA five minutes. All
systems are nominal. Gain 2 . Move card A15 (Warning System) from "Lander Mods"
(Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Copy that. How’s your package?
Then, you may Assign 3 Crewmembers to gain 1 .
[Away Team, Operative 1]: The package is fine, though
it is hungry and it needs a shower. You guys took your
sweet time. Log 208
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Remember. You’re not here to
[SAR Mission Pilot, Sergeant Marquez]: It wasn’t us do research, but to gather fuel for--
who crashed our lander…
[Away Team]: Ice resublimes on our hull – with its
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Hey! We were shot at! added weight, we’ll have difficulties maneuvering.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Enough jokes. We’re really [CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Well, nothing you didn’t know
happy to have you back in one piece, Away Team. Be before. Be strong there.
advised, this is the first time we have a craft returning
from an extraterrestrial object. Please follow all [Away Team]: Nothing is precisely what we’re seeing
boarding procedures carefully. After decontamination right now, through this damn snow!
and debriefing in the hangar, take the green corridor to If your Lander has at least 4 and 4 and 5 , go to Log 214.
the Medbay. The security team will inspect and sort all Otherwise, begin the landing procedure:
your discoveries while you get your checkups.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Of course. We
with an “S” on the Landing track).
know the procedure, Vanguard. Just get me to
that shower already. 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
result in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose one
If you did not gain Unique Discovery 1 during Planetary Exploration, gain it (you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare cases,
now and place it in the “Found Discoveries” space indicated on the top edge where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card
of your Planet board. and Injury die.
Note: You are only gaining this now because this is a Tutorial. 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right),
During the campaign, you will not simply be given things that you miss but not beyond the last space.
– you must search the planet thoroughly to find things!
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, go to Log 214.
Continue reading the “Tutorial Cleanup” instructions on page 24 of the Rulebook. Otherwise, go back to step 2.

Log 205 Hail Choose one:

Science Section Report
» Secure the Lander
The analyzed sample is most likely a chunk of If is 4 or more,
a hypothetical astronomical object – a black dwarf. each Crewmember .
If we could confirm this, it’s proof that dead stars Otherwise, each Crewmember
may cool enough to match the CMB temperature. gains a Wounded Injury.
It’s an important discovery for astronomers, but of
little significance to our mission. » Expose the Lander
If is 4 or more, move 1 chosen mod
We will try to answer some other questions. How did this
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
fragment end up in this planetary system? Why is there
Otherwise, open the Ship Book at page
only a part of it? Where is the rest of the black dwarf?
19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the
We surmise that it’s because there was a collision Lander card representing your current
between the black dwarf and an object of a comparable Lander to the Damaged side (unless it is a
size, but we don’t have any proof to back up this theory. Basic Lander).
Additionally, the supposed black dwarf is made of rare Lander icing Unburden
materials, and it could be safely mined. Excluding
cosmic rays, there’s no radiation there. Lose 5 Supplies reduced by
OR each Crewmember .
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
Heavy snowfall Choose one:
Gain 1 .
» Avoid
Then, you may Assign 1 Crewmember of Rank 2 or 3 to gain 1 Mineral Each Crewmember 4 reduced by .
Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”
» Fly through
Log 206 If is 2 or more, 1 chosen
Crewmember gains an Exhausted Injury.
Exploration Log 14/74-B
Otherwise, each Crewmember
Further exploration of this subsector confirmed that, gains an Exhausted Injury.
in fact, we have stumbled upon an armaments factory.
Various assembly lines seem to have stopped mid-work, Normal Fly on
creating sort of a time capsule that allows us to peer conditions If is 4 or more, progress the Landing track.
into the whole process. What was regarded earlier as
the effect of the sustained damage, now is laid bare
– the whole area has no safety measures. It sparks
Log 209
Letters from the Escher’s Hell
theories of using slave labor. Complete mechanization
was ruled out – we found a couple of rooms which seemed I squeeze through heavy, slimy curtains and emerge onto
to be a dormitory of sorts. solid ground. Who would have thought I would ever be
delighted to stand on a rocky wasteland? Finally, my
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P324.
eyes don’t hurt when I look around. The vertigo is gone.
Then, I look up and see the same impossible horizon,
and the endless loop I just left. I look at my feet
again. It’s time to make a shelter. Then, I’ll think
about our mission.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 29

• Place card P374 in Sector 4. [Away Team, Operative 2]: There’s always a ‘but,’
• Place all Crewmembers in Sector 4. isn’t there?
• Discard Mission card M170. Find Missions M171 and M172 and place [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Well, our military advisors
them in the Mission slot on the Planet board. disagree with the AI. They warned us the crystal had
• Gain Unique Discovery 18. something to do with the death of this planet and they
• Discard POI cards from Sectors 1, 2, and 3. say we should investigate one of the crystalline arms
• Discard the current Global Condition card. before we attempt anything else.
• Find all 3 Global Conditions G29, shuffle them, and place this pile [Away Team, Operative 1]: Understood. Leave it
face up in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board. with us, Vanguard.
• Find all 3 POI P382 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
• Find Mission card M23.
in Sector 2.
• Place it face up on an empty outline on the right side of the Planet board
• Find all 3 POI P383 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
and read it.
in Sector 3.
• You now have 2 Missions, one marked as “Optional.”
• Find all 3 POI P384 cards, shuffle them, and place them face up
• You needn’t complete any “Optional” Missions for your landing to
in Sector 1.
succeed – but they can often be profitable or allow you to see events
• Place the Enraptured Visitor Threat card next to the Planet board.
and locations you wouldn’t see otherwise.
• Place the Enraptured Visitor standee in Sector 7.
Then, go to Log 85 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading Log 212
the actual Log. Away Team Exploration Report PF18-2

Log 210 We discovered signs of some ancient, dead biome – older

and different from what is happening now on the planet
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard? This is Away Team
– but we couldn’t explore it. The hurricane blew through
One. My sensors are picking up some electromagnetic
the canyons, threatening to rip our suits to shreds
activity among the rubble. I’ll try to reach it.
with glass shards. We should revisit this place when
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Be careful, Away Team. we’re better prepared or when the winds change direction
This planet looks too much like a battleground. – the barely visible structures there resemble trees,
You should expect danger, and— which often means life…
[Away Team, Operative 1]: OK, got it. It’s just a small If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
shard of some metallic, magnetized casing. Nothing
too exciting. Gain 3 Strange Flora Leads.

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: We’ll tune your sensors to

the magnetic signature of this shard. This should help
Log 213
you find other similar parts. Personal Journal, Away Team Operative S-017
I slowly approached the door, still in awe. It was
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Roger that, Vanguard.
reckless, I know, but I couldn’t take my eyes off
Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead. the shining rune at their center. Countless ages have
Leads are small clues such as pieces of alien technology, biological samples, passed, and there was still some working power source!
or even the paw prints of an alien creature. If you gather enough of them, you I reached out to the gate, but, fortunately, I stopped.
will be rewarded with important Discoveries from Discovery decks that you What was I thinking? That I can touch an alien device
will take with you to ISS Vanguard. carelessly? My senses came back to me, and I started
planning how to scan the machine.
• “Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead” means that you should draw 1 Lead at random
from the Lead bag and place it on the Alien Tech Discovery.
• When the Leads on a Discovery deck reach a total value of 3, discard Log 214
all Leads from this deck, draw the top Discovery card and place it in Evidence C – a Handwritten Note by Crewmember #71
the appropriate slot under your Lander. Something lurks behind the snow curtain, waiting to cut
our throats – my friends ignore my warnings; fools.
– Each Lander has a different maximum number of Discoveries it can
hold. When you finish your Planetary Exploration, you must discard Open the Planetopedia at pages 16-17 (Golfball).
your Discoveries down to the number visible on the Lander board. Place the Apex Predator Threat card in the indicated slot on top of
• Some leads also have special one-time effects. To learn more, the Planet board.
see the “Leads” in the Rulebook, Chapter III. Place the Apex Predator standee next to its Threat card – it’s not on the Planet
• Please note: the Global Condition of this planet allows you to gather board yet.
more Leads. When checking your rolled dice for Dice Combinations, Apex Predator becomes active – read its Threat card and apply its rules
also keep in mind any Dice Combinations on the Global Condition whenever necessary.
card. They affect every roll on the planet!
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
Replace the card in your Sector with card P110. Exploration” procedure.
Go to Log 211.
Log 215
Log 211 Away Team’s Private Channel
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Come in, Away Team. We have [Operative 1]: Let’s get to work. To learn their story
something you really should see. we first need-
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Yes, Vanguard. We read you. [Operative 2]: Yes, yes… No time to lose in this oven.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Our AI analyzed the data you Bring all we’ve already found!
gathered while scouting these ruins. It does seem there Choose one:
was an advanced civilization living on the planet.
However, your current area was subject to extreme » Understand the physiology of this derelict’s previous owners
temperatures, irrecoverably damaging most artifacts. (requires 1 Live Specimen Discovery) – Move 1 Live Specimen
Discovery from the Lander board to the bottom of its deck. Place
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Tell us something we don’t
1 marker in Sector 4 (it represents your progress toward revealing
know, Vanguard. The rocks here melted like butter.
the truth about the derelict).
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: The point is, not far » Test the circuits and the machinery (requires 1 Alien Tech
from your position there’s a cluster of underground Discovery) – Move 1 Alien Tech Discovery from the Lander board to
structures. Maybe shelters of some kind. If you want to the bottom of its deck. Place 1 marker in Sector 5 (it represents your
find anything more than charred pieces of tech, the AI progress toward revealing the truth about the derelict).
suggests you go there. But…
» Examine other samples – Gain 2 Microorganism Leads.
30 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 216 Log 221

“Our call to arms reached every part of the ship – and [Away Team]: …read this? We’re… [radio static]
everywhere it went, it fell on receptive ears. Most of
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Say again, Team One. We are
the crew declared themselves on our side, including
losing your signal.
some of Dahl’s top lieutenants. But she wouldn’t give
up just yet. Instead, she gathered everyone still loyal [Away Team]: We’re back inside the mountain. The recent
to her and stormed the bridge less than thirty minutes eruption unearthed something here. We’ve found… [radio
after our incursion.” static]… There’s also some sort of a probe embedded in
the large magma reservoir. Extraction is possible but
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers. risky. Please advise.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any
Crewmembers used in this check may die. Depending on your choices, you [CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: It’s your call, Team One. Our
may face several more checks in this part of the story. Xeno section is dying to get their hands on this thing,
but if you think it’s too risky…
Perform the following steps:
[Away Team]: [radio static]
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
a or or converter from their hand and place them in the Roll Pool. Gain 1 Unique Discovery.
• Count the number of or or or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 10 or more Place card P166 in this Sector.
points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result. Log 222
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember HR 5730 B – Operation 22/32
in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this We sent crewless explorers to the surface. The whole
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to harvesting process went according to the plan, nothing
their Available Crewmembers. unexpected happened. When the power cells were fully
• If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise: charged, the explorers returned.
If you have 9 or fewer points, go to Log 176. Then, an alarm sounded, and the whole hangar went under
If you have 10 or more points, go to Log 403. lockdown – contamination.
People hid inside life vaults, and those who didn’t make
Log 217 it there frantically started clothing themselves in exo-
It’s not working! The statue releases a powerful suits. There, our task was finished, as Security along
magnetic burst and falls to pieces. with Science took over.

Your Crewmember and all Assisting Crewmembers roll twice each. Later, we learned that the supposedly dead world was
inhabited by microorganisms feeding on regolith.
Log 218 People infected with them during the incident showed
symptoms of common flu and increased physical and mental
Iota Pegasi C “Twin Moons” Exploration Report capabilities. Right now, Science is working on how to
The ruins are empty – we find only crumbled walls and use this effect to our advantage.
roofs. Everything is made of concrete (regolith mixed
Each Section places one Crewmember in “Resting Crew,” unless this is their
with artificial polymers).
last Available Crewmember. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and
However, we encountered something interesting. One resolve its text:
device was most likely made by a different species, as
its technology and aesthetics look vastly different from Move card E46 (Organic
Organic Actuator
Actuator) from “Unavailable Equipment”
everything else here. We may try to extract it, but it to “Armory,” and gain 2 .
will take much time and effort.
You may discard 1 to mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
Log 223
Personal Journal
Move card E13 (Mobile Containment System) from “Unavailable It was absolute hell, that planet. Who would have
Equipment” to “Armory.” thought that gathering water on a world covered in ice
would prove to be so difficult? Who would have guessed
Log 219 a camouflaged monster was waiting there to shred us
Away Team’s Private Channel to pieces?
[Operative 1]: I’m shaking. I understand that fuel sources are essential. But I hope
I won’t be the one sent to secure them again…
[Operative 2]: I’m exhausted too. My kneecaps are
getting really hammered by this moving ground. Go to Log 990.
[Operative 1]: I meant from excitement. And
fear, probably. Log 224
[Away Team]: Do you copy? We’re back on the surface!
[Operative 2]: Oh. Right.
[CAPCOM]: That’s great. The connection underground
[Operative 3]: We have a problem. Why are there so many
wasn’t so bad after all – we never lost your feed. I saw
of them?
most of your journey.
[Operative 2]: Whoa! They point their weapons at us.
[Away Team]: We hope you’ve enjoyed the show, Vanguard.
[Operative 1]: Shush! Be calm and don’t make
• Place the Lander in Sector 1 – it’s active once again.
sudden moves!
• If you want, you may now end your Planetary Exploration: place all
Go to Log 226. Crewmembers in the Lander Sector and go to Log 223. Otherwise,
read on.
Log 220 • Discard all Mission Equipment tokens from the Planet board – they may be
If you’re on Brimstone, go to Log 221. placed again using their Equipment cards. If you discarded the P.E.T. this
way, return the die to the owner’s Spent Pool.
If you’re on Matchstick, go to Log 213.
• Discard the top card from each Sector, revealing the POIs underneath.
• Flip the Gathering Predators card to the Apex Predator side
(if it’s already on this side, nothing happens). Discard the Apex Predator
standee from the board if it’s there.
• Return Kurma and its Threat card to the game box.
• Discard the current Global Condition.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 31

Log 225 Tutorial

As you can see, this Sector appears to be a dead end. The only other path connects
Letters from the Escher’s Hell
this Sector with Sector 6
6,, but unfortunately, the directional arrow indicates that you
The space… undulates? I can’t even tell what I see – can only Travel from Sector 6 to Sector 5,5, not from Sector 5 to Sector 6.
the cavern is a grotto, but also a different place (or Amir’s turn is now over, but before continuing, take a moment to look at two
places). But most of the time I see a basalt cavern.
interesting features of the card you just revealed:
I feel like any influence of other dimensions in
the area would destroy the illusion (or the real nature • The Special Action has the Danger die icon next to its name. This means
of this place). that when you perform this Special Action, you must roll a Danger die
along with your other dice and resolve its result before you resolve
If the POI in Sector 2 is P382 warp (Dimensional Windows), go to Log 229.
the rest of the roll.
Otherwise, go to Log 231. • The Special Effect (between the name of the Action and the Outcome
rows) instructs you to resolve the red Outcome if you roll at least one
Log 226 Accident. This one is an Immediate Special Effect and will be explained
Letters from the Escher’s Hell in the Rulebook.
The tentacled creatures have me at gunpoint. Continue reading the “End of Amir’s Turn” instructions on page 18
Their gruesome appearance doesn’t help me stay calm. of the Rulebook.
I try to forget about the weapon hidden in the holster
on my leg, so that I’m not tempted to reach for it.
Log 228
“They are friends,” I try convincing myself. “They Classified: Crewmember #395’s Handwritten Note
even bear the same symbol as our expedition, right? to Captain Wayman
The funny-looking crest really resembles the Vanguard’s
I know of the false accusations made toward me. I know
outline. But it probably means something entirely
the security team urged you to revoke my access to all
different to them.”
the ship’s systems and change my role aboard Vanguard.
I still live; they don’t make a move. One of us takes I hear what they call me behind my back. Thrall of
a step forward and tries to communicate – pictures, the Visitors? Bah! This rings hollow like the space
sounds, gestures. beyond spaces, or like the feeding sacks of a youngling.
Unfortunately, out of all possibilities, they choose I’m not changed! I’m still human. The Visitors’ Mother
touch, extending their tentacles toward us. hasn’t “brainwashed” me! She’s our wonderful friend. She
allowed you us to scan all the steles. She knows you we
“I’ll let them touch my skin,” I say. Why did I do that? are not a threat. She only wants you us to defeat those
“Don’t worry, I’ve got this.” who endanger her children – the crystalline doom, and
I expose my hand. The depressurization of my suit, and the Arrogators, and anything the Builders could have
the touch of the strange atmosphere are pure pain. In been running from. Let me return to my former duties
comparison, the touch of the Visitor’s feeler is bliss aboard Vanguard! Don’t estrange me just because I had
– my hand feels like it’s submerged in cool water and an insight into an alien mind! I am still human!
herbal balm. And suddenly, I know (or to put it better, • Discard all Mission cards.
I feel) – they have no bad intentions, but we’re in • Remove the chosen Crewmember from the Rank sleeve and remove
a place we shouldn’t be. Their mother didn’t allow us their Crewmember card from the game – no one on Vanguard will trust
here. She wants to meet us. We need to trust them.
them with any important tasks.
The Visitor points at a fleshy, white structure • Mark box B in Log 910.
that emerges from the ground next to me. It goes there, • Shuffle the S18 Ship Situation (Madness) from “Future Situations”
and the protrusion punctures its skin; then it retracts. into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
The Visitor points at it again. Does it want me to…? • Return Unique Discovery 35 and 38 to “Unique Discoveries.”
Choose one Crewmember to connect to the protrusion. You don’t know • Remove card L6 from the game.
what will happen – they may even die! If you don’t want to choose, you may • Open the Ship Book at page 3 (Bridge cardholder) and remove Bridge
end this Log, and place all Crewmembers from Sector 8 in Sector 6. If you Upgrade B04 (Visitors’ Gateway) from the game. Then, if Secondary
decide to choose a Crewmember, go to Log 228 (choosing this option will end Objective O18 (Otherside) is slotted, remove it from the game.
your Planetary Exploration and you won’t be able to return to Visitors’ World). • Move the Tech Level 5 card from “Bridge cards” (if present there),
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Log 227 • Go to Log 56.
[Away Team 1]: Do you read me? I am now under
the surface of the sphere. It seems that the cloaking Log 229
panels rest on a delicate carbon mesh, sparse enough to If the POI in Sector 1 is P384 warp (Underwater Outpost), go to Log 233.
squeeze through. Otherwise, nothing happens.
[Away Team 2]: Good. We can use this to navigate under
chasms and cracks. Log 230
[Away Team 1]: I wonder how deep it goes… Away Team Exploration Report 1/H

[Away Team 2]: Stay focused on your mission. We need to The room CAPCOM spoke about was in the center of
regroup first. the web of technical tunnels. It was enormous: a dim
cathedral of silent alien technology. The countless
[Away Team 1]: Roger that. devices and consoles, though all made of the same
Place POI card P109 face up in Sector 5. material, had a bewildering array of sizes and input
methods. They had one thing in common, though: all
If you’re playing the Tutorial, read the Tutorial frame below. Otherwise, were inoperable.
continue the game.
We’ve gathered some pieces of alien technology and
decided to look for a way to switch them on.
If the box below is unmarked, gain Unique Discovery 1 and then mark the box.
To gain Unique Discovery 1, if the card is still on the Unique Discovery space,
reveal it and place it in the indicated “Found Discoveries” space above
the Planet board. If you already gained it earlier in the Tutorial, gain 1
instead (as printed on the Unique Discovery space).

Gain Unique Discovery 1.

32 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 231 Log 238

If the POI in Sector 3 is P383 warp (Outer Plantation), go to Log 233. [Away Team]: Wow!
Otherwise, nothing happens. [CAPCOM]: What’s happening, guys?
[Away Team]: Nothing, really. It’s just the vegetation
Log 232 here… You should see it. It really is breathtaking.
Iota Pegasi C “Twin Moons” Exploration Report
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P140.
We landed on the surface near the colossal structure
that led toward the other moon. The ground is cracked
– the cracks get deeper and more jagged the closer they
Log 239
Visitors’ World: Research Note #14
are to the anchoring area.
I cannot comprehend how one door may lead to different
We are surrounded by ruins. The first thing we did
places each time I open it (not to mention that I use
was to search for any flora or fauna, but there is not
the word “door” only because I cannot think of anything
a single trace of organic matter.
better for those membranous curtains). This area is also
We set up a makeshift outpost outside the lander and much more stable and welcoming than others. I think we
awaited further orders. can use it to escape the loop somehow.
All Players discuss and choose one: Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
» Examine the bridge connecting the two moons – go to Log 236. Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads.
» Examine the ruined buildings – go to Log 218.
Log 240
Log 233 Captain’s Log, Entry D-427
Letters from the Escher’s Hell
To the unknown creatures from the distant past of this
I take a step back and fall to the ground – it’s not distant world: I salute you.
hard as it should be; it’s bouncy and sticky. The area
is mostly organic, and I see the membranous gates When our team finally began to crack the dome’s inner
again. They’re tightly shut, reacting to my moves and to layer, we expected myriad things: an ark, an archive,
any changes in the air. a vault – created by the people of this world to
carry their legacy beyond the apocalypse. Yet again,
Replace POI in Sector 6 with card P380. we were wrong.

Log 234 Inside, encased in protective carbon nanofoam,

was an object as old as this planet, a stele
Check how many Sprouts are on the Mission card: that predated this civilization by millions of years.
• 2 – Go to Log 242. With their last dying effort, these creatures protected
• 1 – Go to Log 253. an artifact from an even older time,
• 0 – Go to Log 264. as resigned to the thought that all of their history
and culture, and even their very lives, were less
Log 235 important than this one cracked relic.
Away Team Exploration Report 094/F I keep wondering whether humans would be capable of
The area we mistook for a forest is, in fact, a place such sacrifice.
somewhat connected to the culture of mound mites or The object they saved for us bears a clear resemblance
another species we haven’t encountered yet. The bones to the architecture of the Eye of the Void.
don’t belong to mound mites, as the mites only possess There’s no doubt the Builders who created the Eye,
an exoskeleton, but we cannot discover their source. and our starmap, also left this stone as they spread
The lack of any remains other than polished bone life to this planet. What does it mean for us?
indicates it’s probably not a graveyard, and rather Are there other steles like this on other planets?
a form of art, or a ceremonial location. If so, we don’t Was there one on Earth?
want to disturb it too much before we understand it The sides of the stele contain code we have yet to
better. We only intend to take several small samples. unravel, but atop it, we found one large symbol – alien,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: yet familiar. A glyph that seems to symbolize uplifting,
raising up, with several small dots scattered at its
Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads and 1 . base. This last piece of the puzzle helped us understand
some strange discoveries on this planet. The first
Log 236 evolved species here uplifted many other species through
Iota Pegasi C “Twin Moons” Exploration Report genetic engineering and bionic modifications – something
that would never cross the minds of humans back
The bridge was constructed from many different alloys,
on Earth.
but the way they were used together didn’t make any
sense to us. Beams, made of softer alloys, were all We will have plenty of time to ponder this and to study
bent. The hard, brittle plating was cracked and chipped… the stele on our journey to the next world.
We’re not sure how it still holds together. And, despite Let us hope this time we find more than just ashes.
our efforts, we didn’t discover what the purpose of Congratulations! You have completed the Mission!
the bridge was. It didn’t seem to ease the process of
transportation between the two moons. • Discard Mission card M22.
• Move the R06 Research Project (Builders’ Landmark)
You may discard 1 to gain 1 .
from “Research Projects” to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
• Move the O02 Objective (From Eons Past) from “Bridge Cards” to
Log 237 the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Visitors’ World: Research Note #74 • On many planets, you must return to your Lander after fulfilling your
Nerve tissue connects to almost every area we can objective. Here, simply place all your Crewmember models back in
access, but most of its strands head toward the sector the Lander Sector (Sector 1).
next to the steles cluster, and toward some sort of • Remove the L1 landing card from the scanner, then remove it from
junction, where neurons from different parts of this the game – another landing on this planet is not possible.
area tangle together. • If there are any Unique Discoveries left on the Planet board – discard 1
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: (if you have any) and gain these Discoveries now.
Important: each Unique Discovery can only be found on one specific
Gain 1 . Planetary Exploration in the game. However, if you miss a Unique
ISS Vanguard Logbook 33

Discovery during your Exploration, there is always an option to either Gain 1 and 3 Live Specimen Leads.
return to the planet to find it, or (in rare cases) to gain it via other means
later on in the campaign. Replace the card in your Sector with P000.
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
Management. Log 247
Personal Journal, Crewmember #0978
Log 241 We entered the broken mound – it was like entering
After-Action Incident Report 94/F the corpse of a fallen giant. Our sensors detected some
movement inside, so we proceeded with caution, focusing
…and then, we noticed that the faltering wind deposited
on the surroundings.
a thick layer of glass shards on this plateau. We realized
traveling over them would be risky, but the mound’s broken Then, we saw them – cockroach-like aliens almost
top was clearly visible in the distance, beyond this sea the size of a human, trembling in the glow of our
of glass – and it seemed something stirred there. flashlights. The mound mites, as we called them, were
dying – their chitinous exoskeletons battered with
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
glass shards, their limbs broken. They didn’t pay us
Gain 1 Mineral Discovery. any attention – they just huddled in the only corner
sheltered from the raging wind. We’d found life, yet not
Log 242 as intelligent as we hoped.

Science Sec. Log 2/789 Our scans showed interesting structures and some
sort of central chamber in the mound’s center, but
…what’s most startling, the samples don’t resemble
the hurricane winds, blasting through the cracks and
anything known from our world. Even the structure, though
holes, made it impossible to progress deeper.
in principle not that different to DNA, is composed of
different proteins. There’s no imprint of the “Divine If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Coordinates,” indicating the life here was not created by
the Builders – this is perhaps the first time we’ve met Gain 1 and 3 Microorganism Leads.
life that’s not our distant genetic cousin. Then, go to Log 258.
It’s also interesting how some of the plants (if we can
name them plants at all) have advanced motoric tissues Log 248
similar to animal muscles, as well as nerve plexuses Paper on “Luminescent Cave”
that seem to serve as memory storage.
Polyps, similar to the ones found on Earth, protect
Gain 2 and 1 Strange Flora Discovery. Discard the Mission card along the area from smaller organisms with their nematocysts
with Sprout standees. containing deadly poison (see “Neurotoxin and
Speculations” below). In the safety of their tentacles,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
live insect-like organisms – they are too small to
Find Mission M41 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board. trigger the polyps’ reactions and feed on the polyps
Log 243 The curious thing about the small ecosystem is that it’s
Choose one: partially frozen, as many organs are filled with formic
acid. We are still not sure what is the evolutionary
» Move backwards (follow the white arrow) – go to Log 249. point of such a solution.
» Move forwards (follow the black arrow) – go to Log 251.
» Move sideways, trying to reach the top of the bent horizon; If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
it may completely change our perspective – go to Log 256.
Gain 1 Live Specimen Discovery, 2 Strange Flora Leads, and 1 .

Log 244 Then, gain 2 Strange Flora Leads.

Exploration Log 14/74-C
Our team managed to scan and document various types
Log 249
Away Team’s Private Channel
of weaponry produced in this facility. Most of it was
various pieces analogous to human artillery – sturdy, [Operative 1]: Don’t wander off.
easy to produce and standardized to the extreme.
[Operative 2]: Help! It grabbed my ankle!
Preliminary research shows that all of the shells used
the same parts, with the differences being the esoteric [Operative 1]: [Grunts] Keep moving. We’re getting closer.
subspace payload, far beyond any technology used on [Operative 2]: To what?
Earth. We could reverse-engineer it on the Vanguard.
If you’re in Sector:
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
1 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 3. Make sure
Gain Unique Discovery 14 and 1 . that POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 2, and POI P372 (Membranous
Passage) is in Sector 3. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
Log 245 2 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 1. Make sure
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, that POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 3, and POI P372 (Membranous
resolve the bottom one. Passage) is in Sector 1. If not, replace the POIs there with them.

– Go to Log 238. 3 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 2. Make sure
that POI P371 (Coiled Space) is in Sector 1, and POI P372 (Membranous
– Go to Log 254. Passage) is in Sector 2. If not, replace the POIs there with them.

Log 246 Log 250

Field Research Journal 278-C Research Log 18-C
Nothing happened when we cut, warmed, cooled, or The study of the array revealed the creatures of this
exposed the plant matter to various agents. By nothing, planet made a significant effort to contact other
I mean we got entirely expected results: the leaves civilizations. However, once they realized they were
dripped sap or burned. But when we applied electricity doomed, they tried to rewire this massive complex from
to our samples – I apologize for the unprofessional a giant receiver into a giant transmitter. The message
language – they exploded with a blaze of colors. they tried to send is, unfortunately, impossible to
Veins started to glow, spiracles opened wide, and recover. We can only wonder whether it was some sort
unknown organisms similar to nematodes squeezed out in of final testament, an admission of a great mistake, or
an attempt to escape the hostile environment. a warning they hoped to deliver to other civilizations.
34 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Another disconcerting find is that many terminals and

devices here are designed to accommodate users of Log 255
different shapes, sizes, and numbers of limbs, even Preliminary Observation
though this wasn’t a spacefaring civilization, and even The organisms we classified as lichen are, in fact, more
though it used a single language. We must learn more like amoebozoa. However, they also have some traits
about this place to form an opinion. that may classify them as animals. We need more samples
Gain 1 and 2 Alien Tech Leads. Replace the POI in this Sector and better conditions to conduct actual research.
with card P000. Replace the POI in this Sector with card P190.

Log 251 Log 256

Away Team’s Private Channel Away Team Private Channel
[Operative 1]: Strange… Could you record the anomaly [Operative 1]: Are there fewer tendrils here?
above our heads?
[Operative 2]: I think there are as many, but the space
[Operative 2]: Roger. itself is expanding.
[Operative 3]: Wait… Are we looking at ourselves?
[Operative 3]: There are fewer. Leave the space out of it!
[Operative 2]: It would seem so. I’m not even
[Operative 4]: Stop it, all of you.
surprised.I stopped caring about the logic of this place
We’re… somewhere else.
a good while ago.
Remove all POI cards from Sectors 1, 2, and 3. Replace your POI with P371.
[Operative 1]: But there is logic in this place… We just
have to find it.
Replace the POI in the Sector indicated by a white arrowhead with P370.
Replace the POI in the Sector indicated by a black arrowhead with P372.
If you’re in Sector:
1 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 2. Make sure Log 257
that POI P370 (Synapses Hills) is in Sector 2, and POI P371 (Coiled Space) Muspelheim Research Log
is in Sector 3. If not, replace the POIs there with them.
We had to abort our operation. The derelict’s life-support
2 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 3. Make sure systems activated, immediately depleting its energy
that POI P370 (Synapses Hills) is in Sector 3, and POI P371 (Coiled Space) reserves, and the entire vessel started sinking into
is in Sector 1. If not, replace the POIs there with them. the inferno below, making further research impossible.
3 – Place all Crewmembers on the Planet board in Sector 1. Make sure Fortunately, we already had something to start with:
that POI P370 (Synapses Hills) is in Sector 1, and POI P371 (Coiled Space) a part of a fractal “Rosetta Stone.” Maybe studying it
is in Sector 2. If not, replace the POIs there with them. would allow us to learn more about this species?

Log 252 • Discard Mission card M131.

• Find and reveal Mission card M133 and Optional Mission card M132.
Visitors’ World: Research Note #81
Elongated nerve endings reach toward tiny rifts and Log 258
feel or examine what’s on the other side. We see many
Mark this box. If this box was already marked, this Log ends.
areas from this world beyond these rifts, but there are
also snippets of other worlds. We would love to spend
Otherwise, read on:
months here researching these portals. Unfortunately, we Away Team Exploration Report 58/D
don’t have the time.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Come in, Away Team.
Stimulating nerve endings widens the gaps in space, We have an urgent weather update.
allowing us to “teleport” objects through the breaches.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We know – the weather’s
You may to move to any Sector (excluding Sector 8). FUBAR. Anything else?

Log 253 [CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: The wind is changing

direction. Be advised: the shards may engulf some
Science Sec. Log 2/776 previously safe zones. We suggest you seek shelter until—
It seems that this life form evolved without *** Lander alert ***
the Builders’ interference. We still need more samples
to confirm this theory, but preliminary genetic analysis [Away Team, Operative 1]: Son of a—
seems convincing enough. [CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Please repeat, Away Team.
Gain 3 Strange Flora Leads. Discard the Mission card. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Our lander! The ridge
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text: no longer protects it. It’s now completely out in
the open. We have no way to leave the planet safely.
Find Mission M41 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board. Requesting evac.

Log 254 [CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: …

If Carnivorous Thicket is in this Sector, nothing happens. Otherwise, read on: [Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard, do you copy?
We need to abort the mission!
Away Team Exploration Report MI/13
[Away Team, Operative 2]: No signal. The storm must
The cave is no different from others we’ve already seen. have blocked our communication. We need to find a place
The only features worth mentioning are a deep pond and with a clear signal.
a cluster of large vines that grow out of it. We also
see an elliptical shape beneath the surface. We’re [Away Team, Operative 1]: Or get back our lander…
moving closer to investigate. Oh, Damn. It’s moving • Place all Mods from the Lander board in the “Awaiting…” envelope.
toward us! Run! • Move all Discoveries from the Lander board to the slot on the Planet board
Place card P001 on top of any cards in this Sector. Place the Carnivorous indicated as “Lost Discoveries.”
Thicket standee in this Sector. • Discard the marker from the Supplies track.
Place the Carnivorous Thicket Threat card in the indicated slot on top of • Move the Rank-Up card and all on the Lander next to their indicated
the Planet board. slots on the Planet board. Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar
cardholder) and flip the Lander card representing your current Lander to
Carnivorous Thicket becomes active – read its Threat card and apply its rules the Damaged side (unless it is a Basic Lander).
whenever necessary. • The Lander board should now be empty – return it to the box and discard
If this is your first time using Threats, remember to check the Threats rules the Lander standee from the Planet board. Your Lander is destroyed and
in Chapter III of the Rulebook! Lift-Off is no longer possible!
ISS Vanguard Logbook 35

• Reset the Lead bag, returning all Lead tokens there. [Away Team]: We’ve managed to establish an outpost and
• Any new Discoveries you gather from now on in this Planetary Exploration raise the barriers.
should be placed directly on your Crew board – Crewmembers may use [Captain]: This is the captain speaking. You did
Discoveries placed next to their Crew boards as if they were in the Lander. well, Away Team. We didn’t expect your journey to be
• Replace Mission card M50 with Mission card M51. that dangerous – but now that you’ve established a safe
• Replace the card in Sector 1 with card P170. foothold, you should return to Vanguard. You’ve earned
your rest. The next team to explore this dimension will
New Objective: Find a way to contact Vanguard or leave the planet.
be much safer, thanks to your efforts.
IMPORTANT: You have no supplies now. Plan accordingly.
• Replace this POI with P375.
IMPORTANT: If you don’t find a way to retrieve your previous Discoveries
• Go to Log 85 and mark the box next to the letter B without reading
before the end of the Mission, they will be lost!
the actual Log.
• Discard Mission card M171.
Log 259
All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Science Section
Mark this box if not already marked. You’ve done something that has player makes the final choice:
angered the Idemians!
» Continue the exploration of this eerie dimension (if you have few
If you’re in Sector 1 or if there are no Crewmembers on the Planet board yet, Section dice or have suffered Injuries, this might not be a good
go to Log 308. choice) – This Log ends.
If you’re in any other Sector, continue the game. » Return to Vanguard – Go to Log 145.

Log 260 Log 263

A B [Mission Time 00:05:21]

[Away Team]: We’re entering the air hole. We may lose The waves are even stronger than Recon and Science
the signal while underwater. described. Our lander is in constant danger of sinking,
but we must believe it will prevail. We’re diving in
[CAPCOM]: Good luck. And be careful out there. a minute.
[Away Team]: I hope the monsters won’t follow us here.
[Mission Time 00:41:10]
[CAPCOM]: Be prepared for them anyway.
The tides are troublesome – we are getting pushed
Discard all Mission Equipment tokens from the Planet board – they may be around and almost crash into rocks several times. It’s
placed again using their Equipment cards. If you discarded the P.E.T. this hard to stay in one place long enough to take samples.
way, return the die to the owner’s Spent Pool. [Mission Time 02:12:55]
Place the following cards on top of other cards in the designated Sectors: Finally, we’ve gathered something interesting
• Card P197 in Sector 1. – a sponge-like organism and some porous rocks
• Card P199 in Sector 3. that resemble Earth’s coral reefs.
• Card P200 in Sector 4. [Mission Time 03:35:18]
• Card P201 in Sector 5.
Damn, we can’t lift off! The engines are flooded!
Then: We need help!
• If boxes A and B are marked, place card P203 on top of the other Gain 1 Live Specimen Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”
cards in Sector 2. Lose 1 , if you have any.
• If only box B is marked, place card P202 on top of the other cards
in Sector 2.
• If neither are marked, place card P198 on top of the other cards
Log 264
[Away Team]: Damn! They hid under the layer of gravel
in Sector 2. and stone!
• Flip Apex Predator to the Gathering Predators side (if it’s already
on this side, nothing happens). Discard the Apex Predator standee [CAPCOM]: Proceed with your mission. We need
from the board if it’s there. those samples.
• Place the Kurma Threat card next to the Planet board. [Away Team]: We can’t do shit without heavy equipment.
• Place Kurma in Sector 5. And tremors made by drilling would scare those
• Remove the Lander standee from the board and place it on the Lander plants away.
board – you don’t have access to the Lander Sector and you may not [CAPCOM]: Scare plants? What do you even mean?
use any Lander Mods until you leave the water’s depths. Otherwise,
the Lander board functions as normal – you can still use it to gather [Away Team]: There’s nothing we can do. We’re
Discoveries or Success tokens. coming back.
• Discard the current Global Condition, and replace it with card G09. [CAPCOM]: Roger that. What a waste of resources…
Leave the Mission card revealed – you failed your Mission. You should go back
Log 261 to the Lander and leave the planet.
“Following Major Dahl around the ship was a challenge
on its own. She was paranoid, unwilling to move
anywhere without a heavy escort. We almost called
Log 265
everything off when Dahl finally arrived at Dr. Corey’s If you’re playing the Tutorial: take the top card from Tutorial Deck A (Mission
lab. She ordered all of her guards to remain by card M02), read it aloud and place it face up in the Mission card space.
the door and entered alone. This was our chance. We If you’re using Quickstart rules: find Mission card M02 and place it face up
made our way to the other side of the laboratory and in the Mission card space.
crawled inside via a technical duct.”
Place card P107 in Sector 3 and continue the game.
Mark box C in Log 950. Hint: Before you attempt to reach the cannon, consider resting.
Check if box D in Log 930 is NOT marked. If it’s not, go to Log 268.
Otherwise, go to Log 272. Log 266
Visitors’ World: Research Note #87
Log 262 We managed to make contact with one of the Visitors.
[Away Team]: Vanguard, can you hear us?
It seemed intoxicated, or at least it wasn’t as “lively”
[CAPCOM]: … as those who appeared on Vanguard during the crisis.
[Away Team]: CAPCOM? Damn this connection-- Fortunately, the Visitor wasn’t aggressive, but we
couldn’t tell if it was even trying to communicate
[CAPCOM]: …y’all! We were so worried! I’m glad with us.
you’re alright!
36 ISS Vanguard Logbook

We showed it some pictures on handheld screens, and it

started to draw something on the ground, but suddenly, Log 272
it stopped, and we lost the little attention we had. “In the laboratory, Dr. Corey was in the middle of
The Visitor’s body swirled and wormed its way into presenting some secret research to Major Dahl. We waited
impossible dimensions. When we looked around, we saw for the moment when Dahl looked most distracted and
it appearing before membranous gates, in front of sprang out of the shadows. One thing we did not take
the cluster of steles. The Visitor opened the gates, and into account was Dahl’s extensive military training.
entered this inaccessible place. Seeing us, she instinctively grabbed Dr. Corey and put
a gun to her back, using her as a living shield.
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
‘If you as much as twitch, you will have our good doctor
Gain 1 . on your conscience,’ Dahl said.
‘What are you waiting for?’ Dr. Corey screamed. ‘Here’s
Log 267 your chance! Shoot her! Shoot her even if you have to
Mark this box. If it was already marked, go to Log 280. shoot me!’
Otherwise, read on: Outside, the marines began to bang at the lab door.”
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re approaching our target, All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
Vanguard. player makes the final decision):
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Starting orbital maneuvers. » Attack Major Dahl, ignoring the hostage – Go to Log 361.
Brace for deceleration. » Comply and let Dahl retreat – Go to Log 296.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: This place looks like hell!
We’re detecting high concentrations of sulfides in Log 273
the atmosphere. The seismic activity is off the charts. Mark the first unmarked box and read its text.
If we wanted to find life, we’re here a couple of
millennia too early. Away Team Exploration Report 1945-A

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: The Builders had a reason Contrary to all other ornaments and glyphs we’ve seen
to mark these coordinates. Besides, the science team so far, the decoration of the pedestal was weirdly
believes this planet’s thermal vents could show photorealistic. Its first panels introduced a planet in
“vigorous bacterial activity.” some far-off galaxy we couldn’t recognize. The planet
had no water, a thick, acidic atmosphere, and crushing
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’ll make sure to call home gravity just short of a habitable zone. Despite all
when we find these vigorous bacteria. this, life was born there, on the brims of thermal
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Landing sequence initiated. vents. The life slowly evolved into a sentient organism
that had a very high percentage of non-organic matter
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Godspeed, Away Team. and metals in its body, and was very long-lived. Its
Go to Log 280. squat, conical shape perfectly matched the crushing
gravity of its world. Its inability to make any quick
Log 268 moves promoted careful planning and long-term thinking.
Was this the origin of the Builders? If so, they were
“In the laboratory, we heard Major Dahl and Dr. Corey
unlike any other being we’ve discovered so far…
arguing about something related to the Visitors. As we
slowly crept toward the voices, suddenly a cold, wet Away Team Exploration Report 1945-B
tentacle landed on my shoulder. I sprang back, trying
The photorealistic panels on this pedestal present a rise
not to scream. Behind me was Thrall – strapped to
of civilization. The strange, squat, conical-shaped beings
a table in the corner of the lab, drugged and in pain.
we learned about on the previous pedestal now started to
Even in the dim light, I could see Thrall could no
create things. Most of their technology seemed focused
longer keep control of its form, wet tentacles hanging
on self-engineering. Non-organic extremities allowed them
from its shoulders and the back of its head.
to shape themselves and easily fuse their technology
‘Set me free,’ it whispered. ‘She ordered Corey to do directly with their bodies and silicon-based nervous
this. I have to get even.’” systems. Instead of vehicles, they had exosuits that rode
on large caterpillar tracks. Instead of houses, they
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
had attachable, foldable shelters. Instead of schools or
player makes the final decision):
hospitals they had suits that taught and suits that cured.
» Free Thrall – Go to Log 277. Due to the extreme gravity, it took millennia for them to
» Leave him and promise to come later – Go to Log 272. create vessels capable of reaching the escape velocity of
their homeworld. They entered space as a mature, advanced
Log 270 civilization. Like the rest of their technology, their
Visitors’ World: Research Note #51 spaceships were not artificial habitats meant to carry
them from one place to another, but a direct extension of
This place made me think of a celiac plexus
their bodies. Thus, they not only became a spacefaring
the moment I entered the site. My research proved me
species – they became a space-born one.
correct – experimenting with the nerves, synapses,
and surrounding tissues allowed me to manipulate Away Team Exploration Report 1945-C
the behavior of distant places and the overall state of
The panels here chronicle the rise and fall of a strange
this dimension. More experiments are underway.
race of conical beings. Capable of long space voyages,
Gain Unique Discovery 35. Replace this POI with card P376. nearly immortal, hard-working, and able to modify their
bodies at will, the conical species quickly spread all
Log 271 over their galaxy. They were teachers and custodians,
Letters from the Escher’s Hell bestowing their technology on lesser races, unifying
them under the flag of their science and culture. They
I’m so close to the steles! I’m sure that if only I could were the Builders. Even a couple of them, working almost
open the organic gates, I could enter the place. But constantly for a couple of centuries, were enough to
the tissues react to my movements, pressure changes, terraform or settle a new planet. Soon, they were setting
and even the EM field surrounding my equipment. their eyes on other galaxies.
If the POI in Sector 2 is P382 secretion (Inactive Receptors), go to Log 278. That’s when the impossible happened. A contagion appeared
Otherwise, nothing happens. on the fringe of their galaxy, spreading almost at
the speed of light; some fundamental shift in the state
of matter the reliefs couldn’t explain.
It originated somewhere close to the center of
ISS Vanguard Logbook 37

the universe and slowly shifted every particle in [Operative 1]: Finally! It seems that there’s something
existence into a different state – like water freezing artificial right under our feet. We must dig it out now…
in a trough. Even with their galaxy-spanning empire,
[Operative 2]: Nice!
the Builders were unable to stop an apocalyptic event
of this scale. Their science failed to understand this [Operative 1]: …
Universal Phase Shift. Was it somehow tied to a critical Replace the POI in this Sector with card P191.
point in the expansion of the universe? Was it a weapon
used by an advanced species from another galaxy to
eliminate them once they got too powerful? Whatever
Log 276
the cause, the Builders couldn’t make sense of it. They CVR Audio Data Transcript, Excerpt
couldn’t find a model of the universe that would help them [Navigator]: We suggest this route. This way, you’ll
understand or stop the phase shift – and all advanced avoid most streams of hot air and molten metal.
civilizations in their galaxy who shared their science
and philosophy were just as helpless. A unified galactic [Lander Pilot]: Most? I hope the lander can take it.
culture proved just as vulnerable as bacterial or Check number of markers on the Lander board and resolve
agricultural monocultures. the corresponding effect:
The phase shift consumed their entire galaxy in just • 0-2 markers: Discard all markers from the Lander board, then go to Log 381.
forty thousand years… • 3-6 markers: Discard all markers from the Lander board, then go to Log 508
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-D • 7+ markers: Discard all markers from the Lander board, gain 1 ,
then go to Log 483.
The panels on this pedestal start with the fall of
the Builders’ galactic empire, consumed by a strange
contagion that changed the properties of matter
Log 277
itself. However, the Builders were not ready to fade “Consumed by their argument, Corey and Dahl barely
into oblivion. They hatched a desperate plan. They noticed our approach. When we got to jumping distance,
sent expeditions to other distant galaxies, traveling I started to count down, but Thrall was already moving
faster than light. The missions carried the gift of before I got to ‘five’. It confronted Dahl, and she
life: a carefully engineered microscopic organism with reached for her weapon.
efficient carbon-based physiology. This DNA-based life Thrall’s tentacles waved, and in a split second,
form was the fastest evolving organism in the known a subspace anomaly began to form in front of Dahl,
universe, capable of adapting to an incredible variety threatening both her and Dr. Corey…”
of habitats. It was LUCA. The common ancestor of all life
on Earth. The Builders seeded these organisms across All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
vast spaces, on every world that could support them. makes the final decision):
They created an enormous plantation of fast-growing » Interrupt Thrall – Go to Log 282.
life. An incubator that was supposed to raise countless » Jump into the anomaly and try to save Dr. Corey – Go to Log 307.
advanced civilizations in just a couple of million years » Stand back and let Thrall continue – Go to Log 337.
– hundreds of times faster than the Builders evolved.
On each seeded planet, they also left an obelisk, Log 278
a memento for the life that could eventually appear Letters from the Escher’s Hell
there; a waypoint showing the way to vaults, such as this
one. The place becomes… flaccid. The muscles and tissues
that control the gates lose their turgor. They no longer
The panels conclude with a clear picture of the pyramid, react to my presence anymore. I use telescopic poles
and various odd-shaped aliens making their way inside. to secure the entrance before it closes again. There
It seems that to learn more, we would have to enter is only one thing to do: gather some courage and head
the vault itself… inside, toward my goal.

Log 274 Hint: You probably won’t return here. If you want to visit other places in this
dimension, you should do it before entering the Steles Collection.
Visitors’ World: Research Note #54
Replace the POI in Sector 6 with card P381.
By the time we managed to successfully take samples,
many of them were destroyed, and so was our equipment.
But the time and expenditure were worth it – we Log 279
extracted an interesting structure that allowed us to Personal Journal
modulate and send impulses through receptors almost in This beautiful place has changed beyond recognition.
every place in our reach. Roots and moss are now bloated, full of orange blisters
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: that burst under the slightest touch. Insects roam
the grotto slowly and spread the disease. Is it our
Gain 1 and 2 Live Specimen Leads. fault? Is life created by the Builders, such as us,
Then, if you don’t have Unique Discovery 35, gain it. deadly to life on this planet?

Hint: Take note of this place in case you return to this dimension later – you Replace the POI in this Sector with card P139.
will be able to gain this Unique Discovery again.

Log 275
Away Team’s Private Channel
[Operative 1]: I’m bored here… Still scanning; the bar
is stuck on eighty-nine percent.
[Operative 2]: At least we have time to see this
wonderful wilderness, rather than staring at Vanguard’s
sterile walls.
[Operative 1]: What? You feel better here than back on
the ship?
[Operative 2]: Of course.
[Operative 1]: Wow, you’re odd. I’d rather take hot
coffee and my VR set.
*** Loud beep ***
38 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 280 Log 284

[Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard? We are detecting The cave system is long, convoluted and filled with
substantial amounts of space debris on our approach liquid water – but seems sadly devoid of life.
vector. Beginning evasive maneuvers. The radiation counters are starting to light up
the further down we go.
If your Lander has at least 4 and 4 , go to Log 286. Otherwise, begin
the landing procedure: Replace a card in this Sector with a random P167 card.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
with an “S” on the Landing track).
Log 285
[Away Team]: Yeah, take that you bastards!
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
result in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose one [CAPCOM]: What? What’s happening there, Away Team?
(you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare cases, Are you under attack?
where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card [Away Team]: Everything’s fine, don’t sweat. We’ve
and Injury die. encountered a barrier of twitching roots. We managed to
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not get rid of them.
beyond the last space. [CAPCOM]: Oh, alright. Keep up the good work, I guess.
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, Replace the POI in your Sector with card P143.
go to Log 286. Otherwise, go back to step 2.

Log 286
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 8-9 (Brimstone).
Critical Hit! Choose one: • Roll a D10 and check the result below:
» Expose the Cockpit – 0-2: Place the Dust Storm Threat card in the indicated space above
If is 4 or more, the Planet board. Place the Dust Storm standee in Sector 2.
each Crewmember 1 . – 3-5: Place the Dust Storm Threat card in the indicated space above
Otherwise, each Crewmember gains the Planet board. Place the Dust Storm standee in Sector 4.
a Wounded Injury; open the Ship Book – 6-9: Nothing happens.
at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip • If Dust Storm is the first Threat you’ve ever encountered, remember to check
the Lander card representing your current the Threats rules in Chapter III of the Rulebook!
Lander to the Damaged side (unless it is • Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
a Basic Lander). Exploration” procedure.
» Expose the Cargo Bay
Lose 2 Supplies or return 2 random Log 287
Equipment cards to “Armory.” Away Team’s Private Channel

Cargo Damage Destroyed Supplies [Operative 2]: That’s all?

