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Click Start Learning Book - 2

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Click Start Learning Book - 2

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hg CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Click Start INTERNATIONAL EDITION Learner's Book 2 CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS University Printing House, Cambridge C82 88S, United Kingdom ne Literty Plaza, 20th Floor, New York, NY 10006, USA 477 Wiliamstawn Road, Port Melbourne, VIC 3207, Austilia ‘314-321, 31d Floor, Pot 3, Splendor Forum, Jasola Distet Centre, New Delhi - 110025, India, 79 Anson Road, #06-04/06, Singapore 079906 Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the Universiy’s mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of education, learning and research atthe highest intemetional levels af excellence, worw.cambridge.org Information on ths title: wew.cambridge.ong/9781108951621. © Cambridge University Press 2021, This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutery exception ‘and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press, Fust published 2021 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10987654321 Printed in Malaysia by Vivar Printing ISBN 978:-108951824 Paperback Cambridge University Press has no responsibilty for the persistence or accuracy of URLs for external or thirdparty internet websites referred to inthis publication, ‘and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, o will remain, accurate or appropriate, Information regarding prices, trevel timetables, and other factual information given in this work is correct at the time of frst printing but Cambridge University Press does not guarantee the accuracy af such information thereafter, ‘tis illegal to reproduce any part ofthis work in material form (including Photocopying and electronic storage) except under the following circumstances: (i) where you are abiding by a licence granted to your Schoo! or institution by the Copyrit Licensing Agency; (ii where no such licence exists, or whete you wish to exceed the terms of a licence, {and you have gained the written permission of Cambridge University Press; {ii) where you are allowed to reproduce without permission under the provisions (of Chapter 3 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 198, which covers, tor ‘example, the reproduction of short passages within certain types of educational anthology anc reproduction forthe purposes of setting examination questions. Every effort has been made to trace the owners of copyright matetal included in this book. The publishers would be grateful for any omissions brought to thee notice for acknowledgement in future editions af the book Introduction The international edition of Click Start: Computing for Schools is designed around the latest developments in the field of computer science, information and communication technology. Based on Windows 7 and MS Office 2010, with extensive updates on Windows 10 and MS Office 2016, the series aids the understanding of the essentials of computer science including computer basics, office applications, creative software, programming concepts and programming languages. Bach level of the series has been designed keeping in mind the learning ability of the learners as well as their interests. Efforts have been made to use examples from day-to-day life, which will help the learners to bridge the gap between their knowledge of the subject and the real world. The books are designed to offer a holistic approach and help in the overall development of the learners. + Snap Recap: Probing questions to begin a chapter and assess pre-knowledge + Learning Objectives: A list of the learning outcomes of the chapter || + Activity: Interactive exercise after every major topic to reinforce analytical skills and application-based learning * Exercise: A variety of questions to test understanding + Fact File: Interesting concept-related snippets to improve concept knowledge * Quick Key and Try This: Shortcuts and useful tips on options available for different | operations * Glossary: Chapter-end list of important terms along with their definitions + You Are Here: Quick recap + Lab Work: Practical exercises to enable application of concepts through learning-by-c + Project Work: Situational tasks to test practical application of the concepts learnt + Who Am I?: Biographies to inspire young learners + Sample Paper: Practice and preparation for exams The books, thus, will not only make learning fun but also help the learners achieve a certain level of expertise in this fast changing world of computer science. Overview Snap Recap Probing questions to begin a chapter and assess pre-knowledge ‘Acumputer is 4 base pons which ae Learning Objectives A list of the learning outcomes of the chapter Activity Interactive exercises after every major topic to reinforce analytical skills and application-based learning Exercise A variety of questions to test understanding made using computer ‘and the Internet, } Quick Key and Try This Shortcuts and useful tips on options available for different operations Prosetti 7 eoumenn Fact File Interesting concept-related snippets to improve concept knowledge “c= Glossary Chapter-end list of important terms along with their definitions You Are Here Summary for a quick recap Lab Work Practical exercises to enable application of concepis through learning-by-doing Project Work Situational tasks to test practical application of the concepts learnt Sample Paper Helps test learner understanding at the end of the course Who Am I? Biographies to inspire young leamers Cantents p> Q] Know Your Computer. pip © Input devices © Processing device © Output devices © Storage devices Op Working with Windows p> © Starting a computer © Operating system © Desktop © Opening an application using the Start ment © Opening an application by selecting an icon on the desktop Shutting down a computer 03 Applications of a Computer p> © Differences between humans and computers © ‘Types of computers © Uses of computers 04 The Keyboard and the Mouse. p> © The keys on a keyboard © The computer mouse and its function 05 Fun with Paint.. p> © How to start Paint © Components of the Paint window © Using the tools in Paint © Shapes © How to open a new window © How to save a picture © How to open a saved picture © How to close Paint 1 OD troduction