EDCE Regulation

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Regulation concerning the Doctoral Program in Civil

and Environmental Engineering (EDCE)

Please note that only the French version is legally binding.

Date of entry into force August 4 2022

The EDCE Doctoral Program Committee,

taking into account art. 3 al. 3 and 6 al. 2 of the Ordinance on the Doctorate conferred by
the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne of January 26, 1998 1 and 2 al. 4 ch. 3 of the
Directives concerning doctoral studies at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne of
November 21, 2005 2,

1. Field of application

The regulation concerning the Doctoral Program in Civil and Environmental Engineering
(hereinafter: “EDCE program”) sets forth the rules relating to the study plan of the EDCE
program as well as the candidacy exam for the formal admission to start the doctoral thesis
in the EDCE program of the EPFL. Furthermore, it reiterates and details the application of
certain essential rules concerning the doctorate at EPFL.

2. Study Plan

2.1 The study plan of the EDCE Program requires 12 ECTS credits (European Credit
Transfer and Accumulation System).
2.2 At least 4 ECTS of these 12 ECTS credits must be obtained during the first year
of doctoral studies.
• At least one of the courses in the “EDCE first year mandatory courses” list must
be successfully completed during the first year.
• Credits from Transferable Skills courses do not count in the 4 first year ECTS
credits. You can follow the courses, but the Transferable Skills ECTS credits
will only be validated after passing the candidacy exam.
2.3 The 8 remaining ECTS credits can be chosen by the doctoral candidate from all
EPFL doctoral program’s course lists or - upon approval from the program Director
- Master courses or courses from Swiss or Foreign universities, where credit
equivalency is determined by EDCE.
2.4 Up to 4 of the 12 credits can be from transferrable skill courses.

RS 414.133.2
EPFL LEX 2.4.1
3. Candidacy Exam

3.1 To be formally admitted to start a doctoral thesis at the EPFL, the doctoral candidate
must successfully pass the candidacy exam not later than 12 months after enrolment
(art. 6 and 8 al. 1 let. a of the Ordinance on the Doctorate and art. 8 al. 1 and 2 of
the Directives concerning doctoral studies at the EPFL). Ten days prior to the exam,
the candidate submits a research proposal of 15 -20 pages length. The candidate
holds an oral presentation of approximately thirty minutes about his·her research
proposal, followed by questions from the jury. The candidate must demonstrate the
originality of the thesis subject, the objectives and methods envisaged, as well as
the related scientific hypotheses and arguments, including the general context of the
thesis subject, state of the art of research in the area, position of the doctoral
candidate’s work within the research area, plan and methodology for the research
project, and the timeframe for its completion.

3.2 The jury includes:

• the thesis Director

• the thesis co-Director where applicable
• a President – a Professor or Senior Scientist (MER) affiliated to EDCE,
• an expert in the research field, not necessarily from EPFL, but holder of a PhD.

The jury President may not be a member of the same research unit (chair or laboratory)
as the thesis Director.
The jury composition is confirmed by the program Director.
The presence of additional experts at the invitation of the thesis Director is encouraged,
in order to give advice and suggestions to the candidate. However, these experts are
not part of the jury and do not participate in the decision-making process.

3.3 After jury deliberations, the President verbally informs the candidate of the result of
the candidacy exam. Possible jury recommendations are communicated in writing
thereafter. The candidate subsequently receives from EPFL a decision to formally
admit or refuse the start of a doctoral thesis at EPFL (art. 8 al. 2 of the Ordinance
on the Doctorate at EPFL).

3.4 Possibility of retaking the exam: the composition of the exam jury is in principle the
same as for the first attempt; however, the jury President must be a member of the
program Committee. If this was not the case during the first attempt, a member of
the program Committee shall be appointed President while the former President
becomes Vice-President.

4. Annual Report

During the thesis work, the doctoral candidate has the obligation to submit an annual
progress report each year, starting one year after his·her candidacy exam. The candidate
submits a summary of the work progress, as well as a point-by-point self-evaluation. In
parallel, the thesis Director (and co-Director when applicable) complete an analogous
assessment of the work progress. After a joint discussion the report is cosigned by the
candidate and the thesis Director (and co-Director when applicable). The candidate then
also discusses the progress and wider context with the mentor and they confirm to have
met in the annual report, without reporting the content of the discussion which is
confidential. Finally, the program Director will add his·her signature to the report. The
candidate ensures that the above process is finalized within one month (art. 10 al. 3 and
al. 4 of the Ordinance on the Doctorate at the EPFL).
5. Mentoring

5.1 Within 3 months after enrolment, the doctoral program assigns a mentor from its
pool to each doctoral candidate. The candidates may change mentor with the
agreement of the program Director.
5.2 The mentor remains anonymous with respect to the thesis Director to ensure
confidentiality (it is up to the candidate to keep this anonymity or not). The mentor
offers guidance to candidates regarding academic or career choices, as well as the
resolution of any difficulties met within the context of their training, in particular
regarding the preparation of their thesis or cases of conflict.
5.3 The candidates can contact their mentor whenever they deem it necessary. The
candidate and the mentor confer at least once a year as part of the annual report.
Exchanges between candidates and their mentor should remain confidential unless
both parties agree to disclose to the program Director.

5.4 It is recommended that the candidate’s mentor does not participate in nor presides
over the jury for either the candidacy or the oral exam.

6. Final Provisions

The present regulation shall take effect on August 4 2022 and replaces any prior EDCE doctoral
program regulation.

For the EDCE Doctoral Program Committee:

Prof. Tamar Kohn
Program Director
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

For the Doctoral School:

Prof. Luisa Lambertini
Associate Vice President for Postgraduate Education
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne

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