Lose 4 Supplies reduced by . [Operative 1]: Well, that was rather fast.
[Operative 3]: Save your breaths for a climb. It seems
Fire! Choose one:
that these ruins are only broken remnants that tumbled
» Extinguish down from the original site at the top of Sphyrna Mensa.
If is 4 or more, 1 Crewmember .
[Operative 2]: Seriously? We want to climb this thing?
Otherwise, 1 Crewmember
gains a Burned Injury. [Operative 1]: Wait, weren’t you disappointed there’s
nothing to do, like, just a second ago?
» Cut the Section Off
Return 2 random Equipment cards Replace the POI in Sector 2 with card P192. Replace the POI
to “Armory” or lose 2 Supplies. in Sector 5 with card P193.

Use the Opportunity Log 288
If is 4 or more, If there’s a marker in Sector 5, go to Log 301.
progress the Landing track by 1.
Otherwise, read on:

Log 281 The machine was ancient, as old as life itself on this
planet, and bore a striking resemblance to the Builders'
Add 1 marker to the Enemy Advantage slot.
architecture we saw in the Eye of the Void. Its
structure extended deep underground and to other parts
Log 282 of the planet, though its purpose was unclear.
“Thrall was furious, and lashed out at us for standing
According to our preliminary research, this structure
between it and its revenge. Major Dahl used the moment
originated a millennium or two ago. Our scans woke
this gave her to call in reinforcements. We had to flee
something deep inside, emitting small bursts of energy.
with marines hot on our tails – but at least Dr. Corey
Then, it went silent once more.
was safe with us.”
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Go to Log 501.
Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads.
Log 283
Visitors’ World: Research Note #94 Log 289
The tubes secrete a thick, green paste. It’s full Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
of proteins and saccharides, but it also contains resolve the bottom one.
psychoactive substances poisonous to humans – it
Go to Log 303.
would require more research to learn how it influences
the Visitors. Go to Log 279.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
Gain 3 Microorganism Leads.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 39

Log 290 Log 296

[CAPCOM]: The operator claims the portal is stable. You “In the end, we couldn’t sacrifice Dr. Corey.
may proceed. We retreated, hoping to fight another day, and with
Dahl’s marines in pursuit.”
[Away Team]: Our readings are green across the board as
well. We’re coming through. Go to Log 501.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
resolve the bottom one. Log 298
Go to Log 295. Congratulations! Your first Mission is now complete – perform
Go to Log 302. the following steps:
Gain 1 (place 1 in the indicated space above the Planet board).
Log 291 4..
1. Place Point of Interest card P105 (Technical Corridors)) in Sector 4
Engineering Report 81 INF/1-C/13 This replaces the card outline, which means Crewmembers who enter
The hazardous conditions of 1-C required the use of Sector 4 are no longer directed to Log 311.
jetpacks to allow users to move precisely and fast. 2. Remove Mission card M01 from the game.
We spent a lot of time and resources preparing 3. Take the top 5 cards from Tutorial Deck B (all cards with the “Event” text
the equipment so that it didn’t require years on their backs). Shuffle them and place them face down near the Planet
of experience to operate (or special training board as the Event deck. The next time a Crewmember completes their
that the Recon Section receives). We succeeded in this turn, read the Events section in Chapter II of the Rulebook.
field and constructed a simplified version of a jetpack
stuffed with electronics that perform many tasks 4. Then, go to Log 345.
that the user had to do manually before.
That was the only thing we succeeded in – the whole 1-C
Log 299
Visitors’ World: Research Note #100
project was a fiasco otherwise, and it brought us nothing
but a loss of energy. Oh, and the Recon guys decided to This machine is probably used to release excess energy
stick with their old jetpack design, despite it being from this dimension to our ever-expanding universe,
clearly harder to use. where it can safely dissipate. If it gathered here, it
would probably lead to a disaster.
They complained that when using a more automated version,
“the feeling just wasn’t the same” – whatever that means. What’s curious is that whenever the energy flows out,
this world becomes more… real. This also impacts
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
organic elements all around us – the living tissue
Move card E15 (Jetpack) from “Unavailable Equipment” to “Armory.” tenses and closes to protect its vital parts.

Then, you may Assign 1 Crewmember to gain 1 Mineral Discovery and

place it in “Gathered Discoveries.”
Log 300
Captain’s Log, Entry 213

Log 292 The landing on the Eye of the Void laid bare two key
Letters from the Escher’s Hell facts. First, our landers will face unpredictable threats.
Second, even a short scouting mission can leave the Away
Red icons flash at the edge of my visor. Blinking alerts, Team stranded for weeks. During our long flight to TOI-2C,
wailing alarms… This hellish dimension got me again. we had plenty of time to put our leading researchers and
My breathing apparatus isn’t working anymore. My engineers to work, addressing these weaknesses As Section
shielding is gone. I’m being tossed around like a doll. Leaders prepare their crew for another ground mission,
This huge vent sucks out both atmosphere and energy I hope things will go smoother this time.
at the same time. My chances don’t look so good. Unfortunately, the first long-range scans of planets in
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: the system revealed something troubling…
As you can see from the System Map, there are several destinations available
Gain 1 .
for you now. Since this is your first space travel, instead of following the rules
Then, OR + + + + OR roll . of the Starmap Ship Book page further, simply follow these steps:
1. In your System Maps book, read the description and rules of the TOI-2 C
Log 293 – “Pellucid” destination (number 3). This is where you will land next!
Away Team Exploration Log
2. Take your Planetary Scanner. The purpose of this component is to make
The excavations were more difficult and more dangerous it easy for you to reveal only part of the information contained
than we expected. The winds outside the craters were on Landing cards – the parts you will pay for using your Energy.
deadly, the radiation was corrupting our software. In
3. Find the L1 Landing card in “Landing Cards” (Card Tray B) – do not read it
the end, we were crushed by our discovery – there was
yet! The information on the front of the Landing card is secret and divided
no stele here. What we took for its signature instead
came from an ice-bound shipwreck. into three segments. The large Energy costs at the back of the Landing
card show you how much it costs to reveal that particular segment.
Discard the POI card from this Sector. Go to Log 521.
4. Insert the Landing card fully into the Planetary Scanner, so that the first
Energy cost is visible in the cutout window. The cost in the cutout
Log 295 window shows how much you need to pay before you push one
[Captain Wayman]: Good job, Away Team. Establishing segment of the card up from the scanner.
an outpost in this alien dimension is a great
accomplishment. 5. Revealing the first segment of card L1 costs 0 . Push the card up one
time, so that the second cost is visible in the cutout window.
[Away Team]: Thank you, sir. We --
6. Pay 1 to cover the second cost and push the card until you reveal
[Captain Wayman]: However, your main task was to find the third cost. Pay the third cost as well (1 ), and push the card up
a way to access the Visitors’ research on steles. I hope one final time until it almost leaves the scanner.
your next expedition will be more fruitful.
7. Flip the scanner over and review the results. If scanned correctly,
Return Unique Discovery 35 and 38 to “Unique Discoveries.” you should see the text in all 3 segments of the card. Read this text
Then, discard all Missions. Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) – it contains valuable tips that help you prepare for the landing:
and begin Ship Management. what dangers your Lander will face, what symbols are frequently used in
the Dice Checks on this planet, and which Biomes you can expect there.
8. Leave both the scanner and the card on the table. You will probably
40 ISS Vanguard Logbook

want to review this information as you prepare for the mission in

subsequent steps of Ship Management!
Log 303
Personal Journal 18-1-F
That’s it for now! Planet Pellucid is always the second step of the campaign,
When I entered the cave, leaving all the greenery
but after that, you will be able to fly anywhere you wish, finding more planets
behind, I felt like I was entering an ancient cathedral
and interesting objects on your own.
– stalagmites resembled columns, lichen looked like
Close and store your System Maps book. You will soon continue Ship bleached frescos, and fractured ground brought to
Management – but keep the following hints in mind if this is your first playthrough: mind old tiles. At the end of this stood a gate;
• When faced with a choice of Facility to activate, Barracks and Production a magnificent portal, covered in sedimentary rock, but
with the Builders’ marks still visible. It was a truly
Complex are good first moves, as they will give you additional Crewmembers
religious experience.
and some starting Equipment.
• The actual landing will happen after you progress through more Ship Book Place card P133 in this Sector. Go to Log 8.
steps that will include preparing your Lander for the mission, and choosing
and equipping your Away Team. Log 304
• While equipping the Away Team, you will also build your own deck Away Team Exploration Report MI/9
of Section cards. If you’re not sure which cards to take, you may use
We started extracting water from twitching roots –
the pre-constructed 10-card basic deck by taking all Rank 1 cards
the water was filtered and purified by plants’ parenchyma.
from your Section with a white bar next to their Rank (see Rulebook
At first, it went smoothly. Then, suddenly, all the roots
Chapter III – Campaign Quickstart for an example). were sucked up into the cave’s ceiling. Small, wriggling
• The first designated Save Spot of the campaign is AFTER the Pellucid worms poured from the holes. They secreted corrosive
landing. If you cannot play that long you may leave the game as it is now agents that began to damage our suits. We had to leave
and later restart from page 6 of the Ship Book. the site.
Now, open your Ship Book at page 6 (Ship Facilities) and continue Gain 1 Supplies. Replace with card P135.
Ship Management.
Log 305
Log 301 Visitors’ World: Research Note #99
[Away Team]: Vanguard? I think we broke it.
When we tried to tinker with the machine, a group
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Uh, please repeat, Away Team? of armed Visitors appeared. They looked exactly like
[Away Team]: I think we broke the planet. the ones who helped us during Vanguard’s defense, but
this time they attacked us without warning. When we
The ground shook as the sun-eater opened its maw wider, escaped – barely – and left the area, they immediately
entire mountains falling into its depths. It roared, stopped their pursuit, almost as if they immediately
belching forth a hurricane, a torrent that soon reached forgot us. When we appeared again, they didn’t react.
the upper atmosphere, glistening with nanobot swarms. But we won’t try touching the device again.
As we focused our efforts on standing fast against
the winds, the sky above shifted. Awestruck, we watched Roll OR + + + + + .
as the artificial storm counteracted the real one,
slowing until the skies cleared and glass shards fell Log 306
like rain. In less than an hour, the world transformed MP212 – “Mermaid” Experiment
before our eyes.
The unusual spectrum of the Mermaid star warranted
Before we could come to grips with that, the ground further study.
broke apart near the mounds, and strange creatures
The light of the star didn’t create favorable conditions
resembling enormous termites emerged as if they had
for the development of complex life.
been eagerly awaiting this moment…
It hindered observations of other planetary systems and
• Move all minis and standees from the Planet board next to the Planet board. stars. Perhaps it’s only saving grace was that it proved
• Take all Lost Discoveries from their slot on the Planet board and place aesthetically pleasing to many crew members, who spent
them next to the Planet board. so many hours on the observation deck watching MP212,
• Discard all cards and markers from the Planet board, including your apparently mesmerized by its shifting glow, that Dr.
current Missions and Global Conditions. Bell began to worry.
• Discard all Mission Equipment tokens from the Planet board – they may Only one experiment gave us some interesting results
be placed again using their Equipment cards. If you discarded the P.E.T. – some of the minerals found on nearby objects reacted
this way, return the die to the owner’s Spent Pool. to the ever-changing wavelengths emitted by Mermaid in
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 12-13 (Everstorm, Stage 2), an unusual way. We passed the mineral to Engineering so
• Populate the right side of Everstorm, Stage 2 with the cards listed there that they could include it in their devices.
(Unique Discovery, Mission).
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
• Go to Log 319.
Move card A19 (Multispectral Scanner) from “Lander Mods”
Log 302 (Card Tray B) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
[Captain Wayman]: I’m glad you’re alive. But it’s
the only thing I’m happy about. Opening the portal to Log 307
the Visitors’ dimension costs us more resources than we “We did what we could, but it wasn’t enough. I still
can gather during a whole month. remember the hand of Dr. Corey slipping from my grasp
[Away Team]: … as I tried to pull her away from the anomaly. Soon,
the subspace torrent disappeared forever – Major Dahl
[Captain Wayman]: I won’t take any excuses. If you gone, together with our dear friend.”
don’t feel capable of this task, don’t go there next
time. Dismissed. Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks.
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board.
Any Crewmembers used in this check may die. Depending on your choices,
Return Unique Discovery 35 and 38 to “Unique Discoveries.” you may face several more checks in this part of the story.
Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Perform the following steps:
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers
with a or or converter from their hand and place them
in the Roll Pool.
• Count the number of , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
ISS Vanguard Logbook 41

add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 11 or more

points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
Log 312
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result. Shuffle all three G11 cards and place them face up in the “Global Conditions”
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember slot of the Planet board in random order. Then, mark the topmost unmarked box
in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, resolve the bottom one.
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to Go to Log 348.
their Available Crewmembers.
• If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise: Go to Log 334.
If you have 10 or fewer points, Dr. Corey dies, sucked into an anomaly! Go to Log 281.
Mark box E in Log 930. Then, go to Log 346.
If you have 11 or more points, go to Log 346. Log 313
Visitors’ World: Xenologist Audio Log
Log 308 The Visitors (note: I find the name “Visitors” not really
Even though we didn’t see its face, we could tell
appropriate, as this time we are the ones who “visit”
from the slumping posture of the creature that it was
their world) avoid contact with me and the rest of
disappointed. It remained motionless for a while, and
the crew. Their behavior may be understood in two ways:
then began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate.
they are curious and cautious, or they are scared.
Go to Log 336. For now, I’ll assume they are driven by curiosity.
This looks like a residential area. The colorful pods
Log 309 may serve as houses – each contains only one Visitor, so
The Final Transmission of Away Team 341B we may assume they are not a familial species.
The derelict is sinking faster. Tremors dislocated We shouldn’t disturb them anymore, and because of that,
the lander’s grapples, and it slid into the fiery depths. we will leave this area for now.
We have no way out now. We will join it soon.
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P377. Gain Unique Discovery 38.
We made use of our last moments to scan all
the artifacts and jury rig a transmitter to send you
the data and this message. Tell our families and
Log 314
Crystalline Structure Analysis
friends that we haven’t died for nothing. Tell them--
Our initial theory proved true – Cousin’s crystal is
Damn! It-
the same as the one on Pellucid. We predict that this
• All Crewmembers on the planet die – remove them from their Rank sleeves. planet will “burst” in a couple of years, as the crystal
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the Lander is already visible on the surface, it must have taken
card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side (unless it is a a significant part of the planet’s core.
Basic Lander). What’s interesting about the samples is that they
• Discard all non-Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. stop growing and spreading when they are detached
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin from the main structure. If somehow we could extract
Ship Management. the “heart” of the crystal, maybe it would stop growing?
Unfortunately, so far we don’t have the technology
Log 310 to access the planetary core and test this theory.
Away Team’s Personal Channel From what we’ve learned so far, only the Builders had
the appropriate geoengineering technologies. It seems
[Operative 1]: How? Cousin’s fate – just like Earth’s – hinges on our better
[Operative 3]: No idea. Grab them and run! understanding of the Builders.

[Operative 1]: Oh… Something’s wrong again. Gain Unique Discovery 17. Replace with card P211.
[Operative 3]: Damned anomaly! Quickly, tie both of you
to a tree! Log 315
[Away Team]: Vanguard? This is the Away Team!
[Operative 1]: Aaa-- We are en route to the designated landing zone.
[Operative 3]: Help’s on its way! All systems nominal. Uplink stable. We should be past
the outer debris layer right about… Oh, wow.
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board, discard all non-Unique
Discoveries from the Lander board, and discard Unique Discovery 34 [Captain Wayman]: My god…
if you have it. Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) [Away Team]: You seeing this, Vanguard?
and begin Ship Management.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Crystal clear, Away Team.

Log 311 It seems like the long-range scans were right.

The planet is gone. If you see no clear approach vector,
Away Team Exploration Report 1/C you have permission to abort.
The darkness and silence of an eons-old structure [Away Team]: No, some pieces of the crust look large
enveloped me. The carbon mesh formed small tunnels, enough for a touchdown. And we detect anomalous
their network sprawling under the pitch-black surface of structures among the debris. We could take a look.
the sphere. I set up a radio beacon to notify the other
survivors of my location, and sat there, in the dim [Captain Wayman]: Anything you bring back will be
light of the flashlight, trying not to think too much invaluable, Away Team. Just don’t bite off more than you
about who these corridors were made for… can chew. There are plenty of other worlds on our list.

To continue the Mission, all Away Team Crewmembers need to meet [Away Team]: Copy that, Vanguard. Plotting
the landing path.
in this Sector. Are all Crewmembers in Sector 4?
Important: This planet introduces the Lander, Landings and limited Supplies
• Yes – Go to Log 320.
to the campaign.
• No – Keep taking turns until all Crewmembers are here.
Follow the steps below to resolve the landing procedure:
Remember: As long as the “Log 311” text is revealed in this Sector,
you must read this Log entry each time a Crewmember enters 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
this Location. with an “S” on the Landing track). The Landing track represents your
progress toward the planet’s surface.
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
result in the table below. If your result is not listed, the roll has no effect.
42 ISS Vanguard Logbook

If more than one option is available, choose one (you cannot choose
an option you cannot fully resolve – for example, one that causes you
Log 319
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Away Team? Please check on
to lose Supplies when you have no more Supplies to lose). In rare cases,
your lander. We’ve got some worrying activity around it.
where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury
card and Injury die. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Copy that. Initiating remote
checks. It seems that…
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right).
4. If the marker reached the “Landing Successful” space of the Landing [Lander AI]: STRUCTURAL DAMAGE DETECTED.
track, go to Log 317. Otherwise, go back to step 2. ENGINES COMPROMISED.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: I have the camera feed! These
PELLUCID LANDING  ORBITAL DEBRIS creatures, these mound mites, are swarming the landing
zone. They are taking the lander apart!
Debris Impact! Choose one:
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Get down there on the double,
» Expose the Cargo Bay Away Team! That’s your only ticket home.
Lose 4 Supplies reduced by .
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Negative. We’re too far to
» Brace for Impact get there in time, and we’re not geared for an open
Each Crewmember conflict. Please advise…
gains a Wounded Injury.
If you have a Lander board on the table, go to Log 360.
Clear Landing Landing successful!
If there is no Lander board on the table (the Lander was already destroyed
Path Go to Log 317.
earlier), go to Log 487.

Log 316 Log 320

Personal Journal
Away Team Exploration Report 1/D
Damp air escaped the borehole and resublimed, plugging
As the last member of the Away Team appeared
the vent like a scab. We had to drill again, this time
in the distance, we felt instant relief. The mission
preparing an isolated chamber with proper pressure and
started in disaster, but we were alive, we regrouped,
temperature to prevent the hole from closing up.
we had some supplies, and we were not far from
I’m excited. Soon, we will be able to see what’s under the designated landing zone.
the ice! I hope there’s a whole new world there, like in
It was time to get to work. First, we needed to make
Verne’s novels…
sure that any rescue teams sent after us wouldn’t suffer
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P196. the same fate.
Then, if the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: If you’re playing the Tutorial, go to Log 298. Otherwise, read on:
Place the O17 Secondary Objective (Into the depths) in • Replace the POI in Sector 4 with card P105 (Technical Corridors).
the “Awaiting…” envelope and go to Log 359. • Remove Mission card M01 from the game.
• Gain 1 .
Log 317 • Go to Log 345.
You arrived safely at your destination.
Important: This planet introduces Leads and Discoveries to the campaign.
Log 321
If you trigger an effect that asks you to draw a Lead before the Leads mechanic Exploration Journal
is introduced, read the “Leads” and “Discoveries” rules in Chapter III After hours of preparations and checking the ice
of the Rulebook. for stability and possible tremors, we decided to
Important: This planet introduces threatening Injuries. Keep in mind descend into the fissure. At first, there was nothing
but darkness and dirty ice, but then we found a ledge
that gaining a fourth Injury will trigger a forced Evac. Whenever in doubt
wide enough to make a small outpost from where we could
about the Injury rules, read the “Injuries” and “Ending Planetary Exploration”
perform easier and safer exploration.
rules in Chapter III of the Rulebook.
Soon, we found a place full of relics from the planet’s
Now, open the Planetopedia at pages 4-5 (Pellucid). Then, open the Ship
past trapped in the ice. It’s a great discovery,
Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure.
although it will be difficult to extract them.

Log 318 Replace the POI in this Sector with card P194.
ISS Vanguard Bridge Audio Log 12280/C
“It barely moves! Come on, my cute robot buddy!”
Log 322
Stories from Underwater – a Memoir of a Deeply
“Do you see that? Those strange patterns under the ice?” Terrifying Exploration
“It’s all hazy. Where?” The once teeming passage was empty, excluding Kurma
“Dark, straight lines to the left. They are too regular. – the undisputed ruler of these waters. It was strange,
It resembles symbols from the Dyson sphere.” silent, and still. And scary. Especially when you’ve
seen a creature – the size of a car – smeared on
“Maybe…” the wall as if it was a warm crayon.
“No! Don’t give up yet! Damn, the shields are Gain 1 Live Specimen Lead.
“Over eight hundred Kelvins, extremely high gravity. Log 323
What did you expect? Anyway, we’ve gathered a ton of ISS Vanguard Bridge Audio Log 12276/C
data for Science to chew through.”
“This world looks like hell! How is there ice?”
“Look at how its lenses melt. So sad.”
“Science says something about the gravity compressing
The Science Section analyzed the data and discovered that the symbols the water – it’s like coal and diamonds or something
are indeed related to the Builders. Also, they thought about how to upgrade like that.”
shields for working in extreme conditions.
“But I’ve seen open flames…”
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
“Wait! The explorer is entering the atmosphere! Go, you
Move card E37 (Energy
Energy Shield
Shield) from “Unavailable Equipment” little curious thing!”
to “Armory.” Gain 1 . “All this static. Damned solar wind!”
If you have the B01 Bridge Upgrade (Reinforced Hull), go to Log 318.
Otherwise, go to Log 340.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 43

Log 324 Log 329

Away Team’s Private Channel Stories from Underwater – a Memoir of a Deeply
Terrifying Exploration
[Operative 1]: Can’t we just use heavy equipment?
Kurma trembled and let out a deafening screech that
[Operative 2]: And destroy these curious specimens?
stirred the waters. Something protruded from its
Look at this one! It resembles your nose!
underside and jetted a dark stream of liquid over
[Operative 1]: … the coral grove. Then, the creature drifted away with
[Operative 2]: We can’t. This site is too precious, dignity.
we must maintain it in the best condition we can. We If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
may learn something about saving cold-water corals
on Earth. Gain 1 .
[Operative 1]: Great… Let’s just hurry up. I don’t like
it here. Log 330
Congratulations! If you've now gathered all Unique Discoveries, please play
Go to Log 394. through the rest of the campaign to witness the impact of your efforts.

Log 325 Go to Log 455.

Away Team’s Private Channel
Log 331
[Operative 1]: I found a crack in the structure. [Away Team, Operative 1]: The area is as safe as it can
I’m moving in. be. Please, hurry.
[Operative 2]: Proceed with caution. We can’t be sure-- [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: The lander is on its way.
[Operative 1]: Wha-- If everything goes well, we’ll be there in less than five
[Operative 3]: She disappeared!
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We should survive until then.
[Operative 2]: Go, go! Help her!
See you soon.
[Operative 3]: Wait! She’s right there. Are you ok?
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: See you soon, Away Team.
[Operative 1]: I was… somewhere.
Discard Mission card M182. Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet)
[Operative 3]: Your nose is bleeding! and begin Ship Management.
[Operative 1]: Is this place real?
Roll .
Log 332
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Damn this place!
It messes with my head. Vanguard? Could you give us
Log 327 a hand? Can you – I don’t know – filter this visual noise
“The story of ISS Vanguard’s voyage ended where it out, or something?
started; on the rubble-strewn expanses within
[CAPCOM, Major Dahl]: No can do, Away Team.
the Builders’ Dyson Sphere. The ship was lost, together
We’re trying but the patterns confuse our AI just as
with almost all of its crew and the priceless cache
much as you on the ground.
of Builders’ technologies. Humanity has failed, but
the Builders’ plan failed even more so. [Away Team, Operative 2]: Look it’s a dead end. We have
to turn back.
A handful of survivors were picked up by friendly
Idemian vessels. Thanks to them, the human race [Away Team, Operative 1]: Wait. Something’s moving by
survived the fall of Earth. With their homeworld the wall. See?
destroyed by the planet-killing crystal, these former
[CAPCOM, Major Dahl]: We have it on your feed, Away
Vanguard's crewmembers were settled on a distant,
Team. Probably one of the predators of this planet. It
unfriendly world. There, they managed to rebuild human
looks angry and lost. Do not approach. Back away slowly.
civilization slowly, now one of the least advanced
species in this arm of the galaxy, clinging to [Away Team, Operative 1]: You think these patterns were
the grandiose stories of the past. Chiefly among them, made to keep them out?
the tragic tale of ISS Vanguard’s voyage.” [CAPCOM, Major Dahl]: Maybe. But Xenology insists it is
For each Crewmember in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 some kind of test, most likely for pilgrims. To see if
or 1 , remove this Crewmember from the game. they are worthy of entering the city. Wait… Operative 2,
what are you doing?
Then, go to Log 880.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Here, kitty-kitty…
Log 328 Reduce your Supplies by 2 OR each Crewmember in this Sector rolls .
Visitors’ World: Research Note #105
The Visitors didn’t stop us from entering their portal Log 333
(it might be a bold statement, but I think they even Critical Review of the “Swaying Trees” Study
subtly helped us, stabilizing it from the other side). What at first might have been seen as some kind of
We appeared in a familiar world – we had never been symbiotic or parasitic interaction between “tree” and
there, but it had only three dimensions. large, mobile “root-worms,” was in fact, one organism.
The Visitors’ outpost was deep underwater – protected by The “swaying trees,” as they were named, were neither
a series of bulkheads that slowly began to open. plants nor animals, but other strange organisms
that have tissues correlating to both kingdoms.
Choose one:
We hope that the analysis of the fossil site we uncovered
» Explore the outer depths – + and go Log 352. while studying the trees will prove more conclusive.
» Take samples of the surroundings – and go to Log 365.
» Go back – This Log ends. Replace the POI in this Sector with card P134.
44 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 334 Log 339

[Section Leader]: What’s your progress, Fireteam Alpha? [Away Team]: We’re at the location. We’re sending you
scans of the surroundings.
[Fireteam Alpha]: We’re surviving. Why?
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Copy that. Great work, Away
[Section Leader]: We have another assault heading
Team. You can head back to the lander.
towards the bridge.
[Away Team]: Shouldn’t we explore more?
*** Loud Explosions ***
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: It’s up to you. If you still
[Fireteam Alpha]: …this. Will they never stop coming?
have stamina and supplies…
[Section Leader]: We detect no more incoming dropships.
[Away Team]: Give us a moment to discuss.
This may be their last attempt.
[Fireteam Alpha]: Too bad we’re on our last legs too…
Discard the Mission card. Your Mission is done; you may return to the Lander
at any time to end the Planetary Exploration phase.
• Place card P233 on top of any other cards in Sector 1, unless all four
P233 cards are currently on the Planet board.
• Place the Arrogator Behemoth Threat card in the indicated slot above
Log 340
ISS Vanguard Bridge Audio Log 12278/F
the Planet board.
• Place the Arrogator Behemoth standee in Sector 5. “Damn! Signal lost!”
“Did you see? It caught some patterns under the ice…”
Log 335 “Nah! There was nothing there. Probably just soot on
Anonymous Note from the Archive the lenses.”
Kurma is a magnificent specimen. Larger than a blue whale, “There was something…”
more careful – when it comes to its bubble-biome
– than a mother nurturing her child. Also, more dangerous “Shut up, everyone! The probe is gone. Thanks to another
than anything we know, and more docile than a lamb. stupid idea from the Science Section, we’ll have our
hands full building another one! Get to work.”
If you’re in:
The harsh environment destroyed the explorer. You won’t be able to
• Sector 1 – Go to Log 338. investigate the surface without proper shielding technology.
• Sector 2 – Go to Log 329.
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
• Sector 3 – Go to Log 350.
• Sector 4 – Go to Log 353. Gain 1 .
• Sector 5 – Go to Log 322.
Log 342
Log 336 Away Team Exploration Log
The Idemian said it was a keeper of time and guardian The bark of this plant is similar to Earth’s palm trees.
of pilgrims, and that it would stay here Its fruits, on the other hand, look rotten
to make sure we leave once our time is up. We tried and full of bacteria (which is a good thing; studying
to ask it about its leaders, or who we could talk to. them could tell us much about the planet’s microbes).
For all our questions, it had only one reply: Hey! It’s not time for pranks while I’m recording… Whoa!
“You and I speak different languages, though your machine Hello there, silly recliner. You like these fruits, huh?
makes us sound the same. Talk to me once we understand You want one, is that it?
your truth better – and you understand our truth.”
Gain Unique Discovery 34 if you don’t have it already.
Since it refused to say anything more, we had to
concentrate on our primary task instead. Log 343
Place the optional M123 Mission card (Understanding) in the Optional [CAPCOM]: Why did you set up the equipment here?
Mission slot on the right edge of the Planet board. Then, open the Ship Book [Away Team]: The ice sings loudly. It must be thin here.
at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure.
[CAPCOM]: Sings? What?
Log 337 [Away Team]: Haven’t you heard ice singing before?
“We did what we could, but it wasn’t enough. I still [CAPCOM]: Should I?
remember the hand of Dr. Corey slipping from my grasp
as I tried to pull her away from the anomaly. Soon, [Away Team]: Nevermind.
the subspace torrent disappeared forever, carrying her …
with it.
[Away Team]: I knew it! There’s an air pocket under
Thrall grinned when we found ourselves back with it in the ice. There must be water underneath!
an empty lab.
[CAPCOM]: Great. I’ll make a note to listen to “singing
‘Humans! Now that you know everything about my power, ice” next time. I wonder if we have some recordings in
I have no choice but to kill you.’ our archives?
We tensed up and raised our weapons. Replace the POI in this Sector with card P195.
‘Relax!’ Thrall laughed. ‘It was just a joke. See? I am
capable of joking like a human. I’m still one of you!’” Log 344
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard? We’re past
Mark box E in Log 930. Then, go to Log 346.
the entry mosaics. We marked our way so that the next

Log 338 time getting here will be easier. Are you sure this
place was supposed to be a city? We found some
Stories from Underwater – a Memoir of a Deeply structures, but all of them are empty.
Terrifying Exploration
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Wait, there! It’s some sort
Kurma towered over a vent, allowing the dark columns of a workshop. I see someone working inside. Maybe we
of smoke to flow over the symbiotic bubble on its back. could talk to them?
Several slits, resembling gargantuan plant stomas,
opened in the bubble, and it turned black. After Replace the POI in this Sector with card P271.
a while, Kurma swam away, minerals settling on its
shell. Human explorers quickly approached the monstrous
creature to harvest the minerals – it was much safer
than working near scorching smokers.
You may to gain 1 Mineral Lead. You may repeat it any number of times.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 45

Log 345 The human explorers decided that it’s the best moment to
approach the creature and research it.
Away Team Exploration Report 1/E To their surprise, they discovered that the creature
The demolition charges we salvaged from the lander is less than a giant turtle with a parasite on its back
could now come in handy. Thanks to the webway of and more like a Portuguese man o’war – a conglomerate
tunnels under the surface of the sphere, we could reach of different organisms that work as a whole. The turtle
a spot directly under the cannon and blow up the entire was indeed crucial, but it wouldn’t survive a moment
portion of the sphere it rests upon. We know it is without its “air bladder” that acted as external
a safer (and faster) approach, though it would leave lungs and mineral supplier, and performed other,
a gaping hole in the structure and remove a part of mysterious functions.
its cloaking surface. This giant Dyson sphere would no One unusually brave human decided to swim into
longer be invisible… the bubble, ignoring their superior’s orders. After
Some of us proposed a riskier alternative: we could a terrifying minute, they emerged with a curious
reach the cannon via the surface, run towards its base, discovery in their shaking hands.
and then find a way to disable it, or destroy it with Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
a much smaller charge placed directly on its side.
Gain 1 and Unique Discovery 9.
We put it to a vote…
Then, gain 1 Strange Flora Lead.
If you’re playing the Tutorial, go to Log 554. Otherwise, all players discuss
and choose one. If you cannot agree, the Security Section player makes
the final decision.
Log 351
[Away Team]: We’ve got everything you wanted.
» Blow up the part of the sphere housing the cannon (this will The lander is packed up and ready for lift off.
permanently damage the sphere and compromise its cloaking)
[CAPCOM]: Great job, Away Team. You have my permission
– Go to Log 390.
to return.
» Approach and disable the cannon (this will be riskier
and slower) – Go to Log 265. [Away Team]: We’re on our way. However…
[CAPCOM]: Yes?
Log 346 [Away Team]: We’re not sure if our findings have
Mark box F in Log 930. Then, read on: anything to do with the Builders. Shouldn’t we explore
“The chaos that broke out when the news of Dahl’s deeper layers of the planet?
demise spread through the decks outstripped our wildest [CAPCOM]: It’s your call. We’re satisfied, but…
expectations. Three different officers named themselves The captain always expects more, you know.
her successors, causing mayhem that allowed us to take
control of the bridge without firing a shot. Once inside, Gain 1 . Discard the Mission card.
we barricaded ourselves in and transmitted a message If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
to the entire Vanguard. We asked everyone to stop
the violence and gather under our flag.” Find Mission M41 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board.
Go to Log 403.
Log 352
Log 348 Visitors’ World: Research Note #108
[Section Leader]: Fireteam Alpha… We swam far from the Visitors’ outpost in this water
world, although we only found a deposit of rare
*** Loud Explosions ***
minerals. There were neither flora nor fauna, and no
[Section Leader]: Do you copy? This is the bridge. signals but those emitted by the outpost.
[Fireteam Alpha]: We are sort of busy right now. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
[Section Leader]: The Arrogator dropship blasted
Gain 4 Mineral Leads.
through the hull next to the main concourse. It brought
more heavy infantry and some kind of a war machine.
*** Loud Explosions ***
Log 353
Stories from Underwater – a Memoir of a Deeply
[Section Leader]: It’s breaching the perimeter around Terrifying Exploration
the bridge! Move in to engage, Fireteam Alpha!
Kurma frolicked, enjoying the vast, empty space. It was
• Place card P233 on top of any other cards in Sector 1, unless all four a horrifying sight – the monstrous bulk thrashing about,
P233 cards are currently on the Planet board. threatening to accidentally crush anything nearby.
• Place the Arrogator Warswarm Threat card in the indicated slot above
Gain 1 Live Specimen Lead.
the Planet board.
• Place the Arrogator Warswarm and all 3 Drones standees in Sector 2. You may to move Kurma to a chosen connected Sector.
• If the P231 (Panicked Crowd) card is in Sector 2, place a Time token in
the first slot of the Arrogator Warswarm Time Track Log 354
and resolve its Swarm effect. [CAPCOM]: The anomaly is predicted to strike in ninety
Log 349 [Away Team]: And what should we do?!
We didn’t see its face, but the creature shook
[CAPCOM]: Have good faith, I think? But seriously,
for a moment, as if it was trying to control some primal
disable flight assist and prepare for anything.
anger. We could feel we’d done something that really got
on its nerves. However, after a while, it composed itself If your Lander has at least 5 and 5 , go to Log 368. Otherwise, begin
and began to talk, our AI jumping in to translate. the landing procedure:
Go to Log 259. 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
with an “S” on the Landing track).
Log 350 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
Stories from Underwater – a Memoir of a Deeply result in the table below. If more than one option is available, choose one
Terrifying Exploration (you cannot choose an option you cannot fully resolve). In rare cases,
The gargantuan tortoise settled among the polyps and where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card
algae, ignoring their acid-filled tentacles. and Injury die.
It appeared that it frequented this place and claimed it
as a feeding ground.
46 ISS Vanguard Logbook

3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not » Wait for the drop and continue exploration – Each Crewmember
beyond the last space. and rolls . Continue the Planetary Exploration.
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space,
go to Log 368. Otherwise, go back to step 2. Log 360
• Place all Mods from the Lander board in the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Heavy Rain Endure • Move all Discoveries from the Lander board next to the slot on
Each Crewmember 5 reduced by . the Planet board indicated as “Lost Discoveries.”
• Discard the marker from the Supplies track.
Sudden Gravity Choose one:
• Move the Rank-Up card and all on the Lander next to the indicated
» Maneuver slots on the Planet board.
If is 4 or more, • Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the
each Crewmember 2 . Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side
Otherwise, each Crewmember 6 . (unless it is a Basic Lander).
• The Lander board should now be empty – return it to the box and
» Stay on Course
discard the Lander standee from the Planet board. Your Lander is
If is 4 or more,
destroyed and Lift-Off is no longer possible!
each Crewmember .
• Reset the Lead bag, returning all Lead tokens there.
Otherwise, each Crewmember 2 .
• Any new Discoveries you gather from now on in this Planetary Exploration
Anomaly Choose one: should be placed directly on your Crew board – Crewmembers may use
» Let It Happen Discoveries placed next to their Crew boards as if they were in the Lander.
If is 5 or more, • Go to Log 487.
each Crewmember 3 .
Otherwise, each Crewmember gains Log 361
a Wounded Injury. “We tried to only hit Major Dahl, but it wasn’t easy. She
fired back without remorse and with deadly accuracy.”
» Protect Yourself
Return all Personal Equipment cards to Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
“Armory.” Open the Ship Book at page 19 Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Depending
(Hangar cardholder) and flip the Lander on your choices, you may face several more checks in this part of the story.
card representing your current Lander to the Perform the following steps:
Damaged side (unless it is a Basic Lander).
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
Clear sky Fly On • Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with
Nothing happens. a or or converter from their hand and place them
in the Roll Pool.
Log 355 • Count the number of , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
“We shot Dahl dead, but Dr. Corey also got hit. She add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 8 or more
died at our hands, apologizing for everything she did points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
on Dahl’s orders. We didn’t get much time to say our additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
goodbyes – Dahl’s marines soon blew up the door and • Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
began to pour into the laboratory. We had to flee.” in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this
Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to
Mark box E in Log 930. Then, go to Log 346.
their Available Crewmembers.
• If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. Otherwise:
Log 357
“Dr. Corey died, an accidental victim of a futile If you have 7 or fewer points: Go to Log 357.
gunfight. Dahl skilfully used her body as a shield, If you have 8 or more points: Add 1 marker in the Victory Pool
buying herself a couple of crucial seconds – our low- and go to Log 355.
powered bullets, weak enough not to pierce the hull of
the ship, couldn’t harm her. Soon, her marines crashed Log 362
into the lab. We had to flee, defeated and demoralized.”
Reminder: If there’s no Lander in this Sector, you cannot leave the planet!
Mark box E in Log 930. Then, go to Log 501. Captain’s Log, Entry E-0808

Log 358 Edan was not without its beauty, I’ll give it that. And
I can only imagine it in its prime days, shrouded in blue
If the marker on the Re-Origination Beam Threat card is placed in the “Fast” seas, teeming with life. It’s a testament to the hubris,
space, move it to the “Slow” space. Otherwise, move it to the “Fast” space. the foolishness of Edan’s people that the destruction
they wrought on the planet remains now for us to
Log 359 discover. But Edan isn’t lifeless. We found signs of life,
Personal Journal some fossilized and ancient, others living, breathing
things. There’s water beneath Edan, and creatures living
As we pondered our next move, I heard exhaustion
in its depths. Despite the failings of its people,
in my friends’ voices. I imagine I sounded exactly like
the planet continues to live, although in a different way.
them. Fortunately, the message from Vanguard offered
us salvation. I’m glad our team is off Edan, away from the thunder
of meteorites slamming into the planet’s surface again
“Your equipment isn’t adapted to underwater exploration.
and again. But I’ll admit – I won’t soon forget what we
We advise immediate extraction. However, the captain
found there. Just like I won’t stop wondering: do we
says that if you feel up to it, you may want to
place too much faith in the Builders? We now know they
wait for a while until we drop you a pod with tools
were not infallible. It was their technology that doomed
for underwater exploration. It’s up to you. What do
the very thing they tried to create on this planet.
you think?”
As we get closer and closer to fully understanding their
Well, my first thought was that the captain could go science, I can’t help but wonder whether something like
[FILE CORRUPTED]. that could one day happen to Earth.
All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Science Section Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text:
player makes the final choice:
If the R20 Research Project (Subspace Physics) is in “Research
» Immediately leave the planet – Move all Crewmembers to Projects,” move it to the “Awaiting…” envelope. Otherwise, mark and
the Lander Sector, discard the Mission card (if it’s still on the Planet resolve the box below.
board), and go to Log 223.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 47

Gain 1 and 1 Alien Tech Discovery. Log 368

Go to Log 990. A B C
If boxes A, B, and C are marked, go to Log 384.
Log 363 •
• If only boxes A and B are marked, go to Log 373.
Away Team’s Private Channel • If only box A is marked, go to Log 389.
[Operative 1]: I found a crack in the structure. • If none are marked, go to Log 373.
I’m onto something!
[Operative 2]: Proceed with caution. We can’t be sure-- Log 369
If you have Unique Discovery 34 (Slimy Fruit), go to Log 374.
[Operative 1]: Whoa! This… [noise]
Otherwise, read on:
[Operative 3]: She disappeared!
Away Team Exploration Log
[Operative 1]: [Noise]… inside. Paths like from Escher’s
worst nightmare. Even though recliners seem harmless, caution is still
advised. They have some menacing qualities – like
[Operative 2]: Are you alright? their long claws – but they only use them to access
[Operative 1]: Yes. This place is brimming with… the pulp of local fruits. When we try to approach, they
[noise]. They are calm, they ignore me. There are tons retreat into a dense jungle, avoiding contact. They seem
of tiny portals! interested in our actions and observe us from a safe
distance. We should try our luck with the ones we met
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P378.
in the vicinity of our lander.

Log 364 Gain 1 Live Specimen Lead.

Take one Crewmember from the “Light or Medium Injuries” slot in the Medbay
cardholder of the Ship Book (pages 33-34). Place their card in the appropriate Log 370
Available Crew slot. If your current Objective is O06-O11 nothing happens – continue the game.
Otherwise, read on:
Log 365 “Not Alone Anymore: The Story of First Contact,” Book
Visitors’ World: Research Note #106 Excerpt
There was nothing around the base but dead plankton. Our host still waited by the lander, in the shade of
We assume that it had been destroyed by the energy a small palanquin, immovable like a rock…
leaking from the Visitors’ outpost.
Count the number of boxes marked in Log 905. If there are 3 or more
Gain 1 Microorganism Lead. marked boxes, and Mission M123 (Understanding) is still revealed,
go to Log 397. Otherwise, players discuss and choose one:
Log 366 » Review our findings about the Idemians – Read the marked entries
Chief Xenologist’s Journal in Log 905.
Fortunately, the Away Team managed to save the planet. » Carry on – Continue the game.
Many think it was just a simple infection that would
affect only a small part of the biome. Wrong! This was Log 371
the first time we’d witnessed an adversarial reaction All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
between two distinct types of DNA (or, to be more player makes the final decision):
precise, DNA and a structure similar to it). So far,
we’ve only met life made by the Builders – the same » Stop the Arrogators from destroying the pods – This will make
origin and principle. Meanwhile, the flora and fauna here completing your primary mission on time harder. Place the P238 card
was something that grew and evolved on its own! Native in your Sector, if it’s not there yet. Then, continue the game.
life of this part of the galaxy, so to speak. » Order your crew to protect the pods – Choose any number
We couldn’t simply destroy it. of Available Crewmembers from your Section (and other Sections,
Replace with card P141. if their players agree). These Crewmembers may die fulfilling your orders!
Go to Log 436.
Log 367 » Ignore the pods and let someone else handle this – Take
10 random cards from “Recruits” (Card Tray B) and remove them
Recon Preliminary Report
from the game. Lower Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book
It was an absurd mission! The atmosphere of this page 3) unless it is already Very Low. Continue the game.
piece of ugly rock is filled with corrosive vapors
and spores. The first probe was damaged almost
immediately – the shielding was scraped while entering
Log 372
It is impossible to fail the second Exploration of the campaign. Ignore
the atmosphere, and the fumes did the rest.
the new Injury card and Injury die and continue the game.
The second one was prepared more carefully (Why didn’t
Note: Be careful. On any subsequent planets, gaining a fourth Injury will
Science tell us from the start we should use our best
instantly end your mission in failure.
materials?) and somehow survived all the burning,
melting, and tumbling. It landed in a pile of gunk.
Everything around it was covered in strange fungi – no Log 373
naked rocks or soil. It took a little effort to unglue [CAPCOM]: Captain has an additional request for you.
the probe from the surface and lift it off, but we If you have enough supplies and time, you should
managed. And now Science is gonna take all the glory investigate the source of the anomalies we’re detecting
for studying those overgrown mushrooms. Where can I file on this planet.
a complaint? [Away Team]: Any leads?
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: [CAPCOM]: It seems it’s located somewhere southwest in
the mountains – or at least that’s what Science claims.
Move card A26 (Biofabricator) from "Lander Mods" (Card Tray B) to
Try starting in your immediate surroundings first.
the “Awaiting…” envelope.
[Away Team]: [Laughter]
Then, gain 1 Strange Flora Discovery and move it to “Gathered Discoveries.”
[CAPCOM]: What?
[Away Team]: In front of us, we now have a local specimen
looking like a guy stretched out on a couch after a day’s
work. Oh, and here are more of them. Look roughly similar
48 ISS Vanguard Logbook

to Earth’s sloths. Vanguard, is it true that the team The human victims who survived being ripped out of
who discovers a species may suggest its codename? their chambers shivered on the ground, dying from
the shock of sudden awakening.
[CAPCOM]: Correct.
We had to do something!
[Away Team]: Let’s call these little guys “recliners.”
Go to Log 371.

Open the Planetopedia at pages 18-19 (Cousin). Place a random Mission M91

on the Planet board – this is your main mission. Place Mission M90 below
Log 377
If Mission M130 is revealed go to Log 380. Otherwise, read on:
– it’s the optional captain’s request.
Away Team’s Private Channel
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
Exploration” procedure. [Operative 1]: There’s no escape now. We must endure!
[Operative 2]: …
Log 374 Roll all your Injury dice. If you roll either 1 and 1 OR 2 ,
Away Team Exploration Log
the Crewmember dies: remove them from their Rank sleeve and return all
We lure one of the creatures with the oozing fruit – its their dice to their Section Compartment and your Equipment to “Armory.”
hunger and curiosity seem stronger than fear. We have The Planetary Exploration continues without you.
an opportunity to test the creature’s intelligence;
If you roll anything else, continue the game.
we’re still not sure how evolved it is, but we can
certainly tell the recliners are at least as intelligent If that was the last Crewmember, go to Log 309.
as corvids or parrots. They use simple tools, such as
umbrellas made of leaves to shelter themselves from Log 378
heavy rain or scorching sun. The field of debris left by the exploding Arrogator
The specimen we’re studying starts showing concern – cruiser may still hold something valuable…
it looks like any mammal mother who realizes that her Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
child is missing. It sniffs around a pair of recliners’ nothing happens.
tracks, leading in different directions. It can’t decide
where to go, so it lies down and falls asleep. Strange Gain Unique Discovery 8 and 2 Mineral Leads. If Unique Discovery 8
creature. Nevertheless, it may be wise to investigate is not present in the Unique Discovery slot (it was already gained
these tracks. during this Exploration), gain 2 Alien Tech Leads instead.
Gain 1 Live Specimen Lead. Place card P001 on top of any cards in this
Gain 2 Mineral Leads and 2 Alien Tech Leads.
Sector. Place card P212 on top of any cards in Sector 3 and place card
P213 on top of any cards in Sector 1. Gain 1 Mineral Lead and 1 Alien Tech Lead.

Log 375 Log 379

Dimensional Technology Research Log Field Research: HR 5730 D/21
Analyzing this data without succumbing to madness, The crystal tightly surrounds the plants’ roots,
or doubting my own senses is… difficult. I know I’m blocking access to soil. Most of the plants wither;
trailing away from the scientific discourse, but how can however, some of them manage to break through
I feel when I just reached through my body into my past? the crystal and survive. It’s just like we expected.
How can I describe and explain the fourth and fifth
dimensions? I haven’t seen them (they have no length The trees are a fascinating case, especially the older
or width), but… I felt them? I visited many impossible ones. Their external tissues are mostly dead matter, and
places. Among them – a different planet, filled with old the crystal “expands” onto them, turning the trees into
wrecks of hulking war machines. I was sure I made these a strange amalgam of living tissues intertwined with
travels only in my delirious mind, but when I came back crystalline slivers.
to my senses, I held a piece of an ancient warstrider in If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
my hand.
Gain 2 Mineral Leads and 1 .
[Chief Psychologist’s note]: The rest of the log was
erased by the author. The author underwent psychiatric
therapy and now feels better. The artifact mentioned in
Log 380
the diary turned out to be an extremely valuable piece CVR Audio Data
of Arrogator navigational console. We cannot explain [Pilot]: Come on!
how it wound up in the author’s possession.

Gain Unique Discovery 38 if you don’t have it already. Then, mark
[Pilot]: Just a little further!
the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
resolve the bottom one. [Navigator]: Even if you somehow motivated our AI,
your sweetest words and encouragement won’t make us fly
Gain 1 and 2 Leads of any type. Go to Log 144. any faster.

You may to gain 2 Leads of any type. [Lander’s AI]: I cannot be motivated. I always work
with maximum achievable efficiency.
Log 376 …
After-action Report 75D [Pilot]: Finally, we’re approaching the LZ!
The shortest route to our destination led through The touchdown will be rough. The hangar guys won’t like
the Torpor Chambers – a long section of the ship filled what I’m about to do with the lander.
with small pods where the remaining five thousand of • Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the
Vanguard’s crewmembers dreamt, submerged in a quiet Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side
drug-induced slumber. Arrogator heavy infantry was (unless it is a Basic Lander).
there, in their bulbous heavy suits, their thick • Go to Log 477 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading
mechanical arms ripping the pods apart. It was the first
the actual Log. Then, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet)
time I’d seen them up-close. They moved in methodical,
and begin Ship Management.
machine-like fashion. I immediately began to doubt
whether these were living creatures or just another
type of automated war machine this aggressive race
hides behind.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 49

Log 381 Log 387

CVR Audio Data Conversation Excerpt
[Pilot]: Come on! [Operative 1]: It’s coming! Something’s wrong with
the gravity here.