to MS Word 2010. p> © How to open Microsoft Word 2010 © Components of Microsoft Word 2010 © How to create a new document © How to save a document © How to open a saved document © How to close a document Ssimple Papel ~ x Know ¥our 4 Computer Na teri LEARNING OBJECTIVES A computer has 4 basic parts which are: You will learn about: input devices output devices + storage devices A computer is an electronic machine. Monitor CPU It accepts data as input, processes it and gives information as output. A computer works very fast. It saves you time and energy. A computer does not make mistakes on its own. It can remember a lot of things. The basic parts of a computer are shown in the picture given here. These parts of the computer and some other devices are connected by wires. The basic parts of a computer Keyboard Mouse There are also wireless mice and keyboards. The basic parts of a computer system are: You will learn about these devices in detail and other devices that can be connected to a computer. Input devices Devices that help us enter data into the computer are called input devices. They help in giving instructions to the computer. You will now learn about these input devices. Keyboard A keyboard is used for entering data into the computer system. You can use it to type words, numbers and symbols. Keyboard Mouse The mouse is a pointing device. You can give input/instructions to a computer using a mouse. Mouse Joystick A joystick makes computer games a lot more fun. When it is moved, it passes information to the computer. Joystick Microphone A microphone can be attached to a computer. It allows you to input sounds into the computer like speech and songs. You can record your voice with the help of a microphone. You can also use it for Microphone talking on a web-call. Web camera A web camera is used to : take live photos and videos. Web-calls can be & You can save them in the made using a computer computer. You can also use and the Internet. a web camera for video Webcamara streaming during a web-call. Scanner A scanner copies pictures and pages, and turns them into images that can be saved on a computer. Scanner Processing device All the inputs are stored, arranged and changed by a computer. The device that helps a computer to do this is called the processing device. The processing device in a computer is known as the Central Processing Unit (CPU). You might remember that the CPU is sometimes called the cpu ‘brain’ of a computer. Output devices The parts of a computer that help us to show the results of processing are called output devices. You will now learn about these output devices. Monitor A monitor looks like a TV screen. It shows whatever you type on the keyboard or draw with the mouse. A monitor can display both the input and the result of the processing. Monitor Printer A printer prints the result of your work from the computer screen on a sheet of paper. This is called a printout. Printer sS ds ‘The output as a printout is called a hard copy. The output displayed on the computer monitor is called a soft copy. Speakers Speakers are the output devices that produce different types of sounds processed by a computer. You can listen to music or speeches stored in the Speakers computer using the speakers. Headphones You can listen to music or any sound from a computer with the help of headphones, without disturbing others. They are also helpful for listening during a web-call. Headphones Storage devices The parts of a computer which are used for storing data are called storage devices. They help to permanently store any work done on a computer. You will now learn about different storage devices. Hard disk A hard disk is made up of one or more metallic disks. It stores a large amount of information. Hard disk Compact disc (CD) A CD stores information. : Not handling the CD Tt is an external storage properly may result in loss device which works of the data stored, when inserted into the CD drive. The CD drive is also fixed in the CPU. cD Pen drive A pen drive is an external storage device that can store a large amount x of data. It is also known as a flash drive. It can be easily carried around and works when inserted in the Pen drive USB port found in the CPU of the Oe Uae The data stored in a pen drive can be removed, added and changed. Ping cuahow many Use, ports there are in the ~ CPU of your computer lab. = (( Look at the following pictures carefully, Color the boxes Fd if it is an input device, blue if it is an output device and gréen if it is a storage device oO E Gy C gL E Give one word for the following. 1. These help us to listen to music. 2. Looks like a TV screen. 3. A processing device. 4. A pointing device. 5. Used to make a printout. then Compact Dise (CD) An external storage device that stores information and works when inserted into a CD drive. CPU The processing device in a computer. Electronic machine A machine that runs with the help of electricity. Hard disk A storage device that permanently stores a large amount of information. Headphones The output device for listening to recorded sounds without disturbing others. Input device A device that helps us enter data into the computer - for example, a keyboard. Joystick An input device used for playing computer games. Keyboard An input device used to enter data into the computer system. Microphone An input device to send sounds into the computer. Monitor An output device that shows whatever you type on the keyboard or draw with the mouse. Mouse A pointing device. Output device A device that helps us to show the input and result of processing. Pen drive An external storage device that stores a large amount of data. Processing device Helps to store, arrange and change the inputs on a computer. Scanner Copies pictures and pages and turns them into images that can be saved on a computer. Speakers An output device that is used for listening to recorded sound. Storage device The parts of a computer that are used for storing data. Web camera An input device used for taking live photos and videos. AY . Input devices help us to give instructions to the computer. . The keyboard, mouse, joystick, microphone, web camera and 1 scanner are input devices. . The CPU (Central Processing Unit) is the processing device ina | computer. | Output devices help us to show the result of processing done by | the computer. . The monitor, printer, speakers and headphones are output devices. | Storage devices help us to permanently store any work we do on | v » Sa au the computer. . The hard disk, compact disc (CD) and pen drive are storage devices. x EXERCISE ——aw A. True or false? 