CAR T Therapy Beyond Cancer: The Evolution of A Living Drug: Perspective

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CAR T therapy beyond cancer: the evolution

of a living drug Daniel J. Baker1,2,3,4 ✉, Zoltan Arany4,5, Joseph A. Baur6, Jonathan A. Epstein4,5,7,8 &

Carl H. June1,2,3 ✉
Received: 2 February 2023

Accepted: 22 May 2023

Engineering a patient’s own T cells to selectively target and eliminate tumour cells has
Published online: 26 July 2023
cured patients with untreatable haematologic cancers. These results have energized
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the field to apply chimaeric antigen receptor (CAR) T therapy throughout oncology.
However, evidence from clinical and preclinical studies underscores the potential of
CAR T therapy beyond oncology in treating autoimmunity, chronic infections, cardiac
fibrosis, senescence-associated disease and other conditions. Concurrently, the
deployment of new technologies and platforms provides further opportunity for
the application of CAR T therapy to noncancerous pathologies. Here we review the
rationale behind CAR T therapy, current challenges faced in oncology, a synopsis of
preliminary reports in noncancerous diseases, and a discussion of relevant emerging
technologies. We examine potential applications for this therapy in a wide range of
contexts. Last, we highlight concerns regarding specificity and safety and outline the
path forward for CAR T therapy beyond cancer.

In the past decade, CAR T therapy has transformed the field of oncol- Fine-tuning these receptors has led to new generations of CARs that
ogy, treating previously incurable haematologic cancers1–3. Although eliminate inhibitory domains, introduce dominant-negative receptors
this therapy rose to prominence owing to its success in cancer, this or mutate co-stimulatory domains to improve efficacy13.
therapeutic rationale stretches back to its initial development to redi- The success of CAR T cells in contexts in which other therapies
rect T cells to treat human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)4–6. These failed suggests that cell and gene therapy is a new pillar of treatment
initial trials were unsuccessful in treating HIV but demonstrated the for cancer14. CAR T cells have many distinctive features in comparison
long-term persistence of engineered T cells in immunocompromised to traditional therapies. The intrinsic specificity of a CAR is unrivalled
patients. The subsequent application of this approach to refractory by current small-molecule approaches. CAR T cells rely on the cytotox-
B cell and plasma cell malignancies propelled the field of adoptive cell icity of a T cell, taking advantage of this highly efficient endogenous
therapy forward7–10. Since, there has been substantial effort to apply pathway. The additional benefit of a living drug is that a single CAR
this approach to other cancers11. Early results indicate that the next T cell can exponentially expand and kill hundreds, if not thousands,
advances may be in fields beyond cancer, in which CAR T cells could of target cells. Conversely, the pool of CAR T cells can contract when
find widespread application (Fig. 1). antigen is no longer present and remain on patrol for years15. Last, CAR
T cells have demonstrated clinical feasibility. With more than 15,000
patients dosed, we have yet to see any autologous products transform
A new pillar of therapy into malignant cells. This safety profile in a condition for which the dis-
The principle at the foundation of CAR T therapy is to couple the ease burden is high bodes well for application to other diseases with less
potency of a T cell with the specificity of an antibody to precisely kill target burden. Thus, the possibility to leverage the specificity, potency
diseased cells. The single-chain variable fragment confers specificity and clinical safety of CAR T cells to treat other diseases is compelling.
while the intracellular signalling domains activate T cell-mediated cyto-
toxicity (Fig. 2). Synthetic engineering allows for refinement of CARs
in each specific context. For example, first-generation CAR constructs Challenges facing CAR T therapy
were composed of a CD4 extracellular domain in combination with the Despite the clinical efficacy of CAR T therapy in blood cancers, serious
CD3ζ signalling domain4. These constructs lacked potency and spurred clinical complications can occur. High levels of CAR T cell expansion
second-generation CARs that include a co-stimulatory domain, such and target cell killing over a short time can result in cytokine release
as CD28 or 4-1BB. This improved the effector function and persistence, syndrome (CRS)16. In severe cases of CRS, patients may experience
and these CAR T cells are approved by the US Food and Drug Adminis- high-grade fevers, hypotension and even multi-organ failure. Another
tration (FDA) for the treatment of various cancers at present12 (Fig. 2). major impediment is ‘on-target, off tumour toxicity’17. This occurs when

Center for Cellular Immunotherapies, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 2Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Perelman
School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 3Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy at University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 4Cardiovascular
Institute, Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 5Department of Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 6Department of Physiology and Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 7Institute for Regenerative Medicine, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. 8Department of Cell and
Developmental Biology, Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA. ✉e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]