[Operative 2]: Well, we had time to prepare…
[Pilot]: Just a little further!
[Operative 1]: The wo-orld is up-upside-d-down!
[Navigator]: Even if you somehow motivated our AI,
your sweetest words and encouragement won’t make us fly Each Crewmember 6 reduced by 1 for each marker on the Global
any faster. Condition card. Discard all markers from the Global Condition card. Then,
[Lander’s AI]: I cannot be motivated. I always work
discard this Global Condition card.
with maximum achievable efficiency.

Log 388
There’s no lander and no transporters to evacuate us
[Pilot]: Finally, we’re approaching the LZ! from this impossible world. We’re on our own.
The touchdown will be rough. The hangar guys won’t like
Roll all your Injury dice. If you roll either 1 and 1 OR 2 results,
what I’m about to do with the lander.
the Crewmember dies: remove them from their Rank sleeve and return all
Congratulations! their dice to their Section Compartment and your Equipment to “Armory.”
You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration! The Planetary Exploration continues without you.
• Discard all Mission cards. If you roll anything else, continue the game.
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the Lander If that was the last Crewmember, place the Mission Failed token next to
card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side (unless it is the Ship Book. Discard all Discoveries from the Found Discoveries slot except
a Basic Lander). for Unique Discovery 18 (if you've gained it). Then, open the Ship Book
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship at page 25 (Leaving the Planet), and begin Ship Management.
Log 389
Log 382 [Captain Wayman]: It’s the captain speaking. Don’t
Check if the chosen Crewmembers fulfill any of the following criteria: let the Shardfly distract you too much. You have a more
important mission.
• The sum of their Ranks is 3 or more.
• At least one of them is from the Security or Recon Section. [Away Team]: Roger that. Should we deal with it if we
• At least one of them has a or or Convert Ability on their card. still have time to spare?

If they do, move these Crewmembers to “Resting Crew” and remove 2 markers [Captain Wayman]: I hope you will. Recliners seem to
from the Enemy Advantage slot. fear the crystalline specimen – maybe you will learn
more about them if you help them.
If they don’t, the Crewmembers die completing their task. Place them
in the indicated “Casualties” slot under the Planet board and remove 1 marker [Away Team]: We’re on our way then.
from the Enemy Advantage slot. [Captain]: Good luck, Away Team.
Open the Planetopedia at pages 18-19 (Cousin). Place a random Mission
Log 384 M91 on the Planet board – this is your main mission. Place Mission M90
Known Space – a Pocket Guide, Excerpt and M92 below – it’s the captain’s optional request. Place the Scintillating
HR 5730 C is a beautiful planet, a Cousin of our Earth. Shardfly Threat card in the designated spot above the Planet board.
If you have the opportunity to visit this dying world, Place the Scintillating Shardfly standee in Sector 2.
you should. It evokes melancholy and scratches the itch
for familiarity. And there’s still so much to research, Log 390
explore, and discover… Away Team Exploration Report 1/G
Open the Planetopedia at pages 18-19 (Cousin). Place a random Mission M91 We set up the charges in the tunnels below the cannon
on the Planet board – this is your main mission. and hid at a safe distance. In the void, we didn’t hear
the blast, and the carbon strands of the structure
Log 385 dampened the vibration so well that at first we thought
[CAPCOM]: How’s your investigation? the charge had malfunctioned. Only when we traced our
way back to the surface, we noticed that the alien gun
[Away Team]: Nothing but fresh recliner droppings.
was gone, together with a wide swathe of the surface.
We must have followed a local connoisseur on his way
for slimy fruits. A light was seeping out from the deep hole in
the ground. We approached carefully and found its
[CAPCOM]: Understood. Don’t waste any more time.
source. The blast punched right through the structure!
[Away Team]: We didn’t waste it. We have secured ample And within it, encased in a shell larger than our solar
samples of droppings. system, rested an old sun, surrounded by debris…
[CAPCOM]: I believe just one small sample would be OK. Place card P108 in Sector 3.
[Away Team]: You don’t know these Science guys. If you’re using Quickstart rules, go to Log 940.
They’re weird.
If you’re playing the Tutorial, read on:
Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads. Discard card P213 (Tracks…).
Take the top card from Tutorial Deck A (Mission card M02) and remove it
Log 386 from the game – you won’t need it anymore. Then, go to Log 940.
“We tried to talk some sense into the marines, but
they proved loyal to Dahl. They felt that the previous
approach dictated by the captain and his Section
Log 391
Away Team Exploration Log
Leaders wasn’t getting the mission anywhere. By
contrast, Major Imara was finally getting things done… We enter the crystalline area. We hear something –
buzzing and screeching. Then, some crystalline shards
Soon, the talks were over, and the shooting began.”
lift up from the ground in front of us, as if they were
For each Available Crewmember, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 , alive. They pick up a young recliner and head west. We
remove this Crewmember from the game. decide to follow, the erratic movements of the animal’s
If there are no more Crewmembers left, go to Log 810. tail making us feel sorry for the youngling.

Otherwise, go to Log 491. Discard card P212 (Tracks…). Place card P214 atop any cards in Sector 6.
50 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 392 Log 398

Private Journal A Tale of Swaying Tails; Read to Children
– Excerpt from the Science Section Archives by Lt. Granger
Ignorant people from other Sections thought these A dozen recliners bustle at the lake’s shore, sheltering
large, organic-looking seeds were eggs, and were afraid their eyes from random flashes of light. They throw
to handle them. They calmed down only when preliminary sticks and stones at a strange crystalline creature
tests revealed the samples’ plant origin. that spins around and buzzes like a fly – a scary
But to be frank, I’m not sure whether it’s a plant – shardfly! They try to drive the monster away to help
everything here is so different from what we know. their drowning relative. Unfortunately, this doesn’t
There’s no DNA to sequence here: a different type work. The only thing they achieve is a synchronized
of organic molecule stores this organism’s genetic dance of angry swaying tails. The motion becomes slower
information. as they realize they will certainly fail, and their
friend will perish.
At least now we know not all life in this part of our
galaxy came from the Builders. Then, a small yet brave group of warriors from another
planetary system appears to help them – boasting
Log 393 “V,” the Vanguard’s symbol, on their suits. They make
the crystalline monster flee. And as it flies, they
[Away Team]: [Static] even deeper… jump into the lake to help the poor, soaked recliner.
[CAPCOM]: I can’t understand you. The heroes deserve a break, but they can’t rest yet.
They have a world to save.
[Away Team]: What? [Static] back u—
Gain 1 .
[CAPCOM]: Still can’t hear you! Are you alright?
Place Mission M92 next to Mission M90. Place the Scintillating Shardfly Threat
[Away Team]: … card in the designated spot above the Planet board. Place the Scintillating
[CAPCOM]: Are you there? Damn… Shardfly standee in Sector 2. Replace the POI in Sector 1 with card P215 and
[Away Team]: Can you hear us now?
replace the POI in Sector 5 with card P216. Discard card P214 (Commotion)
from Sector 6.
[CAPCOM]: Finally! Yes!
Then, go to Log 368 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading
[Away Team]: The cave system is vast and deep. the actual Log.
We only checked its very first part.
Gain 1 . Replace the POI in this Sector with card P142. Log 399
• Turn to page 3 of the System Maps book (TOI-2).
Log 394 • Use the Current System bookmark of the System Maps book to mark
[CAPCOM]: It’s enchanting… the TOI-2 system page (3).
• Continue Ship Management.
[Away Team]: Oh! You startled me, Vanguard. I always
forget you see what we see.
Log 400
[CAPCOM]: Sorry, I was thinking aloud. I love these
steles. They are different, yet familiar. They remind me
If this box was already marked, go to Log 399. Otherwise, mark this
of the Rosetta Stone. box and read on:

[Away Team]: Please, be quiet. We must scan this thing Captain’s Log, Entry D-211
and secure samples. It is a very delicate process. As we sped toward the closest system marked on
[CAPCOM]: … the Builders’ star map, Vanguard launched an FTL probe
back toward Earth to relay all the knowledge we’d
Discard O17 Secondary Objective (Into the depths) from the “Bridge” gathered so far. However, it may take years before it
Section of the Ship Book (or the “Awaiting…” envelope if it’s still there). reaches our homeworld, and the mission might be long
Discard card P202 (Buried Stele) from Sector 2. Then, place card P203 concluded before we receive any answer.
atop other cards in Sector 2. Mark box A at the start of Log 260 without We’re truly alone now, barrelling into the unknown –
resolving this Log. the farthest human-made object in the galaxy. We only
Then, go to Log 55. have ourselves to count on. I’ve ordered the Section
Leaders to prepare their crews for anything. We nearly
Log 395 lost one full Away Team. I do not want to repeat
the same mistakes. After all, who knows what awaits us
Away Team Private Channel at our new destination?
[Operative 1]: The last batch is loaded. We’re ready.
Congratulations! You’ve made your first space voyage!
[Operative 2]: Wait… I’ll recheck the perimeter.
• Go to page 3 of the System Maps book (TOI-2).
[Operative 1]: Okay, but be quick. It would be good to • Use the Current System bookmark of the System Maps book to mark
leave before the next anomaly. the TOI-2 system page (3).
[Operative 3]: You’re going to look at trees again? • Go to Log 300.

[Operative 2]: You got me. I just miss Earth.

Log 401
[Operative 1]: You all have three minutes to feel Muspelheim Research Log
that drizzle on your skin. Then we’re leaving. And don’t
even think about taking off your masks. Liquid lead is pumped into the cavities of the derelict’s
hull. It leaks through many fractures, but still works as
• Discard Unique Discovery 34 if you have it. effective protection from the radiation.
• Go to Log 990.
• If the current Global Condition is Solar Flare – Place Global Condition
Log 396 card G17 on top of of the current
• Otherwise – Refresh 1
the currentcard.

Choose any number of Available Crewmembers from your Section (or other
Sections, if their players agree) who will join the mission to fight the Arrogators.
These Crewmembers may die in the process! Then, go to Log 382.
Log 402
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: We’re now reaching

Log 397 the main concourse. I see a lot of fire and smoke!
*** Horrified Screams ***
Check the box on top of Log 259. If it’s not marked, go to Log 428. If it is marked,
go to Log 433.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 51

[Section Leader]: Several missiles have hit the hull

near the nose of the ship. The automated systems are Log 406
working at peak capacity to contain the damage. Xenology Department Report TA-52

[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: There’s a full-blown During their stay in the city, our Away Team inspected
panic here! The crew is running around like headless several house-like structures. Their measurements and
chickens. I see no officer in charge. observations led us to some early conclusions:

[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 2]: Should we intervene? • The Idemian houses were all identical on
This is the main route to the bridge – it would be good the outside, suggesting a society where equality is
to organize a defensive perimeter. deeply ingrained.

[Section Leader]: It’s your call, Fireteam Alpha. • However, inside, the room layouts were very
Remember: your prime directive is to beat back different. The houses also contained different
the enemy assaults. If you try doing everything assortments of memorabilia and samples from many
yourself, you may run out of time. other planets. We believe most Idemians travel to
other worlds at least once in their lifetime – and
In this mission, you will often stumble into critical situations on ISS Vanguard. the memories of these worlds are an important part
You will be given a choice to either solve the crisis yourself, assign some of of their identity.
your Available Crew to do it, or ignore the crisis and ask the bridge crew to
• The dating of dust and residue inside some of
deal with it.
the houses showed that they only ever had one
Every task you agree to perform yourself will set up a new POI card occupant, and that they had not been visited
representing the situation somewhere on the board. If you do not attend to in years. This not only shed some light on
the situation, it will deteriorate. Trying too many things at once may cause the family structure of Idemians, it also showed
you to fail at your main objective – with severe consequences for your us they spend most of their time away from these
campaign. ‘cities’ and only come back on special occasions.
The fact that the contents were left undisturbed,
• Everytime you assign a Crewmember to solve a crisis, they may die.
even though the houses weren’t locked was
Depending on the situation, Crewmember Ranks, Section, or even
equally telling.
a Converter symbol on their Crewmember cards will determine whether
all assigned Crewmembers live or die as a group. In general, the more • Many of the houses contained extremely specialized
(and more experienced) Crewmembers you assign, the safer they are. tools and workstations, manufacturing spaceship
• Everytime you choose to ignore a crisis, Vanguard will receive components and computer parts. Some had small
a considerable penalty. production lines, where components made elsewhere
would be then connected to larger sections. While
• Now, it’s time to make your first choice. Go to Log 409.
it sounds incredulous, Idemians somehow managed

Log 403 to manufacture all of their technology in a fully

decentralized network of highly trained artisans
“ISS Vanguard was back in our hands, the Section Leaders and specialists.
were free, but the struggle was not over yet. While
we were busy wrestling with Major Dahl, the situation Replace the card in your Sector with P279.
within the system deteriorated rapidly. Only now that we If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
were in complete control of the ship could we see how
bad things got. Gain 1 .
By now, other races within the Eye already knew Mark box E in Log 905 and read its text.
that our lander managed to escape the pull of
the Thorne-Zytkov object and return to Vanguard. Log 407
Some even had scans proving we brought some piece of Many of those we helped get back to the bridge were
Builders’ tech back with us. And even if they didn’t, beyond saving. But some, after patching them up,
the automated messages the Eye was constantly beaming insisted on taking up arms and heading back into
to all ships, asking them to 'enter and claim' have the fray of the smoke-filled decks.
ceased. It was obvious that humans solved the Builders’
riddle – and everyone wanted a share of the spoils. Gain 1 .

Leaders of some alien vessels presented elaborate

Replace card P237 (Carnage) in your Sector with card P002.
arguments why we should share the Builders’ tech.
Others offered only crude threats. On the Vanguard’s Log 408
bridge, surrounded by countless flashing screens and ISS Vanguard Cantina Security Recording
incoming messages, we had to make a difficult decision
[Voice 1]: Ah, these creatures are delightful. Each of
that would change the fate of the entire galaxy…”
them looks like me after a few pints.
Open the Ship Book at Page 41 (Add-on Facility Cardholder). For each [Voice 2]: Or right after you wake up.
Planet card with the keyword “Allied,” “Colony,” “Embassy,” “Conquered,”
“Military Base,” or “Supply Raids,” add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. [Voice 1]: Oh, shut up! Anyway, I’m glad they’re letting
us watch this mission in real time.
Go to Log 465.
[Voice 2]: Wait! Something’s happening! How can they
Log 405 move that fast?!
Security Recording, Hangar Bay #3 [Voice 1]: See, my spirit animals!
“Adapt it to our landers. It’s perfect!” [Voice 2]: It looks like some creepy Aztec ritual.
“Impossible. We can’t understand this technology.” [Voice 1]: Their tails sway like those white creeps from
“So you’re saying that we have a perfect solution to our
landing problems, but we won’t be able to use it?” [Voice 2]: Well, let’s not forget we’re looking at alien
life here.
“Nothing like that. We cannot ‘adapt it.’ There’s no way
to disassemble or copy this object without breaking it. [Voice 2]: But we do share some DNA. They’re not
Instead, we just strapped it to the hull as it is, and really “alien.” They’re more like our weird, slobbering
hooked it up with Lander controls. Wanna test it?” cousins.

Move card A17 (Adaptive Thrusters) from Lander Mods (Card Tray B) Gain 1 . Discard the Mission card (M91).
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Then, you may Assign 2 Rank 3 Crewmembers to gain 1 .
52 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 409 If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome: your

chosen Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died: place them in
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section the “Casualties” slot next to the board. You must send another team to finish
player makes the choice): the work! Go to Log 452.
» Stop the panic and build the defenses yourself – This will make
completing your primary mission on time harder! Place the P231 Log 415
card in your Sector, if it’s not there yet. Away Team Exploration Report 1/H
» Order your crew to stop the panic and build the defenses
The thick, armored panels were easy to
(requires at least one Available Crewmember card) – Choose any
detach,fortunately. With the turret’s machinery exposed,
number of Available Crewmembers from your Section (and other it became even more apparent that it was a piece of
Sections, if their players agree). These Crewmembers may die a much cruder, different technology than the rest of
fulfilling your orders! Go to Log 474. the sphere. This, coupled with the fact that the turret
» Ignore the panic and let someone else handle the situation had forcefully dug itself into the sphere with long
– Lower the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page claws, led us to conclude the turret was left by some
3), unless the Morale was already Very Low. Add 2 markers to other race who discovered this sphere a long time ago.
the Enemy Advantage Slot. Then, go to Log 461.
Whoever made it, it is clear they wanted to prevent

Log 410 other species from studying this place.

Chat Conversation It’s good we disabled the cannon before the rescue team
– or Vanguard itself – entered its firing range…
[Anonymous]: Fire, darkness… I can’t sleep.
Go to Log 425.
[Rubi]: Who are you?
[Anonymous]: I still remember darkness. Skittering Log 416
things. Away Team Exploration Report 61/C
[Rubi]: ??? The holes belch flame and exhaust gasses that turn this
[Anonymous]: Wounded, we ran. Exhausted, we escaped. place into a furnace. We can’t move any closer! But it
seems the mound mites hate the heat even more than we
[Anonymous]: Air – musty. Muscles – burning. do. They do not dare approach, making it the only safe —
Rubi blocked Anonymous. if uncomfortable — place to rest.

Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all non- Replace the POI in this Sector with card P075.
Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open the Ship Book at page 25
(Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management. Log 417
[CAPCOM]: I’m sending coordinates of the area
Log 411 where the oxygen levels dropped due to recent fires. Be
If Mission M130 is revealed, go to Log 380. Otherwise, read on: prepared for extreme turbulence and low visibility. Good
luck, Away Team.
CVR Audio Data
If your Lander has at least 5 and 5 , go to Log 419. Otherwise, begin
[Lander’s AI]: Automated message: Lander’s systems and the landing procedure:
artificial intelligence are rebooting.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
[Pilot]: Solar flares, damn them!
with an “S” on the Landing track).
[Navigator]: You can pilot this damned thing manually, 2. Roll a Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled result
you know! in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one option
[Pilot]: I know, yes. But it’s too dangerous. Let’s use is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option that you cannot
this time to make the most out of the derelict. fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next step.
In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore
Log 412 that Injury card and Injury die.
First Contact Archive, 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
Away Team Report Excerpt 14B not beyond the last space.
Then we stumbled into a blind alley with identical 4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
blocky houses on both sides tempting us with their open space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: go
doorways that led into cool shadows… to Log 419.
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Science Section MICROMETEORITES
player makes the choice):
Flash Fire! Choose one:
» Enter one of the houses – Go to Log 406.
» Retrace your steps – Continue the game. » Extinguish
Each Crewmember gains a Burned Injury.
Log 413 » Cut off the Cargo Hold
• Place card P237 (Carnage) in your Sector, unless it is already there. Lose 5- Supplies.
• If the sum of your chosen Crewmembers’ Ranks is 2 or more, progress Turbulence Choose one:
the green track on card P237 by one. If it’s 4 or more, progress this
track by two instead. » Stabilize
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Recon or Science Section, Return 2 random Equipment cards
progress the green track on card P237 by two. to “Armory.”
• For every chosen Crewmember who has a , , or converter on » Ignore
their Crewmember Card, progress the green track on card P237 by two. Each Crewmember must 5 , reduced
If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome:
the Outcome roll 3 Injury by .
dice for each chosen Crewmember. If you roll either 1 Thick Smoke Navigate through smoke
and 1 OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the “Casualties” Each Crewmember must 5 ,
slot next to the board. After all rolls are finished, place the surviving reduced by .
Crewmembers in “Resting Crew” (Card Tray B).
Then, go to Log 407. Optimal Follow the Trajectory
Trajectory If is 4 or more,
progress Landing track by 1.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 53

Log 418 Log 423

Anonymous Memoir Open the System Maps book at Page 7 (Iota Pegasi).
I write it here as a warning: I don’t want to think about
this place more than I must. The tunnels twist endlessly, Log 424
and with them, my mind. The light of my flashlight was The ancient machinery connected to the panels flickers
devoured by creeping darkness, something invisible and almost immediately begins to wane. The power
stalked me the entire time. Something whispered in my coupling you’ve just installed begins to smolder — it
ear. Do not enter the depths of the mossy planet — they won’t last long!
are home to horrors beyond our perception.
If you’re playing the Tutorial, read on. Otherwise, go to Log 450.
Resolve the top unmarked box and mark it. If all boxes are marked, resolve
the bottom one. Mark this box. If this box was already marked, go to Log 450.
Otherwise, read on:
Gain 1 and 1 Mineral Lead.
Gain 1 Mineral Lead. Take the top card from Tutorial deck A (Global Condition card G01) and
place it face up on the Global Conditions slot in the bottom right of the Planet
Lose 1 Supplies. Gain 1 and 1 Alien Tech Lead. board.
Gain 2 Mineral Leads. Global Condition cards like G01 contain effects that influence the entire
Planet board. They also contain the effect of the Travel icon that changes with
Log 419 each new card. Please note that the Travel icon effect is now different than it
was on the previous card – from now on, Traveling will require a Dice Check.
Open the Planetopedia at pages 6-7 (Matchstick).
This card contains a Time Track. Read the “Time Tracks” rules in Chapter II of
Roll a D10. If you rolled:
the Rulebook. Then continue reading here.
• 0–4: Find Mission M40, reveal it, and place it in the Mission slot on The Time Track on G01 represents the time that the power is on. Once
the Planet board. Go to Log 115. the Time token reaches the end of the track, the power goes out again,
• 5–9: Find Mission M42, reveal it, and place it in the Mission slot on discarding G01. At this point, you will be back to your original, printed
the Planet board. Go to Log 53. Global Condition.

Log 420 Hint: You may always go back to Sector 7 to switch the power back on.
Away Team Exploration Report 1/H Place POI card P106 in Sector 6. 6. As the power circulates through
the structure again, an ancient terminal has awoken.
Fortunately, the base of the turret wasn’t armored as
heavily as its top. Our small, controlled detonations Take a look at the Special Effects of the “Access the Console” Special Action.
made quick work of the emplacement. With the turret’s You gain progress on the green track by rolling the depicted icons. However,
machinery exposed, it became even more apparent that it remember that Special Effects are resolved from top to bottom. Therefore, before
was a piece of a much cruder, different technology resolving any dice with those icons, each pair of green and blue dice rolled will
than the rest of the sphere. This, coupled with progress the red track, so avoid rolling both green and blue dice together.
the fact that the turret had forcefully dug itself
into the sphere with long claws, led us to conclude Log 425
the turret was left by some other race who discovered [Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard? This is the Away
this sphere a long time ago. Team! We regrouped and got rid of the cannon
Whoever made it, it is clear they wanted to prevent that brought down our lander. No casualties. Any ETA on
other species from studying this place. the rescue team?

It’s good we disabled the cannon before the rescue team [SAR Mission Pilot, Sergeant Marquez]: We’re already
– or Vanguard itself – entered its firing range… on our way, Away Team. ETA, 36 hours. Hold on tight.

Go to Log 425. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Do you have enough supplies to

last that long, Away Team?
Log 421 [Away Team, Operative 1]: Yeah, lucky for us, most of
Captain’s Log, Entry D-215 the stuff in the lander survived. We’ll be cutting it
close on the oxygen, but we should be fine.
I won’t lie, that ancient war machine, buried deep
under the surface of the planet, caught us by surprise. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Excellent. You can proceed
From now on, we need to expect more surprises like with your mission then.
this one. The technology was unmistakably identical [Away Team, Operative 2]: Please repeat, Vanguard. You
to the defensive emplacements built around the Eye of want us to keep searching this place?
the Void. Whatever the Builders’ plan was, this younger
race does its best to make sure no one can follow up [CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Of course. There’s nothing
on it. Who knows how powerful they are, and how many else you can do for now and we still need to know more
systems they control? Having such a warlike species in about the structure before Vanguard gets too close.
our part of the galaxy fills me with unease — just like The scans you’ve provided indicate there’s some sort of
the fact that each piece of their technology we found a room within the sphere – near your location – filled
so far seemed millennia-old. If they could build things with what looks like some alien technology. Take a look
like that ages ago, who knows how powerful they are now? and see what you can make of it.

The codename our science team has for them is [Away Team, Operative 1]: Copy that, Vanguard.
the ‘Arrogators.’ An apt name, considering they seem to Proceeding with the mission.
be hell-bent on claiming every world for themselves. If you’re not playing the Tutorial, go to Log 492. If you’re playing
Let us hope they haven’t already claimed half of the Tutorial, read on:
the galaxy…
Congratulations! You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration! Take the top card from Tutorial deck A (Mission card M03).
If you’re on Everstorm, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) Replace your current Mission card with card M03 and read its text.
and begin Ship Management.
Otherwise, go to Log 990.
54 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 426 Log 430

Anonymous Protest Mark this box. If this box was already marked, go to Log 423.
I know that it is sometimes impossible to study alien Otherwise, read on:
life outside our laboratories, but Cousin’s specimens Captain’s Log, Entry D-485
are almost sentient beings! I cannot stay quiet about
ripping those creatures from their peaceful environment Ten minutes ago, Vanguard began decelerating to
and caging them in Vanguard’s cargo bay! Remember all subluminal cruise speed, some 0.2 light-years away from
the old movies about UFOs abducting cows? That’s us the WT-7 system. As usual, the bridge was instantly
right now! Please, I think we should make more effort flooded with data. All the information that couldn’t
to study animals in their habitat without, you know, reach our ship as it rode on the Alcubierre wave
kidnapping them. immediately caught up with us. On top of that, all our
systems started sending automated reports.
Gain 1 . Discard the Mission card (M91).
The bridge should be a hornet’s nest now,
Log 427 with everyone busy at their stations. This time,
it was quiet as a tomb.
After-action Report 57
We immediately saw it: a scintillating crystalline star
That’s when we’ve heard this godawful, slurping sound. orbiting WT-7’s sun, right where a planet should be —
As if someone was choking on a bucket of jello. We a field of debris left by a dying world out of which
turned the corner and found three flight deck engineers the crystal burst.
with pipes and wrenches surrounding a lone Arrogator.
They managed to knock it to its knees and smash open The gravity of this discovery wasn’t lost on the Bridge
its bulbous helmet. I thought that for the first time Crew. When we visited Pellucid, we took the crystal
that I’d see one of them up-close. Yet, inside was just for a freak accident, likely caused by the civilization
another machine, submerged in some sort of organic that lived there. Now, we knew it wasn’t a one-off
slime. Heavy blows fractured its metal skull, letting incident.
out a tangleweb of luminescent fibers. Even though Someone was purposely destroying worlds from
the creature was clearly synthetic, its eyes and the Builders’ list — a list that included planet Earth.
gestures seemed to indicate it’s in ultimate agony.
Go to Log 423.
Choose one:
» Let the crew have their fun with the creature – Log 431
Continue the game. Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
» Chase them away and let the creature die in peace – and resolve the bottom one.
mark box B in Log 935 and continue the game.
Go to Log 434.
Log 428 Go to Log 437.
[Idemian Host]: …
[Vanguard AI]: Good. You now understand. You now know Go to Log 439.
what we had to observe. You were too much like our past.
You serve intangibles. You build mental constructs and Log 432
then sacrifice real things on their altars. You make Observation Report
thoughtless decisions based on simple models built in
Space debris in close proximity to the anomaly behaves
your lazy brain. Many of us said you were too dangerous
in an unexpected manner. Instead of scattering randomly,
to deal with, but most recognize your potential,
it forms complex geometric structures. Additionally,
after witnessing your actions. The Cabal has decided.
our probes detect a disorder in the second law of
Make space.
[Away Team]: Wait, you want to ride with us?
In my opinion, we should send a crewless explorer with
To Vanguard?
lab equipment to study this phenomenon, even if it
[Idemian Host]: … would cost us time and resources.
[Vanguard AI]: I spoke to humans more than any living If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Idemian. The Cabal appointed me a new trade. I am now
The One Who Speaks to Humans. Take me to your Cabal. We Move card E72 (Entropy Reversal Field) from “Unavailable
will speak. We will trade our resources and craftsmen Equipment” to “Armory.”
for your technologies and knowledge. If you have Then, you may discard 2 to gain 1 .
anything else to do here, be quick about it. I will wait
for you in your spacecraft.
Log 433
Mark box A in Log 910. Check the number of boxes marked in Log 905. If there are
Discard the Optional Mission M123 (Understanding). You may also discard 4 or more marked boxes, go to Log 428. Otherwise, read on:
any other Mission cards that are still revealed, unless you wish to finish them. [Idemian Host]: …
Hint: You have secured the help of the Idemians! However, you may stay on
[Vanguard AI]: You learned a great deal. But you also
the planet to complete any other objectives – or look for its Builders’ stele if performed actions that troubled and saddened us.
you haven’t found it yet. We still need to learn more about each other.

Log 429 Continue the game.

Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
resolve the bottom one. Log 434
Inventory Check, LCS-17 D
Go to Log 273.
Fossilized flora in a shape resembling a miniature tree
Nothing happens. stump. Teeth marks (resembling human dentition) are all
over the surface.
Gain 1 and 2 Strange Flora Leads.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 55

Log 435 Log 441

[Away Team]: It’s finally… dead? Personal Journal
[CAPCOM]: Good to hear. I hope another anomaly like it The tunnel was long, but it had several air pockets
won’t appear again. where swimming recliners could catch a breath. When
I finally emerged from the water, I recoiled with
[Away Team]: So do we, believe us.
fear. Hundreds of recliners, their tails high and
[CAPCOM]: Anything else to report? swaying, surrounded a tall monument – a stele. But it
[Away Team]: Nope. was different from the others I’ve seen: more eroded,
sparking and buzzing, dangerous.
[CAPCOM]: So--
One of the recliners, its fur painted ocher, approached
[Away Team]: Wait! Some Recliners just appeared here the stele with a steel rod in its claws. The metal made
and… it looks like they want to show us something. contact with the stele’s surface. I had a bad feeling
Discard Scintillating Shardfly and its Threat card. about it, as I noticed several piles of molten metal
around the monument.
Discard Mission M92. Replace the POI in Sector 4 with card P217. Then, go to
Log 368 and mark the box next to the letter B without reading the actual Log. Then, all recliners started a strange dance – their
tails moved faster and faster, they hummed a strange,
Log 436 screeching note. Then, the artifact shined – the air
changed, warping the light and distorting the sight.
• Place card P238 (Torpor Chambers) in your Sector, unless it is A powerful electric arc touched the rod, and
already there. the recliner burned immediately, transformed into a pile
• If the sum of your chosen Crewmembers’ Ranks is 2 or more, progress of smoking ash. I observed no panic, though – it seemed
the green track on card P238 by two. like a deliberate, self-sacrificial ritual.
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Security or Recon Section,
“Away Team, what’s happening,” Corporal Coetz said.
progress the green track on card P238 by two.
“We’re receiving a strong signal on Black Knight’s
• For every chosen Crewmember who has a , , or converter on
wavelength. What are you doing!?”
their Crewmember Card, progress the green track on card P238 by two.
I didn’t respond, as the scene left me speechless. Much
If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome: later, I learned that the signal the stele sent was
roll 3 Injury dice for every chosen Crewmember. If you roll either 1 probably a request for maintenance – or at least that’s
and 1 OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the “Casualties” what Engineering determined.
slot next to the board. After all rolls are finished, place the surviving
Crewmembers in “Resting Crew” (Card Tray B). Then, go to Log 502. Gain 1 . Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery. Discard Mission M90. Replace
the POI in Sector 7 with card P218. Then, go to Log 368 and mark the box
If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome: next to the letter C without reading the actual Log.
your chosen Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died: place
them in the “Casualties” slot next to the board. You must send another team to
finish the work! Go to Log 371.
Log 442
[Away Team]: Vanguard? I have an update on the lake.

Log 437 [CAPCOM]: I hear you.

Inventory check, LCS-17 D [Away Team]: A variety of species lives there, many of
Brittle seaweed-like flora that fluoresces in the visible them are almost evolved enough to leave the water. Some
spectrum and UV. It’s covered with a crust of sulfides. have gas bladders adapted to absorb oxygen, some have
Traces of formic acid can be found at the rims of flippers partially adapted to walk on land.
burnt areas. [CAPCOM]: We can learn a little more about evolution!
Gain 2 Strange Flora Leads. Could you compare them to Earth’s lungfish?
[Away Team]: It’s outside my expertise.
Log 438 [CAPCOM]: I will pass your data on to our researchers.
[Away Team]: It’s dead. Anything more?
[CAPCOM]: Great news! [Away Team]: We need permission to examine the lakebed.
[Away Team]: We’re not sure if it was the same creature Our sensors are onto something.
that attacked us, though. There might be more of them. Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads. Replace the POI in this Sector
Flip the Apex Predator to its Gathering Predators side. Discard the Apex with card P219.
Predator standee from the board.
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: Log 443
Away Team Exploration Log
Gain 1 Live Specimen Discovery and 1 .
The signal is weak, but it gets stronger as we near
Then, gain 1 Supplies. the reef – or however we should call these strange
corals. We point our directional sensors at it, and
Log 439 they give us the approximate position of the stele (or
another source of a similar signal). Now we must get
Inventory Check, LCS-17 D
to it somehow. I hope we don’t devastate this place in
An ice block with traces of phytoplankton inside. the process…
Annotation: Discard card P198 from this Sector. Then, place card P202 on top of
Most of the recent discoveries look like this – the site the other cards in Sector 2.
was wiped clean. We don’t expect anything as exciting Go to Log 260 and mark the box next to the letter B without reading
as the “tree stump” anymore. the actual Log.
Gain 1 Strange Flora Lead. Replace the POI in this Sector
with card P192. Log 444
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked,
Log 440 resolve the bottom one.
If there’s an Arrogator Behemoth Threat on the Planet board,
Go to Log 510.
or if the box in Log 970 is marked, go to Log 445.
Otherwise, go to Log 444. Go to Log 19.
56 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 445 Log 452

Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked, All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
resolve the bottom one. makes the final decision):

Go to Log 421. » Stabilize and evacuate the wounded – This will make completing your
primary mission on time harder! Place card P237 in your Sector, if it’s not
Go to Log 444. there yet. Then, continue the game.
» Order your crew to stabilize and evacuate the wounded –
Log 446 Choose any number of Available Crewmembers from your Section
Complaint Form #74 (and other Sections, if their players agree). These Crewmembers may
die fulfilling your orders! Go to Log 413.
As you can see on the attached, timestamped video,
» Ignore the wounded and let someone else handle them –
the Away Team acts rashly – they ignore the fact
Lower the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3).
that if the ecosystem on this planet is similar to
Earth’s, the cold-water corals are rare and delicate
If the Morale was already Very Low, nothing happens. Continue
organisms. They cause significant damage. They could the game.
spend a little more time planning a more careful and
less destructive approach. I suggest this Away Team Log 453
should be reprimanded for their unprofessional acts. Xenoarchitectural Studies
Lose 1 . Go to Log 394. This brief footage shows a tall colonnade, each pillar
casting dark shadows on the metallic walls. The columns
Log 447 have different shapes and are placed with an unsettling
asymmetry so that the shadows make geometrical shapes,
After-action Report 75D
changing with the movement of the light source. They
When we reached that part of the ship, the battle guide eyes toward intricate machinery occupying most
had already died down. Our security team fought off flat surfaces…
the invaders, but at a steep cost. The floor was strewn
with the dead and the dying, with no one left to care Replace the POI in this Sector with card P294.
for them.
We knew we had no time to lose, but we couldn’t simply
Log 454
leave them there… Find Mission cards M120, M121, and M122, and then reveal them so that all
players can see and read their text. Then, all players discuss and choose any
Go to Log 452. option that’s not yet marked. If you cannot agree, the Recon Section player
makes the choice. If all boxes are marked, resolve the bottom one.
Log 448
Choose to fully explore the seemingly empty city-like structure
If Mission M34 is revealed, the Evac is impossible – continue the game
(Holy Cabal) – Go to Log 605.
(ignore the fourth Injury card and die).
Otherwise, place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board Choose to locate the sunken Stele signal (Deeper Truth)
and discard all non-Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open – Go to Log 619.
the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management.
Choose to gather discoveries and study the pilgrims who roam
Log 449 the arid flats surrounding the city (The Cradle) – Go to Log 731.
Muspelheim research log
Pockets of vacuum in the hull slow down the overheating
Log 455
*** Engine noise ***
of the interior. The isolation layer slowly degrades due
to heavy derelict damage. *** Beeping alerts ***
• If the current Global Condition is Heat Storm – Place Global Condition [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’ve reached TZO’s escape
card G17 on top of the current card. velocity. Null Field operating at peak capacity.
• Otherwise, Refresh 1 . The Lander is holding, but barely.
*** Engine noise ***
Log 450 [Away Team, Operative 2]: OK. The worst part is behind
If Global Condition card G01 is on the Planet board, reset its Time Track. us — time to let the old cap’n hear the good news.
If Global Condition card G01 is not on the Planet board, place it in [Away Team, Operative 1]: Go ahead. I made some bets
the indicated Global Condition slot on the side of Planet board. before leaving, and I want them to know I’m coming back
If card P106 (Strange Console) is in Sector 6, nothing happens. Otherwise, to collect.
place the POI card P106 in Sector 6. As the power circulates through *** Engine noise ***
the structure again, an ancient terminal has awoken.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: CAPCOM? This is the Away
Log 451 Team. We did it. We’ve cracked the vault! We’re bringing
back things you wouldn’t believe.
Not Alone Anymore:
The Story of First Contact book excerpt *** Static ***

We looked upon the main district of the city. Squinting [Away Team, Operative 1]: Vanguard, do you hear us?
our eyes against the larger of two suns, we studied its Weird… No answer.
monotonous vista: identical square houses, and a grid [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re still very close to
of identically looking streets as far as the eye could the sun. Maybe there’s too much interference?
see. We knew that once we entered them, it would be easy
to get lost. The only unique point in the city center [Away Team, Operative 2]: When flying in, we
seemed to be very far in the distance: a large space maintained contact all the way through to the edge of
between identical buildings, maybe a plaza. Once we the photosphere. No. Something must have happened.
enter the dark alleyways, it will be all but invisible… [Away Team, Operative 1]: I think I have an idea what.
Place card P279 in this Sector. I’m bringing up the long-range radar screen.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: No… This can’t be!
This is impossible!
ISS Vanguard Logbook 57

If box B in Log 910 is not marked, mark box D in Log 930. comprehend how the situation could have changed so
drastically during our mission. Soon, a cold, creeping
If box C in Log 910 is not marked, mark box C in Log 930.
feeling washed over us, as we realized there was only
• Return all Crewmembers to the “Resting Crew.” one possible answer.
• Remove all cards, markers, standees, and tokens from the table – you
More time than we realized had passed since we had
won’t need them anymore. descended onto the Thorne-Zytkov object. A time
• Take Section dice from each Crew board and place them in front of dilatation way beyond everything we could have
a player controlling this Section. Then, remove all Crew boards from calculated based on the object’s gravity. This allowed
the table. all races who knew about Vanguard and its travels to
• Each player adds all Section dice from their Section Compartment to discover TZO despite its cloaking, using their spies,
their dice on the table. This dice pool will be used throughout the ending diplomats, or technology. With their presence within
to perform special, risky checks. the Builders’ system, our situation was now much more
complicated. We shuddered to think how bad the things
Place the closed Planetopedia face down in the middle of the table so
would be if we had damaged the cloaking of the Eye way
that the “Victory Pool” slot is visible. Throughout this ending, you will be
back, during our very first mission here…”
asked to add a number of markers to the “Victory Pool.” This number reflects
the state of Vanguard and its crew, determined both by decisions made in Add 3 markers to the Victory Pool.
the campaign, and any decisions you make during the ending. Their final Go to Log 464.
number affects the overall result of your campaign.
Now, count the number of Section dice each Section has and add Log 460
the following number of markers to the Victory Pool: You are about to begin the final Planetary Exploration of the campaign. It is
1-8 dice per Section: 0 markers recommended to bring your best Crewmembers for this mission. Regardless
9-11 dice per Section: 1 marker of the number of players, you will be allowed to take all four Sections on this
Exploration. Do you wish to proceed?
12-13 dice per Section: 2 markers
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
14-15 dice per Section: 4 markers player makes the final decision):
Important: At this point, the only things on the table should be your Victory
» No – Go back to the first Starmap step of your Ship Book (page 5)
Pool, and all Section dice belonging to all Sections.
and continue Ship Management.
Now, check if the box in Log 940 is marked. If it is, go to Log 457. » Yes – Perform the following steps:
If it’s not, go to Log 459.
– Remove any revealed Situation cards from the game.
– Return any Energy, Command, and Success tokens to the Token bag.
Log 456 – Return the Planetary Scanner to the box.
Place the Re-Origination Beam standee in Sector 8. – Go to Log 580.

Log 457 Log 461

“When we left the Thorne-Zytkov Object, to our surprise, [Fireteam Alpha]: All routes to the bridge are now
we discovered that Vanguard was not alone anymore. blocked and crewed with armed volunteers. It won’t stop
Many other ships of different races were floating in Arrogators forever, but at least the bridge is safer
the system, including an Aerugon moth-shaped cruiser, now.
scores of Idemian Scouts, and Targian frigates. There
were also some other ships we couldn’t even identify [Section Leader]: Good work, Fire Team Alpha,
– they came from the parts of the galaxy we never got now we can--
a chance to visit. The Vanguard itself looked much older *** Loud explosions ***
and wearier than when we left it, its portside was
marked with signs of some recent battle and a part of Gain 1 .
the outer ring was in repair. We could not comprehend how Replace the card in your Sector with card P232. Go to Log 506.
the situation could have changed so drastically during
our mission. Soon, a cold, creeping feeling washed over Log 462
us, as we realized there was only one possible answer. Away Team Private Channel
More time than we realized had passed since we had [Operative 1]: Stop! What do you think you’re doing?
descended onto the Thorne-Zytkov object. A time
dilatation way beyond everything we could have [Operative 2]: Huh? Just a standard procedure when it
calculated based on the object’s gravity. comes to the steles…

On its own, it wouldn’t be so bad. However, during our [Operative 1]: Did you forget what happened to
first mission on the outer shell of the Eye of the Void, the evaporated recliner?!
we damaged its cloaking capability. We thought it wasn’t [Operative 2]: Crap! I was so focused on the procedure…
an issue. It would take years for the closest systems
to detect its presence and years more for other races [Operative 1]: We scan it from a distance and use
to reach the Eye. Yet, it happened. We were now watching drones to interact with it physically.
the proof with our very eyes. The years Vanguard has Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
spent traveling the stars, plus the time we have now resolve the bottom one.
spent in TZO, was enough for other races to learn of
the Eye. With their presence, our situation was now much Go to Log 55.
more complicated…”
Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads.
Go to Log 464.

Log 458 Log 463

Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked,
Go to Log 533. resolve the bottom one.

Log 459 Go to Log 485.

“When we left the Thorne-Zytkov Object, we discovered to
Go to Log 494.
our surprise that Vanguard was not alone anymore. Some
ships of different races were floating in the system,
Go to Log 498.
including a couple of Idemian scouts and an Aerugon
moth-shaped cruiser. The Vanguard itself looked much Go to Log 551.
older and wearier than when we left it. We could not
58 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 464 Log 466

“When we hailed Vanguard, the bridge crew was just as Away Team Exploration Report 1945-G
much in shock as we were. From their startled reactions,
Despite all odds, life appeared in this unlikely world.
we quickly gathered that we were like ghosts to them,
It took millions of years for an intelligent species
rising from the dead. So much time has passed since we
to break the confines of their high-gravity planet and
departed for the Thorne-Zytkov Object that our names
reach space. This long-lived, hard-working race of
were now etched on the Vanguard’s Memorial Wall and
conical beings…
covered in dust.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
When we asked for permission to dock, we were welcomed
player makes the final decision):
by a long silence. We found it suspicious, but – tired
and in pain – all we could think of was our home. » Unified the galaxy, assimilating all other races and cultures
We landed in the empty hangar, our ship groaning – Go to Log 493.
and creaking from the strain it suffered during its » Conquered the galaxy, enslaving all other races
mission. All the other landers were gone. As soon as – Go to Log 481.
we scrambled out, Major Dahl approached with a group » Decided not to interact with any other races and did their best
of armed marines. In terse words, she informed us she to become invisible – Go to Log 486.
is now in control of the Vanguard. We were to be locked
up until further questioning. As the marines led us to
the brig, we noticed our Section Leaders sitting idly
Log 467
behind bars – as surprised to see us alive as the bridge “You must understand – we are wanderers by choice.
crew was. As such, the laws of hospitality and equivalence are
strong among us. Most Idemians believe that Vanguard
Time passed. Without any form of contact with other has a debt of gratitude to pay to our people. They think
cells, we could only guess what happened on the ship your success would be impossible if we didn’t restore
in our absence. The idly flowing hours and all your ship after your battle with Arrogators. They will
the questions that swirled in our minds were driving not understand if you refuse to share the discoveries
us insane. Then, during one of the dog shifts, we heard from the corestar. Many will decide to take justice into
a muffled scream and a thud. Soon after, Anu appeared their own hands.”
on the other side of the cell’s door. She let us out
and informed us about everything that had happened on If you have 10 or fewer markers in the Victory Pool, go to Log 465.
the ship since our departure. Otherwise, read on:
She told us that after waiting weeks for our return, “However, we did not survive that long in the galaxy by
the Vanguard's officers finally decided that the Null blindly throwing our lives away to fight any injustice.
Field concept was a failure. Instead of sending another Your ship and crew are strong. You achieved a lot. My
Away Team to their deaths, Vanguard started to develop people will see and respect that. Many will not contest
other technologies that would allow them to explore your choice, whatever it will be. I’m sure you’ll find
the Thorne-Zytkov Object, while the Earth’s time was allies among other races as well.”
dwindling with new global catastrophes occurring Go to Log 465.
every week. The morale suffered. There was growing
unrest. Many began to doubt whether the path chosen by
the captain and Section Leaders was right. Eventually,
Log 468
Major Dahl – who never accepted how the Captain decided Go to Log 533.
to deal with intelligent races of this star cluster
– led a successful rebellion. The Captain was locked Log 469
up, just like all Section Leaders and all their loyal “You – I mean WE – have fallen right into the trap of
crewmembers.” the Old Ones. Our fate is no longer our own. I told you
it was foolish to pursue the riddle of the steles. My
Each player takes all Crewmembers (from “Resting Crew,” Medbay, etc.)
race – I mean, the Visitors – knew that if they passed
from their Sections and places them on the table in front of them. These are
this test, they would become a tool in the Builders’
your Available Crewmembers. They will be used throughout the ending to
hands. Didn’t the Builders tell you they’ll steal your
perform special, risky checks.
future? We refused to participate in the games of
Now, check your Morale in Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3) older, more powerful races. We didn’t want our future
If it is Very Low: Each player removes from the game (at random) one stolen from us. You should follow our example. Destroy
Crewmember from each Section they control. the Builders’ legacy, even if it means you won’t be
able to save your homeworld. Earth was lost anyway,
If it is High: Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. defenseless, out in the open, a plaything surrounded by
If box A is marked in Log 920, go to Log 475. older, more powerful races. Use what you know to write
If box B is marked in Log 920, go to Log 539. your own rules. To create a new home for yourselves.
Destroy the Builders’ legacy. Set yourself free, even if

Log 465 it costs you your planet.”

All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section Go to Log 465.
player makes the final decision):
» Ask Anu for an opinion (only if box A in Log 930
Log 470
Captain’s Log, Entry E-738
is not marked) – Go to Log 467.
» Ask Thrall for an opinion (only if box D in Log 930 Soon after Thrall slid into the Visitors’ dimension
is not marked) – Go to Log 469. and right onto the bridge, spooking the bridge crew, it
» Ask Deadspeaker for an opinion (only if box C in Log 930 is not returned to the same place.
marked) – Go to Log 471. “I see no subspace marker,” Thrall said, visibly
» Ask Dr. Corey for an opinion (only if box E in Log 930 distressed. “Silly whelps made it wrong. I don’t know
is not marked) – Go to Log 478. where to emerge. I’m sorry, Captain.”
» Deny the alien requests and remain in control of the Builders’
Perhaps we asked too much of our Away Team – working
technologies – Go to Log 515. under duress in a damaged lander, on a piece of
» Accept the alien requests and share the Builders’ technologies alien technology. There had to be some other way to
– Go to Log 965. save them…
Go to Log 624.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 59

Log 471 If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome:

roll 3 Injury dice for every chosen Crewmember. If you roll either 1
“Bah, a trivial question! It is you who unlocked
and 1 OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the “Casualties”
the Builders’ Vault. It is you who reached countless
slot next to the board. After all rolls are finished, place the surviving
steles on all possible worlds. If anyone is strong
Crewmembers in the “Resting Crew” (Card Tray B). Then, go to Log 461.
enough to become the warden of this galaxy and bear
the Builders’ legacy, it is you. Let me answer these If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome:
requests for you. I will show all these meddling pests your chosen Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died: place
some true Arrogator diplomacy.” them in the “Casualties” slot next to the board. You must send another team to
finish the work! Go to Log 409.
If you have 8 or more markers in the Victory Pool, go to Log 465.
Otherwise, read on:
Log 475
“Of course, given the pitiful state of your ship and
“Major Dahl was sure that if Vanguard focused on
crew, they will likely massacre us – but it will be
military expansion instead of diplomatic efforts – if
a glorious last stand!”
it subjugated other civilizations and pooled their
Go to Log 465. efforts and resources, the mystery of the Builders’
Vault would long be cracked, and the Earth – saved. With
Log 472 the Captain and Section Leaders in the brig, Major Dahl
sent out squads armed with the latest technologies to
Edan Research #1
do just that. Any opposition was driven underground and
Cones of gypsum suggest that this area was once under waited for the right moment. Now, our apparent return
the water – and its thickness indicates that there from the dead with the Builders’ data, and the welcome
were at least thirty meters of saltwater over this Dahl gave us caused quite a stir among the crew. Anu
particular area. decided to make a move – and sprung us out – hoping
We searched for fossils that could confirm this theory, that together, we could retake Vanguard.”
but there were none. Several researchers assume that it Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. Go to Log 543.
means there was no water-based life on this planet.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked, Log 476
resolve the bottom one. Check if Optional Mission M123 (Understanding) is revealed.
If it is, go to Log 791. Otherwise, go to Log 512.
Gain 3 Mineral Leads.