1. Devices that help us enter data into the computer are called output devices. Ie 2. We can give input to a computer with the ( help of a mouse. w . A microphone makes computer games a lot cE more fun, - Ascanner is used to take live photos and videos. 5, The full name of the CPU is Computer Programming Unit. iii - a A printer prints the results of your work from ] the computer screen on a sheet of paper. ey B. Circle the correct option. ao Input/Output Input/Output °° 7 Input/Output Input/Output C. Look at the pictures carefully. Identify the picture and fill in the missing letters. 1. 2 joy ( Jtick HEADPHO| JES 3. ) 4 WEB. |AMERA M|_|CROPHONE 0 5. ee SCA_JNER D. The clue given in each box has a partner. Match the pairs and color them alike. 1.) MICROPHONE | ¢ @ a. | DISPLAYS WHAT YOU TYPE 2... MONITOR | . 3. PRINTER ° © c.| STORES DATA 4, PENDRIVE — @ #/d.| GIVES PRINTOUT | E. Answer the following questions. 1. What is an input device? LABWORK [_] A. Use post-it notes to label the different input and output devices on your computer. B. Insert/connect a CD/pen drive in the computer system and find out what happens when you do this. dP OU iL Collect pictures of different input, processing and output devices. COMPUTER PARTS Bring them to the class and in groups of 4 make your own computer by choosing the devices. Label the various parts. sronitor cpu printer WHO AM I? Tam known as the ‘father of computers’. T was born in the year 1791 in London. Thave created machines that could make tables and complete mathematical calculations faster than humans could. Tam... ~ ~~ Working with < Windows STV a ef. id LEARNING OBJECTIVES List a few things that we should be careful about when working on a computer. You will learn about: * starting a computer * operating systems the desktop opening an application shutting down a computer You have learned about the parts and functions of the computer. You will now learn how to start a computer. Starting the computer system is This chapter will discuss using also called booting the system. Windows 7. For Windows 10 updates, go to the end of the chapter. Starting a computer Write down the steps you need to follow when switching on a computer. A Windows icon as shown here is seen when your computer is switched on. Operating system The operating system controls how different parts of a computer work together. Windows is an operating system that runs your computer. You can have different views from the windows of your house. In the same way, you can open and view many programs on your computer with the help of Windows. Desktop The desktop is the screen that appears once the computer is switched on. It is the display screen that has many small items on it. These are known as icons. An icon helps us to choose an item on the computer screen. The Start button and the taskbar are located at the bottom of the desktop. => Icons © Recycle Bin Desktop Start e Start is a very important button. You can arrange the It is used for opening programs, icons on your desktop applications and documents, changing | by using the right click settings, shutting down the computer (_ option on your mouse. and many other purposes. Taskbar The taskbar is the bar at the bottom of the desktop. It shows the applications that you are currently using. It also allows you to quickly switch between them. It even displays the date and time. Opening an application using the start menu ‘To open an application, for example, Calculator, you need to follow these steps: 1. Click on the Start button. 2. Click on All Programs. 3. Select Accessories. A list of options will appear. 4. Click on Calculator. Opening Calculator using the Start menu Once the Calculator window is open, it will appear as shown here. Calculator window The Close button is placed at the upper-right corner of the Calculator window. When you want to close this window, click on it. Opening an application by selecting an icon on the desktop 1. Use the left click option on your mouse to click on any icon on the desktop. 2. When you click on the icon, the desktop area surrounding the icon gets highlighted. 3. To open the program, click the left mouse button twice very quickly. This is called double-clicking. “G For example, by double-clicking the Computer icon on the desktop the following window is displayed. Close Shutting down a computer Before shutting down your computer, close all the applications and windows. Then using the left-click on the mouse, click the Start button on your desktop. Now, look at the images below. Write the remaining steps to shut down your computer as shown in each image. CPU or UPS. S=(( Find the following words in the grid below. M = UPS. WINDOWS DESKTOP ICONS TASKBAR TIME CPU MONITOR CLICK x|0|s|x|x|o|a|-|z]o u|m|mlalu|slolojz|— —|x}]|c|>|<|a|» GLOSSARY Double-clicking Pressing the left mouse button twice very quickly. Teon A small picture-like item on a computer screen (desktop) that you click on to open an application. Operating system Controls how different parts of a computer work together. Start button Used for opening programs, applications and documents, changing settings and shutting down the computer. Taskbar The bar at the bottom of the desktop that shows the applications currently in use. Windows An operating system. My . Starting the computer: Switch on the power button ==> Switch on the UPS ==> Switch 9 on the CPU ==» Switch on the monitor Windows is an operating system that runs your computer. Por . The desktop is the display screen that appears once the computer is switched on. The taskbar displays the opened applications. . Shutting down the computer: Click on the Start button ==> Click on the Shut down option ==> | Switch off the monitor ==> Switch off the UPS ==> Switch off the power button. vs EXERCISE —aw A. Fill in the blanks with the correct word. desktop icon Double-clicking bottom Start button operating system 1 controls how different parts of a computer work together. . is the pressing of the left mouse button twice very quickly. w . Asmall picture-like item on a computer screen that you click on to open an application is called an ......0..ceeeeeeeeee . is used for opening programs, applications and documents, changing settings and turning off the computer. 