Nature | Vol 619 | 27 July 2023 | 707

CAR T cell Malignant diseases
• Blood cancers Target cell
• Solid cancers
Autoimmune diseases
• Pemphigus vulgaris
• Multiple sclerosis
• Type 1 diabetes
• Asthma
Fibrosis diseases
• Cardiac disease
• Liver disease
• Pulmonary fibrosis Target antigen Selective
• Kidney disease immune
Senescence diseases perforin and
• Liver fibrosis granzyme
• Solid cancers B cell
• Atherosclerosis antibody VL VH scFv
• Natural ageing domain

Infectious diseases CAR

• Hepatitis C or B
• Tuberculosis
CAR T cell
T cell
Fig. 1 | CAR T cells are poised to target a wide variety of diseases and T cell
pathological substrates. CAR T cells may find widespread use in a multiplicity CD3ζ
of contexts beyond cancer.

the target antigen is present in vital tissues and can result in severe tox-
icity and even death18. Additionally, to facilitate the engraftment and
expansion of the engineered T cells, lymphodepleting chemotherapy Fig. 2 | CAR T cells are engineered to be precise and powerful killers. The
is administered before CAR T cell infusion. These chemotherapies are components of a CAR, including the variable light (VL) and variable heavy (VH)
genotoxic, leading to increased risk for cancer and other diseases19. chains that comprise the single-chain variable fragment (scFv), which is fused
Autologous CAR T cell manufacturing is an emerging technology, and to a co-stimulatory domain and CD3ζ. This synthetic receptor confers
the costs to engineer and generate T cells and treat patients are high15. antigen-specific cytotoxicity.

Current prices for patients are hundreds of thousands of US dollars, and

even for a potentially curative treatment this is a substantial financial
barrier15. Coupled closely with these high costs is the relative inacces- A platform for innovation
sibility of CAR T therapy. A bespoke living drug requires specialized An expanding universe
facilities and expertise restricting it to a select number of major cen- The clinical success of CAR T therapy has incited the imagination
tres. Together these challenges mean that many patients who may be of those outside the field of cancer30. Theoretically, CAR T cells will
optimal candidates for CAR T therapy are unable to access it at present. find utility in contexts in which: eliminating a particular population
of cells is therapeutic; and such a population of cells can be targeted
CAR T therapy in solid tumours These two premises, although simple, are a limiting hurdle for
Solid tumours comprise the most prevalent cancers and the largest many diseases. B cell and plasma cell malignancies reveal that such
unmet medical need. As such, CAR T cells targeting solid tumours an approach is possible, but identifying a targetable antigen for other
have received an enormous amount of scientific and clinical atten- cancers has proved difficult. Emerging clinical and preclinical evidence
tion3,11,13,20,21. The results of clinical trials in solid tumours have largely suggests that CAR T cells may be used to treat autoimmune disease,
been disappointing so far. Solid cancers present unique challenges chronic infections, heart failure and other chronic conditions.
for CAR T therapy. In contrast to B cell malignancies, for which Many of the challenges faced in solid tumours are less pronounced
lineage-specific epitopes are relatively ubiquitous, cells within solid in noncancerous contexts (Fig. 3b). For example, tumour cell burden is
tumours are heterogenous, and with rare exceptions, tumour-specific often large, requiring large infusions of CAR T cells, associated with high
epitopes have not been identified. To circumvent this, antigens that levels of cytotoxicity, increased risk of CRS and on-target, off tumour
are overexpressed in tumours have been targeted; however, the low toxicity due to the increased likelihood of CAR T cell trafficking. By
but non-negligible level of antigen expression in healthy tissues has contrast, noncancerous diseases have a markedly lower population of
resulted in toxicity18. The tumour microenvironment (TME) also target cells. Additionally, in cancer nearly 100% of neoplastic cells must
presents challenges including physical barriers that resist CAR T cell be eliminated, whereas in other diseases partial clearance of patho-
trafficking and infiltration and an immunosuppressive environment logic cells may prove therapeutic. Cancer cells also often carry a high
that suppresses CAR T cell activity (Fig. 3a). To overcome obstacles mutational burden driving genomic heterogeneity. This can precipitate
to trafficking and infiltration, groups are exploring intratumoural antigen escape (that is, the loss of the target antigen)13,31. By contrast,
injections of CAR T cells, peptide and nanoparticle vaccines to boost mutational load and genetic heterogeneity are relatively low in most
CAR T cell numbers, and engineered cytokine-driven CAR T cell expan- chronic diseases. The TME is also a substantial physical barrier to CAR
sion17,22–27. Approaches to target the TME include the use of oncolytic T cell efficacy (see above), whereas most noncancerous diseased tis-
viruses to modulate the immunosuppressive nature of the TME and sues preserve physiologic architecture and perfusion, leading to the
fortifying CAR T cells ex vivo using CRISPR–Cas9 and other modes of assumption that these tissues should be more accessible to a synthetic
genome editing11,28,29. immune cell. The immunosuppressive environment of the TME is also