Gain 2 Mineral Leads. Log 477

[CAPCOM]: Remember that your task is to explore
Log 473 the aerial area beneath the heavy layer of clouds. We’ve
detected something unusual there but are still unsure
• If Planetopedia is opened at pages 30-31 (Arrogator Craftworld –
what it is. The area is very dangerous. Take good care
Inner Core) and you haven’t saved it, do it now: of your lander – your survival depends on it. Godspeed!
If there is a Planet Record sheet for your current planet in “Recorded

Planets” (Card Tray B), dispose of it.
Important: Arrogator Craftworld Outer Shell and Inner Core should If box A is marked or you are using Waygate Lander, go to Log 725.
be saved on different Planet Record sheets. Otherwise, go to Log 634.
Then, take a blank Planet Record sheet and fill it in as follows:
– Write the name of the current Planet at the top (the one on Log 478
the Planet board). “My god, I never knew it would come to this… I must
– Write the number of the Landing card that is currently say, I understand the position other alien races find
in the Planetary Scanner. themselves in. In their shoes, I would be doing all
I could to get my hands on the Builders’ legacy. But on
– For each Sector, write the number of any POI cards in that Sector.
the other hand, after 'Project Birthright' I probably
If there is more than one POI card, write the top one to the left.
know more about the Builders than anyone on this ship.
Mark if the Sector was Finished.
They were SMART. They had it all figured out. If they
– Write the number of each Unique Discovery still
asked us not to proliferate their technology, there
on the Planet board. must have been a good reason. Just imagine the terrible
– Write the name and Sector number of any Threats still on the Planet wars waged with its use: anomalies extinguishing entire
board. Then, return all Threat cards on the Planet board and their suns, planets ripped inside out by subspace fields.
matching standees to the box. I guess we should refuse to share anything until we
– Place the Planet Record sheet in “Recorded Planets” have a firm grasp of the Builders’ knowledge ourselves.
(Card Tray B). And even then, I imagine some specific technologies
– Return all POI cards on the Planet board to “Points of Interest” (Card could be too dangerous to spread around.”
Tray A). Return all Unique Discovery cards on the Planet board to
If you have 7 or more markers in the Victory Pool, go to Log 465.
“Unique Discoveries” (Card Tray A). Return all Threat cards and their
Otherwise, read on:
matching standees to the box.
“But theory is one thing. Let’s be real. The ship and
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 28-29 the crew are in a rough state now. If we oppose all
(Arrogator Craftworld – Outer Shell). these races, we may very well lose the battle. Then,
• Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary the Builders’ tech will fall into the hands of the most
Exploration” procedure. aggressive challengers. This is even worse than
spreading it evenly!”
Log 474 Go to Log 465.
• Place card P231 (Panicked Crowd) in your Sector,
if it’s not there yet.
• If the sum of your chosen Crewmember’s Ranks is 3 or more, progress
Log 479
the green track on card P231 by two. If the box in Log 922 or Log 924 is marked, go to Log 482. Otherwise,
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Security or Engineering read on:
Section, progress the green track on card P231 by two. “We later learned that Anu did not want to ambush or
• For every chosen Crewmember who has a  or converter on kill Dahl’s marines. Instead, she met them with open
their card, progress the green track on card P231 by two. arms and tried to dissuade them from serving their
Major. But the grunts were loyal. They remembered well
that Vanguard didn’t achieve all that much when Captain
Wayman and his Section Leaders were in charge. Almost
60 ISS Vanguard Logbook

all of them believed the ship needed someone like Dahl Players now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers. Any
if the Earth was to be saved. Realizing the futility of dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Depending
her words, Anu tried to slip away. They shot her without on your choices, you may face several more checks in this part of the story.
an eyeblink, her pale Idemian blood seeping through
Perform the following steps:
the grating on the floor and into the ship. Still, her
sacrifice gave us enough time to run away.” • First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
Mark box A in Log 930. • Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with
a , , or converter from their hand and place them in the Roll Pool.
Go to Log 491. • Count the number of , , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool.
Log 480 You need 8 or more points to pass this check. Players may roll additional
First Contact Archive, dice and assign additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with
Away Team Report Excerpt 17B the result.
Perhaps the most startling of our discoveries on • Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. For each Crewmember
the planet was when we realized that the standing in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this
stones around us were not shaped by erosion. Close Crewmember from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers
scans and inspections showed these were purposely to their Available Crewmembers. If there are no more Available
raised obelisks, and the thin part near the bottom was Crewmembers left, go to Log 810.
worn down by the countless hands of pilgrims brushing
If you have 7 or fewer points: Go to Log 386.
against them for countless centuries, on their way
to the navel. Rough estimations show this ritual site If you have 8 or more points: Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool and go to
has been in use for at least 100,000 years, making Log 491.
the Idemian culture unbelievably old and resistant to
change, at least by Earth’s standards. Log 485
The navel itself had no real significance. Try as [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, report.
we could, there was nothing there. With the help of Come in, dammit!
satellite imagery, we were only able to determine [Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’re reading you.
that the stone was at the furthest point from any Something just ambushed us down here.
other visible Idemian-made structure on the planet –
as if loneliness and remoteness were the main reason [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Report, Away Team —
for its existence… what was it?

Gain 1 . Replace the card in this Sector with P000, mark box F in Log [Away Team, Operative 2]: Some kind of spherical
905 and read its text. sentry, never seen anything quite like it.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Looks like some of
Log 481 the constructs of this planet’s native civilization
Go to Log 533. managed to outlive it. We tried to put this thing down,
but it retreated.
Log 482 Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead and 1 Live Specimen Lead.
“We later learned that Anu did not want to ambush Place the Ophthalmoid standee in Sector 4.
or kill Dahl’s marines. Instead, she met them with
open arms and tried to dissuade them from serving
their Major. This gamble paid off. Many of them still
Log 486
Go to Log 533.
remembered how much Vanguard gained and how big of
an impact it had on the galaxy, thanks to the decision
of Captain Wayman and his Section Leaders. The marines Log 487
split into two factions and began a heated discussion. [Captain Wayman]: This is the Captain. As you are
This gave Anu a chance to slip away and catch up with likely well aware, I have no good news. We are preparing
us in a safe hideout.” a rescue operation, but we can’t risk losing another
lander and another crew. We can’t touch down anywhere
Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool.
near these creatures. The Evac Zone will be on top of
Go to Log 491. your closest mound. I know, that’s one heck of a climb.
However, the creatures don’t seem to be able to climb
Log 483 these surfaces, and we will be sending an unmanned
CVR audio data probe with some supplies to help you reach this new Evac
Zone. Supplies will land on the central plateau shortly.
[Lander’s AI]: The course is set. We’ll reach Vanguard Move to intercept.
in seven minutes.
• Place all Crewmembers in Sector 3.
[Navigator]: Thanks, AI. Looks like I have nothing to • All Crewmembers Refresh all their dice and draw two cards. Flip all Turn
do now but to admire the hell below. It’s quite alluring
tokens to their “Turn Available” side. Begin a new Round of Planetary
from this height.
[Pilot]: Maybe. But I don’t want to ever return here. • Make sure that and Rank-Up card are located next to indicated
Congratulations! slots on the Planet board.
• Make sure all the Discoveries that are not currently on the Crew boards
You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration! are located next to the Lost Discoveries slot.
• Discard all Mission cards. IMPORTANT: If you don’t find a way to retrieve your previous Discoveries
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship from the Lander before the end of the Mission,
Management. they will be lost!

Log 484 Log 488

If the box in Log 922 or 924 is marked, go to Log 489. Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
Otherwise, read on: resolve the bottom one.
“We tried to talk some sense into the marines, but
they proved loyal to Dahl. They felt that the previous Go to Log 273.
approach dictated by the Captain and his Section
Nothing happens.
Leaders wasn’t moving the mission forward. Soon,
the talks were over, and the shooting began.”
ISS Vanguard Logbook 61

Log 489 Log 494

“We tried to talk some sense into the marines. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Damn! That was close.
Surprisingly, many were not too eager to raise arms
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: What happened? Do you
against their former crewmates just because Major Dahl
need help?
said so. They remembered how far the Vanguard got under
the leadership of Captain Wayman and his Section Leaders, [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re good. That thing
and so far, Dahl’s approach did not compare favorably. escaped again!
Some of the marines laid down their arms in protest. [Away Team, Operative 2]: But we’ve managed to harvest
Their Sergeant tried to force them to comply, a piece of it.
and a brawl soon broke out, allowing Anu to safely flee [Away Team, Operative 1]: It has both mechanical
and join us in our hideout.” fragments and biological tissues. It’s far more advanced
Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. than our attempts at merging flesh with technology.
Go to Log 491. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Be careful. I hope you get it
for good next time.
Log 490 Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads and 2 Live Specimen Leads.
Begin the landing procedure: Place the Ophthalmoid standee in Sector 5.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space
of the Landing track (indicated with an “S”). Log 495
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled Leaving this planet is impossible due to extreme weather conditions!
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option that you Log 496
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next Exploration Log 14/77-A
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
This district contains nothing but burned out shells
ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
of buildings. Their architecture is utilitarian to
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but the extreme, with no sign of structures which could
not beyond the last space. be classified as cultural or ceremonial in purpose.
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful” space, Most of the walls that still stand have remains of
go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: go to Log 82. what can only be propaganda materials. Their blunt
messages are understandable even for other species:
this galaxy is ours!
Solar Flare Choose one:
We wonder if the grand hall looming in the distance
» Speed Through would be any different. Our scouting drones found out
If the is 5 or more,, nothing happens. that one of the ruins might have contained a replication
Otherwise, each Crewmember rolls . plant, similar to the one found on the outer shell of
the Craftworld. Further study might shed more light on
» Evasive Maneuver
the Arrogator’s manufacturing technologies.
Lose 4 Supplies reduced by .
Each Crewmember Refreshes 1 . Replace the card in this Sector
Thermal Shock Choose one:
with card P327.
» Ignore
Each Crewmember 4 Log 497
reduced by . Go to Log 533.
» Change the Approach Vector
If is 5 or more, nothing happens. Log 498
Otherwise, move the marker on [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: I don’t like this silence.
the Landing track 1 space to the left. Please, tell me you’re alright!
Damaged Choose one: [Away Team, Operative 1]: It’s ok. We’re resting.
Fuselage The machine is no longer a threat.
» Let the Lander Repair it
Each Crewmember 1 . [Away Team, Operative 2]: Dead as a dodo.
» Repair it Yourself [Away Team, Operative 1]: That’s what I meant. However,
Each Crewmember rolls . bad news – there might be more of those constructs in
the area.
Log 491 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Sentries? What do they guard?
If box A is marked in Log 920, go to Log 766. [Away Team, Operative 2]: Probably the whole planet.
If box B is marked in Log 920, go to Log 537. We were probably considered pests or another threat
to the ecosystem. The machines were probably tending
Log 492 the planet or something like that.

Find Mission card M03 and place it face up in the Mission card space. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Or we might be totally wrong,
and they were war machines.
Log 493 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Take some samples with you.
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-H We’ll study them later.
The history of this powerful, promising race was cut Gain 1 Alien Tech Discovery.
short, as something horrific began to happen. It was… Discard the Ophthalmoid standee and its Threat Card.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
player makes the final decision): Log 499
» An invasion of space-borne parasites that devoured entire suns Edan Research #2
– Go to Log 497. There was sea life here, after all. And there are still
» An even larger empire from neighboring galaxies that decided seas – but they’re hidden in vast cave systems several
to eliminate them – Go to Log 549. kilometers under the surface. Waters brim with primitive
» A Universal Phase Shift that threatened the entire matter of life: microorganisms, cnidarians, and shellfish.
the known universe – Go to Log 552.
62 ISS Vanguard Logbook

We still have many questions. How many species have

gone extinct since the catastrophe? How much have they Log 504
changed to adapt to subterranean life? Do members of Note: Accessing this Log required Bridge Upgrade B03 (Long Range
the civilization that once ruled this world still live Detector Array). If you don’t have it, go back to the System Maps book and
somewhere underground? make another choice.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked, If this box was already marked, go to Log 503. Otherwise, mark this
resolve the bottom one. box and read on:
Gain Unique Discovery 25 (if you already have it, [1st Lieutenant Steensen]: We’re approaching the signal
gain 1 instead). cluster, but the asteroids still obscure the source.
[Dr. Corey]: I don’t like that, Captain. Why would
Gain 2 Microorganism Leads.
the Builders leave that many steles in such a barren,
lifeless place?
Log 500 [Captain Wayman]: I know, Doctor. But we can’t afford
Captain’s Log, Entry D-349
to ignore the signal. It could boost our research by
Distracted by the broken planet and crystalline decades, and the clock is ticking for all of Earth.
structure, we’ve failed to notice that the local star I have everyone and everything on high alert. We should
is a flare sun! As the light from the solar flare reaches be okay…
the crystal, it begins to respond, emitting waves of its
[1st Lieutenant Steensen]: Captain, we have a visual.
own blinding light and bursts of radiation. The result
The signal is coming from this
is catastrophic.
moon-sized object.
Each Crewmember immediately performs the Dice Check described below,
[Dr. Corey]: Look at these bulbous parts, Captain. This
in any order. looks too much like Arrogator technology. We should—
/ Nothing happens. [1st Lieutenant Steensen]: It’s powering up… and
launching interceptors!
Gain a Wounded Injury.
[VANGUARD AI]: Warning! Unidentified objects on
collision course.
After each Crewmember performs this Dice Check, discard your Global
Condition card. [Captain Wayman]: Begin evasive maneuvers! Let’s get
out of here!
Log 501 [1st Lieutenant Steensen]: Captain, more signatures
“Once again, we were in hiding, Dahl’s marines were incoming — from starboard and port.
scouring the decks for us. We knew time was against us [Captain Wayman]: Missiles?
– sooner or later, we would be caught…”
[1st Lieutenant Steensen]: No. These look more like…
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers. transport ships.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks.
Depending on your choices, you may face several more checks during this [Captain Wayman]: Battle stations! Battle stations!
We’re about to be boarded!
part of the story.
Perform the following steps: Your Away Team is about to take part in the defense of their ship.
Warning: This will be a full-sized Exploration, ensure you have plenty of time
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice. to play this surprise mission. When you’re ready to proceed, go to Log 75.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with
a ,
the Roll Pool.
, or Convert Ability from their hand and place them in
Log 505
The power in the structure goes out!
• Count the number of , , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 8 or more • Return card P106 (Strange Console) to the pile of POI cards (any
points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign markers on the card are discarded).
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result. • Discard Global Condition G01 (place the discarded Global Conditions
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. Return all Crewmembers in a pile to the right of the Planet board for easier access). The Global
to Available Crewmembers. Conditions card printed on the board is revealed again.
If the final score is 7 or fewer: Go to Log 513.
If the final score is 8 or more: Go to Log 491.
Log 506
*** Loud Explosions ***

Log 502 [Captain Wayman]: This is your Captain speaking! We’re

now speeding away from the enemy fleet using the full
Gain 1 .
throttle of our engines. Unfortunately, one of the enemy
Replace card P238 (Torpor Chambers) in your Sector with card P002. cruisers was able to catch up with us and its missiles
hit the bridge. We have many casualties, but we’re still
Log 503 operational. Beware of sudden impacts in your area. If
[Dr. Corey]: That’s it, Captain. We shouldn’t come any you have no full emergency suit, find a safe, pressurized
closer, or we’ll trigger another ambush. space and stay there!

[Captain Wayman]: Alright, Doctor. Are the scanners • Place card P241 in Sector 8.
picking anything up? • Open the Ship Book at page 3 (Bridge cardholder) and check if
there is card B10, if it is there, progress the green track on card P241
[Dr. Corey]: The stele signal is coming from this small
(Arrogator Cruiser) in Sector 8 by two.
Arrogator vessel in the middle of the asteroid field.
The one with large radio arrays.
• Place the Bombardment Threat card in the designated slot above
the Planet board and place the Bombardment standee in Sector 8.
[Captain Wayman]: You think they could keep • Place the Time token in the first slot of the Bombardment Threat card
the steles inside? Time Track – do not resolve it.
[Dr. Corey]: No. This was most certainly a decoy, meant • Place Optional Mission card M103 next to the Planet board and read it.
to lure explorers like us to their deaths.
[Captain Wayman]: Alright. Nothing more to see here,
I guess. Let’s skirt past this area and get back to our
Continue the game.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 63

Log 508 [Away Team]: Phew, that was a close one. We almost
hit something in the upper orbit. Something like
CVR Audio Data an artificial… satellite? It was partially cloaked.
[Navigator]: Multiple systems not responding! [Captain Wayman]: A satellite, here? This planet had no
Do something! advanced civilization. This means—
[Pilot]: I’m doing what I can! [Away Team]: Sir, we could make another go around
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated the planet and try to take a closer look.
with an “S”) of the Landing track. [Captain Wayman]: No, Away Team. You’ve risked enough
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled for today. Get back home. We’ll send another team to
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one fetch this thing. Wayman out!
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you Congratulations! You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration!
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
• Move Research Project R09 (The Black Knight) from “Research Projects”
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
• Move Objective card O03 (Cloaked Satellite) from “Bridge Cards”
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
beyond the last space.
If you’re on Everstorm, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet)
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space,
and begin Ship Management.
go to Log 483. Otherwise, go back to step 2.
Otherwise, go to Log 990.

Servomotor If the is 4 or more, nothing happens.

Log 511
Malfunction Mark this box and go to Log 528. If this box was already marked,
Otherwise, go to Log 381.
read on:
Nav Module
If the is 4 or more, nothing happens. A maze of interconnecting claustrophobic tunnels and
Down vast caves.
Otherwise, go to Log 381.
Engine Failure If Kurma is in this Sector, nothing happens.
If the is 4 or more, nothing happens.
Otherwise, roll D10:
Otherwise, go to Log 381.
0-1: Go to Log 523.
Falling Apart 2-4: Go to Log 531.
If the / / is 5 or more,
nothing happens. 5: Go to Log 540.
Otherwise, discard 1 or 1 Discovery 6-9: Nothing happens.
from the Lander board.
Log 512
Log 509 If your current Objective is O06-O11, go to Log 990. Otherwise, read on:
Captain’s Log, Entry D-721 Captain’s Log, Entry 829
I think even Doctor Corey was surprised by I wasn’t around to witness most of the things
the effectiveness of our new Stele Detector Array. As soon that happened on the Idemian Temple World. While
as we brought it online, it picked up several small stele Vanguard was finally making contact with another
signatures from the surrounding systems — and also one intelligent race, I was in a medically-induced coma,
big enough to turn the heads of everyone on the bridge. healing from my injuries. Regardless, Major Dahl, my
At first, we thought this to be a fluke, a teething second in command, as well as my Section Leaders proved
problem of the system. But the more we looked into it, more than capable of winning the trust of the first
the more it became certain: there was an entire cluster advanced species that ISS Vanguard has encountered.
of several steles, not far from our current star system. I just wish I was there to see it.

Needless to say, it became our new priority target. When I woke up, we had an Idemian ambassador on board.
Her name was Anu, and she already became fast friends
Congratulations! You now have a new Objective. with some of our Away Team members. Her people were
Vanguard is now able to study the Stele Cluster Signal signal in system delivering supplies, and their small vessels were
Kepler 831. Move Objective card O04 (Treasure Trove) from “Bridge helping us repair our solar panels.
cards” (Card Tray B) to the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3). Remove Soon, Vanguard was almost ready to continue our
the previous Campaign Objective card from the game. mission – but I wasn’t. There was one more important
thing I needed to do before we were ready to continue,
Log 510 and the events on the Idemian Temple World only
[Captain Wayman]: Congratulations, Away Team. Another strengthened my resolve.
job well done! Just so you know, we’re preparing Congratulations! You have completed the mission!
a welcome party once you’re aboard.
Shuffle Ship Situation S19 (Objectivism) from “Future Situations” into
[Away Team]: Much appreciated, Captain! “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: What’s your progress? Go to Log 514.
[Away Team]: We’re about to finish our slingshot
maneuver around the planet. It should launch us right Log 513
into Vanguard’s interception course. The current “Finally, the worst has come to pass. One of our allies
estimate is… has betrayed our hideout. The assault team that came
after us was comprised of only the most loyal soldiers,
*** Loud noise ***
who would never question Major Dahl’s orders. They shot
[LANDER AI]: COLLISION ALERT! BRACE FOR EVASIVE on sight, killing many. The rest of us managed to flee
MANEUVER! and went into hiding again.”
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Away Team! We lost your feed! Roll one Injury die for each Available Crewmember. If you roll 1
What’s happening? or 1 , remove this Crewmember from the game.
[…] If there are no more Crewmembers left on Crew boards, go to Log 810.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Nahy]: Come in, Away Team? Otherwise, go to Log 491.
64 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 514 work on the diplomatic expansion, including embassies,

trade ships, and a Vanguard hub to coordinate them.
[XO, Major Dahl]: Captain, I brought all Section Leaders.
[XO, Major Dahl]: This is a mistake! You will
[Captain Wayman]: Thank you, Major. Please, everyone, regret this!
have a seat. It’s good to see you. At ease, this is not
a formal council. Dahl? You stay too. What I am about to [Captain Wayman]: That’s enough, Major. You are
say concerns each one of you. dismissed.

*** Long pause *** • Shuffle Ship Situation S22 (Pro-war Protesters) from “Future Situations”
into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
[Captain Wayman]: I was… wrong. My rash decision to • Mark box A in Log 920.
reach the stele cluster signal in the Kepler system
could have cost us everything. If not for the help of Find the Secret envelope, open it and take the following components out of it:
the Idemians, we wouldn’t be able to continue Vanguard’s 1. Embassy District facility sheet (pages 39-40). Leave the War Room
mission. We lost many brave souls in the battle – and it
facility sheet in the envelope.
wasn’t even my first mistake as a Captain.
2. Planets cardholder (page 41).
[XO, Major Dahl]: Sir, I don’t think you should…
3. 9 Contacted Planet cards (leave the 9 Target Planet cards
[Captain Wayman]: No, Dahl. As I said, it’s not in the envelope).
a formal meeting – no reason to mince words, and
there’s no one I trust more than my Section Leaders. 4. Planet Cards divider.
That’s why I made a decision. The fate of ISS Vanguard, 5. The bag that contains the Universal and Expert Section dice. Add these
the fate of the Earth, is too big to rest in my hands dice to your supply of unbought Section dice. From now on, whenever
only. From now on, I will discuss every major issue with players buy more dice, they can buy these as well.
all of you. And while the final responsibility always
6. Advanced Event cards.
stays with me, I will gladly hear your honest opinions.
Is that understood? Place all Planet cards behind the "Planets Cards" divider (Card Tray B).
*** Acknowledgments *** Note: The planets can be contacted using the “Make Contact” option in your
System Maps book while flying ISS Vanguard through space.
[Captain Wayman]: Right. The first issue is right in
front of us. When Vanguard left Earth, it was never Replace the last page of your Ship Book with the Embassy District Facility
supposed to go much farther than the Divine Coordinates, page. Place the cardholder page next to the Embassy District page. Your
and the Eye of the Void we discovered there. It certainly Ship Book should now end with page 41 (Planets cardholder).
wasn’t supposed to take part in combat. Now, we find Read the text of the Embassy District page to familiarize yourself with its rules.
ourselves far from home, surrounded by unknown dangers The next time you activate Ship Facilities during Ship Management, this new
and hostile species. We won’t make it on our own. Facility will become available.
The contact with the Idemians proved that converting
others to our cause can greatly help us. And here’s Go to Log 527.
the question. Many officers on the ship believe we should
train contingents of marines and start subjugating any Log 520
weaker or less developed planets. This would give us Personal Journal
a supply line. A direct access to more resources and
The evacuation was chaotic. We frantically smashed
labor. Others believe it would be better to establish
the ice that resublimed on the lander, trying to make
a network of embassies and trading posts across charted
it light enough to lift off. Our friend was dying from
space, hoping for voluntary help from other races. I have
too many wounds, exhaustion, and stress. We heard
my thoughts, but I want to hear yours. What say you?
the howls of the wind – we prayed it was wind and
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section nothing else. Suit heating systems were malfunctioning.
player makes the choice): Even now when I think of those events, I want to bury
Important: this choice will influence the game for the rest of the campaign. myself under a warm blanket.
Consider your answer carefully! Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all non-
» Support a diplomatic expansion – Go to Log 519. Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open the Ship Book at page 25
» Support a militaristic expansion – Go to Log 524. (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management.

Log 515 Log 521

Count the number of markers in the Victory Pool. If you’re on Cousin planet, replace the Point of Interest card in your Sector
Check the final result: with card P220.

0-5: Go to Log 825. Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
resolve the bottom one.
6-10: Go to Log 532.
11+: Go to Log 544. Go to Log 525.

Go to Log 529.
Log 516
Resolve all required dice. Return any dice with Vanguard results to your
Available dice. Then, if there is at least 1 , , , or symbol in
Log 522
[Chief Archivist Stanley]: HELP! HELP! You, there!
the Roll Pool, go to Log 526. Help me.
Otherwise, move all dice from the Roll Pool to your Spent Pool.
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: What’s wrong?

Log 519 [Chief Archivist Stanley]: What’s wrong? The entire

archives are on fire! You have to do something. You have
[Captain Wayman]: I agree with your choice. This was
to help me!
supposed to be a mission of peaceful discovery, and no
amount of danger should change that. [Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: Calm down, archivist. We
have other…
[XO, Major Dahl]: With all due respect, Captain… We
were almost defeated once! No peaceful slogans or far- [Chief Archivist Stanley]: No, there’s nothing more
away allies will help us if Arrogators decide to strike important. You and your friends from other sections
again. We need to turn Vanguard into a proper warship. risked lives to bring back these discoveries. Now,
Please, reconsider! everything’s at risk! Besides, the flame will spread to
other sections of the ship if we don’t do anything.
[Captain Wayman]: I already spent more than enough time
What are you standing for? Follow me!
considering all implications, Major. No. The decision is
made. While the ship is getting repaired, we will also Go to Log 535.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 65

Log 523 Away Team! And it looks to have an intact core! Our
science team believes this could be big. With a second
Away Team Exploration Log core to study, they could find out where the Visitors
We proceed through a vast cave, keeping to a wall full came from during the battle for Vanguard.
of recesses to hide within. When a large shape appears [Away Team]: What should we do? The core is too large
over our heads, we hide and stay still until the threat to fit in our lander.
is gone.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: We’re scrambling
Another hulking horror appears, I hate those bastards… a pickup team.
Damn! It saw me! No, no, no! Swim faster, you idiot!
[Away Team]: Should we stick around?
Roll .
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: No. Continue with your

Log 524 original mission, we’ll handle things from here.

[Captain Wayman]: I agree with your choice. This was Congratulations! You now have a way to reach the hidden
supposed to be a mission of peaceful discovery, but we Visitors' homeworld.
shouldn’t take hits without being able to answer in kind. Gain 1 .
[XO, Major Dahl]: With all due respect, Captain… Move Production Project C19 (Visitors' Rift) from “Production Projects” to
The dealings with Idemians proved how much a little “Awaiting…” envelope.
bit of diplomacy can accomplish! If we begin to set up
Open your Ship Book at the Bridge cardholder (Page 3).
an armed presence on alien worlds, they will see us as
no better than Arrogators. Vanguard has a unique chance If your current Objective is O06 (Trail of the Ancients), replace it with
to forge a peaceful federation in this region of space. Objective O08 (Parallel Universe) from “Bridge Cards.”
Please, reconsider! If your current Objective is O07 (The Lost World), move Objective O18
[Captain Wayman]: I already spent more than enough time (Otherside) from “Bridge Cards” to the Secondary Objective cardholder.
considering all implications, Major. No. The decision If the Secondary Objective slot is already occupied, remove the current
is made. While the ship is getting its repairs, we Secondary Objective first.
will also raise troops, build landing craft, and If your current Objective is different, nothing happens.
expand Vanguard with a War Room to coordinate our
colonization efforts. Close your Ship Book and continue the game.

[XO, Major Dahl]: This is a mistake! You will

regret this!
Log 526
Resolve the first result that matches your Roll Pool and move all dice from
[Captain Wayman]: That’s enough, Major! the Roll Pool to Spent Pool.
You are dismissed.
: If you’re in Sector 8 go to Log 583.
• Shuffle Ship Situation S23 (Pro-alien Protesters) from If you’re in Sector 10, go to Log 547.
“Future Situations” into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
• Mark box B in Log 920. : If you’re in Sector 8 go to Log 538.
If you’re in Sector 10, go to Log 561.
Find the Secret envelope, open it and take the following components out of it:
: If you’re in Sector 8 go to Log 561.
1. War Room facility sheet (pages 39-40). Leave the Embassy District
If you’re in Sector 10, go to Log 596.
facility sheet in the envelope.
2. Planets cardholder (page 41). : If you’re in Sector 8 go to Log 596.
If you’re in Sector 10, go to Log 547.
3. 9 Target Planet cards, leave the 9 Contacted Planet cards
in the envelope.
4. Planet Cards divider.
Log 527
Captain’s Log #475
5. The bag that contains the Universal and Expert Section dice. Add these
The meeting with Section Leaders went well. They seem to
dice to your supply of unbought Section dice. From now on, whenever
support our new direction. Major Dahl on the other hand…
players buy more dice, they can buy these as well.
Well, let’s just say I hope she won’t be a problem.
6. Advanced Event cards.
We have bigger things to worry about now. With all
Place all Planet cards behind the "Planets Cards" divider in Card Tray B. repairs and upgrades completed, Vanguard continues its
Note: The planets can be contacted using the “Make Contact” option in your voyage. The main objective hasn’t changed: we need to
System Maps book while flying ISS Vanguard through space. learn all there is about the Builders, their plans and
their steles. With the time we spent getting repairs,
Replace the last page of your Ship Book with the War Room Facility page. the situation on Earth slowly deteriorated. Our new
Place the cardholder page next to the War Room page. Your Ship Book Idemian allies claim that two older races studied and
should now end with page 41 (Planets cardholder). collected the steles for many generations: Arrogators
Read the text of the War Room page to familiarize yourself with its rules. and the mysterious Visitors that came to our help
The next time you activate Ship Facilities during Ship Management, this new during Vanguard’s defense. Tapping into their data
Facility will become available. could save us decades of our own research. The problem
is, the Arrogator homeworld is a long-lost planet-sized
Go to Log 527. battleship that supposedly floats somewhere in uncharted
dark space. And the Visitors seemingly disappeared from
Log 525 the face of the galaxy altogether. We need to be on
[Away Team]: Vanguard? We have something interesting the lookout for anything that could help us determine
here. A small shipwreck. Looks very old and very the fate of our older siblings…
Move Bridge Upgrade B01 (Reinforced Hull) , Objective card O06
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: An explorer from another (Trail of the Ancients), and Tech Level 4 card from “Bridge cards”
race? Send more data, before you decide to go in. to the “Awaiting...” envelope.
[Away Team]: Engaging a quantum uplink. Remove all Event cards from the game. Place all the Advanced Event cards
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: We’re receiving your feed. in “Events” (Card Tray B). From now on, you will use these cards in place of
This thing looks… familiar. Could you move on to this regular Events!
scorched part of the fuselage? Move Research Projects R14 (Idemian Tech) and R15 (Advanced Physics)
[Away Team]: Here? I think it’s just… Oh! It was THEM. from “Research Projects” to the “Awaiting…” envelope, if available there.

[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Yes, it looks like you’ve

Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
found another scout ship of the Visitors. Just like Ship Management.
the one we’ve discovered on Earth. Congratulations,
66 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 528 Log 535

A signal awakens on the sea bottom as we draw near. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
An ancient Arrogator Probe descended under the ice and makes the final decision):
never managed to return. We stop for a minute to search
it for any valuable tech or data.
» Save the archives yourself – This will make completing your
primary mission on time harder. Place card P239 (Burning Archives)
Go to Log 752. in your Sector, if it’s not there yet. Continue the game.
» Order your Crewmembers to save the archives
Log 529 (requires at least one Available Crewmember card) – Choose any
[Away Team]: Vanguard? We have another shipwreck of number of Available Crewmembers from your Section (and other
the Visitors here… Sections, if their players agree). These Crewmembers may die
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Another? Seems like there’s no fulfilling your orders! Go to Log 541.
place in the galaxy these guys didn’t get to before us. » Ignore the archives and let someone else handle it – Discard three
random Discoveries from “Gathered Discoveries” (Card Tray B). Then,
[Away Team]: Are you sending a pickup team? add 1 marker to the Enemy Advantage slot.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: No, can’t fit more of them
onboard. Take what you can and continue on your mission. Log 536
Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead. [Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve got some
seismic tremors. Please advise.
Log 530 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Negative, Away Team, we’re
reading zero tectonic activity.
A – If this box is marked, nothing happens. Otherwise, mark this box
and go to Log 536. [Away Team, Operative 2]: Then something’s coming up
from under us.
Log 531 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, repeat that last--
Away Team Exploration Log
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, hang tight,
A large school of harmless creatures catches us in something’s moving down here. Weapons free, folks.
a stream of swirling, colorful bodies. It’s hard to
Place card P401 on top of any cards in this Sector.
proceed, but we might as well take this opportunity and
study these peculiar species.
You may + to gain 2 Live Specimen Leads.
Log 537
“After getting to a safe hideout, we gathered to discuss
our options. There was no doubt, we needed to wrestle
Log 532 the control of Vanguard away from Major Dahl’s hands –
Players will now perform the last special check using their dice but how? The first idea was to follow Major Dahl quietly,
and Crewmembers. wait until she’s vulnerable, and capture her, but we
Perform the following steps: quickly decided it wouldn’t change much. After turning
Vanguard into a floating embassy, she gathered supporters
• First, all players roll all their remaining Section dice. of many different races and surrounded herself with
• Then, all players place all of their remaining Available Crewmembers in ardent lieutenants. They would even complete her work
the Roll Pool. without her.
• Remove all and results from the game. Count the number of any Some of us believed we should free Captain Wayman.
remaining dice. Then, add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. His presence and incredible sway he still held with
Now, check the final score: the crew could help us turn the tide – but breaking him
out of his cell wouldn’t be easy. That’s why a couple
0-6: Go to Log 327.
of us suggested storming the bridge instead – with its
7-25: Go to Log 827. open layout and many entries, it was an easier target,
26 or more: Go to Log 838. and controlling the bridge would allow us to send our
message to everyone on the ship. Finally, a couple of us
Log 533 felt that whatever we do, we should try to drum up more
support first.”
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-F
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
A long vibration went through the hulls of our mecha-
player makes the final decision):
suits. The vision fizzled out, suddenly interrupted.
We began to fall. Next thing we knew, we were back at » Try to free the Captain from his high security cell
the entrance of the closed vault. (you may do this only if box A is not marked in Log 950)
Place a marker in the last slot before the Outcome of the green track in – Go to Log 18.
the Open The Lock Special Action in your Sector. » Try to storm the bridge and take control of the ship
(you may do this only if box B is not marked in Log 950)
Log 534 – Go to Log 102.
» Try to find more allies on the ship (you may do this only
We spent a lot of time on this planet looking
if box D is not marked in Log 950) – Go to Log 802.
for Idemian leaders or their government. Turns out,
the government was right in front of us. Upon closer
inspection, the undulating hum of countless meditating Log 538
Idemians turned out to be a carrier signal they You uncover a plethora of plant specimens, buried under
used to share their experiences and make decisions the ground.
– for the entire species – in a stunning example of Place card P282 in this Sector.
direct democracy.
Mark box D in Log 905 and read its text. Log 539
If Mission Card M120 is not revealed. Replace any cards in Sector 6 “Major Dahl was sure that if Vanguard focused on
with card P001. diplomacy instead of military subjugation – if it
convinced other civilizations to help us without
If Mission Card M120 is revealed, discard it and replace any cards in Sector 6
antagonizing them, the mystery of Builders’ Vault would
with card P000. long be cracked, and the Earth – saved. With the Captain
and Section Leaders in the brig, Major Dahl sent out
envoys and diplomats to do just that. Any opposition
was driven underground and waited for the right time.
Now, our apparent return from the dead and the story of
ISS Vanguard Logbook 67

how Dahl treated us caused quite a stir among the crew.

Anu decided to make a move, and sprung us out, hoping Log 544
that together, we can consolidate the opposition and “Soon, the Eye of the Void became an arena of
retake Vanguard.” a tense standoff between Vanguard and its allies and
the opposing force. On the surface, giant silent ships
Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. floated slowly through space and made it seem like
Go to Log 543. nothing was happening – but the real battle took place
elsewhere, across all communication channels. The lines
Log 540 between both factions kept shifting, minor races
declaring fealty for one side or the other. Eventually,
Away Team Exploration Log
Vanguard came on top in this invisible struggle. It did
A large corpse rots on the cave floor – tiny organisms not stop the violence, though. Some races were desperate
feed on it. It may be a great opportunity to take some enough to launch an attack, even though they had little
samples, although I have a hunch that something much chance of succeeding.”
more dangerous will become interested in this cadaver
sooner or later. Players will now perform the last special check using their dice
and Crewmembers.
You may roll two times to gain 3 Live Specimen Leads.
Perform the following steps:

Log 541 • First, all players roll all their remaining Section dice.
• Place card P239 (Burning Archives) in your Sector, if it’s not there yet. • Then, all players place all of their remaining Available Crewmembers in
• If the sum of your chosen Crewmembers’ Ranks is 4 or more, progress the Roll Pool.
the green track on card P239 by two. • Remove all and results from the game. Count the number of any
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Science or Engineering remaining dice. Then, add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool.
Section, progress the green track on card P239 by two. • Now, check the final score:
• For every chosen Crewmember who has a or or converter on 0-3: Go to Log 327.
their Crewmember card, progress the green track on card P239 by two. 4-20: Go to Log 827.
If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome: roll 3 21 or more: Go to Log 838.
Injury dice for every chosen Crewmember. If you roll either 1 and 1
OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the “Casualties” slot next to
the board. After all rolls are finished, place the surviving Crewmembers in
Log 545
Not Alone Anymore: The Story of First Contact, Book
“Resting Crew” (Card Tray B). Then, go to Log 602. Excerpt
If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome: your
A rare occasion presented itself as we journeyed farther
chosen Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died: place them
into the planes. On a hill overlooking a dried riverbed,
in the “Casualties” slot next to the board. You have to send another team to we’ve noticed one of the Idemian space ships, seemingly
finish the work! Go to Log 535. abandoned and wide open, its console blinking with
faint light.
Log 542 Animals seemed to avoid it, and the owner was clearly
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, something came up
not afraid of thieves or looters.
out of the seabed at us, but we managed to fight it off,
at least for the time being. The temptation was hard to resist: we knew even
a cursory study of the ship could give us valuable
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Did you get a good look at
knowledge about Idemian technology…
the thing, Away Team?
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Negative, just a mess of
player makes the choice):
tentacles erupting out of the ground.
» Enter the ship – Go to Log 570.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Copy that, Away Team. Try to
collect a sample if you can. » Ignore the ship and move on – Continue the game.

Gain 1 Live Specimen Discovery and 1

from this Sector.
. Discard card P401 Log 546
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, something came up
out of the seabed at us, but we managed to outrun it.
Log 543 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Did you get a good look at
“Anu sprung us from the brig. Together, we decided to
the thing, Away Team?
free other inmates from all four sections and headed
for the Captain, who was held in his own cabin in [Away Team, Operative 1]: Negative, just a mess of
another part of the ship. Unfortunately, we were too tentacles erupting out of the ground.
slow. By the time we opened the last cells, letting out
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Copy that, Away Team. Try to
Section leaders, someone took an interest in the fact
tread lightly out there.
the guards had stopped reporting in. The corridors
leading up to the brig filled with armed Marines. With Discard card P401 from this sector.
so many weak or wounded, we couldn’t shake them off,
running deeper and deeper into the ship. That’s when Log 547
Anu stopped us and made an offer. She said she could
You discover a flat, engraved stone, deep in the ritual site.
stay behind and try to buy us some time. We understood
Place card P284 in this Sector.
she’s probably right – without some help, the Marines
will catch up with us. Still, we were reluctant to risk
the life of our closest Idemian ally.” Log 548
“Despite all the differences between us and the alien
Then, all players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section
races, we could very well tell everyone in the Eye
player makes the final decision): of the Void was ecstatic when we decided to share
» Let Anu hold off the guards – Go to Log 479. the Builders’ knowledge. We also breathed a sigh of
» Leave some Crewmembers to hold off the guards relief. After everything that happened on board, no
– Go to Log 484. one looked forward to another conflict. There were some
» Attempt to flee without leaving anyone behind low-key celebrations around ISS Vanguard, but most
– Go to Log 386. people embraced the first quiet moment in a long while
and decided to rest. Well, apart from Dr. Corey’s
staff, who immediately began extracting the Builders’
data cache. It turns out, it contained everything:
beautiful theories that answered all our questions
68 ISS Vanguard Logbook

about the universe, shocking technologies that bordered

on magic, and even the relics of Builders’ culture. Log 552
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-I
Only later, when we began to fulfill the promise and The species known as the Builders fought back. They
started to share copies of the Builders’ data, second sent FTL ships to distant galaxies. In each galaxy, they
thoughts came to most of the crew. As ships of strange, built a central, inaccessible vault and seeded countless
alien races departed one by one, carrying the priceless planets around it with engineered, rapidly evolving,
treasure to their homeworlds, we began to worry whether DNA-based microbial life. Over millions of years, this
or not this knowledge will be used against humanity at life evolved. On some worlds, it dwindled. On others,
some point. it gave birth to wildly divergent young civilizations.
I noticed our lead researcher was especially downcast. Eventually, some of these species discovered the message
When I asked her about her thoughts, she said: left in their DNA and followed it to discover the Eye of
the Void.
‘I can’t help but feel the Builders’ plan failed.
Their knowledge answers most of the questions human In front of us, a small group of humans explored
science had! Suppose everyone in the galaxy adopts the vault, found its center, unlocked its content,
their theories and technology. How will we deal with and now stand near a squat, conical piece of ancient
the threat the Builders were running from? Wondrous technology with a flat disc and a strange container
as it was, their science proved useless against it. floating in front of it.
By replicating it all over the galaxy, didn’t we set The perspective shifts once again and it takes us
ourselves up to fail in the same way?’ a moment to realize we are back in our bodies, and
I didn’t know what to tell her. I can only hope future what’s in front of us is no longer a vision. We can
human generations will have a better answer.” once again move, speak, and feel the controls of
our mechasuits. Their sensors automatically scanned
Go to Log 847. the conical machine in front of us, revealing strange
biological tissues deep within its cone. As if awoken
Log 549 by the scan, the machine started to emit a sound –
Go to Log 533. the same voice we heard when ISS Vanguard first entered
this system, years ago. Only this time it did not sound
Log 550 like a recording. It said:
[Dr. Corey]: Thank you for volunteering for this "Handshake, winners. You won. The race. Your siblings
mission. I realize this task may sound too simple to – all slower. Less determined. If you are here, you
involve a full Away Team, but… studied many. Obelisks. You traveled far. You defeated
or convinced many others. Now the truth. No treasure
[Away Team]: No worries, Doctor. We’ll get your readings.
here. Only responsibility."
Anything we should know as we approach this thing?
“Your siblings. They need to grow. Develop on their own.
[Dr. Corey]: Well, you saw those things as soon as we
If left alone, one will conquer. One will unify. It was
entered the system. We know for certain it is some form
our mistake. Must not repeat. Must become. A Custodian.
of a microorganism, native to the void of space and
Must make sure. Everyone can grow. Many sciences. Many
to this system in particular. It seems to spend most of
points of view."
this time in a nebula that surrounds the sun, full of
organic particles. At one point of its life cycle, it "You will receive tools. To do your new job. Weapons.
flies in large shoals toward the sun, eventually arcing Technologies. All on datadisk. In front of you. Do not
down toward the nebula. There are two primary points of share. We want others to develop. On their own. Without.
interest for us. The first is the apex of Our science."
a microorganisms’ journey, the point where it stops
The disk floats slowly toward us and lays to rest in our
following the sun and instead flies back toward
hands – made of solid platinum and very heavy.
the nebula. The other is the nebula itself, as it seems
to include an unusual concentration of organic “The second responsibility. Bigger. A sample. Of
particles. It’s up to you which of these two points you the contagion. A matter. In a new state. Trapped in
wish to study first. a sub-dimension. Dangerous. Dangerous. Dangerous.
For less developed species. If it touches one atom of
[Away Team]: Understood, Doctor. We’ll keep you posted.
your matter. It will change everything. Your galaxy
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section will be lost. Just like mine. You must contain. Sample.
player makes the final decision): You must study and let others study. You now have.
Five hundred thousand years. To find a solution. Or flee
» Approach the point where organisms are closest to the sun –
farther. Good luck. Our child. I’m not needed anymore.
Go to Log 118. I will go now.”
» Approach the depths of the nebula, where the microorganisms
are farthest from the sun – Go to Log 83. The container floats into our hands, just like the data
disc. The only thing left in the vault is now this
Log 551 ancient creature, from a galaxy far away, its life signs
slowly fading, until it is as dead as the rest of this
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Well, that was surprisingly place.
We can barely fathom what just happened: the apocalyptic
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Easier than before, maybe. threat on the universal scale we’ve just learned about.
But I’d never call playing with a deadly monster “easy.” The enormous burden placed on the shoulders of species
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Come on, don’t spoil the fun. who left Earth just decades ago. The datadisc, full of
advanced technologies that could save our homeworld.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: …
We only know one thing. We’re tired and in pain. It’s
[Away Team, Operative 2]: …
time to leave this place… If only we knew what had
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Look, it’s not like I’m going happened to Vanguard while we were away…
all maverick. It’s just that we now know how to fight
Take Unique Discovery 32 from the Planet board. Insert them into
these things, and I’m happy our tactics work.
the appropriate Unique Discovery slot on page 30 of the Ship Book.
Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead and 1 Live Specimen Lead. Congratulations! You’ve completed your mission. Go to Log 455.
Discard the Ophthalmoid standee and its Threat Card.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 69

Log 553 the metal piece struck its brain-like carapace. Then, it
lashed back, crushing my ribs, and retreated.
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary
With my mind hazy from pain, I managed to wake up
We evacuated from Ugnir. We had severe burns, the rest of my team, and together we made a run
the lander’s hull was busted, and we had little to for the lander.
show for this loss of time and equipment. The creature
was destroyed, though. Before we left, I managed to The Crewmember with a marker on their card rolls . If any Crewmember
take a sample of the charred tissue, to the great would gain a fourth Injury, ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead.
contentment of Doctor Corey. Mark box B in Log 915. Then, go to Log 707.
During the debriefing, the Captain was gentle with
us. He told us the failure of this mission wasn’t Log 559
anyone’s fault. He should have listened to the Idemian Exploration Log 14/68-A
ambassador and should have ignored the rocky planet. Scouting this section of the cityscape, we managed
to locate a fully powered and functional turbolift.
Still, it was a bad day for all of us. I’m sure I’ll have Preliminary inspection showed that it lacked
nightmares about those strange ruins in the water, and acceleration-dampeners and a security cage. Going up
giant murderous bugs. required additional safety precautions, but the view
Gain Unique Discovery 28. of the destroyed metropolis from underneath the outer
shell was breathtaking.
Remove Landing card L13 from the game.
Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Each Crewmember Refreshes 2 . Replace the card in this Sector
Management. with card P325.

Log 554 Log 560

Away Team Private Channel
Sector 3 contains the cannon which brought down your Lander. A POI card
will be placed here based on your next decision. [Operative 1]: Don’t touch anything! If it lives here,
When exploring alien worlds, your Away Team will often come upon tough it must be deadly!
choices that can shape your campaign. This is one of them. Blowing up [Operative 2]: Easy, I’m careful. Interesting… Most of
the sphere under the alien cannon is faster and safer, but it will compromise the samples are kept in pairs. If only I could read
the ability of the sphere to cloak itself, making it easier to find for all other the labels…
potential travelers. [Operative 1]: Are you sure they are labels, though?
Surgically disabling the cannon will take more effort and be riskier. Just kidding, they probably are.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section [Operative 2]: Wait, did you see?
player makes the final decision, even if they are not on the Away Team):
[Operative 1]: See what? There’s nothing in here but us
» Blow up the part of the sphere with a cannon (this will permanently and those vines.
damage the sphere and compromise its cloaking) — Go to Log 390. [Operative 2]: I saw something move in the shadows.
» Approach and disable the cannon (this will be riskier and slower) And here… Fresh tracks? Look at this vine – something
— Go to Log 265 chewed on it recently.

Log 555 • Place card P295 in this Sector.

• Place the Apex Predator card in the designated slot above
Evacuating from this mission is impossible due to extreme weather conditions!
the Planet board.
The Crewmember who gained a fourth Injury makes a Survival Check: roll • Place the Apex Predator standee next to its Threat Card – it’s not on
three Injury dice. If you roll 1 and 1 OR 2 , the Survival Check is the Planet board yet.
failed. Remove this Crewmember from their Rank sleeve. Return all their dice
to their Section Compartment and their Equipment to "Armory." The Planetary Log 561
Exploration continues without this Crewmember. Following a faint trail, you accidentally enter the den
If the Crewmember passes the Survival Check, continue the game. of a large predator.
If all Crewmembers are now dead: Place card P285 in this Sector.
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the
Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side Log 562
(unless it is a Basic Lander). Exploration Log 14/77-B
• Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all This building was in fact another of the structures
non-Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. the Engineering section called “replication
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship plants,” a massive 3D printer able to construct
Management. most of the Arrogator tech we already saw. The state
of this plant precludes any possibility of finding
Log 556 out how the materials were brought to it. In one
Place a marker on your Mission card, then: of the enormous cradles, we have located an almost-
finished strider vehicle, similar in design to Behemoths
If you have 1 marker on the Mission card, go to Log 740. and Warswarms. Additional scans could prove beneficial
If you have 2 markers on the Mission card, go to Log 743. in our understanding of who the Arrogators were and how
If you have 3 markers on the Mission card, go to Log 754. they look.
Replace the card in your Sector with card P328.
Log 557
Choose one of the options below: Log 563
» Return to the Arrogator Craftworld Outer Shell – Go to Log 473. Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
» Return to the Arrogator Craftworld Inner Core – Go to Log 684. resolve the bottom one.