5. The taskbar is the blue bar at the .........:::s0seeeeee of the desktop. . is the display screen that appears once the computer is switched on. Match the following pairs. 1. [_ windows a [small picture-like items on the desktop ‘| 2[ Icons | b. | Consists of taskbar, icons and Start button | 3.| Taskbar } a [ Used for opening programs | 4.| Desktop | d.| Blue bar at the bottom of the desktop 5. | Start button e [ Operating system C. Label the following picture. D. Based on the steps you learnt for opening the Calculator window, give the steps for opening the Paint window on your computer. Switch on a computer. Try right-click and left-click on your mouse to explore various options of opening an application, closing an application and increasing/decreasing the size of icons. dieP ON OLS Find out information about the Windows 7 operating system. When was it released? Is there any other latest version of Windows? Windows 10 Updates Windows 10 is the latest version of the Windows Operating System. It has a new Start screen, The Start screen has a Tile structure. You can browse through all the applications and open them. You can also search for applications in “Type here to search’ in the taskbar. _ Applications Computer LEARNING OBJECTIVES SNAP RECAP List at least three machines. Explain how these machines are useful to us. You will learn about: * humans and computers * types of computers * uses of computers Differences between humans and computers Humans have made a wonderful machine called the computer. Computers make our work easier and also help us to do it faster. Let us find out how computers are different from humans. Machines are made by humans Speed Computers work very fast. Humans cannot work as fast as computers. Computers work faster than you do Tiredness Computers never get tired. Humans get tired after working for a while. You are Wrong 2+2=4 Computers never get tired Mistakes Computers never make any mistakes. Humans can make mistakes at times. Computers never make mistakes Memory Computers do not forget any information stored in them. Humans may forget the information stored in their minds. Computers never forget Feelings Computers do not have any feelings. Humans have feelings and these feelings can be expressed, Computers do not have feelings Electricity Computers run on electricity. Humans do not need electricity. Computers run on electricity Decisions A computer cannot make its own decisions. It needs to be instructed. Humans can make their own decisions. Color the features pif that belong to humans and bl that belong to computers. — pa NEED INSTRUCTIONS. L GET TIRED fe a veers ceesneeeeneaniee 2 ( FORGET INFORMATION L NEED ELECTRICITY ) ( WORK FASTER ) ( HAVE FEELINGS ) Types of computers There are different types of computers for different purposes. Desktop A desktop is a large computer which is kept on a desk. All the basic parts are attached with the help of wires. Desktops are kept in one place. They cannot be carried from one place to another for work. Laptop A laptop is a small computer that can easily fit on your lap. You can carry a laptop from one place = to another. It is wireless. It works with the help of Laptop batteries that can be charged with electricity. Tablet A tablet is a mobile computer which is very easy to use. It is even smaller than a laptop and can fit in your hand. It works with touch-screen Tablet technology and has a keyboard built inside it. All these computers are called aa PCs. PC stands for Personal Computer. 7 perso! nail perform the functions of a computer is made in such a way | computer, They are called that it can be used by only one smartphones. person at a time. Ss Some mobile phones can Uses of computers Computers are very helpful in our day-to-day life. They are used in many places to make our work easier and faster. Schools Computers are used in schools for many purposes. They are used for maintaining student records, sharing information (time-tables, circulars, etc.) and teaching purposes. Computers are also used for creating report cards. Homes You can use computers at home to read books, play games, watch movies and listen to music. You can even store some important information like phone numbers, addresses and birthdays. Offices In offices, computers are used for typing and printing documents. They are also used for sending messages by email. Computers can also store a lot of information which would otherwise occupy a lot of space. Shops and supermarkets Computers help to maintain records of daily sales and items available. They are also used for printing bills. Banks Computers are used in banks for many purposes. They are used for storing customer details. Computers also help to make online transactions. They provide information to the users. Computers are also used for taking money out of the bank at the ATM. ATM stands. for Automated Teller Machine. Hospitals Computers can be used for storing records of patients in hospitals. They help to detect and monitor diseases. They are used for preparing reports. They help in performing operations and other = hospital medical procedures. Railway stations and airports Computers help with booking air tickets and train tickets. They provide us with information about the arrival and departure times of aeroplanes and trains. railway station and airport Lonpine, nan Making films Computers are used for making movies and cartoons, and for adding special effects and animations to them. GLOSSARY ATM A machine for taking money out of a bank. ATM stands for ‘Automated Teller Machine’. Desktop A computer which is kept on a desk, owing to its size. Laptop A small computer that can easily fit on your lap. Personal computers (PCs) Computers that can be used by one person at a time. Tablet A touch-based mobile computer. le Fo . A computer works at a very high speed. . A computer never gets tired. A computer does not make any mistakes. A computer does not forget any information saved on it. Computers do not have feelings like humans. A computer runs on elect . Computers cannot make their own decisions like humans. . A computer helps in maintaining daily records. . Computers are used at many places such as schools, homes, offices, shops and supermarkets, banks, hospitals, railway stations and airports and also formaking films. COIN AKHAKWNE EXERCISE a A. Fillin the blanks. 1, Humans have made a machine called a .. 