708 | Nature | Vol 619 | 27 July 2023

a Cancer b Noncancerous diseases

Hostile to CAR Large target cell burden Tumour Target cell accessible Disease cell;
T cell infiltration and high mutational burden microenvironment, to CAR T cell small target cell burden
hypoxic and and low mutational burden
nutrient depleted
Healthy cell
CAR T cell

Treg cell

Necrotic cell

Cancer cell


Fig. 3 | Advantages of CAR T therapy in other diseases in comparison to a much smaller target burden, partial clearance of diseased cells can be
cancer. a, Cancer presents several substantial barriers to CAR T cell efficacy therapeutic, a lower mutational load, and are generally not localized in such an
including a large target burden, nearly total clearance of malignant cells, a high inhospitable environment.
mutational load and a hostile TME. b, By contrast, other diseases generally have

absent in most chronic diseases, and often the diseased tissue is tar- after CAR T cell infusion, the patient had increased myalgia and elevated
geted by the immune system physiologically. Thus, a synthetic immune serum creatinine kinase; however, this was followed by a sharp improve-
approach to aid in the clearance of the pathologic cells is both feasible, ment in physical function and normalization of creatinine kinase and
and quite possibly, synergistic with endogenous immune function32. other clinical and laboratory measurements over the 180 days post CAR
Hence, the notion of using CAR T cells to target diseases other than T cell infusion. Further imaging at 3 months post CAR T cell infusion
cancer is compelling. revealed resolution of myositis in quadriceps and hamstrings and an
amelioration of alveolitis. The patient did have mild CRS, which was
Autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. CAR T therapy in autoim- managed and resolved in 3 days. It is possible that the acute increases
mune disease is already showing signs of clinical efficacy. A case report in in myalgia and serum creatinine kinase are a result of CRS; however,
2021 repurposed approved CD19 CAR T cells to target B cells in a patient this needs to be explored in more detail. In this patient, once again
with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), a life-threatening autoim- B cells reappeared after a few months with no report of symptom recur-
mune disease33. In 2022, results from five patients were published34. rence. This is a single case and thus caution must be emphasized.
Remarkably, all patients showed expansion of the CAR T cells in vivo, This clinical work was built on earlier preclinical reports using CD19
rapid depletion of B cells, and a resolution of SLE symptoms and of CAR T cell products to treat autoimmune diseases in which B cells are
markers of end-organ damage. All five patients discontinued their the source of pathology. CD19 CAR T cells in mouse models of SLE
immunosuppressive drug regimen and were declared to be in drug-free could both prevent and treat the disease37,38. Other engineered immune
remission. Surprisingly, short-term follow-up revealed that naive B cells approaches include the use of a chimaeric autoantibody receptor. This
re-emerge a few months following CAR T cell infusion without return strategy fuses an epitope, rather than a single-chain variable fragment,
of disease symptoms. The administration of CAR T cells was well tol- to intracellular signalling domains, to selectively eliminate pathologic
erated, with only mild cases of CRS, consistent with the notion that a B cells that recognize the given epitope. This has shown promise in
lower target cell burden may reduce the severity of CRS. Large trials and mouse models of pemphigus vulgaris and myasthenia gravis39,40. A
long-term follow-up will be necessary to elucidate whether the reso- similar approach specifically targeted dysfunctional B cells in a mouse
lution of immunopathology is temporary or durable. These patients model of haemophilia41. These approaches allow for the selective deple-
received lymphodepletion and it is difficult to disentangle whether tion of only pathologic B cells rather than inducing B cell aplasia. Trials
this independently or coordinately with CAR T cells may have improved are underway to test the safety and efficacy of these approaches in
symptoms. With so few patients treated, it is still too early to tell whether humans (NCT04422912).
chronic B cell aplasia may occur in some patients with SLE. The paradox A recent report also implicated the potential of CAR T cells in the
raised by the rapid B cell recovery in SLE in contrast to the durable B cell context of severe asthma42. In two separate animal models, CAR T cells
aplasia in some patients with leukaemia after therapy with the same CAR targeted eosinophils and protected from asthma attack. This protection
T cells may be explained by understanding the kinetics and niches of was durable, providing a potential advantage over antibody-based thera-
CD19 CAR T cells in SLE as compared to those of patients with cancer35. pies for chronic allergic disorders with pathogenic eosinophils. Emerg-
CD19 CAR T cells have similarly been deployed in a patient with an ing evidence also suggests potential efficacy in type 1 diabetes, using
inflammatory myopathy due to antisynthetase syndrome36. The patient CAR T cells that target the antigen-presenting cells that activate auto-
presented with severe weakness and a computerized tomography immune T cells43. However, the resolution of diabetes was not durable.
(CT) scan revealed alveolitis and interstitial lung disease. The patient’s CD19 CAR T cells used thus far target both harmful and healthy
T cells were collected, engineered and reinfused. A rapid expansion of B cells. Using chimaeric autoantibody receptor T cells to specifically
CAR T cells was seen coinciding with a rapid depletion of B cells. Soon eliminate pathologic B cells is promising but requires knowledge of the