Go to Log 273.
Log 558
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary Nothing happens.
I prepared for the worst – my friend’s unconscious,
my body still trembling, the beast slowly closing
in. I tried using a heavy life tent pole as a weapon
to chase the creature away. The bug ignored me until
70 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 564 with a large door and complex locking mechanism. Behind
it, there was a suspended tower of some sort, its
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked, top drawing in most of the lighting that constantly
resolve the bottom one. poured from the ceiling above. And in four corners of
the large pyramid, we’ve noticed four smaller ones,
Go to Log 569. each with a strange catafalque, connected to the main
pyramid with a thick cable.
Go to Log 571.
It was one thing to know the Builders managed to dig
Go to Log 576. their facility into the densest, heaviest matter of
the universe, but now we also knew they made machines
Log 565 out of it. This wasn’t the end of our surprises. As
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Another ramp down… How much we stopped admiring the view in front of us, a giant
deeper can we go? machine emerged from the darkness, a colossal robot,
emitting a force field that shielded something just under
[Away Team, Operative 2]: If my calculations are its spidery legs. Behind the field, we caught a glimpse of
correct, not much. The neutron star’s crust is only two something green and vibrant: a window to another world
kilometers thick, and we’ve already descended three that this hulking machine kept moving with itself.
quarters of that.
How was all of it connected? How could we open the door?
[Away Team, Operative 1]: So, what’s below? We knew we had little time left to find out.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: We don’t know. We think • Place all Crewmembers in Sector 1.
the core of a neutron star is liquid. It’s a quark
• Place the Builder’s Biomebot Threat card in the indicated space along
soup of matter broken down by unimaginable forces.
the top edge of the Planet board.
A pressure cooker of nuclear reactions and…
• Find cards P091 and P092. Place them face down in the indicated
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Ok, ok. I know enough! Let’s Biomebot’s POI pile next to the Biomebot Threat Card, so that card
get going. My null field readings are getting wonky. P092 is on top.
[Away Team, Operative 3]: Look there’s something • Place the Builder’s Biomebot standee in Sector 2. Place the top card
up ahead! from Biomebot’s POI pile in Sector 2 (Reminder: when a POI is replaced
by the Biomebot’s POI card, all dice, tokens, and markers placed on this
• Discard Mission card M201, if revealed.
POI card are discarded).
• Shuffle all discarded Advanced Event cards back into the deck.
• If there are fewer than four Crewmembers in play, perform
• Return all discarded Leads to the Lead bag.
the following steps:
• Remove all Time tokens and markers from the Planet board and Threat
cards. Discard any Threat cards. – If there’s no Engineering Crewmember in play, Crewmembers
• Return all cards from the Planet board to the appropriate Card Trays. may return up to four dice in total from their Section Compartments
Move the Crewmembers, any Threats, and the Lander standee off to their Crew boards (Rank restrictions still apply).
the Planet board. – If there’s no Science Crewmember in play, take a chosen die from
• Discard all Mission Equipment tokens from the Planet board – they may the Science Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S2 die
be placed again using their Equipment cards. If you discarded P.E.T this slot of Sector 4.
way, return the die to the owner’s Spent Pool. – If there’s no Security Crewmember in play, take a chosen die
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 40-41 (Builders’ Vault). from the Security Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S3
• Populate the right side of the Planet board with the indicated Unique die slot of Sector 6.
Discoveries (face down). – If there’s no Recon Crewmember in play, take a chosen die from
• Populate the right side of the Planet board with the listed Mission cards the Recon Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S4 die
and Global Condition cards, or follow any planet-specific instructions slot of Sector 8.
printed on the Mission and Global Condition card spaces. Note: The rules of the Vault Lock in Sector 9 are connected to 4 pedestals in
• If you have any Incapacitated Crewmembers (a special rule triggered Sectors 2, 4, 6, and 8.
by the TZO Evac log), flip them face up. These Crewmembers once
Note: When a new POI card is placed by the Biomebot’s ability, all markers
again take part in the Exploration.
and dice on the previous POI are discarded. To operate the Vault Lock you
• Each Crewmember discards 1 Injury card and 1 Injury die.
may need to find a way to stop or control the Builder’s Biomebot.
• Each Crewmember Refreshes all their dice.
• Each Crewmember may add the following number of Section dice from Flip all Turn tokens to their “Turn Available” side. Start a new round of
their Section Compartment to their Crew board: the Planetary Exploration and continue the game.
– 3 Available dice – add 3 dice.
– 4 Available dice – add 2 dice.
Log 568
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Rest in pieces, you ugly--
– 5 or more Available dice – add 1 die.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: OK, you can stop now. It’s
• Gain 2 Supplies.
dead for good.
• Go to Log 567.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Where in heaves did it crawl
Log 566 out from?
[CAPCOM]: Be advised Team One, we’re detecting energy [Away Team, Operative 2]: I’m sure the Science
spikes near your location. Be careful out there! section will work this out. For now, we need to help
the wounded.
[Away Team]: Understood Vanguard, proceeding with
mission as planned. • Gain 1 and Unique Discovery 28.
Mark the topmost unmarked box, if all are marked, resolve the bottom one. • Discard Mission card M210.
• Remove Landing card L13 from the game.
Progress the Time Track on the Global Condition by 1. • Mark box C in Log 915. Count the number of marked boxes
in Log 915.
Go to Log 574.
– If there is one marked box, all Crewmembers of Rank 1 who played
Log 567 in this Exploration Rank-Up.
– If there are two marked boxes, all Crewmembers of Ranks 1 and 2
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-I
who played in this Exploration Rank-Up.
At the end of the maze of corridors and ramps, we
– If there are three marked boxes, all Crewmembers of Ranks 1 and
emerged in a wide open cavern, its floor consisting of
large floating platforms, smooth and reflective like
2 who played in this Exploration Rank-Up. Then, gain 1 .
a mirror. The lights of our mecha suits were too weak to • Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin
reach the other side. In front of us, painted white by Ship Management.
constant barrage of lightning, a step pyramid floated,
ISS Vanguard Logbook 71

Log 569 [CAPCOM]: Affirmative Team One, you have a green light
for approach. Good luck.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve found egress
into a ruined spire, but the pathway is blocked. We Landing Rules Description:
can shift some of the rubble to get inside — I have If your Lander has at least 6 ,5 and 5 ,
a feeling it’ll be worth it. go to Log 573. Otherwise, begin the landing procedure:
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Confirmed, Away Team. Please 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
proceed into the spire and report your findings. with an “S” of the Landing track).
Maybe we’ll find some clues as to who lived here, and
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
what happened.
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Some of the pictograms on option is available, choose one. If your result is not in the table, proceed
this gateway seem to depict the people of this world, to the next step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain
they appear roughly humanoid. Pictograms show them a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
holding… what is that, a sphere of some kind?
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
[Away Team, Operative 1]: A moon — they’re holding not beyond the last space.
a moon.
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Get inside, Away Team. Let’s space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: go
find out what happened to these people and their moon. to Log 573.

Log 570 During this landing you will place markers on the Lander board. Each marker
gained represents you triggering various Arrogator defense systems, which
Place card P288 in this Sector. make your Planetary Exploration more difficult.
If the Idemian Pilgrim /Furious Pilgrim is located in this or a connected
Sector, go to Log 259. Rogue Drone Choose one:

Log 571 » Blast it!

If is 5 or more, nothing happens.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve spent some time
down here deciphering pictograms, and we’ve got a map Otherwise, 1 chosen Crewmember gains
to show you — we think it might be Hodeus-B D prior to a Burned Injury.
the moon’s destruction.
» Jam its sensors!
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Images received, Away Team. If is 4 or more, nothing happens.
We’ll get the geology teams on it ASAP. Otherwise, place 2 universal markers on
[Away Team, Operative 2]: In the meantime, we’ve got the Lander board.
a theory: by the looks of this map, land was scarce, and Debris Choose one:
the world was almost entirely ocean. We’ve found some
additional writings that appear to be tidal records, » Smash through it!
and it looks as though the tides rose hundreds of feet If is 6 or more, place 1 universal
at a time. marker on the Lander board.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We think these people might Otherwise, place 2 universal markers on
have attempted to manipulate the tides here on Hodeus-B the Lander board.
D, trying to gain additional landmass for their growing
» Dodge largest objects!
populations and cities.
If is 4 or more and is 4 or
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: And now there’s no surface more, nothing happens.
water to speak of, the planet is barren, and the moon
Otherwise, return 1 chosen Equipment
hangs broken in orbit.
card to “Armory” and lose 2 Supplies.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Certainly wouldn’t be Warswarm Choose one:
the first time a civilization tried to play at being gods
and paid the price. » Blast through it!
If is 6 or more, place 1 universal
Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads.
marker on the Lander board.
Log 572 Otherwise, place 2 universal markers on
the Lander board. Then, return 2 random
If this box is marked, go to Log 557. Otherwise, read on: Equipment cards to “Armory” OR each
[Away Team]: Capcom, we are approaching the object. Crewmember gains a Burned Injury.
Current distance: 700 kilometers and counting down.
» Outrun it!
Weapon systems are online. Boosters on standby. All
If is 5 or more, place 1 universal
systems at nominal capacity. We’re ready to perform
evasive maneuvers at a moment’s notice.
marker on the Lander board.
Otherwise, place 2 universal markers
[CAPCOM]: Roger that, Team One. This time we are
on the Lander board. Then, 1 chosen
ready for what they have in stock. Next contact at 500
clicks. Over.
Crewmember gains a Panicked Injury and
1 chosen Crewmember gains
[Away Team]: Capcom, this is Team One. We are 500 a Wounded Injury.
kilometers away. Preliminary scans were correct.
Its hull is dotted with gun emplacements. We haven’t Uncontrolled Choose one:
got locked on… yet. Wait. We’re detecting a faint Flight
» Regain control
gravitational anomaly within the object. If is 3 or more, nothing happens.
[CAPCOM]: We’re reading that one. Stay sharp Team One. Otherwise, place 1 universal marker
Next contact at 200 kilometers. Over. on the Lander board and each
[Away Team One]: [Interlaced with static] is Team Crewmember 2 .
One. We’re within 200 kilometers of the target object. » Freefall
We’ve identified a debris field on a random orbit around If is 3 or more, place 1 universal
the target. No signs of hostiles yet. Please advise marker on the Lander board.
Capcom, should we proceed with landing?
Otherwise, 1 chosen Crewmember
gains an Exhausted Injury.
72 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 573 Log 577

Open the Planetopedia at pages 28-29 (Arrogator Craftworld – Outer Shell). Assessment of Arrogator Energy Generator; Attachment
to Exploration Log 14/68-B
Check how many universal markers you have on your Lander board:
0: Nothing happens. From materials obtained by the Away Team, Engineering can
extrapolate that Arrogators favored simple, yet effective,
1: Progress all Time Tracks by 1. solutions when it comes to generating energy. Found fusion
2-3: Progress all Time Tracks by 2. reactors seemingly could function for several thousands
4+: Place the Arrogator Warswarm Threat card in the indicated slot above of years, all obstacles for automated systems removed
simply by removing most of the individual precautions
the Planet board and place the Arrogator Warswarm and all 3 Drones
present in similar technology on Earth. Generated
standees in Sector 6.
heat was simply dissipated to the outside layer and
Then, discard those markers placed during Landing. Open the Ship Book at warmed the inside of the Craftworld. Xenobiologists of
page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure. the Science section are already exploring the possibility
Note: It’s possible that 1 of Unique Discoveries listed on the Planet board of Arrogators being quite resistant to radiation.
was already gained earlier during the campaign. Replace the card in this Sector with card P326.

Log 574 Log 578

[CAPCOM]: Be advised Team One, we’re detecting a huge Captain’s Log, Entry D-432
energy spike near your location. It looks like you
stirred up the hornet’s nest! The Magnacereb caused incredible havoc before some
of the crewmembers came to their senses and put it
[Away Team]: You have no idea Capcom. It’s humongous! down. When I took account of all losses and damages
If there is no Arrogator Guardian on the board, place an Arrogator Guardian our ship has suffered, I was mortified. Large sections
standee in Sector 6. If there is a Self-Repairing Guardian Threat card, flip it over. of ISS Vanguard were either trashed by the beast or
by the hallucinating crew. The Medbay is now full of
Log 575 people suffering various after-effects of the creature’s
control. Even those asleep in the torpor chamber
Mark this box. If this box was already marked, go to Log 82. did not remain unaffected. It seems that our small
Otherwise, read on: expedition to Ugnir led to months of work and hardship.
[Captain Wayman]: Your signal is fading, Away Team. Is I tasked our best Security experts with finding how
everything OK? the creature infiltrated the ship and how to stop any
such incursions in the future. I hope that studying
*** Heavy static ***
the samples we obtained from Magnacereb and
[Away Team]: …halfway through the sun’s corona. Still the monitoring footage of the attack will shed some
a couple of hours from… One of the null field generators more light here.
burned up. We had to switch to a…
• Gain Unique Discovery 28.
[Dr. Corey]: Away Team, you are approaching • Remove Landing card L13 from the game.
the Transitory Region. The border between the corona • Take all Crewmembers from “Resting Crew,” shuffle them, and draw
and the chromosphere of a sun is very narrow, but one at random from each Section. Remove their cards from their Rank
the change in temperature will be drastic. Expect
sleeves, and place them on the Crew boards.
a sudden drop from half a million degrees Celsius to
• Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board.
about seven thousand degrees Celsius.
• Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
[Away Team]: Good thing we took our warm underwear. Management.
Wouldn’t want to catch a cold.
[Dr. Corey]: Appreciate good moods, but a drop this Log 579
large will severely strain your shielding. We had no way [Away Team, Operative 1]: Our whole mission is like
to simulate thermal shocks of this magnitude in a lab. a strange fantasy, but this view… It’s just dreamlike.
We can only rely on our theoretical models.
[CAPCOM]: Sorry to disturb your poetic thoughts, but
[Away Team]: Well, let’s hope you did your math right, each individual planet is outside others’ Hill spheres.
doc… Someone built this system.
*** Heavy static *** [Away Team, Operative 1]: And someone making an entire
Go to Log 86. planetary system isn’t dreamlike?!
[CAPCOM]: Focus on your mission. You may admire
Log 576 the views after you return. Now, focus on these three
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, we’re reading some planets. We intercept interesting signals from all of
slight gravitational shifts near your current position. them – unlike the other seventy-five… copies.
Report. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Roger that!
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Yeah, we’re seeing that too, If your Lander has at least 7 and 6 , go to Log 666. Otherwise, begin
CAPCOM. This spire structure seems to be affecting the landing procedure:
gravity, and it’s pointing up at that broken moon.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: We’re seeing a significant
with an “S” of the Landing track).
energy surge from the direction of the Edifice. Any
chance the spire’s connected to it? 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Has to be pulling power from
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you
it to do something like this.
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
[Away Team, Operative 1]: I’m starting to realize how step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
Edan’s previous inhabitants shattered their moon. They ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
must have been trying to affect the tides by pushing
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
and pulling their moon.
not beyond the last space.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Seems that way, Away Team.
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
Please proceed to the Edifice for further study.
space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: go
Gain 1 . Discard the Time token from the current Global Condition to Log 666.
card. Place the Global Condition card G19 face up on the top of the Global
Condition pile. Replace the POI in Sector 6 with card P000.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 73

TURBULENCE TZO Mechasuit cards reduce the maximum number of Personal

Equipment cards instead.
Optimal Choose one:
Trajectory For Example: If your Lander allows 2 and 5 , and you take 4 TZO
» Easy flight Mechasuit cards, the total remaining space on the Lander is 3 .
If is 6 or more, nothing happens.
Otherwise, each Crewmember 5 • Choose a number of other and cards up to the limit determined
reduced by . by the previous step. Place the chosen Equipment cards in a pile next to
» Little disturbances the Lander board.
Each Crewmember 5 reduced by . Once all preparations are finished, go to Log 575.
Sudden Choose one:
» Melted hull
Log 581
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-I
Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar
cardholder) and flip the Lander card At the end of the endless maze of corridors and
representing your current Lander to the ramps, we emerged in a wide, open cavern, its floor
Damaged side (unless it is a Basic Lander). made of floating mirror-like platforms. The lights of
our mechasuits were too weak to reach the other side.
» Cooling malfunction In front of us, painted white by a constant barrage of
Each Crewmember 6 reduced by . lightning, a step pyramid emerged from the dark, with
Turbulence Choose one: a large door and some very complex locking mechanism.
Right behind it, a tower of some sort was suspended
» Strong wind in the air, its top drawing in most of the lightning
Each Crewmember . that constantly poured from the ceiling above. And in
» Difficult stabilization four corners of the main pyramid, we’ve noticed four
Each Crewmember 7 reduced by . smaller ones, each with a strange catafalque, connected
to the main structure with thick cables.
Thunderstorm Choose one:
It was one thing to know the Builders managed to dig
» Short circuit their facility in the densest, heaviest matter of
Return 6 random Equipment cards the universe, but now we also knew they made machines
reduced by to “Armory.” out of it. This wasn’t the end of our surprises. As
we stopped admiring the view in front of us, a giant
» Shock
machine emerged from the darkness, a colossal robot,
1 chosen Crewmember gains a Panicked
emitting a force field that shielded something just under
Injury. its spidery legs. Behind the field, we caught a glimpse of
something green and vibrant: a window to another world
Log 580 that this hulking machine kept moving with itself.
This mission uses unique setup rules. Please follow the instructions below
How was all of it connected? What could we open
carefully. the door? We knew we had little time left to find out.
Important: There will be no Evacuation from your final deployment. Given
1. Prepare the Planet board
enough Injuries, your Crewmembers will die, eliminating them from this
Exploration altogether. • Populate the right side of the Planet board with the indicated Unique
Discoveries (face down).
• Return all Crewmembers from “Resting” to your hand of Available
• Populate the right side of the Planet board with the listed Mission cards
and Global Condition cards, or follow any planet-specific instructions
• Choose one Lander from Page 19 of the Ship Book (Hangar
printed in Mission and Global Condition card spaces.
cardholder) – if it is damaged, flip it face up. Place the board
• Place the Lead bag next to the Planet board. Ensure it contains
representing this Lander on the table.
20 Lead tokens.
Hint: Highly resilient armor and extra mod space will be valuable on this • Shuffle all 5 Discovery decks separately and place them above the Planet
mission. board. If they are not already there, take them from Card Tray A.
• Take card A31 (Null Field Generator) from the "Lander Mods" and • Shuffle the Advanced Event deck and place it to the left of
place it in the indicated slot on the Lander board. the Planet board.
• Fill the rest of the Lander board slots with any "Lander Mods" from • Place the Injuries deck to the right of the Planet board.
page 21 of your Ship Book (Hangar Cardholder) or the “Awaiting…” • Place all Crewmembers in Sector 1.
envelope. • Place the Builder’s Biomebot Threat card in the indicated space along
the top edge of the Planet board.
Hint: Armor and anything that improves dice economy will be especially • Find cards P091 and P092. Place them face down in the indicated
valuable on this mission. Biomebot’s POI pile next to the Biomebot Threat card, so that card
• Place the marker on the appropriate space of the Supplies track on P092 is on top.
the Lander board. • Place the Builder’s Biomebot standee in Sector 2. Place the top card
• Each player selects 1 of their Available Crewmembers to take part from the Biomebot’s POI pile in Sector 2 (Reminder: when a POI is
in the Away Team. It is highly recommended to take all four Sections replaced by the Biomebot’s POI card, all dice, tokens, and markers
for the final mission, even if there are fewer players. If playing solo, you placed on this POI card are discarded).
must select 2-4 Crewmembers, each from a different Section. Return 2. Prepare the Away Team
any remaining Crewmembers in players’ hands to the “Resting Crew”
(Card Tray B). • Players divide Personal Equipment cards and Mission Equipment cards
between them. No Crewmember may carry Equipment cards of another
Hint: The mission will be long and difficult, and contains Threats. Section. If players cannot agree, the Recon Section player makes
• Each player places their Crewmembers on their Crew boards and sets the decision.
up the boards according to the standard rules (see “Prepare the Away • Each Crewmember places a Turn token on their Crew board with
Team” step on page 23 of the Ship Book). the “Turn Available” side face up.
• Each Crewmember draws a number of Section cards indicated on their
Hints: The mission contains Threats, but the number of Leads and Equipment Crew board from their Section deck.
other than TZO Mechasuits is limited. • The Recon Section player chooses a Crewmember to receive the Start token.
• Players take all Equipment cards from the "Armory" and place them face up • If there are fewer than four Crewmembers in the Away Team, perform
on the table. First, each Crewmember in the Away Team chooses 1 Small the following steps:
Equipment card and places it next to their Crew board (this number may – If there’s no Engineering Crewmember in play, Crewmembers
be modified by some Lander mods). may return up to four dice in total from their Section Compartments
• Then, you must place one TZO Mechasuit card on the Lander for each to their Crew boards (Rank restrictions still apply).
Section that takes part in the final mission. If the number of Mission
Equipment cards allowed by the modded Lander is too small, the excess
74 ISS Vanguard Logbook

– If there’s no Science Crewmember in play, take a chosen die from [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Gravitational anomalies
the Science Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S2 die emanating from the Edifice means approach on-foot, Away
slot in Sector 4. Team. Any sign of a suitable landing zone?
– If there’s no Security Crewmember in play, take a chosen die [Away Team, Operative 1]: Nothing yet. We are seeing
from the Security Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S3 lots of meteorites, CAPCOM. They’re falling at a rate of
die slot in Sector 6. several per minute—hang on!
– If there’s no Recon Crewmember in play, take a chosen die from
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Incoming — brace for impact!
the Recon Section Compartment, roll it and place it in the S4 die
slot in Sector 8. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Damn, that was too close.

3. Begin your Planetary Exploration [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, report.

Note: The rules of the Vault Lock in Sector 9 are connected to 4 pedestals in [Away Team, Operative 1]: Lander’s been clipped by
Sectors 2, 4, 6, and 8. a meteorite — we’re still airborne, but barely.

Note: When a new POI card is placed by the Biomebot’s ability, all markers [Away Team, Operative 2]: Easy now, our starboard
and dice on the previous POI are discarded. To operate the Vault Lock you thruster’s disabled.
may need to find a way to stop or control the Biomebot. [Away Team, Operative 1]: It’ll hold together — it has
to. Get on the scanner and find us a spot to set down!
Log 582 If your Lander has at least 6 ,6 , and 4 , go to Log 594.
Exploration Log 14/77-C Otherwise, begin the landing procedure:
We hoped that the inspection of the unfinished vehicle 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
would provide us with more information about its
with an “S” of the Landing track).
construction. How surprised we were, when we found out
that it was more of a personal transport. We have never 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
found a personal transport of an Arrogator! result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you
Further examination of the strider gave us more
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
insight into the anatomy of actual Arrogators. Compared
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
to additional information we got from the scans of
ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
the ruins, their access points, terminals and other
interfaces, we can summarize that they were slightly 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
smaller than the average human, with an overall stocky not beyond the last space.
build. Some of the interfaces were very intrusive, 4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
which leads to the conclusion that purposeful body space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully:
modifications, which even now are being discussed on
discard all Damage Markers from the Lander and go to Log 594.
Earth, were common.
What came to us as a shock was that after all this time SPACE DEBRIS
spent in, supposedly, their major population center, Critical Hit! Will we survive?
we haven’t found the remains of a single Arrogator.
Where did all of them vanish? Place 6 – markers (Damage Markers)
on the Lander board. If there are 3 or more,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: go to Log 598.
Gain 1 . Cargo Damage Choose one:

Log 583 » Embrace it

If is 5 or more, nothing happens.
If this box is not marked, mark it and gain 2 Strange Flora Leads. Otherwise, return 3 random Equipment
Go to Log 538. cards to “Armory.”
» Try to save equipment
Log 584 Place 6 – markers (Damage Markers)
Xenoarchitectural Study #78 on the Lander board. If there are 3 or
Walls are much thicker and covered with a concrete-like more, go to Log 598.
substance. The ceiling is lower, devoid of ornamentation Fire! Choose one:
and cuneiform-like writing/drawings that are present in
» Extinguish
other parts of the vessel.
One chosen Crewmember gains
Remains of reinforced containers lie in piles, mixed a Burned Injury.
with their contents – staff-shaped tools and shattered
glass. The team analyzing the technology claims they » Cut section off
are weapons. The structure of this room also suggests Lose 6 – Supplies.
military use. Optimal Fly on
Place card P298 in this Sector. Trajectory If is 4 or more, nothing happens
Otherwise, each Crewmember 1 .
Log 585
A If box A is marked, go to Log 587.
Otherwise, go to Log 586. Log 587
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: We’re detecting a heavy
Log 586 meteorite activity in Edan’s atmosphere.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Hell of a planet you’ve found Be prepared, Away Team.
for us here, CAPCOM. Some scattered ruins within visual
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Don’t worry. This time
range, maybe even the remains of roads or highways;
nothing will surprise us. I’m taking us in as close to
craters everywhere too. Looks like Hodeus-B D takes
the Edifice as possible.
a pummeling from that broken moon.
If your Lander has at least 5 ,4 , and 4 , go to Log 594.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: You always take us to
the nicest places, Vanguard. Otherwise, begin the landing procedure:

[Away Team, Operative 1]: Remind us again why we can’t 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
land closer to the Edifice? with an “S” of the Landing track).
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
ISS Vanguard Logbook 75

result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you
Log 591
Away Team’s Private Channel
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, [Operative 1]: Hey!
ignore that Injury card and Injury die. [Operative 2]: Huh?
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
[Operative 1]: Just wanted to hear something other than
not beyond the last space. my breathing. It’s so dark here…
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
[Operative 2]: Peaceful is the word, you know. And
space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully:
peaceful is good. Damn!
discard all Damage Markers from the Lander and go to Log 594.
[Operative 1]: Wha--…
[Operative 1]: Poor folks…
Critical hit! Will we survive?
[Operative 2]: I hope that was just their anatomy. They
If is 5 or more, nothing happens. look so… wry.
Otherwise, each Crewmember rolls . [Operative 1]: Don’t approach them, at least for now.
Open the Ship Book at page 19 and flip The derelict systems awake when we are nearby.
the current Lander to the Damaged side
(unless it is a Basic Lander). Replace the POI in this Sector with card P296.
Cargo Damage Choose one:
Log 592
» Embrace it Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all were marked,
If is 5 or more, nothing happens. resolve the bottom one:
Otherwise, return 3 random Equipment
cards to “Armory.” Gain Unique Discovery 12 and 1 . Mark box C in Log 905 and
read its text.
» Try to save equipment
Each Crewmember . Gain 1 Supplies and 1 Strange Flora Lead.
Fire! Choose one: Gain 1 Supplies and 1 Strange Flora Lead.
» Extinguish Gain 1 Strange Flora Lead.
One chosen Crewmember gains
a Burned Injury. Log 593
» Cut section off If the Idemian Pilgrim/Furious Pilgrim is located in this or a connected Sector,
If is 4 or more, lose 2 Supplies. go to Log 259.
Otherwise, lose 5 Supplies. Otherwise, nothing happens.
Optimal Fly on
Trajectory If is 4 or more, nothing happens. Log 594
Otherwise, each Crewmember 1 . Open the Planetopedia at pages 36-37 (Edan).
If one of the boxes below (A or B) was already marked, resolve the other one.
Otherwise, roll D10, check your result and resolve it (without marking).
Log 588 0-4: A Go to Log 603.
If this box is not marked, mark it and gain Unique Discovery 30.
5-9: B Go to Log 609.
Leave the Guardian Metahedron standee in its current Sector.
Flip the Guardian Metahedron Threat card to its other side. Log 595
[Away Team]: We’ve gained ingress into the Craftworld.
Log 589 Can we proceed, Vanguard?
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Our cargo bay is now almost
[CAPCOM]: Be careful. Away Team, we estimate
full. Permission to leave the planet.
that contact with the Arrogators might be difficult.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Permission granted. Good job,
[Away Team]: Roger that Vanguard, we proceed into
Away Team.
the vent.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Thanks. I hope for a party
when we come back. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: … Gain 1 .

Discard Mission M180. Gain 1 . Go to Log 594 and mark the box next This will end your Planetary Exploration on the Arrogator Craftworld
to the letter A without resolving its text. If both boxes (A and B) are now Outer Shell,, if you want to explore this part of the planet further, chosen
marked, remove Landing card L16 from the game. Crewmember refreshes 2 and go back to the game.
Otherwise, if you want to proceed further into the Arrogator Craftworld, read on:
Log 590 If there is a Planet Record sheet for your current planet in “Recorded Planets”
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and remove from (Card Tray B), dispose of it.
the game one Lander card other than Basic Lander. Important: Arrogator Craftworld Outer Shell and Inner Core should be
• Remove 1 marker from the Enemy Advantage slot. saved on different Record sheets.
• Remove the Bombardment Threat card and standee from the board.
Take a blank Planet Record sheet and fill it in as follows:
• Discard card P241 (Arrogator Cruiser) from Sector 8.
• Discard the M103 Mission card. • Write the name of the current Planet at the top (the one on the Planet board).
• Gain 1 . • Discard any POI Cards with .
• Write the number of the Landing card that is currently
Hint: The field of debris left by the exploding cruiser might yield some
in the Planetary Scanner.
interesting discoveries, if you get a chance to search it.
• For each Sector, write the number of any POI cards in that Sector.
If there is more than one POI card, write the top one to the left. Mark
if the Sector was Finished.
• Write the number of each Unique Discovery still on the Planet board.
• Write the name and Sector number of any Threats still on the Planet
board. Then, return all Threat cards on the Planet board and their
matching standees to the box.
76 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Return all POI cards, Mission cards and Global Condition cards on the Planet • Populate the right side of the Planet board with the indicated Unique
board to appropriate places in Card Tray A. Discoveries (place them face down in the order in which they are listed
Each Crewmember discards all Section cards. – first card on the bottom, last card on the top).
• Place the Lead bag next to the Planet board. Ensure it contains
Return all Unique Discovery cards on the Planet board to “Unique
20 Lead tokens.
Discoveries” (Card Tray A).
• Shuffle all 5 Discovery decks separately and place them above the Planet
Place the Planet Record sheet in “Recorded Planets” (Card Tray B). board. If they are not already there, take them from Card Tray A.
Return all Lead tokens to the Lead bag. • Shuffle the Event deck and place it to the left of the Planet board.
If it isn’t already there, take it from Card Tray A.
Take all Crewmember and Lander miniatures from the Planet board and
• Place the Injuries deck to the right of the Planet board. If it isn’t already
place them next to it.
there, take it from Card Tray A.
Discard all Mission Equipment tokens from the Planet board – they may be • Place card P400 in Sector 3.
placed again using their Equipment cards. If you discarded P.E.T. this way, • Place card P399 atop other cards in Sector 4.
return the die to the owner’s Spent Pool. • Place all Crewmembers in Sector 3. Each Crewmember rolls or
The Planet board should now be empty. + .
• Find Mission M182 and place it in the Mission slots on the Planet board.
• Go to Log 572 and mark the box there without resolving it. Then, return
• Divide the Personal Equipment cards and Mission Equipment cards
to this log.
between Crewmembers. If players cannot agree, the Recon Section
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 30-31 (Arrogator Craftworld –
player makes the decision.
Inner Core)
• The Lander is destroyed! Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar
• Keep your Lander, its Supplies, Discoveries and mods – you will be
cardholder) and flip the Lander card representing your current Lander
using them inside the Craftworld!
to the Damaged side (unless it is a Basic Lander). Then, discard
• If this box is not marked and you managed to flip your Rank-Up
the Lander board, and return all Mods to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
card, discard it, gain 3 and mark this box. Otherwise, discard your
• You don’t have any Supplies and cannot gain them.
Rank-Up card.
• Each time a Crewmember gains a Discovery, they place it next to their
• If this box is not marked, place all 4 P319 cards face up, at
Crew board – during the Ship Management, treat them as if they were
random, in Sectors 2, 4, 6, 7 and mark this box.
on a Lander board.
• Place all Crewmembers and Lander in Sector 1. All Crewmembers
• Find two Global Condition cards G18, shuffle them, and place them in
refresh all dice. Flip all Turn tokens to the “Turn Available” side
a pile face up in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board.
and start a new round.
• Place the Ophthalmoid Threat card in the designated slot above
• Go to Log 687.
the Planet board.
Log 596 • Place the Ophthalmoid standee in Sector 2.
• Take the Rank-Up cards from Card Tray A, shuffle them and draw 2 at
Roll a D10, mark the box next to the result and gain its bonus. If that box was random. As a group, choose one of them, and place it Incomplete side
already marked, nothing happens. face up next to the Planet board. If players cannot agree, the Science
0-2: Gain 2 Mineral Leads. Section player makes the final choice. Return the remaining Rank-Up
cards to Card Tray A.
3-5: Gain 2 Strange Flora Leads. • Each Crewmember places a Turn token on their Crew board with its
6-8: Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads. “Turn Available” side face up.
• Each Crewmember draws a number of Section cards indicated on their
9: Gain 2 Leads of any single type. Crew board from their Section deck.
• The Recon Section player chooses a Crewmember to receive the Start token.
Log 597 Go to Log 585 and mark the box next to the letter A – and then continue
“We’ve spent what felt like an eternity in a dark
the game.
pit. At first, we violently argued who was responsible
for this incredible error. How could we all end up
here at the same time, without any way to activate Log 599
the keystone again, and without anyone topside to pull [Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: The hangar is clear!
us back up? When we exhausted all of our words, we just We’ve beat back the enemy. The landers seem intact!
waited, sitting in the dark to save our power sources. [Captain Wayman]: Good. Listen carefully, Alpha. This
Finally, when we began to think this was it, the room Arrogator ship is tearing us to shreds. We need to do
trembled. The machine slowly started to reset itself.” something about it.
Discard all cards from Sectors 1, 2, 3, and 4.. Place all Crewmembers in [Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: You mean, you want us
Sector 2. Each Crewmember and rolls . to take off and fight an alien cruiser?
[Captain Wayman]: The Science Section concluded it has
Log 598 limited close-quarter combat capabilities. And there
*** Heavy static *** are no enemy fighters to support it.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, please report! We’ve [Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: We’ll see what we can
lost you on our radar. Come in, Away Team! do, but fueling and arming the ship will take some time.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Yes, about that. Don’t let [Fireteam Alpha, Operative 2]: Actually, we could do
the hangar boys get mad, but we’ve crashed the lander. something even without the weapons or full tanks…
We’re now in.
[Fireteam Alpha, Operative 1]: I don’t like where this
*** Loud rumble *** is going.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you read us, Vanguard? Go to Log 607.
CAPCOM, we’ve got some seismic tremors in our crash
zone. Please advise. Log 600
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Then something’s coming up The Control Room is without power. Once you Install a Power Coupling
from under us. in Sector 7, a new card (P106) will be revealed in Sector 6. You need to
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, repeat that last. interact with it before the power goes out again. The best way is to have
one Crewmember waiting in Sector 6, while another Crewmember turns
Open the Planetopedia at pages 36-37 (Edan). on power in Sector 7. You may also use Section cards that enhance your
• If there is a Planet Record sheet for your current planet in “Recorded mobility to reach the Control Room in time.
Planets” (Card Tray B), take the Planet Record sheet for your current
planet and use it to restore all the saved POI cards, Unique Discoveries,
and Threats to the Planet board as they were when you were last here.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 77

Log 601 » Order Crewmembers to ram the enemy cruiser (requires at least

one Available Crewmember) — Choose any number of Available
[Away Team]: …read this? We’re… [radio static]
Crewmembers from your Section (and other Sections, if their players
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Say again, Team One. We are agree). These Crewmembers will die fulfilling your orders and
losing your signal! the Lander chosen to fulfill this task will be destroyed. Go to Log 142.
[Away Team]: We’re underground. We found… [radio static] » Ignore the enemy cruiser and let someone else handle it —
… near the gate. It’s another stele. The place is safe Place the Penalty token on the table and place card P000 in your
enough to take our time and study it. Sector. Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and
flip one chosen Lander card other than Basic Lander to the Damaged
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: It’s your call, Team One. Our
side. Then, continue the game.
Xeno section is dying to get their hands on this thing.
But if you’re running low on supplies…
LOG 608
[Away Team]: [radio static]
Mark this box. If this box was already marked, this Log ends.
Go to Log 55. Otherwise, read on:
First Contact Archive, Away Team Report Excerpt 17B
Log 602 Under one of the trees, we’ve noticed a faint glisten.
Gain 1 . Covered in dust, a shattered Idemian mask laid there.
Replace card P239 (Burning Archives) in your Sector with card P002. Directly above it, on the bark of the tree, there was
a faint, dark outline of an Idemian – too lifelike
Log 603 for our taste, and in a painfully contorted pose.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re through, CAPCOM! We We suddenly felt we should leave this place as soon
see the planet’s surface now. Incredible! The dried up as possible.
riverbeds almost look like symbols cut in the surface Gain Unique Discovery 13 if available. If Unique Discovery 13 is not available,
of the planet. To the north, the cracked seabottom gain 1 instead.
stretches as far as the horizon.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Our initial survey showed this Log 609
was a marine world not no longer than five centuries ago. [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re through, CAPCOM! We see
The water covered 94% of the planet. With the constant the planet’s surface now. Incredible! The dried up
barrage of moon rocks, studying the remains of riverbeds almost look like symbols cut in the surface
the local flora, fauna and civilization might be our of the planet. There is a strange structure to
only chance to preserve them. This should be your the south-east from our landing zone…
first priority. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Correct. Our researchers
• Find Mission M180 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board. call it the “Edifice.” We detect severe gravitational
• Find all 2 Global Conditions G18, shuffle them, and place this pile anomalies within the structure.
face up in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board. • Find Mission M181 and place it in the Mission slot on the Planet board.
• Place the Ophthalmoid Threat card in the designated slot above • Find all 2 Global Conditions G18, shuffle them, and place in a face up
the Planet board. pile in the Global Conditions slot on the Planet board.
• Place the Ophthalmoid standee in Sector 3. • Place the Ophthalmoid Threat card in the designated slot above
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary the Planet board.
Exploration” procedure. • Place the Ophthalmoid standee in Sector 6.
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration”
Log 604 procedure.
Linguistics Report 17C, based on found samples of
Arrogator text files: Log 611
It would seem that Arrogator society was split into Captain’s Log, Entry F-842
at least two castes, ferociously antagonistic to each This was the last time we’ve heard anything from the Away
other. Their language contains exclusively plural forms Team. All its members are now considered Missing in
(see other examples gathered on Craftworld), but written Action, and I can’t stop thinking whether I sent these
communication excludes possibility of Arrogators being brave souls to their death. Was our technology still too
a hive mind. On the other hand, recovered fragments fresh for this? Did we make an error somewhere? Dr. Corey
mention some entity called “Deadspeaker.” More context assures me the Null Field would not fail on its own and
is needed to find if this is a reference to a religious that something else must have been responsible. Maybe one
figure or anything else. day we will get to learn what it was. Another Away Team
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: is being prepped for the landing as I write these words,
their mission even harder, for they are now burdened not
Gain 1 . only with the task of claiming the Builders’ Vault, but
also discovering the fate of those who came before them.
Log 605 Warning! It’s too late for Vanguard to turn back now. If you lose two more
[XO, Major Dahl]: Good call! While very different from Away Teams, your campaign will be over. On your next landing, be sure to
our Earth’s capital cities, this collection of structure re-read all POI cards, Threats and card lore again, to ensure you haven’t
has clear significance. Besides, focusing on it will show missed anything important.
our hosts we are genuinely interested in their culture
and art. Remember: be on the lookout for anything If you wish to Save and store the game before retrying the final mission,
that could help us understand these creatures – or go to Log 798,
communicate with them better. When you’re ready to replay the final mission, mark the topmost unmarked
Place the card M120 (Holy Cabal) in the Mission slot on the right side of the Planet box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, resolve the bottom one.
board. Return other non-Optional Mission cards to “Missions.” Go to Log 736. Go to Log 737.

Log 607 Go to Log 737.

All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section Go to Log 810.
player makes the final decision):
» Begin launch preparations – This will make completing your
Log 612
primary mission on time harder. Place card P234 (Hangar) in your First Contact Archive, Away Team Report Excerpt 17B
Sector, if it’s not there yet. Then, continue the game. We entered a workshop – and felt a heavy gaze of
countless mirror masks arranged on the walls and hanging
78 ISS Vanguard Logbook

from the ceiling. One Idemian artisan was working inside, [Section Leader]: Most of the bulkheads are destroyed.
repairing old and damaged masks. Its moves were fast and We must locate and repair the damage before too much
precise, yet its work progressed slowly. With several oxygen vents into space.
complex tools and workstations scattered around the large [Fireteam Alpha]: As if we didn’t have enough on our
room, it had no one to help it, and operated the machines hands…
one after the other. We tried to ask about the masks and
their significance, but it did not answer, busy with its Go to Log 622.
work. We asked whether we could give it a hand, and it
neither accepted nor rejected our offer… LOG 618
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section First Contact Archive, Away Team Report Excerpt 17B
player makes the choice): It took time and effort, but I managed to spotlessly
polish the crystalline face of the mask. Only when
» Help the artisan – Replace the card in this Sector with card P272.
I was done, I noticed the host hovering behind my arm.
» Deliver a mask to the artisan (only if you have Unique Discovery 13)
It took the mask out of my hand, inspected, and nodded
– Go to Log 643.
its head stiffly – I was not sure whether the meaning
» Leave the workshop – Continue the game.
of this gesture was the same as for humans, but I felt
this was a good moment to press my questions…
Log 613 Replace the card in your Sector with card P271. Go to Log 630.
Excavation Log THX1138
The dig was planned to cut the longer axis of
the debris field in hopes of gaining any insight
Log 619
[XO, Major Dahl]: Good call! Damaged or not, Vanguard
as to the whereabouts of Arrogators, the events
is still on a mission, and we need more steles for our
that transpired on their Craftworld. Preliminary
research. Additionally, the stele’s glyph could help
findings show that the aforementioned debris is a result
us understand what makes these Idemians tick. So far,
of a high-velocity impact on the outer surface of
every stele somehow inspired the Civilisation around it.
the vessel. Found artifacts are most possibly of
Not to mention the fact that by reaching this difficult
the Arrogator origin, showing remarkable similarities
goal, we will show our hosts that we are a race of
to already known examples of their craft. They may
daring explorers…
provide useful information that could help us create
Arrogator-styled, heavily protected landers. Place the card M121 (Deeper Truth) in the Mission slot on the right side of
The Archaeology department suggests further expansion
your Planet board. Return other non-Optional Mission cards to “Missions.”
of the dig to the projected area where the largest parts Go to Log 736.
of the impactor could rest.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text.
Log 620
Captain’s Log, Entry E-736
Gain Unique Discovery 8. If you have it already, gain 1 .
I swore never to leave my crew behind, yet I just
Place card P311 in this Sector. couldn’t give the order this time. It was obvious
that the mysterious cosmic shoals of this system
Log 614 were attracted to strong bursts of energy and high
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, temperature. Vanguard’s AI warned me that if we try to
resolve the bottom one. maneuver too close to the creatures, it would be like
dangling a juicy steak in front of a hungry wolf. And
Go to Log 273. if these things covered the entire Vanguard, just like
they did with the lander, the lives of everyone aboard
Nothing happens.
would be in danger.

Log 615 As I watched our disabled lander on the screen,

surrounded by thick clouds of these strange
If you’re on Brimstone, go to Log 616.
microorganisms, I only hoped the people inside would
If you’re on Matchstick, go to Log 601. understand why we can’t help them – and that they would
find a way to get out of this on their own.
Log 616 • Obtain a sample of the creatures – While risky, it would allow us to
[Away Team]: …read this? We’re… [radio static] study them easier. Go to Log 624.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: Say again, Team One. We are • Wait for Vanguard to save us – They must see we’re in trouble!
losing your signal! Go to Log 645.
[Away Team]: We’re inside the mountain. We made some
interesting discoveries and… [radio static] … of Log 621
the seismic disturbance. It’s another stele, embedded in Exploration Log 14/73-A
the large magma reservoir. I think we could get close
This district is full of burnt out shells of buildings.
enough to study it.
Architecture is utilitarian to the extreme, with no
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: It’s your call, Team One. Our sight of remains of buildings which could be classified
Xeno section is dying to get their hands on this thing, as cultural in purpose or especially embellished in any
but if you think it’s too risky… kind. Most of the still standing walls have remains
[Away Team]: [radio static] of what can only be propaganda materials. Simplistic
in the extreme, with blunt message, understandable
• Gain 1 . even for other species: Galaxy is ours! We wonder
• Gain a Unique Discovery. if the grand hall looming in the distance is any
• Place card P001 on top of any cards in this Sector. exception.
• Discard M10 and M31 Missions card, if revealed.
Our automated scouts have found that some of the ruins
• Go to Log 55. have a lot of vitrified walls and melted glass. Prolonged
exploration might give us an answer about what happened
Log 617 on the Craftworld.
[Section Leader]: Be careful, team. We’re detecting Each Crewmember draws 1 Section card. Replace the card in this Sector with
a huge oxygen leak near your location. One of the cargo
card P329.
bays must have been damaged.
[Fireteam Alpha]: Can’t you just close the bulkheads
around the leak?
ISS Vanguard Logbook 79

Log 622 Log 626

All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section [Away Team, Operative 1]: Use the drones to draw its
player makes the final decision): attention and get over here!

» Repair the ship damage and plug the leaks yourself – This will *** Energy discharges and blasts ***
make completing your primary mission on time harder! Place the P240 [Away Team, Operative 2]: Say again, One? We’re pinned
(Damaged Cargo Hold) card in your Sector if it’s not there yet. down by the barrage [Electronic interference] and our
» Order your crewmembers to repair the damage (requires at least cover is disintegrating by the minute. [Explosion] Ouch!
one Available Crewmember) — Choose any number of Available
Each Crewmember in the Sector 4 rolls .
Crewmembers from your Section (and other Sections, if their players
agree). These Crewmembers may die fulfilling your orders!
Go to Log 724. Log 627
» Ignore the damage and let someone else handle it — Lower [Away Team]: Away Team to Vanguard. We touched down.
the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3) – if it was Datalink initiated.
already Very Low, nothing happens. Then, return one random card [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: We’re receiving your data feed,
from ”Gathered Discoveries“ (Card Tray B) to its Discovery deck. Away Team. How was the landing?
Shuffle all Available Crewmembers of all Sections, and draw one card
[Away Team]: Nothing to write home about. And it seems
at random. This Crewmember dies: place them in the ”Casualties“ slot the planet won’t be any better.
next to the board. Add 1 marker to the Enemy Advantage slot.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Explain?
LOG 623 [Away Team]: The entire surface is covered in smooth,
gray pebbles, as far as the eye can see. The detector
A If box A is marked, nothing happens.
shows no stele signals.
Otherwise, mark the box next to the letter A and go to Log 631.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Strange. The scans reported
an abundance of organic material! Please set up your
Log 624 equipment and take some samples Away Team.
Away Team’s Private Channel
[Away Team]: Roger that! Oh, wait. There IS something.
[Operative 1]: Okay, let’s go through this again. You We see a long slimy trail, disappearing into
suit up, and enter the airlock. We drop the pressure the distance, not far from our landing zone.
inside to just above zero. This way, when you open
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Exercise caution, Away Team.
the lock, most of these little bastards will be blown
A large organism can’t exist without some biome to
clean off, and you’ll have a split second to collect
support it.
your sample and close the door.
[Away Team]: We also see some scrap not far from
[Operative 2]: What if they start to push in?
the landing zone. Looks alien. Do you think something
[Operative 1]: You can’t let them do that. You need to could have crash landed here?
be quick and shut it real tight.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
[Operative 2]: And what if they do get in? makes the final decision):
[Operative 1]: Well, we can’t risk them floating round » Follow the strange trail – Go to Log 635.
the ship, can we? Any significant amount of them in » Study the rocks on the ground – Go to Log 644.
the airlock means you will be stuck there until we find » Go to the pile of alien scrap – Go to Log 752.
some other way to deal with the situation. So don’t do
that, right?
Log 628
[Operative 2]: Right. The Crewmember chosen in the previous Log performs the following Dice
All players discuss and choose one Crewmember that you think is best Check. Other Crewmembers may assist as if they were in the same Sector.
suited to keep the airlock open and help gather the sample. In case of a tie, Ignore any card or equipment effects that refer to anything not present on
the Security Section player makes the final decision. Then, go to Log 628. the table (For example: cards that let you draw Leads, or move to other
Sectors). Any dice you use will not be available for subsequent Checks.
Log 625 Depending on your choices, you may face more Checks in this Landing.
[Captain Wayman]: Prepare the scanner! The planet Secure the Airlock
should come into view right about… now.
[Dr. Corey]: And here it is. Codename “Ugnir.” Another
world visited by the Builders! Just think of-- + +
Refresh 5
[Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: So, this is where you took + +
us? Pah! What a waste of time.
[Captain Wayman]: What’s wrong, Ambassador? + + Go to Log 637.
[Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: You will find nothing here,
Go to Log 632.
[Dr. Corey]: With all due respect, Ambassador.
The Builders had to mark this planet for a reason.
And see? The scans are picking up an oxygen-rich
Log 629
Exploration Log 14/02
atmosphere and an enormous amount of organic matter on
the surface. We’re not far from the scaffolding that leads to a heat
vent, just at the very edge of the area of effect of
[Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: My people studied this
the anomaly.
world in the past. We found nothing important here. But
go, see it with your own eyes. Choose one:
[Captain Wayman]: Well, it doesn’t hurt to take a look. » Make your way towards the hall – Through ruined
Prepare the Away Team! buildings and crumbling remains, an intact
Go to Log 627. building can be seen. Our sensors show
that it could be the epicenter of the anomaly
too. Place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
80 ISS Vanguard Logbook

» Take the safer path into the cityscape – Our automated

scouts show that there is a path where the
Log 634
[Pilot]: …is horrible! But shields will probably hold.
anomaly effect seems to be less pronounced.
It could lead us deeper into the cityscape. Place [CAPCOM]: You have permission to abort, if things
your Crewmember in Sector 7. get hairy.
» Stay in this Sector. [Pilot]: Won’t be necessary.