2. ATM stands for 3. A computer never gets 4, PC stands for 5. A computer that can be kept on your lap is called a ... B. Match the names with the pictures. de ° e a. Laptop 2. La ; wb Tablet 3. ° e c. Desktop C. Circle the correct option. 1. A laptop can/cannot fit in your palm. 2. Computers/Humans can never make mistakes. 3. A computer does not get/gets tired easily. 4. Acomputer can/cannot take its own decisions. 5. Adesktop computer runs on battery/electricity. 6. Computers do not/do have feelings. D. Color the activities §f@@H that you can do using a computer. Checking the arrival time of a train | | Planting trees Creating an animated movie | | Withdrawing money Walking | | Playing games ONS fey iT lean Illustrate the differences between humans and computers using Paint. 1. Four things that computers can do and humans cannot. . Four things that humans can do but computers cannot. ‘our places where computers are useful, PROJECT WORK Interview 5 people (parents, siblings, grandparents, friends and neighbours) around you to find out what they use a computer for. Combine the list with members of your group to make a sheet about uses of the computer. e. WHO AMI? I was born on 23 June 1925 in Shillong, India. Tam known as the Scottish inventor who developed the ATM cash machine. At first, I was working on the idea of a chocolate bar dispenser. Later I replaced chocolates with money. Tam.... 1. Find ‘QWERTY’ on the keyboard. 2. Guess why some keyboards are called “QWERTY keyboards’. You will learn about: ~ The Keyboard & and the (iguse LEARNING OBJECTIVES Gren, ONS different keys on a keyboard mouse functions such as clicking, double-clicking, dragging and dropping The keyboard and computer mouse are input devices. They are used for performing different functions. The keys on a keyboard Most keyboards have 104 keys. You have already learnt that a keyboard has Letter keys, Number keys, Arrow keys and Special keys. You will now learn about other keys on a keyboard. pS The longest word that can be typed using only the first row of the keyboard is “TYPEWRITER’. Symbol keys These keys are for special signs and symbols. Some Symbol keys are to the right of the Letter keys, such as /, :, “, >, <, and so on. The special characters are also placed over the numbers on the Number keys, for example !, @, #, $, %, *. You can use these as Symbol keys by pressing Symbol keys the Shift key along with the Number key. Number keys that also serve as symbol keys Function keys There are 12 Function keys from F1 to F12 on the top of the keyboard. Each key has a different function to perform, These keys can act as shortcuts, For example, pressing F5 in an Internet browser will refresh the web page. Function keys Shift key The Shift key is used with the other keys for different purposes. ea If you press and hold the Shift key along with a . Letter key, it will type that letter in capital even Shift key when the Caps Lock key is turned off. Py For example, [RAI + [QJ eives A (when the Caps Lock is off). Also, JERE + ZY eives a (when the Caps Lock is on). There are some keys on the keyboard that have two symbols or a number and a symbol on them. To type the upper symbol you need to press and hold the Shift key along with the particular Symbol key or Number key. For example, Ea + i gives ! and Ea + zl gives + Tab key You can press the Tab key to move the cursor several spaces forward at once. Tab key Escape key C] The short form on the Escape key is Ese. It is placed at the upper-left corner on most keyboards. Escape key This key allows you to cancel an operation. The computer mouse and its functions Along with the keyboard, if you also learn how to use a computer mouse, then working on a computer will become easier. You will now learn about the different functions of the mouse. Clicking a Clicking means the pressing and releasing of the mouse buttons. Press and It is done after pointing at an item. release the mouse button Click Press Single-click eg Releasing the left mouse button. after pressing it once is called single-click. A single-click is for selecting an Click item. Double-click Releasing the left mouse button after pressing it twice quickly is called double-click. A double-click opens. the selected item. Right click: to press the right button : : of the mouse. Right click Releasing the right mouse button Glick after pressing it once, is called right-click. It displays a list of properties of the selected item. Drag and drop Drag and drop means to select an item and move it to another location on the computer. Follow the steps given below to drag and drop an item. 1. Move and bring the mouse pointer to the item which you want to move. 2. Click on it to select. 3. Press and hold the left button of the mouse. 4. Pull the item to the desired location a (Drag). Using drag and drop 5. Release the button (Drop). te = Color the functions that a computer mouse can perform for you. CLICKING J [ TYPING ) | SCROLLING } Wiese sis = at (speakine ( DRAG AND DROP. ‘Vf PROCESSING Rs J oN aa 2 Find the following words in the grid below. FUNCTION TAB ESCAPE SYMBOL SHIFT NUMERIC LETTER ) mim/<|O/S/O|rlu sal/aiZzjZzlZz\Q\|<|m Zir-|O|w\/z\<|u\m a\|m|<|xA/O;/r\/a\v Clicking Pressing and releasing the mouse button to make the computer do some work. Double-click Pressing the left mouse button twice quickly, before releasing it. Drag and drop Selecting and pulling an item to change its location on the screen. Escape key The key used to cancel an operation. Function keys Each of these keys has a different job to perform. They can act as shortcuts. Right-click Pressing the right mouse button once before releasing it. Shift key Used with the other keys for different purposes. Single-click Pressing the left mouse button once before releasing it. Symbol keys The keys that have special signs and symbols on them, Tab key The key that moves the cursor several spaces forward at once. EXERCISE —aw A 44 1, A keyboard has many keys, Apart from those you have already Shift key, the Tab key and the Escape key. at an item. Single-click is used for selections. . Double-click opens the selected item: Dupo is to release the button. True or false? . There are 104 Function keys on the keyboard. N . You can press the Tab key to move the cursor several spaces forward at once. w . Left-click displays a list of properties of the selected item. 4, The Escape key cancels an operation. w . Clicking means to select an item and move it to another location on the computer. learned about, there are the Symbol keys, Function keys, the 2. Clicking is always done after pointing the mouse pointer . Right-click displays properties of the selected item. . Drag is to pull the selected item to the desired location and Drop a) B. Identify the key. 1. The key found at the upper-left corner on most keyboards. Fill in the blanks. 