Nature | Vol 619 | 27 July 2023 | 709

pathologic autoantibody. Other approaches that could be explored clinical trials will require additional safety and toxicity preclinical stud-
include the use of other B cell- and plasma-lineage antigens (that is, ies and selection of specific targets for initial clinical investigation, but
BCMA, GPRC5D, CD20 and CD22). These targets may be leveraged in an RNA approach to make a transient CAR T cell (discussed below) may
the event of antigen negative relapse or in the case that both B cells and have a favourable safety profile. With a dearth of therapies targeting
plasma cells need to be targeted. It is possible that pathologic B cells and fibrosis directly, CAR T cells may provide a potent and selective way
plasma cells may have a specific targetable surface protein, although of treating such diseases, perhaps in combination with therapies or
none has been identified so far. An alternative approach to eliminating interventions that address underlying pro-fibrotic conditions associ-
inflammatory cells is to redirect regulatory T (Treg) cells to a target tissue ated with the specific disorder.
of interest. These cells are not cytotoxic but provide paracrine signals
to dampen inflammation and autoimmune response44,45. Adoptive Senescence-associated diseases. A diversity of stressors can cause
transfer of Treg cells shows potential in mouse models of SLE, graft ver- cells to undergo an irreversible proliferative arrest, termed cellular
sus host disease (GvHD), allograft transplantation, type 1 diabetes and senescence. In this state, cells remain metabolically active, secreting
multiple sclerosis3. Engineering a CAR into Treg cells allows for increased a cadre of pro-inflammatory and proteolytic molecules termed the
specificity and reduces the risk of system-wide immunosuppression. senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)58. Genetic and
The feasibility and technical challenges of CAR Treg cell engineering pharmacological studies have demonstrated that removal of these cells,
have been reviewed45. This approach has shown preclinical promise termed senolysis, is beneficial in various models of chronic disease.
in mouse models of transplantation, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple Small molecules that preferentially target intracellular pathways in
sclerosis and metabolic disease44,46. senescent cells seem promising, but important questions regarding
With robust evidence in various preclinical models, and now early their potency, specificity and side-effects have been raised58–60. CAR
but strong clinical evidence in SLE, there is compelling rationale for T cells are an attractive alternative owing to their intrinsic specificity
CAR T therapy to be tested in other autoimmune diseases. Conditions and potency. Senescent cells are cleared physiologically by the im-
that use a B cell-depleting approach at present could be strong can- mune system early in life, and an approach to augment and extend this
didates for a CAR T therapy, including antineutrophil cytoplasmic process with synthetic immune cells could have substantial benefit61.
antibody-associated vasculitis, rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, multiple Recently it was shown that CAR T cells could target senescence
sclerosis, pemphigus vulgaris, immune thrombocytopenia, myasthe- in mouse models of cancer and liver disease62. An initial search was
nia gravis and neuromyelitis optica47. Owing to the deeper clearance conducted for a senescence-specific antigen (that is, senoantigen),
of B cells, CD19 CAR T cells have proved effective in cancer contexts using RNA-sequencing analyses of three separate senescence contexts.
refractory to monoclonal antibodies; this raises the possibility that PLAUR, which encodes for the urokinase-type plasminogen activator
CD19 CAR T cells may prove effective in treating B cell-mediated autoim- receptor (uPAR), was identified as a possible senoantigen with a rela-
munity, even if monoclonal antibodies have shown minimal efficacy. tively low level of expression in vital tissues. uPAR CAR T cells targeted
Autoimmune diseases seem to be one of the most promising areas for senescent cells in vitro and eliminated senescent cells in mouse models
investigating the potential for CAR T therapy outside oncology. The of oncogene-induced senescence in the liver, oncotherapy-induced