LOG 630 [Lander AI]: Navigation module damaged. Navigation

module destroyed. Communication module damaged.
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section
player makes the choice): [CAPCOM]: [Static]
[Pilot]: Hmm… How did that happen? The shield is still on!
» Ask him about the meaning of the masks – Go to Log 695.
» Ask him why the city is empty – Go to Log 717. [Lander AI]: Scanners mistook a metal droplet for water
» Leave the workshop – Continue the game. and allowed it to pass through the shields to conserve
energy. Updating threat definition…
LOG 631 This landing procedure will be more difficult and longer. It is divided into
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, are you reading us? several steps. To start, place D10 on the Lander board. It is the lander Repair
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Barely, Away Team. Your Indicator. Set it on the “0” value.
signal is faint. We read you several kilometers below Begin the landing procedure:
Edan’s surface.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Feels like it too — quite with an “S” of the Landing track).
the hike getting down here.
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve encountered result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
a subterranean lake of sorts. A sea, really. Too large option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you
to accurately measure with our instruments. cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, it’s imperative step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
you gather a liquid sample — and if you can, any ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
microorganisms present. 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right),
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Copy, CAPCOM. but not beyond the last space.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Easy — I think I just saw 4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful”
something move. space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully:
go to Log 641.
Place card P395 on top of any cards in this Sector.
Log 632
Personal Journal, Crewmember #3562 Gyroscopes Choose one:
At first, the door seemed impossible to open. But as » Level off:
soon as it became slightly ajar, the remaining air was If is 4 or more,, nothing happens.
instantly sucked out of the airlock, tossing me around. Otherwise, each Crewmember .
It took me a second to get back in position, and by this » Repair gyroscopes:
time, the cloud of microscopic creatures was already
Each Crewmember 3 .
putting pressure on the gap, trying to squeeze into
the ship. Dangerous Try to seize it!
Opportunity If is 5 or more,
I tried to close the hatch, but it was like trying
to stop a train with bare hands. Eventually, the door immediately go to Log 641.
sprang open, throwing me against the wall. A dark Otherwise, each Crewmember .
cloud stormed into the airlock, flattening me against
the wall. I thought that was it. Fortunately, the inner Molten Metal Endure:
bulkhead held, and the team managed to gain a sample Shower Each Crewmember 4 reduced by .
they needed using one of the ventilation system pipes.
Pierced Endure:
Consumed by inky blackness, crushed from all sides,
I had to wait for what felt like an eternity while they
cargo bay Lose 4 Supplies reduced by .
worked on the samples… OR
Crewmember performing the Dice Check rolls . If this causes Each Crewmember .
the Crewmember to gain a fourth Injury, ignore the result.
Then, mark one box in Log 925. If it wasn’t the last marked box, Log 635
go to Log 637. [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re entering a field of
towering structures. Why didn’t we see those from orbit?
Log 633 [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: What? There’s nothing like that
Excavation Log THX1138-1 in the video feed. The terrain in front of you is flat.
Further expanding the dig was fruitful. Our team has [Away Team, Operative 1]: The water is rising, filtering
found the remains of Arrogator personal transport up from between the pebbles. Vanguard, can you hear us?
of previously unknown type. This find is the closest
to the actual Arrogator specimen we have ever been. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: What? How--
Xenology department is already pointing out various [Away Team, Operative 1]: We’ve lost contact with
similarities in their projected body composition and Vanguard, team. We’re on our own.
reworking theories on the other known machines.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: I hear you, guys!
The transport was almost completely smashed during its
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Quick. Let’s get out of here
crash landing, but we managed to recover parts of it.
before we drown.
Working theorem is that it uses their equivalent of our
shield technology. We were able to jury-rig generators [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: There’s no sign of water on
into a working shielding. It should protect teams on site your feed. Do you receive, Away Team? Please respond!
from any Arrogators they may happen to stumble upon.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
Gain 1 . Progress all Time Tracks by 1. Replace the card in this Sector player makes the final decision):
with card P312.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 81

Go toward the structures – Go to Log 664.
Wait for the water to engulf you all – Go to Log 667.
Log 639
» Study the Rocks – Go to Log 648. The Crewmember chosen in the previous Log performs the following Dice
» Return to the Lander – Go to Log 669. Check. Other Crewmembers may Assist as if they were in the same Sector.
Ignore any card or Equipment effects that refer to anything not present on
Log 636 the table (For example: cards that let you draw Leads, or move to other
Sectors). Any dice you use will not be available for subsequent Checks.
[Crewmember #234]: Vanguard, please tell me that you
Depending on your choices, you may face more Checks in this Landing.
hear me.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: They just won’t respond!
Doctor, we must send a rescue-
the Starshoal’s Catalyst

[Crewmember #234]: You don’t have to, sergeant. I hear =

you, loud and clear. + + Gain 1 ,
[Dr. Corey]: Finally! How about the rest of you? Refresh 5 .
+ +
[Crewmember #234]: Unconscious or hallucinating. I need
a fire support mission ASAP. Can you target this big + + Go to Log 642.
bastard over there?
Mark one box in Log 925.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Whoa! It’s danger close.
If it isn’t the last marked box,
You might get caught in the blast.
go to Log 637 and try again.
[Dr. Corey]: You’re sure we want to destroy
the creature? We won’t be able to examine-
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Doc! We’re talking about our
Log 640
crew safety here! Exploration Log 14/73-B
Remnants of these buildings were subjected to extreme
The Crewmember with the marker on their card chooses one:
high temperatures, as if someone was destroying
» Order Vanguard to proceed with bombardment evidence. Leftover residue is consistent with that known
– Go to Log 680. from our previous encounters with Arrogators. Further
» Attempt to wake your friends – Go to Log 697. exploration of the ruins allowed us to access half-
» Attempt to fight the giant bug alone – Go to Log 558. buried and undamaged crystal containers. Their contents
look unlike anything Arrogators could have made. Is it
Log 637 possible that these are artifacts of other cultures?
Personal Journal, Crewmember #289 Replace POI in this Sector with card P330.
With the sample on board, we were able to study
the organism and learn more about its lifecycle. These LOG 641
tiny creatures had specialized organelle that turned CVR Audio Data
light into incredible amounts of propulsive energy. In
[Navigator]: Nav module is completely dead. I’ll
conjunction with their negligible mass, this allowed
try using proximity scanners and cloud formations
them to reach accelerations higher than our best
for navigating.
landers and top speeds theoretically close to 1C.
[Pilot]: Please do. We also must repair the hull.
However, creating and charging these incredible
cellular engines took an enormous amount of energy, [Navigator]: In flight? Do we have the time?
requiring the creatures to spend some time close to All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Engineering
the sun’s corona. On the other hand, their actual
Section player makes the choice):
breeding process could only happen in the nebula, rich
with organic compounds. These two facts shaped their » Repair the lander’s armor – Players (as a team) must for each
entire life cycle: they approached the suns to charge, Crewmember in the Away Team, then go to Log 646.
replicated their organelle, and then floated back to » Ignore the damage for now – Go to Log 649.
the nebula to feed and give birth to a new generation.
What’s most important was that we discovered a chemical Log 642
catalyst that communicated that it gathered enough Personal Journal, Crewmember #289
energy to the microorganism and prompted it to return Our team synthesized the catalyst and spread it around
to the nebula. We believed that if we replicated the hull. As predicted, the energy-loving microorganisms
it, the creatures would lose interest in our lander lost interest in the lander and slowly floated away.
or Vanguard. We didn’t know how long this trick would work, so we
All players discuss and choose one Crewmember that you think is best suited to quickly patched up the ship and headed back to Vanguard,
copy the organic catalyst and synthesize more of it in the lab. In case of a tie, carrying a small sample of these creatures.
the Science Section player makes the final decision. Then, go to Log 639. Back on board, we’ve learned that Vanguard also found
a Builders’ stele floating deep in the nebula. It seemed
Log 638 Builders used this system to check whether spaceborne
Exploration Log 14/73 microbial life could evolve into sentient beings. So
far, it didn’t happen, but if we give these microbes
The grand hall was criss-crossed with lines of
a million years more, then who knows?
interfering gravitational pull. Going towards the center
of the anomaly was certain death. We have decided to Security Section didn’t want to hang out any longer in
find a way to overcome its effect. the vicinity of the shoal, so we left the system as soon
as we secured all discoveries.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, Recon Section player
makes the final decision): Gain 1 .

» Follow the scout – Automated scout, before failing in Gain Unique Discovery 27.
some 20000 g field, reported navigable pathways Go to Log 663.
close to the center of anomaly. We could follow
its recorded path. Place your Crewmember in Sector 6. Log 643
» Take the tunnels – Sensors show a path through half- The artisan took the shattered mask of our hands, its
collapsed service tunnels, where gravitational fingers trembling slightly as its touched the fractured
fields are almost within standard parameters. mirrored surface. It inspected the object carefully,
Place your Crewmember in Sector 7. and then told us it appreciates us bringing this, as it
» Stay in this Sector.
82 ISS Vanguard Logbook

belonged to one of its family. But since the Idemian it

belonged to is dead, the mask should not be repaired. Log 648
The artisan handed the artifact back to us, but instead If box A in Log 915 is marked, you learn nothing new – go to Log 635.
of returning to work, it remained in front of us, Otherwise, mark box A in Log 915. Then, read on:
the mask reflecting our surprised faces. We felt this was
a chance to push our questions… Crewmember #234, Personal Diary
As soon as we began to study the surface of the planet,
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
we understood why the orbital scans led us astray.
Gain 1 . The pebbles covering the entire surface were no real
rocks. They were pebble-like succulents, quite similar
Go to Log 630.
to Earth’s lithops. We quickly identified several

Log 644 subspecies – moving cogs of an ecosystem so simple it

bordered on impossible. But it was getting harder and
Mark box A in Log 915. Then, read on: harder to focus on our studies among all the strange
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary things that were happening around us…

As soon as we began to study the planet’s surface, All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
we understood why the orbital scans led us astray. makes the final decision):
The pebbles covering the ground were no real rocks. » Go toward the structures – Go to Log 664.
They were grayish, pebble-like succulents, quite similar » Wait for the water to engulf you all – Go to Log 667.
to Earth’s lithops. We quickly identified several of
» Return to the Lander – Go to Log 669.
their subspecies – moving cogs of an ecosystem so
simple it bordered on impossible. Apart from symbiotic
microorganisms, the lithops seemed to be the only Log 649
living thing on that planet, capable of sustaining on CVR Audio Data
its mineral-rich soil and the dim sun. Our scans were [Pilot]: These clouds seem ominous. Can we avoid them?
correct: the planet was full of life. And still, Anu
was right too. There was nothing to see here, perhaps [Navigator]: With ease. AI, give us some data about
apart from the large slimy trail disappearing into them.
the distance… [Lander AI]: Scanners detect nuclear activity within
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player the cloud. Unknown phenomenon. Recommendation: avoid
and mark for further research.
makes the final decision):
[Pilot]: Maybe we should do the research ourselves?
» Follow the strange trail – Go to Log 635.
» Return to Vanguard – Go to Log 669. [Navigator]: Don’t even think about it!
Choose one:
Log 645 » Fly into the clouds – Go to Log 652.
Personal Journal, Crewmember #289
» Avoid the clouds – Go to Log 699.
The hull is creaking. Hours have passed since we had
our last contact with Vanguard… We began to suspect
the ship had to retreat to a safe distance seeing
Log 651
Personal Journal, Crewmember #289
what happened to our lander.
I was almost saddened to see how effective our
Mark one box in Log 925. If it wasn’t the last marked box,
synthetic plague turned out to be. As soon as we
go to Log 123.
released it, the entire shoal of microorganisms
surrounding our lander withered, clouds of dead matter
Log 646 floating away quietly into space. The sickness spread
CVR Audio Data further, along the lines of traveling shoals. A few
[Pilot]: I really wish I could help! weeks later, when we were preparing to leave the system
aboard ISS Vanguard, these dark streaks of death were
[Muffled Voice]: Sure… Damn, my skin burns! closing in on the organic nebula from several sides.
[Pilot]: Be careful there! Watching this from the observation deck, I realized
[Muffled Voice]: I’m wearing a full suit! Seeing how the true cost of saving our Away Team. The Builders’
it is out here, I’m amazed the lander is still in one stele discovered by our scouts in the nebula indicated
piece. that microbial life of Starshoal was created to test
the possibility of evolving a spaceborne, intelligent
Increase Repair Indicator by 3. life. Now, this experiment came to a violent end.
Go to Log 649. The sample in Vanguard’s lab would soon become the only
reminder of this unique species.
Log 647 Gain Unique Discovery 27.
Exploration Log 14/58 Go to Log 663.
We have almost reached the hall. The majestic building
seems intact. Strong variation in local gravitational Log 652
fields restricts access from this part of the ruins. We CVR Audio Data
will somehow have to find a way to get in…
[Lander AI]: Solar winds disrupt shielding.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player Radiological contamination is imminent.
makes the final decision):
[Navigator]: Did we at least learn anything?
» Turn back – Scans show that area is an
[Lander AI]: Data about those clouds is stored in
unnavigable maze of hazardous negative g
FDR, waiting to be processed by Science AIs. However,
fields. Only sane option is to back down
the initial scan showed almost nothing.
and return to a well-mapped area near the
scaffolding. Place your Crewmember in Sector 2. 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
» Stay in this Sector. with an “S” of the Landing track).
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled result
in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one option
is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you cannot fully
resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next step. In rare
cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury
card and Injury die.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 83

3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
beyond the last space. player makes the final decision):
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, discard it » Repair the life support – Players (as a team) must for each
and go to Log 662. Otherwise, go back to step 2. Crewmember in the Away Team, then go to Log 678.
» You must endure – Go to Log 674.

Tiny Nuclear Were We Prepared? Log 663

Explosion If is 5 or more, nothing happens. Count the number of marked boxes in Log 925.
Otherwise, each Crewmember 6 • If no boxes are marked, gain 3 . Then, all Rank 1 and Rank 2
reduced by . Crewmembers who played in this Exploration Rank-Up.
• If no more than one box is marked, gain 2 . Then, all Rank 1
Opportunity Try to Seize It!
Crewmembers who played in this Exploration Rank-Up.
If is 6 or more, immediately • If two boxes are marked, gain 1 .
go to Log 662.
Remove the L7 Landing card from the game.
Otherwise, nothing happens.
Shuffle Situation card S25 (Starshoal’s Infection) from “Future Situations” into
Thrusters Plummet: “Possible Situations.”
Malfunction Each Crewmember 4 reduced by . Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
EMP Choose one: Management.

» Shield the Cockpit:
Discard 5 random Equipment cards
Log 664
[Away Team]: We can’t make it, CAPCOM! We know
reduced by .
the connection’s gone, but I hope this message reaches
» Shield Cargo: you, eventually. We’re still climbing toward those
One chosen Crewmember structures. We’re not making any progress, though.
gains an Exhausted Injury. [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: The connection is stable,
I hear you.
Log 660 [Dr. Corey]: See those readings from their suits? Their
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve stumbled upon
brain activities are similar to those during REM.
one of those highways we saw from orbit.
[Away Team]: We’re not climbing… We’re crawling up
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Any theories as to where it
the surface of the planet!
leads, Away Team?
Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
[Away Team, Operative 2]: I’m guessing they all lead to
ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead. Then, read on:
one place — the Edifice.
[Away Team]: That’s too weird. We must be hallucinating.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Confirmed, CAPCOM. It does
Team, we must go back to the lander. Wait… Where did
appear to lead straight to the Edifice.
the sea disappear?
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Copy, Away Team. Follow
that road and report back at the Edifice. Go to Log 669.

[Away Team, Operative 2]: It’d be rude not to use

a road so helpfully provided.
Log 665
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you understand
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P406. any of this?
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Sort of. If you filter out
Log 661 the random ramblings and bad poetry, the data also
Audio Log 14/82 contains technical blueprints. In my opinion, the thing
[Away Team]: We’ve got everything we can from here, we’re supposed to build makes no sense at all. But
let’s go. I trust Thrall knows what it is doing.

[Deadspeaker]: I hope you took into your possession [Away Team, Operative 1]: Damn this creature!
what you needed, intruders, our-my masters-supervisors [Away Team, Operative 2]: Hey, careful now! Thrall was
won’t be needing it anymore. one of us not long ago. And it does try its best to save
[Away Team]: Damn, this guy is creepy. our skins.

All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section All players discuss and choose one Crewmember that you think is best suited
player makes the final decision): to construct the Visitors’ subspace marker. In case of a tie, the Engineering
Section player makes the final decision.
» Exit the hall – Leaving the center of the anomaly Then, go to Log 668.
has you going in circles. After a few
hours of seemingly aimless turns, you exit
the great hall. Place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
Log 666
» Stay in this Sector. A B C
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 32-33 (Fetch).
Log 662 • Place the Lander standee next to Sector 1. Place each Crewmember in
CVR Audio Data this Sector.
[Lander’s AI]: Air supply contaminated. Life support • If box A is marked, place a marker in Sector 3.
system compromised. • If box B is marked, place a marker in Sector 3.
• If box C is marked, place a marker in Sector 2.
[Pilot]: I cannot be everywhere, AI! • Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
[Navigator]: You’re not, sit-on-a-comfy-chair pilot. AI, Exploration” procedure.
can we do it after landing?
[Lander’s AI]: Of course. You have about a seventy
percent chance to survive that long.
[Navigator]: Still better than a coin toss, right?
84 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 667 Log 672

[Away Team]: The liquid must be dense. We’re floating. Personal Journal, Crewmember #289
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: The connection is stable, Thrall emerged right next to the marker, without any
I hear you. warning, spooking us all – but what was even scarier
was walking with it down its subspace tunnel that ebbed
[Dr. Corey]: See those readings from their suits? Their
through the realm of the Visitors.
brain activities are similar to those during REM.
Eventually, we emerged on ISS Vanguard. From the bridge,
Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
we watched our lander slowly getting crushed in
ignore the fourth Injury card and die and continue the game. Then, read on:
the opaque shoal of microorganisms. Vanguard deployed
[Away Team]: Where’s the water? Why are we crawling a drone to take a sample from a safe distance – we also
along the ground? Are we hallucinating? I think we found a Builders’ stele floating deep in the nebula. It
should return to the lander now. seemed the Builders used this system to check whether
spaceborne microbial life could evolve into sentient
Go to Log 669.
beings. So far, it hasn’t happened, but if we give these
microbes another million years, then who knows?
Log 668 The Security Section didn’t want to hang around
The Crewmember chosen in the previous Log performs the following Dice
any longer in the vicinity of the shoal, so we left
Check. Other Crewmembers may Assist as if they were in the same Sector.
the system soon after.
Ignore any card or Equipment effects that refer to anything not present on
the table (For example: cards that let you draw Leads, or move to other Gain 2 .
Sectors). Any dice you use will not be available for subsequent Checks. Gain Unique Discovery 27.
Depending on your choices, you may face more Checks in this Landing.
Open the Ship Book at Page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the Lander
Construct the Subspace Marker card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side
(unless it is a Basic Lander).
Go to Log 663.
+ + Refresh 5 ,
+ + gain 1 . Log 673
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary
+ + Go to Log 672. I couldn’t stop sucking in air. My whole body swelled
like a balloon, my head felt light. I looked down: my
Mark one box in Log 925.
feet were extremely distant – but the ground… I was
If there are still unmarked boxes,
floating away! No! That was impossible! I needed to get
go to Log 470. myself together!
Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
Log 669 ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead. Then, choose one:
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Doc… They’re going in circles.
» Shake your heads – Go to Log 671.
We should rethink sending
an evacuation crew. » Look at your own hands – Go to Log 677.

[Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bell]: Are you sure it’s not
a comms issue?
Log 674
CVR Audio Data
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: No, all the gear is working
[Navigator]: AI said the data was not enough, and the
fine. It’s just as if they’ve stopped hearing us.
lander is already a mess. We must escape these clouds!
[Away Team]: Vanguard, I don’t know if you read this,
[Pilot]: But we could still gather more data--
but the closer we try to get to the lander the further
away it is moving? It seems impossible to reach it. Is [Navigator]: Stop this nonsense!
it you? Or are we going insane?
[Pilot]: We’re doing well. The knowledge is worth it!
[Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bell]: Do you hear my voice
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
Away Team? You are hallucinating. You need to snap out
player makes the final decision):
of it!
» Continue the flight in the clouds – Go to Log 681.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
» Maneuver away – Go to Log 712.
player makes the final decision):
» Shake your heads to shake off the illusion – Go to Log 671. Log 675
» Breathe deeply and try to calm yourself – Go to Log 673. [Away Team, Operative 1]: Sergeant, please advise.
» Look at your own hands – Go to Log 677. We need help!
» Report your problems to Vanguard – Go to Log 675.
[Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bell]: Their vitals look
Log 671 good. Their state is not induced by toxins or metabolic
abnormalities. My guess is something is making them
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary hallucinate, though I am at a loss as to what.
I shook my head, trying to disperse the haze in my [CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Away Team, extract at once!
head. I felt water sloshing between my ears, my eyes
spun around – I retched as the world turned upside [Away Team, Operative 2]: It’s no use. Vanguard doesn’t
down. Then I saw my friends, all on their knees, hear us. I think I’m scared.
struggling within their own minds. [Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Bell]: I hope they remember
Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, their training. One psychological trick that often works
ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead. Then, choose one: in a bad dream is to look at your--

» Breathe deeply – Go to Log 673. [Away Team]: Run! We have to get out of here!
» Look at your own hands – Go to Log 677. Go to Log 669.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 85

Log 676 Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead. Then, go to Log 553.
Audio Log 14/73-C
[Away Team 2]: Is that… a Vanguard symbol? Log 681
[Away Team 1]: Step aside, you must be seeing things. CVR Audio Data

*** Shuffle *** [Lander AI]: Sufficient data recorded. Storing the data
in FDR.
[Away Team 1]: How could it be? Doesn’t matter now.
We’re getting that capsule on board. [Pilot]: See? I told you it was worth it.

If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: [Lander AI]: Danger! Nuclear radiation level increasing.

Gain 1 and Unique Discovery 26. [Navigator]: Was it, though? Wait! Do you see?
[Pilot]: This dark cloud?
Log 677 [Navigator]: It’s not a cloud! It’s a solid object
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary floating above the clouds, much larger than Vanguard!
When I glanced down at my hands, I recoiled with 1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
disgust. Instead of my well-worn suit, I saw a strange with an “S” of the Landing track).
chitinous appendage with two claws. I opened and closed
my fists, feeling a deep, troubling disconnect. My hands 2. Roll the Danger die, apply the effect corresponding to the rolled result in
did not FEEL like these things. I could still run my the table below, and proceed to the next step. If more than one option
thumb through the top of my other four fingers, though is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you cannot fully
my eyes saw something very different. resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next step. In rare
cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, ignore that Injury
And then, it was as if my mind shut down and rebooted.
card and Injury die.
The voice of the sergeant sounded in my earpiece – and
I was never happier to hear it. 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
not beyond the last space.
Then, I noticed my friends crawling on the ground in
front of me, raking up the gray pebbles with their 4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, discard it
squirming bodies. Over them stood a monstrous creature, and go to Log 685. Otherwise, go back to step 2.
a gargantuan bug in the shape of a brain, with
mandibles dripping a sickly liquid. NUCLEAR ACTIVITY

Choose a random Crewmember. Place a marker on their Crewmember card. Moment of Nothing Happens
The player controlling this Crewmember chooses one: Peace
» Attempt to wake your friends – Go to Log 697. Turbulences Did We Expect Them?
» Attempt to fight the giant bug alone – Go to Log 558. If is 6 or more, nothing happens.
» Ask Vanguard to fire at the creature from orbit (requires Bridge
Otherwise, each Crewmember 5
Upgrade B10, Vindicator Cannon) – Go to Log 636.
reduced by .

Log 678 Explosion Choose one:

CVR Audio Data » Maneuver
[Navigator]: I changed the filter, I repaired Each Crewmember 4
the catalyst module… reduced by .

[Pilot]: Great! I kept my eyes on your console while you » Shields Up!
were away, but I think-- If is 4 or more, nothing happens.
[Navigator]: Left, six degrees, now! Up, one degree! Otherwise, each Crewmember gains
a Wounded Injury.

Deadly Survive
[Navigator]: You almost steered us into the heaviest
Radiation If is 5 or more, each Crewmember .
storm! But yes, you did quite well, all things
considered. Otherwise, each Crewmember gains
Increase the Repair Indicator by 3. an Exhausted Injury.

Go to Log 674.
Log 682
Log 679 A Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead. Place POI P315 in Sector 4.

Exploration Log 14/67 B Gain 1 . Place POI P316 in Sector 4.

The scans of the area show lots of debris and
multiple spots of fluctuating gravitation. The survey Log 683
of the tunnel leading here revealed spikes in Exploration Log 14/95
the gravitational field. The only safe route leads Activating the gravitational engine affected even
underneath huge pieces of masonry suspended in the air, this remote part of the cityscape. The resulting
to the large hall looming behind the closest ruins. gravitational shift opened the path to the hall, but
Choose one: closed off virtually any other passages. The tunnel we
used to get here is again blocked by high-g areas.
» Take the safe route – Place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
» Stay in this Sector. Choose one:
» Try to get to the grand hall – Place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
Log 680 » Stay in this Sector.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Take cover, Away Team! Firing
in 3… 2… Log 684
[Away Team, Operative 1]: If I get hit, guys, could After Action Report 14/02, Excerpt
someone- Having previously charted the known drone swarms and
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: 1… Fire mission is a go! debris fields surrounding the object, we were able
to approach it silently and without too much hassle.
*** Vanguard’s main gun firing ***
Previous exploration allowed us to also quickly open
the hatch leading into the inner core of the Craftworld.
86 ISS Vanguard Logbook

This time, our mission was starting really easy… from our position could take years, but the source of
the anomaly was determined to be inside the city, in
• If the Planetopedia is open at pages 29-30 (Arrogator Craftworld –
the grand hall-like building, seemingly intact. This
Outer Shell) and you haven’t saved it, do so now:
could mean that there was a cluster of steles inside, as
If there is a Planet Record sheet for your current planet in “Recorded we already knew that Arrogators were able to amass many
Planets” (Card Tray B), dispose of it. obelisks in one place.
Important: Arrogator Craftworld Outer Shell and Inner Core should Reaching this hall became our primary objective. Our
be saved on different Planet Record sheets. scouting drones discovered paths of varying gravity
Then, take a blank Planet Record sheet and fill it in as follows: between us and the destination. We knew we should tread
carefully – one step off the path could mean death.
– Write the name of the current Planet at the top (the one
on the Planet board). This hostile environment also required us to act
– Write the number of the Landing card that is currently quickly. We couldn’t determine how the Craftworld would
in the Planetary Scanner. affect us if we stayed there for too long.
– For each Sector, write the number of any POI cards in that Sector. If We still haven’t seen a living Arrogator, but there was
there is more than one POI card, write the top one to the left. Mark plenty of evidence that they should still be around.
if the Sector is Finished.
• Place the Gravity Rift Threat card in the designated slot above
– Write the number of each Unique Discovery still on
the Planet board. Place the Gravity Rift standee in Sector 5.
the Planet board.
• This map uses a special mechanic for movement in some Sectors. See
– Write the name and Sector number of any Threats still on the Planet
the Global Condition and its action “Go Further.”
board. Then, return all Threat cards on the Planet board and their
• Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary
matching standees to the box.
Exploration” procedure.
– Place the Planet Record sheet in “Recorded Planets”
(Card Tray B).
– Return all POI cards on the Planet board to “Points of Interest” (Card
Log 688
Tray A). Return all Unique Discovery cards on the Planet board to [Away Team, Operative 1]: Using the drones to draw
its attention!
“Unique Discoveries” (Card Tray A). Return all Threat cards and their
matching standees to the box. *** Energy discharges ***
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 30-31 (Arrogator Craftworld – [Away Team, Operative 2]: [Charging whine] I have it in
Inner Core). my crosshairs. Take that, you alien bastard!
• Go to Log 687. *** Explosion ***

Log 685 [Away Team, Operative 1]: Ouch, did that hurt?

CVR Audio Data on the Threat card in this Sector.

[Lander’s AI]: Sensors down!
Log 689
[Navigator]: Just ignore it. We’re almost there. CVR Audio Data
[Pilot]: You can’t be serious! I cannot land without [Navigator]: Ready!
working sensors!
[Pilot]: Thank you. Now, we can land safely.
[Navigator]: The lander is already beat up. A rough
landing won’t make much difference. [Navigator]: That was actually a good idea.
Thanks for talking me into it.
[Pilot]: We need to lift off later, you know?
Increase the Repair Indicator by 3. If its value is 9, go to Log 723.
Gain 1 Mineral Discovery.
Otherwise, go to Log 693.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
player makes the final decision):
Log 690
» Rush the landing – Go to Log 693. *** Sounds of plasma cutters ***
» Repair sensors – Players (as a team) must for each
[Away Team One]: We have opened the outer shell and
Crewmember in the Away Team, then go to Log 689.
gained access to the hub. Please advise, Capcom.

Log 686 [CAPCOM]: Good work Team One! Try to work around their
systems. We do not have the ordnance to get rid of
Exploration Log 14/55
the whole cannon, so you have to find a way to deal with
This area in the depths of the city is characterized by that on-site.
highly variable gravitational fields. There might be some
[Away Team One]: The inner workings seem similar to
intact buildings among them.
any other Arrogator tech we’ve seen till now. It should
Choose one: be a simple job to rig its IFF systems to recognize us
as friendlies.
» Get further into the anomalous fields – Scouting drones
sent ahead confirm there is a chance of Go to Log 682. Mark the A box and resolve its text.
getting closer to the majestic hall looming
in the distance. Place your Crewmember in Sector 6. Log 691
» Stay in this Sector. Exploration Log 14/91

Log 687 Gravity fluctuations subsided in this area when we

activated the gravitational engine. Entering the hall
Exploration Log 14/01A is no longer possible, though. The debris, previously
We descended the twisting corridor of the vent into hanging precariously in the thin air, now blocks our way
the center of the Craftworld. Our gravimeters indicated inside. On the other hand, the service tunnels leading
small changes in gravitational pull the closer we got into the deeper cityscape are accessible once again.
to the inside of this vessel. Multiple heavy layers of Choose one:
armor we passed on our way down cut off our contact
with Vanguard. We had to carry all our equipment and » Get as close to the hall as possible – Place your Crewmember in
supplies with us. Sector 4.
» Use the service tunnels to head deeper into the cityscape – Place
After an arduous journey, we finally climbed down
your Crewmember in Sector 7.
a scaffolding into the ruined mega-city that sprawled
within the vessel. Researching all the places we’ve seen
» Stay in this Sector.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 87

Log 692 to their knees at the last possible moment. Together,

we wounded the creature and ran for our lives toward
After Action Report 14/02 the lander that was now clearly visible not far from us.
Seeking entrance to the Craftworld took us enough time. Each Crewmember rolls . If any Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
Going into the unknown without further preparation, ignore the fourth Injury die and card instead. Mark box B in Log 915.
with supplies rapidly dwindling, was a fool’s errand. Then, go to Log 707.
After a quick consultation with CAPCOM, we have decided
to return to the ship.
Log 698
Go to Log 990. After Action Report 14/03

Log 693 (…) the mission was just a downward spiral from there.
Awakening dormant constructs, laser-mazes, pre-aimed
CVR Audio Data kill-zones – everything was hell-bent on obliterating
[Navigator]: Here’s a spot where we can land safely. us. We barely evacuated… If we ever attempt to land
Probably. there again, my advice would be either to stay as
quiet as humanly possible, or to nuke the entire site
[Pilot]: It’s… alright, I guess.
from orbit.
[Navigator]: With our floating wreck, I cannot think of
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all non-
anything better.
Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open the Ship Book at page 25
[Pilot]: This is going to be rough. (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management.
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 26-27 (Muspelheim).
• Replace the POI in Sector 1 with card P292. Log 699
• Place 1 Marker on the Lander board for each point of the Repair CVR Audio Data
Indicator. Then discard the Repair Indicator from the Lander board. [Lander AI]: Solar wind approaching.
• Go to Log 477 and mark the box next to the letter A without resolving
the rest of the Log text. Then, open the Ship Book at page 24 [Pilot]: You’re kidding, right?
and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure. [Lander AI]: I don’t have the joke module installed.
[Navigator]: Funny as always. Pilot, ready for
Log 694 another round?
If this box is not marked, mark it and move O16 Secondary Objective
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
(Toppling the Titan) to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
with an “S” of the Landing track).
Log 695 2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
[Idemian Host]: …
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you
[Vanguard AI]: When you look at the mask, you see cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
yourself. This is a reminder. You are the only one step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury,
who lives in the world you call a reality. Reality is ignore that Injury card and Injury die.
a projection in your mind. Everything warped. Changed
by yourself. Far from the truth. 3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but
not beyond the last space.
[Idemian Host]: …
4. If the marker has reached the “Landing Successful” space, discard it
[Vanguard AI]: In truth, every one of us is alone and go to Log 701. Otherwise, go back to step 2.
in this world. The mask reminds us of this. It also
reminds us that when we speak to the person,we do not SOLAR FLARE
truly speak to them. We speak to their image we created
in our mind. An image distorted by our own concepts of Temperature Choose one:
truth, right and wrong. Rise
» Expose Cargo
[Idemian Host]: … Lose 2 Supplies.
[Vanguard AI]: In your world, you are the same as you » Expose Cockpit
were when you last entered here. In my world, you have If is 4 or more,
changed. I see you differently now. Perhaps closer to each Crewmember .
truth. Perhaps further. Time will tell.
Otherwise, one chosen Crewmember
If this box is not marked, mark it and gain 1 . gains a Burned Injury.
Mark box A in Log 905, read its text, and go to Log 630. Opportunity Seize it!
If is 5 or more, go to Log 701.
Log 696 Otherwise, nothing happens.
*** Plasma cutter sounds ***
Radiation Survive
[Away Team One]: We have opened the outer shell and
gained access to the hub. Please advise, Capcom. If is 4 or more,
each Crewmember .
[CAPCOM]: Good work Team One. Try to work around their
systems. We do not have the ordnance to get rid of Otherwise, each Crewmember gains
the whole cannon, so you have to find a way to deal with an Exhausted Injury.
that on-site.
[Away Team One]: The inner workings seem similar to
Log 700
any other Arrogator tech we’ve seen till now. It should After Action Report/14-06
be a simple job to rig its IFF systems to recognize us Pushing through the ruined remains of the Arrogator
as friendlies. city proved to be hard. Variable gravitation meant we
Go to Log 682. Mark the B box and resolve its text. had to operate in extremely hostile conditions. And
we haven’t even met any actual Arrogators, or their
Log 697 working constructs.

Crewmember #234, Personal Diary This untapped pool of information, in my opinion,

warrants additional scouting missions, better prepared
I frantically tried to wake my friends up, shaking them and supplied.
and screaming, as the beast charged me. They scrambled
Go to Log 990.
88 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 701 All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
player makes the final decision):
CVR Audio Data
» Fly into the clouds to research them – Go to Log 681.
[Lander AI]: Oxygen tank is aflame. Life support system
» Avoid the clouds – Go to Log 712.
[Pilot]: I cannot be everywhere, AI! Log 705
[Navigator]: You’re not. You’re sitting at the controls [Away Team, Operative 1]: Capcom, we are approaching
the whole time. AI, can we do it after landing? defensive emplacements. Guns are of the same pattern
as those found on the Eye of the Void. It would seem
[Lander AI]: Of course. You have about seventy percent
that they are inactive as well.
chance to survive that long.
[CAPCOM]: Roger that, One.
[Navigator]: Still better than a coin toss, right?
*** Footsteps ***
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
player makes the final decision): [Away Team, Operative 1]: Capcom, we have found
what seems to be the control hub for the battery.
» Repair sanitary network – Players (as a team) must for each We will attempt to gain access now.
Crewmember in the Away Team, then go to Log 708.
» Flight in a damaged Lander – Go to Log 704. [CAPCOM]: Just don’t stir the bees' nest, One.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: [Muttering] Yeah,
Log 702 really helpful.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: …and we just flip this switch *** Working plasma cutters ***
over here and…
See if the box in the Log 940 is marked, without resolving the Log.
*** Equipment powering up ***
If it is marked, go to Log 690. Otherwise, go to Log 696.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Voila! It works!
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Stay sharp people, it seems Log 706
we have stirred the bees' nest! If you are in Sector 2, go to Log 769.
The outer surface of the Craftworld is now flooded with red light. It seems If you are in Sector 3, go to Log 759.
that this node is sufficient to power the most basic systems. If you are in Sector 4, go to Log 774.
If Global Condition card G33 is on the Planet board, reset its Time Track. If you are in Sector 5, go to Log 784.
If Global Condition card G33 is not on the Planet board, place it If you are in Sector 6, go to Log 691.
in the Global Condition slot.
If you are in Sector 7, go to Log 683.
If card P318 (Thermal Vent) is in Sector 6 and card P317 (Powered Machine
Depot) is in Sector 5, nothing happens. Otherwise, place the POI card P318
in Sector 6 and P317 in Sector 5.
Log 707
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Go, go, go! Close the ramp!
If Arrogator Guardian is already on the board:
*** Bulkhead closing ***
Resolve Eradication Ray from its Threat card and remove the marker from
the red track on its Threat card. *** Pressurizing airlock ***

If Arrogator Guardian is not on the board yet: [Away Team, Operative 2]: Phew. That was… something.
Let’s get out of here before this thing comes back
Place the Arrogator Guardian Threat card in a Threat slot and its standee in for another round.
Sector 6.
[Lander AI]: Preparing for take-off. Powering
Then, read on:
the main engine.
If there is a POI Inactive Defense Battery in Sector 4, go to Log 776.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Make it fast, please! Anyone
If there is a POI P315 (Modified Defense Battery) card in Sector 4, have eyes on this thing? What is it doing?
go to Log 779.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: It’s on our eight, sitting
If there is a POI P316 (Refitted Defense Battery) card in Sector 4, out there, in the open. As if it lost interest all of
go to Log 777. a sudden. It’s not even looking at us. It’s looking… up?

Log 703 [Away Team, Operative 1]: See this bright dot in
the sky? It seems this bug is looking at Vanguard.
Exploration Log 14/01
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Do you think it knows
Getting from one place to another in the Craftworld what a spaceship is?
Core proves difficult. We often find ourselves going in
circles, only to discover our internal clocks haven’t [Away Team, Operative 1]: Don’t care. Let’s get out of
moved by a second. All this wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey this place.
stuff is unnerving to say the least. Remove all markers from Crewmember cards (non-Charge).
If you are in Sector 2, go to Log 629. Go to Log 748.
If you are in Sector 3, go to Log 638.
If you are in Sector 4, go to Log 647.
Log 708
CVR Audio Data
If you are in Sector 5, go to Log 661.
[Navigator]: The fire is gone. Life support will be
If you are in Sector 6, go to Log 679.
functional in a while.
If you are in Sector 7, go to Log 686.
[Pilot]: That’s good news. Thanks.

Log 704 [Navigator]: I hope we land soon…

CVR Audio Data Increase the Repair Indicator by 3.
[Pilot]: That wasn’t so bad, was it? Go to Log 704.
[Navigator]: You crazy?
[Pilot]: Maybe we should dive into the clouds,
[Navigator]: No! We’re barely flying!
ISS Vanguard Logbook 89

Log 709 Log 714

After a short while, the power fizzles out, but there CVR Audio Data
is a chance that the node could be reactivated - this
[Pilot]: Now, it’s peaceful. But I don’t know where we
could be a chance to deal with enemies or prepare
are headed.
a final run towards the thermal vent.
[Navigator]: If I’m not mistaken… Look right!
Discard the G33 card.
[Pilot]: Whoa! Massive. How is it floating?
Discard POI card P318 (Thermal Vent) from Sector 6 and P317 (Powered
Machine Depot) from Sector 5. [Navigator]: No idea. But we can land on th--
Then: [Lander AI]: Solar flare detected! All sensors down!
• If there is a POI P313 (Active Defense Battery) card in Sector 4, [Navigator]: Damn! Can you touch down without them?
go to Log 767. [Pilot]: Maybe?
• If there is a POI P314 (Hacked Defense Battery) card in Sector 4,
go to Log 812. All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Recon Section player
makes the final decision):
Log 710 » Rush landing – Go to Log 721.
Roll D10 and check the result below. If the box is not marked, mark it and » Repair sensors – Players (as a team) must for each
resolve the text next to it. If the box is already marked, mark and resolve the first Crewmember in the Away Team then go to Log 716.
unmarked box under it. If all boxes are marked, resolve the bottom one.
0: Arrogators are trying to storm the bridge! Place card P233
Log 715
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re through! I see
(Arrogator Assault) on top of any cards in Sector 1.
the surface now.
1-2: Go to Log 376. [Vanguard AI]: Landing ETA: T-3.
3: Go to Log 751. [XO, Major Dahl]: Your landing zone was selected by our
hosts. It is a strip of land in front of the collection
4-5: Go to Log 617.
of structures that we believe is the central city of
6: Go to Log 820. this planet.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: I see the LZ… It’s empty.
7: Go to Log 522.
There’s no one waiting for us!
8: Go to Log 427. [XO, Major Dahl]: Yes. We hoped there would be
9: Go to Log 447. some sort of a welcoming committee, or at least
an ambassador you could talk to. It seems that’s not
Nothing happens. the way they do things around here.
[Away Team, Operative #1]: Great… So what should we do?
Log 711 Abort?
If Mission M182 is revealed, go to Log 718.
[XO, Major Dahl]: Of course not! You need to make
Otherwise, read on. the most of your time on the planet and learn anything
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We have wounded! We’re coming that could help us understand this race, even if it
back. takes us more than one ground mission. There are three
areas down there that seem to be of most interest.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Of course, safety first. We have their holy city, of course, though it seems
But the Captain won’t be pleased. abandoned. We also detect a very faint Builders’
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Damn him! We’re also not stele signal from a trench at the bottom of a nearby
happy, but I hope there won’t be any casualties! sea. Finally, our xenologists would love you to
study the natural habitat of this world. We suspect
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all non- the Idemians will be watching your moves closely. Do
Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open the Ship Book at page 25 not forget: you are the ambassadors of our entire
(Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management. species! And keep your guard up. The fact that this is
a friendly, inhabited planet means you should be able
Log 712 to explore it in relative peace. However, it’s still
CVR Audio Data an alien habitat, and it may hold unknown dangers.

[Navigator]: It’s… peaceful. Go to Log 454.

[Pilot]: Maybe for you. I’m trying to avoid treacherous
currents, and with everything damaged,
Log 716
it is quite difficult. CVR Audio Data

[Navigator]: Maybe. Still beautiful, though. [Navigator]: Ready.

Each Crewmember Refreshes 1 . [Pilot]: Thank you. Landing will be much easier now.

Go to Log 714. [Navigator]: No problem. I want to live, you know.

[Pilot]: Well, we’ll worry about living after landing.
Log 713 [Navigator]: Nice pun.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve reached
the entrance to the Edifice. [Pilot]: Huh?

[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Signs of life? Increase the Repair Indicator by 3. If its value is 9, go to Log 723.

[Away Team, Operative 2]: None. It’s a ghost town down Otherwise, go to Log 721.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: It’s beautiful, though,
Log 717
[Idemian Host]: …
CAPCOM. In an awe-inspiring alien ruin sort of way.
[Vanguard AI]: “The city is not empty, for I am here.”
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Copy, Away Team. I advise you
I will clarify the answer, Away Team.
to take some rest before going any further. We have no
idea how far down the Edifice goes. [Vanguard AI]: …
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Don’t have to tell me twice. [Idemian Host]: …
Replace the POI in this Sector with card P407.
90 ISS Vanguard Logbook

[Vanguard AI]: He reiterates the city is not empty. • 1× M03 Mission card
It seems most Idemians do not live here all the time, • 1× G01 Global Condition card
yet this is still their capital. If you get a chance to • 1× R01 Research Project (Alien Materials)
inspect their houses, we could learn more. • 1× No More Cards! (bottom card)
Go to Log 630. Total: 34 standard cards
Tutorial Deck B
Log 718
The Crewmember who should have gained their fourth Injury rolls all their • 1× This Side Up (top card)
Injury dice. If they roll 1 and 1 OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: • 1× Tutorial Rank-Up card
remove them from their Rank sleeve and return all their dice to their Section • 1× Unique Discovery 1 card
Compartment and their Equipment to "Armory." The Planetary Exploration • 4× Just a Scratch! Injury cards
continues without them. • 5× Event cards
• 1× No More cards! (bottom card)
If they roll anything else, continue the game.
Total: 13 small cards
If that was the last Crewmember, place the Mission Failed token next to
the Ship Book, open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet), and
begin Ship Management.
Log 721
CVR Audio Data
Log 719 [Navigator]: Here’s a spot where we could land safely.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, we’ve got something Probably.
big down here. [Pilot]: It’s… alright, I guess.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: We’re reading more gravitational [Navigator]: With our floating wreck, I cannot think of
shifts, Away Team. Careful which buttons you press. anything better.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: I think we found THE button. [Pilot]: This is going to be rough.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: CAPCOM, whoever lived here Open the Planetopedia at pages 26-27 (Muspelheim).
centuries ago—they tried to control their tides, and in
doing so, brought their moon too close. Edan used to be Replace the POI in Sector 1 with card P291.
covered in seas, and they made it desolate, barren. Place 1 marker on the Lander board for each point of the Repair Indicator.
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Copy, Away Team. That explains Then discard the Repair Indicator from the Lander board.
why the remains of their moon are that far past Go to Log 477 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading
the Roche limit, and why it slowly disintegrates. We the actual Log. Then, open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin
can study that Tide Manipulator more extensively aboard Planetary Exploration” procedure.
the Vanguard. It’s amazing to think a race confined
to a single planet managed to develop technology of
this power.
Log 722
Open the Planetopedia at pages 26-27 (Muspelheim).
[Away Team, Operative 1]: I think I have an idea how.
Replace the POI in Sector 1 with card P291.
Can someone help me with that casing?
Place 7 markers on the Lander board.
*** Sound of metal plates moving ***
Open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the “Begin Planetary Exploration”
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Wait. Is that?
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Do you read us, Vanguard?
The Edifice is built around a stele. It is an amplifier. Log 723
It looks like they studied the gravitational anchor of CVR Audio Data
the Builders’ obelisk and learned to somehow manipulate
this field to produce gravitational phenomena. [Pilot]: We did great! Lander is as good as straight
from the factory!
[CAPCOM, Sergeant Xiu]: Makes sense. For a race this
dependent on the sea, controlling the tides would be big. [Navigator]: Nav system still down, though. But I can
give you new coordinates for the best approach.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Too bad it didn’t end well
for them… [Pilot]: Can you tell me where to go so that we can see
the object from above?
Discard Mission M181, if revealed. Go to Log 594 and mark the box next to
the letter B without reading the actual Log – if both boxes (A and B) are now [Navigator]: I got it!
marked, remove Landing card L16 from the game. [Lander AI]: An area with rare metals detected, east of
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: the landing spot.

Go to Log 55. • Open the Planetopedia at pages 26-27 (Muspelheim).

• Replace the POI in Sector 6 with card P299.
Log 720 • Place any number of Crewmembers in Sector 6.
The following list will help you recreate your Tutorial Decks after you unpack • Place 1 marker on the Lander board for each point of the Repair
them. Indicator. Then discard the Repair Indicator from the Lander board.
• Go to Log 477 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading
Tutorial Deck A  the actual Log. Then, open the Ship Book at page 24 and perform the
• 1× This Side Up (top card) “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure.
• 4× Crewmember cards
– Riku Hashimura Log 724
– Amir Zaynab • Place the P240 (Damaged Cargo Hold) card in your Sector, if it’s not
– Joppe Ulrich there yet.
– Cho Jae-yong • If the sum of Ranks of your chosen Crewmembers is 3 or more,
progress the green track on the P240 card by two.
• 12× Tutorial Section cards (Endurance, Backup Plan, Delaying Tactics,
• For every chosen Crewmember from the Engineering Section, progress
Trial and Error, Improvised Treatment, Calculated Risk, Athletics, Born
the green track on the P240 card by two.
Lucky, Dash, Specialist Toolkit, Emergency Shelter, Guiding Beacon)
• For every chosen Crewmember who has a or or converter on
• 1× M01 Mission card
their Crewmember card, progress the green track on card P240 by two.
• 11× Point of Interest cards (P101, P102, P103, P105, P106, P107,
P108, P109, P000, P000, P000) If the marker on the green track has reached the Outcome
the Outcome: roll 3
• 1× M02 Mission card Injury dice for every chosen Crewmember. If you roll either 1 and 1
OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the "Casualties" slot next to
ISS Vanguard Logbook 91

the board. After all rolls are finished, place the surviving Crewmembers in ENERGY STORM
“Resting Crew” (Card Tray B). Then, go to Log 732.
Turbulence Choose one:
If the marker on the green track didn’t reach the Outcome: your chosen
Crewmembers failed to reach their objective and died: place them in » Strap in!
the “Casualties” slot next to the board. You have to send another team to If is 3 or more, nothing happens.
finish the work! Go to Log 622. Otherwise, return 2 random Equipment
cards to “Armory.”
Log 725 » Secure the Cargo
[CAPCOM]: Be prepared for rain! A large cloud of boiling If is 2 or more,, nothing happens.
metal approaches your area. Otherwise, each Crewmember .
[Pilot]: The lander will hold. Probably. Gale Force 10 Endure
[CAPCOM]: Good luck, Away Team. If is 3 or more, nothing happens.
If your Lander has at least 5 and 4 , go to Log 722. Otherwise, begin Otherwise, open the Ship Book at page 19
the landing procedure: and flip the current Lander to the Damaged
side (unless it is a Basic Lander).
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
Solar Flares Choose one:
with an “S” of the Landing track).
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled » Activate EM Shielding:
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one If is 3 or more, move 1 Lander Mod
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you to the “Awaiting…” envelope,
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next and 1 chosen Crewmember gains
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, a Burned Injury.
ignore that Injury card and Injury die. Otherwise, each Crewmember gains
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but not a Burned Injury.
beyond the last space. » Hide in Dense Atmosphere
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful” If is 4 or more, nothing happens.
space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: go Otherwise, return 2 random Equipment
to Log 722. cards to “Armory.”
Favorable Seize the Opportunity
Current If is 4 or more, progress the Landing
Gyroscopes Choose one: track by 2.
» Level Off:
If is 4 or more,, nothing happens. Log 727
Otherwise, each Crewmember 2 . “We were now in a grotto with a large crystal growing out
of the ceiling. Two tunnels led further down, in the same
» Repair Gyroscopes:
direction the faint stele signal was coming from."
Each Crewmember 6 .
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
Dangerous Try to Seize It!
player makes the choice):
Opportunity If is 5 or more, progress the Landing
track once. » Go into the left corridor – Go to Log 741.
» Go into the right corridor – Go to Log 763.
Otherwise, each Crewmember 2 .
Molten Metal Endure: Log 728
Shower Each Crewmember 5 reduced by . The delicate mask shatters in your hands, and the artisan throws you out of
the workshop! Replace the card in your Sector with card P001. Go to Log 259.
Pierced Endure:
Cargo Bay Lose 5 Supplies reduced by . Log 729
OR Personal Log, Crewmember #213
Each Crewmember 3 . The iris focused the sun’s plasma into a superheated jet
that blasted down the corridor. Our suits immediately

Log 726 flashed with warning lights. Not even Dr Corey predicted
dealing with temperatures such as these…
If your Lander has at least 3 and 4 , place a marker on the “Landing
Successful” space and go to step 4. Otherwise, begin the landing procedure: Replace the card in Sector 1 with P432 (Focusing Iris).
If card P433 (Upturned Keystone) is in Sector 2, go to Log 765.
1. On the Lander board, place a marker in the starting space (indicated
with an “S” of the Landing track). Otherwise, place card P434 in Sector 2. Then, all Crewmembers
in Sectors 1 and 2 roll .
2. Roll the Danger die and apply the effect corresponding to the rolled
result in the table below and proceed to the next step. If more than one Hint: The beam splashes against the keystone’s surface!
option is available, choose one (you cannot choose an option you If it is to travel further, you must do something.
cannot fully resolve). If your result is not in the table, proceed to the next
step. In rare cases where a Crewmember would gain a fourth Injury, Log 730
ignore that Injury card and Injury die. [Captain Wayman]: You called, doctor?
3. Progress the Landing track (move the marker 1 space to the right), but [Dr. Corey]: We’re almost ready to power up, captain.
not beyond the last space. Please stand behind the line.
4. If the marker on the Landing track isn’t on the “Landing Successful” [Captain Wayman]: Are you sure it is safe? What if this
space, go back to step 2; if it’s there – you have landed successfully: satellite was a trap?
– Open the Planetopedia at pages 24-25 (Idemian Cabal), [Dr. Corey]: Unlikely. As you can see, it is the product
if it’s not open on that page yet. of the same technology as the Eye of the Void. It even
– Place the Idemian Pilgrim Threat card in the indicated space above uses the exact same cloaking mechanism. If some orbital
the Planet board, and place the Idemian Pilgrim standee in Sector 7. debris hadn't damaged it, we would never find it. We do
– Go to Log 715. not fully understand the technology of the Builders, but
this device only contained a power source, an array of
sensors aimed at the planet, and the part you now see
92 ISS Vanguard Logbook

in front of you. A part that we believe was responsible center stood a stele these two forces fought for. Our
for relaying the readings from the planet to some other, xenolinguists immediately began to decipher the key
distant place. symbol on this obelisk. Based on their findings from
the previous steles, they notified us that the symbol
[Captain Wayman]: To the Eye of the Void? Do you think
likely meant 'Truth.'
that’s what Builders used to spy on us?
It would seem that until Idemians learned there is no
[Dr. Corey]: It is highly possible. Ever since we
objective truth, they first waged wars that nearly tore
received their message, we wondered how the Eye could
down the planet, thinking their creators wanted them to
get ahold of the Earth’s radio and TV transmissions.
follow a single truth and unable to agree which truth
We are too far for any signal to reach it yet. Many of
it was.”
us speculated there had to be… an observer. A device
capable of spying on us and relaying our transmissions If the Mission card M121 is revealed, discard it. Mark box B in Log 905.
with hyper-light speed. It seems that’s what your
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
Away Team has found in orbit. An observer tasked with
continue the game.
watching the planet they explored.
Go to Log 55.
[Captain Wayman]: Only one way to know for sure, right?
[Dr. Corey]: Correct. Please stand back, captain. Are we
green, Josh? Let’s get this thing online.
Log 735
Captain’s Log, Entry D-629
[Dr. Frank]: Switching it on in 3… 2… 1…
Never before have I seen such joy turn to despair in
*** Strange buzz ** such a brief time.
[Black Knight Relay]: [Unreadable] hell! It’s on? We were surprised and overjoyed when Earth picked up
Call [Unreadable] the phone on the other end. Our travels took us further
and further from home, and no communication was able to
[Captain Wayman]: Another recorded message?
catch up.
[Dr. Corey]: No. The relay seems to receive this
Fortunately, the FTL probe we sent to Earth after
in real time. But how–
our preliminary findings at the Eye of the Void found
[Black Knight Relay]: [Unreadable] read us? its way home. When confronted with the message from
Is it you, Vanguard? the Builders, Earth’s leading scientists came to
[Captain Wayman]: Well, I’ll be damned… the same conclusion as we did. They realized something
had to spy on Earth, intercepting its transmissions and
Gain 1 . relaying them to the Eye, making it possible for the Eye
Go to Log 735. to communicate with us once we arrived.
They scoured every inch of the Solar System and
Log 731 eventually located our own Black Knight, right
[XO, Major Dahl]: Good call. If this planet is truly in Earth’s orbit. They dismantled it, studied it,
their homeworld, learning more about its natural and quickly discovered its most perplexing element:
environment could let us glimpse into their evolution. a quantum entanglement relay for near-instant
Besides, by focusing on the natural environment of communication. When we powered our relay, theirs was
this planet, we can show our hosts that we’re here on already working, waiting, scanning for any signal.
a mission of learning and discovery. We now had a way to communicate with our home
Place the card M122 (The Cradle) in the Mission slot on the right side of the world instantly.
Planet board. Return other non-Optional Mission cards to “Missions.” I couldn’t keep this a secret. After we finished high-
level meetings and briefings with the Vanguard Initiative
Go to Log 736.
executives on Earth, I allowed every last crewmember of
ISS an hour of uplink’s time to speak to their families
and close ones, if they so wished. Our mission had no
Log 732 set end date now. We were to explore until we learned all
• Replace card P240 (Damaged Cargo Hold) in your Sector about the Builders, their steles, and their message. This
with card P002. meant those of us who still harbored hope of ever seeing
• Gain 1 . their families now lost it. The ability to speak to their
close ones once more was a godsend.
Log 733 Somewhere in the middle of tearful reunions and
The Crewmember performing this Special Action – or any Assisting goodbyes, I received an urgent call from the Vanguard
Crewmember in the same Sector, may to imbue the pedestal with a part Initiative office. Top Secret. Only me and the Section
of their memories and experiences. This die will be lost permanently. Place Leaders stayed on the bridge. Our reports from
the Sacrificed die in an outline on the Point of Interest card in your Sector, the destroyed planet Pellucid startled them. There
any side up. The side you choose will determine one icon of the Open the was something wrong going on with Earth’s core.
Lock Special Action in Sector 9. If there are two icons on the chosen side you A structure was growing deep within our planet, eerily
similar to the one that doomed Pellucid. The Earth
can use any of them when Opening the Lock.
was set to repeat the same fate: ripped from inside by
Please note: Any effects that replace or cover the Point of Interest card also a crystalline growth. Only Vanguard could learn what it
remove the die. If it’s removed, remove it from the game permanently. was — and how to stop it.