1 when theCepstockison, RII + Qn 4, When the Caps Lock is off, = Bw gives . D. Color the correct answer for each action of the mouse. / \¢ Select Open Display | \ -_ \ ) eee SS >) [ Select | Open Il Display rc Select Open | Display ™ 4 E. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the function of the Tab key? 2. What is drag and drop? Ae) Taian A. Draw a rectangle and use it to show the position of the Symbol and Function keys on the keyboard. B. Point the mouse to the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop. Drag and drop it to a new location on the desktop. PROJECT WORK Help another student in your class to explore the keyboard, by giving them simple tasks to do. See the examples below. 1. Type your full name with capital letters for both your first name and last name. 2. Type a question. WHO AMI? I was born on 14 February 1819. Tam the co-inventor of the typewriter. I designed the arrangement of characters on a QWERTY keyboard in 1868. . err ~~ ™ Fun with Paint Oona Re SN) Use different tools in Paint, for example Pencil, Eraser, Line, Oval, Rectangle and Fill with color, to draw a Thank You card for your teacher. You will learn about: + starting Paint + using different Paint tools + opening a new window in Paint + saving a picture in Paint + opening a saved picture in Paint + closing Paint Use your pencil and eraser to complete the picture. You can draw and color a picture on a computer too, using a program called Paint. Paint was formerly known as Paintbrush. How to start Paint Follow these steps to start Paint. 1. Click on the Start button on your desktop. 2. Select All Programs. 3. Click on Accessories. A list of options opens up. 4. Click on the Paint option. Plies, All Programs \] LJ Select All Programs Opening Paint After following all the steps, the Paint window will appear. Components of the Paint window The main components of the Paint window are shown below. Szonoea ZA) ASSESS oOo im 7a) me Seanes A Bree aeae eae a Quick Acces’ Ribbon. button Toolbar ‘ Drawing Area 1 3 team 6 = _ as Paint window You will now learn about these components. Ribbon The Ribbon shows different drawing tools. Tabs in the Ribbon are sub-divided into groups. For example, the Home tab contains the following groups: Clipboard, Image, Tools, Shapes and Colors. You may choose a tool from any of these groups to draw, edit and color your picture. Paint button When you click the Paint button, a list of options open up. Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar is found above the Ribbon. It is used to access the tools quickly. Drawing Area You draw and edit pictures in the Drawing Area. Using the tools in Paint There are many tools in the Tools | When you open the group. Different tools are used Paint window the Home in Paint for performing different tab is opened by default. functions. A tool is selected by clicking the left mouse button on the desired icon. You will now learn about some of the tools. Pencil Tool # The Pencil tool is used for drawing freehand. It is used in the same way that you would use a real pencil to draw. 1. Open the Paint window. 2. Click on the Pencil tool in the Tools group of the Home tab. 3. Choose the thickness of the pencil from the Size drop-down list. 4. Take the mouse pointer to the Drawing Area. 5. Click and drag the mouse to draw. Colors palette Pencil tool i mae a aes a —0- Using the Pencil tool Eraser tool g The Eraser tool is used for erasing any part of a picture. 1. Open the Paint window. Draw a few simple figures and color them. 2. Click on the Eraser tool in the Tools group of the Home tab. . Choose the size of the eraser from the Size drop-down list. 4. Move the mouse pointer to the Drawing Area. A small square appears in the Drawing Area. w 5. Click and drag the mouse over the part that you wish to erase. Eraser tool Eraser, = (l Draw this picture using the Pencil tool in Paint. Use the Eraser tool if you make a mistake. Fill with Color tool The Fill with Color tool is used for filling any closed shape that has already been drawn with a selected color. 1. To color your picture, click on the Fill with color tool in the Tools group of the Home tab. 2. Select a color from the Colors palette in the Home tab. 3. Move the mouse pointer to the area that you want to color. Click once to fill it with the color area. Fill with \ , color tool Colors palette Using the Fill with color tool Magnifier tool & The Magnifier tool is used to see the drawing at a larger size. 1. To see your drawing at a larger size, click on the Magnifier tool in the Tools group of the Home tab. 2. Move the mouse pointer to the part of the Drawing Area that has to be magnified. A rectangular box appears. 3. Take the rectangular box and click in the area to be magnified. Keep clicking to view the image at a higher magnification. Magnifier’ tool Magnifier» 9 — mame Sect =< mo —o— oI Using the Magnifier tool Brushes tool @ The Brushes tool is used to draw different sorts of lines. You can choose brushes of different textures from the options given to draw free-form and curving lines with different effects. 1. Open the Paint window. 2. In the Home tab, click on the Brushes drop-down list. 3. Click on the brush style of your choice. 4, Choose the thickness of the brush stroke from the Size drop-down list. 5. In the Colors palette of the Home tab click Color 1, choose a color and then drag the pointer to the Drawing Area. J Brushes. ™\ tool / = (( Draw this picture in Paint using the Brushes tool. Then color the picture. Shapes In Paint, different shapes are available in the Shapes group of the Home tab. Here, you can select different shapes such as lines, ovals, rectangles, triangles, lightning bolts, and many more for drawing in the Drawing Area. You will now learn how to use some of the Shape tools. The Line tool \ The Line tool is used for drawing straight lines in Paint. 1. Open the Paint window. 