financial cost associated with autoimmune diseases is another rationale senescence in the lung, drug-induced liver fibrosis and a diet-induced
to develop a one-time therapy, as 6 of the top 20 drugs by worldwide model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. uPAR CAR T cells cleared senes-
sales are for autoimmunity48. cent cells in the cancer models and decreased fibrosis and markers of
liver damage in the liver disease models. Despite the initial analysis
Cardiac disease. Cardiac fibrosis occurs with acute injury, chronic indicating limited expression of uPAR on vital tissues, high doses of
disease or ageing49. The stiffening of cardiac muscle leads to near-term uPAR CAR T cells induced CRS-like symptoms in mice, including a rise
morbidity and long-term mortality. Despite this serious pathology, few of serum cytokines, hypothermia, weight loss and death. Strategies to
therapies approved at present directly target cardiac fibrosis. Recent mitigate these toxicities need to be developed as uPAR CAR T cells are
preclinical work demonstrated that CAR T cells could target fibrosis and evaluated in other senescence-associated contexts.
rescue cardiac function in mice following hypertensive injury50. Hearts Identifying senoantigens will be both difficult and important as
from patients with cardiomyopathy were profiled for fibroblast-specific senescent cells are notoriously heterogeneous58,59. A universal sur-
antigens, and fibroblast activation protein (FAP) was identified as the face senoantigen is unlikely to exist. This may be an advantage, as the
most upregulated surface-expressed target. Infusion of FAPCAR T cells, identification of antigens specific to subpopulations of senescent cells
which had already been generated to target the tumour stroma in solid could allow for fine-tuning and enhanced specificity. The specific-
cancers, led to a resolution of fibrosis after heart injury, with improved ity of uPAR in other senescence-associated diseases should be evalu-
measures of cardiac function51–53. No toxicities were observed. This ated. Other targets that could be leveraged to generate senolytic CAR
work has been replicated with a transient CAR T cell approach (see T cells include the NKG2D ligands, MICA, MICB and ULBP1–5, which
discussion below) with similar therapeutic results54. are expressed in a variety of senescent cells, although these ligands
FAP is a promising target antigen for cardiac fibrosis but may not are also expressed elsewhere, and this approach presents challenges
be as highly expressed in other fibrotic diseases. Potential targets for in both manufacturing and toxicity63–65. Another potential target, gly-
other fibrotic diseases include LRRC15, a cell membrane protein that has coprotein non-metastatic melanoma protein B (GPNMB), has been
been noted as a cancer-associated fibroblast marker55. Antibody–drug described as a senoantigen in endothelial cells66. An immunization
conjugates against LRRC15 have been shown to have anti-tumour effects strategy against GPNMB was used in mouse models. This cleared senes-
in multiple contexts55. Recently a human atlas of perturbed fibroblasts cent cells, improved metabolic parameters, reduced atherosclerotic
revealed that LRRC15+ fibroblasts are present in multiple pathologies56. plaques and extended lifespan in male progeroid mice. GPNMB may
Emerging single-cell datasets from a variety of diseased tissues identify thus be a suitable senescence target for CAR T therapy.
numerous fibroblast cell states and these types of study may provide Proof-of-concept work demonstrates that senolytic CAR T cells may
additional candidate antigens for targeting in fibrotic diseases. prove useful in many chronic diseases if toxicities can be avoided, mini-
Targeting pathologic fibrosis using CAR T cells has implications mized or managed. Senolytic drugs have shown preclinical potential
beyond cardiac disease. Deposition of extracellular matrix and fibrosis in progeria, renal dysfunction, musculoskeletal degeneration, respira-
is pathologic in a wide range of maladies. Liver disease, chronic kidney tory diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular disease and
disease, lung diseases, skeletal muscle diseases and many other con- many other chronic diseases59. In addition, the accumulation of senes-
texts may be suitable for anti-fibrotic CAR T cells49,57. First-in-human cent cells is implicated in the pathophysiology of ageing67. Senolysis