Log 734 Somehow, this news quickly found its way to the crew.
I’m not sure whether it’s good or bad. Now, we all
“The suits creaked, adjusting to the pressure as we share the same grim determination. Our mission became
descended further and further into the depths. Though a race against time. The only chance we have to save
not far from the shore, the bottom of the rift was our planet is to unlock the legacy the Builders spoke
almost two kilometers down. And even more startling: of or gather knowledge that would help stem the crystal
it was not a natural formation. Our scans revealed before it’s too late…
the entire area was destroyed and sank due to some
unknown weapon of mass destruction – mangled parts of We need to step up our search and discover many
millennia-old structures sticking out from the cliff, more steles — as soon as possible. I already ordered
and fragments of ruins visible on upturned rocks our engineers to install a new detector, tuned to
indicated this was once a great city. Perhaps even more the unique signature of the steles. This will take time,
prominent than the current Idemian capital. though. In the meantime, we should explore some more.

Once we reached the pitch-black bottom, our lights

revealed an entire cemetery of old war machines, now
home to wriggling creatures of the depth. A horrific
battle took place here in the distant past. And in its
ISS Vanguard Logbook 93

• Take the Bridge Upgrade B03 (Long Range Detection Array) and place
it in the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Log 739
[XO, Major Dahl]: You know the drill, Away Team.
• Shuffle the Ship Situation S16 (Unfinished Business) from
ISS Vanguard is still floating in the orbit of this
“Future Situations” into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
world, too damaged to reach any other coordinates.
Important: Your new Bridge Upgrade will become available during the next Look, I can’t stress this enough, we NEED the help of
Ship Management – once you install it, you will also receive your new the Idemians. Please, do anything you can to obtain it.
Campaign Objective. [Vanguard AI]: Approaching the upper atmosphere.
Hint: If you have not completed at least a couple of Research and Production Landing ETA: T-10.
projects, consider using Research Lab and Production Complex facilities
• Open the Planetopedia at pages 24-25 (Idemian Cabal).
some more before you progress the campaign.
• Place the Optional Mission card M123 in the Optional Mission slot on
the right edge of the Planet board, if it’s not there yet.
Log 736 • Go to Log 726.
If Mission card M123 is revealed, open the Ship Book at page 24
and resolve the “Begin Planetary Exploration” procedure. Otherwise, read on: Log 740
“Not Alone Anymore: The Story of First Contact,” ISS Vanguard Audio Log, Excerpt 14/54
Book Excerpt
[Away Team, Operative 1]: [Static] unknown effects of
As soon as the lander door opened, our sun visors the grav anomaly. The main symptom is nausea – even
jumped into their darkest setting, turning us blind veteran zero-G operators are affected. We are worried
for a moment. Two suns were both up in the sky, searing that the anomaly might affect the very passage of time
this strange land with waves of heat. We scattered around here. Vanguard, please advise.
around the landing zone, performing usual checks –
[CAPCOM]: Be advised, Away Team. If you notice anything
the Idemian city looming in the distance like a pile of
else out of the ordinary, report.
randomly placed blocks.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Please repeat Vanguard, we’re
After a moment, a lone figure appeared on the horizon,
losing you [Static]… Damn, we lost them again.
flickering in the superheated air. One Idemian was coming
towards us, something blindingly bright in its hands. [Away Team, Operative 2]: We’re on our own, let’s go.
Once the creature was close enough, we noticed it held
a large golden platter with small piles of burning Log 741
matter that smoked heavily, and a central, large pile of Dead end! Go to Log 727.
white powder.
The masked face of the creature reflected our own, Log 742
surprised faces. The creature bowed its head and extended Personal Log, Crewmember #213
the golden platter toward us. The creature looked up at We tried to take some readings and scans of the iris.
us expectantly, as if we should know what to do. Despite its size, it was made with atomic precision,
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Science Section giant petals interlocking in a way that wouldn’t let
player makes the choice): through a single atom. It was hard to determine how
thick it was. Any scans of the area behind the iris
» Have a taste of the powder – Go to Log 4. resulted in our sensors going haywire – whatever was
» Extinguish the incense – Go to Log 67. there, it had even more energy than the sun above us.
» Sprinkle the powder on top of your heads – Go to Log 109.
All players discuss and choose one. In case of a tie, the Engineering Section
» Take the platter and give the creature something else in return
player makes the final decision:
– Go to Log 168.
» Refuse the plate – Go to Log 259. » Continue opening the iris – Replace the card in your Sector
with card P431.
Log 737 » Abort – Refresh 1 and reset all tracks on the card in your Sector.
• Return all Section dice to the appropriate Section Compartments.
• Return all Equipment cards to the Armory. Log 743
• Remove all Crewmember cards on Crew boards from the game and ISS Vanguard Audio Log, Excerpt 14/64
return their Rank sleeves to the appropriate Section Compartments. [Away Team, Operative 1]: [Cough] more effects of
• Return all Section cards to the appropriate Section Compartments. the grav anomaly. Current symptoms are lack of breath,
• Return all cards from the Planet board, including Threat cards, to quick exhaustion.
the appropriate Card Trays.
[CAPCOM]: [Interference] report.
• Move all gained Unique Discoveries from the Lander board to
appropriate slots in the Ship Book cardholder (page 30). Discard all [Away Team, Operative 2]: Please repeat, Vanguard.
other found Discoveries. We’re losing you [Static]… Damn, they’re gone again. We
• Remove all Crewmember models, Threat and Lander standees, tokens can’t stay here much longer, this place is killing us!
and markers from the Planet board. Each Crewmember + or gains an Exhausted Injury.
• Go to Log 580 to start a new landing.
Log 744
Log 738 “We stood in a large cavern, next to the ancient,
Exploration Log 14/99-2 barnacle-covered war machine. There was a luminescent
Gaining access to the information contained in creature stuck at the dead end of the left tunnel, so we
the steeles proved to be no easy task. Ripped from their could only continue right.”
gravitational anchors, subdued by the gravitational Go to Log 792.
engine, artifacts were, for the lack of better term,
glitching in and out of existence. Already the Science
section is rife with theories on how Arrogators managed
Log 745
to transport and store so many of them in the same place. Muspelheim Memoir, Part 1

Mark this box and go to Log 789. If this box was already marked, The inhabitants of the inner planets, lost and engulfed
by the fire of the system’s star, met a cruel end. Ages
go to Log 784.
ago, they built an ark and set course for safety, away
from their expanding star. Yet, in the ray of hope,
as this behemoth of a vessel was departing their
scorching home, the turbulent nature of their sun made
itself known. The complex calculations that should have
94 ISS Vanguard Logbook

ejected the ark toward outer space using the gas giant’s the planet. The medical staff wanted to keep us there
gravitational slingshot failed to account for a sudden a bit longer, to make sure the hallucinations we suffered
outburst of superheated plasma which prematurely ended on the planet had no lasting effects. I was OK with that.
the escape. I wanted nothing more than some good sleep, and Medbay
wards had the comfiest beds on the entire ship…
Gain 1 .
I was awoken by a loud alert. My head was spinning, and
If there is NO Unique Discovery 20 in the Discovery slot
I felt weird. That’s when the words of the alert slowly
or on the Lander board:
began to take shape in my head. “Enemy on the ship!”
• Discard 1 Alien Tech Discovery or lose 1 . Gain Unique Discovery 20. I hoped never to hear that one again…
Slot it immediately and read its Log.
Me and the rest of the team scrambled out of our Medbay
bunks, and ran toward the main concourse. The first
Log 746 thing I saw there was a security guard, crawling along
TOP SECRET the floor like a maggot. Then, another one. Maniacal
Project Visitor, Preliminary Observation laughing filled the ship. This couldn’t be real! This
Those beings, Visitors, as we decided to name them had to be another hallucination! We walked on, slowly
for now, decided to intervene for some reason. Those starting to doubt our senses. Then, in the main
of us who were in the core during their arrival concourse, we stumbled upon it: a brain bug slowly
claimed that the Visitors weren’t interested in helping devouring one of our marines. It was smaller than
Vanguard, but rather in defending the alien core of the one we left on the planet – but much healthier and
the ship. A comparative analysis of their handheld more vigorous. I looked around for help, but every human
technology and symbols with the old footage of wreckage in sight was lost to their own hallucinations, apart
found on Earth led us to a single striking conclusion: from me and the rest of our Away Team. Either because of
they are the core’s creators who stepped in to defend the meeting with a previous bug, or because of something
their creation. they put in us in the Medbay, we were the only ones not
affected by the hallucination.
After several fierce discussions, Captain Wayman decided
to restrict the knowledge of the Builders to a need- A chill came over my back as I realized the creature
to-know basis. I agree that most crewmembers would find was getting close to the Torpor Chamber. If we failed to
the information that Vanguard’s core can be used as repel it, it could spread its control to the thousands
a portal somewhat unsettling. of Vanguard’s crew still asleep in the tanks. With
the security team incapacitated, it was up to us to man
For now, we have little data. The Visitors seem capable all possible defences and shut down any bulkheads in
of traversing long distances in an instant. They could the creature’s path.
have visited many worlds on the Builders’ map before us
(including Earth), and they may therefore have access • Open the Planetopedia at pages 20-21 (ISS Vanguard).
to the knowledge we seek. Who knows, maybe they already • Return all Equipment cards from the Lander to the “Armory.”
solved the Builders’ riddle? • Place all Mods from the Lander board in the “Awaiting…” envelope.
• Return the Rank-Up card to “Rank-Ups.”
Despite our lack of intel, we must investigate them,
• Discard the Supplies marker.
starting with the part of their body we found in
• The Lander board should now be empty – return it to the box.
the engine room. The next, more detailed report will be
• Shuffle the Event deck and place it to the left of the Planet board.
ready in three days.
If it isn’t already there, take it from Card Tray A.
Gain 1 . • Place P000 in Sectors: 2, 3, 4, and 7.
• Place Unique Discovery 28 in the Unique Discovery slot.
Log 747 • Place Mission card M210 in the Enemy Advantage slot.
Muspelheim Memoir, Part 2 • Place Global Condition card G35 on the “ISS Vanguard” space
in the top left corner so that it covers the Evac Log 876.
The ark, trying to use the gas giant as a gravitational
sling, was caught by its gravitational pull – or perhaps
The new Evac Log 578 is on card G35.
it was damaged by a piece of debris similar to the one • Place Global Condition card G36 in the Global Conditions slot.
that forced our Away Team to abruptly enter the hellish During this Planetary Exploration there are 2 active Global Conditions,
world? – and was slowly but steadily brought down but only 1 Travel rule (from G36).
toward the dense, scorching atmosphere. They fought • Set the Supplies track on the Planet board to 3.
the unforgiving pull of the sun, the rising heat, and • Place the Magnacereb Threat card in the indicated slot on top of
the radiation in the caverns of their vessel. Somehow, the Planet board.
they endured the damage and activated a variety of • Place the Magnacereb in Sector 1.
protective shields, but all in vain – the vessel sunk • Place all Crewmembers in Sector 3.
too deep and lost too much of its velocity to be able to • Each Crewmember refreshes 2 of their dice.
rise again. Whoever was still left alive on the decks of • Each Crewmember draws Section cards according to the limit on their
the ark (or rather a horrid, overheating casket hanging Crew board.
in the outskirts of hell) could only observe the fleeting • Place the Lead bag next to the Planet board. Ensure it contains
moments before their inevitable death. 20 Lead tokens.
If there is NO Unique Discovery 21 in the Discovery slot or on the Lander • Shuffle all 5 Discovery decks separately and place them above the Planet
board: board. If they are not already there, take them from Card Tray A.
• Each Crewmember places a Turn token on their Crew board,
• Discard 1 Live Specimen Discovery or lose 1 (if you don’t have
“Turn Available” side up.
either, don’t lose anything). Gain Unique Discovery 21.
• The Recon Section player chooses a Crewmember to receive the Start token.
Slot it immediately and read its Log.
Warning: Read Special Action from G35. It is helpful during this Planetary
Log 748 Exploration.
Crewmember #234, Personal Diary If Magnacereb reaches Sector 6, or if you are forced to Evac, the Crew
Quarters will become contaminated!
I thought that was it. Soon, we were docking back with
ISS Vanguard, with our ears welcoming the same old
string of regular boarding communication. A touch down Log 749
in the hangar bay. The familiar chime as Vanguard’s AI Muspelheim Memoir, Part 3
takes control of the ship’s systems. Preliminary scans. It’s impossible to determine how long and how many of
Decontamination. Another scan. them stayed on their dying ark. It’s not known what they
Soon, we were taking off our suits in the Medbay, just felt seeing their world die in flames.
as Vanguard was making a slingshot maneuver around We don’t know how many of them remained alive, and for
how long, but in time, they all died, leaving behind
ISS Vanguard Logbook 95

a graveyard of their hopes and scores of dessicated

bodies. Did they manage to find peace and solitude among Log 754
the others that held to the last? A signal of hope After Action Report – Medical Appendix
within a raging hell which, eventually, consumed them Prolonged exposure to the effect of the anomaly in
all? Whatever their final thoughts, they at least tried the Arrogator Craftworld caused severe damage to
to save their research. The final part of the stone the internal organs of the crewmembers in question.
contained their encoded encyclopedia, including a large The medical team working on their cases estimate their
entry about an alien creature that once landed on their celular age to be at least 10 years more than it should
world: an automated Arrogator war machine they managed be. We might lose some members of that team soon.
to neutralize and carefully study.
Our advice is that next time we’re exploring such
Go to Log 752. extreme environments, we should use drones instead.

Log 750 Each Crewmember gains Wounded Injuries, up to 3 Injuries limit.

Go to Log 990.
Captain’s Log, Entry D-212
It seems the final destination of our journey proved to Log 755
be anything but. [XO, Major Dahl]: Listen up, Away Team. The captain is
The giant, pitch-black sphere, suspended in the void still fighting for his life, so it’s up to me to stress
at the Divine Coordinates, did not contain the answers how important your mission is. Vanguard barely got
we sought — only a mysterious message and a list of us to this system in one piece. During the Arrogator
countless other worlds. Now, we set off to explore one attack, most of our water and oxygen reserves were
of them, wondering the true purpose of the mysterious destroyed. We have significant hull damage and only 7%
Builders of the Eye of the Void. of solar panels are operational. We won’t be able to
continue our mission any time soon without the help of
Our mission is about to get much longer and more the inhabitants of this planet, and so far obtaining
perilous than we could have imagined back on Earth. Of this help proves tricky. Our Xenolinguists did
course, not everyone likes the idea of extending our an admirable job, cracking the basics of their language
mission. Many already look back toward home that’s now in just a couple of weeks. Thanks to their efforts,
some fifty light-years away… the ship’s AI will be your translator for this mission.
Open the Ship Book at Page 2 (Bridge) and begin Ship Management! [Vanguard AI]: Always glad to assist.

Log 751 [XO, Major Dahl]: We’ve already made several contacts,
each with a different representative of their species.
After–Action Report 54
Yet, we still don’t know who their leaders are, or
The corridor we entered was empty, apart from a couple who we should talk to in order to obtain help, or to
of unarmored, lightly armed, blood-covered bodies. As form any sort of deal. We’ve only learned this planet is
we were walking past them, one of these poor souls one of their protected "Temple Worlds", and we secured
extended their shaking hand in our direction. It was a permit for one small ship to land. Section Leaders
Nahy, the CAPCOM officer from the bridge. A great guy, chose you for this task. I hope they chose well.
well liked by the Away Teams. And now, he was trembling
[Vanguard AI]: Approaching the upper atmosphere.
like a child, alone and afraid. From the look of his
Landing ETA: T-10.
wound, I instantly knew: he was not going to last long.
He knew that as well… [XO, Major Dahl]: Oh, and one more thing… Most of our
Landers were damaged in the fighting. The one you’re
Choose one: flying now still requires extensive repairs. Please,
» Stay with Nahy and attempt to comfort him – and mark treat it gently. The two suns of this system cause heavy
box A in Log 935. turbulence and galeforce winds in the upper atmosphere.
» Leave Nahy to die alone on the battlefield – Continue the game. Stay safe!
Go to Log 726.
Log 752
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked, Log 756
resolve the bottom one. You’ve failed to repel the invaders from ISS Vanguard! As a result, the ship
Go to Log 757. suffered catastrophic damage, many Crewmembers were killed.

Go to Log 788. • Discard the M102 Mission card, if it’s revealed.

• Place the Mission Failed token on the table. Return all cards from
Log 753 “Found Discoveries” to their Discovery decks. Open the Ship Book at
page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip all Lander cards to the Damaged
[Away Team, Operative 1]: This mechanism just won’t
side (except the Basic Lander).
budge. I’ll try to access the control panel.
• Lower the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3), unless it
[CAPCOM]: Roger that, just be careful. is already Very Low.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Opening the casing… aaand • Shuffle all Crewmembers in the Available Crew and Resting Crew slots.
it’s broken. Something fell out. Please advise CAPCOM. Draw half of them, rounding down. These Crewmembers die – place
Sending a photo now. them in the “Casualties” slot under the Planet board.
• Go to Log 106.
[CAPCOM]: It looks like those ancient vacuum tubes from
Log 757
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Wow! I am bringing it back [Away Team]: Vanguard? We found some Arrogator remains
for the xenoarcheologists. On the other hand, it looks here. There’s a large undamaged component that looks
like this thing needs a power source. Do you have like a data vault.
anything on your scanners?
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: This could be big, Away Team.
[CAPCOM]: Be advised, Away Team, the scans show So far, their computers have always self-destructed
faint power signatures in the ruins to your left. Try when threatened. We have never gathered more than a few
searching there. shreds of Arrogator data. Be careful, though. It could
Gain Unique Discovery 22. be a trap.
[Away Team]: If it is, you tell us. Engaging
a quantum uplink.
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: We’re receiving your feed.
96 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Oh, wow. It seems you struck gold, Away Team. It is » Go toward the fields of anomalies – Place your Crewmember
an intact Arrogator Data Core. Who knows, it might even in Sector 6.
finally reveal where this race came from! » Stay in this Sector.
[Away Team]: Ok, we’ll secure it and move it to
the lander. Log 760
[CAPCOM, Corporal Coetz]: No, it’s far too important. Check the current Objective card in the Bridge cardholder (page 3).
Continue with your original mission. We’ll send If the Objective card is O01, O02, O03, or O04, go to Log 761.
a specialized pickup team to handle this discovery.
Otherwise, go to Log 762.
Congratulations! You have found a clue to the location of the ancient
Arrogator homeworld! Log 761
Gain 1 . ISS Vanguard is getting too far from its current Objective! Many systems
If the R10 Research Project (Arrogator Tech) is in “Research Projects” (Card marked by the Builders are still left behind you, unexplored. The captain
Tray B), move it to the “Awaiting…” envelope. refuses to fly any further. Visit more of them and progress your campaign
before moving on.
Move Research Project R17 (Arrogator Data Analysis) from “Research
Projects” to “Awaiting…” envelope. If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:

Open your Ship Book at page 3 (Bridge cardholder). Add 2 to your Energy Pool.
If your current Objective is O06 (Trail of the Ancients), replace it with Continue the game.
Objective O07 (The Lost World) from “Bridge Cards.”
If your current Objective is O08 (Parallel Universe), move Secondary Log 762
Objective O19 (Locating Craftworld) from “Bridge Cards” to the Secondary Open System Maps book at page 12.
Objective cardholder. If the Secondary Objective slot is already occupied,
remove the current Secondary Objective first. Log 763
Close the Ship Book. If you’re on the Ugnir go to Log 764. “We were now in a wide cave, next to a rusted and
Otherwise, continue the game. barnacle-covered wreckage of something that resembled
an ancient war machine. There were two corridors in
Log 758 front of it.”

Place all Crewmembers in Sector 9. Then, read on: All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
player makes the choice):
Away Team Exploration Report 1945-E
» Study the machine – Go to Log 878.
Each time one of us connected with the pedestal,
» Go into the left corridor – Go to Log 781.
the lock of the vault changed to better represent our
capabilities. Finally the door opened. We entered, » Go into the right corridor – Go to Log 792.
our floodlights unable to pierce the thick darkness
within the pyramid. Once we were all inside, the ground Log 764
disappeared under our legs, just like the entrance. We [Away Team, Operative 1]: Alright, back to our mission.
floated in the void, unable to speak, detached from our The creature that left this slimy trail. Do you think it
bodies. With some new sense our physical bodies did not could be related to this wreckage?
possess, we felt time rushing back. Thousands of years
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Don’t think so. This junk was
were going by in a split second.
just an automated probe, to small to keep anyone alive
Then, there was light. Time began to flow in the right during long space travels.
direction again. A planet was emerging from the dark
[Away Team, Operative 1]: I guess there’s only one way
background of space in front of us, surrounded by
to learn more, then… By the way, you also feeling a bit
unfamiliar stars, in a galaxy much different from
ours. We floated closer, the planet jumping in and
out of focus. The vision seemed very fragile, but our [Away Team, Operative 2]: No, why are you asking?
concentrated thoughts were somehow able to stabilize [Away Team, Operative 1]: Nothing. Nothing really.
it. The planet was now in full view, though it kept
splitting into three very different images. We All players discuss and choose one:
understood we all had to focus on one of them if we » Follow the strange trail – Go to Log 635.
wished to stay within the vision. » Study the rocks on the ground – Go to Log 644.
All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Science Section
player makes the final decision): Log 765
» The planet was a habitable super-Earth planet with abundant Replace card P433 (Upturned Keystone) in Sector 2 with card P435.
life – Go to Log 458. Replace the card in Sector 3 with card P436.
» The planet was a high-pressure, high-gravity volcanic hell – All Crewmembers in Sectors 1, 2, and 3 roll .
Go to Log 466.
» The planet was a blue ball of water, in the middle of
a habitable zone – Go to Log 468.
Log 766
“After getting to a safe hideout, we gathered to discuss

Log 759 our options. There was no doubt we needed to wrestle

the control of Vanguard away from major's hands – but
Exploration Log 14/87-1 how? The first idea was to break Captain Wayman out of
Counteracting the effects of gravitational disturbance his house arrest, but we quickly decided it just wasn’t
yielded various results. The grand hall is almost possible. Now that Dahl turned Vanguard into a warship
completely free of the anomalies. No trace of shifting and vastly increased the number of security personnel,
forces remains. Outside, the only obstacles are the sector surrounding captain's cabin was a fortress.
now the crumbling ruins of the metropolis. Inside, Some of us believed we should storm the bridge instead –
engineers have managed to stabilize the field at with its open layout and many entries, it was an easier
a pleasant 0.9g. target, and controlling the bridge would allow us to
send our message to everyone on the ship. Another idea
Choose one: was to follow Dahl quietly, wait until she’s vulnerable,
» Gather your bearings and go towards the heart of and capture her, hoping that without her iron hand,
the stabilized anomaly – This is the goal of our mission here. Place at least some of her subordinates would choose to
your Crewmember in Sector 5. support us. Finally, a couple of us felt that whatever we
do, we should try to drum up more support first.”
ISS Vanguard Logbook 97

All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Security Section
player makes the final decision):
Log 771
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We cannot stand
» Make a move against Major Dahl in a place where she will be at the environment much longer, we must lift off!
her weakest (you may do this only if box C is not marked in Log 950)
[CAPCOM]: Your safety is always the top priority.
– Go to Log 261.
» Try to storm the bridge and take control of the ship (you may do [Away Team, Operative 1]: We-
this only if box B is not marked in Log 950) – Go to Log 102. [CAPCOM]: But Vanguard’s mission is even more important.
» Try to find more allies on the ship (you may do this only if box D is We hope this won’t happen again.
not marked in Log 950) – Go to Log 799.
Go to Log 990.
Log 767 Log 772
Discard the top POI card from Sector 4.
You have failed and Vanguard was nearly overrun. The crew of the ship
The cannons power down and deactivate. Now you know managed to buy you some more time – but at an enormous cost…
that the next time you power them up, they will
Lower the Morale in the Bridge cardholder (Ship Book page 3), unless it is
be hostile.
already Very Low.

Log 768 Remove 2 markers from the Enemy Advantage slot.

If Mission M161 is revealed, go to Log 771. Roll 3 Injury dice for every Available Crewmember. If you roll either 1
and 1 OR 2 , the Crewmember dies: place them in the "Casualties" slot
Otherwise, read on:
next to the board. After all rolls are finished, continue the game.
[CAPCOM]: I receive you. What’s your status?
[Away Team, Operative 1]: We’re ready to lift off. Log 773
We have everything we need to analyze what has happened Exploration Log 14/74
on these planets.
Using the gravitational engine opened new paths and
[CAPCOM]: All seventy-eight? closed some of the old ones. This could be the way to go
around the place.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Well, only three have any
signi– All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
[CAPCOM]: I was joking. We don’t have time to research
player makes the final decision):
all of them thoroughly anyway. You got the stele, so » Turn the gravitational engine ON – Place the Global Condition
we’re good. G34 card (Gravitational Engine ON) in the Global Conditions slot
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Good to hear. See you soon! on the Planet board. You can choose this option only if there is no
Global Condition G34 card on the Planet board.
Congratulations! » Turn the gravitational engine OFF – Discard the Global Condition
You’ve completed this Planetary Exploration! G34 card (Gravitational Engine ON). You can choose this option
• Gain 1 . only if there is the Global Condition G34 card on the Planet board.
• Discard Optional Mission cards. » Focus its work on the Gravity Rift – Progress the Time Track on
• Remove the L15 landing card from the Scanner, then remove it from the Threat card by 1 space and do not apply the outcome. If it ends
the game — another landing on this planet is not possible. on the last space of the Time Track, reset that track.
Go to Log 990.
Log 774
Log 769 Exploration Log 14/89

Exploration Log 14/84 The anomalies surrounding the hall, that previously
constituted a maze-like area, seem to have vanished
Having repurposed the gravitational engine, we found altogether. There are a few concentrations in
out that the area near the scaffolding has been almost the vicinity of the scaffolding, which is almost
completely cut off. completely cut off. Scouting drones reported that there
Choose one: are a couple of viable paths through the cityscape here.

» Go toward the fields of anomalies – Place your Crewmember in Choose one:

Sector 6. » Make your way into the hall – Place your Crewmember
» Stay in this Sector. in Sector 3.
» Go towards the fields of anomalies – Place your Crewmember
Log 770 in Sector 6.
“When we looked inside the hole, we immediately » Stay in this Sector.
discovered that what we took for a glowing sea cucumber
was instead attached to the back of some strange, Log 775
skittery creature. As soon as we moved into the tunnel, “The corridor was a dead end. The glow-tailed creature
the creature began to retreat, until it paused in a wide now trashes against the wall helplessly, terrified by our
cavern full of colorful reefs. There were two cave approach.”
entrances in front of the creature, and depending on
where we approached it from, it moved closer to the left All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section
or to the right one.” player makes the choice):
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Science Section » Attack the creature – Go to Log 895.
player makes the choice): » Leave the creature alone and return to the last cave
– Go to Log 744.
» Direct the creature into the left corridor – Go to Log 837.
» Direct the creature into the right corridor – Go to Log 884.
Log 776
Audio Log 14/13B
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Look, the cannons are
powering up!
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Duck and cover!
*** Blast! ***
Place POI card P313 (Active Defense Battery) in Sector 4.
98 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 777 Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all non-
Unique Discoveries from the Lander board.
Having previously deactivated the Arrogator cannon
on the Eye of the Void, the Away Team was sufficiently Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
experienced with this technology. Its members were able Management.
to successfully reprogram the cannon’s IFF subsystem.
Place POI card P314 (Hacked Defence Battery) on top of the other cards
Log 786
in Sector 4. All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
player makes the choice):
Log 778 » Check the southern part of the complex – Go to Log 826.
“We found ourselves in a wide cavern full of colorful » Check the northern part of the complex – Go to Log 842.
reefs. There was a luminescent creature stuck at
the dead end of the right tunnel, so we could only Log 787
continue left.” Audio Log 14/87B
Go to Log 727. [Deadspeaker]: What a glorious-magnificent state of
being. I-me was beginning to worry, intruders-you
Log 779 were too primitive-lacking to operate our basic-simple
Having destroyed the Arrogator cannon during the Eye machinery-devices. But you’ve delivered.
of the Void mission, you denied the Away Team a chance [Deadspeaker]: I suppose intruders-you do have some
at gaining much needed experience with Arrogator questions. I-me have some answers.
technology – and this shows now. Your attempt at
hijacking the battery backfires, and it will make your All players discuss and choose one (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section
mission that much harder. player makes the final decision):
Place POI card P313 (Active Defence Battery) on top of the other cards » What happened to the Arrogators – Go to Log 836.
in Sector 4. » What else can we find here – Go to Log 795.
» What are you – Go to Log 823.
Log 780
There is no going back from this mission! The fate of human species Log 788
depends on you, and preparations for another landing could take too long. Unfortunately, the data cache contains little of value.

The Crewmember who gained a fourth Injury makes a Survival Check: roll If you’re on the Ugnir, go to Log 764. Otherwise, read on:
three Injury dice. If the result is either 1 and 1 or 2 , the Survival Gain 1 Alien Tech Lead and continue the game.
Check is failed. Flip this Crewmember face down on the Crew board and
remove their model from the board. The Crewmember is now Incapacitated
and kept in stasis by their specialized Mechasuit. Their turn immediately
Log 789
Exploration Log 14/99-3
ends, and they draw no Event cards.
During our analysis of the steles trove, we found out
Incapacitated Crewmembers do not take part in the Planetary Exploration,
that Arrogators employed sets of subspace engines
may not Assist, and cannot be a target of any effects, until you are
that brutally ripped each obelisk from its gravitational
specifically asked to flip them back face up. anchor, allowing it to be moved onto the Craftworld. The
If all Crewmembers are Incapacitated at the same time, go to Log 611. ramifications of this process could be felt everywhere
If the Crewmember passes the Survival Check, ignore the fourth Injury card around us. Lacking supervision, the steles affected
and die and continue the game. the gravitational field on the Craftworld, creating
the landscape we have just explored. One can only

Log 781 imagine what calamities befell planets from which

Arrogators obtained these pieces.
Dead end – but there’s something interesting here. If the following box is
unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Appendix 14/01
Gain 1 Strange Flora Discovery.
Go to Log 763.
Back on Vanguard, we quickly discovered that the giant,
Log 783 detailed scans and models of the steles that we took
in the trove were somehow corrupted. In the beginning
“The corridor was a dead end. Now, the creature trashes
we thought it was due to variable gravitation affecting
against the wall helplessly, terrified by our approach.”
the sensors. We were quite surprised when we found
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section out that the data stream contained a copy of an AI
player makes the choice): construct from the Hall of Trophies, the Deadspeaker.
It managed to hitch a ride on our data storage devices
» Attack the creature – Go to Log 895.
and propagated itself throughout Vanguard's networks. We
» Leave the creature alone and return to the last cave
tried to purge it, and it defended itself ferociously,
– Go to Log 896. mostly with verbal abuse, as it was not aggressive
towards our systems. Eventually, we were able to isolate
Log 784 the Deadspeaker in a single subsystem that we now plan
There is not much more we can do with those glitched steles. Any interaction to put within a mobile robotic body. Will it be an ally
with them significantly alters the gravitational fields around us though. or a threat – Only time will tell.
Each Crewmember Refreshes + + • Remove Mission card M141 from the game.
Discard Global Condition card G34 (Gravitational Engine ON). • Gain 2 .
Go to Log 661. • Shuffle the Ship Situation S21 (AI Malfunction) from “Future Situations”
into “Possible Situations" (Card Tray B).
Log 785 • Move the Tech Level 5 card from “Bridge Cards” if present there to
the “Awaiting…” envelope.
Personal Journal
• Open the Ship Book at page 3 (Bridge Cardholder). If Secondary
I remember the pain of wounds, bruises, exhaustion. Objective O19 (Locating Craftworld) is slotted there, remove it from
I remember my heavy breath, resounding inside the game.
the confines of my suit. But one emotion was • Go to Log 910 and mark box C, then return to this Log.
overwhelming: shame. Because of me, our mission ended
in failure. I hope I don't survive, so I don’t have to Go to Log 56.
face my friends…
ISS Vanguard Logbook 99

Log 790 Some of the exhibitions from this hall were moved
then to other facilities, in fear-hope of creating
Audio Log 14/98 the ultimate weaponry. If I were a grave robber,
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Look at the size of I would look for research labs, but my data banks have
that thing! some information of laboratories being purged with
thermobaric bombardments.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: It seems almost… out of place
Log 796
[Away Team, Operative 3]: Be careful, guys. The closer
we get to the anomaly, the more extreme gravity Mark the first unmarked box and continue the game.
fluctuations are. As of right now, [Static] can’t When all boxes are marked, read on:
[Interfences]… Fetch: The Culture of Planet Paradise
[Deep voice]: [Squeal] Intruders [Squeal] In the previous analysis, my colleagues explained what
[Away Team, Operative 1]: What was that? the social panorama of Fetch looked like, based on
their findings. This study follows the same division with
[Away Team, Operative 4]: Something is trying to break
three main social classes: the most common citizens,
into our comms. Stay sharp team!
the powerful militarians, and few influential nobles.
Place card P331 in Sector 3. Place card P332 in Sector 5. The paradise was a retreat for nobles and those
militarians who were tasked with protecting them. This
Log 791 small yet extremely wealthy and influential population
[XO, Major Dahl]: Good work, Away Team. Your mission did all they could to protect themselves in the face
allowed us to gather more data about the planet. of the wider social collapse. However, as the stream of
Unfortunately, we still didn’t make any progress in our supplies from the desert planet dried out following its
talks with the Idemians. As I understand, our permit environmental catastrophe, the population in the shelter
to land still stands. We’re sending another team down either lacked the ability to sustain themselves or faced
there as soon as you return to the ship… reproductive problems that led to their fall.
Congratulations! You have completed the mission! Were they shortsighted because of the rich worlds
looming on the horizon, so close they could see them
• Discard the optional Mission card M123.
through the simple lenses of their telescopes?
• Go to Log 990.
A little digression: why does this planetary system look
Log 792 like that? Is it the work of nature (no one believes this
theory)? Or maybe the Builders decided to perform some
“In front of us, the corridor opened into an enormous
grand experiment, trying to ease the first spacefaring
flooded space – an ancient, buried sea rift. The ghostly
steps of the species that would evolve here?
white abyssal fish that lived here immediately began to
swarm around us, as if they haven’t seen any food from • Gain 1 .
the outside in a long while.” • Gain 2 Live Specimen Leads and 4 Alien Tech Leads.
• Discard Mission card M162.
Place card P281 in Sector 4.
Place your Crewmember in Sector 4.
Log 797
Log 793 Go to Log 611 and mark the topmost unmarked box without resolving its text.
If the last box was marked this way go to Log 810.
If Mission M130 is revealed go to Log 794. Otherwise, read on:
Choose one:
Away Team Private Channel
» Resume at the Thorne-Zytkov Object (if you wish to restart
[Operative 1]: There’s no escape now. We must endure! the entire final mission) – Open the Planetopedia at pages 38-39
[Operative 2]: … (Thorne-Zytkov Object). Go to Log 580.
» Resume at the Builders’ Vault (if you’ve already cleared the Thorne-
Continue the game – you can’t turn back now.
Zytkov Object Planet board or wish to skip it this time) – Open the
Planetopedia at pages 40-41 (Builders’ Vault). Go to Log 580.
Log 794
CVR Audio Data Log 798
[Pilot]: Come on! • Return all Section dice to the appropriate Section Compartments.
… • Return all Equipment cards to the "Armory."
• Remove all Crewmember cards on Section boards from the game and
[Pilot]: Just a little further!
return their Rank sleeves to the appropriate Section Compartments.
[Navigator]: Your sweetest words and encouragement • Return all Section cards to the appropriate Section Compartments.
won’t make this machine fly faster. • Return all cards from the Planet board, including Threat cards,
[Lander’s AI]: I cannot be motivated. I always work to the appropriate Card Trays.
with maximum efficiency possible at the moment. • Remove all Crewmembers models, Lander standees, tokens and
markers from the Planet board.
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip the • Move all gained Unique Discoveries from the Lander board to
Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side the appropriate slots in the Ship Book cardholder (page 30). Discard
(unless it is a Basic Lander). all other found Discoveries.
Go to Log 477 and mark the box next to the letter A without reading • Ensure the “Awaiting…” envelope is empty – remove all cards that are
the actual Log. Then, go to Log 990. still there from the game.
Place Situation card S26 in the “Awaiting…” envelope. The next time you
Log 795 play, either resolve the Save according to the standard rules on page 1 of
[Deadspeaker]: It amuses me to think you are not only the Ship Book, or go directly to the Log listed on that card (Log 797).
intruders, but grave robbers at that. How fitting are
your frail forms for this purpose. Log 799
If you seek the remains of my makers’ technologies, If box C is marked in Log 930, go to Log 800. Otherwise, read on:
you should look in munition plants. They were typically
“Our secret requests for help reached many parts
placed below street level and were one of the best
of the ship, traveling from one loyal crewmember
armored and guarded places during the last stages of
to another. Soon, we learned that the Arrogator
the Great Conflict.
Deadspeaker was one of those who opposed Dahl, unable
100 ISS Vanguard Logbook

to tolerate her treachery. She captured him, took him Mark box D in Log 950.
apart, and connected him to the Vanguard’s mainframe to
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers.
retrieve all knowledge about the automated remnants of
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any
his race – the only force she knew would never bend to
Crewmembers used in this Dice Check may die. Depending on your choices,
her. We realized this could be our chance. If we were to
free and rebuild him, he would take our side, together
you may face several more checks in this part of the story.
with his accumulated knowledge of centuries of warfare. Perform the following steps:
It wasn’t easy to sneak into the mainframe room, but • First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice.
the Deadspeaker was precisely where our information • Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers with
suggested – laid over a large table like a blown-up a  , , or converter from their hand and place them in
model of alien anatomy. the Roll Pool.
'Make me whole, Earthlings,' he said. 'Give me a chance • Count the number of , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
to find my end in battle, not here.' add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 11 or more
points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign
The only thing that stopped us from carrying out
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result.
his request was a dense network of alarm triggers
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game.
interwoven into his body by Dahl. We knew that as soon
as we began putting him together, her marines would If you have 10 or fewer points
points: For each Crewmember in the Roll Pool,
know of our presence…” roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this Crewmember
Mark box D in Log 950. from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to their Available
Crewmembers. If there are no more Available Crewmembers left,
Players will now perform a special check using their dice and Crewmembers. go to Log 810. Otherwise, go to Log 501.
Any dice used in this check will be unavailable for any further checks. Any
Crewmembers used in this Dice Check may die. Depending on your choices, If you have 11 or more points: Add 2 markers to the Victory Pool
you may face several more checks in this part of the story. and go to Log 501.

Perform the following steps:

Log 803
• First, all players may decide to roll any number of their Section dice. Mark this box. If this box was already marked, go to Log 852.
• Then, all players choose any number of Available Crewmembers Otherwise, read on.
with a  , , or converter from their hand and place them in
[Observatory Operator]: It’s as we expected.
the Roll Pool.
The atmosphere is thin, probably thirty percent of its
• Count the number of , , or results in the Roll Pool. Then,
original density.
add 1 points for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. You need 11 or more
points to pass this check. Players may roll additional dice and assign [Captain Wayman]: Is there any possibility that–
additional Crewmembers until they are satisfied with the result. [Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: The world-ending crystal
• Remove all dice in the Roll Pool from the game. was seeded here about eighty years ago. The planet will
If you have 10 or fewer points
points: For each Crewmember in the Roll Pool, enter the final stage of destruction soon.
roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this Crewmember [Captain Wayman]: You know about the crystal
from the game. Players return any other Crewmembers to their Available that destroyed Pellucid? Why didn’t you say anything
Crewmembers. If there are no more Available Crewmembers left, about it before?! You can’t withhold–
go to Log 810. Otherwise, go to Log 501. [Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: You should learn with your
If you have 11 or more points: Return all Crewmembers from the Pool own senses. It is not my place to convert you to the way
to the Available Crewmembers. Add 2 markers to the Victory Pool and Idemians see the world.
go to Log 501. [Captain Wayman]: My planet is touched by this plague!
I must know everything–
Log 800 [Anu, Idemian Ambassador]: I’m leaving. Use this planet
“In the end, only a couple more people joined us, to learn what the crystal does for yourself…
led by fond memories of their time with Captain Wayman.
It was hardly worth the time we spent searching, and [Captain Wayman]: [Deep breath] Let’s learn, then.
exposed us to Dahl’s informers.” Operator, tell me everything. What should we expect? Is
there any way people on Earth can protect themselves
Add 1 marker to the Victory Pool. from what’s coming?
Mark box D in Log 950. Go to Log 501.
[Observatory Operator]: Well… [Coughs] Due to changes
in the planet’s mass and the fact its core was replaced
Log 802 by a crystal, the planet’s moon is drifting away
If box D is marked in Log 930, go to Log 800. Otherwise, read on: from its orbit. This seems to have a heavy impact on
all tides. Additionally, because of the solar winds
“Our secret requests for help reached many parts of
that pass through the weakened magnetic field, the water
the ship, traveling from one loyal crewmember to another.
level drops as the water evaporates. Any civilization
Soon, we learned that Thrall, the human who once communed
alive on this planet would face apocalyptic droughts.
with the Visitors’ queen, was one of those who opposed
Dahl. She captured it, trapped it in the lab, and drugged [Captain Wayman]: The effects of the core getting colder?
it, trying to gather information that would allow her
[Observatory Operator]: Yes. This also makes the planet
to tap into the infinite power sources of the Visitors’
more exposed to solar radiation, causing mass extinctions
dimension. We realized this could be our chance. If we
of many plants and animals. These are the first effects
were to free Thrall, it would undoubtedly take our side –
the humans of Earth will need to deal with. Later… Well,
whether motivated by its loyalty to the Visitors or its
we saw what comes later on Pellucid, didn’t we?
former comrades from the Away Team.
[Captain Wayman]: Yes, and let’s hope it doesn’t come
It wasn’t easy to sneak into the lab, and it was even
to that. We still have time to provide the Earth with
harder to wake Thrall up. Unconscious, Thrall couldn’t
a solution.
contain its proper form, tentacles flowing out of his
back and strewn on the floor. Gain 1 .
'I’m sorry,' it mumbled, looking down on the mess. 'Give If box B is marked in Log 910, go to Log 848.
me a chance to recompose myself.' If box C is marked in Log 910, go to Log 863.
'It’s alright,' we assured it. 'We realize who you are.' Otherwise, this Log ends.
The only thing that stopped us from freeing Thrall was a
network of alarm triggers around its body. We knew that
as soon as we began to cut it loose, Dahl’s marines
would know of our presence…”
ISS Vanguard Logbook 101

Log 804 maintaining this type of military equipment, who can

guess how they will surprise us next time?
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
player makes the choice): Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve its text. If all boxes are marked,
resolve the bottom one.
» Check the southern part of the complex – Go to Log 826.
» Check the western part of the complex – Go to Log 831. Gain 1 and 2 Alien Tech Leads. Remove the Arrogator
Warswarm Threat card, its and Drones standees from board.
Log 809 If the R10 Research Project (Arrogator Tech) is in “Research Projects”
(Card Tray B), move it to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
player makes the choice): Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads. Remove the Arrogator Warswarm Threat
» Check the southern part of the complex – Go to Log 826. card, its and Drones standees from board.
» Check the western part of the complex – Go to Log 831. Remove the Arrogator Warswarm Threat card, its and Drones
» Check the northern part of the complex – Go to Log 842. standees from board.

Log 810 Log 817

Citizens of the Earth looked to the stars in vain, Xenologist's Journal
waiting for Vanguard’s return – but the ship was lost in
the great beyond, with everyone on board. It was a wonder to behold – Arrogator technology mixed
with other foreign influences. A crude but efficient
Some humans said it was destroyed. Others, that it was combination. I wanted to study it longer, but my
never supposed to return – that it was an elaborate colleagues decided to power it on.
plan of the Vanguard Initiative that always hoped to
save only the best and the brightest, while leaving I observed as they gathered radioactive cells from
the rest alone on the dying world. locked storage, taking care to implement all security
measures. When the cannon came to life, they smiled
In the final desperate months of the planet, some under their helmets. Or maybe I imagined it?
countries and corporations sent crude arks filled with
people toward distant star systems, hoping to find a new They planned to use it. That was not a place for me –
home for humanity on their own. Most of them failed. destroying things isn’t my job.
Some founded small, struggling colonies that provided • Place the Converted Arrogator Behemoth Threat card in the designated
humans with a future, however painful and uncertain slot above the Planet board.
it was. • Converted Arrogator Behemoth becomes active — read its Threat card
The rest of the human population was left behind on and apply its rules whenever necessary.
Earth, some still clinging to hope for salvation, • Place the Converted Arrogator Behemoth standee in Sector 3.
for Vanguard’s miraculous return, until the very moment
the crystal broke the planet’s crust… Log 820
You’ve completed the ISS Vanguard campaign! We encourage you After-Action Report 55
to try again to find different endings, visit other planets, and pursue other On our way, we passed by the ship’s brig. At the time,
research and production options. there were a couple of known troublemakers in
Go to Log 899. the cells, including one mutineer who shot an officer.
They were banging on the doors, asking us to let them
Log 811 out. They promised to join the fight. I knew the captain
or the Security Section leader wouldn’t like that – and
Away Team’s Private Channel
that many of these people would use this opportunity
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Be careful. We’re entering to run. However, keeping them locked in this hell
an urban zone. seemed inhumane.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: This place is hell. No way Choose one:
there’s anything still living here.
» Let out the convicts and arm them – Remove 1 marker from
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Probably not, but don’t the Enemy Advantage slot. Lower the Morale in the Bridge
let down your guard. See these taller structures with
cardholder (Ship Book page 3), unless it is already Very Low.
windows facing all four directions? These might have
» Leave the convicts in their cells – Continue the game.
been sentry towers.
[Away Team, Operative 3]: I guess. But it might also
have been a fire lookout.
Log 821
If there is at least 1 marker in this Sector, go to Log 824. Otherwise, read on:
[Away Team, Operative 1]: The important thing is: let’s
Away Team’s Private Channel
be careful. The signal is coming from the center of
this zone. [Operative 2]: Readings indicate something should be
right here.
All players discuss and choose one:
[Operative 3]: Watch where you place your feet – it might
» Go toward the towers – Replace the POI in this Sector with card P360.
be a minefield.
» Delve into the urbanized zone – Replace the POI in this Sector
with card P361. [Operative 1]: I’m not a geologist, but doesn’t this
hill look suspiciously… squarish?
Log 812 [Operative 3]: How could I miss that! I was looking
Discard the top POI card from Sector 4. for something smaller.