2. Click on the Line tool in the Shapes group of the Home tab. 3. Move the mouse pointer to the Drawing Area. 4. Click and drag the mouse to draw lines. I 2 L/S Using the Line tool Rectangle tool 1 The Rectangle tool is used for drawing rectangles and squares. 1. Open the Paint window. 2. Click on the Rectangle tool in the Shapes group of the Home tab. 3. Take the mouse pointer to the Drawing Area. 4. Click and drag the mouse to draw a rectangle or a square. | A is i Rectangle tool Colors. | pat + Jae Came eee m6 0 3] Using the Rectangle tool Oval tool O The Oval tool is used for drawing circles and ovals. 1. Open the Paint window. 2. Click on the Oval tool in the Shapes group of the Home tab. 3. Take the mouse pointer to the Drawing Area. 4. Click and drag the mouse to draw a circle or an oval. ai shoose the line thickness of the circle/oval from the di p-down, list 5 Choose the lite color from the Colors palette in the Home tab. | / tile, ™\ pallette Eimee Disa base = =o Using the Oval tool How to open a new window 1. Click on the Paint button SRM. A eye on list abpeats. Every new picture &s 2. Click the New option. Your new is called ‘Untitled’ by default, Drawing Area is ready for use. How to save a picture You can always save the pictures drawn in Paint. It is good to save the pictures so that you can see them later. Follow these steps to save a picture in Paint. 1. Click on the Paint button ERM. A drop-down list appears. 2. Select Save/Save as option. A new window called the Save As dialog box appears. Save as‘ option. {eo All Programs ==> Accessories ==> Paint . The Home tab has Clipboard, Image, Tools, Colors and Shapes groups. 3. The different tools in the Tools group are Pencil, Eraser, Fill with color, Text box, Color picker, Magnifier and Brushes. o1 4. The Shapes group contains shapes such as Line, Oval, Rectangle, etc. 5. You can store pictures in Paint using Save/Save as options in the Paint button drop-down list. You can see saved pictures in Paint using the Open option in the Paint button drop-down list. ba EXERCISE —aw A. Tick (/) the correct tool to draw the following shapes. 1. oe a. Line J b. Pencil 2. 3 a. Rectangle | | b, Oval 3. a. Rectangle [| b, Oval 4, ee a. Line (a b. Pencil Correct the following statements. rh) 1. The rectangle tool is used to draw circles. 4. You cannot re-open saved drawings in Paint. C. Label the following picture. D. Rewrite the jumbled words. 1. EPCINL (eee 2. EASRRE (ea 3. AMGNIREIF [eee 4, SSBURHE ca eal 5. NILE (pear eed —. Answer the following questions. 1. Name the main components of the Paint window. 2. What is the function of the Eraser tool? 3. List the steps to open a new window in Paint. LABWORK [J] Spend 5 minutes on your computer, and draw anything that is in your mind using Paint. After 5 minutes, go to the next computer, look at what your neighbour has drawn and add to your image. Go on until you've visited at least 5 computers. Now, look what you have drawn and save it with a title. die OU LiL S Design a book cover for the book you like reading the most and give it a new title. The image below is an example. =—y Introduction to MS Word 2010 LEARNING OBJECTIVES You will learn about: opening MS Word 2010 components of MS Word 2010 creating a document in MS Word 2010 saving a document in MS Word 2010 opening a saved document in MS Word 2010 closing a document in MS Word 2010 exiting MS Word 2010 Introduction Microsoft Word (MS Word) Se calemioneae is a program that helps you to MS Word are available, type words on a computer. This. such as MS Word 2003, 2007, program helps you to write essays, 2010, 2013, 2016 and 2019. letters, poems and much more. This chapter uses MS Word 2010. For MS Word 2016 updates, go to the end of the chapter. How to open Microsoft Word 2010 Open a word document by following these steps. 1. Click on the Start button on the desktop. 2. Select All Programs. 3. Click on the Microsoft Office folder. 4. Select Microsoft Word 2010. Microsoft Word Components of Microsoft Word 2010 MS Word was After following all the steps, the formerly known as Microsoft Word 2010 window Multi-Tool Word. appears as shown below. You will now learn about the components of MS Word 2010. Close Title bat _jpuppmmmmmisi2a Quick Access = Toolbar, ie | qf: scroll bar A \ Work Area A Cursor Zoom i slider i Status bar ‘View buttons | Horizontal 5 scroll bar Microsoft Word 2010 window Quick Access Toolbar The Quick Access Toolbar appears at the upper-left corner of the MS Word 2010 window. It contains buttons for commonly used options such as Save, Undo and Redo, Title bar ‘The Title bar appears at the top of the MS Word 2010 window. It displays the name of the program and the active document. Ribbon The Ribbon appears below the Title bar. It is divided into tabs such as File, Home, Insert, Page Layout, References, Mailing, Review and View. Each tab has several groups. These groups contain various options used in MS Word 2010. Ruler The Ruler measures the length and width, and shows the margins. Scroll bar The Scroll bar is a long thin strip with arrows and a sliding section at the edge of the window. There are two scroll bars. ani Horizontal scroll bar Vertical scroll bar ] Horizontal scroll bar: Used for shifting the screen display left or right. Vertical scroll bar: Used for shifting the screen display up or down. Work Area The Work Area is the area in the document window where you type the text. Cursor The Cursor is the blinking vertical line in the Work Area that shows your location. Status bar The Status bar displays the page number, word count, language, page layout and zoom slider. View buttons MS Word 2010 has view buttons like Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline and Draft. You can view the page on which you are working in any of these formats by just clicking on the buttons directly. Zoom slider You can zoom in to get a close-up view of your file or zoom out to see more of the page at a smaller size. How to create a new document The steps to create a new document are given below. 1. 23 3. Click on the File tab from the Ribbon. Select the New option from the left pane. Creating a new document in MS Word 2010 Click the Blank document from the templates that appear. A new N document opens. Erma Soar te open a new document. How to save a document In order to save your document in a new location, follow the steps J es xX 1 document name. Default new document Mid al) given below. Press Ctrl +S 1. . Select the location . Click on the Save Click on the File tab from the | ( save the document. Ribbon and select the Save/ Save As option from the drop-down list. where the file is to be saved in the left pane. Type the name of the file in the File name text box. pe Save As option > xX ff button in the — lower-right corner Saving a document of the dialog box. fomcor Aanvc. astbee Aas Drevin Documents tray =i Save button Selecting a file location and entering a file name How to open a saved document Follow these steps to open a saved document. 