710 | Nature | Vol 619 | 27 July 2023

has been shown to increase muscular strength, health and lifespan of could target peptides presented by the major histocompatibility com-
mice, and it is possible that a senolytic CAR T cell could have similar plex82. For example, a CAR T cell was designed to target a peptide of
effects60,68. The contribution of senescence to a wide range of patholo- p16, a canonical marker of senescence, that is presented by HLA-B*35:01
gies suggests that senolytic CAR T cells may have wide applicability. (ref. 83). This CAR T cell was activated following binding of this peptide
in a genetic system in vitro. Several considerations limit the broad appli-
Other diseases. The potential to target a non-human antigen greatly cation of this approach: most intracellular peptides are not presented
reduces the risks of on-target toxicity in vital tissues. As discussed, the by HLA, their low level of surface expression may not reach the target-
first clinical trials with CAR T cells were conducted in patients with HIV/ ing threshold of CAR T cells and HLA alleles are highly polymorphic.
AIDS4. The recent successes of this approach in cancer reignited interest Nevertheless, this work provides a proof of concept that CAR T cells
in exploring CAR T therapy for this disease69. Allogeneic haemopoietic could target known disease-associated intracellular peptides. This
stem cell transplants have provided the first cures for HIV/AIDS, and greatly expands the pool of potential targets.
it is conceivable that engineered autologous T cells could have the Engineered T cells have received the bulk of attention so far, but
same effects without the risk of GvHD70,71. Several strategies have been efforts to engineer other immune cells have shown promise. CARs
undertaken to improve the CAR T cells that were originally given to expressed in natural killer cells, macrophages, dendritic cells, B cells
patients. This includes exploring second-generation CAR T cells and and γδ T cells have shown preclinical potential84,85. Engineering these
improving persistence through genetic engineering72,73. Such strate- cells could potentially reduce the risk for GvHD and CRS compared to
gies for other infectious diseases are also being explored. For exam- that of αβ T cells. However, these approaches are still in their infancy,
ple, a CAR was also developed using the fungal pattern recognition and it is unclear what the tradeoffs may be including potential risk for
receptor to recognize a carbohydrate antigen in the cell wall of fungi74. CAR cell rejection, transformation and toxicity.
This approach had antifungal properties in vitro and in mouse mod-
els. Similarly, a recent study tested the efficacy of CAR T cells against Targeted mRNA delivery. mRNA therapeutics recently demonstrated
invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, a condition that frequently occurs in widespread efficacy with the FDA-approved vaccines against corona-
severely immunocompromised patients75. A CAR was designed against virus disease 2019. Although the current FDA-approved therapies are
an antigen present in the cell wall of Aspergillus fumigatus, and AfCAR untargeted, there are multiple clinical trials underway using targeted
T cells showed antifungal properties in vitro and in a mouse model of lipid nanoparticles (tLNPs) to specifically deliver mRNA to selected
invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. A concern relating to CAR T cells in cells; this is achieved by conjugating a targeting antibody to the surface
infectious disease is bystander cytolysis of vital infected tissue. Another of LNPs. Preclinical reports show that LNPs can be directed to endothe-
limitation in these contexts is that an acute infection demands an urgent lial cells, the inflamed brain and, importantly, T cells86.
response and the current ex vivo manufacturing of autologous CAR Delivering modified CAR mRNA to T cells has been demonstrated
T cells may not be feasible. Similar preclinical strategies have been by multiple groups. CAR mRNA was delivered to T cells through
undertaken for hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, cytomegalovirus nanocarriers in mouse models of leukaemia and prostate cancer87.
and tuberculosis30. The mRNA-engineered CAR T cells performed similarly to retrovirally
Acute GvHD can be a fatal side-effect of haemopoietic stem cell trans- engineered CAR T cells by controlling the tumour and improving
plants. Engineered CAR T cells against OX40, a protein upregulated on survival of affected individuals. Separately, it was shown that tLNPs
pathogenic T cells in acute GvHD, protected mice from acute GvHD could deliver FAPCAR mRNA to T cells in mice, resulting in CAR expres-
without sacrificing antiviral efficacy76. Simultaneous expression of sion, reduced fibrosis and improved cardiac function in a model of
this CAR with an anti-leukaemic CAR protected against acute GvHD heart failure, similar to the results of previous work with retrovirally
while preventing leukaemia relapse. Adoptive cell transfer has been transduced FAPCAR T cells54. Thus, a single injection of encapsulated
proposed for several other conditions including obesity, diabetes, ath- RNA can produce functional and therapeutic levels of CAR T cells
erosclerosis and osteoporosis62,77. These numerous early examples of in vivo.
CAR T therapy in disparate fields engender optimism that this therapy tLNP-mediated delivery of CAR mRNA offers distinct advantages
will reach beyond oncology. over methods used at present in the clinic. At present, CAR T therapy
requires a costly ex vivo manufacturing process (Fig. 4). Generating
Emerging technologies CAR T cells in a patient would reduce manufacturing costs and allow for
CAR T therapy is rapidly evolving, incorporating emerging technolo- rapid scalability as is evidenced by the global deployment of the vaccine
gies. CRISPR editing was described shortly after the initial reports of against coronavirus disease 2019. In vivo-generated CAR T cells may also
CAR T therapy. The ability to precisely edit the genome improves effec- improve safety. Current therapy requires lymphodepletion before CAR
tor function and persistence of synthetic T cells14. CRISPR-edited CAR T cell infusion to optimize engraftment. This process increases the risks
T cells have already entered the clinic and are being evaluated for safety of CRS, due to acute CAR T cell expansion, and secondary malignancies,
and feasibility at present78,79. More recent improvement in gene editing, due to genotoxicity. These risks may be acceptable in contexts in which
such as base or prime editing, has also allowed for the generation of the short-term mortality rate is high such as cancer, but are unlikely to
gene-edited CAR T cells without introducing double-strand breaks80. be acceptable in non-malignant diseases with long periods of morbidity
Synthetic cellular circuits offer tremendous potential for CAR T but not imminent death. In vivo generation may obviate the need for
therapy. These engineering strategies can improve potency, reduce conditioning protocols, improving long-term safety.
toxicity or regulate CAR expression13. In Boolean terms, synthetic AND Another potential advantage of an mRNA approach is the transient
circuits have been developed in which two separate receptors must nature of CAR expression by T cells, which is lost following dissipation
bind their respective antigens to activate the CAR T cell. NOT circuits of the delivered mRNA (Fig. 4). Current CAR T cells express CARs per-
express a canonical second-generation CAR with a receptor bound to manently and can persist for decades in some patients15. Persistence
an inhibitory domain. If the NOT receptor binds to its antigen, the T cell is an attractive feature in the context of cancer but may be a liability in
will not activate. Additionally, the synthetic Notch system (IF–THEN) is diseases for which persistent clearance is undesired or unnecessary.
a strategy to express a protein or secrete a cytokine following binding For example, one-time removal of a fraction of cardiac fibrosis may
to an antigen of interest81. These strategies are still being fine-tuned suffice to improve cardiac contractility, whereas long-term inhibi-
but hold tremendous therapeutic potential for CAR T therapy at large. tion of fibrosis may inhibit other important processes, such as wound
CAR T therapies approved at present are limited to target surface- repair, for which fibrosis is required. Further profiling of targeted mRNA
bound proteins and glycans. Recently it was shown that CAR T cells CAR T cells will be necessary to evaluate kinetics and safety in vivo.