The cannons power down and deactivate. Now you know [Operative 2]: I’ve got something. Looks like a keypad
that next time you power them up, they will still but with dozens of strange symbols.
target Arrogators. [Operative 1]: If this thing is what I suspect it is,
I’m quite sure we won’t find the code anywhere near
Log 813 this place.
After Action Report
Refresh 2 used in this Dice Check.
A surprise encounter with another type of Arrogator
construct almost spelt doom for our mission. This
variant was a heavily specialized, independent platform
capable of carrying, building and repairing vast
numbers of drones. If the Arrogators were capable of
102 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 823 that this place was a retreat for the wealthy of this
species. Maybe this room belonged to servants? It would
[Deadspeaker]: I-me am an artificially generated guardian be strange, as almost everything here was automated when
of this vaunted repository you are treading in. I was the place still had a power supply.
created by the race you know as Arrogators, a derogatory
term, to become a guardian of our collective memory. One thing had drawn my attention for longer – there
I won’t explain in detail how I came to be – judging from was a pictogram scribbled on the wall in the corner.
your pathetic technology, it is hardly possible for you to It meant nothing to me, but our xenologist insisted
understand the effort invovled. it depicted people destroying their own world and now
dying alone on a secluded planet. She might have been
Log 824 right, but I only saw some strange circles and dashes.

Away Team’s Private Channel Replace the card in this Sector with card P368.
[Operative 2]: The combination of symbols worked! Mark this box. If it was already marked, continue the game.
Otherwise, gain 1 and go to Log 796.
[Operative 3]: Yeah… This is our seventy-eighth try.
We’re lucky we got it right, and that it didn’t explode
in our faces. Log 827
“The battle was dire and the cost was heavy. Many
[Operative 2]: But it worked! Vanguard crewmembers met their end that day. Yet,
[Operative 3]: Yeah… eventually, we gained the upper hand.”
[Operative 1]: Guys, stop arguing and come see this. It For each Crewmember in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. If you roll 1 or
looks like a luxurious shelter. 1 , remove this Crewmember from the game.
… Then, go to Log 838.
[Operative 1]: Each room has different ornaments,
clearly different from those on the other two planets, Log 829
but bearing some similarity in style. The same culture, Away Team’s Private Channel
different classes? [Operative 2]: [Static]
[Operative 3]: I’ll leave this speculation to you. I’m [Operative 3]: Repeat. Did we get it?
more interested in seeing if someone is still alive, and
if they pose any threat. [Operative 2]: Dead… [Static]… is awful. I need a bath.

Place the Optional Mission card M162 in an empty slot beside the current [Operative 3]: Great. Now--
Mission card. [Operative 1]: Give him some rest. He was there with
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section the monster all the time while we were fiddling with
player makes the choice): the controls.

» Check the southern part of the complex – Go to Log 826. [Operative 3]: Sorry… I just got excited that we can
now explore that planet further.
» Check the western part of the complex – Go to Log 831.
» Check the northern part of the complex – Go to Log 842. [Operative 1]: We don’t even know if the threat is gone
for good. Operative 2, is the stele there?
Log 825 [Operative 2]: … see it. The signal [Static]… It’s nearby.
“Soon, the Eye of the Void became an arena for
[Operative 1]: Great job. I’m coming to help you!
something the Builders probably never predicted: an all-
out battle between the members of several intelligent [Operative 2]: You don’t need to. It’s right here in
species they helped create. Giant ships maneuvered in front of me. Inside a collapsed… shrine?
the void, in the red light of the dying star. Dozens of
[Operative 1]: Start uploading data to Vanguard. By
drones and fighters slid in all directions through belts
the way, your signal got much clearer.
of space debris in a silent ballet of destruction.
[Operative 2]: Yeah, the area somehow amplifies
Vanguard’s crew gave all they had, but our allies were
the transmission.
few, and our enemies – many. We had already suffered
many losses, and the ship was already damaged even If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
before the battle. As the signatures of enemy vessels
Gain 1 and Unique Discovery 23.
converged around us on the central screen, everyone
on the bridge understood that winning this was nearly Discard the Maw Threat card and Maw standee.
impossible…” Discard the Converted Arrogator Behemoth Threat card and Converted
Players will now perform the last special check using their dice and Arrogator Behemoth standee.
Crewmembers. Replace the card in Sector 1 with card P000.
Perform the following steps: Go to Log 55.
• First, all players roll all their remaining Section dice.
• Then, all players place all of their remaining Available Crewmembers in Log 831
the Roll Pool. Reconnaissance Officer’s Journal
• Remove all and results from the game. Count the number of any My probes detected some organic matter ahead, so
remaining dice. Then, add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool. I planned a careful approach. It seems that wasn’t
Now, check the final score: necessary. Inside, among walls inlaid with shiny stones
and metals, there were just remains: amorphous, covered
0-10 – go to Log 327. in some shriveled fungi and carapaces of dead insects.
11-35 – go to Log 827.
While the others were gathering samples, I searched
36 or more – go to Log 838. through the room – it was oozing luxury, even though
I couldn’t understand the meaning of many elements. Were
Log 826 they sculptures or furniture? Paintings or schematics?
Reconnaissance Officer’s Journal Gaming consoles or thermostats? Someone on the Vanguard
would probably make this place a part of the most
The interior of this place was almost humble: it lacked important study in their life. I had another job, and it
the ornamentations that could be seen outside, there was wasn’t to ponder the room full of dead, rich aliens.
no furnishing but several simple mattresses and a flat,
round object that could have been a table. To be frank, Replace the card in this Sector with card P369.
I was expecting something more… luxurious? I was sure Mark this box. If it was already marked, continue the game.
Otherwise, gain 1 and go to Log 796.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 103

Log 834 was the Builders themselves: were they just another
target of conquest, or godlike creatures that should
“Despite all the differences between us and the alien be revered? This ideological split could be mended
races, we could very well tell that everyone in the Eye in the only way my creators knew. A feat of arms.
of the Void was ecstatic when we decided to share Unfortunately, both sides had millenia of war
the Builders’ knowledge. Our crew also breathed a sigh expertise, and did not shy away from even the most
of relief. After everything that happened on board, destructive weapons. The details are lost with some of
no one looked forward to another conflict. There were my databanks, but in the end I am the only sentient
some low-key celebrations around ISS Vanguard, but most being left on this vessel. Without external modes
people embraced the first quiet moment in a long while of interacting with the physical world, I slumbered
and decided to rest. Well, apart from Dr. Corey and her for many years – until you came along.
staff, who immediately began extracting the Builders’
data cache. It turns out, it contained everything:
beautiful theories that answered all our questions
Log 837
“The creature paused again in a grotto with a large
about the universe, shocking technologies that bordered
crystal growing out of the ceiling. With two cave mouths
on magic, and even the relics of the Builders’ culture.
in front of it, it seemed to consider where to run next.”
This work was violently interrupted by a battle
alert. It turned out that even if we wanted to share All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Science Section
the knowledge in a fair and responsible way, some aliens player makes the choice):
had other ideas. Emboldened by Vanguard’s weakness and » Direct the creature into the left corridor – Go to Log 783.
lack of allies, they launched a surprise attack, hoping » Direct the creature into the right corridor – Go to Log 889.
to claim the Builders’ cache for themselves without
sharing it with other races. We had no choice but to
fight them off.”
Log 838
“The battle wasn’t easy, but the technological advances
Players will now perform the last special check using their dice of ISS Vanguard and our numerous allies eventually
and Crewmembers. gained us the upper hand. Some attacking ships were
Perform the following steps: destroyed. Most retreated to a safe distance.

• First, all players roll all their remaining Section dice. The Builders’ data cache remained safe in human hands.”
• Then, all players place all of their remaining Available Crewmembers in Go to Log 847.
the Roll Pool.
• Remove all and results from the game. Count the number of any Log 839
other results. Then, add 1 point for each Crewmember in the Roll Pool.
Mark this box if it isn’t already marked. Then, read on:
Now, check the final score:
“The keystone was surrounded by a narrow circular
0-8 – Go to Log 327. gap on the floor – just half a centimeter wide, but
9 or more – For each Crewmember in the Roll Pool, roll one Injury die. leading too far down to measure. What’s interesting,
If you roll 1 or 1 , remove this Crewmember from the game. the area within this circle had almost no ash and
Then, go to Log 847. debris, while the area outside it was covered in ancient
remains, charred beyond recognition. It seemed obvious
Log 835 that something happened periodically within the circle
that surrounded the keystone, removing any accumulated
Xenologist’s Journal
debris. With this in mind, we were not sure whether we
The machine was full of damaged instruments, cables wanted to get closer to the stone, or not…”
ripped off the panels, and dead screens. I could spend
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Engineering
years researching this one vessel, but I didn’t have
Section player makes the choice):
time, unfortunately. At least I grabbed some artifacts
that might help us understand this extinct species. » Touch the keystone – Go to Log 95.
I especially had high hopes for a piece of metal with » Leave the keystone and move on – Continue the game.
a strong magnetic field. Maybe it would act like our
magnetic keycards? Or was it some data storage device? Log 840
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
Project “Birthright,” Final Log
Gain Unique Discovery 15. Place a marker in Sector 2. Then,
Foolish me! For a moment, I gave in to the comforting
go to Log 666 and mark the box next to the letter C without resolving illusion that I know all there is about these mysterious
the rest of the Log. obelisks. After all, I am the foremost human expert on
the topic, and thanks to the efforts of the Vanguard’s
Log 836 Away Teams, I've gathered probably the largest database
[Deadspeaker]: My creators were powerful. At one of stele-related research in this part of the galaxy.
moment, they projected this power across the entire
It turns out, I just needed a new perspective. The recent
galaxy. They were unmatched, sending the ones you call
breakthroughs made by Vanguard in subspace research
Visitors into oblivion. They could grow and expand
technologies allowed us to construct scanning tools to
endlessly. Or so it was believed.
observe the subspace spectrum of a stele for the very
[Deadspeaker]: My creators were certain they were first time. When I first witnessed the results of
destined, by those you call Builders, to rule their work, I was floored. It was like seeing colors
the galaxy. Mapping the span of the stars, they for the first time. I felt what Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
uncovered that the Builders marked out the systems must have felt when he first looked at countless bacteria
for them to conquer. They also found their home planet and protozoa populating a drop of the water.
was marked on the same map. Fearing reprisal, they
How can I even put it into words? Each stele is
built this vessel, and many others, so they could not
surrounded by layers of various subspace fields. They’re
be found or destroyed by opposition. From the depths of
in constant movement, like the petals of a strange
space, they sent advanced forces to countless worlds,
living flower, their invisible influence sweeping through
claiming their birthright piece by piece. Focused on
the entire planet. The thing we focused on so much
conquest, they could not see that there was a dangerous
– the physical obelisk – is only a small pebble in
divide growing within their own society.
the middle of it all. But even that’s not everything!
[Deadspeaker]: A divided house cannot stand, and two Long filaments extend in all directions toward other
factions eventually went to war. Their ideological steles in different systems. If one stele is a flower,
split is difficult to describe to someone who knows together they form a giant, galaxy-spanning plant.
little about my creators, but the crux of the matter
104 ISS Vanguard Logbook

I’m sorry for this unprofessional language. I think [Operative 3]: It pinpoints a location. There are
I might need some sleep. Tomorrow, we’ll begin to study strings of strange symbols all around. I’m copying
these subspace fields. They might just be the key to them, whatever they mean.
understanding why the Builders sent us on this wild
[Operative 1]: I’ve got it!
goose chase throughout the galaxy… Corey out.
[Operative 2]: Huh?
Gain 1 .
[Operative 1]: The weapons. They work like our tasers.
• Shuffle the S20 Ship Situation (Homeward) from “Future Situations” Crowd control? But there are so many of them! Or maybe
into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B). this species had a delicate nervous system and these
• Move Research Project R23 (Secret of the Steles) and R22 (Future were enough to kill?
Technology) from “Research Projects” to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
[Operative 2]: Wake up, girl. I know this is your pet
• Move Production Project C25 (Future Tools) from “Production Projects”
subject, but you were also telling us to stay vigilant.
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
• Move Objective card O10 (The Final Message) from “Bridge Cards” [Operative 1]: Right. Let’s get going.
to the “Awaiting…” envelope. If this box was already marked, continue the game. Otherwise mark
this box, gain 1 and place a marker in Sector 3.
Log 841 Then, go to Log 666 and mark the box next to the letter A
Audio Log 14/87A without resolving the rest of the Log.
[Deep Voice]: Oh, now it works-functions, such
a basic-primitive interface. Welcome, Intruders. Log 847
You are standing-present in the very center-heart Take your Ship Book and check if all Unique Discovery card Slots on pages
of the Arrogator Empire. Due to unfortunate events- 29 and 30 are filled. If they are, go to Log 849. Otherwise, read on:
circumstances, it is I-me, the Deadspeaker, who bids
Intruders-you welcome here. “This was the end of our journey.

[Away team, Operative 1]: Well, I’d never… It started when we first entered the Eye’s outer shell
and discovered an entire hidden star system inside.
[Deadspeaker]: Your attempts at communication are It ended as we left this system behind, now strangely
failing. Due to the current state of this facility, silent without the Builders’ message constantly playing
I cannot receive aural input. I detect various gravity across all channels.
anomalies-disturbances interfering with my glorious
input sensory apparatus. We were finally returning home – a much-changed crew of
a much-changed ship. And while most of us decided to
If Global Condition G34 (Gravitational Engine ON) is on the board, wait out the return trip in torpor chambers, the top
go to Log 787. Otherwise, nothing happens. researchers and constructors of ISS Vanguard used
the long space travel to find a way of saving Earth from
Log 842 the crystalline weapon growing within its core.
Reconnaissance Officer’s Journal We found this solution, but even the knowledge of
Our security specialist was elated when we entered the Builders could not turn back time. When the people
this area. Many primitive weapons and pieces of of Earth noticed a new star in the skies above – their
wooden fungus-infested armor were scattered around ship returning from its decades-long odyssey – much of
the shattered stands. the Earth was too far gone. Vanguard destroyed the heart
of the crystal and stopped its growth. Still, the planet
Our xenologist immediately began studying old stains on remained unstable, unable to support such a large
the floor and the shape of long benches around something population. After celebrations and reunions, the truth
that couldn’t be anything but an arena. soon became evident. Even though one journey had ended,
I scanned the whole place – no devices or machinery; more were about to begin. Earth was building new ships,
everything here was mechanical. far more advanced than the original Vanguard. Someone
had to lead them to the stars, where humanity would
Did they really build a gladiatorial arena inside their find a new home. Someone had to fulfill the role that
bunker? I know that comparing alien culture to ours is the Builders bestowed upon humans, together with their
stupid, but this… I cannot understand! technology. Countless worlds on the Builders’ map were
Replace the card in this Sector with card P367. not visited yet, hiding unknown wonders.

Mark this box. If it was already marked, continue the game. The masters of the weapon that damaged Earth were still
Otherwise, gain 1 and go to Log 796. somewhere out there and had to be brought to justice.
A new age of exploration and discovery was just around
Log 843 the corner, turning most of humanity into nomads – not
Count the number of markers in the Victory Pool. Check the final result: that different from the Vanguard’s crew…”
0-9 – Go to Log 834. Congratulations! You’ve completed the ISS Vanguard campaign.
10+ – Go to Log 548. We  encourage you to try again to find different endings, visit other planets,
and pursue other research and production options.
Log 845 Mark box A in Log 960 – it will influence future ISS Vanguard campaigns!
Check the box in Log 839. If it is marked, go to Log 95. If it’s not marked, go Go to Log 880.
to Log 98.
Log 848
Log 846 [Thrall]: May I interject? We, I mean, the Visitors, have
Away Team’s Private Channel some knowledge about the Crystal Thorn. Our Motherworld
was almost lost to it. We stopped the Thorn’s growth
[Operative 1]: High ceiling, narrow entrances, chairs?
by moving the Motherworld to another realm, to non-
We’re talking about a humanoid species, much taller
Euclidean spaces beyond humanity’s comprehension. Time in
than us. Even the number of limbs seems to match after
the center of this new dimension stopped flowing, veiling
a brief analysis of their furniture…
the Thorn in stasis.
[Operative 3]: Hey, look at those. Weapons?
[Captain Wayman]: I don’t think it’s possible for us to
[Operative 1]: Seems so. stop time in the center of the Earth. And, even if we
did, it would mean death for our planet.
[Operative 3]: This machine still displays
some schematics. [Thrall]: Yes, in its current state, yes. I feel… tears?
Sadness. I’m very sad when I think of the death of each
[Operative 2]: A map! It resembles the terrain of
of my fellow human beings on my home planet Earth.
the Paradise planet.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 105

[Captain Wayman]: … • Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board (if there’s no Lander
[Thrall]: We can help you transport your whole planet board on the table, place any Lander board there).
and race into a place that’s much better than your • Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
world. You’ll just need to adapt. Grow some extra Management.
organs, and such.
[Captain Wayman]: I’ll … consider your words. Thank
Log 851
you, Thrall. Xenologist's Journal

If box C is marked in Log 910, go to Log 863. I was blessed to walk among these house-machines:
everything was once automated, with moving bridges
Log 849 connecting structures, and walls shifting to create and
divide spaces at will…
Captain’s Log, Final Entry
This brings up a question: how did they manage to
“This was the end of our journey. It started when we first get enough resources to build such a magnificent city?
entered the Eye’s outer shell and discovered an entire Computer chips, power sources, countless sensors and
hidden star system inside. It ended as we left this motors – each of these adaptable buildings required
system behind, now strangely silent without the Builders’ more raw manufacturing than half of a human town.
message constantly playing across all channels. Unfortunately, I see an answer: they relentlessly
We were finally returning home – a much-changed exploited this planet’s ecosystem. If we knew there
crew of a much-changed ship, carrying countless new were so many other habitable, resource-abundant planets
technologies and wondrous knowledge. And while most around us, we would probably be like them. It’s hard to
of us decided to wait out the return journey in torpor resist such temptation.
chambers, the top researchers and constructors of ISS There were two more regions I wanted to explore: a place
Vanguard used the long space travel to find a way of that couldn’t be anything other than a spaceport and
saving Earth from the crystalline weapon growing within a devastated area from which a signal was coming,
its core. most likely emitted by a Builders’ stele. However,
With countless discoveries made during Vanguard’s that second place seemed dangerous to explore.
travels, and with the knowledge of the Builders – What could have done so much damage?
the creators of countless worlds – the solution was All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section
ready before the ship traveled halfway to Earth.
player makes the choice):
Finally, one day, the people of Earth noticed a new
» Approach the spaceport – Go to Log 869.
star in the skies above – their ship returning from
» Go toward the stele’s signal – Go to Log 861.
its decades-long odyssey. Vanguard’s researchers and
engineers were now generations ahead of any specialists
on Earth. They destroyed the crystal, and the Builders’ Log 852
terraforming technologies allowed humans to reverse most [Observatory Operator]: The geothermal activity is
of the damage. But amidst the celebrations and reunions weaker than before. My readings indicate the average
that followed, the veteran crewmembers of the ship temperatures here go down by zero point one Kelvin
started to look toward the stars again. Even though one each year.
journey had ended, more were about to begin. Earth was [Captain Wayman]: This can’t happen to our Earth.
building new ships, far more advanced than the original We must find a way to save it!
Vanguard – and there was plenty left for them to
accomplish. Together with the Builders’ technologies, If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
humanity received a demanding role to fulfill in Gain 1 .
the galaxy. Other planets and races out there fell prey
to the crystalline weapon and could need saving just
as much as Earth. The weapon’s masters were yet to be
Log 860
brought to justice. Countless worlds on the Builders’ “We tried everything to open the door, but we failed.
map were not visited yet, hiding unknown wonders. It had no visible mechanisms or controls. It was far
too heavy to move even using the full power of our
A new age of exploration and discovery was just around mechasuits. The only interesting thing we discovered
the corner. A promising new galactic civilization was was a large circular panel, made of some other, energy-
beginning to bloom, with a restored Earth at its heart. absorbing material, that occupied the middle part of
Only a couple of Vanguard’s officers knew the truth: the closed doors.”
that beyond the galaxy and vast dark expanses If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
that surrounded them, the final threat was approaching
– the same danger that the Builders proved Gain 1 .
helpless against…”
Congratulations! You’ve completed the ISS Vanguard campaign gathering
Log 861
100% of its Unique Discoveries and visiting all explorable planets of Xenologist's Journal
the campaign. Thank you for your dedication – this part of space has no My discovery was thrilling, but also scary as hell.
more secrets waiting for you, but there will be other journeys to come. We encountered a tall obstacle made of organic matter.
Mark box A and B in Log 960 – they will influence future ISS Vanguard A moment later, it turned out to be a building-sized
organism, awoken by our intrusion. I need its samples,
but in order to ever analyze them, first and foremost
Now, go to Log 880. I must survive…

Log 850 • Replace the card in this Sector with card P362.

• Place the Maw Threat card in the designated slot above the Planet board.
Remove your Crewmember from their Rank sleeve and place this Crewmember • Maw becomes active — read its Threat card and apply its rules
back on the Crew board. This Crewmember is dead. Remove their mini from whenever necessary. Place the Maw standee in this Sector.
the Planet board – they no longer take part in the Planetary Exploration.
If there are any Crewmembers left on the Planet board, continue the game. Log 863
If there are no more Crewmembers left on the Planet board, this mission ends [Deadspeaker]: Fearing the death-extinction of your
in failure: race? There are many more ways to die than a growing
tumor-crystal inside your homeworld.
• Shuffle all non-Unique Discoveries back into their decks. Place Unique
Discovery 33 (if you have it) back in “Unique Discoveries” (Card Tray B). [Captain Wayman]: What do you mean?
• Remove Landing card L4 from the game. Another Landing on this planet
is not possible!
106 ISS Vanguard Logbook

[Deadspeaker]: My creators all perished. And they had [Away Team, Operative 1]: The thing that left these
never encountered the crystal itself. There are many marks had to be much hotter than anything in this area.
other dangers in the galaxy that can end you. We must be careful. The null field is already running at
peak capacity. Anything worse than what we’re already
[Captain Wayman]: Do you tell me that we should expect
experiencing could easily overpower it.
something in particular?
[Deadspeaker]: No. I wanted to comfort-console you.
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
But it probably didn’t work. Gain 3 Alien Tech Leads.
[Captain Wayman]: I’m not sure if I should be more
concerned about your sudden attempt at understanding Log 873
our feelings or these “dangers” you’re talking about. Away Team’s Private Channel
Continue the game. [Operative 2]: Retreat immediately! We cannot
neutralize it!
Log 865 [Operative 3]: We must. The stele’s signal comes from
Captain’s Log, Entry D-8629 this location.
It’s incredible how much we can achieve if we make [Operative 2]: We’ll get it somehow. But to do so,
one thing our singular focus. I have now seen this we must be alive.
miracle twice in my life. The first time, years ago,
[Operative 3]: Alright, but when we find a weapon
when most countries and organizations of the old
that can harm it, I’m using it, even if it’s
Earth came together to build ISS Vanguard. Now, when
an interplanetary nuke.
I witnessed all of Vanguard – from our lead researchers
and engineers to simple marines – coming together to [Operative 2]: Sure, if that’ll make you leave now, then
develop, test, and construct the breakthrough technology yes, you can.
that would allow us to finish our mission, as we flew at
[Operative 1]: …
top speed back toward the Eye of the Void. The stakes
were high: the large-scale seismic events on Earth had Discard the Maw Threat card and Maw standee.
already taken their toll, leaving many cities in ruins. Replace the card in this Sector with card P361.
We had little time to claim the vault of the Builders
and find a way to save our homeworld…
Log 875
Return 6 Gathered Discoveries to the Discoveries deck, including at least If your current Objective is O06 – O11, go to Log 165. Otherwise, read on:
2 Rare Discoveries. If you don’t have enough Discoveries go to Log 877.
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it. If all boxes are marked,
Otherwise, read on:
resolve the bottom one.
• Move the following cards from “Unavailable Equipment” to “Armory:” E76
Go to Log 755.
(TZO Mechasuit: Observer), E77 (TZO Mechasuit: Guardian), E78
(TZO Mechasuit: Pathfinder), E79 (TZO Mechasuit: Custodian). Go to Log 739.
• Now, go to Log 580.
Log 876
Log 869 There is no going back from this mission!
Xenologist’s Journal The Crewmember who gained a fourth Injury makes a Survival Check: roll
The terrain in front of me, surrounded by a barbed three Injury dice. If the result is either 1 and 1 or 2 , the Survival
fence, was certainly a spaceport: a large, flat field Check is failed. Place this Crewmember in the Casualties slot. Their turn
with several concrete platforms, hangars, and lots immediately ends, and they draw no Event cards. The player controlling this
of abandoned small vehicles (probably trucks or Cremwmember may pick another Available or Resting Crewmember from
transporters). the same Section and place them on the Crew board. If they do, they also:
The platforms were covered in soot – many layers, in • Refresh all dice on the Crew board.
fact. No one cleaned this place, as if the vessels • Discard all Injury cards and dice from the Crew board.
departed in haste. The site was plundered afterward: • Shuffle all discarded Section cards back into the deck and draw a new
the fence was broken, transporters upturned, containers starting hand of Section cards.
cracked open.
If there are no Crewmembers left on the Crew boards, go to Log 810.
One ship, with shattered portholes and broken hatches,
was still sitting in the far corner of the spaceport. If the Crewmember passes the Survival Check, ignore the fourth Injury card
and die and continue the game.
Replace the card in this Sector with card P363.

Log 872 Log 877

Captain’s Log, Entry D-8629
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Did you find anything?
It’s incredible how much we can achieve if we make one
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Not much. It’s all mangled, thing our singular focus. I have witnessed this miracle
as if a steamroller drove over it. Mostly metal and twice in my life. The first time, years ago, when most
ceramics – unknown, super-resilient compounds. I see no countries and organizations of the Earth came together
intact element larger than a thumbnail. to build ISS Vanguard. Now, I witnessed all of Vanguard
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Considering the gravity here, – from our lead researchers and engineers to simple
it’s a wonder anything survived. marines – coming together to develop, test, and construct
the breakthrough technology that would allow us to
[Away Team, Operative 3]: I doubt the Builders left all
finish our mission. The stakes were high: the large-scale
this junk in here on purpose…
seismic events on Earth had already taken their toll,
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Yeah. It looks like someone leaving many cities in ruins. We had little time to claim
tried to explore this place before us. They didn’t get the technology of the Builders and stop this calamity.
far, by the looks of it.
Shuffle the S24 Ship Situation (Undesirable Interaction) from “Future Situations”
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Hey, I got something. It into “Possible Situations” (Card Tray B).
looks like a… finger of an armored glove. Long. Thin.
Move card O11 (Enter and Claim) from Bridge cards to the “Awaiting…“
Four joints. Inside there’s some organic residue.
[Away Team, Operative 1]: Secure the sample. It may
Move card C26 (Null Field Generators) from “Production Projects”
help us learn who got here before us.
to the “Awaiting…” envelope.
[Away Team, Operative 2]: Bagged and tagged! There’s Important: In order to complete the campaign, you will now need to
one more thing. The armor has melted on one side. My
manufacture this project and fly back to the Eye of the Void system.
scans reveal signs of tremendous thermal stress.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 107

Log 878 Log 882

If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text: A surge of despair washed over us as the Magnacereb
reached Medbay – but then, at the last moment, we managed
Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads.
to activate a defensive turret that was mounted right
Go to Log 763. above its entrance after the Arrogator assault. It failed
to wound the creature seriously, but the Magnacereb did
Log 879 retreat for a moment, giving us some additional time. We
knew there wouldn’t be another chance.
Exploration Log 117F
We have located the power node that was supplying
Each Crewmember rolls .
energy to the power field maze. However, our efforts to Place Magnacereb in Sector 2.
reroute power to other parts of the decaying system
proved to be more than we could handle. What’s worse, Log 883
during the procedure, we must have tripped some kind of If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
alert system, and soon all hell broke loose.
Gain 1 and Refresh 1 .
If the Arrogator Warswarm is already on a Planet board, on its Threat
card. Otherwise: Another wave of abyssal creatures appears! Reset both tracks on card P281.

• Place the Arrogator Warswarm Threat card in the indicated slot above Hint: There must be some other way to distract these hunters. Perhaps giving
the Planet board. them something else to eat might do the trick – and there were plenty of
• Place the Arrogator Warswarm and all 3 Drones standees in Sector 6. Porifera left above…

Log 880 Log 884

“The corridor was a dead end. Now, the creature thrashes
You’ve completed the ISS Vanguard campaign!
against the wall helplessly, terrified by our approach.”
Record the names and ranks of your surviving Crewmembers.
You may see them again in future campaigns. Then, go to Log 899. All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Security Section
player makes the choice):
Security: Recon:
» Attack the creature – Go to Log 895.
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. » Leave the creature alone and return to the last cave
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. – Go to Log 778.
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
Log 885
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board and discard all
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. non-Unique Discoveries from the Lander board. Open the Ship Book
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship Management.
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. Log 886
If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
Gain 2 Alien Tech Leads.
Engineering: Science:
Go to Log 889.
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. Log 887
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. Security Specialist’s Journal
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. The building was empty and safe. Despite its age, there
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. was no danger of collapse. Not much for me to do. Of
course, I helped with the research, examination, and
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........……………..
everything else, but my primary job was to keep everyone
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. safe, and at the moment, they were safe without my
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. involvement.
…………………...........…………….. …………………...........…………….. On the other hand, our xenologist had her hands full.
She tried operating alien machinery, probably an analog
Log 881 to our computers, and managed to show us some short
footage: the establishing of the colony under the dome,
Away Team’s Private Channel
and then, the colony dying and deteriorating in
[Operative 2]: Why didn’t we take some nuclear charges an unfriendly environment that only got worse as time
with us? progressed, probably due to the massive exploitation of
[Operative 3]: We can use plasma torches… It will take the planet’s natural resources.
time, though. Among the footage, there was also a map and some
[Operative 1]: I found this in the city on the hellish symbols representing the terrain of the third planet,
planet. the one with a healthy ecosystem.

[Operative 3]: And…? If this box was already marked, continue the game. Otherwise mark
this box, gain and place a marker in Sector 3.
[Operative 1]: It’s just a theory, but… Then, go to Log 666 and mark the box next to the letter B without
[Operative 2]: Whoa, crap! What did you do? resolving the rest of the Log.
[Operative 1]: I attached this artifact to an amplifier.
Its magnetic field must have reacted with something Log 888
inside. Like a key or something. [Dr Corey]: Thank you all for coming! What I am
about to present was… surprising, to say the least.
[Operative 3]: Sorry to interrupt, but we have another As you know, my team and I were studying the strange
dead city to explore ahead of us, inside the dome. background transmissions of the steles, detectable only
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section on a subspace level. Contrary to the message we received
player makes the choice): when entering the Eye of the Void, the background signal
of the steles was not tailored for humans or any other
» Approach the large building under the dome’s zenith of our sibling species. It was created in the original
– Replace the card in this Sector with card P365. language of the Builders. AI, play the message.
» Search the area full of containers – Replace the card in this
Sector with card P366. [Vanguard AI]: Of course, Dr. Corey.
108 ISS Vanguard Logbook

[Vanguard AI]: “Readiness achieved. You know our words. [Captain Wayman]: Is that true, doctor? Can we reach
You know the forces beyond matter. You know other and explore this place?
dimensions. To learn, you had to convert/subdue many
[Dr. Corey]: I believe we can, captain. With our
others. Readiness achieved. It is time to claim. Go
latest transdimensional technologies, and knowledge
back. To the place where it all started. To a sun within
of the reality-altering fields the Builders employed
the sun. Claim. Your future will be our future.”
in their steles, I think we could try to build
[Captain Wayman]: A sun within the sun? This makes no something similar. After all, if they created a bubble
sense! that prevents any interaction of the Thorne-Zytkov
Object with the outside world, I think we could create
[Dr. Corey]: I think it does. The background signals
similar bubbles that would shield our landing craft and
from each stele point in one direction and converge in
Away Team. But it will be costly.
one point of the galaxy.
[Captain Wayman]: And if the field fails?
*** Click ***
[Dr. Corey]: If.
[Captain Wayman]: Eye of the Void. The Builders’ Dyson
sphere! But we were already there and found nothing! *** Silence ***
[Dr. Corey]: More precisely… [Captain Wayman]: Ok, let’s do it. Please begin your
work, doctor. We must see this thing through!
*** Click ***
[Dr. Corey]: Thank you, captain. I believe that if we
[Dr. Corey]: …they point to the middle of the sun within
focus all people and resources aboard Vanguard on this
the sphere. And here’s where things get interesting.
single goal, we could be ready soon…
As you might remember, when exploring the remnants
of the system, we detected a strange signal around Important: Rushing production will take you directly to the final mission of
the system’s red giant. Back then, our technology and the campaign. If there are planets you still wish to visit, you should choose to
science were too primitive to make sense of it, so “Continue the campaign” instead. Now, all players discuss and choose one
we cataloged all readings and moved on. Now, my team (in case of a tie, the Engineering Section player makes the final decision):
revisited this data. What we found is nothing short of
astounding. » Focus all efforts on the null field production (requires 6 Gathered
Discoveries, including 2 Rare Discoveries). Go to Log 865 – this will
*** Click *** immediately start a new Planetary Exploration.
[Dr. Corey]: Just like the sphere itself was cloaked, » Continue the campaign – Go to Log 877.
the sun was also hiding its true nature. It employed
a very complex subspace field to mimic the mass, Log 889
spectrographic signature, and other properties of “The creature pauses yet again, in a wide cave, next to
a regular red giant. But it was something else the rusted and barnacle-covered wreckage of something
the entire time! In all our data from this system, we that looks like an ancient war machine. There are two
only found a small glimpse of what’s inside. corridors in front of it.”
*** Click *** All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Science Section
[Anu]: A core-star! Two suns combined: one hot and player makes the choice):
large, one small and dense.
» Study the machine – Go to Log 886.
[Dr. Corey]: The proper term in human science is » Direct the creature into the left corridor – Go to Log 775.
“Thorne-Zytkov Object.” So far, they were only » Direct the creature into the right corridor – Go to Log 892.
a hypothetical possibility – they are made when a red
giant collides with a super-dense neutron star and is
captured by its gravity. The neutron star effectively
Log 891
Security Specialist’s Journal
becomes the red giant's solid core.
Some of the containers were still full of a strange,
[Anu]: But why would the Builders trouble themselves
unstable substance – probably fuel. Radiation levels
with obscuring natural phenomena?
were high, so I decided to use drones to research
[Dr. Corey]: Here’s another thing. This one is not this place. The footage was everything we needed:
exactly natural. countless crates filled with the same substance, empty
*** Click *** containers with its residue. There were also scraps of
building materials and prefabricated spaceship elements
[Dr. Corey]: This is one small glimpse from our long- (they looked cheap, mass-produced; probably used
range scanners that we were able to reconstruct. As for transportation of materials, not people).
you can see, there is something carved into the very
surface of the neutron star. A facility. A vault. I’m The state of this place was an echo of the entire planet
confident it is what the Builders had in mind when they – exploited and left to die. I suspect that this was
talked about “claiming” their treasure. only a relay station between the polluted homeworld and
one of the healthy globes that became the next target
[Captain Wayman]: Insanity! Do you realize how of expansion.
impossible exploring a place like that would be?
Imagine walking in the heart of the sun, on a surface If the following box is unmarked, mark it and resolve its text:
made of superdense matter, one teaspoon of which weighs Gain Unique Discovery 24.
a billion tons.
[Dr. Corey]: Correct. Once past the field Log 892
that neutralizes and obscures the star’s true gravity, “In front of the creature, the corridor opens into
the Lander and its crew will be subject to an estimated an enormous flooded space – an ancient, buried sea
acceleration of 100 billion g. The escape velocity from rift. The ghostly white abyssal fish that swarm here
a Thorne-Zytkov object is estimated at half the speed immediately surround the creature and tear it to pieces.
of light. In other words, should the containment field Then, they begin to feast, ignoring our presence.”
around the star fail, the entire Eye of the Void would
be instantly sucked in.
Replace any cards in Sector 4 with card P286. Move your Crewmember and
any Assisting Crewmembers to this Sector.
[XO, Major Dahl]: So, what are we even talking about?
If that’s where the Builders want us to go, then our
mission is over.
Log 893
Mark the topmost unmarked box and resolve it.
[Anu]: Not necessarily. The forces are unbelievable, but
only in this dimension. A foolish youngling struggles Go to Log 882.
against a current. A wise matron knows how to avoid it. Go to Log 578.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 109

Log 894 Log 905

Away Team’s Private Channel A – We’ve learned the meaning behind the mirrored
ritual masks. As it turns out, they remind
[Operative 1]: Does it work?
the Idemians that every person is the only living
[Operative 2]: … inhabitant of the world they perceive with their
[Operative 1]: Remember what we did to open the bunker? senses. That everyone and everything else we see is
Try cutting off this part of the code, and input this warped by our own biases. That we project ourselves
after here… I don’t understand anything, but I surmise onto others and everything that happens around us.
that maybe it’s not a part of the key, but something For Idemians, objective world and objective truth
that explains how to use it? is an ideal they strive toward, even though they
realize that achieving it is near-impossible.
[Operative 2]: Not working.
B – We’ve learned the central glyph of the Idemian
[Operative 1]: Reverse it, maybe? stele was related to truth. At first, the Idemians
[Operative 3]: Wow. It opened and didn’t kill us! interpreted it as seeking higher truth which
resulted in centuries of brutal religious and
[Operative 2]: Shut up and take cover! political warfare. Finally, they reinterpreted
[Operative 1]: Arrogators, here?! the glyph and now believe the “Truth” it mentions is
an attachment to reality; a rejection of any mental

constructs that taint reality, or its perception.
[Operative 3]: Dead.
C – We’ve learned the Idemians originally evolved
[Operative 1]: Stop! Come back! on this world. Due to its conditions and extreme
scarcity of nutritious food, they were careful
[Operative 3]: It’s dead. Modified. They turned it into
foragers who had to plan several seasons ahead
a cannon. A very large cannon. I think we can power it.
and always stay on the move, not unlike Earth’s
Replace the card in this Sector with card P359. large feline predators. The planet could not
support large groups, hence their radically
Log 895 individualistic nature.
“We rushed at the creature, and suddenly darkness D – We’ve learned the Idemians have no
exploded all around us. An oily substance filled government, and rely on direct democracy instead.
the water – so thick we could barely see our own hands. Their rejection of any “mental constructs” and
Once the creature rushed past us, we were left blind any immaterial concepts makes it impossible
and helpless, thrashing about in the stone labyrinth. for them to understand words such as ”ideology“,
It took us a lot of time and effort to get back to ”representatives“, ”party“, or ”mandate“. They have
the surface.” also never developed any form of mass media.
You and any Assisting Crewmembers roll . Discard the POI card from E – We’ve learned the Idemians are fiercely
Sector 3. individualistic and never form larger groups or
Hint: You can try again. specialized organizations. All their technology
is painstakingly crafted by lone artisans, each
Log 896 of whom reaches perfection in creating a single
part, a single component, or a single compilation
"We were now in a grotto with a large crystal growing of parts gathered from other artisans.
out of the ceiling. There was a luminescent creature
stuck at the dead end of the left tunnel, so we could F – We’ve learned the Idemian culture is
only continue right." extremely old by human standards – and relatively
unchanging. The Idemians also seem to greatly
Go to Log 763. value solitude.

Log 897 Log 910

• Place the Re-Origination Beam Threat card in the indicated space on A – An Idemian Ambassador has joined
top of the Planet board. the Vanguard's crew.
• Place a marker in the indicated space next to the “Travel (fast)” rule on
B – A representative of a race from beyond has
the Re-Origination Beam Threat card.
joined the Vanguard's crew.
• Place the Re-Origination Beam standee in Sector 7.
• Replace the card in Sector 1 with card P446. C – The last memento of once-powerful empire has
joined the Vanguard's crew.
Log 898
All players discuss and choose one (if you cannot agree, the Recon Section Log 915
player makes the choice): A – We have studied the Lithops.

» Check the western part of the complex – Go to Log 831. B – We have seen the Magnacereb.
» Check the northern part of the complex – Go to Log 842. C – We have defeated the Magnacereb.

Log 899 Log 920

Thank you for playing! A – ISS Vanguard set on a path of peaceful
ISS Vanguard Core Campaign expansion, trade and cooperation.
Lead writer: Krzysztof Piskorski B – ISS Vanguard pursued power through military
Additional Writing: Andrzej Betkiewicz, Matt Click, Paweł Samborski
Planetary Exploration Design: Krzysztof Piskorski, Andrzej Betkiewicz,
Paweł Samborski, Adrian Krawczyk, Łukasz Orwat, Matt Click
Editing & Proofreading: Matt Click, Dan Morley, Tyler Brown,
Wiktoria Ślusarczyk, Konrad Sulżycki
Tests & Development: Andrzej Betkiewicz, Krzysztof Belczyk,
Ernest Kiedrowicz, Adrian Krawczyk, Michał Lach, Konrad Sulżycki,
Jan Truchanowicz, Wiktoria Ślusarczyk
Thank you for playing!
110 ISS Vanguard Logbook

Log 922 Log 925

If this box is marked, nothing happens. Otherwise, mark this box – If all three boxes are marked, read on:
and read on:
Captain’s Log, Entry 629
Captain’s Log, Entry 795
We did what we could, but in the end we were unable to
Today, as I made my way through Vanguard’s embassy wing, save the Away Team. I watched helplessly from afar as
I was struck by how large and lively that place has their lander got crushed by the weight of the shoal
become. It feels as if we first met complex alien life around it. All the way through, I was fighting my
just a moment ago. And now? We have several thriving own instinct, screaming at me to save them. However,
planetary colonies, and our embassies are present on the AI and science team were unanimous – if Vanguard
almost every known inhabited planet. approached the shoal, the same thing would happen to
We discuss the nature of reality with the Idemians in us. There are some battles you just can’t win – a lesson
the peace of their temple worlds. We trade technology they taught me well at the academy…
for exotic wares in Aerugon cities, built on the tops In the coming days, after the burial ceremonies were
of giant beasts. We relax with the Recliners on their concluded, our automated scouts took a sample of
garden homeworld. Even the wary, suspicious Targeans this unique microorganism. We have also discovered
opened up their fortress world to our ship. a Builders’ stele in the organic nebula. The obelisk
Vanguard and its crew are known and respected on indicated that the microbial life of Starshoal was
countless worlds. We have allies we can count on, created to test the possibility of evolving spaceborne,
whatever happens. I couldn’t have imagined a better intelligent life. We were simply unlucky to get caught
outcome in my wildest dreams. up in this experiment.

Of course, despite all we achieved, not everyone is Dr. Corey says the unique properties of Starshoal’s
happy with our chosen path. Some officers believe that if microbes may help us create new, biological batteries
we had shown our firmer side to the aliens, they would and energy converters. Still, I’m not sure if this
contribute more toward our mission. discovery was worth the life of the entire Away Team.

If a part of our mission was to serve as ambassadors of Remove all Crewmembers from their Rank sleeves and place them back on
humankind, I think we did a pretty good job. their Crew boards. Return the Rank sleeves to their Section Compartments.
Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board.
Congratulations! You have formed the biggest alliance in this part
of the galaxy. • Gain Unique Discovery 27.
Gain 2 . • Remove the L7 Landing card from the game.
• Shuffle Situation card S25 (Starshoal’s Infection) from “Future Situations”
Log 924 into "Possible Situations" (Card Tray B).
• Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip
If this box is marked, nothing happens. Otherwise, mark this box the Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged side
and read on: (unless it is a Basic Lander).
Captain’s Log, Entry 795 • Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship
Today, as I made my way through Vanguard’s impressive
war room, I was struck by how hectic things are there.
It felt as if just a moment ago, we were a defenseless Log 930
exploration vessel, boarded by Arrogator invaders. And A – One of our allies died, covering our escape.
now? We have a real army at our disposal. We built
B – Our commanding officer was killed in action.
fortified outposts on all suitable planets. Our elite,
technologically advanced fireteams are deployed on several C – One of our powerful allies is not aboard
worlds, securing the future of Earth. Aerugons send us Vanguard.
countless gifts and tributes. Proud Idemians accepted our D – One of our powerful allies is not aboard
command. Suspicious Targeans do not dare to fire on our Vanguard.
ship. Even the mites of Everstorm toil for us, delivering
minerals and materials that fuel our expansion. E – Vanguard’s Lead Researcher was killed in
Not only is Vanguard the most formidable ship in this
part of the galaxy, we also have other races ready to F – Vanguard’s Executive Officer died fighting
fight on our side. I can’t imagine what could endanger aboard Vanguard.
our mission now. G – Many of Vanguard’s officers are incapacitated
Of course, despite all we've achieved, not everyone or dead.
is happy with our chosen path. Some officers believe
that if we had shown our kinder side to the aliens, Log 935
they would still contribute, but with warmer feelings A – Crewmembers decided to stay with Nahy during
toward humanity. his final moments.
That’s possible. However, after the near-destruction of B – Crewmembers stopped ISS Vanguard’s team from
our ship, I realized that we shouldn’t take any chances torturing an Arrogator.
when the lives of all humans on Earth are at stake. Now,
with Vanguard safe from harm, I finally feel at ease. Log 940
Congratulations! This part of the galaxy is now yours. Vanguard’s Away Team uncloaked the Eye of
Gain 2 . the Void! Mark this box and go to Log 425.

Log 950
A - We tried to free the captain from his cell.
B – We tried to take the bridge by surprise.
C – We tried to capture the enemy commander.
D – We tried to gather more allies on the ship.
ISS Vanguard Logbook 111

Log 960
A - Vanguard’s main Mission was accomplished.
B – Vanguard gathered all possible Unique

Log 965
Mark this box and go to Log 843.

Log 970
The Behemoth fell.

Log 990
1. All Crewmembers who are not in the Lander Sector are killed! Remove
their Crewmember cards from their Rank sleeves and store the Rank
sleeve in its corresponding Section Compartment. Place
the Crewmember card on the Crew board.
2. If there are NO Crewmembers in the Lander Sector, the Lander, and all
its contents, are lost:
– Shuffle all non-Unique Discoveries and other cards on
the Lander back into their decks.
– Place the Mission Failed token on the Lander board.
– Open the Ship Book at page 19 (Hangar cardholder) and flip
the Lander card representing your current Lander to the Damaged
side (unless it is a Basic Lander).
3. Open the Ship Book at page 25 (Leaving the Planet) and begin Ship

Log 991
Vanguard triggered its emergency draft procedure
for the first time.
Vanguard triggered its emergency draft procedure
for the second time (or more).
Log 999



GJ 1164








HR 5730
Log Save Sheet - Unofficial
This document doesn’t replace the Logbook, but it provides a quick way to track which Logs contain saved
information. This is helpful when, for example, a Log checks whether another Log has “Box C” marked (you no
longer have to flip back and forth between pages to check that), when you need to quickly transfer the save
state from one document to another, or when you want to more easily track multiple save states (saving
different files). There are also note sections on each page for you to write a bit about your adventures.

I kept spoilers at a minimum by not including any extra information about the Log contents. For Logs that
need differentiation between the checkboxes, I used the letters next to the box or a unique word associated
with that box.

Log 8 Log 44 Log 56 Log 116 Log 148

Log 46 Log 57

Log 19 Log 49 Log 121

Log 64
Log 28 Log 51 Log 127 Log 154
Log 68
Log 30 Log 138 Log 156
Log 55
Log 35 Moving Log 85 Log 140 Log 160
Central Log 164
Log 38 Anchor Log 103
Intentions Log 147 Log 184
Log 40 Minor Log 107
Cluster Log 194
Background Log 114

Log Save Sheet - Unofficial

Log 196 Log 247 Log 290 Log 367 Log 430

Log 205 Log 248 Log 368 Log 431

Log 291 A
Log 207 Log 253 B
Log 292 C
Log 212 Log 258 Log 375 Log 432
Log 306
Log 218 Log 259 Log 438
Log 312 Log 378
Log 221 Log 260 Log 444
Log 222 B
Log 266 Log 316 Log 379 Log 445
Log 230
Log 267 Log 318 Log 400
Log 235 Log 454
Log 273 Log 329 Log 405
Log 237
Log 340 Log 406
Log 239 Log 462
Log 350 Log 418
Log 241 Log 274
Log 351 Log 463
Log 242 Log 283
Log 352
Log 244 Log 288 Log 424
Log 362
Log 245 Log 289 Log 429 Log 472

Log Save Sheet - Unofficial

Log 477 Log 575 Log 613 Log 710 Log 813
A 0
Log 488 Log 583 Log 614 1-2
Log 585 4-5 Log 826
Log 499 A Log 623 6
Log 588 A 7 Log 829
Log 643 8
Log 504 Log 592 9 Log 831
Log 666 Nothing happens

Log 511 A Log 719 Log 835

Log 521 C Log 734 Log 839
Log 594 Log 676
A Log 738 Log 842
Log 530 B Log 682
A Log 595 A Log 752 Log 846
Log 563 B
Log 694 Log 852
Log 761
Log 564 Log 596 Log 695 Log 860
Log 781
Log 872
Log 796
Log 566 Log 875
Log 604

Log 572 Log 608 Log 803 Log 878

Log 611

Log Save Sheet - Unofficial

Log 880 Log 893 Log 930

Security: Recon: A
Log 905 C
E Log 935
Log 910 B
Engineering: Science: A Log 940
C Log 950
Log 915 A
Log 920 Log 960
Log 883 Log 922 Log 965

Log 886 Log 924 Log 970

Log 887 Log 925 Log 991

Log 891

Checkbox History Tracker
This page will automatically track which checkboxes you've marked and the date when you
made that mark. The syntax in the tracker for the checkboxes will be (where X, Y are digits
and L is a letter/word)
• Log XXX : this indicates that there was only one checkbox for this Log entry
• Log XXX-Y : this indicates there were multiple checkboxes for this Log entry, so Y
indicates the position of the checkbox (1 = top-most, 2 = 2nd one down from the top,
• Log XXX L : this indicates that the checkbox can be indicated by the letter/word
adjacent to the checkbox within the associated Log. Exception: Log 710 uses

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