1. To open a saved document click on the Open option from the File tab. Te Thence Opening a document 2. Select the file name from the tin ke Open dialog box that appears or type the name in the File Press Ctrl + O to open an name text box. existing document. 3. Click on the Open button at ee the lower-right corner of the dialog box. Tor peo Open button > The Open dialog box 4. If you have recently saved a document, click on the Recent button. It appears on the list towards the right of the drop-down list. Click on the document to open it. = Recently saved oo documents Opening a recently saved document How to close a document To close a document in MS Word 2010, click on the Close button in the upper-right corner of the Title bar. If the document has not been saved, a prompt box appears. Click on the Save button to save the changes. fwicset Woe ® box | Beppe corse Closing a document in MS Word 2010 1. Click on the File tab from the Ribbon & and select the Exit option from the drop-down list. 2. If the document has not been saved, a prompt box appears. Click on the Save button to save the changes. Exiting MS Word 2010 = (( Find the following words in the word grid. Ribbon Open File Word Cursor Save mlo| 7 Document Ruler Toolbar Close ml wlz|plal< O|m|mlalelxAlcia Ojolmlalalalmle x F Q Z D P Ww || Color the correct answer from the choices given for each question. File Status 1, Open tab ] Ribbon [ fen | Status 2. Page number bar 3. Name of the file Status 5. Word count bar nN Cursor The blinking vertical line in the Work Area. It shows the position where a letter, number or symbol can be typed. Dialog box This box asks for information to be given to the computer. File tab This tab has options such as Save, Save As, Print, etc Horizontal scroll bar Used for shifting the screen display left or right. Quick Access Toolbar Helps to directly Save, Undo or Redo changes in the Word file while working on it. Status bar Displays information about the current cursor position. Title bar Displays the name of the program and the active document. Vertical scroll bar Used for shifting the screen display up or down. ‘View buttons Buttons in the status bar like Print Layout, Full Screen Reading, Web Layout, Outline and Draft help in changing the view of the page. Work Area The area in the document window where you type the text. YL y . Microsoft Word is a program where you can type and write essays, letters, poems and much more. . To start Microsoft Word 2010 select: Start ==> All Programs ==> Microsoft Office ==> Microsoft Word 2010. 3. The different components of MS Word 2010 window are: Title bar, Ribbon, Rulers, Scroll bars, Work Area, Cursor, Status bar, Quick Access Toolbar, and View buttons. 4. You can create a new document in MS Word 2010. Every new document has a default name, Document! , Document? and so on. . The Save and Save As commands are used to store the typed text. If you try to close a document in MS Word 2010 without saving it, a prompt box appears. It reminds you to save it. oO au EXERCISE 4 =a A. Correct the following statements. 1. The Zoom slider measures the length and width of the page in MS Word 2010. ~ Page Layout. The Quick Access Toolbar displays tabs such as Home, Insert and text. 6. The Ruler helps you type in Microsoft Word. B. Match the following. 1. itle bar . 2. ( Ribbon eal . 3. Quick Access Toolbar | * s[easor i. | « b, Blinking vertical line in the od. a, | Contains multiple tabs like (File, Home, etc. work area | c, | Measures the length and width J ‘Displays the name of the | program e, | Contains buttons to Save, Undo and Redo C. Look at the following picture carefully. Answer the questions that follow. eotceod AaBbec | AL ® tnosonieg tadmgn — change fea 1, Whatis the word count shown on the Status bar? 2. Identify the name of the document from the Title bar. 3. What is displayed in the Work Area? D. Answer the following questions. 1, What are the View buttons in MS Word 2010? 2. What is the Work Area? 3. What are the tabs available in the Ribbon? 4, What is the role of the Status bar in MS Word 2010? A. Complete the following exercises in MS Word 2010. 1. Write 5 good points about your best friend. 2. Write 5 lines about your experience of working in MS Word. B. Save the above documents on the desktop. List the options you see when you save them using the Save As button. PROJECT WORK Imagine you are teaching someone to work in MS Word. Write 10 steps/instructions in your notebook about how to work in MS Word. —_— a> « MS Office 2016 Updates 1. When you open MS Word 2016 for the first time, the Start screen appears. From here, you can create a new document, choose a template or access recently edited documents. Niele} eceelarom sane es A a a 1. 2. w Tick (/) the correct opti Identify the printer from the given options. a. ’ b. & c Which key must be used to go to the next line? ee . On railways, computers are used for: a. reservations iy c. painting O b. playing games ie d. withdrawing money (a) ACD goes into a CD drive. Where does a USB go? a. Pen drive fe c. USB port oO b, Hard disk O d. None of the above oO Which of the following tools in Paint is used to erase in your drawing area? a. Pencil tool El c. Fill with Color tool (J b, Eraser tool (a d. Text tool {J 10, ¥ 12. Which device is used to carry files? | c. Printer (es) J Which of the following keys should be pressed with symbol keys to type symbols? 2 Es. 8 = Identify the device shown in the picture. a. Monitor ( b. CPU fc) d. Pen drive a. Joystick [| c. Light pen b, Mouse {| d. Keyboard Ey Identify the Recycle Bin icon. a. b. CC d. is 8 a “p o (Bo In MS Word 2010, you can open a blank document from... a. File tab OO c. Review tab b. Insert tab O d. All of the above . Find the odd one out. a. Right-click c. Type ( b. Left-click D d. Scroll ( A mouse should always be kept on a... 9 a. Mouse pad O . Notebook O b, Table oO d. CPU Oi

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