Nature | Vol 619 | 27 July 2023 | 711

a Ex vivo CAR T cells
Engineered Autologous route
Expansion CAR T cells
CAR T cell Cells shipped
infused into
Autologous route lymphodepleted
Patient-derived T cell patient

Allogeneic route
Healthy donor T cell
Allogeneic route
Cells banked and
thawed on demand

b In vivo CAR T cells

Disease targeting
In vivo in patient
Patient Targeted engineered
virus Expansion
CAR T cell
T cell Disease

nanoparticle CAR
Loss of CAR

Fig. 4 | A comparison of ex vivo and in vivo platforms being explored for such as targeted viral delivery and tLNP delivery, are much less mature, but
CAR T therapy. a, At present, autologous CAR T cell manufacturing requires have tremendous potential to disrupt this industry by potentially obviating the
extensive infrastructure, time and lymphodepletion of the patient. Allogeneic need for manufacturing facilities and lymphodepletion. tLNP delivery has the
CAR T cell manufacturing can potentially reduce the associated costs and time additional feature of only transiently expressing the CAR.
required, but still requires lymphodepletion of the patient. b, In vivo platforms,

The long-term effects of T cells that were once CAR T cells should be transduction strategies92. This may prove attractive for conditions that
profiled. Whether T cells have a memory of once being CAR T cells and require persistent CAR T cells but increases the likelihood of potential
whether there are functional consequences of this prior activity should unwanted targeting.
be determined. Ways to gain temporal control of CAR T cells have been Other approaches being explored include banking donor or stem
reviewed13. tLNPs delivering mRNA in vivo is an orthogonal way to regu- cell-derived T cells for off-the-shelf CAR T therapy2,3,93,94 (Fig. 4). This
late CAR T cells. The use of transient CAR T cells may also prove to be platform still relies on ex vivo transduction, but rather than collect-
an effective way to evaluate safety of new CAR products, allowing for ing patient cells, cells can be obtained from healthy donors or from
titration of both dose and duration of CAR T activity. Although certain induced pluripotent stem cells. Using allogeneic CAR T cells in can-
cancer contexts may necessitate a virally transduced CAR T cell prod- cer has gained substantial traction owing to its potential to lower
uct, transient CAR T cells could enable widespread adoption of this costs, simplify manufacturing and expand treatment to patients with
modality for non-malignant indications. low-quality T cells. Allogeneic approaches have already reached the
clinic95. Despite the potential benefits of allogeneic CAR T cells, the
Alternative platforms. Targeted in vivo viral transduction strategies process is more complex, requiring genetic alterations of allogeneic
are a different way to bypass the extensive and expensive CAR T cell T cells to prevent GvHD and rejection of allogeneic CAR T cells93. It is
manufacturing process (Fig. 4). Rather than transducing T cells ex vivo, likely that patients may still need to be lymphodepleted to see robust
a targeted virus delivers the CAR gene specifically to T cells in vivo. engraftment of allogeneic CAR T cells95. In urgent contexts, having
This approach produced functional human CAR T cells in humanized banked CAR T cells may be a substantial advantage. Although clinical
mice, using engineered adeno-associated virus or targeted lentivi- deployment of allogeneic CAR T cells is still in the early stages, at pre-
rus88–91. This approach may, like the tLNP approach, obviate the need sent these cells have a reduced duration of persistence in comparison
for the current lymphodepletion protocols. Viral delivery in vivo has with that of autologous CAR T cells. This is probably due to rejection by
the potential to improve accessibility and cost in comparison with the host; however, these T cells may also have cell-intrinsic defects due
ex vivo autologous CAR T therapy; however, viral vector-mediated to the required genetic modifications. This reduced persistence may
gene therapy approaches will probably remain more expensive than be attractive for conditions for which persistent targeting is undesired.
mRNA delivery. Concerns regarding this modality include the risk of The transformation of allogeneic CAR T cells has been observed and
off-target transduction, with germline transmission being the most is a major safety concern96.
serious concern. A potential immunogenic response to the viral vector
may negate the possibility of redosing patients. In contrast to mRNA
delivery, in vivo viral transduction probably will generate CAR T cells The promise of translation
that persist. Engineered viral-like particles have the potential to deliver A major reason for the interest surrounding CAR T therapy is its
gene-editing proteins and overcome many limitations of in vivo viral clinical success in leukaemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Most of the

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work outside the field of cancer is in the early stages of development.
As foundational work is carried out, it is paramount to incorporate A path forward
clinical considerations up front. Concurrently with the ongoing innovation to develop new platforms
for CAR T cells, there is substantial effort already underway to optimize
Finding an antigen the process of ex vivo CAR T cell production. Important considerations
A key bottleneck to designing CAR T therapy is identifying a targetable include shortening the time for expansion, reducing ex vivo exhaustion,
antigen. Current approaches include examining transcriptional and regulating CAR T cell metabolism ex vivo and ensuring that expanded
other omic datasets and histological analysis of target tissue. A crucial CAR T cells retain stem-like properties98,99. As this is a living drug, the
consideration as targets are chosen is the level of antigen expression manufacturing process is critical to its efficacy in patients.
on normal tissues. This may become less restrictive in the context of For conditions described above, and many more not considered, it
transient CAR T cells and with the incorporation of synthetic circuits. is possible that CAR T therapy may have applications. As identifying
Methods to identify antigens in a disease of interest in an unbiased an antigen and constructing a CAR is complex and resource intensive,
and high-throughput manner would have a major impact on the clini- it may be useful to first use a genetic strategy in a model organism,
cal pipeline. such as the OVA/OT-1 system in mice, to provide proof of concept for
functional benefit in new settings50. Following therapeutic validation,
Safety considerations a search can be conducted for a target-specific antigen. A CAR T cell
Cytokine release syndrome. CRS is one of the most problematic should be engineered with substantial consideration for both the extra-
clinical toxicities of CAR T therapy. Careful efforts should be made cellular and intracellular signalling domains as both play an important
preclinically to examine whether CRS-like symptoms manifest in new role in efficacy100. These cell products should be tested in small- and
disease applications. Early clinical indications from CAR T therapy in large-animal models for safety and efficacy as required by the FDA101.
SLE suggest that CRS may be milder in noncancer settings, in which the Once sufficient evidence is accumulated for a clinical trial, phase 0
target cell burden is relatively low, but it will be important to evaluate or phase I trials can establish safety, a path forged by CAR T cells in
whether this is true in larger SLE trials and for other autoimmune dis- cancer, and similarly deployed in the recent reports on autoimmune
eases. The preclinical CAR T investigations in cardiac failure reported diseases33,34,36. Phase 0 trials testing small doses of CAR T cells injected
no increase in serum cytokines, changes in body weight or delays in into diseased tissues of interest may be a powerful approach to deter-
wound healing in treated mice50,54, but higher levels of fibrotic clearance mine whether the CAR T cells have the desired pharmacologic effects102.
in humans may produce CRS-like symptoms. The toxicities seen with Much will be learned in this decade as more CAR T cell products are
high doses of the uPAR CAR T cells should also be studied closely. These used to treat solid cancers and as long-term follow-up data become
symptoms may not be CRS but due to on-target toxicity of tissues that abundant. In the same way that development of CAR T cells for blood
express uPAR. The SASP-associated inflammatory state of senescent cancers paved the way for application in solid tumours, advances in
cells may exacerbate CRS-like symptoms, although the prevalence of oncology will provide critical insight to guide translation beyond can-
senescent cells in diseased tissue is low. cer. The intense research in the field to enhance CAR T cells for cancer
has obvious interdisciplinary applications. Additionally, much of the
Clearing physiologic cells. Eliminating subsets of healthy cells, such innovation in development, engineering and clinical deployment for
as B cells in SLE, is therapeutic. However, the long-term effects of clear- CAR T cells in cancer will have direct relevance to a wide diversity of
ing these cells are unknown. The preliminary results in SLE suggest that non-malignant conditions.
this clearance may be only temporary. As these trials expand, we will
learn whether there are long-term complications. Although chronic
fibrosis is pathologic, it remains to be seen whether contexts exist Conclusion
for which elimination of activated fibroblasts yields negative effects. Although CAR T therapy was initially developed for HIV, it has gained
Senescent cells play an important physiologic role in development, traction owing to its application to haematologic malignancies. CAR
wound healing and regeneration97. The impact of senolytic CAR T cells T therapy is now poised to treat a much broader spectrum of condi-
on physiologic processes should be evaluated, and antigens should be tions. Emerging technologies in CAR design and delivery amplify this
preferentially selected to target pathologic senescent cells. Transient potential. The theoretical applications are vast, and the platform is
CAR T cells are particularly attractive as this would allow for a greater powerful. CAR T therapy shows promise to treat autoimmunity, chronic
ability to control these undesired effects. infections, fibrosis and senescence, and may promote healthy ageing.
We are only beginning to realize the full potential of this living drug.
Key questions
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